#Im not really sure I captured it but I like my attempt anyway :)
night-the-starfish · 25 days
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Concept for album art for Owl City's Paper Tigers
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ivnxrori · 2 months
When Sun and Moon meet - S2
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: fighting, trapped, breakdown
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ⁺ ༓ ☾ Chapter 8 - Failed
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I grabbed the paper against the wall, a missing poster of Appa with a picture of Appa and Aang in boxes. Where did Appa go? I looked around to see a bunch of the same missing posters flying around and found someone who I didn't want to see. Zuko. He was holding the same paper as me, as well as looking around to see where these papers even come from. I snatched the paper from his hand causing him to turn around. “What do you think you're doing?” Zuko glared at me. “You came to Ba Sing Se just to track the avatar?” I spat. “How is that your business?” “Because your trying to capture someone that benefits your father only”
“I'm the son of the Fire lord-” “Yes I know that! which is why-” “Lee!” The old man said out loud, calling to Zuko. “Lee?” I questioned as Zuko groaned. “Okay, whatever your name is you can't just constantly chase the avatar forever” I whispered so only he could hear. Zuko turned around and reached behind my head, making my eyes widen at the contact till he yanked my hood down. “Ow!” I yelped. “Do you want people to find out about your identity?” Zuko scolded as I glared at his attempt of ‘keeping me hidden’. “You could have been more gentler” I scoffed while he rolled his eyes. “Anyways, I was just saying that your just wasting time finding the avatar” “Wasting time?!” He spat “You wouldnt understand the situation i'm in” “No I wouldn't” I stated more confidently than I should have which made Zuko look at me dumbfounded. “But I feel like you getting the avatar won't actually fulfill you” I attempted to stop him “I got banished from my nation, having a scar to prove my humility and you get everything that you want yet you chose to run away!” My eyes widened at his anger “You’re pathetic, still wanting to go to the fire nation after getting ejected” I hissed but looked to my side and saw a girl, who was quite nervous. She had two braids and was wearing the earth kingdom attire. Zuko looked towards the girl as well, feeling awkward. “Oh…Lee, who is this?” She looked towards me with saddened eyes. My mouth was dry as I couldn't come up with an earth kingdom name. “Limi” Zuko squeaked “Also…part of the uhh circus”. I glared at his stupidity, Limi? Really? And Circus?? “Yep im Lee!” I presented smiling and slightly bowing “Now I have to go do my circus-ie duties” I waved off but not forgetting to glare at Zuko once more and left to get Aku.
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“Alright Aku, let's go see Sakari, '' I said softly, ushering Aku to start moving. My mood was left completely sour from that occurrence. I didn't leave for no reason nor did I get everything I wanted. Sure, my past was probably not bad unlike his but it's not like I get everything. Oh well I shouldnt take his words to heart, it's just Zuko. “What in the world is that?” I turned Aku to get a better look at the lake, though I swore I saw something. “Let's take a closer look” Aku starts moving down to the lake. I hop off finding my surroundings quite suspicious. I take a closer look at the water, using my water bending to split apart the liquid to different sides. Before I saw what was there a whole wall came in front of me. I turned around and saw the Ba Sing Se guards. “You must have figured it out” a man with a deep voice and a black mustache with black hair tied back. “No I haven't” I said “yet”. I immediately take advantage of the lake behind me, using it to block the rocks coming towards my way. Using my waterbending to wrap around the guards ankles, making them fall back. Everything was going well until I felt the rock hands behind my wrists. I yelped in surprise, feeling them lock behind me. “Whatever you're hiding from your people isn't going to last long.” I spat. “It's better for Ba Sing Se” “Oh really?” I mocked. I felt tugs behind my wrist and internally panicked. Oh no where are they even taking me? “Let me go!” I yell, my eyes widened slowly by Aku getting hurt by the soldiers attempting to capture him. That was my last straw, I immediately tried to moisten the rocks behind me with the water in the air softing it for me to either manipulate or melt off. Luckily it was near a lake so the moisture was able to melt the rocks off. I ran to Aku, shoving the people behind me with water. “Even if you go back to Ba Sing Se no one will believe you” I glared at the man. I felt enemies coming towards me with their bending, I closed my eyes and lifted my hands from the impact but I felt none. I opened my eyes and saw them. Their eyes were widened in shock. My arms fall to my side only for their whole being to fall on the ground. This time, it was my turn to be shocked. “Her hair!” One of the guards said. I looked up to see my hood completely off, I immediately pulled it down which made the other soldiers get up in relief. What in the world is happening. “Not only she’s a princess, she is a blood bender” The man glared which made me look up in shock. A bloodbender? The waves of anxiety caused rain clouds from above. This is not the best time right now. From the few seconds of shock, I felt the rock hands fill my whole hand, to my wrist to prevent me from using any form of water bending. “Wait! Stop!” I scream attempting to resist. The rain becomes heavier as the soldiers glare at the clouds in annoyance. How come I'm so slow when it comes to this? My resistance faded when I felt the water consuming my vision.
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“Y/N? I don't think she’s fit to be a princess” “Her personality just doesn't…fit”
Huh? What are these voices? I opened my eyelids with some struggle, groaning as I got up. Where am I? I look at my surroundings, the best way to describe it is me…being on a cloud. Everything felt foggy, just faint silhouettes of my people. “Shame it was Yue who died instead of Y/N”. My eyes widened as I looked down miserably. “She is a betrayer in the end” “Poor Chief Arnook”. I attempted to speak up but the whole environment turned pitch black. I couldn't see anything around me. “You expect the water tribe to respect you” an eyeball outlined in white popped up. I flinched and moved back, glaring at it in confusion. “You’re the one that left us after all” The eyeball blinked. “Wait! I can come back!” I tried to compromise it, sweat dripping behind my neck. “Don't even think about it, you're not welcome here.” I'm not welcomed? To my own nation? A wave of people came back, including my father, Sivoy and Yue. They all looked at me in disappointment, I felt tears coming down my face. “Please…say something” I scream desperately. “I can't believe my own daughter left her family” My father said, taking Sivoy. I trembled, falling down on my knees. “Yue…please” I beg, praying she would say something encouraging. “You left me, Y/N…how could you?” Yue glared at me. I said nothing, just went down looking at the floor. “Things haven't changed Y/N, still the selfish, self centered, princess.” the voices kept repeating against my ears. “You should have died back there Y/N” I gripped my hair, silently praying for them to stop.
I woke up, breathing heavily. Sweat dripped off my face onto the cold rock floor. I got up attempting to run away but I felt a force stopping me. The jangling already gave me the hint. I was chained to the ground around the wrists. “Let me go!” I scream as loud as I can, attempting to break the chain. “I need to prove it to my family! To my nation!” I cried out loud, trying to get someone to hear me. “I'm a princess…im a princess…” I move my forehead against the rock cold floor. I sniffed heavily, trying to keep my breathing stable. I lifted my head up, trying to scan the weak part of the chain. Luckily I was able to navigate it and kicked it with my foot. I was tired, really tired. “Should I even go back home?” I lean back to look at the ceiling. I really have no one…
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I managed to get out of that horrible place with ease. I was able to use one of the teachings Sakari gave me for closed areas. Trying to find gaps with oxygen, since this area was under water it had more water moisture in the air which I was able to find an area to exit from. I pushed back the lid where it was originally there and looked around my surroundings, There was no one…not even Aku. All my motivation to explore was gone, I didn't even want to meet Sakari anymore. I lean my head against the floor of a slope and rethink my dream. Was it just a nightmare? Or was it true? I usually brush off horrible thoughts but that…sounded too real. They were right too…I haven't changed at all. I left my tribe, I'm a traitor. I'm not some regular person, I'm a princess who left her duties for her own selfishness. This is such a stupid adventure, I haven't found what I needed at all. I just found what I already lost. “You should have died back there Y/N” I heard it again. This is a sign. I stood up from the ground looking at the sky, thank god it isnt night. I walk towards the water, stepping in. I felt the coldness around my legs. I continued to walk towards my key to make everything better. This is for my people.
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a/n: Hello!! Sorry fro not uploading im trying to upload once every week but it will be delayed a lot!! Im going to try to upload this on my own feed so uh y eah!!! Hope yall had fun really and take care of yourself! Holy shti im tired
taglist: @luvkvni @katovano @karmaswitch @someonesmember @velvet-spider @sh3sa1dwhat @nerdisthenewcool @meiraloves2dmen @fqnfics101 @iluvme547 @leaderwon @yukihatesreoyo @heart4hees @4l3x1s @kkissaku @corpsebridenightamare @newjellis @fatkish @pbeckn26 @jasminesacademia
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rusmii · 2 months
I saw that something happened and i hope everything is okay, and gets better💗💗 I wanted to tell you my little idea I had based on something I saw but imagine a vampire chuuya x artist reader, the specific scene i imagined was chuuya frowning while looking into the mirror, being met with nothing, just his bedroom, not him, never him. He constantly would glance in mirrors or front facing cameras in attempt to see himself but always being disappointed and walking away to go sulk somewhere by himself. One day, reader notices him standing infront of his bedroom mirror, a common occurrence now, so they take it upon themselves to drag him away, placing him down on a chair in there art studio, that once was a spare bedroom that chuuya changed because "no one stays over anyways" and "you deserve your own space, doll", so after a few hours of him asking if it's almost done, trying to hide his eagerness with complaining the seats uncomfortable and the room is to cold, eventually the painting is done and they happily show him, at first chuuya doesn't react but then he smiles, slightly, very slightly that its almost unnoticed. "is that what I look like?". "I tried to make it as accurate as i could" to which he would question his own appearance, because what else could he do? "Is my hair really that color? My eyes surely arent two different colors, right? ..right?" each answer being met with a small laugh or gentle smile, nodding along and confirming his questions to be the truth, after his questions die down a bit and he would thank them, grabbing there hand and kissing there knuckles to which the reader would respind with "dont thank me, i would never give up an opportunity to draw another portrait of my muse". Chuuya, responding curiously, the smile a little more noticeable now. "another? is this not the first?" to which reader smiles and shakes there head, grabbing a notebook thats kept in perfect condition, showing him each page, the whole notebook dedicated just to him. "I know we can't exactly capture all those picture perfect moments in a picture, so i drew them instead..!"
AHHH OMG this was supposed to be a really short sentence like a quick "oo la la what if?" BUT MORE IDEAS KEPT COMING AND IM NOT A GOOD WRITER AT ALL SO I KNOW ITS NOT THE BEST AND I DIDNT REALLY CHECK FOR TYPOS BUT I JUST HAD TO! i have SO MANY ideas for stories or writings but i can NEVER actually put them into words or anything so i usually forget them but i needed to tell this one to someone and i thought you would like the idea!!🫶 i have another idea (not really with any character just a little idea) of a soulmage au but like my own sorta twist on it if you'd like to hear about it!! again, i hope you and everyone you care about are all okay💗💗 mwah💋
butbutbut let’s talk abt UR WRITING??? holy shit girl this is beautiful 😭😭 WDYM U DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT IT INTO WORDS?? UR DID IT SO WONDERFULLY RIGHT HERE 😳😳😳😳😳😳
BUT AAAAH vampire chuuya who has spent centuries without ever looking at his own reflection, realizing that he is indeed, the most gorgeous vampire a human has had the pleasure to lay their eyes on when he sees the hand-painted portrait by his one and only love 😩🥺💕 AND THE INNOCENT SHOCK OF YOU WILLING TO PAINT HIM OVER N OVER AGAIN UNTIL HE GETS TIRED OF LOOKING AT HIMSELF AAWWWAAAAAAA
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amarioe · 11 months
Hello everyone! I am here to finally tell you a bit about my Ice Prince Zane AU lolol
Basically, the concept is that shortly after the serpentine wars, the elemental master of ice mysteriously dissapeared (AKA somehow ended up in the Never-Realm) and became the ruler and protector of the Never-Realm.
Im not sure whether Dr.Julien was born in the Never-Realm, he somehow got trapped there too, or he can somehow travel between realms(i really need to develop this sheesh) but he was there okay-
Anyway, Dr. Julien built Zane and they bonded like in canon, except there was a woman who was friends with Dr. Julien. Her name was Eleanor, she was an owl formling who would take care of and even learn how to repair Zane when his father couldn't. Her and the young nindroid quickly became friends in the process.
Moving on, the same fake old age death scene happened where Dr. Julien erased Zanes memories. This is where we get to the prince thing lol
Ignoring the criminally underdeveloped Dr. Julien and Ice King lore, the Elemental master of ice had passed away after crowning a new king(and passing his power down onto him), who eventually took Zane in and made him a prince, passing his powers onto the nindroid in the process.
Zanes original purpouse, 'protect those who cannot protect themselves' was switched out with 'become the perfect future ruler'. Eleanor was not happy to learn about what had happened, attempting to get Zane back to no avail. She could only really reach him through her daughter who worked in the castle as a maid, or send him letters. and Zane didnt realise it at first, but he wasn't happy either.
He spent his whole life ignoring his gut, telling himself that this was his purpouse. Because what else would he think? That he was somehow never meant to be a prince and this life wasnt even meant for him? Probably not!
But still. Constantly being served, learning battle & strategy techniques, avoiding being robbed every time he left the castle, being constantly dressed head to toe in fancy garments, all of it made him sick to his core. And yet, this was what he was built for right? To be a prince and a king, to be served and to rule over his nation skilfully and ruthlessly, this was his purpouse.
Well, atleast thats what he thought.
All of it changed on one faithful day when three color coded Ninja were captured and taken as prisoners..
Zane took a big step forward by secretly rebelling against his kings orders, and trekked down into the dungons. After interrupting their argument by unintentionally insulting them, he met the Ninja, who had turned to look at the strange figure in confusion.
And thats when their friendship blooms and he eventually frees them and gets kidnapped by a wolf masked prick with a cult following who wants to invade other realms finds his true purpouse with the help of a little bit of trauma, then makes the big decision to go to Ninjago and become a Ninja like his friends!
So yeah thats about it, have more IPZ art(used a drawing base)
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sakurachan7734 · 5 months
Where are you?
Chapter 5: escape attempt
Aristotle pov
I’ve got to find a way out of here and fast I’m pretty sure my parents are starting to worry about me they probably think that I’m dead somewhere in a hole or someone kidnapped me I sure hope Jackson and Zachary are ok and alive I need to find a way out of this room they put me in
No one pov
All of a sudden the alarms go off and Aristotle containment cell door opens and Aristotle immediately grabbed their spear and runs out to look for a exit gate but then notices two people that look like Zachary and Jackson Aristotle runs towards the two
Aristotle: Jackson, Zachary is that you two?!
Jackson: Aristotle!!
Zachary and Jackson both hug and Aristotle starts to kiss them
Aristotle: we missed you both so much me and Charlie were looking everywhere for you!
Zachary: we missed you too we thought we would never see you again! 
Aristotle starts kissing Zachary and Jackson then max walks into the hallway they were in
Max: I KNEW IT!!
Jackson:* pushes Aristotle off of itself and blushing* GET OUT
Max: im telling mom and dad
Jackson: mom and dad already know that I’m dating them
Max: fine I guess I’ll leave 
Max leaves the hallway 
Zachary:* starts laughing* that was funny
Jackson: it kind of was, but my brother is annoying 
Aristotle: that’s ok we probably should run so we don’t get caught
Jackson: yea we need to get out of this place
Zachary, Jackson and Aristotle start running
Jackson: I think there is an exit up north where we can escape
Aristotle: ok should we find somewhere to hide? I think I hear somebody.
Zachary: quick get behind something
Jackson, Zachary and Aristotle hide behind some boxes
A few guards go into the room and then leave and Aristotle, Zachary and Jackson come out form hiding
Zachary; how did you get captured Aristotle? 
Aristotle: I was running around and looking for you then somebody just grabbed me and put me in a truck
Jackson: is your Sister or your parents here?
Aristotle: no I don’t think so I haven’t seen them anywhere
Zachary: well hopefully these psychopath didnt catch them because they got my sister and Jackson’s parents, brother and sister 
Jackson: don’t worry they are ok
All of a sudden they hear gun shots and Aristotle covers Zachary and Jackson with their wings
Jackson: Aristotle what are you doing?!
Aristotle: protecting the both of you!!
Zachary: but your probably going to die!
Aristotle: I’m dead anyway I’ll be fine
All of a sudden a mtf guard knocks them all out
Jackson pov
I don’t have any idea what is going on I can’t move I can’t feel anything i know that they are going to take me back to my room or they are performing a experiment on me while I’m sleeping maybe they are hurting Aristotle and Zachary I really hope not
Meanwhile, with lavender
Lavender pov
I know this is a bad idea but I going to go look for Aristotle but I’m getting really worried about them I don’t want them to die I love my older sibling I hope I don’t get captured to my mom and dad said that I shouldn’t go outside because I might get caught
A few hours later lavender sits down on a bench and falls asleep
Agent yui: well this is going to be easy
Agent vittorio:* gets out the truck* well now we need to get the plague doctor and the possessive mask and then we can finally not worry about this
Agent Yui; well their is one more
Agent vittorio: what? 
Agent yui: well SCP 682 and SCP 079 had or I guess built a kid
Agent Vittorio: I know but that f**ker is very sneaky Every time we try to find him he always disappears.
Agent yui: I know but we still need to catch him
Agent vittorio:* picks up lavender and puts her in the back of the truck* well let’s go after him then
Agent yui: after we drop off this kid at the foundation 
A few hours later lavender wakes up in a cell
Lavender:* rubbing her eyes* where am I? 
Dr Feng min: you are in a containment cell
Lavender: I can see that but what building am I in?
Dr Feng min: you are in a special facility that keeps monsters like you form hurting humanity
Lavender: what?! I would never hurt anyone!
Dr Feng min: don’t you dare try your manipulation tactics on me it’s not gonna work!
Lavender: fine
Lavender pov
I don’t know what happened but it was sleeping on a bench and now I’m here trapped in a room with metal walls and I still don’t know where Aristotle is I’m pretty sure they are dead in a hole somewhere I need to get out of here and fast
End of chapter
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rocicrew · 1 year
for the questions for fic writers: 1, 42, 48, 49, 50
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
hmm that's a tough question, i feel like i've written several prompts that are an easy read so that can be a quick introduction to how i view certain characters and their dynamic. and then it kind of depends what kind of pairing they're more interested in, although the majority of them are naomi centric.  i think ultimately, maybe either of the fics i've that's about naomi and filip (her life in her hands, her life's life in her hands & the way the old life haunts the new). bc they center the topics of loss and trauma and finding a way to live with it anyway and it is a theme i'm very interested in exploring with my writing.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
amdnd it's one of yours actually, again we're going with her life in her hands, her life's life in her hands (i do have a soft spot for this fic despite) i was still v new to sharing my writing and it was a feat to write something that touched those themes and attempt to capture naomi's complexity in such emotions so you telling me i captured that tension really gave me a boost when i was still very unsure of my writing so thank you for that.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
i reread oh, body, be held now by whom you love today which does a lovely work of the push and pull naomi goes through between being guarded and allowing herself vulnerable, of shutting down instinctually and opening herself up again as a way to mend that gap during the preparation to go to ilus.  it had this line; "It’s about building something out of loss." which is fit right into my emotions after making that last gifset. the fic also does a great job of writing the intimacy between naomi and holden and i absolutely recommend it.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
the only wip i currently have, and it's been sitting on my docs for roughly a year has been a draolden drabble that i started after 6x06 and for some reason i have been stuck on even though it's something i'm both interested in and would like for that to be the next thing i finish and upload. maybe it's because it's been there for such a long time that i'm not sure whether to scrap it and start over or just polish some details and add some small things and post it already. oh i also have another from those kissing prompts but i haven't started it yet. and actually i think i have one nolden one but that's more fleeting vibes than proper fic.
i think i've posted an excerpt before but here's a diff one:
“Mhmm, all three of us know that I’m very hot. But, mi pensa, you’re a liar,” Naomi hummed and Drummer looked almost offended at that. But Naomi’s gaze softened as it lifted to meet hers. “You can tell me the truth,” she continued.
“I don’t know if this will work.”
Naomi tried to sit up, because that needed a conversation between them. Jim grumbled slightly at her movement and tried to pull her flush to him. That meant he hadn't fallen asleep but was edging towards consciousness. Part of her hoped he would wake up so she wouldn't have to have this conversation alone. It battled with the part of her that wanted him to catch up for all the sleep he lost. 
“Us? Or the negotiations?”
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
okay, so this isn't a question necessarily but something i'd like to do with my writing so im putting it here in hope i'll actually make it happen. which isn't something big, it's that i want to attempt one day to write a longer multi chapter which isn't something huge but it can be a fun challenge.
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un-pearable · 2 years
okay. s6 thoughts. you can pinpoint the part where my heart breaks right at the beginning of the season
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i have to say though i was pleasantly surprised at how decent jay/naya was at like the 2/3rds way point of the season and onwards when its just them. like as you can tell i am not particularly fond of the way the writers attempt romance. but either way all i ask for is that jay/naya doesnt get any more drama. since i can never win with shipping in this series im not counting on it, but a girl can dream.
anyways i think its really kind of weird how all naya wanted this arc was some agency and then she... didnt even get to significantly contribute to ending the djinn. like man the only reason jay's wish got made was because she was dying for man pain. the irony is almost too much. but i digress
i simultaneously like and dislike jay's final wish bc i dislike that nya had to die and also that it undoes the whole season (except for jay and naya for some reason (????? like why does nobody else remember this. actually scratch that ive given up trying to understand how the djinn wishes work)) but i also like it because the way its presented feels like. i dont know. complete? rounded? its really weird. also fun fact im pretty sure i saw the final episode of this season and like none of the rest of it other than maybe the episode where the ninja go to jail. the wonders of cable tv
it is really terribly unfortunate, btw, that the only darker skinned character in the whole show is a rapist. i really dont like that i really dont like that at all.
in other news, zane continues to get nerfed by the writers by things outside his control because otherwise he'd be too powerful. they nerfed him when he took control of the team last season and they nerfed him again with the djinn wishes. i STILL dont understand how he deleted pixal. it makes no sense he just. did that (??????) and they didnt even try to explain
speaking of djinn lore that doesnt make sense to me, i still dont understand why he didnt just marry anybody on his ship and then wish them to be his girlfriend. like idk man that seems so much more simple.
i am also terribly terribly TERRIBLY disappointed we didnt get a "STOP THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like for real what is Even The Point. whyd you even bother doing this at all. the answer is so that we could get jay/naya but man its not even explained how getting married gives him all those powers. just because. the other person doesnt even have to CONSENT and it works ????? somehow ????????? actually speaking of if she doesnt have to consent. whyd we even bother going through all this at all when she gets captured way earlier. man the lore of this season is just a mess.
im not gonna lie i really dont like the fact that zane's dad made a replacement for him. not even like a different kid its literally just zane 2.0 despite the fact that both of them are sentient and, yknow. people. that would, however, be a very interesting subplot to explore re: zane's identity as a robot but unfortunately we wont be getting that bc i dont think this show likes what i like very much. also very sad that the other zane, who is still a person btw, is gonna be trapped in that lighthouse for the rest of time.
also really really funny that old lloyd looks like a garmadon clone. reminded me of something my friend who i am liveblogging my ninjago revival to said like 3 days ago
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anyways watch them give lloyd a girlfriend and watch me tear my hair out as the ninjago writers continue to curse me with their attempts at romance. im also like 40% sure a time travel arc is coming up soon but maybe im remembering wrong. guess we shall Wait And See.
also unrelated but i have to say the djinn response to a wish being "your wish is yours to keep" instead of "your wish is my command" is honestly pretty epic. i do love that.
also. a . question. are we.... are we ever going to get back to the fact that jay's bio dad is (presuming hes still alive. well i guess at the point the season leaves off he is but still you get the idea) a world famous actor and dumped his son off at a junkyard despite being fabulously wealthy and then named said son as his heir without ever contacting him (????????????????) please tell me we're going back to that. please. who the heck is his bio mom. many questions no answers.
so, my wishes for the next season: no love drama please i am on my hands and knees i am begging i am pleading no more romance. give me a break dear writers please. um other than that i was talking to previously mentioned friend earlier and i was like "well im pretty sure garmadon is coming back because if theres one thing this show hates its letting go of its cast" and she said that he comes back in an extremely mediocre way and thinks i will be mad so. that. is a thing i am . well i want to see him again but im also not so sure i want to see him again with this new information. so theres that. um i want more team interactions as always. i want people hanging out and being friends. i also want bad alt outfits. im a simple lady honestly
(preface: my infinite apologies for not getting this till now my life is a disaster rn. i am GREATLY enjoying these)
the immediate turnaround.... yeahhh. i'm a filthy early seasons stan and boy does it become very clear the more seasons they get that the struggle between the writer's cool ideas and their ability to execute them is constant and ongoing (and largely losses). im pretty sure s6 had some notoriously bad crunch too and it definitely shows
kudos to them for finally getting their one-on-one dynamic down bc it can be REALLY fun when used to its full potential but the majority of the time nya gets nerfed and its the biggest loss ever. theres so much to do with your deconstruction of the damsel how dare they fuck it up so many times 😔 dangers of an ever growing cast but cmon
i can do nothing but agree with your complex feelings on the ending bc its both incredibly frustrating and incredibly fitting. the racial implications of this show only get more,, concerning. as time goes on so tragically yeah. yeah. fuckin hell lego
zane king of my heart. the cornerstone of the team my tag is loadbearing nindroid for good reason. you are constantly correct
!!! yes!!! the one thing that could have made that entire plot line (slightly) more comedic than uncomfortable. literally nothing about this season has logic that makes sense even within JUST this season its terrible its great.
i can't even comment on the echo zane stuff its just baffling to me they don't ever use it. fucking WILD thing to make canon and then never bring it up again dear god. both intriguing implications for dr. julien's.... everything and completely squandered opportunity to actually get into robot storylines again which are 80% of the reason i watched the show. eternally crossing my fingers that those rumors about the villains are true bc dear god does julien get more fucked up the more you think about him. (preboot) chuck and dr julien are the same archetype stop making connections brain. that is a negative statement they're both well meaning but fucked up. and self flagellating for the wrong reasons
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oHHH yeah. the familial symbolism in this series is like a drug to me i can't get enough of it. approaching lloyd and garmadon as the same core traits just with vastly different circumstances... ninjago has fascinating implications for the nature vs nurture debate ill leave it at that
it is!!! its cool as hell.
everything about jay is fascinating to me he has as many bonkers decisions behind his existence as lloyd does only he's supposed to be The Normal Guy so it loops back around. untapped comedic potential in him being wealthy enough to subsidize their entire crimefighting lifestyle but being too traumatized to explain why. the larry butz of ninjago.
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barbierpt · 4 months
im not a photoshop person, no patience to attempt it again or even hack it, so i dont know how to make gifs, i'll leave that to people with the time and energy to actually deal with it but i can't imagine how you could assume someone is lazy for making gifs at all. if they have a job irl then they are a saint for wasting their downtime making gifs, and if they don't they're still not lazy because from what i've seen it takes a lot of time. filling your hard drive with film, sitting through hours of episodes to do whatever to capture the faceclaim, and then like doing whatever to fix the footage (ive seen some uuuugggllyyyyy before & afters) blah blah like that could not be me girl. i repeat: time and energy. not for me. not only that... but like... we do notttt know peoples circumstances so like how could you say someone is lazy irl for not having irl job and doing gifs to barely have income (like you said there's no way ppl are paying bills off of a $10-$20 commission here and there) when you don't know? like ? a. maybe they do have a job and just need some extra money... nothing wrong w that, b. maybe they dont have an irl job but they just got out of school and r interning or whatever like who knows!!! maybe they lost a job, maybe they can't legally work where they are like ??? anyway just my 2 centsss
those are definitely all really good points in regards to the initial anon on this topic. gif making isn't such a simple task. i mean, there are so many tutorials out there that anyone can learn it, i'm sure, but like you said it takes plenty of time. i don't want to assume the very anon was intentionally calling gif makers "lazy" for not having an irl job but yep, definitely important to remember that none of us know what's going on behind the screens in everyone's lives.
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
Hm. I wanted my dragonriders of pern iron man au to basically be a fusion where it's the plot of - or major points of - iron man transposed onto a pernese setting, with changes to fit the context of course. But reading other pern fanfic im like. Part of me wants to just play around with the sandbox of tony impresses a gold dragon, without the iron man plot points, or at least skipping figuring out how to map the whole thing with him being captured and tortured and Obadiah trying to kill him, onto pern. But then I feel like it's a cop-out on the complicated difficult bits of the story and lazy. Idk.
Sigh, idk
Maybe the whole kidnapping/torture/attempted murder and character growth happens before tony impresses a dragon? That would..actually really solve a lot of the problems, because how would you keep someone and their dragon apart so as to prevent rescue? So it happens before he bonds to ironath. Okay that makes way more sense!! Obadiah is Tony's superior in some way - maybe tony is the son of the now-dead lord holder of my made-up Stark Hold, and Obadiah made lord warder, bc tony was technically underage when his parents are killed (im going to go with by holdless folk for this). Of course deposing Obadiah (tho mostly its obie tries to kill tony for good and also kind of goes mad...not sure how he dies, tho. Maybe have the wrong-firestone, the stuff that explodes on contact with water, be in some corner collected by holdless folk to use as bombs, and Obie falls back and into it and they fought in water right before? Or something, idk. Anyway he dies, and tony is technically lord holder now. He gets confirmed as well, after maybe some usual back and forth but they don't want the hold in contention...
Okay so how does he go from lord holder to dragonrider? Obviously he has some health thing occur related to his torture, and believes he won't live long enough (and not long enough to sire an heir) so... I guess he gives the Holding to Jarvis who has been doing much of the work of Holding anyway, especially recently with tony sick. He doesn't keep it a secret from his friends in this, or at least not from jarvis, who has known tony since he was a child and honestly should have been lord warder in the first place. I guess he doesn't keep it a secret from pepper, either. Not sure if he tells rh'dey (rh'dey) who is a dragonrider, maybe bc he's busy and tony doesn't want to bother him, and he asks pepper not to tell rh'dey either when they see each other.
Tony has a blue firelizard named Dummie, because the flitt is not the brightest, but tony loves him. Writing stuff down as it occurs to me ok
Ah, anyway, pepper does end up telling rh'dey that tony is sick, which gets somehow up to Weyrleader N'klas, who decides no, tony can't be allowed to die (he doesn't know tony gave Lord Holdership to Jarvis, not yet anyway), now that Obadiah is no longer causing problems among the Holders about the Weyrs, and stark hold being neutral-to-friendly with the weyr now is beneficial to N'klas' plans, plus he has heard how intelligent tony is, and he has journeyman status in his craft, so all in all he has reasons to try to keep this man alive. So he sends for the Master Healer, but he believes if he sends the Healer *to* tony, the man will not receive it well, and he wont be able to treat Tony. So he has his weyr harper, who is trained in methods that one could call 'spy' skills, go to Stark Hold under a different guise. She will bring the medicine which the Healer is certain will treat Tony's ailment - heart-related and stress-related troubles - with her and will manage to find ways to give him the doses. Eventually he will be told, when his heart is strong enough he won't have an episode from the stress...
Yeah, this isn't going to go over well once tony finds out. And pepper has no idea, she thought maybe rh'dey would ask for the Weyrleader to send the Healer. Tony's reputation for being difficult is why the Weyrleader made the call, but it does make tony very displeased with him and nearly undoes N'klas' plans. Whoopsie doodles. Though he accepts that the not telling him is due to the risk of his health worsening from stress, but they could easily have just had the Healer come and tell him what ailed him and give him the medicines himself! So the Weyrleader is personally on Tony's shitlist for a long time. Deservedly tbh. He still appreciates the weyr and dragonriders but yeah.
And that ends parts 1+2.
Part 3 is where tony is at the Weyr to watch a Hatching when the gold dragnet hatchling decides to say fuck tradition and screw all these candidates, I want that guy. Oops. Ironath is very strong-willed, and Tony loves her but wishes it wasn't so complicated. He is glad he put in the paperwork while he was sick because it is quite easy now to have the Lord Holdership officially transfered to Jarvis, and the other Lord Holders reluctantly accept this because well, as Steward Jarvis has had much of the running of the Hold already.
Pepper impresses a Gold at the next Hatching, also. I was gonna have her bond a different color maybe at the same hatching but I thought that might be too many stands impressions in the same hatching, and also I can't see her with anything but Gold, either, so. She is an official candidate then, tho, she gets Searched. Woo, the trio are all at the Weyr now! Also she meets H'gan ;)
Ah, so part 3, continues with a dragonrider appearing from an accidental trip between times - from the past! No one has ever timed it to the future, not without following someone from the past, and yet somehow S'teve and Bronze Rogerseth did it. Yes this becomes a stevetony story bc I love them your honor. Ahem. Anyway, stuff! Friendship! Romance! They probably are dumb abt feelings and don't say anything without walking it back until Ironath rises and they express themselves before they end up unable to lol
And then I guess somehow the avengers plot happens, idk. Part 4 ig.
Oh also I'm Sure Tony and N'klas had so much fun discussing Tony impressing a gold and how he's now one of his riders at shield weyr and etc etc 🙃
Ah, I'll figure out how the plot of the avengers movie works for a pernese context another time.
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darkestcorners · 3 years
polarity | 03 yandere!jungkook au
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x reader (f)
genre: yandere
warnings: 18 +, unhealthy & obsessive behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmail, mentions of mental health, mental abuse, stalking, descriptive panic attacks
word count: 13.5k
summary: Your best friend’s new boyfriend becomes infatuated with you…
Parts: 01 | 02 | 03 | ❅ CS | 03 JK | 04
A/N: Sorry for the delay but my computer kept messing up when i was attempting to tag the people that asked so im sorry for the lack of tag list, ill try to fix it.  But anyways hope you guys enjoy :)
You stared at Eunji’s text message, your eyes scanning over the words over and over.
From Eunji: Hey, I’m sorry about everything I said. I think you might be right about Jungkook. Can we talk?
This had to be some kind of sick joke.
Did she really just admit that she might believe you? Your mind was racing trying to come up with every sort of reasoning behind her words imaginable.
What had made her change her mind? What had she realized about Jungkook that could have possibly made her doubt him? She had looked so sure of what she had told you , she was secure in her stance and yet she so easily had changed it. Had she seen something? Had she finally noticed that her boyfriend was insane?
No, you were being too optimistic. You wouldn’t make that mistake again, look at where that got you.
If you knew anything about Jungkook, it was that he played his part too well. If he wanted to be the perfect boyfriend, he was. You had seen that role play out that day in the car, during dinner and even the first time you met him in the cafe.
He played his parts so well that he had even fooled you again. You had walked right into his trap, he had you right where he wanted you. You had given yourself to him so willingly, that camera had captured every detail of your betrayal.
It was the perfect blackmail, and you had handed it over to him with such ease. If Jungkook decided to ever use this against you, he would finally become your puppet master. The sinking realization of how greatly you had messed up settled and you were completely falling apart.
He had a sex tape.
A sex tape of you and him.
Not only was that completely mortifying in itself , but you knew if it ever reached the eyes of Eunji, you were done for. Completely done for. This was worse than her simply finding out about your disloyalty, if she ever saw what you had done? It would ruin her.
You didn’t even want to think about why Jungkook had placed a camera here in the first place. Had he already assumed you were going to sleep with him? Had that been his next move? Did he plan in advance just in case? Your body chilled at how calculating the man beside you with a face so delicate could be. You were beginning to realize just how much you didn’t know him at all. You had been stupid enough to think you could predict his behavior but nothing about Jungkook was consistent, for everything he showed you always seem to have an even worse ulterior motive than you had previously imagined.
Now, you could only hope and pray that there was a slim chance your plan would succeed. It was the only sort of comfort you had.
Your hands were shaking uncontrollably and you cursed, feeling your anxiety start to spike up. This was the worst timing. You shifted, not liking how suffocated you were feeling, the heat of his body pressed up against yours was too much.
You felt him groan behind you at the feeling of your movements. You successfully unwrapped his hand from your waist , gently moving to slip out of the bed but before you could even plant your feet on the floor, you felt his familiar grip on your wrist, tugging you back.
“Baby?” He mumbled, his voice deep and groggy, clear tiredness coating it.
“ Where are you going?”
“T-To the bathroom .” You watched his eyebrows crease, his eyes were still shut and a frown settled on his lips at the sound of your seemingly quivery tone. You came to grip the sheets back to your chest, trying your best to cover yourself up when you saw his eyelids finally flutter open.
His half lidded gaze met yours, eyes slowly blinking at your face, taking you in. It was the same look he had given you moments ago while you were withering against him, a look of pure adoration and desire filling his eyes.
He brought his other hand to your cheek, smoothing out your skin with his thumb.
“You okay?” You tried your best to keep yourself in control of the situation. You didn’t dare let yourself look back to the camera that was surely still recording the two of you. It wouldn’t be smart to confront him about it, he obviously had not intended for you to see it by how well hidden it had been.
You had to keep up what you had already started. Jungkook’s fixation on you would have to eventually disappear now, he already had you and it wasn’t like it had been the most memorable time ever considering your lack of experience. There was no other reason for him to keep you around now, you just had to be patient. The realization would hit him soon.
“Yeah,” You whispered, gripping your phone tighter , you saw his gaze travel downwards to the other hand that tugged on the sheets over your body.
“I just really need to use the bathroom.”
His dark eyes met yours once again, staring silently at you for a couple more seconds before he wordlessly nodded and released the grip on your wrist.
You scooted away from him, finally getting off from the bed. The entire bedsheet was still wrapped around your body but as you took a step forward, you felt it being harshly tugged away.
“Jungkook!” You let out a gasp, both hands coming to cover your exposed chest, the only thing you were wearing was your underwear.
You heard him chuckle behind you and you turned your head to give him a glare, the sight of him laying there with a playful grin on his face as he hungrily took in your naked frame was surprisingly the most normal part of this entire thing. The scene resembling that of a lively young couple.
“Why bother? I’ve already seen it all, baby.” His lips tilted amusingly at you still trying your best to hide your chest. Your back was fully facing him now.
“ Besides, those little skirts you wear all the time don’t leave room for much of the imagination.”
You sighed as you held your phone towards the middle of your chest, not exactly wanting him to see it so perhaps this was the perfect excuse. You could feel another tremble of nerves hit your body.
Not now not now.
“Can I at least borrow one of your shirts?” You asked and you heard him immediately shuffle behind you before a black t-shirt appeared before you, you eyed his tattooed arm as he reached out to hand it towards you , the clothing item hanging loosely from his fingers. You took it , still refusing to fully face him and then felt his arms wrap around your waist.
He must have been kneeling on the bed because you felt him tug you back a few inches causing your back to hit his upper chest, his face nuzzling into your neck. You felt the tips of his hair tickle your shoulder at the action.
“Don’t be long,” He mutters with a firm kiss to your skin. You absolutely loathe the way it sends a shiver directly down your spine.
You bunch of the shirt he gave you around your fist and nod before you pull away from him and walk towards the other side of his spacious room, the door to his bathroom was already slightly creaked open and you quickly slip inside before shutting the door behind you.
You stare down at the doorknob, deciding to lock it. You throw on the shirt he gave you on, trying to ignore how it smelled exactly like him. The faint scent of his cologne hitting your nostrils instantly.
To Eunji: What do you mean?? Did he do something?
You bit your lip as you sent the text, pacing back and forth throughout the bathroom. Your eyes trailed over the large mirrors by the two sinks in front of you. There wasn’t much on marble counters , just a toothbrush, some shaving gel and a couple of razors.
The anxiety you tried to keep at bay was getting harder to control as more seconds passed by. What had Eunji meant by her text? Was it possible she had seen something —someone with Jungkook?
But how?
You were conflicted. This would have been the best news a couple of hours ago, the perfect escape. If Eunji had doubts about Jungkook then that would have made everything much easier, that’s what you had been hoping for. For her to break up with him on her own and realize he wasn’t who he claimed to be. That would have possibly made her actually believe you if Jungkook did spread lies about you hooking up with him.
Besides, what proof could Jungkook actually have ? Some simple texts that didn’t even reveal much to begin with. It would have just been by word of mouth and Eunji would have little to go by, if she didn’t already trust him, who was to say he was telling her the truth? You knew that would have been your chance to reveal everything and actually have her believe you.
But now what? Now you actually were guilty.
You had not only slept with her boyfriend but there was clear evidence of it.
You wanted to scream, some part of you was irrationally angry at your best friend. If she had just believed you and trusted you a couple hours ago, if she had told you this before you had come here and had sex with Jungkook, you would of been freed.
From Eunji: No.
From Eunji: Well I don’t know…
You knitted your eyebrows at her vague response.
The sound of your phone suddenly ringing nearly made you drop it entirely. Your eyes widened as you saw Eunji’s name across the screen.
You cursed as you quickly pressed to answer it and hold it tightly against your ear.
“Hello?” You say, coming to stand in the furthest corner of the restroom, you took a nervous glance towards the door, not knowing if Jungkook could actually hear you or not. It was a pretty large room, that was the only advantage.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you. I feel bad about what I said , you know I didn’t mean it like that..” Eunji says but all you could focus on was the bathroom door, waiting for Jungkook to come storming inside.
“I know, it’s okay.” You reply to her and you wonder to yourself if it actually was okay. Eunji’s words had hurt you, there was no denying that. But what had hurt you the most was her not believing you, or trusting you.
Sure, you could admit you had always been the skeptical kind around her past relationships but you were never one to outwardly try and tarnish her relationships. It pained you to think that the one time you voiced your deep concern, your best friend had been so quick to dismiss you.
“I was being a bitch, I’m sorry.” She says and every word tugs at your chest. Her voice sounded so genuine, so soft. You almost hated how easy it was for you to forgive her, to be willing to let it all go at that moment.
“And about Jungkook..”
“How about we meet up? To talk somewhere?” You are quick to cut her off, the subject of Jungkook was a dangerous one given your current whereabouts.
“Right yeah, how about you meet back at the apartment? ” She says and you hear shuffling in the background, it sounded like she was still at the university from the low murmurs. A high-pitched ringing was also heard in the midst of the chaos. “ I’m already on my way there, where are you?”
You fall silent, ignoring her question as you check the time on your phone.
It wasn’t that late but the problem was how you were going to make your grand exit out of this place without having Jungkook suspect anything.
“Yeah, I’ll see you there.” You assure her before abruptly hanging up and letting your head fall back against the wall behind you.
The toilet that stood beside you was incredibly inviting considering your stomach was starting to ache. Not to mention you felt disgusting, tainted with the utter betrayal you had just committed. The anxiety seemed to come and go, you tried to control your breathing by using the same outdated methods you had always done but they did little to ease the irrational emotions.
You swallowed, your mouth insanely dry now from how much you had repeated the action. It made you panic even more.
After actually using the restroom, you slowly made your way over to the door and swung it open.
“Fuck!” You let out a curse as you nearly walk right into Jungkook.
He stood in front of you, his hand lazily resting on the side of the door frame as he looked down at you.
“Sorry,” He mused, looking genuinely regretful for startling you. “ Need to piss.”
You move aside, getting out of his way but your eyes involuntarily linger on his bare toned chest and the boxers that hang lowly on his waist. Mentally cursing at your inappropriate goggling , you're quick to start making your way back towards the bed.
“Calling someone?” You freeze, turning to glance over your shoulder at him with a questioning look and his eyes scan over to fixate on your hand.
You follow his stare, dumbly realizing the phone that was tightly gripped in your hand.
“Uh,n-no I just..” You start and watch as he raises an eyebrow expectantly, the sharpness of his gaze always made you feel unsettled but right now it made you feel downright terrified.
“Eunji wants to meet up for coffee.” You finish, forcing a casual tone to coat your words and only praying it would help cover up the deceptiveness of your behavior.
Jungkook doesn’t respond right away. Instead he stares silently at you, as if trying to dissect your words.
At least that’s what your best guess was. It was getting far too difficult to recognize his patterns after your most recent discovery.
You didn’t want to risk being wrong again.
“This late?” He asks, his upper lip tilting upwards in the most subtle way but you catch it.
Is he testing you? Did he hear everything that was being said in that bathroom?
“Yeah,” You shrug, committing fully to the lie. “She wants help with some project.”
He continues his intrusive stare before he finally nods slowly , eyes trailing down your figure and towards the floor before settling back on your face.
“You told her you couldn’t, right?”
It’s not bitterness or anger. Not quite that but it’s close, a very similar emotion. One you were too familiar with because of how often you felt it when you were in Eunji’s presence all these past years, drowning in your one-sided love.
Your fingers continue to grip the phone in your hands tightly, the mental insults you were throwing at yourself right now were endless.
The look Jungkook was giving you right now was telling you to accommodate and give in completely to what he wanted. It wouldn’t be wise to do the opposite, you still didn’t know what he planned on doing with his new little tape.
Plus, if he had truly thought you had slept with him because you had a change of heart and were starting to reciprocate his feelings somehow. You could imagine he didn’t appreciate you trying to ditch him right after, fleeing towards the person he had known you were in love with.
“Yeah.” You decide, glancing down at your phone. “I-I just told her we could meet up tomorrow instead.”
Jungkook looks satisfied with your answer as he turns back and comes to walk towards you, closing the space between you two. His fingers met the back of your neck, angling your face towards him as his lips pressed against yours, leaving a firm peck on them.
“You’re shaking?” He frowns, taking notice of the way you were still slightly trembling. His hands caught your own, thumb caressing the skin of your palms.
“Anxiety.” You reply simply, feeling the annoying sensation spike up again. It lingered and fell to the pit of your stomach, starting to make its way up.
A look of understanding flashed Jungkook’s features before his hands moved towards your upper shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“You’re okay, baby.” He assures you as your breathing begins to take an inconsistent pattern again.
“Just count to 10, you’re fine.” You follow his advice in the midst of your episode, mumbling the numbers and you feel his fingers continue to caress your shoulders, massaging them almost.
“I can’t breathe.” You make out, hands going from a barely there tremble to full on shaking. He lowers his face to meet your eyes.
“Yes you can,” He sounds completely calm and in control. His lack of concern made you feel slightly better. The thing with anxiety was how tricky it all was, your mind was convincing you something was wrong and if Jungkook would have panicked with you, it would have only made things much worse for you.
“You can breathe just fine. You’re breathing right now.” Jungkook points out in the middle of your panicked breaths and you swallow the very little saliva that is left in your mouth.
“N-Not enough.” You stutter, pulling away from him and doing what you always did when you had an anxiety attack.
Pace back and forth.
You came to tug on your hair but Jungkook came beside you, pulling your hands away from your face and taking your phone out of your hand.
“Hey, hey.” He whispered, his tone was gentle. Far too gentle and it made you feel some type of way but you blamed it on your far too vulnerable state right now.
“You’re okay, I promise.” He continues, caressing your hands again soothingly. He tries to keep you to maintain eye contact with him but your eyes involuntary dart around the room.
But finally, you meet his gaze and he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He repeats the action and watches you, silently asking for you to follow his exact actions.
You copy him, breathing in and out.
“Too fast, slow down.” He instructs softly, making you start over. You repeat the action again, this time forcing yourself to take a full deep breath and let it out naturally.
“Yeah just like that, baby.”
The actions brings you some relief , slowly feeling your body release the ball of stress.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” He squeezes your hands before he swiftly exits the room, leaving his door wide open and you hear his footsteps disappearing through the hallway. You make a mental note not by any means to look in the direction you were so desperately wanting to. When Jungkook would look at that footage, he would notice you stare towards it and you couldn’t have that.
Instead your eyes trail over what had first caught your attention when you entered the room. His graduation photo.
You walked towards it, trying to distract yourself which was ironic because the very reason you were having a breakdown right now was because of him.
He looked younger in the picture, not a lot but still his hair was slightly shorter and his cheeks fuller. He wore that same charming boyish smile, one that indicated nothing but pure innocence and inexperience. The contrast between that image and his true one was still mind blowing to you.
You wondered if there was a time he truly was that sweet and innocent boy, with no menacing personality brooding underneath him. But it was wishful thinking.Your eyes fell on the frames on his wall, a lot of certificates and awards decorated it. It seemed like he was a bright student, that fact didn’t surprise you. Jungkook seemed far too intelligent for his own good.
Or for anyone's good.
“Hold this.” You flinch back, turning to face him. You had not even heard him walk back into the room in your distracted state.
Jungkook placed two ice cubes in your hands. You gripped them, focusing on the freezing sensation.
“I used to see my mom do that when she had panic attacks.” He told you and you couldn’t hide the surprised look that took over your face.
“Your mother has panic attacks?” You didn't know why the fact shocked you so much. It was probably due to how much you had tried to humanize him and failed. But now that you actually had discovered something that brought a sense of normalcy to him, it was hard to believe.
He nods, wrapping his hands over yours as you feel the ice start to melt in your hands.
“When I was a kid, I used to watch her have them all the time.” He cocks his head to the side, recalling the memory.
“I didn’t really know what it was back then so it used to scare me to see her like that.” The smallest bit of a smile teases his lips but then it falls as he continues.
“My dad always used to get angry at her, it made things a lot worse as you can imagine.”
You fall silent at the newfound information he was sharing, your eyes scanning over his face. There was resentment in that sentence with the way his voice had deepened.
“I never used to get why he freaked out so much on her, you know? She couldn’t control it.” He frowns, knitting his eyebrows together.
You watch him, his fingers moving up your wrist, his pointer finger pressed down on the skin there.
“I’m sorry,” You surprise yourself by saying. It felt like the appropriate response and you didn’t know why considering how much you despised him.
His words brought out your undeniable sympathy. No matter how much you hated him, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him at that moment. Perhaps you really were naive but it made you think about how that may have impacted him. The little psychology student inside of you was compelled to know more, to figure out why he was the way he was and how much of his childhood was to blame for his current behavior.
“All better?” He asks, and you look up at him. He wore a warm smile. You were no longer shaking and your breathing had normalized fully now. Unease was still present but not nearly as much as a few minutes ago.
“Y-Yeah.” You reply with a nod and go to pull away from him but he grips you forward, guiding you over to the bathroom.
“Dry your hands,baby.” He grins, bringing you over to the sink and you go to dry them on the small hand towels that are placed on the side of the wall.
“You’re staying the night.” He murmurs in your ear and you feel his arms wrap around your waist again, pulling your back against his naked chest.
You eye his reflection, both of your reflections in the mirror. His mouth is inches away from your ear and his eyes slowly meet yours on the glass, raising one dark eyebrow at you.
You didn’t text back Eunji.
The thought crosses your mind but you decide against it for now. You had to be very careful in how you played this game if you wanted to be successful. Texting her right now wouldn’t be smart, you didn’t want Jungkook to even glance towards your phone and look at those messages that severely incriminated you.
You give him a silent nod and he smirks into your neck, your breath hitches as you feel his fingers dip down underneath your t-shirt, well his t-shirt that you’re wearing and move up towards your stomach. They linger there until you feel his mouth peck the skin of your neck.
“I can’t believe you’ve deprived yourself from sex so long,” He whispers in between his light kisses. There’s a hint of teasing in his tone and your face heats up at his words.
“With such a pretty face,” He continues, fingers moving upwards and you let out a gasp when his hands palm and squeeze your breasts roughly. “And body.”
You stare at him in the mirror, seeing the outline of his knuckles through the transparent material of the shirt.
“You drive me crazy.” He groans and your hand comes up to tug at his hair, causing him to let out a deep chuckle. The feeling of his fingers on your nipples, circling them in excruciatingly slow motions has your entire body feeling hot again. The familiar wetness pooling in between your legs.
But then he stops and you almost whine in protest. He turns you around in one quick motion and lifts you up effortlessly, hands gripping the back of your thighs as he carries you over to the shower. The glass door slides open and he switches positions, still holding you up with one hand as he turns on the shower head with the other. Water falls on both of your heads and your eyes flutter shut as his lips meet yours. The steam of the hot water rises eventually and you let out a whimper as his hands meet your ass, squeezing it. Every part of your body is writhing against him once again, you could feel his hardness brushing your core.
Every bad thought leaves you for the rest of that night, disappearing with all the guilt and anger you had felt towards him. For once, you let yourself get lost in the pleasure and not think about the consequences and the disgust of it all.
For once, you let yourself enjoy the little bit of ecstasy you had not felt in years.
The keys rattle against the doorknob and you sigh in frustration as you drop them in the midst of your frantic and impatient movements. You bend over and pick them back, forcing them back inside the slot.
The door squeaks and you grimace, hoping it’s not too loud and that nobody is home. You take off your jacket while setting your bag down on the kitchen counter.
“Thanks for ditching me.” You jump at the sound of Eunji’s voice behind you.
You turn to find her standing there with her arms crossed but she didn’t seem upset. On the contrary, a smirk painted her lips as she gave you a knowing look.
“Long night?” Holding your breath, you place the lanyard that held your keys on the counter. The guilt came flooding back towards you in that second. It had already been eating at you the entire ride here, not letting you be at peace with yourself.
“I’m sorry, I was gonna text you.” You say, and you don’t know you can stand to look at her for long without shedding tears.
“Forget that, did you actually get laid?” She says as she walks over to you, excitement was clear in her tone and face. She raised both eyebrows at you, greedily awaiting your response.
You felt as if the betrayal was tattooed on your forehead.
“N-No. What are you even talking about?” You force a chuckle, shaking your head.
She eyes you with a suspicious look.
“Then where were you last night? You never stay out. “ She says.
You avoid her gaze  once again.
“My aunt got sick, so I decided to stay the night with her.” You sigh with a shrug, you had rehearsed the lie over and over again your head on the entire elevator ride up here. You could only pray your friend didn’t further question you because you had no idea how good or bad of a liar you were.
You didn’t have experience in completely betraying your friends but you think back at what Jungkook had told you before dropping you off.
As soon as the car comes to a stop, your fingers grip the door handle but Jungkook stops your rushed movements, reaching over to unbuckle your seatbelt.
“I can’t believe I forgot to text her, she’s probably freaking out.” You say thoughtlessly but you watch Jungkook snicker at your words.
“ Just tell her your aunt was sick.” He simply says, eyeing the scarf around your neck as he comes to tug it down slightly, his eyes hungrily looking over what he did the previous night.
“Or better yet, show her this.” He runs his thumb over the bruised skin with a look of pure triumph on his features, the possessive look in his eye was hard to ignore but you do just that and pull away, adjusting the scarf again.
You reach to open the door again.
“Forgetting something?” Jungkook waves your phone in your face, you had forgotten he had taken it out of your hands when you were having a panic attack. You go to take it out of his hands but he moves away from your reach, a playful look now pooling over his doe eyes.
“Ah ah,” He scolds softly, gaze dipping down to your lips. “Kiss.”
You take a swift glance around you, making sure Eunji isn’t for some reason walking out of the apartment complex before you move towards him, leaving a gentle peck on his lips. But Jungkook isn’t satisfied by that, his fingers grip your jaw, prolonging the kiss and further deepening it.
You suppose you did have experience in it now.
The excitement wipes off her face and she pouts.
“Damn, what a shame.” She says flatly , resting her chin on her palm as she takes a seat on the chair.
“So about what you needed to talk about..” You begin, your hands already felt clammy at the upcoming subject.
How were you meant to go about this? Going completely back on your word would officially make you look more insane than you already had but if you went along with your original plan and pressured her to break up with Jungkook, you weren’t sure you could risk him suspecting you had something to do with her decision or worse, her mentioning you to him.
However, convincing her to stay with him would also be cruel, wouldn’t it? You had betrayed her in all ways possible. She didn’t deserve to have Jungkook, someone who obviously didn’t value her enough to respect their relationship. But then, that’s exactly what brought her happiness. She loved Jungkook. There was no doubt in that, she had never looked at anyone else the way she looked at him. No matter how much that pained you to admit. He was the main cause of her happiness.
This wouldn’t end well either way, your pessimistic thoughts screamed at you.
You had practically dug your best friend’s grave along with your own.
“Ugh, don’t get me started.” She huffs as she reaches over to grab a banana out of the bowl of fruits on the counter.
“I finished an entire bottle of wine by myself last night going over it, it’s driving me crazy.”
She motions over to the other side of the counter and surely enough, there’s a nearly empty wine bottle sitting there. Eunji rubs her temples before she continues her rant.
“I feel like I’m being sensitive, I just feel like Jungkook has been a bit cold lately or not as attentive as he used to be.” She confesses as she begins to peel the yellow fruit with her delicate manicured fingers.
You stay silent, urging her to continue before you give any thoughts.
“And it’s not like I’m that needy, I feel like-“ She pauses, her pretty face frowning as she seems to be in deep thought.
“It’s stupid..” She mumbles and you feel your nerves spike up. Something you were getting far too used to at all times now.
“What?” You press.
“I don’t know, he’s amazing and so sweet but I just feel a shift lately.” Eunji tells you unsurely as she takes a bite of the banana.
Your body stiffens, not at all liking where this is going and you can’t help but voice an intrusive thought to her.
“Did you see him with anyone or?..” You ask carefully, she swallows her food and shakes her head.
“No, are you kidding? I’d be losing my mind if that was the case.” She chuckles, her words are light but your stomach drops at them.
If you needed any more confirmation that she would never forgive you for what you had done, this was it.
“No, it’s just like a shift in his mood or whatever. Maybe seasonal depression.” She smiles at you but once she takes a glance at your expression, her smile slowly fades away.
“Listen, I know you told me you don’t like him but I just don’t want to mess this up over a simple feeling.” She explains but your mind is already swimming with dreadful thoughts. “ I really do love him.”
Play your cards right, your thoughts whispered but your heart told you a completely different thing.
“No yeah, maybe I was just being a bit dramatic.” You say, your fingers playing with the ends of the scarf around your neck, the one that was hiding the hickey Jungkook had painted your skin with.
Eunji gives you a hesitant look before grinning.
“Well, you do have a tendency to overthink..” She states, and that brings a surprisingly non-forced smile to your lips. The conversation quickly going back to your usual ones, the light ones that held no heavy inner turmoil that made you sick to your stomach.
You had missed those.
“But you are a psychology major so I guess that’s a given.” She teases and you roll your eyes.
“Mention that one more time, I’ll kill you.” You deadpan.
For a second, you forget what you had done. You wished more than anything that things would be this simple again, it didn’t matter if Eunji never loved you back in that way, as long as you got to keep your best friend.
That’s all you wanted and if things went the way you had hoped, prayed that they did, then everything wouldn’t have to come to a disastrous end. If Jungkook forgot about you, got rid of his minuscule thoughtless fascination with you then he could go back to loving who he was meant to.
Everything could fall into place.
“But you know I am really sorry for what I said, right?” Eunji breaks your thoughts, meeting your gaze.
Your heart warms at her apology, it was filled with the sincerity you needed. The validation you yearned for, the fact that she really did regret what she had said and cared for you.
“Yeah,” You whispered, smiling as she came to embrace you and you shut your eyes, holding back tears as you tighten your hold on her.
“I’d never want to hurt you like that.” She mumbles into you.
She was terribly good at breaking your heart, just to pick up the pieces right after.
You had become quite good with the lies, you realized. Or rather with the persona you had made for yourself these past few days. In the attempt of being as realistic as you could, you had played the part of a clingy girlfriend, or rather the part of a clingy one night stand which was arguably worse.
Practically spamming Jungkook endlessly since the night you two slept together, hoping to annoy him. This could very well backfire on you but you figured it was worth it. It was believable. After all, he had taken your virginity. While that didn’t mean anything to you personally, it was common knowledge that a lot of people formed a deep attachment to the person they lost their virginity to, whether consciously or not. It wasn’t particularly unique to women but you knew most men would think otherwise and you knew that had to cross Jungkook’s mind at some point.
In fact, you hoped it did. You were praying on the idea that you clinging to him would frighten him, push him away and scare him out of his little idealized version of you. You were positive this would soon break any sick fantasy he had made out of you. As insane as he may be, he was still a man. A young man in his twenties at that, who probably didn’t appreciate being suffocated by a needy, clingy, and annoyingly desperate girl.
Maybe you were being too hopeful again. Trying to manipulate Jungkook was something you were far too inexperienced with, it was unknown territory.
It scared you.
Not only because it wasn’t in your nature to be this deceiving and try to turn this around to use some sort of ‘reverse psychology’ on him but because when you had tried to do this before you had ended up sleeping with an absolute maniac that had filmed the entire thing.
Still, against your better judgment you continued with the plan. It was the only thing you had going for you, the only thing that was providing you with the slightest bit of sanity you had left.
To Jungkook: Can we meet up?? I miss you.
You cringe as you hit send, an unfamiliar feeling creeping inside your stomach. The behavior was so foreign to you.
Instantly your phone vibrated.
From Jungkook: Of course baby.
From Jungkook: Meet me at the bakery that’s down your street. I’ll be there in 10.
You licked your lips, trying to read in between the lines. He didn’t seem upset or annoyed which only annoyed you.
The phone vibrates again.
From Jungkook: Love you.
Your breath hitches at his new text, your fingers hovering over your screen as you thought over what to respond.
You didn’t like the way he always seemed to send your blood pressure skyrocketing.
To Jungkook: Love you too :)
Sticking the phone back into your purse, you make your way down the halls of your university. You walk towards the exit, adjusting your scarf around your neck as you stare down the black sheer tights you wore underneath your skirt.
The weather had been getting much colder lately and the scarf has become a daily part of your attire, no longer just a way of hiding the mark on your neck.
As you came to pull on the door handle, a familiar face greeted you on the other side of it.
When he notices you, a look of recognition crosses his eyes but he quickly steps back , moving towards the other door to enter through instead.
“Wait!” You call out to him and he ignores you at first, sliding inside but you follow after him.
“Please! Hoseok!” The desperate tone in your voice seems to catch his attention, you see him hesitate but he turns to you. A glare forming as he watches you skip towards him, your hands coming to tightly tug the books further into your chest.
“What?” He deadpans, you didn’t even know how you were going to explain this or if it was even worth it.
“Listen, I’m sorry about that day in the library. The guy was not my boyfriend.” You state firmly and watch him furrowed his eyebrows, glancing behind him before his eyes landed on you again.
“Is this a joke?” He asks with clear disbelief, not looking like he was taking you seriously at all.
“No,” You sigh, shaking your head. “It’s complicated but he really wasn’t my boyfriend.” You repeat again, widening your eyes to further emphasize your point.
“You know if you’re trying to make a good impression, being a cheater already kinda ruined that.” He scoffs, and the look he was giving you made you feel so small. Shame filled you, and it made you more upset because you knew you didn’t deserve it.
Or did you? His words held some truth, you did go behind your best friend’s back and sleep with her boyfriend. That was probably much worse than simply being a cheater.
“No, I’m telling you he wasn't my boyfriend.” You snap, fed up with the fact that he didn’t seem to accept what you were trying to make clear.
“What are you talking about? He came back to the library the next day and told me to stay away from you.” Hoseok says, raising an eyebrow. “ That definitely doesn’t sound like something just a friend would do.”
Your mouth falls open, trying to process what he just told you.
It shouldn’t have surprised you but yet it still did. Had Jungkook really done that? It sounded like something he’d do, especially by the way he had reacted to seeing you with Hoseok. But you didn’t actually think he would go as far as to make another scene and threaten him.
“Listen, I don’t know what you guys got going on but I don’t want any problems,” He tells you, shaking his head. “ You’re cute and all but your boyfriend is going to beat my ass if he finds out you’re trying to talk to me.”
That same embarrassment from that day washes over you and you realize you should have probably just kept your mouth shut and not attempted to talk to Hoseok. You wouldn’t forgive yourself for dragging a stranger into this mess and end up possibly endangering his safety.
“I’m sorry,” You say, backing away. “ Just forget it, I promise he won’t have any problems with you.”
Before Hoseok can even respond to that, you turn and sprint back towards the exit doors. The cold wind greeted you immediately as stalk forwards towards the usual street that led down the bakery a few blocks away.
The Red Velvet cake on your plate was only picked at, you circled your fork around the dessert. Jungkook had ordered a Tiramisu slice but it was already nearly gone, just the edges of it decorating his plate as he took another mouthful and chewed silently.
“Do you not like it?” He asks, motioning to your nearly untouched food.
“Yeah, I’m just…” Thinking about how the hell I’m going to get out of this mess.
“Eunji’s birthday is coming up.” You blurt out, watching his movements come to a halt. His eyes slowly meet yours as he swallows.
He was wearing a beanie today, his dark wavy strands only slightly peeking out from underneath the knitted material.
“It is,” He confirms, clearing his throat. You eyed his tattooed hand and the rings decorating his fingers, the image reminding you of the first time you had met him in that cafe. It was one of the first things you had noticed about him. The memory seemed so ancient now despite it only being a few months ago.
If only you had known what was coming for you that day.
“Do you guys have plans?” You ask purposely adding a slight edge to your voice. You hoped Jungkook caught on to your upset tone.
He eyed you, tilting his head and you only prayed he bought your little jealousy act.
“I’m not sure yet, maybe..” He shrugs. “Does that bother you?”
His answer confirms your suspicions. You had been wondering these past few days why Jungkook had not broken up with your friend yet. If he was as in love and obsessed with you as he had claimed, and you had finally given into him. What was stopping him from leaving his relationship with Eunji? In his point of view, he must have thought he finally had you in the palm of his hand after that night you spent with him.
So why did he still need your friend around still? He had claimed he did not care for her but by the looks of it that wasn’t the case.
Maybe you had been right all along. What if his plan was to get you to simply sleep with him? To fulfill his little sick fantasy or whatever it was. He had to have known you were not worth sabotaging everything he had with Eunji. What if the hidden camera had been a way for him to secure his own relationship with Eunji? He knew how much you valued her and loved her, that tape could easily keep your mouth shut from ever revealing his infidelity towards her because he knew the last thing you wanted was to lose her friendship.
You frown, falling silent for a couple of seconds as you stare down at your plate before you meet his gaze with a hard stare.
“ A little,” You admit, but you didn’t want to overdo it. Testing how far you could go with it wasn’t at all safe but yet you still took the risk. “I just, you’re really not playing with me , right?”
The question seems to throw him off.
“Baby, what makes you say that?” He shakes his head, a skeptical look taking over his attractive features. “ I already told you-“
“I know,” You say, licking your lips. “ But I just want to make sure you really do love me…after you know what we did I realized how much I actually do care for you. “
He listens intently, his fingers playing with the tips of the napkin in front of him.
“It’s wrong, I know it is. She’s my best friend but ..I can’t help what I’m starting to feel for you..” You tell him softly, only fueling your lie. An uneasy feeling spread through your stomach as you continued the dangerous game you were playing.
“You won’t leave me, right? You can’t.” Desperate, that’s what you sounded like. It was exactly what you were going for.
You reach over to squeeze his hand and his dark eyes look down, following your movements.
“Right?” You press, hoping you sounded as pathetic to him as you thought you did in your head.
Whatever the appeal was that he had found in you had to be destroyed somehow.
His eyes remain on your hand that was resting on top of his own. A few moments of silence pass, it would have been uncomfortable if it wasn’t just borderline anticipating instead. His eyes scan over back to your face that had a trained pitiful expression on it.
He gives you a thoughtful look.
“You’re too cute, baby.” He speaks lowly, grinning a little. He untangles your hand from his, coming to place his hand on top of yours instead and playing with your fingers.
You eye his subtle change of position, almost as if he was reminding you of your dynamics.
“You know how I knew you were the one for me? It was when I first saw you looking so lost and scared.” He tells you suddenly and you give him a questioning look, remembering the day at the cafe. You had indeed been nervous.
“Yeah, I don’t enjoy meeting new people I guess.” You give him an awkward smile, your eyes shifting towards the crowded bakery, watching as strangers came and went.
You were sitting in the seats by the window so your eyes drifted outside the streets, you were still rather paranoid to be out with him. But you knew Eunji was in class at this time, you had double checked her schedule and you were sure Jungkook had done so as well.
“No,” His eyes search yours.“ That’s not where I first saw you.”
You still completely at his confession, trying your hardest to keep your poker face on. Confusion washes over you, trying to think of where else he could have possibly seen you before but you were positive you had never seen him prior to the cafe. You would have remembered him. His appearance wasn’t exactly forgettable.
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t remember of course, you had your face dug into your phone the entire time.” He states casually, shaking his head at the memory that seems to be replaying in his mind. “You were in the waiting room of your therapist’s office, I was sitting right across from you.”
His words leave you stunned. At first, you didn’t have any idea what he was talking about but then you realize what he was referring to was somewhere you were at over a year ago. You had been attending therapy at that time when your anxiety had spiraled rather terribly but you had only attended for a couple of weeks before your insurance had cut you off.
“I was picking up my mom that one time, I actually think you two were seeing the same therapist.” The more he talks, the more unsettled you become. How was this possible?
“It’s funny, I was actually so close to not picking her up that day but her car was getting fixed.” He licks his lips as he leans back. “ You seemed so scared, you know? Like you didn’t even know what you were doing there. You would flinch every time someone new walked inside.”
You had been scared. Your social anxiety had reached a new low during that time, you would physically get sick everytime you had to leave your apartment. It had been one of the worst times in your life, you felt so incredibly useless and pathetic for not being able to function as what you deemed as normal.
Him revealing this to you only made those memories come flooding back, making you feel awfully vulnerable.
“I was going to talk to you then but I knew nothing would come of it. You were too closed off, too shaken up.”
You want to rip away your hand from his, despising the way you felt so exposed and that he was the one to have witnessed you at your lowest point in life.
“So I waited….I came to pick up my mom every week after the first time I saw you , just observing you I guess.” He looks at you again with that specific awestruck gaze. “ You were so cute, so pretty to me. Yet you didn’t even spare me a glance.”
You tried to remember him so badly, tracking back the memories of those days but it had been so long. How could you possibly recall those details of over a year ago?
“I understood of course, you were too wrapped up in your own issues. I wanted to help you so badly but I wasn’t sure how…” He sighs. “ But after you suddenly stopped coming, it freaked me out.”
“I was so scared I would never see you again. It was stupid because I knew I would, I had all the connections to figure out who you were.” You let out a shaky breath, one that you hope he doesn’t notice. “ That's when I found your lovely friend Eunji on social media.”
Your eyes widen at the mention of her.
“Unfortunately she had a boyfriend at the time so I had to wait a while..” He scoffs lightly.
“In the meantime, I got to see you live out your life in pictures really. She tagged you in everything so it was easy to keep an eye on you. Both of you.”
Your Instagram was private and you weren’t the type to accept follow requests from strangers so you knew exactly what he had meant by that. He had been stalking Eunji’s page instead.
Everything was slowly adding up.
“When she dumped her boyfriend, my chance finally came.” His fingers are still playing with your own. He meets your gaze again, the intensity of it causing your heart to skip a beat.
“It was rather easy, your friend isn’t hard to impress.” Jungkook confesses, his cocky tone hits a nerve and you suddenly feel protective over your friend.
This bastard, you think. Your blood boiling at the mere thought that he truly had been planning all of this for so long.
“ But yet you still haven’t managed to impress her much, have you? …” He drawls out slowly with a smirk holding nothing but malice and arrogance.
As soon as the words leave his mouth, your stomach sinks. The facade leaving you at the same time his did. Jungkook's eyes narrow at you, lips in a straight line now as a dark look crosses over his features. His demeanor was far too familiar, it reminded you of that day in his car, the domineering personality fully showcasing now. It wasn’t subtle like it had been back in his bedroom, now it was coming at you full force.
“Tell me baby,” He whispers, coming to lean closer to you before he snarls. “ How fucking stupid do you think I am?”
You visibly gulp, the neutral expression on your face easily slipping away as your heartbeat quickened against your rib cage.
“W-What are-”
“ ‘I miss you’ ” He mocks, raising both his eyebrows as a condescending pout takes over his lips. “I love you too.”
“You even added a smiley face, how adorable.” His voice is sickeningly sweet, filled with spite.
He was referring to your texts you had just sent him a couple minutes ago, so much like the perfectly well-constructive ones you had been sending him for days now. The one’s fawning over him like a lovesick puppy, playing the role of a hopeless in love partner.
It was then you had realized your plan or what was left of it, was falling apart terribly yet again.
“I have to admit, it was quite amusing watching you try to outsmart me.” He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “ But did you honestly think I’d fall for your little lovestruck act?”
Foolishly, yes.
“Baby,” He taunts, creasing his eyebrows together in a sharp glare. “  Changing your entire attitude towards me in the span of a few hours? Days? And you thought I’d buy it?”
You wanted to cry, not only was he tearing away every small inch of hope left for you but he was humiliating you. Angry tears formed, threatening to pool out but you told yourself to keep it together.
“As much as I love you, I know that you’re still in love with that little friend of yours.” He states coldly, and his grip on your hand tightens.
“You mean your girlfriend?” You reminded him sharply and watched a grin form on his lips.
“Yes,” He nods, eyes twinkling as his face lights up, but it’s such a terrifying sight knowing the ill intentions he harbors inside “My lovely girlfriend that is so hopelessly in love with me.”
You stare at him, not uttering a word.
“Do you want to know what she revealed to me the other day?” He questions with fake excitement, and he reaches over inside the pocket of his jacket. “Actually, I think it’s better for you to hear it instead.”
You have no idea what is happening but soon his phone was placed right in the middle of the small table, his fingers pressing play on what seemed to be a voice recording.
“Yeah I mean…it’s obvious isn’t it?” Eunji’s familiar soft voice came from the phone, her voice crisp and clear as day.
“I already knew she liked me since like back in high school, the way she stared at me, wanting to close all the time. When she would get weirdly jealous of some of my other friends…she wasn’t exactly discreet about it.”
A laugh you recognized all too well escaped her, and it was hard to ignore the shoot of pain that hit your chest. You felt like you were sinking.
“To be honest…it wasn’t like I hadn’t fooled around with girls before but Y/N? Come on, you’ve seen her. She’s so….I don’t know, boring? Not my type at all.”
“Stop.” You demand in a hissed whisper, your watery eyes darting to the strangers that passed you. But in reality, that was the least of your concerns. You simply couldn’t hear any more of Eunji’s heart wrenching confession.
“….She has no appeal. I think that’s why she hasn’t gotten with anyone in so long, I kinda feel bad but it’s also her own fault you know? She could try to…branch out more but she doesn’t….does she really expect someone to just appear out of nowhere and love her?”
You blinked away the tears, harshly pulling away from Jungkook’s grip as you came to rub your eyes, hoping you didn’t smear any makeup. Why were you even upset? What she was saying was true, they were things you often voiced you hated about yourself. But hearing her tell all your insecurities to other people, to Jungkook like that made you want to sink beneath the ground.
“… Even when I talk to her, she’s so awkward you know? Like when we had dinner. I’m still sorry about that babe, she must have made you feel pretty uncomfortable. She’s my friend but she can’t hold a conversation to save her life..”
“Please stop!” You cry out again, louder and more infuriated this time. Jungkook watches you silently, pressing pause on the recording .
“We didn’t even get to the best part, baby.” He says as he takes his phone and you put it back away in his jacket, his eyes narrowing at your distressed state.
“What’s the point? What do you gain from this?” You spit at him but you can’t help but let your eyes wander off to his pocket where he placed his phone inside. The burning curiosity of wanting, needing to know what else your friend had humored Jungkook with at your expense was now burdening you. You knew from this moment it wouldn’t let you rest.
“I’m just helping you see the truth, baby. Don’t look at me like that.” Jungkook cooed in the most condescending manner. “ I told you before that the only person who really cares for you is me but you didn’t believe that, did you?”
“This isn’t going to make me like you, I hate-“
“Careful,” He warned, his voice dropping again threateningly. “I think you still haven’t learned your lesson but that’s going to change soon.”
You stiffen at his words, glaring at him.
“You barely ate,” He frowns at your remaining cake left. “ Do you want me to ask for a box?”
He doesn’t wait for your reply, lifting his finger up to motion a waiter and you’re left with that sick feeling you’ve become far too close friends with. Another reminder that your nightmare wasn’t over yet.
You didn’t know what exactly Jungkook had meant by teaching you a lesson but you figured he had to be referring to your unsuccessful attempts at deceiving him. He had made it clear to you just how observant he was, even more than you had already concluded for yourself. The oblivious girl act wouldn’t work on him and you were starting to think nothing would at this point.
You haven't seen him since that day at the bakery, not even received a text which was a total of two weeks ago. And just two weeks ago you would have been beyond delighted at this, grateful that you weren’t being harassed by him but now, his odd silence put you in a much worse state. There was no way of predicting his next move or what exactly he was planning on doing. You knew he had not been bluffing but you weren’t sure how far he would go to prove a point.
One thing you learned was that Jungkook seemed to have a far larger ego than you had given him credit for. Not only was he willing to torment you further despite his claim of undying love and adoration but he had no problem in completely enjoying himself in the process. There was no way to be one step ahead of him when he controlled the entire game.
Your life had gained the normalcy you had been craving ever since Jungkook had stepped in and completely turned it upside down. Eunji was her usual happy and joyful self which made you feel content. Your relationship with her was back to normal, thriving even. It was everything you had hoped it was, it was everything it should have been since the beginning.
If it wasn’t for the fact that you had heard her true feelings about you through that voice recording.
The lightness and dismissive tone she had used, it almost felt insulting. It wasn’t solely the fact that Eunji had confessed she didn’t view you in any romantic way but the fact that she also didn’t see how anyone could see your appeal. Her words confirmed the already skewed view you had of yourself, further adding to the low self-esteem you had tried to conceal in her presence. Not only were you embarrassed by her catching on to your feelings all the way back in high school but you felt stupid to even think that there was a slight chance she simply didn’t ever realize your love for her. That maybe her obliviousness could one day turn into something else in regards to you.
Her harsh words felt so heavy in your heart. You had proved her right, had you not? The one person you had managed to sleep with had been Jungkook, her insane boyfriend who had formed an unhealthy obsession with you. Of course that was the only person you had attracted. Did you feel used? Yes, if you were being completely honest with yourself. Jungkook had known you weren’t in love with him that day you had sex with him, he knew your mind or heart wasn’t with him and he had not cared. He saw it as just another perfect opportunity to trap you .
Your mind thought back to that day you slept together, when he had comforted you during your panic attack, how he had seemed so comforting and understanding. The story about his mother sharing your same mental disorder and how he was so upset at his father not handling it properly. Even back to his insane confession about how lost you had seen at that therapy office, how he had taken interest in you in that moment. Had that been his intent all along? Did he purposely seek you because he viewed you as a mentally frail person who would bend over at his every command. Or was it something else?
Forcing yourself to let the awful thought go, you focus your attention back to your phone as you scroll down your shopping list. Eunji’s birthday was just in a few days and you still had not found the perfect present for her. Despite everything, Jungkook had been right in the fact that you still loved Eunji deeply, so deeply that even this incident wasn’t enough to let her go.
Your life was back to temporarily being consumed with minuscule inconveniences rather than an insane man.
Sighing, you took out your keys and unlocked your apartment door. To your surprise, the lights were dim. You frown as you slowly shut the door behind you and take a step forward.
The soft glow from the room on the left, Eunji’s room catches your attention. As you take another step forward into the living room, your eyes shift over to her room and a loud moan startled you.
The erotic sight just a few feet away has you completely frozen in place.
Eunji is on her knees, positioned in between a pair of legs, muscular legs. Your eyes work their way upwards to his equally fit slim waist and take in the familiar tattooed sleeve on the hand that is placed on Eunji’s hair, harshly tugging it as her head bobs up and down.
Your mouth falls open as another moan leaves his lips. He lols his head back, his strands of hair falling over his face. When his eyes flutter open, they instantly meet yours.
You wait for Jungkook’s equally mortified reaction but it doesn’t come, instead a smirk forms on his swollen lips, keeping direct eye contact with you. Your eyes widen even more, your cheeks heating up at the fact that he is completely aware you’re witnessing Eunji give him a blowjob right now.
You turn away, walking back into the couch behind you.
“U-Um.” You clear your throat as you grip your bag, making your way over to the kitchen and you hear a loud shuffle behind you.
“Shit!” Eunji’s voice hissed along with more shuffling. “Y/n! I didn’t think you would be home yet.”
“No! It’s fine, I-I’m sorry.” You are beyond flustered, stumbling over your words repeatedly. You shut your eyes as you shake your head.
“I’m gonna go.” You announce already making your way back to the door and before you get to hear any protests, you slip out and shut the door behind you.
Making your way quickly down the halls, you practically run towards the elevator and press the button an obnoxious unnecessary amount of times. Your heart felt heavy but the worst part was you didn’t know if it was because of seeing Eunji pleasure Jungkook or because of Jungkook getting pleasured by her.
You didn’t understand the emotions that ran through you, they were contradicting and you felt a bubble of frustration form inside of you. It was irrational but was it actually? After all you had been through, there was no way you could even overreact. Once the elevator doors opened, you stepped inside and your foot instantly collided with the metal walls in front of you. You let out a yell as the doors closed, repeatedly wanting to punch the walls around you.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you hesitatingly pulled it out, fully expecting another apology from your friend over what you had just walked into but to your horror, it was a new message from Jungkook. A voice message.
That burning curiosity returned to you and your finger pressed play before you could think twice about it.
“…Y/n has been my friend for so long, that’s why I’m so eager for you to meet her but..she can be closed off at first so that’s kinda annoying.”
You realize this conversation clearly dated back to before you had even met Jungkook at the cafe. How long back of recordings did he have of Eunji?
“ It’s one of those friendships that’s a bit draining but you’ve been friends for so long that it’s just weird for you to suddenly break it, you know? Not to mention our parents are good friends too, such a pain. Can't escape it.”
The voice recording stops there and all you could do is stare down at it, playing it over and over. Going over every change her voice took, every little detail in it.
The notification of another message soon follows.
From Jungkook: Don’t worry baby, all I could think about was your lips wrapped around my cock instead of your friend’s.
You wait for your body to recoil at his message but it doesn’t. All you could feel was anger.
What had you done to deserve all of this?
And most importantly, why had that scene shaken you up so much? It didn’t make any sense. None of it did anymore. Jungkook’s sudden appearance alongside Eunji had sparked something ugly inside of you.
You would never admit to yourself what it was but you would admit that you absolutely hated Jungkook.
When you return back to the apartment a few hours later you find Eunji there and you pretend nothing happened at all. You two return to the usual routine, warm up some leftover takeout food and sit and watch your favorite tv show series. The scene brings you back to when you two were younger, always sleeping over and doing this exact thing. The nostalgia warms you but only temporarily. You could only pretend for long, pretend that nothing was wrong and that your relationship with Eunji wasn’t tainted.
“Do you remember back in high school, when we snuck out one night to attend that lame carnival?” You ask your friend that sat beside you, unable to keep yourself from smiling.
The two of you had done a bad job at sneaking out, considering your parents had been waiting for you when you had returned but the time you had spent at the carnival was one of your most cherished memories. It had not been as fun or eventful as two had imagined but yet you managed to make the best of it, fooling around the entire time and you may or may not have stolen some prizes to take home. Eunji had snatched a purple bear, one that she had given to you as a memory from that day.
“Hm?” She says distractingly, her eyes glued to the television in front of you both. Her eyebrows were set in deep concentration as she chewed on her fries.
“Oh yeah, it was so lame.” Her laugh does little to soothe your disappointment. You stare at her but this time without the rose tinted glasses.
“I still have the bear you gave me that day,” You let out a breathy laugh, awaiting a response that you already knew would further break you.
“A bear?” Eunji frowns, sounding confused.
“Yeah, the purple one.” You specify in an attempt to jog her memory but her expression holds the same bewildered look.
“Oh, right.” She replies half heartedly and instantly knew she had not remembered it all.
It was such a little detail, so insignificant but it told you so much. That night was the moment you had realized your feelings from her, the moment you two rode that Ferris wheel that she had practically begged you to get on.
Your eyes trailed back to the screen but you paid no attention to the movie you were watching. Instead the voice messages Jungkook had showed you played as background music in your mind, the painful words were a broken record now.
“So, I was thinking that for my birthday…” Eunji said suddenly, turning to give you one of her beautiful smiles that always made your heart skip a beat.
This time, her smile only made your heart sink.
You set Eunji’s present on the kitchen counter. The white gift bag carried inside the far too expensive handbag that your friend had been eyeing for months now. A luxury neither of you could afford as some average college students who already had bad spending habits that usually went towards overpriced coffee and bagels every morning.
However, you had managed to get it for her, using some of your past savings along with the rest of the money from your financial aid. A decision that was far from wise considering you still didn’t have a job but you promised yourself that would soon change. You had already applied to a few places online and if things went as planned, that money would be steadily replaced soon enough.
You would just have to live off some bread crumbs for the next following weeks..or months.
But it was for Eunji. She deserved it.
Despite everything, she deserved this one thing. Admittedly, she deserved far more than a high end handbag for what you had done to her. Something you were determined she would never find out. You would admit the guilt the entire thing had pushed to give into her rather extravagant taste.
From Eunji: Be there in 20
From Eunji: My professor is a dickhead for not giving me that extension I asked for . And to think I thought he was kinda hot.
Your lips perked up at her message.
To Eunji:  Alright hurry , I got a surprise for you .
The plan was to surprise her with this gift before she went on her birthday dinner with Jungkook tonight. You didn’t want to even see him pick her up so you had told her you had a late lecture today, promising you would go out for a birthday brunch tomorrow. Although you were tempted to mention how every year it was you two who went out for a birthday dinner but you didn’t want to come off as that type of friend, not after what you had heard her say about you. She obviously wanted to spend her birthday with her new boyfriend this year, and who were you to tell her otherwise?
This was what you had wanted, for her to be happy with Jungkook again. Even at the expense of your emotional distress.
You crossed the floor, entering the bathroom and you rummaged through the medicine cabinet. Your hands quickly found your desired bottle and you popped an anxiety pill into your mouth before letting out a sigh.
After the embarrassing events of walking into her and Jungkook, you had been feeling off. The memory was still fresh in your head, taunting you almost every minute of the day. You didn’t know why it had stuck with you so much considering how disgusted you felt afterwards. The image of both of them made you want to scream.
A heavy knock broke you out of your thoughts thankfully. You glanced out towards the hall before shoving your medicine back into the cabinet. Figuring it must have been Eunji who had forgotten her key, you thoughtlessly opened the door without taking a look through the peephole.
Your eyes widened when you took in Jungkook’s figure in front of you. He wore a leather jacket, accompanied by dark jeans and boots. He looked annoyingly attractive as usual. 
“Eunji isn’t here.” You tell him.
He raises an eyebrow at your hostile tone.
“I know.” He stated, eyes falling back on you and his lips form a smug smirk when they land on your exposed legs. You were wearing pajama shorts and a tank top, nothing at all provocative yet his gaze was perverse.
“Are you not going to invite me in?” He asks, glancing behind you.
It wasn’t a question despite the implication.
You move aside, allowing him to walk past you and he leaves a kiss on your cheek before fully entering the apartment. You follow silently behind him, not wanting to be anywhere close to him so you decide to stand on the opposite side of the room.
“What are you doing here?” You ask nervously as you watch him glance towards your gift bag on the counter.
Jungkook turns back to you, a sigh leaving his lips when he notices the distance you put between yourself and him. He walks over to you, tapping your cheek lightly before his eyes darken.
“You were definitely more than content being in my bed a couple weeks ago, why so distant now ?” He questions in a low whisper and you push against his chest. He smiles but it fades the moment the next words leave his mouth.
“But to answer your question, I just thought you would like to hear the last of the recordings of your little friend on her big day.”
You frown, watching as he turns back to walk over the counter, setting the familiar device on it. You want to tell him to stop but the protest doesn’t ever leave your lips, your eyes focus on the phone and your ears perk up as the voice recording starts.
“..Babe I just want to thank you again for giving Y/n a ride home. She probably had a fucking breakdown again, I don’t know she expects to get a job when she can barely order herself a coffee without wanting to cry.”
It was that day. The day Jungkook had driven you back home, the horrible memory was still so vivid to you. But when the recording continues, you realize a new memory is forming. A much worse one.
“…She has panic attacks?”
Jungkook’s voice questions in rehearsed curiosity.
“…Or so she says. It’s pretty pathetic, I mean she went to therapy for it and she’s still not over it? She’s like a college student already and she's still pulling this shit. It’s embarrassing.”
You think that’s it, that the torture ends there but you’re mistaken.
“Sorry I’m like ranting but it’s a fucking pain to deal with sometimes. And she’s a psychology student? She’s a walking stereotype. I can’t believe she is still mooching off her parents, maybe I should start faking an illness to get some sympathy loans from my parents too.”
Her chuckle rings in your ears, her cruel words evoke a feeling you have never once felt towards your best friend. The person you thought you loved so much. How could she have said this about you? You knew Eunji wasn’t the best at dealing with your mental state but you figured it mainly came from her lack of understanding of it , never from such ill intentions.
Had this been what she had truly thought of you? Did she make a mockery of your struggles to every past lover of hers as well? To every other one of her friends. Had you just been a poor charity case to her? A running inside joke? Of course you had been, that’s exactly what you had been.
You had just heard it with your own ears.
Jungkook watched you , his jaw was clenched as his finger came to roughly tap against the screen. Locking his phone again.
Your cheeks dampened, the tears uncontrollably leaving your eyes and dripping down your chin.
That had been it. That recording had finished ripping your heart out completely. All you could feel now was rage, so much rage. You saw red as you walked over to her gift bag, swinging it against the wall in front of you. The bag hits the floor roughly but that’s not nearly enough for you. Stalking back towards the kitchen, you go directly for a knife but Jungkook is quick to stop you, coming to block your way. 
“Wait wait, don’t do that. You might hurt yourself.” He scolds, locking your wrists together as ugly sobs leave your lips and you slid down against him, your knees hitting the floor.
“My baby,” Jungkook's voice comforted you. You don’t bother to even flinch away from him as he kneels down with you, pushing your head against his chest, his hands soothingly running against your back as he hushed your sobbing. “You see? I told you all along.I’m the only one for you.”
You gripped his shirt, scrunching it up against your fingers as another wave of anger flushed over you.
“I hate her.” You cry against him, clenching your teeth. “ I hate her, I hate her, I hate her.”
And you did. You hated Eunji with your entire heart, you hated her for making a complete fool out of you. How could had been so blind and stupid? The signs were there but you chose to dismiss them, time and time again. Even after Jungkook had revealed those first recordings, you still made excuses for her, trying to see the best in the person you loved and for what? For her to view you as a total burden? Someone she felt obligated to befriend still? Eunji had not cared about you at all, her feelings had only run skin deep. It was a shallow responsibility she had created towards you. You were familiar to her, something permanent that never really went away. That was it. 
It simply that you were just a fickle background character in her life that didn’t bring her anything of actual substance. 
“I hate her too..” Jungkook told you as he continued to caress your back and you felt him shift against you, his phone coming right in front of your face.
“And you know what would break her like she broke you?” He asks menacingly and your tear filled eyes watch the video he has displayed on his phone screen.
The sex tape.
You watched the scene play out in slow motion, your naked forms tangled against each other, the sound of skin slapping against each other. The camera had captured every single thing, zooming in on your frame clearly. There was no way you could say that wasn’t you in the video, it had displayed both your faces perfectly.
Your body shook against Jungkook as he pressed another kiss to your temple, wiping away your tears with his free hand.
“It’s okay to want bad things sometimes. ” He says against your ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down your spine.
It was like you were in a trance when your fingers went to press the send button, watching as the “delivered” letters popped up under it. You stared at Eunji’s contact name in Jungkook’s phone, your eyes greedily awaiting the satisfactory moment.
It only took a couple more seconds before the words ‘read’ stared back at you. The thumbnail of the sex tape alone had given you away, both of you. Now you could only imagine how Eunji’s heart must of been breaking in this exact moment, her little idiot best friend fucking her beloved boyfriend.
Jungkook was right. You did want bad things. You wanted bad things for her but also for yourself.
Not long after, the blue icon popped up and her contact name flashed across his screen. Jungkook accepted the call, putting it on speaker as he glanced your way with that sickening smirk plastered on his lips.
Before Eunji could even yell the accusations, your voice beat her to it.
“Happy Birthday, Eunji.”
tag list: @godtieruwu , @satorinnie , @rhaegaled , @mageprincess7 , @ville990 , @articpup , @lunaashes , @bri-mal , @only4sana , @bamsmother , @raiden-shogun-cult , @everrrlasting , @emeriroth , @subtlepjiminie , @era-genius , @min-nicoleee , @moekoi02 , @mawwnsterr , @1-in-abillion , @envyvyvy , @brutallysour00 , @mwitsmejk , @kyuinfpt
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hello! This is kind of a long request and well- Hopefully you’re fine with doing temporary Body Swap. :>
So basically Bakugou and his Male S/O are pro heroes and when out on a mission, they both get hit by a villain who has a swap quirk. Basically, they just swapped bodies. (Y/n is in Bakugou’s body and Bakugou is in Y/n’s body, they basically just switched minds.) They are told by the other pro heroes that the two should go home and take the day off. Unfortunately, nobody knows how long the quirk effect will stay, but they were convinced it was only temporary. So the two go back to their shared apartment and the day goes on pretty normal- besides the fact that, you know, they’ve swapped bodies. Though later Y/n gets a bit of an idea. What if he were to f*ck Bakugou in this body? The thought seemed kinda strange at first since he would literally be f*cking his own body, but he couldn’t deny that the thought was turning him on. Especially wanting to see Bakugou’s reaction. So, he basically handcuffs Bakugou to prevent him from struggling and.. while in the middle of doing it, something happens.. Shit! Why did it have to happen now?? Y/n panics in his head as he realizes they just swapped bodies again, and he is now at the mercy of Bakugou Katsuki himself..
I actually sent a request kinda similar to this to someone else but it was a while ago and they haven’t responded so they may not have liked it, or it just didn’t arrive. And sorry for choosing Bakugou again, you just may be able to figure out who my favorite character is.. Sorry for my rambling.
If you don’t wanna do it, that’s fine. Anyways, have a good day/night, man!
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in his shoes (nsfw) bakugou x reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: body swapping during sex, bottom and top reader+bakugou, selfcest (?), degrading, bratty behavior, claimming and possesive themes, bondage (handcuffs)
a/n: i really like this concept and i will write it don't worry 😎👍 i usually write all of my requests anyways. im also sorry this took literally 5 years.
katsuki bakugou and y/n bakugou. the two of you have been married for 2 years now after you guys started working as heroes. you both went to UA and graduated at the top of the class. neither of you had time for love or romance resulting in neither of you confessing you feelings for each other. gladly, things managed to work out in the end.
"he's on it again, i need the bakugous here right now."
hearing the police force requesting your assistance, you and your husband show up on the case. it turned out to be the villain that the two of you couldn't capture the last time during patrol. 
"HEH?! look y/n, it's this motherfucker again. what's up with this loser, coming back every time it's annoying." 
"play nice now katsuki, let's just go and restrain him and let the police take care of the rest."
the two of you move quickly to match the villain's rapid movements. katsuki flew around using his quirk to attempt to catch him but failed. the villain was surprisingly agile and you guys had a tough time trying to chase him down. 
after around half an hour of chasing you finally cornered the villain on top of a tall building in the middle of the city that was still in construction. the ground was hard to walk on and somewhat unstable but you managed to find your balance. 
"alright, give it up, you've got nowhere to run now. 
"what he said, stop resisting and i won't blow your face off."
the villain's expression turned to fear as you started to close up on him. out of panic, he used his quirk. it was a small beam that didn't hurt at all. however, after a few seconds your body started to heat up, you looked over to katsuki and you could tell he was feeling the same. what was happening?
seeing the two of you struggling, the villain quickly left the scene but he had trouble moving around due to his surroundings. his movements were also somewhat impaired due to fatigue. it was most likely the aftereffect of his quirk which was why he was pretty reluctant in using it. 
the strange feeling in your chest wouldn't go away and your vision started to blur. next thing you know you woke up on top of the same building to see yourself lying next to you. was his quirk duplication? no it couldn't have been. you tried to stand up but felt the weight of some heavy armor dragging you down. you look down to see yourself wearing katsuki's hero costume and his gauntlet. still in awe, you heard a groan in your own voice next to you. 
"shit… wtf happened, y/n where are you where-" 
it didn't take long for your husband to find out what happened. 
the two of you have switched bodies.
you both tried to explain to the police who's who but it only ended in confusion. you went home with your husband after they put the two of you on break for "damaged mental" from the villain because the majority of the police thought you guys were crazy. 
there weren't any cases similar to body switching between heros before so the doctor said there's nothing that can be done other than attempting to wait off the effect. so there you were, in your husband's body, cooking dinner for the man while you saw your own body lazily sitting on the couch with your legs spread open watching the tv. 
life went as normal for the next two days, since you two were both males there weren't any problems whatsoever. however, one day a thought flew into your mind while taking a nap with katsuki. since he was the one who would usually top, now that you're in his body wouldn't it technically mean you get to top? 
physically you would be using your boyfriend's body to fuck yourself. but the thought of the all mighty bakugou katsuki taking his own dick, his bratty attitude, and lastly breaking him and making him fall apart by your touch aroused you in an indescribable way. you knew katsuki wouldn't agree to this due to his prideful personality so you had to take other measures to carry out your plan. 
you and kastuki had all sorts of toys laying around and you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine with them. while he wasn't looking you grabbed the vibrator, handcuffs, and blindfolds and put them all on the nightstand. now that everything is in place, all you have to do is wait to catch katsuki off guard tonight when he gets tired.
later tonight, after finishing dinner, katsuki was yet again sitting casually again on the couch watching tv, not giving a single care to the world. 
"heyy katsuki!"
"hm? yah?" 
"come with me for a second? i want to show you something!" you said with a sly grin on your face
katsuki didn't care enough to talk back, neither did he think this could lead to the ill intentions you had with him tonight. following you into the bedroom, you gestured katsuki to sit down on the bed. he obeyed although he began to have a suspicion of what you're about to do. using your new body, you abused katsuki's strong muscle and speed to restrain your own body with the handcuffs you prepare. there was no way for katuski to fight back in this situation because your body was simply not built enough to resist his. 
"h-huh? what are you doing dumbass…if you're joking s-stop it now, it's not funny." 
"oh i am very serious katsuki, now that i'm inside your body. i am going to fuck your brains out. i'm gonna thrust that bratty attitude of yours right out the window." 
hearing you say that, your husband looked away to avert his eyes while you heard a small gulp coming from his throat. you could tell he was nervous and that's exactly what you wanted. katsuki has never bottomed in his life before and he does plan on doing so either. 
finally having katsuki in your grasp, you decided to carry on with your plan. you put on the blindfold for him as he jolted in surprise. katsuki tried to get out of the handcuffs but later found his attempt futile. these were the toys he used for you too and he out of everyone should know it's impossible to get out of them. once your husband stopped moving you gentlt took off his pants, leaving him exposed wearing only your boxers with an erection under it.
"aww katsuki~ already hard and i haven't even done anything yet, maybe you're better off being the bottom hm?" you teased 
"s-shut up you shit head, just get on with it, whatever evil plan you have in store for tonight…"
"no need to rush katsuki" you said as you entered his asshole with 2 of your fingers, loosening him up for the vibrator. 
"we have the entire night."
you heard your own voice whimper as you explored more with your fingers. soon enough it was time to put the other toy in. your fingers left for a bit preparing the vibrator, leaving bakugou panting from the pleasure and clenching his hole around well, nothing. you turned on the vibrator and katsuki immediately noticed the familiar sound of what's in your hands. 
"o-oi y/n, don't put it in here, i-i won't be able to take it." 
"oh i'm sure you can~ you made me do it plenty of times, why can't the big and strong bakugou katsuki do it?"
without mercy, you put in the vibrator quickly and let the show play out. katsuki was moaning and groaning while you stroked your own cock enjoying the view. katuski's cock was bigger than yours and you weren't used to jacking off such a big dick but it was a nice first.
seeing a wet spot forming on katsuki's underwear, you knew he was ready to go. you took off katsuki's underwear to see the precum leaking from it, so much it looked like he was about to cum any second now. next, you took out the vibrator and started to spread some lube on your cock. you positioned yourself on top of the katsuki and teased his pink hole with your huge cock. 
"what do good boys say katsuki~?" 
"tch! i'm not saying it, y-you sadistic fuck."
you slapped katsuki's ass so loud that the neighbors probably could've heard you.
"i'm the one in control right now, you listen to what i say, understood?"
"f-fine, jesus christ! p-please y/n, put it inside me…" 
"that's a good boy…" 
after you fit ¾ of your cock in katsuki was already panting heavily trying to catch his breath. it reached his prostate you leaned down on his chest to bite on his nipples to make him feel even better. his hole clenched on your hole so tight you were barely able to move your cock around. you continued to make thrusts and sped them up each time. 
during your thrusts you suddenly felt the weird feeling when fighting the villain again. both you and bakugou's body started to burn up but it wasn't as painful as it was last time. next thing you know everything was pitch black. you felt a piece of black cloth on top of your eyes and a familiar size inside your ass. it didn't take you long to realize that you and bakugou finally switched back. 
you were glad to be back in your own body but why did it have to happen now?! out of all the times it could've happened this was no doubt the worst possible timing. you just teased the crap out of bakugou and now that he's in control again he can take his revenge right here, right now.
"oh? would you look at that…our bodies switched back…" you couldn't see katsuki say this but you could already tell the evil smile on his face. 
"k-katsuki i'm sorry, i didn't mean to tease you that hard i was just trying to have some fun y-y'know." you desperately tried to explain. 
"too late now baby boy… bad boys get punished for what they did. now… get ready, for the night of your fucking life." 
regret, nothing but regret. bakugou was already an aggressive person when it comes to sex, now that you pissed him off even more you weren't prepared for what he was about to do to you. 
without warning, katsuki pulled back his hips and thrusted into you harder than ever. you took his entire length right away and the full feeling in your ass was too overwhelming for you to handle. you started to blabber nonsense, unable to form words due to the pleasure. 
"c'mon baby… gotta speak up if you want me to understand you." bakugou said knowing damn well you can't talk back. 
incoherent moans and groans escaped from your mouth as you felt dry orgasms again and again from katsuki reaching your prostate. you were on the verge of passing out till you saw your husband's panting just as hard as you. you could tell he was very close as well. you tried your best to stay conscious and cum with your husbands. 
katsuki let out a loud moan as he cummed inside you. you reached your orgasm too cumming all over yourself. katsuki licked up the cum on your stomach as you slipped into sweet unconsciousness. he gave you a warm smile and patted your head as he took you into his arms and fell asleep with you. 
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fandom-trash-xl · 2 years
A brief little rewrite (Friecha/Yamza)
I was looking back on some of my old stuff and found a little snippet I wrote for the new-at-the-time Frieza/Yamcha ship and the FighterZ dialogue that sparked it (it's been four years, yoiks). So, I decided to rewrite it and flesh it out a bit.
Here's the original:
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And below the break, the rewrite!
"This is quite a surprise~ I didn't think Saiyans associated with such sensible and handsome creatures~" The space emperor purred with a hint of a snicker from behind his fanned out nails- his signature brand of playful malice.
Yamcha had expected his knees to start trembling upon daring to confront this suave lizard tyrant, but not for this reason. He thought it would have been fear of fighting rather than flirting, the thought of being dominated by a gap of strength rather than... He tried to push the feeling down his throat, laughing it off visibly nervous.
It was already enough that Frieza was a seeming master of flattery- or flirting. With his present luck with the ladies, it had been a long time since Yamcha had been called 'handsome'... well, besides his reflection in the bathroom mirror, but that didn't really count. But, the compliment should have been just that, why was his mind running away with this? Perhaps it was that lacing to the emperor's tone.
It was stupid... Frieza was a villain. They were set to fight, not flirt. But, it was a whole spider's web of temptation that he struggled to resist. The lizard's charming voice was as smooth as silk, rich as milk... His pallid tail, waning from thick to slender as it drew away from his gaunt yet accentuated hips, brushed about as if trying to bait the human closer, pull him in like a prey fly in the predator spider's webbing... and eat him whole?!?
His anxiety and internal beratement for thinking such... stupid stupid thoughts were ultimately halted by Goku standing nearby, growing bored and itching to start the fight. Hallelujah. However, as another purring rumble from the emperor's throat dubbed this 'meaningless conversation', his abashment flared deeper. Did he misconstrue that whole thing?! DAMN IT!
He tried to get himself back on track, adopting a slightly defensive stance. "Take care of 'im, Goku! Go get 'im!" He yelped- sending Goku up front would surely clean up this mess quickly and...
"Hey, you know how I itch for a fight with Friez," Frieza rolled his delectably cherry eyes ('shut it, Yamcha') at Goku's nickname for him. "But, I think you should take a crack at him, for old time's sake."
"What?! N-no..." Yamcha's kneecaps shook again. "I-I'm surely not tough enough to-"
"Give it a whirl! You've gotten so much stronger than you think. We're on mostly even ground with this whole link thing anyway." Goku smiled obliviously, waving the ex-bandit forward with the top fingers of his signature stance.
Yamcha swallowed as he advanced forward, kicking off from the ground with an aura-touched claw. "Wolf. Fang. Fi~ist~!" His voice shook, even cracking as he cried out his attack name, attempting to tackle the emperor head on.
Frieza, remaining oddly stationary in that cross-footed posture of his, appeared oddly curious as his poor fly flew closer, a malicious sort. Once he was mere centimeters away from landing his blow to the reptile's face, Yamcha's wrist was caught in Frieza's clutch. The human swallowed as his face went full beet red.
The emperor simply smirked deviously, yet simultaneously flirtatiously, at this spread of fear. He did enjoy toying with his prey, so he bared his teeth as he, still smiling, twisted the human's captured wrist.
Yamcha tried to stay brave through the tight pain, still weakly attempting to finish his Wolf Fang Fist, scratching with his fingers, slowly turning blue. The ends of his nails just barely grazed Frieza's face, hardly leaving scratches let alone any damage, gentle like a tickling feather.
Frieza humored it for awhile, but as time went on, it became significantly less entertaining. His smile vanished. This was just... pathetic. This handsome scrounger had charged in blindly obvious and was hardly putting effort into breaking free- he wasn't even holding him that tightly, he had even loosened up out of pity. His tactics were hasty and careless... and if that stunned red look on his face was what he thought it meant- he was clearly thinking with the wrong head.
The awkward standstill was rashly brought to a close by an eager Goku charging in from the sideline, promptly punting an off-guard Frieza out of the tangle. The lizard fell clumsily... and, unfortunately, undignifiedly to the ground. "Damn monkey! How dare you interrupt?!"
"I was getting bored..." The Saiyan whined. "You were taking forever. I'm itching for my turn at ya, Frieza..."
Frieza grumbled, dusting himself off, face red in frustration as opposed to Yamcha's embarrassment. "Fine. I suppose I will take your rude intrusion as your challenge, ape..." Growling, he shortly after began his more even fight with Goku, Yamcha standing back and trying to cool off, trying to distract himself from those stupid thoughts in his head. In this mission, there would soon be bigger- and hopefully less seductive- fish to fry.
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annabethy · 3 years
More tiktok au pwease 🥺
in which Percy and Annabeth love the lives they have in public, but they might just love the moments between the two of them even more,, percabeth,, BELLE PLS YOU SENT THIS IN JANUARY IM SO SORRY
Being in the spotlight has many downsides, Annabeth quickly learns.
Sure, making videos with the person she loves is lots of fun, but it also means she has to share him with the rest of the world, which is something that is slightly less fun. There’s just so many people that know who the both of them are, so every time they do go out together, they’re bombarded by several people, which only brings even more attention to them.
It’s a whole ordeal, really, so she begins to appreciate moments when they are alone since they’re far and few between.
One of those moments happens to be now, where she’s impossibly warm and content in his arms.
Annabeth could pass out right now with the way she’s sprawled over Percy’s body on his bed. She’s sure he can’t be comfortable when every bone of hers is pressing into his body, but being the sweetheart he is, he just holds her tight and digs his face between her shoulder blades. It’s quiet and peaceful, and it’s a moment she wishes she could just live in forever.
She thinks Percy might actually be asleep too, but that idea goes out the window when he stretches beneath her and presses kisses up her back until he reaches the base of her neck. He’s sleepy, she can tell, with the way he breathes slowly and smiles lazily at her when she tilts her head back to look at him.
Annabeth’s in love with a million different things about him, but as she stares at his face from close, she wonders if she’d ever be able to choose her favorite part of him. It could be the plaster of freckles that are so subtle she doubts anyone would ever notice unless they were as close to him as she is now, or it could be the way his nose crinkles and lips twitch when he’s trying to hold back a smile.
“Hey, hot stuff,” is the first thing she finds herself saying to break the silence. It’s only slightly embarrassing after dating him for eight months, but it’s still enough to cause a light blush to break out across her face.
Percy just peeks through one eye at her, an endearing smile plastered on his lips. She’d kiss it away if she could reach.
“You flatter me, Annabeth.”
“You deserve it,” she answers, giggling quietly when he slides out from under her so he can crawl over her instead. He holds himself above her and captures her lips in a proper kiss. It’s slow and sweet, and it has her melting into the bed. She can’t help but smile into it as she realizes that this is all hers.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, pulling away so he can blow air under her chin. She squirms away from him, shooting him a playfully scolding look.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she says, but she still has the bright smile on her face. Annabeth isn’t entirely lying though — it’s not that she thinks something’s funny. It’s more that she’s just extremely happy.
“You look like you’re about to combust—”
Annabeth grins.
“—with that smile. That one, right there,” he points out as she does it again. Percy presses a last kiss to her nose before flopping next to her.
She doesn’t give him an answer immediately, deciding in that moment she wants the sweater he has on. Really, she wants to mess with him, but she figures it’s close enough when she straddles him and begins to tug at his sweater with a simple, “Give me.”
Percy rolls his eyes but sits up to pull it over his head. It pulls at his shirt a little bit, giving her a few seconds to trace the lines of his abs, unabashed. Maybe dating a tiktok star does have more perks than she initially realized if it motivates him to keep that up.
He watches as she pulls it over her own shoulders and is immediately drowning in the extra fabric. He smiles endearingly, and she’s almost forgotten that he had asked her a question.
“I love you,” he says, squishing both of her cheeks between his palms. Her lips puff out, which only makes him snicker at the poor attempt of a scowl she does. “You gonna tell me what you were thinking about?”
“No, thank you. I’m alright.”
“Don’t boo me. That’s rude.”
Percy laughs softly and taps the center of her forehead. “I want to know what goes on inside of there.”
“A whole lot of wow my boyfriend is so hot and famous,” she answers sarcastically.
“You’re joking, but we both know that’s exactly what goes on inside your head.”
“How would you know?”
“It’s what I think a lot,” he tells her. “There’s also a bit of oh my god she just touched me and now I can die happy.”
Annabeth snorts.
“Seriously, though. I’m your boyfriend and you’re obligated to tell me your thoughts. I think that’s what couples do, or something.”
“Or something,” she agrees. She flicks his nose, but he just pulls her hand in and presses kisses to each of her knuckles. “I wasn’t thinking about anything, really. Just about how lucky I am to have you.”
“I think it’s the other way around. I’m the lucky one.”
“Oh my god, stop, that’s so embarrassing.” Percy rolls his eyes fondly. “I know. It’s so embarrassing that I love my girlfriend.”
“So embarrassing,” she teases. “But I love you anyways.”
“You’re so cute, like a puppy. You’re easily distracted.”
“I’m not distracted!” she argues.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“I’m just... thinking.”
Percy’s lips tilt up in a subtle grin, his eyes sparkling. “About?”
“You had tens of millions of people following you, and probably could’ve had any of them. You chose me.”
“I chose you,” he repeats. “I’d do it again.”
“It’s just funny,” she says, “that I’m the one who gets to kiss the great Percy Jackson.”
“Please. You’ve got it all wrong. I’m the one who gets to marry the great Annabeth Chase.”
“Of course! And then we’ll have lots of cute babies. We’ll name them Annabeth Chase One, and then Annabeth Chase Two and Three.”
“And if it’s a boy?”
“I like to think I’m honorable enough to have someone named after me.”
“Alright, Mr. Humble.”
“I am, aren’t I?”
Annabeth pushes his chest lightly so that he falls back onto the bed so she can crawl over him and hug him tight. His arms wrap around her immediately, his hands trailing up and down her back soothingly, and he squeezes her three times in a silent declaration of love.
“I chose you, Annabeth,” he starts, “and I’d do it again. You’re it for me.”
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way,” she answers, “it’s just funny. The chances were so low, yet here we are.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t think of it in terms of probability then,” he says. “Maybe it was just fate.”
“If this is fate, then this is the best thing fate could’ve brought me.”
Percy pulls her closer by the neck and kisses her lightly. “Now there, I agree.”
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symphony (arthur morgan x reader)
this story involves smut!! please do not read this if you are not over 18 years old
a/n: not entirely back to writing yet, but i did this and i sorta like it so lemme know what you think. also this is my first time ever writing smut that wasn’t for a roleplay so im super nervous about it. but anyway have a story with my favourite boy 
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It felt like your gut had been ripped open, like there were pins where your heart was before it cracked and shattered into thousands of fragments that would never be found. It was like someone had put a bullet in your skull and it was rattling around, hitting against every nerve and causing as much damage as it went along. 
Your blood turned to ice in your veins at the sight of him. Never had you seen him look so weak. So helpless. How in his voice he seemed okay despite the state of his body – at least two open wounds, his shirt stained multiple shades of red that weaved in with brown from what had already dried. Hot tears stung in your eyes when they studied him. Despite the warped vision, it was obvious to anyone that he was in pain. How his face contorted and twisted whilst Miss Grimshaw washed over his wounds to get a better look. The grunts and curses that left his dried lips were unbearable to listen to. 
Once you tore your eyes away from him, you assessed the others in the scene. Dutch stood at the foot of the table, his arms crossed over his chest and his hands balled into fists so tight that his knuckles whitened and cracked. Every now and again he mumbled words of encouragement or instructions to tell Miss Grimshaw what to do, despite her knowing much more about how to patch someone up. 
Miss Grimshaw had taken charge immediately, as soon as he had been brought into camp by the others on the job. She removed his shirt swiftly, washing his wounds with a cloth and water. Her expert hands cauterised his wounds and though she winced at every sound of discomfort, she knew that she was helping, and so she continued.
Tilly was around helping Miss Grimshaw, running to get things that she needed presently or that she would need, or that she might need just in case. She fed him alcohol for the pain and listened close when she was asked to do something to help.
You? You simply stood there, frozen. Miss Grimshaw had asked you for something, but you neither moved nor even heard her request for your brain was travelling at a speed that caused you physical pain. The noises he made left an awful taste in your mouth, knowing that you couldn’t help despite wanting to more than anything in the world. 
It was about then that Hosea took your hands in his and gently pulled you away with a “Come on, sweet girl.” And though you protested, you let him take you, because you couldn’t do anything else. You couldn’t just stand and watch him as he was an inch away from death. It hurt. Hosea took you far enough away that you couldn’t hear the sounds of pain that each felt like a bullet to the chest.
He held you to him, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Hosea.” Was the first thing that came out of your mouth once you had remembered how to use your voice. The man smiled a fatherly smile.
“Nothing to be sorry for. Nothing at all.” He assured, though you couldn’t seem to meet his eye. Gently, he squeezed your hand as a sign of reassurance. Though, reassurance for what, you couldn’t be entirely sure. “I know you wanted to help. It’s difficult when the people we love get hurt.”
You scoffed. “I… I don’t even know what bein’ in love feels like. But, I guess, maybe…” Trailing off, your mind began to wander just as the thoughts pulled a sigh from your lips. 
“Hosea, I don’t—”
“Do you think I don’t see the way you look at him?” Hosea asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly amused that you had tried to deny his claims. 
“Sweetheart, you look at him like you’re starving and he’s a hot meal.”
“I do?” Your voice sounded so small against the deafening silence. As much as you wanted to deny it, Hosea was right, and he knew it. It was terrifying. “I—I’ve never been in love before.” Startling thoughts began cascading down you. You and Arthur were close, real close. You told each other everything. You could be vulnerable around each other. You were there for each other. Was all of that about to be ruined because you were stupid enough to catch feelings?
“What do I do?” 
Hosea chuckled at that. “Get some rest, sweetheart. Try not worry about him, he’ll be fine. He always is.” While you appreciated his attempt of reassurance, you honestly didn’t feel much better at all. Instead, your brain was flooding with the thought of being in love with Arthur on top of the question of whether he was actually going to survive his injuries. 
You stayed just out of camp for a while longer, until you could hear the noise inside start to die down until it was obvious that everyone was asleep. You crept back in, being sure to not make too much noise, you didn’t want to wake anyone. No, not that, you didn’t want anyone to know that you were visiting him. Grabbing a chair, you pulled it up beside where Arthur’s was body was lay and took a seat. You looked over him, humming lightly, Miss Grimshaw really did a good job of patching him up. Your hands wrapped themselves around one of his, and you simply sat at his side until morning, being sure to move away at least two hours before everyone else woke up.
A few weeks later 
Chores. Although you helped out on jobs sometimes, since Arthur and Hosea taught you how to shoot properly, you enjoyed helping out around camp, too. It was the least you could do to help out Miss Grimshaw, considering she saved the man that you loved. Besides, most members of the camp were out either on jobs or shopping, or at saloon, so, you were spending your time washing clothes to help out.
Arthur, luckily, survived his injuries and although he was still recovering, he was back up and out on jobs again. Dutch did make sure not to put him on any dangerous (by his standard) jobs, despite Arthur protesting because he’s fine, it was just a couple of scratches and—Goddamn it, Dutch I don’t need supervision, I’m alright and—
“Careful you don’t rub a hole in that shirt.” A deep chuckle came from beside you. Your head snapped up immediately at the sound.
“Arthur!” You only then noticed how hard you had been squeezing the shirt in your hands and how hard you were scrubbing it against the washboard. Loosening your grip, you smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I—Wait a minute, what the hell are you doing up and around? Dutch told you that you rest today.” A laugh left Arthur’s lips as he held his hands up in surrender. “You should be resting.” With that, you stood, ushering him back to his tent where he could lay down. He took a seat on his bed, looking up at her with a strange expression. Was he… Nervous?
He reached out for your hand, gently tugging you over to take a seat beside him. Instead of letting go of your hand, he held it, his gaze fixed on it. He delicately traced over the veins that peeked through your skin, too delicate, like if he held you any firmer that you would shatter before him. His eyebrows drew together, and you hummed slightly, searching his eyes.
“Arthur? Y’alright?” You asked softly, your eyes furrowing in concern. 
“I’m alright, darlin’, I just…” He took a deep breath. “Going through all that and, not knowing whether I was gonna die, it, uh, it made me realise a couple things. Shit, uh…” 
“It’s okay. Take your time.” You assured, a smile crossing your face. Arthur looked up at you, a troubled look in his eyes that gave you an awful feeling in your stomach. You breathed out through parted lips, ready to take in the bad news that he was about to tell you. His eyes flickered slightly, quickly looking down your lips before he swallowed thickly, looking back up at your eyes.
“It made me realise that, I’m terrified of losing you. And—And I think that I… Shit. I’m in love with you.” Arthur’s face burnt up entirely as he confessed, flushing red from head to toe. When you didn’t respond, only blinking blankly at him, he pulled his hands away from yours, looking away as he rubbed the nape of his neck anxiously. Your hand reached out to cup his cheek, tilting his face back to you where you planted a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. You could feel how his breath was pulled from his lungs as you did so and his eyes lit up, though his face still looked worried.
“I love you, Arthur Morgan. More than anything in the world.” And with that, his lips captured yours in such a way that had your own breath hitching at the sensation. Your lips danced against each other’s rhythmically, and your chests moved up and down in sync. 
You had always loved Arthur. From the moment that he had saved your life in the woods when you first met. This big, scary outlaw meant everything to you. This gang was the closest thing you had to family. No, it was your family. Things had always been different with Arthur, though. Things you had never given a second thought about until now. Longing glances from across camp, touches that were a little too long to simply be considered friendly. Putting his arm around you at the campfire so that you wouldn’t be cold, bringing each other stew so that the other wouldn’t starve. The way he spoke to you; how his voice changed to be much softer when he addressed you. The urgency in his voice when he thought that you were in danger. The way that he always worried about you, just how you worried about him. The way that he looked at you, just how you looked at him.
It all made sense now.
The kiss was incapsulating. In this moment where nothing else mattered, merely you and him. You each opened your mouths, delving your tongues in to dance with the other as your tastes swirled together. He tasted like honey and cigarette smoke, you tasted like wild berries and rum. His hand hovered over the curve of your waist for a few seconds, before he hesitantly placed it down, pulling you close to his chest. Your arms snaked up his chest and wound around his neck. Arthur hooked an arm around your waist, gently lifting and shifting you over to sit in his lap.
You broke the kiss, breathing heavier than usual as you looked at him. A sweet shade of rose covered the cheeks that you gently pecked before stroking with your thumbs whilst you cupped his face. 
“We don’t have to go any farther.” Arthur declared; his voice low despite there being no one around. You breathed for a moment, scared of all the new feelings that erupted throughout your body. Though, the fireworks in your stomach couldn’t be denied. So, you smiled.
“You—Your wounds…” You mentioned, and he chuckled softly.
“Darlin’, I’m fine. But we can stop if you ain’t comfortable.”
“I don’t want to stop.” 
A smile spread over Arthur’s lips at your words and he hummed in response. “Tell me if you wanna stop, okay?” He asked, cupping your cheek, to which you nodded before leaning in to kiss his lips once again. You couldn’t get enough of him. He tasted so good. Whilst your lips worked against his, his practised hands ran over your body and his fingers began to work at the buttons on your shirt, threading them back through the hole before pushing it off of your shoulders. His hands moved up to knead softly at your breasts, rolling your nipples between his calloused fingers which earned a mewl from your throat. 
He pulled away from your lips, jaw falling slack when his eyes fell over your now bare top half. He hummed as his excitement grew, moving your head to the side with his thumb before burying his face in your neck which he peppered with open mouthed kisses and gentle nips that began to purple the flushed skin, branding you to him. With your noises of approval and your fingers unthreading the buttons of his blue shirt egging him on, he began to suck the skin at your clavicle to which a breathy moan was pulled from your throat. 
Shrugging his shirt from his shoulders, you moved your legs on either side of his hips, straddling him. Your fingers gently caressed each of his scars that you felt. He was beautiful. As he continued to leave his mark on you, your hands reached up to tangle in his locks, tugging ever so slightly, but a growl left him, nevertheless.
“Do it again.” Arthur pleaded, his lips brushing against your skin to cause goose bumps. A low groan fell out of his kiss swollen lips when you repeated the action. His large hands cupped your ass, pulling you closer against him, his arousal rubbing against you through layers of fabric that separated you from feeling all of him. You needed to feel all of him. You moaned at the contact, fumbling messily with his jeans while you kissed him, but he pulled away. 
He picked you up, laying you down before he shed himself of the remainder of his clothing. While his back was turned, you did the same. When Arthur turned around, he bit his lip at the sight of you, flushed, sprawled out for him on his bed. He licked his lips hungrily, cock twitching before he lay above you, pressing a bruising kiss to your lips which you held while his hand dug lower. His fingers spread you open, teasing by gently brushing against your clit. He smirked at your wetness.
“Arthur—” You whined. “Please.” He took your endorsement, groaning in delight at the sounds you made when he quickened his pace, curling his fingers inside you. The hot coil began to grow in your stomach, and he watched as you writhed beneath him, moaning deliciously at how good he was making you feel. His cock was painfully hard and ached for release, but he wouldn’t stop until he had brought you over the edge at least once before he fucked you. 
“This for me?” Your hips bucked up in a silent plea for more friction and he chuckled slightly into your mouth before pushing a digit inside you. With a sharp inhale beforehand, you moaned in approval, causing him to add a second finger, pumping in and out of you at a slow pace. 
“So good for me, darlin’.” Arthur’s voice was husky when he spoke, his words wrapped in lust and desire, eyes dark with adoration. His free hand reached up to toy with your nipples, pinching gently, teasingly to bring you closer to your release. 
It wasn’t until your hips bucked uncontrollably and a strangled cry left your plump lips that Arthur pulled his fingers out of you, the hot coil snapping in such a wonderful way that left you aching for more. His mouth opened and closed around his fingers, coated with your juices. When the taste hit his mouth, a low groan rumbled in his chest, and the mushroom head of his member leaked with arousal. 
Arthur didn’t touch himself once until he had brought you over the edge one more time with his tongue alone, and when that hot coil broke in your stomach once again, he lapped up the remainder of your juices, making sure to not waste a single drop by licking along the insides of your thighs for any excess. His cock throbbed painfully from the influx of lust, his hand stroking himself up and down a couple of times before he pushed himself into you. The sound you made from him entering you alone nearly made Arthur cum there and then, but he was determined to make you feel good. After pushing in about halfway, he pulled back out completely, groaning at the sight of your slick on his cock. You whined at the lack of contact, reaching to touch him but he swatted your hand away.
“I don’t think so.” He said with a chuckle before pushing into you entirely. You cried out, digging your nails into his shoulders, loving how he stretched you. “Mm—” Arthur’s hips thrusted against yours once as he moaned at how you clenched around him. “Such a good girl for me.” He set a fast pace, each thrust increasing in power and might, and soon enough an animalistic desire consumed him, his hips clashing against yours. Your names left each other’s lips among curses and beautiful sounds of pure pleasure. Series’ of moans spilled out from your reddened lips.
Arthur kissed you, hard. You could feel the swelling of your lips. The bristles of his unkempt stubble tickled your skin. When your tongues met, you groaned at the taste, your taste. Your nails sunk further into his skin and he groaned at the sensation, his spare hand reached down to focus your sensitive bundle of nerves with the pad of his thumb. His cock throbbed against your walls as the familiar feeling began to grow in your stomach once again. He pounded into you with a near primal hunger, your plea for him and your beautiful sounds being the only thing to fill his ears. Arthur made his own share of delicious noises, both of your voices ruined with pleasure though it sounded like the most stunning symphony.
You felt your third climax nearing, the white-hot coil repeating but so much stronger than before. With your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands on you, he made you feel wanted. He made you feel loved. It was nearing closer, and closer and you covered your face to which Arthur removed your hands from your face, pinning them above your head with one hand while the other returned to its spot at your clit.
“Nuh-uh, darlin’. Hafta see you.”
Soon enough, your release washed over you like a wave of pleasure. A ravishing sound forced itself from you, your legs trembled, your body shaking violently from the pleasure. Arthur felt your climax all over him, his body entirely racked with pleasure. As you clenched around him, he pushed in once more and pulled out, releasing with a husky shout that you would dream of for weeks on end. His juices lay atop the bedsheets and he sighed happily, pulling you in for a soft, loving kiss.
Arthur reached over into his pile of clothes to find a dark piece of cloth, his bandana. He soaked in some water from a bucket outside his tent and gently dragged it over you skin, revelling in how incessantly beautiful you were. At first, when he reached your folds, you whined from the overstimulation, but soon relaxed at the feeling.
Once you were cleaned up, he lay beside you, cradling you in his strong arms. You pecked his lips before resting your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Your eyes fluttered closed and Arthur hummed contently. “I love you, darlin’.”
lmk if you want to be added to any of my taglists!!<3
“I love you too, Arthur.”
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primalsouls · 3 years
albedo x m! reader
⚠️ : none but let me know!
theme: general
note: albedo albedo albedo albedo. i just love albedo and want to write something more general because usually the fics i read tend to be too fluff or too angst and sometimes other fics tend to feel like a super slow. like, im not trying to read an eassy. 💀 jkjk lol anyway, enjoy, hope you like it! and thank you for reading! let me know what you think. :)
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Dragonspine was never in their bucket list of places to visit. It was deadly cold. Monsters roamed around. Even the Fatui were presented. [Y/N] was surprised how he managed to reached the campus set out by the Chief Alchemist further up the mountain. One would think he would camp out with the group based at the bottom of the mountain. He was a skilled swordman and his vision kept him warm throughout the difficult journey as best as it could. He did broke a sweat when fighting a few monsters but all that was important was his destination. Thus meeting Albedo, the genius Kreideprinz. [Y/N] was new to the Knight of Favonius, started back a few weeks ago. Today he was ordered by the Acting Grand Master to assist the Captain of the Investigation Team in one of his experiments. Or alternatively, Jean worried about the alchemist not taking care of himself and potentially risking failed experiments turn to unwanted results in Dragonspine and Mondstadt.
It was his order to check on the man. But, by the Archons, does he had to camp this far up. [Y/N] groaned when he reached a broken bridge. How was he going to get to the other side? Ah, right. Gliding. With a good running start, he could jump just high enough and glide his way to the other half of the fallen bridge with no added injuries. A flawless plan.
A scream left his lips when he jumped as best as he could after his run. No wonder he did terrible at mathematics. His calculations were off. And now, he was going to pump down to his end. Just to check on some big-time, smart guy. [Y/N] should had decline. But he wanted to prove himself. For what now? Prove he can see the light firsthand? What a joke. He reached out, his hand inches away from the other broken part of the bridge. He was so focus on reaching something to grab on he didn't hear his own scream leave his mouth nor the abrupted tug on his hand held by another. He came to his senses when he smacked against the wall under the brigde harshly, letting out a groan. [Y/N] looked up. [E/C] eyes met bright teal eyes. Such beautiful eyes. It felt like he was staring into emerald instead. They outshined the blues around Dragonspine. Like sun if the clouds ever go away.
"Are you only going to keep staring or help me pull you up?" He heard, the soothe voice snapping [Y/N] out of their thoughts. A blush bloomed on his face as he cleared his throat, using his other hand to keep himself firm in their hold.
"S-Sorry..." [Y/N] mumbled as he was pulled up. Solid, cold ground was what he felt right away. He looked over his shoulder, grimacing at the sight of the long fall he could had experienced first and last. Cursing the fall away, the knight turned back to his savior, about to thank them until he stopped himself. Upon closer look, his savior was... handsome. Their ashy light blonde hair reached below their shoulders, pulled back in a braided ponytail. It lookes adorable. Soft, even. It makes him want to run his fingers through it. Realizing he was staring again, [Y/N] cleared his throat as he shook his head, his blush increasing in color. Eyes darted to stare at the ground instead. "Uh, thank yo-you... Thank you for saving me back there." The knight said with a small smile, looking back his savior only to see them walk away already. "What?" [Y/N] sat there forzen, not believing what happened. He chuckled weakly, now pissed for the rude manner. "Hey, wait up!" He stood up from the ground, dusting himself off from any snow as he ran up to catch up to the mystery person. "You know, it's really rude to jusf walk away like that!" [Y/N] complained, slowing down as he came up to a campsite. His eyes widen a bit. There were bookshelves lined up again the walls of the cavern. Tables filled with written pages and materials. A small set of art supplies in one area and an crafting table by his side. Did his savior lived here? Wait, was this...?
"Are you the Captain of the Investigation Team, Albedo?" The knight said, walking up to the alchemist who simply nodded with no reply. He was focused on his work, [Y/N] could see that. "Oh okay..." He muttered underneath his breath, raising a brow. Well, here he was. The alchemist looked alright. There was no sight of any failed experiments. Mondstadt was good to stay for another day. But [Y/N] wasn't leaving yet. "My name is [F/N]. I was ordered by the Acting Grand Master to check on you... Which is why I'm here..." Albedo only gave a faint hum. What a conversationalist. "Okaaay..." The young man looked around. He couldn't just leave after what he just experienced. He was still shaky.
"Where are you from?" [Y/N] asked, attempting to make a conversation.
"Here and there." Albedo replied bluntly.
"What do you do?"
"This and that."
"You ever-"
"Now and then."
"Gosh, you're just full of information." [Y/N] grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"And you're just full of interruptions." Albedo fired back, finally looking away from his work and turned to the knight. His expression was stoic but his beautiful emerald eyes held a hint of annoyance. His comment made the other man pouted and rolled his eyes. "You done your quest. Now, you may leave."
"What the-? Huh?" He couldn't believe it. He was being kicked out? Reasonable, actually. But still. What a rude alchemist. "Okay, look, I have to actually make sure you're okay and Jean said to stay for a few days before I return, anyway." [Y/N] explained. Albedo sighed softly, disinterested from the interaction. The knight clicked his tongue. "So, no, I'm not leaving." The knight huffed, head held high. Albedo hummed again, already looking back at his work. "Oh my- really?" [Y/N] shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He kept studying the area they were in, trying to locate any sort of self-care going on. There was a cook pot but the burned woods look as if it had went out hours ago. "How long had you been working?"
Albedo shrugged, papers being moved around in his area. [Y/N] sighed. He went to stand beside the table, inches away from him to not disturb his work. With the closeup, [Y/N] saw fainted dark circles under his eyes. He looked a little pale, too.
"Have you eaten at all? Rest?" He asked softly, a frown on his face. His gloved hands rest on his waist. [Y/N] looked like a parent scolding their child. Albedo shrugged again. The knight groaned, head tilted back. The lack of responses were starting to pissed him off. "I'll make you something." He grumbled, looking into his traveling bag as he walked over to the pot. Using his Pryo vision, he watched the flames come to alive once more. He pulled out pre-packaged ingredients he made himself before he set off.
Albedo's concentration was fully on his project but the smell of a delicious meal wandered around his nose. It pulled him out of his priority. The scent made his stomach growled. The Geo user stopped what he was doing and turned around. His eyes spotted the knight crouched down beside the pot, stirring around the contents it cooked. The flames illuminated the small cave, the knight's face glowed from it. Hair swayed back, half-lidded eyes stared boredly at the pot. Soft lips pressed into a thin line. It was a pretty sight. A perfect picture. A gorgeous paint on a canvas. His canvas. The scenery needed to be painted in his canvas.
[Y/N] heard movements behind him but he didn't bother to look up. He figured the alchemist was still all over his experiments. Behind his back, Albedo set up his easel, an 18x24 canvas rest nicely on it. His paints, brushes, and palette laid beside him on a stool with a cup of water on it as well. He began to sketch out the sight, a concentrated frown on his face.
"Hmm... I think it's done." [Y/N] muttered to himself, smiling a bit at the cooked stew he made. He was about to get up but a shout stopped him.
"Don't move! I'm not done yet." He heard the alchemist. The Pyro user blinked, confusion written over his face. "Not done..." Albedo continued, his hand moving a brush around. [Y/N] swallowed, wondering what he was doing.
"Why can't I move?" He asked, still in the position.
"Because I'm not finish."
"Finish with what?"
"The painting... It's not finished..." Albedo trailed off, focusing more on the canvas. [Y/N] was dumbfounded. Ah, right. The alchemist had a set of art supplies. But why could he be painting? Was he painting him? He was just sitting around the cook pot, nothing else. What did he capture in his mind to had the urge to paint? So much questions ran through his head and his face rest back to how it was when the knight stared at the pot. Just what Albedo needed to complete his new piece.
Half an hour passed and the flames were small. the pot was sat beside it. No need to have burnt food. [Y/N]'s legs were starting to cramp.
"Are you do-"
"Done." Albedo finished for him, stepping back from his canvas. [Y/N] sighed in relief as he stood up and stretched his limps out, hearing a few joints popped. Surely didn't sounded good but felt good. He walked over to Albedo.
"Can I see, please?" He asked, tilting his head. Albedo stared at the canvas before shifting his eyes over to the knight. He suddenly felt flustered. What a foreign feeling. It was he was embarrassed. He was not embarrassed. His face felt warmed. Was he blushing? What was going on? [Y/N] waited for an answer, raising a brow as he sent a charming smile his way. Why did such a gesture made his chest tightened but in a good way? Like something fluttered inside him. Was his heart beat increasing? Impossible. Feelings were unfamiliar to him. So, why was he experiencing them right now? "Albedo..." His name rolled out of his mouth. It sounded perfect. Did he just noticed it?
"It's not finished..." Albedo replied quickly, throwing [Y/N] off guard.
"But you said-"
"It's not finished." Albedo repeated, clearing his throat. The knight nodded slowly.
"Okaay..." [Y/N] mumbled, looking back at the pot. "Ah, well, dinner is ready. C'mon, let's eat." He said, walking back at the pot to begin serving the meal for both. Albedo watched him, lips parted slightly. His teal eyes moved back to the canvas. Finished. It was finished. He just... didn't want to show the knight but why? It was beautifully painted. A pretty piece. The look he captured from the knight painted there. Admirable.
"Are you coming or what?" [Y/N] called out, already setting the other table for them to eat at. Albedo blinked and nodded a second later. He placed his brush and palette down, taking his gloves off as he made his way over. There they sat. In complete silence. It wasn't awkward, fortunately. It was comfortable atmosphere. No need to exchange words. Albedo seem to like that. Perhaps Jean did a good thing to sent someone out. It felt nice to have company over for once.
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
okokok i knowww!! i just requested!! but,, am bacc with two more request!! one! crhistmass umu,, chaeya mistletoe hcs,, could be soft,, could be spicy???? who knows?? second! not so important or festive but! im a slut for the trope 😔👉👈 this chaeya with reader uwu,, reader gets kidnapped and the rest is up to you because!! ilysm and i want you to go ham and write what you wanna write 🥺💞💖💕 anyways,, drimk water, sleeb well,, eat three times a day✨ luv u🥺💞💖💕💞💖💕💞💞💕 -⭐
Star nonnie 👉🏻👈🏻 would you be angy if you find out i eat like 2 meals a day 😔 but you're the best best bestest ok ily smsmsmsm 🥺 you take care of yourself too ogei ily mwah!! And myur kremsas
This is request number 2!! I'll do request 1 on a different post uwu
Reader gets kidnapped
All hell boutta break loose ok the people who kidnapped you will not survive
For the kidnappers sake, it's best that they took you while you weren't around Childe and/or Kaeya
Cuz if it happened in front of them and the kidnappers escaped with you then Childe's gonna lose it
All logic and thoughts go out of his brain, his only thought is getting you back safe
Unlikely it'll happen though, because criminals do be cowardly and if anyone's bold enough to try to capture you in front of them surely don't mind dying in the most painful way
And they'll make sure you're ok ya know uwu you won't get taken while you're with them
Also cuz Kaeya's so smart and observant, he'd like know immediately before someone even tries
Secretly tells Childe and he's gonna go like "oh I'll just buy this one thing I'll brb" and get rid of all of them rip uwu
You know even know there was a kidnapping attempt
But anyways
So, you went ahead and got yourself kidnapped while they were away
Mostly probably while the two of them were busy with their own assignments and you've just been hanging on your own for awhile now
They prolly had personal vendettas against Childe and/or Kaeya? Otherwise they wouldn't go for you
But it do be a little dangerous for you because you are dating a Fatui Harbinger AND Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonius
They come back to any empty house and they just know
Contacts the other partner immediately because its just a better move than hunting you down on their own
Also cuz the other person needs to know umu
I say contact like they'll give each other a call or letter or smth. No, i mean them just barging into each other's workplace/ area confusing the rest of the people there
It's urgent man the love of their life is gone
When the two of them are dead serious they could prolly figure out the culprit within a day or even a couple of hours even if there's no clue left behind for them
Let the man hunt begin!!! ✨
Wastes no time, everything is calculated to get you back in their arms safe as quickly as possible
They're just kskfg worried ok? They don't know what the kidnappers have done to you or are planning to do to you and it stresses them out big time
Childe just unleashes all his stress and anger on the people who kidnapped you the moment they step into enemy territory
Let's Kaeya to the thinking about where they could be hiding you
Kaeya doesn't even need to worry about security, he just needs to figure out the fastest way in because Childe: Unhinged is a whole threat
When they do get to you Kaeya immediately has you in his arms; asking if you're ok and checking for any external injuries
Childe is off murdering the rest of the people in the room if there are people watching you
They don't even need to know why what they the kidnappers wanted from them, only thing that matters is you're alive and they're not
If the kidnappers have you like at hostage like knife to your throat type beat they'd be seething
But the fights going to be so anticlimactic because they're both so strong? And their synergy is so good they just have everyone in the room frozen and dead in 7 seconds flat
But if y'all are here for the drama then uwu i imagine Kaeya's super good at negotiating terms
Very calm and collected, he's angry, you can see it in his eyes but he won't let his emotions betray him and will trick the kidnappers to let you go in exchange for something more valuable
The second they do, the millisecond you're away from their grasp Childe's already committing mass murder
Like have you seen him in foul legacy? 8 seconds flat dudes, all gone. It'll take a miracle for him to leave any soul that's involved alive
Comforts you the Most™ you must've been so scared and what not
Zoomer reader to the kidnappers like "ooo y'all are gonna die so hard, when my bfs find me it'll be all over for you" or "kill me i have nothing to live for lmao" HAHAHA
Promises to never leave you alone again cuz they don't want your life to be threatened in any way
At some point, when you get over your Trauma, you'd have to reassure them a whole bunch because they're just that overprotective
They're just worried you know they know how dangerous their line of work is and for something bad like that to happen will really break them
They'll set up like a whole system where one of them is with you if the other is gone for long periods of time? But jskf it can get a lil overbearing so you gotta reassure them you're ok and you'll be more careful
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