#Ineffable E-sports
hope-has-hope ¡ 9 months
OK might have to make a E-sport AU now 🫡
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aziraphales-library ¡ 1 year
Do you have any ineffable husbands human aus where they're angsty with a happy ending?
Here are some angst with a happy ending human aus...
Upon This Rock by Eowyn1846 (M)
Crowley and Aziraphale meet as teenagers participating in a youth curling league. Years after losing touch when Crowley's family moves away, the two former friends are reunited at a major tournament...as competitors on two very cut-throat teams, whose captains seem willing to win at any cost, even to the detriment of the sport.
What the World Gives by Adzeisval (T)
Being a teenager is hard Aziraphale Fell feels out of place among his peers and has difficulties making friends. He is terrified that if his parents realize he is gay they will kick him out. Anthony Crowley is a new student hoping to fit in and hoping his medical issues don't make themselves known. Sometimes the world can be harsh, but sometimes one lucks out and has someone by their side.
Our Lost Time by Izabella95 & UnproblematicMe (E)
Aziraphale Crowley awakes in the hospital after an almost fatal accident. But he is lucky and gets away alive and without permanent injuries. The close call sets things into perspective and he wants to fix his strained marriage. His husband, Anthony Crowley - who simply goes by "Crowley" - takes good care of Aziraphale after the accident, but there seems to be an invisible barrier between the spouses. Can Aziraphale save his relationship? What secrets does Crowley keep?
Heaven (Is a Place on Earth) by soft_october (M)
“I’m just sneaking a break from the festivities, as it were.” Crowley twists his hand in a gesture meant to sum up the circumstances which led him here. “I haven’t taken up residency in the back of a bookshop in the middle of paradise.” “Ah, well, we clearly disagree over what, precisely, paradise might mean.” Aziraphale's eyes are sharp, and through that initial mask of annoyance, a small smile is curling. Crowley came to Lower Tadfield, the UKs version of San Junipero, to have a good time, try out the software, step out of his old and failing body into the magic of a virtual world with no consequences. At least that's what he had planned, until one night he stumbles into a bookshop and meets a buttoned up, blue eyed wonder with pale curls and a perfect smile.
A streetcar named desire by elf_on_the_shelf (E)
Crowley is trying his absolute best - even if that ain't all that grand - to please Morgan & Partners in his role as Chief Architect on their new development. Too bad that this development in particular is on the very same site that the City Council wants to build a light rail network on and, even though Crowley hates everyone involved, can he hate the angelic person who is in charge of the whole project?
The Ghost of Husbands Past by A_N_D (E)
Az always knew that he’d be thrown out the moment his father found out he was gay. He hadn’t expected to be declared dead though - or for his husband to believe it! But their marriage had been a foolish teenage impulse (not to mention invalid in America), so when Az moved to a small town far upstate New York to start his new life, he moved alone. The kindest thing he could do was let Crowley mourn and move on, not be shackled for life to a now disabled partner. Tony Crowley never recovered from losing his best friend, his childhood sweetheart, his better half. He’d been drifting ever since; no plans, no hope, no money - and now, just before Thanksgiving, no job either. Given the stark choice of freezing to death or accepting his sister’s invitation to join her upstate, Tony reluctantly lives out the Hallmark cliche of Recently Unemployed Person Moves to Small Town for Christmas. It’s a time of hope, love, and family. It’s time for Az and Tony to find each other again.
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fuckyeahgoodomensfanfic ¡ 2 months
Good Omens Fic Rec: Pass the Star
Azalea Fell meets Antoinette Crowley at her first roller derby bout with a new league. After an incident leads to a trip to A&E, the two are drawn to one another but Crowley is reluctant to potentially ruin a great friendship for something more.
Length: 57,618 Words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Mostly Safe in Public, Human AU
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by mageofthepeople
*Minor Spoilers* I'm super totally normal about this one. I've been on an ineffable wives obsession this week and that was largely due to this fic. This is everything I want in a wives story! It's fun, engaging, creative, and a total win for lesbians.
Azalea and Crowley are derby girls on rival teams. I love the derby use here because, well it's hot, but also it's a fun sport that I can totally understand these two enjoying. Crowley is obvious to understand, it's physical and aggressive, outside the norm, and again hot. But the hard work here was to make Azalea fit in this space. The author does this by giving us a character that has already done some of the work of leaving her repressive past behind. She's uniquely herself, has a strong moral code, still hates customers and selling books, and has a sense of fashion and style that doesn't give a damn what other people think. She's still our sexy bookseller, but with tattoos and skates! Ugh tattooed omens is like catnip to me!
But the setting also works because it's well crafted! If you didn't have an obsession with the Elliot Page movie Whip It like I did, and don't know anything about roller derby, there's no worry here. You'll be able to follow right along. And the side characters fit into this word great! Ana was a surprise use, and one that I enjoyed! I feel like we usually see a Gabriel type character in the role that Ana fills here, so I loved the shake up. Plus, CAT. It's an instant win for me when there's a cat.
And did I mention it's hot?? The sex scenes in here are a little shorter, but excellent, and something to keep thinking about afterwards for sure. It's mostly safe in public overall, but for me I devoured it in one sitting at home. It's set up well for something to read in smaller bits but I cannot resist a good binge read. It's also clearly setting up for a sequel and honey, I'm seated. I'm subscribed and ready to go the moment more of this series drops. Already after my first draft of this post we got one! So I will end with a reminder to always subscribe to your favorite authors, because if I hadn't been I may have missed another entry to this universe and I'm an addict to these girls.
Read it here, fic by mageofthepeople
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e-rated-beardo ¡ 3 months
✨ New fic ✨
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(Just a little guy, climbing around where he shouldn't be)
I've embarked on something overambitious again! 😃 I'm 85k words and 20-ish chapters in on my gdrive - enough to dare to start posting before pride month is over. (trans angel trans angel trANS ANGEL—)
It's a supernatural murder mystery/ineffable husbands romance/love letter to the City of Aberdeen/project to besmirch every building of my alma mater. Crowley and Aziraphale are human (and subtly different from their "regular" selves—but that's for readers to wonder about and characters not to notice, yet) and meet as academics. Cue bickering and romantic tension. Then, someone is found murdered on a summoning circle.
Scorn and the Saint-Maker (rated E, no warnings)
Tags: Murder mystery, Temporarily human, Romance, Smut (some skippable), Demon summoning, Canon universe, Trans Aziraphale 🏳️‍⚧️, Cis Crowley, more tags on AO3
Summary, excerpt and art stuff™️ below the break⤵
Doctor Crowley has turned truancy into an art form, lecturing only under sufferance. Doctor Fell has signed up for his undergraduate course and has no plans to let him slack off. When a faculty member is found dead, our heroes start forming uneasy suspicions. What was the occult symbol drawn next to the body? Why does it feel like they’ve known each other forever? How is Crowley supposed to tell police that he thinks the murderer is a demon he summoned 35 years ago? And what about that statue that’s the spitting image of the victim?
Read the first two chapters on AO3 ➡️
Excerpt from chapter 2:
The bloody man… was… cute. He was cute, and damn him to hell. Anthony Crowley didn’t like cute. He didn’t even like people. Crowley had barely looked twice at another man in a decade. He’d already given that part of himself up as a bad job at about the same time that he abandoned his last attempt at making friends. He just wasn’t a friendly sort—he had too many sharp edges, too little patience, and too much of a penchant for rubbing people the wrong way for sport. But then here came this waistcoated, tartan brolly, sarcastic eyebrow, bitten-back smirk, Doctor-of-Information-Sciences oddity, strolling right into his lecture theatre where he didn’t even want to be, and all of a sudden Anthony J. Crowley, doctor of mathematics and advanced bastardry, found himself improvising a class about the very core of mathematics and trying to sodding impress. It was embarrassing, really.
✨ Art stuff™️ ✨
I wanted to sketch the building whose epic clock tower appears about five sentences into the second chapter (the first is a prologue, so it barely counts), so I found the prettiest reference photo with the most exciting perspective situation I could find. (The second point was a consequence of the first.)
Just look at this bullshit:
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Then, well.
Things went a comfortable amount of overboard about as soon as pencil touched paper
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Isn't she gorgeous, this granite orgy in gothic overkill? 🖤
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Bonus: This fic contains maths (CW?), and there's going to be some blackboard drawings here and there. Here's the first. Gold star (maths nerd star ⭐️) if you can tell me the problem we're discussing without reading first.
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Start reading "Scorn and the Saint-Maker" on AO3 ➡️
ping @goodomensafterdark ❤️ @harlotofupdog, this is the fic where Crowley draws 🍆s on students' homework 😄
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addledmongoose ¡ 7 months
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (08 Mar 2024)
Probably the smallest list I've made yet, due to the sheer size of #RAINBOWROAD.
#RAINBOWROAD (407K; Rated E) by @nieded
Human AU. This has been recommended on the GO subreddit several times now, and for a very good reason. It's an extraordinary series that I honestly can't say enough good things about. No, really, I can't. I'm lucky these sentences are coherent, because I'm so addicted to reading these I'm living on the bare minimum amount of sleep needed to keep my brain from melting.
There are currently five completed works in the series and a sixth in progress, but the main story is told over the three long works, so there's no reason to wait for the sixth work to be finished before you start reading. You could skip the two shorter ones completely without it affecting the story, but they're both just as interesting and well-written as the main story.
Crowley is a veteran Formula 1 driver whose personal life caused a rather unpleasant fall from grace. Now he drives for the only team that will sign him, and he's constantly scrutinized by the team's management for any sign of bad behavior. Aziraphale, who in this story is called Ezira Phale (first and last name) is a rookie F1 driver who is picked up by a new team run by distillery owner, Gabriel and his sister, Michael. #RAINBOWROAD is both a beautiful and realistic love story between the Ineffable Husbands and a story dedicated to the author's love for racing.
You don't need to know anything about Formula 1 racing, because the author explains everything in such a fascinating way that you'll be talking pole positions and using words like chicane and name-dropping real life drivers in no time. I literally didn't even know which kind of racing Formula 1 was until I googled it, and this story will make you fall in love with the sport (even if I still don't intend to actually watch any races). (If you like how Old Vines (190K; Rated E) was an exquisite ode to wine and winemaking, this is similar).
And the characters! I LOVE Ezira and Crowley so much here! Ezira has enough of Aziraphale's traits that he doesn't feel like a completely different character, but he's a 25-year-old adrenaline junkie whose first love is driving very fast cars, not books or food (though he still loves both). The author does a great job of making Ezira very good at his job but not supernaturally so. He's a rookie driver; he's not magically better than the top people in the field (including Crowley), but you can see the talent there. His placements feel very realistic. Crowley is probably a little closer to his demon counterpart, from his clothes and shades to his snarky personality. He's extremely good at his job, and like Ezira, he loves what he does.
Newt makes an appearance as another F1 driver, while Anathema is an engineer. The Them and Warlock are all grown up, working as mechanics and engineers for various teams. Beelzebub is Crowley's agent, and their snarky and short-tempered, but secretely soft, personality works really well with Crowley. There are some great original characters, too, who will stick with you just as much as the canon characters.
The second book is very angsty, but it does get better by the end. I had to take a day off reading it and take a look at some lighter stories before I could go back to it. But once I did, I forewent sleep to finish it.
The third book is set several years later when they're both veteran drivers and a well-established couple. I haven't finished it (because I did have to actually sleep at some point), but the author writes that it's more fluff-oriented than the first two, and I have no reason to doubt them.
This is one of the most professionally-written and utterly fascinating Good Omens stories I've read yet.
A.Z. Fell & Co. Est. 1800: The Bookshop Chronicles (as told by Yelp) (18K 11/? chapters; Rated T)
Normally I only recommend stories that are complete or nearly so (within a couple of chapters), but I feel like this story can be read without waiting for the whole completed story, because currently it's seasons 1 and 2 (and in-between) told through Yelp reviews of the bookshop. This is the kind of genuinely delightful story that keeps me smiling from the first moment, especially when Aziraphale and Crowley start bickering in the comments. Then there are the commenters who are convinced Aziraphale and Crowley are cryptids and present some rather convincing evidence. The Whickber Street shopowners pop in on occasion, along with Jimbriel and Inspector Constable. Try to read it with the workskin on, because the author makes the story look like Yelp reviews.
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invisibleicewands ¡ 4 years
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is a world where every celebrity interviewee natters away like Michael Sheen. How easy the life of a showbiz journo would be then.
The star of Good Omens, Frost/Nixon and The Queen, whose impersonations of Tony Blair are fabled, slid into the passenger seat of Jennifer Saunders's E-Type Jaguar on Memory Lane (ITV). He started talking. He didn't stop.
The hour was a flood of funny voices, poignant reminiscences, knowing confessions, gentle reflections and constant wit. Port Talbot lad Michael puts the Gower into 'garrulous', the Cymru in to 'conversation'.Jennifer barely had to ask a question, which was handy since the current trend for sending actors to do interviews is not a wise one. The art of coaxing great chat from a telly star takes experience and practice — and it doesn't suit performers who are more accustomed to working from a script.Take last weekend's encounter between Luther's Idris Elba and Sir Paul McCartney. That was excruciating. Idris is a brilliantly menacing actor and the only celeb I can think of who is named after a Mediterranean island, but neither of these qualifications counted for much when it came to asking questions. Half the time he was talking about himself. At one point he produced a guitar, announced he was learning to play, and asked Macca to close his eyes and identify chords. It was simultaneously embarrassing, insulting and boring. Sir Paul, ineffably charming as always, played along, but he plainly wished he was somewhere else.
No such problems for Mr Sheen, who didn't need questions. Jennifer brought along some props, such as Michael's first publicity photo and a flyer from the burger drivethrough where he worked after leaving school — but she could just as easily have left him alone in a room with a chair and a naked light bulb. He would have talked incessantly in any case.
Whether the format will be as successful with other subjects remains to be seen. A sports car might prove a handy way of maintaining a social bubble, so that Michael and Jennifer could converse without wearing masks, but it's more suited to chit-chat than meaningful reflections.
Michael was magnanimous about staying in the passenger seat. Most blokes, offered a ride in an E-Type, would be itching to drive.
Jennifer Saunders’ Memory Lane, review: this interview-on-wheels doesn’t make it out of second gear
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sorion ¡ 5 years
Ineffable Husbands Fic Recs
My favourites in alphabetical order with word count and AO3 rating (list will be edited; always check the link in my profile for the latest version)
NOTE: Both pre and post S2. (The list of post S2 will be expanded.)
Post S2
Clandestine Driving (2.2k, T) After a second successful run around of heaven and hell, Aziraphale and Crowley meet up in the Bentley to discuss the Plan.
The F-Word (21.5k, T) How the living f**k is Crowley ever going to find solace or comfort? Whiskey? Coffee? Cursing? Antisocial behavior? Yes, all of the above.
The Front Page of the Internet (4.5k, M) Following their breakup, Aziraphale reaches out to the internet on his celestial smartphone, searching for a certain answer regarding a certain demon: "AITA for quasi-rejecting him?"
I’m the Treasure, Baby I’m the Prize (9.4k, E) Crowley is very good at faking sex work, as it turns out.
Mirrors (2.5k, T) GO/DW crossover: "Would you mind explaining why you’re wearing my face again?"
Muriel Does a Fantastic Job (13.8k , G) Muriel is hard at work running A.Z. Fell and Co and will maybe get a commendation for doing such a good job! But it would be easier if Crowley would stop coming round and knocking things over.
The Third Coming (2.8k, G)
Never before in the history of all existence had bleak odds ever seemed more promising.
Pre S2
A Brief History of Touch (12k, E) Six thousand years of pining, stolen glances, almost-touches, plummeting towards the inevitable end.
Accidental Love (that one doesn’t actually have a title, I just added one for the list; 1.5k tumblr prompt, G) Crowley confesses his love mid-rant without realising it. 
Always too much Thinking (10k, E) “For once, will you just say what’s on your mind?” Crowley was pleading.
An Angel Who Did Not So Much Fall in Love as Settle into It Gradually (8k, G) The story of the little moments over the millennia that shape an angel’s regard for a demon, and the way he slowly, with great reluctance but inevitable surety, falls in love.
And the Antichrist Makes Three (18.5k, T) Crowley didn't exactly intend to kidnap the Antichrist. It just sort of happened. And now they're stuck with him.
Between the Shadow and the Soul (13k, M) Every so often, Aziraphale tried to talk to God. 
Black Sails (21k, E) Aziraphale has been a nun all her life, never given a choice to what path she might take. Her innate curiosity is rewarded when she meets a sailor in the tavern.
Fine Dining (14k, E) “When you're… dining out… what cutlery do you prefer to use?”
Five Times Crowley Fails to Demonically Seduce Anyone and One Time He Doesn’t Need to (11k, M) Like it says on the tin, but very well and elaborately executed.
Honey, You're Familiar Like My Mirror (11k, T) “Crowley,” Aziraphale said, and hesitated. He looked a touch apprehensive, a touch hopeful. “I’d like to take you up on your invitation, if it’s still on offer.”
I Got You to Help Me Forgive (16.5k, E) They have loved each other in the Garden, but only one is allowed to remember.
Keep on Building on the Ground (34k, M) Having kidnapped the infant Antichrist, Crowley finds himself hunted by both sides eager for their war. Desperate, he turns to the only being on Earth who might be able to help him: a Fallen angel playing vintner in Provence.
The Kind of Thing One Says Easily (15.5k, E) Crowley just straight up told Aziraphale pretty early on that he loves him, so it was a fact of their dynamic for centuries before the apocalypse.
Laugh When It Sinks In (12k, G) “Are you sure you’re alright? A-are you having, like, a mid-life crisis or something now that Heaven’s cut you loose? You’re worrying me. What’s next? Cherry red sports car?”
Lit in the Darkness (40k, M) Times throughout history Crowley and Aziraphale have shared a bed. 
Meantime I Ask You to Be My Valentine (26.5k, T) “I heard tell of a place of period-atypical religious tolerance and a fast-developing food scene. Figured your angelic wiles were behind it.”
More Delightful Than Wine (15.5k, E) “They don’t work.” - “I’m sorry, but what don’t work?” - “My parts.” Crowley glared at the parts in question.
The Starting Hinge (49k, T) When a rare book collector is mysteriously killed, DI Barnaby and DS Winter are on the case.
These Furious Passions, These Chances (13k, E) Love, confessions, and passion at a time when their world isn’t quite ready for it.
What’s There to Say (13k, T) A crossover you didn’t know you needed.
When I’m Ready to Die From These Wounds (20k, E) Aziraphale finds Crowley in snake form with barely any demonic energy to him. He tries everything to help him recover.
Weight to a Moral Argument (11k, T) “I’m really fucking in love with you too, and I’m going to say it back properly, which is going to be very romantic and extremely embarrassing.”
You, Soft and Only (9.5k, E) It’s always been them, really. They could never not be.
Saturday Night & Sunday Morning (4.5k, E) God's plan may have been ineffable, but so were Crowley and Aziraphale. And God's plan couldn't hope to compare, really.
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Dungeons and dragons rules
The huge battles of their fantasy wargames with the exploits of character heroes. This idea became the first fable roleplaying sport, in which players are characters in an ongoing delusion story. This new sort of sport has come to be immensely famous over the years, and D&D has grown to include many new approaches to vividly experience worlds of heroic delusion 5e rogue .
The middle of D&D is storytelling. You and your friends inform a tale collectively, guiding your heroes thru quests for treasure, battles with lethal foes, bold rescues, courtly intrigue, and much greater. You also can discover the arena of Dungeons & Dragons thru any of the novels written with the aid of its delusion authors, as well as attractive board video games and immersive video games. All of these tales are a part of dnd backgrounds.
Call it fate, good fortune, or Stranger Things, however the wheel of time has became and now, all at once, Dungeons & Dragons is popular once more.According to sport's publisher Wizards of the Coast, 2016 and 2017 have been Dungeons & Dragons' most worthwhile years due to the fact that its inception in 1974. Whatever the purpose at the back of this resurgence, it’s bringing together people and cube of all sizes and styles.
I've been gambling D&D for over 14 years, and there’s some thing ineffable about the combination of storytelling and camaraderie that keeps the sport sparkling. So I'm right here to inform you, you must begin playing D&D—and you need to begin gambling right now. The absolute first-class way to study is with a collection of buddies who already understand the policies and can guide you thru the mastering curve. But allow’s say your group of friends are also new to the game. Well, don't worry. We’re here to help.
Maybe the story you will tell is a thriller. Maybe it follows the classic hero's arc. Or, heck, perhaps the story is simply skinny window-dressing with a series of staggering battles. D&D is all of these items, and simply as there's no single satisfactory manner to tell a story, there is no "right" manner to play D&D.
 All the players, experts, and save owners I spoke to about this story had one shared thread of advice—the fine way to dip your ft in the roleplaying waters is to experience it, to play it, or at the least, watch it's played. So before we get in addition into the weeds, watch Vin Diesel play D&D in this hilariously over-produced recreation, excellently named D&Diesel. Four minutes could be enough, simply cognizance at the group storytelling 5efeats.
 So what precisely do you want to get a recreation going? I spoke with Lauren Bilanko, the co-proprietor of Brooklyn's Twenty Sided Store recreation shop. She guides new players on almost a every day basis. While veteran players all need polyhedral cube and copies of the Player's Handbook or the Dungeon's Masters Guide—a DM's sacred textual content—Bilanko says this isn't what she shows for brand spanking new players.
 “We get humans getting into the store all the time who aren't genuinely positive what D&D is, however suppose it might be something they're inquisitive about,” Bilanko says. “I continually lean people closer to the D&D Starter Set...Which teaches you the way to be a Dungeon Master as you are playing, and it has a rule ebook and pre-generated characters with backstories for each person else who desires to play.”
 The biggest assignment for a new group of players is finding a DM, someone who prepares an entire world (essentially writes the pick out-your-very own-journey e book) before every body even sits down. Although any accurate D&D recreation involves one element practise and  components winging it, it's tough for brand new gamers to recognize exactly what they want to put together, what they do not, and the way they can craft a story it truly is fun to play.
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aziraphales-library ¡ 3 years
Hi, do you have any highshcool au's? Thank you!
Hoo boy, do I. Turns out I might have a soft spot for highschool AUs that I didn’t know about...
Things We're Forced To Name by brilliantlyordinary (E)
Crowley's a rebel, Aziraphale is a new kid, a goody-two-shoes, and Crowley can't stop thinking about him.
aka the American High School AU that literally nobody asked for.
A Careful Kind of Something by hope_in_the_dark (T)
Ezra Seraff and Anthony Crowley aren't exactly what you'd call friends. Yet.
All This (and Heaven Too) by GaryOldman (T)
"By the time first class had ended, Crowley had learnt two things. The first: Philosophy and Ancient Religion managed to tread the line between being a doss-subject and totally impossible to wrap your head around. The second: Aziraphale remembered him. "
Crowley's first day at a new college brings with it someone he never thought he'd see again.
Good Romance by walking_contradiction42 (G)
Aziraphale has had a very sheltered childhood, his parents being very strict and religious people.
Then he meets Crowley, a hopelessly emo troublemaker, and his world is suddenly turned upside down.
All his life he thought the people on the other side to be cruel and vicious monsters. But really, Crowley is so much more.
And as they are forced to work together for a greater cause, Aziraphale realises that not everything has to be good and evil, black and white, but that there might also be an “Our Side” in between.
Welcome to Terreville High by lemondropss & notjodieyet (T)
Aziraphale Fell just transferred to Terreville High and everything is already going badly - until quirky Anathema Device and her nerdy boyfriend Newton invite him to join the Angelic Times, the school newspaper. Immediately, Aziraphale is assigned to interview the sports team, the Demons - including creepy Chris Hastur, intimidating Cedric Ligur, goth captain Beelz, and actually cute (!!) ginger boy, Crowley.
But when funding is cut on Terreville’s clubs, leaving room for only soccer or newspaper, Aziraphale and Crowley are thrown into a battle of sabotage with senior correspondents, ex-girlfriends, and very confusing emotions.
Ineffable Students by Fallinfromgrace (M)
Crowley is starting a new school after finally moving back to London with his family. He'd not excited about it until he meets a boy at school who is going to make this a very interesting year indeed. Zira, not one for many friends, can't help but feel drawn to the new boy in class, even if his brother Gabe doesn't like it. This could be interesting.
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Bruce Sterling on the next 50 years of climate-wracked maker architecture
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Bruce Sterling's hour-long lecture to the Southern California Institute of Architecture is pretty good vintage Sterling: a seeming grab-bag of loosely related futuristic, ascerbic observations about climate change, Estonian e-residency, Kazakh new cities, monumental architecture, rotting Turinese palaces, Silicon Valley arrogance, AI, new-new urbanism, and so on -- which then all seems to pull together in an ineffable, somehow coherent finale that is both hopeful and bitter.
Sterling discusses current situations that suggest issues that could be significant in thirty years, including:
•China’s terraforming projects in the South China Sea, and the Belt and Road Initiative.
•Astana, Kazakhstan, which Sterling describes as neither Fatehpur Sikri nor Brasília, nor the future, but a possibility.
•Dubai as a technocratic autocracy that will not become a hegemon but an entrepôt of futurity
•Sterling discusses Estonia’s e-residency initiative as an architectural problem that that will become common in the future, requiring off-shore pop-ups promoting Virtual Estonia, physical bank/embassy registration sites, a physical headquarters within Estonia, plus the physical structures required by virtual enterprises.
•In Estonia’s capital Tallinn, Sterling discovered another architectural problem of the mid-21st century: abandoned, failed megastructures, located in sites that will probably be flodded, such as the Lenin Palace of Culture and Sports (Raine Karp and Riina Altmäe, 1980). •Seasteading, which Sterling dismisses as impractical.
•Sterling also criticizes efforts of architects to design around the problem of climate-change flooding as “architectural solutionism”.
•Sterling considers one result of rising sea levels will be a global proliferation of unregulated squatter districts like Christiania, in Copenhagen: “wet favelas” detached from municipal services.
•He notes push-back against Silicon Valley cultural imperialism (e.g. Uber and Airbnb) in places like Barcelona and Turin, as another issue that will grow in significance.
Sterling argues that the most famous buildings of the mid-21st century will be older buildings, preserved in new ways, and retrofitted for new uses.
He dismisses artificial intelligence design as “a kaleidoscope,” providing options without insight.
He discusses Ikea’s Space10 research on autonomous food trucks, predicting that spaces will become mobile in the 21st century. He anticipates that the impact of autonomous cars will be profound: the autonomous car is regular car as the cell phone is to the landline.
Though he admits that, since Jonathan Swift’s Laputa, there has always been something ridiculous about the idea of flying cities, they might become an option if Earth’s surface becomes too polluted or dangerous.
Sterling argues that when space travel becomes feasible and cheap, the moon, planets and asteroids will be settled, but out of a sense of “cosmic Weltschmerz.”
Showing an image of the recent L.A. Forum Reader, he reminds the audience that thirty years isn’t that far off.
Sterling concludes with a discussion of some of his current projects in Turin: the Casa Jasmina, The Share Festival, and – unexpectedly – the Villa Abegg, where he works on a novel in an Eames lounge chair.
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jokerineborealis ¡ 7 years
Tiny Halloween Bucket Hunt
Adds 10 Halloween buckets to Goodsprings for the player to collect, as an in-game challenge
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  Boom to the Moon
A young man in Novac named Anaximander needs help finding out what has happened to his wife. Requires the Old World Blues and Lonesome Road DLCs.
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  Nexus Page
The Search for the Word - A Hunt for Bibles
An old man named Theodosius needs your help collecting bibles to find out the secrets to a happy life.
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  Nipton Rebuilt
Allows the player to become Mayor and rebuild Nipton.
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  The Big Rescue
A young boy by the name of Emeric needs help recovering his beloved puppy.
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  Rump's Presidential Race
Rump, the Presidential Mole Rat, is looking for a campaign manager to help coordinate his rallies, and the position may or may not be paid!
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Dinky Collectin' - Scavenger Hunt
Fully voice-acted quest mod that adds a short dungeon, a simple follower, a truckload of new foods, some weapons, a few pieces of apparel, many magazines, some skill books, and a bunch of unique clutter.
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  Sugarloaf's Christmas Adventure
Sugarloaf is a small Giddyup Buttercup who is looking for someone to help her read a note.
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Lupa - Legion Mongrel Follower
Turns Lupa at The Fort into a simple companion.
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  Buddy Chicken Companion
Fully voiced robotic toy companion, featuring high-resolution textures and custom animations. TTW version available and listed here.
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My personal player character, Agnessa Bozarth, available as a very simple voiced follower in Goodsprings.
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Dustworth - Classy Eyebot Follower (FNV)
An essential, fully-voiced eyebot follower found in Goodsprings. His name is Dustworth, and he wears a top-hat and monocle. Originally released as "Classy Butler Eyebot - Playable Modder's Resource" available below.
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Skill Books - Readable Excerpts
Adds readable skill book excerpts as notes that the player can access directly through the Pip-Boy to a crate outside Novac. Written by yours truly.
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Gilbert Science Sets
Some fun boxed toys with varied effects that can be found inside Victor's Shack, in Goodsprings.
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Simple Clutter Bobbleheads
Adds the ever-so-popular 20 bobbleheads from Fallout 3 as simple clutter items for you to decorate your home.
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Lonely House - Decorative Items and Clutter
A handful of simple decorative items to place around your home and make it seem a bit more lived-in, or to sell for some profit.
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The Kill-O-Watt
A power supply unit wedged into a stick.
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Swiss Army Knife
A Swiss Army knife that works as a weapon with similar stats to the vanilla Straight Razor, but with an added little boost to Survival (+5) while in the player's inventory.
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Knock-Off Nuka-Cola Blaster
A Nuka-Cola energy weapon very loosely based on the one featured in Fallout 4 concept art (therefore, "knock-off").
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Knock-Off Nuka-Cola Quantum Blaster
A new Nuka-Cola Quantum energy weapon based on my Knock-Off Nuka-Cola Blaster, alongside some other assorted unique items including apparel, food and clutter.
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Potato Weaponry
Adds some potato weapons - grenades and launchers - with different effects.
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Punk Crowbar - NV
Adds a unique bladed crowbar to the game.
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Simple Roasted Food
Some basic roasted meat recipes, some sand-boiled eggs, and roasted maize as well.
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Teas of the Mojave Wasteland
Craftable teas with varied effects.
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Ol'Twinkies Survive - New Vegas
Single and boxed Twinkies added to leveled lists through a script to ensure compatibility with other mods.
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Joja Cola
A drink based on the drink available in Stardew Valley.
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Herbal Remedies - Legion Friendly Chems
Craftable copies of vanilla chems that members of the Legion can use, available for purchase through a unique merchant.
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Anti-Skill Magazines
Magazines that will temporarily damage player stats.
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Unique Junk Food - Sunscreen and More
Gives a unique look to the junk food and adds some foods - schnitzels and sauerkraut -, as well as two new medicines.
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Useful Medical Braces Crutches and Tubing
Gives the option to clean up medical braces, crutches and surgical tubing at a workbench in order to get healing versions that will restore limb condition.
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Campfire Laundry
Allows the player to clean some dirty pre-war clothing at a campfire with detergent.
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Chef-Boy ED-E - Cooking on The Go
Allows the player to access the cooking recipes crafting menu via voiced dialogue with ED-E. A cooperation between HunterZ and yours truly.
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Craftable Placeable Sierra Madre Vending Machines
Now you can place Sierra Madre Vending Machines anywhere! A cooperation between GOLDENTRIANGLES and yours truly.
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Negative Karma for Grave Digging
Gives the player negative karma for digging up graves.
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Blanket for New Vegas
Portable blankets that can be dropped anywhere to sleep with the "well rested" perk.
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Golden Bottlecap Press
Adds a machine that can be used to turn a gold bar into 500 golden bottlecaps. These caps can be sold for 20 regular caps each. Requires the Dead Money DLC.
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Immersive Bubblegum
Adds some timed effects to bubblegum, for maximum immersion value.
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Misc Multi-Tool
A miscellaneous item with an added little boost to Repair (+10) while in the player's inventory.
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Lucky Bobby Pin
A bobby pin misc item, with a custom mesh, that will boost the player's Luck by 1 while in their inventory.
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More Usable Furniture
Swaps several static/unusable furniture pieces with usable versions. TTW version available and listed here.
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Tunneler Misbehavin' - for DUST and Lonesome Road
A simple in-game challenge to kill varied amounts of Tunnelers. In return, the player will be added to the Tunneler faction so they are not hostile anymore.
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Summonable Trading Caravan
Allows the player to summon a trading caravan anywhere.
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Stimpaks Restore Limbs in Hardcore Mode
A simple mod that allows Stimpaks to heal crippled limbs in hardcore mode.
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Strange Apple - Summon Cazador Swarm
Add an apple that allows the player to summon a swarm of Cazadores.
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Hidden Lock Difficulty Text
Quick little mod that hides the difficulty text of locked objects and terminals.
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Jokerine's Pose Pack - Selfies and Misc
Assorted poses for varied storytelling.
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Jokerine's Pose Pack - Quidditch
Featuring Quidditch, the popular wizarding sport played on broomsticks, wasteland-style.
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Jokerine's Pose Pack - Motivation
Based on the unforgettable motivational speech by the ineffable Shia LaBeouf.
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Jokerine's Pose Pack - Luv Time
Handful of poses with a "couple funtime" theme. All of these are safe for work and designed to be easy to pose and set up.
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Wasteland Christmas Resource - FNV
A handful of Christmas-themed junk decorations. As these are just meshes, they may look a bit different depending on what retextures you may have installed.
I put these together thinking of stuff you could assemble with salvaged junk, so I'll be the first to admit they're not all that pretty.
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Jokerine's Misc Resources and Tutorials - FNV
Many, many resources, tutorials and guides for modding New Vegas!
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Square Rug Resource - FNV
This is a small modder's resource with 20 square rug textures with custom normal maps. Clean and dirty versions included, and one mesh.
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Sewing Machine and Clutter - FNV
This is a small modder's resource of a vintage sewing machine and some related clutter. All of these pieces have proper collision.
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Scripted Mailbox - Playable Modder's Resource
A mailbox that can be used to sell items (but not purchase anything, unless you want to buyback). Its contents can be reset manually for easy junk removal.
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Automatic Vending Machines - Playable Modder's Resource
Two automatic vending machines in Goodsprings sell random food and drink for a flat fee, and show a standard bartering menu.
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Letters and Numbers - Modder's Resource
Static letters of the alphabet (A-Z, Ñ included), numbers (0-9) and some punctuation symbols.
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Classy Butler Eyebot - Playable Modder's Resource for NV
A classy eyebot resource, with top-hat and monocle. The esp adds the bot to Goodsprings, near the school, so you can see it in action. He will offer you a haircut for 15 caps.
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theprisonerofasgard ¡ 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Wichi or Wichita
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: Does the fact that I left my high stress but decent-paying job with absolutely zero plan for what happened next and am running out of money count as weird
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: TOL. A lil bit soft. And scruffy. Not full on beard, but scruffy. Give me that 5 o’clock shadow
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Tamales and chicken paprikash.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:  E G G S. I hate the taste of egg whites. The only reason eggs are every in my house is because I bake like a motherfucker
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Baking shit I usually end up just taking photos of and then eating myself because it’s just me and my family that wants me to stop. Also writing a cringe fic so cringe I won’t put it near this blog lmao
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: cheap pajama pants, a sports bra and a t-shirt. Real sexy stuff
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: My last relationship was long distance and 8 years ago. I’m going to die alone.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I would have told me that I don’t want to study journalism, but visual communication technology. And I’d tell me I was going to get depression in my junior year and to see a fucking DOCTOR
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I think I would be? I’m absolutely touch-starved but I’ve been single for so long, I think I’d have a hard time knowing when or how to initiate. Acts on the other hand, affectionate acts I can do.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: I have a lot, but the novel “It” made me want to write horror. The book is really fucking good, highly recommend it.
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: I’d say a crow just because I think I could actually handle it in terms of care.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: FROSTSHIELD with @captain-outoftime. I’d say McFritz, which is between a canon Jesse McCree written by the amazing meme @boilingheart ​ and my overwatch OC @nichtschaden ​.  Destiel. Ineffable Husbands. There’s more I’ll think of later.
15. PIE OR CAKE:  C A K E. I left my job and discovered baking, and all I want to do is make some ridiculously over the top cakes. I’ve ruined store-bought frosting for me forever.
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Campfire smoke by the lake.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: I have so many. We’ll go with Tom Hiddleston.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: I’ll go anywhere with water tbfh
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: depends on the type of scare. If the building is on fire I can focus and get myself out, but video game jump scares get me.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android. All I’ve ever heard from apple users is how much they hate apple, and how expensive and stupid it is. Fun game: tell an apple user they can buy something else, and you can literally watch their brainwaves flat line. I don’t understand it. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: YUP. I love FPS and RPG games most, but I’ll play any platform or genre with a good first person story. The only things I’m not big into are MMOs or an FPS that’s just people shooting other people. Give me monsters and zombies and aliens. Give me Half-Life.
23. DREAM JOB: A let’s player on twitch and youtube who does a combination of video games and sarcastic baking videos. Not the domestic instagram princess of baking but your local androgynous cryptid who can and will take the name of martha stewart in vain and that is a threat
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Pay off all my bills. Invest in shit. Find a better apartment. Finally buy me some 8inch cake pans because I can’t justify spending $20 on cake pans when I don’t have a JOB
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I hate this guy even more than when I started writing this because I had to look up his fucking name in the WIKI because he’s that fucking irrelevant he doesn’t even show up in the main cast list. Gavin from Detroit Become Human. I hate him because I went in prepared to like him? I saw memes on here before I played the game, and the content is just fucking. SATURATED with Gavin. I expected a big character. Or at least a cool one. Canon Gavin was in a whopping 30 seconds of the game and spent them being a really fucking unlikable human being. He’s just a flat, throwaway two-dimensional asshole. I wish I knew how the in the fuck he came to have the most fanart and headcanons and fics on this site. It’s like people sitting at a conference table got attached to a chair that was slightly edgier than the other chairs and ignored the actual meeting. Except for the parts they could pertain to that chair if they squinted so hard they couldn’t see.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: I don’t really get invested in fandoms as a whole? I just carve out a niche, interact with like 6 people and reblog the memes. I was never the bitch writing meta or jumping in on discourse. I guess maybe Doctor Who? I loved Nine and Ten, but stalled out years ago in the early episodes of Eleven because I couldn’t stand one of the companions and just never felt compelled to go back and bully my way through it. If a show feels like homework I have to get through, I’m not going to do it.
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morporkian-cryptid ¡ 7 years
Taggy thing
I was tagged by @sous-le-saule, thank you friend!
Rules: Answer all the questions in a new post and then tag 15 people.
-5 things you will find in my bag:
my phone
my wallet
a notebook and a pen
my e-book reader
my speaker if it’s a handbag, textbooks if it’s my schoolbag
-5 things you will find in my bedroom:
scattered clothes
bags (all kinds of bags: handbags, a backpack, plastic bags...)
a pile of books waiting to be read
my tablet, PC and phone (I like to stay connected)
-5 things I have always wanted to do:
write a novel (I have)
do a world tour
get better at drawing (I’m working on it)
write songs
make a change
-5 things that make me happy
certain songs
chatting and laughing with my friends
finishing a drawing 
when I get home and dinner is cooking
happy headcanons and fanarts of my favorite characters
-5 things I’m currently into:
MorMor (is that a surprise?)
the original ACD Sherlock Holmes stories
Doctor Who
circular Gallifreyan writing
chatting with role-players online (and annoying Moriarty RPers)
-5 things on my To-Do list:
rewatching The Reichenbach Fall so I have material to elaborate theories
drawing more Ineffable Husbands
making a flowchart to find any episode of Doctor Who
sport (but I dont think that’s gonna happen)
finishing my MorMor comic and fanfic
making a Doctor Who tarot deck
learning to count
I tag @eubii, @lilithvonuberwald, @ofmagpiesandtigers, and anybody who wants to tag themselves! Have fun!
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emilestrange ¡ 6 years
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Album Covers
Sheet Music (1974)
The Original Soundtrack (1975)
How Dare You! (1976)
Deceptive Bends (1977)
Bloody Tourists (1978)
Greatest Hits 1972–1978 (1979)
Look Hear? (1980)
Mirror Mirror (1994)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (1976) (international edition)
Alan Parsons:
Try Anything Once (1993)
On Air (1996)
The Time Machine (1999)
A Valid Path (2004)
The Alan Parsons Project
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1976)
I Robot (1977)
Pyramid (1978)
Eve (1979)
Eye in the Sky (1982)
Ammonia Avenue (1984)
Al Stewart
Past, Present and Future (1973)
Modern Times (1975)
Year of the Cat (1976)
The Early Years (1977)
Time Passages (1978)
The Answer
New Horizon (2013)
Stomp 442 (1995)
Ring of Hands (1971)
In Deep (1973)
Correlations (1979)
The House on the Hill (1971)
Lunch (1972)
You Can’t Beat ’em (1973)
Audioslave (2002)
Bad Company
Bad Company (1974)
Straight Shooter (1975)
Burnin’ Sky (1977)
Desolation Angels (1979)
Rough Diamonds (1982)
Be-Bop Deluxe
Drastic Plastic (1978)
Biffy Clyro:
Puzzle (2007)
“Saturday Superhouse” (2007)
“Living is a Problem Because Everything Dies” (2007)
“Folding Stars” (2007)
“Machines” (2007)
Only Revolutions (2009)
“That Golden Rule” (2009)
“The Captain” (2009)
“Lonely Revolutions” (2010)
Opposites (2013)
“Black Chandelier” (2013)
“Biblical” (2013)
“Opposite” (2013)
“Victory Over the Sun” (2013)
“Similarities” (2014)
Black Sabbath:
Technical Ecstasy (1976)
Never Say Die! (1978)
Brand X
Unorthodox Behaviour (1976)
Moroccan Roll (1977)
Livestock (1977)
Product (1979)
Do They Hurt? (1980)
Bruce Dickinson
Skunkworks (1996)
Catherine Wheel:
Chrome (1993)
Happy Days (1995)
Like Cats and Dogs (compilation) (1996)
Adam And Eve (1997)
Wishville (2000)
The Cranberries:
Bury the Hatchet (1999)
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (2001)
The Cult:
Electric (1987) (credited on the picture sleeve as “Art Direction by Storm Thorgerson”)
Cochise (1970)
David Gilmour
David Gilmour (1978)
About Face (1984)
David Gilmour in Concert DVD (2002)
Def Leppard
High ‘n’ Dry (1981)
Deepest Blue
Late September (2004)
Disco Biscuits:
Planet Anthem (2010)
Dream Theater:
Falling into Infinity (1997)
“Once in a LIVEtime” (1998)
“5 Years in a Livetime” (1998)
The Dukes
The Dukes (1979)
Edgar Broughton Band
Edgar Broughton Band (1971)
Inside Out (1972)
Oora (1973)
A Bunch of 45s (1975)
Parlez-Vous English (1979)
Electric Light Orchestra
The Electric Light Orchestra (1971)
ELO 2 (1973)
On the Third Day (1973)
The Light Shines On (1977)
Ellis, Beggs, & Howard
Homelands (1989)
Home Is Where The Head Is (2002)
Secret Society (2006)
Fabulous Poodles
Mirror Stars (1978)
Flash (1972)
Out of Our Hands (1973)
4 (Labels only) (1981)
Gary Brooker
No More Fear of Flying (1979)
Godley & Creme
Freeze Frame (1979)
The Gods
Genesis (1968)
To Samuel a Son (1969)
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)
A Trick of the Tail (1976)
Wind & Wuthering (1976)
…And Then There Were Three… (1978)
The Greatest Show on Earth
Horizons (1970)
The Going’s Easy (1970)
The Greatest Show on Earth (1975)
Greg Friedman
Can’t Talk Now (2013)
If (2014)
Synrise (2012)
Pink Bubbles Go Ape (1991)
Herman Rarebell
Nip in the Bud (1981)
Humble Pie
Town and Country (1969)
Thunderbox (1974)
Ian Dury and The Blockheads
Mr. Love Pants (1998)
John Wetton
Caught in the Crossfire (1980)
Korda Marshall
Now We Breathe (2015)
Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin (1969)
Houses of the Holy (1973)
Presence (1976)
The Song Remains the Same (1976)
In Through the Out Door (1979)
Coda (1982)
Leisure Cruise
Leisure Cruise (2014)
Leo Sayer
Living in a Fantasy (1980)
The Mars Volta:
De-Loused in the Comatorium (2003)
“Inertiatic ESP” single (2003)
“Televators” single (2003)
Frances the Mute (2005)
“The Widow” single (2005)
Amputechture (2006) (original artwork)
Rude Awakening DVD (2002)
Mick Taylor
Mick Taylor (1979)
Mike Oldfield
Earth Moving (1989)
Earth Moving single (1989)
Mike Rutherford
Smallcreep’s Day (1980)
Absolution (2003)
“Butterflies and Hurricanes” single (2004)
Black Holes and Revelations (2006)
“Uprising” single (2009)
Rampant (1974)
Close Enough for Rock ‘n’ Roll (1976)
The Nice
Five Bridges (1970)
Elegy (1971)
Autumn ’67 – Spring ’68 (1972)
Nick Mason
Fictitious Sports (1981)
Stories of a Stranger (2005)
The Offspring
Splinter (2003)
Paul McCartney
Tug of War (1982)
Peter Gabriel:
Peter Gabriel (1977) (“Car”)
Peter Gabriel (1978) (“Scratch”)
Peter Gabriel (1980) (“Melt”)
Immersion (2010)
Slip Stitch and Pass (1997)
The Pineapple Thief
Someone Here Is Missing (2010)
Pink Floyd:[20]
A Saucerful of Secrets (1968)
More (1969)
Ummagumma (1969)
Atom Heart Mother (1970)
Meddle (1971)
Obscured by Clouds (1972)
The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
A Nice Pair (1973)
Wish You Were Here (1975)
Animals (1977)
A Collection of Great Dance Songs (1981)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987)[10]
Delicate Sound of Thunder (1988)
Shine On (1992)[10]
The Division Bell (1994)
P*U*L*S*E (1995), including the blinking LED light that was featured in early CD packaging.[21]
Relics re-release (1996)
Is There Anybody Out There? The Wall Live 1980–81(2000)
Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (2001)
Oh, by the Way (2007)
The Best of Pink Floyd: A Foot in the Door (2011)
The Plea
The Dreamers Stadium (2012)[22]
The Police
“De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da” (single) (1980)
Golden Rule (2009)
Pretty Things
Parachute (1970)
Freeway Madness (1972)
Silk Torpedo (1974)
Savage Eye (1976)
Cross Talk (1980)
Program the Dead
Program The Dead (2005)
Quatermass (1970)
Difficult to Cure (1981)[9]
Straight Between the Eyes (1982)
Bent Out of Shape (1983)
Ralph McTell
Slide Away the Screen (1979)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stadium Arcadium (2006) (unused)
Prologue (1972)
Ashes Are Burning (1973)
Turn of the Cards (1974)
Scheherazade and Other Stories (1975)
A Song for All Seasons (1978)
Rick Wright
Wet Dream (1978)
Broken China (1996)
Rival Sons
Pressure & Time (2011)
Robert Plant:
The Principle of Moments (1983)
“Big Log“ (single) (1983)
Roger Taylor
Fun in Space (1981)
Roy Harper
Lifemask (1973)
Valentine (1974)
Flashes from the Archives of Oblivion (1974)
HQ (1975)
Bullinamingvase (1977)
Sammy Hagar
Sammy Hagar (1977)
Musical Chairs (1977)
Lovedrive (1979)
Animal Magnetism (1980)
Crazy World (1990)
Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland (2009)
Slow Earth
Latitude and 023 (2013)
Steve Hillage
Live Herald (1979)
Steve Miller Band:
Bingo! (2010)
Let Your Hair Down (2011)
Deadlines (1977)
Pieces of Eight (1978)
Cyclorama (2003)
Syd Barrett
The Madcap Laughs (1970)
Barrett (1970)
Syd Barrett (1974)
An Introduction to Syd Barrett (2010)
Toe Fat
Toe Fat (1970)
Toe Fat 2 (1971)
Come Again (2004)
Tiny Pictures (2009)
Laughing on Judgement Day (1992)
Behind Closed Doors (1995)
T. Rex
Electric Warrior (1971)
Phenomenon (1974)
Force It (1975)
No Heavy Petting (1976)
Lights Out (1977)
Obsession (1978)
Strangers in the Night (1979)
No Place to Run (1980)
The Wild, the Willing and the Innocent (1981)
Making Contact (1983)
Danger Money (1979)
Umphrey’s McGee
Safety in Numbers (2006)
The Bottom Half (2007)
Uno (1974)
Mode. Set. Clear. (2012)
American English (1987)
A Hundred Thousand in Fresh Notes (1989)
The Mollusk (1997)
Wishbone Ash
Pilgrimage (1971)
Argus (1972)
Wishbone Four (1973)
Live Dates (1973)
There’s the Rub (1974)
New England (1976)
Classic Ash (1977)
Front Page News (1977)
No Smoke Without Fire (1978)
Just Testing (1980)
Band on the Run (1973)
Venus and Mars (1975)
Wings at the Speed of Sound (1976)
Wings over America (1976)
London Town (1978)
Wings Greatest (1978)
Back to the Egg (1979)
The Wombats:
This Modern Glitch (2011)
Go 2 (1978)
Going for the One (1977)
Tormato (1978)
Yumi Matsutoya
Sakuban Oaisimashō (1981)
Younger Brother
Last Days of Gravity (2007)
Vaccine (2011)
Rapt. Dept. (2005)
17 (2005)
Ignoto (2005)
Music videos
Paul Young – “Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home)” (1983)
Rainbow – “Street of Dreams” (1983)
Robert Plant – “Big Log” (1983)
Yes – “Owner of a Lonely Heart” (1983)
Intaferon – “Get Out of London” (1983)
Kevin Kitchen – “Tight Spot” (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “Wouldn’t It Be Good” (1984)
David Gilmour – “Blue Light” (1984)
David Gilmour – “All Lovers Are Deranged” (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “The Riddle” (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “Wide Boy (1984)
Nik Kershaw – “Don Quixote” (1985)
Belouis Some – “Imagination” (1985)
Belouis Some – “Some People” (1985)
Glass Tiger – “Thin Red Line” (1985)
Glass Tiger – “Someday” (1985)
Ministry – “Over the Shoulder” (1985)
The Cult – “Love Removal Machine” (1987)
Pink Floyd – “Learning to Fly” (1987)
Pink Floyd – “The Dogs of War” (1987)
Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe – “Brother of Mine” (1989)
Bruce Dickinson – “Tattooed Millionaire” (1990)
Bruce Dickinson – “All the Young Dudes” (1990)
Helloween – “Kids of the Century” (1991)
Alan Parsons – “Turn It Up” (1993)
Pink Floyd – “High Hopes” (1994)
Richard Wright – “Night Of a Thousand Furry Toys” (1996)
The Designers Behind Our Favorite Album Covers STORM THORGERSON Album Covers 10cc: Sheet Music (1974) The Original Soundtrack (1975) How Dare You!
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fucktheglorydays ¡ 7 years
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PHOTOGRAPHY | Richard Gilligan: DIY / Underground Skateparks
Per quattro anni il fotografo e skateboarder irlandese Richard Gilligan ha viaggiato in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, fotografando numerosi luoghi dove la gente si è costruita i propri skatepark. Ne è venuto fuori ‘DIY / Underground Skateparks’. Gilligan ha deciso di non focalizzare l’attenzione sugli skaters e i loro trick ma sui luoghi stessi, e come essi si collocano all'interno del paesaggio urbano circostante. Le immagini offrono un ruvido e meraviglioso tributo all’indescrivibile voglia che unisce tutti coloro che fanno skateboard - giovani, vecchi, ricchi, poveri. Gilligan ci mostra come il praticare skate sia un vero e proprio mezzo di espressione. Una sorta di architettura globale di ribellione. Qua potete vedere l’intero reportage. 
Irish photographer and skateboarder Richard Gilligan spent four years traveling through Europe and the US to photograph homemade skateparks. What’s come out of it is ‘DIY / Underground Skateparks’. The resulting photographs are not action shots filled with tricks. Instead, Gilligan chooses to focus on the sport’s negative space and how the spots themselves exist within the surrounding landscape. The images offer a grittily beautiful tribute to the ineffable hunger that unites all skateboarders – young, old, rich, poor. In these photograph Gilligan realises the act of skating represents more than a quest for glory, but a means of self-expression. A sort of global architecture of rebellion. Check the entire reportage here.
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jesusvasser ¡ 7 years
2019 Mercedes-Benz CLS-class and Mercedes-AMG CLS53 First Drive: Leaning on E
In 1976, Mercedes-Benz introduced the legendarily bulletproof W123, which was followed in 1984 by the W124 that carried the line into the early ’90s and the arrival of the round-lamped W210. Literally and spiritually, these cars are E-classes, made up of various sedans, coupes, wagons, and the odd limousine. But around the time the W211 generation hit showrooms in 2002, the designers and marketers decided that the segment could be further split and introduced the “four-door coupe” Mercedes-Benz CLS-class in 2004. The E, you see, had always carried a whiff of stodginess, even when massaged into such memorable speed barges as the AMG Hammer of the 1980s and the Porsche-developed 500E of the 1990s. Now Mercedes has split the segment even further, with the new AMG GT 4-Door taking the place of the hottest CLS models, leaving the CLS itself to occupy a middle realm that suggests more style and sport than the E, but less of the ineffable stuff than the family-sized AMG GT. READ MORE ››
- from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2Fqgf6W via IFTTT
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