#Imagine Gladions
vante1920pm · 1 year
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I need some more Pokémon requests 😩
◎ | pokémon masterlist
☆ 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: when someone critizes your new haircut
☆ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀: arven, grusha, hau, gladion
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: gn!reader, just some fluff and gladion with anger issues
☆ 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱: no
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❛  ARVEN !   ❜
He's furious. Who dares to insult his s/o?!
Tells you he's gonna have a word with them but comes back crying, cuz the person made a mean comment about his hairstyle 💀
❛  GRUSHA !   ❜
Is not letting that slide. He seems calm on the outside, but the person, who insulted you, came back with a pale face after he had a word with them.
Grusha was satisfied tho.
❛  HAU !   ❜
Doesn't know what to say. He reassures you that your hair looks incredible, so you wouldn't have anything to worry about.
He can't believe someone would even say that to you, unbelievable...
❛  GLADION !   ❜
Bro already got anger issues, why would you wanna mess with him?
You have to calm him down, otherwise he would've already marched over to the poor person to completely destroy them.
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© 2023, vante1920pm | do not copy or translate any of my works without my permission. likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated
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bagerfluff · 6 months
Your Eyes Are Brighter Then Stars
Aged up Gladion x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Stargazing
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You sat on a cliff.
Your feet were swinging back and forth off the ledge. You were looking onto the Horizon as the moon rose in the sky. Stars were shimmering and the moon was glowing over the ocean that was below the cliff.
The waves crashed against the cliff, the wind blew the leaves in the tree. The wind blew your hair and you loved it. Though as you glanced towards Gladion, who was sitting right next to you, he didn’t seem to like the wind.
It blew his bangs all over his face and he spent every few minutes moving it back. You found it funny and cute. You were hanging out with Gladion before he left to do his next Trial.
You missed hanging out with Gladion.
He was your best friend and maybe secret crush. But don’t tell him. He doesn’t need to know that. So you and him were star gazing. It was a peaceful and funny activity. Especially with the Alolan stars.
They shined brighter than any other stars. Well you didn’t know that, you’ve never left Alola. But you were that these stars were still some of the best. You spent time naming constellations that you saw while catching up with Gladion.
Gladion had some fun stories from his travels though all of the islands. It was kinda hard talking to Gladion. You really wanted to confess to him, you wanted to travel with him.
You missed talking with him, you missed having Pokemon Battles with him, you missed him. But Gladion wasn’t really focused on relationships.
So you kept it a secret from everyone. If other people knew, especially your guy friends, they would try to get you two together.
You didn’t want that.
If you got together with Gladion you wanted it to be because you did it. Not because you got locked in a closet or something. You looked up from the moon rising and looked at the sky. The stars shimmer, looking like lights in the sky.
Nothing was in the sky except the stars and the moon.
You were looking around the sky. Sometimes the stars left you mesmerized. You looked from the sky to Gladion. He was also looking at the sky. His side was turned to you so you were looking at his bangs.
But you still thought he looked good.
He was visibly relaxed and calm. You were happy that Gladion felt comfortable around you. Gladion was sitting the same way you were. With his legs hanging off the cliff. But they weren’t swinging back and forth like yours were.
When you looked over you caught the sight of your Pokémon. Your Pokémon seems to be cuddling with Gladion’s Umbreon.
It seems they have their relationship figured out. Meanwhile, you're blushing every time Gladion smiles.
You looked back at the sky, “you know”, Gladion looked at you when you spoke. “The stars sure are beautiful”, you looked over at Gladion.
You and Gladion made eye contact and you blushed slightly. You were happy that it was dark, Gladion couldn’t see your blush that well.
“But there nothing compared to the stars I see in your eyes”. You were looking at Gladion’s eyes when you said that. He really did have stars in his eyes. And they were more beautiful than any other star.
Gladion blushed deeper than you and turned away. He turned his head so all you could see were his bangs. This wasn't the first time you’ve flirted with Gladion. But so far he has yet to get the hint.
Gladion glared at the ground. Unbeknownst to you Gladion had a crush on you too. He just didn’t know what to do about it. Lillie knew but she kept it a secret, under her brother's request.
Gladion didn’t know what to do when you flirted with him. Did he flirt back? Can Gladion even flirt? Does he thank you? That just seems wrong. What was he supposed to do? Gladion didn’t know, so he did nothing.
Gladion just blushed and looked away.
By the time Gladion thought of something to do it was the wrong time. You looked at Gladion and glanced down. His hand was resting back side up on the ground. You moved your hand to rest yours on top of his.
You faltered but you did it.
You placed your hand on top of Gladion’s and linked your fingers around his hand. Gladion did the same, linking your hands.
Neither of you said anything.
But you looked back at the stars. They seemed dimmer after you saw Gladion’s eyes. Since you looked away, you missed Gladion looking at you.
With a small smile on his face. 
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alola-reblogging · 4 months
Hi idk if requests are open? I was wondering If you could do a request for what the alola crews addictions are? I Hope this makes sense! Thanks have a wonderful day/night 😊
Hi yes requests are OPEN! Though...I wasn't sure who you meant by Alola crew so I chose who to write for if that's okay? Re-request with someone specific if you like :) also not sure if you mean like addiction or addicted as in obsession?
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I mean...its gotta be malasadas right? If you thought the answer was anything different then that's on you, my friend ♡
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Ima say Monster true emo kid bc I imagine he had a lot of long nights out training silvally, especially since they could only train at night. He needed the extra energy to stay awake. Not to mention all of the late night jobs he probs had to do for Team Skull as well. He also totally collects the cans with cool designs and keeps them displayed in his motel room, theyre all neatly stacked like its 2006 again
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Judging by the manga...I'd say medicine! Moons a pharmacist in the manga so I'd say her obsession is plants/poison types, anything that can improve medicine or be studied.
As for in game Moon obviously people can kinda make her how they want too since she's a protag, but I think pokemon battles are a safe bet!
Also cannon that she's a masked royal fan! So I guess she could be addicted to battle royals too!
Thou since I'm a big fan of lonashipping ima throw Gladion as an obsession into the mix too hehe
Professor Kukui
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Pokemon battles for sure, but specifically the moves. Like we know he basically uses himself as a test subject for his Pokemon to test their moves against so I guess he's a move addict? I mean let's not forget that one line in sumo about my body is ready! Woo!
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Weed. Like really....let's face it...Team Skull are definitely all pot heads. I mean one bro tried to steel a bus stop??? If that MF wasn't high then Pikachu is a dragon type.
Plus he probs smokes up to forget all of his childhood trauma stuff.
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Cat man. This guy is addicted to Meowths. I mean it's literally cannon, every conversation you have with him in game that isn't a cutscene he's legit talking about meowth. Man sees a random meowth outside, just chilling? He's taking it home fr
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It's cannon she loves the stars and astrology, so ima go with that! I know she loves fashion and sewing but I'd say the cosmos has been a more life long addiction...
Also loves plushies
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Coding & hacking !! This guy could hack into any bank and deposit 10 billion pokedollars into your bank account if he wanted ~ but he's a good boy so he won't!!
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Weeb. Big phat weeb! His addiction is anime & video games, Molayne's secret dream is to one day become so advanced with computer science he can bring his waifu to life.
Also what is this gif I love it xD
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I mean....it gotta be ultra beasts...she was crazy for them afterall....like anime lusamine doesn't exist in my book....even ULTRA sumo Lusamine don't exist....that first expirence playing sun left me fucked up fr....those poor frozen pokemon 😢
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084392 · 2 years
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bellafragolina · 2 years
I have been informed from the discord that we are allowed to submit more than one request which is crazy be I KNOW this inbox is so full already omg
but because he's been literally my favorite since ive played Sun, could you do an enemies to friends to lovers with Gladion? thank you vv much <33
finally i can get to yours!! my first gladion request!
Gladion is an edgy teenager, everyone knows. He has reason to be, with his mother, and how he grew up. That doesn't mean he doesn't annoy people, however. You're included in that. Gladion's attitude and snark and insults towards you, one of his Pokémon rivals, drives you up the wall. But you give back what you get, throwing Gladion for a loop and making him hate you more
You two battle endlessly. It's never guaranteed who will win, and whoever does always rubs it in. Hau and Lillie both have kept you from fist fighting one another several time. Even your Pokémon have it on sight, attacking one another if they catch sight of one another. Null and your ace are mortal enemies, the same as their trainers
However, as the Island Challenge progresses, and nefarious things about the Aether Paradise become revealed, you feel bad for getting on Gladion's case so much. His anger isn't his fault, and he's yet to learn how to healthily deal with it. So you give him battles unlike those he's ever seen. They wear him and his Pokémon out, whether he wins or not, and afterwards he's usually calmer than before
Gladion doesn't understand your shift in attitude. You're no longer as curt, not like he is. You tease and such, but it's more playful than before. Gladion's own bite gets less harsh as well, until you're. . . friends? Gladion doesn't seem annoyed with your presence anymore, and he seems to relax when you bicker and battle. If he loses, he's not as angry, and if he wins, he doesn't boast half as much, except to tease. It's. . . nice
Until everything explodes. You and Lillie go into Ultra Space to save Guzma and Lusamine. Gladion is beside himself the entire time. Hau has never seen him so upset, for not only is his little sister in another dimension, but you are too. He's knows you're strong, but what if it's not enough? What if his mother hurts you? Or that beast? He worries incessantly. And when you return, victorious, he actually hugs you, and Lillie too.
After that, your relationship evolves, slowly but surely. Gladion has issues to work through, which he is. And you, you're so patient. You hold his hand when he spirals, and bring him to the real world, where he's okay, and he's with friends, family. And he's happy.
Standing on the beach together, holding your hand, Gladion feels at peace. He watches Silvally play with your ace along the coast, and feels your lips brush his cheek. He blushes bright red, scolding you for doing that without warning, but at your accusation, he can't say he hated it, or hates you. You're his weakness.
here we are! i hope you like it!!!
have a good day, sunshine!!
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journcys-archived · 1 year
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He’s feeding Silvally some snacks.
They’re Scientist flavoured.
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typeberry · 9 months
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for funsies, here's some art i did way back when sun and moon first came out and I drew everything exclusively on ms paint
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littlekiara96 · 2 years
Me: *needing a reason to have Marnie and Gladion do a pas-de-deux*
Me, one second later: Gladion is a transfer student from Aether Academy.
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shima-draws · 2 years
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WAUGH......I’ve missed them 🤧
I imagine this is their goodbye kiss when Gladion leaves Alola :’)
(Send me a ship and a palette!)
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pennysperfectpolls · 5 months
Adoption poll round 3 match 3
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Lillie (Pokémon)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Propaganda under the cut
Lillie (Pokémon) Propaganda
i don't expect her to win because gen 7 pokemon is a very niche fandom, but i had to submit her because her entire story centers around the relationship between mother and child, from both sides. first, she lives as part of a normal happy family with her mother lusamine, her father mohn, and her brother gladion. then her dad gets sucked through an interdimensional portal and her mother starts becoming more unhinged and abusive in the aftermath of that event. her brother runs away from home with a similarly abused experimental pokemon in tow, and things get even worse at home. Eventually, lillie builds up the courage to steal another mistreated pokemon (a little baby nebula thing from outer space she nicknames nebby) and run away herself. during the events of the game, lillie acts like a mother to nebby in a way that specifically contrasts her from most major pokemon characters, since she doesn't participate in pokemon battles for fear of pokemon getting hurt and doesn't even keep nebby in a poke ball, instead opting to use her bag to carry it. over the course of the game, she and nebby bond with the protagonist which culminates in nebby evolving into either solgaleo or lunala depending on the version during the climax of the story and lillie deciding to leave it in the care of the protagonist, since it's all grown up now and she doesn't think it would be as happy without being able to participate in battles.
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) Propaganda
Please someone adopt my girl! She used to go visit her mother's niche in the catacombs and tell her decomposed corpse about her day, just to pretend there was someone who cared. All the family she ever had, found or otherwise, was some bones and her imagination that maybe the person those bones used to belong to once loved her. Then, when she was eight years old, the bones were taken away too. She is so desperate for love and affection she would most definitely die or join a cult about it. Save my girl from the cult, and give her a family. No one has ever told her they loved her, not once in her life. Let's change that.
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deltablitz · 1 year
↷ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - [Pokémon x Reader]
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↳ Before Requesting;
     Please note the following;
Please don’t request NSFW (smut, lemons, limes, etc.) of any kind, thank you.
 I write these in my free time, so I apologize for any sort of delay when releasing any content.
Please specify if you want an imagine / headcanons / one-shot (or more).
Don’t be afraid to mention another character / request for another character that’s not on the list. Keep in mind I only write for Pokémon people!
I mostly write for in-game characters, but feel free to request any characters from the anime!
I do not own Pokémon nor any of the characters by any means. All rights go towards Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak & Satoshi Tajiri- as well as their amazing teams that brought us Pokémon!
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↳ Characters I Write For;
     KANTO; Gary, Blue, Red, Ash, Misty, Brock, James, Jessie, Lance, Erika, Koga, & Sabrina
    JOHTO; Silver, Falkner, Clair, & Will
     HOENN; Brendan, May, Roxanne, Brawly, Flannery, Winona, Wallace, Steven Stone & Wally
     SINNOH; Lucas, Dawn, Barry, Gardenia, Fantina, Volkner, Cynthia, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
     HISUI; Akari, Rei, Cyllene, Laventon, Kamado, Adaman, Arezu, Mai, Melli, Irida, Palina, Ingo, Volo & Cogita
     UNOVA; Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Cheren, Bianca, N, Hugh, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Elesa, Skyla, Drayden, Iris, Marlon, Grimsley, Alder, Ingo & Emmet
     KALOS; Calem, Serena, Alain, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Siebold, Malva, Diantha, Sycamore & Alexa
     ALOLA; Elio, Selene, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, Kukui, Burnet, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Olivia, Kahili, Guzma, Nanu & Lusamine
     GALAR; Victor, Gloria, Hop, Bede, Leon, Sonia, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Oleana, Marnie, Piers, Bea, Allister, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Peony, Klara & Avery
     PALDEA; Florian, Juliana, Nemona, Arven, Atticus, Brassius, Eri, Giacomo, Grusha, Iono, Jacq, Katy, Larry, Mela, Ortega, Penny, Sada, Turo, Ryme & Tulip
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↷ What I Write
     Forms Of Writing; Imagines, Textfic, Crack, One-Shots, Headcanons, & Songfics
     Relationships; Romantic ( s/o, crush, etc. ), Platonic ( friend, family member, rival, enemy, etc.)
     Genres / Types; Fluff, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rivalry, Character x Reader x Character, Jealousy, Isekai, Forbidden Love, Crossover, Darkfic, Alternate Universes, Unrequited Love, & Hurt/Comfort
          ↳Note; Other types of genre may be unlisted.
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↳ Work(s);
     KANTO; None Yet
     JOHTO; None Yet
     HOENN; None Yet
     SINNOH; None Yet
     HISUI; None Yet
     UNOVA; None Yet
     KALOS; None Yet
     ALOLA; None Yet
     GALAR; None Yet
     PALDEA; None Yet
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↷ ‘ ‘ Now get on out there, trainer! ’ ’
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bagerfluff · 6 months
Espeon & Umbreon: Matchmakers Supreme
Aged Up Gladion x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Confessions
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“Not again”, you sighed.
You glanced down at your Espeon as they rubbed themselves against an Umbreon. This was the fifth time this had happened and it was only Wednesday. You knew this Umbreon, it belongs to a trainer that you might have a little crush on.
You’ve seen him training at the beach. You never got the courage to talk to him. The first time you even talked to him was because your Espeon had run up to his Umbreon.
Unlike you, Espeon has more than enough courage. You had really tried to confess, but you never did. He was so cool and a little weird but you liked him. So you stared at the two Pokémon as they cuddled with each other, waiting for him to come.
“Umbreon?” You looked up at the voice to see him, Gladion, that was his name. Standing at the edge of the forest. Gladion looked as amused as you did, which was not amused at all. “Hey Gladion”, you said.
Trying to keep the blushing down.
Gladion didn’t look at you, just at the two Pokémon. Next to Gladion was his Lycanroc. The Lycanroc looked a little more amused than the two of you. “So how was your day?” You asked, knowing that it could be a while till the Pokémon wanted to leave.
“Good”, Gladion deadpanned. That was all you ever got. You wanted to get to know him better but he never talked to you. You were starting to give up. You didn’t speak for the rest of the encounter. Just waited till Espeon walked back to your side.
You said goodbye and left. You sped walked away till you were sure that Gladion couldn’t hear you. “Damn it”, you said. You were angry that you didn’t say anything. You should have at least asked to have a battle. You didn’t want to admit it but you watched Gladion when he trained.
Gladion was a really powerful trainer.
Plus, you wanted to know the name of the other Pokémon he had. You had never seen it and even the Pokedex didn’t know. You sighed and sat down at a bench that seemed to appear at the perfect time. Espeon jumped up on the bench and looked at you with a sad face.
You glanced over at them and petted their head. “Are you doing this on purpose?” You asked and Espeon smiled. You shook your head. You placed your arms on your legs and looked down at the floor. You sighed again and closed your eyes.
Why couldn’t you confess? You’ve done it before and have gotten rejected before. You weren’t that scared of being rejected. Maybe it was because you thought Gladion was really good looking.
Maybe you were deeper than you thought?
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Unbeknownst to you, Gladion was having the same problem.
He had walked back to the beach where he was training but he didn’t start training again. He just sat down and stared at the sand. His face was a little red and he was glaring at nothing. Gladion thought you were good looking too.
But Gladion had no idea how to tell you or what to do with his feelings. This was all too confusing and new for Gladion. So Gladion didn’t do anything. He didn’t talk when he saw you. He didn’t look at you. And he didn’t say anything when he saw you watching him while he was training.
Gladion had no idea what to do.
It made him angry. You always smiled at him and made a point to talk to him. Gladion never responded with more than one word answer but you never stopped. Every time you smile it makes Gladion red in the face. You two weren’t even really friends.
You two have seen each other around. You were also trying to complete all of the Island Challenges. But that was it. Gladion had always found you interesting. He just didn’t know it meant he liked you until he talked to you for the first time.
The first time Umbreon and Espeon took a liking to each other. Gladion wanted to avoid you, avoid his feelings but with Umbreon always finding you and your Espeon. Gladion looked out onto the sea. The waves splashed against the shore line.
Washing Pokémon onto the beach every once and a while. Gladion watched this and let out a sigh. Umbreon was watching all of this. Umbreon knew that their trainer had a crush. They wanted Gladion to confesses but Gladion was a bit stubborn. So without Gladion realizing.
Umbreon left to find Espeon, and you.
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You were still sitting on the bench questioning your life when you heard Espeon jump off the bench. You glanced up to see Umbreon standing in front of Espeon. Your eyes widened and you jumped off the bench.
They were talking to each other and you could see worry on Umbreon's face. “Wha-”, you couldn’t finish your question before both of the Pokémon took off running. You ran after them yelling at them to slow down.
You ran with them though the town, through the forest, and eventually to the beach. When you got to the beach you stopped moving but Espeon and Umbreon didn’t. They kept running all the way to Gladion.
Who was sitting near the shore line. You only saw his back but you could tell that he was staring out onto the sea. Why did Umbreon go to you? Why did Espeon follow? Why did you follow? You watched in silence as Espeon and Umbreon walked up next to Gladion.
Umbreon on the right and Espeon on the left. Gladion noticed Umbreon first and turned his head to look at them. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but you could see his mouth moving. Umbreon gestures to Gladion’s other side so Gladion looked to his other side.
The minute Gladion saw Espeon he looked around till he saw you standing where the forest met the beach. You both looked at each other. Gladion got up and Espeon ran back to you.
They walked behind you and started to hit your legs with their head. It didn’t hurt but it was prominent enough that it pushed you forward. “Hey hey hey”, you said while looking at Espeon.
When you looked up you saw that Umbreon was doing the same thing to Gladion. Gladion looked as amused as you. Once you and Gladion were only a few feet away from each other that’s when they stopped.
Espeon and Umbreon stopped pushing you two but they had a look on their faces. You couldn’t place it but you knew what Espeon was trying to tell you.
You sighed. You regretted ranting to Espeon about your crush on Gladion. You looked up from Espeon to see Gladion looking at Umbreon. You suddenly got cold feet. You were scared and nervous. “Hey Gladion”, you said, trying to break the tension.
“Hey”, Gladion said back and that made you clench your fist. You should get this other with. Gladion was thinking the opposite. He wanted to run. He wanted to get out of here. He was blushing when he first saw you.
Gladion was right now glaring at Umbreon.
He knew what Umbreon was trying to do, and he hated it. Both Espeon and Umbreon shoved their heads against the both of you again. This pushed you and Gladion closer, so close that you were sharing air when you breathed.
You both looked up at the same time and both of you blushed. You were looking right into Gladion's eye, those bangs looked annoying. Gladion’s eyes looked beautiful though.
A shining green that puts emeralds to shame.
But you wanted to look into both of Gladion’s eyes. So you did. You had no idea what came over you but you reached up and brushed Gladion’s bangs out of his face. You held them out of the way and looked into both of his eyes.
You noticed Gladion’s blush spread to his ears. It looked cute. Gladion didn’t protest what you were doing but you felt him tense. So you drew your hands away and let the bangs fall back. “I like you”, you said.
They came out of nowhere but they were perfect. Gladion blushed more and looked away so you couldn’t see it. Gladion stumbled over words but you knew what he was trying to say. You understood why Gladion never looked at you or talked to you. And you had Umbreon and Espeon to thank for that. 
“It’s okay”, you smiled at Gladion, “I know”
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alola-reblogging · 5 months
If you still accept requests, could you make Kiawe, Gladion and Kukui headcanons with Y/N ​​who was from the world without pokemon and who was afraid to tell them.
Kiawe _
• kiawe wouldn't even know how to process this information at first
• He believes you instantly as he knows you wouldn't lie to him but for someone like himself he can't imagine a world where pokemon did not exist
• He's very thankful for his team, and he truly couldn't think of a way people could survive in a place where pokemon were absent
• He would teach you of the bond between trainer and pokemon through the power of dance and battle
• He would encourage y/n to dance beside him and give thanks to wella volcano that you are now apart of the pokemon world
•Tells you not to worry anymore over telling him something, he believes emotions shouldn't be bottled up or you'll erupt like the fiery volcano of akala
Gladion _
• Like Kiawe, he is very shocked by this
• Wonders if you came to this world through a wormhole, and if you'd ever encountered any UB's
• He takes it easy with you, and slowly introduces you to different Pokemon
• Tells you of the amazing things that they can do, and that people can achieve with their help
• Most importantly he warns you of the dangers of pokemon, and to never travel to certain places alone, he advises you on how some species are friendly, some are territorial and how some you should never approach unless your ready for a fight
• Doesn't introduce you to Null/Silvally for a little while as your still new to pokemon and he knows his partner can be a little intimidating, and he knows his partner can act protective of him around new people
• Uncerstands why you were worried about telling him, hailing from another world is no easy tell
• Ultimately he is more concerned about your saftey, and is worried himself if you are not the only new arrival to Alola that lacks in pokemon knowledge
Kukui _
• Probably the best person to have around during something like this
• He's a pokemon professor, so any questions you have of this mysterious new world, he's happy to answer them all
• Also the first one to give you your own Pokemon
• What better way to understand these mysterious creatures and explore this new world then to have your very own pokemon pal?
• Teaches you match-ups, typing, TMs, ability...
•This man is a walking encyclopedia
• Although you were very confused when he had his rockruff use a move against himself ??? :/
• He has a million questions about your home world, and will happily exchange information with you
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justlwrites · 1 year
random hc of sun & moon characters
characters :: gladion, lillie, kukui, guzma, burnet
a fan of piers (idk man)
prob listen to piers songs when hes doing things
acts tough around people, but is actually very soft and cute
plays bottle flip when hes bored
a weeb
makes a "gladion is cute" fanclub
(this is when shes still scared to touch pokemon) when you show her your pokemon thats not in alola, shell act all brave but when your pokemon gets close shell prob scream
she can make any person thats sad feel happy just by smiling at them (shes very very cute)
Kukui (imagine hes single ok— your his age btw)
i imagine him being flirty… to someone his age ofcourse–
he likes to workout with his pokemon
idk why but if he has any sosials i feel like his comments r all "ndjsji step on me" "bark bark bark woof woof" "i can be a maid–"
im a simp for this man (and his wife… i like his wife more ngl)
not a hc but i just wanna say that, in the game theres like a battle with guzma but before that he said "well ___ its time to battle your boy! what did you think i asked you to come here for?"
he sleeps shirtless.
guzma probably sees his past self in gladion (i have so much angst hc that stems from this hc man)
he probably wants to grow out his beard and make it like a scruffy beard
idk he gives oliver aiku from blue lock vibes man
yknow how he always says "its ya boi guzma" , idk why but i imagine the protagonist/you will flirt with guzma by saying like "so you wanna be mine?" and hell get flustered
ok so theres also a sentence he says after he beats you, he said "hey whats up with you?! why cant i smash you?!" like same guzma… why cant i smash you
burnet (imagine shes single–your her age)
she looks like someone who will call you "good girl/boy"
thats… thats my only hc about her–
hm, ok bye
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lordofruin · 1 year
one thing i think pokemas severely underutilized in the first year or so of its life is the fact that characters who should be from the same games are actually from different timelines. we saw it with rose and the rest of the galar cast where the latter all came from similar universes whereas rose came from one prior to the events of swsh, but it got me wondering about what it would be like if characters from alola either came from vanilla sumo or usum.
from what i understand majority of the alola cast comes from usum-verse which is fine. but also imagine the pure pain that would come from sumo gladion and lillie seeing lusamine again, who came from usum. imagine lusamine not being able to understand why her children are avoiding her so much after they’ve supposedly made amends; imagine gladion and lillie not being able to look at their mother-even though they know she’s not their mother-in the eyes, without thinking about what could have been.
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thelediz · 1 month
Just finished my bi-yearly reread of Professor and Student! I absolutely adore the story with all of my heart. It’s incredibly well done and contains so many wonderful complexities and character traits that I can’t help but think of as canon. To this day, it remains one of my favorite stories of all time, both within and outside of ao3. It really is amazing.
But I wanted to ask, in your mind, roughly what age is Ash? (In both P&S and Return).
I always assumed his age looked to be something like this.
Kanto - Johto : 10 - 11.5, Honen : 12, Sinnoh : 13, Unova : 14, Kalos : 15 and Alola : 16
Is it roughly the same for you? Or do you imagine him to be younger?
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You're too sweet.
But that is a good question and within fics I prefer to leave my answer to "yeah, about that". Canon is crazy, so we let it vibe.
But because you buttered me up so nicely and gave me the out of instead saying how old he seems across the different series...
I generally agree, though the timeframes get wonkier as the series goes on. Unova-Kalos-Alola seem to occur over much shorter timeframes than Kanto-Johto, Hoenn, and especially Sinnoh.
Kanto is definitely about fourteen months (however much the writers don't want you to remember him specifically saying so), Orange islands plus Johto is probably another year (again, either don't take the Pikachu shorts as canon or ignore him saying it's an anniversary), Hoenn a year, and Sinnoh a year.
I often think of Unova and Kalos each lasting about eight months max, despite the called-out two month training montage in Unova, while Alola always feels more like six.
That said, based on actions and attitude, Ash definitely feels like an angry fourteen year old in Sinnoh, while in Kalos there's an overburdened sixteen year old vibe to him. So it kind of fits with the timeline.
Alola, however, definitely feels like a "yeah, about that", because it changes depending on who he's hanging out with and what he's doing.
Sophocles and Lana feel fourteen, Kiawe feels seventeen, Gladion is an edgy fifteen year old if ever I've seen one, height- and body-wise they all LOOK somewhere between ten and twelve... it's weird. They feel like 'generic high schoolers', so that's kind of what I headcanon them to be.
I do, however, appreciate how much that non-answer annoys people, so I'm sorry to everyone.
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It's just the joy of Ash Ketchum: the implausible oddity!
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