#Ilya feddy
thecheesewearsme · 2 years
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churchofjoemiller · 2 years
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sireswhore · 4 years
Personal Space
Ilya Fedorovich X Y/n
Summary: Ilya comes to town bringing his shenanigans with him. He and David decide to handcuff y/n and Ilya together for the day as a prank, resulting in an amazing collaboration due to the sexual tension from the day’s activities...
Warnings; smut, language
“Fuck, y/n ughhhh,” Ilya said running fingers through his hair stressfully on the couch sitting upside down.
“She’s so fucking pretty, I become Jell-O around her,” he complained to David.
“She’s like Medusa, except that when I look at her the only thing that gets hard as stone is my dick.”
Natalie walked by a heard that last part, “Ewwww Ilyaaa,” she rolled her eyes while David choked on his food, dying of laughter. Ilya didn’t make any sense, and the fact that he was so serious had David gasping for air.
“Bro,” David finally said after he calmed down, “just make a move, don’t be a pussy. And which one is it? Are you hard or are you Jell-O?” he laughs again.
And Ilya pounced on David and put him into a chokehold until he tapped out.
That day, you and Natalie had plans to go run some errands for David and then have lunch at a nice spot.
“Oh you have no idea how bad I wanted to leave the house, I needed to get away from all the boy energy. Don’t get me wrong I love Ilya but he and Dave can be a pain in the ass sometimes,” she laughs while her eyes are focused on the road.
“Oh yeah, I forgot Ilya was visiting,” you fiddle with the material on your seatbelt.
“Yeah, it’s only for about a week, probably more if Dave gets him to stay with a game of ‘heads or tails’ or something.”
You chuckled and the car went silent for an awkward amount of time.
“So about Ilya... I think he’s cute..” you bit your lip waiting for Natalie’s reaction.
Her jaw dropped in shock but also in excitement. She repeatedly hit the steering wheel shouting ‘OH MY GOD!’ as if she was trying to wake it from a coma, accidentally honking the car horn.
“Why are you so excited? It’s not like he’ll ever go for me anyway,” you brushed off.
Natalie had completely forgotten that you don’t know she overheard him say the exact opposite of what you think. She tries to play it off, except her smile kinda gave it away.
“I mean, you never know babe. I think you guys would hit it off, just try to talk to him, get to know him...” Natalie suggests.
“I want to try,” you sigh, “I don’t think it’ll work,” you fiddled with your thumbs.
“I have faith in you bitch,” she smiled and you scoffed.
And that was enough for Nat to begin playing matchmaker...
After today, Natalie dropped you off at your place and headed down back home, she was definitely sitting on a bad boy piece of information.
She pulled into the driveway and entered the house with a bunch of things excitedly.
“Dave you’ll never guess-” she began but quickly shifted her sentence because she saw that Ilya was next to him.
“-what I have!” she saved herself, motioning to the items in her possession.
David looked in her direction and his eyes lit up. “ahh yessss! Finally! Thank you Nat,” he smiled.
“Yeah and also I got some news, can we speak privately? It’ll be two seconds...” she silently hoped he wouldn't make her say it in front of Ilya.
“Sure,” he nodded, heading into the podcast room.
Once the door shut, she spilled the beans faster than you can say ‘happy birthday.’
Natalie didn't waste a second, “So y/n has a small crush on Ilya, and she said she kinda wishes she could find a way to get to know him better but she also thinks she has no chance...” she said all in one breath.
David raised his brows in shock, “Oh my god and Ilya was just saying kinda the same thing, he won't shut up about her,” he realizes, and Nat excitedly clapped her hands together.
“Ooo I wanna set them up, it’ll be so cute!” she squealed.
“And it could be perfect for the vlo- oh my god, Ilya told me he bought real handcuffs,” David lightly giggled at his impulsive idea.
“No, no David. Fuck I shouldn’t have said anything...” she palms her forehead, regretting everything she had just done.
“Too late bitch,” he cackles, “they want to be together? Let's handcuff them for a day challenge, they'll know each other better then,” he smirked.
Natalie huffed at the six-year-old boy in him, “Good luck convincing Ilya,” she shrugged.
“gOoD lUcK cOnViNciNg iLyA,” he mocked, giving Natalie the finger before rushing out the door.
It took a while but eventually, Ilya came through. With David's infamous charm of course...
“C’mon il, please? Look at it like this, you guys will spend a LOT of time together, and who knows? You guys could hit it off after this. Even if it’s not for me you could still gain from it and-”
“ALRIGHT FINE!” Ilya exclaimed, annoyed by David’s nagging but also excited to be with you.
A ‘yesss’ was followed after his approval and the boys began to plot the plan for tomorrow's stunt.
Natalie silently prayed that everything would be alright tomorrow considering that David and Ilya we're the Einstein's behind this. It was partially her as well, but she doesn't want to be dragged in this okay?
The next morning, tweedle dee and tweedle dum arrived at your place. Luckily for tweedle dee, he had a spare key which you gave him in case of emergency. How wise of you.
Before they entered, David turned his camera on and faced the camera to themselves.
“Alright what's up guys, so Ilya is visiting from Chicago, and Ilya bought these real handcuffs and we’re gonna handcuff Y/n to Ilya for the rest of the day,” he said as Ilya cuffed one of his own hands.
And with that, he panned the camera to the doorknob as he unlocked the door and quietly reached inside.
“Try not to get hard around medusa, Jell-O boy,” he probably didn’t make sense but he earned a laugh from himself and a punch on his arm from Ilya.
The two of them didn't take long to find your bedroom, the door was left slightly open while you were fast asleep.
They peeked through the door and found you sprawled across the mattress, the only thing keeping your body from being exposed was the sheets. Ilya struggled to keep his composure, but his imagination didn't do him any favors.
“Hi good morning y/n!” David said softly, entering the room while your eyes fluttered open.
You looked at him confused, but you saw the camera in his hand and immediately recognized that something was up.
“What now?” you yawned.
“I can’t say good morning to my best friend?” he laughed. But you didn't.
“Alright, there is something,” he chuckled, “that’s obviously why we’re here, get up y-”
“We?” you interrupted, pinching your nose with your thumb and forefinger.
Lo and behold, Ilya appeared from behind the door, with nervous yet goofy smile.
“For fuck’s sake David- you know what I'm not even surprised...” you sigh.
David chuckles and gives Ilya a hidden signal and he casually makes his way to sit on the floor near the edge of the mattress where your free hand is hanging out.
“Alright y/n let's make this quick, we’re going around to everyone's house to get disposables with il right when they wake up. Just do this one thing and we’ll be out of your hair,” he lied swiftly.
It sounded very convincing, but to be fair when you're half asleep, no one can really understand what's going on. Hence why you blindly fell into David's trap, posing for a disposable, whilst getting handcuffed by Ilya in the process.
All at once, you felt the metal confine your wrist, the flash of the camera, and the familiar menace laugh ringing through your ears.
‘Oh shit,’ you eventually woke up and processed everything.
You yanked on your now recently cuffed arm, and yes it is true, you aren’t asleep, this isn't a dream, yes, it’s real life.
“No, no, no your fucking- no ughhh,” you cry out, your other hand covering your face in distress.
They both laugh hysterically.
“Soooo,” David chuckled yet again, “change of plans... if you couldn't tell by now, both of you are getting handcuffed to each other for the day,” he said all giddy.
You hadn't realized who you were handcuffed to until just now.
‘I know I wanted to spend more time with him, BUT NOT LIKE THIS!,’ you internally cursed any entity that listened to the prayers you technically didn't even ask for.
“Well walk us through y/n,” he pulled you from your thoughts. “Let's do your daily routine!”
You huffed out a breath. ‘Today’s gonna be a long one,’ you thought.
You spent the rest of your morning struggling with the difficulty of getting ready with Ilya chained beside you. It was just as hard for him as it was for you.
Ilya's heart nearly pumped out of his chest when he saw just as much as a glimpse of your skin when he peeked at you getting dressed or hopping into the shower. And David was enjoying every second of this of course, since this footage was going towards the next vlog.
And now we're here, finally ready and leaving your place and headed to David's car.
“So what are we even doing today?” you asked.
”Well Taylor is sick, and Natalie is doing a couple of things for me, she can’t do them all at once so we're gonna go around and do half of her schedule and then go get lunch,” David announced.
“And then?” Ilya wondered.
”Who knows,” David smirked at him.
Something about that look in his eye really made you wish you were able to read minds.
You were all driving to who knows where, and all of a sudden David turns around, camera in hand and your full undivided attention. You internally panicked for a quick moment until you remembered that the man owned a self driving Tesla.
You let out the breath you didn't even realize you were holding.
“This is the key y/n,” the smirk on David’s face setting in gave you another clue that whatever he had in mind definitely wasn’t a good idea.
He proved you right when said key vanished after he pitched it out the window.
“DAVID!!!” you cried out, the panic seeping in again.
“I have a spare key” Ilya reassures.
“I know the bit. I- I literally know what you guys are gonna do, please don't. Please,” you pleaded.
You were proven right yet again when Ilya chucked the spare key right out of the window immediately after that last ‘please.’
“FUCK!” you shouted, causing the boys to burst out laughing.
You were obviously not impressed.
The day so far went just as planned, nothing too crazy, but still very difficult.
So far you all went and picked up some props and supplies for future experiments, and met with some people to quickly go over some arrangements.
The way people reacted to your situation was definitely a sight to see, though it was tiring having to explain how you even got into this mess in the first place.
David was driving pretty fast on his way to the final errand, either he didn't want to be late or he just wanted to get this last one over with because he was already hungry. He was faster than usual.
Even Ilya was starting to take notice.
At a red light, he quickly reached over to your seat to buckle your seatbelt, there was a look of genuine confusion on your face.
“What? We can’t have you slipping away,” he tittered.
“Well, that won’t even be a problem since I'm already attached to you,” you smirked, meaning it both literally and figuratively. You mentally patted yourself on the back, whether Ilya got the hint or not.
It kinda seemed like he did when his face lingered in front of yours a bit longer than expected. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips quickly, as if he was deciding on whether or not to kiss you.
You felt hot. You knew you were blushing. You felt warm all over but then some of the feeling strips away when David interrupts by pressing the accelerator causing Ilya to act like this never happened and move back to his own seat.
Now thanks to him you were a bashful mess.
David raced down and nearly crashed into a couple of cars before you've all made it to some furniture store. You and Ilya both had a look of confusion drawn on your faces.
“Dave are you sure this is the right place?” Ilya asked.
“Yeah David are you sure?” You chimed in.
“Oh for fuck’s sake...” David sighs in realization, dialing Natalie's phone. Guessing that she saw this coming, all of his calls went straight to voicemail. David definitely had things to say alright.
“Natalie what the FUCK! I was speeding down here to come here on time, and it’s not even fucking important! Since when did I become your personal shopper? Stop pulling shit like-” his rant got cut off by the sound of your voice.
“ENOUGH! Stop being such a baby, let's just go and get whatever she needs. It's not that big of a fucking deal,” you defended.
“She’s right bro, relax,” said Ilya.
David hung up and exited the car, slightly slamming the door shut.
“He’s probably just hungry,” you sighed.
“Definitely,” Ilya chuckled.
You both found David at the store waiting patiently to receive her order. Turned out, she picked out a large mirror, not that large though, only almost 7 feet. It’s not like throughout the whole day the car was slowly running out of space.
Nevertheless, the teamwork made the dream work, and it fit into the car by surprise. Though you were convinced if someone added one more item, the car would fall apart.
“Where am I going to sit?” you genuinely questioned.
David took a once over at the car to look for any available seats, he smirked when he only saw an extra one available in the front.
“I guess you’ll just have to share shotgun with Ilya,” he smiles cheekily.
Immediately after you heard those words, it was like someone released a ton of butterflies in your stomach. You were already cuffed to him, now you have to be even more physically closer than you already were. And you weren’t complaining.
You nodded your head and looked up at Ilya.
“So how’s this gonna work?” you chuckled lightly.
“I-I don’t know, we can try,” he stuttered.
Ilya sat down first and then you attempted at getting in after. The cuffs definitely made it harder to do this, the worst part was when you tripped and almost fell onto his shoulder but Ilya made it better when he caught you just before you hurt yourself.
“I gotcha,” was what he said when your faces were only inches apart, like that save alone didn’t already turn your legs into jelly, and that damn smile was the cherry on top. Are we making dessert?
“Let’s try this again, I have an idea,” you said after quickly recollecting yourself, breaking away from him.
Ilya got out of the car and waited on your instruction. He spaced out while he was watching you try to figure out and give directions, he thought you were just the cutest thing when you were focused and in control.
Ilya finally snapped back in as soon as he heard the words ”Get it?” escape your lips. He was fucked.
”uh- YES! Yeah,” he stuttered.
You smiled and began to execute the plan.
Ilya had both hands on your waist, guiding you onto his lap to make sure you wouldn’t trip again. You were finally fully in the car when you adjusted yourself a bit, causing his breath to hitch.
You felt him curse under his breath, you held back a smile after realizing what you did.
“Oh I’m so sorry, are you uncomfortable? Should I move?” You smirked while slowly readjusting yourself, the friction driving him insane. Ilya almost forgot to answer your question.
“N-no it’s okay, you’re good,” he stuttered, taking a deep breath before closing the door. David gave him a smirk before he started the car.
Throughout the ride his hands never left your waist, in fact, his arms slowly made its way to fully wrap themselves around it. Ilya claimed it was because you both didn't have a seatbelt.
On the way to McDonald's, which was obviously David’s choice for lunch, you felt a sudden squeeze that came from Ilya’s hands once every several seconds. Honestly, you didn't mind, in fact, you didn't even want him to stop. And if David weren't here, you’d want things to escalate even further.
David had his eyes focused on the road as he was talking about how much he loved McDonald's.
It was as if Ilya read your mind, his hands slowly headed south until they reached your thighs, drawing circles with his thumbs while your mind wandered into sinful places.
“I hate when people hate on McDonald’s. Like it’s number one for a fucking reason. Right?” David argued.
Ilya gave your thighs a light squeeze before he whispered in your ear to remind you to respond.
“hm?- RIGHT yes!” you rushed after being snapped back into reality.
“You know what I mean? Like it’s everywhere...” David continued, unaware that you were barely paying attention.
“Yeah totally,” you agreed, even though you didn't. It was just best to just go along with him so there wouldn’t be a huge debate.
Finally, you all made it back to David's house. All the errands were done and David had sorted out everything with Natalie. And the rest of the group came over to hang out.
“Oh my god! ALL DAY?” Zane yelled in disbelief, along with everyone else that came in and noticed your current state.
“Yes,” you giggled.
“Oh wow I am so sorry baby,” he pouted, chuckling at the idea. You would laugh too if you weren't in this situation. All of the day’s struggles being filmed for a video and the one question you kept pondering upon was ‘how the hell are we going to get out of this?’
Still, there was no answer, there is a good chance you'll be stuck with him for a very long time.
You have been sitting with Ilya for a good amount of time and you were thinking about two things; how long would it take to start salivating if you kept your eyes on him and if it were possible to get hornier than you already were. The answer? Yes.
You were honestly ready to risk it all, especially right after he winked at you when he caught you staring.
Seriously, you weren’t messing around. Suddenly you found yourself lying through your teeth like it was your job.
“Hey I have to use the bathroom,” you whispered in Ilya’s ear.
He doesn’t question it, and immediately gets up and leads you into the bathroom.
But of course, David stopped you both in your tracks with immediate suspicion,
“Where are you going?” he grinned.
“The bathroom?” you said.
“Bro she has to use the bathroom,” Ilya defended.
“Yeah sure,” David grabbed his camera, trying to follow the both of you.
You had a hand pressed against his chest, “Where do you think you’re going?” you raised a brow.
“To film for the vlog?” He tried.
“No you’ve filmed enough, let me at least have some privacy.”
“But Ilya can stay?” He raised.
“Ilya isn’t making a video for millions of people,” you shut the door on him, hearing ‘oohs’ in the distance.
“You’d let me know if you guys are having sex right?” David laughed through the door.
“SHUT UP DAVID!” You hit the door to emphasize you're trying to shoo him away.
When it finally seemed like he gave up and walked away, you took your chance and lightly pinned Ilya against the wall. It caught him off guard but by the look on his face, it seemed like he enjoyed that very much.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day...” you murmured, your hands tracing the collar of his shirt.
That's when he caught you off guard and now you were the one against the wall.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day...” Ilya whispered, his lips brushing over the edge of your jaw.
“So do it-” you felt his lips crash into yours, cutting you off mid-sentence.
It’s slow and sloppy but filled with hunger as one hand snaked up and lightly cupped your jaw.
You immediately parted your lips, Ilya didn’t waste any time before his tongue delved into your mouth, properly savoring what he’s been patiently waiting for, for so long.
Before you knew it, you found yourself sitting on the edge of the bathroom sink, Ilya trailing his lips down your neck while his fingers snaked down to your heat, running them through your folds. Your breath quivering when his finger brushed over your button.
“Fuck, you’re soaking,” he whispered, breath heavy as he spoke into your ear. With his other hand, he pulled down your tube top, exposing your breasts.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice when you were being a little tease huh? You’ve been driving me crazy all day baby. All. Fucking. Day,” he purred lowly, punctuating his last few words by kissing your chest. Your breath hitched as his words definitely caught you off guard.
Ilya eventually took one of your nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your nub while his free hand toyed with the other, inciting a moan but it got quickly dismissed when Ilya quickly covered your mouth, silencing you.
“I’d love to hear your sweet little voice, but right now you have to keep it down for me yeah?” You nodded.
He hiked up your skirt and swiftly pulled off your underwear. Before you knew it, Ilya dropped down to his knees, leaving kisses on your inner thigh while inching closer to your heat.
“Fuck,” you murmured while the hairs on his beard ran against your skin, sending tingles up your spine.
Your free hand frantically grabbed onto Ilya’s hair when his tongue grazed your clit, pulling him closer.
“Does that feel good?”
“Y-yeah mm,” you responded with a shaky breath, lightly pushing him against your center, not wanting him to stop any time soon.
Your thighs were trembling already and Ilya can’t help the smirk forming on his lips as he suckles at your clit. He was more than pleased with his effect on you. If you finished quickly, it would honestly be an advantage because then there wouldn’t be suspicions from David. Or at least not that many.
The soft string of profanities that slipped from your tongue only encouraged him to lick faster. But also in various speeds that make you silently plead for a release, toying you further.
You swore you almost saw stars when Ilya expertly slid his fingers inside you, pumping them in and out at a delicious pace.
The feeling of his fingers rolling harshly against your velvet walls had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Gasping while yanking on his hair, trying your hardest not to knock your knees together around his head. You were close, so close, in case your shaky legs didn’t already give that away.
“Cum for me, c’mon baby,” Ilya quickly cooed before going back to work. He continued to lick and curl and pump his fingers, while you mewled desperately.
Soon the tension in your stomach, the entanglement of knots came undone when your orgasm crashed over you. Your back arched and your hand came up to muffle the moan you tried to contain.
Ilya chuckles, coming up to gently rub circles on your thighs to help you relax while you attempt to control your breathing.
He came in for a kiss which soon got interrupted by some pounding at the door.
“WHAT’S TAKING SO LONG? ARE Y’ALL HAVING SEX??” David shouted through the door.
Both of your eyes widened. You immediately scrambled to get put together, both of your hearts harshly pounding out of your chest.
“Bro relax let her finish!” Ilya cried out just as he helped to put your panties back on and your skirt in its original place.
“David get a fucking grip I’m finishing up,” you chimed in, smirking at the pun you had just created.
In the process of washing your hands, you had the most brilliant idea.
All of a sudden you began to pour water all over the front of your clothes, Ilya tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy.
You mouthed ‘follow my lead’ before opening the door to meet David with, of course, a camera in his hand like a fucking Hollywood fix.
“Are those cum stains?!” He said after giving you a quick once-over.
“No, are you on crack? We were trying to wash our hands quickly so you can get off our ass and Ilya accidentally wet me,” you explained, knowing full well he technically did ‘wet you.’
“Hey Nat, is it okay if I borrow your hairdryer?” you ignored David, spotting Natalie sitting comfortably on a LoveSac.
“Yeah sure! It’s in my bathroom by the mirror,” she smiled.
You left and dragged Ilya with you while David was still talking, he followed the two of you when you went to get the dryer.
‘He will not give it up will he?’ You thought, rolling your eyes.
You grabbed the dryer and darted to where Ilya was staying and made sure to close the door immediately, leaving the reporter out. You loved him but my god was he being so tough today.
Ilya plugged it in and turned the dryer to the highest setting, muffling all the noise coming from this room.
You both giggled at how successful this turned out.
“Now...” you pressed a finger against Ilya’s chest seductively, “let’s take care of this,” you smirked, brushing your lips with his, cupping the bulge in his pants.
You fondled with the front of his pants whilst you gently sucked on his bottom lip. Both of you got caught up in this impassioned moment before Ilya suddenly breathlessly pulled away, pulling out a small key from his pocket.
“You bastard! You had it all this time!” you huffed.
“Yeah, you like this bastard though,” Ilya smirked, “c’mere...” he murmured, unlocking the metal restraints.
“Ugh finally,” you teased, caressing your wrist with your hand.
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it,” he growled in your ear, causing your stomach to flip thrice.
Ilya grasped your chin desperately and your lips are slammed together once again, hooking your legs around his waist.
The kiss becomes needy, more biting this time, turning each other’s lips a sinful shade. Your gasps and whines can only be heard by Ilya, as well as his raspy groans.
Soon you found yourself being gently placed down on his mattress. He then buried his face back in your neck, while starting to grind his erection against your now throbbing cunt.
You both became breathless rather quickly after he raggedly pulled away from you, flipping you over so your ass is faced up.
Ilya grabbed your skirt and panties around your hips and peeled them down your legs all in one go.
Ilya felt a lump in his throat, his mouth dry as he took in the breathtaking sight on display in front of him. His breathing accelerated, there was absolutely no way that he could keep it together, he was a mess. A mess for you.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking hot for me like this... damn,” he cursed.
Ilya quickly unzipped his pants and letting them fall to the floor, freeing his hard cock that's already dripping in precum.
“You sure about this baby?” he cooed, and you feverishly nodded away, aching to just have him inside you already.
Grabbing your hips from behind, Ilya lined himself up with your entrance and began to slowly push himself inside of you. Little by little, and finally fully slipping his cock deep into you. You gasp, turning your head to bury your face in the mattress because you never felt this full before.
“Fuckkk...,” he groaned, “so fucking tight for me...”
He thrust himself into you, you met him thrust for thrust, gripping the sheets until your knuckles were very visible.
He started to grunt with the force of his rhythm while you softly cried out against the mattress.
He picked up the pace, fucking you hard and fast, digging his fingers into your hips as a bunch of profanities were growled under his breath.
Muscles started to tighten and your moans were nonstop as you were getting close, the tension in your stomach building up by the second.
“I feel you, fuck- ah, cum for me. Cum baby,” Ilya cooed as he simultaneously continued to pound into your tight cunt.
“I’m gonna... oh god, oh god il...” you mewled.
“Let go, baby,” he egged you on.
You pushed herself as far done on Ilya’s cock as you could before you jolted and shamelessly came around his cock, eyes rolling to the back of your head once again.
The grip on your hips was still tight as he roughly thrust deep into your depths. It didn’t take long for Ilya to reach his release and as he emptied himself inside you, walls clenching around him from your own climax.
Ilya pulled out and collapsed beside you on the bed, breathily giggling with you until your orgasms subside.
You both walked into the living room where everyone was and David was the only one who spotted both of you first. Oh, the smirk he had on his face was chilling.
“Let me see if I can get this straight,” he laughed pressing record on his camera, “you’re clothes are still wet, you guys aren’t in cuffs anymore, and you expect me to believe that the glow on your faces is because you didn’t have sex? If I’m on crack, then everyone else in here is on it too!” He laughed.
Everyone in the room went wild whilst you hid your embarrassment in the crook of Ilya’s neck.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
it’s always been you : i.f
brief summary: ilya has always known that david is a womaniser, and he’s just in the background, a second choice. but when you turn up and capture the pairs attention, will it be the same case? 
word count: 1.6k requested: yes by an anon! i hope you love it  warnings: nope, it’s fluffy and all cuteness up in here
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
m y  e t s y  s h o p
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“No, I’m serious dude, she’d go for you easily.” Ilya laughs into the microphone whilst David shakes his head in disbelief. “She would trust me. You’re so good and smooth-talking with girls and I’m just well,” Ilya trails off as Jason interrupts, mentioning the last time David flirted with a girl.
“I doubt that, Ilya. But if it ever happens, I guess we’ll find out.” David jokes, unaware of how soon that would end up happening.
Sitting across from the pair, you were deep in thought as your laptop remained on your lap, oblivious to the glances from David and Ilya.
Natalie beside you rolled her eyes, picking up on the looks. “She’s into you, dude.” Ilya mutters to David, nodding as David simply raises a brow. “It’s obvious, really.” He quickly adds, trying to hide the feeling of his heart sinking as he forces a smile, noticing a genuine one forming on David’s face.
“I don’t know, Ilya.” David remarks as he glances up, seeing you lifting your gaze up at the same time. “She’s just a friend, that’s all.”
Ilya shakes his head, knowing that is far from the truth based on what happened the night before.
“I’m serious, Dave, get off me!” You giggle as David continues to tickle you, your laughter echoing throughout the house as Ilya walks in with the pizza’s David ordered.
As he places the pizza’s on the counter, his smile begins to drop as he finds you in David’s arms, your face flushed as tears fall from your eyes. “You’re not getting outta this that easy.” David laughs.
“I got pizza.” Ilya speaks up, and immediately you fall from the sofa, landing on the rug with a soft thud.
Quickly, rising to your feet you clear your throat. “About time, I’m starving!” You avert your gaze from Ilya as you walk over to the pizza boxes, leaving Ilya oblivious to the fact you’re trying to calm your heart rate.
“What about that guy, he’s kinda cute?” Natalie nudges you as she hands you her phone, catching the attention of both boys as you shuffle in your seat.
Humming to yourself, you pass Natalie her phone back. “He’s not my type,” You say with a shrug. “I prefer brunettes.”
“Of course I had to go bleach my hair.” Ilya mutters under his breath whilst David smirks to Natalie, wondering if his thoughts could be accurate.
“Well, most of the time at least.” You quickly add before moving your laptop from your lap and heading to the bathroom, hiding your hands in the sleeves of your hoodie to stop them from visibly shaking.
Once out of sight and earshot, Natalie groans loudly. “Guys, can you give her a break, seriously.” Natalie points to the pair, Ilya holding his hands up in defence whilst David merely chuckles to himself.
“It’s just a bit of fun, Nat.” David excuses it as he looks down to his phone and answers a phone call. “What’s up, Zane?” David asks, walking out and into his bedroom, the door closing behind him.
Yet, despite it being just Natalie and Ilya, the matter isn’t being that dropped that easily. “Like David said, Nat, just a bit of fun.” Ilya comments half heartedly.
“I don’t think so,” Natalie sings playfully as she nudges herself to the edge of the sofa, resting her hands on her lap. “just, talk to her, yeah?” Natalie adds just before you walk back into the room, running your fingers through your hair as you glance over at David’s absent spot.
“Is it just me or is it freezing in here?” You ask, wrapping your arms around yourself as Natalie shakes her head whilst Ilya remains quiet.
Looking at the absent spot beside Ilya, a light bulb flashes above Natalie’s head. “Why don’t you take David’s spot? He’ll be gone for hours now that Zane’s on the phone.” Natalie suggests to you whilst Ilya’s eyes widen.
Turning around, you smile shyly to Ilya. “Is that okay with you, Ilya? I don’t wanna invade your personal space.” You chuckle.
“Oh no, not at all.” Ilya rambles, moving David’s things aside as he pats the spot beside him. “I’m hot, I mean, I’m warm so hopefully you’ll get hotter, I mean,” Sighing to himself, Ilya stops as he closes his eyes, listening to your quiet laughter as the sofa dips.
“Thanks, Ils.” You mutter as you curl up beside him, resting your head on his shoulder as your eyes start to droop whilst you scroll through your phone.
A few hours pass by, and you’re fast asleep with Ilya on the sofa. It started off with a quick power nap, but when Ilya lifted his arm up and you moved to rest your head on his chest, he was a goner.
“You won’t believe what Zane’s done now-” David cuts himself off as he walks into the living room, Natalie shushing him as she motions to you and Ilya on the sofa.
David pauses, looking down as your face is buried in Ilya’s chest whilst his arms are wrapped around you securely, your legs tangled together.
“Oh,” David smiles at the sight, quickly taking his phone and recording you both.
Moving aside, something changes in David’s thoughts as Natalie follows him into the kitchen. “How cute do they look,” Natalie sighs happily, but David remains silent. “wait, are you okay?”
Resting her hand on David’s arm, Natalie can see a look of sadness in his gaze.
“Yeah,” Snapping out of his thoughts, David forces a smile. “I just, I didn’t think about it until now really,” David mumbles as Natalie quirks a brow. “how, how good they look together that is.” David adds. “And I think I’m being selfish, trying to take that away from him.” David adds. “And I think I’m being selfish, trying to take that away from him.”
“There’s someone out there for you, Dave.” Natalie quietly states. “But I’m proud of you for admitting that, they just have to tell each other now.” Natalie huffs, knowing it’ll be a while before she hears either of you admit how you feel.
“Wanna make a bet?” David smirks and Natalie rolls her eyes. “$100 says Y/n will admit before the end of the week.”
Natalie scoffs before holding her hand out as David shakes it. “We’ll see about that.”
* It was almost the end of the week, and neither you nor Ilya had mentioned what happened the other night.
Sitting in the garden, you were busy reading through a contract that you were emailed by your manager when Ilya wandered out.
“Oh, hey Y/n.” Ilya waves, but you remain quiet for a moment until you look over your contract, seeing the blonde standing before you.
Fumbling with the contract, you rest it by your side and sit upright. “Ilya, hey, sorry I was lost in my own thoughts there.” You admit, tucking your hair behind your ears as you smile up to him.
“That’s alright,” Ilya mutters as he sits down beside you. “I haven’t seen you much this week, guess you’ve been occupied with the sponsorship you’ve been working on?”
You nod in response. “Yeah, I mean I love it and I’m so grateful, but it’s kept me busy and as a result unable to spend time with you.” You pause, realising what you just said aloud. “And everyone that is.” You add, a nervous chortle leaving your lips whilst Ilya is unable to process what you just admitted.
“They’re hopeless.” David sighs as he leans back in from spying on you both. “I didn’t think it would be this difficult.”
Natalie tuts. “It’s Y/n and Ilya, what did you expect? They’re so alike it hurts.” She remarks. “Just give them time, and then I’ll be $100 richer.” Natalie says smugly before turning on her heels, heading back to her room.
“I’m sorry,” You eventually break the silence, turning to face Ilya as your knee brushes against his. “I, I’m not really good at talking about feelings and shit, but I think, no I know I have to say this.”
“Okay, I mean, only if you want to.” Ilya comments, reaching out as he rests his hand on your knee, causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin.
“I like you, Ilya.” You admit, focusing on his eyes as they widen, and then a small laugh leaves his lips, causing your heart to simultaneously break.
“Wait, no I didn’t mean it like that!” He quickly reassures you. “I just, are you sure?”
Slightly stunned, you nod slowly. “Yeah, but if you don’t feel the same that’s totally fine!” You tell him, but Ilya shakes his head, his hand tightening on your knee for a moment.
“No I, I do. I’m just, just surprised.” He half laughs. “I always thought you liked David.” He admits and listens as you laugh lightly.
“Wait seriously?” You ask, slightly dumbfounded as Ilya nods.
“I just thought, I mean, why wouldn’t you?” Ilya questions, looking up to you as your eyes remain locked on his and a smile crosses your lips.
“Ilya, I like you, it’s always been you, you dummy.” You chuckle, shuffling closer as your hand rests on his. “That okay?” You mutter as his face edges towards yours.
His lips brush against yours as he breathes out a yes before kissing you softly.
“And with that, you owe me $100.” David laughs to Natalie who groans before taking out the cash and passing it to David.
“I hope you’re happy.” Natalie comments, looking back at you and Ilya in each other’s embrace.
“Couldn’t be happier.” David mutters as he counts out his cash, glad to have won the bet and have his best friend get the girl.
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i8jisoo · 4 years
Can you make one where you are pregnant and the vlogsquad make some jokes about your pregnancy but you are too sentimal and David protect and defend you? Pleasee
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐊  ⇉  just a joke
warnings ➢ insecurity & pregnancy, ps i dont write 4 david anymore and i dont support him anymore thanks
you had had your fair share of little comments about your weight gain or on your appearance now that you were having a baby, but you always had your friends to defend you on your weight or whatever it was the internet was ridiculing you on. you also had your boyfriend, david to always cheer you up and he never usually was constantly online and checking on what people had to say on your relationship, that was until he was soon to become a father. so when he heard the first time that the internet was talking about the mother of his child, he had to put an end to it.
it was a normal day, a little bit less normal now that the days were counting down to the arrival of your baby, david had invited some friends over as per usual, wanting to record but not wanting to leave you at home alone. he was very cautious now, skipping out on the crazy stunts and other shit he used to do in his backyard or infront. david now followed you around the house constantly, even going to the bathroom or kitchen with you, sitting on the counter or outside of the door. you had probably heard the phrase ‘anything you need?’ about a thousand times as soon as he got home from the first ever ultrasound with you.
now zane, heath, along with toddy, jason, josh, and erin were on your couch, sitting around a chatting. natalie of course would be coming back after she did some things for david and grabbed some diapers and bottles, as david had begged her to get some more since he was still convinced he wasn’t prepared after stocking up on fifteen boxers or diapers. as well as the thirty bottles that had been sanitized, left in a seperate drying rack since he pressed that bottles and your dishes should not be together. after carly had a wild night out drinking with bruce until dawn, he decided that it’d be best to let the two stay home and sober up together. they were all chatting and trying to come up with ideas for the vlog, david recording those bits too so just in case something funny was to come up, he would catch it and be able to put it in. it started to get a bit stuffy in the room, your arms pulling off the hoodie and david helping you with it before he pulled you back closer into him. you fixed the bottom of your shirt, piping up at heath’s voice.
“that reminds me of the baby, she just looked so small underneath the hoodie! then when you take it off it’s like, wow.” heath comments, jason chuckling at the comment and agreeing. “not such a little baby huh?” jason pokes at david, “gonna be like lugging around a watermelon.” david smiling awkwardly in response at the sudden topic of his child, you brushed off the comments as best you could, trying to stay calm as you knew that the camera was on.
heath hit zane’s shoulder, “just imagine us trying to hold david’s son for the first time and he’s like huge, like just look at her. that’s obviously gonna be a big baby, i bet it’s a good ten pound baby. was your mom this big when she was gonna have you david? weren’t you a chubby baby?” heath questions, your smile dropping and david’s arm pulling back from your shoulders. you felt a little insecure, suddenly feeling even worse. you let out a shaky breath, nodding. “i’m gonna use the bathroom, i’ll be back.” you murmur, david helping you up and quickly taking back his spot on the couch, letting his eyes linger while you make your way to the bathroom.
a few tears make it’s way down your face, looking at your weathered appearance as the pregnancy definitely did make you tired and more worn out, but unable to sleep due to the bump resting on your back and the kicks or hiccups your little baby was giving you constantly. david was there for it all, helping you do small little things that reminded you that these long months are worth it all.
“heath, why would you say that?” david started, already reaching for the camera to turning it off and fumbling with the camera’s power button. “she’s pregnant dude, not cool. i’d never say that shit about mariah if she was pregnant.” he rants, running a hand through his hair while tossing the camera onto the empty space next to him. “it was just a joke david, i didn’t expect her to take it serious.” heath stutters out, david rolling his eyes. “you know she’s fucking insecure heath and you’re an asshole for that. you too jason, i would never talk about your kids.” he leans back in his spot, stopping at the sound of the bathroom door. he gets up before you make your way down the hallway, already hurrying to you. he reaches you, taking a few steps in the hallway before he takes you back to your shared bedroom. david takes your hands, helping you lower yourself onto the bed. he smiles, making your heart melt.
“hope you weren’t too upset over what heath and jason were saying, but if you were, wanna know what you’re doing?” he murmurs, giving you a second to pretend to guess and you giving him a shrug. “you’re giving me a baby, that’s the best thing i could’ve asked for. i never thought coming over here, i’d find fame, or friends, let alone a girlfriend and a baby. never thought i’d start a family, but somehow you made that change, for that i’m eternally grateful.” he says, already seeing the glassy look in your eyes that he saw when he surprised you in earlier years. “besides, you’re incredibly cute when you waddle around, or when you post on instagram, i think all those photos with you and your bump are the best ones.” he finishes, pulling up your shirt and pressing a kiss to the stretched skin.
“and you, you need to come out. right now.” he demands, mock anger. david pulling you in for a hug and kiss, hearing your small laugh and your arms at the nape of his neck, he knew that this life was destined for him.
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daviddandfriendz · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i’m a whore
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dobriksyear · 4 years
Best friends 💛
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blissfulsun · 4 years
Girl, I know why you spent money on lingerie... to slide into Ilya’s dms 😂 actually, you could text him since he gave his number out on his podcast with Joe!
...u right I should do ThAT
u know when he posted that story yesterday/the other day about going on that no carb diet💀💀iwasgonbelikeyouknowwhatsnotacarb?pussy💀💀but then I was like girl nooo u wildin
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choiaerastour · 4 years
I can't believe that Ilya bleached his hair because he lost a bet with Caleb HAHAHAHAHAAH this man really keeps his word
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davidobitch · 5 years
All I Want | Ilya Feddy
(A/N: I have to repost this cuz idk what happened but literally the entire writing just disappeared after I posted. good thing i write everything on google before i transfer it all to tumblr. i love being smart sometimes. anywaysss this is kinda based off the song All I Want by Olivia Rodrigo. its a a cute song and kinda hits home so why not use it as inspo!)
It’s been about a year and a half since you moved to L.A. to be with Natalie and David. You were truly living your best life. Kind of.
Working for David was insane. Every day was different, you had some of the best friends you could ask for, your boyfriend was perfect...on paper.
He did nice things for you. Like open doors, send you bouquets of flowers to your place, he even drops everything when you’re going through one of your days.
But he was lying to your face almost every weekend.
It was hard keeping a big secret when more than half the time it eats you alive and you can’t tell anyone about it. You knew if you did everything would turn to shit and you would be alone again.
You started thinking back to Chicago. Everything there was perfect, too. But all good things had to end.
Like your relationship with Ilya. He was perfect on paper and on screen. You knew nobody would compare to him but your love didn’t last. It was hard fighting for love that wasn’t being met halfway.
Your thoughts were interrupted with David telling you the news.
“I bought Ilya and Alex plane tickets to stay for the weekend,” He said causing Natalie to squeal from happiness as she missed her best friends.
You faked a smile, trying to convince everyone around you that you were happy with this. You were more excited to see Alex than Ilya. Sure Ilya’s been to L.A. countless times to visit, but you found yourself “busy” whenever he was he, clearly avoiding him.
“I’m gonna go pick them up in like an hour. If you could get the house cleaned a little that would be great,” David said as he retreated back to his room, probably to finish editing.
You could feel Natalie’s eyes burning holes into you. “What, Natalie?” You said, letting out a sigh as you dropped down on the couch.
Mimicking your actions, Natalie sat next to you, nudging your side. “So. Ilya. You gonna be okay with this?”
You shrugged your shoulders, not knowing yourself if you were going to be okay. “Yeah, we’re on good terms. I’ll probably be out with Nick anyways,” Your fingers tugged at the hem of your shirt, trying not to let your lies consume you.
“Oh come on. You and I both know that’s a lie. David’s too dumb to realize it but I see right through you,” Natalie replied, giving you a look.
Your mind was racing. She knows. How does she know? Fuck.
“What’s a lie?” You asked, playing dumb and hoping she wouldn’t say what you worked so well on covering up.
“That you and Ilya are on good terms. And you’re definitely not going to be okay.”
You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in. “I’ll be fine, I swear,” you said before getting up to clean the house.
Natalie let out a groan not happy that you weren’t opening up to her.
The hour came and went as you watched David rush around his place, trying to find his keys and wallet before finally leaving to pick up his friends. 
Quickly cleaning the rest of the rooms, you took a quick shower, not wanting to look so gross in front of your friends. Even though they’ve seen you in worse conditions. You were hoping that once you were done getting ready, you would still have time to sneak out before David got back. But with your luck, as soon as you stepped out of the bathroom the front door opens and loud voices boom through the house.
“I’m so happy you’re here!” You hear Natalie yell as you round the corner to see her hugging Ilya.
“(Y/n)! What’s up!” Alex yells as he makes his way to you, pulling you into a hug. You haven’t seen him since you moved and his arms made you feel like you were back home.
He let you go just in time for your eyes to fall onto Ilya, who was already looking at you.
You didn’t know what to do, so you smiled softly at him before he made the move to hug you.
You relaxed under his touch as you nuzzled your face into his neck.
Now this is home.
“How are you?” He asks as he pulled away.
“Good...great, actually,” You said, barely believing your own words, “How are you? How’s Chicago?”
Ilya ran his hand through his hair before going back to where everyone else was standing. “I’m good, Chicago’s okay. It’s kinda boring without you guys though.”
You all make your way to the living room to finish talking.
“Well it’s a good thing everyone’s coming over later. It will definitely be everything but boring,” David laughed and shook his head. He knew by the end of the night, this place would be trashed again.
You got up from the couch getting ready to leave when you were stopped.
“Where are you going?” Ilya asked, his eyes not leaving yours, “We just got here,”
You tried breaking eye contact but his stare was holding yours hostage, “I, uh. I forgot I had plans with Nick later. We’ll be back later if we have time.” You said, finally breaking free from his stare.
You quickly said your goodbyes and left before anyone else could say anything. As you sat in your car, trying to control your feelings, you heard a knock on your window. Almost jumping out of your seat, you roll it down to be face to face with David.
“Everything okay?” He asked, “I know it’s probably weird with Ilya and everything but I figured you would be over it by now.”
You were taken aback by his choice of words. He of all people should know what it’s like to deal with a breakup but still having to be around them.
“Shit, no. Sorry. I meant that I thought you would be over him. Y’know with like Nick being in your life and everything.” David tried to explain himself.
You shook your head, letting it go, “It’s fine. I’m fine, really. I actually have to go though,” You say before putting your car in reverse.
David backs away, letting you leave, “Fine but promise you’ll stop by later. I know Alex and Ilya miss being around you.”
You open your mouth but close it, repeating this a couple times before finding your words. “I don’t know, Dave. I’ll try.”
You waved goodbye before pulling away from his house. On the drive home you couldn’t help but think of Ilya. You missed him. As your best friend. As your boyfriend. Life was better with him in it and you wished things worked out between you guys. 
When you got to your house, you saw that your boyfriend’s car was in the driveway, immediately feeling guilty about thinking of another guy that wasn’t him.
Just as you were getting out of your car, you see him coming out the door with a suitcase in hand.
“Hi baby, I’m sorry. I have a work thing this weekend. It’s last minute and I have to leave now or I’ll miss my flight,” your boyfriend says, only stopping for a second to kiss you.
“I thought we had plans?” You said, trying to hold back tears. 
Not even turning around, Nick shouts over his shoulder, “I know I’ll make it up to you when I come back. I promise.” He puts his luggage in his trunk and gets in his car. Just as you think he’s about to leave, he gets out and runs up to you. He grabs your cheeks and pulls your face to his, kissing you more passionately than he ever has.
“I love you, I wish I could stay for the weekend,” He says as he pulls away, pecking your lips once more before officially leaving.
You let out a quiet groan as you walked inside your home, letting the tears fall the second the door closed behind you.
You fell to the ground as the emotions you’ve been feeling for the past forever came out at once and you couldn’t hold anything back. Tear after tear, sob after sob, you let it all out. Not caring if your neighbors could hear your frustrated screams coming from your home.
When you finally decided you’ve had enough crying for the day, you picked yourself up and changed into more comfortable clothing. You spent the rest of your day on your couch, catching up on all the shows and movies you haven’t seen in a while.
You didn’t realize you fell asleep until you were awakened by your phone going off, almost for a minute straight. Coming out of your sleepy haze and looked around for your phone soon to realize it was in your purse across the room. You let out a sigh of relief when it stopped ringing, concluding you didn’t have to get up anymore.
Another 10 or so minutes before you heard your phone ringing again. You grabbed it out of your purse and retreated back to your spot on the couch. Looking at the home screen, you saw you had 3 missed calls from David, 1 from Ilya and countless messages from a group chat you were put in with everyone from Vernon Hills. Most of the messages were about going to David’s for a party. Something you certainly didn’t want to do tonight.
You opened Ilya’s message last, wondering why he was texting you.
When are you coming over? Wanted to catch up
You left him on read along with everyone else. The last thing you wanted to do was be around people, let alone drunk people and your ex...who you still had strong feelings for.
Another hour went by with your phone being silent for once. Just as you were finding yourself drifting back to sleep, you heard a couple knocks at your door. Putting your TV on mute so whoever was there didn’t hear you were home, you quietly sat and waited for them to leave.
They knocked again, this time a little louder. “(Y/n). Open the door, I know you’re home,” you heard David’s voice behind the barrier, “I’m alone. Please let me in.”
You let out a huff and let him in, quickly closing the door behind him. Instead of greeting him, you went back to where you spent the last 4 hours.
“So what’s up?” David asks, sitting across from you on the couch.
You kept your gaze forward while you shrugged your shoulders. “Shouldn’t you be at your house to maybe supervise your party?” you ask, genuinely curious as to why he left his very expensive house in the hands of drunk people.
“First of all, Natalie is keeping an eye on it. Second of all, don’t change the subject,” David said sharply, making you flinch slightly from the anger that laced his words. “We’ve been friends for how many years? And you’re seriously going to sit there and not talk to me? Cmon (y/n).”
You could feel the tears building up again as you started to think about everything that was going wrong. Quickly covering your face, you let the tears fall. David pulled you into his side to comfort you, not caring if his shirt gets drenched.
“All I want is love that lasts, Dave. But apparently that’s too much to ask for,” You say in between sobs. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“Hey, what? No no no, (y/n) you’re incredible. Did something happen with Nick?” David asks, moving the stray hairs that stuck to your face.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Everything happened with Nick. Running your hands through your hair, you tried to think of words to fit your sentences. But every time you opened your mouth, you were on the verge of crying even harder.
“I know he goes out and cheats almost every weekend,” You finally say, barely audible. Fiddling with the blanket on your lap, you didn’t dare look at David. You could already feel his judgemental stare burning holes into your head.
“Is that a joke? (Y/n) why the fuck do you stay with him if he’s going out and doing shit like that?” David hisses, more mad at the situation than he is at you. 
“I don’t know, David, okay! I don’t fucking know why I stay. Maybe because he’s the only guy that’s ever met my expectations and didn’t leave when things got rough!” Your voice boomed through the room. As you glanced at David, you could see his entire body soften, knowing who you were talking about.
He let out a sigh as he played with his hair, for once not knowing what to say. You two sat in silence for a couple minutes before he finally said something, “He didn’t leave because things got rough, (y/n). He left because he was scared. And he didn’t want to make things worse for you,” David says, playing with the ends of his hair.
When you were with Ilya, almost a year into the relationship you started to figure out he had an alcohol addiction. But when you confronted him about it, he froze up and wouldn’t talk to you for weeks. If he did, it was short answers and always bailed on plans. 
“I don’t get why he couldn’t just tell me what was going on. We were best friends and now we’re just...nothing.” You said, looking at David for answers.
“I don’t know why he does anything but I promise you he never had any intentions on hurting you and I know that doesn’t help anything. But I know Ilya, he never wanted to end things with you. He loves you, (y/n), he just didn’t know what to do.” David ruffled his hair, slightly messing it up.
Sitting in silence once again, you moved over to David’s side, cuddling into him. “I miss the good old days. When we were all together every day. We were so young and naive, yknow?” You said, reminiscing on your childhood. “I always thought the perfect guy would come and find me. But I guess happily ever after doesn’t really come so easily,” You let out a little chuckle, realizing how different everything is now compared to how you thought it would turn out.
“It definitely doesn’t, but that’s the good thing about life. You find someone new who shows you what you want and what you don’t want. What you need and what you don’t need. And I can tell you right now, what you don’t need is Nick. You don’t need someone who can easily go out and cheat on you every weekend, not caring that you’re home by yourself most of the time.” David traced circles on your arms, keeping you calm through this whole situation.
“I think I want to talk to Ilya. Like tonight. I need to do something before he leaves and I know if I don’t do it soon, I probably never will.” You said, moving away from David’s grasp and standing up. You could see the confusion in his face but he still had a small smile playing on his lips.
The drive to David’s was nerve racking. You tried to think of words that made sense but all you could come up with was nonsense. You felt your palms become clammy as his house came into view. The music could be heard miles away. As David pulls into his driveway, he looks over to you and asks, “You ready?”
You nod your head once before getting out. You felt a sudden wave of confidence crash over you as you stepped through the door, your eyes immediately landing on Ilya. Heat ran through your body as you saw how happy he looked, something you haven’t seen in what felt like an eternity. You heard everyone yell your name, happy to see you, but all you were focused on was him.
Slowly losing your confidence with every step, you made your way to Ilya who started to meet you halfway. “Hey,” you said when you were finally face to face.
“Hey,” Ilya replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You came in here pretty fierce,” he said, laughing at his words.
You couldn’t help but smile, “Can we talk, please?” You asked, motioning your head towards David’s room. You watched Ilya nod his head and followed him into the room, locking the door behind you.
Keeping your eyes straight, you sat next to Ilya on the bed. The two of you sat in silence for a bit as you didn’t know what to say.
“So…” Ilya says, breaking the silence. You could hear him smiling.
“Nick’s been cheating on me almost every weekend. Probably since we’ve started dating.” You blurted out, not really sure why you were telling him this. “He thinks I don’t know because he keeps telling me it’s for work. But I’ve seen proof. And nobody goes on that many business trips.” You were expecting tears to prick your eyes but you only got more annoyed.
“(Y/n), I’m sorry. You don’t deserve that. Have you talked to him about it?”
You shake your head. You weren’t sure why you never confronted him about it. Maybe because you didn’t want to lose the sense of security you were so used to. “I guess I knew that if I asked him about it I would’ve lost someone again. And I don’t think I could have handled that.” You admitted. 
You looked over at Ilya, seeing his eyes soften with guilt. He opened his mouth to talk, but you quickly cut him off. “That’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. This entire day I kept thinking about you and us and everything that happened. I wish you would have stayed. I wish we could have worked out. I don’t think you realize you were the best thing that happened to me.” You paused for a second, letting Ilya take in what you just said.
“You need to understand that I never meant to hurt you like that,” Ilya responded, grabbing your hand, “I just got defensive and I didn’t know what else to do, (Y/n).”
You turned your body to face Ilya. He looked broke and hurt but also happy. “I guess what I wanted to tell you is that I still love you and I know I shouldn’t because of Nick but fuck him. You are what I need. You were always what I needed. I want to make this work. I miss you, all the time.”
You waited for Ilya to say something. After a few seconds you were worried that maybe he didn’t feel the same anymore and you crossed the line. But everything happened so quick, next thing you know Ilya’s hands are cupping your cheeks and pulling you into him for a kiss.
Your body relaxed into his as you smiled into the kiss. Ilya pulled away too soon for your liking, “I guess maybe you should end things with Nick.” You couldn’t help but groan at the thought of him. Pulling out your phone, you texted your now ex-boyfriend telling him everything. That the relationship was over and you knew he was cheating. You told him there would be a box of his things at his door tomorrow.
You tossed your phone behind you and tackled Ilya down to the bed, immediately kissing him again. 
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soft-baby-dobrik · 5 years
couch experiences // ilya fedorovich
a/n: I have never written about Ilya but he's so cute I AM READY TO DO THIS
request: i love the idea of Ilya being your good friend and he likes to flirt with you and you don’t really mind, Could you do that where your trying to take a nap at David’s house and he tries to cuddle you and mess with you?
summary: basically ilya is being a flirty lil shit and feelings come out
requests are open
follow my instagram (david page) <3
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There are certain things in life that people don’t need to know. One of those things is when you have a ginormous crush on one of your close friends. Especially when that friend is funny and flirty with everyone and there is no chance in hell he actually likes you. Ilya Fedorovich was that problem. Between the constant jokes that were most likely serious about his crush on Natalie and him being drunk and flirting with countless women, there was no chance with him. That being said, his flirtatious tactics with you were none other than his personality. While your heart would pound and you could feel your insides melt every time he gave his attention to you, you knew that from his part, it meant nothing. Just Ilya being Ilya. So here you were, laid out on David’s couch with Ilya and some other friends, cuddled into the blanket, eyes trained on the TV. 
“Hey, y/n,” Ilya smiled, gazing at you.
“Hmm?” you hummed, keeping your eyes on the TV.
“You should look at me instead, I’m more attractive than those actors. You laughed loudly as you lazily turned your head to look at him. “Now that I have your attention, can I please have that blanket?” he asked, with a slight pout in his voice.
“Nope,” you replied, turning back to the screen.
“Well, at least share with me,” he continued.
“Nope, this is my couch,” you said, not showing any emotion.
“C’mon, you’re cold, I could keep you a lot warmer than the blanket can,” he smirked. You felt your stomach flop at his words. Instead of saying anything, you rolled your eyes and put your attention back on the show. Everyone was relaxed around the couch. People came and left until it was just you and David. After sometime, Ilya came noisily back into the room, making your groan. You were just about to fall asleep when he came barging in loudly. 
“Alright, I’m going to go take a nap, since you just woke me up from one on the couch,” David said, stretching. You smiled up at him lazily, and he shuffled into his room. Ilya flopped down next to you on the couch. You whined as you tried to close your eyes again. His head came by your ear as he whispered:
“Whatcha doing?” In order to hide your nerves, you faked annoyance and groaned loudly. “Someone’s grumpy,” he added, sitting back up.
“I’m tired,” you murmured, closing your eyes once again. Ilya remained quiet, making your body ease. Suddenly, his hand came over to your hair, making you flinch slightly. His hand paused for a second before he began to run his fingers through your hair, gently. You hummed in response to the soothing sensation. When he stopped, you let out a small whine, making him laugh. Your eyes shot open and you sat up to look at him, glaring. This only made him laugh more.
“You’re cute when you’re grumpy,” he said, biting his lip.
“I’m not grumpy,” you mumbled, looking down at your lap, trying to hide the flush of your cheeks.
“Prove it,” he said, making your glare at him. “Exactly, you’re giving me a bitch look now.” He smiled at you as you laid back down on the couch. When you laid back down, a silence fell over both of you. Your heart was racing as you heard Ilya move around on the couch. After a couple minutes of you staring at the TV, his hands began to play with the ends of your hair again. Your eyes began to shut as he continued to twist the ends. 
“I’m going to go back to sleep,” you whispered, cuddling into the pillow your head was laid on. Ilya made a loud groaning noise, making you turn to look at him.
“Stay awake,” he whined, looking down at you. 
“Ilya, I’m tired,” you replied, exhaling loudly.
“Wake up,” he whined. That’s when you shot up from the couch, standing, just so you could stand taller than him.
“Ilya, I am fucking tired. I want to sleep and one minute you’re being nice and playing with my hair and the next being annoying and waking me up and being loud!” you exclaimed. 
“Grumpy,” Ilya laughed out, making you more annoyed. Before you could continue your rant, his hands grabbed your waist and tugged you onto his lap. Inhaling sharply, you were face to face with Ilya as you straddled his lap. You sat there, mouth open as he grinned at you.
“What are you-” you began, but were cut off:
“If you’re going to be sleepy and needy with your hair being played with, I at least want you near me so my arms won’t hurt,” he smirked. Meekly, you laid down with your head on his chest. Your heart was racing while his fingers found their way back to your hair. After a couple minutes, your body relaxed into his warm embrace. “y/n,” he said, quietly.
“Yes?” you whispered, keeping your eyes closed. 
“Can you look at me?” he asked, causing you to look up at him, confused. 
“Why?” you asked, looking into his eyes.
“You know, you’re like super beautiful?” he said, making your body heat up. “Like so fucking pretty,” he continued. “Like the prettiest girl.”
“Shut up,” you said, rolling your eyes, trying to turn away from him. “You’re just trying to funny or you’re drunk,” you laughed, pushing your body into a sitting position. 
“No, seriously, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met, y/n,” he said.
“Yeah, okay,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“Why are you acting like this?” Ilya asked, with a slight annoyance. 
“Why are you?” you shot back.
“Don’t get an attitude with me,” Ilya fired back.
“Or what?” you huffed out, pissed that he was saying this and just being his funny self. Your feelings were here and being toyed with while he’s just having fun.
“I will do something about it,” Ilya grumbled. You rolled your eyes, but before you could say anything, somehow Ilya had you pinned down against the couch. How he maneuvered this, you were unsure of, but his body had you pinned down and you breath caught in your throat. “I’m trying to tell you, I like you, y/n,” he said, grinning down at you. Your mouth parted as you stared up at him, blankly. 
“Ilya,” you got out, but nothing else would follow. “You-you don’t mean that,” you mumbled, softly.
“Don’t tell me I don’t mean it cause I do and I am trying to tell you this,” he spoke smoothly, with a big grin on his face, as he dipped down closer to your face. “You’re so damn cute when you blush,” he smirked, only worsening it. His lips were millimeters away from your own and you couldn’t get anything out. Every time you tried to open your mouth to get out words, nothing came out, which Ilya was loving. He kept laughing as you looked like a fish out of water. His fingers intertwined with your own as he had your arms still pinned down above your head. After a couple moments of him laughing, he finally dipped his head down at let his lips graze yours ever so slightly. You inhaled sharply, making him smile against your lips. Then, he pressed his lips to yours. His whole body came crashing into yours as he moved his lips against yours, moaning at the feeling of it all. You couldn’t stop the moan coming from out of you from the feeling of him finally kissing you. Both of your lips moved against one another in pure desire and need. This is what you had been waiting for, for months and it was too surreal. He was here, kissing you after saying he likes you. 
When he pulled away, you took a deep breath before whispering out, “I like you too.”
He chuckled at you before saying, “I’m going to need you to repeat that three more times and then kiss me three times to prove it,” he joked, mocking you. You scrunched your face in disapproval. “It’s fine, I like that you’re needy,” he smiled down at you.
“I like you better when you shut up and kiss me,” you replied, raising your eyebrows.
“I like you better when you’re sitting on my lap,” he teased back.
“I think we can arrange that,” you smiled, biting your lip. Again, before you say anything else, you were flipped over and on top of Ilya’s lap.
“We can arrange a lot more than that,” he smirked, making you raise your eyebrows in a trying manner. “Just come here already,” he groaned, maneuvering his fingers behind your neck and pulling you down towards him, making you squeal in excitement.
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thiccavengers · 4 years
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churchofjoemiller · 2 years
This profile is slowly becoming a stan account of Ilya
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sireswhore · 4 years
For Keeps
Summary: Spending Christmas in Ilya’s hometown with his family, he gives you a very memorable gift this year.
Gender neutral!reader
Warnings; none I hope, just fluff
Requested? Yes! I combined two of the ones I got from the sweetest anons, happy holidays everyone!
You were anxious.
You found the most beautiful ring you ever laid your eyes on in Ilya’s car. It was absolutely perfect. You thought there was no way that a ring like that should ever be seen on just any hand, let alone yours.
You paced back and forth in your best friend’s living room, your mind wandered in multiple places while you experienced many emotions, some that you didn’t even know you could feel.
“I didn’t know it was possible to get cold feet when you don’t even know if the ring is yours and its not even your wedding day,” your friend giggled.
“Kate I know, but what if it is? Don’t you think it’s way too soon already? I feel like this is tooquickidontknowificanhandlethis,” you blurted out all in one breath.
She got up and sat you down, her hands never leaving your shoulders, “babe you need to calm down, okay?” you nodded taking several deep breaths.
“Time doesn’t matter Y/n, what matters is that you’re happy and that you’re on the same page, even if not now then definitely something you can see in the near future. Do you see yourself marrying him? Even if it’s a few years down the line? The Fedorovich’s,” she smiled, and you did too, you loved the way it sounded.
“You know sometimes how long you’ve been with someone doesn’t determine whether you’re ready or not, you can be in a relationship for years and not feel what a relationship of fewer than 3 months could make you feel. Time does not determine any of that, it’s what you feel in your heart. What does your heart tell you?” Kate explained, and honestly it made things so much clearer for you. Suddenly the air you breathed felt much lighter as the realization set in. You honestly didn’t know where the hell you’d be without her.
“‘Fedorovich’ does have a nice ring to it next to my name,” you gushed, smiling from ear to ear. Your heart somersaulted while your eyes lit up, you were excited to give him your hand in marriage.
“It does sound nice,” she giggled, “but also remember that you don’t even know if the ring is yours, he could just be holding it for someone or who knows? But if not, I’ll have your head if I’m not maid of honor,” she teased.
“It’s a good thing that you would be,” you laughed before she squealed and pulled out her pinterest boards.
You stood outside of Ilya’s parents’ home with bags in your hands with Ilya, you were a shivering mess in the Illinois weather.
“Are you ready? They’re gonna love you, I promise,” Ilya said, kissing your cheek before knocking on the door. You smiled sweetly, his reassurance made some of your nerves go away.
Both of you were spending Christmas with his parents and frankly, this was the first time you were meeting them, it was your top priority to make a good impression on them. Especially since they just might be your future in-laws.
The door swings open and you felt the warm cozy air seeping out from the house, you sighed in relief. A middle-aged man appeared from behind it with an endearing smile towards Ilya, and then to you. You assumed he was his father after they exchanged words in Russian and came in for a tight hug.
“Papa, this is y/n,” Ilya smiled, his arm extending in your direction.
“Ahhh, very nice to meet you! Come in, come in!” He laughed, inviting you both into the house to get away from the cold.
“I always hear so much about you, his mother and I have been dying to meet with you,” he shook your hand before he called out to Ilya’s mother to come greet you both.
“Mama!” He said after his eyes spotted the soft-eyed woman, pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheek, exchanging some words which you assumed were endearing and welcoming.
“Ma this is y/n,” he turned to you, and her eyes lit up before she greeted you with her warm embrace. You blushed at how excited she was to see you.
“Ah, finally I will get grandkids?” She says only half-serious, making your stomach flip for a second before Ilya scolded her, not wanting to scare you away.
“Joking,” she laughs, “come, I’ll bring you to your room. You must be so tired,” she tittered sweetly, leading you both while you followed behind her. His dad nudging Ilya’s side while you weren’t looking, letting him know that he has a keeper.
On Christmas eve, more of Ilya’s relatives came to visit and spend the day with you all. There was cooking, laughter, and so much bonding. You loved how everyone was so close with each other.
You soon started to think about how well you’d fit in when he’d be your husband. Everyone was so caring and treated you like family, you started to tear up, your emotions subtly oozing out of your face. You sniffled quietly.
Maybe not at quiet as you thought when Ilya looked towards you, finding his favorite pair of eyes all welled up in tears.
“What’s wrong baby?” He whispered, with all of his genuine concern. You shook your head.
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong,” you smiled, “it’s absolutely perfect, I’m just in love with your family,” you giggled.
“Well are you in love with me?” he joked, hands on either side of your face, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hm, maybe,” you smiled, he squished your face in his hands before kissing you a couple times, making you both laugh.
You were definitely in love with him, there was no doubt about that.
After dinner, Ilya suspiciously disappeared without warning. He wanted to make the room a little nicer so it would impress you with his surprise gift.
You started to get a little curious so you excused yourself to go find him. Luckily he caught you just before you took your first step.
“Hey, where you going?”
“I was looking for you, but now you’re here. Where were you?” You asked, and he looked around to find an excuse.
“Uh- it doesn’t matter, I wanna show you something. Let-“ was what Ilya said before one of his family members asked him to join them with something. He looked like he told them to try another time, but they insisted that he’d go.
Ilya looked back at you and pursed his lips, “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere. Okay?” you nodded before he kissed your cheek, leaving once again.
The anticipation of what he was going to say was eating you alive, thankfully it wasn't too long until he got back.
“Finally,” you laughed, “What were you going to show me?”
He smiled, and before he spoke, Ilya got interrupted again, this time it was his mom.
“Ah y/n you should come with me I’ll show you Ilya’s baby pictures!” She said excitingly, pulling you along, not giving you any other option. You laughed and told your boyfriend that you’d be right back. There was no way you could pass that up, even if you wanted to know what he had to show you so badly.
After geeking out with his mom about how cute his baby butt looked, you finally came back to find Ilya on the couch waiting for you.
“Sooo,” you giggled sitting on his lap, “you make the cutest baby,” he smiled up at you. “What were you going to show me?”
“Come with me,” he said leading you both into your room.
He took a deep breath before he opened the door to reveal some rose petals scattered around the room. You gasped when he led you into the center.
A ring appeared from his back pocket, you gasped while your hands flew to your mouth.
Ilya smiled when he took your hand, sliding the gorgeous ring on your cold finger.
“When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving you,” he whispered, your eyes welled up in tears.
“and one day I plan to marry you, Y/n” he murmured, smiling while you quietly sobbed.
“I love you so much,” you choked out.
“I love you,” he softly pressed his lips against yours before you giggled, softly biting your lip.
“What?” Ilya chuckled.
“I found it a few days ago and I thought it was an engagement ring,” you said shyly.
“Well if it was, would you say yes?”
“In a heart beat.”
AN: Merry Christmas if you celebrate or happy holidays! Sorry I didn’t get this one up earlier, this is a little rushed but here it is :’)
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
what they don’t know : i.f
brief summary: dating ilya for years and finally telling his fans who you are after they keep seeing you appear in the background of vlogs and on social media 
word count: 932 requested: yes by the sweetest anon! i hope you like the outcome angel  warnings: none that i’m aware of 
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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It was crazy when you really sat and thought about it. How the internet perceives your boyfriend as a crazy guy who will do anything once he’s had a drink. And for the most part, they aren’t wrong. The one thing they are unaware of is the fact he’s been in a relationship for the past five years, long before he even featured in David’s vlogs. 
You didn’t mind it at first, the fact you weren’t really known by fans of David and his friends, Ilya included. It was nice to have the privacy when he came back to Chicago, to know he wasn’t having to be ‘on’ for a camera and he could unwind with you. 
But last year, things started to change. You would go out to LA with Ilya and stay over at David’s. He loved having you around, seeing how much of a sweetheart you were and how Ilya melted like butter whenever you were in the room or mentioned. Slowly but surely, you were noticed in the background of vlogs- the girl no one knew. 
For the most part, you weren’t in focus in the videos, nor tagged on Instagram stories where your face appeared for a split second. Some nights, Ilya received countless messages about a girl he was seen hanging out with at the office when he was ‘working.’ 
Yet, despite their questions being unanswered, fans did not give up easily. They wanted to know who you were, and more importantly, were you of importance to anyone? 
“Hey, babe?” Ilya nudges you as you close your book and shuffle in your bed, turning to face him.  
As you focus on your boyfriend, his hair tied back as a smile crosses his lips, you immediately were intrigued. “What is it?” Leaning over, your eyes widen at the image on his phone. 
It was a photo of you and Ilya, zoomed in over David’s shoulder during his most recent vlog. Across the photo of you both asleep on top of one another lies bold text reading ‘WHO IS THIS GIRL?.’ 
“Oh wow.” You chuckle as Ilya shakes his head in disbelief. “They really wanna know, huh?” Resting your head on Ilya’s shoulder, he sighs lightly before locking his phone. 
“I’ve seen about twenty of those in the last half hour.” Ilya mutters, causing you to sit up beside him. “What?” He questions, seeing that look on your face suggesting you’re worried. 
“In 30 minutes?” You reiterate his statement, and Ilya nods slowly. “Wow.” You whistle as Ilya wraps an arm around you, pulling you back into his embrace.
“What’s going on in that weird head of yours?” Ilya quietly asks, seeing you focus ahead at the blank TV screen. 
You were contemplating exposing yourself. After almost three years of being surrounded by snippets of videos and pictures, speculating who you were, maybe it was time to give the fans an answer. 
It wouldn’t be the first time the thought has crossed your mind, but you’ve never felt ready enough to admit it. 
“Y/n?” Ilya whispers your name, snapping you back into reality. “You alright?” 
Nodding, you reach out for your phone and as you go to unlock it, you pause at the sight of your lock screen. 
A simple photo that David took of you both when you were in New York. It was last winter when it almost snowed and you were freezing, wrapped up in Ilya’s jacket in mid laughter. 
“I wanna tell the fans.” You admit, hesitant to face your boyfriend as his grip on you softens. “Only if you want to though.” You quickly add, focusing back on your phone and the few notifications currently coming through. 
“Are you sure?” Ilya turns to face you now, his hands resting on your thighs as you cross your legs. “Don’t feel obliged to, you know that.” He reminds you, after having discussions with David months ago after fans thought they found your Instagram and threatened to leave hate. 
All Ilya wants and has ever wanted was for you to be happy, whether in or out of the public eye. 
“Yeah,” You nod, smiling up to him. “I’m sure.” 
Leaning closer, Ilya kisses you softly before grabbing his phone and you do likewise. “Well, let’s tell them.” He releases a nervous breath before looking through his phone for photos, chuckling at the old memories whilst you do the same.
After a while, you both check each others posts on Instagram. An array of memories throughout the last five years are there for all to see. You smile at the caption, knowing it was simple, but effective. ‘five years of having my own personal cushion.’ 
“You 100% certain bout this? Cause once these are up there’s no going back.” Ilya reminds you, but you simply press post instead. 
Lying back in your bed, you watch as the notifications slowly start blowing up on your phones. 
“Wow.” Your eyes widen at the sight of it all, the engagement from fans filled with love and support for you both. “Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” You smile up to your boyfriend who shuffles down to pull you into his arms. 
“I knew I’d made the right decision five years ago, but sharing you isn’t something I’ll get used to.” He mutters into your neck before peppering you with kisses, causing you to laugh. 
Your phone drops to the ground, leaving fans to continue commenting. But in this moment, none of it mattered as it was just you and Ilya, like it always will be at the end of the day. 
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jeffwittekk · 4 years
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Did i really took a zoom screenshot of Ilya’s back from Nat insta story ? Yes.
Not even one bit ashamed. Have you seen his back ?? I’m a h*e for his back
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