#Innovative gameplay
octantastudio · 16 days
Introducing our upcoming game "Aquarius Age".
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Did you know that we have all recently moved from the so-called age of Pisces, associated with religiosity, to the age of Aquarius? Wars of faith and crusades are a thing of the past, now people can choose unity and meet a new time of high technology, decentralized control and the triumph of reason.
During this development phase, you can participate in our anonymous testing system. A couple of interesting links are in post below.
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zentendo · 7 months
Upcoming Games - Blade Chimera on Nintendo Switch
Prepare to be immersed in the neon-soaked streets of a cyberpunk city with Blade Chimera, a newly-announced 2D side-scrolling action game that promises a unique twist to the genre. Developed by Team Ladybug and WSS Playground, the creative minds behind Touhou: Luna Nights and Needy Streamer Overload, and published by Playism, Blade Chimera introduces the Lumina Sword, a weapon that not only fends…
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kandischampagne · 1 year
My Review of AI Dungeon
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As a text adventure enthusiast, I have been trying out AI Dungeon for the past several months, and I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed. AI Dungeon is a unique text adventure game that uses artificial intelligence to generate a custom storyline based on the player's input.
One of the things I appreciated about AI Dungeon is the sheer amount of creative freedom it offers. The AI can interpret a wide range of inputs, from simple commands to complex paragraphs, and generate a story that responds to the player's choices and actions in real time. This allows for a truly immersive and personalized gameplay experience.
In addition, AI Dungeon's advanced AI technology means that the game can respond to a wider range of scenarios and possibilities than most traditional text adventures. The AI can generate unique storylines based on the player's choices and input, and can even create new characters, locations, and objects on the fly. This creates a sense of unpredictability and excitement that keeps the game fresh and engaging.
I also appreciated the fact that AI Dungeon has a variety of different genres and settings to choose from, including fantasy, sci-fi, and mystery. This allows players to tailor their experience to their own personal tastes and preferences.
The only downside I encountered with AI Dungeon is that the AI-generated storylines can sometimes be a bit disjointed or nonsensical, due to the unpredictable nature of the AI. However, this is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, and the benefits of the game far outweigh any small quirks.
I highly recommend AI Dungeon. It's a unique and innovative game that offers a new and exciting way to experience interactive storytelling.
More Pros and Cons for AI Dungeon
Creativity and Freedom: One of the biggest advantages of AI Dungeon is its level of creativity and freedom. The game allows players to explore various storylines, scenarios, and possibilities without being restricted by a pre-set storyline. The AI can interpret different inputs and generate new content on the fly, resulting in a highly personalized and immersive experience.
Versatility: AI Dungeon offers a wide range of genres and settings to choose from, making it easy for players to find a story that matches their interests. From fantasy to sci-fi to mystery, the game offers something for everyone.
Accessibility: The game is very easy to use and requires no special equipment or technical knowledge. All players need is an internet connection and a web browser to access the game.
Unpredictability: While the unpredictability of AI Dungeon is often seen as a positive feature, it can also be a disadvantage at times. The AI-generated storylines can sometimes be disjointed, nonsensical, or just plain strange, which may not be appealing to all players.
Technical Issues: As with any online game, technical issues can arise that can interrupt gameplay. Some players have reported lagging, slow response times, or other glitches that can be frustrating.
Lack of Control: The open-ended nature of AI Dungeon can also be a drawback for some players. Unlike traditional text adventures, where the player has full control over the direction of the story, AI Dungeon relies heavily on the input provided by the player. This can lead to a lack of control over the story and a feeling of being at the mercy of the AI.
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lanaevyssmoved · 6 months
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steam users are you Okay
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shadowglens · 11 days
some more thoughts in the tags since the gameplay trailer
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trekkerac · 1 month
the only thing that will get me back into sonic full force is a good sonic adventure remake
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prototypelq · 3 months
Gaming awards are weird this year. We have TGA, which has never made sensible nominations, and has publicly offended both the game developers, and the audience, by cutting the award winner speeches early and exists only for the hype and ads money, and to contrast we have GDC, which, well, Games Developer Conference, that consists of developers, is supposed to have critical merit behind it.
Yet, TGA gives Alan Wake 2 the Best Direction, Best Story and Best Visuals, while GDC gives AW2 Best Visuals only, while best Narrative goes to BG3. Also Tears of the Kingdom somehow got best technology???
Obv, I am a biased AW2 fan, and awards are generally meaningless, the normal disclaimer when discussing these things, y'know. Still, to me this is like an inverse of what should have happened, cause it's weird for TGA to NOT go for the obvious trendy game BG3, and for the GDC to follow said popular trend.
I don't doubt BG3 is good, not at all. I just doubt a 100+++ hour game can tell the story with the same impact that the 20-30 smth hour one can. Also, the hundred-hours game is rpg, so you have multiple choices, which normally leads to content cuts of the consequences of said choices, cause they are just not viable, for developers OR for players. And again, AW2 is a linear story with fixed characters, plus they make heavy use of the extended lore of the remedyverse. And it's a story about stories inside a story. Written by a writer, about a writer and for writers. Again, I don't mean to down BG3 and Larian - they are a great studio, a dying breed these days in the industry, I just don't think you can meaningfully tell a story over such a long period of time, pacing exists the chat in these cases.
Also, I am just. What Technology is GDC referring to when they award Tears of the Kingdom??? Specifically technology, not design, design went to BG3 there is no question about that. Like??? Switch is a not a new platform, the hardware has been the same for...more than 7 years I think, at this point? What kind of technology are they talking about here?
update: looked it up and apparently the tech award goes to TOK for the multi-leveled seamless open world and physics engine, again, on a Switch hardware. Yeah, I get behind this choice now.
I am a bit mad now that the GDC Innovation award didn't go to Viewfinder. Like, that game is LITERAL innovation, no other game did something like Viewfinder before...
Another great reminder that everything is subjective, and awards especially.
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
 Avoid being an ignorant fanboy or fangirl.
Xbox is the element of community. The Xbox player base enjoys multiplayer games and has bonds that can last for years. PlayStation is the element of single-player games. They range from being cinematic to having great gameplay. PC is the element of freedom PC gamers appreciate the most popular and niche titles and the community has some really funny mods Nintendo element of variety they love to experiment and be innovative when they find something that works. They make it incredible. It’s important to see the good in all gaming platforms. This is how you avoid being an ignorant fanboy or fangirl. The four nations lived happily until the mobile gamers attacked.
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girlbob-boypants · 5 months
Watching totk playthroughs is like
*streamer gets out a new weapon* *10 seconds pass* "Your weapon is badly damaged!"
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meezer · 6 months
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tastytofusoup · 6 months
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Steam users need to look up the definition of 'innovative'
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zentendo · 7 months
Upcoming Games - The Star Named EOS on Nintendo Switch
Get ready to embark on a captivating journey that transcends time and memory with The Star Named EOS, a first-person narrative puzzle adventure game set to grace the Nintendo Switch in the spring of 2024. Developed by a passionate team, this game is not just about puzzles; it’s a heartfelt exploration of family, memory, and the captivating art of photography. Storyline: In The Star Named EOS,���
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baelavelaryon · 6 months
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you've got to be joking me
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ijsthee · 7 months
why is there never a best puzzle category in goty competitions. im leaving chants of sennaar out to dry on technicalities
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plaidisrad · 1 year
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Professional pitch Josh. 
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exhabigou · 1 year
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               i wonder what their family would say about this ... 
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