Info-Chan: If you managed to poison Raibaru’s food with a headache or emetic poison, she would be weak enough to eliminate.
Yan-Chan: If that was really the case, then why couldn’t I have done that any other time?
Info-Chan: I give you helpful tips daily. This is just your helpful tip of the day.
Yan-Chan: A helpful tip that amounted to nothing in the end.
Info-Chan: Don’t worry, this one is probably the most helpful one! :)
Yan-Chan: Why are you stalling?
Yan-Chan: I only have so much of the day left before everything is ruined
Info-Chan: Don’t worry ^^
Info-Chan: I wouldn’t unintentionally allow my client to fail. :3
That, of course, hinted that she would allow her to fail intentionally if she so pleased. Ayano sighs as she gets one last text from her crappy informant.
Info-Chan: Toga Tabara seems to need a little help. :)
Ayano frowns, but pockets her phone and searches the halls for Toga.
“Oh, Ayano.” Toga’s eyes widen in slight surprise at Ayano approaching him. He puts a hand on his hip with a curious frown. “I’m surprised you’re asking. I admit, I didn’t entirely see you as the ‘favor-doing’ type.” He shakes his head with a hand on his hip. “Before I answer, though, can I ask why you want to do a favor for me?”
Ayano didn’t know any more about Toga than he knew about her, but from what Info-Chan had told her, he wasn’t exactly as impressionable as other students. Regardless, the less Toga was able to say for certain about her, the safer she was from being doubted based on her actions.
With that thought in mind, Ayano subtly began swaying back and forth in a girly manner. She smiled in faux confusion. “Well, I can’t say that I help others because I want sunshine and rainbows raining on Academi, but I can say for certain that doing favors makes me feel helpful.” Shrugging, she claims, “Maybe it just feeds my ego, hehe..”
Toga raises his eyebrows briefly, his gaze and overall posture hinting that she had didn’t quite believe her. He simply shrugged and continued, though. “Well, to each their own. Not like I can say what you do and why you do it.” He claims, folding his arms. “As for my favor…” He hums in thought. “Well, I’m sure you know I’m quite notorious for not being able to pick a club. It would help me if you asked each club leader their thoughts of me- regarding my performance, of course.”
Ayano nods with a bright smile, “I can do that! No problem!” She says, and begins walking to speak to the first club leader on her list.
“One moment.” Toga calls out again. He hesitates as Ayano turns back to him but eventually gets his statement out. “Could you also ask Kuroko what she thinks would be best for me?” He asks, “I value her opinion a lot, and I’m sure she could give me great advice.”
After pondering for a moment, Ayano eventually nods. Kuroko seemed to be the more… normal of the student council. Akane always seemed to be breathing down her neck, awaiting Ayano’s eventual screw up. Aoi spent more time accusing her of things instead of actually catching her doing anything. And Shiromi was just… weird.
Unlike her fellow student council members, Kuroko was more humble and respectful to everyone while still knowing how to use her authority. If Toga hadn’t asked for Kuroko specifically, Ayano likely would have gone for her herself.
“Ah, Ayano.” Shoku smiles at her, although his awkward expression hinted that he hadn’t forgotten their previous encounter.
“Shoku.” Ayano nods, “Toga’s having trouble picking a club… as per usual. He asked me to ask you and the other club leaders what your thoughts on his performance in this club was.” She explained briefly, continuing her petite body movements, but keeping her face normal. When she first interacted with Shoku, she showed no changes in her persona or facial expressions, so perhaps changing how she presented herself slowly wouldn’t stand out to him as much.
Shoku raises his eyebrows in slight shock. “Oh, really?” He lifts a hand up to his chin in thought. “Well, he certainly was talented. He was an incredible learner, and apparently often had to cook for himself at home. He didn’t know everything, of course, but knew a lot despite being a novice.” He hesistates for a moment, however, before saying. “I guess if I had to complain it would be his lack of…enthusiasm? He claimed several times that he wouldn’t want to ‘waste time’ cooking for others, or even himself. I guess after spending so much time cooking for himself, it got kind of boring?”
Ayano hummed in silent thought, but nodded. “Right. Is that all? Did any of your clubmates have anything to say about him?”
“Well, Aija didn’t really like him. Thought he was lazy, which he really wasn’t.” Shoku explained. He turned to his tray, grabbing a bag of powdered sugar and sprinkling some on top of his brownies. “Honestly Aija… doesn’t like a lot of people. At all. I think what she didn’t like about him was the fact that Toga saw cooking as more of a hobby instead of anything he would consider ‘important’.”
Once again, Shoku turned to Ayano with a brownie on a napkin. “Do you still not like brownies?” He asks, smiling hopefully at Ayano.
After a moment of thought, Ayano takes the brownie. “Thanks.” She said briefly, taking a bite of it. She then nods, “It’s good, but a little cakey. And I’m not a fan of powdered sugar.”
“Not everyone is.” Shoku says with a casual smile. “I appreciate your feedback, though!” He says, picking up the serving tray. “If other students say the same then maybe I’ll use a little less flour and more butter?” He says, although more so to himself. He nods to Ayano as a goodbye and goes on about his usual routine.
“Hi, Yan-Chan!” Kokona waves happily at Ayano as she enters the gymnasium. Ayano waves briefly, not quite knowing if Kokona knew that the “Yan” nickname was meant to be a joke name or not.
Kokona and her club were on the stage, all holding their own script. Tokuko was clearing her throat and excersizing her voice as she was often the singer or vocalizer during performances. Shozo was comparing the script to a book he was holding on the “History of American Tragedies”. Tsuruzo usually got the main role, only second to their leader. Kokona was usually the narrator due to her passion and overall joy of being dramatic, and Riku was usually everything else. Technician, stage set-up, back-up, and so on and so forth. Basically a jack-of-all-trades.
“Ayano! There’s my favorite drama-club-to-be!” Tsuruzo claims, flipping his curled ponytail over his shoulder. He smiles brightly as Kokona walks over to Ayano as well.
“Look! I’ve got the narrator role again!” Kokona cheered to her, jumping a bit in excitement. “Isn’t it so cool?!” She asked excitedly, looking down to Ayano.
Ayano nods. “That’s nice.” She says calmly.
“Did you come to beg me to join, yet?” Tsuruzo asks with a hopeful grin. It immediately fell, however as Ayano shook her head. “Well, we can’t all be bursting with potential, I suppose.” He huffs, but smiles once again. “So, what brings you here, darling?”
Folding her hands behind her back, Ayano responds, “I came to ask you about Toga.” She claims. “He wanted to know about what you thought of his performance during his time here.”
Tsuruzo immediately scoffs, looking offended at the mere mention of Toga. “Performance?! I think you mean lack thereof!” He snapped, placing a hand on his hip with a scowl.
Ayano raises her eyebrows in surprise. “Really? What did he do?”
“What he didn’t do is put in an effort!” Tsuruzo grumbled, before sighing and deciding to calm down. “He had all the time in the world to learn scripts or help with setups or run errands, but all he did was ask questions!” He looks to his hand, counting on his fingers, “‘Why this play?’, ‘Is there any meaning behind it?’, ‘Why is Kizana even the leader?’, ‘Why does anyone listen to her?’, ‘Shouldn’t we do something more unique?’, ‘What’s the point of this line?’, ‘Does this have anything to do with-’ and nothing else!”
“He’s just mad that Toga was honest about disliking Kizana.” Tokuko chuckles, although her voice was a little weaker that usual.
Riku spoke up, tilting his head to the side in thought. “Well, he was pretty talkative.” He commented, “It was only a matter of time before his questions switched from what the play was to asking if it was related to some…obscene murder case or something or other.”
Kokona hesitantly agrees, folding her hands together awkwardly. “Yeah… he did ask some weird questions. Which wasn’t exactly the problem, it was more so that he asked us these questions while we worked in front of him.”
“He wasn’t really an actor. All of us have our own… amount of talent when it comes to acting, but he either didn’t bother or just… couldn’t.” Shozo added. “Honestly, I just don’t think that he joined the drama club to act at all. Of course, I don’t know what he joined for, but my point still stands.”
“He left before I could kick him out.” Tsuruzo smacks his teeth, his arms folded in pure irritation. “He didn’t bother going to a single club activity. It was Monday through Thursday, and he left Friday morning.”
Ayano frowned in thought. She wondered a bit about what exactly Toga’s goal was if not to actually act, but brushed it off. In the end, that wasn’t entirely her business. If he ended up being as weird as the Drama Club saw him then Info-Chan would have provided her with that information. Or maybe “might have” is more accurate.
“I…see.” Ayano nods in understanding. “So, in general?” She asked, turning to Kokona this time for a more fair judgement.
Kokona smiles wrly. “He just, ah… didn’t seem very interested in the first place. I’m sure he could have performed well if he actually wanted to, but he… didn’t.”
Ayano nods. “I see. Thank you for the information.” She says.
“If we were so helpful don’t you think it’s only fair that you help uuus?” Tsuruzo hums, walking behind Ayano and placing his hands on her shoulders.
“...not today. But what do you need help with?” Ayano asks him, taking a step away and turning to face him.
Kokona bounces up next to respond instead. “With setting up the play in a couple of weeks!” She says, peering down at Ayano with an excited smile. “Our leader, Kizana, is coming back to Academi next week, so we want to put in as much work as possible!”
Ayano ponders that and hears Tokuko mutter something like “unfortunately” under her breath. Ayano didn’t particularly care about this Kizana character, but it might do her reputation good if she helps out. Even more so without being in the club. “I’d be happy to help, but like I said I’m pretty occupied today.” She responded.
“Well, whenever you’re ready, we’ll be waiting!” Kokona chirps, waving Ayano goodbye cheerily.
“Toga?” Shin seemed to frown at the thought of him. Well, he was already frowning, but it seemed more so out of disdain than being generally gloomy. “Well, he was… very interested in our studies.” He said, quietly. “He asked a lot of questions, but in the end, um…”
Shin looks around the club briefly, as if trying to collect his thoughts, before Supana spoke up. “He debunked all of our studies with ‘science’, and whatever.” She grumbles, clearly not holding a very fond memory of Toga.
“I recall that Chojo was quite fond of him.” Shin said, moving his tall figure from in front of Ayano to reveal the lankier boy sitting in a chair.
Chojo peeked up from his upside-down book, but immediately looked away from Ayano. He mumbled something that Ayano couldn’t quite here, and after noticing that he spoke up. “He listened to me a lot!” He said, much louder.
“Be quiet!” Supana hissed, making Chojo recoil back into his chair.
“Sorry..” He mumbled.
Shin turns back to Ayano. “Chojo is quite talkative if you’re patient enough. Toga was very patient, and listened to everything that he had to say. Though..” The taller boy paused in thought, but slowly continued, “..I feel like he was looking for something whenever he listened to Chojo. And perhaps that was the same reason he spoke to us and asked us questions so often?”
“I heard something similar.” Ayano said, averting her gaze in thought. She didn’t particularly think that Toga was suspicious or meant any harm. If anything, he just seemed like he sat with a club for a week and left if it wasn’t up to his standards, regardless of how high those standards might be.
“I could be imagining things.” Shin claimed, shaking his head, “He did seem to be a very positive influence on the club. He never bothered listening to rumours and didn’t judge any of us via how we appeared. If anything, he seemed to have joined for knowledge rather that drama, which can be respected.”
Ayano nods, “I think so, too.” She agrees, folding her arms behind her back and taking a step back. “Thank you for the information, I’m going to continue asking around.”
“I hope what we’ve said was helpful to you.” Shin says, bowing his head as Ayano takes her leave.
“I guess he was alright.” Gema shrugged, immediately straightening his back when Ayano came in. “He was interested in every aspect of every game. Hell, he asked me so many questions even I started questioning what I was playing. I didn’t like it!” He sighed, sitting in one of the chairs at the desk. “If a game I’m playing has secret contreversial lore I’d honestly rather ignore it and keep playing. But then Toga had to keep, like, doing background checks on the developers and stuff?”
Mai spoke up. “Toga looked into a favorite developer of mine and learned that he was… well, a freak to be honest. I still play the game, sometimes, but… it doesn’t feel the same anymore.” She sighs, “I’m at least thaknful that he told me the difference of a good and bad developer. I see why so many of my friends hate that game now. It really hasn't grown much in the last… what, ten years?”
“He was suuuuuper smart!” Midori said, cheerily, trotting over to Ayano. “He sorta did that thing that your mom would do! Like, he would watch us play and then point everything that didn’t make sense! Do you remember that?”
Ayano nods. When she was a kid, Midori would bring over her game system and all of her games. She recalled Kuu saying that if she won against Midori than they all would have a book night. That alone probably made Midori better at video games.
“How’s your mom, anyway, Ayano?” Midori asks, but is interrupted by Gema.
“Don’t get distracted, Midori, you still have grinding to do!” He says, sitting her back down. “Anyway, Toga left pretty quickly. He finished all of our games in two days and then left! I guess he didn’t feel like farming XP for me anymore.” Gema shrugs, once again having to straighten his posture, clearly not yet used to standing up straight just yet.
Gema seems to remember something and smiles at Ayano. Quietly, he says, “Thanks again for those tips, Ayano. Musume and I are on, like, talking terms right now! Girls don’t usually talk to me! You know, unless they’re..” He looks at Midori, and then back to Ayano and shrugs, “..a loser.”
“I’m happy to have helped.” Ayano says, “And thank you for the info. Toga will be happy to have heard your opinion. I think.” She says. “I’m going to continue asking around now.”
“Sure, sure. Tell him that if he feels like grinding more XP he’s totally welcome!” Gema calls, although Ayano didn’t think that she would bother telling him that.
“Ayano! We’ve been seeing more of you, haven’t we?” Budo says, thankfully remembering to keep his voice quiet this time. “What can I do for you?”
Ayano pulls her hands in front of herself, intertwining her fingers. “Toga asked me to do a favor for him. He wanted to hear what the club leaders thought of him. Apparently, it will help him decide which one to stay in for good. Or something or other.”
Budo gives a wry smile. “Toga, huh?” He crosses his arms, thinking. “Well, he certainly put in an effort. But.. you know, he’s a pretty thin guy. He only stayed with us for the week and eventually left us for the light music club.”
“Did he do a lot of research on martial arts?” Ayano guesses, causing Budo to smile in surprise.
“How’d you know?” He asks, “I honestly think that Toga just used being in our club as an excuse to do research about martial arts.”
Ayano nods. From what she’s hearing, Toga was just the type to research anything he could.
“He’s a pretty smart guy, though. Some stuff he told me even I didn’t know about.” Budo laughs, “Not that anyone taught me anything. But anyway, if Toga worked out, he could probably properly get into Martial Arts, but I don’t think it’s his strong suit at the moment.”
Ayano nods. “I understand. That’s all I needed.” She bows lightly, “Thank you.”
“Of course!” Budo beams as Ayano moves onto the Light Music Club.
“Oh, he was an absolute riot!” Miyuji says, pumping her fist with a big grin. Her smile immediately falls into something more sheepish as she thinks about it more, though. “Well… his skills were. Despite how absolutely a-MAZ-ing he was with instruments… his skills didn’t exactly match his energy.”
Tilting her head to the side, Ayano asks, “What do you mean by that?” She got the general idea, but maybe Miyuji could provide an example.
“Well..” Miyuji flopped back down on her seat, casual picking at some strings of her guitar. “...he stayed here literally from Monday to Wednesday. We did a performance on Tuesday, and he honestly rocked the whole time! But, during the performance, he was, like… completely still! It’s like he only moved the necessary parts of his body to perform the song well, but didn’t enjoy the song at all!”
Myuji lowers her voice and continues. “Between you and me, he was sort of a drag. He was super serious about everything. Hell, the most expression he showed the whole time he was here was when Kiba let him dissect and fix up her keyboard!”
“Sounds like he preferred learning about the instruments more than playing them.” Ayano says, and Myuji shrugs.
“Maybe. I mean- he was only here for three days. I don’t really have much else to say about him.” She says, looking down to her guitar. “Except that he was pretty good-looking. Would’ve been our hottest member if he let me dye his hair.” She chuckles.
Ayano bows her head briefly. “Got it. Thanks for the information.”
“Anytime! Except next time I’m gonna make you play with us!” Myuji called as Ayano left.
“Hm.” Geiju hummed briefly, turning his head away from Ayano to paint as he thought. “Very inquisitive.”
Ayano folds her hands together in front of her. “So I’ve heard. Were there any pros or cons with working with him?” She asked, realizing that she would probably have to do most of the talking.
“Very smart.” Geiju said, nodding, but then shook his head as he said, “Not active.”
Ayano pauses in thought, slowly putting Geiju’s words together. It would be helpful if he could provide some examples, but Geiju was strictly a two-word-sentence speaker. As if hearing their conversation, Enpitsu walks in and leans on the doorway.
“He was kind of a drag, I won’t lie.” The orange-haired fellow claimed, although him saying something like that wasn’t too surprising when it came to most people. “He said he never painted in his life, but aced every beginner and intermediate-level training on his first day here. And then he left.”
Geiju speaks up, “Studied plenty.”
“Yeah, that too, I guess.” Enpitsu shrugs, “He came to all of the members of the club and studied our individual tastes to the T. But he still left the very next day.”
Ayano looked to Geiju. “Did he happen to join on Thursday?” She asked, to which he nodded to. Maybe he was following a schedule or had some sort of goal? “I see…”
Enpitsu spoke again, “I think he enjoyed painting, and he was really good at it, but when he left, he just said that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay.”
“He might have been testing out each club, then. Most of the other club leaders say the same.” Ayano said before turning to Geiju again. “Thank you for answering.”
Scoffing, Enpitsu mumbles, “To the best of his abilities.”
Geiju didn’t react to Enpitsu’s remark and nodded to Ayano as she exited the room.
“Well, he was definitely a good photographer.” Furredo claims, leaning back in his chair. “He didn’t seem too bothered when he learned that we only really photograph for fun.”
Dafuni smiles sheepishly and comments, “I do think it’s worth mentioning that he didn’t let us see the photos he took.”
Furredo nods, snapping his fingers, “Right, right!” He looks back up to Ayano, “He even brought his own camera. Probably so we wouldn’t have a right to look at the pictures he took.”
“Certainly didn’t help those ‘pervert’ allegations.” Beruma comments. As she does, Rojasu flinches and leans up. He sniffs, looking half-asleep.
“He’s a pervert?” He asks, blinking slowly, before slowly laying his head back on the table.
Furredo chuckles awkwardly and raises his hands to his club. “Let’s not encourage those rumors, you guys. Those are only rumors that really stemmed from nothing. I don’t know why he kept his pictures private, though. He could just be a private guy. Or maybe he was embarrassed.”
“Toga?” Sukubi asked, slipping Rojasu’s bento out of his bag. “He didn’t seem like the embarrassed type. He was super confident and, like, straightforward and stuff.”
Beruma snatches Rojasu’s bento away from Sukubi, but not in agreement. “Right, I think his candid personality shocked people into listening to him.” She says, putting the bento into her own bag for safe keeping. “I say that, of course, because other students hate it when we take pictures of them if it isn’t some happy celebration or event. But they did the opposite for him.”
“So he approached the people he was taking a picture of?” Ayano asked, to which the club agreed to, whether that be a murmured ‘yeah, pretty much’ or a simple nod.
Dafuni giggles, “Maybe you were right about the embarrassed bit, then. Pictures taken face-to-camera probably don’t look too good anyway.”
Rojasu sits up again suddenly with a gasp. “Like that one cat meme!” He said, causing a wave of laughter amongst the group.
Not only was Ayano not a meme person, but she recalls there being several different cat memes. Whatever it was Rojasu was talking about before he went back to sleep was somehow something that the whole club recalled. Or maybe it was completely different, who knows? They didn’t seem like the smartest bunch anyway.
“Well, thank you for the information.” Ayano says, bowing her head politely.
“No need to be so polite, Yan-Chan! Ayano!” Furredo quickly corrects himself and smiles, “Drop by anytime!”
“Oh, Toga! Yes, yes.. Very smart, that one, very smart.” Kaga nods his head. “Or, uh… obedient, at the very least. You don’t meet many people willing to sacrifice their lives for science. I would know. I wouldn’t either. Not when there are other people around!”
Ayano pulls her mouth into a straight line before speaking up. “Right… so, is there anything significant that he did during his time here?”
“Uh, no. Er- yes, maybe. I don’t know, you should ask Homu. Toga seemed incredibly interested in her.” The scientist claimed, walking over and peeking underneath the tarp in the corner of the room before walking back to his usual spot and typing something. “A-As a matter of fact, the two of them seemed incredibly close throughout his time here! Ate lunch together, spoke on the roof, and… whatever friends do, I suppose.”
“He was pretty smart, though.” Horo spoke up, messing with a small device that lit up pictures of random students occassionally. He smacks his teeth, tapping on it with a sigh. “Toga, right? He really did his research. He looked into everyone in the club and helped us with all of our separate projects. If anything, he was just an assistant to everyone.”
Nodding, Ayano joins Horo’s side as he works. “And what about Homu?” She asked, watching as Maka’s picture came up on the hologram device. It stayed there for a moment before Horo finished putting a couple of pieces together and pocketed the device.
“Right, um… I’m pretty sure they spoke the most outside of the clubroom.” Horo lifts a hand to his chin in thought. “I wouldn’t call them friends. I don’t think Homu would consider anyone a friend, but I do know that she talks to people who have something she needs. I think.” Horo shrugs a bit, “In fact, I think that was all. They had some common objective and extracted as much as they could before he left for the next club.”
“Do you know what that objective is?” Ayano asks, but Horo shakes his head.
“I don’t. Homu doesn’t really talk about private stuff to any of us. Or anyone, for that matter. I guess Toga was just something special.” Horo said, “I wouldn’t recommend asking Homu, either. She talks to people less the less she knows them. Meka says she doesn’t even bother responding to people on the street.”
Ayano frowns in thought and steps back. Bowing her head, she says, “Right. Thank you for the information.”
“Sure.” Horo said, waving briefly as Ayano left.
“Didn’t stay here long.” Itachi shook his head. “I won’t say he easily gave up, I just think he easily lost interest.”
Ayano tilts her head to the side, “You say that as if he was looking for something.”
Itachi nods. “If not a reason to stay then something else. That something is probably why he worked out with each of us for a period of time.” He says briefly. “Whatever the reason, he surely won’t be welcomed back if he pulls that ‘losing interest’ bit on me again.”
“What did he talk to you about?” Ayano asks, tailing him as he walked back into the gymnasium to stretch.
“The club leader, past members. And I think how we interact.” Itachi said, pausing between each example to thoroughly stretch his muscles. “Like I said, nothing much.”
Ayano hums quietly in thought. It was just Uekiya and Kuroko that she had left to ask. “Right, thank you.”
Itachi merely hums, running back out of the gymnasium to return to the track.
“Ah, well, he was certainly a great worker!” Uekiya smiles fondly at the memory of Toga. “We really needed a guy like him here. He was sort of the muscle we needed to deal with tougher plants and weeds. Himari couldn’t do all of it herself, haha..” She brushes off a bit of dirt and stands up from her plant to properly face Ayano. “I think the girls just liked having a guy around, hehe.”
Toga seemed to have made an overall positive mark on this club, but that was probably because Ayano only asked Uekiya one question. Anything negative at all she feared would cause rumours to spread. “So you don’t have any complaints? That would be a first.”
Uekiya hesitates, but sheepishly twirls a piece of her hair around between her fingers. “W-Well, uh… He was a great worker whenever I asked, but he and Sakura would usually run off together to go talk about… well… something?” She gasps and quickly says, “Oh! But they aren’t dating! Please, don’t take that out of context. Sakura’s already in a relationship, so she’s not interested in Toga. Plus, it’s been quite a while since the two spoke.”
“I understand, Uekiya.” Ayano nods reassuringly. She didn’t doubt that Sakura wasn’t interested in Toga, as before classed she often blabbed about her boyfriend to her friends. Although they still have yet to meet him.
“Thank goodness..” Uekiya sighs, but smiles again and returns to the topic at hand. “I’m not sure what those two spoke about, but I do know that they went to the Occult Club to grab books sometimes. Toga spoke to all of us individually often, but with Sakura I just assumed they had a similar interest.”
That was strange. Near the end, Ayano’s interests are steered back to the Occult Club. Shin didn’t tell her much except that Toga spoke with Chojo often. “Did she speak with Chojo at all?” Ayano asks.
Uekiya hums, shrugging, “I’m not too sure. I’m sure I’ve seen them talk at some point, but not for any significant reason. Sakura talks to her peers often so it’s not exactly strange to me. Why do you ask?”
“No reason, really. I was just… wondering.” Ayano bows her head briefly. “But thank you for answering my questions.”
Smiling, Uekiya waves cheerfully at Ayano. “Of course! Don’t you worry about it!”
It was 7:49 now. Ayano had wasted all of her time doing the task that Info-Chan had given her, that she’d completely forgotten that the whole reason she might lose Taro is because of Info-Chan’s unreliability. She didn’t even know what Osana was doing right now. Hell, she could’ve decided to confess early and she and Taro could’ve been on their merry way to a honeymoon or something.
As Ayano blindly stormed towards the student council room, Kuroko, who was walking out, suddenly bumped into her and instinctively shoved her back with one hand. “Ah. I apologize, Ayano. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Ayano stiffens up, which she learned was a habit of hers whenever she’s confronted by the Student Council. Or more precisely shoved by them. “..neither was I. Sorry.” She says, taking a generous step back. “I wanted to ask you something, Kuroko.”
Kuroko pulls up her sleeve, looking at the time briefly on a watch Ayano hadn’t noticed she had before. “Alright, we have about ten minutes before we should head to class.” She says, nodding at Ayano as a way of hinting to her to continue.
Ayano folds her hands in front of her, almost subtly copying Kuroko’s movements as she continued. “Toga asked me to go to each club leader and question what their opinions on his performance was during his time there, and I’ve finished that. He also asked me to come to you and ask you the same thing.” She pauses for a second. “You two are in the same class, right? Maybe he wants you to give his opinion on his performance durring class, then?”
“I know what he means.” Kuroko says, nodding briefly. “He often runs errands for me and includes himself in the work I do as the leader of the student council president. He’s a fine worker and has his head in the right place. Even more so than that, he’s a very efficient worker.”
Somewhat like the others, Kuroko pauses in thought. Slowly, she continues. “If he wants criticism, then his only issue is socializing. Or perhaps a better way to word that is… he needs to learn about what the people he interacts with wants. His goal is to finish the objective he’s given, but his swiftness is often misinterpreted as indifference or him having an unfeeling personality.”
Ayano nods. That certainly sounded like Toga. According to the majority of his past club leaders, that was something he struggled with. “So I’ve heard. I’m sure that if he hears that the majority of his peers think that, then he’ll consider acting otherwise.”
“I hope so. I fear he may become disliked simply because of his own habits.” Kuroko agrees, folding her arms back behind her back. “If that’s all, I’d like to continue my routine before classes.”
“Right.” Ayano, for the last time, hopefully, bows her head politely and parts ways with Kuroko.
Ayano couldn’t find where Toga was for a while, and considered just going to classes and forgetting the task for today, but finally found him outside of the faculty room window. When she walked over, he noticed that he was reading a book, and had the famous stray kitten perched on his shoulder. “Ayano.” He looks up to her. “I’m glad you found me.”
“It took some time. What are you doing out here?” Ayano asks, kneeling down next to him. The cat subtly switches from Toga’s left shoulder to his right as Ayano approaches, seemingly avoiding her.
“I like the cat.” Toga said, tilting his head to the right and urging the cat to sit in his lap instead. “He’s very quiet and polite. For a stray, that is.” He shrugs, looking back down to his book. “I take it you’re here because you finished my favor?”
Ayano suddenly remembers that she approached Toga with a polite and girly persona, and decides to smile in order to keep that much efficient. “That’s right! In general, everyone agreed that you were very talented. Albeit…” She puckers her lips in thought and hums, “...a bit distant. Aloof even. But a good listener, if that’s any consolation.”
Toga nods, his eyes raising from his book to the grass in front of him in thought. “Right, I expected that.” He mumbles. Despite his clear-spoken acceptance of that fact, he seemed conflicted now that it was confirmed. “And Kuroko said the same, I’m guessing?”
“That’s right.” Ayano says, noticing that Toga’s expression remained as still as it was previously despite her answer. “She also said that she thinks you’re a very efficient worker…. But, in addition to that, she’s also concerned that the way people percieve you might ruin your relationships in the future if not corrected.”
Humming, Toga nods briefly. He sat and thought for a moment, before sighing and standing up. “Right. I’ve been told all of this before.” The cat hops onto the grass and sits in its signature spot as it looks up to Toga. “I guess it’s just something I still need to work on.” He nodded again, more so telling this to himself than responding to Ayano.
Ayano stands up after him, but pauses when Toga speaks up again. “Perhaps like your expressions.”
“Huh?” Ayano blinks, a bit shocked at the sudden comment.
“You seem to not be very used to showing emotion, so I’ll say this. The more invested you get into a conversation, the more bored your expression looks.” Toga said. He continued when Ayano stayed silent, clearly not knowing how to respond. “I know that because I’ve seen you interact with others in many different ways. You pretty obviously switch from looking uninterested to some… flavor or a personality.”
Ayano presses her lips together and furrows her eyebrows, somehow feeling embarrassed and frustrated that someone pointed her out. “...I see.”
Toga stares at Ayano’s expression for a moment, but smiles. “Regardless of how your face look, I’m happy that there are helpful people like you in school.” He puts a hand on his hip, “Your ability to change how you appear is impressive, but I hope you don’t feel pressured to do so around me after this.” He pats her shoulder and walks past her to get to class.
Despite Toga’s kind words, Ayano only feels herself feeling more irritated. Was it that obvious to everyone? What could she change to make it less so?
God, this day was nothing but stress. After class it will be lunch time, which means it was way closer than needed to the end of the day. To 5:00 PM. To Ayano’s inevitable doom.
Once lunch time hit, Ayano slowly tailed Osana and Raibaru up to the rooftop. Osana was showing off some sort of playlist to Taro, and Raibaru- ever the obsessive friend- was watching, leaving her lunch pleasantly unattended. How is someone so unecessarily strong so sloppy with their food? Well, regardless of the reason, it certainly made Ayano’s job easier.
As Ayano discreetly slipped some of the stomach poison into her, she heard of how Taro seemed to apparently be a fan of whatever the hell Osana had showed him. Ayano steps back quietly, and steps aside to sit on a nearby bench that happened to be empty. She didn’t want to look as if she was doing nothing, as Toga and another student were sitting somewhere nearby. God knows Toga will notice if she’s being suspicious.
Ayano pulls out her phone as she waits for the stomach medicine to set in for Raibaru. At the same time, she coincidentally gets a message from Info-Chan.
Info-Chan: Are you sure this is going to work?
Yan-Chan: Don’t try to make me doubt myself now.
Info-Chan: I’m not ^^
Info-Chan: I’m just making sure you know the risks of what you’re doing.
Yan-Chan: What do you mean?
Info-Chan: Well, for starters, what do you plan to do exactly to elminate her?
Ayano pauses for a moment, realizing that she didn’t bring any sort of weapon with her. God, of course as soon as she forgets something like that Info-Chan has to call her out on it. No matter, Ayano could just drown her. Surely, she’ll be caught off guard by that.
Yan-Chan: Drowning.
Info-Chan: Right, of course.
Info-Chan: So, hypothetically- considering she’s such a strong student- what if she’s able to overpower you? I don’t recall you training your body this week.
Ayano pauses, balling her fists.
Yan-Chan: Can she then?
Info-Chan: I don’t know :)
Info-Chan: I’VE never tried to drown her.
Yan-Chan: Regardless, what good are you as an informant if you don’t KNOW anything?
Info-Chan: No need to be so rude, Yan-Chan :(
Info-Chan: I at least know that Raibaru’s already left.
Ayano stiffens, looking up to find that Raibaru was already on her way to the bathroom. Without another remark, Ayano rushes down to the nearest bathroom. Thankfully, she could hear the evidence that Raibaru was still occupying the stall.
As her heart raced, Ayano quickly walked into the bathroom. But she paused.
“Jeez, Raibaru. What did you eat?” Amise asks, filling up a water bottle, presumably for Raibaru to drink from.
Ayano quickly ducks back out of the bathroom, her heart thumping, but likely for all the wrong reasons. Why was nothing going as planned? Why have all of these days been a failure? Why didn’t she have the strength, the plans, the knowledge to get any of this done? Even with whatever help Info-Chan was giving her, these past couple days have only been a failure for Ayano. What has she accomplished? Socializing??
Ayano turns her head as she hears Raibaru’s voice approaching the bathroom entrance. “I don’t… god… I don’t need your help, Amise.” She hisses, acting unnaturally rude to the girl.
Amise sighs, exiting the bathroom as Raibaru rushes downstairs, likely to go to the nurses office. “Oh, hey, Ayano.” She says, turning and smiling to the girl. “What are you doing out here?” She asks, folding her arms behind her back.
“...” Ayano hesitates, but manages to squeeze out, “...I was going to ask you the same thing.”
“Ah, well.. I was heading to class since I’d finished lunch, and then I saw Raibaru heading to the bathroom looking absolutely terrible!” Amise said, pulling a hand up to her chin with a concerned frown. “She doesn’t really like me that much, so she didn’t tell me what exactly caused such an upset stomach, unfortunately.”
Ayano falls silent again, looking away instead of responding. If she said anything else she might actually end up saying somthing she shouldn’t. Asmise stands there for a second, before smiling and walking off. “Well, enjoy the rest of you lunch!” She said, walking downstairs to her classroom.
Ayano waits to hear Amise’s footsteps get far enough before she pulls out her phone. Rather than texting Info-Chan, she just blankly stares at the blank screen, unsure of what exactly to do.
Ayano went to class, but found herself watching Osana intently afterwards. During cleaning time she stood outside of the door, still just… watching. What was she supposed to do? If she were to get caught or apprehended, it was over for her.
When Osana walked down to put the note in Taro’s locker, Ayano followed her then, too. Her heart beated fast- almost as fast as when she first ran into Taro.
It didn’t matter anymore. Taro would love Ayano regardless. All it took was some threatening, right? Better yet, why not hold Osana hostage, since she was just… so much better than Ayano could be? Right. Right… Not Raibaru or Taro or the student countil or the staff would dare come forward if that were the case, right? Since Osana was so important to everyone.
The running didn’t help Ayano’s beating heart, and she found herself panting and almost feeling lightheaded as she ran up to the base of the hill. Before she could put her�� plan into affect, however, someone suddenly grabbed her by the wrist.
In a poorly chosen split-second decision, Ayano swung the knife at whoever it was, but her wrist was caught.
Amise smiles at her. “Put that away, Ayano. There are people around, you know.” She hissed, her voice colder than the kind expression on her face. Slowly, she urges Ayano to slip the knife back into her pocket. “Now watch.” She says.
Maybe it was because Ayano felt so lightheaded and disoriented, but she stood there. She allowed Amise to grab her shoulders and turn her to the sakura tree. That’s when she noticed something. It wasn’t Osana up there waiting for Taro. It was Osana running up to meet Kyuji. “...huh?”
“I guess maybe you were too anxious to notice, hehe.” Amise chuckles.
Ayano struggles to calm down, but does eventually, and recalls the previous events in her head. No, Osana didn’t put a letter in a locker… she took a letter out of hers. That’s why she was running. Was she not planning on confessing after all? What had happened? “...what..?” Was all Ayano managed to mumble out before Amise continued.
“I’m sorry that Info-Chan was messing with you so much.” Amise hums, folding her arms behind her back. “It was only because I insisted on helping you.” She holds a hand up to Osana and Kyuji, who were certainly having a pleasant conversation. “While you were unfortunately struggling, I was able to get the two together. Or at least make Osana choose between someone who showed no interest in her and someone who did.”
Ayano furrows her eyebrows. Was it that easy? Wait, why did she do that? She knew Info-Chan? Insisted on helping??? “You… you work for Info-Chan?”
Amise makes a slightly offended face. “Meh. I’d call us business partners if we were on good terms, but somewhat.” She replied, shrugging. “I’m sorry again for the trouble. Info-Chan didn’t want your victory simply handed to you, so she insisted on giving you a hard time in exchange.”
“...and… and where’s Taro?” Ayano asks, bunching up her skirt in her hands anxiously.
“On his merry way home. He didn’t recieve a letter for him to stay, after all.” Amise said, putting a hand on her hip with a smile. “But anyway, congratulations, Ayano.”
Amise folds her hands behind her back. “You’ve… eliminated Osana-Chan. Taro is now free for the taking!”
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valleyfthdolls · 2 months
idk if ur still doing redesigns, but can you do Info-Chan?
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Boom. 2 of them
(Redesign reqs are still open!!)
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ayten-is-living · 1 year
Pleasure doing business with you.
(teehee shading test)
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28 notes · View notes
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Anonymous asked:
Info chan backflipping out of the window and landing on Shiromi in the process.
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caelumroxas · 1 year
THE YANDERE SIMULATOR DLC IS FINALLY OUT!! | Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals - Part 31
New gameplay video of Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, featuring the FINALLY released Yandere Simulator DLC!
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macy-starmoon · 1 year
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AA2 is really fun as sims,and they have no background story,just imagine whatever you want xd
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avlillustrations · 2 years
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I love turning Info-chan into a big anime nerd. This is literally my favorite redesign/drawing out of all of them.
The little chibi is from that in universe magical girl anime the yandere sim characters are obsessed with. Idk anything about her. I just chose the green one because it complemented Info-chan's color scheme.
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mikanandpotato · 1 day
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thestoryteller4 · 5 months
New video! I'm trying my first mission on YanSim!
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loser-otaku-girl · 1 month
what’s the difference between jirai and menhera? ^_^;;
I might not be the best person to answer this so i added links at the end (i have not fully read through so it might not be right) (also anyone who wants to add stuff feel free)
Ive been in the Menhera scene for longer then the jirai scene just putting that out there
They have lots of similarities like both originated in Japan both focus on mental health
Menhera was made to kinda like combat the stigma around mental health particularly in Japan (where it originated) and jirai i think came around cuz of people (i think mainly teen/young adult girls (obvious u dont have to be a girl or young)) who where kinda self destructive and yk doing self destructive stuff and it just became the name for them ig
(again feel free to correct me)
Hope this helps sorry if my response isnt the best i might update later but idk
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Ayano had been acquaintanced with Kizana before. She whined a lot, complained a lot, but still was one of the most organized clubs in Akademi. The mix between people who liked her was cut 9% of people who genuinely liked her, and 90% of people who didn’t like her but feared her. Ayano was likely the 1% who didn't care either way.
Info-Chan hadn’t explained what else Ayano had to do regarding the gyaru’s tasks. All she claimed was that it would come in handy later. Additionally, Info-Chan suggested possibly getting a job. If not for more money, then to earn a reputation around town. Ayano didn’t understand what good that would really do, but rationalized that more money was always worth the effort.
Not that that mattered at the moment. What mattered was Kizana’s suspicious sudden interest in Taro. Truthfully, Ayano never imagined that Kizana could even be a problem. Kizana was pretty high in the popularity ranks and Taro was on a more humble scale. Not to mention she already had several students slaving after her. What could she possibly want Taro for?
That’s what Ayano hoped to find out, though, while she stood around a corner, trying her best to listen to the conversation that Kizana and Taro were having in front of the Drama Club room. From afar it seemed far too cozy for Ayano’s liking.
Kizana chuckles proudly, not surprised at all at Taro’s wish to get into the club. “Of course, I’ve seen you hovering around! Twas only a matter of time before you got the courage to approach me!” She looks back briefly to Tsuruzo, who was accompanying her throughout the day to help her properly prepare for the play. “Us.” She corrects herself, flipping one of her drilled ponytails over her shoulder.
Tsuruzo seems happy with her correction, although he doesn’t bring himself to speak just yet. Whenever a new member wanted to join, he usually left it to Kizana to do the introduction and decision-making , unless it was the case of just three weeks prior, where she was absent for a time.
“Right.” Taro chuckles lightly, seeming a bit hesitant to be interacting with someone as bumptious as Kizana. That was natural considering how quiet Taro usually was. “I’m… Well, I’m not 100% sure on joining just yet, but I was wondering if I could… I guess volunteer to help with the play this week? Maybe get some acting tips..?” He continues, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, which Kizana seems to notice. “I’ve been… interested in acting for a while.”
“Hm.” Kizana raises a hand to her chin, nonchalantly circling Taro, which visibly makes him more nervous. Before he could stutter out some other sort of response, she smiles and leans herself on his shoulder. “Oh, of course you can volunteer! It’s really just an extra hand, isn’t it? And I’m not held responsible for whatever you screw up!” She says cheerfully, booping his nose despite her last comment.
Ayano scowls at the physical contact at all, but keeps herself quiet and still so as to not be noticed by the three. As she listens in, Info-Chan suddenly texts her.
Info-Chan: You should volunteer, too.
Info-Chan: The club already likes you generally speaking, so you should try your best to get into Kizana’s good graces by working with her.
Ayano pauses in thought, and decides that that’s a pretty good idea. The only two in the club currently that don't have any significant opinion about Ayano are both Shozo and Kizana, although Kizana does have good words about her from Tsuruzo. Maybe Shozo should be someone she tries to get closer to as well..
Ayano’s thoughts are interrupted as a familiar voice calls to her.
“Good morning, Ayano.” Taro greets briefly, smiling and waving to her as he walks by.
Rather than responding in any way, Ayano just freezes in place. Her face suddenly felt incredibly hot, and Taro wasn’t even nearby any more. It was thrilling whenever Taro noticed her, but it happened so out of the blue and remained so brief. If only Ayano could figure out a way to function like any human being whenever Taro was around.
Suddenly, Ayano hears someone else call to her. “Ayano! It’s always a pleasure to see you.” Tsuruzo beams at her. He likely noticed her when Taro greeted her. “Your help last week is so incredibly appreciated.” He leans in slightly, saying in a lower tone. “I don’t think I’d ever admit this to Kizana, but we were quite behind before we received your help.”
Before Ayano could respond, a sharp clear of the throat was heard behind Tsuruzo. “Ahem.” It was Kizana, who looked somewhat skeptically at Tsuruzo and Ayano, although Ayano couldn’t place why. “We have errands to run, Tsuruzo. I fear this will be quite the full week.” She sighs, looking exhausted before even having gotten started.
Tsuruzo smiles at Kizana, stepping back to stand beside her. “I’ve no doubt that this week will go exactly as planned, Kizana.” He assures her, which she visibly appreciates with a light smile.
“Hmph. Well, I suppose it’s only right that I take your word for it.” Kizana claims, her cheeks growing slightly pink as she tosses her hair over her shoulder again.
This time, Ayano speaks up. “Actually, I wanted to know if I could continue running errands for your club.” She says, looking between the two leaders. “I think I could learn some valuable information, and I have nothing but time right now.”
“Hmm.” Kizana raised her hand up to her chin yet again, although her expression looked more disapproving and suspicious than the look she gave Taro. Part of Ayano wondered if Kizana simply disliked her. She seemed to like her when they first met, so what would have changed?
Kizana looked to Tsuruzo for insight, who seemed quite enthusiastic about the idea based on his bright smile. She pauses in thought before sighing. “Oh, alright.” She points a finger to Ayano. “You’ll stick with me and help me run errands. Tsuruzo, if you could please deal with the Taro boy?”
Tsuruzo nods, happy to help. “Of course. See you during lunch.” He waves to both Kizana and Ayano before turning to trail after wherever Taro had gone.
As soon as he leaves, Kizana’s suspicious expression returns as she looks at Ayano. “Yan-Chan, was it? What’s your type?” She asks immediately, shocking Ayano slightly.
“Um.. type? You mean… romantically?” Ayano asks, receiving a stiff nod from Kizana as the drama club leader folded her arms.
“Well…” Ayano hesitates. “I-I can’t say I have a type. I do prefer, um… simpler, more average-looking people? I..think. Why do you ask?” Ayano was really just trying to use whatever Info-Chan had used to explain Taro, but if Ayano were to honestly explain Taro, it would be in a far more starstruck way.
Kizana didn’t seem satisfied with that answer, but ignored her own thoughts to continue with their task at hand. “Well, anyway, let’s head to the auditorium, we’ve things to do.” She sighs, walking ahead without waiting for Ayano to catch up.
As the two entered the auditorium, Ayano took in just how much effort was being put into making the area look nice. The art club was scattered around, hanging up decorations while the flower club helped to put up the many, many roses they’d been growing over the past few months.
Floral decorations had been put all around. Even arches had been put up around every exit and entry, and large plants had been set up on the balcony to hang over and give a fancy, whimsical look. On the balcony, Sumire was walking around and watering the flowers that were hanging over the sides. She spotted Kizana and immediately leaned over.
“Hey, Kizana! Uekiya wants to know if the morning glories are too long!” She calls, nearly falling off the side but quickly catching herself.
Kizana doesn’t comment on that possible near-death experience and looks around at the hanging flowers, which were apparently morning glories. “I want the longer ones to be over the door way, and I want them just a few inches shorter on every one of the other ones.” She pauses before adding, “Aren’t these a bit… leafy? There are hardly any flowers!”
“Well, yeah, but the more flower-y purple flowers like clematis and wisteria are poisonous to humans, so there’s no way we could hang those around!” Sumire explained, leaning onto the railing and proceeding to almost drop her watering can.
Kizana again ignores that possible injury and sighs. “Ugh, of course. My luck is dreadful..” She sighs dramatically, leaving Sumire with a somewhat awkward expression.
“Okay, well… Scilla!” Sumire calls to the male, who was carrying another pot of flowers inside the auditorium. He looks up to her in question.
Sumire points to one of the many hanging plants. “Do you think you can cut any plant that isn’t hanging over a doorway maybe three to five inches up?” She then drags her finger over to a bucket sitting near one of the exits. “And then put them in that bucket!”
Scilla nods, placing the pot of flowers down and then pulling his favorite pair of scissors out of the pocket of his gardening apron. Ayano was unsure why he was allowed to carry that around, especially considering how many accidents have been caused because of it.
Ayano turns around, realizing that Kizana had quickly left without her, and rushes to follow her. Behind the stage, Kokona was sitting in a chair, rehearsing lines as Riku worked on one of the lights, which they had apparently taken down from the ceiling of the stage.
Kokona sighs, leaning on one of the tables next to Riku. She looks at her script. “I’m just not sure what’s wrong. I feel like my voice right now is… okay, but it’s missing something. Or, maybe I’m just… doing it all wrong? I can’t place it..”
Riku hums lightly, seeming to finish something in the light before looking up to Kokona with a smile. “Perhaps it’s because you’re mocking another narrator?” He looks back down to the light and continues working with a screwdriver. “You usually make your voice more deep and dramatic, which leads me to believe that you’re trying to sound like someone else when you narrate.”
“I-I do? Well, I guess I knew that, but I thought it was theatrical..” Kokona claims bashfully, tilting her head as she looks at the script.
“Well, Kokona always has had an ugly habit of copying others.” Kizana claims with a huff, making her presence known in her regular unnecessary manner.
“I..” Kokona starts, but doesn’t really have much to retort with that Kizana hasn’t already heard.
Riku sighs, shaking his head disapprovingly at Kizana. “It’s admiration, Kizana. If you lent Kokona a hand with her hairstyles then she’d likely be able to find a hairstyle that looked a little less than your own.” He claims. He moved aside a pile of screws and pulled a piece of the light off, looking to see what exactly could be changed to somehow fix it.
Kizana rolls her eyes. “Oh, come on. Everyone knows how to function a basic set of pigtails. A ponytail? A bun? It doesn’t have to- are you repairing the light?” She asks, looking shocked at that find.
“Yes. I was doing a light check to see if everything worked, but this one shone strangely.” Riku explained, tapping the piece he had pulled off. “This one looks badly dented, so I might have to try to find a tool in the workshop to help bend it back into shape.”
Kizana raises her eyebrows. “Is that right? That’s impressive, you’ve never told me about your hardware skills.”
Riku shrugs with a light hum. “We’ve never had a busted light. It must have dented the last time it fell from the bars.” He guesses, piquing Ayano’s interest.
“How did it fall?” Ayano asks, probing Kokona to smile and wave at her happily. She gave a brief wave back.
“I’m pretty sure it was just old. We aren’t allowed to buy any items until next Monday, so we won’t be able to repair it properly just yet.” Riku says, setting the piece of metal aside and standing up from his chair. “Ah.. I think I’m going to go check the other lights, just to be sure. It’d be dreadful if any of them were to fall on someone.” He sighs, the thought alone chilling.
Chilling to him, at least. It sounded outstanding to Ayano. If it could fall on Kizana, that would be lovely. Then Taro would have no reason to join the Drama Club, and he would no longer have an admirer or a reason to get close to anyone in the club. That sounds perfect to Ayano, in fact. She wondered how she would go about that scheme.
Kizana clears her throat out sharply, giving Ayano another suspicious look and follows her gaze to where Riku had just left. She didn’t comment on it, though, and simply went onto the matter at hand. “We can move onto checking on Shozo and his affairs now.” She claims, turning her gaze to Kokona. “I think your narration is fine for the play, Kokona, so don’t waste time doubting yourself. It’ll hold off my performance and make you more susceptible to pimples. You know this.” She hisses.
Ayano couldn’t figure out if that was Kizana attempting to be nice, but she knew that it was likely that the compliment backfired immediately as it was followed by complaining. Regardless of Kizana’s intentions, Ayano quickly followed the drama club leader out of the auditorium as they headed towards the gardening club.
Uekiya was busy picking seeds from flowers that seemed to have been cut previously by Scilla. She was sitting on her knees on the ground, picking up cut vines and flowers from one bucket, and then separating the seeds and leftover foliage into two other buckets. Nearby, Shozo was standing and looking at several other pots of flowers, a clipboard and pen in his hand. He seemed to be counting the amounts of plants and writing the information down.
Tucked away in a corner, Ayano hadn’t even noticed him, Geiju was sitting in a chair with an art book resting on his leg. He seemed to notice Ayano and Kizana enter the garden first and immediately stood up. Flipping to a certain page, Geiju approached Kizana and lifted up his art book, revealing several shades of certain colors like red and purple pasted onto the book.
Kizana notices him approach and lifts an eyebrow at his gesture. She stares at the open page for a moment before she looks up at him, unamused. “I know you don’t talk much, but you still talk. Use your two words.” She huffs, crossing her arms.
Geiju’s eyebrows lowered, looking equally displeased at her response. “Pick some.” He holds his pencil out to her and points to the colors. “For decoration.”
“Decoration..? Hmm…” Kizana furrows her eyebrows in thought, plucking the pen from Geiju’s hand and pulling a hand up to her chin in thought. Their interaction seems to grab the attention of Uekiya, who stands up to greet them.
“Ladies!” Uekiya beams at the two, brushing her gloves off on her gardener’s apron. “I take it you’re looking for all the details for the decorative flowers? We’ve got the flowers for the show set aside still growing so that they’re fresh once the big day comes.” She explains, giving Ayano a brief closed-eye smile as a greeting.
Kizana circles a couple colors on Geiju’s book but turns to Uekiya with a nod. “That’s right. I see you’ve grown plenty of roses.” She looks at the corner of the garden that had been specifically cared for and dedicated for Friday. It took up nearly a full fourth of the garden due to the sheer amount of rose bushes held inside. “It seems a bit excessive, don’t you think? How am I going to use all of these? Too many flowers could be a slipping hazard, you know!”
Uekiya chuckles wryly, but nods. “I agree. I was actually going to ask you about the amount specifically. Leftover flowers are really no problem, but I wanted to know where exactly we would have to gather them. And if it would be now or later.” She waves Shozo over and points to his clipboard. “I personally recommend later just for the sake of keeping everything fresh, but we do have plenty to spare, so hypothetically we could cut a few roses and then place them in a few areas for the day, see how they feel, and then decide on something special for Friday? Just so we don’t spend all day picking different patterns to put them in.”
“Hmm, well…” Kizana allows herself to look back over to Geiju’s art book as she thinks, successfully picking which colors she would like for what while directing Uekiya what to do with certain plants.
Ayano watched her jump between the two of them, before she dragged her gaze over to Shozo. The male in question seemed to have noticed something on his clipboard. With furrowed eyebrows, he scribbled something onto the clipboard with a frustrated frown. Seeing this as a chance to be helpful, she walked closer to Shozo.
“Hello, Shozo. Is something the matter?” Ayano asks, folding her hands in front of her lap with a curious expression. She wasn’t yet sure what sort of company Shozo preferred, so she couldn’t pull up a particular persona just yet.
Shozo nodded as a greeting, but his frown deepened at the question. “Yeah. Just a mistake, really.” He explains briefly, but after seeing Ayano’s curious expression, he decided to explain further. “Well… In return for the gardening club using their funds and resources to get us so many flowers for decoration, we were going to offer some of our funds in order to get them more important resources like fertilizer. Unfortunately, I misread the count of how much they needed and now they have less than we promised. We won’t be able to get any more in until next week, which is really inconvenient for them.”
Ayano frowns as well, trying her best to seem sympathetic. “That’s unfortunate. How many bags are you missing?” She asks. Her plan was to buy the bags for him, and she was wondering if she could afford it at all.
Although he looked confused as to why Ayano was asking at all, Shozo did eventually respond. “Six bags.” He says, “It probably doesn’t sound like much, but that’s 60 pounds Uekiya’s missing for the plants that we’re asking her to grow for us. And she’s going all out, even with the limited supply.” He looks a bit disappointed in himself at the mistake he’s made, but doesn’t go into it.
“I take it, it's not an option to just have someone else buy it?” Ayano asks, raising a hand to her chin in thought.
“For $120? We’d rather leave that amount for the school funds.” Shozo grins slightly, but it’s only to give a mocking scoff. “It’s not like many of us in the club have the best income from our personal lives. Whatever Kokona and Tokuko make are meant to be saved for their own personal reasons, Tsuruzo doesn’t make enough to spend on the club, I don’t even have a job, Riku’s parents don’t let him spend money on school activities, and Kizana..?”
Shozo looked over to the purple-haired girl in question as she seemed to finish up her conversation with the two club leaders. “...I mean, she is one of the richest students in the school, but she was against paying Uekiya at all. From her perspective, she was asking Uekiya to do something she loved for her using the school’s funds.”
“I see. I guess the odds are just stacked against you right now.” Ayano says, shaking her head, “Sorry to hear that.”
Shozo’s expression lightens up a bit at the sympathy and he shrugs a bit. “Snags like this happen. It’s nothing out of the ordinary.” He pauses, before nodding at Ayano, “I… appreciate the sympathy, though.”
A sharp snap of Kizana’s fingers snatches Ayano’s attention. “We’re done here, Ayano.” She claims, not waiting for Ayano to respond before leaving the area.
Ayano nods as a goodbye to the three other students, before quickly following her.
As the two walk, Kizana remains silent, outside of occasional responses to greetings. For some reason, Kizana seemed a tad bit stiff- or at least far more from when the two had first met. Perhaps those first encounters were just for the sake of flattery, and now she had no reason to show such politeness? That would definitely emphasize how bad of a choice she was for Taro.
Ayano’s phone buzzes, and she sees that Info-Chan has left her a bit of free information on Kizana.
Info-Chan: I see you have your eye on Kizana! ;D
Info-Chan: Thankfully, I can give you all the information you need to confirm your suspicions!
Name: Kizana Sunobu
Gender: Female
Class: 3-2
Club: Drama
Persona: Lovestruck
Overall: +63
Liked: -10
Respected: +100
Feared: +100
Crush: Taro Yamada
Strength: Incapable
Likes & Dislikes:
Likes: Drama, Gossip, Art, Money, Socializing
Dislikes: Music, Violence, Martial Arts, Solitude, Anime
Ayano’s brows furrow as she reads the information given to her. It was already somewhat obvious that Kizana liked attention, but she didn’t know that she had a full-on crush on Taro. That explained her spontaneous interest.
Yan-Chan: So she does have a crush on him?
Info-Chan: That’s what I said :)
Info-Chan: The better question is, what are you going to do about it?
Pausing in thought, Ayano thinks. What could she do? More likely than not, Kizana is going to spend most of her time around others planning and practicing for the play. Maybe there was a way to get closer to her so she could convince her to come somewhere private. But even so…
Ayano looks up to Kizana’s back as the club leader walks as prim as ever. As she stared, she wondered how exactly she would get close to Kizana considering the kind of person she is. Doing favors was a start, but she needed to prove to Kizana that she was more than just a servant girl. But how?
As Ayano repeated the exact same question to herself over and over again in an attempt to think, Kizana’s phone suddenly rang. Kizana sighs, seeming somewhat stressed and unwilling to answer a call at the moment. Still, as she looked at the called ID, she seemed to relax, and almost seem a bit brighter after seeing whoever it was.
Kizana looks at Ayano and points a finger to her. “You stay here. We still have things to do.” She says, leaving Ayano at the entrance of the school as she walks back outside to take the call. She didn’t go too far, and her loud voice was clear enough for Ayano to hear if she took a few steps closer.
“Hello, mother! How are y..you… huh?” Kizana’s bright answer immediately dwindled down into a confused mumbled as the other person on the phone- her mother- speaks. After a second, Kizana nods, “Well, yes, I understand. Did… something bad happen..?” She asks hesitantly, raising a hand to her chest. Her demeanor immediately shrunk from confident to deathly worried just by whatever her mother had said.
Suddenly, Kizana nearly screeches, “Wh-What?! But- But I…” She pauses for another moment, allowing her mother to speak, before her voice escalates further. “..I-I know, I- I believed that would be a choice, but… I… I have- I have everything I could want here, mom, I don’t–” After another response from her mother, Kizana quiets down significantly, “...but I don’t want to. Why take such drastic measures..? I–”
Once again, Kizana is cut off, and for a few moments, her responses are nothing short of weak hums and quiet, reluctant confirmations. “I…I understand…” She mutters, hanging her head in defeat. After another mumble, she hangs up, looking down at her phone.
Kizana sighs first, before raising a hand to massage her temple with a long groan. “Perfect…” She hisses to herself.
Ayano takes this time to return to her spot and look away from Kizana, appearing as nonchalant and uninformed as possible. Kizana eventually strides back, looking practically the same outside of a more harsh gaze. “Come.” She demands simply, once again walking ahead without bothering to wait for Ayano’s reply. Bad mood or not, this proved that Kizana really just was this type of person. Not that Ayano minded. More fuel to use against her, she rationalized.
Again, Info-Chan texted Ayano.
Info-Chan: Look at you! Learning and stuff :3
Info-Chan: Now you should keep an eye on whoever seems closest to Kizana, see if she’ll speak to them about whatever her distress is about.
Yan-Chan: Right.
Yan-Chan: I feel as though Tsuruzo might be that person in Kizana’s case.
Yan-Chan: I’ll keep an extra close eye on him.
Info-Chan: As you should!
Info-Chan: And here’s your last tip of the day-
Info-Chan: Study biology and physical ed in all of your free time!
Info-Chan: You’re sincerely going to need it ^^
“Thanks for showing me around, Tsuruzo! It definitely seems like joining the Drama Club would be a good idea. Still, I think I’ll stick to volunteering for now.” Taro says, smiling at the taller male.
Tsuruzo nods reassuringly. “Don’t you worry! You wouldn’t be the first. Still, you’ve expressed the most interest in this club out of anyone, and Kizana seems to have very high hopes for you.” He chuckles confidently, “I’m sure we can find a way to fit you comfortably in the club.”
Tsuruzo immediately spotted Kizana from across the hall, and led Taro over to her. “Hello, Kizana.” He looks around briefly, realizing that Ayano was no longer with her. “Where might Ayano be?”
Kizana huffs, although Tsuruzo couldn’t place what exactly that exasperated action was directed to. The purple-haired girl tossed one of her drilled pigtails over her shoulder for the nth time that day and responded quickly. “She’s off running some errands. As am I. What about you and our possible-newest member?” She asks, shooting Taro a charming smile.
Taro smiled bashfully at Kizana’s attention, and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I’m certainly interested. I’m still debating on actually joining, though. I’ll definitely need more than a day or two.”
Kizana didn’t seem too bothered by this answer, and instead shot him a confident smile. “Well, you’ve all the time in the world.” She then shrugs, “Not really, but you get my point. Take your time, darling! No decisions are good decisions if they’re rushed.”
“I agree.” Taro responds, looking happy at Kizana’s reassurance.
“If you end up being particularly talented, you could even earn the role of Romeo, you know.” Kizana claims.
Taro seemed excited and anxious about that opportunity, although Kizana didn’t miss how Tsuruzo stiffened and looked at her in question at her statement. “That sounds exciting! I’ll make sure to work hard.” Taro claims, smiling happily at the thought.
The school bell rang and Taro took that as his time to leave. “I’m going to head to class now. See you there, Kizana.” He says, waving briefly to both her and Tsuruzo.
After he was out of earshot, Tsuruzo gave Kizana a troubled look. “The role of Romeo, Kizana?” He repeated her words, although he was significantly lacking his usual bravado.
Kizana hums, her voice and expression lax as she smiles at Tsuruzo. “Oh, don’t you worry about that.” She swats her hand back and forth dismissively, stepping right next to Tsuruzo to hang onto his arm. “Consider it a method of encouragement for the poor thing. He’d have to be… be Toshiro Mifune to replace you.”
Even as Tsuruzo seems to relax slightly at her reassurance, Kizana lifted a hand to guide his face to look at her. “I’ve seen how hard you work. I’d have to be stupid not to.” She smiles charismatically as Tsuruzo’s face slowly turns more and more red. “I hope you’re not insinuating that you think I’m stupid, Tsuruzo.” She hums in a low tone.
After struggling for a moment, Tsuruzo exhales, his face far more red than he would have liked. “If…If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume that you were trying to.. distract me.” He says, again internally punching himself for not sounding as charismatic as he attempted to.
Kizana’s facade eventually falls and she forces herself to look away and let go of him before he can see the redness of her own face. She sputters, trying her best to sound as offended and confident as possible. “The fact that you aren’t distracted is insulting.” She huffs, sheepishly twirling one of her drilled ponytails around her fingers.
Tsuruzo leans over just a bit, trying to catch a glance at her face, but is interrupted by a sharp ‘ahem’ coming from behind them.
Tokuko stood with an irritated expression, her hands on her hips. She looked more tired than usual, and even her hair looked unintentionally more high-volume than it usually was. The only reason Kizana would say that it looked bad is because she wasn’t used to Tokuko doing anything different with her hair outside of performances.
“You know, teenagers like you usually do that in bathrooms or storage closets.” Tokuko claimed, her voice filled with a judgemental tone, although this wasn’t unusual for her.
With a roll of her eyes, Kizana crosses her arms. “Tokuko, I haven’t seen you all day. I see you’re starting your day with the energy of Juliet in act 5.” She grins, raising her eyebrows. “Scene 3.”
“Dead?” Tokuko guessed, crossing her arms as well, as if trying to mock Kizana’s sass.
“Unhelpful.” Kizana smirks, although she’s only rewarded by Tokuko rolling her eyes.
Tsuruzo smiles at their banter before leaning down a bit to Kizana. “I’m heading to class. See you after.” He says, briefly placing his hand on her back before leaving the two ladies to bicker.
Tokuko watches him leave and returns to glaring at Kizana. “I request more time to myself rather than practice this week.” She says, although her tone attempted to emphasize that this was something she planned on doing more than something she was asking permission for.
“Sure.” Kizana shrugs, before immediately hissing, “If you want to fail.”
“A little time away from practice won’t deteriorate my skills, Kizana.” Tokuko sighs, rolling her eyes yet again- something she found she did often when she was in Kizana’s presence.
Kizana scoffs. “It will with you no longer taking those voice lessons. Do you know what all the melodies you need to sing during the performance are? Do you have a list or an idea or a plan?”
Tokuko groans. “I’m just asking for a little time to myself, Kizana. I’ve taken on that new job- I need some time to destress.”
“Destressing, Tokuko,” Kizana begins, placing a hand on her hip and giving her clubmate a nasty look, “is for after school. Not club time. Not practice time.” She scoffs, sounding offended at Tokuko’s suggestion. “You shouldn’t choose an important time like practice for your ‘destressing’. Especially time that may drag my progress down. We’re depending on a vocalist and that’s all you do.”
Kizana points an accusatory finger at Tokuko with a strict expression. “Take all the time you need. But if your ‘destressing’ ruins our performance, Tokuko, you will not be forgiven.” She says before adding with a calmer, although just as stern expression, “You understand, don’t you?”
What Tokuko’s answer was didn’t matter to Kizana, as she simply walked past her in order to get to class. Tokuko scoffs, now left alone in the hall. Part of her feels like even if Kizana had given her the time with no questions asked, she’d still find a way to ruin Tokuko’s mood.
Before she could dwell on it further, a familiar ding tone erupted from her phone. Her mood immediately grew calmer at who was texting her- a friend she could only contact online. Equally, a friend she didn’t think she’d ever have since she was hardly online before she got in contact with this guy.
Clandestein: I sense negative energy!! :0
ToKita: How’d you know?
Clandestein: Holy shit I was right?
Clandestein: Whom must we murder? :(
ToKita: My club leader, lol
Clandestein: You mean the super, super vain one?
ToKita: I’d call that description vague if I didn’t know you lol
Clandestein: Her pf aaaalways pops up in my recommended because you two are friended
Clandestein: Also cuz she has like
Clandestein: Almost a million followers :|
ToKita: Wy to rub it in my face :(
ToKita: *Way
Clandestein: But “Wy” is she bothering you so much anyway?
ToKita: Jerk.
ToKita: You know how I just got that job?
Clandestein: Yup, that hostess one?
Clandestein: Wish I could drop by for a bite :P
ToKita: The food is revolting, don’t worry.
Clandestein: I’d pay to see you :D
ToKita: You’d pay $50 for a glass of water to see me?
Clandestein: Wtf
ToKita: Thought so.
ToKita: Aaaaanyway..
ToKita: I can’t catch much of a break since my job lets me off late, so I’m trying to catch a break while at school.
Clandestein: (Mission Impossible)
ToKita: But she’s super absorbed in this performance we’re doing at the end of the week
ToKita: And she doesn’t want me to take a break :(
Clandestein: Betcha she’ll take plenty of breaks.
ToKita: She would!
ToKita: She’s always been this way.
ToKita: It’s the whole reason I’m convinced that any friends she has are paid
Clandestein: LOL
Clandestein: That’d be hilarious. At least you know that you have more friends than her! ;D
ToKita: That I do.
ToKita: I wish someone would just give her a scare :(
ToKita: She’s too lax and way overconfident
ToKita: I’m usually above pranks but I’d love to scare her at this point with one
Clandestein: If you do make sure you send a video to me!!!!!
Clandestein: Imagine it’s like a stalker serial-killer moment
Clandestein: Like, she keeps looking over her shoulder, thinking someone’s following her
Clandestein: And when she finally investigates, no one’s there!
Clandestein: She turns around, “Oh, well… must have been the wind…”
Clandestein: And then BOOM!
Clandestein: Oni mask to the face!!
ToKita: I want to see that sooooooo bad!!
Clandestein: Your wish is my command! :DDDDD
ToKita: Ha, I wish.
Clandestein: I’ll send my good vibes your way!
Clandestein: Hopefully Kizana stubs her toe on her way home
Clandestein: Whoo!
ToKita: Whoo.
ToKita: lol ^^
Tokuko turns off her phone and begins heading to class. “Clandestein”- who’s real name was apparently just “Stein”- was a fun character. Not even a friend Tokuko would imagine herself having if it weren’t for his funny remarks about whoever Tokuko complained about. Although that was usually just Kizana.
Still, he did always make her feel better. And frankly, he might be the sole reason she’s still dealing with Kizana’s unnecessary sass. She wasn’t sure what she’d do without him.
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faustiantales · 2 months
𝖆 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖕 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖛𝖗
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Dark Descent: Info-kun X fem/afab!Reader
Twisted Truths: incest, dubcon, headcanon info-kun name, underaged sex, fingering, vaginal penetration
Synopsis: Kenzo's little sister sought his help for a VR game. Since the game she's playing is an 'immersive' visual novel romance, with his aid, the line between reality and fantasy blurred — as well as the line between siblings.
Shadows Lengthen: 2.6k words
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        The room was bathed in the soft glow of the computer monitor, casting an eerie light on [Y/n]'s focused face as she navigated through the virtual world of 'Amorous Abyss.' It was a game she'd heard whispers about, a visual novel rumored to be so immersive it was like living a second life. Her heart raced with excitement as she approached the moment she'd been eagerly awaiting for weeks.
        [Y/n] had chosen her love interest carefully: Kai, the brooding, mysterious hero with a heart of gold hidden beneath layers of angst. His digital eyes seemed to gaze into hers, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. It was time for their relationship to take a steamy turn, and she was more than ready.
        But there was a problem. The game's latest update included a feature she hadn't anticipated: a full-body immersion system that mimicked intimate contact with the characters. The game's description called it 'revolutionary,' but she knew she needed help to authenticate the experience.
        Her thoughts drifted to her older brother, Kenzo. He was the closest person she had to a confidant, and she knew he'd be able to keep a secret. Plus, she'd caught him playing games with mature content before. He'd understand. She took a deep breath and picked up her phone, and the decision was made. Her thumbs danced across the screen as she composed a text message, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and embarrassment.
        "Niisama, I need to talk to you about something...it's kind of weird," she typed, hitting send before she could second-guess herself. The anticipation grew as she waited for his response, the game's romantic background music swelling around her.
        The redhead's reply was swift. "What's up, [N/n]? You okay?"
        Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that her brother was stuck on gadgets 24/7, though she never expected him to reply to her message this fast, especially when he deemed it 'insignificant'. Most of the time, he would just ignore her message or leave it on 'seen' when he's busy doing his shady dealings. Thankfully, this time, he seems free to acknowledge her.
        "Can you come to my room? It's about this game I'm playing. I need some advice," she responded, pursing her lips in anticipation.
        She heard his footsteps in the hallway, and a moment later, her bedroom door creaked open. Kenzo's face was a mix of curiosity and concern. Though the second emotion appeared only for a split second — by the time his narrowed, red orbs landed on her, intrigue and annoyance masked his features.
        "What's going on?" he asked, leaning against the doorframe.
        The girl swallowed hard, feeling the weight of her older brother's gaze on her. Kenzo was always a man of few words, but he had a knack for making his presence known. His arms were folded across his chest, and he waited for her to speak, his curiosity piqued by the urgency in her message.
        "It's about the new VR game I got," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to... experience it fully, but I need your help."
        The bespectacled male raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"
        Her eyes darted to the floor as she gathered her courage. Her older brother's gaze was heavy, but she knew she had to ask. So, with whatever little courage she had, she gathered everything and stared straight at her brother's ruby orbs, which were looking at her intensely, making her feel small and vulnerable. 
        "There's a... scene coming up, and I need a stand-in for the physical part. It's just for the game," she rushed out, hoping he'd understand.
        Her brother's expression morphed from confusion to surprise and then, to her relief, to amusement. [Y/n] felt her heart leaped with hope, knowing that her brother would be willing to listen to her trivial concerns and give her the advice she needed.
        "You want me to... help you with that?" He chuckled, his voice low.
        She nodded, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. "Please, Niisama. It's important to me. I've never felt this way about a game before."
        He studied her for a moment, his eyes softening as he stepped into the room. "Okay, but you have to explain everything to me."
        With trembling hands, she demonstrated the VR setup, showing him the controllers and the headset. She explained the intimate scenes in detail, her voice growing softer with each word. Kenzo's smile faded, replaced by a look of understanding.
        "Alright, I'll help you," he said finally, his voice a gentle rumble. "But only if you're sure this is what you want."
        She nodded, a spark of excitement igniting in her chest. "I'm positive."
        "Let's get this over with, then," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of something she couldn't quite place. The redhead took the headset from her, his eyes meeting hers.
        As the headset slipped over her eyes, the real world faded away, and she was transported into the arms of Kai, her virtual lover. The sensations began to overwhelm her, and she reached out, her hand brushing against something warm and solid.
        Her heart jumped up in her chest. It was Kenzo, standing next to her, his hand hovering awkwardly in the air. [Y/n] briefly removed the headset, looking at her redheaded older brother with an apologetic expression, which he only responded with an unreadable expression.
        "Sorry," she murmured, her cheeks flushing even deeper. He snickered, his hand dropping to his side.
        "No problem," he said, his voice thick with something she hadn't heard before—desire?
        [Y/n] put on the headset once more and the VR game began to play out, and she felt the digital whispers of Kai's breath against her ear. Her body responded instinctively, her breath hitching in anticipation. Kenzo's hand found hers, and she squeezed it tightly as the scene grew more intense. The fabric of her pajamas felt rough against her skin, a stark contrast to the soft caresses she felt in the game.
        The tension in the room grew palpable, the air thick with unspoken desires. It didn't take long for the siblings to move to the bed, mirroring the scenario played in the game. [Y/n] could feel her body reacting to the sensations, and she knew her brother could feel it too. His thumb began to trace circles on the back of her hand, sending shivers up her arm. Her heart raced in her chest, thudding like a bass in a dance club.
        The moment arrived. Kai's digital hands began to undress her, and she felt Kenzo's own hands mimic the movements. His touch was gentle but firm, his skin warm and real against hers. The game's graphics were stunning, the fabric of her dress sliding away to reveal her naked body. She gasped as she felt her brother's hand cup her bare breast, his thumb brushing over her erect nipple.
        The line between reality and the game blurred as she leaned into his touch. The VR world swirled around them, the only sounds were the sighs of the virtual lovers and their ragged breathing. Her body arched off the bed, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan as Kenzo's hand traveled lower, his fingers slipping under the waistband of her pajama bottoms.
        The game's narrative grew more heated, and the girl felt her arousal mirror Kai's digital passion. Her brother's touch grew bolder, his fingers delving into her wetness, exploring her folds. She couldn't tell if the sensations were coming from the game or her brother's hand, but she didn't care. All she knew was that she wanted more.
        Her hips began to move in time with the rhythm of his fingers, her body undulating like a wave in the sea of desire. The VR world melded with the physical one, and she could feel Kai's mouth on hers, his tongue probing deeply, as Kenzo's kissed her neck. It was as if the two men were one, their passion intertwined in a dance of flesh and pixels.
        The climax built within her, a crescendo of pleasure that she'd never felt before. She threw her head back, her moans echoing through the headset. Her brother's other hand found her hip, holding her in place as he drove her closer to the edge. The room spun around her, a whirlwind of sensations that left her gasping for breath.
        And then it hit her, the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced, tearing through her like a tornado. She bucked against the redhead's hand, her body convulsing with pleasure. She could feel his arousal pressing against her leg, and she reached out, her hand wrapping around his hard length.
        As the last waves of her climax subsided, she opened her eyes, the VR world fading away. Kenzo's eyes were dark with lust, and she knew at that moment that their relationship had shifted forever. The game had brought them together in a way she'd never dared to dream of.
        But now, as she looked into his eyes, she knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their lives—a chapter filled with passion, secrets, and a bond that was no longer purely familial. With trembling hands, she removed the headset, the cool air of the room a stark contrast to the sultry embrace of the virtual world.
        "Thank you," she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire. Kenzo's eyes searched hers, the intensity of the moment weighing heavily on them both. He leaned in, his breath warm against her cheek.
        "Don't thank me," he murmured, his hand sliding from her hip to the back of her neck. "This is just the start."
        Without another word, he claimed her mouth in a kiss that was every bit as passionate as the ones she'd shared with Kai in the game. His tongue danced with hers, the taste of him intoxicating. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before—real, raw, and all-consuming.
        [Y/n]'s hand tightened around his shaft, her movements growing more confident as she felt him respond to her touch. She could feel his pulse racing through his veins, the beat matching the frantic rhythm of her own heart. His kiss grew deeper, more demanding, and she met him with equal fervor.
        They broke apart, panting, their eyes locked. The air was charged with a tension that could have powered the city outside their window. He stepped closer, and she could feel the heat of his body against hers.
        "We should..." she began, but he silenced her with another kiss.
        Kenzo's hands slid down her body, peeling away her pajamas. Her skin was alive with sensation, every inch of her yearning for his touch. He paused, his eyes raking over her naked form with an appreciation that made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
        "You're so perfect," he murmured, his voice a gruff whisper.
        And then, with a hunger that was both terrifying and exhilarating, he removed his clothes, throwing them across the room like a sack of potatoes. His body was a sculpted masterpiece, a stark contrast to the softness of hers. [Y/n] could feel her own pulse hammering in her throat, her eyes wide with a mix of lust and awe. She could feel the heat of his arousal pressing against her, and she spread her legs, inviting him in.
        Their bodies moved together in a dance as old as time, a dance of passion and need. Kenzo's kisses grew more urgent, his hands exploring every inch of her skin. He knew just where to touch her, just how to make her gasp and arch her back, her body a canvas for his desires.
        And as they became one, the barrier between the game and reality shattered. The digital world of 'Amorous Abyss' faded away, replaced by the very real sensation of her brother inside her, his movements driving her towards another peak of pleasure. The lines blurred until she couldn't tell where the game ended and her new reality began.
        "So this is what you truly meant by help, huh?" the redhead sneered, cleaning his glasses while thrusting into his little sister's tight hole without mercy.
        [Y/n] nodded, unabashed, feeling the warmth spread through her body. Her cheeks were flushed with a perfect pink hue, her tresses damp with sweat and sticking to her forehead. She let out a couple of wanton mewls, her inhibition gone when her brother continued his relentless assault on her poor cunt.
        Kenzo's strokes grew stronger, more demanding, as he watched his sister's body respond to his touch. He'd never seen her like this—so open, so vulnerable, so desperate for release. It was intoxicating, and he found himself getting lost in the moment, forgetting the taboo nature of their situation.
        "Such a slut," he growled darkly, ruby eyes narrowing to a judging glare, his signature smirk adorning his lips. "But you're mine now, aren't you?"
        [Y/n] nodded vigorously, unable to form coherent words as the pleasure built up within her. Her body was a symphony of sensations, each stroke of Kenzo's cock sending shockwaves of ecstasy through her core. She felt his grip on her hips tighten, his pace quickening as he approached his own climax.
        But amidst the whirlwind of passion, a tiny voice in the back of her mind whispered a warning. This was her brother, the person she'd grown up with, the one who'd protected her from monsters under the bed. Yet here they were, sharing the most intimate of moments. Would this change everything?
        The question was forgotten as Kenzo's hand found her clit, his thumb rubbing it in perfect time with his thrusts. She threw her head back, crying out his name as the orgasm claimed her once again. The room was a blur of lights and sounds, their cries of pleasure melding together in a symphony of lust.
        And when it was over, when they lay tangled in the sheets, their bodies slick with sweat, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. They'd crossed a line, and there was no going back. But as she felt his heartbeat against her chest, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the start of something incredible, something that had been hidden within the pixels of a game all along.
        Kenzo rolled onto his side, his arm draped around her waist, and she could feel his breath against her neck. His cock was still hard, still buried inside her, and she shivered with the aftershocks of pleasure. For a moment, they lay there in silence, the only sound the steady thump of their hearts.
        "That was..." he began, his voice trailing off.
        "Incredible," she finished for him, her breathing still ragged.
        "Should we make this a regular thing?" he teased, humping his hardening cock against her entrance.
        The sensation of his thickness sliding in and out of her was so real, so intense, that she could hardly believe she'd ever lived without it. [Y/n]'s eyes widened with surprise and a thrill of excitement, biting her lips to prevent a shameless moan from escaping her lips.
        "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice breathy.
        Kenzo leaned in, his eyes gleaming with sinister mischief. "You know what I mean. Every time you play that game, I'll be here, bringing those scenes to life. What do you say, little sis?"
        The girl felt a rush of conflicting emotions—shock, arousal, and a hint of fear. But the excitement won out. She nodded, her voice a whisper. "Okay."
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📜— Return to the Shadowed Archive
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chanstopher · 7 months
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Bang Chan ranked 2nd in Billboard’s top 100 kpop artists of 2024
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fruit-file asked:
This fucking picture but yansim
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moongothic · 8 months
You know I wasn't going to post about this, but the more I think about it the more it drives me up the walls
So when Luffy and co release Crocodile from jail, it's specifically under the threat that if Crocodile tries anything funny, well, Iva-chan has a trick up their sleeve to put Crocodile back in-line.
So what the fuck was that actually about? What is Crocodile's secret weakness? I'm specifically looking at the way this is phrased in the manga, because the anime's added dialogue kinda messes with what's implied here. But what Iva specifically says is that Ivankov in particular holds the key to one of Crocodile's weaknesses, but they'll stay quiet about it as long as Crocodile behaves himself ("Vataashi wa koitsu no yowami wo hitotsu nigitteru", a very clunky but literal translation could be "One of his weaknesses is within my grasp". The way Viz translated the line is a bit different so I'm not bothering with getting a cap of the panel, you wouldn't be able to tell how these lines were phrased in Japanese based on Viz's translations anyways) (The dialogue Toei added was Crocodile furiously shouting at Iva-chan, telling them to not say anything and Iva-chan reminding Croc to watch his tone or else they'll reveal Croc's past to everyone. A lot of people don't remember this was in-fact added by Toei, hence I wanted to clarify/remind what happened in this scene originally)
And now. Obviously. When Oda went out of his way to introduce a brand new character whose entire personality is being queer and their power is giving people magic HRT. And then like five chapters later re-introduces Crocodile. And tells us that these two have Secret Beef. And never proceeds to fucking tell us what the hell that was about. Yes, the natural conclusion one would come to would be that Crocodile is stealth trans. That is basic, good storytelling. You (re)introduce two characters, tell us they have beef, one has a very specific ability; you're supposed to connect these dots in your mind. So that now, if Oda revealed to us tomorrow that Crocodile was canonically trans, it would not surprise anyone because it's already been set-up in the story, by this very scene. It's a logical conclusion.
But. I'm becoming more and more convinced that Iva-chan's blackmail might actually not be about Crocodile being trans.
Like the general fandom assumption for the past 15 years has been that Crocodile's stealth trans, but we actually don't know he's stealth. He could be openly trans, and between that being a borderline requirement for Crocodad to be real (since he would've been a Shichibukai for years before Luffy was even born) and the possibility that his earring could specifically be a gay earring, like. Yeah. Crocodile could be openly trans. If Crocodile's perfectly happy to let the whole world know he's gay, then him being trans shouldn't have to be a secret either. We the readers could just be unaware of it because it wasn't relevant information to us, and his transition would be old ass news in-universe and not worth bringing up.
And thus, if Crocodile isn't stealth, then Iva-chan can't blackmail him by threatening to out him, becaus he can't be outted.
Now for a while I did considder that Iva-chan could've been actually threatening to detransition Crocodile if he tried anything funny. Surely he would hate that, so much so that he might not have wanted to even hear Ivankov suggest it. But thinking about it. Unless Iva-chan can use Armanent Haki or get Crocodile moisturized, they shouldn't be able to hit Crocodile actually. Like Croc's Logia makes him impossible to hit unless he specifically allowed himself to be touched. So even if Iva-chan tried to surprise attack Crocodile with Estrogen, Croc should just turn to sand automatically, the attack should not land.
Meaning Iva-chan shouldn't be able to detransition Crocodile against his will, at least not without Haki and we don't know if they can use it, so that can't be Crocodile's weakness either.
And so we have to ask the question. What the fuck is that weakness then that Ivankov mentioned?
All we really know is that Crocodile doesn't want this weakness to be brought up, it's a secret. And for all we know Iva-chan might be the only person in the world who knows about it.
And I just. Like.
There is one weakness, kind of a universal one that many people could have, one that has been brought up time-and-time again post-timeskip, one that has become more and more relevant in the story, especially now at the begining of the Final Saga.
A secret weakness.
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If pregnancy is what cracked Crocodile's egg and he transitioned immidiately/soon after giving birth, then it's entirely plausible Iva-chan could know Crocodile had a secret child. And surely he'd want nothing more than for his child to be safe, not end up in trouble because of him. And Ivankov most certainly could put that child in danger, especially now that Crocodile was officially no longer on the World Government's side, there'd be no protection for the baby. All Ivankov had to do was leak the information out, that Sir Crocodile had a child, and anybody who had beef with him could get their revenge by attempting to find the child.
Like I'm just saying. This could line up nicely, actually
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aliceinunderw0rld · 1 year
posting some of my yansim redesigns bc yansim is (un)officially over
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