diurnostarfizz · 2 months
Mas wea cagada de yansim
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en realidad los dibuje en orden de rivales y ya habia empezado a amai, pero se me hacia aburrido no lo volvi a tocar y decidi terminar otros porque quiero redibujar memes. raibaru no tiene tantos cambios, simplemente le cambie a lazos para que siguiera conjuntando con osana y la hice un poco mas gordita, simplemente porque pense en ello y no me lo podia sacar de la cabeza....y tambien por un detalle que odio en la mayoria de arte official
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asi no funcionan las camisetas ;-;
sobretodo cuanto mas suelta sea, menos se notara, y estoy seguro que el uniforme escolar no es del tipo que se deberia estar tan ajustado
en las camisetas la forma del pecho no es tan definida, y aun asi en camisetas ajustadas la parte de en medio suele ser como una linea, no se como explicarlo bien pero espero que se me este entendiendo, tipo asi (__) en vez de como se ve el pecho de raibaru. mi arte obviamente no es mejor que quien hizo el arte official, no estoy diciendo eso, pero esto me molesta por alguna estupida razon, raibaru es el arte en donde mas se nota pero estoy seguro que en otros tambien. es simplemente algo que me molesta irracionalmente.
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el pelo tiene que ver con cambios que le e hecho a hanko, asi que a taeko se los puse tambien pues porque no. y porque el pelo de taeko en el arte oficial no me gusta mucho.
queria hacer a taeko un poco mas unica, porque se parece demasiado a ayano, sea taro o taeko, parecen hermanos, asi que le puse ojos rojos a taeko para que se vean un poco mas distintas, a taeko la e cambiado la mas y la misma vez la menos, porque quiero mantener lo de estudiante promedio que no resalta pero es que al final se me hace aburrida, asi que le di unas cosillas por aqui y por alla en personalidad y unos pequeños cambios en apariencia que anque no sean la gran cosa, hacen que se me haga mas unica. los calcetines les añadi dos rayas negras porque es su color favorito, tiene ojeras porque se queda leyendo por la noche (confirmo para mi no hay nada como leer por la noche) me gusta como le hice la cara porque parece tranquila y que literalmente no tiene ningun pensamiento en la cabeza lo cual es medio verdad
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tiene cara de gato que te mira al alma.
el pelo se lo hice algo azul para diferenciar mas de taeko, y me recuerda un poco a marinette, son parecidas se lo piensan un poco, excepto que marinette no me gusta y ayano a veces si y a veces no.
no tiene los tipicos brillos que pongo en los ojos de mis dibujos, su falda tiene bolsillos, ya que recorde que su familia trabaja en la industria textil, y seria util, y en general faldas con bolsillos son god
las uñas tambien se las podria haber hecho a los otros personajes, pero me da pereza o se me olvida, pienso que midori o incluso osana le dijeron de quedar y se pintaron las uñas (midori es amiga de la infancia de ayano) pero las uñas no es relevante lol
otra cosa que tambien me molesta del arte oficial son los calcetines de ayano
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lo podrian haber puesto mas alto, o mas bajo incluso, pero ugh porque, es simplemente molesto sin razon alguna. gente lo siento por quejarme de tonterias. ah si, tambien otro quejamiento de las camisetas, que tan ajustados son los uniformes para que se llegue a notar la barriga????? la mayoria de personajes femeninos tienen esto en su arte oficial, y para mi, el de ayano es donde se nota mas, solo seria si las camisetas fueran apretadas, pero de nuevo, estoy seguro que para uniformes no tendria que ser tan ajustado. aunque nunca fui a una escuela con uniforme, (bueno ahora que escribo esto me acuerdo de que si llevaba para la guarderia) asi que a lo mejor estoy incorrecto
dato epico, me puse a speedrunear estos tres dibujos hoy solamente porque tengo como mas de 50 memes guardados que quiero redibujar pero quiero hacer los diseños primero
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osana y taeko casuales, no queria poner tanto detalle asi que es simple, eso si hay que ponerle luces a las zapatillas de taeko, es lo mas importante. y me daba gracia tener a taeko en ropa toda oscura y negra y gris y luego tiene zapatillas rosas con luces. osana esta algo basada en un arte oficial de ella casual, pero le cambie unas cosas, porque no se queria dibujar pantalones de campana o algo
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fuera de joda yo de pequeño si pensaba que eran como mini torres eiffel (odio paris y francia/j)
hay mas imagenes que queria redibujar pero me duele la espalda ugh
nada que ver pero antes estaba comiendo pan con salchichas y un trozo se me quedo entre los dientes, pero es que ese trozo era del mismo color rosa que mi encia asi que me empeze a preocupar porque pensaba que era un trozo de mi encia, use papel y habia algo de sangre y ademas que costo un monton sacarlo y todavia seguia dudando de que era en realidad, pero visto que no estoy sangrando creo que era solo salchicha, ademas, suelo sangrar bastante porque me muerdo los labios y los dedos y sin quere me hago sangre asi que a lo mejor era eso, quiero creer.
uh bueno lo siento por el post largo, hasta el proximo eclipse adieu
ah si aqui estan las imagenes originales
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 1 year
(I do not know what came over me, but okay). I was looking at the concepts for the yandere simulator and thought… and what about the endings?
I mean… Ayano can't just walk up to senpai at the end of the game and say, "Hi, dude! For ten weeks, strange things happened to the girls you talked to, and people at school disappeared, but now I'm here to say that you are the love of my life. MARRY ME OR I'LL MARRY YOU TO MY KNIFE!.."
Even if it was a normal dialogue, it's still weird. The girls around senpai may appear again, and Ayano is too worried to approach him. She hadn't talked to him in weeks, why would he love her? The boy is already stressed, and here again someone is trying to approach him!
So what? Eternal murders?
So I thought about what Ayano might have… different endings based on how she treated her rivals and senpai.
Let Ayano prepare the ground for conquering senpai's heart from the very beginning of the game! She's watching him, isn't she? So she knows what things he likes. Let Ayano give him gifts for ten weeks, leave delicious things in his locker, cook food for him, secretly send him messages and generally do everything to get his heart!.. (That is, to be a secret admirer). Or does nothing.
Based on Ayano's behavior, I suggest several endings, because I have nothing to do.
If Ayano killed most of her rivals and did not give gifts to senpai
~If Ayano kills a lot and doesn't bring senpai some goodies, then she will get a "neutral ending" as a result.~
"S-so you're saying you... want to get to know me... better? Sorry, I… I doubt I'll ever be able to make a new friend. All the girls I talked to either mysteriously disappeared somewhere or were found dead… I think I'm cursed. I don't want anything as terrible to happen to anyone in this school as happened to them. So… Don't ever come near me again"
"N-no… senpai… I can't leave you after all I've done for you! I struggled so much, only for you to refuse me this way?! Those damned girls have prevented me even now! I think… To be happy, I have to follow in my mother's footsteps."
"Oh, I... understand. I'm sorry, I won't bother you anymore."
When senpai returns home late at night, someone suddenly attacks him from behind. He is turned off with the help of medication, and he wakes up in some kind of dungeon, his eyes are closed, his body is tied to a chair by someone. A nervous giggle is heard from the darkness, as well as a familiar voice: "You didn't think that some rumors would stop me, did you?"
Ayano got her senpai. But they will never be as happy as they could be.
If Ayano killed most of her rivals, but gave gifts to senpai
~If Ayano kills rivals and brings goodies to senpai, then she gets a "bad ending"~
"So it's you who sent me this letter? What did you want to talk about?"
"I want to confess to you, senpai. I've been your secret admirer for the past few weeks. I didn't know how to approach you, so I left things in your closet, on your desk and next to you that I thought you might like. I hope you enjoyed my gifts."
"Did I like the gifts? How could I focus on them when people around me were dying or disappearing without a trace?! And… how did you find out what I like if we never talked? Have you been following me?! And I heard that similar events took place several decades ago, when she fell in love with a boy… You know… can't be connected to this story, right?.."
"I always knew you were smart, senpai. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you. But now there is no point in all this"
"W-what do you mean? I'm not going to accept someone's feelings when my friends are dead! W-wait… Wait, what are you doing? D-Don't come near me! DON'T COME NEAR ME!..
Ayano had no choice but to kidnap her senpai and bring him to her basement. Senpai, who quickly guessed the situation, could only hope for salvation from outside. But all the people who could help him were destroyed by Ayano. Senpai will never love Ayano as much as she would like. Senpai could only hope that he would lose his mind quickly and not feel any pain…
If Ayano made friends with most of the rivals (or removed them without taking their lives) and did not care about senpai in any way
~In this case, Ayano gets a "neutral end"~
"Hey, aren't you a friend of my friends? I'd like to talk to you."
"S-senpai? Is he inviting me under the sakura tree? I must go with him immediately!"
"I heard that you helped all my friends a lot… they often talk about you when we cross paths with each other. I wanted to thank you for taking care of them and giving them the help I couldn't give them! Perhaps there is something I can do to repay you for all your efforts?"
"There's nothing special I'd like to ask for, but… Senpai, I heard that the fall festival will be held at the school soon. You want… come with me?"
"Oh, of course! We could go with our whole big group and have a good time! I think we can agree on when and at what time we are going. And now I'm sorry, I have to go."
Ayano turned around and followed her senpai with her eyes. She didn't know if she could win his love, especially when he was surrounded by so many girls, but just the thought that she could become his friend filled her with love… and determination.
If Ayano made friends with most of the competitors and took care of senpai
~She will also list her rival friends and what she has learned from them. The more such friends Ayano has, the more plausible her confession looks to senpai. And this is how our "good end" has finally come!~
"It was you who asked me to meet under the sakura tree. If anything… what do you want to tell me?"
“Yeah… Senpai, as soon as I saw you, I realized that I wanted to get to know you better. I decided to get to know the people around you to understand how I can attract your attention.
Osana-san told me a lot about your childhood and about what things you like.
Amai-san taught me how to cook the sweets that you like the most.
Kizana-san told me what works of literature you like, based on which films were made, she taught me to be confident and helped me find strength… to stand in front of you.
Oka-san told me what your favorite horror stories are, what horror movies you like… she also suggested that I summon a demon so that he could protect you from all troubles.
Asu-san told me what kinds of sports you like, and also helped me become stronger.
Muja-san told me how to take care of your health, and also advised a store where I could buy some warm clothes for you in the cold season.
Mida-sensei… well, she helped me better… allocate time and… understand myself?..
Osoro-san taught me how to fight and defend myself as well... as you, senpai.
Hanako-chan shared with me many of your hobbies, and also helped me to better understand you and your lifestyle.
Megami-san helped me make a schedule for the day and taught me not to be distracted by unnecessary things, so I had more time to please you… senpai.
My - our - friends have helped me a lot. They helped to make a lot of gifts, which you talked about later to the whole school. I just want you to know… I've been your secret admirer all this time"
"Y-you… are you serious now? I've been trying for ten weeks to figure out who it was, and it turned out to be… you! I'm so glad it wasn't some creepy stalker or something! Ayano-chan… thank you for making almost every day brighter. If it wasn't for you, I would hardly be able to enjoy my school days."
"Senpai, I'm happy to see such a beautiful smile on your face… And I only dream that you will make me as happy as… me. I love you, senpai. I love you more than anything in the world"
No more words were said. Ayano and senpai shared their first kiss under a cherry blossom tree, whose petals slowly fell on their heads, as if blessing their relationship with their touches.
Senpai doesn't need to know that his friends were just used to find out more information about him. From now on, senpai will live a happy and fulfilling life… the same as Ayano. He will be with Ayano forever, and now that the lovers have kissed each other, even a thousand girls will not be able to separate them.
After a while, Ayano brought her senpai home to meet his parents. Ayano's mom gave them both a kind and proud smile, saying only one thing: "I'm proud of you, daughter. You did everything much better than I taught you."
Senpai didn't quite understand what the woman meant. But he doesn't need to. Now that he found himself in Ayano's loving arms voluntarily, he doesn't have to worry about anything.
He will be happy with her… all their eternity.
If Ayano has a low reputation and she took care of senpai
~In this case, Ayano gets a "bad ending"~
"Who could have called me here?.. Oh, it's you! I'm sorry, I must have the wrong place… I'm leaving right now!"
"S-stop, senpai! You've come where you're supposed to. I wrote you this note. We need to talk."
"I don't think we have anything to talk about. Listen, I don't have much time, so there's something important you don't want to say…"
"All those gifts that you received… I was the one who sent them. I was your secret admirer."
"You? Wait… YOU?! I refuse to believe it! Someone like you couldn't do such good things for me."
"But it was me. I did it for you and only for you. I want you to feel my love in this way."
"I can't admit your love. People have been saying for a long time that you've done things that I personally don't like. I can't start dating someone who's as weird as you."
"N-no, senpai, wait! I lost my reputation because I was trying to get to your heart! Please, senpai, don't leave me after everything I've done!.."
The next day, Ayano did not come to school, as well as in the following days. The students started whispering that it was all because of her reputation. In a mystical way, senpai, who had been communicating with Ayano before, suddenly disappeared.
Ayano could have kidnapped senpai, but he knew what kind of person she was. Senpai will never love her the way she wants.
If Ayano has a low reputation, she killed most of the rivals and took care of senpai.
~Another "bad ending"~
"Why did someone call me to this place now when everything is restless? Oh, it's you! I'll leave here, I think…"
"Wait, senpai. We need to talk. It's about those gifts you've been receiving all this time. This… I was your secret admirer."
"You, was it YOU all the time?! W-wait, it couldn't have been you! We didn't even really communicate, and all the gifts seemed to have been created especially for me!.. Did you find out what I like by following me?! People around said you were weird, but I didn't think you were that weird!..and… and all my friends… I heard the students say that you walk around the school with a gun! You know… you couldn't have killed them, could you? Why are you silent?! Answer me, answer me now! N-no! Don't come near me! Put that syringe away! W-what are you going to do with?!."
Ayano could kidnap senpai, but she would never get his love. She can only drive him crazy or die herself, because senpai, whom she has fallen in love with, will never accept her true feelings.
If Ayano has a low reputation, tooks care of senpai and made friends with most of her rivals
~Here Ayano also lists how each opponent helped her. This is a "good-neutral ending"~
"So, did you call me under the sakura tree?.. I hear you're a friend of my friends, but I'm not sure we should be here. I mean… If someone sees us together, I'll be in trouble. No offense."
"Yes, of course, senpai. I won't keep you long. The thing is, I am… I was the one who sent you all these gifts. I wanted to get to know you better, but I was afraid to approach you. Then my reputation began to decline, and I wasn't sure if you would be ready to talk to me. I decided to learn more about you from your friends. They really helped me to understand what kind of person you are… Listing which opponent helped Yandere-chan. And that's why I wanted to ask… maybe you'd like to come with me to… a date? Even though people are talking about me?"
"This… really unexpected news. I would never have thought it was you who sent all these gifts. Thank you! I think… if my friends think you're a good person, then the rumors are just lying! I'd love to go on a date with you!"
Ayano couldn't be sure that her relationship with senpai would last long. People said bad things about her, and senpai could leave her at any moment. That is why, while her beloved is in her arms, she will try to do everything to bind him to her… forever.
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dhmislol-literally · 2 years
Crazy person who played yandere simulator: *is knocked over*
Ayano: *helps them up*
Crazy person: *smiles at ayano, knowing who she is and not phased at being in another world*
Ayano: *blushes and smiles at them*
Them: Ah, I have acquired a girlfriend
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yanderedev · 2 years
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anime-to-the-t · 2 years
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caelumroxas · 1 year
THE YANDERE SIMULATOR DLC IS FINALLY OUT!! | Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals - Part 31
New gameplay video of Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, featuring the FINALLY released Yandere Simulator DLC!
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rainydaze-xo · 2 years
Hi again!
What does an Akedemi Halloween look like?
They aren’t allowed to dress up on Halloween :(
But since people are allowed to wear makeup, lots come to school with themed makeup.
They also wear accessories such as demon horns - although the teachers don’t approve.
The occult club becomes more friendly (since they can fit in) and does ghost hunting with anyone who would like to join them.
The cooking club only hands out decorated cupcakes or candy, to celebrate Halloween around the school.
The gardening club carves pumpkins after school instead of usual activities.
The gaming club only play horror games or games with a Halloween update.
The science club specialises in Halloween sfx, by making them more realistic or have certain effects. For example, makeup that turns red when it is hot.
The sports club doesn’t really change anything, but they decorate the hall with banners even though they aren’t allowed to.
The drama club makes homemade horror films and performances that people can watch after school on Halloween.
The art club create horror paintings and put them on display in the art room.
The photography club finally does some photography, and takes pictures of the parts of the school that are celebrating Halloween. The members also join the occult club for ghost hunting.
The music club makes Halloween songs or lyrics, and plays them at lunch and after school.
The student council do not tell off anyone who decorates rooms or wears makeup.
The bullies only post about Halloween on their social media.
The delinquents decorate around the furnace - but swear that they didn’t do it.
Many people decorate their lockers with pumpkin stickers or small banners.
Kuudere changes all the books in the library to horror books, and decorated the bookcases.
Even traditional students like Mina Rai participate in celebrations with their friends - though they don’t believe in it.
Ayano could use Halloween as an opportunity to kill, since people would think the blood was decoration, or low sanity being part of a costume. She could get away with so much on Halloween.
Thank you for requesting! I was going to do Halloween headcanons but couldn’t think of any ideas, so this is great timing for me! Feel free to request at any time!
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sariels-world-ella · 1 year
If you are still doing requests can you do Taeko x Ayano from Yandere Simulator?
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Sure! this was fun to draw!
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Yandere-chan by Maple
A Single Choice Jam entry.
Entry - IFDB - More by Maple CW: harassment, kidnapping
Obsession and delusion A cosplaying fan of a yandere anime strikes up a conversation with you at a con, remarking your resemblance to a major character of that anime - the "girlfriend" of the one she is cosplaying. It doesn't take long to realise she is a certain kind of crazy... the obsessive kind. Hoping to get away to find your own girlfriend, you are left with two choices: agree to take a picture with her to calm her down, or try to run away. Only one is the safest thing to do. Though it is short, and not really my thing (I am not an yandere fan at all), the entry does manage to hit all the trope of the yandere character, making you wish you never have to deal with someone like that in real life. It is somewhat a good reminder not to let yourself be consumed by what you consume....
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bpddress-updarling · 5 months
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gazkamurocho · 1 month
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Help I can't stop putting Goromi in horror game situations Inspired by this
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regournana · 8 months
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i'd like to think kangel is a functioning member of society
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minminbunny · 7 days
Stalker X Stalker AU - Pervert! Bang Chan/Psycho Gender Neutral! Reader
*smut part - AFAB/AMAB
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
"Fuck, you smell so good," Chan groaned, burying his face into your dirty laundry. He followed your schedule, knowing you wouldn't be home until evening. Chan hissed, tugging down his sweats, his cock sprung against his abdomen, hot and throbbing to the touch. Chan bit the end of his shirt, his hand eagerly stroking his cock to the raw scent of your underwear. Loud squelching echoed within the room, his cockhead leaking with dribbles of precum. 
Chan whimpered, rubbing your soiled underwear against his sensitive slit. He bucked his hips, rubbing the silky material to his heart's desire. Chan whimpered at the pleasure, his precum drenching your underwear, "Cumming, cumming!" he growled, muffled against the cloth between his teeth when he heard the front door open. He jolted upright, finding a place to hide with his cock hard and on the edge. 
Chan panicked and hid himself within your closet, the only section that didn't have clothes but for your collection hobbies. It had just enough space for him to stand within. Chan calmed his breath, his shaft throbbing within his palm. You walked into your room, headphones over your ears. Chan sighed in relief, knowing those headphones are sound proof and you probably didn't hear him. 
You nonchalantly sat by your study desk, your phone displaying the camera installed in your room. Your underwater kept going missing and you wanted to know where it went. It didn't take long for Chan to sneak through your window to pump his cock to your clothing. At first you were disturbed, your privacy was invaded after all but you had a sick sense of collecting.
You didn't collect figures or albums. You collected things far more personal, most of the time it's hair, sometimes the occasional straw but now that you've gotten a personal muse. You weren't about to let him go, so you watched, you purposely left out your underwear, you purposely aligned your schedule so you wouldn't be home. Today was supposed to be one of these days but your classes got canceled. 
You watched him on the way home, his moans filling your car as you parked on the porch. You watched until he was just about to cum, like he always did and opened the front door. It was cute watching him panic only to find the closet dedicated to your muse. Quite endearing to say the least. You walked up the stairs, keeping your expression neutral and sat by your desk. 
You turned on your PC, and watched YouTube. You kept the PC on mute for show, letting Chan assume you connected your headphones to the device. Chan gulped, your scent flooding his nose the moment you walked in. His cock couldn't help but leak into his palm from the sheer proximity of your body so close to his. You lowered your headphones sensitivity that allows you to hear other people while wearing the device. 
You braced yourself to hear a moan, a whimper, anything from the closet. Chan wanted to cry out from frustration, his cock twitching without a sense of shame. He rubbed his thumb between his slit, stifling a choked moan. You smirked, eyes on the PC when you heard it, 'There we go,' you thought, relaxing into your chair. Chan noticed you didn't react and pumped his cock at a languid pace. 
His cockhead was always breaching the makeshift sleeve he made with his fist. Chan covered his mouth, rubbing his frenulum in hopes he'd cum just from that but you shifted. You got up from the chair and plopped yourself on the bed. You nonchalantly scrolled through your phone before, tugging down your pants. Chan gulped at the sight of your pretty legs, his strokes grew quicker as you slowly undressed. 
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You groaned into your palm, your hand rubbing your puffy mounds. Chan whimpered, squeezing the base of his cock in a panic. He didn't want to cum without you. A moan eacaped your lips at his whimper, your hand grazing beneath the hem of your underwear, "Fuck," you whispered, your voice breathy and heavy with lust. You pulled your hand back only to see a trail of slick between your fingers. 
You parted your lips and had a taste, you wanted to put on a show, you wanted to drive him insane. Chan felt his eyes roll back at the sight, his thighs sticky with his own arousal. You tugged down your underwear,  your cunt bare to the chill air, "Cold," you grumbled, hugging your plush toy against your chest for warmth. You shifted your body, your cunt facing the exact closet, giving him a front row view. 
You hissed, rubbing your fingers between your folds, "Hah, ah, ah," you gasped, teasing your needy swollen clit. Chan stared,  his jaw agape at the sight, 'Finally,' he thought, seeing the maker of your dirty underwear. Seeing the sole being that drives his cock insane. You lubed up your dildo, one with a vibration feature and aligned it with your cunt. You bit your lips, whimpering at the initial thrust of the dildo easing within your ribbed walls.
Chan gulped, stroking his cock to your gentle pace, his eyes never left your fluttering pussy. You pulled your knees closer to your chest, the dildo hitting deeper than earlier from the position, "Fuck, there, there," you moaned, aligning the dildo against your puffy sensitive bundles of nerves. Chan picked up the pace when you did, his body convulsing from the edging. 
You rubbed your clit in tandem with your thrusts, chasing that familiar coil of pleasure, "Close, close, hhgh," you whined, as the dildo buzzed against those nerves from the inside and out. "Shit, hah, hhgh," you cried out, climaxing around the toy. The musky scent of sex flooded the room, you didn't pull out the toy, but instead kept thrusting the toy through your overstimulation. 
Chan sobbed into his palm, cum dripping down his fist like a broken faucet and when he saw that you were still going, he followed suit. "Hah, huh, huh," he muffled behind his palm, stroking his cock through the edging and overstimulation. You hiccuped, easily reaching your climax the second time, creaming around your dildo. Chan tossed his head back, hitting it against the closet with a thud as he orgasmed once again, the sheer bliss fogging his senses, his eyes crossed as he panted from the intensity. 
You cleaned yourself up and burrowed yourself into the blankets, your headphones still secured on your head with your plush tucked within your arms. Chan waited until your breath settled and escaped your closet, he cleaned himself up knowing your headphones were still on and left the bathroom. You nuzzled your plush, hearing his heavy footsteps walk across your bed. 
Chan walked towards your pillow, he leaned down and checked if your breathing was shallow before kissing your forehead. You smiled at the gesture, burrowing deeper into your plush. Chan smiled and eventually sneaked out of your room through the window. You heard your window click and exhaled in relief, thankful that you didn't get caught. An anonymous number texted you a picture, you clicked open and saw a picture of you sleeping. 
It captioned, "I'm always watching, princess,". You chuckled at the text and took a screenshot. You printed it out with your mini printer and wiggled yourself out of bed. "He's such a sweetheart," you murmured, opening the same closet he was in. Inside it was covered with polaroids of him, most taken unknowingly, his hair in tiny baggies, his straws, his missing cap, his exact perfume, and now the sex-stained musk covering the walls of your closet. You pinned the text and kissed it, "One day, you'll be mine," you whispered, closing the closet and going back to sleep.
You groaned into your palm, your hand rubbing your swollen bulge. Chan whimpered, squeezing the base of his cock in a panic. He didn't want to cum without you. A moan eacaped your lips at his whimper, your hand grazing beneath the hem of your underwear, "Fuck," you whispered, your voice breathy and heavy with lust. You pulled your hand back only to see a trail of slick between your fingers. 
You parted your lips and had a taste, you wanted to put on a show, you wanted to drive him insane. Chan felt his eyes roll back at the sight, his thighs sticky with his own arousal. You tugged down your underwear,  your cock bare to the chill air, "Cold," you grumbled, hugging your plush toy against your chest for warmth. You shifted your body, your cock facing the exact closet, giving him a front row view. 
You hissed, rubbing your fingers between your slit, "Hah, ah, ah," you gasped, teasing your needy swollen cockhead. Chan stared,  his jaw agape at the sight, 'Finally,' he thought, seeing the maker of your dirty underwear. Seeing the sole being that drives his cock insane. You lubed up your onahole, one with a vibration feature and aligned it with your cock. You bit your lips, whimpering at the initial thrust of the onahole squeezing around your throbbing cock.
Chan gulped, stroking his cock to your gentle pace, his eyes never left your leaking cockhead. You spread apart your legs, the onahole enveloping around your shaft even tighter than earlier from the position, "Fuck, harder, harder," you moaned, bucking your hips into the cocksleeve, the vibrations driving you senseless. Chan picked up the pace when you did, his body convulsing from the edging. 
You rubbed your cockhead in tandem with your thrusts, chasing that familiar coil of pleasure, "Close, close, hhgh," you whined, as the onahole around your sensitive shaft, precum leaking in anticipation. "Shit, hah, hhgh," you cried out, climaxing within the toy. The musky scent of sex flooded the room, you didn't pull out of the toy, but instead kept thrusting into the toy through your overstimulation. 
Chan sobbed into his palm, cum dripping down his fist like a broken faucet and when he saw that you were still going, he followed suit. "Hah, huh, huh," he muffled behind his palm, stroking his cock through the edging and overstimulation. You hiccuped, easily reaching your climax the second time, creaming within your onahole. Chan tossed his head back, hitting it against the closet with a thud as he orgasmed once again, the sheer bliss fogging his senses, his eyes crossed as he panted from the intensity. 
You cleaned yourself up and burrowed yourself into the blankets, your headphones still secured on your head with your plush tucked within your arms. Chan waited until your breath settled and escaped your closet, he cleaned himself up knowing your headphones were still on and left the bathroom. You nuzzled your plush, hearing his heavy footsteps walk across your bed. 
Chan walked towards your pillow, he leaned down and checked if your breathing was shallow before kissing your forehead. You smiled at the gesture, burrowing deeper into your plush. Chan smiled and eventually sneaked out of your room through the window. You heard your window click and exhaled in relief, thankful that you didn't get caught. An anonymous number texted you a picture, you clicked open and saw a picture of you sleeping. 
It captioned, "I'm always watching, prince,". You chuckled at the text and took a screenshot. You printed it out with your mini printer and wiggled yourself out of bed. "He's such a sweetheart," you murmured, opening the same closet he was in. Inside it was covered with polaroids of him, most taken unknowingly, his hair in tiny baggies, his straws, his missing cap, his exact perfume, and now the sex-stained musk covering the walls of your closet. You pinned the text and kissed it, "One day, you'll be mine," you whispered, closing the closet and going back to sleep.
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dhmislol-literally · 2 years
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I was on picrew again - oops
reddit page where I found these and MANY more
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yanderedev · 2 years
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anime-to-the-t · 2 years
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