#ah i love a bit of ilya fluff
isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
what they don’t know : i.f
brief summary: dating ilya for years and finally telling his fans who you are after they keep seeing you appear in the background of vlogs and on social media 
word count: 932 requested: yes by the sweetest anon! i hope you like the outcome angel  warnings: none that i’m aware of 
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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It was crazy when you really sat and thought about it. How the internet perceives your boyfriend as a crazy guy who will do anything once he’s had a drink. And for the most part, they aren’t wrong. The one thing they are unaware of is the fact he’s been in a relationship for the past five years, long before he even featured in David’s vlogs. 
You didn’t mind it at first, the fact you weren’t really known by fans of David and his friends, Ilya included. It was nice to have the privacy when he came back to Chicago, to know he wasn’t having to be ‘on’ for a camera and he could unwind with you. 
But last year, things started to change. You would go out to LA with Ilya and stay over at David’s. He loved having you around, seeing how much of a sweetheart you were and how Ilya melted like butter whenever you were in the room or mentioned. Slowly but surely, you were noticed in the background of vlogs- the girl no one knew. 
For the most part, you weren’t in focus in the videos, nor tagged on Instagram stories where your face appeared for a split second. Some nights, Ilya received countless messages about a girl he was seen hanging out with at the office when he was ‘working.’ 
Yet, despite their questions being unanswered, fans did not give up easily. They wanted to know who you were, and more importantly, were you of importance to anyone? 
“Hey, babe?” Ilya nudges you as you close your book and shuffle in your bed, turning to face him.  
As you focus on your boyfriend, his hair tied back as a smile crosses his lips, you immediately were intrigued. “What is it?” Leaning over, your eyes widen at the image on his phone. 
It was a photo of you and Ilya, zoomed in over David’s shoulder during his most recent vlog. Across the photo of you both asleep on top of one another lies bold text reading ‘WHO IS THIS GIRL?.’ 
“Oh wow.” You chuckle as Ilya shakes his head in disbelief. “They really wanna know, huh?” Resting your head on Ilya’s shoulder, he sighs lightly before locking his phone. 
“I’ve seen about twenty of those in the last half hour.” Ilya mutters, causing you to sit up beside him. “What?” He questions, seeing that look on your face suggesting you’re worried. 
“In 30 minutes?” You reiterate his statement, and Ilya nods slowly. “Wow.” You whistle as Ilya wraps an arm around you, pulling you back into his embrace.
“What’s going on in that weird head of yours?” Ilya quietly asks, seeing you focus ahead at the blank TV screen. 
You were contemplating exposing yourself. After almost three years of being surrounded by snippets of videos and pictures, speculating who you were, maybe it was time to give the fans an answer. 
It wouldn’t be the first time the thought has crossed your mind, but you’ve never felt ready enough to admit it. 
“Y/n?” Ilya whispers your name, snapping you back into reality. “You alright?” 
Nodding, you reach out for your phone and as you go to unlock it, you pause at the sight of your lock screen. 
A simple photo that David took of you both when you were in New York. It was last winter when it almost snowed and you were freezing, wrapped up in Ilya’s jacket in mid laughter. 
“I wanna tell the fans.” You admit, hesitant to face your boyfriend as his grip on you softens. “Only if you want to though.” You quickly add, focusing back on your phone and the few notifications currently coming through. 
“Are you sure?” Ilya turns to face you now, his hands resting on your thighs as you cross your legs. “Don’t feel obliged to, you know that.” He reminds you, after having discussions with David months ago after fans thought they found your Instagram and threatened to leave hate. 
All Ilya wants and has ever wanted was for you to be happy, whether in or out of the public eye. 
“Yeah,” You nod, smiling up to him. “I’m sure.” 
Leaning closer, Ilya kisses you softly before grabbing his phone and you do likewise. “Well, let’s tell them.” He releases a nervous breath before looking through his phone for photos, chuckling at the old memories whilst you do the same.
After a while, you both check each others posts on Instagram. An array of memories throughout the last five years are there for all to see. You smile at the caption, knowing it was simple, but effective. ‘five years of having my own personal cushion.’ 
“You 100% certain bout this? Cause once these are up there’s no going back.” Ilya reminds you, but you simply press post instead. 
Lying back in your bed, you watch as the notifications slowly start blowing up on your phones. 
“Wow.” Your eyes widen at the sight of it all, the engagement from fans filled with love and support for you both. “Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” You smile up to your boyfriend who shuffles down to pull you into his arms. 
“I knew I’d made the right decision five years ago, but sharing you isn’t something I’ll get used to.” He mutters into your neck before peppering you with kisses, causing you to laugh. 
Your phone drops to the ground, leaving fans to continue commenting. But in this moment, none of it mattered as it was just you and Ilya, like it always will be at the end of the day. 
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Julian x mc (no pronouns used!) -- set in universe -- after upright endish
Word count: 4.5k
TW: none!
Tags: hurt comfort, fluff, angst, loneliness, Julian works too much, a little spicy at the end but nothing nsfw
Some days it was hard for me to fall asleep. Some days it was even harder to wake up. Julian was always out or working, leaving me with the small ache in my chest as I thought about him. 
He was working when I fell asleep at night and was gone when I woke in the morning. 
Some days I’d wait up for him, reading and practicing spells. He’d come through the door, smelling sweet like mint and cinnamon and bitter like medicine. His hair would be a ruffled mess, eyes tired and sagging. Purple bags made permanent residence under his eyes and his lashes would brush his cheeks lazily as he blinked. 
Tonight I pretended to be asleep when he came in. Just to see what he’d do.
His voice was thick with exhaustion as he watched me pretending to sleep. “Ah asleep again,” he whispered, peeling off his gloves and boots. Off came the shirt and pants and then his sleepwear.
He never wore anything much during the summer. Just some low hanging pants a friend made for him. Venezuela was always sticky and too hot during the summer months making wearing anything else a chore. 
The bed sighed under his weight as he sat down, running a hand through his hair. There was a small chuckle from him, it rumbled from his chest and sent a spike of warmth threading through my stomach.
“Hey there sweetheart,” he said, scooting closer to me. He brushed my hair out of my face. I struggled to keep the peaceful look on. He planted a gentle kiss against my forehead, combing my hair away from my face and across my pillow. “I love you, you know. Even if I can’t be around as much...work is picking up now that the clinic is being talked about. More and more housecalls and people getting sick.”
There was a sigh as he settled into bed, arms wrapping around me. His legs tangled into mine, his nose buried into the back of my neck. His breath was warm against my skin. I let out a small sigh myself, sinking into his touch.
“I promise I’ll take a day off soon. I just need some time...to get back into things,” he murmured, lips ghosting my neck. “Thank you darling. Thank you.” A whisper. A breath. 
And he was out. 
I let out a small gasp of breath, feeling warm tears slide down my cheeks. 
I missed him.
I missed him so much it hurt.
He was gone when I woke up. The only sign he was really there was the small cooling dent in the bed and the feeling of breath on my neck.
I got to my feet, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. It smelled like him. Like leather, cinnamon and coffee. Something bitter lay under all of it. Something bitter coated my tongue and heart. 
As I moved to the kitchen I noticed that the apartment smelled nice. Like honey and coffee beans. 
I shuffled into the kitchen, tears springing to my eyes when I saw he made coffee and breakfast. The source of the good smell. By my plate of pancakes was a little note. His handwriting was messy as ever but over time I learned to read it. 
Hello my love,
Sorry I had to go so early. I swear I’ll be home earlier tonight. Things are getting very busy and I might need to hire new help soon. Which is both exciting and scary I’ll admit. 
I hope you like this peace offering of mine. Pasha taught me how to make these. It was a lot of trial and error. 
I love you more than the sun in the sky darling dear of mine. One of these days I’ll prove it to you. 
See you tonight. 
I held the note to my face, tears stinging my eyes. Weeks. It had been weeks since we really talked. Talked without one of us sleeping or pretending to sleep. 
I kissed the note softly, bringing it down to hug while I sat down. 
The coffee was sweeter today. He knew how I liked it. The pancakes were perfect if a bit toasty. I smiled a little. He wouldn’t stop until they were absolutely perfect. Even if I was happy with how they were now. 
My smile faded at the edges as I looked out the window at the rising sun. The day was already warm and sticky. It always was like this in the summer. Couldn’t catch a break. 
I knew Julian was right next door. Easy enough distance to go. 
But he was probably busy. He always was. 
I finished my breakfast, getting up to wash the dishes and think for a moment. Spotting the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink I knew I had a few good hours of washing with my thoughts.
As I scrapped off the plates I thought about what I could do. I could try making him lunch and bringing it over. 
My heart fluttered at the thought. 
Yes. That’s what I’d do. Make him something too. 
I quickly finished up the dishes in the sink. Forks and spoons went into their drawers and I set a few pans on a towel to air dry. 
Tucking the dish I held into a towel I set to work. 
I knew he liked warmer lunches and soups. Even in the summer. But there was something said about eating something that left a trail of warmth as you ate it. 
I was no Mazelinka but I knew he’d appreciate the sentiment. 
I got to work on a sweet potato mushroom soup. We had extra potatoes that I didn’t know what to do with. So what better way to use them than for lunch?
I peeled and mashed the potatoes, slicing up the mushrooms with care and a small hum. I grabbed a clean pot, setting it to simmer over the stove. In went the potatoes then spices. It made the house smell like butter, cumin and sweet potatoes. While I waited for that, I sliced up some plain bread with sharp cheddar. 
I made lemonade and tucked it into a cooling glass. I had extra, maybe I’ll freeze it and make lemon popsicles to share later today.
I quickly made my own lunch, standing back to admire my hard work. Breathing in I coughed a little. The air was stifling already and it wasn’t even noon yet. 
But soon his lunch was ready. I packed it into a paper bag, hoping he’d be there so I could give it to him myself. I quickly got dressed and tugged my shoes on. It was a quick trip next door, then I’d go to the market to get things for dinner. 
He...he probably wasn’t going to be back in time for dinner anyways. 
I bit my cheek as I pushed my way inside the clinic. Inside was the same as always. Large bookshelves filled with different books ranging from research to adventure novels. Kids lay on the ground with little toys and colouring books as they waited for their checkups. 
The secretary brightened when he saw me walk in. “Ah! Dr. Devorak is in his office around back, you made it just in time he just finished up with his last patient before housecalls!”
I blinked, and then smiled. “O-Oh thank you! I brought lunch for him.”
The secretary’s eyes sparkled with mischief as they took in my barely thrown together appearance. “I’ll keep people away for as long as I can,” he said with a wink making me blush. 
“No need we won’t be doing much! I’m just bringing him lunch.” Another smile. “Just lunch.”
“Whatever you say. He’s back in his office, last door down the hall.”
Face red and heart racing I whisper another thank you and move down the clinic quickly. There voices from some of the other doors, but I ignored them, knocking gently on the door labeled ‘Devorak’.
“Ah yes? Come in! I was just heading out to lunch!” Julian’s voice. 
My heart skipped a beat at it. We were both awake this time. 
I pushed the door open a bit more with a smile. “Hey darling,” I said. His eyes went wide, and he broke out in a grin. 
“Sweetheart! Y-You came to see me!” I closed the door with a small click, making his eyes jump to the sound. His cheeks warmed but he still smiled. “Mmm and what’s that smell?”
“Lunch. I made you something. And of course I came to see you, you silly duck. The shop is closed today for restocking. Asra was going to drop by later to help out so I’m free.”
“And you made me something to eat?” His eyes welled up. “Darling you didn’t have to do that!”
“I did. And I won’t be taking no for an answer.”
“At least eat with me!”
My eyes widened a fraction. I did bring my own lunch, I was going to see if Portia wanted to eat with me and then go around the market. 
But now that this opportunity appeared…
“Are you sure? Don’t you have work to do?”
His face was ashen pale. He really needed sunlight. “No no I’m on my lunch break now! Besides, I’d like to spend this time with you. I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
I bit my cheek from snarking at him. It wasn’t his fault, but it still hurt. 
Even so, I smiled softly. “Yeah. I’d love that.”
He grinned, patting the chair next to him. I sat down, handing him the paper bag. “Mmmm sweet potato soup?”
“I warn you I’m no Mazelinka-”
“Darling, you made this, making it even more special to me.”
I turned away with a smile, my cheeks warming. “It’s nothing special.”
“It is for me. And it smells so good, darling you are a wonder.”
I giggled. “Well you already made breakfast for me so I thought I’d return the favour.”
He kissed my cheek, digging in. 
I ate as well, slowly to savour these stolen moments with him. We talked about this and that. The leech dealer and her wife. About the different kids that would come in. How excited he was to get his day off and spend it with me.
“Where would we go?” I asked at that question.
He stopped talking, his hands dropping what they were doing. “Huh?”
I tucked my legs up into the chair under me, scooting closer to him. His eye twinkled. “Where would we go?”
“Well...I was thinking we could go for a boat ride in the fixing up flooded district.” He was leaning in closer to me. 
“And then?”
“After rocking the boat with some fun activities…” I let myself smile. I had an idea what activities he’d do in that poor little boat with me. “We’d go for a walk up in the meadows right outside town. Into the fields and by that great big willow tree by the stream.”
“We’d have a picnic! We’d fool around in the wheat, maybe play hide and seek.” I giggled. That sounded lovely. “And once it gets dark I’ll take you down the stream and up this little rock formation I found. There we’ll stargaze together before you fall asleep and I have to carry you home.”
“And when I wake up at home all cozy in our bed…?”
He kissed my forehead, then moved to kiss my cheeks. “I’ll hold you. Cuddle and talk together. Run my hands through your hair, press your body against mine. Never let you go. We’ll fall asleep like that together and in the morning wake like that together.”
“Then I’ll get up first and make breakfast.”
“I’ll come down tired and grumpy that you left me.”
“I’ll kiss you as an apology and give you your coffee and we’ll talk some more.”
He kissed my nose, my browbones. “After breakfast we’ll call on some friends and go out together and maybe stay the night with them.”
“Going to the Rowdy Raven for a pint first.”
“Of course.”
I laughed, throwing my mouth open and my head back. He grinned at the sound, kissing my chin and the skin just below. “I love you,” he murmured. 
I let out a small hum, brushing my hands up his arms. He shivered at the small caress. I opened my mouth to respond. “I-”
“DOCTOR!” The secretary burst in. He caught my eye, and winced with apology seeing where we were positioned. I didn’t feel embarrassed. 
“Ah! What’s wrong?” Julian snapped back, getting to his feet. I watched it all unfold, hurt snapping through my bones. 
“House call. Broken leg. Fell off a horse. Bone is sticking out. Mother is frantic with worry. Kid is fifteen.”
Julian winced, quickly packing his bag. “Tell her to wait a moment and I will be right there.”
He turned to look at me. I must’ve not been hiding my hurt very well because he frowned. “I’m so sorry darling I’ll make it up to you-”
I waved him off, forcing a smile. “No no! I can’t ask you to pull away from a kid in need. Go on and help him. I’ll be here.”
His eye swam with worry and concern. “I’m still sorry, my love. I’ll be home tonight. Early. I promise.” He kissed my forehead, and hurried out the door. 
I knew that was a lie. Things always got bad after dark. The night got sticky and warm. Heat strokes, bar fights, sneaking out. He wouldn’t be back until late.
I looked down at my lap, at the empty dishes on his desk. At the mess of paper and messy handwriting. My picture was at one end of the desk, another frame of us together next to it. Our friends all smiling at the ocean. 
I curled my knees to my chin, looking at the door he left from. 
“I love you,” I whispered to nothing but air.
Dinner went cold two hours ago. I put away the leftovers an hour after waiting. I fell asleep soon after that, angry and bitter at the world for taking him from me like this. 
I missed him so much that it was clear on my face. 
I startled awake at three in the morning from a dream. A good dream or bad dream I didn’t know. I just knew I trembled alone in the dark, my skin clammy with the summer heat and my own sweat. 
My cheeks were stiff with the salt of unshed tears as I got to my feet. I pulled socks on over my toes, trying to keep as quiet as possible when I snuck down into the kitchen to get some water. 
Julian was fast asleep on his side of the bed, legs sprawled out like a starfish. He looked peaceful and I didn’t want to disturb that. 
It was a nightmare I decided. I had a bad dream. My stomach was tied in knots and my hands still trembled as I got water from the sink. My tongue was coated in something bitter and I just felt...empty. 
The bad dream aches would go away soon, only to be replaced with the almost homesick feeling.
I loved him. Don’t get me wrong I loved him so much. 
But I didn’t know how much longer I could keep going without hearing his voice in the morning, eating with him just...being with him. 
I stood by the counter, swaying my hips a little as I drank water. The water washed away the stale taste in my mouth but did nothing to help the bitter feeling. My hands slowly stopped shaking and my body stopped aching as I moved. 
“What’re you doing up so early?” I stopped what I was doing, turning to see Julian running a hand through his hair. His pants hung very low on his hips, his feet bare. The moonlight seemed to make him glow. His eyes softened as he looked at me. “Bad dreams?”
Wordlessly I nodded. 
He crossed the distance between us, wrapping me up in a hug. “I know I’m late to comfort you. I know I haven’t been the best in these last few days. These last few weeks,” he whispered to my hair. 
I didn’t say a word, not wanting to interrupt this moment. I just closed my eyes, breathing him in. We swayed a little, rocking from foot to foot. 
Then he pulled away from the hug, letting my hands slide down his arms into his waiting palms. He held my hands gently, slowly drawing me into a slow dance. 
Letting one hand go he spun me. The movement was slow, his other hand brushed my hip. A whisper of a question. 
When I stopped spinning I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Almost immediately his arms went around my waist, his face buried in my neck and mine in his. 
His hands shifted my nightshirt up, his fingers cold as ice against my sticky warm skin. I let out a small gasp, making him smile. 
Squeezing my eyes shut, I leaned into the touch. His fingers danced up and down my sides, running down my ribs and resting on my hip bone. I pressed a soft kiss into his neck making him let out a small gasping breath. 
“I want you,” he whispered. 
“I want you,” I responded. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long. Here. In my arms. With me. Alone,” he said, kissing the side of my neck and my jaw. “Soft touches and kisses. Just you and me. I want...I want to touch you.”
“Touch me then,” I breathed, my voice seeming to come out in a gasp. 
He smiled, kissing my cheek. “As you wish.”
His hands moved from my sides to my face. Down my shoulders and arms. His fingers were so cold, but they felt nice against my clammy skin. His brows were pinched in worry, love and guilt shining in that eye he always kept covered. 
“It must’ve been one hell of a nightmare,” he said, brushing at my cheeks with his thumbs. 
I nuzzled into the touch making his breath hitch. “It must’ve been but I don’t remember it now.”
He brushed a kiss at the spots he touched. I wanted to huff in annoyance. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to spin me out of control until all I could see and touch and taste and feel was him. 
We danced around the kitchen in slow swaying movements. He was humming a slow bittersweet tune. One that made me feel as he did. 
He was guilty. He hated leaving me alone. Leaving me missing him as he missed me. 
He pulled out of my touch, bringing my hands down to his face. He planted small kisses on my palms and fingertips. Then following the trail he lay with his fingers he kissed up my left arm. My skin tingled with goosebumps at the touch of his lips. 
He pressed soft kisses on the inside of my wrists, tongue flicking over the veins and skin. He was gentle with me. Oh so heartbreakingly gentle. 
He moved up my arm. To my forearm and then my elbow. His lips were a ghost over my skin, making me arch my head back as he moved. 
Farther up my arm now, kissing my biceps and the soft skin right before my underarms. Then he planted kisses on my shoulders, nipping at the skin there. The muscle where my shoulder met my neck. When he bit down softly I let out a gasp, my hands tightening against his arms. 
He smiled, tongue flicking over the spot as he resumed kissing up my neck. When he reached my face he planted one final kiss on my jaw and left me craving his warmth once again. 
Holding his hands I swung our arms up and down a bit as I planned my move. He was here with me. I had him all to myself in these quiet moments in the morning. The moon was our only witness, the only light to see him by. 
He was strong, my Julian. Broad shoulders and strong arms. Broad chest leading into a small waist that I could wrap my arms around so easily. A face with strong lips always with a smile on them. Grey eyes. Grey eyes filled with so much adoration for me it hurt. Messy auburn hair falling around his face in soft waves. 
I haven’t gotten to look at him, truly look at him in a while. 
I repeated what he did to me moments prior. I kissed his hands. His large calloused hands that had seen so much blood. Helped so many. Let go of more. His breathing hitched as I kissed each of his fingertips. 
I kissed his wrists, biting softly at the skin there, just kneading it between my teeth for a heartbeat. His heart thudded softly. Soft feathery kisses up his forearm and against his elbow. Up his biceps, pausing at each scar to give it it’s own kiss. 
“Oh darling,” he breathed. 
I said nothing, just kissed his shoulders. “You have very cold hands,” he whispered as I ran my hands up his chest. 
I kissed the skin of shoulder meeting neck, raising my eyes to meet his. “I should say the same about you.”
He chuckled, the sound cutting out as I took the skin between my teeth. “Oh,” he said, his voice turning into a soft moan that warmed my stomach. 
I let it go too soon, and I knew it was too soon when he let out a small huff. Hiding my smile with more kisses I moved on. 
Up his neck, biting softly and kissing as I went. He squirmed a bit, hands moving down to my waist. Fingers drummed along my hips, drumming to the tune of his choked hum. 
I came to the spot I knew he liked biting best. The muscle behind his ear, meeting his jaw. I kissed it softly, before biting down. 
The noise he made sent sparks through my veins. A breathy mix between a sigh, moan and groan. 
He made it again when I flicked my tongue over the spot I bit. 
“Careful now darling,” he breathed, chest heaving against my fingers. His heart thudded so quickly against my touch. “I might just need to have you noooooooo-” he let out another moan, cutting himself off as I bit down on the spot again. 
“Hush now my love,” I whispered, moving on to kiss where his jaw met his ear. He let out another hum of pleasure. 
“Mmm I love you,” he whispered. 
I planted a kiss on his jaw, his cheeks, the tip of his nose. The bridge of his nose. I had to stand on my toes to kiss his forehead, him bending down to the touch. 
“I love you too,” I whispered as I kissed his temple. 
“Mmm kiss me,” he murmured. 
I let out a small giggle. “I am kissing you.”
His eyes snapped up to meet mine. “No I want a real kiss.”
“What’s the magic word?”
The pleading tone of his voice made me pause. I grinned, making him wilt a little bit, the two of us still swaying and shifting our weight from foot to foot. 
“Say it again.”
I held his face in my hands. “One more time?”
“Only if you say it back.”
I giggled. “Please?”
He didn’t respond, just kissed me. I didn’t care that he didn’t say it again. I didn’t care that I felt sticky and warm. 
I just cared that he was here with me. 
I moved my hands from his face, wrapping my arms around his neck again. He leaned into me, making me hold onto him for balance as he pressed me against the counter. 
His lips were needy. Begging mine. Pleading with me. They whispered things we left unsaid. They whispered apologizes and littles pleas. 
I only hoped mine held the answers. 
“Darling,” he said, lips brushing against mine with the word. 
I slowly opened my eyes, he was so close. So close. So heartbreakingly close. Illuminated by moonlight he seemed like some ethereal being. 
“I’m sorry.”
I blinked. “Julian...you don’t have anything to be sorry for. You got caught up in work that’s f-fine.” My voice caught on fine. It cracked. 
He knew it wasn’t fine. 
“You stuttered,” he said, nuzzling my face. “That means you’re lying. It’s not fine. I know it’s not fine.”
“Let me finish. I got caught up because everyone is getting hurt all the time. There aren’t many doctors or help in my clinic. I really do need to hire.” I let out a breathy laugh. “I’ll set that up tomorrow. I swear it.”
“You haven’t come through with your promises as of late.”
He kissed my cheek. “I know and I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. For not...trying.”
“Darling you of all people have nothing to be sorry for!” He sounded offended. 
I offered him a small smile. “But I do. I didn’t try. This is a two way street. If I want something I need to give something in return. I love you Julian, and I’m sorry for not trying. Not trying to see you. Not trying to see if you can take a break.”
“Sweetheart. Love of mine. My darling. Dearest. You understand how important work is to me, and that’s why you stayed away.”
I looked away. “I do. But I still care about your wellbeing and I should have said something.”
There was a small rumble from him. A chuckle. “We both should have to be honest.”
I laughed. “Yeah, we should’ve.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
He took his face out of my cheek, kissing me softly. “For loving me. The mess that I am.”
I didn’t argue with it. He was a mess.
And so was I.
“Thank you for loving me. All my broken pieces,” I said, pulling him closer. “And for helping me find my pieces still missing.”
He kissed me again. And again. 
“Broken is not the same as unfixable my dear. And you are wonderful and perfect no matter how many pieces seem to be broken or missing.”
I sealed my mouth over his, breaking away after a few moments of just enjoying how he tasted. Smelled.
“Well Dr. Devorak. I’m here now. With you.”
His eyes lit up with mischief and something more. “Alone…” he said.
I kissed his cheek. “So what are you going to do about it?”
He picked me up, making me let out a small squeal. I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him like ivy. His arms fell back around my waist, squeezing my butt making me laugh. 
With another sweet kiss to my lips he whispered, “I guess we’ll have to see.”
The door to our bedroom clicked as it closed. 
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Someday I will get art of just Tikos! (It’s not today). Have some childhood!
TW: Mentions of death (in the context of a play), abandonment issues
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Yes, You Have To Play With Your Sister
Lilinka had only a shrill warning before a small blur of red launched itself into her arms. Instinctively, the woman reached out and cradled the upset child. If there was one thing she’d learned over the years of raising Devorak children it was their penchant for drama. Right now it luckily was the one who could actually fit in her arms. Not that Ilya ever cared that he was too much limb to hold anymore.
“Liiilinka, Illya and Ori are being mean!” Pasha’s face was as red as her curls. She teetered between frustrated and sad as she told her story.
“They wouldn’t let me play Princess in their play!”
Lilinka listened and let her get it all out before gently patting her head.
“Don’tcha worry. We’ll get them boys!”
At that, Pasha perked right up and lifted her head up to watch clearly. Lilinka had to suppress a laugh. They did their little march towards the little cove where she knew the boys liked to play.
“Ilyushka! Zotikos Orion!” She called out sternly. “Come here. Right now.”
She never needed to raise her voice to yell, only to make sure they heard.
Slowly, two little heads began to peek out from behind a large driftwood log. One a mess of auburn curls atop grey eyes and the other a snowy fluff almost obscuring brown eyes. They both had the same look of fear and shame in their eyes though. Pasha wore a wide grin and poked her tongue out at them. The looks turned to their snitch with mutiny clearly visible. Ilya was the first up and gave Lilinka a wide dazzling smile.
“Oh, hello. We had no idea you’d be coming or else we would have saved you a seat!” He threw out in hopes to make her forget about the tension. When the adult’s face didn’t change Ori stood up to try himself.
“Lilinka! It’s been too long! We, uh, just got back,” he hoped she’d ask from where. She didn’t.
“Ilya, Ori, you two should be ashamed.”
They hung their heads which made for quite a sight as Lilinka realized it’d probably been days before either had put a brush through those curls. One problem at a time.
“Ya think ya show is too important for ya sister? A little girl? Shameful.”
“But Lili-
She cut them both off with a stern look. They quieted immediately.
Julian groaned and Ori scrunched up his nose a bit at the order but they smartly kept all comments to themselves. The apologies came in muffled and mumbled disgruntled voices but they did come from both boys and Lilinka set Pasha down on the sand.
“Now, I believe ya have a show to put on. With a little Princess.” She eyed them meaningfully.
The boys nodded and Pasha skipped over to them with a devious grin stuck on her face. Reluctantly they accepted Pasha into their small huddle and began reworking their play together to include a Princess.
Lilinka looked back at their little village for a moment and decided they could manage a few hours without her. So she settled in on the log and pulled her sketchbook out of the little satchel she wore. As the kids no doubt created a wild story she sketched them idly.
After some time she looked up to see Ori and Pasha holding up a small bit of red cloth that Ilya pushed his way through to announce.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Please find your seats, the show will begin momen-tarily!”
Lilinka gave Ilya an encouraging nod, impressed with how his vocabulary was coming. He certainly spent a lot of time talking to the tourists.
The little girl started to whine when Ilya ducked back under the cloth.
“I don’t wanna hold the curtain! I want to be the Princess!”
Ori rolled his eyes and spoke through his teeth as if they had a real audience.
“Pasha! Ya know the rules! Everyone has to help out. We gotta be ‘stage hands’ right now!”
“I don’t wanna be one!”
“Then you can’t be in the play!”
“Nu ah! Lilinka said you had to play with me!”
“Lilinka isn’t my μητέρα! I don’t gotta do nothin’!”
They bickered back and forth a bit before Ilya sidled up to whisper in his sister’s ear angrily. She huffed but stopped complaining... for the moment.
Ilya burst back through the ‘curtain’ and launched into his little speech about their story. Once Ori started to lower his end of the curtain, Pasha noticed and dropped hers into the sand.
“αι γαμισου”
“Watch ya language, Ori. Unless you want me to tell your μητέρα and татко.” Lilinka warned.
Ori shook his head but the defiant spark never left his eyes. In the distance, they could hear thunder rumbling. She smiled though, that boy was always going to be a rough one and she didn’t envy his parents. Though, his parents were just as bad. Maybe someone should have objected when two of the biggest personalities and powers of the sea decided to procreate.
All three of the kids soon threw themselves into their performance. Ilya and Ori both showed passion and commitment while Pasha (being much younger and less interested) gave up after her big moment. Instead she curled up in Lilinka’s lap to heckle the boys. To their credit, they never broke character. Until Ori was slain in a duel where he revealed his love for Ilya’s character with his last breath. Ilya upon realizing he loved Ori then threw himself upon his own sword to join him.
Lilinka and Pasha clapped and threw out their ‘Bravos’ while the boys stood up and took a bow. Shorty after they heard voices calling out down the beach.
Lilinka looked to the little pirate boy who’s face lit up at the sound of his parents.
“How many names do ya have, Ori?”
Ori gave a nonchalant shrug and grin before running off. Lilinka watched him eagerly take his parents hands and head back to their ships.
“... is he going away again?”
Lilinka hadn’t noticed Ilya slipping next to her. He watched the trio walking away with a complicated expression. For such a young child he held a lot of complex emotions. He wouldn’t throw a fit like a normal kid because then Pasha would be upset but he didn’t ever want his friend to leave. Seeing the two battle-hardened adults walk away with Ori reminded him of what they didn’t have.
“He just got here. What’s so important that they keep taking him? Huh? Maze doesn’t take us like that. She said we couldn’t go until we were tall enough to reach.”
A bitter note reached his tone.
“Ilyushka,” she reached out and fondly brushed his unruly hair back. “Maze and I want ya to be safe. Ori lives a different life where his parents think it’s safest to keep him close. Maze thinks it’s safest for ya to be here with me. Ya know she always comes back for me and you and ya sister.”
Ilya nodded and looked back at her a bit defeated.
“Lets go get some supper, aye? Then we can play and sing!”
That caught Pasha’s attention and she bounced happily. Ilya watched his sister with a soft smile. He knew why Maze left them there. He’d never risk Pasha’s safety. He only wished he could keep Ori safe too.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
The Past And Pending
This is a super self indulgent fic about the events of the rest of the night and following day after Beatrice (and friends) defeat the Devil. It’s really got it all, fluff with Julian, exploring her (somewhat awkward) past with Asra, and reuniting with her sister Freya.
Again this is super self indulgent, but if you’re interested in nearly 4k words of Beatrice lore then read on 💗
There are brief allusions to spicy content, but nothing descriptive and mostly just vague humorous comments lol
Characters: My MC Beatrice x Julian, her sister Freya Viano, and the rest of the Arcana main characters
Warnings: brief mentions of past mature/spicy content, brief mentions of a parent pulling a child’s hair in a rough manner and raising their voice 
Words: 3958
The first night of the Masquerade felt like it was weeks long. So much had happened, and most of it in a realm where time ran differently.
After everyone arrived back to Vesuvia in one piece there wasn’t much to do but revel in the success. Beatrice can’t even remember how many hugs she was pulled into and how many times she’d been congratulated. She refused the praise every time, always directing attention back to Julian and to everyone really, she hadn’t defeated the Devil on her own. 
Eventually people had wandered off until finally it was just Beatrice, Julian, and Asra left. None of them felt like returning to the raucous party happening inside the palace so the three of them sat by the fountain in relative silence. Beatrice is exhausted at this point, head resting on Julian’s shoulder as he runs a soothing hand through her quite tangled hair. 
“I think I’d better go back to the shop.” Asra says, standing up with a smile. “I’m so tired I think I might nap for the next week. It looks like you’re in good hands, Beatrice.” 
“Don’t think I’m done questioning you about all of your secrets, Asra.” She threatens sleepily. There’s no malice behind her words, but she’s curious. He just laughs in response and ruffles her hair as he passes, stopping to give a meaningful glance to Julian. Beatrice is too tired to notice the non verbal conversation they’re having as Asra and Julian seem to come to some sort of agreement. It seems the two of them are finally on good terms again, all apologies accepted, and both Asra and Julian visibly relax a bit more at this realization.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Beatrice.” Asra says in goodbye. “Goodnight Ilya.”
“Goodnight, Asra.” Julian grins, his tone not portraying how tired he is. 
“Uhhuh goodnight..” She mutters back, her face now fully pressed into Julian’s jacketed shoulder. 
“Come on sleepy girl, up we go.” Julian says gently, trying not to disturb her too much as he picks her up. She protests weakly at being picked up but then seems to settle into his arms. He chuckles under his breath and looks down at her tired form. Her eyes are open, barely, and she’s smiling vaguely up at him. “Let’s get you some rest.” 
“Do you need help finding the room?” She asks, blinking up at him. Julian laughs again, he isn’t so sure she’d be able to help right now.
“I’ve got you, darling. I know how to find it.” He responds, navigating up the steps of the veranda to enter the palace. Luckily there don’t seem to be too many people in the halls but he still carefully weaves around any obstacles and turns, he’s carrying precious cargo after all. He soon arrives at the door to her guest room and walks in. As he surveys the room hesitation sets in. Should he have brought her back to the shop? Or to Mazelinka’s? Should he stay, would she want him to? His overthinking is interrupted by a sleepy sigh.
“Oh good, we’re here. Put me down so we can sleep.” Beatrice whines. He can’t help but smile at her tired behavior, she doesn’t seem aware that she’s being more brusque than usual. And the use of “we” soothes his unfounded fears that even now, after everything, she might still push him away. Confident in her affections, Julian complies with her wishes, setting her down on the bed. He takes a seat next to her and reaches for her boots to untie them. 
“You’ve taken care of me so much over the last few days, let me return the favor.” He murmurs as she looks at him in confusion. She nods simply and watches as he unties and removes her boots. His hands move next to her cloak, still pinned firmly around her neck. He pulls it off and gently lays it on the chair near the bed before returning to her side. She’s been pulling off clothes while his back was turned, throwing her fancy masquerade dress to the ground. She’s left in her thin shift and Julian can’t help the flush that fills his cheeks though he’s seen her more bared than this before. He keeps his distance as he pulls his own boots off, shedding his mask and feathered jacket.
“Come here.” Beatrice says, noticing his blushing indecision. He joins her on the bed with a smile and leans in to kiss her forehead gently. He moves to sit with his back against the headboard and pulls her into his lap between his legs, hands reaching for her hair. 
“I learned how to braid when I was little.” He explains in a near whisper, his hands digging lightly into her scalp. “The grandmas taught me, and Pasha always insisted I braid her hair.” 
She melts into his touch as he twists her unruly hair back from her face into a much more manageable braid. As his hands stop their movement she twists around to kiss him, catching him off guard. He smiles into the kiss and mumbles “I love you.” against her lips.
“I love you too, always.” She says back, pulling away to get beneath the blessedly comfortable bed covers. He follows after, pulling her close against him.
“Oof, we forgot the lights, I’ll get them.” He makes as if to move but Beatrice beats him to it, snuffing all the candles in a single lazy hand movement.
“I’m a magician, remember?” She says. “I’ll teach you that someday, if you want.” 
“Someday maybe,” He thinks of the magic she showed him in the Tower and the nearly intoxicating feeling of magic in his hands. “But for now, magician or not, you need to sleep.”
“Oh is that your medical opinion, Dr. Devorak?” She moves her face forward so their noses are pressed together.
“I think that’s an objective opinion, dear heart, we’re both exhausted.” He closes the distance between them to kiss her. She grumbles in response and gets comfy against the pillows and the half of Julian’s body she’s pressed against. For the first time since Nadia arrived at the shop she and Julian both sleep blissfully through the night without interruption. 
The next morning, or rather afternoon, they’re awoken by a knock on the door.
“It’s me, Portia! Are you decent?” Portia calls, her head peeking in through the cracked door. Beatrice sits up groggily and greets her as she steps in and goes to open the curtains to let the light in. 
“We’re decent.” Julian grins. “Good morning, Pasha.” 
“It seems you both slept well, it’s nearly lunchtime! I brought you some breakfast to tide you over, Nadia has a big lunch planned for all of us.” Portia bustles around the room, leaving a basket on the table in the middle of the room. When neither of them move to get out of bed she sighs in an exaggerated way and smiles. “I’ll leave you to it, I guess. I’ll come get you when lunch is ready.” 
She moves to leave but turns around, her hand on the door handle. 
“Oh, and Nadia says that the baths are open for your use again if you’d like.”
“Thanks, Portia.” Beatrice says sunnily, her voice full of contentment. 
“Shall we get up? I think I smell pastries.” She grins after Portia’s left. Julian’s eyes are full of affection as he regards her, hair half out of the braid, shift hanging off her shoulders. Her eyes are sleepy and her lips are chapped, but Julian thinks she’s never looked better. He presses a kiss to the tip of her nose and she gives a happy sigh.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over waking up next to you, my dear.” Julian smiles. She shakes her head incredulously and kisses him. They remain like that for a while, limbs tangled in the sheets, mouths pressed together. Finally Beatrice’s sense of responsibility takes over and she pulls away.
“We’d better get up if we want to eat and take a bath before lunch.” She sighs.
“Oh you, always so practical.” Julian pouts, face still flushed to the ears. 
“Hey, it’s gotten us this far hasn’t it?” She laughs. He agrees and they slowly get out of bed and go about a morning routine. Beatrice gleefully digs into a flaky almond pastry and shoves the basket towards Julian, signalling that he needs to eat. After breakfast they head down the hall to the bath.
This time their bath is more utilitarian, though the two of them do get a bit distracted at times. After the bath they walk hand in hand to the dining room where Nadia, Asra, and Portia are already seated at a very full looking table heaped with food.
“Ah, there you are. I was wondering if I’d have to send a search party after the two of you.” Nadia says with a raised eyebrow, her smile gives away the humor behind her words. 
“I’m sorry we’re late Nadia.” Beatrice says chagrined, taking the open seat across from Asra. Julian sits down on her right. 
“It’s entirely my fault, I must apologize.” Julian smirks.
“Well, not entirely your fault..” She smiles at him causing a tell-tale flush to rise to his face. 
“Ok! That’s enough of that, you’re here now that’s what matters.” Portia says, clapping her hands together to signal that she really wants to change the subject.
“Yes, thank you Portia. Now that we’re all here we can begin.” Nadia nods to one of the servants in the corner of the room who begins to serve food onto everyone's plates. Portia looks like she wants to get up to help but Nadia trains a look at her and she rests into her seat, taking a sip of her wine in resignation. 
“I wanted to call all of us together this afternoon to check in, and to thank Beatrice once again for her valiant actions.” Nadia smiles at her and she retreats a bit into her chair, still quite uncomfortable with the attention. 
“Uh, thank you Nadia that’s very kind of you but as I said last night, there’s no need to do this! All of you helped, you know I didn’t do this on my own.” She’s blushing, staring intently at her plate.
“Well, yes, but you’re the one who dealt the final blow, the rest of us merely lent you power.” Nadia explains, hands laced together. 
“There was nothing “mere” about it.” Beatrice finally lifts her head, looking around at everyone at the table. There are a few friend’s missing, but presumably they had simply declined the invitation. 
“Well, I think this calls for a toast, to all of us.” Julian swoops in to save the day, noting her discomfort. She smiles gratefully at him and everyone raises their glasses in a cheer. The lunch moves on, everyone conversing freely and happily. After a few sips of wine Beatrice switches to water, she’s a lightweight and if she wants to get some answers from Asra this afternoon, and be ready for the Masquerade again tonight, she’ll need her wits about her. 
After lunch, Nadia dismisses everyone to start preparations for that night’s festivities. Portia follows behind, the two of them already deep in discussion about some of the party rooms which need repairs. Asra stands up and Beatrice follows suit.
“Asra, can we talk?” She says, not really asking a question.
“Of course, do you want to take a walk?” He smiles good naturedly, like he’d expected her to ask. He probably had, considering her determination last night. She nods and heads towards Asra and the door.
“I’ll just, uh, I think I’ll finally go tidy up my desk in the library.” Julian says, squeezing her hand as he walks out of the dining room. 
She and Asra go out to the gardens and talk for a long time. It’s the most honest he’s ever been with her and for once, talking about the past doesn’t hurt. They talk about what just happened, they talk about the last three years and where Asra went on his travels, how he had to lie or hide the truth to protect her. They talk about before, before she died, before the plague. She isn’t shocked when he reveals that, at one point, the two of them were very much in love.
“I still love you, of course, just not in the same way.” He says after he finishes giving a brief timeline of their lives before the plague. It doesn’t feel like he’s letting her down easy, or like the conversation is awkward or strained. Asra is her best friend, and it seems that’s all they were meant to be in the end.
“Well, I love you too of course!” Beatrice responds, pulling Asra into a hug. “I’m so glad I know the truth about everything now, I know who I am.” 
“WelI, I feel like I owe you one more truth.” He frowns, looking a bit embarrassed. “We uh, in the past we’ve uh… slept together, many times.”
“Oh.” She says simply, not quite knowing what to do with the knowledge. After a few seconds the silence stretches and she asks “Well… was I at least good?” Asra barks in laughter.
“Is that what you’re worried about? Yes, Beatrice you were good.” He smiles, shaking his head incredulously.  “I just thought you should know.... in case you and Julian..” He tapers off, now looking only slightly uncomfortable. 
“Oh.. we uh already have.” Beatrice says, folding her arms a bit defensively, braced for comment. 
“I guess I should’ve known, knowing Julian, and you I suppose.” Asra grins, eyes full of mischief.
“That reminds me…” She starts, taking in Asra’s raised eyebrow. “I know you and Julian have a history… did you ever…?” 
“Oh uh, yes a few times.” He blushes, not meeting her eyes. She laughs, making him look up in confusion. 
“I knew it!” She’s still laughing. “I just had a feeling.” Asra can't help but laugh with her, neither of them noticing the tall figure approaching them through the hedge maze. Asra and Beatrice have always been comfortable discussing everything, and it seems their shared romantic history isn’t off limits either.
“Does he still do that thing with his-” Asra starts, Beatrice listening eagerly, still half laughing.
“Do I still do what?” Julian says, looking somewhat flustered as he approaches the two of them, clearly having heard or understood some of their recent conversation. 
‘Uh.. nothing darling!” Beatrice stands up to greet him with a kiss to the cheek. Asra stands up with a smirk, laughing at Julian’s expression. 
“Don’t worry it was going to be a nice comment.” Asra claps Julian on the shoulder. 
“Well uh- in that case I’d like to hear it then.” He flushes. “But first, I came to tell you Beatrice, there’s a visitor here to see you.”
“A visitor?” Her  eyebrows furrow. 
“I didn’t get her name, Nadia sent me to find you.” Julian explains, leading them back towards the palace. “Now tell me, what is it that I do?” 
“I think maybe I’ll ask Beatrice and she can decide whether to tell you or not.” Asra says, smile still wide. He leans in to whisper in her ear and she stifles a bark of laughter.
“Oh yes, he definitely still does that.” She says with a grin to match Asra’s. Julian looks between the two of them in confusion, looking frustrated. “I’ll tell you later, don’t worry about it.” 
“Ugh... why must the both of you be so stubborn.” He shakes his head, offering Beatrice his arm as they walk up the slightly steep stairs to the veranda. Sitting at the table overlooking the gardens is Nadia, Portia standing slightly behind, and a woman with blonde hair wrapped elegantly in a silk scarf. Nadia smiles as she sees the trio arriving. 
“Ah, here she is.” Nadia gestures and the blonde woman turns around. Her eyes are wide as she takes in Beatrice, who looks at her without recognition. 
“Beatrice?” The woman says, standing up to take a step towards her. Beatrice still looks confused and nobody has said anything or made an effort to explain so far. 
“Freya?” Asra says, stepping towards the woman before she reaches Beatrice.
“Oh, Asra! I remember you! You’re still in Vesuvia after all this time?” The woman, presumably named Freya asks. 
“Uh Freya, I’m sorry but Beatrice has been through quite a lot in the last few years and she’s lost a lot of her memories. She probably doesn’t know who you are.” He explains with a frown, Freya nods slowly as if that makes sense but she frowns too. Julian’s got a slightly defensive arm around Beatrice but she looks at him gently and steps out of his arms towards the woman.
“I’m so sorry, but like Asra said I don’t have that much knowledge of my past. Who are you?” She asks, keeping her tone polite despite her burning curiosity. 
“Oh Beatrice! I thought I’d never see you again!” The woman says dramatically, flinging her arms around Beatrice who, to her credit, manages not to sway under the sudden embrace. 
“Uh, I’m so sorry but that doesn’t really answer my question?” Beatrice mutters, still trapped in the hug. 
“She’s your older sister, Freya.” Asra says gently, meeting hers over Freya’s shoulder.
“My… who?” Beatrice stares incredulously as she is finally released. Julian reaches out to steady her with a hand. 
“It’s like the magician said, Beatrice! I’m your older sister, I’ve finally come back home.” She grins at Beatrice expectantly. “Don’t you remember me at all?” 
She thinks really hard, straining to remember and suddenly gets thrown back into a memory. 
A young girl, no more than 10 years old with blonde hair in tight ringlet curls is singing at the top of her lungs, a younger girl sits next to her on a decrepit looking piano bench pounding onto the keys of a piano with a lot of gusto but no talent, her dark hair pulled into a tight braid. An older woman comes into frame grabbing the older girl by the wrist.
“You girls have chores to do! I can’t believe you’re playing around right now.” Her voice is brusque but at once familiar and the older Beatrice visibly winces as she watches the woman grab the younger girl by the braid, pulling her up and away from the piano. 
The scene changes and the two girls are giggling in a small bed, a blanket pulled over their heads as the younger girl, around 8 now, conjures a ball of light into her hand then vanishes it, repeating it a few times as the older girl, around 12, laughs. 
“How do you do that Beatrice?” The girl whispers.
“It’s magic Frey! I can teach you, here.” The younger girl smiles, passing the light into her older sister’s hands. The light fizzles out immediately as it leaves her hands.
“It’s no use, I’m not magic.” The blonde girl frowns, looking almost close to tears. 
“Of course you are! We’re sisters and if I can do it, so can you! I’ll help.” Young Beatrice reaches out to grab young Freya’s hands.
“If I can do it because we’re related, does that mean Mother can do it?” Young Freya asks with a teasing smirk. 
“Nooo she could never do magic, she’s too mean.” Young Beatrice’s face scrunches up and Young Freya laughs, a little too loudly. The girls stiffen as footsteps approach their small room and the two lay down immediately, pretending to sleep. 
The scene fades once again and Young Beatrice, now around 12, is staring out a window splattered with rain as a figure walks away, blonde hair just visible as the figure turns to wave one last time before disappearing from view. Younger Beatrice is crying.
“Why’d you have to leave me Freya… alone with her.” She says bitterly, wiping tears away with the back of her hand. “How could you… you PROMISED.” 
The mist at the corners of Beatrice’s mind fades as she’s wrenched back to reality. She stumbles a bit before Julian reaches for her again, arms wrapping tightly around her.
“Woah.” Portia says after a long moment of everyone looking around in confusion. “Did everyone see that?” 
“Yes, Portia, I think everyone watched those glimpses of the past.” Nadia says gently, pulling out a chair at the table and gesturing for Beatrice to sit. Julian helps her to sit and she seems to suddenly snap back to reality.
“I- think I remember you.” Beatrice smiles up at the blonde girl who looks down at her with an open mouth.
“Did you- do that?’ Freya says, mouth pulling into a matching smile. “You’ve always been so good at that magic stuff.” 
“I’m not sure, I think so.” Beatrice says, shaking her head to dispel the remnants of fog that still crowd the corners of her head.
“Darling, are you ok?” Julian leans in towards her with concern lacing his voice. “You look a little pale.”
“Oh puh-lease. She’s always been pale.” Freya laughs, taking in her sister. The girls are near opposites in looks, Freya blonde and blue eyed, taller and tanned, Beatrice pale and dark haired, dark eyed. But there are similarities, the exact same smattering of freckles, the face shape, identical noses, identical smiles. 
“Well, this is quite a surprise.” Nadia says, lacing her fingers together like she usually does when she’s thinking. “May I ask where you’ve been for the last few years, and why you’ve decided to come back?” 
“Oh, of course milady, I’d be happy to clear things up” Freya takes her seat across from Nadia again and takes a delicate sip of tea from the cup sitting there. 
“Please, call me Nadia.” She smiles, taking in Freya who is now unwinding her hair from the scarf, letting it fall in loose curls down her back. She shakes her head gently to toss her hair back and smiles at everyone around the table in turn, seeming fully at ease despite the curious faces watching her. Julian stays standing behind Beatrice, arms wrapped around her as she sits while Asra takes the open chair on her other side.
“Nadia.” Freya nods in affirmation. “Well, let’s see…. where shall I start.” 
“How about the beginning?” Beatrice suggests. Julian rubs her shoulders, still looking at her with concern as if she might faint at any moment. She twists around to meet his eyes. “I’m ok Julian, really.” 
“You should drink some tea, at least.” He reaches for the teapot, pouring her a cup. Everyone around the table watches the two of them and Freya’s eyes narrow a bit as she takes them in before her face spreads into a smile.
“Is he your boyfriend, Beatrice?” She grins, taking a sip of her own tea.
“I suppose you could call him that.” Beatrice looks up at Julian with a smile and he meets it, finally deciding she’s got her color back enough that he can pull up a chair and sit too. “But let’s get back on topic.” Freya nods, lacing her fingers together in a motion similar to Nadia.
“Beatrice,” Asra says, placing a hand on hers to get her attention. “How’s your head?
“I feel fine, really. You and Julian worry too much.” She brushes him off and he settles back into his chair with an affectionate smile.
“I suppose I’ll start at the very beginning then, if you don’t mind a story.” Freya says thoughtfully. “And seeing as Beatrice doesn’t remember anything, maybe this will help you remember.” 
Beatrice nods in agreement, and Freya begins.
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leponceau · 5 years
My first Julian x Apprentice smut and fluff!
Or any smut and fluff for that matter! Please be gentle with me I'm really a wee little babe in arms when it comes to fanfic.
(it's a oneshot)
(which is how i imagine julian to be like)
(like you know he does a one shot and boom you're pregnant)
(ok I'll just shut up and write)
(just wanna thank @4biddenleeches for the inspiration! and @arcana-choices for sharing the scenes!)
(how do I do those after the cut things!)
(please give me feedback, bad or good - it's the only way i can improve!)
Setting: at Mazelinka's home
Kind of in line with what happened but deviates a bit?
Sorry I'm a total noob
Is it right to say lemon?
I can't believe I kissed him when all I was supposed to do was to feed him soup.
But his lips were glowing rose red against his pale creamy skin... and oh how the colour leapt to his cheeks when our lips met.. oh, if only Mazelinka hadn't come in...
When she asked me if I wanted to sleep with him or in the cubby hole, what was I supposed to say?
And so I meekly settled for the cubby hole. 
Ilya. Even the Cyrillic syllables taste like honey on my lips. But it feels like I've known him forever. Two things in life don’t lie - love and magic. I guess this is what love at first sight feels like - the invisible thread tying us together. I can see it, but can he? I can see ourselves together, warming our toes by the hearth while tangled up in sheets, kissing each other by the lamplight, but does he?
I can't breathe, with the thought of him mere inches away from me. We're separated by that moth-eaten curtain that shows more than it’s supposed to hide. Like my face, I think wryly.
I can still hear him moving around the room, flitting like a bird in a cage. A clink, and his boot drops on the floor. And then the other boot. A rustle of his overcoat, a stretch of leather - it's almost too much to bear. I close my eyes, listening, imagining my hands on his hips, his thighs, my lips on his mouth, moving downwards - 
Just peep. He won't know anyway. Go on, you may never get this chance again. It's just a look. Nothing's going to happen, right?
I silently draw back the folds of the curtain, my flushed face peeping. In the dim light, I catch a glimpse of his auburn hair and his eyepatch strapped across his tousled head. He lifts the eyepatch off and lets it fall to the floor. I've seen his red sclera while his eyepatch shifted we were running from the guards. The magic within me senses some wound buried deep in his memory. I want to reach out, comfort him, hold him...
My rumination is broken when I see him reach over his shoulders and toss his chemise on the bed. He's in his breeches now, barefoot. He shifts, bending slightly. Despite myself, I lean forward, eager for more when I -
"Enjoying the view, my dear?"
I startle, crashing through the curtain, thrown off by the timbre of his voice.
I land at his feet, just as he turns. My gaze slowly travels upwards. His feet, large and solidly planted against the floor. His calves, sinewy. His thighs, slender yet revealing just a hint of the strength that lies underneath. I force my gaze away. Up and up towards his ivory abs and chest, broad, speckled with ginger. His neck - sinuous, long, with the mark I've seen glow before. My gaze finally stops at his face, framed by his chiselled jaw, and his high cheekbones. Cheekbones I wished just minutes ago I could plant kisses along. His lips, sensuous against his pale face. I gaze into his eyes, one reddened like a poppy, the other calm, with glass grey eyes like a sheet of rain. His auburn hair, ablaze by the flickering candlelight.
Please don't smirk please don't smirk please don't -
He smirked. The damned plague doctor smirked.
How did he know I was peeping? As if he read my mind, he peered at me and grinned.
"There's a mirror. I could see your feet."
Damn. Asra always said I was clever, but I forgot real world physics.
Oh, he thinks he's so smart? I’m emboldened. I stand up, dust my clothes off and stride towards him. His eyes widen.
“I’m sorry, it was a joke, please don’t hur-”
Ears burning, blood rushing to my face. I won’t be so foolish when I’ve been given a second chance by the gods. The thread that I can see tying my heart to him glows. I stop, inches before his face. He swallows, his Adam apple visibly vibrating, intrigue written all over his face.
And then I reach up and kiss him. I close my eyes, and kiss him again, and again, and again. Biting his lips, tasting his essence, his very being, nuzzling my face in his chest, the scent of my desire intertwining with his musky sweat. He stands still. Is he going to push me away? Does he like this? Was I too presumptuous?
There's only one way to find out.
I touch him. He shudders, like a spring rattling with energy, waiting to be uncoiled. I touch his face, his cheek, his shoulders, his chest. I touch him like I’ve been starved of the sense of touch for my entire life and am just learning how it feels like to touch someone. I brush my hands down his back, down his chest, curling my fingers and threading it through the silky ginger hairs on his chest. I caress his nipples - Ilya sighs and closes his eyes, and moves his arms to encircle me.
“Drop them.”
Ilya starts, his eyes flying open. He can hear the raspiness in my voice, but he’s confused.
“I- I thought that...”
All my life, I’ve always been meek. Subservient. Even Asra made decisions for me - unconfident of myself and my abilities. But in Ilya, I somehow find the strength to dominate him, to take the lead. I grin at him.
“I didn’t say you could move. You only move when I tell you to, do what I tell you to.”
Ilya blushes. Somehow I think he’s enjoying this. Who would have thought that this suave, polished doctor would go to pieces being led?
“Oh, you can hold me any way you want. Just hold me, make use of me, I don’t mind. Just tell me what to do, say the word and I’ll do it.”
Ilya smiles, a slow, lazy smile of contentment creeping up his face. I move my hands to his breeches and thumb the waist line. He makes a strangled sound.
“I didn’t tell you to move, did I? Looks like you’ll have to be punished.”
He closes his eyes and stays still. I can see it’s taking every bit of his self-control not to hold me, to keep his hands clenched by his side, willing it to stay down. This should be fun.
I brush my fingertips over the bulge between his loins. He involuntarily starts but remembers my command and stays still with great effort. I rub my palm over his thighs, skip my hand lightly over his inner thighs and then move my focus back to his loins.
With a swift motion, I push him back to the bed. His legs stick out, his bottom on the bed, looking at me with hooded eyes and a blush staining his cheeks. I drop to my knees, face to his loins. I reach down his pants and free his sex. It’s certainly happy to see me - stiff, red and long, glistening in the candlelight. He groans.
I’ve never done this before, but I instinctively move my hands around his sex and kiss the tip. He throws his head back, and recalls himself.
“I promise I won’t make a sound - hng - just - hahh - kiss me and touch me any way you like. I promise, I’ll be good.”
My hands move faster and faster, fingers forming a ring around his sex and stroking it, varying my speed. It’s taking all he’s got not to thrash around. His auburn curls peeping out from his breeches wink at me in the pale moonlight.
“Hngg- ah- I- ung”
He’s choking his sounds down, so I move towards his sex and nestle my face in those auburn curls. He immediately groans, unable to take it. I up the ante by sticking my tongue out, tasting the sweet liquid oozing out of his sex. He looks so tortured, poor boy. His face flushes red, and he grips the sheets of the bed in agony.
His sex is erect, fine, long. I have never been with a man before, but I know that tonight, come what may, I want to be Ilya's.
All of a sudden, I know what to do. I stand up and whip off my clothes. Divested of my outer layers, standing in my undergarments, my chest rubbing into his face, he leans forward, taking in my scent of arousal. At this point, I groan and ask him to touch my nipples. He pushes my chemise to the side and takes my breasts reverently, squeezing them, testing their firmness, cupping them. I throw my head back in delight and pleasure. He's placing his hands on my chest, twiddling the nubs of joy. I close my eyes. He stops. He’s unsure of himself, so I tell him to continue. He nods his head eagerly and rubs his face against my chest, bounces my chest from side to side, and takes one bud into his mouth, tongue darting around it, licking it, savouring it.
"Take off your breeches.”
“Gladly, my dear. You only have to say the word.”
He removes his mouth from my breast, giving it a kiss. His sex springs forth fully as he stands up and bends down to remove his ankles from the last vestiges of his pants. He takes off my undergarments. We embrace and tumble back onto the bed together, giggling softly.
“Ilya. Il-ly-ah. Stay still my sweet.” He immediately stays still, stiff as a board, moaning, his sex rubbing against my stomach, a clarion reminder of his desire, his arousal. For me, I think wonderingly. Amazed at how much he desires me, how much he wants me.
I pin him down on his chest with my palm and hitch myself over him. I lift myself off again and feel his sex at my entrance. I'm unsure. How is his large size going to fit?
On cue, Ilya takes his sex and rubs it slowly at my entrance, moistening it. Liquid pools and I feel his sex, insistent against my entrance, sliding in slowly.
"It's going to hurt for a short time but I promise you it'll get better. If it's too much, you can tell me. I'll be gentle."
Damned plague doctor. How did he know he's the first? The thought is pushed out of my mind by a sharp pain which winds me over. He reaches up his hands to my shoulders, stilling me, as if by holding me he can remove the pain. Looking into my eyes, he mutters an apology and continues his progress. It hurts, and suddenly, it doesn't. I can feel him moving in me, his girth, me tight and snug against him.
He bucks his hips upward, holding my hips. I've never felt like this before, such pleasure, such wild abandon. Sweat drips down my front and rolls into his bellybutton. He reaches a finger down and tastes it. My mind floats amongst the realms, I can feel the magic in me growing stronger. He grows, possesses me, I sheathe him with every thrust and buck of his hips. He reaches up to the very core of me, and he strokes me, my breasts, my hips, to make sure I'm alright.
"Ung, ah, my dear I'm going to hold back till you're alright. Don't mind me - uh, ah, mff", he groans, pulling me to rest against his chest. The bed creaks with every dip. He reaches his hand into the narrow crevice between our bodies and strokes my clit. I cry out in shock and awe.
"Do you like it? I hope it's okay for you, I - uh, oh, ohhhh, uhh - just hang on", he whispers.
With his thrusting, stroking and gently murmured words of encouragement against my ear, I'm flying, lost amongst the universe, until suddenly I feel myself melting amongst an explosion of stars. I scream out his name. Over and over again. Ilya, oh Ilya, Ilya, my Ilya.
I'm slick, I'm wet, panting and unravelling. I collapse against him. He lifts my chin up and smiles, and flips me over just like that.
"May I, my darling, my sunshine, my love?"
A well of tenderness rushes up in my chest. He called me my love. Will he know that I've made up my mind to always be in his corner, cheer him on, fight for him, uplift him? Will he know that I'm here for him, with all his flaws and complexities and insecurities?
As if in answer, he stops, gives a sigh and a grunt and releases, spent. My well, already wet, is soaked. He reaches over, patting my still quivering, trembling nub below till it quiets down. I close my eyes, blind to the world except to his face.
He lets out a sob. Startled, I look into his face, tears freely dripping down his nose.
"That was beautiful... I never knew it could be like that...I've wanted you since the day I saw you in your shop...but I didn't dare, look at me, a monster, a fugitive, how could I even dare to look at you, hold you, I-"
I still his words with a kiss and intertwine my limbs with his long ones, holding him close, stroking his hair till he falls asleep. Once I hear his rhythmic somnambulance, I gently disentangle myself and stand at the window. I blow a prayer of gratitude upwards, for giving me this one night.
Then I shut the window again, draw the curtains and join Ilya back in bed, watching the candle burn out, holding him till the dawn comes.
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grapenamjams · 4 years
Tavern Nights
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Genre: Fluff, slight NSFW
Characters: Julian from the arcana and my apprentice Eliza
A/N: i really wanted to write about my favorite dumb doctor but I am not super proud of this one but I still figured I post it because maybe someone will enjoy it? 
a little bit about my MC
Her name is Eliza (she/her. Female.) She is 5′2 has brown wavy hair, brown eyes (with specks of green) she also has adorable freckles across her nose. she just wants her red haired doctor to be able to get some rest lol 
Tonight was a rare night indeed. After weeks of telling Julian that he needed a vacation Eliza was finally able to negotiate with the doctor to take the weekend off, although she had hoped to get more days off, at this point she would take any number to see him not worry about work, and one of the ways that makes Julian forget and not worry is by looking at the bottom of a couple of tankards. 
The Scarlett haired doctor slams the wooden cup down onto the table breathing out a loud Satisfied sigh. “Ah! DRINKS ON ME!” He yells, a eruption of ‘cheers’ and Hollers sound out inside the the rowdy raven. The sound dies down transforming into the usual chatter that bounces off the walls of the small warmly lit tavern. Eliza looks to Julian who has a huge smile, warming her heart to see the happiness on his handsome face. “Julian, honey you already said that... after every drink in fact” she giggles, the alcohol going through her body making her Susceptible to laughing more than usual. ”It has to be said after every drink dear! it makes The experience more authentic!” He grins at her before accepting another pint from the server. Good thing that the tavern owner knows Julian and does not put those words on their tab. 
Eliza sipped on her glass, letting the bitter liquid make its way down her throat, she wasn’t much of a drinker like Julian was a soft buzz through her veins was enough for her. She heard a few distinct shuffling in the corner and then a upbeat tune starts to play. “Oh ho the band is finally here!” Julian brightens up. Eliza sees people start pushing tables aside creating their own dance space in the middle of the tavern. Before she knows it a crowd already formed, stomps and cheers ringing out through the small space into the night outside. Neighbors already turning over in their beds hugging their pillows to their face to block out the lively music. 
Julian slides out of their booth and stretches a bare hand towards her, his gloves and coat discarded the moment they walked in. “May I take this stunning women out to dance?” He grins. without missing a heart beat Eliza laughs “you certainly may!” she takes his hand and Julian pulls her out of the booth and into his arms. “Wonderful, lets dance!” He laughs and takes her to the crowd of people. 
The music that was playing had a group dance to it, Julian leaves Eliza on one side of the line as he goes to the other one in front of her. Both lines skip side to side in the beginning and Then her line starts forward having a little skip to the step until they are face to face with the other line, Julian smiles at her and then she skips back. Julian’s line repeats the step, when Julian is close to her he leans down and gives a quick peck to her lips before he’s pulled away, Eliza’s heart skips a beat. her line then goes Forwards again but this time they duck under the other lines raised arms trading place, a ‘woooo’ is let out when they do this, Then another as Eliza raises her arms for Julian to duck through going on her tippy toes for his large frame.
 Both lines face towards the band and start clapping on beat as people from the two lines meet each other at the start and dance their way down the open middle, then the next pair went and another until she was met with Julian. He grabs her left hand and spins her around showing her off to the crowd a cheer is heard for them and Eliza blushes. He then puts his left arm around her waist and begins to lead her down the clapping line. When they reach the end he still holds her close, moving side to side with her. Then as the last people paired up the music changed, this one faster with the violin going full out. An even wider smile breaks across Julian’s face he looks at her and raises his eyebrows “ready?” but before she could say anything, Julian leads her forwards his feet skipping at a faster past almost hopping at times, Eliza had no choice but to try to keep up with his pace at first making her stumble on her feet at the fast movements, hearing Julian's laugh above her gave her brain a different type of buzz as they danced around the tavern.
 Forwards, backwards, to the sides Julian moved Eliza all through out the space. Spinning her and him around to the sway of the music. He loved seeing her tilt her head back and laugh still holding on to him letting him lead her. She brought her head back up keeping the smile on her face all the way through the song. Once it ended, the crowed clapped and cheered for the band. In a matter of seconds a new song ringed out over them. It was a much calmer pace but still upbeat tempo it was a chance for the participants to catch their breath. 
Julian spines Eliza out in front of him taking a good look at her figure, feeling something hot come over him. He pulls her back to his chest and very much like her own is moving up and down trying to catch their breaths. Julian's hands travel down her body and land on her hips, making a shiver pass through Eliza’s spine. she wraps her arms around his neck and he pulls her towards him making their hips move together. 
Julian bends down to whisper in her ear. “You look absolutely ravishing tonight my dear” his voice husky and low, breath fanning over her heated neck. Eliza hums “hm you think so?” Julian lifts his head a bit his lips ghosting over her jaw “absolutely, the thoughts that I’m having right now would get any man in trouble” Eliza smirks up at him “well lets see how much trouble those thoughts will get you in” Julian's eyes flicker to hers, darkening with desire before he crashes his lips to hers. He kisses her softly at first but then he feels her hands go through his hair , pushing him against her deepening the kiss. he has to suppress a groan that comes from his throat by tightening his hold on her hips. Julian then parts from her lips to kiss her neck. He kisses her twice before both of them hear a mans voice come up next to them 
“Julian you lovesick man treat your women to a room!” The pair snap their heads towards a man dancing with his partner. Julian and Eliza turn bright red at being caught. Eliza hides her face in Julian's chest smiling and shaking her head from embarrassment. Julian recovers and laughs at the man with confidence although in the inside he’s a flustered mess. “will do! thank you for the suggestion my good man” the man laughs and takes his partner away. Julian looks down at Eliza who still has her faces hidden in his chest holding the lapels of his Semi open shirt to cover her face. 
“That was embarrassing” she says against his skin, Julian chuckles and puts a finger to her chin making her look up at him. “It shouldn’t, what’s wrong with two people that love each other show a little bit of affection, huh?” Eliza bites her lip trying to Suppress a smile. Julian sees and tugs her bottom lip away from her teeth. “I want the whole world to know your mine and I am yours” he gives her a kiss and pulls back again. “If anyone has a problem with that then...send them my way I’ll give them something to talk about.” he smiles making Eliza shake her head at him, the embarrassment leaving her. “You’re so dramatic” she wraps her arms around his neck again as the next song picks up. “Darling, aren't I always?” He grins and begins to lead her through the next dance.
* * * 
 After a few more dances and after a few more Emptied tankards Eliza thought it was time to start heading home. She finished her last drink, the lightness she felt throughout her body still let her be aware of what was around her so she could get herself and Julian safely home.
 “Another round, please!” Julian says to the server who is picking up their plates and many cups. “A-actually I think we’re done, can you round our tab please?” The server smiles and nodes before walking away. “Awww why so soon?” Julian pouts at her. Eliza lets out a giggle “because if I don’t get you out of here, you’re gonna start dancing on the tables and once that happens there’s no getting you out of bed the next morning” she pushes his chest lightly, Julian laughs at that
 “aaand I want to do things tomorrow with you, so I can’t have you laying in bed all day” Julian smirks and grabs her wrist that stayed on his chest, pulling her towards him looking her up and down “but my dear we can also do ‘things’ while laying in bed all day, right?” he leans closer and Eliza matches his smirk but leans away from him raising An eyebrow “with a pounding headache? I don’t think so” Julian smiles and lets out a breath “you’re right” he wraps his arms around her in a tight hug and mumbles “I want to spend the whole day with you with a clear mind, yeah?.... ‘cuz I love youuu” he says squeezing her tight against him squishing her. “Ilya....can’t...breath” she says laughter bubbling inside her. he slackens his hold on her and she looks up at him to see a worried expression on his face “I’m sorry Eliza, are you alright?? Can you breath now?” His hands are on her face checking her like as if she in fact was having trouble breathing from his hug. She places her hands on his “Im fine Julian” his face shows that he is relived “oh good” but a smirk comes just as quick “but are you sure? If you need mouth to mouth, I’ll gladly provide” she pulls his hands away from her face, knowing that this walk home was gonna be a interesting one. “I know you would” smiling, she leans in and kisses him, Julian lets out a satisfied sigh but pouts when she pulls away. “Now come on let’s go home”
 When they stepped out of the tavern Eliza didn’t realize how hot it was inside of it. The night air hit her like a wave of cold water, she shivered a bit and fixed her coat around her. The position of the moon overhead as they walked home told her it was well past midnight. Julian was staggering next to her half humming and singing a song from the band that played, he was hunched down with an arm over her shoulder, she insisted on him putting some of his Weight on her so he wouldn't fall on the uneven cobblestones that the lanterns barley helped light.
 Julian lays his head on top of hers and breaths in “You always smell like a field of flowers my dear.” He slurs, Eliza lets out a amused laugh “really? I just danced and was inside a smelly tavern for the last few hours, I Smell far from a field of flowers” she feels Julian shake his head into her hair “not trueeee, you smell of roses and your hair is so soft like..like soft angel wings!” His voice coming out slow and deep. He pokes her cheek “Your skin is also so soft like...” he pauses trying to find something to compare it too. “Ah! Like a baby’s-“ “don’t you dare finish that sentence” Eliza cuts him off. Julian barks out a laugh rocking both of them, Eliza tries to quickly steady them both. 
 “What I’m trying to tell you is that your beautiful, my love” his arms go around hugging her “I love you, you know that? I’ll never know how I got so lucky” He nuzzles his head on top of hers. Then sucks in a breath “I-I truly do love you Eliza! Its the truth! It’s not just the alcohol ‘talkin, I mean it! I really do. With all my heart” he sounds desperate for her to understand his feelings,  his pout being heard in his voice. Eliza’s heart warms at his words and actions.  she can’t help but to smile and puff out a laugh. She places her hands on top of his around her making him stop his rambling and she squeezes them reassuring him. “I know Ilya, I love you too” she tilts her head up to him and he gives her a kiss.
* * * 
 Once they entered through the door Eliza let out a relived sigh to be finally back home. The shops incense filling her head. Something wooden landed on the floor with a thud, quickly followed by a sluggish voice “s-sorry my bad” doing a spell to turn on the lights Eliza sees Julian trying to pick up the table he had crashed into but he was swaying forward in the processes missing it, clearly dizzy from drinking. She chuckled, going over and steading the table. She grabbed Julian again “Let’s get you upstairs and into the shower, hm?” Julian nodes but the movement makes his head swell. with a bit of a struggle trying not to fall back down the pair make it upstairs. Eliza helps shed Julian's coat, gloves and boots while he tries to do the same to her but Eliza laughed as she moved away from his grasps making Julian whine in protest.
“Alright, go take a shower” she tugs him towards the bathroom but Julian doesn't go inside, instead He looks at the bathroom and then her with a smug look “you know. I’ve heard that Vesuvias water source is getting low...” he leans in closer “shouldn’t we do our part in saving it?” 
‘Gosh why is he an adorable idiot?’ Eliza thinks as she rolls her eyes amused. but As much as she loves the idea she wants him to relax so he could rest thoroughly tonight and be fresh for tomorrow and also.... she  liked teasing him “we can save vesuiva’s water problem” she smirks and leans up to kiss him but pauses “later, for now go get in the shower you smell” she goes back down to her feet and pushes him gently towards the bathroom.
the doctor frowns but then his eyebrows shoot up “is that a promise?”
“It’s a maybe” she replies
“I’ll take it!” And without saying anything else he goes into the bathroom.
* * * 
Julian comes out of the shower looking refreshed. his wet hair still dripping on to the towel around his neck. After telling him to drink some water Eliza goes inside the bathroom to take a quick shower as well. It felt good standing under the warm water, letting her body Wind down from today’s activities. She steps out of the shower and changes into her night clothes. When she enters the bedroom again Julian is sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her, the glass of water she put for him empty. his hair still wet and dripping into the towel. She places her used one on a chair, “why is your hair still wet?” She asks
“I was waiting for you.” She turns to him an eyebrow raised in question “for me?” Julian's cheeks get a tint of pink on them “I...wanted you to dry my hair...” he averts his eyes. A smile makes its way across Eliza’s face “so you waited this whole time for me, so I could dry your hair?” Julian nodes his head looking up at her walk over to him trying not to laugh.
 “Julian you could get a cold” she says, sitting on his lap her legs on either side of him, his hands instinctively going to her hips. He looks up at her and gives her one of his grins “good thing I’m a doctor that has a lovely nurse to take care of him” Eliza laughs ‘what an adorable idiot’ she cant help but think again.  she takes the towel around his neck and puts it over his head. “Mmhmm sure, a nurse that will spend the entire day hearing the complains of a doctor that got a cold more like” she says and shakes the towel against his hair. Julian chuckles at her response, closing his eyes.
 Once his hair was deemed dry by Eliza she starts to run her fingers through his scarlet hair making Julian lean into her touch, resting his head on her shoulder. With the feeling of her surrounding him and with the calming silence of the shop, even maybe due to the salty bitters in his system. Julian’s tired mind couldn’t help but to wander, thinking of all the moments that he had missed with her because of his work. 
How many breakfasts ,lunches, dinners  had he missed with her? How many of her smiles and laughs had he not seen or heard? How many nights like the one they had tonight could have happened? A guilt came over him as he heard Eliza’s voice. “all done” he lifted his head to look at her, even though she had said she was finished her fingers still ran through his hair slowly, making curls with her finger.
“Thank you”
Eliza hummed “No need, I don’t mind”
He moved her closer “I mean, thank you for everything.  thank you for putting up with me, for being by my side for being here.” He pauses and sighs, he starts to rub her sides “I know.... I haven't been with you as of late. I’ve been so busy with work that I haven't been giving you the attention that you deserve... a-and for that I’m truly sorry, I certainly don’t deserve-“ Julian gets caught off by Eliza kissing him, when she pulls back he stares at her wide eyed. She places a finger to his lips and shakes her head “none of that kind of talk anymore, understand?” 
Knowing if she didn’t stop him he would go on a talk that would only lead to a dark place. Julian goes red “but its true I-“ she kisses him again and he smiles against her “understood” he says and kisses her again. Eliza pulls back, she puts one hand on his shoulder while the other one swipes away a already formed curl from his face. “Ilya. I love you and with that I understand that you love the work that you do which in turn makes me proud and happy. You don’t have to be sorry, we get moments like these don’t we? And I appreciate them even more when we do.” she kisses him again and he sighs happily “Thank you” . Eliza traces a finger down his cheek and following his sharp jaw “besides, I have you all to myself for three days and I plan to use that time wisely” Eliza insides do a somersault at what she just said, this confidence definitely coming from the alcohol in her system. She tries to not blush but fails as she sees Julian also redden but gives her a smirk.
“My love, you can’t say those types of things to me right now, I will not be able to sleep” he shifts under her, making her cheeks warm up, he captures her lips in his kissing her softly she kisses him back just the same. after a moment Eliza reluctantly pulls away looking at his hooded eyes. “But sleep we must. If we want energy for tomorrow’s activities” she says rubbing his shoulders.  the doctors eyes flicker with interest before falling back onto the bed bringing Eliza down with him. She lets out a startled laugh on top of him and fixes herself on the bed. “Then sleep we shall, so tomorrow’s festivities come faster” Julian says letting out a soft chuckle, wrapping an arm around her waist putting his head close to her chest wanting to be held by her, she complies his silent request. “Someone’s eager” she teases him stroking his head again, “can’t blame me” he mumbles heavy eyes starting to close “goodnight my love” he gives her a small squeeze Eliza smiles into his hair giving him a kiss “goodnight Ilya”
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vesuviannights · 5 years
CLAIRE, THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!!!! SDGS i really cannot express how much i love your writing. You make my day every time you post anything, and I check your blog at least twice a day to make sure I didn't miss a thing!! Also, I was in a mood for some Julian/MC/Asra lately and was wondering if you could write something like it 💦 Something a bit fluffy would be wonderful, but I'll take anything. Thank you for everything that you do, hope you have a lovely day!!! ILYSM
oh BLESS!! I know this has been in my inbox for a while so I’m hoping everything after you sent this has still lived up to expectation. 
Now, as it turns out, I was…ALSO in the mood for Julian/MC/Asra?? And FLUFF?? And also in the mood to play around with polyamory and the idea that when placed together in any sort of intimate relationship, Asra would 100% egg Julian’s dramatic flair on, and Julian would pretty much let Asra do whatever he wanted so long as he was allowed to be dramatic in return and rewarded for it. 
And then there’s poor MC in the middle of it all, daily having to come to terms that THIS is what they agreed to. THIS is what they fell in love with.
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Asra/You/Julian. Female/afab reader. Lemon.
On the morning of your birthday, you wake sandwiched between your two loves. Asra tells you, as he brushes the hair off your face and traces the curve of your bottom lip, that he has many things on his to-do list for the day - and you are every item, A-Z.
You wake the morning of your birthday to beams of sunlight stretching over the bed, warming your body as the dust of the room dances about inside of them.
It’s your bed this morning, tucked away in the highest corner of the shop, and as wonderful and warm as your bed is, it was not built for Devoraks. Julian’s long, lithe limbs are hanging off the foot of the bed, off the side he is occupying, one arm curled haphazardly over his face. He is snoring softly as he sleeps, deep and undisturbed since the moment his tired, aching bones hit your mattress late last night.
On your other side is Asra, curled into you with his hand under your shirt, tracing intricate patterns on your stomach you’re sure would amass to something—a spell, a term of endearment, the lyrics to a song—if you could only be bothered to pay attention.
“Happy birthday, my love,” he murmurs in your ear. He catches the lobe between his teeth, and your body seems to move into him of its own accord, stretching out along the length of his own.
“Is that what today is?” You murmur, your eyes fluttering shut. Asra chuckles, one that tells you he doesn’t believe your innocent act for even a moment, and your lips twitch in response, giving away the final shreds of your game all too easily.
Asra shifts beside you, and a moment later his hand has left your stomach and slid into your hair, cupping the back of your head. His thumb traces your bottom lip, then your cheek bone, and you crack one eye open to look at him, at least trying to pretend he is disturbing your sleep.
“That look hardly scares me,” he tells you.
“Well it should.”
“How could it, when you are the most wonderful thing I know, and I would let you do anything you wanted or needed to me?”
You try to roll your eyes, try to downplay his affections with a shake of your head, but your cheeks are flushed, and he never lets you get away with rebuffing his lovely words for very long. His lips meet yours, and the kiss he gives you—the first of your birthday this year—is slow, longing, with wondrous sighs and deep inhales. His palm smooths down your neck, your shoulder, over your body, until it cups the back of your calf and pulls your knee up to his hip. He grinds into you, just as tenderly and as slowly as your kiss is moving, and your murmur your approval back to him.
Some minutes later, when Asra’s hips are still pressed into yours, and he is smiling and murmuring to you, pulling back to kiss the tip of your nose, the curve of your jaw, the divot at the base of your neck, you are disturbed by a quiet grumble that neither of you have given. The bed seems to lurch dramatically behind you, and a moment later another arm—longer, a little colder—circles around your waist and pulls you away from Asra and into a hard chest.
“Don’t be mean,” Julian grumbles into the back of your head. And then, much quieter and in a tone that suggests he had cut half of his own words off out of laziness, “Always having fun without me.”
His words are a little slurred from the early hour, and his movements are sluggish, as though his body was only half aware of itself. You exchange a look with Asra, waiting to see how Julian’s interruption will play out. But he merely nuzzles into the back of your neck, murmuring nonsense as he resettles with you against his chest, leg hooked over yours. It seems, with his content sighs and soft, even breaths, as though he is going to settle back into sleep and leave the two of you to your ways.
When that single thought seems to cross both of your minds at the same time, Asra shifts closer and presses into your front, pushes your hair off your face as he speaks.
“I won’t be letting the least favourite Devorak stop me from checking boxes off my morning to-do list.”
You scrunch your nose. “I’m a check list, am I?”
Asra’s eyes dance as he eyes you over, his lips so close that they brush yours as he murmurs to you,  “You are every item on the checklist, A through Z. And I make a new dot point for every place I wish to kiss you, and a new tally mark for every time I wish to hear you sigh my name.”
“And how many are there this morning?”
“You’ll see.”
He kisses you again, his tongue cool as it slips into your mouth and greedily sweeps up every sigh you have waiting there for him. At some point during your exchange, Julian has woken again—properly this time, it seems—and as Asra’s hand squeezes the soft flesh of your breast, and as he lazily drags his thumb over your nipple through the fabric covering it, Julian stretches out around you and grinds his already hardening length into your ass.
“So wonderful of you to join us, Ilya,” Asra murmurs. You like nothing about the innocent, lilting tone you find there. “Do you know what today is?”
Asra shifts down your body as he speaks, taking the nipple he had been teasing moments earlier between his lips, sucking gently. You whimper against him, your bottom lip trembling at the warmth of his tongue and mouth. The moment your fingertips delve into his soft waves to try and hold him there, however, he is taking your wrists and passing them to Julian before moving further down your body.
“Dearest Asra, is it the day you finally break my heart by insulting me one too many times and with too much thinly-veiled truth?” Julian offers. He matches Asra’s tone perfectly, and it only serves to unnerve you a little bit more. The two of them could play games for hours when it came to dramatics and flair, and when those games were focused on you? Oh no.
Asra has settled between your legs, and as Julian was teasing you with his words, Asra was doing some of his own, placing tender kisses along the inside of your thighs. You are already aching, already trembling from the possibility of a touch, alongside the unspoken promise that you would have to endure their teasing dramatics while waiting for it.
“You would enjoy it,” Asra tells Julian, his lips curving affectionately against your skin.
“Ah, you know me too well. Will you break it if I’m good, just for the thrill?”
“If you are good, then I’ll consider it.”
“I’m always good.”
“Then I will always consider it.”
You snap it, almost scream it in a voice that breaks halfway through your words. Your thighs are trembling beneath the ministrations of Asra’s lips, and you are already aching from each hot breath he has (through no accident) let pass over you, from the way his knuckle is barely touching you as it traces your seam through the fabric.
“Well,” Julian scoffs, though he is grinning into your neck. “With an attitude like that, I’d find it hard to focus on anything.”
“It’s my birthday!” You grumble. “I’m meant to be—”
“Barking orders at people?” Asra cuts you off. You open your eyes to find Asra grinning, the mischievous spark in his eyes telling you all you needed to know.
Julian tuts. “It’s a good thing you aren’t the one whose pleasure rests on your good behaviour.”
“You should take this chance to prove yourself, Ilya,” Asra says. “Be good by helping her be good.”
Julian makes a thoughtful noise, and you know that Asra’s careful touches are strategic, trying to distract you from squirming away or picking up on the hidden meaning in their words. You try so very hard to dissect them, but all you can really manage is to sigh out Asra’s name, back and hips arching toward him like a kitten in sunlight.
“I never mind being told exactly what to do by you, love,” Julian eventually answers. The lilt is back, that tone. “But, I also never shy away from a chance to watch you pout.”
Julian’s arm tightens around your waist as his words sink into your addled mind, a mere moment before Asra hooks his fingertips into your undergarments and pulls them down. You lift your hips to let him remove them, but he leaves them around your knees, locking them together with just enough space for him to begin his true work.
He traces the tip of a single finger down your seam, passing it over once, twice, before gently parting your folds. You roll your hips toward his touch, your back arching along with it, but Julian’s hold stops you from moving too far, from being too successful in seeking more.
Asra’s movements and affections are practised and knowing from so many hours spent between your thighs, as well as Julian’s. You know if he were ever forced to choose a favourite pair of thighs, he would blow the last of his braincells trying to comprehend that he had to choose, let alone in making that choice.
You had once—on a cold winter’s night where you had refused to move from in front of the fireplace—let him feast on you for hours while you whimpered and cried, and Julian had held you and told you how well you were doing, had described in detail how wonderful every part of you was, until you hadn’t been able to stand it any longer, throat too raw, clit too swollen. The very next morning, you had been given the pleasure of watching him overstimulate Julian under the table while you made your way through a stack of pancakes, grinning and flushed from the sight of Julian’s trembling lips and white-knuckles as he had come over and over and over again.
This morning though, gluttony is not Asra’s sin of choice. The flat of his tongue swipes in one slow, long, frustrating motion over the length of you, before flicking its tip over your clit, causing your entire body to jerk. His index finger is gently probing at your entrance, gathering your arousal and smearing it around before sliding in. He crooks it, slow and soft, almost lazily, and smiles into you as you shiver and whimper.
“Oh—” Your entire body shudders and shivers from the sensations. “Asra—”
“Does he make you feel good, love?” Julian asks.
You nod pathetically, reaching back to bury your hands in Julian’s bed-mussed curls. You tug on them as you shift and groan, and you feel his cock twitch at your lower back in response.
“You look so beautiful like this,” Asra murmurs his praise to you against your thigh, his gaze burning across your body as he slides a second finger into you, his tongue continuing to trace indecipherable patterns over your swollen clit. “Your cheeks flushed, hands in Ilya’s hair—you know he loves it so when you pull a little too tight.”
Julian nuzzles into your neck and sighs his agreement, and you pull a little harder in response. He whimpers at the pain, and his hips grind against the curve of your ass. As Asra slowly brings you toward your edge with his crooking, twisting fingers and practised tongue, you can vaguely hear him murmuring to you about how well you are doing, how wonderful you look flushed and spread above him, chest heaving, body shaking. His words come to you through a lusty, heady haze, as though being said to you from another room or through a memory, and you aren’t even sure if you’re managing to babble or murmur anything in response.
While Asra works to disorientate and unravel you, Julian is leaving marks in all of his favourite places—your collarbone, the tender flesh just beneath your ear, the back of your shoulder. His hands find you underneath your shirt, cupping the swell of each of your breasts. He squeezes and rolls them in his large palms, making spots dance in your vision, sensation popping in the peaks of your tight nipples.
“J-Julian—Asra—” You stumble over each of their names as you try to get their attention, but Julian merely sighs into your neck and Asra seems to be pointedly ignoring you, and you let out a whine as you feel his movements begin to slow inside and around you. “No no—faster, go faster, damnit! Please, it feels so good, I-I’m so—so close—ah!”
You cry out as Asra’s teeth graze against your swollen clit, followed immediately by his lips latching onto the bud and beginning to mercilessly suck. With his fingers crooking and twisting and spreading you apart, and Julian’s thumbs toying with your stiff nipples, his lips pressed against your ear and murmuring his affections, you are coming apart in moments, writhing and whimpering and moaning softly in their arms, your body shivering and aching and falling apart, all just for them.
Your lashes flutter against your cheeks as you come down from your high, and you are only vaguely aware of Asra’s lips trailing their way back up your body. He kisses each of your thighs, he kisses each of your hips, he kisses the exposed skin between Julian’s fingers, cupped around your breasts. And then he finally kisses your lips, letting you taste yourself. When his tongue sweeps into your mouth, you suck gently, and the soft moan he gives you in return has your body already awakening and greedy for more.
He pulls back after a few moments, tilting your head away with his fingertips so that he can kiss Julian, too, giving him the taste of you that he couldn’t have for himself. You know he will, though; Julian is a man greedy for every piece of you and of Asra, and the twitching of his cock against your ass, the grinding and thrusting he has been doing as Asra devoured your pussy and left you shaken and raw, is not something that can be ignored.
“Happy birthday to me,” you murmur, catching your bottom lip between your teeth. Asra pulls back from Julian to watch the action, and as your hand runs down Asra’s chest toward his bulge, you smile. “How many more things are on that list of yours?”
Asra’s eyes cloud over as your hand closes around his cock, his jaw dropping open. Julian shifts his hips behind you, never one to be forgotten, and you are once again pressed in between them—only this time, you are not the one who is begging to be paid attention to, and have every opportunity to seize control and make them pay, so should you wish,
“I think,” Asra says after a long moments pause, his entire body rolling into yours as you pull ever-so-slightly on his cock. His eyes lift to yours, a few shades darker, a few shades more mischievous. “You already know the answer to that.”
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Hello! I have a request for fluff! If ya wouldn’t mind Essentially Apprentice sweet talks the ever living hell out of Julian, complementing him and praising him, calling him things like love and darling, the apprentice wants him to be happy and wants him to know he’s loved after everything he’s been through. And Julian doesn’t know how to deal with this much love and affection all the time. And yeah, I am very much half asleep right now so I hope this makes sense
I’m always half asleep, nonnie, it makes perfect sense
Watching Julian blush was one of the things that brought you the greatest joy. It was so easy to elicit; that was half the fun of it. A lingering touch, a feather-light kiss, grabbing his gloved hand in the middle of the market; it took nearly nothing to get his cheeks to turn crimson.
This morning was one of those rare ones where he actually got up before you, and you watched him from the bed as he prepared breakfast in the small kitchen. A contented feeling swelled in your chest and put a smile on your face as you beheld your shirtless boyfriend making breakfast at the wood-fire stove. You quietly rolled out of bed and padded into the kitchen.
Julian heard your walking and turned to see you, a happy grin cracking across his face. “Good morning, darling,” he murmured, bringing a smile to your face as well.
“Morning, handsome,” you replied, and wrapped your arms around his skinny waist from behind. You could feel a heated blush coming off of him and laughed, pressing a kiss to the soft skin between his shoulder blades. The blush only got more intense from there.
Later that afternoon you found Julian poring over his books and medical parchments, his eyes squinted and his back hunched. Jutting out your bottom lip in a sympathetic pout, you trotted over to his desk and put your arms on the surface, leaning down to look into his eyes.
“You okay, love?” you asked, a smirk growing on your lips as you noticed the pink blush creeping up his neck. He always got flustered whenever you used pet names on him.
He nodded, not trusting his voice. 
“Mmm,” you hummed in mock contemplation. “You sure?” You walked around to his side of the desk and sat in Julian’s lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. His face was practically steaming with a heavy blush, and you giggled before pulling him in for a kiss. You pulled away to see his blush nearly gone but his pupils widened in adoration; you loved it when he looked like this.
“You know how much I love you, right?” you asked him, and a light pink dusted his cheeks and tinted his ears again.
“I’m not sure, darling,” he said with a mischievous smirk. “I think you might have to demonstrate for me.”
You did just that.
That night, the both of you tiredly climbed into your shared bed, and Julian practically laid on top of you. Laughing, you pulled him closer, holding his head against your chest, which once again made him furiously blush.
You sighed. “Ah, Ilya—” oh how he loved it when you called him that— “you’re so precious.”
“P-precious? Me?” he sputtered.
“Yes, of course!” you said, giggling. “I mean, look at you, with your fluffy hair and cute nose and gorgeous eyes,” you listed off your favorite things about him, and he looked up from his (comfortable) spot on your chest.
“You really think all those things about me?” he asked hesitantly. “You think that I’m—that, that I’m—”
“Overwhelmingly cute?” you offered, and Julian nodded, embarrassed. “Why wouldn’t I?”
He could offer no answer, except another question. “Why show so much affection, dearest? Isn’t that a bit wasteful?”
“Who else am I gonna give it to?” you scoffed, and pushed his head back to its resting spot. “Shut up and let me love you, Ilya.”
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imagines-on-people · 5 years
I’m not drinking any more, or any less. (Ilya Feddi x reader)
PLOT: Could u write about the reader helping drunk Ilya after a night out with everyone in LA and shes so protective of him and then the next day he confesses his love for her? I just really need more Ilya content I love him so much
WARNINGS: drinking, fluff (at the end)
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The story of how you met the Vlog squad was quite different, you had no clue who they were, what they did to be so famous or that they were really good friends with your best friend Suzy. 
You and Suzy were classmates in college, after lessons you always either went for coffee or lunch. However one day she mentioned a group of guys -and girls that she hung out mostly in the evenings. She knew that after your break up with an absolute ass-hole you were in no way, shape or form looking for a boyfriend. So she didn’t push the idea of single men in the group on to you. 
You both just finished your last assignments and were done for the semester, wanting to let loose and celebrate you decided to go out. 
‘‘I’m gonna pick you up at around 9 pm, sounds good?’‘ you asked right as you were about to departure. 
‘‘I can’t wait, oh can a few of my friends come?’‘ she asked, you could see it in her eyes how much she wanted you to say yes. 
‘‘Ugh fine, but this is our night. And you are finally getting laid. This is the night Suzz’‘ you threw your hands in the air as she just laughed with her signature loudness. 
As you arrived home you made yourself a cocktail and started to get ready. After one drink, your mind started wondering of who these people really are, so you googled them. You found their Youtube channels and soon you were in deep. Okay, you said to yourself closing the laptop, only one guy really made your heart skip and your stomach twist and that was Ilya. One guy out of everyone else, what are the odds that he comes? Close to none, he lives in another city and runs a business. Or so you thought. 
You curled your hair, did your makeup and got dressed in a rose-gold sparkling dress. You looked good, you threw your keys, wallet and phone in a small clutch and called an Uber to Suzy’s place. 
Upon arrival you called her and a group of people stormed out of her house. 
‘‘Y/n you look stunning!’‘ she yelled walking faster to you so you guys could hug. 
‘‘So do you, damn that ass Suzy’‘ you spun her around. 
‘‘Okay everyone introduce yourselves, this is the girl I was telling you about’‘ she nudged a guy and you slowly realised who it was and blushed. 
‘‘Hey, I’m David’‘ ah the leader you thought, he was lanky, dressed in black and holding a camera. 
‘‘I’m Dima’‘ one said, again, lanky, dark blonde hair. Is he bestfriends with Ilya?
‘‘Natalie’‘ finally a girl you thought, ‘‘But I’m not coming with’‘ well fuck then. 
‘‘Ilya’‘ the last one said, he was the only one that extended his hand for you to shake. 
‘‘Pleasure’‘ you smiled seductively, while Suzy made wide eyes looking at the both of you. 
Soon enough the Uber arrived and we all got packed in a small car. David in the front, Suzy, Dima, Ilya and you were supposed to fit in the back. 
‘‘You can sit on me, if you want’‘ Ilya said and waited for Dima and Suzy to get in first so you had no other option.
Suzy rolled her eyes at the statement ‘’We were doing shots before’’ she laughed. ‘’He may be already drunk’’
‘‘Okay’‘ you smiled and looked into his eyes. He hesitated, obviously he didn’t expect your agreement with this. 
‘‘Uh-okay’‘ he stuttered and sat in the car closing his knees together for you to sit on. 
‘‘Hope your leg doesn’t fall asleep’‘ you giggled as you made yourself comfortable, that drink at home definitely made you more confident. 
‘‘Don’t worry, something else will wake up’‘ Dima said and they all laughed. Ilya then tried to punch him, but Suzy was in the way. 
You were talking all the way to the club, they were either asking you questions or making fools of themselves for David’s camera. 
Somehow they knew David at the club so you didn’t have to buy a ticket, and you got a VIP area to sit in. A bottle of vodka and a few Redbull’s were already waiting for you at the table. 
As soon as the guys saw that they started drinking, well mostly Dima and Ilya. Damn, who knew that they had such a high tolerance? Practise probably. 
You haven’t gotten drunk in a few months and you were not about to make a fool of yourself in front of new people. You finally saw Suzy’s type of guy in the crowd and damn he was checking her out. You touched her elbow as she spoke to David and made her aware of the guy.
‘‘He is hot’‘ she screamed in my ear, since the music was blasting. 
‘‘Go talk to him, you gorgeous bitch’‘ you always praised her no matter what, in your eyes she was gorgeous, but sometime she felt a bit insecure. Suzy finally summed up some courage and went after him, you then saw them going to the bar and he bought her a drink. 
David then followed Dima that started dancing on some stripper poles and you were left with Ilya, all alone. 
You couldn’t keep a straight face, he was wasted out of his mind. He sat closer to you and put his hand on your cheek. 
‘‘You are gorgeous’‘ he said moving his hand closer to your lips. You wanted to see where this will go. ‘’Are you single?’’ he slurred and moved to sit even closer to you, your thighs were now touching him. 
‘‘I am’‘ you smiled. 
He kept looking from your eyes, to your lips, tried moving a bit down to your cleavage, but ultimately moved back up. 
‘‘I really want to kiss you right now’‘ he started moving closer. 
‘‘What is stopping you?’‘ you closed your eyes and when nothing came, you opened them to see his face red and gagging. 
He ran outside and you ran after him. As soon as he ran to some dumpsters he threw up. So that’s why. 
‘‘Fuck, I’m sorry’‘ he straightened himself out and his voice cracked. We wanted to return back inside, but due to Ilyas state they wouldn’t let us in. 
‘‘Come on, I called an Uber’‘ you said and he put an arm around your shoulders for support. 
‘‘I have keys to David’s place’‘ he said to your ear, making you smell his not so good breath right now. ‘‘You can go outside if you want to’‘ 
‘‘I won’t leave you’‘ you answered as he awe’d. 
‘‘I hadn’t dan a girlfriend in a while, but I feel like you’re the one’‘ 
Your answer was interrupted by the arrival of the Uber. Ilya somehow slurred the address of David’s place in the mean time you texted Suzy what just happened, so she wouldn't be worried. Sometime in the ride Ilya’s head rested on your shoulder, you didn’t know why, but you just felt comfort. 
You took the keys from his pocket that were awfully close to something else... 
‘‘Uh eager already’‘ he laughed. still leaning against you, your bodies were in contact all the way from he club. 
You walked him inside and he threw himself on the couch. He dozed off immediately, but you stayed with him until David, Suzy and Dima came back, just so he wouldn’t choke on his vomit. 
After that you couldn’t even remember how you got home, you were so tired. 
In the morning a random number texted you. 
‘Hey beautiful. I was an idiot last night and made the worst impression of myself, please let me make it up to you? Dinner tonight. -Ilya’
Hmmm should I go? You thought to youself...
OK GUYS, DO YOU WANT A PART 2? Don’t kill me, I am planning the confession in the Part 2. 
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herbalisia · 6 years
Julian Week, Day 4: Blossom
In case you didn’t already have whiplash from the angst-fluff-angst combo of the past three days, here’s more fluff to offset yesterday’s angst! As always, this is Julian x Olivier, my fem!MC. Cut for the sake of your dash, because I can never be reasonable and stop at a few hundred words.
( @thearcanaweek )
It was a sunny Vesuvian afternoon like any other. Insisting that his birthday was more than a one-day affair, Olivier had packed baked sweets and sealed jars of tea into a satchel and dragged him out to a secluded clearing on the outskirts of the city center. There, a grassy hillside gave refuge to an explosion of wildflowers, some in every color scattered like confetti against the green backdrop. It looked like something out of a dream. Something that only magic could conjure. Perhaps it was magic that conjured it. He wouldn’t put it past her, at least.
Julian laid out his coat after shucking it off, using it as a makeshift blanket for their small picnic. The sweetness of the baked goods mixed well with the subtle bitterness of the chilled tea that she had packed, and the scent of flowers and warmth of the sunlight provided an atmosphere that positively oozed relaxation.  He felt like time didn’t exist in that place. Perhaps it was once again something he could chalk up to her magic. Or perhaps it was some effect that she had on him. Not a conscious magic that she cast, but an ethereal one that she exuded without effort.
The afternoon drifted along around them—birds chirped and sang while they flew overhead, bees tucked into the flowers around them and made themselves busy on a beautiful day. They’d whiled away the time talking about nothing of importance, basking in one another’s company while clouds drifted by.
Ollie had eventually taken to plucking some wildflowers with evident purpose, though Julian wasn’t sure what that purpose was. That is, until she deftly spun their stems together, weaving them in and out and around one another until she had a circle of blooms in her hands. She turned to him with a mischievous glint in her eye, pouncing on him before he could protest and setting it on top of his head.
“That’s quite the look,” she laughed, sitting back to admire her work. Julian held still, trying to look up past his unruly hair to see the pastel blooms of purples, pinks, and blues popping against his dark auburn locks. He offered her a pompous, mock-regal look, and she chuckled at his act, placing her hand over her chest and dipping her head in a playful bow.  “My liege.”
He beamed at her, feeling warm from his head to his toes when she smiled at him like that.  “How do you do these things so easily?” he asked, pulling the flower crown off and placing it on her head instead.
“What things? Flower crowns?” she muttered, absentmindedly plucking more flowers from the grassy hillside and starting on another. “Honestly, darling, it isn’t anything special. Most children can do it,” she shrugged. He hummed out a protest, gripping her wrist and pulling her down on top of him as he laid back. The flower crown tumbled from her head and landed inelegantly on his face, making him splutter to keep the petals out of his mouth as he snatched it away.
“Not the flower crowns, love,” he insisted after recovering from the attack of the fragrant headdress. “Well, not just the flower crowns, at least. Everything you do. It feels so warm. You’re such an inviting presence, and I can’t help but feel like I’m taking advantage of your kindness somehow.” He laughed coyly, grinning in a way that hid his self-loathing. It was a smile she could recognize, and he knew he’d been caught when her eyebrows furrowed, looking so sad so suddenly. He opened his mouth again, stopping himself to think before he said something too ambiguous and hurt her more. “Perhaps not…taking advantage. That might not be the right phrase. More like—er, more like giving me more than I deserve?”
She pursed her lips and levelled a glare at him. Oh, now he’d done it.
“Ilya, how many times must I tell you? You deserve all of this. All of this and more!” Her heartfelt declaration was punctuated by a firm grip on his bicep. He let his arms snake around her waist as he let out a low snicker.
“Yes, I know, I know you feel that way. And I’m trying to wrap my head around that. Truly, I am. It simply isn’t as easy as you might think to suddenly start liking yourself and believing in yourself after…years of telling yourself otherwise,” he sighed, letting his gaze fall from hers as embarrassment and shame swelled in his chest. She leaned down and stole his lips in a swift and brief kiss, breathing encouragement into him as she combed her fingers through his thick hair. The warm affection in her eyes made his toes tingle and his stomach knot, thawing the icy pessimism that had frozen and clung to his heart. Her eyes left his, trailing up to something just above his head. He angled his chin up to see what she was reaching for before she brought it back into his field of vision. There, between her thumb and forefinger, was a red flower bud, swollen but not opened.
“You are quite a bit like a flower bud in that way, I suppose,” she suggested, twirling the stem thoughtfully.
“Oh? I’m not sure I follow.” He cocked his head to the side, searching her soft expression for answers.
“Well, most wildflowers grow just fine on their own. What nature provides them with is enough to sustain them…to make them thrive,” she glanced around them to the blooms that surrounded their picnic spot in abundance. “But sometimes, what nature provides isn’t enough. Sometimes, flowers get planted where they are never meant to grow. Dropped by a bird or an errant wind, or perhaps dragged in by a traveler, it will not bloom on its own no matter how much it tries. It did not choose to be planted in a foreign environment. At best, perhaps it can take root and grow some semblance of strength and resilience in this new place, but it cannot become what it is expected to be on its own despite its best efforts. However, careful nurturing from some other force can sometimes make up for whatever that flower lacks.” An amber glow spilled from her fingertips and swirled up the stem of the flower, pooling in the center beneath the unopened petals. Then, as the pooling light pulsed and grew in strength, one by one, the petals opened until a star-shaped flower with a deep black-red center was revealed in its full radiance. The new blossom in her hand looked different from the others around them—it was richer in color and larger in size, and it very easily dwarfed the other wildflowers in beauty. “See? With some nurturing, what looked like a sad flower bud destined to wilt on its own turned out to be something remarkably different…something special. But it couldn’t have been expected to bloom and reveal its beauty without help,” she looked away from the bloom in her hand and back down to Julian, “and it certainly wouldn’t have been fair for the flower to blame itself for that.”
“Ah,” he mumbled flatly, swallowing the lump in his throat. He could think of no better response. A spiral of emotions pricked at him from all sides from her assessment. Is that truly what she thought of him? Surely he couldn’t be so special as to deserve her brand of nurturing, though. It was simply too much to wrap his head around. But…she insisted he was deserving. Who was he to possibly question her? He wracked his brain for the words to respond, but for one of the first times in his life, he came up empty. She must have noticed the frantic racing of his mind, because she only laughed softly and cupped his face, thumb brushing against his cheekbone affectionately.
“Nothing to say, my sweet flower bud?” she teased, though the mirth in her eyes showed no wickedness, not even the playful kind that was so common for her. He slowly sat up to meet her face, hand falling gently against the side of her neck to pull her into a sweet kiss. He tried to say everything he couldn’t with words with that one action, putting the tangled-up knot of emotions twisting in his chest into the kiss, building with passion as he nibbled on her bottom lip. She sighed out a small sound, arms curling around his neck and pulling him closer, closer, her chest pressing fully against his as she met his desperate advances. She did her best to understand his message, though it also caused her mind to fog with longing the deeper his kiss became. After they were both breathless, he let the hand at her waist fall to her hip, running the length of her hipbone with his thumb as he slowly pulled away from her mouth.
“You’re a very patient nurturer, my love. I would think that I’m not the easiest flower to bloom,” he whispered against her lips with a smile. She hummed in thought, seeming to weigh his words carefully.
“That’s not true at all. I’d say you’re very close to opening up, actually. You just need a bit more care, a bit more time… maybe more water and less alcohol,” she nodded, that playful glint returning to her eyes as she twirled a lock of his hair in her fingers. He chuckled breathlessly, letting his forehead rest against hers as he plucked the blood-red blossom from her hand and tucked it behind her ear.
With another kiss planted on her cheek, he leaned back and examined her. “That’s a tall order, my dear. But then again, I never even thought I’d make it this far.”
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grapenamjams · 4 years
Your Kisses
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Genre: Fluff 
Character: Julian Devorak from the arcana 
A/N: This is my first time writing in MC perspective but I still hope you like it!  
The morning light drifted it’s way though the windows of the shop cascading it’s soft glow around the structure and across the sheets where two bodies were bundled up against each other. One was still asleep, his eyes closed and mouth slightly parted, a soft expression taking over his face. The other propped themselves on their hand and looked down at him smiling at the fact that his face did not show any signs of worry or discomfort due to the images that would play inside his head sometimes causing him to startle awake in the middle of the night. They were happy that this time he was able to rest through the night.
The light coming through touched julian’s face making his eye lashes cast a small shadow and making the Reflection from the hanging crystals on the wall decorate themselves amongst his cheek. His dark Scarlett hair ruffled against the pillow, Mc couldn’t help but run there fingers through it, brushing it away from his face. He looked so calm and worried free, drastic change from his usual work expression, furrowed eyebrows and constantly pinching the bridge of his nose as he runs around taking notes while studying a new technique and checking patients at the clinic.... which he should be getting ready to leave for right now.
 Mc leans down slowly and presses soft a Kiss on his forehead. “Ilya, wake up”they mumble softly against him. Julian stirs lightly but dosnt wake up. Mc kisses his cheek “you’ll be late”they look up and see nothing has changed. “Jules” they kiss his lips “you gotta go to the clinic today” that action also does nothing to wake the sleeping doctor, but a tint of red blooms across his cheeks and nose and there’s a tiny curve at the corner of his mouth.
Mc smiles and sighs “you better not fuss to me about being late today, I tried to wake you up” Mc leans back down and plants a kiss on his neck, a sigh comes from above them, they moves their lips and kisses the spot between his neck and shoulder. The hand that rests on their waist tightens, mc leans up again, smiling. “I know your awake, Ilya”
 His smile broadens as his eyes flutter open to look up at them. “Ah, I’m caught” he says his voice rough from waking up, he smiles as he looks over mc’s face “good morning, you look Beautiful as always” Mc blushes at his words “there you go again complimenting me in the Morning when I look like-“
 “Like what? Lovely? charming? How about exquisite?” He grins and holds Mc tighter against him. They laugh and shakes their head at him, “ you should’ve woken up sooner, now you don’t have time to eat an actual breakfast... like always” they poke his cheek.
 His grin widens and looks up at their eyes lowering them a bit “And stop these? He runs his thumb over mc’s lips. “How could I possibly think of doing that, my dear?” Mc laughs again and rolls their eyes “you’re impossible” they lean down and gives him a quick peck to which Julian makes a sound of protest to
“come on, get up, you gotta go” Mc turns to get out of bed but Julian tightens his grip around then, bringing them back to him as he nuzzles his face into their neck and let’s out a groan “just I few more minutes, they’ll be fine without me for a few more minutes” he grumbles looking up at them “although... I seem to not be able to go a few minutes without your kisses” he moves up so he is looking down at mc , he leans down to kiss them. “Hmmm if you think about it” Mc starts, making Julian pause his movement’s. “You can have way more of my kisses and something extra when you come back from the clinic in the afternoon” julian reddens again “buuuut” Mc fakes a sigh of disappointment “seeing that you are going to be late right now means that you are going to have to stay late and probably won’t get any kisses and such because I will be asleep when you come back” they look up at him with a smile “concluding that you won’t get any kisses until tomorrow...maybe”
 Julian’s eyes widen at the report Mc has given him and his studious features on his face come out. He stammers a bit “Your-your right Mc!” and suddenly he’s up and out of bed grabbing his clothes “I’ll have to be quick I can still make it! Oh hoho! I’ll be faster than I have ever been before and I’ll come back home as soon as the evening colors come to the sky!” He rambles on dramatically.
 Mc is getting out of bed when he comes back “goodbye my dear I am off!” He kisses them “don’t miss me to much, I’ll be back before you know it” he kisses them again “Ill long for this” he pecks their lips once more “all day” he leans in again but Mc puts a hand on his chest stopping him they let out a laugh “just go already!” He smiles at them and goes towards the door dashing out “don’t forget to eat something!” Mc calls out after him and what they hear in return is the doctors joyous laughter.
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