#Instead of spending time working on things that actually need improvement
baffledapple · 18 days
once again i am being subjected to "educational courses on generative AI" (lengthy advertisements that the higher ups want us to watch so they can say that we are trained in AI)
#it's a contact year we need to show that we spend a lot of tiem not only maintaining this stuff but also learning and improving the produc#we provide#they never define what they mean by AI or how the AI actually works its driving me insane#whoah this adobe ai can generate an image for you and insert it into the image you have have without learning photoshop#yeah but HOW. where are these images being pulled from? what methods are used to produce this shit#HOLY SHIT: most programmers dont actually spend that much time programming. they actually spend a lot of time in meetings. helping coworker#reading emails. reading documentation. HELLO???? YES??? THOSE ARE NORMAL THINGS TO DO???#yes attending meetings is annoying but the solution is to fucking reduce the amount of meetings and ensuring that meetings are efficient#NOT TO ADD AI????#the stupid fucking AI building half ur code isnt gonna reduce the time spent looking at documentation!!!! u can't trust the AI to be accura#to be accurate so ur gonna have to go to the documentation anyway!!!#“u can just code not worrying about syntax blah blah” so writing psuedocode??? doing a top down approach to get the big idea#and then write the little stuff later???#im so fucking livid this is SO DUMB#literally all the shit they mentioned in passing sounds actually useful instead of the generative AI bs#no i dont need a little guy to write my code for me#but a guy who checks my syntax? that suggests i look at a particular function from the library? that sounds useful!!!#“if i ask this thing how to do X it will tell me how with steps!”#Okay so will the documentation???? hello????#omfg this guy conviently skipped over the part where the AI gave a WRONG ANSWER#bro i can read the screen it did NOT accurately describe the game#“have it generate the game for you” the point of the little shit is to learn how to do stuff so you can apply it to the big shit#god im just so enraged#mr supervisor is this a good use of company resources?#you are billing t he client for ME learning ai bullshit#sir you having me sit through hours of learning the newest buzzword concepts. is this a good use of 8 hrs the client pays for me to be here#chit chat
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sunderwight · 2 months
Modern AU where Shen Yuan accidentally sugar-daddies everyone.
So for the purposes of this, Shen Yuan's family is basically $10 Bananas levels of cluelessly rich. Shen Yuan has almost never had to look at the prices of anything he wants. He and his siblings all get an allowance from the family's main account, which increases when they reach adulthood, and in the interest of fairness his parents made it all the same size. So Shen Yuan gets the same amount of money for his daily living expenses as his older brothers with their penthouse apartments and vacation homes and private jets, at least from the family account (since he doesn't work, he doesn't actually make as much as them in total because they earn more on top of their allowances).
And the thing is, Shen Yuan genuinely just lives a lot more humbly. He likes people but what would he do with a vacation house? Anything really nice would probably require him to fly to get out there, and he gets sick as hell on planes. Living in the central city is also not great for him, because the air pollution is so bad. Having a whole house to himself would also be ridiculous. So he has a reasonable apartment, in a reasonable area, and he splurges every so often on purchases that make him happy and take-out food that he likes, and of course he pays a cleaning service to come in twice a week. Most people assume he's comfortably middle class and has some tech job he does from home, but he's been getting a lot more than he's been spending in his monthly allowances for years now, and the figures are big.
Enter into this environment author Airplane and his trash novels. Novels, multiple, because in this AU there's no PIDW, and instead after some alternate PIDW prototype got popular in the harem genre, Airplane decided to churn out a series of copy-paste shorter stories rather than recycling the same subplots in one massively long epic.
Shen Yuan of course discovers Airplane's writing and becomes as obsessed with it as ever, except this time he notices that if there are delays between new stories, they seem to clear up faster whenever he throws some cash at the problem. And also that the drops in Airplane's writing quality coincide with times when Shen Yuan was having health issues and not keeping up with his VIP purchases. So, he works out that Airplane's probably doing the writing for the money, and that when Peerless Cucumber isn't paying the most for it, Airplane starts listening to the other buffoons in the comment section more to try and entice them to pay his bills instead.
Peerless Cucumber leaves a comment on one of Airplane's latest stories that kicks off the two of them actually chatting, and Shen Yuan eventually gets to the point of offering to fund all Airplane's writing, in exchange for Airplane not doing his crap sellout stuff to appeal to other readers anymore. Airplane thinks he's joking or maybe mocking him. Shen Yuan asks how much it would cost. Airplane fires off a ridiculous number. Shen Yuan doesn't even blink and wires him the first payment. Then he gets annoyed because Airplane leaves him on read for a while, but that's because Airplane is staring at his account balance in shock.
Of course, it's Airplane who starts referring to Peerless Cucumber as his sugar daddy. Shen Yuan is just like "based on your sex scenes I don't think anyone would pay you for that" and Airplane's all "but you WOULD pay for my sex scenes ^_~" and Shen Yuan's like "technically I am actually paying you not to write that shit" and so on. Usual banter. The quality of Airplane's writing improves dramatically, a lot of his readership drops off but he does get new readers and gradually builds up an even bigger fanbase than before, and so on, it all goes pretty well. He eventually writes a few things that take off to the point of getting physical publications and international translations. Technically Airplane no longer needs Shen Yuan to pay all of his bills by that point but he's not going to tell Shen Yuan that! The contract's still good as long as he keeps writing!
Then one of Airplane's online acquaintances runs into some financial trouble and asks for help.
Liu Mingyan used to beta read for Airplane back when he wrote fanfiction (she was like thirteen, Airplane was unaware because internet and hey free beta), and it seems her family has hit a rough patch. She wants tips on how to go pro, but Airplane explains that it was extremely difficult and he mostly lucked out by finding a single wealthy backer. Mingyan wonders if the same guy would be interested in her writing, Airplane sadly thinks not because Mingyan exclusively writes kinky danmei erotica and Peerless Cucumber seems pretty firmly in the closet still and also generally prefers plotty and world-building heavy stuff.
But like, Airplane has definitely gotten a vibe off of Cucumber-bro, and Mingyan's gorgeous older brother does video streams of himself doing cool martial arts and swordsmanship stuff. So he asks her permission and when she gives it, he recommends Liu Qingge's videos to Shen Yuan, being sure to mention that the guy in question can't really afford to keep up with his hobbies and oh what a shame it would be if he had to stop making art like that.
Haha, Airplane, you're not subtle.
Even so, Shen Yuan watches the videos and immediately agrees that Liu Qingge is beauty in motion, and that it would be criminal to deprive the world of more videos of his sword. Swordsmanship! That is the, the art of, martial arts! Definitely. He clicks the donate button, reasoning out that he'll just send a donation about the size of his usual monthly payments to Airplane and call it his good deed for the day.
Liu Qingge is very confused by this new follower from nowhere who suddenly dumped a little over a month's rent into his account. One thing leads to another, with Mingyan and Airplane conspiring to try and get Shen Yuan as a permanent patron, and then Liu Qingge being let in on it. Except that Airplane keeps referring to Shen Yuan as his sugar daddy, and well... it's not like Liu Qingge doesn't ever get 'those' kinds of comments on his videos. At first he's embarrassed, then offended, then mortified that his own younger sister is apparently setting him up to make premium private videos for what he assumes is some old pervert who is going to want him to do untoward things.
However, their options are pretty bleak at the moment, and Liu Qingge worries that if he doesn't do this then Mingyan might. She even mentions something to the effect of having planned to offer herself, and only didn't because she wasn't this "sugar daddy" guy's type!
Teeth clenched, Liu Qingge asks Airplane stiltedly for advice on how to... appeal, to this wealthy benefactor.
In the end though it's not nearly as bad as Liu Qingge feared. He winds up doing more videos in costumes and cosplay, which ought to have been an untenable expense, but Peerless Cucumber always ends up covering the cost of whatever he invests in plus extra. Sometimes he sends Liu Qingge stuff with a request to wear it, but so far it's just been like, badass warrior-themed or historical costumes. Nothing overtly pervy. He does some LARPing, he makes enough to start doing horseback archery again, convinces some of his good-looking peers from various clubs to spar with him, and ultimately the most risque videos he ends up doing are the ones where he demonstrates how to put on certain kinds of gear. He still locks those ones behind paid subscribers only, mostly because he feels like he's doing something illicit now, even if he used to show more skin on his older videos any time he took his shirt off.
Peerless Cucumber doesn't leave creepy comments, either. In fact he seems genuinely nice and supportive, it's hard not to like him, and so even once his situation levels out Liu Qingge decides there's not really much need to stop making videos for him. (He maybe even gets a little giddy thrill over... well, sometimes he finds it all a bit... just when he thinks about Peerless Cucumber watching him demonstrate his physical prowess and finding that alone worth... ANYWAY--)
So that goes on for a while, before Yue Qi enters the scene.
Yue Qi is the childhood friend of one of Shen Yuan's older brothers (Shen bros!) and Shen Jiu owes him a big favor for something that he won't talk about. At least he won't talk to Shen Yuan about it. But Yue Qi is also not the type to ask for help, and Shen Jiu is very bad at offering it, so when Shen Jiu gets word that Yue Qi is having some difficulties making ends meet, he tells Shen Yuan to act as the middle man. Go offer Qi-ge money, he knows you're nice he'll just accept it, and then Shen Jiu will pay the actual bill.
Well it turns out that Yue Qi doesn't just accept it, of course he sees right through it, and gently but firmly tells Shen Yuan that he's not interested in burdening Shen Jiu further than he already has. Etc, etc, stoic stiff upper lips and no proper communication all around. Shen Yuan panics because it's not working and he's also genuinely worried about Yue Qi by now, so he tries to figure out how to make it compelling and basically blurts that, well, see, the thing is that sometimes he pays men to entertain him. You know. To like. Do things, for him. So. He could also pay Yue Qi? To do something for him?
Yue Qi gets the wrong idea entirely, and at first is like, oh, no, A'Yuan, you shouldn't be paying people for that! These things should just happen organically! But Shen Yuan is very adamant that he believes in compensating people for what they do for him, it's not like he can't afford to, and it gets awkward but Yue Qi is like well he does have health problems. It's perhaps difficult for him to meet people. So then he starts worrying about Shen Yuan and all these strange men he's apparently paying for "entertainment". Does his brother know about this?
No of course Shen Jiu doesn't know! He'd hate it, and Shen Yuan doesn't want to hear about how he's doing everything wrong with his life again!
Then Shen Yuan mentions that his prior house cleaning service up and quit on him (they didn't), and if Yue Qi would like to earn fair compensation he could just come over sometimes to help instead, and Shen Yuan would pay him just to tidy up and hang out for a few hours! Which Yue Qi thinks is a fantastic idea, actually, even if Shen Yuan is only doing this because of his brother, this will give Yue Qi a chance to keep an eye on him and his so-called entertainers. Even if he sort of... ends up also being one?
Shen Yuan keeps everything above board, though his apartment always seems perfectly clean and he overpays way too much (Shen Jiu is still footing this bill after all), and Yue Qi starts to think maybe he actually is being paid for intimacy. Of a sort that they're maybe still working up to? Shen Yuan usually has a very thin face after all. He's kind of got two minds about this prospect. On the one hand, he's got his situationship with Shen Jiu, so dating his brother would be absurd. But on the other hand, it's not actually dating, and he does like Shen Yuan, and maybe if they can be good company for each other then Yue Qi won't feel so depressed and Shen Yuan won't need to hire strange men so often.
Meanwhile it's come to Shen Yuan's attention, perhaps through an offhand comment he read online somewhere, that people who are struggling financially often also struggle to "treat themselves". Because even when they have enough money to be comfortable there's often the looming specter of deprivation, and etc, so he figures he should start buying some of his dependents more treats and things. Since they might not buy them for themselves? And also he's enjoying doing this but shhh no he isn't, it's a huge hassle, he's only doing it out of basic moral decency, etc.
So like, Airplane starts getting little things that he'd put on some public wish lists, clearly sent by Peerless Cucumber. And he tells Mingyan to make a list for Liu Qingge too, and sure enough, Liu Qingge (bewildered, slightly flustered) tries to figure out what he's supposed to do with an album from a band he likes and some high-end leather polish. Ultimately settles on playing the music and wearing his nicest leather in his next video. Yue Qi starts arriving at Shen Yuan's place to be plied with his favorite coffees and to have scented candles awkwardly foisted onto him (Shen Yuan does not know what Yue Qi likes in gifts) (he buys these presents himself they're not out of Shen Jiu's pocket).
So finally Shen Yuan's parents start to notice that he's been spending a lot more than usual, and start to worry that he's either been taken in by a scam artist or is secretly dating a gold digger or has developed a drug addiction or something. But asking things directly like normal people is basically illegal in the Shen family, so they decide to hire a private investigator.
Enter Luo Binghe, a young man of humble background who is struggling to make ends meet after the untimely death of his adoptive mother, and is using his P.I. job and his online cooking videos to help pay his way through school (scholarship student). Usually his cases are more like, cyberstalking someone to find out if they're cheating on their spouse, or helping someone planning a lawsuit accumulate evidence on their corrupt employer, or other things like that. When he gets the Shen Yuan case, the idea that the Shen family's son is paying for "company" is well within his list of probable answers.
Though this one is a little... peculiar?
Mostly because Binghe can't find evidence of Shen Yuan actually getting what he would, presumably, be paying for. At first Luo Binghe just goes through the online paper trails, using the info that the Shen parents give him to figure out that Shen Yuan is paying Airplane and Swordmaster Liu (*cough*) what seem to be exorbitant prices just for trashy fiction and cosplay videos. He assumes this is a cover, that someone's actually delivering drugs or going over for "private meetings" or at least actually sending dirty videos as well, but even when he pays for Liu Qingge's VIP access it's just tutorials and such. Neither of these guys are even on any of the sites that are more lenient towards hosting explicit content. Luo Binghe's aware that kinks aren't always obviously sexual, but people don't usually pay through the nose for the kind of content they can easily find for free all over the place, either.
He digs a little more but keeps coming up empty on evidence to clarify which of the many vices the Shen family's son is actually indulging in. Which is a problem because that's the information they're paying him to find out. Plus his curiosity kind of piques as he reads Shen Yuan's seemingly quite invested comments on Airplane's writing and Liu Qingge's videos, looking to see if there's any kind of clandestine code or pattern. But near as he can tell, whatever else Shen Yuan might be getting out of these arrangements, he does genuinely like the stories and videos too? Well. Sometimes. Sometimes he's actually scathingly vitriolic towards Airplane's writing.
Luo Binghe decides that surveilling Shen Yuan himself is probably the way to go. That gets more complicated in court cases, but since the Shen parents just wants to know what's going on and aren't planning on prosecuting their son for anything, it doesn't matter as much if Luo Binghe gets information in sneaky or underhanded ways.
So, Binghe uses the account he created to access Liu Qingge's videos to chat with Shen Yuan a few times, and then recommends his own cooking channel. Shen Yuan doesn't seem too interested in cooking, so Luo Binghe makes sure to include a video that has an image of himself in his recommendation, and then films a few new videos of himself cooking with his shirtsleeves rolled up to three quarters and a few more buttons than usual unbuttoned, adopting a more flirty persona than he typically does for his shows. He takes his cues from some of Liu Qingge's more popular videos for how to be enticing bait.
It takes a few videos, but eventually Shen Yuan comments. Luo Binghe latches onto the chance to start talking to him, playing up a persona of a vulnerable young man with little means who is trying hard to make it through school, etc, and sure enough Shen Yuan seems interested. Well, most predatory people like vulnerable targets, don't they?
However... Shen Yuan just sends him a chunk of money.
Luo Binghe is confused.
Isn't he supposed to ask for something or create some kind of expectation of repayment first? But, maybe this is his approach to handling new targets. Maybe he's just trying to lull Binghe into a false sense of complacency, before he starts indicating what he wants from all of this. Luo Binghe makes sure to move the money Shen Yuan sends him into a separate account, so that if the Shen parents get angry about it then he can return it as a gesture of good faith.
But Shen Yuan just keeps sending supportive comments and donations. Eventually he leaves a comment that alludes to how badly he'd like to taste Binghe's cooking, and Binghe is like finally, but when he implies that they could perhaps meet in person and Luo Binghe could thank him for his support by making him something, Shen Yuan backs off.
Things eventually progress to the point where Luo Binghe, who is a totally normal person treating this like a totally normal job still thank you very much, is basically camping out in the bushes in front of Shen Yuan's apartment building. At some point he conscripts the aid of his weird cousin (finding his birth family was how he got into this business initially), and then almost immediately regrets it because Shen Yuan helps get Zhuzhi Lang a job doing landscaping for his building.
Why would he want Zhuzhi Lang close but not Binghe? Binghe is much handsomer! He'd make an excellent target for seduction! >:(
Anyway eventually Yue Qi catches Luo Binghe lurking around like a creeper and is like, finally, I have caught one of these suspicious men, whilst Binghe is like oh so he does have a lover, well this guy sucks and is clearly not good enough for him, and they both try and chase one another off and Shen Yuan comes home to a heated passive-aggressive-politeness war being waged in front of his apartment. Eventually he realizes the misunderstanding and calls everyone together (zoom conference? in-person meet-up?) to clarify that he is not paying any of them for "special favors", that was just Airplane being deranged about his sense of humor, and then he has no idea what to do when the prevailing response seems to be disappointment.
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corrodedbisexual · 5 months
Eddie is constantly bouncing between jobs and rage quitting every 6 months on average. Steve, however, somehow gets lucky with a job in computer sales. With the industry in a booming rise, he makes a pretty decent income to support them both whenever Eddie's out of a job. Best part is, even though his charming voice and smile certainly help make sales, he doesn't feel like he's one of those scammers pushing all kinds of crap people don't need. Computers are objectively useful.
This goes on until their mid 30s and Steve saves up enough to open his own small tech store. He very hesitantly starts involving his recently unemployed (again) boyfriend in some mundane tasks (upon Eddie's own initiative saying he wants to help) and quickly learns that all of Eddie's previous bosses were morons. Eddie's meticulous and a quick learner with every single task. All he needs is not to have a boss who's a total jackass to him, and a bit of freedom to just... be himself.
Eddie does everything with mild enthusiasm; mild, because it's still work, ugh; enthusiasm, because it's his BOYFRIEND finally being free to do his own thing instead of working for The Man, woohoo, go Stevie! Eddie doesn't need to wear a stupid uniform or put his hair up, can play music in his headphones doing inventory, answers the phones in his special flirty manner, and Steve doesn't have a problem with any of that. He actually listens to Eddie's bitching and recognizes the helpful suggestions to improve things in the middle of all that, instead of telling him to shut up and do his damn job.
Working together can often be the perfect storm to ruin a relationship, but despite becoming Eddie's de-facto boss, Steve never treats him differently. It's never orders, always "Eddie can you [do this and that]?". It's soft smiles and a quiet "thanks, babe", and if no one's around, a kiss on Eddie's cheek when he gets something done. It's a calm explanation instead of yelling if he messes up.
Steve hands Eddie a handful of cash at the end of each week, despite Eddie's comments that it's a bit ridiculous to pay him at all, since he'd been practically living out of Steve's pocket for months at a time, and Steve has been single-handedly paying the rent for their joint apartment. Steve insists though, and Eddie has to admit that it's nice to always have cash in his pocket now.
Eddie learns more and more of everything that's needed to run the store, to the point that he spends a week handling everything alone when Steve's sick with the flu, but it's still a shock when several months later Steve shows him the paperwork in which he writes Eddie in as full partner. Eddie tries to protest, but Steve won't have it; he says he never could have survived all these months of start-up chaos without Eddie, and he fully deserves this. He's been giving Eddie half the store profits for months anyway, time to just make it official.
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bella-goths-wife · 6 months
What would have happened if Vs pet made a deal with a different overlord
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So basically we know what would happen if Vs pet made a deal with alastor and obviously vox, but what would happen if they sold their soul to Velvette, Valentino, Rosie or Carmilla instead
Warnings: obsessive behaviour, SA mentions, abuse mentions, forced affection, forced cannibalism, reader is uncomfortable, violence mentions
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Now we know that even though you’d still belong to all the Vs collectively, if you made the deal with Velvette instead of Vox there would be a large power dynamic shift in terms of your care
Let’s say that Velvette found you first and was the one to make a deal with you, you wouldn’t be working for vox as his assistant in this scenario and would instead be a model or assistant to velvette
In the usual au where vox owns your soul, he is the one who creates your rules and enforces them
He’s the one who decides whether the other two can see you
But if velvette owned your soul instead then that entire dynamic is turned upside down, she’s the one who makes your rules and she’s the one who decides whether or not she’ll let vox spend time with you
This would absolutely infuriate him, and velvette can’t help but smile at that
Your rules would be much less restrictive if velvette was the one who owned your soul
Unlike vox who sees you as a surrogate daughter figure most of the time, velvette only sees you as a delightful little pet and occasional friend
And she understands that sometimes pets need a walk or a new toy to keep them occupied until she’s ready to play with them again
So you’d be able to leave the tower by yourself more often and you’d be able to hookup with people, but there is still a strict ban on forming intimate connections or starting relationships
Velvette requires your attention almost all of the time, and you can’t give her that if your chasing after some romantic partner
She should be enough of a connection for you!
You don’t need anyone else
You’d still be shared with the other Vs unfortunately as they share everything, so you’ll still have to deal with Valentino and voxs antics
But at least velvette will draw the line if she thinks they take up to much of your time
Your her pet after all, you sold your soul to her
A downside to velvette being your souls holder is that you’d be the weakest with velvette when it comes to your abilities and fighting skills
She doesn’t want you to improve so you don’t, you only use your power for frivolous purposes and for velvettes entertainment rather than actually using like a weapon like you would with vox or alastor
She doesn’t push you to get better, so you don’t get better
You’d have twice the attitude with half the power because of how velvette taught you and how she spoils you with materialistic things
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Rosie would absolutely adore you
She has a soft spot for strays, and she’d heard quite a bit about you from alastor before he disappeared
And she once she met you she thought one thought, what a good friend she’d be if she took your soul in exchange for care and shelter before offering the contract to alastor when he gets back from his extremely long break
So she’d give you a job in cannibal town and she’d give you an entire makeover so you’d fit in more
She’d actually spend time to get to know you and what your life was like before you died
She can’t help but miss alastor when your around, you just remind her so much of him
She’d use your ability to create background music for her gossip sessions and for her party’s, but she’d also encourage you to use it as a weapon and practice with it in your own time
So you’d be more powerful than you would be with velvette but less powerful then you’d be with Vox or alastor
A downside to being in her care is that she wouldn’t be as protective as the others
She’s a busy woman who can’t be with you at all times, so there is a slight chance you may end up hurt while being in her care
She’d do her best to prepare you in case that happens, and you like that she offers you enough freedom to come and go freely enough
Another downside to being in Rosie’s care is that you’d have to adapt to her appetite unfortunately, it’s not like you can find a non cannibal place to eat in a cannibal town
So you’d be practically forced into cannibalism
But Rosie absolutely adores you, so she’ll look the other way sometimes if you want to eat something less gorey
She calls it a nice treat :)
Rosie would consider you a companion more than anything, maybe a goddaughter but she certainly doesn’t see you as a pet or a toy
So you’d be pretty happy with Rosie
But she gets so attached to you that when alastor does return, she refuses to give him your soul no matter what he offers
But it’s okay, because she says he can visit you any time in your home in cannibal town
He hates it but oh well, your her little darling fawn now
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Oh god
He’d be the absolute worst choice on the list
If you sold him your soul, your guaranteed a situation similar to angel dusts
Maybe less abusive, but wayyyy more obsessive
You’d be a simple actress in a few of his videos until he becomes obsessed with you, and then you become his personal assistant
And when I say personal, I mean extremely personal
As in the ‘sleeps in his bed every night because he’s afraid you’ll run away’ personal
He wouldn’t see you in a romantic light, more of just a ‘your my possession’ light
You’d be absolutely miserable and constantly in his presence while also dealing with the other Vs
He’d force you to do videos for him and instead of your rules he’d use a ‘reward’ system
Rewards like ‘hold me for a few minutes and I’ll let you be on your own for an hour’
He’d be unbearably clingy and can sometimes get abusive with you, the same way he can be abusive with angel dust
You’d also be extremely weak because he won’t let you practice or explore your abilities at all
If he’s there to protect you at all times, then why would you need to be able to use your silly abilities?
He’d at least allow you to have your friendship with angel dust, but that’s only because he’s using you both to manipulate each other
He’d definitely get you hooked on something so you’ll be relying on him at all times
This would be the worst possible situation for you
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Carmilla would be interested in you because of your ability and how she could use it
She’d find you living on the streets and using your ability to get by and she’d wonder if she could incorporate your skills into making a new weapon designed for people with animal like ears which would be more sensitive
So she’d exchange your soul for her giving you shelter and a job in return
You would stay with her and her daughters and you’d spend most of the day with carmilla helping her design new weapons
It would be during this time that carmilla would become more obsessive with you and start to view you as a daughter
You were so young and so vulnerable, it reminded her of her two young girls and how she’d hate it if it was them
So she’d start acting more motherly with you, but she’d do it slowly so you could get accustomed to it
So she wouldn’t go straight to giving you rules and demanding you call her mom, instead she’d just make it more obvious that she views you as one of her family and that she’d appreciate it if you felt the same for her
But once you do accept her in some form, those rules are coming fast
And you know carmilla will not tolerate back talk or breaking rules
You’d have typical teenage girl rules, stuff like a curfew and drinking rules
But she’s still take the time to respect your boundaries and acknowledge that your an adult in your own way so she can’t act too overbearing
Which is more than you can say for the Vs
You’d also be quite powerful in this scenario because she’d give you training sessions to help with your personal abilities and your fighting skills
So I’d say she’s one of the better options
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evilwizard · 7 months
I do want to say, my views on AI “art” have changed somewhat. It was wrong of me to claim that it’s not wrong to use it in shitposts… there definitely is some degree of something problematic there.
Personally I feel like it’s one of those problems that’s best solved via lawmaking—specifically, AI generations shouldn’t be copywrite-able, and AI companies should be fined for art theft and “plagiarism”… even though it’s not directly plagiarism in the current legal sense. We definitely need ethical philosophers and lawmakers to spend some time defining exactly what is going on here.
But for civilians, using AI art is bad in the same nebulous sense that buying clothes from H&M or ordering stuff on Amazon is bad… it’s a very spread out, far away kind of badness, which makes it hard to quantify. And there’s no denying that in certain contexts, when applied in certain ways (with actual editing and artistic skill), AI can be a really interesting tool for artists and writers. Which again runs into the copywrite-ability thing. How much distance must be placed between the artist and the AI-generated inspiration in order to allow the artist to say “this work is fully mine?”
I can’t claim to know the answers to these issues. But I will say two things:
Ignoring AI shit isn’t going to make it go away. Our tumblr philosophy is wildly unpopular in the real world and most other places on the internet, and those who do start using AI are unfortunately gonna have a big leg up on those who don’t, especially as it gets better and better at avoiding human detection.
Treating AI as a fundamental, ontological evil is going to prevent us from having these deep conversations which are necessary for us—as a part of society—to figure out the ways to censure AI that are actually helpful to artists. We need strong unions making permanent deals now, we need laws in place that regulate AI use and the replacement of humans, and we need to get this technology out of the hands of huge megacorporations who want nothing more than to profit off our suffering.
I’ve seen the research. I knew AI was going to big years ago, and right now I know that it’s just going to get bigger. Nearly every job is in danger. We need to interact with this issue—sooner rather than later—or we risk losing all of our futures. And unfortunately, just as with many other things under capitalism, for the time being I think we have to allow some concessions. The issue is not 100% black or white. Certainly a dark, stormy grey of some sort.
But please don’t attack middle-aged cat-owners playing around with AI filters. Start a dialogue about the spectrum of morality present in every use of AI—from the good (recognizing cancer cells years in advance, finding awesome new metamaterials) to the bad (megacorporations replacing workers and stealing from artists) to the kinda ambiguous (shitposts, app filter that makes your dog look like a 16th century British royal for some reason).
And if you disagree with me, please don’t be hateful about it. I fully recognize that my current views might be wrong. I’m not a paragon of moral philosophy or anything. I’m just doing my best to live my life in a way that improves the world instead of detracting from it. That’s all any of us can do, in my opinion.
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readychilledwine · 2 months
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Summary - Deciding to take a yoga class may have been the best decision you've ever made
Warnings - plus size reader, discussions of gym culture and health
A/n - fic 3 for @cassianappreciationweek day 7! We get NSFW from here 💕
🗡Cassian Masterlist🗡Master Masterlist🗡
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The clang of weights was almost as annoying as the front desk girl staring at you. You hated gyms, hated the judgment that came with walking into one, hated the way people stared at you as if you weren't the ideal person to actually be at a place for improving yourself. 
“Look,” you interrupted her politely, “I am fully aware I am paying more to take this class because I don't have a membership. Considering I'm just trying out this fitness thing, not really interested in spending $100 a month just then also pay $80 for the one class I'm interested in taking.” Her smiled dropped slightly as she just nodded and took your card, finishing your sign up for the yoga course you and 3 of your closest friends were trying. 
You knew she was just trying to meet her numbers, but it was something from gym culture you hated. The constant pushing to join their cult and have access to “everything” instead of just being able to pay for the classes you were interested in was crazy to you. The way gym culture pushed looking a certain way to be considered healthy and attractive also bothered you greatly. 
Health had to do with more than just the numbers on the scales. It had to do with your mind, your soul, and that was what you were here to work. Your mind and soul, and if you happened to gain some muscle strength from yoga, that was just an added bonus. You were all wanting to try yoga as a form of stress relief, relaxation, and self care.  No pressure, no expectations, just fun. 
The four of you were all laughing as you headed into the gym, not even bothering to stop and look at anyone or anything going on. In your mind, it was just a scene you'd watched hundreds of times. Ripped men showing off their muscles, gym girls vlogging their “workouts” in outfits you never would be caught wearing. You were here for you, not for the show someone thought they could put on for you.
Cassian was in a squat rack, watching you through the mirror as he stood with weights resting on his wide shoulders. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Every curve, every strand of hair. You were perfect in his eyes. Rhys followed his glance before grinning, “That's my assistant. Y/n!” 
You glanced up, instantly waving at Rhys and he waved back. He motioned for you to come over, “Hello, darling. What brings you here?”
“Yoga,” you shrugged. “Trying it for stress relief. Mean boss and all!” 
Rhysand laughed at your response, eyes sparkling, “You brought water?” You nodded to him. “Good, that room gets way too hot. I admire the yoga classes, but I can't do it. Oh! By the way,” he motioned to Cassian, “this is my brother, Cassian. You know Az from security.”
And that's when it began.
Two months. Two long months of you and Cassian trading no more than your names, smiles, and slightly flirtatious banter and digs at each other when you would cross paths at the water fountain. 
Today was his day, though. Today he'd finally ask if you wanted him to help you workout, and if you said no, he'd offer dinner instead. Rhys had been forced into telling him every detail of your life. He knew your favorite color, food, how you took coffee. He felt like he knew about you, but now he truly needed to know you.
He needed more than glances that left you blushing. Needed more than you making him go home and spend his night staring at the ceiling in his empty bed wondering if you liked him the way he liked you.
Today was his day. He knew it as he kept glancing at you.
Two months had sucked you into your own version of gym culture, and while your goal was still more the stress relief, you had to admit it was fun watching your booty get even better. You had to also admit deep down that you had other reasons for coming to the gym outside of yoga class, though. That reason was 6’5”, dark curly hair, swirling tribal tattoos, and looking oh so delicious in his black shorts today.
You reminded yourself you were mainly here to focus on you. To get yourself into your head space and earn the snacks waiting for you at home, and zeroed in on the goal of reaching 10,000 stairs by the end of the week.
You were deep into your workout and in your own world when Cassian approached, admiring each jiggle not so secretly, “So y/n.”
“MOTHER F-” you cover your mouth, slapping the emergency stop button and feeling his hand instantly stabilizing you by touching your back. “You scared me!”
“I can tell,” he chuckled back. “I was just wondering if you wanted to try free weights with me today? I spot you? Teach you some stuff?”
I blinked at him, “Really?” He nodded almost boyishly, a playful grin on his face. “I can't spot you, though.”
He motioned over her shoulder to your boss and Azriel, “They exist still. Unfortunately.”
You bit your lip, knowing you'd look so out of place beside the 3 of them. “Cassian, I don't really work out to be-”
“You work out to take care of stress and eat whatever snacks you want. I know. Rhys told me. You'll get tired of cardio soon, so learning another area wouldn't hurt.”
You glared towards Rhys, “Traitor.”
“Is that a yes?”
You sighed and nodded, wiping down the handles of the machine you were on before letting him pull you over to Rhys and Azriel.
One workout became two. Two became twice a week. Twice a week became him coming over and enjoying snacks and a movie. Snacks and movie became dinner with Cassian at an expensive restaurant with Rhys, his wife, Feyre, Azriel, and his possibly girlfriend, Nesta. 
The table was silent as Cassian ordered a fairly unhealthy pasta, ate bread with you, and then shared dessert. It had been so long since they watched him genuinely enjoy food. “Cheat day,” he said casually as Azriel raised a brow at him. “I'm trying to mix y/n's work out to eat what she wants into my lifestyle once a week.” 
“He seems to like our snack and movie nights,” you glanced up at him, to you just admiring the way he smiled. But to the rest of the table, it was clear the gym crush you two shared was becoming much much more. Azriel slipped Rhys money under the table, conceding that he had won the bet. 
“Y/n told me a lot of research shows a cheat day is actually better for you than 7 hard days,” Cassian took another bite of the melted chocolate fudge brownie. “So we have a cheat day now on Sunday. We call it Sinday.”
“We still do a light walk,” you offered as Rhys looked confused. “But more of a “find some wilderness and explore walk than follow this beaten path one.” That dinner turned into many more. It turned into meeting each other's families. To merging friend groups. 
No activity you two tried topped the gym together. Especially after Cassian built and began running his own. His gym was built to cater to those who'd never felt welcomed. One way windows so the people inside could look out, but no one would see in. A mirror room dedicated to progress selfies to stop people from capturing a stranger in their pictures, a strict no bullying policy. He had made a safe haven for those who were serious about their workouts, and those who were just starting, and you could not have been more proud, especially now that you were teaching yoga and hot yoga classes there.
You two posed in the mirror, sweat dripping down him as he flexed and you kissed his cheek with your leg popped up, waiting for the camera to click breaking the no selfies on the main workout floor rule.
“Gross,” Azriel yelled. “Focus on training you two!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Cassian shot back. “I'm coming. Enjoy yoga, baby.”
“I will. Snacks tonight?”
“Absolutely,” he answered. “Those little no bake cookie balls would be so good."
"Oh, yeah. We'll pick those up!"
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites @littlest-w01f
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beegalactica · 8 months
How to set S.M.A.R.T goals
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Well, January's almost over... Have you abandoned your New Year's resolutions yet? Did you give up trying to work out for an hour every day yet? It's never too late to start fresh and a new hour, day, week, or month could be the chance to hit that restart you need.
It's great to be ambitious, but a hint of realism can make our goals more achievable.
S - Specific
What exactly do you want to accomplish? Why do you want to accomplish this? Get into the smallest details about what it is you actually want. Don't just say you want to 'glow up', what does this actually mean for you?
M - Measurable
How are you going to accomplish it? Break this big goal into little steps. If you want to 'get clear skin', how will you do this? Will you make sure you drink your water every day? Will you develop a skincare routine that you stick to?
A - Achievable
Is this something you can actually get done? Is this something possible for you? There is no limit in life, but if you make a goal that you don't believe you can actually achieve, you're setting yourself up to fail because your own belief is not there. Pick a goal and commit to it. Commit to the idea of yourself being able to succeed in whatever it is.
R - Relevant
Is this goal in line with your greater ambitions? Is this something that will help you become the best version of yourself? How will achieving this thing benefit you? Do you believe it is the best thing for you? If so, why?
T - Timely
How long do you think this will take you? How long do you want this to take you? Do you have the time to dedicate to accomplishing this goal? If not, are you prepared to make time to spend working towards your goal?
How I set S.M.A.R.T goals
Let's use the example of my Tumblr. At the start of the year, I decided that I wanted to start a blog. I didn't just write 'start a Tumblr blog' in my 2024 planner and leave it there, I wanted to 'start a Tumblr blog AND grow it consistently', but even this wasn't all. I didn't set a goal to reach x number of followers by the end of the year, but my main goal was to post consistently every week. I set myself the goal of posting at least once a week, instead of trying to post 5x a week because realistically, I know how busy things can get. I knew that starting this blog would help me improve my own discipline, and also allow me to help others, thus making me a better, more committed person. I was prepared to dedicate an hour of my time every week to sit down and just write. I've done this so far in January and hope to continue this for the rest of the year.
Instead of just setting goals in your head, try to put exactly what you want to accomplish into words somewhere for you to look back for motivation, but also to have as a plan of action to get it done.
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genericnam · 1 year
Why, out of GF, Amphibia, and TOH, only Luz didn't have to leave her new world behind:
I've seen people complain about Amphibia and to a lesser extent, Gravity Falls, for having their series end with a goodbye; the main characters having to leave their found families and this world they've grown to love and return to regular life. But the thing is, the three shows all have MASSIVELY different morals, that each fit in with how the goodbyes (or lack thereof) work into the finales.
Gravity Falls has a large theme of temporary goodbyes and reconciling. Stan and Ford being the primary example. But there are others: Soos and Melony, Wendy and Robbie, even Dipper and Mabel to an extent. The show builds upon this with Gravity Falls being a VACATION, they aren't trapped there, they could theoretically go home at any time. Episodes such as Summerween and Dipper and Mabel Vs. The Future also build on the tone, telling that it's okay to both grow up and move on, but you don't have to leave behind what you once loved in doing so.
The final conflicts (Wierdmaggedon) are caused because of characters not being able to let go. Stan couldn't let go of Ford, Mabel couldn't let go of Gravity Falls, Gideon couldn't let go of Mabel.
Gravity Falls teaches the viewer that even if you love something, you have to let it go, and eventually it will return. In the words of Bill Cipher: "We'l meet again. Don't know where, don't know when. I just knew we'll meet again, some sunny day."
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Amphibia has a similar theme of Gravity Falls, but it takes it further. Amphibia tells you that if you don't let go, sometimes things will only get worse. The primary example for this is the show's catalyst event: Marcy getting Anne to steal the Music Box. Marcy chose to go to Amphibia, rather than move away, and she dragged her friends into it with her. Instead of having a long distance friendship with Sasha and Anne, she took them to an alternate dimension in order to spend eternity on a massive adventure, and it got her killed. Marcy and Anne died and Sasha tried to kill herself.
And that's only Marcy. Sasha was a control freak that bordered on yandere at the height of her villain arc. Sasha couldn't accept that Anne was beginning to move on from the toxic friendship that the Calamity Trio had locked themselves into.
The trio were horrible to eachother, pre-character arcs, and they needed to focus on self improvement before they could even hope to be good friends. In the time between 'All In' and the epilog, the Calamity Trio would not have actually been able to be good for eachtoher. They say they forgive eachother, but that was forgiveness given during a WAR. Post show, the real feelings would start to bubble up. Anne's resentment for the betrayals, Marcy’s abandonment issues, Sasha's definite self hatred. The trio HAD to split up to have any semblance of a friendship.
Amphibia tells its audience that not all good things can last, and if you obsess and force it to stay, it can destroy you.
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The Owl House has a completely opposite moral. It tells you to find your people, and fight for them.
Luz lived in the Human Realm, but it was never her home. Her home was with Camila and Manny, but when Manny died, Camila and Luz's relationship began to falter. That world wasn't her home. When Luz found the Boiling Isles, she was always supposed to be able to leave. This wasn't a summer trip she didn't want at first, or a one way portal. The Boiling Isles was HER choice.
Luz picked Bonesburrow. Luz picked Hexside. Luz picked The Owl House. Her home was always meant to be The Boiling Isles. She only started trying to find a way back to Earth because the choice was taken from her. Luz no longer had the choice to go back to the Human Realm. In fact, the only time Luz chose Humans over Isles was when she was PUNISHING herself for helping Belos.
Luz got to stay in the Boiling Isles because TOH tells its audience that where you start isn't where you should always stay. Find your place and find your people. And when you do, hold it dear and never let go. "Us weirdos have to stick together."
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pinkyqil · 4 months
Flirt // Jenni hermoso x r
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Jenni was a flirt least to say she could flit with anyone as long has it as lips head and a body anything else wouldn't matter to her. So that why you felt really confused with your "relationship". with her cause she always gave you mixed signals that rarely made any sense to you.
One day she's all over you complimenting you, making you blush and all as it the usual Jenni package. next thing you know someone else is getting the same treatment that she gives or how she likes to call it "her delicate taste".
That made absolutely no sense to you but one thing you knew was that you were done. with anything that had to do with Jennifer hermoso you didn't want a part of it unless it was something serious. But it didn't look like it things where going to change with her so you thought.
You started pulling away from jenni it went from you two always partnering up to you straight up ignoring her and picking someone else as your partner.
To dismissing her and canceling plans that she made cause you knew it would be some different by tomorrow.
Slowly a hole formed in your friendship you both couldn't even spare each other a glance or a simple greeting.
The only time you would actually say a few words would be around game days where you needed to communicate with jenni but that wasn't something you both could do outside of work.
It honestly broke your heart to be pulling away from her like this. You missed her smile silly jokes that she would make trying to lighting up the room.how she would be there whenever you needed something or that you weren't feeling well she was always by your side like your order half.
Least to say jenni also felt the same way her heart felt incomplete like the other pieces to it was missing. but she knew one thing and it was to make it up too you for whatever she did cause her heart couldn't take you acting like she didn't exist.
The last few days you noticed Jenni putting in some efforts but you would always denie her and.
still continue shutting her out she tried everything from leaving notes and your favorites chocolate in your cubby opening the door for you. helping you carry heavy equipment without calling out for help but you wouldn't come forward.
It wasn't that you heated what jenni was doing you loved it all but your heart wasn't ready for what would happen if you guys where to talk it out.
Would things go back to the same way with how she was treating you or would you two become something. Was what you wondered.
Jenni's act had been going on forever but still she didn't get any improvement from you side always the cold shoulder and nothing more for her.
Today she jenni had planned to conner you when everybody as left as she knew you loved taking your time.
Your day went on with how it usual was Jenni still left you some notes and perfume in your cubby for when you arrived but you hadn't seen her anyway around the training grounds which was quite weird as she hung out with her group of people. But needless it was none of your busses.
You were tye last one to shower as everyone else had left or that what you think.you quickly dressed up and started existing the building until you felt a strange but familiar hands grab you by the waist.
It was none other than jenni she looked broken and hurt. All you could do was stare at her.
"What do you want hermoso". you asked her as you tried pulling your hands away.
" I just want to talk to you it would only take a few minutes". She said
"Well get talking cause I didn't have enough time to spend with you in my way".
She took a deep breath before speaking.
"I know that lately have been giving you on and off signals and just acting out as if you aren't important to me which is false so I just wanted' to tell you that I love you so much more than a friend we've both been through anything".
anyone can imagine and I just can't keep living like this knowing that j hurt you instead of protecting you so I just wan to apologize for that". She said as she took time to catch her breath.
"oh jenni you don't understand how long I waited for you to tell me how you feel cause I' also share the same feelings as you, I love you more than anything else that you can imagine"
and it hurt me a lot seeing how you would always treat me I love you jenni hermoso". You told her not expecting all that to come out of your mouth.
"So will I be able to treat you out to a date". She asked
"Yes you can have honestly seen the way that you've improved and I love it". you told her before tip-toeing and leaving a peck on her lips.
"You deserve it". You said
"I guess I do". She replied back
"So I'll see you saturday for dinner". She asked
"Definitely". You told as you walked away holding the notes that she had been living for you onto your chest.
Maybe luck was on your side after all and jenni wasn't just a flit after all.
A/n: hope y'all enjoy this read and if you see any mistakes no you don't cause I just finished writing this at 12:18 so mistakes shall be fixed later. anyway feedbacks, request and comments or if you want to chat with me inboxes are always opened and everything else is appreciated and don't forget to take care of yourself 💗
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followmybadreligion · 2 months
thinking about fighting w/ your obsessed bf!art…
Art absolutely hates fighting with you. He hates the heated silences that follow each conversation; the glares and scoffs you throw at him in the heat of the moment; the distance between you as you calm down— he hates it all. No matter what the fight is about, or who’s technically in the wrong, he doesn’t care; he just hates to be at odds with you.
It makes him nervous, in all honesty.
You see, he’s known relationships to fall apart in the midst of hard times, which is why he fears them so badly. In his mind, if he can make you happy— not stress you out or make you upset—then he can keep you forever, and that’s all he really wants.
Sadly, though, you two live in reality, where conflict is damn near unavoidable. Sometimes it’s over petty little things like eating each other’s leftovers or forgetting to fold laundry, and other times there’s more serious issues at play like crossed boundaries or painful words. In either scenario, Art pushes himself to respond the best he can, despite his anxiousness. If he did something to annoy you, then he’s more than willing to hear you out and apologize. If he crossed a boundary then he’s going to dedicate so much effort to respecting it in the future. Anything he can do to improve for you, he’s willing to.
With his nature, though, comes such a dangerous power over him. You’re practically his heart outside his body— he can’t stand it when you’re upset, which can drive him to take desperate measures for your forgiveness. You want him on his knees begging and crying? He can do that. If you’re upset he’s already close enough to tears as is. You want gifts and treats to make up for your pain? That was a given, and best believe he’s got flowers and your favorite meal before the thought crossed your mind. He’s even willing to do things that he knows he shouldn’t. One of this friends made you feel insecure? He’ll cut them off without a second thought. You feel as if he’s not spending enough time with you? He’ll cancel all his plans for the week. Whatever you need to feel comfortable, safe, and secure again— it’s done, no questions asked, and all you have to do is tell him.
When it comes to your mistakes though, Art is a completely different person. His whole, “be quick to act, let’s solve the problem,” motto goes straight out the window and instead, a quieter, more passive man surfaces.
He’s almost never the one to address the issue, mainly because he’s too caught up in not wanting to hurt your feelings. He knows that you’re a good partner— that you love him so much even though you lash out or misspeak sometimes— and yes, it hurts his feelings, but that’s something he tries to repress.
Thankfully, though, you know better.
Even though Art tries to act as if he has thicker skin than he does, he’s actually a very sensitive boy. It makes him so sad when you yell at him or get snippy about things, so much so that he’s cried several times over it. He’ll never tell you that out of fear of seeming weak or overdramatic, but it’s true. Just you raising your voice at him can get his tears running hot, and he can’t even work up the courage to let you know that.
Thankfully, though, you’re truly an amazing partner and can pick up on these things on your own. Despite the soft little reassurances paired with that lop-sided, sad smile he throws your way when you apologize, you never miss how his eyes swell with thick tears that he desperately tries to blink back. You never miss how his hands shake as you brush over them, or how his shoulders hunch in defeat either, and all of it breaks your heart.
It may take a while, especially with Art so closed off, but the best way to make any progress with him in those times is to validate him. His feelings and emotions have already been discarded in so many aspects of his life, and that’s only solidified his belief that he’s not allowed to have them. So, hearing you, his entire world, tell him that it’s okay for him to be upset, sad, angry or however else he feels— it just melts all of his guilt away. It makes him feel like more of a person, entitled to the wants, needs, and opinions he tries to repress, and that in itself does so much.
During the calm down of an argument— the peace after the tension and tough talks— Art is, by nature, extremely clingy. After being on edge for such a long time, he’s just extremely exhausted, and really wants to be loved on. He craves your attention and affection again— it makes him feel safe and secure. He is very particular in the way he goes about asking for it, though.
If you’re the type of partner that needs their time and space after some conflict, he’ll give you that. He understands how draining it can be to be around people in general, let alone someone you just fought with. If you are up for some time with him though, this is the time where he’ll be as soft as he gets— and that’s saying something.
He talks very softly— almost in whispers, as if to not disturb the balance between the both of you. His voice is strained and flat, cracking every now and again from the choked tears resting in the back of his throat, and his lips are pursed in a thin line out of habit. Still though, his words are like the sweetest honey.
“Can I hold you now, baby?” He’ll whisper, eyes lowered and shoulders tense as he awaits your reply.
The second you’re in his arms again is the second his tears flow past. He’ll bury his face in your neck to hide them, still a bit embarrassed at how anxious he’d been, but you hear his muffled sobs nonetheless, racking through his body in huge waves. As much as you hate to see him like that, it’s all his way of processing, and it’s best to just let him let it out— you know that now. You can still comfort him in the best ways you know how, though. He really appreciates that. Gentle coos and “I know, baby’s” whispered in his ear; soothing back rubs and soft traces along his face; long kisses placed on his temple, hands, or wherever else you can reach; it all grounds him so much.
Once he’s in a calmer headspace, still soft but not as fragile, you can finally start to talk. If there were words left unsaid or points misunderstood, this is usually the time to get clear about them. The both of you are all drained of any fight, pride, or stubbornness that got in the way before, and instead, you both are just eager to come back together. So that’s exactly what you do.
Art’s not stupid. He knows that it’s easy to promise one another change and forgiveness when you’re desperate to be in each other’s arms. He knows it’s easy to whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ears just to get through the night. He knows it’s easy to make false promises that’ll make sure that the other will stay. He knows, he understands, and so he’s careful. If he feels it’s not the right time to talk things out, he’ll let you know, and he makes sure that you know that you have that option as well.
At the end of every fight there’s always one specific question that Art asks that confuses you every time he does. You could be laying in bed together, resting on the couch, doing a few chores or anything else for that matter, but he just has to know: do you still love him?
His eyes are usually full of anxiety as he stammers through the words, almost as if he doesn’t even want to ask it, but something’s making him. Perhaps it’s nerves, or his overthinking, or something you said to make him doubt, but either way, that question, and the anxiety it induces, reigns over him until he knows— until you give him a straight answer, even if it’s not what he wants to hear (it always will be).
To you, it’s the most obvious thing in the world. How could you not? How could you not love the man who just spent so much time fighting for the two of you? Who considers you more than himself? Who’s so in love with you that the mere thought of you feeling any differently runs him up a wall? To you, he’s the most lovable man on the planet, the Earth and Heavens to you, and every fight only highlights that.
And that’s exactly what you tell him.
And you get to watch his anxious eyes melt into those soft, love-filled ones you live to see. Every. Single. Time.
Make-up sex with Art comes in all different sorts of variations, but no matter the pretense, it’s oh so love-filled.
There are sometimes where Art’s in a more submissive head-space after y’all’s conflict, and he just wants you to take care of him. He’s already so drained from what’d just happened, and he just wants that little bit of personal attention, you know?
So, when he’s pulling you into the bedroom, button-down shirt half opened and stained by his tears, asking you to “Make up with him” through glazed eyes and a quivering lip, you know exactly what he’s asking for.
In front of your floor-length mirror, you’d have him resting against you, shirt off and discarded, with his pretty, pink cock in your hands as you fist away. He’d squirm and moan at your touches, occasionally begging for some rest or a slower pace, but you know just like he does that he needs this.
You’d pull and pull and pull, occasionally slowing down to run your thumb over his slit, a motion that sends chills down his back in an instant, before returning to your original pace. His balls don’t go neglected either, being rubbed and messaged by your free hand in relatively face pace motions to match your strokes. The entire time, you’re leaned down to his ear, whispering the filthiest words you could imagine.
“My pretty, pretty boy, leaking and shaking for me like this,” you’re mumble, pressing a small kiss against his neck, earning a light, drawn out moan from Art.
“God, I could watch you do this all day.” You’d giggle, looking him dead in the eyes as his cock spurted streams of hot, white cum all over your hands and his stomach. He’d struggle underneath you, both from the overstimulation you’d begun and the over powering urge he feels to reciprocate. He hates to be greedy, and after the first orgasm, he feels you’ve taken care of him plenty, but you wouldn’t let up though, forcing him to sit through another orgasm or two before you decided he’d had enough.
In the moments following, you either licking his cum from your fingers or feeding it to him, all that Art can think about is getting his mouth on you. He has quite the oral fixation, and you shoving your fingers past his lips, letting him suck on them to his hearts content, only triggers it more than it already had been.
So, you’re never surprised when he turns around in your arms, pulling you by your thighs until your back rests against the floor, legs splayed out and pussy on full display.
Art eats and eats like a man deprived of nutrients, lapping at your swollen little clit like a depraved dog of some sort. He sucks up all your juices, eyes rolling back as he tastes you and cock only growing harder at the position he’s in. To have your thighs wrapped around his head, pressing tighter and tighter around him the closer you get; to have your moans ringing through his ears, getting louder and more high pitched the more that he goes; it’s a dream come true for him, and an extremely big fucking turn on, showcased by his desperate humps against the floor.
The second you tell him you’re on the edge, so close to letting it all go for him, is the second he really starts to lose it. His grip on your thighs gets impossibly tighter, keeping them locked around his face as he ravages you, and his moans and groans get even more intense, sounding like something straight out of a porn, to be completely honest. He keeps his eyes locked up towards you, desperate to see every second of you falling apart for him, and the second you do, a sense of pure and utter euphoria runs through him.
He lets you pull and tug on his long, shaggy locks all the way through your climax, releasing your clit just long enough to place long, gentle kisses against your pussy. He doesn’t even realize that the bottom half of his face is covered in the sheen of your juices once he’s done, nor does he care, far too brain fucked to even register it.
What he does register, though, is your restless hands in his hair once again, pulling him up from in between your legs as you sit up from out of your position on the floor. He registers how you pull him in for a slow, deep kiss and push your tongue past his lips, massaging his own with soft, gentle flicks. He does register how you push yourself on top of him, grinding your pussy against him back and forth as you two get even more high off of each other.
You continue that for a while, grinding and kissing until you can feel him making a new pool of pre-cum underneath you. Then and only then do you break away, much to Art’s dismay, and look down towards the space in between you two.
He’ll beg and beg for you to touch him again, kiss him, grind on him, fuck him— something, anything— but you don’t pay him any mind, instead opting to take his cock in your hands and run it between your folds. The way you rest your hand against his stomach as you do this, pressing down on his lower belly, is enough to make him finish right there, but he tries his best to hold out. Nothing feels as good as cumming inside you, that he knows.
When you do finally decide to fuck him, having had enough of the silly little games, you really give it to him. He’s not the biggest guy in the world, an inch or two above average, so it doesn’t take you long to get adjusted, and once you finally are, you waste no time bouncing on him like your life depends on it.
He always loves when you fuck him like this— like a dildo or a sex-doll just meant for your pleasure. You’ll tug on his hair or grab on to his tight, broad shoulders for a better grip, leaving imprints and scratches all across him, and it just drives him wild. He loves being marked by you, covered in your love bites, hickies, and scratches. All just a reminder that he was useful. All just a reminder that he’s yours.
Once your hands find there place back against Art’s lower stomach, he knows he’s a goner. You’ve made him cum in a matter of seconds with that move every single time you’ve done it, and this times damn sure not gonna be the exception.
What really pushes him over the edge is the way you practically keen as his cock goes up further, hitting your g-spot at the perfect angle to have you practically singing. The shit that leaves your mouth then is something that he’ll play in his mind forever.
“Fuck, you’re gonna do it, baby. You’re gonna make me cum, mmhm.” You moan out, head nodding off as you bounce even harder against me.
“Tell me you love me,” you’d demand as neared your climax, words all slurred from how good you feel. He does, of course, whispering sweet praises and declarations of his love for you as he gets closer and closer to that sweet relief.
“God, you’re so—fucking—good,” you’d call out as you finally came, body shaking and twitching above him as you struggled to hold yourself up. He’s not far behind you, tight coil in his stomach finally snapping as he sees you bottom up on top of him.
He’ll moan, beg, shake, and cry as his orgasm crashes into him like a roaring wave, knocking his brain off kilter as the pleasure overtakes him. He shoots such a big load, watching as your bounces spread it up and down his cock in such a pretty mess that’s so satisfying to him.
You’ll give him a few more bounces, riding through the rest of your highs before your lips are on his again, this time in a much softer, sweeter way. Your hands would rake through his hair, finger pads massaging over his scalp in efforts to ease the tension from your pulling earlier, and your other hand would move down to grip his hand in yours, just how he loves.
“I love you, baby.” You’d whisper as you pull away, hand coming up to rest against his chest, feeling his heart beat still pounding.
“I love you so much more,” he’d respond, soft smile crossing his lips as he stared up at you through his lashes, “I promise.”
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askagamedev · 4 months
Hello, can I ask how difficult is for developers to add accessibility features to games? I am aware it probably varies by type. Recently, I asked if a sound only minigame in one video game could be reworked to add visual cues, as I am deaf. Lot of other fans harped on me its too much work for little gain, too difficult, that it takes away precious developers time, etc. So now I wonder how complicated such thing actually is and how devs view it. Thank you.
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They're not wrong in that building such things isn't free. However, you're also right in that we on the dev side should be thinking about better ways of doing this - there isn't only one solution to these problems. Whatever final solution we implement doesn't have to be the most expensive means of doing so. It's actually up to us to think of better/more efficient ways of doing the things we want to do. Adding accessibility options is often a worthy goal, not only to the players who need those options to be able to play, but also for general quality-of-life. If we're making changes after the fact, of course they're super expensive. If accessibility options are a production goal that we plan for, they're much cheaper because we don't have to redo work - we do it with accessibility in mind in the first place.
For example - let's say that we're working on UI and we have this system:
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Let's say that we want to improve things for colorblind players. If we wanted to make this more accessible, instead of just using color to differentiate the choices, we could also add different border visuals to provide additional context.
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In such a situation, the difference in choices is still obvious if you're colorblind and it helps legibility for non-colorblind players as well.
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These kinds of UX changes can be expensive if we decide to do it after the fact, but if it's something we decide is important to us from the jump we can compensate for those costs by creating efficient and smart solutions early. Remember, the cost of any change in game development is directly proportional to how close that change is to shipping the game. The earlier the change is made, the cheaper it is. Furthermore, we make resource allocation choices based on our goals. If we want to make a game more accessible, we will figure out a way to do so that fits within our budget and provides a good player experience. Players don't really have a say in how we allocate our resources and that kind of armchair producer talk isn't particularly constructive anyway. Telling us what's important to you and why (including accessibility requests) is really the best kind of feedback we can hope for. Don't sweat coming up with the solutions or fretting about where we spend resources, that's our job.
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silverynight · 2 months
Welcome home
Chapter 1 (of 5)
It's been a year since Izuku reconnected with his childhood friend, now pro hero, Bakugo Katsuki.
He has changed a lot... in a good way. When he found out Izuku got a job at the same agency he works for, he went straight to the analytics department to see him and talk to him.
Izuku had to ask for a break and meet Katsuki outside; he was nervous then, but he realized quickly he didn't have to. All the pro hero wanted was to apologize for his past behavior.
They started over after that and now they're really good friends and Izuku is very happy because of it.
There's a lot of things in his life that have improved since he got that job, actually.
He gets to meet a lot of pro heroes, yes, most of them are kind enough to go to his department and see him in person rather than only communicate with him via text or earpiece.
Aizawa promoted him after a couple of months and now Izuku handles most to the mission and investigations; he chooses quickly which pro hero (based on their quirk, availability and experience) is the best to deal with the situation at hand.
He really likes his job because even though he doesn't do the hero work directly, he gets to help the pro heroes in a way.
He also hangs out with Katsuki a lot; he met his friends the first week after the apology and went to his apartment for the first time fifteen days after that.
Ashido says that it's weird for "Blasty" (as she calls Katsuki) to spend so much time with him right after meeting him again, although she has this smirk on her face whenever she says it that makes Izuku flustered for some reason.
However, Izuku thinks it's perfectly normal; whenever they're together, it feels right, like they never stopped seeing each other and have been good friends for years, ever since they were kids.
"It's still weird," Kaminari says when Katsuki goes to the cafeteria counter to get Izuku a coffee and a bagel. "It took us a year to get invited to his apartment."
The way his friends (because Izuku considers them his friends now) look at him make him feel flustered, but he doesn't do anything to hide the blush on his cheeks like he used to do in high-school whenever he was embarrassed.
Now he just hopes it goes away quickly.
"Well, that was years ago," Izuku says, trying to dismiss it. Katsuki told him he bought his fancy apartment two years after he started working as a professional hero. "Kacchan has changed."
Izuku got really shocked when he found out he owned that apartment, but he knows the pro heroes get very well paid, especially when they get brand deals. It also helps that Katsuki is the number one hero currently, although pro hero Shoto is right behind him.
"He doesn't trust most people," Kirishima points out, like he's trying to tell him something. Then his expression turns into an amused one as he sees Katsuki approaching them again. "And he's certainly not the type to bring anyone food."
"Kacchan's just being nice!" Izuku says as the three pro heroes look back at him like he's crazy. Yes, Katsuki is not that nice on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean he hasn't improved. "I told him my ankle hurts a bit because I rescued a cat and fell right after I managed to get him down from a tree."
Fortunately, the mention of the cat makes them focus on that instead, and suddenly Izuku finds himself showing them pictures of it.
Katsuki sits right next to him, and Izuku sighs in delight after taking the first bite of his bagel.
"How much?" He asks after a while.
"I don't know," Katsuki makes a dismissive gesture with his hand. "I paid for your stuff and mine together."
"But surely they gave you a receipt–"
"No. Just drink your damn coffee, nerd!"
"Thank you, Kacchan," Izuku says, trying not to roll his eyes; sometimes Katsuki does stuff like that, he seems determined to pay for every little thing Izuku wants when they go out together.
"Also, I'm going to drive you to your apartment..."
"There's no need–"
"You're hurt," Katsuki argues and the green haired man knows that expression really well; there's nothing that can change his mind now, no matter what Izuku says, the pro hero will take him home no matter what.
Izuku realizes right then that it's the first time Katsuki sees the place where he lives; they always go to Dynamight's apartment or to a coffee shop, a restaurant or somewhere else when they hang out.
"Please, tell me you're joking," Katsuki hisses as he parks his expensive car right outside Izuku's building, the one that looks like it's been sitting there for hundreds of years and is about to collapse under its own weight.
Or maybe that's not why the pro hero is frowning that much; his red eyes are scanning the area like the worst kind of villain is about to pop up from the dark alley next to Izuku's building.
"It's not that bad," he assures his friend. They have tried to rob him only once, maybe twice... but he survived!
Well, maybe he shouldn't say that out loud.
"Shit!" Katsuki hisses. "I thought they paid you well! What the hell?"
"They do!" Izuku assures him. "But, uhh... you see... I'm kinda tired of paying rent so I've been saving some money to buy my own place somewhere else. However, if I want it to happen soon, I need to stay here for a while."
"I'll buy you a new apartment."
Izuku chuckles, but his smile falls when he realizes Katsuki is not joking at all.
"I appreciate the offer, but there's no need, Kacchan," he smiles.
Katsuki is still grabbing the steering wheel like he's very tempted to drive away from there. His knuckles are slightly white, perhaps because the grip of the wheel has tightened considerably.
"Izuku, this is not a safe place." He's deadly serious, and by the tone in his voice, it seems like he's about to snap, but he's trying to control himself.
"I can take care of myself," he hears himself saying, slightly irritated. Katsuki is not the only stubborn person in that car.
"Alright..." Katsuki doesn't deny it, but Izuku can tell that he doesn't like the situation at all. "If you want to save for your new apartment, perhaps you can live with me in the meantime. You'll save even more money because you won't have to pay rent anymore."
Izuku's face turns slightly pink at the thought of living with Katsuki. A memory returns to him in that moment; when they were kids, they had promised each other they would live together and work in the same agency as a hero duo.
But that was before Izuku found out he was quirkless.
A long time ago.
"Kacchan, I really appreciate what you're trying to do, but I can't accept–"
He's sure the pro hero has seen a lot of awful things during all those years working as Dynamight; Izuku has access to a lot of cases, and even though the information is sometimes haunting, he knows there's nothing compared to seeing it happening or arriving at the crime scene.
However, this time Katsuki is overreacting. Sure, the place is not the safest one, but it's not like there's a murder every single day.
Besides, his neighbors are very good people.
"I'll think about it," he finally says, mostly to reassure him.
However, it doesn't work. Katsuki keeps looking around, growing tense.
"You should stay with me tonight. I'll make katsudon if you do."
The offer is really tempting, but Izuku knows it's because Katsuki is imagining horrible things happening to him in that place. Things that are not real.
"I'll be fine."
"Then I'll stay with you."
The fact that he's almost begging makes Izuku's heart beat in a funny way inside his chest. Surely, they are friends now, but it seems Izuku really had no idea how much Katsuki cared about him.
Until now.
"My apartment is tiny and I don't have an extra futon–"
"I can sleep on the floor."
"Kacchan..." Izuku leans closer, placing a hand on his broad shoulder. "Listen, take a deep breath. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise. I have lived here for over two years now. I know this place, and I know how to take care of myself."
Katsuki nods as he relaxes... a bit.
"Alright, but I won't go until you enter that building... no, I won't leave until you text me you're inside your apartment."
Fine. He can agree to that.
"Okay, Kacchan."
Two days. It's been two days since Katsuki found out where Izuku lived and whenever he's not with him, he calls him. A couple of times a day.
It's okay, at least he hasn't "kidnapped" Izuku and taken him to his apartment, even though he clearly wants to.
"Hi, Kacchan. Yes, I'm in the office and nothing has happened to me," he mumbles joyfully as he keeps filling a couple of reports for Endeavor's agency.
"I call because I somehow got used to your nerdy voice, and now I miss it constantly," Katsuki grumbles. There's a weird noise coming from his side that makes Izuku frown for a moment.
"Sure, Kacchan," he rolls his eyes because he knows the pro hero can't see him. Maybe he just imagined it. "I suppose you're on patrol so before you–what was that?"
There's an explosion on his side. This time Izuku is sure of it.
At first, he gets worried as he immediately goes to the database, and then the status section until he finds Dynamight's profile.
"Are you okay?"
"I got everything under control," Katsuki assures him and even though he's clearly using his quirk, Izuku can tell he's being honest.
Then, he gets irritated. Especially when he reads the status and remembers the important mission Izuku assigned to him started today.
"Did you call me during a mission?"
"Izuku, I'm clearly busy here..."
"Alright, I'll end the call."
"No, wait! Is Hatsume there yet?"
Just as Katsuki says it, the head of the support department rushes into Izuku's cubicle.
"Hello, pretty!"
"Hi, Hatsume!" Izuku perks up, smiling at her; she's always a mess, but it suits her somehow.
"Great," Katsuki sounds relived.
"Wait, how did you know–"
"I'm sorry, Izuku, I have to go. I'll pick you up in a couple of hours, alright? Don't get out of the office!"
Katsuki ends the call before Izuku has the opportunity to say anything at all.
He's so distracted arranging everything for the pro hero from Endeavor's agency who'll be coming to work on a case with them and, at the same time, thinking about what he's going to say to Katsuki when he sees him again that he doesn't realize Hatsume is in his personal space until he hears a click.
Suddenly, there's a very beautiful golden chain around his neck, it's not exactly tight, but not as loose as other necklaces he's seen.
It's honestly beautiful, especially with that black X in the middle covered in orange and green gemstones.
Izuku is sure Hatsume made a mistake; if he had to guess, he'd say it looks like a fancy necklace that's probably part of Dynamight's new merch collection or something.
"Uhh... Hatsume?"
She has a tablet in her hands and is typing something so fast it makes Izuku feel a little envious; his job would be slightly easier if he could type that fast.
"I sent an email," she says, without looking up.
A little bit confused, but intrigued nonetheless, Izuku takes out his phone again and opens his mailbox.
It has the agency logo, so Izuku supposes that's something official and relaxes a bit.
He starts reading and then...
"A tracker?"
She chuckles.
"Don't worry, it doesn't activate unless you're in danger. This is for your safety. The standard ones send an alarm to the agency so one of our pro heroes can go and rescue you or help you in case you need it."
Izuku has read about these in a couple of files, although he doesn't know much about them. The ones he looked at seemed completely different from his.
Besides, they were just for very important people... politicians, idols, all kinds of celebrities and scientists if their lives were considered to be in imminent danger.
Also, for obvious reasons, pro heroes' families.
But Izuku was neither of those. He decides to ask Hatsume, but something else makes him worry.
"This looks really expensive."
"You bet!"
"It's already paid for, obviously," she says, typing something before the necklace makes a noise and a green light appears in the middle of the X, although it vanishes quickly.
So it's from the agency? Maybe. Although Izuku knows he's not that important to be given something like that. Sure, he handles a lot of information, but it stays in the computer he uses to work on in the office. Besides, neither he nor his coworkers wear uniforms... they aren't given anything that can be linked to the agency for the same reason.
They're not usually the villains' targets. Izuku has never seen a report that mentions an office worker being in danger.
But he admits he's not an expert in that area, perhaps they give something like this to everyone who works there.
"Why Dynamight's logo?"
Hatsume looks at him before chuckling.
"You're funny, Midoriya."
Getting slightly frustrated, Izuku tries again with another question.
"How can I take it off?"
Even though she's the one with crooked goggles on her head and stains of grease all over her face, she looks at him like he's crazy.
"You're not supposed to take it off, ever. It'd defeat its purpose."
"I mean... to take a shower?"
"Oh! Don't worry, it's waterproof!"
At least he finally got a little bit more information about the necklace.
"Sorry, I'd love to stay and chat with you, but I have a lot of work to do and I'm sure you do too!" Hatsume says, already waving him goodbye, and looking down at her tablet at the same time.
Izuku sighs and looks down at the device around his neck. He likes the Dynamight symbol, even though he has no idea why she picked that one specifically.
He knows these have to be a secret; the general public can't know about them, so perhaps making it look like expensive merch was her goal?
Yeah, that's probably it.
And she chose Katsuki because it's not a secret Izuku is good friends with him so him wearing his merch makes sense.
He nods to himself, mostly because he doesn't have time to look for more information on that.
He still has to tell Aizawa that Endeavor's office hasn't sent the name of the pro hero who's coming in a few days.
They have to work with them in that particular case because even though they started the investigation, the villain has moved to the zone assigned to the pro heroes who work at Endeavor's.
It'll probably be fine.
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showsandstuff · 1 month
Ways to make a Dale Dimmadome redemption work:
Hi! So, as a self proclaimed Dale Dimmadome redemption truther, I wanted to make this post explaining why a redemption is, in my opinion, very much possible. (I am not nearly as confident about this as I am pretending to be)
Buckle up, this'll be a long one folks!
First, why do I think a Dale redemption could happen? Let's go through it:
It's still a kids show. I find the conclusion to the story that Dale will never love his son a bit grim for a show for children. You could of course make it work by using the found family trope with Peri instead, plus there are plenty of kids shows that have used the evil father of secondary character/antagonist trope, without the father getting a redemption but I do think a Dale redemption is the most satisfying conclusion for this show.
Even Remy Buxaplentys parents started caring for Remy at some point, so I got hope. Though to be fair, they were incredibly one note.
His past with Vicky makes him a bit more sympathetic. Knowing what he went through in his childhood, it makes sense he probably wouldn't know what a child needs. I'm just saying it means there's room for improvement
He emotionally neglects Dev, but his physical needs are met. Which is something, right? Like Yay... And all...
We don't know if Dale doesn't love Dev. I think there's a possibility that he does care but just doesn't know it because he's taken his child for granted. That's not an excuse of course, but it would make a redemption more plausibel. If Dale genuinely does not love Dev whatsoever, I'll give up on my redemption hope.
How could they pull it off, if at all?
Assuming that Dale does love Dev, deep deeeep down, and just doesn't realize it because he's so focused on his company, the best way to show this is through a choice.
Dev doing things that benefit the company has never helped their relationship, Dale just gets happy because Money and it doesn't make him appreciate his son more, Dev just becomes someone useful to him.
But if Dev causes Dale to lose money, that's a good start to see what Dale truly prioritizes deep down.
Dale choosing Dev over his company is what I need if they decide to redeem him. I need Dale in one way or another show us that he truly cares. Maybe have Dale spend so much money to find and save Dev, that his company goes bankrott? Or have his company explodes and Dale's main concern could be Devs wellbeing. Or Dev goes behind his father's back and intentionally hurts the company, but instead of lashing out at Dev, Dale reflects on himself.
Now... That's all incredibly out of character for Dale and I would hate for an unearned redemption. I'd need there to be a lot of build up to that moment, some foreshadowing that hints at Dale not feeling entirely indifferent about Dev. Small moments, nothing too grand. Maybe he'd be worried if he finds out that he had left Dev with Vicky at one Point, and that could be the catalyst to show us that he isn't as awful as we were shown previously.
And after we had enough of those moments and already have a feel that Dale isn't all uncaring, we get to the grand moment where Dale shows us through his actions that in truth, he cares far more about his kid than his cash. It would feel earned and not be out of nowhere then.
Now before yall call me delusional, I know that this is extremely unrealistic and I'm just setting myself up if these are my expectations. Good thing they aren't. I do expect Dev to have something equivalent of his father's love at the end of the show, but that's it.
Here are some examples of what I actually believe would happen:
Hazel and Dev become friends (again) but this time their friendship is explored more. Maybe Dev also befriends Hazel's friends and finds fulfillment through that. (although I think that'll happen regardless and would be unsatisfying if that was all we got)
Involving Peri in this mess and giving him a character arc of his own would work as well. He realizes that Dev doesn't need a Fairy to be happy because, as Cosmo said in the finale, what Dev truly wants isn't something he can get through wishes. Dev, being super rich, is already used to getting "stuff", but love isn't stuff. So Peri basically becoming a parental figure for Dev, which is what he is supposed to be as a godparent anyway, could work. Besides, Peri already solidified himself in this role in the finale when he told Dev that he cared about him. It was a heartwarming moment. We all loved it so ofc we would want more of that.
Anything involving Irep, another Fairy or even Timmy. Dev needs someone that cares for him. My top three go to characters are obviously Peri, Hazel and Dale, but they're not the only ones that could fulfill that role. We just need to wait and see what the writers do.
So yea, a Dale redemption is my first pick for a season 2 finale (or technically my first pick is a hint at a Dale redemption in the s2 finale and the actual redemption happens way later because slow burn) but I do understand that it's pretty unlikely and would be very much satisfied with Peri becoming his godparent with Emphasis on parent, or even the power of friendship with Hazel, though that'd be harder to execute without it feeling cheap (I got faith in the writers)
So this was very long. And I am going to sleep now. Thanks for reading.
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shiorimakibawrites · 25 days
Mo Ghrá (Kin Fan Fic)
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Words: ~1500 Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Reader Summary: You're on your period and you miss Mikey. Warning: Period symptoms, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff, pumpkin obsession Masterlist / A03 Tags: @bellaxgiornata, @shouldbestudying41, @loves0phelia, @nowheredreamer, @beezusvreeland, @lulukings92
This little story interrupted the writing of "Bound". Guess Mikey wanted a little attention.
Thanks to @shouldbestudying41 for the title suggestion.
Mo Ghrá
You were on the couch, trying to find a position that was comfortable. It was a struggle. Your abdomen was in favor of the fetal position. Your lower back disagreed. Vehemently. Right now you were seeing if on your side, pillows supporting your back and heating pad pressed against your belly, would work.
You hoped so. You were so tired. You had gotten, maybe, two hours of sleep last night. If you added it all up. Yesterday hadn’t been much better. You had called off work, knowing there was no way you were hauling your ass into the office. Not today.
After failing for umpteenth time to find a comfortable position on your bed, you had given up on it. The couch wasn’t much of an improvement. Best thing you could say is that it wasn’t covered in sheets that smelled like stale sweat. You needed to change your bedding but that sounded like far too much work today . . . maybe, if you got lucky, you’d find the energy to fix that before attempting to sleep tonight.
You wished Michael was here. You wanted to bury your face in his chest hair while he rubbed your back with those large, warm hands. You wanted his voice softly murmuring into your hair. But you stayed at your place last night and yesterday night. Like an idiot. You didn’t know what Past You had been thinking. Probably some nonsense about needing to spend some time at your own place since you were still paying rent . . .
But you were also glad that Michael wasn’t here. Because you felt gross. You had scrapped up just enough energy for a shower this morning. But it was the second day of your period. When you had the worst cramps and the heaviest bleeding. So it didn’t take long for the refreshed, clean feeling to disappear.
You whimpered when another cramp ripped through your abdomen. The painkillers were wearing off. Granted, the ibuprofen was barely dulling your cramp pain. And it did absolutely nothing for your headache . . . But it was all you had. In a minute, you would get up and take more. Refill your water bottle while you were up. In a minute . . .
The knock on the door startled you. You weren’t expecting any company. Michael had mentioned something about running errands when you had called him to cancel your lunch date. Another disappointment, you had been looking forward to that date . . . you weren’t going anywhere special. Just the little cafe that you two had discovered that had really good coffee. Really good everything actually. Anna liked it too . . .
Another knock alerted you to that you had gone woolgathering instead of getting up and answering the door. It was tempting to pretend not to be home. But curiosity won out. Reminding yourself that you needed more medicine and water anyway, you wiggled out of your blanket cocoon and stood up.
Your abdomen protested the loss of the heating pad with an enormous cramp. The kind that made you double-up and brought tears to your eyes. It only lasted a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. You slowly straightened back up, then shuffled just as slowly toward the door. You reached it just as a third knock came. Whoever this person was, they were persistent.
You unlocked and opened the door to discover Michael standing here, a soft smile on his handsome, bearded face. “There ya are, pet. I was startin’ to think I had missed ya.”
“Mikey!” you said, torn between delight and embarrassment. You were happy to see him, of course, but you were also a mess. Crazy hair still wet from the shower, wearing old sweats, oversized tee shirt, and one of his hoodies. The one that you had shamelessly stolen from his house the last time you were over there.
Your unattractive messiness felt especially stark today. Michael’s hair and beard was neatly combed. He was wearing jeans, the ones that displayed just how fine that very fine ass of his was. And that sage green sweater that you had bought him, that really brought out those little flecks of green in his eyes, peeked out from under his jacket.
“I thought you were busy today?” You said.
“Just a few things,” he said. “Can I come in, pet? The coffee's gettin’ cold.”
“Coffee?” you repeated, suddenly realizing that one of his hands was occupied. In it was a drink carrier with two coffees in it. Coffees with the name of the little shop written across the cups. You also noticed a small white bag with the same logo dangling from that wrist. A bag that smelled like fresh-baked pumpkin bread.
Your mouth watered. You hadn’t eaten much today. Just lacked the energy and had been vaguely nauseous. You had nibbled on a cereal bar with some tea hoping that it would stay down. It did. But the nausea remained and nothing sounded appealing . . . not until your nose caught a whiff of that pumpkin.
“Pumpkin bread?”
“Yes,” he said, smiling. “And yer pumpkin spice latte.”
“I know ya love yer pumpkin,” he said.
He was right. You loved pumpkin. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin cookies. Pumpkin spice coffee. One of your favorite things about autumn was all the pumpkin things you could find. Michael had teased you about it, said it was very American. You had retorted that his snobbiness about whiskey was very Irish of him.
Remembering that he was still standing on your doorstep and it was a rather brisk autumn day, you moved to the side and ushered him inside. You watched him move through your living room. Particularly when he bent down to put the coffees down on the little table. As predicted, his ass looked incredible in those jeans . . . you felt a spark of irritation at the universe. If only you weren’t on your period right now . .
As if to remind you of that little fact, you got another cramp. It wasn’t quite as bad as the last one but it still had you pressing your hands against your abdomen in a vain attempt to stop the pain. A pointed reminder that you needed to take that ibuprofen and put the heating pad back on. While Michael sliced off a few pieces from the loaf of pumpkin bread, you slipped off to the bathroom to take those painkillers.
“How are ya feelin’ pet?” Michael asked as you settled back on the couch.
“I’m grand,” you said. “Why do you ask?”
While his lips did give an amused twitch at your borrowing of his phrasing, his eyes flickered over to the heating pad and the blanket piled on the couch. “Ya were wincin’”
Of course he had noticed. Michael was nothing if not attentive.
You fidgeted. He had never exhibited any disgust for periods. Never made any crude jokes, reacted with calm practicality every time it had come up. Anna had been more embarrassed by her dad buying her tampons than he had been going to shop to buy them. But your period wasn’t something you enjoyed talking about. You really didn’t want to talk about it with Michael.
For some reason, he seemed to think you were beautiful. And you didn’t want anything to destroy that particular delusion of his.
On the other hand, you didn’t want to lie either. You and Mikey were trying to build something solid here. Something that would last. Honest communication was key to that goal. And . . . well, your periods weren’t going to stop anytime soon.
“It’s just my period,” you muttered, staring at your feet. Your socks didn’t match. One was a bright pink. The other was black. You hadn’t even noticed before now. Tears filled your eyes. Couldn’t even dress yourself properly. You really were a disaster.
His voice was closer than you expected. It startled you into looking up. Seeing your tears, the concerned frown deepened. “Can I sit with ya?”
You nodded. He sat down next to you, then turned so he was mostly facing you. He held his arms open in clear invitation. One you couldn’t resist. You slide into his arms, borrowing your face into his chest. The sweater might not have been the chest hair you had been craving earlier but you still had his strong arms around you. You had his cologne that smelled like a blend of whiskey, coffee, vanilla along with notes that you couldn’t describe as other than Mikey in your nose. Which was pretty damn good.
It got even better when one of those wonderfully warm hands began massaging your lower back while the other helped maneuver the rest of you into a more comfortable snuggling position. Michael was so warm. He was just as good as your heating pad. Better. Because your heating pad couldn’t murmur sweet nothings into your ear.
One of these days you were going to have to ask him what mo ghrá meant. Everyone had refused to tell you. Just smiled and told you to ask Michael.
You did eventually manage to drink your coffee and eat your slice of pumpkin bread, followed by more snuggles with Mikey. You felt your eyes getting heavy as the combination of comfort and warmth lulled you into sleep. The last thing you felt before you drifted off was lips pressing against your forehead with another soft mo ghrá.
mo ghrá is Irish for "my love".
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: prince alhaitham x knight male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: after spending some time with you, the prince finds himself wishing for things
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.65k ~ PT.1 ~ PT.2
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: sword training, classism, mention of war
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This is a horrible place, Alhaitham thinks, but instead he says: "This is, well..." and it's not that much of an improvement.
The Crown Prince has never been to the servants' quarters, nor the kitchen, nor the knights' quarters or the troops' training grounds. He has never seen the thorough use of space, and has not experienced the smell of two dozen worked men sleeping in the same room.
Your old pallet-based bed has already been claimed by another soldier, but you know the position well and the new tenant doesn't have many memorabilia to show for his use of the space.
It is lucky that you have visited in the middle of the day while the knights are training, otherwise the Prince would've been nothing but drowned in the crowd of soldiers and their odor; odor so musky it still lingers.
He is vaguely aware of the wing reserved for war generals in the palace and wonders why you do not have one. "Should you not have had your own room?"
"They told me it was all occupied." You reply, to hide from him the truth. You know, from your sparse time in the castle as a war general and your now abundant time as the Prince's knight, that the castle has so many rooms, many are left unused.
Although of course, as the Prince, he knows this too. "Speak freely."
You answer immediately, "I am of low blood."
The Prince nods his head. This, he had expected. Among the many variables he had not, such as the foul odor of the room, something he was correct about pleases him. But, despite the burn in his nose, the rarity of being wrong and what's to come still excites him.
"I used to make polishing oil for my own armor, as well as my sword, and my own whetstone." You said, your hand gesturing to the small shelf above the head of the pallet. "But now the servants, and I suppose the King or Queen, supply me with those."
"Did you read about how to make one?" The Prince asked. It was as much a theory as a question.
"No." Is all you say. You can't just tell him you've never read a book in its entirety before, being read to not withstanding. "I have simply found walnuts work well, actually."
His eyebrows raise, "With trial and error?"
"Precisely." You smile.
He has tried, ever since the first day he had sat down to listen to you speak, to not let his judge of your character to fall into the stereotypes deeply ingrained in him.
That stereotype being that knights were nothing but brawn and battle prowess. They were not taught the word misslieness, for it was hardly necessary, but were taught the word hubris in order to not fall into it themselves. The same stereotype dictates that knights did not seek to expand their wisdom to tidbits of knowledge they did not require, much like nobles did not need to know what commoners did.
Trial and error for measly armor polish one could buy from the market on even a low blood knight's salary was certainly one of those tidbits of knowledge he thought you wouldn't care for.
He shakes the feeling off and listens to the rest of your words, choosing to focus on your explanations of how life was...and the finer smell of your plain armor polish, as opposed to the other odor he could smell.
The very same odor you either ignore or have grown used to. "The other boys snore," You smile fondly, "it is nothing like the sound of swords striking metal in aspects of harmony, but it is just as loud. The palace has been...respite, but hearing my old mate Rohan snoring is something I miss."
"And the bed?" He asks.
Respectful of the new tenant's space, you place your hand on the thin mattress and press down with minimal force. It creaks. "No."
He nods his head, a smile on his lips, despite the misery of smell. "Yes, I imagine a bed in the palace is a lot better."
Glee crinkles the corners of your eyes when you smile at him, "It is."
Alhaitham is very happy to leave that dastardly room when you're done talking about how it used to be in there. You had talked so fondly about it: about how, even with the lack of space, you treated everyone in that room asa brother. The Prince had heard about it once before, from the less authoritarian, more cocky Knights of Favonius, that they were a brotherhood. He had hardly pictured it from the Sumeru knights who all behaved stiff as twigs around him.
The next stop is the troops' training grounds. On the way there, you explained some things to him. As a war general, you were also in charge of training your men. When your duty became to protect the Prince, the task was awarded to some of the lesser yet competent captains the other war generals often deferred to.
He's beginning to regret asking to follow your old routine, slightly, as one revolting place is replaced with another. He can hardly hear himself think when you step out into the field, beyond the sound of blades parrying other blades and men's shouts and groans.
As you maneuver through the crowd of sparring soldiers, they don't even realize that the Crown Prince is among their ranks.
They notice you first, the captains. "General!"
Their shouts of your name die out in the chaos blasting in his ears, but he stays his ground as he reaches the end of the worst of the men and watches as you continue forward to greet them.
You really are like brothers, bantering, fluffing up their hair and knocking on their speckled armor.
He knows war generals don't speak this way with their subordinates. He knows war generals don't even build bonds with them. He knows that, to them, it is all business: listen to me, plan this strategy with/for me, fight for me.
What is it that's–
"Your highness!" One captain shrieks, and suddenly swords clang and fall to the ground, either on their blunt side or tip first, digging up the Earth. Many men fall to their knees in an instant, more join them in the other.
There is a whole field of men kneeling to him, and Alhaitham turns up his nose with a snarl. "Stand." He says, his voice loud and stern. He cherished the silence leftover in the absence of metal, but he wishes even more for the attention to be off of him. "I thank you for your respect. Return to your duties."
The soldiers eventually stand, and after a reluctance quickly stepped over, they return to their training.
The three devoted generals remain on their knees as Alhaitham strides up to stand by your side, not in front.
"I said stand." Alhaitham repeats, his voice emotionless yet interpreted as angry by the generals.
The first that stands stiffens up like a thin tree in the wind, nervous. "Your highness," His head is bowed, "what do we–"
"Look at me when you speak, Captain."
The captain yelps. He yelps, unbecoming of a man of his stature, build, and rank. "Y-Yes." He says, his voice a pitch higher. When their eyes meet, he knows that the mere act of eye contact makes his pitch even higher when he speaks again, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence today, my prince?"
He dislikes the way he calls him his. "I only wish to observe. Carry on as usual. Do not work harder on my behalf."
Alhaitham begins to walk further towards the sidelines, somewhere he can spectate without obstacle as well as listen to his mind.
However, when you call out to him, he stops the both of you. "My prince–"
He does not stop you because you call him yours, but because he wishes for the company of his own solitude and a view of the soldiers as seen by a bystander. "Command them as you would have."
"Yes, your highness." You nod your head dutifully and turn back to your former men.
After the quick talk of "yes, I'm back" and ordering them to train their stances, standing in line and slicing the air almost mechanically, you're back to talking with your captains.
The slicing of the air is a lot more quiet than the clanging of swords, an acceptable replacement he will thank you for later, so now he can actually hear himself think; and also accidentally eavesdrop. The way he does not try to shift his focus away from your conversation waves off the "accidental" notion.
You don't notice him anyway; you are much more preoccupied with catching up with your captains. They are busier now, without a war general to guide them, and you have not seen them since you were appointed the Prince's protector.
"How is the life?" One captain asks you, a bright glint to his worn smile.
Boring, is what he expects you to say. "It's interesting."
"Just interesting?" Another gawks, jaw slack, and Alhaitham can't help but mirror the question in his head. "Tell us all about it! It cannot just be interesting."
"It is gilded, and gaudy. Do you recall General Ipsit's golden armor? It is like that, an unnecessary show of wealth; but all the luxury is actually welcome. The floors are carpeted when wood is just fine, and even the tiles have a design. I can see my reflection on them."
All three of them laugh, as if such an idea is absurd. The third captain, which seems to be quite young yet clearly strong, asks the next question, "Well, how's the food?"
"Like heaven." You chuckle, "The puddings are as fluffy as clouds and the breads crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. The meats are spiced; dried or smoked or grilled, all so divine it is like eating wealth."
He's never heard you speak in such a way.
"How about your quarters?"
You sigh, eyes closed as though collapsed over your mattress that very instant. "The head of the bed is colored with gold, and the sheets are even lilac." A diluted purple, but the color of royalty and wealth nonetheless. "The mattress is soft, and it molds to my very body."
And by this way, it was with descriptors for such worthless things. When you speak to him, you are always objective. This marble reminds me of magma, this green is very bright, its whistle is not as sharp. This is all in benefit, of course, to him, and it is always the way servants speak to their masters.
"Man. How come you get this treatment?" The youngest captain speaks up again, clearly jealous.
"Oh, dear Nayak," You laugh. It sounds so lively. "you are not the one who slayed a dragon."
And he has never heard you speak so jokingly before.
Perhaps he is not deserving of this, he thinks as you continue to joke with your fellows. He does not deserve to have your humor nor your emotion, only your solemnity. In fact, it is not that he does not deserve it, but that it is the only way you should address him—the only way a knight should address his prince, with objectivity. It is an irrational...fear? Thought–just a thought, nothing more–and it should not be occupying his mind, much the same way that you are treating him as you should.
And yet...there is a yearning. No one has talked to him like this, not his peers at the Akademiya, not the scholars, not his servants, not the knights, not his lesser brothers.
That is why he wishes for this...inessential way of speech. Because it is new.
That is what he's been prodding for these days, he realizes. Not just your friendship, but the unceremonious exchanges as well. He doesn't want you to report to him, he wants you to speak to him.
Nobody's ever spoken to him. There is his father scolding, his mother doting, the servants reporting, scholars exchanging, guards courteously greeting, peasants showing their respect, and you answering his questions.
How does one fix this?
Fix? What is he thinking? This is exactly the way you should be speaking to him. But, oh, he wishes for casualty. Yes, that's it. Companionship, from the man who saved his life, it is only natural.
Now, how to do it?
When the both of you are back at Alhaitham's personal library, where he spends his time of leisure, the Prince thinks he should collapse into a heap and hide himself. He had thought about the dilemma, and with increasing effort came increasing thoughts—overthinking. He takes you out for an outing, no, you'd be too guilty and grateful to be honest, same thing if he gave you a gift. Having friends, no, making a friend is hard.
And then the blistering heat of the midday sun ruptured his thoughts, and the clanging of swords took over his senses, and then the heat came to rupture that too.
He does collapse in a heap on the couch, albeit more gracefully than in the hypothetical scenario.
Perhaps still affected by the joy of nostalgia and seeing your old brotherhood again, you spark a conversation yourself, despite him not declaring open discussion. "What did you think?"
Alhaitham is glad he didn't have to declare it. "It was horrible." He admits, wiping his sweaty, warm forehead with his damp handkerchief. He grimaces.
You laugh; it sounds nice, better than swords, at least, "I too would think it a horrible place if I had an upbringing such as yours."
You mean it as sympathy, but it only makes the Prince feel privileged and lucky. "Yes...quite."
You sense it yourself, a moment later, of course you do. You're way better at intimately social matters and empathy than he is.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." You bow your head, already back to the Knight Protector of the Crown Prince.
"It's quite alright." He places his hand over yours, the joints of the iron glove dig slightly into his skin, but he doesn't care for it.
You turn your hand, letting his hand rest over your smoother palm. It feels like turning a new leaf, physically.
"So, it was horrible," you look down, and he tracks your gaze down to your hands, "and..what else was it?"
He wracks his head, thinks about it. Normally he doesn't have to think for such a thing, but he is considering something else now: your feelings. "...admirable."
You burst out laughing at his timidness, and if it were anyone else, he would be offended.
Alhaitham scrambles for something to say, "I mean it!" His face is red, he's sure, "I can't believe you can live under such conditions–without something as necessary as privacy–and fight for our lands and protect our people."
"The knighthood takes recruits before they even reach the cusp of manhood, my prince." You explain to him, and he is grateful for it, "We grow used to it."
"It is not a good thing to grow accustomed to." He says, his voice quiet, small. He is not the Crown Prince here, he is just Haitham.
You speak up again, to ease his worries, "We bear it for the people, as you do, and will." He is so grateful for you.
He grasps your fingers with his own, and has half the mind to intertwine them. He does not. "Thank you, (y/n)."
"There is nothing to thank me for."
There is a lot to thank you for. He doesn't mention it, because you would only shut him down. So he sings your praises, instead, in his mind; and he speaks his wishes there too.
His mind has never been quiet, but for a moment, there is only you.
ɴᴏᴛᴇ: im sorry folks i am a terribly busy man
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creedslove · 1 year
post-outbreak!Joel settled in Jackson with reader and Ellie and finally having time to workout his feelings for reader but still he has difficulty saying “I love you” even though he does and reader also knows he does so she doesn’t force him?👀
Post-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I'm not into post outbreak Joel very much but I loved this baby ❤️
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Ways Joel says 'I love you' instead of using words:
• that old broken heart of his has faced so much pain he would rather rip it off and pretend he has never cared about anyone or anything in his life
• it worked well for quite a while, but not when he found himself a family in your and Ellie, when he realized he was back into his brother's life and able to lead a seemingly normal life in the middle of the apocalypse
• so he does what he thinks he's best at: he keeps the people he cares about safe
• that means Ellie, Tommy and above all, you
• he's terrified of failing you at that, he knows he would never be able to go through that pain once more; so he makes sure you are always safe no matter where, no matter what
• sometimes it could be a little annoying to be honest; you didn't want to seem ungrateful or anything, that man acted like a guard dog, which was so comforting and reassuring when you were out in the world, but safely tucked in Jackson? Maybe, and just maybe, horses weren't as bad as Joel made them seem to be and you could easily handle them without him having to be with you
• but you appreciated his company nonetheless; you knew it was one way he found to show his feelings
• Joel was an act of service man, which means he would do anything for you, he just takes his old contractor skills and use them in order to help you with improvements around the house, fixing anything you may need or doing it around the neighborhood in exchange for something else he could gift you later
• that man can't cook, but he does make a mean sandwich and he always makes sure to prepare one for you, because he knows you're always hungry after work
• despite being so... Well... Joel, he tries his best to let you in; he actually talks to you, he just doesn't grunt or mumble yes or no like when he's around anyone else and that already says a lot about how he feels
• but what I mean is that, he lets you in as best as he can. Is he an open book? Definitely not and you already know there are things about him you'll never find out and that's alright, you don't pry into it and he appreciates it. But there are parts of his life he likes to talk about, no matter if he shares a memory of his daughter's first birthday party with you, or he just tells you which were his favorite places to eat at the mall before the outbreak
• he expresses his feelings towards you in physical ways too: no matter if a part of him still has a fight or flight response to physical touch and he still gets tense when you place your hand on him unannounced only to remind himself that you are just showing your love through that touch
• there's the sex in which he not only takes his pleasure but he also pleasures you; it doesn't matter if he is being soft or rough, if it's playful or urgent, if it's a full session or a quickie in the stables, he loves to make you cum. His tongue, his fingers, his cock, his thighs, anything that does the job he is glad as long as you are enjoying as well
• he isn't a cuddling type of man; first the heartbreak with Sarah's mom and then the whole outbreak and what mankind became contributed to that; Joel simply isolated himself from human touch, telling himself he didn't care about it and it wasn't necessary
• but he only realized how much he'd really missed it when you offered it to him; and he tried fighting it off, thinking of it as weakness, but he had a low resistance to your touch, that was for sure
• hugging, holding, stroking, massaging, kissing, rubbing, snuggling were things Joel only tried with you, after being sure he would spend the rest of his days in complete loneliness
• and you never made of fun him or pointed out the fact that he once avoided it all that and now he craved it, he loved it and he initiated it too because it showed how much he needed you as well
• so he still had a problem saying all those three words, but he could only sleep if he had you all over him
• he just loved rubbing your back up and down, feeling the softness of your skin under his rough, calloused and bruised hands
• and he isn't afraid of placing your hand on his head, showing he would like some hair playing just like a puppy would ask for pets and you just melt at how relaxed he gets when you run your fingers through his hair
• it's just Joel letting his guard down around you
• he isn't great at PDA, but he will hold hands with you, or he will have his arm wrapped around your waist and he will pull you to dance with him at a party, he prefers dancing with you to some old record in his living room, but he isn't missing the opportunity of showing everyone else how much he loves you, even if he doesn't say it
• he plays you love songs in his guitar, singing along with the lyrics even if it makes him a little shy, but he does it because it makes your eyes light up and your cheeks turn pink
• he still has a hard time saying those words, he knows he needs to improve that, but at the same time, he knows that you know and while you aren't afraid to voice how much you love him, he isn't afraid of showing it
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