#Consultant vs Lawyer
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Canada Immigration: Consultant vs Lawyer - Why Consultants Are Your Best Bet
Trying to immigrate to Canada? Feeling overwhelmed by all the rules and applications?
You're not alone! The Canadian immigration process can be a maze. This article explores why a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) is the smarter choice over a lawyer for most people. ✅
Here's why Consultants are your secret weapon:
Specialization: RCICs are experts in Canadian immigration law. They'll guide you efficiently and avoid delays common with lawyers juggling other legal areas.
Building a Strong Case: Consultants understand the specific requirements for each immigration path. They'll create a strong application that meets all the latest rules, minimizing the need for courts (which are expensive and have low success rates).
Expertise & Advocacy: Consultants represent you before the Immigration Refugee Board (IRB) in complex situations, fight for your interests with Canadian authorities, and ensure your rights are protected. ️
Success & Peace of Mind: An RCIC can save you time, money, and stress by navigating the complexities and increasing your chances of a successful application.
Ready to make your Canadian dream a reality?
Click the link here to learn more and get started!
P.S. Still unsure if a consultant is right for you? The article dives deeper and answers all your questions! ➡️
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novlr · 3 months
I’ve written a novel featuring real people, specifically public figures. I’ve only shared it with friends and haven’t published it anywhere. Could I still get into trouble if those people found out?
That’s a great question. In the specifics, you ask about public figures and if you could get into trouble for that. I’ll start with the disclaimer that I’m not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. I can’t say where the line between fair use and libel exists. If that’s your concern, and there’s no other way to tell the story you want to tell other than including that person, then you should consult a lawyer. But, let’s assume, for the sake of this question, that we’re squarely in the domain of fair use.
When are public figures spoken of?
People write about public figures all the time, both in fact and fiction. Sometimes a mix of both happens across media, which blurs the lines. Public figures can serve as rich sources of inspiration. They are frequently fictionalized or rewritten to add a sense of realism, glamor, or controversy to stories. They feature in unauthorized biographies, and are written about in news stories and exposes. We know a lot about public figures because they are written about a lot.  So, yes, you can write about public figures. Whether you should, and what approach you take, is another question entirely. 
You can, but should you?
This is where it gets tricky.  I have written about public figures, both living and dead, in my own stories. In one of my alternate history tales, for example, I had a President of the United States hold a meeting with my main character. 
I was careful about mannerisms and making the character believable. It is important to me when I do write about public figures that they are recognizable and that I don’t have them act in ways contrary to what they have publicly stated they believe or ways they have acted. That is a very subjective line I have drawn and one each writer must find for themselves. I mean, there’s the whole Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter thing out there, and I’m pretty sure Mr. Lincoln never took a stance on Vampires. I would advise you to think about where that line is for you. 
Public figures vs private citizens
I’d also like to toss in a note here about private citizens – friends, family, enemies – you might consider writing about as well. I do not write about people I know, at least not as whole characters. I definitely take turns of phrase, characteristics, or mannerism and borrow them with impunity, but I almost never use the name of a person I know. I don’t want them to feel ownership of any part of my story. It’s also a matter of not wanting to damage those relationships with unintended slights if they don’t like the way I’ve represented them. 
Ultimately the people we write about – real or imaginary, public figures or private citizens – are seen through the filter of our own biases, perceptions, and beliefs. Public figures have a public life, so their thoughts, behaviors, and actions are more universally seen. People you know in your personal life don’t have that. There are more concerns about privacy when you’re writing about those close to you. It’s also more difficult to remain impartial in how you feel and write about them if you have a close, personal relationship.
Every word you write is a choice. Ask yourself what serves your story. Do you need to write about a public figure, or can you create a character inspired by that person?  What impact will your words have on them should they read it, and what impact do you choose to have on them? 
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whirld-of-color · 2 years
it’s me, michael!
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local sticksona so camera-averse that he put a box on his head and called it a day
i draw animation vs minecraft stuff. big big fan of green and gold and mango and purple and-
my art requests are always open. you have to understand that i fucking love it when people ask me to draw stuff and it will get me to draw stuff infinitely faster than anything else. every day art block tries to kill me
you can also send my ocs asks! or just like, talk to me about stuff. im down with that.
i’m working on @animation-vs-romance, go check that blog out if you want :)
#original posting: art that i’ve made, that i consider “good”
#michael talks: some of my bullshit ramblings
#oc reference: go here if you want the basic info about any of my ocs!
#seaside au: an au about pirates and mermaids and fantasy!
#avm jsab au: a green-centric crossover au!
#debug au: you know those guys in avm 30? what if they were wracked with guilt and also evil corporation
#wishing well au: go resurrect your son from the dead mango im sure you won’t summon any horrors!! masterpost here
#tober prompts: inktober prompts i did!
#blueberry tag: local wet cat of a man manages to create an extremely unstable on-off relationship with mango tango
#unfinished tag: not for unfinished works, but for an oc named unfinished who was made by alexcrafter. he’s just some kid who sews!
#eigengrau tag: horror movie monster with big sad eyes who escaped from a lab and is friends with unfinished, a 12 year old child
#fledgling tag: little triangle guy. it is just a little thang
#153 tag: some gayass lawyer or whatever. ace attorney looking… affiliated with @ freeeesticks
#panache tag: anime theif with an extensive criminal record! affiliated with @ clan-obsidian. click on images, they’re transparent!
#match and pair tag: portal oc twins who hate each other in a new and special way <3 they’re soulmates (derogatory)
#etude tag: he has a cute hat and a violin. also he raises the dead with music a la crypt of the necrodancer! he has 3 entire romantic interests!
#byzar tag: an enderman oc- exiled royalty, dead parents, general air of drama, the works!
#sona art: art of my persona, shown above!
for a quicker guide to my ocs, you may also consult this venn diagram!
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william-r-melich · 6 months
Trump Gagged? No Way! - 04/03/2024
The New York supreme court judge Juan Merchan in Trump's "hush money" case has expanded on his earlier gag order which tried to restrict what Trump could publicly say about the case. The order came late yesterday which gags the former president from speaking in public about Manhattan D.A. Alvin Brag's family members and all others named including jurors, potential jurors, counsel, court staff, witnesses, and their families. The judge wrote, “This pattern of attacking family members of presiding jurists and attorneys assigned to his cases serves no legitimate purpose, it merely injects fear in those assigned or called to participate in the proceedings that not only they, but their family members as well, are ‘fair game,’ for Defendant’s vitriol.” He further wrote that courts are "understandably concerned" on restricting defendants' free speech, especially for those who are publicly notable. He further wrote, “The circumstances of the instant matter, however, are different. The conventional ‘David vs. Goliath’ roles are no longer in play as demonstrated by the singular power defendant’s words have on countless others.” In his ruling arguments he cited from the prosecution, “multiple potential witnesses have already raised grave concerns [...] about their own safety and that of their family members should they appear as witnesses against the defendant.” On those fears he wrote that they would "undoubtedly interfere" with the proceedings, and he continued. “The average observer, must now, after hearing defendant’s recent attacks, draw the conclusion that if they become involved in these proceedings, even tangentially, they should worry not only for themselves, but for their loved ones as well.” State prosecutor Matthew Colangelo wrote, “Defendant’s dangerous, violent, and reprehensible rhetoric fundamentally threatens the integrity of these proceedings and is intended to intimidate witnesses and trial participants alike—including this Court.” The state attorney's office was referencing Trump's remarks about the judge's daughter.
This judge, Juan Merchan, is compromised with a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and Trump's lawyers think he should recuse himself from the case because his daughter, Loren Merchan who owns a Democrat political consulting firm, heavily profited from her fundraisers dedicated to hurt and remove Trump from the political scene. The judge's wife, Lara Merchan, used to work for New York Attorney General Letitia James, who prosecuted Trump for a victimless crime of "over valuating" his property to get a more favorable loan, and to which he paid back fully with interest that made Duetsche Bank (no complaints) a lot of money. Another ridiculous, unconstitutionally brought case, which, like all the others, is nothing more than political persecution. Judge Juan Merchan's profile picture on X was of Donald Trump behind bars. I think it's fair to say that this judge is compromised, or as Trump would say, "by a lot!"
Of course, the mainstream media's talking point's echoe-chamber put out that Trump made threatening remarks about the judge's daughter, when in fact he did no such thing. One of his Truth Social posts reads, “Judge Juan Merchan, a very distinguished looking man, is nevertheless a true and certified Trump Hater who suffers from a very serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. In other words, he hates me! His daughter is a senior executive at a Super Liberal Democrat firm that works for Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff, the Democrat National Committee, Senate Majority PAC, and even Crooked Joe Biden.”
As I have said before, I think all of these cases against Trump should be dismissed and thrown out, as they are obviously political witch hunts directed by Biden's crooked administration and their weaponized justice department. So, Trump appropriately calls them the "Biden trials." The left thinks they can stop him from coming back to DC, and this judge thinks he can silence him, to keep him from pointing out all of the obvious corruption in that's clearly in plain sight for anyone with a functioning brain to see; --No Way! No Way! - will they ever silence or stop him, and No Way! - will they ever silence or stop us, we the people. Trump is right when he declares these trials as being "election interference," and that they should never, ever take place in the United States of America: abso-futting-lutely; -- No Way!
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Season 6 misc. notes
Oh my god, this round-up is so unwieldy. Long. Just, had a lot comments. And if you were waiting for my whole manifesto on the ‘Comrades In Arms’ question, have I got that herein!!!!!
— — —
You guys gotta stop re-orchestrating the song, I’m too sensitive to this! This is how far we’ve gotten, listen: these worn-in, mellow guitars & horns of S1, this jangly extended situation
Camera’s getting in closer this season I notice. Do you know what else I noticed: HY AVERBACK. Haven’t seen that name since the change-up, since he was directing seemingly every other episode, since [quiet swallow] Trapper and Henry. Since this show was significantly nuttier and also I miss it like crazy. Hy…hi.
Klinger: “What am I, the only medic in the shop!” BJ: “You’re loved, you fool.” Klinger: “Command me, oh tall one with the Presbyterian features.” It’s like I was just saying—!
Hawkeye: “Where you from, Charlie?” Major Winchester: “Charles.” Me: “So, like the river, then?” Potter, a moment later: “Impressive, Doctor. Harvard Med, Massachusetts General…” Me: “Oh my god, like the river.”
BJ has never gone as Berkeley than when now being confronted with Beacon Hill, and fuck that is Correct. The natural challenger. Maine and the Midwest can contribute but California must put up our champion. Back Bay vs. The Bay: Fight !
Really good papers toss Mike Farrell, that’s not easy
“Creative Consultant”! Alda :)
Margaret & The Boys ‘Silly Mood’ but now it’s Babe! Babe Tell Us What’s Wrong! [Keke Palmer in Nope voice] You Look Pretty :)
Klinger’s sling-armed lawyer…this season is already pleasing me so much
Absolutely obsessed with the moribund injured Dr. Berman, whose entire affect is the part where Cameron wakes up and fixes him with a weird stare and drones “Ferris Bueller you’re my hero.”
Charles: “Colonel I, I think I should tell you that my father knows Harry Truman.” Sure, and my own rich Massachusetts friend’s dad knows Mitt Romney, this is just how this goes (Haha I’m DYING.)
Ahh, nice way to even it out. He’s a very skilled surgeon, and smug about it, but they have a skill-set that he doesn’t: move fast, not pretty, save all the lives you can, don’t fall until you reach your cot.
Ahh and yeah he’s so much smarter than Frank! God this is gonna be great. Not that he can’t be tricked, but he can also trick you. Hey let’s make this interesting, the sixth season says. Let's.
“What’s up, you look down?” is such a smooth joke that the laugh track editors didn’t even notice it
Radar: “Um, well I’m very concerned about something that concerns my life here.” Hawkeye: “What’s the trouble, Andy?” Radar: “Well, I don’t think that this place is turning out to be that great an experience for me. I mean I work under terrible pressures and there’s lots of death and destruction and stuff, but other than that I don’t think I’m getting much out of it.” Heeheehee, heeheehee, okay you know what: this is exactly the energy this show has been missing. I needed this deadpan absurdist commentary.
Radar: “I’m the only one that’s gonna leave this place younger than I was when I came.” ASLDKJFL THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING. HE’S GETTING YOUNGER. Oh lord they're saying it!
They play this reveal well I gasped!
Hawkeye, drunk & maudlin at Rosie’s: “You know that my hands were shaking? I had butterflies. I’ve held people’s hearts in my hand and with him I was nervous. Am I boring you?” BJ, tired: “I’ve heard this four times already, I know how it ends.” Hawkeye: “How does it end, I wasn’t here for the early show.” BJ: “You start crying and sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’—can we go home?” [hard cut to BJ half-carrying Hawkeye to bed while he warbles: “If funny little bluebirds fly—!”] GOD THIS SEASON IS SO GOOD
Sparkly sparkly sparkly blue-gray eyes, all barely held tears
I think a lot about… There’s a casual detailed realism to Alda and Farrell’s acting with patients. I think what it is is this thing where they’re delivering the light dialogue to reassure, but it’s laid over something still attentive and thoughtful. Underneath the blithe jokes you can see them actually assessing how they’re doing, taking in and gathering information. Here it’s this quick beat amidst quips of Hawkeye bending his own elbow and asking “Can you do that?” and watching as Radar mirrors him.
Wooo I had to pause for a second to feel some feelings!!!!! God Alda I can’t stand that you wrote this, you wrote all this…tearing into your character’s faults and vulnerabilities…god I love you
Father Mulcahy is incensed!! He’s outraged!! </3/3 I’m losing my mind
Hahhhh Margaret like no no no, I pre-DATE you with him, Colonel, I get to yell at him first
I looooooove this episode. I love how unfair it is. It’s so unfair for Radar to be wounded and let down, and to be yelled at for this by this person he relies on, to be yelled at for feeling betrayed by Hawkeye because he loves him. And it’s so unfair for Hawkeye that it’s because he loves Radar that this even happened, that he's only fallen because he was and is so messed up over Radar getting injured. And that it doesn’t matter to the sequence of people now coming to shout at Hawkeye for shouting at Radar for holding him to this higher standard he’s stuck being held to because usually he is strong, but currently feels completely incapable of maintaining because Radar’s hurt and shouting at him. It’s all just so unfair and it’s all because everyone LOVES each other and I love that.
Can’t believe the course my life has taken has resulted in Klinger naming his imaginary camel the one Arabic word I know: Darling
Oh man, wasn’t there an episode where Henry actually pulled rank and was like oh no, you can’t arrest anyone here without going through me? Any time this happens, well I like that.
God, guess whose rampant bisexual behavior is back being tossed around in public. I’m blissful.
Also: “Knock off the didos, Pierce, we’ve got work to do.”
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“How would you like to be up to your knees in floor.” Margaret 😂
Hawkeye is So Bothered that this guy got BJ arrested. He’s not letting this one go. He’s already called him a creep—one of the more damning designations from him! This is actually rather rare in their arrangement as has been, that Hawkeye is the one getting worked up protecting BJ—usually it’s swapped. He’s almost a little scarily unforgiving. I’m very interested by this.
Noooo your therapist has a head wound! Terrific dramatic irony, Alda. Please don’t comment on it, make me proud… Aw you make me so proud. And my goodness you love this character.
BJ: “You touch his nose, Charles, you’re gonna have to marry him.” GOD we’re back :)) Thanks for seeing me, M*A*S*H
Aw Sidney my dear
Demerit for ending with ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’ though. [pleasant BJ voice] Fuck off, Ivor Novello.
Hawkeye: “Charles, come on, as a friend?” Charles: “Not eeeven as an enemy.” God, tasty. Tasty dialogue.
Why is everything Charles Winchester says so fucking funny. I go to write it down and it’s half just in his delivery—David Ogden Stiers is good stuff.
Hawkeye: “Thank you, thank you, I’d give you a hug but in my condition I might not be able to stop.” Ohoho, nyhaha, ah. The dressy khakis in an apron and splashed all over with plaster of Paris is also unfortunately some kind of look. It’s just novel, but we shouldn't undercount that effect.
Charles: “One of my tent mates is a relatively inoffensive chap named BJ Hunnicutt. Excellent surgeon, in spite of the fact that he was, born, raised, and studied in….California.” What did I say! What did I say!!
The fact that one of BJ’s strength is that everyone thinks he’s a sweetie, and he is, but also he’s sneaking around playing tricks, is delish.
Know that they’re beaming with love & glee while pretending to polish their shoes (BJ’s is a rubber chicken) for this entire exchange: Hawkeye: “You’re a vicious fiend.” BJ: “Worse than you?” Hawkeye: “By far.” BJ: “Nicest thing you ever said to me, thank you.” Hawkeye: “Oh my pleasure.” BJ: “My pleasure.” Hawkeye: “Any time.”
The bit where they just collapse in pure exhaustion and never makes it to their planned romp in Seoul is an oldie but a goodie
The instant I’m looking at scrubs over sweaters, I know I’m going to be enjoying an episode
God they’re all so cute when they’re cold
Charles’ clipped accent keeps making me think he’s saying “Hanukkah” when he’s actually addressing “Hunnicutt”
God they’re all so cute when they’re trying to solve a mystery novel together
Make-out fade to black. Classy.
Mike Farrell’s golden arms.. Reblog if u agree.
What kills me is that the final button of Hawkeye & Margaret is easily 10x as good as the rest of the episode, which I know is a relationship that will be forgotten by the show immediately so could never buy it for a second, but this I’ll buy every day, I’ll take out a subscription, long term. You two!
Potter: “We’ve staggered down this road before. You’ve got a razzle dazzle going.” Klinger: “Wrong sir, respectfully.” Potter: “I’m gonna love this one, it’s got a lot of reverse top-spin.” I love him. I love them.
Why do I so like a tie tucked into a shirt
Wait, so I didn’t spend enough time having a reaction to this when they’ve gotten their pay in the past, but they’re being paid in like, notgeld? What kind of company town is this! How are they paying Rosie??!
I swear Alda is getting greyer and skinnier every time I see him this season. Don’t become an actual ghost, babe.
BJ’s hair is getting longer & fluffier, too
Klinger’s first name is Max?? Well I love it
This sweet baby nurse reminds me of Marcia Strassman—I miss her! Hawkeye’s best girlfriend, in five seasons haven’t met her equal.
Why are you playing cat’s cradle with your own face, he’s right there
Huh, we’re really against tattoos now? Weird hill to die on, but okay
Potter: “Pierce, Hunnicutt, you mind going up against each other as team captains?” Hunnicutt: “What do you say, powder puff?” Pierce, big gay leg cross: “Well it will prove who’s the fairest in the land.” These moments happen and I literally say aloud, “Thank God”
Loretta!….LEGS <3
BJ Hunnicutt, I would like an entire oral history of your choice to wear your pink armband tied around your upper thigh
Watching this historic Olympics footage really makes me feel like we’ve gone too far with athletes
Just, a lot of symbolic-looking yarn winding with Hawkeye and BJ, huh. What threads tie you together, et cetera.
Charles: “Haven’t you ever seen truffles before?” BJ: “Nobody knows the truffles I’ve seen.” [Alda: might actually laugh for real, as this is so goofy and not his usual HAH] Charles: “Here you are, gentlemen.” BJ: “Oh, goody!” Hawkeye: “Mm-mm, chopped liver!” Charles: “It’s pâte de foie gras” BJ, gesturing to his mouth: “I happen to know Paddy De Foie Gras and this definitely isn’t him.” Okay who wrote this one, they get it
I like Potter pointing out Hawkeye’s hypocrisy of “railing against violence and insensitivity, then to prove your point you attack a man.” Many people could stand to hear this I think! Not to be bold!
[reminiscing about some dance hall in Toledo] “I gotta go kid. I’m breaking my heart.” Klingerrrrr <3 <3 <3 Me about the theme song.
I love irritated Potter, he’s so punchy. “Explain to me, why am I here?”
It’s been a while since we’ve had an episode where some random brass is like “I hate Hawkeye!,” and then they watch him do surgery for 48 hours straight, and are like “Never mind, he’s allowed. Also, related, I would like to never be here again.”
The Alda Two-Reveal Slow Camera Pull-Back but it’s adding BJ showering next to him singing his own opera part, then Charles in a robe crossing in front of them combing his hair. Oh and my review of this is: choicechoicechoicechoice
BJ: “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Hawk: “What don’t you do?” BJ: “I’ll think of something.”
Margaret: “HOW CAN A GROWN MAN BE SO MECHANICALLY INCOMPETENT.” Hawkeye: “I take a lot of cabs.”
Oooo I like BJ pacing in his doctor’s coat, fretting, gnawing a nail
[getting out the shrapnel] “There. You wanna look at it?” “Don’t be morbid! Just clean it up and put a dressing on it.” Love that these speakers are not who you might guess they are :)
Margaret to Hawkeye: “Do you know what it feels like to give your heart to somebody? To live just for a glimpse of his handwriting in the mail?” Hm pardon me while I just scoop this up nicely and hold it for a moment, emotionally panicking!
“Oh, I think I should warn you. If you come over here for any reason during the night, announce yourself. I intend to swing this to kill.” I fucking love her sometimes. Alan, this line, Loretta, this delivery. He’s so good at writing for her, and she just takes it and Runs.
Welp, look at that—suddenly need to qualify that last part!! Hey Part 2 what is this???
Y'know the thing is though, I sooooooo support Margaret & Hawkeye boning. Oh do I. But this, is not it! This is supposed happen in an episode where they’re mostly squabbling with each other, this is right. It keeps it part of the way they squabble. If it came out of them being all tenderness, the risk there is that then it feels like it needs to become a real thing, and it won’t work as a real thing. Or not real, this is so real, I mean as like a usual romantic relationship. Their relationship is not romantic, but frankly has always been erotic. It’s sort of the opposite of how Hawkeye has mostly been with BJ, really. (That the biggest mix of both was with Trapper is why I still can’t really talk about that !)
Anyway Hawkeye & Margaret are the horniest characters on this show, and that’s why this should so happen. For both of them, sex is a major part of the way they experience & process the world and other people in it. And with them always sparking as much as they have, absolutely should it come to this someday. And it’s so good to wait until this far in, because at this point they’ve also grown to genuinely respect each other. This can actually be a kind of gesture of mutual respect between them, a meeting as equals (on the sexy field). I mean the set-up here is actually quite good: bickering and stressing under intense fear and danger, but I want it to be a tiny bit more of a decision, again a kind of meeting at the table, not this accidental brush of lips. Maybe we keep the shelling and the shouting but do it simpler, Margaret screams and Hawkeye yells out in the dark "Margaret!" "[sobbing] What?!" "I'm coming over there!" "You'd better!" And then they're just cowering tightly in each other's arms under the blanket, and it becomes clear he has his hand clenched in the back of her hair, and she has hers gripping the open collar of his shirt, and then we just take it from there. Still keeping it simple, maybe: "Hey?," a request, and "Yeah," an acknowledgement of same. Yeah. Take comfort. Take distraction. Both be a little prideful in how good you can do ‘em—a little bit of a competition, where everyone wins. This is what I want.
And then here’s what’s not all supposed to happen next: what happens in Part 2! Margaret has always been a character who knows her own mind, knows what she wants, almost to a fault at times, and there’s no way she wants to pursue this as a romance. Even just later this same season, she’s going to think she’s pregnant, and in 1952, be like, I do not want this baby. This does not align with what I want out of this marriage or my career. There is zero way she wants to commit herself to dating Hawkeye, and Hawkeye of course does not want to be dating Margaret, and that should be the miscommunication driver of the next episode: they’re both worried the other is going to think this is a romance now when that is not what this was or is, and in their equivalently nice & awkward handling of each other the next day, are of course absolutely going to think the other is nervously smitten, and be smiling weakly at each other while privately they’re both Wirt dragging his fingers down his face whisper-rasping “Noooooo.” And then finally they manage to get it out, possibly they both start making the same confession at once like they’re Radar and one of his colonels, and then are just collapsing in relief like OH THANK GOD. Listen that was good, but that was just an elevated facet of our existing relationship, it's own weird thing that can stay its own weird thing, and (nice little ‘Aid Station’ call-back, and it’s Margaret this time doing the deliberate reprise): “If you tell this to anyone, I’ll deny it. <3” And Hawkeye’s like, “That’s why I love you :),” and it’s sweet and understood and joshing and cute.
But, all this is not what we get. An error! Well, we do eventually end in a place somewhat akin, an understanding of friendship, and they’ve each had a bit where they like, have ~learned something about themselves~, and each other, but even that part feels a little falsey, and in between, a lot of positively agéd woman-pursues-resistant-man nonsense. But we can FIX IT just call me up with time travel abilities and we’ll get this banged out right, no pun intended.
Okay where were we. Oh, something unexpected!! Well first, this:
Potter: “I hope you’re shaking a leg, Winchester.” Charles: “Colonel, my graceful fingers are dancing o’er the innards of this hapless doughboy, and when I am done, I shall be done.” Potter: “I’m sorry I asked.” Charles: “That’s what I had in mind.” Tasty.
And then: BJ saying he can’t sleep because he keeps expecting Hawkeye to walk through the door. BJ saying he wishes his heart was in the right place, as right now it’s in his mouth. BJ risking life & court martial to get a chopper and find them. BJ singing a welcome back song about how he adores ya, please don't put him through this again. How is BJ ending up being the biggest romantic choice of the Margaret/Hawkeye two-parter, that’s the sort of thing you make up on Tumblr, not the sort of thing that actually happens?? Alan??!
Hawkeye: “How’d you like to save my life again?” BJ: “Sure, you want me to fight her for you? [little committed sigh]” Mike???!
Finally looked up the inflation on 1952 money: you can baaasically just multiple it by 10 for a rough estimate. This will be useful.
Ooo! Been a few years since you’ve identified as female in dialogue, Mother Hawkeye!
“See you for dinner, Beej?” “Our little spot.”
HYANNIS PORT. I CHOKED ON MY WINE. Oh fuck, haha fuck—this is a Kennedys joke isn’t it. GAWD.
Hawkeye just amiably hosing down Nurse Kellye and her pal's outstretched limbs in the heat. You love to see this. This is so domestic.
Maaaargaret, the halter top!! Whew now I’m feeling toasty!
You two are sweating through your shirts but you gotta be close, huh
The way she slides his hand on the line like a piece of laundry, lol. This is the Margaret & Hawkeye I love, thank you. (What went wrong! The rest of this season is so right!)
And we get to see Mulcahy in short sleeves? What doesn’t this episode have
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I like the theme that Hawkeye’s boyfriends are always golden gods to his iron-haired slump
The new bit where everyone makes fun of Hawk for being basically a surgical idiot savant who knows shit about fixing anything else is really good.
[Knock knock] “Enter the mausoleum.” “Hello goils, hello.” “What do you two want.” “Love and respect, but we’ll settle for love.” I love everyone in this nurses tent
Hawkeye & Margaret are so cute this episode. Seriously, the two immediately after ‘Comrades In Arms, Part 2’ are both showing up ‘Comrades In Arms, Part 2’ hand over foot
A bit everyone seems to have immediately wanted to keep up, probably because it’s so odd and funny, is Charles for some reason clearly believes Margaret must be cultured, and he’s so thoughtlessly certain of this that absolutely no hilarious thing she replies with immediately proving the contrary seems to register with him.
Deploying his warm, tireless, rail-at-me-if-you-want steadiness to helping a morphine-addicted patient get through withdrawal is SUCH a BJ plot. Amazing we hadn’t done that yet.
“Oh no thanks, when I lose I like to know why.” Sometimes Radar is incredibly profound while he’s making me laugh so much.
I swear the new writers who have come in this season fell for it in those first few years. This show is running long enough that it can start referencing its own eras.
Margaret playing Charles the world’s smallest violin!!!! BABE?
I gotta say, I don’t think you all understand how blood types work. You can give the AB negative kid A, B, or even O, as long as it’s also negative. He could literally only take more blood types if he was AB positive. The one you really want when you’re doing these plots is O negative, because they can only take other O negative, and that’s always gonna be in short supply because it’s the universal blank slate, you can use it for any other type you’re running out of, or if they’ve lost their dog tags and you don’t know their type at all. That's the one you want for this!
Klinger is trying to drag Hawkeye off to bed as BJ sleepily encourages over his protestations: “Don’t ask, just take him.” BJ [chinhands] I have so many thoughts about you
“Come on, if you can’t tell your number one nemesis who can you tell?” Again, this is exactly what I love about you guys. This is, in fact, the best Margaret & Hawkeye season yet, despite my one complaint!
Hawkeye genuinely so excited and sweet, exclaiming that all they see is death and destruction and now here’s life thanks to her. And Margaret going no, no this is not good, I do not want this baby right now. This kinda extremely rules.
Waitaminute. We won’t…we wouldn’t???! Will we??!!
We will not, but I will learn how you did a pregnancy test in the 1950s! Wow!!
Klinger: “Excuse me for saying so—your mail is leaking, Colonel.” Potter: “Honey.” Klinger: “Your mail is leaking, honey.”
Wait I love the Pierce & Mulcahy live show. They’re dueting.
Hawkeye: “What do you say I take you home and put you to bed.” BJ: “Aw you service men are all alike.” It’s giving Trapper era... I’m in a tidal pool of emotions.
Hawkeye: “May your fingers never lose their cunning.” Father Mulcahy: “Ah, see you in church!” Lot going on in the officer’s club tonight
Oh! Hawkeye Pierce is the only child of a widower. In Maine. Yeah, that might make this.
I don’t know why BJ character reveals always feel worth their weight in gold, but: what has him so distressed is the idea that Peggy might not need him any more. He needs to be needed. No wonder you took one look at lorn bedraggled weird Hawkeye Pierce and said, hi, I’m BJ.
If this means this episode we’re going to get BJ alone with Charles going full maniacal to make up for Hawkeye’s absence, I’ll so support it.
“A little to the left, dear”—it begins.
Oh em gee Margaret’s old bestie??! :)) They were such scamps!
Oh em gee, the boys be plotting! The boys being BJ & Charles. Wow Hawk’s gonna come back and not only is Charles going to be like oh thank god, but also he and BJ are going to have An Understanding—this is gonna come up pluses all around.
“They hated me. The doctors, nurses, everybody. Kept telling me I was dull.” You could say a whole lot of things about Captain Pierce, but they managed to find the one thing that would make that other MASH seem completely deranged. They said you were what?
Charles literally exclaiming how much he missed him and grabbing him into a bewildered hug, only for BJ to then happily tackle them both with his long arms—great!!!!
It’s now one year until Potter retires. This whole season has lasted: two months.
Counterpoint, Charles - he has been here: six months. I love this :)
“Look at that brazen hussy over there. And the woman he’s with,” BJ, glowering in sexual jealousy at Hawkeye across the party. “You’re all lunatics,” Margaret, in a cream turtleneck, correctly.
I just love Charles being like PLS, that is so not the tactic I would have taken, you want this angle. The thing is, Frank was always a dumbdumb—and for all his posturing about it, Charles actually is intelligent. He just uses it in ways that displease us. But, once in a blue moon, he can turn around and use it in ways we want, ways to help, and it’s a Thrill. God, when we finally reach the point where Charles unbidden uses his influence & largess to save or protect one of them, easy money’s on Hawkeye but more interesting money is on BJ, it’s all over for us, huh. Meaning our cool.
Gary Burghoff is going next level with this mailbag protection performance and I am hortling
This drop to beneath the table! Great little bit of direction
Hawkeye to Potter, in a way I can’t quite describe but will stick with me a long time: “You could give me a hundred good reasons to leave, and I can’t give you one good reason to stay. Stay anyway.”
Why do you have a whole bottle of amphetamines in stock?
God remember when House drugged Wilson. “I’m on speeeeed!”
“Who wrote that?” “Charles Emerson Winchester, while still in undergraduate.” “It sounded very…collegiate.” FATHER.
“Good night, BJ.” “Good night, Hawkeye.” Together: “Good night, Charles.” Charles, sing-songing: “You promised.”
Marine: “Hey Radar—you and your mouse, are okay.” I’m McLosing it.
That Charles is always reminding us he was almost the head of thoracic surgery is so funny. He wasn’t actually.
Five points to Harry Morgan for how my pulse picked up at the way he asked Hawkeye to close the door because he has something to disclose to them. What is it gonna be!!
Fuck. Yes. The Placebo Plot. Oh what a fun little finale for me, as a weirdo.
— — —
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misfitwashere · 9 months
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Courting Ridicule - When constitutionalism becomes comedy
Dr. Timothy Snyder January 8, 2024
I am concerned that the Supreme Court, in ruling on Trump's eligibility for office, will make itself ridiculous. 
We stand on the threshold of comedy already. 
A Supreme Court justice takes big gifts from people who have an interest in Court rulings.  Morally shocking, but also ludicrous. 
The Court responds by ignoring a fundamental principle of justice: that one cannot judge oneself.  This is tragic, but also funny.
The wife of that justice supported the overthrow of Constitutional rule during an attempted coup.  It’s hard to miss the humorous side of that. 
She urged the president (through baffling texts to his chief of staff) to (among many other things) "release the Kraken."  This is horrible in its totality, but hilarious in the detail.
She attended and helped organize the rally that became the assault on the Capitol on January 6th, 2020.  And she helps run a for-profit consulting firmthat takes money from people who have cases before the Supreme Court.
In a Court wishing to maintain a veneer of seriousness, Clarence Thomas would recuse himself from cases where Ginni Thomas is making money and from cases concerning Trump's insurrection.  
Thomas did recuse himself from a single case that touched on January 6th, when doing so did not matter. That’s distressing; but it’s also amusing to consider that he thought he was fooling anyone.
What is left for Supreme Court justices at this point is an overt commitment to legal theory.  Most justices, Thomas included, are "originalists," and indicate that they are bound, in their rulings, by doctrines known as intentionalism or textualism.  
In intentionalism, the Constitution is held to mean what its framers intended it to mean.  In textualism, the Constitutionalism is held to mean what its plain language indicates. These views are what most justices want us to take seriously. It would help if the justices who propound these views would act consistently with them.
Court rulings favor big business and make it harder for people to vote.  We are assured that this a side effect of intentionalist and textualist readings of the Constitution.  It is mere coincidence, we are told, that these rulings align with the interests of the political forces who organized the justices' education, ascent, and appointment. Perhaps this is true.  Perhaps it is coincidence.  Perhaps textualism and intentionalism mean something.  
Or perhaps it is all a sham. We are about to find out. 
The Supreme Court is about to consider Anderson vs. Griswold, the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that Trump may not appear on a primary ballot. 
This is a case made for a textualist or an intentionalist.
For a textualist, intentionalist, or originalist of any sort, Anderson vs. Griswoldis utterly simple.  The text of Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution forbids insurrectionists such as Trump from holding office. The intentions of those who discussed and formulated Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment are similarly clear.
This is where the comic potential emerges.  This Court is unlikely ever to hear again a case of such simplicity, in which the text and context of the Constitution so obviously demand an unambiguous verdict: to confirm the Colorado ruling. 
If the Court does otherwise, it will look silly. 
But three of our textualists and the intentionalists were appointed by Trump, and silliness seems to be the general expectation. The theory of Trump's lawyers, as one of them has actually said out loud, is that Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump belong to Trump.
The tittering has begun. Like an audience that sees the banana peel on the stage, commentators goad the justices towards the pratfall. It is widely proclaimed that the Court's decision rule should not be the Constitution, but instead the psychological state of Trump supporters.  
“Maybe folks’ll be upset” would indeed be a funny way to decide a case. 
Such a pitchfork ruling, a judgement based not on law but on guesses about the moods of strangers, would be as far from intentionalism and textualism as the justices could get. It is just the sort of thing that intentionalists and textualists say that they never do. Their heroic pose is that they must do just what the Constitution says, regardless of the consequences.
After a pitchfork ruling, the entire originalist pretence — that justices stand bravely apart from the moment and evaluate the text or context of the Constitution as they must — would dissolve.
The consequences of courting ridicule are, of course, very serious. Our form of government depends on a balance between the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches.  When such a government is toppled, it is usually by an executive who is able to dominate the other two branches.  One way that an executive does so is by mocking the other two branches, portraying them as unnecessary and led by buffoons.
And so actual buffoonery helps no one. If Trump is left on the ballot in defiance of the Constitution by people who claim to be its protectors, he will not respect it or them.  But the danger of constitutional comedy is general.  It leaves the rule of law more vulnerable, and makes regime change more likely. 
PS You might be wondering why you have not heard more about Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is because it is not generally taught in law schools. But what is taught or not taught in law schools, what is in fashion or not in fashion in a given moment, should be absolutely irrelevant to the textualists and the intentionalists. The wording of the Constitution itself is as clear as day.
© 2024 Timothy Snyder
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icemftmm · 1 year
Somebody sent 2 anonimous letters to the judge in the Marilyn Manson Vs. Wood and Gore case, describing what might be a severe child abuse performed by Marilyn Manson, and now people are arguing wether or not Wood could have done this. Generally, people don't believe that somebody would do something as stupid as to eliminate a judge who is openly biased towards them and always ruled in their favor.
Let's not forget however:
Evan Rachel Wood is one known for playing dirty - she faked an FBI letter in order to use in her custody battle. She lost the custody over the child, not because of the letter, but because she used the child as a battering ram against her ex and discredited hersenf as a mother by doing so
Evan Rachel Wood does not consult her lawyers before doing something extremely wrong - her lawyer, Shawn Holley, didn't know that the evidence presented in child custody court was fake and called the telephone given on it only to find out that no FBI agent is answering that phone :) :) :) One would think that this could be the reason why Shawn Holley didn't want anything to do with Evan Rachel Wood's cases anymore. She only gave 20 minutes of her time to this case against Marilyn Manson. And in the case of writing an anonimous letter (or two) and sending them to the judge, which could eliminate her from the case, if one would consult a lawyer, they would surely have said NO! But if a lawyer is not consulted prior...
Evan Rachel Wood is one known for doing stupid, childish things because she is so small and retarded (she is still considered to be underaged) - well, she made a fake FBI letter and a pseudo documentary movie and discredited herself to the extent that she lost custody over her own child. In California, no less. So why not continue with the stupidity and write two (not one, two, because thus they weigh more, only she made them almost identical, so now it is obvious that the same person wrote them. Stupid!) anonimous letters thus eliminating the judge that does everything to help her.
So, is it really that unbelievable that she may have written and sent the two letters anonimously?...
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the-shining-river · 2 years
Karen’s relationships and priorities, DD S1
I’m rewatching DD S1, and some posts about Karen’s relationship with Matt got me thinking about her priorities and interests.
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In this podcast DD S3 writer Erik Oleson talks (starting from around 14:00 mark) about Karen’s feelings of guilt and how it has kinda prevented her from forming real romantic attachments, but I think it’s also that... she doesn’t trust easily.
In S1 we also see how Matt and Foggy—two people she would like to build a closer romantic or platonic relationship with—periodically shut her out because of some other shit going on with them. At the same time, Karen is so passionate about things she believes in, and so dead-ass focused on other stuff; and if she doesn’t trust or want other people involved (to keep them safe), or if they’ve left her hanging, she’ll just go ahead and do it alone. First, it’s about her survival past the framing and the attack in the prison, then the stuff with the Union Allied NDA agreement, then investigating the truth with Ben Urich, then getting real invested in helping Mrs Cardenas. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for dating, even if she was in the headspace to go out and actively look for romance.
More details and receipts under the cut.
In S1, Karen is initially distrustful of the two lawyers, wondering about their motives and also not wanting to endanger them, preferring to do things by herself. She doesn’t tell either Matt or Foggy about the Union Allied file she stole, she doesn’t consult them about the Union Allied non-disclosure agreement, doesn’t share about going to that auction where she bought all that unnecessary office equipment.
Instead, Karen, on her own, seeks out Daniel’s widow to find out what others in her position have done about the NDA and possibly find an ally; and then she goes to Ben Urich—supposedly someone with experience in handling this sort of dangerous information.
Because she doesn’t trust anyone else. Because good people get dead because of her.
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Karen and Foggy have bonded over that night of drinking in E2 and helping Mrs Cardenas in E5, and I can believe that they are actually friends. Even if Foggy, for a while, has a crush on Karen, while she simply doesn’t seem to feel the chemistry, and it’s awkward for a bit, they get over it and continue being friends.
But not Karen and Matt. Past that little bit of bonding talk when she was staying in Matt’s apartment that first night, and throughout her being busy with all her other stuff, Karen and Matt’s relationship doesn’t seem to progress beyond being coworkers and allies.
The way Matt in E3 only asks her to not have any more long lunches, it feels like he treats her simply as his employee. And in E5 when Karen has charged the auctioned office equipment to the law firm, her first concern is getting her ass fired, not how she’s gonna explain it to the guys on a personal vs professional level.
There is some attraction, a crush on Matt from Karen’s side (I think she has a bit of a competence kink too) that comes out when Matt gives cool speeches or speaks fluent Spanish to Mrs Cardenas. In E5, Foggy mentions to her how Matt always gets involved with the wrong girl, and Karen IS curious, asking about his dating habits and the face touching. She also has that cute flustered smile on her face when she calls Matt while Foggy is in the hospital following the explosions in E6. But they’re not friends, and whatever crush Karen has on Matt, it’s low-key enough that it doesn’t seem to impact her priorities or her work in the office, it’s not informing her decisions.
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One of the reasons why it’s not really going anywhere is that every time Karen brings up something that is important to her (the truth about Union Allied, or helping Mrs Cardenas), Matt’s response is kinda dismissive, or it’s the bare minimum effort. If he then goes and does something about it as Daredevil, Karen doesn’t know that. Mrs Cardenas’ case gets delegated to Foggy while Matt continues following his Daredevil leads on Fisk. Even when asked about what he thinks about the Daredevil being painted a terrorist, Matt jokes and avoids answering her, and then gives a careful, lawfully neutral reply to Foggy:
“What happened to Hell’s Kitchen, to you and to Elena, and to all the people that were hurt, yeah, it pisses me off. But this man, whoever he is, whatever his motive, he shouldn’t be tried and convicted in the press. We’re lawyers, we know that’s not how it’s supposed to work.”
Foggy suspects something is going on with Karen, suspects she has secrets, but Matt is not even particularly interested. “Everyone has secrets,” he says before returning to his research on Leland (and lying that it’s about the tenement case), whereas Foggy’s reaction to being discovered following her is plain honest and straightforward: “You were acting weird. I was worried about you!” — because that’s what friends do, they pay attention and they worry.
Karen and Foggy order the Nelson & Murdock sign together. They investigate the construction workers together, while Matt is off in the art gallery investigating Vanessa. She apparently poses for a silly picture for Foggy (see the caller ID when Karen calls him in E10). When Mrs Cardenas dies in E9, it’s Foggy Karen turns to for a comforting hug, ends up sitting the wake with him at Josie’s after Matt leaves.
While still having that crush on Matt in E8 (because feelings aren’t always neat and logical), Karen knows him well enough by then to have pretty realistic expectations regarding his reactions. When Foggy mentions that they should tell Matt about them investigating Union Allied, Karen’s clear position is that they shouldn’t, because he will be against it:
“Matt wouldn’t understand. You know what he would say. [..]That we’re being stupid.”
And then, Matt does exactly that. He dismisses Karen’s trust in Ben Urich, says she’s been acting like a kid, that they need to be “smart about this”. The message Karen gets is that all the work she and Foggy have put into their research while he was away doing... personal (Daredevil) stuff, apparently is anything but “smart”, and only Matthew Murdock can do it in a smart way (It’s an understandable overprotective reaction from Matt, considering he just rescued a beaten up Claire who was kidnapped because of him, but again — Karen has no idea where he’s coming from, and he’s not explaining).
Matt strong-arms them into playing it safe, and for a guy who was pretty chill about “everyone having secrets”, he kinda goes off about Foggy having followed Karen and them both getting into trouble, and then he shuts them both down and starts making decisions like he’s in charge, not like he’s an equal member of their team. And they somehow let him. Because Matt has this confidence about him. The air of leadership.
Matt: “I don’t want anyone to be a hero, Karen. I want you to be safe. And I want to protect this firm and everything we’re trying to build here. We know the law. We’ll use that to our advantage. Agreed?”
Foggy: “Do we have a choice?”
Matt: “Not so much.”
Karen doesn’t believe the law would solve this, but she agrees to work with Matt—whatever gets the case solved, because it’s so important to her, and because he is a highly intelligent lawyer.
She’s still kinda bitter in E9 when Ben comes to the law office and meets Matt officially (”Matt Murdock, attorney-at-why-the-hell-bother”), but she gets flustered and smiling when she and Matt are left alone in the office. It feels like, chafing as she is under Matt’s unilateral decision to run things by the book, that take-charge attitude is also something that appeals to Karen, at that point. I think it makes her feel safe, that he’s willing to take control of all this mess, even if Matt admits he’s making it all up as he goes.
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So it feels... definitely not straightforward. There’s an attraction and a liking, from Karen’s side, and an admiration for Matt’s intelligence and strong beliefs, his goodness; but there’s also frustration with his commitment to the law and the way he tends to make unilateral decisions instead of discussing things with her and Foggy.
In terms of relationships, it feels like she’s actually the closest to Ben, at that point. They share a passion for uncovering the truth, they both see the world in terms of stories to tell. (”All the people here, all the years that they’ve lived, there must be so many stories,” she gushes to Ben when they visit the nursing home.) He’s her mentor, the brave, experienced champion for justice that Karen has so much to learn from (including being careful).
In E10, we even see Karen opening up to Ben emotionally, a bit, and that’s not something Karen Page does often:
“There's nothing worse... Feeling choices are made for us. There's nothing you can do, but swim in shit and hope you don't get too much in your mouth.”
I suppose, talking about his wife’s illness and why he didn’t tell her (”Saying it means it’s true”) struck a chord. Karen knows from personal experience how “We all have things we hold onto for ourselves, that we don’t want anyone to know”.
So yeah, I’m not sure where Karen’s attraction to Matt comes from. They’re not open with each other; Matt the lawyer doesn’t show any particular interest in her causes; and he makes unilateral decisions when the three should be a team.
During the wake for Mrs Cardenas in E9, they talk a bit, Matt mentions he’s Catholic, and Karen says she's not religious—a personal subject outside of their established boss/secretary boundaries. She even tries to comfort him (”Fisk will get what he deserves. You have to believe that.”), but she just spends so much more quality time with Foggy or even Ben than she does with Matt.
But maybe Matt’s aloofness and unavailability is another thing that attracts her to him. Maybe that she finds him more conventionally handsome than Foggy? The way he’s more confident? And, yeah, maybe for Karen he feels safer, finally a good boyfriend material, considering her dating history in Vermont?
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It feels like Karen’s dynamic with Matt changes in E11 when she’s faced with the most glaring evidence that Matt’s lying to her about something big. There’s disappointment. A realisation that Matt never trusted her after she lied about the Union Allied pension file, and so maybe it’s her own fault that her budding feelings were never returned (not that she regrets keeping him and Foggy safely out of it).
It ends in Matt’s stubborn silence and Karen’s sad disappointment. But at the same time, it feels like the first real glimpse she has of him, without the rose-tinted glasses. The way she approaches and touches his face, she acts like his equal, not his employee with a crush. Even if Matt’s response right after she updates him on her findings is to issue her tasks and instructions—to go to the office, contact Foggy. He obviously cares about her (her safety), but he still treats her as his subordinate, to some extent. Or as some kind of a passive object for him to keep safe (also the way Matt just tells Foggy to “Get her home” in E13 despite Karen’s protests that they’re not leaving him.)
In any case, when Karen had tried calling him, when Karen had wanted to tell him what she was doing going to the nursing home, Matt simply hadn’t been picking up.
And then Foggy doesn’t pick up either, and doesn’t show up at the office and refuses to talk about it. Both lawyers are shutting her out, her relationships suddenly not as solid as she had believed them to be, the law practice hanging by the thread, and Karen is upset and freaking out, and the only thing remaining steadfast is her desire to bring down Fisk. Even with Ben she hits a rough patch after she has tricked him into going to the nursing home, but at least they hash it out and move on.
Then Wesley meets the wrong end of his gun, and Karen feels so alone. This is a Very Bad Thing that has happened, and she doesn’t dare tell anyone.
She can’t sleep, goes to the office, meets Foggy and rightfully gives him shit about not picking up when she calls and just pretending to care about what’s going on with her.
But, like with Ben, they hash it out. Foggy can’t give her the answers she wants, so Karen backs down and instead just directly asks what she needs, that “it would be really nice not to be alone” in the office as they deal with Fisk. Foggy apologises and promises that he will be around and keep working on Fisk’s case and that he won’t be ignoring her calls. This is Karen stating her emotional needs. This is Karen compromising! This is how she is fighting her loneliness, telling people in no uncertain terms what actions they can take to make her feel better (show up at the office and pick up the damn phone), and honestly I just love her for it.
(later, in TP S1, we also see this with Frank—he’s not telling her about Kandahar and doesn’t want her involved, so, as a compromise, she asks to see him again so she knows he’s okay, and he agrees)
With Ben it’s also important that he’s the only one who has managed to unearth Karen’s past, and that, knowing all that, he still cares about her. He understands her fear of other people discovering it, and understands her frustration from her inability to publish the story herself our of a fear she’d be discredited. Ben goes along with her urging and pushing him after Wesley in E12, because getting the truth out there is so important to her, and so he gets one of those wonderful Karen hugs.
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When Matt, coming from Madame Gao’s heroin warehouse in E12, says he “can’t do it alone”, that he “can’t take another step”, it powerfully echoes with Karen’s own recent feelings of being alone while being caught in Matt and Foggy’s drama, only whatever has happened to Matt is obviously so much worse than what Karen is/was experiencing. So Matt gets a hug too. Hugs and involvement compromises are Karen’s love language.
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Karen really, really doesn’t do well with being shut out of conversations and relationships (wonder where that trauma might have come from...). In E13, she legit basks in the atmosphere when the avocados figure their shit out and all three start working together again.
“It’s the way it should be. [..] Nelson and Murdock.”
And in the end:
Foggy: Now everybody knows what kind of asshole Fisk really is.
Karen: And we are the ones that made it happen, the three of us.
And in the very very end of S1 when Fisk is put away for real this time, I love how the three of them are joking and bantering like a team, like equals. Even if there’s still a crush happening (Karen gets all flustered the moment Foggy leaves to meet up with Marci, leaving her with Matt), it also feels like they’re all on a much more level footing, and that there’s some real actual flesh to Karen’s relationship with Matt, ambiguous as it may be.
The way he finally asks about what it was that he has been hearing in her voice, Karen finally knows that Matt cares about her as a person too, not just someone to keep safe.
Matt: I thought whatever it was, whatever’s been... I thought it would get better once Fisk was put away, but... it hasn’t, has it?
Karen: We put him away, yeah. But it won’t bring back Elena or Ben, or erase what we’ve been through, or... what we’ve had to do to get here.
Matt: Yeah. A lot of decisions I’d give anything to go back and change. But I can’t. None of us can. It’s like I told Foggy, all we can do is move forward, together.
That little dialogue is a beautiful mix of ‘too little too late’ (Karen doesn’t have much of an incentive to tell anyone about Wesley if Fisk is put away and she’s safe), and Matt kinda opening up and offering his thoughts, and at the same time both are retreating into their own heads for a bit (each referencing something the other has no idea about).
The way Karen looks at him, with his extended hand, no flustering, for once, just this serious, penetrating gaze, like she sees him for the first time, that interpretation depends on your goggles I guess. She could be taking it as a confirmation that her interest is returned. Could be a sort of an olive branch, an apology for how he shut her out before. Could be both, why not. Either way, it looks like something solid, something real, and a new beginning or a levelup for Matt and Karen, and that’s beautiful.
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So, in terms of Karen’s priorities in DD S1, I’d say she has a very passionate urge to unearth the truth and get justice done to the bad guys (through legal efforts or via the Daredevil). That’s her driving factor, everything else is pretty much secondary.
Emotionally, she definitely thrives in a group, among friends and allies sharing an open atmosphere. It’s interesting how she seems to make a distinction between telling lies and simply hiding things or lying by omission. Because she certainly does her own share of hiding things and not opening up to the people in her life about what’s going on with her, but she certainly wants to be able to trust what people say, and doesn’t do well at all when told something is not her business and to not get involved or that “nothing” is going on. Her own strategy is flying under the radar in all her unassuming blonde secretary glory, and in such way avoiding any interest for people to ask her questions in the first place. But if pestered (if anyone showed they cared enough), she might actually tell the truth. In return, if she has noticed something going on with other people, she expects to be told the truth, not just be shut out.
Being shut out just leads to Karen doing her thing anyway, but behind people’s backs. Because relationships are important, but not AS important as getting to the truth of the matter that she’s investigating. In case of S1 that’s Fisk, so Matt and his secrets simply get lucky. However, if a relationship is strong enough, Karen can and will push for some kind of a compromise regarding her involvement, taking into consideration how much shutting out she can take before the relationship suffers permanent damage.
If it’s not strong enough, she’ll chafe and silently disagree, and then go do her own thing in secret. So voicing her needs and compromising is a mark of a good relationship, in case of Karen Page.
And voicing this need for inclusion also seems the be the most emotionally open that she ever gets with anyone in S1. In case of Foggy, it might simply take more time for her to open up to him about her past, but the friendship feels solid there. With Matt, it’s a bumpy road, and learning that she can treat him like a friend and make demands of him, or offer comfort, that feels like the greatest milestone in her S1 relationship with Matt.
Probably to be continued in Part II about DD S2 eventually..
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2xplusungood · 1 year
I feel like something that isn't talked about enough is the fact that the reason why so many youths are drawn into this sort of "everyone sucks" sort of mindset is that when you grow up being taught by conservatives, sure there may be a point when they realize just how horrid the political views of their family members are, but have inadvertedly swallowed the slow poisoning against the left over their formative years.
This can be especially harmful to people who fall outside of cultural norms as for so many years they have been at best constantly criticized for who they are or at worst straight up ostracized by friends and family.
They grow up feeling like shit for who they are while being fed conservative talking points about the left and the seed is planted to make them believe that EVERYONE is like that, right or left. Then they see these fringe cases of extremists on the left who also demonize who they are (usually just for other reasons) and it reinforces that idea that its all just hate from all sides.
They are so used to the conservative playbook that its hard to imagine otherwise. Like of course you're gonna buy and internalize the lie of "Those leftists will demonize you unless you are part of a marginalized group" when you are already so used to being demonized if you aren't the "good Christian boy" your family wants you to be, because to you thats just how life works.
Alone this is already bad but it can also get so much worse as having this mindset is when the radicalization begins to seep in. Hategroups LOVE to downplay the absolute fuck out of how the conservative mindset affects our culture while overplaying the effect of people outside that political ideology.
Heres an example: Early 2010s saw a rise in critique against things like sexism, racism, homophobia and lack of representation of marginalized groups in video games. People began treating video games are more than just a leisure activity you turn your brain off and enjoy and more like a serious art form.
On the other hand, gaming had become just about synonymous with this exact group of people. These critiques to them felt like a coordinated attack on gaming (And these sort of people by extension) from the left, and do you know WHY that is? It is because for DECADES there HAD been a coordinated attack on gaming from the CONSERVATIVES, who believed things like "Games cause violence" and were 100% fully IN SUPPORT of censorship.
These people were already so used to the conservative playbook that "Game developers should be more socially conscious" became "Games are sexist/racist/homophobic and should be banned" because they were so used to dealing with "Games are Violent/Satanic and should be banned" because the very idea of being critical of something out of a place of wanting it to improve vs being critical of something because you hate it and want it gone" was so ALIEN to them. Hence near CONSTANT comparisons of Jack Tompson (A lawyer who repeatedly lobbied congress for the banning and censorship of video games) to Anita Sarkeesian (Someone who made videos and WORKED WITH DEVELOPERS as a consultant to HELP their games be better)
Now here comes the Far-right. "Hey buddy heres some talking points to absolutely DEMOLISH the SJWs! Trust me Im just like you Im ostracized by both the left and right. Dont actually think about it too hard. After all it completely DESTROYS them and reinforces the idea you're being attacked"
Suddenly the Alt-right is born out of the lie "Both the left and right are BAD but the left is SO much worse" being left to fester. After all, if you spend enough time learning to "defend yourself" against the Leftists, your views are probably gonna start to align with the conservatives who were all too happy to join your fight against the "SJWs who are trying to DESTROY your hobby."
I think thats also why there are a surprising number of transpeople who held previously reprehensible views in the past, because they grew up ostracized and demonized while also having a bitter hatred to the very people trying to HELP them because all they know is abuse, but eventually they managed to heal from this mindset and get them help and support they need.
Not a day goes by that I don't feel utter CONTEMPT for the person I used to be, but I suppose the reason Im writing this to more fully understand what had lead me to become that person, so that I can hopefully help people avoid making the same mistakes I did. Maybe its even for the better that I will always hate who I was, and that there is likely people out there who will never forgive me for my past. People change but the damage done cannot be undone and its not the job of the people you've attacked to work on seeing you any differently. They don't owe you forgiveness.
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Devil Summoner: Akechi Goro vs the Phantom Thieves Chapter 14: Suffer for Your Art
The Residence of Madarame Ichiryusai Akasaka, Tokyo
"Madarame-san? It's Officer Yoshizawa with the Cyber Security Task Force…are you home?"
Sumire's knuckles ached from rapping on the door so much without answer. The longer she and Shiho stood on the stoop, waiting to be allowed inside, the more she had to pretend to ignore the flurry of questions coming from reporters over her shoulder.
"Miss, have you spoken with Madarame-san?"
"What is his reaction to the Sayuri's change?"
"Is this disappearance part of the exhibit? Did Madarame-san plan this in advance?"
"Are the Phantom Thieves responsible for this?"
"Remain calm," Morgana purred from the backpack on her shoulder. "You don't have to give them an answer."
"I know," Sumire muttered, trying to ignore the flashing camera lights coming over her shoulder. "Can't the police move them back a little?"
"There's no room on the street," Shiho sighed, slamming her palm hard on the door. "Madarame-san, our colleague is meeting with the prosecutor to determine how to proceed with this case; he will either give her your explanation for the Sayuri's transformation or ours !"
"What's our explanation?" Sumire whispered.
"That's for Madarame to worry about," Shiho said, perking up as the locks clicked open. "See?"
A slim, dark-haired teenager stuck his face through the crack in the door, carefully hanging in the shadows to avoid the lenses of the cameras. "A-Apologies…sensei isn't feeling well enough to answer the door at the moment."
"We can come in if that's easier," Sumire suggested, offering her badge. "But I'm afraid this is official business; your master's painting has been defaced, and-"
"Sensei is already aware of that," the boy mumbled, eyes trained on the stoop beneath Sumire's feet. "H-His lawyers are reviewing his statement; please be patient as we…as we consult our counsel."
Those aren't his words, Sumire thought, trying to see into the darkness of the house behind him. Someone told him to say that…
"Put me down," Morgana whispered from the bag. "I have an idea."
"We have reason to believe the Phantom Thieves will make another move tonight ," Sumire lied, lowering her backpack to the ground behind Shiho's legs. "If there is any information your sensei can give us; anything to suggest why he was targeted like this-"
"Thank you for your work, officer," the boy mumbled, moving to close the door. "W-We will make our statement when we are ready…"
"Wait." Shiho's hand slammed on the door as it started to close, badly startling the boy in the process. "Look at me for a second."
The boy's jaw quivered, and for the first time Sumire noticed how tired he looked. The skin on his fingers was puffy, red, and cracked where it wasn't completely stained with white paint. For a moment, it looked like he wanted to say something, but before he could work up the courage, he slammed and locked the door again.
"...he's scared of something," Shiho said with absolute certainty.
"How can you tell?" Sumire asked.
"I know what scared kids look like," Shiho said softly. "Something or someone is terrifying him…and he feels like he can't even ask for help."
Something seemed to lend weight to Shiho's theory; something that concerned Sumire but not quite enough to ask about it. As she bent down to pick up her sack, she found it curiously several pounds lighter.
Where did he...no, he didn't.
"That old painter is really gonna make us get that warrant, isn't he?" Shiho sighed.
"Maybe we won't need it," Sumire said, nodding at a cafe across the street. "Let's get some tea while we wait."
"For what, Madarame to have a change of heart?" Shiho asked.
"No…for Morgana-senpai to finish his investigation," Sumire murmured, glancing back at the house behind her.
Start From the Beginning >>
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Hello! If you've found your way to this blog, congratulations! Or condolences, if the circumstances that brought you here suck. Either way, welcome!
I am someone who works in the health insurance field (and will be remaining anonymous due to my obligations to my employer), so I've got some insider tricks. Not only that, I have multiple chronic conditions which means I've dealt with insurance from both ends.
The purpose of this blog is to help people (Americans, mostly) understand health insurance, how it works, and how to make it work for you.
All this to say, I see a lot of bullshit in my day to day life. I watch people pay more than they should or not receive the care they need because of a lack of understanding and knowledge.
I want to change that, one person at a time.
Below the cut are important posts and resources for basic information. Always feel free to write an ask if you don't see your question answered or want more detail.
**Disclaimer: No information on this blog is legal or medical advice. This is meant to be a resource for common questions or problems people run into. All information on this blog is generalized, and may not apply to your health insurance policy. This is based solely on my experience and is not binding information. The information here does not reflect the opinions or policies reflected by my employer. Always consult a medical professional for health questions, your insurance policy for benefit/claims questions, or a lawyer for legal advice.**
Basic Terminology
Types of Insurance Plans
Calling Your Insurance
So you want to make a doctor appointment...
Preventative vs Routine Services
Investigate Your Providers
Medical Malpractice/Lawsuits
What the &$#* is a claim?
My claim got denied...now what?
How to Pay Your Bill
Collections Agencies and Credit Scores
Medical Binder
HIPAA Part One
United States Preventative Services Task Force
Healthcare.gov Preventative Services
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Tw mentions for: Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, abortion discussion, anti-Semitism mention, anti-islamic mention, voting rights, miscarriage mention
Guys, please please please go out and vote. I was born in dictatorship that my country still hasn’t recovered from. I and millions of others lost so much in my country and my country is FAR from the only one. With that said USA:
Democracy is on the block for so many countries, but we have early voting and the Election Day. GO OUT AND VOTE. If Republicans get the majority in the House or Senate, our rights could be taken away. People say it won’t happen, well, people said the same about Roe vs Wade, but it did. 
You have no excuse. Voter apathy because things are bad? So you’re just going to sit there and do nothing while things get worse? The biggest voting demographic are boomers. Why the hell are people, especially young people, allowing THEM to make the decisions that will affect everyone with people under 50 being affected the most. Voter apathy is handing the election to the far right. 
Lgbtq+ people are in serious danger. People are banning lgbtq+ affirmative care, especially for transgender people. People are wanting to harm lgbtq+ people for EXISTING. Not even libraries are safe. LGBTQ+ marriage is at risk. 
Teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to be allowed to teach history, literature or politics because of the far right narratives they’re being forced to teach. LGBTQ+ kids are not safe in the class room.
People are dying from not being able to access emergency abortions and DNCs (a procedure that helps remove excess tissue build up that can sometimes be from abortion but often times not. Considering there is even a small chance of the dnc being used for abortion, it’s why republicans are attacking it.)
Btw, an ectopic pregnancy is impossible to survive without medical intervention. People are nearly dying or dying in hospitals because it’s too late - the hospitals have to consult their lawyers first. 
People aren’t being prescribed medications that have even the tiniest side effect of a miscarriage. These are drugs people need to LIVE. Drugs that treat lupus, cancer and reproductive disorders to name a few.
And for many others, Medicare, Medicaid and social security benefits are being attacked. Yes, that is something old republicans are going to suffer but for those saying everyone deserves it - what about the democrats that are that age? Why should they have to suffer? What about the tons of POC whose votes were ignored because of gerrymandering? And voting rights are under attack RIGHT NOW.
People of Color’s voting rights are in serious danger because of government officials redrawing boundary lines so their vote is skewed, or how they have less voting places and have to travel farther, or deal with a lot of voter intimidation in addition to what’s already out there.
Immigrants are still being treated as second class citizens with cruel stunts by republicans like flying them to other states to be used as political pawns and it’s getting worse.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Islamic sentiments are growing and are becoming increasingly dangerous with attacks on religious institutions and violence.
Gun violence “thanks” to republicans blocking everything from the state level to federal level. I’ve lost track of all the school shootings.
Our world is burning due to climate change being ignored and corporations. Again, don’t let republican boomers and older make these decisions for us.
Get. Out And.Vote. I understand there are some individuals that truly can’t vote due to circumstances including lack of access or even safety reasons, but if you have the chance to vote and you choose not to? Well, that’s in your right but you may not have the right to choose to go ahead and vote in the future. Do not get complacent if you see democrats winning at the polls. People thought the same thing in 2016 and 2020 was a VERY close call.
Brazil won their elections and got rid of a horrible man. It shows it CAN BE DONE.  Save  yourselves from the dictatorship I and so many others have gone through.  I BEG you to please vote. So many people are scared right now. I already voted. I know this is going to piss people off, but I’ll say it anyway: If you are someone able to vote, have access and you’re still not convinced or care enough to vote, then I find it really hard to respect you.
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Dumbass plan to redesign internet shored up by crooked, lying consultants https://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/22/world/threats-responses-surveillance-terror-tracking-agency-weighed-but-discarded-plan.html
#10yrsago Texas student suspended for refusing RFID tracker https://www.wired.com/2012/11/student-suspension/
#10yrsago Finnish police confiscate 9-y-o’s laptop after she downloads a song from the Pirate Bay https://dublimat.blogspot.com/2012/11/9-year-old-girl-prosecuted-for-piratism.html
#10yrsago Hacker steals entire nation’s identity https://www.loweringthebar.net/2012/11/if-youre-greek-somebody-probably-stole-your-identity.html
#10yrsago Fact-checking US patent-boss’s defense of his job https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/11/us-patent-chief-to-software-patent-critics-give-it-a-rest-already/
#10yrsago Counterfeiters counterfeit anti-counterfeiting notice https://memex.craphound.com/2012/11/22/counterfeiters-counterfeit-anti-counterfeiting-notice/
#10yrsago Spacehawk: the complete collection of Basil Wolverton’s space crusader https://memex.craphound.com/2012/11/22/spacehawk-the-complete-collection-of-basil-wolvertons-space-crusader/
#5yrsago Connected sex-toy allows for code-injection attacks on a robot you wrap around your genitals https://twitter.com/SarahJamieLewis/status/933150566347284481
#5yrsago Why we should cheer the DoJ’s lawsuit to block the AT&T/Time-Warner merger https://www.wired.com/story/why-the-government-is-right-to-block-the-atandt-time-warner-merger/
#5yrsago For more than half a century, the sugar industry has used Big Tobacco tactics to suppress sugar/cancer link and to confuse the science https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.2003460
#5yrsago Cops chase innocent shoplifting suspect into stranger’s house, then storm it with 50-person SWAT team and blow up every room except one https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/fifty-swat-cops-tore-down-house-shoplifting
#5yrsago Trump’s top economic advisor couldn’t bear to listen to the president bloviate so he pretended he had a bad connection and hung up https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/11/22/gary-cohn-trump-tax-reform-bad-phone-connection-carper-sot-nr.cnn
#5yrsago Trump found someone even worse than Tom Price to regulate Health and Human Services: an insulin profiteer https://medium.com/@caitlynmcclure/dude-who-tripled-price-of-insulin-nominated-to-regulate-price-of-insulin-bf9a25e609b7
#5yrsago “Less lethal” is a deceptive term to describe the weapons that routinely kill and maim peaceful protesters https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/homer-venters-crowd-control-weapons/
#5yrsago States suspend your driver’s license over inability to pay court fines, costing you your job and any ability to repay https://www.vice.com/en/article/59yvwx/the-vicious-cycle-of-losing-a-drivers-license-over-court-debt
#5yrsago Behold! The astonishing mental gymnastics of TSA apologists explaining why rich people don’t need to be screened https://memex.craphound.com/2017/11/22/behold-the-astonishing-mental-gymnastics-of-tsa-apologists-explaining-why-rich-people-dont-need-to-be-screened/
#5yrsago Uber admits it breached 57,000,000 accounts, then bribed the hackers to cover it up, now they’re paying a top ex-NSA lawyer to teach them transparency https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-21/uber-concealed-cyberattack-that-exposed-57-million-people-s-data
#1yrago Private ambulances want a ban on firefighters rescuing babies https://pluralistic.net/2021/11/22/amr-vs-babies/#unauthorized-ambulance
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“ It said simply that titles would go to the children and grandchildren of Albert II, it didn’t specify they had to be legitimate children or grandchildren.”
It’s amazing to me that they’d never thought of adding a clause about this!
Maybe by the time they had thought of adding it, everyone was too prudish to publish a new law that even contemplated the king have babies out of wedlock, like it would be insulting to suggest such a thing. That’s really the only reason I can think of! Besides wanting illegitimate family members to get titles.
I actually think the opposite on the prudishness thing. Monarchs in the past were always sleeping around and having illegitimate kids! Lol. But yeah I know what you mean about it seeming like an oversight. That does happen when people get complacent and I believe the relevant law was just a refresh of a much older law and so they thought if no one had questioned it yet, no one would question it now. I think what’s interesting is even though I explained to the other anon different countries work differently, I expect that there will be other nations who don’t specifically state legitimacy as being important for titles and there’s two factors involved:
Common law - it might be the case in certain countries - particularly the UK - that the rules don’t say explicitly that to be prince/ss you have to be legitimate, but over the centuries other court cases will have established in common law that certain phrasing always means a legitimate child. I don’t have specific examples but when you watch legal shows you might hear them say stuff like “in Commonwealth vs Sassypants the judge determined you could use sausages for fingers on a Wednesday.” There is a proper law or decree or whatever and that provides a framework but then individual judges interpret it in specific cases, and then later on a judge will use the previous judgements as precedence to inform their opinion. That’s common law. I’m not a legal expert but as far as I’m aware common law isn’t a thing in Belgium so I think what the law says is what it means, and perhaps they underestimated that or assumed that a judge would understand it should mean legitimate kids through just common sense. And they misjudged lol
The Fount of Honour - in many monarchies, the monarch is the fount of honour. In Belgium I believe it says it in their constitution. That means that they hold the power to award titles and honours. Often it’s just a formal power, done in consultation with the government, but generally the monarch still has full power over their family’s titles. Philippe chose not to fight the court’s decision and embraced Delphine but before the decision was made, lawyers for King Albert (Delphine and Philippe’s dad) argued that it was not appropriate for the courts to have the power to award titles to whoever they wanted and it was a matter for the state. And actually that isn’t a bad argument, I can believe that Albert was fully convinced it would win out and Delphine wouldn’t be princess so the wording of the law didn’t matter. Philippe just chose not to escalate things by challenging the decision.
So it is definitely a lesson in the impact of ambiguity in the law, but I can actually understand why Albert and others thought that Delphine wouldn’t get a title even with that ambiguity in the wording.
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laresearchette · 23 hours
Saturday, September 21, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR THE JUDGE FROM HELL (two-episode premiere)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 3:30pm: Jays vs. Rays (SN Now) 9:00pm: Yankees vs. A’s (SN) 9:00pm: Rockies vs. Dodgers
MLS SOCCER (TSN5) 4:00pm: Charlotte vs. New England (TSN) 10:30pm: LA Galaxy vs. Vancouver
2024 PACIFIC NATIONS RUGBY (TSN/TSN3) 5:00pm: Final - Fiji vs. Japan
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 7:00pm: Blue Bombers vs. Elks (TSN/TSN3) 8:00pm: Wild vs. Jets
SHORT FILM FACE OFF (CBC) 8:00pm: Amanda Parris presents Canadian directors sharing their films and vying for a cash award; films in this episode: "Datrin," "The Mess We're In," "The Teacup."
DANCING WITH THE STARS (City TV) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Thirteen new celebrities are ready to hit the ballroom floor for their first live performance.
TERRY MCMILLAN PRESENTS: TEMPTED BY LOVE (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Returning home to care for her aunt, a renowned chef gets picked up at the airport by a handsome driver who's 20 years younger than her. They soon make an unexpected yet passionate connection as they share a mutual interest in food, family and fun.
FOR THE LOVE OF LILY (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: When a no-nonsense consultant is blindsided by her boss's switch to a greener, more natural office space, she'll partner with the rooftop florist to make her building come alive with the beauty of nature.
HAPPY PLACE (CBC) 9:00pm: A group of women residing at an inpatient mental health clinic form a makeshift community after experiencing personal crises.
AMUR TIGER: SECRET KINGDOM (Nat Geo Wild) 9:00pm: The filmmakers shed light on the remote kingdom of the Amur tiger to unveil long held secrets about these elusive hunters and how they use secret messaging to communicate and hunt their prey.
POOR THINGS (Crave) 9:00pm: Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.
PICTURE HER DEAD (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: When aspiring artist Chloe accidentally takes credit for a painting of a murdered woman, she must discover its true origin before the killer sets their sights on her. She finds a history of murdered models, all leading back to the unknown painter.
THE TEACHER’S LOUNGE (Crave) 11:25pm: Teacher Carla Nowak decides to get involved when one of her students is suspected of theft. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.
DEADPOOL 2 (CTV) 12:30am: Wisecracking mercenary Deadpool must protect a teenage mutant from Cable -- a genetically enhanced soldier from the future. He soon joins forces with Bedlam, Shatterstar, Domino and other mutants to battle Cable and his powerful advanced weaponry.
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dwi-lawyer-houston · 4 days
🚨 How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your Driving Record in Houston, Texas? 🛑
A DWI in Texas can remain on your driving record indefinitely, impacting your insurance and future opportunities. This article from The Butler Law Firm explains how long a DWI affects you and what legal options you have for reducing the impact. If you're concerned about a DWI on your record, now is the time to take action and consult with a knowledgeable attorney.
Read the full article here: https://medium.com/@thehoustondwilawyer/how-long-does-a-dwi-stay-on-your-driving-record-in-houston-texas-6077f6c483b3
Butler Law Firm — The Houston DWI Lawyer 11500 Northwest Freeway, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77092 +17132368744 QJ6Q+FF Downtown Houston, Houston, TX https://goo.gl/maps/249TVhCrAWT65CZS9
Butler Law Firm — The Houston DWI Lawyer 405 Main St Suite 1120C, Houston, TX 77002 +17132368744 QJ6Q+FF Downtown Houston, Houston, TX https://goo.gl/maps/GoArhyhyrEaxiKE8A
Find Us Online: Butler Law Firm Facebook — https://bit.ly/38zmipk Butler Law Firm AVVO — https://bit.ly/3vr08hX Butler Law Firm — Houston DWI Lawyer — https://bit.ly/dui-vs-dwi-in-texas Butler Law Firm Google — https://bit.ly/top-rated-houston-dwi-lawyer DWI Attorney Houston — https://bit.ly/dwi-attorney-houston-tx Houston DUI Lawyer — https://bit.ly/houston-dui-lawyer Butler Law Firm Twitter — https://bit.ly/3OPnWUe Butler Law Firm LinkedIn — https://bit.ly/3vvaJIU Butler Law Firm Instagram — https://bit.ly/3KwTv23 Butler Law Firm State Bar Of Texas — https://bit.ly/state-bar-of-texas
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