#Imma be salty
azmaarts · 1 year
Petition to Unalive Backgrounds.
The title says it.
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Thanks to the recent hype, I'm being reabsorbed into the Blue Lock franchise/fandom. My sleep schedule has shifted back from 12:00AM to 3:00AM. I've been high off of endorphins reading the official paperbacks, and now hangovers are whooping my gluteus maximus. ;-;
Anyway, it all starts with my love for ma boi, Nagi. I read this series back in 2020 or 2021, and to this day, one of my favorite scenes is the one where he scores the first goal at the U-20 match. So, naturally, I wanted to set my new phone wallpaper as that!
30 minutes of Googling, Binging, and Pinteresting... nothing.
With no satisfactory wallpaper, I looked at my drawing tablet and thought, Well, fak it. Imma do it myself. *inserts Thanos meme*
And that's how the nightmare started. :D
I find my references, and BAM. Sketch done. Pretty EZ cuz I had a solid vision in mind already.
A quick greyscale filling and dramatic eye color.... and I was done!
But on hon hon! YOU FOOL!
Curled like a shrimp, I stared at my new lockscreen. (Maybe this is a lesson for me to never stare at my art for more than 5 minutes.) Strangely, I felt a churn of dissatisfaction (or midnight hunger).
Maybe I should add some more saturation.
Maybe I should try...
Adding the background?
And so, after two days of trying to draw grass and people instead of seeing their 3D counterparts (JK, I still had to go to work and utilize my vernacular amongst those fleshy beings)... I finally finished.
OK. Maybe not finished finished...
Who am I kidding? Give me another three minutes to stare at my new lock screen and I'll probably start learning Blender to 3D animate my wallpaper or background or smth.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. UwU
*Yoinks you into a chokehold*
Who's your favorite Blue Lock character(s)? :D
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saltynsassy31 · 3 days
No one talk about how pretty Ruffnut actually is.
I know she doesn't fit the "beauty standard" like Astrid or Heather, but she is gorgeous. Really.
Tho I will say, watching Rider or Berk for the second time this past 2 months and having rewatched the second movie recently, I do miss how sharp her smile (and also Tuffnut's, but this isn't about him XD) was back then. Its definitely lessened with time. Her features aren't as sharp as before, and it almost made her cat like? Idk, I thought it was cute and wish they stuck with it XD.
But she still is so pretty and I love her so, so much!
I mean,
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The third image is my particular favourite, she looks ADORABLE!!!
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
Anyways since I am now deep in both Ted Lasso feels and Leverage feels, one more thing and then I will stop Leveraging my Lassos and go back to being a Ted Lasso blog-
Anyone else remember that time Eliot ‘second chance at life’ Spencer almost ruined a con because a kid was being hurt and he decided that the appropriate response to the situation was to go confront the kid’s abusive dad and hang him over a stairwell?
And then it turned out that the kids dad knew all the cops in town, so at the end of the episode he sicced the FBI on the situation? And then it was just Eliot sitting ambiguously in his car watching the kids dad and we were all like 👀 ‘Mr Showrunner did you mean to imply that Eliot killed that kids dad’ and John Rogers was like ‘I mean?? No, because Eliot doesn’t do wetwork anymore, but I guess we did leave it a little open to interpretation so, you know, just know Eliot would do whatever he thought was necessary’
Amazing. Cathartic. Say what you will about the cheesier moments in that show but they did not come to fuck around when it came to saying ‘actually some people suck, and here’s why’
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unhandmeisay · 2 months
All right Downfall is coming up tomorrow (!!!) but I had a thought. A terrible thought.
It's for sure gonna be in members only right ? Like the rest of the populace won't get it until Monday ?
If so I'm gonna fucking cry, I don't have the money you guys TTT^TTT
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puff-poff · 1 year
As much as I love Jin and hayato idk if they can even form a single thought lol maybe a quarter if they tried hard enough !!
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you know what you're absolutely right. they are truly the littlest of guys. not a single thought in their heads. they try really hard though and that's what counts
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detco-hell · 1 year
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There's probably poison in it.
[episode 6 - Valentine Murder Case]
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valyrra · 25 days
its not the first game i have pocket like 0/30 who just goes to one lane and dies every single time alone. like creeps have more self awareness
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hxtties · 4 months
marvel would sooner shoe horn a gwen stacy who already has her own unique world and cast into the 616, than even consider taking karen page out of the fridge. in this essay, i will
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shslpunkartist99 · 2 months
OW came out with a new support for a bit, and yknow, as a supp simp, I wanted to try her out
It's at least a 10 min que, and I know for a fact the other supp is gonna load in faster than me, so uhhhhh
Might give it a day so people relax and I may get a chance at her
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my neighbors already started their fireworks
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roalinda · 11 months
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Got my @prongsfootbingo card today ❤ I have HEART BREAK and SPITE FIC....yaaaas
@jmagnabo92 I have lingerie 👀
Edit :
I have omegaverse as well @fiendishfyre 😂
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ice-devourer · 3 months
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shewantsitall · 4 months
lost my makeup bag and have not found it despite looking everywhere under the sun for the last week and a half
I broke down and paid the adhd tax today to get a whole new set up bc it’s concert day… RIP my funds.
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donexmiras · 2 years
My throat is sore I'm about to throw hands with my body
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dearestgojo · 2 years
interact if you'd like to be tagged
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monochromatictoad · 1 year
Many would say to never look the prince in his eyes. That the moment your eyes connected with those glowing, crimson eyes, you had solidified your spot as his next meal. The prince was known for his foul temper, yet quiet persona. He was an emotional storm. His temper scaring even the dangerous demons in the castle.
What they miss, is that those eyes of crimson never make contact first. When he is off his throne, he never makes eye contact if he can help it. His eyes stare straight forward with a blank expression.
"It is the white eyes behind him, that you need to worry about," Any monster who had been there since the lady of the castle was alive, would say. "Its gaze is damning and if it sees you as a threat, it will not stop till you're gone."
The white eyes of the prince's doppelganger. Its eyes shine bright in the dark of the castle. It sits behind its prince, waiting for the signal to slaughter those who stand against its prince. Its savior. It shows no mercy, devouring the holy knights who make attempts on its prince's life. It sways above the throne, blood dripping from its mouth. Dripping from its body. It wraps its tendrils around the throne, anchoring itself on the throne while it rests. It knows its prince will guard and keep it safe, just as it keeps him safe.
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