#Information Transmission
omegaphilosophia · 6 months
Voices and Pages: Navigating the Pros and Cons of Oral and Written Communication
In the vast tapestry of human communication, two fundamental threads have woven intricate patterns throughout our history: the spoken word and the written script. Both modes of expression, oral and written, bear their unique strengths and weaknesses, shaping the ways we share information, preserve culture, and advance as societies.
Oral Communication: The Power of Spoken Words
1. Immediate Impact: The spoken word carries an immediacy that written language often lacks. In face-to-face interactions, nuances of tone, pitch, and rhythm enrich the message, fostering a deeper connection between speaker and listener.
2. Dynamic Adaptation: Orality allows for real-time adjustments. A speaker can gauge the audience's reactions and tailor their message accordingly, ensuring comprehension and engagement.
3. Cultural Tradition: Many cultures have passed down their histories, myths, and wisdom through oral traditions. Storytelling, poetry, and oral epics are integral to preserving the essence of diverse cultural narratives.
1. Ephemeral Nature: Spoken words are transient, existing only in the moment. Once uttered, they often fade into the recesses of memory, unless intentionally recorded or passed down through generations.
2. Limited Reach: Oral communication has geographic limitations. It primarily serves immediate, local audiences, making it challenging to convey complex information across vast distances without distortion.
3. Subject to Interpretation: The absence of a fixed script can lead to misinterpretations. The same oral narrative might be recounted differently by different individuals, introducing variations and potential inaccuracies.
Written Communication: Unveiling the Power of the Written Word
1. Permanent Record: Written language creates a lasting record. From ancient scrolls to digital archives, written communication preserves knowledge, allowing it to transcend time and be shared widely.
2. Precision and Clarity: The written word allows for precise expression. Authors can carefully craft their messages, providing clarity and reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation.
3. Global Reach: With the advent of written languages and translation technologies, written communication can traverse continents, enabling the dissemination of information on a global scale.
1. Lack of Immediacy: Unlike oral communication, written messages lack immediacy. Responses are not instantaneous, potentially impeding dynamic, real-time exchanges.
2. Fixed Expression: Once written, a text is static. It remains unchanged unless intentionally edited. This lack of adaptability can be a drawback in situations that demand flexibility.
3. Potential for Misinterpretation: Despite efforts to be precise, written communication is susceptible to misinterpretation. Readers bring their own perspectives and experiences, influencing how they understand written words.
In the ongoing evolution of communication, the interplay between oral and written forms continues to shape our understanding of the world. Whether spoken in the heat of the moment or etched onto pages for posterity, each mode carries its significance, contributing to the rich tapestry of human expression.
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skyscrapergods · 4 months
if you ever want to dip your toes into the more creepy side, in the episode "a health of information" a disease called swamp fever apparently turns living ponies into trees!! it always freaked me out, and since it was in the later seasons, it just wasn't developed upon (of course :P) there's a screenshot of one of the doctor ponies holding up a book that shows the cycle of transformation-- the stage where they've still got limb-like roots is so so creepy!!
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ufolvr · 7 months
Real big fan of robots and monsters and aliens btw in case u couldn't tell.
And a trope I Hate is forced humanization, in general. If a non human character is supposed to become connected to humankind, then fine. It's not atrocious on it's own. I don't care.
What I do care about is when they're belittled for not being "human enough" in a "weird way". Like, yeah, maybe the alien that doesn't celebrate birthdays is strange to the protagonist. They don't have to call them out on it. The alien doesn't have to be seen at the end celebrating their birthday to solidify how human they've become.
If you want it to happen have it happen gradually. Have them become curious about it, and find out they actually like the customs they're not used to yet. Aliens finding pleasure in a playground, monsters enjoying food they'd never gotten to taste before, and robots discovering they genuinely like watching TV. Whatever!
Just work around their differences, make it be gradual, and not born from the main, human cast making fun of them or pointing out how weird they are for not liking X thing. And for the love of god, don't make "Becoming Human uwu" the center of their story. It's so... Heartbreaking. Bleak, even.
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focsle · 1 year
I wouldn’t call myself a die-hard Titanic buff, at least not compared to other people who take interest in it, but man every time I have to give this tour about it I’m like…Weepin. The whole situation was just so…so…SO didn’t need to happen on so many small levels that converged to create something awful.
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awsteb · 8 months
i suppose get not liking jawn but uh. if you're like super into parx you realise they're choosing to be his friend right. this is like a slightly less extreme version of gerard way fans who despise lindsey
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xollii · 10 months
The only reason westerners love Aristotle and syllogism so much is because of late medieval Muslims and Jews translating his work from Arabic to Latin
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ask-the-guardian-core · 10 months
Tags Directory
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Ghostwire & co.
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the fact that people on picrew think that what people make w/ their image makers will be used to feed txt2img neural nets info as if the concept of picrew at its core isnt just generating a character out of someone elses art (and you can even randomly generate something if you have that option enabled!) just goes to show how little online artists actually bother to know about neural networks at all
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
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insane thing for the eugenicist to say.
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specters · 2 years
resident evil 4 remake looks sooooo good
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missgeniality · 2 years
getting covid together while miles apart, that's friendship I guess??? @taegularities
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honeybeekao · 2 years
ive never talked about my bnha oc mika have i no i havent
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illlllillllli · 6 days
there will never be too many tv heads. world of tv heads and also computer heads and other screens camera heads... cell phone babies. stadium size screen performers. cracked screens. the occasional teletubby otherkin with screens on their bellies. you can transfer all your data onto other devices. you can have humanoid bodies or be a laptop on a table. no screen at all. screen projecting a picture of a human, a faceclaim if you will
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ufolvr · 13 days
Btw I love going into the mm fandom without even a fraction of interest in the little baby kids kissing. I do not care about megaman and bass holding hands or whatever the fuck. I'm here for the weird robot masters making out sloppy style and it's all I'm ever going to be here for
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Human Beings are 'Hard-Wired' to Learn from our mistakes.
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We Human Beings learn more from our bad days than we do from our good days.
Because Learning is "hard-wired' in our brains, so naturally a Traumatic Event like something shocking, scary, or dangerous is gonna register in our brains more than something that is a regular event like brushing our teeth at bedtime.
Our learning capacity evolved about 100,000 years ago, and the human brain is fully adapted for learning processing. Any child, unless neurologically impaired or hearing impaired, will learn to talk, walk and eventually dent their parents car the first time they drive it,..... this is hard-wired into us (Lol).
Ya see,.... Social Transmission of Information is how human beings learn because we can spread bullshit around the world before logic gets out of bed, it's genetics gossip, and we all have it to a degree.
We human beings are the most cultural species there is, and are therefore the most intelligent species there is because we basically spread the news, and to everyone of us as fast as we know how (see: Cell phones social media),......... and that teaches us to push ourselves forward or backwards depending on how stupid we are to believe a sheep in bullshits clothing (see: Trump speeches).
So the next time you wake up and find you've pissed your pants, your brain will remember tomorrow to not drink as much before bedtime, that's how we human beings roll................
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awsteb · 1 year
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