#Iffah answers
🍃🕊🍃 Question 39: Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche
Question: What is the reality of sin and how does it affect the soul and psyche of the human being?
Sin—the ‘Arabic equivalents of which are ithm and ‘isyan—signifies disobeying the injunctions of the Lord and the failure to comply with His wishes. In other words, the committing of an action which is displeasing to the Lord, the Creator, (due to the harm it entails) or to avoid an action that has been obligated by Him (due to the benefit it entails). Hence, sin is contradictory to the spirit of obedience.
In essence, the sinner has deposed the rightful king of his faculties—in wit, reason—and has supplanted it with desire and anger, which should be in the service of reason. When desire and anger have taken power as the rulers of the soul, they will be the sinner’s beloved. Thus, whatever, he wishes to do must be pleasing either to desire or to anger, and it is for this reason that he commits sin.
🍃 Brief Answer
The above question must be answered in four parts.
🍃 The Reality of Sin
Sin, which in ‘Arabic is referred to as ithm and ‘isyan, means to disobey the order of the Master and to slip in complying with His wishes. The sinful individual, in lieu of following the dictates of reason, obeys his desire and anger, which means that he may commit any sin imaginable, which if he does, he has actually betrayed himself. Sin is the snare of Satan. The inner reality of sin is fire while on the outside it deceives the individual by a fleeting sense of pleasure and lust, in temptation of which the oblivious human being incurs Divine chastisement.
🍃 The Effects of Sin
Sin entails harmful consequences for the individual as well as for society at large. Its consequences for the individual are, among others: the darkening and hardening of one’s heart; depriving the sinner of knowledge of the Divine secrets and gnosis; the transformation of the heart into a niche for Satan; being barred from self-knowledge; relinquishing the pleasure of Divine conversation; the invalidation of the sinner’s worship; leading the sinner to denying the hereafter and Allah’s (awj) reward and punishment.
The social repercussions of sin consist of the decadence and retrogression of the sinful society, although it might appear as though it is headed in the direction of progress. For, in reality, such a society is drawing near to its extinction due to neglecting human and moral values.
🍃 The Cause of Sin
Religious authorities arraign ignorance and obliviousness as the main causes for sin. The most effective tactic of an enemy and its first means of infiltration is to distract its opposing party. Ignorance is the fountainhead of corruption—ignorance of the existential values of humanity, of the valuable results of sexual purity (‘iffah), of the effects of sin, etc.
🍃 The Way of Salvation
Several ways can be enumerated here:
1. Repentance (which is returning to Allah (awj) with the resolute intention of abstaining from sin and which encompasses a multitude of grades) and pleading for forgiveness.
2. Reminding oneself of one’s sins.
3. The remembrance of Allah (awj).
4. A resolved will (to remain on the straight path).
Thus, after the clarification of the meaning of sin and the other related issues, attributing sin to Allah (awj) becomes meaningless. The issues of guidance, being led astray, and the variations in the natures of human beings in creation will be dealt with separately.
🍃 Detailed Answer
Sin: The Snare of Satan
In the ahadith related from the Ahlul Bayt (ع), material attachments and sins are described as snares of Satan. That is, sins are traps with which Satan hunts human beings and ropes with which he enthrals them. Of course these ropes are multitudinous, colourful, and come in different sizes. Satan lures every person in a special way. Some he entraps with wealth, some with positions of power, and others by exploiting their sexual drive.
The flames of Hell are intertwined with sinful and lustful pleasures; that is, the interior of the snare is fire and the exterior is pleasure, and the human being falls in the trap in the vain attempt to reach the apparent pleasures.1
🍃 The Consequences of Sin
The consequences of sin can be divided into those that befall the individual and those that pertain to society. The consequences of sin for the individual are:
1. It contaminates and pollutes the soul. The sinner neither enjoys a beneficial sleep in which he would attain any knowledge in the form of a truthful dream, neither does he acquire any gnosis in his waking life, nor does he find the opportunity to benefit others by teaching them something useful to them. Therefore, if the soul—the soul which Allah (awj) designated as the recipient of Divine revelation and by which He swears in His book—is darkened, many secrets would be withheld from it. If it is said that the spiritual journeyer should be reticent and careful of what he eats, it is so that he would be able to hear the Divine afflatus, for if one desires to hear the inner voice, he must himself keep quiet.
2. When one pledges allegiance to Satan, submitting to his temptations, his heart gradually metamorphoses into the dwelling of Satan, becoming his host; and this is a reality expressed by the Qur`an.2 The heart of a liar is the abode of Satan. But he who is honest in his knowledge and is also faithful in the financial trusts that are made to him, the heart of such an individual is too pure to host Satan.
3. Sin is a veil that prevents self-knowledge. The human being forgets Allah (awj) as a result of his sins and this forgetting of Allah (awj) obstructs the acquisition of self-knowledge.3 When one capitulates to corruption, he has forfeited his life eternally and has enthralled himself, after which nothing, not even the flames of Hell, can emancipate, for although fire has the potency to melt metal, but if the metal is fiery, that is to say if it is fire solidified, then nothing can melt it.
4. Another entailment of sin is that the sinner is deprived from enjoying the pleasures of worship, and so he always wishes that he could enjoy his worship, but due to his sins and hardheartedness, he has extirpated the capacity of his heart [for such spiritual joys]. Shaykh as-Saduq narrates in his valuable work al-Tawhid that the eighth Imam, ‘Ali b. Musa al-Rida (ع) was on one occasion asked, “Why is Allah veiled?” in whose response, the Imam said, “He is not veiled. That you do not see Him is due to the excess of your sins, which like a veil, blinds your heart to witnessing [Allah].”4
5. In the corpus of ahadith, the topic of the veiling of sins is abundantly treated. For instance, in one hadith, the Prophet (ص) is narrated as having said, “When one commits a sin, a black speck appears on his heart. If he disowns it and repents, his heart will be purified. But if he repeats the sin, the spot spreads, until it overtakes the entire heart.”5
6. In another hadith, he is recorded as having said, “The excess of sins destroys the heart.”
7. Imam Ja’far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq (ع) says, “There is nothing more destructive to the heart than sin. Sin affects the heart and eventually overwhelms it.”6
8. Another hadith related from the latter reads, “I advise you to be pious, to abstain from sin, and to be diligent in the course of worship. Be aware; worship without abstaining from sin is sterile.”7
9. A Prophetic hadith addressed to Abu Dharr reads, “O Abu Dharr, the crux of religion is abstaining from sin and the secret of religion is obedience to Allah. Beware that should you pray to the extent that your back bends like a bow and fast until you are as thin as an arrow—such worship would not avail you unless it is coupled with abstaining from sin. O Abu Dharr, those who have relinquished the forbidden pleasures of this world and have taken up ascetic lives, they are indeed the friends of Allah.”8
10. The Denial of the Hereafter. Sin obstructs the knowledge of the hereafter from taking effect. That is, it is possible that one be certain of the hereafter, but that certainty be buried under multitudinous layers of lustful pollutions, such as that would render that certainty futile.9
In Surat al-Mutaffifin, the Qur`an mentions those who utterly deny the hereafter, then it says, “Woe to deniers on that day, who deny the day of retribution; and none denies it except every sinful transgressor. When Our signs are recited to him, he says,
“Myths of the ancients.’ No indeed their hearts have been sullied by what they have been earning.10”
It can be clearly inferred from these verses that sin ruins the lustre of the heart, such that spiritual truths are not reflected in that originally Divine mirror. Otherwise, the signs of the Truth, especially in regard to the Origin and the Destination are clear and obvious.
🍃 The Social Effects of Sin
Sin leads to social decadence and the increase of crime. It hinders even the activities of the effective individuals of society due to the far-reaching consequences of sin, thus obstructing the progress of that society.
🍃 The Cause of Sin: Ignorance and
The most effective of weapons of an enemy and the quickest way for the enemy to infiltrate is by heedlessness. If Satan succeeds in making human being heedless, then there is no need for him to make the extra effort of deceiving the human being by compound ignorance. If by Satan’s temptations, the righteous thought is effaced from one’s mind, Satan will be at ease. Ignorance is the fountainhead of the spreading of corruption.
The verses pertaining to the story of Yusuf (ع) illustrate that sinful love and sexual perversion stem from ignorance: ignorance of the existential values of humanity, of the valuable results of sexual purity and moderation, of the repercussions of sin and ultimately ignorance of the injunctions of Allah (awj).
🍃 The Way of Redemption from Sin
Several methods may be mentioned for extrication from sin:
1. Repentance and pleading for forgiveness. Tawbah (repentance) literally means “to return.” When a servant returns to his master, it is said that he has done tawbah. The Most Sacred Essence in the Qur`an exhorts all believers to repent.
2. Remembering One’s Sins.
3. The Remembrance of Allah (awj).
4. The Human Will Factor.
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
1. Nahjal Balagha, (Sermon 176)
...إِنَّ النَّارَ حُفََّتْ بِالشَّهَوَاتِ...
2. Surat al-Shu’ara’ (26), (Verse 221-222)
هَلْ أُنَبِّئُكُمْ عَلَى مَنْ تَنَزَّلُ الشَّيَاطِينُ. تَنَزَّلُ عَلَى كُلِّ أَفَّاكٍ أَثِيمٍ
3. Surat al-Mujadilah (58), (Verse 19)
إِسْتَحْوَذَ عَلَيْهِمُ الشَّيْطَانُ فَأَنْسَاهُمْ ذِكْرَ اللٌّهِ أُوْلٌئِكَ حِزْبُ الشَّيْطَانِ أَلاَ إِنَّ حِزْبَ الشَّيْطَانِ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ
4. al-Tawhid, (pg. 252)
... إِنَّ الإِحْتِجَابَ عَنِ الْخَلْقِ لِکَثْرَةِ ذُنُوبِهِمْ« فَأَمَّا هُوَ فَلاَ يُخْفَی عَلَيْهِ خَافِيَةٌ فِي آنَاءِ اللَّيْلِ وَ النَّهَارِ.
5. Tafsir al-Qurtubi, (vol. 19, pg. 259)
عَنْ رَسُولِ اللٌّهِ ( ص) قَالَ: إِنَّ الْعَبْدَ إِذَا أَخْطَأَ خَطِيْئَةً نَكَتَ��ْ فِي قَلْبِهِ نُكْتَةٌ سَوْدَاءُ، فَإِذَا هُوَ نَزَعَ وَاسْتَغْفَرَ اللهَ وَتَابَ، صُقِلَ قَلْبُهُ، فَإِنْ عَادَ زِيْدَ فِيهاَ، حَتّى تَعْلُوْ عَلى قَلْبِهِ.
6. al-Kafi, (vol. 2, pg. 268) & (pg. 271)
عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللٌّهِ ( ع) قَالَ: كَانَ أَبِي ( ع) يَقُولُ: مَا مِنْ شَيْءٍ أَفْسَدُ لِلْقَلْبِ مِنْ خَطِيئَةٍ، إِنَّ الْقَلْبَ لَيُوَاقِعُ الْخَطِيْئَةَ فَمَا تَزَالُ بِهِ حَتّى تَغْلِبُ عَلَيْهِ فَيَصِيْرُ أَعْلاَهُ أَسْفَلَهُ.
7. al-Kafi, (vol. 2, pg. 78)
قُلْتُ لِأَبِِي عَبْدِ اللٌّهِ ( ع) أَوْصِنِي، قَالَ أُوْصِيْكَ بِتَقْوى اللٌّهِ وَالْوَرَعِ وَالاِجْتِهَادِ وَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لاَ يَنْفَعُ اِجْتِهَادٌ لاَ وَرَعَ فِيهِ.
8. Bihar al-Anwar, (vol. 74, pg. 86-87)
يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ أَصْلُ الدِّينِ الْوَرَعُ وَ رَأْسُهُ الطَّاعَةُ يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ كُنْ وَرِعاً تَكُنْ أَعْبَدَ النَّاسِ وَ خَيْرُ دِينِكُمُ الْوَرَعُ يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ فَضْلُ الْعِلْمِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ فَضْلِ الْعِبَادَةِ وَ اعْلَمْ أَنَّكُمْ لَوْ صَلَّيْتُمْ حَتَّى تَكُونُوا كَالْحَنَايَا وَ صُمْتُمْ حَتَّى تَكُونُوا كَالْأَوْتَارِ مَا يَنْفَعُكُمْ ذَلِكَ إِلاََّ بِوَرَعٍ يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ إِنَّ أَهْلَ الْوَرَعِ وَ الزُّهْدِ فِي الدُّنْيَا هُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ اللَّهِ حَقّا
9. Surat al-Jathiyah (45), (Verse 23)
أَفَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلٌهَهُ هَوَاهُ وَأَضَلَّهُ اللٌّهُ عَلَى عِلْمٍ وَخَتَمَ عَلَى سَمْعِهِ وَقَلْبِهِ وَجَعَلَ عَلَى بَصَرِهِ غِشَاوَةً فَمَنْ يَهْدِيهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ اللٌّهِ أَفَلاَ تَذَكَّرُونَ
10. Surat al-Mutaffifin (83), (Verses 10-14)
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُكَذِّبِينَ الَّذِينَ يُكَذِّبُونَ بِيَوْمِ الدِّينِ. وَمَا يُكَذِّبُ بِهِ إلاَّ كُلُّ مُعْتَدٍ أَثِيمٍ. إِذَا تُتْلَى عَلَيْهِ آيَاتُنَا قَالَ أَسَاطِيرُ الأَوَّلِينَ. كَلاَّ بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
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otaviogilbert · 4 months
Make Every Moment Matter! PSLE Oral Exam Success | Photo Memory Question | WRITERS AT WORK
Hello everyone! This video is all about how to answer a common PSLE English oral exam question. Teacher Iffah from WRITERS AT WORK will guide you through it. She will use the PEEL method, which stands for Point, Elaborate, Evidence, and Link. You’ll learn how to give your answer, explain it, share your own experiences, and connect everything back to the question. The question is ‘Do you take photographs for memories?’ and you’ll see how to answer it in both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ ways. By the end of this video, you’ll know how to use the PEEL method to do well in your oral exams. So, let’s learn together!
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
I feel like someone like you, who likes the Cinderella fairy tale for the fairy tale, would've liked the new Camelia movie just fine if it wouldn't have been named Cinderella and just another modern musical 🤧
But tbh my problem isn't just that they ruined the fairytale aspect of it but rather how much they tried to force the girlboss narrative?
This tweet more or less sums it up for me:
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It's not the fairytale that I miss or that made me angry. It's the fact that they tried to make everything about it as "in your face" as possible while also getting the essence of it completely wrong. In a way this movie appeared to call the previous versions of Cinderella weak when that isn't true at all.
On a surface level this movie tried so hard to say it's about a strong woman but it completely forgot that the original Cinderella was strong af too even if she didn't go about saying "I'm a strong woman" every 2 seconds. The movie felt almost as if it was insecure in itself. As if the writer was scared they couldn't write an actual strong woman and instead decided to over compensate by having every single female character say it. When you have a good story, you show your audience rather than tell them things like "the female lead is a strong role model". When you have a strong character, you don't need to say it. The audience can see it for themselves.
If the script of the movie was in better hands, if it were a GOOD script in ANY capacity, then we'd see how Gwen is better suited for being Queen rather than have her give random untimely one-liners about things she would improve about the kingdom when the conversation being had on screen isn't even remotely related to it. She'd help the Prince escape while doing his paperwork for him and we'd see her drive a hard bargain for doing him this favor which would prove to us that she's an excellent negotiator but also that she knows matters of state. Or we'd see her do something necessary that needs to be done somewhere while everyone else is panicking over how to solve the problem. These visual cues, if they would have been included, would have shown us that Gwen both wants to be Queen and has the capability for it while Robert does not.
For the Queen... Wtf even was that whole shtick about the King's throne being an inch taller? They did a good job with her in the second half of the movie where she confronted the King about treating her badly but the first half? It was weird af. They tried too hard there too and they made the king over the top mean to his wife in the process.
That Queen Tatiana at the ball... Why did she have to have killed her husband? Why was it necessary to have that be her story? Was it that hard to have her say "Oh yes I'm at the ball with my husband but I'm the diplomat of our kingdom so I have to travel a lot and I need a designer to come with me on my travels"? This gets the message across just as well doesn't it? That the Queen is both independent and comes from a kingdom which is open minded about women undertaking important jobs BUT it would also have delivered another important message: The Queen is loved and supported by her husband and that marriage and love are things you can have while retaining your own autonomy. So again... Why was it necessary for her to have murdered her husband to be seen as "strong woman". The method the movie chose to go with has one less plus point than the one I just suggested and there were a billion other ways to go about it than the one I just said.
And Cinderella herself... She doesn't suffer any sort of abuse from her step family. They're mean to her but they're not cruel as in other versions of Cinderella and they certainly don't prevent her from having her independence otherwise she wouldn't have an entire basement full of her designs unharmed. In an actual Cinderella story, the step family would have exploited Ella's talents if they knew she was such a capable seamstress. In this movie, society is the abuser and not the stepmother and that sort of changes the entire narrative of the story.
Cinderella's story is about patience and courage and kindness and forgiveness. Her story being reduced to wanting to be a businesswoman just because it's more #girlboss than overcoming an abusive situation does not sit right with me at all. It's the opposite of feminist, in fact.
So yes, in a way you're right. If they had changed the name of the movie I would have tolerated it because it would be just another fairytale film but with a message targeting society's lack of acceptance of working woman. But I am not okay with them warping the message of Cinderella being an abusive victim and turning it into something it's not and turning her into something she's not.
If this movie wasn't called Cinderella, it would just be another bad film with a terrible script and meh acting. Unfortunately it is called Cinderella, so it makes sense it's getting a lot of criticism from me and many other people because the fact of the matter is:
Cinderella was already a strong woman's fairytale. This movie was just a weakened cheapened version of it that spent all of its time trying to use words to say it was about a strong woman to hide the fact that it wasn't actually about a strong woman at all because that would have required the writers to show strength rather than just tell it verbally and that is something they did not do.
Sorry... 😅 I went on a bit of a tangent there but I had a lot of feelings about this and I guess I used this as an opportunity to say them all.
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musicallisto · 3 years
You can't tell me you also love Teen Titans without telling me more of what you love about it! (Also since I'm here I'm gonna lowkey apologize cuz I'm guessing you were also victim to the the wall of bbrae posts I reblogged almost every day since falling down the TT rabbit hole). Who's your favorite Titan? Favorite ship? And if you happen to remember the show in detail then who's character arc did you enjoy the most? Also did you/are you planning on watching DC's live action Titans cuz i might be and I just wanna warn you beforehand if you end up bombarded with a bunch of posts for that next 😅
✧˖°࿐ wow, this ask is extremely old and I just found it again in my ask box, sorry for taking so long to answer! first of all, don’t apologize for the spam! as I said, I quite like Teen Titans, and even if I didn’t, it’s your blog, and you’re free to post whatever you want as frequently as you want! :)
but also, it’s been a while since I watched Teen Titans, so my memory is pretty foggy - I was religiously devoted to its opening theme like half of my generation I think, but you can’t tell me it doesn’t slap. also, I used to watch a lot of Teen Titans Go in middle school, so I mostly knew the characters from there (and I know they’re not the most ~authentic~ and are kinda bastardized in TTG... which is why a Teen Titans rewatch is in order for me).
Obviously I liked all of them, but my favorite character was undoubtedly Raven! I just thought she was so cool and interesting, and I was more or less going through my supposedly “emo phase” at the same time so big win for my projecting needs. Nowadays I’d say she’s probably still my favorite but Star has grown on me a lot (and that’s on reclaiming my femininity 🎀). I have very fond memories of both bbrae & robstar from TT, but in TTG only cared about Beast Boy and Cyborg’s friendship lmfao (and to some extent the trio they formed with Raven). 
and,,, omg,,, I’ve been living under a rock because I had no idea there was a DC live-action Titans show and it’s been out since literal 2018. this is criminally embarrassing for me. my tiny brain never made the connection between this “Titans” show people talked about sometimes and Teen Titans 😭😭 but now that I know of its existence, I will absolutely watch it, yeah!
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gyusjoong · 5 years
jy: alright kids a hanger is used to hang clothes! now tell me, what other things can you hang?
iffah, raising her hand: ooh me me me!
jy: good job! anymore answers?
*camera pans to kai as he stares at us in shock*
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wisdomrays · 5 years
One Supplication and Four Essentials
QUESTION: Could you please elucidate the four essentials mentioned in the following oft-repeated supplication of the noble Prophet: “O God! I beseech You for guidance, piety, decency, and dignified contentment.”
ANSWER: First, it is necessary to point out that each of the points mentioned in this prayer refers to an important attribute of the Prophets. It is even possible to say that these virtues are their indispensable qualities. Given that they are guides for all believers in every aspect of theirs, the heroes of guidance who devoted themselves to conveying truths to humanity must also adopt these lofty qualities. Not only with their words, but also with their personal state, attitude, and behaviors as well, they must be saying, “O God! I beseech You for guidance, piety, decency, and dignified contentment!”
The first thing asked by the Prince of the Prophets at this oft-repeated supplication is huda (guidance), which means seeing the truth, hearing the truth, finding the truth, and being steadfast at truth. In this respect it is a very important fact that the Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace be upon him, puts guidance first in his supplication. Were it not for guidance, it is not possible for a person to see the truth and program one’s life accordingly. Without guidance, it is not possible to talk about piety, decency, and dignified contentment. Attaining these other three, depends on guidance.
“Guidance” is the first and foremost for everything and its source is primarily the Qur’an and then the noble Prophet’s Sunnah, which includes his blessed words, acts, and behaviors. In the same way, it is pointed out in the second verse of the chapter Al-Baqarah that the Qur’an is a potential source of guidance for God-revering and pious ones. After mentioning the qualities of the God-revering ones in the third and fourth verses, the fifth verse puts emphasis on guidance again by stating, “Those (illustrious ones) stand on true guidance (originating in the Qur’an) from their Lord; and they are those who are the prosperous...” In addition, taqwa (piety, reverence of God) is mentioned as the basic condition of thoroughly benefiting from the Miraculous Qur’an, which is noteworthy in terms of pointing out the relationship between the two.
As we tried to express earlier, guidance is the foundational character of the Prophets they are innately blessed with. Because God Almighty does not let those exalted personages whom He sends with a very important mission present certain behaviors to be used as a pretext for ignoring their message. In this respect, the words spoken against the Prophets David, Solomon, Noah, and Hud, peace be upon them, are nothing but slanders by their own people. In the same way, the inappropriate words spoken about the Pride of Humanity out of the sphere of guidance are both an expression of impertinence and a gross slander to make the Divine Throne shiver.
Incidentally, I would like to correct a misinterpretation voiced by some Islamic theologians. While explaining the verse, “(Did He not) find you unguided, and guide (you),” they mistranslate the word “unguided” (dallan) as “misguided.” By using this mistranslation, they claim that, until the moment he was blessed with the light of Divine Messengership and his horizons were lit up, the Prince of both worlds lived—God forbid—in misguidance. To tell the truth, those who ascribe him such a claim of misguidance are misguided ones themselves, may God grant them guidance.
The Qur’an states:
“Your Companion (the Messenger) has neither gone astray nor adopted a wrong way (in belief and action)” (an-Najm 53:2).
The inflection of the original Arabic expression “ma dalla” (has not gone astray) indicates that his entire life passed upon guidance.
In order to explain the seeming contradiction between these two verses, it is necessary to look at the different meanings of the word “dalalah.” While one sense of dalalah is “deviation from the straight path one walks,” another meaning is not recognizing the right path and experiencing a hesitation at this issue. It is this second meaning of “dalalah” that needs to be understood when it refers to the Messenger of God. Until the Divine light came to him, he hesitated between different paths, endeavored to find the right path, and in a way he laid very important foundations for the future with that.
In addition, the expression “(Did He not) find you unguided, and guided (you),” might be referring to the states of amazement (dahsha), passion (qalaq), and stupor (hayman) he experienced during revelation. When he met such a heavenly surprise, he may have experienced a serious shock and not understood what he was supposed to do in the first place. In spite of this, that paragon of insight came to his wife Khadija, may God be pleased with her, who was a woman of a balanced and sound character, and opened up to her. And she first evaluated the noble Prophet in terms of his general character, expressed his lofty morality, and stated that God would not leave him on his own. Afterwards, she took him to her cousin Waraqa ibn Nawfal, who was a Christian scholar.
Then we can understand the meaning of the verse in question as follows: at a certain period, you did not know what Paradise or Hell was. You felt agonized before the general condition of the people but did not know what to do for them. Even though you sensed certain things through what remained from the religion of Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, and that they conveyed and inspired certain meanings to you, you were not in a position to make a definite decision to put everything in its right place. With the Divine revelation He sent, God eliminated this perplexity and hesitation of yours and showed you the right way.
There is another point that also merits consideration about the attribute of guidance the Prophets are blessed with. Considering the following verse of chapter Ash-Shura:
“And certainly you (by God’s guidance) guide (people) to a straight path” (ash-Shura 42:52);
it is pointed out that the Messenger of God is upon guidance, and that he is a guide in this respect at the same time. As the Prophets are upon guidance, they also lead people to guidance by God’s permission, show them the way, clear the way for them, and help them meet guidance. To put it within the framework of our description of striving on the path of God and providing guidance, they help hearts to meet God by removing the barriers between people and God. Surely the Divine light’s being kindled in the hearts of those addressed is a glorified act that belongs to God.
The perfect guide’s second request in his supplication is taqwa (piety), which we can define as “the endeavor to be saved from the wrath and punishment of God by fulfilling His commands and abandoning great sins.” As there are degrees of guidance, there are different degrees in piety as well. First, a person who observes the obligatory commands and keeps away from grave sins steps into the corridor of piety. Later, one who keeps away from dubious things and does not even pass from the neighborhood of forbidden things steps in from the door of piety. After that, true piety is realized by abandoning certain permissible things, considering they may be dubious. In addition, it should not be forgotten that piety in the perfect sense can be attained by not only scrupulous observance of religious principles, but also by complying with the Divine laws or general principles operating in this universe.
A believer’s thoroughly benefiting from the guidance found in the Qur’an and Sunnah depends upon such a level of piety. When seen from this perspective, guidance and piety are like twins. Attaining piety depends on guidance; while, correct understanding of the system established by the Qur’an and Sunnah and grasping its spirit, sublimity, and grandeur is possible by deepening in piety again.
The third thing mentioned in this supplication is iffah (decency, chastity), which refers to a person’s scrupulous observance of morality, being on the watch for not turning one’s looks the wrong way, keeping one’s ears under control, using one’s tongue only when necessary, not asking disgracefully from anyone... in short, it means a person’s keeping within the sphere of modesty and mannerliness in every state and behavior. If individuals are decent, the society will also be decent—clearly, a society made up of sinners cannot be decent. In a society that has lost its decency, there will be various corruptions and evils like theft, bribery, libel, and embezzlement. Those in low levels steal and embezzle in low amounts and those in high levels in high amounts.
The Qur’an describes the heroes of decency as,
“Those who are unaware (of their circumstances) suppose them wealthy because of their abstinence and dignified bearing, but you will know them by their countenance —they do not beg of people importunately. And whatever good you spend, surely God has full knowledge of it” (al-Baqarah 2:273).
Accordingly, they do not beg from others even if they are hungry and homeless, truly deserving tribute. We also need to point out here that Islam allows destitute people to ask from others the minimum amount to survive.
Dignified contentment
The fourth thing mentioned in the noble Prophet’s supplication is ghina, which has two meanings. The first is richness of heart and having dignified contentment of not asking from others, and the second is to become rich with lawful earnings in the material sense. There is nothing wrong with asking for the second either, because if worldly blessings can properly utilized, they can be important factors that support faith and observing the Divine commands. However, when asking for material richness, it is necessary to show utmost care for its being lawful, never fall into misery at giving such richness its due, not let the heart fall for worldly possessions, never forget that worldly properties and wealth are favors of God, and be very careful not to head for the same pitfall as Korah by remarks like,
“I earned these on account of my own knowledge and merit” (al-Qasas 28:78).
There is nothing wrong in asking God Almighty for wealth as long as these points are followed. In addition, the Prince of the Prophets sought refuge in God against hunger and poverty, along with some other things, because a person who faces such a situation might complain about one’s condition and stoop to begging.
In this respect, it can be said that Islam does not have a negative and forbidding attitude against asking for material richness. Maybe the issue of consideration here is refraining from amassing wealth with greed and personal concerns. Indeed, the Miraculous Qur’an warns against the grim end to be faced by hoarders who do not donate from their wealth for the sake of God:
“Those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in God’s cause (to exalt His cause and help the poor and needy): Give them (O Messenger) the glad tidings of a painful punishment!” (at-Tawbah 9:34).
Here, there is the glad (!) tidings of a painful punishment for those who amass wealth, who keep hoarding stocks and mostly use what they hoard for usury, for those who even play with the economy by looking for an opportunity to benefit themselves, and who do not have a fear of God or concern for the Afterlife while doing all of these things. Actually, if a person uses the wealth in hand properly, it is possible to be honored with the blessings mentioned in true glad tidings. However, as they misuse their wealth, they transform the glad tidings for those who spend for the sake of God into tidings of a painful punishment.
In the following verses, the form of the punishment they will face in Hell is related in detail: “On that day, it (that hoarded wealth) will be heated in the fire of Hell and therewith their foreheads and their sides and their backs will be branded (and they will hear): “This is the treasure which you hoarded up for yourselves; taste now what you were busy hoarding!” (at-Tawbah 9:35).
Wealth collected in order to spend for the sake of God is different that wealth amassed for personal gain. Wealth formed with virtuous intentions, such as using it for glorifying the Name of God, opening schools and universities in different places of the world, and teaching humanity about our values must be evaluated differently. It is even necessary to encourage people for having wealth to realize this ideal.
Leading a decent and dignified life, and benefiting from God Almighty’s blessings can both be in compliance with Qur’anic commands:
“But seek, by means of what God has granted you, the abode of the Hereafter (by spending in alms and other good causes), without forgetting your share (which God has appointed) in this world” (al-Qasas 28:78).
But what really matters is a person having dignity in his own spirit. The Prophets always lived with this feeling of dignified contentment. They did not expect anything from people in return for fulfilling the duty of conveying the Divine message. They endured enormous difficulties and trouble for the sake of conveying their messages to their people, and they never asked for any rewards in return because all of their expectations were from God. In this respect, we can say that the most important and influential dynamic they used against their people was dignified contentment. Such a stance is very convincing in terms of those addressed. So a person’s not cherishing any worldly expectations for a duty they carry out, not demanding any status or titles, and expecting their reward only from God are a different depth of dignified contentment or richness of heart.
Finally, everybody must consent to what God Almighty apportions for them and never show greed at material issues and worldly matters because for some individuals, poverty decreed by Divine destiny can be much better for them. Who knows, their inherent weakness for wealth might make them lose a trial with richness and lead them headfirst into Hell. Thus, it is always necessary to consent to what the Divine Will decrees for us.
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savemefrommyselfxv · 7 years
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170517 // Wah shucks. I found myself wanting to look out for you. But another half shucks. Hahahahah iffah "you okay? You seem jittery nervous" Al kisah open book eh (hahahahah and Iffah doesn't even know anything) // ^ lmao its so funny cuz. yeah ahahahah this was. Before I decided to do that "yo are u ok" thinggg :( cuz yeah hallo hahahahah all I did was saw sunshine red who'd enthusiastically ask questions/answer questions in the classs and the sunshine lift smile ahahah but then that disappearing act without a salam thereafter - only to find you write of raiding dark thoughts so yeap I couldn't help but checkkkk in :') Aha BUT THEN ITS ALSO FUNNY BCUZ IN THE END WE BOTH ACKNOWLEDGED the shy thing lel but then yeah idk it ended up with the. Audio notes and voices to reachhhhh. Open honesty is cool as is hahahah. It makes this more enriching in many ways and kinda idk man hahahah open comfort and clarity maybe. yep.
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otaviogilbert · 4 months
PSLE Orals: Turn Photos into Memories | Teacher Iffah's Secret Tip! | WRITERS AT WORK
Are you worried about your child's PSLE English results? Join Teacher Iffah from WRITERS AT WORK as she shows you how to tackle PSLE questions and prepare for oral exams using memorable photos. Learn how to share personal experiences, create lasting memories, and improve your answers. Subscribe now for fun lessons and expert tips to help your child succeed in PSLE English! Let's make learning enjoyable and stress-free together!
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otaviogilbert · 4 months
No Photos? No Problem! PSLE Oral Masterclass for Souvenir Lovers | WRITERS AT WORK
Hi everyone! This video is all about doing well in your PSLE English oral exams. Teacher Iffah from WRITERS AT WORK will guide you through a common PSLE question. She will show you how to use the PEEL method to answer it. PEEL stands for Point, Elaborate, Evidence, and Link. You’ll learn how to say what you think, explain why you think that, give examples from your own life, and connect it all back to the question. You’ll see examples of both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers to the question ‘Do you take photographs for memories?’. By the end of this video, you’ll know how to use the PEEL method to do really well in your oral exams. So, tune in and let’s learn together!
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
I don't know what your general opinion of Julia is but regarding how Spike viewed her in reference to that post about how we only ever saw his perspective on this affair and never hers, what I also feel like is a possibility in how the way he viewed her changed throughout the course of the series is that Julia never came to find him until she was put in a tight spot by the syndicate members trying to gun anyone down that was connected to Vicious at some point. Some fans want to believe that she's "noble and true" in doing this because she's "sacrificing herself" in allowing Spike to not find her but is she? Because Vicious still knew she was on Callisto before, and it was obvious to the syndicate if they were able to track her down so easily. This just means that they were all waiting until Vicious fucked up in order to bring them back or eliminate them, and given how Julia seemed to operate, chances are she was aware of this too and still didn't take any chances in trying to contact Spike or find him in order to be together. And the biggest difference between them is that Spike WAS ready to risk anything to get to her. This is literally shown in Jupiter Jazz where Spike takes off with zero consideration towards Jet or anyone else just to find her. He risked his current home and safety and even life just to possibly get to her by later confronting Vicious again, and I feel like at the end of that episode he accepted that he probably wasn't going to find her bc she didn't want to be found. This is probably why his lack of emotion is so obvious in RFB 1, because Julia had the means to easily get to him if she wanted to, but didn't up until the last moment, when they just had no other choice but to try and run away together. And when he's finally given what he wanted from 3 years before, he realizes that it's not what he thought it would be or really is. Julia didn't take the risk to get to him the same way he tried, but two people from the crew managed to cover him just so he could get to her. And I feel like a lot of her fans consider this as some offense to her character when I feel like it's the opposite. It gives off a detail about her that makes her so fundamentally different from Spike and therefore more interesting, but it also paints the whole idolized affair that Spike had in his memory as something that isn't that romantic, or at least that reciprocated.
What I also hate is how some of her fans are desperate to prove a point about how Spike did EVERYTHING for her, he never cared about ANYONE but her, and that's also not true? Whatever Spike felt for her isn't lessened by him also loving or caring about other people. You can appreciate whatever idolized version of their relationship you want to without taking away from the fact that he obviously cared about the Bebop crew, by the end enough to go and finish Vicious off just to make sure that they will be safe. Also, having a female character be solely defined by this limited perspective of her by a man really isn't the hill you want to die on that is in any way different or better.
Hi Anon! I really love all these thoughts of yours and appreciate you sending them to me.
First, to answer your question. On the best days I really like Julia. I think despite being a basic character she's a really interesting narrative tool and I love how we see the hints of her complexities despite not knowing much about her. We are very much in meant to evaluate her in comparison to Faye (who is a real whole person and her direct opposite in many ways) and by that alone she intrigues me. I like her as an individual character and even have my own various headcanons about her background and the nature of her relationship with Vicious, Spike and the syndicate. I really love explorations of her character as well where she isn't being idolized because she is so nuanced and despite how little we know about her, we also know a lot from that little. Her whole character is a masterpiece of storytelling through an unreliable narrator and outside of it! On the worst days, aka when her stans are being complete brats by harassing spikefaye shippers, I do come to dislike her simply to be petty.
I also may be biased (but then who isn't?) but I like her outside of her relationship to Spike. I feel like she impacted his story a lot but also dislike any notion of her being 'the one' for him and believe that even if they had gotten a chance to escape the syndicate together, they wouldn't have worked out.
As for the second part of your ask, I agree!
I do believe Spike's view of Julia breaks down over time. His belief of her being the fantastical angel in his mind is deconstructed and the tipping point is absolutely Jupiter Jazz. My view of Spike's reactions in that episode is twofold:
Spike finds out Faye has ditched them all and at this point he's grown used to having her around. He lashes out due to the anger that comes from abandonment and searches for the nearest distraction which, luckily for him, crops up in the form of his past which he already obsessed over. (Essentially, we have a classic case of "You left!" and "Why didn't you come after me?" going on between Spike and Faye since we know Faye left to be chased after and Spike didn't realize that).
Okay so Spike hears about Julia and goes batshit, running after her both because at this point he's still in love with her and also because he wants to pretend Faye means nothing and her leaving without a word means nothing.
I like your interpretation that Spike was willing to risk it all for Julia but she was not for him. Its very true and Spike does throw caution to the wind for her without thinking things through. I also believe that Julia not coming after him isn't quite as noble as its painted out to be either. Julia had a variety of ways to contact Spike. She's a high ranking member of the syndicate so its safe to assume she can, at the very least, get a message to him without the Van or Vicious knowing. But she doesn't. She doesn't even try and is content to live out her days doing whatever she was doing until shit hits the fan. I agree that this realization probably sparks Spike to reconsider his views on Julia as well.
Interesting fact about JJ v RFB1: Spike doesn't react at all to Julia's name when Shin mentions it to him. A friend pointed out to me recently and I've noted its true. He's in no hurry to get to her. No haste whatsoever. Jet gets shot in the leg, Spike makes sure he's safe and then he calls Faye to get her to come back to the Bebop so she can be somewhere secure as well. He's in no rush to track her down and it isn't until Faye tells him Julia is waiting for him that he goes to her. Even then, his priority is not her. She asks him to run away and he has the option to forget about the Bebop and run with Julia, the exact same thing he wanted years ago, but this time he's the one that refuses. He knows his crew is more important and his mission is to protect them. Him meeting Julia is probably for that purpose as well. I'd be willing to argue he wouldn't have met with her at that point in time at all if he didn't know she could help him take down the syndicate. But he does meet her and at that point he already knows things have changed, both his feelings and their relationship, but also he knows now the thing he had built up in his mind was a fantasy to begin with.
I agree very much that Spike loving the other's does not take away from his affection for Julia. I do believe he still loves her at the end of RFB but the love has transformed. He loves her the way one would love someone from their past, the way Jet loves Alisa. He loves her as a former friend and ex but he is not in love with her. Nonetheless, even if Julia fans want to say he is still in love with her, that does not mean he doesn't love Jet and Ed and Ein and Faye because he very much does care for them deeply too. Spike can feel both types of emotions at the same time. Its only human to do so.
He says clear as can be that his purpose of fighting Vicious isn't revenge. "There's nothing I can do for a dead woman." are his words and idk why the Julia fans refuse to take them at face value. You can admit Spike loved Julia while acknowledging he didn't want to take her revenge because it would have meant nothing to her.
Spike doing everything for Julia is a disservice both to his character as well as Julia's because there is so much Spike does that is tainted by his past but has nothing to do with it. The point I mentioned regarding Faye in JJ being one of them:
He refuses to chase after her because he's been burned once before by chasing after a woman who refused to do the same. This becomes more clear to him after JJ because he knows Julia could have found him all this time. However, after JJ he seems to know the reason Faye left the Bebop was clearly different than the reason Julia abandoned him. They never acknowledge it but in My Funny Valentine, Spike chases after Faye and does damage to her ship in order to keep her from leaving. He knows what she wants more than anything is that sense of belonging and doesn't make the same mistake twice. For all intents and purposes: Whitney isn't a big enough bounty to warrant chasing Faye after. He chases after her because he wants to and so she recognizes she's important to him. The third time Faye leaves is in Heavy Metal Woman. Spike doesn't chase after her this time either because he knows that Faye knows she has a place at the Bebop and is wanted. He isn't even sure if she'll come back this time but he lets her go because he is aware it is important to her to leave and find herself.
This, in my opinion, is also an important difference between Spike's feelings for Faye and Julia. Spike is broken up by Julia's abandonment to the point where he falls into an existential depression. But Faye? He is broken up by her leaving too, the end of HMW and start of RFB1 makes that clear, but Spike lets her go anyway. Julia fans might argue its because he doesn't care about her but I disagree. In my opinion, it establishes how much healthier his love for Faye is and how much he's healed. Even if it causes him pain, he lets her leave without holding it against her or taking it personally.
All of these actions show how Spike's past has tainted him but also how he begins to heal from that hurt and how his actions change over time, as subtle as they may be, including his feelings for Julia.
Julia as well, is done disservice by simply reducing her feelings to Spike exactly as you stated. Julia stans like to view her from the very skewed lens that Spike sees her threw which is very feminine and matronly. We never once see Spike think of Julia the way she would have been as a high ranking member with enough blood on her hands to rival Spike and Vicious. Spike only remembers Julia in the ways he wants to idolize and blocks out the rest because its easier for him that way. However, when we actually meet Julia she's nothing like Spike's memories. She's cool, composed, drives a getaway car from a shootout and very clearly knows how to handle herself in that kind of situation. Even when she asks Spike to run away with her, she's still not the woman in the sepia-tinted memories albeit coming close.
Julia is so much more than Spike's perceptions of her which is why it is important to notice he's an unreliable narrator to begin with. One cannot evaluate her character by keeping her boxed to the character's visions whether it be Spike, Faye, Gren or anyone else but since Spike knew her the most and we see her from his perspective the most, its all the more important to acknowledge he was biased.
There are many ways to prove a point but Julia fans like to do it by cutting away canon where it suits them and that is (and I say this as a literature major too) absolutely not the way to analyze and break down characters.
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
honest question but certain bb fans (bbrae shippers and non shippers) always act like raven holds him/his story back whenever they are portrayed as being together… it’s a very common complaint from them but like what stories does he even have that are his in the first place? him not having anything solo has nothing to do with raven. they act so jealous of her and it’s not warranted at all. why can’t they just blame the writers. especially so called bbrae shippers…like just say you hate raven and use her as a self insert in the ship and go.
Okay wow, this is an interesting ask to get.
Tbh Anon I hadn't really seen this before you brought it to my attention just now. I've definitely seen antis use this excuse but not any bbrae shippers but then again I do stay in specific circles so it makes sense I'd be oblivious to certain going-ons in other parts of the fandom.
As far as Raven holding BB back goes, you're right that it's utter bullshit. Beast Boy sadly hasn't had as much solo spotlight as the other Titans (although someone with more knowledge about the comics would be able to help you more on that front, my knowledge on the comics is sporadic at best) but that doesn't mean he hasn't had character development or his own arcs. Beast Boy's role in the team is an important one. He's the one who's always supporting everyone but that doesn't mean he's not wrestling with his own inner demons in the process.
Take the 2003 show for example. Beast Boy centric episodes definitely seemed fewer or at least more lighthearted but they were important. BB was very central to Terra's arc and while some would say it was her arc and not BB's then that's a lie too. During S2 Beast Boy grew up a lot due to that experience. He was betrayed and heartbroken and definitely grew wiser from the experience but he also never let go of what made him himself which is why he saw the good in Terra until the end.
The Beast Within is self explanatory. It gave Beast Boy a power up in the form of the Beast but also the conflict that arises from having it. Coincidentally Raven is the one who shows him its not all that bad despite how somber he's feeling about the whole ordeal. This episode highlights his heart as well. His troubles arise from the worry that he'll hurt someone with his powers, that he hurt Raven already. He wasn't worried about himself or his unstable DNA and what transforming into the Beast would mean for him during this episode but he was absolutely worried about anything he might have done to hurt others.
Season 5 starts with Beast Boy and his connection to the Doom Patrol. How he's important and valuable to the Titans but also how big his heart is once more. His inability to leave his friends, his team, behind is what makes him who he is. Beast Boy is the kind of character who's greatest strength is not his powers but how much he loves and cares for others. You'll notice it's a recurring theme in all the episodes I've highlighted because it's just a core characteristic of who he is.
Season 5 doesn't focus much on Beast Boy despite being the season with his arc but that's okay because in the final episodes we see plenty. Beast Boy is capable and a leader within his own right. He knows how to get others to take him seriously and he does not give up when responsibility falls to him. He's dependable in more ways than just one.
The thing about Beast Boy is: he doesn't mind sharing the spotlight. His character is so intertwined with the others that he has a connection with, that his best facets are highlighted when he's with them. His core components, what makes him so endearing to the viewers, is all visible in that way.
It just so happens that one of the best characters to highlight that is Raven.
Now as fans, yeah we want to see more of Gar's own struggles. It really is unfair he's delegated to funny guy like 99% of the time and we only get 1% of focus on his own trauma and issues individually. That is something DC should work on but doesn't because (un)fortunately Gar did not have the opportunity to be delegated a Bat (and thank god for that too) and who is DC if they dare care about characters who aren't bats? But anywhoo- back to Raven.
Raven doesn't hold Beast Boy back. And Beast Boy doesn't hold Raven back. They're probably the characters that do that the least for each other because their complimentary push and pull relationship is one where they're forcing each other out of their comfort zones and learning how to better themselves constantly. Yes, we see Gar help Raven a lot through her own struggles more than we see her help him but that doesn't mean he plays second fiddle to her. It's not a thing in the show and it's definitely not a thing in the comics because I remember reading different panels where it's Raven telling Beast Boy to be the leader he is and to pull himself together because he is capable of the things he's afraid he can't do.
Raven gets a lot of spotlight from DC but unfortunately it happens because they see her as disposable or one size fits all. They age her up or down and inject her anywhere they need a spare character which means she ends up getting a variety of storylines depending on which iteration of Teen Titans she's in but she's come to lack consistency in the DC universe (like most other DC characters tbh. It's a trademark of theirs by now).
Antis will say that Raven is holding Gar back because previously they used the "Gar is holding Raven back" argument and BBRae fans beat that one to death with a stick. They know they can't use it anymore because it's been refuted through all forms of canon through the years (altho they do still try). But since nuance is a thing they can't understand, they've now taken to saying "Raven is holding Gar back" as if any of them care for Beast Boy at all. The majority of BBRae antis hate BB for utter bullshit reasons so it's impossible for me to believe any majority of them have Gar's best interests as a character at heart. They'd sooner he no longer exist in DC canon than get a solid storyline. They just found it an easy pathway to negate BBRae and are utilizing it, hoping there's less proof to refute them than they had luck doing with the other way around.
As for BBRae fans themselves, I have no idea why they would say that. I am aware that there are some toxic breed of Raven stans that are very weird when it comes to shipping so I absolutely believe that there are Gar stans who are weird about shipping too (why is this something I can see live action Titans fans doing altho tbh they'd be the only ones lowkey justified in doing so cuz that's probably the only place in canon media I can think of where it's true but again that's the writers and DC's fault for pushing Gar and the other poc characters into the bg in favor of the whites)
I think you basically answered your question yourself tho. If these so called fans like to hollow out Raven to make room for a self insert in the name of shipping BBRae then it's likely they just aren't looking forward to be ostracized from TT fan communities so they claim they ship one thing to have an in with the rest of the fans and then argue against it as well.
It could also be insecurity imo. BBRae fans have been getting a lot of flack for our ship in recent years because it's the new "cringe" ship or the one that's trendy to dunk on. So it's possible that some bbrae fans, especially younger or less confrontational ones, ship it but like to be "cool" with multi shippers or other fans of Titans media who are antis by pointing out all its (made up in this case) flaws. Sort of like saying "Oh I ship it sometimes but ofc I hate that it has xyz flaws" which, don't get me wrong, is not a bad thing. Being critical of the media you consume and are entertained by is never a bad thing. But if you're making shit up just to try and fit in with other people instead of actually being critical then that sucks.
This got really long and I feel like I may have lost the point I was trying to make somewhere along the way...
Bottom line is: BB does have his arcs. They're fewer and far between and they're just not as overarching because he's sadly an underrated character usually reduced to a stereotype but they're there and actual Gar fans can spot them from a mile away. You're 100% correct in saying that it's bad writing but also DC is very much to blame for not exploring Gar's character as much as they could.
Raven is the last person to blame as a character for Gar not having any arcs because well... as we've seen above: Gar's best parts and his growth always comes from his connection to those he loves and cares about. Raven is probably on the top of the list for who he loves and cares about and this isn't just me being a BBRae shipper. Their friendship is beautiful and has a lot of depth too so I don't think I'd be wrong in saying Gar and Raven care about each other the most out of the rest of the team. So there is no way for Raven to be holding Gar back because she facilitates his growth by manner of her connection rather than hinders it. Because most of Gar's conflict and inner demons in canon arise from his fear of being incapable of helping or saving his loved ones, and so having Raven in his life is something that would force Gar to evaluate those fears and fight them instead of bury them away.
And as far as non-canon goes? Aka the type of storylines fans would like to see Gar have but he doesn't? Well Raven doesn't exist in them because those storylines don't exist to begin with because of DC's lack of care about him so Raven can hardly be put to blame for that.
Thanks for sending in the ask Anon! I'm sorry, I hope this was coherent. I lowkey have a headache so idk if it made complete sense but yeah, that's my take on this.
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
So from your reblogs I'm guessing you watched "no way home"... so would you maybe care to share your thoughts? 👀 Because I... am an emotional mess here 😭
Yes! I saw No Way Home! Okay so... thoughts. Putting under a read more so no one gets spoiled.
God I wasn't expecting that much angst and we got so much of it!!! Aunt May is gone! MJ and Ned forget! Peter is being a self-sacrificing ass! MY BOY IS ALL ALONE! PEPPER AND MORGAN AND HAPPY FORGOT HIM TOO!
Pls someone save my boi. My heart aches for him.
I liked the premise. But I have to say Peter is better than me. I would not be spending my time rehabbing murderous villains. Like if they kill someone they deserve to die imo but I guess thats why I'm not a superhero and he is.
The villains were amazing. Alfred Molina and Willem Defoe's acting? Oscar worthy performances (maybe I'm exaggerating but they were 11/10).
AUNT MAY! I knew she wasn't okay but I HOPED she would live and then she said THE LINE and I knew she was gonna die! I like to think Uncle Ben exists in this universe and he used to say this line but Aunt May got to say it this time cuz her husband is long dead in this universe. It was a nice twist to the original IMO. I don't get people who are upset about it.
Honestly my favorite moment was when they came on screen. Everyone screamed when Andrew appeared but then they screamed even louder for Tobey. I'm glad I could experience that in the cinema. It was really fun. I also really like how eager they were. You could just tell Andrew was THRILLED to be playing Spidey again and Tobey was happy to come to a reunion. Its just so in-character for them.
SPIDERBROS! THEY'RE BROTHERS! THEY'RE FAMILY! Andrew screaming I love you to the other two! The brotherly banter! Tobey being responsible reliable big bro and refusing to let Andrew put himself down! And him helping Tom through the anger at Green Goblin! Also Andrew being so excited to have brothers and cracking Tobey's back! THEIR HUG! The way they were SO EXCITED that Tom was 'in a band' like they didn't even know what the Avengers were, they were just super happy and supportive cuz little them was excited! Them ready to FIGHT Strange cuz they thought he left Peter alone.
Andrew Spidey catching MJ was something I expected but we all screamed in the theater nonetheless. It was such a moment of closure and the way he cried when MJ asked him if he was okay. MY HEART!
The ending was so angsty. Peter made that choice and the Spideychelle ILY moment where she tells him to find her first. And then Peter DOESN'T! He's too self sacrificial and protective. Like I get it! But also PAIN.
I'm so glad they confirmed Michelle as MJ Watson in this film too. I didn't even know there were rumors where people thought Disney wants to introduce the 'real' MJ Watson. Idk where they come from but if only to shut up the haters, its great to know we know who the eventual endgame for MCU Spidey is gonna be.
Now for my criticisms:
I wanted more Ned and Peter but I did like what we got.
The writing was... kinda oof. I kinda picked up on it while watching in the cinema and when I tell you there were A LOT of issues. However, I refuse to pick them apart cuz I enjoyed this movie so much. Everyone clearly had an amazing time making it and we enjoyed watching it so what more is needed?
Not really looking forward to any love triangle drama they might introduce in trilogy 2 whether they are gonna introduce other love interests for Peter or even MJ but you know, that's too far out to think of rn. Isn't even a fact really, just speculation so why worry?
In general I lowkey dislike some of the soft reboot aspect? I really hope they have Peter reconnect with the Avengers, especially Happy and Pepper and Morgan. He was an unofficial part of the Iron family and I loved that. I am ready to fight people who think Peter's story is compromised in any way by that association because well... sometimes its okay to have a different story. He wasn't some billionaire's son like people like to hemm and haww about. Tony just helped protect him while he was learning how to be a hero and for a kid superhero is that such a bad thing? Idk I just really want him to rebuild those connections in the second trilogy as well as the connections with Ned and MJ. As a more mature adult who doesn't want to be a part of the Avengers but who wants the connection with his old mentor's daughter just for familial reasons cuz she was like a little sister to him. Peter Parker has a family with the Starks and I will FIGHT anyone who says otherwise. He deserves to reconnect with them.
Anyway all that aside, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE SECOND TRILOGY! I demand my PeterMJ endgame and PeterNed bromance again. I have been DEVOURING fics ever since I watched the film on Friday. Both Spideybro fics and all variety of Fix It fics. Amnesia as a trope is just so painful to go without them, yknow? But for now I really loved this movie. I can't wait til its out in HD so I can rewatch. For now I'm contenting myself with the low res gifs on tumblr and sharing in the collective chaos and anguish of that ending.
These are some of my rough thoughts! Thanks for asking and also I would love to hear yours!
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
You haven't watched the movie yet but you've written a fic for Duk?
Haha yes Nonny. I'm definitely not the only one to do so. I can't really watch it in theaters rn and it won't be released til January but I've read so many Drukkari fics and have seen every clip of them repeatedly I feel like I know these characters by heart now.
The fic was something I wrote on a whim but I really wanted to write it instead of waiting and it's been getting good reviews as well! I'll be posting the second chapter this evening so I hope if you decide to read it you enjoy it too ☺️
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
If you wear a hijab what do u do to accessorize(? Accessories didn't fit but this isn't a word :( I hope u understand either way) if anything at all?
Yes, I understand nonny. I'm guessing you're asking cuz you're looking for some suggestions on how to. I have a few tips based on what I do!
Okay so first off: I have a lot of hijabs with designs or prints on them. Usually they're floral or abstract prints but they're in various color combinations so that one color or another usually matches with the clothes I'm wearing for the day. Not all the colors usually match, but the colors that don't match my outfit and that are in my scarf usually form a lovely contrast.
For example: Today I was wearing a white and deep blue animal print. My scarf was white with blue floral designs but bordered with a bright red that ended up contrasting really nicely with my clothes even though they had nothing red.
Usually your hijab itself can be the accessory if you're able to figure out the contrasts right! It's my number one method for most times I have to go anywhere cuz im very lazy when it comes to the rest 😅
Second: A lot of people use fancy pins or brooches to accessorize their scarves with. I don't usually do that cuz I feel it's too much work looking for pins but my mom does sometimes and so do many people. It looks really pretty. If you have a habit of wearing square/triangle scarves, a form of accessory I recommend and use is taking the two pointy ends at the front after the scarf has been pinned and using a small ring that matches to thread the two ends together til about midway. The ring adds an extra flair of style.
Third: I normally wear my longer rectangular hijabs in a way that I pin the first securing safety pin behind my neck instead of in front of it and below my throat. Then I bring the ends that are used to wrap and form the layers forward and wrap them around my head same as I would have if I had pinned the first pin below my throat. But what I do is: I leave the ends that I wrap around my head pretty loose. That way my neck and ears are partially visible while my chest stays covered. It makes wearing necklaces or earrings easier (earrings more so) and it looks really nice as well because the style is unique.
Fourth: My best friend @smol-boiii a lot of cool styles of hijab. One that she uses during the winter that stands out the most to me is wearing a scarf, but instead of pinning it, she simply puts a beanie on top of it and wraps the ends around her shoulders. It looks chic and casual and is a good way to throw together a stylish look but without much of the effort.
Another style she uses is taking colorful clip on hair pins (the kind that children usually use) and pinning them to the edge of her hijab (pinned in place however you prefer) above her forehead just as an extra accessory, usually in pairs of two or on two opposite ends. It's also a cute but funky sorta look and really convenient if you have a lot of old pins lying around or younger siblings who wear them or if you like to collect pins and want to wear them yourself!
I hope this helped anon! Feel free to message me to clarify if you're still confused. I did my best to explain but it is hard to use words only. I can look for videos to help illustrate the image if you need.
Good luck with your hijab! Thanks for sending this in.
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
3. -fool's gold, 12, 13, 16 and 24 from the fandoc writer asks!
Thank you for sending this! 💖
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
Hmm. Okay so from Fool's Gold, I really enjoyed writing the whole thing but as for which scene in particular, its probably the one where Raven wakes up and then pretends to be asleep as Gar dotes over her before going to start breakfast. I really love soft domestic scenes like this and it's just a quiet moment where there's some introspection and falling in love deeper. Just figuring out the imagery for all of it was super fun.
Also I really enjoyed writing the whole moonlit date/beach scene as well. The aesthetic of that scene was so clear in my mind that putting it to words was really lovely. Coming up with the two truths and a lie was a tiny bit harder than the rest of the fic tho which is why it's not my main favorite scene but all in all I just really enjoyed writing most of the fic.
12. Who is your favorite author?
I'm assuming this question is about fanfic authors for which I have to say I don't know. I really love a variety of fics from many authors.
Some of my favorite Teen Titans authors are Foamsatmouth, Golem XIV, speaks and Cataistrophie8499. I also love Ava's (fireflyxrebel's) fics.
13. When did you start writing fanfic?
This is a super fun question for me to answer!
Okay so my first ever fanfic was actually when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I used to love the Rainbow Magic fairy books when I was a kid. Absolutely devoured them, when I lived in America. When I came back to Pakistan, I couldn't find them here because which was a bummer cuz there was this one new book I really wanted to read: Morgan the Midnight Fairy. Now since there was no way to get access to that book esp cuz pdfs for children's books weren't really a thing back then, my dad, to curb my disappointment, told me to write the story myself. He told me to write my own version of the book as I would want it to be and so I did! It was 4 chapters. Only 2 pages with half a chapter each page if I remember correctly (I still have it) with a Clipart "book cover" but I wrote it and I was proud of it and I still am because I realize that's my origin not only as a fanfic writer but as a writer overall.
That's the first time I learned to write what I wanted to read and to write what I couldn't find.
I didn't write my first fandom fanfic until I was 15 but I like to consider the "book" I wrote when I was 8 as my first official fanfic.
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
This is a difficult one cuz I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I avoid writing smut cuz I'm not comfortable with writing that kind of content yet. I also don't like cheating tropes so I avoid those. There's plenty more but these are the two big no-nos I can think of rn.
24. Do you prefer AUs with the characters, or sticking to the original universe? 
It usually depends on what I can find to read. I have had more fun writing AUs recently tho esp for Teen Titans and before that Shadow and Bone and Stranger Things. However for Cowboy Bebop which is my most recent fandom I've been writing canon compliant post series fics. What I write is based on what I want to read so if I feel like I wanna see the characters in a different setting and that I'm satisfied with seeing them in the world they're already in from canon, I usually write AUs. However if I feel there's a lot more to be explored through canon, I write fics set in canon verse.
I had so much fun answering these and I really appreciate you sending in the ask! I hope you enjoy reading the answers too and that it could help you get to know me a little better! 😁💖
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
random but ryan potter is so weird. first time i heard him speak outside of the show he gave annoying “i’m always right” vibes. he acts like one of ~those~ liberals that think they can’t overstep boundaries. been side eyeing him for awhile for a lot of different things (!!)and he just continues to prove how weird he is. him and curran always need to be the center of attention I can tell by how they act on social media. have 0 clue what conor leslie sees in him. she must be completely different in real life to what she puts out on SM.
I don't really know much about Ryan outside of his work. I follow neither him nor Curran on social media and I haven't seen any substantial interviews either so that I can make my own estimate.
If its true then it is a pity but tbh I'm not usually invested in celebrities outside their work so I wouldn't know.
As for him and Conor Leslie, I only recently found out they were dating and some people said they may have broken up? No clue honestly. It could just be the internet doing what it does best: making assumptions. I haven't found much regarding their relationship online to begin with so whether they're still together or not, they obviously want to keep it private.
I think its really hard to guage anyone's full personality through the persona they put out on social media, especially actors because putting on an act is literally their job. Of course we do naturally assume things based on what we see and I won't disprove that Ryan is like that because I don't know.
That being said: everyone is accountable for their behavior so it is stupidity when people think that because they're ~liberal~ they have leeway to get away with absolutely everything. I sincerely hope Ryan isn't actually like that and its just a misconception but even if it isn't and you're right, I'm glad it has no effect on me for the time being. As long as he acts well in whatever projects of his I'm interested in, I don't have much to say about him irl.
But you do you, Anon. If you're critical of him for his behavior that you're seeing, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. He is a public figure so he is liable to scrutiny. I just don't know enough about him to be able to agree or disagree.
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