#In a park off sunset boulevard
stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
Something something about Kim filming 13 episodes of ‘failed systems’ (such a hilarious and fascinating choice of show title!) and only 7 being aired and how Chris is now about 13 and was 7 when Shannon died and the play on what Shannon being present (as in alive) for 7 years of Chris’s life but not the remaining 6 of the 13 - years that Eddie has imagined her presence in even though that can never be - dreams of years that will never see the light of day in the same way those 6episodes won’t either.
The whole thing is a play on false hope and misreading signs and puts Chris right at the centre of things even in his absence - I’m obsessed
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xoxochb · 4 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * flamingo pink, sunrise boulevard
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warnings: very short, just a blurb
pairing: jason grace x fem reader
A/N: my apologies to the person who requested this (tags were off) I have literally been procrastinating this for so long, it’s collecting dust at this point 😭
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“c’mon I want to ride the ferris wheel at sunset, you can always get a batter angle from up high” you state, dragging along your blond boyfriend
the amusement park was beaming with bright colors, loud noises, and a lot of people (aka my worst nightmare)
the cotton candy in your hand calmed you down however, and you take large bites of it
“anything you want” jason says, following close behind, his hand holding tightly onto yours
once you arrive at the ferris wheel, you take your seats (?? I’ve only rode one once when I was like 9) waiting for the ride to begin
“are you scared?” the blond teases
“not when I’m with you” you face him, and without wasting another moment he seals your words with a sweet kiss, ignoring the pink and orange sky behind the both of you
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saulocept · 2 months
sunset boulevard
pairing: kenji sato/reader
rating: g
summary: After Mina’s “death”, Ken needs someone to fulfill the role of a babysitter.
And after your sudden unemployment, you need something to get you by.
It’s only through chance that the two of you manage to find each other.
parts: one; two; three (you are here)
It turns out the place isn’t really that hard to find. You didn’t even need to ask any wandering pedestrian, didn’t even need to wander around for half an hour, or even longer for that matter. All you had to do was follow the directions on Google Maps, pay attention to your surroundings and now, here you are. You’ve probably simplified the process too much, made it seem easier than it really is, but the truth is that it’s more complicated than that. You did have to ask for some help: stopping a civilian from her evening walk in order to ask for directions, and then getting lost on the way there because the woman apparently misheard you and sent you somewhere entirely different.
But it doesn’t matter. All that matters now is you’re here like you’re supposed to, even if you’re a little late.
There’s a motorcycle parked near the entrance, though outside of that, there’s not really much of an indicator that someone else is here. Still, you’re already late; for all you know, the man you’re supposed to meet is already there, waiting for you to show up. Or maybe he’s somewhere around here, lurking, waiting for the perfect moment to catch you off-guard snatch you away. You cast a glance around you, though you find nothing of note, none of value. Still, that doesn’t stop you from being suspicious, even as you duck inside the shop, stopping just a bit to get a good look around.
There’s a man somewhere at the back, sitting all by himself, drumming his fingers against the desk, almost distractedly. Could this be the one you’re supposed to meet? It seems likely, given that he’s the only one here aside from you, but you’re still having second thoughts. He looks too normal, for one: a regular citizen just like you, dressed in regular clothes like you are. And he looks to be about your age, perhaps a little younger (though you’re not entirely sure, and it’s rude to ask), not quite the man in suit you’d been imagining before you arrived: with greying hair and a mustache, bodyguards surrounding him at all sides – kind of like the bad guys you see in the movies.
You watch as the man looks around, as if searching for something. His gaze lands on you a second later, and he gives you a smile, almost as if in recognition.
“Hey,” he says, waves at you as if to catch your attention. His tone is light, casual, as though the two of you know each other personally instead of strangers who happen to be in the same place at the same time.
You frown, eyebrows furrowing a little in confusion. You look around you, just to see if there’s someone behind you, but there’s no one else, only you. The man waves at you again, a little more insistently this time, and you hurry over to his table, stopping to stand in front of him.
“I thought you weren’t coming,” he says, gesturing for you to take a seat.
You remain where you are, staring at him suspiciously. “Do we know each other?”
“Oh.” He stares at you for a moment; it takes a second for realization to dawn on him, and he mutters a curse under his breath, before he looks up at you once more, smiling sheepishly. He runs a hand through his hair, stands up from his chair, extending his hand out to you. “I’m Kenji,” he says, by way of introduction. “From the phone? Earlier?”
You nod your head, reaching out to shake his hand. You tell him your name, which is a pretty much formality at this point, especially if he’s read your resume, or even your email. He shakes your hand, and a few seconds of awkward silence settles between you before you finally break it, blurting the first thing that comes to mind. “You’re not what I had in mind.”
He laughs, a little caught off-guard by your comment. He pulls his hand away from yours, then sits back on his chair, gestures for you to do the same. “So,” he begins, leaning forward, resting his chin against his palm as he stares at you closely. “Do I still look like someone who’s here to sell your organs off?”
You hum under your breath, pretend to think the answer over. “Maybe?”
He snorts. “Are you always this paranoid?”
Not really, but at this point, you’re just humoring him. “Are you always this suspicious?”
“How am I suspicious?” he asks, gestures to himself, as if trying to make you see better. “Look, I even met with you here!”
“Your post, for one,” you reply, leaning forward to meet his gaze head-on. “It’s cryptic, and your username. I mean, Baseballlover26?”
“I couldn’t think of a better one, okay?” He raises his hands in surrender, voice growing louder, a little more high-pitched this time, frustrated. “And I was in a hurry!”
“Also, the fact that I’m hired literally after a day I sent you an email.” You lean closer, voice dropping into a conspiratorial whisper. “Doesn’t that seem suspicious to you?”
“Well, you were the only one who applied,” he explains, voice growing quieter, softer. He looks almost chastised, ashamed, caught doing something he never should’ve done, and you’d laugh at the sight if you weren’t trying to keep up an act. “The site deleted my post after a few hours. Said it goes against their guidelines or something.”
You snort, unable to hide your amusement. “They probably thought it was a spam and reported it.”
“Probably,” he agrees, shrugging. He drums his fingers against the table, restless, still not looking at you. “But the job offer’s still up. And it’s yours if you want it.”
You blink, a little taken aback. “You’re not going to interview me?”
“I read your resume.” He turns to look at you, the corners of his lips quirking up into a tiny smile. He looks amused, almost mockingly so, and you know quickly that the tables have finally turned – against you, no doubt. “Says you know a lot about the kaiju.”
“Yeah,” you say, nodding your head, deciding to play along. It’s not as if you could tell him where you got all your knowledge from, anyway; he doesn’t need to know any of that, and it’s not like it’s something you’re proud to admit, especially in a setting like this. The fact that you’d learned everything by watching the movies repeatedly doesn’t seem like a befitting to say, and it doesn’t seem like it would endear you more to him, so you decide to move the conversation along, settling on another topic. “Godzilla, right?”
“Not… really,” he says, growing slightly hesitant. He looks around thoughtfully, as if deciding how much he can tell you. “Listen. Why don’t we go somewhere more private?”
You open your mouth to protest, say you’d rather talk about the job now: what it entails, what you’re supposed to do, if he’s actually serious about this or if he’s just pranking you, but before the words are out of your mouth, he hurriedly stands up from his chair, reaches out to grab your wrist and pulls you along after him. He leads you through the doors, then out to the streets, where a singular motorcycle’s parked: the one you’d seen from before you went in.
“Hey,” you say in protest, shaking your hand free from his grip. He lets you go easily enough, turns to face you.
“Sorry,” he says, running a hand through his hair, musses it up. “I didn’t mean to drag you off like that. I just…” he pauses, tries to think of something else to say, then shakes his head, stops, leaves the rest of his words unfinished.
“Is this about the job?” you ask, staring at him curiously, waiting for an answer. He seems weirdly secretive about the whole thing, like he doesn’t want anyone else to know about it.
He nods. He looks around him, thinking, as if mulling his options over. He turns back to your after a moment. “Can we talk about this somewhere else?”
You shrug. “Okay.”
Admittedly, you’re kind of curious now, too; what’s this something that he doesn’t want anyone else to know? Something that he has to be careful not to say too much of in fear of revealing it?
He stares at you for a few moments, studies your expression curiously. Whatever he finds there, he must be satisfied, because a moment later, he gestures at his bike. “Let’s go,” he says, then hands you a helmet.
You stare at him, blinking, gripping the helmet in your hands, not quite sure what to do with it. You turn it over a few times, inspecting it idly. “Go and do what?”
“Hop on.” He jabs a thumb against the direction of his bike, looking just the slightest bit impatient. “Then I’ll tell you all about it.”
You take one last look at him, eyes roaming over his face, studying his expression. He looks serious enough, and you can detect no hint of lie on his face. (Then again, you’ve never been a good judge of character.) “Okay,” you say.
Then before you can change your mind, you do as he asks.
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atthedugouts · 2 months
All Over La Jolla
Do you wanna dance @galladrabbles prompt courtesy of @rayrayor
The Beach Boys! A born and raised San Diegan I have to write something for this prompt. Please enjoy a little tour of La Jolla as mentioned in The Beach Boys song Surfin’ USA 🏄🏄‍♂️🌊
Ian and Mickey leave the Children’s Pool, Mickey has enjoyed watching the seals attack the stupid tourists. The couple stroll along the cliffs in hopes of finding a bar that has fish tacos. Apparently fish tacos are a must when visiting America’s Finest City.
As they make their way down Coast Boulevard Ian pauses when they pass a little park right at the edge of the cliffs. A wedding reception is going on. Happy people are dancing with the pink sunset reflecting off the Pacific Ocean behind them.
“Do you wanna dance?” Ian asks his husband.
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gojocumdumpster · 11 months
Black leather jacket.
Type of story:🎂
Afab reader
Warnings: Club, smoke, eren flirting with you and gripping them ass cheeks
Should I do a part 2?
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“Stop being such a Pussy and just do it!” you were on the phone with your best friend, she was trying to convince you to go out by yourself. She couldn’t make it because she was out of town, she gave you pros and cons about going about by yourself. “You should definitely check out that one bar/club it’s called Shameless, there’s a bunch of cute dudes over there especially the ones at the bar drinking whisky!” continuously your best friend kept talking about all the cute men and how good the club is, but was it really all that? “Oh and the place is by Sunset Blvd 1823, it’s downtown by the stadium across the steakhouse. On and on your best friend kept talking, “Also. Why are you going you never go places, I literally have to drag you out of your apartment just to party or do anything. You’re such an introvert, anyways have fun my flight is here call me how it went love you bye.” Beep! “Why does she always do that” rolling your eyes.
You got up and headed to your closet, “I barely have nothing to wear..” you said clearly avoiding that one dress. “Fuck it” you grabbed it and looked at it disgustingly this was the dress (<— link) your best friend had picked this out for you but you never worn it she also bought you these black heels that you could barely walk in she taught you how to walk like a supermodel and those ankles were bruised by the time you were done. You put the dress on and did your makeup that’s like the only thing you actually can do right, your bestie is always saying that. The current time is 7:10pm you put on your makeup, dress and heels. You walk out the door with your purse on one shoulder and your phone and car keys in the other, you hopped in your car and put the address in your phone and drove off. “Turn right on Sunset boulevard street 1823, your destination is to your right.” you followed the instructions your phone gave you as you turned on the street. As your best friend said “it’s across from the Steakhouse” you looked to your left and yes was she right, it was across from the Steakhouse.
You slowly examined the club you saw people outside the club talking and a security guard checking ID’s and there it was the pink neon sign that said SHAMELESS, you pulled into the parking lot by the club and put your car in park. You took a deep breathe as you turned off your car, took your car keys and headed out. You pulled your dress down and walked to the club entrance, “May I see your ID Ma’am? the security said in a stern voice looking at you. “O- oh yea sure!” you scrambled in your purse pulling out your ID to show him. “Enjoy your time” he nodded. “Thanks.” you walked in, there was music playing in the background and thick air of smoke flooding the room from all the people vaping and smoking but the longer you were in there you couldn’t smell it as much. You texted your bestie you had made it and put your phone up, you smiled at all the people as they looked at how you the dressed hugged your body. You were getting stares from left to right, good and bad ones the bad ones were mostly the girls jealous of you but you didn’t let that affect you.
You continued exploring the place as you saw the bar, there you saw a bunch of people drinking and talking to there friends but there was this feeling you felt when someone was staring at you. You look around to see who it was until you looked back at the bar and made eye contact with this guy with low lidded green eyes with a messy man bun and a black leather jacket.shit ion his eye color to confusing And oh boy was he fine, you quickly looked away as you got flustered from the eye contact you felt his eye’s piercing your soul. You saw from the corner of your eye as he chuckled smirking turning his head the other direction, you continued exploring and having a fun time dancing, singing the songs with random people you met. But man we’re you thirsty, you walked your way to the Bar knowing you might meet up with the same dude, you couldn’t really see a spot to sit since the crowd was blocking them but there was one seat that wasn’t blocked off by the crowed you made your way over there and took a seat. The bartender came over and you took your order “Yes just one tropical margarita on the rocks please!” you said smiling.
You looked to your right and you saw other people chatting, you looked to your left and then you saw the same man who was staring at you “See this is not what we’re going to do.” you clutched your purse and got up. “Just relax i’m not one of them creeps, i’ll pay for you got it?” he grabbed your armed pulling you back down. You yanked your arm back as you looked at his low lidded eyes, “Okay so what do you want?” you looked at him taking a sip of your margarita. “ I just wanna talk. Is that illegal?” looking at you. “Actually it is.” you laughed smiling at him. “The names Eren. What’s your name pretty girl?” he said. “It’s Y/n.” you guys continued to talk on and on. It was 10:30PM you’ve guys talked for hours on and on. “Sooo….did you want to head back to my place orrrr what?” you questioned him. “I mean I brought my own car so I can follow you there.” he stood up and grabbed your waist pulling you up towards him squeezing the thickness of your hips as he directed you out the door. He walked you to your car, as you were about to get in your car “Can I atleast get a hug or some?” rolling his eyes “Boy, please your a needy one aren’t you?” you said smirking at him. “Nahh, not at all” he laughed.
You guys hugged but before you pulled away he reached his hands down and grabbed both of cheeks and gave it a good grip and a slap. “Hey! What are you doing.” you said pulling back smiling at him. “That’s my way of hugging you pretty.” he winked at you turning around walking back to his black mustang ready to follow you, “Ding!” “Unknown number..” “I’m ready to go.” you saw the text. “Who is this..?” you typed confusingly. “It’s me pretty girl. Eren.” you left him on read as you rolled you eyes. “Hey bestie I met this cute dude named Eren in a Black leather jacket and i’m taking him back to my place. Exciting right?” you sent the text pulling out of the parking lot, you looked through the car mirror and saw the same black mustang following you.
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befickleforever · 10 months
If you liked [inside no 9 episode] watch [film] : a guide. Part 1
(Some of these films go off vibes alone, whilst others are the films that directly inspired the episode. For example, we all know where the wicker man will be included)
If you liked ‘Simon Says’, consider:
- Misery (1990). After a serious car crash, novelist Paul Sheldon is rescued by former nurse Annie Wilkes, who claims to be his biggest fan.
- Sunset Boulevard (1950). An aging silent film queen refuses to accept that her stardom has ended. She hires a young screenwriter to help set up her movie comeback.
- Perfect Blue (1997). A young Japanese singer is encouraged by her agent to quit singing and pursue an acting career, beginning with a role in a murder mystery TV show.
- The King of Comedy (1982). Rupert Pupkin is a failure in life but a celebrity in his own mind, hosting an imaginary talk show in his mother's basement.
- The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) (2011). Martin, a mentally disturbed loner that obsesses over the film The Human Centipede (First Sequence), kidnaps a group of people to create his own 'human centipede' to act out his perverse sexual fantasies.
If you liked ‘The Understudy’ consider:
- Sleuth (1972). This mystery finds Andrew Wyke, a wealthy author of detective novels and game aficionado, facing off against his wife's lover, Milo Tindle, a middle-class hair salon-owner.
- Richard III (1995). A murderous lust for the British throne sees Richard III descend into madness.
- Throne of Blood (1957). Returning to their lord's castle, samurai warriors Washizu and Miki are waylaid by a spirit who predicts their futures.
- Theatre of Blood (1973). After an unsuccessful attempt at suicide, Lionheart sets out to murder all of his critics, each with a different style of death taken from a Shakespeare play.
If you liked ‘The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge’ consider:
- Witchhammer (1970). When a beggar is caught hiding her communion wafer, the hunt for witches begins.
- The Witch (2015). In 1630 New England, panic and despair envelops a farmer, his wife and their children when youngest son Samuel suddenly vanishes.
- Witchfinder General (1968). When Matthew Hopkins is appointed Witchfinder General by the Puritans under Cromwell, he is empowered to travel the countryside with his henchmen and collect a fee for each witch from whom he extracts a confession - a policy which is exploited to the full.
If you liked ‘The Harrowing’ consider:
- Carry on Screaming! (1966). An investigation into the disappearance of several young women leads two bumbling Victorian detectives to the home of Dr Watt and his vampish sister Valeria.
- A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014). Residents of a worn-down Iranian city encounter a skateboarding vampire who preys on men who disrespect women.
If you liked ‘Mr King’ consider:
- The Wicker Man (1973). Sergeant Howie arrives on the small Scottish island of Summerisle to investigate the report of a missing child.
- In The Earth (2021). A scientist and park scout conduct a routine experiment while the world looks for a cure to a lethal virus and as the night progresses, they experience unexplainable things.
- Midsommar (2019). Dani's psychological trauma affects her relationship with Christian, her lover. However, when they visit their friend's ancestral commune in an effort to mend things, it changes their lives forever.
- The Blood on Satan’s Claw (1971). Ralph Gower and a local judge are on a quest to get a bunch of possessed kids with a strange fur on their skin under control after they end up killing the locals.
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legolasghosty · 4 months
Okayyyyyy so This Post happened earlier today, and @girlstuffnorp, @floating-in-the-blue, and @1mnobodywhoareyou got me thinking about Willex (as I often am). So here you guys go! Not edited at all, I'm sorry. It's late. Enjoy!
Alex poofed into the museum, stumbling a little over a random plank of wood on the ground. Sure, he'd already checked here twice. But he had to find Willie somehow, and this just felt right. He hadn't found the skater on Sunset Boulevard, or at the park they'd met up at a couple of times before. And Alex knew better than to go anywhere the Ghost Club.
Now when it was too late.
But maybe there was a chance. Julie's plan might work. But they needed Willie to pull it off.
The guys had offered to help Alex look, but he'd turned them down. He had to do this on his own. And well, the last time he'd taken them to find Willie, it hadn't ended well.
So here he was, on his own, trying to follow the odd tugging in his chest that had led him to the skater in the past. But he just kept ending up here. And Willie wasn't-
Alex nearly jumped out of his insubstantial skin at the voice and spun around to see Willie standing a few yards away, board clutched to his chest and a startled look on his face.
"Hey," Alex said, raising a hand awkwardly. He wasn't used to this uneasy tension between them. Willie was there, but he felt so much further away than he had before everything went down at the ghost club.
"Is everything okay?" Willie asked, taking a careful step closer.
"Yeah, yeah," Alex said quickly. "Or like... not any less okay than before."
Willie let out a relieved chuckle. Just one. Alex missed his full laugh. "That's... good. I think?"
"Yeah it is," Alex agreed, his eyes falling to the skateboard in Willie's hands, unable to meet his eyes and see the discomfort there. He hated that he'd caused that hurt, even if it wasn't on purpose. Then he remembered why he was here in the first place. "Julie sort of has a plan."
Willie's frown deepened. "What kind of plan?"
Alex took a deep breath. "A plan to play the Orpheum."
"Wait seriously?!" Willie exclaimed, the hopeful note in his voice giving Alex the courage to meet his eyes again.
There was too much happening behind the dark irises for Alex to decipher in an instant. But he knew there was hope. And worry. And sorrow. And suddenly it hit Alex square in the chest that if this worked, if they played the Orpheum and crossed over, then that would mean saying goodbye to Willie. For good.
"That's awesome, how are you pulling that off?" Willie continued. He came a step closer and the knot in Alex's chest loosened a bit.
Alex glanced around and spotted the bench they'd moved together the first time they came here. He nodded towards it, then sat down himself. Willie hesitated. Alex felt himself crack just a bit more. Willie had never put distance between them before Caleb. In fact, he'd always been crossing it, grabbing Alex's hand or bumping their knees together or shaking him by the shoulders. There wasn't any of that anymore.
But then Willie sat down, leaving a few inches of space between them, but closer nonetheless. Alex exhaled.
"So basically we're going to get the opening band to have some kind of tech issue this weekend," Alex began, "and then throw up our video in the producer's office right after they find out. No time to find a replacement? Well lucky for them, we're right there."
Willie laughed, a little closer to his normal one this time. "Julie is a genius!" he declared, pulling one knee up to his chest. Then he smirked. "What are you gonna do to the opener?"
Alex huffed out a nervous chuckle. "Therein lies the issue," he admitted. "We have yet to agree on anything that isn't going to cause physical damage to the band, will get them out enough, and we can actually do."
Willie nodded, expression turning thoughtful. He didn't say anything for a minute. Alex took the opportunity to check out the green eggs on his socks. Would it still be called sunny side up if the yolks weren't yellow?
But he also thought about what would happen to Willie, to them, if this worked. And what would happen if it didn't. Would Willie be okay without Alex? Would Caleb take his anger out on the skater over losing Sunset Curve? Would Willie miss him? Or would he forget he existed, just a tiny blip in his long afterlife? Alex knew he wouldn't be forgetting Willie any time soon, even if he ceased to exist. Maybe Reggie had a point about never forgetting your first ghost.
On the other hand, what would happen if he took Caleb's offer? If he stayed at the HGC, playing music he didn't love for someone who owned his soul for an eternity? It wouldn't be fun. But then they could stay together. Alex could keep Willie safe from the magician. They could dance together in the club and it wouldn't matter who could or couldn't see them. They could just be. Forever.
But that would mean losing Julie. And his freedom. And probably his friends, because there was no way Luke was going to take the bait. Reggie would be caught in the middle, but he'd probably stay with Luke and Julie. So Alex would have Willie, but he wouldn't have his friends, or his music, or his soul.
Was it bad that he was still tempted?
"Okay, I'm going to handle the opener," Willie announced, startling Alex from his thoughts. "Not sure how yet, but I'll get you guys on that fancy sign."
"You mean the marque?" Alex clarified.
"I thought that was a fancy French dude," Willie retorted. "Like that one guy in Hamilton."
Alex shrugged. "I have no idea what a Hamilton is, but I think it's the same word?"
Willie laughed again. "I need to teach you the ways of sneaking into Broadway shows," he teased. Then his face fell. "Or... I guess not," he added in a softer voice.
The ache in Alex's chest, almost more painful than the occasional jolts now, returned full force. "Yeah," he sighed. He bit the inside of his cheek. "Unless..."
Willie's eyes shot to his, but the severity in his gaze was an unexpected stab to Alex's soul. "No, no way," the skater said firmly. "You're not taking his deal. I promise... It's not worth it."
"But what about you," Alex burst out. "If we leave and Caleb finds out you helped us, even just a little bit, he'd destroy you! You said it yourself! But if I stay then-"
"No I'm not going to let you do that, Alex!" Willie cut him off, one hand latching onto his. "I made my choice, okay? It was a stupid one, yeah, but it's done. You haven't! You can cross over and not have to deal with any of this anymore! And if Caleb wants to destroy me for-for caring about you, then okay. I'm okay with that, I've made my peace with the fact that my afterlife is probably going to be ended because of him at some point anyways. At least you would be safe and free."
Alex wanted to cry. He wanted to pull Willie close and hide him away somewhere no one could ever hurt him again. He wanted to hold him and get as far away from him as possible and just sit here with him forever all at once.
"I just want you to be happy," Willie murmured, running out of steam. When Alex met his gaze again, there were tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "As long as you're okay, that's enough for me. I got to know you and be your... friend for a bit. I'm not going to regret that, even if it's the end for me. I'll be okay as long as you're safe."
Alex reached out with his free hand and cupped Willie's cheek. His thumb brushed away the first tear that slid from the skater's eyes. "I don't want to leave you," he admitted softly.
"Me either," Willie breathed. "But you have to."
"I know," Alex sighed. "I'm sorry."
Willie shook his head without dislodging Alex's hand. "No being sorry. It's just how life is sometimes."
"We're literally dead already," Alex pointed out wryly.
"Details details," Willie dismissed, squeezing his hand. "Just promise me that, whatever happens, you'll do everything you can to cross over."
Alex squeezed back. "I promise," he responded, his heart cracking down the middle.
And only a day later, he would be reminded of that promise as he stared across the Hollywood Ghost Club at Willie, leaning against the back wall, as he missed a beat in Caleb's song in favor of the one calling to him from outside. Willie's gaze met his and he nodded once. Go, he mouthed.
I promise, Alex mouthed back, before leaving the club behind and flying to Julie's side.
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I woke up this morning and wore my Ohana hat from a store in Hanalei in the house where I'm staying off Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. Ohana means family in Hawaiian, and I'm not talking bloodline, though of course it also means bloodline.
I woke up this morning and tried to reach my friend Kat again who lives up country in Maui because they don't have water or electricity and I did not hear from her yet.
I woke up this morning missing Conor and Mika. Last time I returned to Kauai from Los Angeles, five year old Conor asked me what it was like to miss me.
It makes me wonder why as adults we go so long without wondering. How we decide so much before we ask questions.
I went to get a coffee at Erewhon in Pacific Palisades, a health food store where Margaret Cho cut in front of me in line two days ago to order her post workout protein drink with her entourage.
I got into the checkout line and my cashier was a beautiful American Indian man with a moon face and long gray hair to his shoulders and gentle eyes, and he asked me if I was a member of the store.
No, I don't live here, I said, I'm not a member.
Where do you live?
When I spoke Hawaii, he stopped what he was doing - put my groceries down and reached across the counter for both my hands. His fingers were ringed with turquoise and silver.
He asked me if I was alright.
Yes, I don't live on Maui, I said, but...well, of course I have friends who do, and no - nobody is really alright there at all.
Right there, in the middle of a store on Sunset Blvd. with peonies and sunflowers and eucalyptus leaves in extravagant bouquets, with six kinds of exotic mushrooms and every kind of fresh sushi and nut milk ever made - a place where a protein drink is named after Hailey Bieber -
he blessed me - and everyone on Maui.
I felt a warmth rush through me, and all of humanity between us - the women buying the $300 t-shirts next door and the homeless man with the matted hair being followed by security last night.
The American Indians who have so much suffering in their DNA, they know what a Land Grab is, they know how the government conspires to take and not serve the people...
His name was Joseph and he blessed me, and in blessing me and the people of Maui, he also blessed you - you who are reading this. Whatever illness you are healing from, whatever pain you have endured, whatever laughter and joy you grab when you can and savor....
his blessing was also meant for you.
I'm helping a dear friend heal from an injury and teaching and hiking and weeping and writing and listening to stories about home, because that's our topic in the writing group - love of home.
Los Angeles is not my home anymore - Hawaii has been for fifteen years, but the Santa Monica canyon and Will Rogers park live inside of me, and always will.
Each morning I walk the dogs and take in the morning sage.
Each night I walk the dogs again and listen to the owls talk to each other across the canyon.
Each night I stay up late on my computer learning what I can do to help Maui.
I'm sure somebody close to you needs help. Sometimes all we need to do is cook for someone and share a meal and pick up groceries, or share a story.
Even take out their trash.
Let's give and give to each other until it's a way of life again. I promise you it will create a ripple wave that will reach as far as Maui, and create the feeling of Ohana all over the world.
Yesterday on Abbott Kinney, I stood in front of a gallery window staring at this painting of The Last Supper by Johan Andersson. I took a photo of it, when a family walked in between me and the painting - they paused.
We all discussed what it meant. At the table is someone snorting drugs, an exhausted mother not paying attention to her baby, a prison inmate, two people making out - someone with a machine gun.
Finally, the mother in the group looked at me and sighed.
It means Jesus loves all of us, she said.
Yep - All of us, I echoed.
Take someone's hands today you love and pass the blessing on.
To honor all the houseless people on Maui today, and all over the world, I give you this last stanza of a Mary Oliver poem - "On Losing a House."
Goodbye, house. Goodbye, sweet and beautiful house, we shouted, and it shouted back, goodbye to you, and lifted itself down from the town, and set off like a packet of clouds across the harbor’s sandy ring, the tossing bell, the untowned point— and turned lightly, wordlessly, into the keep of the wind where it floats still— where it plunges and rises still on the black and dreamy sea.
-Laura Lentz
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2023 League of Musicals Division B Standings after Round 2
Currently in line for Promotion to Division A:
The Lightning Thief
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Tick Tick Boom
Currently in line for Promotion Play-offs:
5. Heathers
6. Beetlejuice
7. Sunday in the Park with George
8. Be More Chill
9. The Trail to Oregon!
10. Jesus Christ Superstar
11. Singin' in the Rain
12. Anastasia
Currently in line for Relegation Play-offs:
53. City of Angels
54. Nine
55. 42nd Street
56. Passion
57. Sunset Boulevard
58. Fosse
59. The Will Rogers Follies
60. Damn Yankees
Currently in line for Relegation to Division C:
61. Memphis
62. Hallelujah, Baby!
63. Applause
64. A Strange Loop
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
Cute questions for Carla?
the basics:
name: Carlotta Rose Vasquez-Brice age: 15 zodiac sign: Taurus (April 29) one good trait: persistent one bad trait: needs external validation
one bad habit: she can't let go of a grudge one good habit: makes sure to tell each of her siblings (including/especially the ones who've left home) that she loves them every single day one habit they can’t break: nail biting one they’ve broken: cracking her thumb joint what they’re afraid of: humiliation & failure
their parents names: Antonio “Tony” Motta-Brice & Keegan Brice their siblings names: Carter Brice, Kaia Brice, Malia Brice, Mateo Brice, Maci Brice, Chelsie Brice, Zane Brice, Ava Brice, eventually Beth Brice favorite childhood memory: seeing her first touring show (Cabaret) favorite childhood toy: her nutcracker Barbie embarrassing story: Rachel ripping seams out of her costume so it fell apart onstage (leaving Carla in just a skin tone leotard) and put gum in her hair so she had to cut a lot of it off favorite family member: any of her older siblings, or her cousin Sugar a story about that family member: headcanon not story but every Sunday, she and all of her older siblings treat themselves to coffee (or another coffee shop drink) and then have a video call so it feels like they're all just getting coffee together
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? tea showering in the day or night? first thing in the morning taking baths or taking showers? baths when she has the time tv or movies? tv writing or reading? writing songs platonic or romantic love? platonic/familial iced tea or lemonade? american lemonade ice cream or smoothies? tie cupcakes or cake? cupcakes beach or mountains? beach
song: All Too Well, Taylor Swift band: Taylor Swift outfit: [ see below, red solo cup ] place: her house or Central Park memory: the summer before Carla returned to McKinley, they did a whole family trip to Disneyworld & Universal Studios, all of her older siblings came and they even brought Sugar too person: any of her siblings 🥺 movie: Clueless, Wizard of Oz, Sunset Boulevard show: Gilmore Girls
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evnyie · 2 years
My Theatre Slime Tutorials
Hey i only just realised how many slime tutorials i have so if anyone is willing to trade feel free to message me :) Ones with stars are rarer trades.
⭐ harder to trade for
Nick Payne's Constellations
Crazy For You - West End with Charlie Stemp
Sunset Boulevard
& Juliet - Grace Mouat as Juliet
Angels in America - Proshot (both parts) ⭐
Funny Girl - 2022 (audio with Beanie Feldstien)
Moulin Rouge - Boston
Moulin Rouge - West End 2021 ⭐
Cabaret - West End (Amy Lennox and Fra Fee) ⭐
Crazy For You - Jack Wilcox as Bobby (audio)⭐️
Bare a Pop Opera - LA
Beetlejuice - On Halloween (audio)
Be More Chill - London (At the other palace) ⭐
Dear Evan Hansen - OBC
Dear Evan Hansen - Taylor Trensch as Evan
Death Note in Concert - Lyric (audio)⭐️
Ride the Cyclone - Off-Broadway
Ride the Cyclone - McCarter⭐
Tuck Everlasting - Broadway
Rent - Hope Mill Proshot⭐
Moulin Rouge - Broadway 2019
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - London 2017
Mean Girls - Renee Rapp
Mean Girls - OBC
Hadestown - 2019
Little Shop of Horrors - 2022 (Evan Smith as Seymour Jana Jackson as Audrey)
Funny Girl - 2022 (audio with Julie Benko)
Dear Evan Hansen - West End (audio with Marcus Harman)
Dear Evan Hansen - West End (audio with Sam Tutty)
Dear Evan Hansen - West End (audio closing night)
Legally Blonde - 2022 (Regents Park open air) ⭐
Company - Broadway 2021
Anastasia - Broadway
How to succeed in Business without really trying - Broadway (with Daniel Radcliffe)⭐
An American in Paris - 2018
Jagged Little Pill - Iris Menas
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ratnas · 9 months
Los Angeles Complete Travel Guide
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The second largest city of the US, Los Angeles has its own unmatched magnetism. In my growing up years, I recall Los Angeles as the venue of the Olympics. And then subsequently over the years, this most prominent metropolis in California, as the glamorous hub of Hollywood. Beverly hills where stars own palatial houses. And of course Disneyland ! If you’re a Disney fan, and are traveling with your family surely you couldn’t possibly return without a trip to Disneyland in Anaheim. 
Best Los Angeles Getaway With Family
As LA is huge, with Anaheim being a city in itself, plan your itinerary in such a way that you first visit the parks. There are two Disney parks  near Los Angeles in Anaheim, 26 miles away. It is highly recommended, to first spend 2-3 days here. Stay in one of the hotels just walking distance from the parks and then move to main  LA for the remaining part of your trip. 
Staying in a centrally located hotel in West Beverly Hills, Hollywood, at the doorstep of the Walk of Fame boulevard has its advantages. Just as you step out, you’ll find yourself on the legendary Walk of Fame boulevard, having the longest list of stars, celebrities and performers. 
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It’s a pleasure to stroll here. The views of the tree lined street, the blue skies above and brightly colored buildings is picture perfect in the day and transforms into a wonderland in the night when the fluorescent lights are lit. 
It was Halloween during that time, and if you too happen to visitng in this month, then look forward to being fully entertained by all sorts of the weirdest and scariest dressed passerby’s. 
 There are a plethora of museums on the boulevard that can be visited depending upon your interest and time. These include  the Guinness World record museum, World of Illusions and the Hollywood Wax museum to name a few, that are great for families. Also plenty of cultural activities happen – live theatre, art galleries, film complexes and music concerts. 
Beverly Hills has been the setting of innumerable films, and  to be actually present there was like a dream come true. And above all, the most magical moment was to watch the shooting of a movie starring Brad Pitt on the streets of West Hollywood. This sort of completed our trip and was the ultimate experience. 
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If you’re a tourist visiting Los Angeles for the first time, it’s worthwhile to take a chartered tour to the famous Beverly Hills. There are multiple types of private trips with a live commentary at hand including half day, full day or few hours. The three hour tour included Beverly Hills, residence of celebrities and film stars, and finishes off at Rodeo drive . This is actually quite sufficient, as you can do it at your own pace rather than a hurried, longer trip,  in which a lot is squeezed in.  
One advice here,  before the tour begins make sure to eat something and be refreshed as there are no stoppages in between, specially if you have younger children accompanying you. 
The tour halts at vantage points from where the iconic Hollywood sign is visible on the hill-side. Sunset Point and Bronson Avenue give a clear view, and are ideal spots for photos. 
You’ve seen them in movies, now see where your favorite stars live, hang around for a while, listening to interesting stories narrated by your guide, gazing at their posh, sprawling homes/ mansions !! 
Afterward, the tour continues onto the upmarket Rodeo drive, with its high class stores of luxury brands. Here again there are no halts and is the final destination, where you are dropped off. 
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Griffith Observatory – There is more to the Griffith Observatory than the exteriors and stunning views of the city from its elevated position. A planetarium inside and a number of ticketed shows too draw tourists. 
Santa Monica beach – the pier at Santa Monica is worth visiting. It’s a picturesque point on the Pacific Ocean, having  loads of activities, a children’s park, or street performers vying for attention and tips. 
The other prominent beach of LA is Venice, spectator sports like basketball, baseball, football, soccer etc are played in abundance  on these beaches. 
The `city of angels’, looks spectacular after dark when it’s lit up and truly comes alive. The best way to enjoy that is to drive through the streets around the Hollywood area, where traffic congestions are less. Admire the high-rises or the  wonderful houses in the residential neighborhood!  
If you wish to have more adventure and unlimited fun, then there is Universal Studios, Hollywood. Apart from the plethora of thrilling rides and sci-fi shows,  of particular interest here are the movie shooting sites, and complete tours of how special effects are created in films.  
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Though Los Angeles is fringed by the Pacific Ocean, and has nice beaches, the weather is not typical beach type. It can be classified as a Mediterranean climate – characterized by  dry summers and wet winters. My own experience of the weather in October – sunny and warm during the day and evenings becoming mildly cold as temperatures go down. Going by the diverse activities offered here, travelers can pack accordingly.
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1whimsicalgal · 1 year
Posted today, August 9, 2023, by TCSM ’1974's cinematographer @dpearldp
 " Shot the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre under the swing dolly move this date, August 8, fifty years ago. Story behind the shot: We had shot first week when production decided we needed a shot list. Shut down for a week while director Tobe Hooper shot-listed the movie. First day back, given the shot list when I got to set, and proceeded to set up the first shot. When Tobe arrived he changed everything, and we carried on ignoring the shot list. The second day the same thing. I asked Tobe what was going on? He replied “Oh Dan’l man, didn’t I tell you. I just wrote that to get them off our backs so they’d let us go back to work. We’ll block with the actors on set to design the shots” End of the second-day production realized we were not shooting the shot list, they came down on us hard and demanded we follow the shot list from that point on. On the third day, we shot the swing scene according to the shot list. When we completed the scene and preparing to move on, I had an idea. I explained to Tobe that we have sixty feet of track and a low platform dolly. I was sure I could lay on my stomach holding the 16mm Éclair NPR camera low off of the front of the platform and be able to fit under the swing. I described a shot where the camera starts behind the swing and glides forward following @chainsawgal as she stands and walks towards the house which grows and grows as it overtakes the frame. He loved it and told me to set it up. We started laying track towards the house. Of course, the A.D. got involved and told us we had to move on and could not shoot the shot because it wasn’t on the shot list. Tobe explained that I had come up with the perfect shot to set the tone for the opening of the second act, and we are going to make that shot. He told him “You may fire us and we won’t be back tomorrow, but today I’m the director and he’s the DP, so get the hell out of our way!” I will always remember and respect Tobe for fighting that fight. The shot went on to become the signature shot of TCM.  I’m told that audiences applaud when the shot comes on the screen.” #tcm #texaschainsawmassacre1974 #texaschainsawmassacre #cinematography #greatshots #iconic #postoftheday #bts #16mmfilm
Response from “Pam" aka @chainsawgal - Teri McMinn
“All of which I knew absolutely nothing about! I'm laughing as I write. We knew nothing about that war going on between you guys and 'production', or that you'd come up with the brilliant shot. All I knew was that as Dottie was touching up my makeup and keeping me busy chatting me up, out of the corner of my eye, I looked over across the yard and saw you crouched under the slatted porch swing that had been moved to the yard, the very swing I had been told I would be sitting in for my next scene.  There was Daniel, lying on the grass with his camera, not 10 inches from where I was to park my red shorts. I asked Dottie, "Hey, Dottie, what's Daniel doing under the swing with his camera?" I remember Dottie mumbling, "I dunno..." I'd only the day or two prior turned down a 'production' request to do a skinny-dipping scene. "No, thank you." Anyhoo, had I a clue about your tracking shot and the concept, I might have felt a little more confident and not quite as suspicious of the lot of you as I definitely was when we shot the scene. All through it and afterward, I worried about what Tobe had said to me to convince me all would be fine, "Aww, Teri, goddammit!! We're gonna shoot All Around It!!” He'd had enough of my arguing, so I took my seat on the swing with that camera perched on the ground beneath me. ‘…all around’ WHAT was all I kept thinking?? 🤔 I can assure you, I wasn't worried about Leatherface. Not one bit... 👀🎥😏😱, not then, or for the next 13 months when it was released in October 1974. It's an amazing shot and I'm so grateful I was the "Pam" that got to do it!  🏆 Now, I only wish it could be a giant billboard on Sunset Boulevard. Isn't it great no one listened to me At All?!! 🤣 I’m sure audience’s do applaud. I can't share your post here on IG, but I'll share it on Pammie's FB page. Thanks for the shot and thanks for sharing, Daniel.😁”
 #aheadofyourtime #awardwinning #cinematographer 
Daniel Pearl's Instagram link for the post: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvtejukgJIP/?fbclid=IwAR1DXAEz8m7Xz1sIxZX8LXNdD9edEle1lhxHzEyb0Pry0o0W9z6I0dbGUO0
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la-rp · 2 years
Hi guys so we’ve had a few room inquiries over the past few months, and we’ve pretty much declined them. We have right at 70 rooms and the only rooms we see being utilized consistently are homes. So here’s what we want from you. Check the list below, to see what rooms you might want to keep or which ones you might want to see gone. Once the list is finalized based off what YOU as a community vote for we will then consider letting individuals start business rooms again. However with that means that you have to keep said room active. If your room goes more than 2 months inactive it will be removed and may get another chance to reopen your business at a much later date. If you have suggestions of new rooms you’d like to see please let us know those as well.
To vote on rooms, simply post in the comments the rooms you’d like to see stay. Any rooms that do not make the cut will be removed from cliq immediately.
7 Eleven
 71 above
 BOA steak house
 Beverly Center
 Big bear mountain
 Border Grill
Bossa Nova
Breakfast Bitch
Bxr Gym & Boxing
Catch LA
Cobb Estate/ Haunted Forrest
Disney Land
Gizmo’s Cereal Bar
Griffith Park
Hollywood Sign & Hollywood Boulevard
Johnny Rockets
Katana Sushi
L.A Police department
LA zoo
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Los Angeles Gun Club
Los Angeles Mission
Luckie’s Cabaret
Lucky Strike
Mildred E Mathis Botanical Garden
Monty Good Burger
Moonlight rollerway
Oc Fair
Ocean Prime
Olive Garden
Overland Veterinary Clinic
Perfect Sound Studios
RH rooftop Bar and Restaurant
Red Lobster
Regal Cinemas L.A.
Reign of Terror haunted house
Rodeo Drive
Roscoes House of Chicken and Waffles
Runyon Canyon
Sage Vegan Bistro
Santa Monica Pier
Six Flags hurricane harbor
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Sky zone
Star Hookah Lounge
Studio City Tattoo & Piercing
Sugar Factory
Sunset strip
The Abbey
The Beverly Hills Hotel
The Dolly Llama
The Ritz-Carlton
The nice guy
The ventana Rooftop Pool
Tinfoil liquor & Grocery
Top Golf
Trejos tacos
Venice Beach
Westside Pavilion
Whole foods
Whyte Diamonds
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casbooks · 25 days
Book 50 of 2024 (★★★)
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Title: Hollywood Station Authors: Joseph Wambaugh
Series: 1 of Hollywood Station ISBN: 9780446401241 Rating: ★★★ Subject: Books.Fiction.Crime.Wambaugh
Description: For a cop, a night on the job means killing time and trying not to get killed. If you're a cop in Hollywood Division, it also means dealing with the most overwrought, desperate, and deluded criminals anywhere. When you're patrolling Sunset and Hollywood Boulevards, neither a good reputation nor the lessons of scandals past will help you keep your cool, your sanity, or your life when things heat up.The robbery of a Hollywood jewelry store, complete with masks and a hand grenade, quickly connects to a Russian nightclub, an undercover operation gone bloodily wrong, and a cluelessly ambitious pair of tweakers. Putting the pieces together are the sergeant they call the Oracle and his squad of street cops. There's Budgie Polk, a twenty-something firecracker with a four-month-old at home, and Wesley Drubb, a rich boy who joined the force seeking thrills. Fausto Gamboa is the tetchy veteran, and Hollywood Nate is the one who never shuts up about movies. They spend their days in patrol cars and their nights in the underbelly of a city that never sleeps. From their headquarters at Hollywood Station, they see the glamour city for what it is: a field of land mines, where the mundane is dangerous and the dangerous is mundane.
My Review: It was an OK book, not a great one, not a bad one, definitely OK. While the cast of characters was plentiful, the main story revolved around two drug addicts and the machinations they start by stealing a couple pieces of mail, and that's where the whole thing sort of goes into meh territory. By deciding on having that single narrative be the main point, the pages are filled with their story and the actions and consequences that derive from them. They are the focus, and the spotlight. And frankly, it's a meh tale about the most unlikable people with a rose colored glasses/happy fairy tale ending. The books shines brightest when he talks about the officers and their actions, interactions, thoughts, and the random calls they go on. From rookie just off probation to veteran who's seen it and done it all. They are characters we've all seen before, and they all feel familiar, and while they have little depth, they're fun to read and ride along with. THAT is where the most joy comes from the book. If you get rid of the whole tweaker story, and focus just on the calls and day in/day out, you have a 4 or 5 star book, but those pages are so few compared to the "main story" that you have to slog through to the inevitable cliche ending, it just drops it to a 3. The biggest issue with the book is that I tried to read it from the perspective of my fiancee. I put in many years working West Hollywood and I'm familiar with the terms, the procedures, and I remember Gates, Williams, Parks and Bratton. I remember when the consent decree was finally dismissed in 2013! And I still get irked every time I see that idiot Villaraigosa's name pop up in today's politics. I know what an RA is, 5150, a Rover and the rest are. The book is written by someone in the life, who speaks the language and his vocab isn't the same as yours. The first few pages are full of jargon and insider slang, and it's not until mid book/end book that he starts explaining what some of the terms and things mean. I know that if she tried to read it, she would have dropped it in the first chapter and walked away. I asked a few others to read the pages, and they agreed they were confused and lost. So I don't know if I'll read the rest of the series or other books by him. I didn't really care for Fire Lover either, but it wasn't a bad book in general.
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WTNV quick rundown - 172 - Return of the Obelisk
Read the rest here~
"Nothing lasts forever." is a phrase with two meanings, and they're both true. Welcome to Night Vale.
The Obelisk has returned to NV, as it does roughly every 5-10 years. This is the 19th appearance is recorded history.
It sits in Mission Grove Park, on the east side near the Wailing Pit and a little south of the Memorial Debris Heap.
It is 25ft tall and is oily and soft in texture. It emits a soft blue light and emits music which sounds like a Bach concerto played by a French Horn and a Theremin from inside a refrigerator.
When it appears everyone in town carves their name into it, even though the names always disappear (except one) when it goes and returns again. There's a theory it may be some kind of data-mining technique, or a way of conducting a census by subterranian gods.
If your name does not disappear, you are able to ask the Obelisk one question to which it will privately given the answer, which you can share if you want.
The person chosen in always random and in the past a council was created to discuss and decide on what the most important questions were but it fell out of fashion after years of corporate funding and corruption.
Susan Wilman is chosen and asks the Obelisk what it's name is. She learns, and tells everyone, that if she speaks the name aloud she will become the Obelisk and live forever and know all things to also be damned. Anyone else who hears the name spoken aloud will perish.
Cecil is suddenly feeling really fond of Susan Wilman after bad mouthing her for much of the episode, complimenting her and saying he might actually go see her production of Sunset Boulevard.
Weather: “Pros and Cons” by Sugar & the Mint
Susan Willman once judged a chilli cook-off and gave first place to herself.
The NV musuem of forbidden tec has a 'Youth Reprogramming Day' where they use a Mind Wipe ray to remove all interest in technology from your kid.
Route 800 is shut because it has suddenly become a river which is slowly spreading out from the route. Below the water is a bass, which apparently 'can grow up to 25 pounds, has 4 rows of human teeth and can speak Spanish at a first grade level.'
Stay tuned next for our newest game show: “Nothing Will Ever Be the Same” Good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: Bite your tongue! Fun, right?
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