#Immigration Consultant vs Immigration Lawyer
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Canada Immigration: Consultant vs Lawyer - Why Consultants Are Your Best Bet
Trying to immigrate to Canada? Feeling overwhelmed by all the rules and applications?
You're not alone! The Canadian immigration process can be a maze. This article explores why a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) is the smarter choice over a lawyer for most people. ✅
Here's why Consultants are your secret weapon:
Specialization: RCICs are experts in Canadian immigration law. They'll guide you efficiently and avoid delays common with lawyers juggling other legal areas.
Building a Strong Case: Consultants understand the specific requirements for each immigration path. They'll create a strong application that meets all the latest rules, minimizing the need for courts (which are expensive and have low success rates).
Expertise & Advocacy: Consultants represent you before the Immigration Refugee Board (IRB) in complex situations, fight for your interests with Canadian authorities, and ensure your rights are protected. ️
Success & Peace of Mind: An RCIC can save you time, money, and stress by navigating the complexities and increasing your chances of a successful application.
Ready to make your Canadian dream a reality?
Click the link here to learn more and get started!
P.S. Still unsure if a consultant is right for you? The article dives deeper and answers all your questions! ➡️
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Tw mentions for: Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, abortion discussion, anti-Semitism mention, anti-islamic mention, voting rights, miscarriage mention
Guys, please please please go out and vote. I was born in dictatorship that my country still hasn’t recovered from. I and millions of others lost so much in my country and my country is FAR from the only one. With that said USA:
Democracy is on the block for so many countries, but we have early voting and the Election Day. GO OUT AND VOTE. If Republicans get the majority in the House or Senate, our rights could be taken away. People say it won’t happen, well, people said the same about Roe vs Wade, but it did. 
You have no excuse. Voter apathy because things are bad? So you’re just going to sit there and do nothing while things get worse? The biggest voting demographic are boomers. Why the hell are people, especially young people, allowing THEM to make the decisions that will affect everyone with people under 50 being affected the most. Voter apathy is handing the election to the far right. 
Lgbtq+ people are in serious danger. People are banning lgbtq+ affirmative care, especially for transgender people. People are wanting to harm lgbtq+ people for EXISTING. Not even libraries are safe. LGBTQ+ marriage is at risk. 
Teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to be allowed to teach history, literature or politics because of the far right narratives they’re being forced to teach. LGBTQ+ kids are not safe in the class room.
People are dying from not being able to access emergency abortions and DNCs (a procedure that helps remove excess tissue build up that can sometimes be from abortion but often times not. Considering there is even a small chance of the dnc being used for abortion, it’s why republicans are attacking it.)
Btw, an ectopic pregnancy is impossible to survive without medical intervention. People are nearly dying or dying in hospitals because it’s too late - the hospitals have to consult their lawyers first. 
People aren’t being prescribed medications that have even the tiniest side effect of a miscarriage. These are drugs people need to LIVE. Drugs that treat lupus, cancer and reproductive disorders to name a few.
And for many others, Medicare, Medicaid and social security benefits are being attacked. Yes, that is something old republicans are going to suffer but for those saying everyone deserves it - what about the democrats that are that age? Why should they have to suffer? What about the tons of POC whose votes were ignored because of gerrymandering? And voting rights are under attack RIGHT NOW.
People of Color’s voting rights are in serious danger because of government officials redrawing boundary lines so their vote is skewed, or how they have less voting places and have to travel farther, or deal with a lot of voter intimidation in addition to what’s already out there.
Immigrants are still being treated as second class citizens with cruel stunts by republicans like flying them to other states to be used as political pawns and it’s getting worse.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Islamic sentiments are growing and are becoming increasingly dangerous with attacks on religious institutions and violence.
Gun violence “thanks” to republicans blocking everything from the state level to federal level. I’ve lost track of all the school shootings.
Our world is burning due to climate change being ignored and corporations. Again, don’t let republican boomers and older make these decisions for us.
Get. Out And.Vote. I understand there are some individuals that truly can’t vote due to circumstances including lack of access or even safety reasons, but if you have the chance to vote and you choose not to? Well, that’s in your right but you may not have the right to choose to go ahead and vote in the future. Do not get complacent if you see democrats winning at the polls. People thought the same thing in 2016 and 2020 was a VERY close call.
Brazil won their elections and got rid of a horrible man. It shows it CAN BE DONE.  Save  yourselves from the dictatorship I and so many others have gone through.  I BEG you to please vote. So many people are scared right now. I already voted. I know this is going to piss people off, but I’ll say it anyway: If you are someone able to vote, have access and you’re still not convinced or care enough to vote, then I find it really hard to respect you.
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ntcimmigrationca · 2 months
What Does a Canadian Immigration Consultant Do in Canada?
Navigating Canada's complex immigration system can be a daunting task. This is where an immigration consultant steps in. They are professionals who provide guidance and support to individuals and businesses seeking to immigrate to Canada.
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Services Provided by Immigration Consultants
Immigration consultants offer various services to assist clients throughout the immigration process.
These include:  
·    Eligibility Assessment: Evaluating a client's eligibility for different immigration programs based on their qualifications, work experience, and other relevant factors.  
·  Documentation Preparation: Assisting clients in gathering and preparing the necessary documentation for their immigration applications. This includes forms, financial statements, educational certificates, and supporting documents.   ·   Application Submission: Submitting the completed application to the appropriate immigration authorities on behalf of the client.   ·   Communication with Immigration Authorities: Acting as a liaison between the client and immigration officials, providing updates on the application status, and addressing any queries or requests for additional information.   ·    Case Management: Overseeing the entire immigration process, ensuring all deadlines are met, and providing ongoing support and guidance to the client.
Immigration Consultant vs. Immigration Lawyer
While both Canadian Immigration Consultant and lawyers can assist with immigration matters, there are key differences in their roles and qualifications:
·   Legal Representation: Only immigration lawyers can represent clients in immigration court proceedings. Immigration consultants cannot provide legal advice or representation.   ·  Education and Regulation: Immigration lawyers have a law degree and are members of a provincial law society. Immigration consultants are regulated by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CIC) and must complete a specific educational program.  
Choosing the Right Professional
When selecting an immigration consultant, it's essential to ensure they are registered with the CIC. This guarantees they have met the required educational and ethical standards. Additionally, consider the consultant's experience, success rate, and client testimonials.  
By engaging the services of a qualified immigration consultant, individuals, and businesses can increase their chances of a successful immigration journey while minimizing stress and potential pitfalls.
Remember, the immigration process can be complex, and having an expert by your side can make a significant difference in achieving your goals.
New Trends Canada Immigration Inc. is a Canadian-owned immigration firm based in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. Our consultants studied the Immigration: Laws, Policies, and Procedures program at the University of British Columbia, UBC.
Check our Canadian Immigration Services Surrey here.
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uk-visa-updates · 6 months
UK Spouse Visa Processing Times: A Comprehensive Guide
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Navigating the UK Spouse visa application process can be daunting, and understanding processing times is a critical piece of the puzzle. This guide delves into the official timelines, real-world wait times, and factors that can impact how quickly your application is reviewed, whether you're applying from within the UK or abroad.
Official Timeframes vs. Reality:
The UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) sets a target of processing 98.5% of Spouse visa applications submitted outside the UK within 12 weeks. However, real-world scenarios may differ. Current reports suggest an average wait time of 2-3 months for out-of-country applications [Source: Spouse Visa UK Processing Time in 2024 [MARCH UPDATE]]. It's important to remember that these are averages, and individual processing times can vary depending on several factors.
Factors Influencing Processing Speed:
Application Completeness and Accuracy: A meticulously prepared application with all necessary documentation goes a long way. Incomplete applications or those riddled with errors can lead to delays as UKVI seeks clarification or missing information.
Application Complexity: Straightforward applications meeting the minimum income and English language requirements generally progress faster. However, complex situations with a criminal record, previous immigration issues, or undocumented relationships might require additional checks and scrutiny, potentially extending the processing timeline.
Visa Demand Fluctuations: Periods of high visa application volume can strain UKVI resources, leading to temporary processing delays.
Strategies for a Streamlined Application Process:
Meticulous Preparation: Gather all required documents well in advance, ensuring accuracy and completeness. Double-check deadlines and eligibility requirements to avoid delays.
Proactive Approach: Anticipate potential complexities and address them with supporting evidence. If you have a non-standard relationship history or gaps in your cohabitation timeline, gather documentation that strengthens your case.
Stay Informed: Regularly consult the UKVI website for the latest processing time updates specific to your application category and location https://www.gov.uk/guidance/visa-processing-times-applications-outside-the-uk).
Considering Expedited Services: For urgent situations, UKVI offers priority and super-priority services for an additional fee. However, availability is limited, so explore this option only if absolutely necessary.
Immigration Lawyer Consultation: For intricate cases or if you have significant concerns, consider consulting an immigration lawyer specializing in UK Spouse visas. Their expertise can be invaluable in navigating the process, ensuring a strong application and potentially expediting a decision.
The Inside-UK Advantage:
If you're already in the UK, you benefit from faster processing times for Spouse visa applications. The average wait time for in-country applications is typically shorter, ranging from 6-8 weeks. However, similar to out-of-country applications, meeting the minimum income and English language requirements significantly expedites processing. Applications that don't meet these criteria can take up to 12 months.
By understanding UK Spouse visa processing times and the factors impacting them, you can make informed decisions and prepare effectively for a smoother application journey. Remember, a well-organized application, proactive approach, and awareness of potential delays can significantly increase your chances of a successful and timely outcome.
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100dayproductivity · 9 months
We are 5 days into the new year and 4 days since my last post. I did do a gut reset on the 1st. I did send out messages of greeting to the people I had in mind, and I got together in person with two of them so far. Another responded to me and I have yet to reply back again. I have de-decorated the tree but have yet to take it down. I have not done up invoices. So I'm only partially through the things I wanted to get done this week. But I have to set those aside for now because today is the day I deal with The Thing.
The Thing is a legal document from my ex pertaining to my younger teen child. I need to consult with my lawyer before I sign anything. But before I get in touch with my lawyer I need to read over the document line-by-line and make sure I know what questions I need to ask my lawyer, as well as come up with alternative solutions to the things I don't agree to (and I already know there are things I don't agree to). The reason for the legal document in the first place is because of a major life-change my ex is making that is unfortunately going to affect me: he is moving abroad and wants to take my child with him. This makes me very sad. I've been avoiding dealing with this but today is the day I have to deal with it.
I have this feeling of paralysis when I think about opening the document and reading it. Even now, as I write this. This post itself is just another avoidance measure. But at the same time, writing these posts has often been what helps me push past the paralysis and get the thing I'm avoiding done.
If you're wondering why I don't just say no to my child moving abroad with his father, it's because said child wants to go (has been brainwashed to want to go?) He's not super-gungho, but he is never super-gungho about anything so that's not an indicator of his desire to leave vs stay. He has expressed that he thinks it might be interesting to go.
I would prefer he stay living with me, his mother, and finish high school in the country my parents came to for a better life, and his father's grandparents came to for a better life. It doesn't make sense to me that my child, the descendant of immigrants, is now not going to benefit from the sacrifices made to get here. I would prefer he stay here and spend the summers abroad, when his sister would also be able to spend summers abroad. It really doesn't make sense to me that he would not be here when his sister comes home for holiday breaks during the school year, and that he would be here when his sister goes to visit their father during the summer. We have never separated them before, why would we separate them now?
It also doesn't make sense to me that all of a sudden an opportunity to go to high school abroad is so vital to a child of ours' success in the future. My older child completed high school here and she is excelling in university now. I don't know why my younger child suddenly needs some sort of "better opportunity" than his sister had.
The argument being made is that if my child completes at least three years of high school abroad, then he would be eligible to attend university for free abroad. I don't know the truth of this. One would think one would need to be a citizen of a country that offers free post-secondary tuition in order to be eligible for the free tuition. I really don't know anything about it. I suppose that's part of the problem here. My ignorance about the school system abroad. However, bottom line is that we have been saving for our children's educations since they were born so we already have the bulk of the money needed.
I'm going to look into this tuition thing, because I feel like it's a load of bs.
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Introducing the World of Attorneys: From Court Room Warriors to Lawful Advisors
Lawyers play a crucial duty in our society, offering as advocates, experts, and experts in various lawful matters. From top-level court battles to behind-the-scenes legal consultations, their job typically remains shrouded in enigma. In this blog site post, we will delve into the diverse globe of lawyers, clarifying their varied functions, the abilities they have, and the impact they make on individuals, companies, and society as a whole.Paragraph 2: Among the
most recognizable facets of a legal representative's work is their depiction in the court. These attorneys, understood as litigators, involve in fierce battles to safeguard their clients'legal rights, look for justice, and analyze complex laws. Nonetheless, it is essential to bear in mind that not all legal representatives are litigators. Several focus on other areas, such as company regulation, intellectual residential property, immigration, or family law. These attorneys give invaluable guidance and guidance to individuals and businesses, making certain compliance with lawful regulations, drafting agreements, settling disagreements, and protecting their customers' interests. Whether it's bargaining transaction, preparing wills, or browsing legal intricacies, lawyers are the go-to specialists for lawful aid and strategic counsel.Overall, attorneys are an integral component of our culture, supporting the policy of law and making certain that justice is served. With their expertise, commitment, and unwavering dedication to their clients, they add dramatically to the performance of our legal system.
Read more here eb2 vs eb1
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thewayimmigration · 1 year
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larsmaischak · 4 years
Race, Gender, Class and the Old vs the New Left
With an afterword by Sojourner Truth
Capital:  Maybe we look bad, now that the Soviets have female tractor drivers and engineers, and Africa is governed by actual Africans, while we have a labor market that privileges white men?
New Left:  The Old Left has not done enough to recognize the specific ways in which women and African-Americans are oppressed.
Old Left:  Who has been leading all those Civil Rights marches, if not the left?  Who has been paying for the field organizers and buses, if not the labor unions?  Who has been pushing for equal pay and equal rights for women, if not socialists like Margaret Sanger?
Blue Collar Workers: Let’s beat the crap out of some hippies.  USA!  USA!
New Left:  See?  The Old Left is for the war, and against the counter culture, and all that.  They are squares!
Old Left:  You know that the craft unions representing those reactionary white, male workers have a long history of exclusion of women, immigrants, and African-Americans that goes back to the 1880s, right?  That’s different from our industrial organizing tradition that goes back to Eugene Debs, the Wobblies, the CIO…
New Left:  Workers are the enemy!  Let’s focus on women and people of color!
Old Left:  Now wait a minute!  95% of women and people of color rely on wage work for their income!  They are working class!
New Left:  Let’s march through the institutions!  I’ll be a lawyer!  You can get tenure!
Capital:  Let’s squash Communism and the unions!
New Left:  What unions?  Were there any left?  How quaint!
Old Left:  We have to defend the rights of workers!
New Left:  Workers are (a) fine, and (b) sexist, racist, reactionaries.  Shut up!
Capital:  Look, the Soviet Union is gone!  Let’s modernize our economy, and return personal responsibility to the individual!
Old Left:  Responsibility for what, exactly?
Capital:  For how they survive a modernized economy without adequate wages, health care, housing, and retirement benefits.
New Left:  Did you know that all those old, secure, well paid jobs were held by - gasp! - white men?  It is about time that they let go of their privilege and give women and people of color a chance.  Did you know that women and people of color like flexible jobs and thrive in them?  The kinds of jobs for which working class men are frankly not suited?  That require intelligence and education?
Old Left:  You mean making wage-work less secure and rewarding, more stressful, and placing the burden of obtaining the required education on the individual workers is good for women and people of color?
New Left:  Aha!  You are still your old racist, sexist, unreformed selves!
Old Left:  Fight Globalization!  For the rights of indigenous people, women, workers, for environmental protection!
New Left:  Hooray!  You know how we can get all those good things?  By opening up our markets for Free Trade!  Modernize!  Knowledge economy!  Global village!
Old Left:  That sounds an awful lot like the stuff corporate consultants are saying …
New Left:  Many corporate consultants are women, people of color, and even gay or lesbian!  We are not surprised that you fossils are still afraid of those groups gaining power at the expense of white men!
Old Left:  White men, like the indigenous women in Chiapas backing the Uprising?
New Left:  Cultural appropriation!
Old Left: Listen, have you paid attention lately to the free fall of the working class through the tattered social safety net?  There’s a swath of human misery and devastation from opioids, the starving of public institutions like schools and libraries, neoliberal schemes to penny-pinch urban areas that literally poison people with their tap water, …
New Left:  OBAMA!  Oh, the dreamy, well-spoken, intelligent, Obama!  Sigh!
Old Left: … as we were trying to say …
New Left: It is the Millennium of Modernity!  History is at an end!  All contradictions in the world, all conflicts, have been laid to rest!  Hosiannah!
Old Left: ... and these unaddressed problems will not just go away.  We have to pay attention …
New Left:  Will you SHUT UP ALREADY about the flyover states and the human scum that dwells in them!  We’re trying to listen to NPR, here.
Capital:  Enough with this democracy business.  It allows the wrong people to have their dirty fingers on the levers of power.  Didn’t we have a pretty good system in place for dealing with this stuff?  Steve?
Bannon:  Heil Trump!
Capital:  Sounds good.
Fascism:  Cultural Marxism has too long incited women and other inferiors to aspire to a status far above their place.  It is time to restore America to Greatness by putting these people back in their place.  By force, if needed.
New Left:  See what you’ve done!  All your decades of coddling the working class, those reactionary white men!  Now they’re back in full force, and all because of you and your idiotic refusal to go with the program.  We had it all!  Tenure!  Professional jobs!  CLOUT!  NPR!  MSNBC!  And you ruined it all!
Old Left:  Let’s talk about SOCIALISM …
New Left:  All the rights of LGBTQ+ people, women, people of color, and you want to throw that all out by capitulating to the Fascists?
Old Left: No, actually, we want to fight capital, so that the reactionaries are deprived of their funding and support.  Then we can rally the vast majority of the people, who are working for wages to survive, around their common interest as working, suffering, hoping, creative, loving humans.
Sojourner Truth:
I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. …  That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman?
Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?
Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.
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saltyfilmmajor · 6 years
An essay on how Donald Trump needs to take Tom Cruise’s name out of his already limited vocabulary
So I already made a post earlier in the month on how Cheeto man said some shit about my boi Tom “I’d go back in time and fuck him” Cruise, but it was rather short and I wished to revisit the topic. Honestly, essays are my current forte at the moment. Also, I couldn’t make a long essay at the time because I was stuck in Guatemala for two weeks without my precious laptop. This is mostly me complaining about America™ and Tom Thirst and I need an academic outlet for my thoughts. So for you Cass, my friend with an Amish Kink, and fellow American who hates Cheeto Man as much as I, this essay is for you. @shakespeareanmemes  @ineverhadadoubt
So lets start from the beginning. Before the end of the year around Christmas time, the government was running out of funds or whatever. Honestly to this day, I don’t understand why that’s a thing, other civilized countries to my knowledge don't have this problem. But lmao I live here so I gotta deal with it I guess. And This ABSOLUTE MOTHERFUCKER is like “NEED THE WALL, 5 BILLION DOLLARS PLS.” and rightfully many people were like “What Kind of COKEHEAD RELATIVE???’ and were like fuck off mate that’s out of the question. Not only is it immoral it is pointless and needlessly expensive. And Cheeto Man, the big fucking baby that he is, refused to compromise and so now we risk an economic recession, many important government programs for affordable housing and school lunches and TSA and the National Parks and yeah you get the point.
People are shitting in the forest. I don’t even have a statement for that I’m just…..
Moving to the main point. On January 2nd in the Year of Our Lord 2019, Donald J. Trump, known watersports enthusiast, said this: “I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals. They were like from a movie. Better looking than Tom Cruise, and stronger”.
What the fuck? Generals are not supposed to be good looking, that's not like an important aspect of their job. Nor are they going to be particularly strong given that they are more like combat strategists. They for sure have served, but it has been most likely a very long time since then. 
To say that Tom ‘plays many characters that don’t love themselves and it’s sad to ponder’ Cruise is less good looking than American generals is a level of sheer fucking dumbassery that needs to be consulted by a doctor or with impeachment. Tom Cruise, is a very dedicated actor. He has trained extensively for many of his roles and has been probably been in more life or death situations for the sake of entertainment. Now he flies planes, helicopters, drives motorcycles without helmets, can hold his breath underwater for 6 minutes. He’s climbed the tallest building in the world. He’s free climbed at over 2000 feet. He’s done about 100 halo jumps. He broke his ankle and then ran on it after 6 weeks. His characters are charming (most of the time, some are very uh not), intelligent and he drinks respect women juice. Now, was all of that important? Was it necessary? Lmao, it’s my essay, if you don’t agree with it make your own. This is the internet.
Compare to Cheeto Man who is only friends with authoritarians.
Now to thirst over Tom a bit more. My Favorite Tom character by far is Lt. Daniel Allister Kaffee. Harvard Educated Lawyer whose an insecure man trying his best and a very reluctant sub, which for me is very attractive. (Lol Ruth you were right, I do like men with subbish tendencies. I apologize for denying that fact.) Look there is nothing hotter than a cocky attorney with a smart mouth. Also, smartasses being put in their place, very hot. Danny’s Class A Uniform is sooooooooooooo. OH MY FUCKING LORD. 
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Look, I just like it when people are forced into positions of submission, psychologically and emotionally mind you, and they are used to getting their way or are very flippant towards authority. Kaffe is both in this film. And also his voice, when he’s in the courtroom, is very arousing. I like lawyers too I guess lmao. (A Few Good Men is also just a very good movie.) But he just, the way he says the word ‘crystal’ at the last cross-examination makes me feel things.
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Moving on the Ethan Hunt, the sweetest spy on the face of the earth. Look he is such a certified badass that just holy shit, if he were real… 
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Lastly BARRY FUCKING SEAL. JESUS THIS MAN IS SO CHARMING WITH HIS SOUTHERN ACCENT AND HE PENCHANT FOR FLYING LIKE A MANIAC. He fucks his wife while flying I’m?????. Doug Liman said every shot of the flying scenes were actually him and practically shot which makes me concerned™ BUT FUCK. ALSO, HE HAS MANY ROLLED UP SLEEVES AND HIS OUTFITS ALWAYS LOOKS SOO GOOD. Also, Tom speaks Spanish in this movies that progressively gets better as the movie goes on which as an immigrant kid I also find very attractive.
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Point is THESE OLD AS FUCK GENERALS Vs TOM ‘Danny Kaffee is a reluctant sub, and I find it hot when it shows’ Cruise is going to win every single time He’s a motivated actor who cares about the audience and their entertainment and seemingly responded to these claims of being inferior to these generals by confirming M: I 7 and 8. Which will be out when Trump is out of office and is no longer relevant to this country. 
Donald Trump wishes he was Tom Cruise, but he’s not. Also, Trump always has a need the be the Best™ everything. He’s always full of unnecessary hyperbole which many people found entertaining to elect him and thought he was being real. But no, and know he’s gotta keep his campaign promises to not upset his base, but he’s burning the country down with his toxicity and he needs to go fuck off. And he needs to keep Tom Cruise’s name out of his mouth.
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knowcriminallaw · 6 years
Federal Criminal Law Variations vs. State Criminal
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Prosecution occurs at both the federal and the state levels and so a federal violation is one that is prosecuted under federal criminal law rather than under state criminal law under which the majority of the crimes committed in America are prosecuted. Federal offenses normally involve federal government agencies such as the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, FBI, the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the DHS, the Internal Revenue Service, the Border Patrol, Secret Service, or even possibly the Postal Service. There is a network of twelve circuits in the Federal court system, distributed throughout the United States. Each circuit has a central location along with a number of smaller district courts located in cities nearby. U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit (Washington, DC) U.S. District Court, D.C.- Washington, DC U.S. Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit (Boston, MA) Example: U.S. District Court, District of Puerto Rico- Hato Rey, PR U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (New York, NY) Example: U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York- Brooklyn, NY U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit (Philadelphia, PA) Example: U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey- Newark, NJ U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit (Richmond, Virginia) Example: U.S. District Court, Western District of North Carolina- Charlotte, NC U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit (New Orleans, Louisiana) Example: U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas- Houston, TX U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit (Cincinnati, OH) Example: U.S. District Court, Western District of Tennessee- Memphis, TN U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit (Chicago, IL) Example: U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana- South Bend, IN U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (St. Louis, Missouri) Example: U.S. District Court, Southern District of Iowa- Des Moines, IA U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit (San Francisco, CA) Example: U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California- Sacramento, CA U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit (Denver, CO) Example: U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma- Tulsa, OK U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit (Atlanta, Georgia) Example: U.S. District Court, Middle District of Georgia- Macon, GA Average Federal crimes can contain: Drug distribution Crimes affiliated immigration to the U.S. Crimes that include weapons charges Gang activities White-collar offense Electronic crime and fraud Factors to Engage a Federal Criminal Defense Attorney The federal criminal justice process is not meant for individuals to represent themselves. In case you are detained, you want a lawyer to stand up to your rights, fight back against overzealous police officers, and obtain the very best result possible. Speak to a qualified federal criminal law firm in your area to learn more about what you’re up against. Many federal law firms, like Carver, Cantin & Mynarich in Missouri provide a free initial consultation, where they will walk you through the details of your federal charges, explaining possible outcomes and outline a strategy they might pursue.   This is 1 reason for a lawyer. You do not need to wander aimlessly at any stage during the legal system without a manual. Getting lost in a jumble of legislation and questionable convictions aren't just scary but can put the remainder of your life in peril. The viability of your life ought never to be a bargaining utility when you are facing time in court. The state court and federal court have been two entirely different strategies -- with different courthouses and judges. Federal judges will preside over national criminal situations, while elected state court judges preside over state criminal circumstances. Assistant U.S. Attorneys litigate federal situations, whilst country district attorneys and city attorneys insure state crimes. Criminal defense attorneys are the best investment to make regarding case identification. Not merely do they know the intricacies of the legal system, however they can look at your situation with unbiased and fresh eyes. They also spend their lives working to defend you and your nearest and dearest from regulations that are unnecessary. It's their passion to keep others from an outcome too harsh for the crime. An experienced lawyer isn't only able to assist you with your situation, but in addition, utilizes their trained intellect to find issues with the prosecution. Just because someone was arrested on suspicion for a crime does not imply that the presumed victims aren't to blame in some manner as well. Every case differs, and tiny details can serve to sufficiently swerve a court ruling. Nobody would like to be given much more of a punishment that is representative of the crime. Often, the area is greeted with a personal sense of shame and guilt, instead of having an enthusiastic and greedy attitude. So then, the question would be : why do so many people put off finding a criminal defense attorney? Without a lawyer that understands a situation, how then can anybody keep from unnecessary charges? Having a large number of individuals arrested yearly for a whole slew of criminal offenses, it becomes simple to bulge into a single group: guilty. This isn't accurate a sizable quantity of the moment. The media and common culture like to consider from the stunning, and so it will become hard to slough off the word when in the courtroom. A defense attorney understands the difficulty society induces and thinks on your innocence. Individuals commonly misinterpret the thought that they should hire an attorney only after they have been arrested or charged with a violation. This, however, is entirely a farce. Without an attorney present during police interrogations, then there's absolutely not any counselor there to help you from admitting to a crime you did not commit or from saying anything which could serve as a detriment for your own defense. Regardless of what crime you've been charged with, it is essential to procure legal representation that is knowledgeable and experienced in navigating the criminal justice strategy. This is of special importance if you've been charged with a federal crime because the terms for national fees are so stringent. Some Cases Tried by a Federal Criminal Defense Law Firms might be: Sexual Assault Attempted Killing and Conspiracy to Enact Murder Bank Fraud Liquidation Fraud Bribery Conspiracy Embezzlement Extortion Extortionate Extensions and Collections of Credit Federal Bank Robbery Firearms Charges Use or Carrying Firearms Relation to a Crime of Violence or Drug Selling Offense Confiscation Proceedings Forgery Harboring a Fugitive Health Care Theft Hobbs Act Extortion, Stealing and Public Corruption Kidnapping Loansharking Postal Fraud and Digital Making Untrue Statements Misprision of a Felony Mortgage Fraud Money Laundering Narcotics Charges Obstruction of Justice Perjury Public Corruption RICO Financial Fraud Sexual Abuse of Children Stalking Tax Cheating Theft of Government Assets Unlawful Hiring of Aliens What are the Penalties for federal charges? Another significant gap between federal crimes vs. country crimes is the essential sentence. Federal justices have been instructed by the federal sentencing guidelines when giving a sentence. Mandatory minimum prison penalties that national sentences tend to be much more lengthy than nation paragraphs. Even when their offenses are alike, a person being stranded for a federal crime will typically face a much more unpleasant punishment than somebody who has been convicted of a state crime. There is a large system of federal prisons throughout the   You may reside at any of them depending on a number of factors. If you have psychological or physical medical issues, you will most likely go to a Federal Medical Center like the one in Springfield, MO. MCFP is a common name for the U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners. The centers where phrases are completed differ, as well. Individuals sentenced to do time to get a federal crime is going to be delivered to federal prison, although people who serve time for a state crime is going to probably be sent to state prison. Federal prisons tend to home more non-violent offenders (such as individuals convicted of same-sex offenses ), whilst local prisons home mostly populations of people convicted of violent crimes.
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How to Choose a Tax Consultant: The Definitive Guide
Choosing a tax consultant can be challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the tax preparation process and terminology. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to begin your search. How do you know which firm is right for you? How do you know if they’re trustworthy? Every potential client has the same questions when hiring a tax consultant: Is this person trustworthy? Are they qualified to handle my situation? Do they have my best interest at heart? It’s easy to be taken in by someone who offers great service, low rates, and pleasant conversation. But what matters most is if that person is also ethical and competent at their job. Here are some ways to make sure you choose the right one.
Check their credentials
Whether you choose to hire a tax accountant or a CPA, you want to make sure they have the credentials required by the IRS. This is the only way to be sure that the person preparing your taxes has the education and experience required to handle your situation. CPAs must have over a year of college-level coursework, plus exams and experience in the field. Tax accountants on the other hand, need only pass an exam and have two years of experience. Be sure to ask which designation a potential consultant holds. If you need help filing an unusual or complex tax return, you may want to hire an Enrolled Agent (EA). EAs are licensed tax professionals with extensive training in every aspect of taxes, including audit defense and other specialized fields. Because they’ve passed rigorous testing, you can be sure most everything they do is up to IRS standards.
Ask to see samples of previous work
It’s important to see real examples of work to know what to expect. This will let you know if the consultant uses the same standards you do. As with any professional service, it’s important to see examples of past work. This will also help you know what type of client the tax consultant prefers to work with. Some tax consultants specialize in certain types of situations. For example, some specialize in working with seniors or new immigrants. Others specialize in specific types of businesses.
Ask what services they offer
Tax preparation is just one piece of the puzzle. You want to know what else they offer as well. Are they able to help with asset management? Are they able to offer advice on retirement saving or other financial planning? Are they able to help with investment or stock trading? You might want to hire a tax accountant to do your taxes, but also have a CPA on hand as well to help with asset management. You might have an accountant on hand for retirement plans, and a tax consultant for any investments.
Ask about their fee structure
How does your potential tax professional charge for their services? Some firms charge a flat fee per type of tax return, while others charge by the hour. Some firms offer a free consultation, and then start charging after that. Some charge a percentage of your refund. If you’re not clear on how they work, you should ask.
Ask about their experience with your tax situation
There are many different types of taxes and many different situations. Make sure you’ve given them as much detail as possible regarding your own situation. Ask if they’ve had experience with your situation in the past. If they haven’t, make sure you’re clear on what their level of experience is.
Check for any complaints or lawsuits
While no tax professional has a perfect record, you should check for any complaints or lawsuits to see if your potential tax consultant has done anything that might affect your decision to hire them. You can do this on the Better Business Bureau website, or on your state’s tax board website. The IRS does not keep track of complaints against tax professionals. So your best bet is to search for your state’s tax board to see if there are any complaints on file. If you find any, make sure you understand what they were about.
Tax consultant vs. tax lawyer
Tax attorneys and tax accountants offer many of the same services. The main difference is that tax attorneys are licensed to practice law, while tax accountants are not. If you need help with a serious legal issue, you want to hire a tax attorney. If you just need help with your taxes, a tax accountant should be fine.
Choosing the right tax consultant is an important decision because they will be handling your taxes. Make sure you’ve done your research when hiring a tax consultant and you’ll find the experience a lot less stressful than expected!
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go-redgirl · 7 years
At major Northwest Side bakery, labor issues pit blacks vs. Hispanics Politics 02/16/2018, 01:44pm
A major bakery on the Northwest Side once known for making Little Debbie snack cakes was sold earlier this month after an immigration audit cost the company about a third of its workers.
About 800 employees of the main Cloverhill Bakery on the Northwest Side and the company’s bakeries in Cicero and Romeoville lost their jobs when the audit found many were hired after presenting fake or stolen IDs.
The owner of Little Debbie walked away, saying its orders no longer were getting filled on time by Cloverhill, and revenues fell for the bakery’s corporate owner, the Swiss food conglomerate Aryzta.
Finally, Aryzta had enough and sold the bakeries. Hostess Brands said it’s buying Cloverhill’s Chicago bakery from Aryzta.
Some might see what happened at Cloverhill as a sign of things to come under the Trump administration, with fears in corporate America and among immigrants of increased government crackdowns.
But the story of the 137,000-square-foot bakery in Galewood on the Northwest Side of Chicago appears to be more complicated than that. It precedes the Trump administration and involves tensions between African American and Hispanic workers, according to current and former employees, a former company consultant and a worker activist group.
“They’re being pitted against each other, so they don’t get along,” says Dan Giloth, a community organizer on the West Side. “We believe this is a divide-and-conquer strategy.
“Unfortunately in Chicago, there is a widespread segregationist employment model to contract out most of your production work through temporary agencies and look the other way when they target employees by race or immigration status,” says Giloth, a former union organizer who is project manager for the group Coalition Against Segregation of Employees. “The goal is to create a very vulnerable workforce — and keep the wages low.”
Tracy Stecko, a spokesman for Aryzta, declined to comment except to say, “Our company briefly owned that bakery operation but no longer does, so you may want to ask your questions to more appropriate parties, such as ICE or the union that is the legal ‎bargaining representative for most workers at that bakery.”
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement hasn’t responded to a request, filed months ago, for public records on the audit, and a spokeswoman for the agency wouldn’t comment.
Nor would representatives of the temporary-employment companies that provide workers to Cloverhill.
A Hostess spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Aryzta bought Cloverhill in 2014. At the time, according to bakery employees and community organizers, most of the employees were natives of Mexico, most who’d been hired through Labor Network, a temporary-employment agency.
But many of those workers weren’t temporary in the dictionary sense of the word. Most were so-called “permatemps” — temp workers who actually were permanently employed at Cloverhill. Most had been there for years, at least, and some for decades.
In 2015, under the Obama administration, ICE inspected the documentation of Labor Network’s employees at Cloverhill. In May 2017, the Trump administration sent letters to about 800 employees, saying they weren’t authorized to work in the United States, records examined by the Chicago Sun-Times show.
Those Hispanic employees didn’t return to work, leaving the bakery desperate to fill their jobs. So the company turned to another placement agency, Metro Staff Inc., and it provided Cloverhill with workers screened through the government’s “E-Verification” program. Most of those new employees are African American.
Ed French, owner of Elgin-based Metro Staff Inc., says his company became the main provider of workers for the bakery and that about 80 percent of them are black. According to French, workers at the bakery were paid slightly less before his company was hired two and a half years ago — with wages up by about 25 cents an hour, to just above minimum wage.
He says everyone hired through his company is permitted to work in the country and has passed a background check and drug test.
According to a former consultant to the bakery, MSI paid the black workers $14 an hour, versus the $10 an hour the Mexican workers were making through Labor Network.
The consultant, Felix Okwusa, says the bakery offered its remaining Hispanic workers a $1-an-hour premium to train the black replacement workers.
But Okwusa says Cloverhill soon ran into problems. In a memo to the company, Okwusa, who is African American, wrote that the black workers “displayed a higher turnover rate of over 40 percent and a lower efficiency rate than their Hispanic co-workers.”
Okwusa included his memo in a lawsuit he has filed against Aryzta in an effort to recover a bonus he says he was promised. Aryzta won’t comment.
“One of the facts of the case — and a reality in America — is that the immigrants do the work for less than an American will,” says Okwusa’s lawyer, George Oparanozie. “It shows the dynamics of immigration in this country. Many of these Hispanic workers have been here a long time, pay taxes in a lot of instances, and many of them could now be kicked out of the country.”
Attorneys who represent undocumented immigrants say they haven’t heard of any former Cloverhill employees being placed in detention for deportation to Mexico.
In the past, most of the workers at Cloverhill were Hispanic. Now, most are black.
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un-enfant-immature · 6 years
Startup Law A to Z: Employment Law
Your startup will not succeed unless you, the founder, build an exceptional team. Great teams are built on top of great culture. Yet any venture-backed startup founder will tell you, myself included, that developing a positive corporate culture is more art than science, requiring constant and creative recalibration as your company grows. What then does this have to do with employment law?
First, building an exceptional team means hiring great people; whether that involves W-9s for consultants, I-9s for employees, lengthy H-1B visa applications, or a new employee handbook, you need to hire the right people in the right way. Second, one bad employment-related legal dispute can have ripple effects throughout an organization, undermining employee morale and executive credibility in one fell swoop, with palpable culture fallout.
Fortunately, when working to promote healthy company culture, founders can look to employment law for some preventive medicine. In fact, transparency through written policies, clearly communicated in advance and followed in practice, can help create the trust and accountability which are foundational to positive company culture. Moreover, in the event employment disputes do arise, well-drafted employment policies actually provide valuable guidance through difficult to navigate situations, while limiting downside risks to the company, as well.
This article, the fourth in Extra Crunch’s exclusive five-part “Startup Law A to Z” series, follows previous articles on customer contracts,  intellectual property (IP) and corporate matters. This series is calculated to provide founders the information needed to assess legal risks in the areas common to most startups.
After reading this article, or other “Startup Law A to Z” articles, should you identify legal risks facing your startup, Extra Crunch resources can help. For example, the Verified Experts of Extra Crunch include some of the most experienced and skilled startup lawyers in practice today. So use these resources to identify attorneys focused on serving companies at your stage and then reach out for further guidance in the particular issues at hand.
The Employment Law checklist:
Employee vs. independent contractor classification
Payroll Taxes and Payroll Providers
Federal Classification: 21-Part Test
State Classification: Various tests, e.g., Dynamex in California
Intentional vs. Unintentional Misclassification and Penalties
Minimum wage and hour laws
Application to founders
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
State Laws
Meal and rest breaks, vacation pay
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
State Laws
Deferred compensation
Rule 409A
Sexual harassment, discrimination, and related claims
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
State Laws
Employee Handbook
Documentation and Investigation
Work authorization / immigration
Form I-9 (Employees) and W-9 (Independent Contractors)
For Temporary Workers:
Visa Waiver Program
Employee Visas:
F-1 with OPT STEM Extension
Other Visas:
E Visas (E-1, E-2, E3)
  Employee vs. independent contractor classification
One of the biggest employment law issues that startups get wrong, often willingly, is “employee” versus “independent contractor” classification. For employees, a startup must withhold and pay federal, state, and local income taxes, state disability, and payments under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (i.e. Social Security and Medicare), not to mention contributions for federal and state unemployment and workers compensation insurance. Given this complexity, startups should absolutely hire a payroll provider to help manage the process, such as ADP, Gusto, Paychex or Quickbooks.
Of course, all of this gets expensive. Instead, far too many early-stage startups simply hire “independent contractors” to avoid everything mentioned above, often misclassifying these workers in the process, whether under federal law, state law, or both.
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therewillbesparkles · 6 years
Personal Injury Lawyer Atlanta
You intend to avail the personal injury lawyer Atlanta for various advantages which might be provided by the federal government of the immigrated nation such because the council tax profit, housing advantages, social safety advantages, council housing, well being providers, and training. A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who gives authorized companies to those that declare to have been injured, physically or psychologically, because of the negligence of another person, firm, government agency or any entity. If you're in Raleigh, NC and in search of a workers’ compensation lawyer Raleigh, then it is best to consult with the Regulation Workplace of K. Gregory Gunter. Based mostly upon this establishment, the insurance coverage corporations, or the court docket goes to resolve whether they will award any compensation and the quantities that one is going to receive as a result. One among the largest errors you can make is to attend too long after your damage to file your declare.
For this you possibly can trust on the varied rating businesses that rate the attorneys based mostly on their expertise and dealing type. Look out for the attorneys who are expert and educated; as an illustration injury attorneys specialised in vehicular accidents. Collisions involving bikes tend to lead to much more critical - generally, even fatal - injuries than accidents involving only drivers and passengers of passenger autos. They're infamous to find flaws and missing paperwork so that they'll both scale back or even deny making cost for a claim. Though any such settlement can't bring your liked one back, it may give your family peace of thoughts realizing that their wrongful actions have been compensated. Amongst the personal injuries, one can suffer in an accident, whether a automotive, bike, or work-associated accident, burn accidents are a few of essentially the most catastrophic. There are specific situations wherein you can handle the case all by yourself, and you would wish any lawyer.
Not having the appropriate lawyer with the proper experience can result in wasted time and loss of a substantial amount of money. These accidents will be finest prevented by not riding on the sidewalks that are actually meant for pedestrians. So settlements and judgments in these cases are typically larger than other varieties of motor vehicle accidents. A personal injury lawyer who makes a speciality of particular private injury circumstances corresponding to medical malpractices, defamation, assault and battery, wrongful deaths, and vehicle accidents is more adept in his discipline. You may anticipate your lawyer to take about 33% of your remaining settlement - that is after bills are taken off the highest. Medical bills, therapy, and misplaced wages can all add as much as a small fortune, which is why it is vital to decide on the very best private injury legal professional that you'll find. The lawyer knows the best methods to specific such emotional aspects in financial worth and can add it to the damages. Will Injury Lawyer In Camrose Provide help to Accumulate And Preserve Proof?
Then we'll hold your fingers throughout the procedure to place you at ease. Get an Legal professional- In the event you do trigger an harm, then it would be a sensible transfer to interact the providers of a superb personal injury lawyer right away. Choosing the proper Houston private damage attorney to guard your financial future after a severe accident just isn't a simple determination. Nonetheless there are times when hiring an lawyer might be not essential. The legislation states that the claims of your relations may be subject to a financial deductible, though no deductibles are applied in cases involving a fatality. In case you suffer a job-related injury in Illinois, you could also be eligible for workers' compensation. If you're injured in a bicycle accident, you could possibly get well damages from the at-fault driver. Damages also include “non-economic” impacts of an harm, such as pain and suffering. For example, the jury may need full sympathy for the plaintiff and want to punish a company defendant. Personal Injury Lawyer: Economic Vs Non-Economic Damages
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A personal injury can impact your life for countless years. However, it could even result in financial, physical and emotional suffering in your case and your family. Suffering a personal injury of the type can be hard. Regardless from the person, intent or even the company, whose negligence was accountable for your injury, and can be held liable for the damages that you will find incurred. By consulting a competent lawyer, the damages from the case can be calculated and explained. If you are in a position to recover compensation through a claim with your insurance carrier, or while using insurance company of the guilty party inside your accident, the strength and validity of one's claim will directly connect with your documentation in the damages you sustained inside your accident. If incompletely documented, claims may be refuted, and you could be sold short around the full amount that you are rightfully owed. Without the correct degree of compensation, you could be left to hide the financial burden of the portion of your damages on your own, which can become outside of your ability to complete. To best avoid this possibility, and give your claim its best chance of success, make sure to note just of knowledge about your accident, however small it might appear.
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However, as discussed earlier, such a injury could be either physical or psychological. In matters of law, this really is thought as any damage that results from another person's careless, reckless or negligent actions. A victim deserves to be rightly compensated for such traumas and also the physical injury, when a real accidental injury may be caused by the intent or negligence of some other person.
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Be careful that which you say immediately following the accident as these words could possibly be looked at when it comes to filing your case. Your personal law firm probably will recommend that conversing with others, who may be attributed for the injury, without their consent could possibly be bad for your case and, therefore, may advise against it. Try to keep your conversations regarding the accident low try to be clear that you've been injured and that you will be trying to find medical attention after you have been injured within an accident. Stating that you might be okay or fine after a car accident could end up hurting you afterwards when you have filed your claim having a lawyer.
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Having accurate personal and insurance information regarding personal injury lawyer Atlanta one other drivers involved with your accident will also ensure that you are able to increase the risk for necessary contacts and examine the complicated legal process. Making sure to jot down names, phone numbers, addresses, and insurance firms can help you and then any legal assistance find one other participants with your accident to correctly handle the specific situation. Without reliable contact information, it can be difficult, otherwise impossible, to penetrate experience of other drivers, eliminating any possibility of locating a resolution for a ordeal.
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toomanysinks · 6 years
Startup Law A to Z: Employment Law
Your startup will not succeed unless you, the founder, build an exceptional team. Great teams are built on top of great culture. Yet any venture-backed startup founder will tell you, myself included, that developing a positive corporate culture is more art than science, requiring constant and creative recalibration as your company grows. What then does this have to do with employment law?
First, building an exceptional team means hiring great people; whether that involves W-9s for consultants, I-9s for employees, lengthy H-1B visa applications, or a new employee handbook, you need to hire the right people in the right way. Second, one bad employment-related legal dispute can have ripple effects throughout an organization, undermining employee morale and executive credibility in one fell swoop, with palpable culture fallout.
Fortunately, when working to promote healthy company culture, founders can look to employment law for some preventive medicine. In fact, transparency through written policies, clearly communicated in advance and followed in practice, can help create the trust and accountability which are foundational to positive company culture. Moreover, in the event employment disputes do arise, well-drafted employment policies actually provide valuable guidance through difficult to navigate situations, while limiting downside risks to the company, as well.
This article, the fourth in Extra Crunch’s exclusive five-part “Startup Law A to Z” series, follows previous articles on customer contracts,  intellectual property (IP) and corporate matters. This series is calculated to provide founders the information needed to assess legal risks in the areas common to most startups.
After reading this article, or other “Startup Law A to Z” articles, should you identify legal risks facing your startup, Extra Crunch resources can help. For example, the Verified Experts of Extra Crunch include some of the most experienced and skilled startup lawyers in practice today. So use these resources to identify attorneys focused on serving companies at your stage and then reach out for further guidance in the particular issues at hand.
The Employment Law checklist:
Employee vs. independent contractor classification
Payroll Taxes and Payroll Providers
Federal Classification: 21-Part Test
State Classification: Various tests, e.g., Dynamex in California
Intentional vs. Unintentional Misclassification and Penalties
Minimum wage and hour laws
Application to founders
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
State Laws
Meal and rest breaks, vacation pay
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
State Laws
Deferred compensation
Rule 409A
Sexual harassment, discrimination, and related claims
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
State Laws
Employee Handbook
Documentation and Investigation
Work authorization / immigration
Form I-9 (Employees) and W-9 (Independent Contractors)
For Temporary Workers:
Visa Waiver Program
Employee Visas:
F-1 with OPT STEM Extension
Other Visas:
E Visas (E-1, E-2, E3)
  Employee vs. independent contractor classification
One of the biggest employment law issues that startups get wrong, often willingly, is “employee” versus “independent contractor” classification. For employees, a startup must withhold and pay federal, state, and local income taxes, state disability, and payments under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (i.e. Social Security and Medicare), not to mention contributions for federal and state unemployment and workers compensation insurance. Given this complexity, startups should absolutely hire a payroll provider to help manage the process, such as ADP, Gusto, Paychex or Quickbooks.
Of course, all of this gets expensive. Instead, far too many early-stage startups simply hire “independent contractors” to avoid everything mentioned above, often misclassifying these workers in the process, whether under federal law, state law, or both.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/12/startup-law-a-to-z-employment-law/
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fmservers · 6 years
Startup Law A to Z: Employment Law
Your startup will not succeed unless you, the founder, build an exceptional team. Great teams are built on top of great culture. Yet any venture-backed startup founder will tell you, myself included, that developing a positive corporate culture is more art than science, requiring constant and creative recalibration as your company grows. What then does this have to do with employment law?
First, building an exceptional team means hiring great people; whether that involves W-9s for consultants, I-9s for employees, lengthy H-1B visa applications, or a new employee handbook, you need to hire the right people in the right way. Second, one bad employment-related legal dispute can have ripple effects throughout an organization, undermining employee morale and executive credibility in one fell swoop, with palpable culture fallout.
Fortunately, when working to promote healthy company culture, founders can look to employment law for some preventive medicine. In fact, transparency through written policies, clearly communicated in advance and followed in practice, can help create the trust and accountability which are foundational to positive company culture. Moreover, in the event employment disputes do arise, well-drafted employment policies actually provide valuable guidance through difficult to navigate situations, while limiting downside risks to the company, as well.
This article, the fourth in Extra Crunch’s exclusive five-part “Startup Law A to Z” series, follows previous articles on customer contracts,  intellectual property (IP) and corporate matters. This series is calculated to provide founders the information needed to assess legal risks in the areas common to most startups.
After reading this article, or other “Startup Law A to Z” articles, should you identify legal risks facing your startup, Extra Crunch resources can help. For example, the Verified Experts of Extra Crunch include some of the most experienced and skilled startup lawyers in practice today. So use these resources to identify attorneys focused on serving companies at your stage and then reach out for further guidance in the particular issues at hand.
The Employment Law checklist:
Employee vs. independent contractor classification
Payroll Taxes and Payroll Providers
Federal Classification: 21-Part Test
State Classification: Various tests, e.g., Dynamex in California
Intentional vs. Unintentional Misclassification and Penalties
Minimum wage and hour laws
Application to founders
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
State Laws
Meal and rest breaks, vacation pay
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
State Laws
Deferred compensation
Rule 409A
Sexual harassment, discrimination, and related claims
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
State Laws
Employee Handbook
Documentation and Investigation
Work authorization / immigration
Form I-9 (Employees) and W-9 (Independent Contractors)
For Temporary Workers:
Visa Waiver Program
Employee Visas:
F-1 with OPT STEM Extension
Other Visas:
E Visas (E-1, E-2, E3)
  Employee vs. independent contractor classification
One of the biggest employment law issues that startups get wrong, often willingly, is “employee” versus “independent contractor” classification. For employees, a startup must withhold and pay federal, state, and local income taxes, state disability, and payments under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (i.e. Social Security and Medicare), not to mention contributions for federal and state unemployment and workers compensation insurance. Given this complexity, startups should absolutely hire a payroll provider to help manage the process, such as ADP, Gusto, Paychex or Quickbooks.
Of course, all of this gets expensive. Instead, far too many early-stage startups simply hire “independent contractors” to avoid everything mentioned above, often misclassifying these workers in the process, whether under federal law, state law, or both.
Via Daniel McKenzie https://techcrunch.com
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