#Im getting tired tired of these haters
relaxxattack · 6 months
people will really write rose as a badass girlboss as if her main character trait isn’t hubris. as if her main story arc wasn’t her fucking things over for everyone time and time again by assuming she was better and wiser. oh you think rose is a girlboss? rose who intentionally allowed herself to be corrupted by morally ambiguous terrors because she thought it might give her a slight mental advantage on the game? rose who willingly went along with the manipulation of a groomer because she thought his idea of putting a tumor into the universe was smart? THAT rose? that rose??? why don’t you ask her where the green sun is. since she’s such a competent and intelligent boss bitch
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gasterofficial · 25 days
um no offense but while we are romanticizing being freaks (cool and good) could we maybe not do that with incest and pedophilia maybe ^_^
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anxsity · 1 year
i need hockey back bc im tired of people posting other athletes asses and going "that ass 🍑 😩" and its absolutely nothing a random fourth liner couldnt upstage
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angelsarecomputers · 5 months
was about to write an entire spiel about how illiterate motherfuckers in the disco elysium fandom are completely unable to meet jean where he’s at as a character but then I realised that I am legitimately just frustrated that we have to talk about this cunt so much. I love jean because I think he’s a very interesting character study into what happens when homoerotic workplace beef convinces someone that their mentally ill colleague is the devil but beyond that it literally just isn’t that deep. the writing team put so much effort and life into every single character in the game, jean included, but you could name just about any other character in the game and I could almost guarantee you that they had more thought put into them than jean vicquemare. and yet they just aren’t discussed by almost anyone! whether that’s because of misogyny or racism or simply because they aren’t relatable to your average tumblr fujoshi, it means that instead of actually good analysis of the games actual characters and themes we all have to sit and listen to the same garbage discourse, week after week, about how how people are ableist for liking jean or how people are victim-blamers if they hate him. basically people just running wild with the fanon they’ve made up inside their heads while others have to try and explain that no, actually, there isn’t any textual evidence that harry hit jean or raped jean or whatever the fuck. it’s so so fucking boring having to watch people discuss this drivel time and time again. I don’t care if jean’s a fascist (a fascist cop? wow, what a surprise!) he’s definitely not a little pookie bear baby, he’s literally just some fucking guy. I truly do not understand why we all have to lose our minds over him every other month. I know I’m being a hater right now but I really couldn’t give less of a fuck. say something new for once for the love of god
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soullessjack · 2 months
definitely said this before but it will always stand true that there’s such an insane contrast between fanon jack and canon jack (as in, these are two different characters at this point) that whenever I watch an episode it’s like woah. I forgot he has an actual personality
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serenedash · 1 year
leans into microphone.
I don't listen to people that haven't played a new Kingdom Hearts game since 2006. Yes yes kh2 we all love it yes kh2fm is amazing yeah yeah we've all see kh2. Play more kh games, that is literally game number 3 in a series that's like 15 games ongoing. "It's confusing" it's just long as fuck so its a lot of information to take in and that's okay. People literally take so much time and care to explain the series and lore to people who are lost. Like just say you enjoy kh2's gameplay and move on, if you really cared about the series AS A SERIES you'd be paying attention to it as a whole. "Dream drop distance what a stupid title!!!" that is the LEAST stupid thing that has happened in this series. "It's on too many consoles" watch a cutscene movie. Read a wiki page! I own a Playstation TWO!!!!!!!!!! like I have nothing more recent other than my switch. Do you think I've played every game lmao??
Anyway stan kh mobile games I don't care if you don't like them its not a hot take by any stretch of the imagination to not like them. You should read my khux/dr plot summary actually <3
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sstvar · 29 days
i do not know how many “he would not fucking say that” ‘s i have left in me gang
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pitrsattabhaadmeinjaa · 8 months
i’m so sick of all the percabeth posting about the show like i was also as excited in the start but now i’m so tired of every post being about the romance
im so tired of only a small minority of posts being not about percabeth like THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ROMANTICALLY LINKED THIS EARLY. IS NO ONE ELSE BOTHERED BY THAT. and also fuck us allos bro i get the aromantics now why is everything about romantic love
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alilaro · 10 months
its so funny hbomberguy uploads a video like once every millenia, but when he does he manages to send every person he scrutinizes into oblivion, never to recover
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lapinposts · 1 month
Tumblr media
how it feels to read people on this site criticize death of the outsider
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fillipquesender · 6 months
Uhhshsvevh i may get mass hated for this please don't get really upset
Do people realise that ruin didn't want to kill solar? He said it himself, he tried everything he could to save solar, yet i see people treat him like hes pure evil
It anything, you should hate him for destroying so many dimensions rather than only hating him for UNINTENTIONALLY killing solar
Had solar nit have died, i guarentee you most people would agree with what ruin did
Please don't bully the fuck out of people who like ruin
I see people say they like ruin, and then people afterwards treat them like they support his actions
I like ruin, but i don't support what he did. I like him as a character, his design, all that
"Oh its fictional why do you care" it just bothers me so much seeing people hate a character just because their favourite died and nothing else
Sure i was sad when solar died as well, i did cry, but im not gonna only hate ruin because of solar dying. I do hate him for destroying dimensions, but in the way that i like everything else about him
People say they hate mischaracterization yet they do exactly that with ruin. Hes not pure evik, hes morally grey
And can someone explain what happened in the newer tsams vid, im kinda avoiding watching lore vids because im still mad abt what they did about ruins character arc when it was perfectly fine before eclipse came back
Im stealing ruin, hes mine now (in the case of that au i made where its based off theorys)
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
do you like totk or botw better?
In short: Yes, I like botw better.
Here are my reasons, though!
I know a lot of people view it as the better experience, which is completely subjective and valid if you do and like it better, but I just view botw as being better in almost every way.
I will give it to totk. The dungeons have a lot better atmosphere. The game has some extremely high highs with the build-up to the wind temple, the whole great sky island segment, and the final boss is a much better fight (though dark beast ganon has a better theme song imo).
Other than that, I prefer botw. Totk has a much grander story, but it's completely mishandled. You can argue that totk has a great story but has poor execution, and to me, execution plays a big role in what makes a story good. You can have good ideas bit it all falls apart if they aren't executed well which ends up making the story bad. It's not that totk has a good story with poor execution, it has good ideas but the bad execution leads to a poorly told story. (I hope that makes sense). Botw has less of a story and is more like a set of events. Botw has history and backstory that is told more organically. Link has amnesia so he slowly regains some of his memories of the past with some people trying to help fill him in. It feels more real...in a weird fantasy way. I guess totk is similar with how we see Zelda's memories, but not really? It's weird to explain. Everything 100 years ago is felt in present day botw while in totk most of those things don't really matter as it happened so long ago. Things only start to resurge because Zelda wanted to investigate under the castle. Totk also has twists like a story. Idk if this is making sense but that's how I feel on their stories. There was just not much botw could mess up on story wise as the way it was presented.
Gameplay wise I can not lie totk is technical marvel with the zonai tech. That's the most impressive thing about it. Tbh building contraptions isn't my thing though, it takes too long to make and experiment with a machine when I can just do whatever that machine was gonna do much faster. I see why people have a lot of fun with it though, it just isn't my thing. One thing I HATE in totk though is the amount of menuing I have to do. Elemental arrows had a serious downgrade. Yeah it's cool to fuse stuff to arrows, but not when I have to do it to ever single individual arrow and if I want to try something new I have to scroll past 50 other items in a single line. It's just tedious. If I want to use a good weapon I have to go to the menu, drop an item, and menu again to fuse it to a weapon that will still break. Item breaking is still an issue but it's more annoying and the weapons no longer look cool. Totk has some cool abilities, but idk I'd trade them all for remote bombs lmao. I hate going through caves, especially early game, and having to deal with the rock walls where they want me to fuse a rock to a stick 10 times to get through one cave. There's just a lot of little things gameplay wise that bug me. They doubled down on botws gameplay issues and added some more annoying ones. I don't even have to mention the sages abilities, that's a whole mess.
On the topic of gameplay, botw just has the better world. Idc, exploring that world for the first time is an unforgettable experience. Totks main world is too similar so the magic is gone. The sky and depths are also unimpressive and repetitive. Botw also has the benefit on how the word felt so lonely yet alive. Everything had a purpose or a story. The world has a history. And totk just doesn't have that. Outside of the upheaval, totk doesn't really build on botws world that much. I was hoping to see if they would've added new towns or see how they'd rebuild hyrule, but they really didn't do that. We only got lookout landing, which doesn't really count as a town, and a bunch of building stuff lying around which is cool I guess. Hateno has a school and Terry Town expanded a little, but with the estimate of about 5 years since botw it makes you wonder...what have these people been doing? We can theoretically build Terry Town in one day. There could be new towns.
Totk is a sequel that doesn't really acknowledge it's predecessor which is so odd. Botw stands on its own and is an overall more cohesive experience. Everything in the world feels purposefully crafted for that world while totk just slaps things on top of it with not much thought. Botw has some amazing world building while for totk it's either "the Zonai did it" or has some contradictory world building. For example, the old sages lifted up the sky islands so that Link would be protected from Ganondorf shenanigans, but then other sky islands suggest how they've been around long before Rauru since young Zonai used to train in them or something. There is also how Zelda says Link never leaves her side, but people she interacts with on an almost daily basis do not recognize him and how even treat as if he doesn't know some facts about her. So either she is overexaggerating by a lot and/or lying in her own diary or that people in hyrule have the collective memory of a rock. There's also Zelda supposedly never giving Link the champions leathers yet as a gift, but we see him wearing it in the beginning. Idk there's more contradictories, but I haven't experienced this for botw??? Totk is so disconnected and disjointed in comparison.
I'm trying to be vague but there's a lot to say, I'm sorry. I really was enjoying this game at the beginning but the more I played the more I noticed or saw things that bugged me and just kept adding up and up on each other. Botw was never like this for me. It's just more cohesive and I like that. There are so many other things I haven't brought up like the repetitive cutscenes, or missing characters/characters that SHOULD know Link but don't (namely Bolson and Hestu). But this post is long. I can't keep complaining about this game. Botw really is that one of a kind experience, and totk tries to replicate it but worse. Botw had a vine that totk lacks. You feel so alone, but you meet knew people and make friends. You build connections as you learn about the past and help those around you. There is no story, you're just a person going through the motions and exploring the vast world around you. Totk can't replace that for me. I'm the main character playing a side role in a disjointed world where not much makes sense. Everything is similar in all the wrong ways.
And most important of all, they took away Link's fun dialogue and personality now he really is bland asf and used to defend that he wasn't.
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popstart · 2 months
the moment people stop being comically against courtney is the day i stop making fun of them for being weird and wrong. stop being weird about a fictional character in ways that are hilariously stupid and ill stop calling you hilariously stupid
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browniesbagoftricks · 1 month
also almost all of these f3 drivers have broken a bone or two, which you can assume its normal for them since they've been racing in karts since an early age.
none of them posted some ultrasound images on the social media and used that for pr😭😭😭
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shadyhouse · 5 months
i keep getting rejected from job applications and i have no idea what im doing wrong. i wish they would just tell you WHY you're getting rejected and ways to improve. its a guessing game that ends up making me feel even more worthless than i felt before
#like i have been nonstop applying for jobs for the past YEAR and ive gotten TWO INTERVIEWS#one of them i got kicked out of near immediately bc you werent allowed to be late to the job and i mentioned i take the bus (mistake i know)#and the other one i had to turn down bc they wanted to pay me $11/hr despite me already having the experience they needed#and i just reapplied to an old job i had a couple years ago that pays well but i got an instant rejection#not to mention all the other jobs ive been applying to that dont even TRY to contact me before rejecting me#and then my current job where ive been pretty much explicitly told i'm never ever going to get promoted and i keep getting my hours cut#for reasons beyond my comprehension like i dont know what im even doing wrong bc no one will TELL ME#JUST TELL ME WHAT IM DOING WRONG#WHY AM I BEING BAD AT LIFE. CAN YOU THROW ME A BONE PLEASE.#IM TIRED OF SURVIVING I WANT TO THRIVE#IVE BEEN SURVIVING MY WHOLE LIFE IM JUST EXHAUSTED I WANT TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT SOMETHING I DID FOR ONCE PLEASE#Sorry for venting im trying to hold back a breakdown and i have to leave for work in an hour and i just need to shout into the void about it#even applying for like medical based jobs hasnt worked out. you wont even let me be a RECEPTIONIST?#i feel trapped at my current job. even my coworkers have been telling me that ive had my position for wayyyy too long and im gonna be stuck#like tell me something i dont know!!!!!!!!!! tell me how to get a better job!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc im struggling in every aspect of my life!!!!!!#whoever cursed me its working i hope youre happy. the haters love to see it
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sucktacular · 2 months
I miss the days where existing online was a fun thing for ppl with social anxiety to make friends on instead of like Life 2.0 ya know
#sucktacular sucks#this is literally about nothing im just like#so tired. im tired all the time. being online was my lil fun escape place#but now itslike#DID YOU KNOW HORRIBLE THING HAPPENED AND IF YOU ARENT PAYING ATTENTION#YOURE AWFUL AND ALSO THIS OTHER STUFF DONT DO IT BUT YOU#HAVE TO DO THIS THING OR ILL SEND YOU DEATH THREATS#or YOU DID XYZ OR LIKE XYZ THAY MEANS YOURE EVIL AND AWFUL#and its like#i know this stuff existed still back then but also#i just miss making movie maker slide shows#and having funny fake cyber sex in gaia online towns with my friends that i dont#know anything about and will never meet#like i could probably still exist in that closed off little world if i tried harder#but like maaaaann its just rough#i log in and get bombarded with information#i have no money i dont go outside and i want to be left alone except for my friends#i dont want to be anyone and i dont want to do anything#and Yet#my anxiety is on high alert every hour of everyday#anyone else wanna just exist and enjoy stuff or be a hater but it not be A Big Thing#again literally about nothing just like#i have an anxiety disorder and i know existing is already hard#but man online gonna make it hard now too huh#ewie#anyway i do miss my death note mutuals but i cant even socialize with my besties these days#cuz im too anxious and one little trip up and im gonna explode and die frankly#working on it#HOW THE HELL DID WE WIND UP LIKE THIS#AND WHY WERENT WE ABLE... TO SEE THE SIGNS THAT WE MISSED. AND TRY AND TURN THE TABLES
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