#Inspector Spacetime meme
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Geneva: ‘Is five a lot?’
The Inspector: ‘That depends upon the context.’
The Inspector: ‘Tickets to One Direction? No.’
The Inspector: ‘Tooting of the horns? Yes!’
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defectivegembrain · 1 year
Troy’s Clive Owen tumblr headcanons:
You know when something messes up and your dash just goes back to the top? Yeah Troy cries every time (this headcanon brought to you by my dash going back to the top and me picturing Troy crying like some internal reaction gif while I was actually sitting there with a blank face)
He doesn't get much hate because everyone can see he's a sweetie but he gets some because tumblr, and he cries at that too. He cried once when someone just told him Clive Owen wasn't that hot
He has a few mutuals he chats to. One of them is secretly Abed, who made an account to send him nice messages and cheer him up after the previously mentioned "Clive Owen isn't that hot" message. Now it's just kept going so long Abed doesn't know what else to do. He figures it's not lying because he never said he was anyone else
He is mutuals with Britta, who posts political rants he doesn't necessarily understand, and pictures of cats which he always likes
He has a personal blog too, but he doesn't use it that much at first. It used to be mostly random memes, Inspector Spacetime fanworks and Britta's cat pictures. After he went on his trip he started posting updates on that when possible, with pictures from different countries
Britta posts lolcats a lot, and most people laugh at her because it's an old meme, but Troy loves them and reblogs all of them
Goncharov confused him at first, then Abed googled it and they both became obsessed
He loves the spiderman pointing meme
Once he had a public argument with someone who thought he was gay for running a blog about another man, then like two years later he did one of those things where people reblog an old post to be like "guess what I figured out"
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oodlyenough · 9 months
fic 20 questions
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 127...! I have had the account since 2009, lol.
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 707,519
3. what fandoms do you write for? Generally I only write for one at a time, which is currently Ace Attorney. Not counting the odd one-offs for ask memes over the years, the other big ones were Arcane, Borderlands, Doctor Who and the wizard books.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Commutative Law (Arcane)
Window of Opportunity (Arcane)
Where the Air is Rarefied (HP)
Prestidigitation (Arcane)
Contingency Planning (Arcane)
Lmao, 4 of 5 written in 2022. You can see the power of writing m/m in a popular new fandom VS my entire other library at the time. Admittedly at some point I made a concerted effort to try and knock HP down from top spot, which was successful. For now. Jayvik fandom has quieted down a lot.
5. do you respond to comments? Yes. Sometimes it takes a while because if it's a particularly thoughtful comment I try to give a particularly thoughtful reply, and it can take time to gather my thoughts.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I'm going to discount oneshots because the tone in one-shots tends to be more consistent throughout the piece rather than being about the "ending" yknow.
So probably King and Country, a Doctor Who fic cowritten with @go-ldy way back when. Technically a happy ending if you factor in immense amounts of off-screen couples therapy lmao. But we had originally written something much simpler and happier, and it didn't fit the story at all, so we went back and wrote something heavier for the closing chapter, which is why it sticks in my mind.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think probably Anachronism, the 95k Borderlands epic. I had always had a rough image of the four main characters happy together by the end, and it was also my swansong in Borderlands fandom, so I wanted it to be an optimistic, happy ending (especially in contrast to whatever the hell is going on in the canon there now lmfaoooo). Plus the rest of the fic was quite angsty, and the ending was hopeful and happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not in recent memory. Once upon a time I got a couple disgruntled comments in Doctor Who fandom, and perhaps funniest of all found people complaining about my fic on LJ in French, unaware I read French.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope I'm a big baby who gets too embarrassed. I've written some pretty soft-focus M rated stuff but nothing I think could rightly be called smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I wrote a short joke crossover between Doctor Who and Inspector Spacetime, the Doctor Who parody from Community. I don't think that one made the leap from Teaspoon to AO3 actually.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a number of times. It's very flattering. Mostly Borderlands fics and mostly into Russian iirc, but there's been a few over the years. Sometimes people ask, and I say "sure, drop me a link!" and I never hear back, so I'm not sure if they forgot to link or just never finished translating to begin with.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? My longest and best DW fics with @go-ldy way back when! Not so much since.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I'm gonna be real it always just feels like whatever I'm into at the moment. And, actually, not necessarily something I write fic for -- like Pricefield is an all-timer for me, easy, but I have never written fic and I haven't read all that much either. If I were narrowing to tree, one of "each" lol, probably Doctor/Rose, Pricefield and Narumitsu.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Don't have any. I know I will never finish them (RIP Fixer-Upper and Silly Love Songs) as I've lost interest in those fandoms.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'd like to think I am good at packing emotional and/or character beats into a concise scene or story. Adding missing scenes or elaborating on canon scenes to give some additional depth or meaning without really deviating from the source.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Definitely plot. I will get stumped on the technicalities of things for ages -- I might know an emotional scene I'd like to write, but hell if I know how to get them there. It's why I primarily write one-shots. Also I struggle with any kind of scenery or set description.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I avoid it as much as I can. (Which so far has been entirely, lol.) I don't speak any other languages well enough to write dialogue in them and feel awkward relying on Google translate or hitting up random friends to do that work for me. I am more likely to use the "said something in [language]" approach.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I actually can't be sure but I think it was 101 Dalmatians. The animated one. When I was like, 7.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I'm gonna cheat and do one per fandom:
Anachronism (Borderlands) -> biggest, most complicated, plotty fic I have ever written, with four main characters and every combination of relationship between them as the focus. Took 3 damn years. Very proud of it.
Unravel (Ace Attorney) -> total recency bias here but I'm very happy with it and it scratched a very particular itch for me, fleshing out a relationship and characters that exist mostly in the fringes of canon, something I used to do lots of but haven't in recent years
Contingency Planning (Arcane) -> an emotional sucker punch fic in my humble opinion, happiest with it
Out of the Howling (Doctor Who, with @go-ldy) -> actually I had a hard time picking a DW fic. But this was our last together and most complex, so it wins. Also the Master is fun as hell to write.
I am supposed to tag people! I am not sure who else has already been tagged. Do it or don't, I'm not your boss, happy new year 🎊 @annalyticall @heavybreathingcatt @sandboxer @mutxnts @tinsnip @tlonista @themirokai
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gendertroybarnes · 3 years
he's in your dms but im roleplaying as his gay-best-friend-slash-lover from a British television program. we are not the same
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quantumshade · 3 years
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maleficusbonum · 4 years
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Erm . . . . . . . . Has anyone else noticed that Community predicted the 13th Doctor would suck? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 👀
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copperbadge · 5 years
This was a terrible journey.
Picture me and one of my coworkers kicking back at my cubicle and talking football.
Him: So did you ever read 17776?  Me: Oh, haha, the joke website? Him: Joke website? Me: Yeah, wasn’t it a substitute rickroll for like a hot minute?  Him: No, it was an online serial. Me: Yeah, that was the joke, right? The internet kept making up stories about what the website was? When in reality it was like a dumb joke website. Him: *sounding uncertain* No. It...it was real.  Me: *equally as uncertain* Wasn’t it just a joke? You clicked on the link and it would show an article about football for a few seconds and then the browser window would just turn black.  Him: What. Me: What. 
So then he made me google 17776 and click the link to the official website and it loaded, and then immediately the screen went black.
Me: Ha, see, it just -- 
And then shit started to load and I stared at it in total bafflement. 
Me: That...never happened before. *horrified* I thought it was a stupid meme! I thought it was like Inspector Spacetime where the internet made everything up! Him: Holy shit. Me: Holy shit!  Him: so are you going to read it? Me: What’s it about? Him: Despair, examined through the lens of football. Me: I think I was happier when I thought it was a rickroll to be honest. Him: That’s fair.
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The Greendale Seven (and others) + Social Media
Is on everything except Tumblr
Hates Tumblr because his posts never got any notes, but pretends like he’s just too cool for it
Tweets constantly (usually about his hair or abs)
After he and Annie get together, his social media starts filling up with posts about her (especially Instagram and twitter)
Takes way too many candids of Annie for Instagram
Annie is his wcw always after they start dating
Before it’s usually Shirley because it makes her so happy and makes her feel loved (even if he won’t admit that’s why he does it. “It’s a trend, Annie! People won’t think I’m cool if I don’t have a woman crush Wednesday!”)
He had Britta as his wcw one time, and she went on a rant about the patriarchy and gender roles. That was the last time she was his wcw
He starts a countdown to Annie getting back form her internship on Insta and Twitter with his fave pics of her.
Jeff has a Facebook but doesn’t really use it
Has a super popular self-help/coping with addiction Tumblr
Deleted Facebook after the door incident because of the bullying and still hasn’t re-downloaded it because she’s scared of people still being bullies (especially family members)
Jeff convinces her to download Insta and Twitter (it has nothing to do with the facts that all of her selfies are adorable and he wants to look at them, shut up Abed)
Jeff likes all of her posts
Annie sometimes guest stars in Troy and Abed’s YouTube videos
She becomes so popular she starts her own channel where she gives advice and talks about how she learned to deal with her struggles. She also just talks about things that are interesting to her (especially interior design).
Has separate Pinterest boards for everything she can think of 
He and Abed make Troy and Abed in the Morning an actual YouTube series
They also livestream all of their adventures
Their most popular video is when they livestreamed a paintball battle from a go pro
Clive Owen Tumblr (I know this is canon, but it needed to be mentioned. Also, HOLY SHIT THIS IS CANON)
Also has an Inspector Spacetime Tumblr that he and Abed run together
Troy comes out as Bi on YouTube and has a Q and A session to help others who are struggling with their sexuality
Troy’s entire Facebook page is memes and dumb jokes
Also has a Pinterest dedicated to Clive Owen
Live tweets everything
Posts minion memes ironically
Has a Facebook, but doesn’t really use it
Posts every movie he makes on YouTube
Has a Tumblr, but even his main is mostly Inspector Spacetime
Also live tweets, but makes everything a reference to TV tropes
Hates minion memes because they make no sense
Political posts on every type of social media
Her Insta and Tumblr have a ton of cat pictures
Refuses to take part in anything that becomes popular because she doesn’t want to conform to society
Gets into fights on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook all the time
Her Tumblr is half discourse, half cats
Loves minion memes until Abed shows her an inappropriate one
Ultimate Pinterest. Has several recipe boards
Has a Facebook but treats it kinda like Pinterest with life updates and Bible Verses
Is on everything because he’s “cool” but always messes up the names (tweeter, the tumbly thing, pinboard, headbook, instant grandma, etc)
He accidentally tweeted his password
He also accidentally live streamed him just sitting and watching TV on Facebook
Tries to make money off of the Twitter Troy started. He runs it into the ground in three days.
Dean Pelton:
Loves Pinterest. Has 10 separate boards dedicated to costume ideas
Also loves tumblr and has a costume blog
His tumblr bio is “Welcome to my twisted mind” and makes the best shitposts. He doesn’t mean for them to be shitposts, but everyone takes them that way.
No social media at all. Everyone is freaked out. Frankie is the real cryptid.
Has a MySpace. Doesn’t understand why Facebook is better because  “they’re basically the same thing”
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Why Community Wanted to Go Six Seasons and a Movie
Right before the credits roll on the last episode of Community’s sixth and final season run, the hashtag “#andamovie” is displayed on a blank screen. This is an acknowledgement from creator/showrunner Dan Harmon and the series’ writers that the beloved sitcom has almost fulfilled a long-running request from its passionate fanbase. 
For “six seasons and a movie” or alternatively the hashtag “#sixseasonsandamovie” has been Community’s fans rallying cry for through its run and even beyond its latest (and seemingly final) cancellation after six seasons. In fact, #sixseasonsandamovie remains a popular hashtag across social media feeds today, over five years after the final episode premiered.
So where does the phrase “six seasons and a movie” come from? And how did it come to be the de facto chant for legions of Community fans? The answer lies in the show itself…and also on a hilariously ill-fated, little known 2011 NBC series. Allow us to explain.
The words “six seasons and a movie” were first uttered by Community character Abed Nadir (Danny Pudi) in season 2 episode 21 “Paradigms of Human Memory.” In keeping with the show’s creative deconstruction of television tropes, this entry is a take on “clip show” episodes in which aging sitcoms replay the hits of episodes’ past to buy some time during the grueling network television production schedule. “Paradigms of Human Memory,” however, doesn’t feature clips from other Community episodes but rather features memories that the main characters have of the past two years when the cameras weren’t rolling on them.
One such memory involves Jeff Winger (Joel Mchale) experiencing severe agitation over Abed’s latest pop culture obsession. Abed, as he is wont to do, has become fixed on a new TV show. The one in question this time around is NBC’s superhero drama The Cape. Abed is playacting as the show’s lead character, a hero who uses a cape and the power of illusion to project super strength and fight crime. Abed is a bit clumsy as The Cape though and as he attempts to attack Jeff with his cape in the cafeteria, he instead knocks all the food off of Jeff’s tray. 
“The show’s gonna last three weeks!” Jeff yells in anger.
“Six seasons and a movie!” Abed cries out as he runs away.
And just like that, Community fans had their calling card. If the pop culture master Abed Nadir says that the ideal run for a TV show is six seasons and a movie then the ideal run for a TV show is six seasons and a movie damn it. 
Though viewers could be forgiven for thinking that the ridiculous-sounding The Cape was an invention of the show (after all Community conjured up other fake TV shows for Abed to love like “Cougarton Abbey” and “Inspector Spacetime”), The Cape was somehow a real NBC series. In the show, David Lyon starred as Vince Faraday, a Palm City police officer who is left for dead and rises again as crime-fighter The Cape. Eventual Community actor Keith David starred as circus ringleader and Faraday’s trainer Max Malini. James Frain starred as his arch nemesis Chess.
NBC previously enjoyed success in crafting its own comic book mythology in Heroes, and one could forgive them for trying again. In fact, it’s my official position that more networks should be bold in attempting to develop their own comic book-y superhero IP. The Cape, however, just didn’t cut it on any level. Abed was way off in his hope for six seasons and a movie. Jeff was a bit closer in his guess but didn’t give the show enough credit. It ended up lasting for 10 episodes (with one airing online) rather than three. In any case, “six seasons and a movie” ended up being its lasting contribution to pop culture.
Six seasons and a movie stuck to Community like glue because it was catchy and applicable – but also because fans had so many opportunities to use it. Partially due to Harmon’s difficult behavior behind the scenes and partially due to NBC’s incompetence, Community found itself on the bubble between renewal and cancellation frequently. The hashtag “sixseasonsandamovie” started popping up online in relation to a “Save Community” campaign shortly after the show’s second season concluded. Then the campaign and hashtag came up again in the middle of season 3 when NBC neglected to mention when the series would return from a winter hiatus. The hashtag persisted between seasons 3 and 4, during which Harmon was fired and new showrunners were brought in. Then the hashtag returned for the next season hiatus and when Harmon was eventually brought back. Finally, a sixth season was ordered for the doomed online streaming venture Yahoo Screens and Community finished the TV part of its six seasons and a movie obligation. 
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Still, we stand here years later with the “#andamovie” portion yet to be fulfilled. Harmon and the cast have occasionally expressed interest in doing so but as is often the case with good television shows, the talented folks involved found themselves quite busy with other ventures after it concluded. Ultimately, that might be ok as the enduring meme of “six seasons and a movie” itself may have been more impressive than an actual movie anyway.
The post Why Community Wanted to Go Six Seasons and a Movie appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2VhvjcK
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‘So, it’s smaller on the inside?’
‘I prefer to call it cozier.’
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Aren't you worried about the Loudness?
No, because the Inspector defeated them.
Did he?
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