#Imam Presents
octuscle · 1 month
Full investment
Martin had been very lucky in his life. He founded his first start-up at the right time, sold it at the right time and invested the proceeds wisely. Of course, it wasn't just luck; Martin was clever, hard-working and charismatic. And with this combination, he was bound to succeed. The fact that he was extremely good-looking didn't necessarily hinder him. Martin was at every party, Martin knew everyone and Martin was at least one of the first followers of a new trend. If he didn't set the trend himself. That's why he was very annoyed when he got talking to a cool, masculine and sporty-looking guy at a party at the Turkish Embassy. The young stallion turned out to be a rising star in the mixed martial arts world and ran a gym in one of Stockholm's hipster neighborhoods. And in the course of the conversation, Mete asked Martin why he wasn't investing in the fitness sector. Martin was fascinated by Mete's engaging manner. And they shook hands on Martin's entry into Mete's gym.
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The press conference was a date to Martin's liking. He was in his element. Not that Mete was not photogenic, but Martin loved the camera. And the camera loved him. One of the reporters present asked if Martin would now train here too. Martin was taken aback for a moment. He hadn't expected that. Normally, he trained with his personal trainer at his gym at home. But this was the moment Mete had been waiting for. He threw a bag with a pair of sports trousers and a pair of gloves to Martin and said it was time for them to train together. Martin hesitated only briefly. He looked good in a suit. But he also knew that he looked at least as good with his shirt off. The pictures of the sparring session were amazing. The success for the gym was overwhelming. And Martin had to admit: this kind of training was something completely different from training at home.
Martin's daily routine changed soon after he joined Mete. Mete regularly picked him up in the morning to go jogging. Martin and Mete often had breakfast in a Turkish café near the gym, and Mete created Martin's new nutrition plan. Mete provided Martin with food supplements, the contents of which Martin did not question, especially since the green packaging only had Arabic writing on it. Mete created a training plan for Martin that required a lot of time in the gym… But Martin was happy to have a real physical balance to his otherwise very stressful job. And at the moment he was only active as an investor, he didn't have to run his own company. So why not give it everything you've got in sport? And he gave it everything. Running with a lead vest, weight training, sparring, technique training… At some point, Martin was practically living in the gym. And Mete and Martin also spent more and more time together. So much so that Martin moved into the apartment above the gym, which he had originally only intended to use as a second home. So much so that at some point he went with Mete to his Turkish barber. And so much so that, out of curiosity, he went to the mosque with Mete on a Friday for the midday prayer. Mete and the Imam spoke a lot and quickly with each other. The two of them smiled a lot. They said goodbye warmly. Martin hadn't understood a word. But for some reason it felt right to be here.
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At the beginning, Martin's short hair was the most obvious sign of his change. His increasingly athletic body was also impossible to miss. Martin grew a beard. Martin started wearing a prayer cap. And more and more Turkish and Arabic words crept into his speech. And while he was only sporadically in the mosque at first, a Friday without the midday prayer and without an exchange with the imam soon became unimaginable for him.
Of course, his change did not go unnoticed. There was unrest in his network of companies. Mete advised him to withdraw from the public eye. His social media accounts were dormant. Martin withdrew from most of the supervisory boards of his holdings. This task was taken over by a few guys he had met at the gym, in cafes or in the mosque and whom he had come to trust. Martin enjoyed the freedom he gained as a result. He had more time to prepare for his next fight, more time to learn Turkish and Arabic, and more time to devote to his prayers. Even though Mete had to spend more and more time managing the prospering gym and the other businesses Martin had entrusted to him, he made sure that Martin, who he increasingly called Mehmet, continued to receive optimal training and nutrition plans. And, above all, with the right nutritional supplements. The side effects of the pills and injections were becoming increasingly obvious: a dark fur was growing on Martin's chest and his beard was getting darker and darker.
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MMA shorts and thobes… At some point, there was nothing else left in his wardrobe. At most, when Mehmet helped out at the gym reception or when he was supervising at the gym or training customers, he wore a tracksuit. But basically, he no longer felt comfortable in it. Fortunately, Mete gave him quite a generous allowance after Martin had given him and Iman extensive powers of attorney. This allowed him to get through the month without having to work. However, Mehmet still had to work from time to time as a temp at the gym to pay for the expensive nutritional supplements. He didn't have to overcome any great obstacles to do this: he was at home at the gym and he was proud to be part of this gym. And as a trainer, he had close contact with the hottest guys in the gym. Even though Mete was the only one who was allowed to fuck Mehmet, there were enough holes that Mehmet's cock could fill after the wounds of the circumcision had healed.
Hardly anyone recognized Martin at Mehmet's new appearances on social media. If you looked closely, you could have seen Martin's blue eyes in the otherwise more masculine features of Mehmet's face. But hardly anyone looked at Mehmet's eyes. There were other body parts that attracted the public's attention.
Ole had been following Martin's latest investment closely. Martin's new CEO, Mete, was very active in the Swedish startup scene and Mete and Ole met regularly at various events. Mete needed more capital to finance the planned aggressive growth of the gym chain. And Ole was ready to get on board. The business figures were simply too tempting.
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The press event to mark Ole's entry into the gym empire was a great success. It was accompanied by the opening of a new gym in Martin's former house. And by the victory of the Swedish MMA heavyweight title by the star of the gym, Mehmet. At the photo shoot, Ole was surprised at Mehmet's good Swedish. Actually, he would have expected less from such a monkey. But never mind, Mehmet wasn't there to speak. The photo shoot with Ole and Mehmet was followed by a training session in which the two men demonstrated their skills. Mehmet did everything he could to make Ole look good. But at the end of the session, he said that Ole could do a little more to improve his fitness. After all, he was now a figurehead for the gym. Mehmet had already prepared something: a training and nutrition plan. And Mete had also already procured a few dietary supplements.
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rose1water · 2 months
“This is one of the beautiful features of the Islamic tradition: that we are encouraged to let our tears flow. On several occasions in Karbala, Imam Husayn ع would shed tears, not out of despondency, but from a place of deep feeling and emotional health.
God nourishes the believer's emotional wellbeing by encouraging them to release their tears, for within the gift of tears there is healing and comfort. Crying softens the heart; soothes the nervous system; washes away the pollution and stagnancy in our souls; and cleanses the lens through which we see the world, so that we may once again awaken to the ever-present love of God, in Whose Hands we are always held, safe and taken care of.”
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umtxqwa · 3 months
al-Ahnaf bin Qais (rahimahullah) said:
I presented myself to the Quran and I did not find any ayah that relates to me like (or as much as) this ayah does
﴿ ‏وَآخَرُونَ اعْتَرَفُوا بِذُنُوبِهِمْ خَلَطُوا عَمَلًا صَالِحًا وَآخَرَ سَيِّئًا عَسَى اللَّهُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيم ﴾
And there are others who have acknowledged their sins. They have mixed a righteous deed with another that was bad. Perhaps Allah will turn to them in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (9:102)
[az-Zuhd of Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah), 1307]
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bintturaab · 10 months
Time and time again, we see an astounding display of faith from the people of Ash-Shaam, whether that be in Syria or Palestine. People all over the world doubt their own faith seeing the state of the ummah, but these people take solace from their iman in situations that would shake anyone else.
It is no wonder that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ has praised Ash-Shaam and its people to such degree:
“If the people of ash-Shaam become corrupt, then there is no goodness in you, but a group of my ummah will remain victorious, not harmed by those who let them down, until the Hour begins.”
[at-Tirmidhi, 2192, hasan saheeh]
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (رحمه الله) said:
The Prophet ﷺ highlighted the distinct character of the people of ash-Shaam by noting that they will continue to comply with the commands of Allah until the end of time, and that the victorious group will remain among them until the end of time. This is speaking of an ongoing matter that will remain with them, that they will be numerous and strong.
This description does not apply to anyone in the Muslim world except the people of ash-Shaam… knowledge and faith are still present in that land, and whoever fights in that land to support the faith will be victorious and will be granted divine help.
[Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa (4/449)]
It was narrated that Abu’d-Dardaa’ said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“Whilst I was sleeping, I saw the pillar of the Book being taken from beneath my head, and I thought that it was being taken away, so I followed it with my gaze, and it was taken to ash-Shaam. Verily faith, when tribulations come, will be in ash-Shaam.”
[Musnad Imam Ahmad (36/62); classed as saheeh by the commentators on al-Musnad]
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (رحمه الله) said:
The pillar of the book and Islam – this refers to something that acts as a support; what is referred to here is those who learn the Qur’an and adhere to it]
This is similar to the words of the Prophet ﷺ: “The heartland of the believers is ash-Shaam.”
[Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa (27/42)]
May Allah have mercy on the blessed land and the blessed people of Ash-Shaam, and may He aid them against His enemies. Ameen.
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badrrr · 2 months
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The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said,
“Allah loves that when one of you does something, that they perfect it.”
{Reported by al-Bayhaqi in Shu‘ab al-Iman (4929)}
It was the norm of the Ummah to be from amongst those who were excellent or strive for excellency in everything they did. More so, when it came to particular subjects. For example :
Imam Shafi’i رحمه الله excelled in the Arabic Langauge so much so, that he became a reference in it. If we don’t know a word, we go look it up in the dictionary. When the people in his time didn’t know a word or differed regarding its meaning, they went to Imam Shafi’i رحمه الله
It was said about Shaykh Sulaymān Al-Alwān فك الله اسره that he knows the narrators of Hadīth like his children.
Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was an expert in genealogy and all of those in his time, went to him.
Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله can recall an ayah from Quran or a Hadīth from memory and quote the exact page number/verse number.
I gave examples not only from the past but from the present as well so you don’t think that it was reserved for only them. And know that you can be like the sahaba, as they didn’t receive revelation like us.
So as a reminder for myself first always and to everyone else, do anything to an excellent level. If there is a subject that you are inclined to, hone in on it and give it all of your sincere efforts. Let’s bring back individuals of Islam that will be a standard once again for all things related to perfection and being the best. It is only befitting for the best Ummah to be the best themselves. May Allah grant us all sincerity and Ihsan آمين
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molkolsdal · 26 days
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Tomb or grave cover (cenotaph) with Shi'i inscriptions
Sycamore wood, carved
Iran, 11th-12th century AD, Seljuq Period
Many tombs or graves of holy figures in parts of the Islamic world are marked by a casket-shaped box (cenotaph) in wood or stone, although the burial itself is in the ground below. This tomb cover (sunduq) made of sycamore wood, is finely carved with Arabic inscriptions in angular Kufic script with the names of the Imams of Twelver Shi'ism as well as verses from the Qur'an (complete Surat al-Fatiha, 1:1-7, and part of the Ayat al-Kursi (Throne Verse) from Surat al-Baqara, 2:255). Also inscribed are sayings (Hadith) attributed to the Prophet Muhammad: "This world is the sowing ground for the next. The grave is the storage chest (sunduq) of good works." The names of the Panj Tan/Ahl al-Bayt (five special figures of the Prophet's family) are featured on the side: the Prophet, his daughter Fatima, his cousin and son-in-law Ali, and their two sons al-Hasan and al-Husayn. The inclusion of the names of the Twelve Imams identifies the deceased as a member of the Ithna Ashari Shi'a community. The casket is signed by the maker, Muhammad b. Ahmad, but the name of the deceased is not present.
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1americanconservative · 9 months
HEY! DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE FBI RAID ON THE HOME OF THE IMAM WHO CALLED FOR A JIHAD AGAINST AMERICANS FROM HIS HOME IN MICHIGAN! RIGHT…ME EITHER…WTF! So the FBI will hunt down grandma’s present at the Capitol on J6. Go after parents concerned over what their children are learning in school. Arrest Conservatives and raid their homes with a Swat Team. But if you are a Muslim who resides in America, leader of a Mosque…and call for the taking up of arms against America and Americans. You get to wake up the next day and eat your breakfast in peace without fear of arrest. This is Joe Biden’s American.
Hamas Calls for Violence Against Americans, and So Does This Michigan Imam
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fluffy-appa · 6 months
Narrated Salman-Al-Farsi:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque),
then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven."
[Sahih al-Bukhari, 883]
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tamamita · 1 year
whats the difference between the groups of Muslims? what are they fighting about.
In short, there are three major denominations of Islam, and various sub-branches, but I won't go into the latter.
Sunni, literally standing for those who follow the traditions of the Prophet, are Muslims who believe that politically, the Prophet's companions, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were successors of the prophet, and the ones to establish the Rashidun Caliphate. Sunni Muslims base most of their traditions on various companions of the Prophet. The concept of Adalat al-Sahaba maintains that any companion that was present during the Prophet's time is a reliable person in terms of how they narrate traditions, thus establishing a multitude of hadiths from them. Although Sunni Islam (as a separate branch) didn't exist at that time, it became the standardized version of Islam when the Shi'as and Khawarijs rebelled against the Umayyads and the Abbasids, seeing the birth of the four schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence to counter their theological principles.
Shi'a, literally partisans of Ali, hold that through traditions and scriptural basis, Ali, the brother in law to the Prophet had chosen him to be the leader of the Muslims upon the latter's death, as a result of various events that took place, the Prophet's household were treated unfairly and the repercussions of these events subsequently led to their martyrdom, which is an essential pillar of Shi'a Islam. Due to their rejection of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and various other companions, they do not accept their chains of narrations in hadiths. Shi'as ultimately reject the concept of Adalat al-Sahaba, because traditions can not be accepted from unjust people. Most Shi'a Muslims (Twelver and Ismailis) put extreme emphasis on the Prophet's family and the line of Imamate through Ali and the Prophet's daughter, Fatimah, believing that only the Imams have the right to interpret the Qur'an in its esoteric and exoteric nature due to their infallibility, thus giving them absolute authority over the Muslims. Ali's tenure as the caliph saw much turmoil and ultimately led to his martyrdom. The subsequent death of Ali marked the end of the Rasidhun caliphate and transitioned into a monarchy with many of the Shi'as experiencing centuries of oppression.
Ibadism, a branch of Islam stemming from an extremist group called the Khawarij, they are a group of Muslims who did not agree with Ali's agreement to engage in arbitration with an opposing force that waged war against him over the caliphate. This led to a group of Muslims in Ali's army to defect, believing that judgment belongs to God alone, thus separating themselves from the rest of the Muslims. This group is known for their extremist approach and theology of Islam, but was quickly surpressed as they harassed innocent Muslims. The only remnants of the Khawarijs are the Ibadis and are relatively peaceful, albeit with some strict religious beliefs. They have their own collection of hadiths, but much of it is very close to the Sunnis corpus of traditions. They make up the majority of Muslims in Oman.
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maihonhassan · 8 months
Beautiful saying of Imam Ali ع
"How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain his health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born."
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the-striving-soul · 5 months
“The life of mankind does not amount to more than an instant. What is passed is now non-existent, you do not feel its pleasure or pain. As for what is yet to come, you do not know what it is. The true and precious capitals of your life are those few instants you presently enjoy. Master then, your soul, and strive to redeem yourself and attain salvation, be steadfast in enduring the rigor of worshipping Allah and obeying His commandments, and preserve yourself from the pollution of sin and disobedience to Allah.”
-Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) , al Kafi
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rose1water · 7 months
Life reveals its hidden secrets to you, [as it goes by].
— Imam Jawad (ع), al-Shaykh al-Mufid, Al-Amali, p.365.
There runs through life an undercurrent of Truth that presents itself as we journey through life, so long as we take the time to listen.
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stormymind14 · 2 months
A shooting took place in Imam Ali (a.s.) mosque yesterday in Muscat, Oman. The people in the mosque were peacefully mourning the eve of Ashura- the day of martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s.), the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), when all of a sudden 3 terrorists shot, killed and injured many Muslims present there.
As we all pray for palestine, please remember them in your prayers as well.
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No one is free until everyone is free.
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lughatul-qurania · 5 months
For the Harshness of the heart, there are several medicines and one elixir that must be firmly used to treat it without delay.
1. Wake up when time for the morning prayer is imminent, and beseech Allah in a state of devotion and spiritual awareness.
2. Recite the Quran and make sure your heart is present during its recitation, And travel through the gardens of its meanings reflecting upon its marvels.
3. Visit often the Houses of Allah, rushing, before adhan is due, to be under the shades of their gardens.
4. Remember your sins, count them and immediately repent, And cry over your procrastination, shedding streams of tears. and with purely halal income, buy a coffin, that will hopefully suffice you, after death, from your suits.
5. And expect your death to occur tomorrow, for example,
And pray that Allah grant you the best end when your lifespan expires,
6. Imagine how your life after death would pass, If you do not move to it well-prepared with good works.
7. Visit the shrines of the people of Allah in the best manner, Stand at their thresholds in a state of humility and ask for what you want.
8. No one who implores Allah by them will be turned away, So, come often to the sanctuaries of the Friends of Allah with high hopes.
9. Read the stories of the past righteous people, And how they repented, as they are great reminders.
10. Attend the gatherings of remembrance, while feeling embarrassed of yourself, And busy yourself with praying for the Elect ﷺ
All the above is summed up in one act, The company of an imam, a guide; a man of Allah.
His company suffices you, serving him saves you, His looks revive you, and he moves you into an overwhelming state of bliss.
This is the elixir for a heart that is heedless, And does not bother about attaining the pleasure of Lord of mankind.
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acti-veg · 3 months
Actually I researched that if you’re completing the piligrimage to Mecca (the Hajj) it appears to be that you have no choice but to sacrifice an animal for the piligrimageto be considered complete. and it seems if you’re rich even if you aren’t doing the piligrimage you have to sacrifice an animal every Eid al-Adha. To gove to the poor of course. Personally I am not rich but I’ve been thinking about how I would have this obligation if I was rich.
There are very few things you can say about Islam that would apply to al Muslims in all situations, there is more diversity of opinion and more flexibility than people usually recognise. Some purists will argue sacrifice is required, but they also argue you must perform the sacrifice yourself, which the majority of pilgrims do not do, they tend to pay an agent to do it on their behalf.
There are also contrary viewpoints within Islam, too. Imam al-Sadiq states:
“It can be said that mass slaughtering of animals is no longer required to feed people at Mina. This is also supported by the report of Imam al-Sadiq (as), which states that the Imam was asked if it is permissible for sacrificial meat to be taken out of Mina and the Imam replied that it is permissible. Imam said, “the community at present is affluent, whereas in the earlier times people were financially constraint and hence needed sacrificial meat to feed on during their stay at Mina.”
The Quran itself says: “But if you are prevented, then [offer] what be obtained with ease of hady.”
You can easily make an argument that you are prevented by your veganism, rather than poverty as the passage most likely refers to. I’ll refer you to the ICCI comment on the matter more generally as well:
It is permissible for a pilgrim to substitute the sacrifice (qurbani) of an animal at Hajj with an alternative offering that is of the same – or more – value depending on the needs and priority of the Muslim community.
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basicsofislam · 3 months
The Tongue
It was related from Abdullah ibn Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
“A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe. An emigrant (muhajir) is someone who abandons what Allah has forbidden.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Iman 4, 5 Riqaq, 26; Sahih Muslim, Iman, 64–65. See also: Sunan Abu Dawud, Jihad, 2; Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Qiyama, 52, Iman,12, Sunan an-Nasa’i, Iman 8, 9, 11).
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As was the son of Amr ibn al-As.
Due to his exceptional generosity and open-handedness, he used to distribute everything that he acquired and thus made everyone happy.
The most significant battle that Abdullah ibn Amr participated in following the Age of Happiness was Yarmuk.
He passed away at seventy-five years of age (684 CE) in Fustat, Egypt, where he was buried.
In this hadith, Allah’s Messenger describes the Muslim as one who does not harm others.
Being a person from whose tongue and hand all Muslim men and women, and according to another narration all other people, are safe and secure, is not as easy as it is supposed. A person cannot be of benefit and do good all the time, but it is possible for no harm to come from them. The fact that the tongue is mentioned before the hand in the text of the hadith is due to the harm caused by the tongue, such as insult, backbiting, slander, and rumor, being comparably easier, more common and irreparable. Harming others with one’s hand or physically persecuting others is not that simple. That a person who holds their tongue is saved (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Qiyama, 50), and those who believe in Allah and the Last Day must speak good or keep silent (Sahih al-Bukhari, Adab, 31) are again among the Prophetic counsel. The hadith under consideration presents the emigrant as a person who steers well clear of what Allah has prohibited. This tradition, on the one hand, points out that it is possible to emigrate at all times and places; on the other hand, it illustrates that a person who takes pains not to harm others and adheres to the command in this regard has attained the status of the true emigrant in this sense.
In many verses of the Qur’an, the Almighty has stressed the need for being soft-spoken and gentle in speech.
But if you (must) turn away from those (who are in need, because you are yourself in need, and) seeking mercy from your Lord in hopeful expectation, then (at least) speak to them gently and well-meaning. (al-Isra 17:28)
A true Muslim is a person who inspires complete trust and confidence, so much so that all other Muslims can rely on them without a second thought.
In another hadith related by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih, Allah’s Messenger says,
“Whoever can guarantee (the chastity of) what is between his two jaw-bones and what is between his two legs (i.e. his tongue and his private parts), I guarantee Paradise for him.”
Speaking little: Excessive speech neither makes one more eloquent nor increases their influence.
On the contrary, one’s purpose needs to be explained in a manner that is clear, concise, and intelligible. Just as there is no need to leave unsaid what needs to be said in order to be eloquent in speech, there is also no sense in straining others’ patience and wearing them by being repetitive or tedious with unnecessary information.
Silence is a very important characteristic.
Speaking little indicates good conduct. The tongue’s talking about Allah is better than empty talk and affords tranquility and repose to the heart. If speech is silver, silence is gold. Holding one’s tongue when it is necessary to remain silent is elemental. The most perfect being in the universe has not been created to be preoccupied with futile and useless things.
A Muslim is a trustworthy person.
A good Muslim is a person from whose tongue and hand all other Muslims are safe and secure.
Disturbing, harassing or offending Muslims either verbally or physically has been prohibited.
One needs to adhere to this prohibition if they are to be a good Muslim.
The true emigrants are those who abandon what Allah has forbidden.
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