#Indus and Mera are fragile barrier
floofyboi57 · 1 year
[sits up in bed in a cold sweat]
[….immediately falls back asleep]
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junebugdunes · 1 month
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yeah I'm late to this meme but I've been in this fandom for a whole year and have never drawn any Mindus fanart, which is wild because I love them
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also here's a little Percy comparison cause I wanted to see how much I stylize her
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Your posts are singlehandedly carrying my obsession over Mera x Indus
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Any ideas of various characters Epitomes? We know Zora and Molly have theirs but who else?
Epitome concepts, go!
Giovanni: Hard to imagine what the single most powerful use of 'Soup' would be, but I actually think something like our Dark Power idea would work; essentially using Giovanni's own blood as a medium for soup and overdriving his capabilities to the maximum. Or: Giovanni's epithet explodes, creating a massive whirlwind of superheated steam around him, scalding foes but healing allies.
Sylvie: Realistically speaking, I would probably say Dream Big is already Sylvie's Epitome, but for imagination's sake let's make something up. All of Sylvie's epithet summons appear at once as he passes out, surrounding him in Dr. Beefton and an enormous army of livestock. Or: Drowsy explodes, knocking out everyone in a large radius (potentially including Sylvie) and animating all of their dreams in order to protect him.
Indus: Again, hard to picture the most powerful use one could squeeze out of Barrier: something simple would probably suffice. Indus creates a massive radius protected by layers and labyrinths of barriers, or maybe even just a single, nigh-indestructible force field.
Mera: Man, if Fragile is powerful enough to inflict chronic pain and brittle bone disease on its user just passively, imagine Mera's Epitome. Mera's epithet explodes, weakening everything in a large radius to its breaking point, including the bones and possibly even mental states of people nearby.
Percy: Drawing from the Epithet Switched scripts and our own potential move ideas for Percy, her Epitome would encase her in a castle-like structure and summon a large courtyard filled with towers of all kinds, defending herself and her allies from all harm.
Ramsey: It would be pretty easy to think of an Epitome for Goldbricker, but I want to make something more complex for Ramsey than just "his epithet explodes". 'Goldbricker' means something that appears valuable but is in fact worthless; In a desperate attempt to escape danger, Ramsey teleports to a covert area and leaves a solid gold statue of himself in his place, deceiving any attackers.
These are the best I can think of for now. Feel free to let us know if you have alternate suggestions!
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Saw your posts about giving negator powers to one piece characters and I loved it! They were so many creative uses of Canon ones and also ones you made yourself, I wish I could do so many.
(Also as an epithet erased fan, I imagined what characters I could give a negator and I choose to give Giovanni one i called Unloyal, which make anyone betray what they care about the most, which caused all of Giovanni minions to try to kill each other and him when it manifested. Because I like angst and tragedy.)
The realization that I didn't give a single thought to how the One Piece Negators would have experienced tragedy like those from UU proper
Honestly that's very like me, I'm not too interested in writing angst myself, but that's absolutely fair
If I were trying to write Epithet Negators, I probably would have tried to find a way to incorporate soup into Giovanni's Rule, like...Unclean, allowing the user to generate unclean materials. In Giovanni’s case, when he thinks “unclean” he thinks stains, and nothing stains like soup, so he can conjure and manipulate soup, that sort of thing
I do see your point, the tragedy of Giovanni’s boys turning on him is much more in line with how Tozuka would make a character suffer, that’s just not how I like to approach things
To me, an Epithet is much more in line with a Rule while something like, say, Giovanni’s special skill for landing a critical hit every 13th attack would be something more akin to an Artifact, likely tied to his Soul Slugger Doom Bat. Let’s call it...Bad News Bears, that’s a baseball movie! 
Alternatively, his critical hits could be his Rule, either as a reinterpretation of Unluck (because of the 13 hits rule) or Unendurable (his attacks cannot be endured and he severely injured someone in a baseball accident), and his Artifact is...Duck Soup! Since it’s a silly ability, it should be named after a comedy, and it allows him to conjure a healing broth that he weaponizes by making it into Soup That is Too Hot with Unendurable
There’s really a shocking number of ways you can make this go considering how radically different the Epithet and Rule frameworks are
Let’s see how far I can take this...
Molly, Unintelligent - negates intelligence in a target; Artifact A Quiet Place creates a no sound zone
Giovanni, Unclean - negates cleanliness by manifesting dirty materials, which Giovanni interprets as staining soup; Artifact Bad News Bears deals extreme damage every 13 hits
Mera, Unsubstantial - negates the substance of a target, making it frail and weak; alternatively, Unhealthy and compensates with the Artifact Wreckfest to make others as fragile as she is
Indus, Untouchable - barrier
Sylvie, Unwaking - negates wakefulness in targets; Artifact Requiem for a Dream manifests dreams
Percy, Unguard - using her Real Ass God Damn Sword, Percy is able to cut through anything; Artifact Two Towers allows her to construct spires with various magical abilities
Ramsey, Untarnished - turns objects to gold so that they cannot rust or decay
Zora, Untimely - negates the current state of an object by moving it through its own timeline, into the past or future; Artifact The Good, The Bad and The Ugly allows her to fire her own energy as projectiles rather than using ammo
Maybe there’s better ways I could have gone about it, but this is the best way I could think of to accurately recreate the Epithets within the framework of Undead Unluck. I’m sure these could be used to create tragedies akin to those in UU, but the story of Epithet Erased is so different that it kind of feels artificial to me to inject tragedies that aren’t already there
Either way, thanks for giving me the excuse to dive down this rabbit hole, it was a lot of fun!
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Mera: Indus was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Indus: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Mera: Indus, you ate a chair.
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textposts-erased · 4 years
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[Image ID: a screenshot of Indus standing next to Mera. A text post below him reads “My girlfriend: *studiously doing her accounting homework, listening to instrumental music, very focused.* Me: *upside down in my chair* Do you think the stars have feelings?” End ID]
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sporkkles-irl · 4 years
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yall really sleeping on the best ship huh
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aikeji-jk · 4 years
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New Chibis yay! This time Mera and Indus! Who should I draw next?
Of course I added new graphic on my Redbubble Shop!
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dozywallflower · 5 years
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💜Fragile Barrier💜
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anasten27 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Epithet Erased (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mera Salamin/Indus Tarbella Characters: Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, no beta we die like fools, Fluff, kind of, i think you could call mera a bit of a tsundere, but idk, One Shot Summary:
It was in moments like these that she was grateful to have Indus by her side. He might be loud and sort of clumsy with his surroundings sometimes, but his help was a big relief for her, even if she'd never say it out loud.
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id like to thank god and Jesus i haven’t seen a single molly/giovanni shipper, just lady mera and her dumb dumb himbo boyfriend
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Indus, with an arm around Mera: "Lady Mera is pregnant! I cannot wait to see if I'm going to be a mom or a dad!"
Mera, facepalming: "Indus- that's... not how that works."
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Wuxia AU (Section 1: Introduction)
I imagined Giovanni serving Tang Yuan (汤圆, a traditional Chinese dessert of (sometimes colourful) glutinous rice balls served in hot broth) to his brothers (minions/boys) and now I have an AU setting.
Also, Happy Winter Solstice!
Inspired by old Kung Fu and Wuxia films from the 70s where:
Anything can be a weapon in the right hands
Anyone with enough training or experience can be a capable fighter
And, chivalrous heroes and sinister villains clash for treasures, ideals and fame.
Doesn't this sound a bit similar to Epithet Erased in some ways?
So here is an AU in which our midnight heist takes place in a grand temple hiding a treasure, with bandits and vagabonds behind every curtain, and a little girl trapped behind the closed gates. Also everyone is wearing some form of traditional Chinese clothing or clothing styles that originated in ancient China, and sometimes sing as in an opera.
Magic System
Instead of epithets and inscribed, anybody can harness Qi or supernatural powers through enough training and hardwork/grit. Our inscribed characters in this AU have these powers through years of experience using them, the luck to gain a boost (eating magic pills) or to be born with innate potential, or the unluck to be forced by fate to become stronger in order to overcome its machinations.
Pretty much the same with mostly aesthetic changes. Her powerset focuses on dispelling in order to control her older sister's with the opposite focus of creation. She has never wielded an actual weapon in her life.
Was once a good child who gained a passion in cooking to the point his skills are focused around making Soup and similar concoctions. Unfortunately he managed to read Water Margin and decided to become a bandit by joining the Yellow Scarfs (Banzai Blasters), a 'bandit' group more of a private criminal mercenary and highway robbery organisation.
Instead of baseball, in this AU Giovanni has a side skill in Da Tuolo (A Chinese whip and spinning top game) unmatched amongst his brothers (instead of 'boys' in this AU) and peers. Instead of the 13 combo effect, its now a 4 combo effect at the 'cost' of rarely using the whip as a weapon (It's his only one, plus he uses it for competitions. Furthermore he knows the pain of being hit with it by accidental self use or by others accidently hitting him with their whips during practice).
A young man (often mistaken for as a kid) from a pastoral family who studies and practices the analysis of Qi usage on the human body, as well as how to take care of it. A horn-hat wearing recluse who has more knowledge than his age suggests. Or at least, this is the story he tries to present...
His skillset focuses on pacification (useful for calming down animals and troublesome patients) with an odd ability of transforming into a bull monster as his 'dreamform' or something. He also has a large amount of magical trinkets and talismans as well as general knowledge of pressure points on the human body, these consist the majority of his arsenal in the event of a fight.
Born with an unusual amount of power, her magic tends to be rather unstable and constant usage can harm her. Her noble family could not provide a solution despite their wealth to aid her, and thus she left to travel the world with Indus to seek a remedy for her condition.
Her powerful abilities allows her to manipulate matter into a more fragile state like porcelain. She is rather tricky, and may use stealthy, disguised or unconventional weapons to catch her opponents off guard.
Same fellow as in canon Epithet Erased with the ability to create magical barriers. Only that he probably came from a nomadic clan in the west or north.
Either a former member of the imperial army or just born in a rather chivalrous martial arts clan, she serves the city guard with an honorable distinction.
She however, has a rather low stamina which regulates her to a support role, where she does her best to learn how to treat wounds, care for weaponry, and other skills a support role may need in the military.
Despite her low stamina, she is still a remarkable fighter nonetheless. Her weapons include the infamous Tamade Sword (他妈的剑!), and a pair of mirrors (one is semi-transparent while the other has a very bright reflection). Reflected light from the latter mirror can actual be used to revitalise one's face and skin; but when the former mirror is used to direct sunlight into the latter mirror, the resulting ray of reflected light can blind, scald and even burn anything it touches with enough exposure.
He has lived many schemes disguised as lives, but it seems his luck has run out, forcing him to be on the run. A former merchant, conman, and even a (albeit corrupt) governor; anything related to gold is his domain to rule if he gets the chance.
Speaking of gold, his skillset is focused around turning things into precious metals (though he prefers gold), he can even do this to himself to avoid physical harm.
Some say she served the Immortal Emperor when he was alive, while others say she was once a warlord who ruled over the far-flung steppes. Nevertheless, this mysterious and terrifying woman serves as mercenary and assassin for a shadowy faction that has plans to usurp the Mandate of Heaven.
Swords, traps, knives, bows, crossbows and flying guillotines may be her primary or secondary weapons. But her signature weapon is none other than a small water clock. No one has seen the use of such an odd contraption in the hands of a mercenary, much less its use as a weapon, and lived to tell the tale. Rumours say the waters of time drip and flow to her command, and from which she nourishes her seemingly unending youth.
Poor Vasemaker from the temple
Works in the temple to make, manage and take care of the vases there. Is also the artist behind the newest vase so beautiful as to be worth more gold than what the temple could afford. When Giovanni smashes a specific and rather intricate vase, this poor fellow wakes up and hops out of bed sobbing "My vases!" and "My life's work!" in the distance.
Meta Data: One of the first AUs we've made together. A setting centered AU inspired by the Wuxia genre. Pre-POP story.
Status: General character, location and plot redesigns made, little to no name changes. There are 2 world concepts (based on 2 similar AU concepts during early development that differed in cultural focus called 'Wuxia AU' & 'Silk Road AU', the former is the current basis of this AU).
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lion-buddy · 4 years
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Uhhh kid au?.... but just mera and Indus right now  Part 1 | Part 2 ramblings about it under cut :)
I dont really know if they have epithets or not, i didnt really think about it. 
All I know is that Indus likes to carry around a frisbee and mera is still fragile and they’re both like 12 or younger in this.  ok onto random hcs :)
Indus likes to carry around a frisbee and use it like a barrier and throw it at stuff he is also a twig.  A buff 12 yr old sounds kinda scary ngl 
Mera carries around bandaids in her front pocket. 
Their personalities are relatively the same, Indus is still loud and lovable and mera is not really mean but more awkward per say. She’s slowly learning how to socialize.  Indus does not have tattoos for obvious reasons. Also i decided to not shave his head.  Idk about you but I don’t see many young kids with mow hawks but that could just be me.  Maybe it’s something he does a few years later.
This whole time I’ve been imagining them in a city. Somewhere where is snows and the parks are man made with more urban surroundings.  Tho mera probably lives closer to the country side.
They probably met in a park. Something something Indus throws his barrier frisbee near mera I’m great at backstorys cant you tell
Indus sorta knows about mera’s condition and follows her everywhere protecting her (which equates to scaring off ducks and making sure the sidewalk is clear).  He aspires to be strong enough one day to protect her from anything.  He’s just to pure and innocent i cant-
Mera is homeschooled and Indus likes to meet up with her afterwards every day and just, do what they do. 
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Mera: Do you remember that movie we saw about the 2 gay guys on the mountain?
Indus: Lord of the Rings?
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