#Insufficient Ice Problem
From restaurants and hotels to healthcare facilities and offices, ice machines are indispensable, serving the crucial purpose of providing a steady supply of ice for various needs. However, like any mechanical system, ice machines can encounter issues that may disrupt their functionality.
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astropookie · 1 year
astro FACTS ‼️
(it was “astro thoughts” but I wanted to change)
it turned into a persona chart observations💋
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Moon in your IC persona chart tells your childhood summary.
pls this is too accurate 😭. my moon is square mercury, this aspects tells me directly I have problems with my memory, that I don’t remember my childhood or I don’t have clarity about it. also that I could often lie to get on my way, too accurate. moon 9H tells me I was really imaginative, divagating about topics and questioning or being curious about how things worked. I was always in my world questioning why this and that and bringing in my head “what if?” scenarios. moon in cancer tells me I was more comfortable and secure in my house, specially with my mom. female roles could have been significant, this evidence also this person felt incredibly connected with their mom, it could turned into an unhealthy habit. I felt what my mom felt, I had the need of taking care of her instead and I did. sadly, people with moon in cancer in IC pc possibly had to be the mom to their mom and now they have a savior complex :( I’m so sorry if that happened to you. it’s reflected in every relationship, you need to heal your inner child in order to break that pattern. in my case, I’m trying and that’s recognizable.
Sag on 3H on Lilith pc be saying the most traumatic shit they have experienced and then laughing like’s not a big deal.
Moon opposition Venus on natal chart fcking needs or searchs for love in a profound manner.
they’re emos that write melancholic poetry and don’t like partying and stuff -not saying they have never been-, they prefer to be selective with their partners and don’t give second chances and if they do it’s because of “vibes” 🕺 they need love but it’s really hard to find someone like them that will sacrifice for others as they’ll do with them.
People with 6 house stellium/virgo placements feel more comfortable with animals than to be with people.
they spended more time with animals than with people on their childhood. they love animals, they’re not complex and irritating as people 🙄 later they could have regrets about their relationship with animals before realizing how important they’re. like megumi from jjk -appeared in my mind-.
Saturn 1H moon persona chart feels restricted to be theirselves.
it’s so frustrating, since childhood these people have had a fear of rejection. they have had even controlled the way they breath to not bother others. they hated themselves for being themselves and they’ve suffered so much bc of the critics. they’ve tried so hard to be someone they’re not, they’ve tried to controlled it and they couldn’t. they’ve suffered in silence about their identity and how insufficient they’ve felt. Saturn in moon pc evidences what difficulties exists in their emotional life and where they need to grow and mature. later, they’ll be proud about themselves and how far they’ve become.
Jupiter on scorpio 12 house on Venus pc run away from themselves.
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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green-eyedfirework · 5 months
Dick can tell that the alpha is angry from the moment he spots him. To be fair, no father would be calm right now, but angry seems like an insufficient word for Slade's current mood.
When the alpha growls, the entire clearing bows their heads.
The men chasing Dick and Rose are already dead, ripped apart by a furious wolf pack, and Dick is numb, wondering if he's next.
He was supposed to keep Rose safe. He was supposed to teach her and protect her. And he failed.
Rose is slumped unconscious in Dick's arms. She isn't seriously hurt, just bruises and scrapes and magical exhaustion, but Dick can practically feel the murder exuding off of Slade as he stalks closer.
"She's okay," Dick tries to reassure, voice hoarse.  "Just tired."
Slade's gaze snaps to him, and Dick abruptly regrets getting the alpha's attention.
The sound Slade makes is a cross between a snarl and a roar, and it's enough to start the trembling. Slade closes the distance, lips pulled back, teeth gleaming, and Dick stays on his knees, frozen to the spot. The sound of his heartbeat is the loudest thing in the clearing.
Dick's whole face is prickling. "I'm sorry," he forces out, because he failed, and then he shuts his eyes. He can't watch his death.
The bite is sudden and deep and agonizing as sharp teeth sink into the junction of neck and shoulder.
Dick cries out, or thinks he cries out, the pain a sharp counterpoint to the way he's getting dizzy. His arms are losing strength and he makes a muffled sound when he feels Rose slipping, but hands skim across his, picking her up easily.
His eyes are open again, but that doesn't make a difference, not when the world is growing ever more blurry between each gasping breath.
Slade disengages, and this time, Dick screams.
It feels like a thousand fire ants chewing on his collarbone, like someone carved him up with a superheated blade, and if this is how bad it hurts, Dick doesn't want to know how bad it looks. The world tilts around him the moment Slade lets go, and Dick finds himself sprawled in the dirt, sobbing so loud he can't hear anything else.
Something wet and cold touches his face, wandering across his skin. Please, Dick tries to say, please make it quick. If the alpha decides to play with his food, well.
The darkness is approaching swiftly, Dick's own injuries catching up with him, and Dick swears he can feel the rough, sandpaper edge of a tongue before it washes over him.
Dick wakes up feeling warm, which is pleasing enough to almost ignore the other throbbing aches that demand attention.  His shoulder is pulsating with soft waves of pain and he very carefully turns his head to avoid aggravating the injury.
He remembers—the fight, Rose passing out in his arms, his own magic drained, the wolves appearing, Slade.
The bite.
Dick swallows.  Slade was snappish the entire time Dick was teaching Rose how to use her magic, he doubts that this episode endeared him to the alpha.  The only niggling problem is that Dick feels far too cozy right now.
He cracks open an eye.  Fur.  Dim light.  Silver hair.  He blinks, looking down in surprise at the curled-up wolf pup sprawled across his chest, breaths softly whistling through the air.
He honestly thought he'd never see Rose again.
There's another pup tucked under his left arm, light-colored and drooling on his shirt, and a bigger, dark-furred adolescent wolf with his back to Dick, and on Dick's other side is—
A cold, ice-blue eye meets his gaze.  The alpha doesn't look any less angry, any less murderous in human form.  Dick is stuck to the spot, trapped by more than a sleeping wolf pup and heavy furs, as the alpha leans over him.
"Sleep," Slade says, in a voice that makes it sound remarkably like a threat.
Dick shuts his eyes, and sleep follows quickly.
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It's been a long week and an even longer day, so here I am subjecting you all to some of my more wild theories.
Theory: If Tech had actually been dead in season 3, he would have, against all odds, found a way to become a Force ghost because the solutions to his family's problems are so obvious and his siblings are appallingly helpless without him.
Tech [in Force Heaven, talking to Qui Gon]: "They won't pay attention if I try to just talk to them. I have to appear to them."
Qui Gon: "Uhhh... Pretty sure only Jedi can reappear to the living, especially in something resembling a corporeal form."
Tech [looking up a few things]: "Operating outside the norm is my squad's entire thing. Besides, since you are the first being in known history to accomplish this feat, there is insufficient data to assert as fact the limits such as those you propose."
Qui Gon: "...No seriously, how did you manage to bring a datapad with you to the afterlife??"
Tech [ignoring that question]: "All living beings have a connection to the Force, though the strength of the connection may vary from one individual to another."
Qui Gon: "Are you reading from the 'Jedi Basics' handbook... Wait, how do you have wifi???"
Tech: "And Jedi philosophy states that life doesn't end at death, but rather changes form in the Force. A philosophy that has been proven true given that we are currently talking to each other."
Qui Gon: "Yes, but..."
Tech: "So it follows there is at least a 2% chance I will be successful in this endeavor."
Qui Gon: ...
Tech [shaking his head as he watches Hunter and Crosshair square up to punch each other only to then start running from an ice worm]: "LOOK AT THEM."
Qui Gon: (sigh) "Fine. Obi Wan still isn't ready to listen to me anyway. Might as well practice teaching this technique to you."
So, by the time Crosshair says his fateful "I'm doing this alone, it's what I deserve," Tech is ready to appear and talk some sense into his beloved but idiotically stubborn brother.
Conclusion: Since Tech didn't appear as an apparition in the finale, Tech obviously wasn't dead in season 3 😉😁😂
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arizonanighthawks · 2 months
Two years into his tenure as Head Coach, three questions Walter Bowen will have to answer this season
Jasmine Downey, staff writer
Question number 1: Will the Nighthawks finally make the playoffs after a six-year drought?
I know, I know, we’re starting off strong, but it’s the question everyone wants answered. Six years ago in 2018, the Nighthawks were ousted from the Stanley Cup playoffs by the Colorado Avalanche, and then-GM Howard Gagnon cleaned house, trading most of his star players across the league, trading down for picks in the draft, and firing beloved head coach Erik Demers, who then went on to win the Stanley Cup with two different teams in the years since. After the disastrous following year, a spate of injuries and awful coaching from replacement coach Alexander Stuart, the Nighthawks landed in a squarely mediocre position in the standings, and only got worse from there.
Recently, with new GM Isaiah Chambers, head coach Walter Bowen, who has not done anything to warrant firing (yet) and the peaceful transference of power to owner Arthur Lindsay, the Nighthawks have been getting slightly better, both on the ice and in the front office. They picked Anatoly Zikov 2nd overall in the 2021 draft, and while waiting for his KHL contract to end, have been slowly piecing together a team that looks vaguely like the beginnings of a playoff-caliber club.
However, now that we know Zikov is on his way over, what do we need Bowen to do this season?
First of all, the Nighthawks deserve to make the playoffs this season. Michael Houck and Lee Bartlett aren’t getting any younger. Bartlett hasn’t had the opportunity to play in many playoff games, after his late-season injury kept him out of the 2017 playoffs, and the 2018 series against LA and then Colorado were pretty short-lived, and Houck has played [checks NHL.com] zero total playoff games. Plus, Zikov is a potential generational talent and a near lock for the Hall of Fame, so why not get him some playoff games right off the bat? Some of the kids on this team — and there are a lot of kids on this team — should also get some experience playing games that actually have consequences. If Bowen wants to keep this job, the Nighthawks need the playoffs.
2. Special teams
The Nighthawks’ penalty kill last year… well, we all saw it. It had holes bigger than the ones in the ozone layer and problems you could see from space, and the only reason it wasn’t dead last was because of Simon Dahlvig. Assistant coach Chelsea Sheppard has taken over the special teams position for now, but if there aren’t any major improvements, Bowen might need to take drastic measures.
It wasn’t as though the power play was much better; at 26th in the league, it was an insufficient group. Things are looking up with the acquisition of Michael Yeung in the offseason, who was a force on the Rangers' power play, and it’s clear that the Nighthawks are hoping for some of that magic to translate to the ice in Arizona. But Bowen has a lot of work to do with the kids; Yeung alone certainly can't fix that.
3. Nic Proulx
There’s no limit to the amount of sympathy we can extend Proulx, but we also want to see the Nighthawks play well. With limp numbers for the past two years and zero chemistry with every line Bowen tried him on, he’s been something of a stick in the mud for the Nighthawks these past two years. An upcoming RFA, if he wants to stay in Arizona with the team that drafted him, he is desperately going to need a huge change in his play. 
Will it be Zikov? Will they put him on Ezra Page’s wing for the millionth time, hoping something will finally work? Will Lee Bartlett’s incessant fathering finally produce a happy, well-rounded hockey player? We’ve seen flashes, brief, brief flashes of brilliance from Proulx, bare moments of the athlete we know we can be and that we saw in his career in the Q, as captain of the Voltigeurs. We want that all the time. If Bowen can do something to bring that out, we might have on our hands the longest-tenured coach in the NHL today.
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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With the V-22 grounded, the Navy's venerable C-2 are coming back into action
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/23/2023 - 21:52in Military
Currently, there is only one tiltrotor Bell V-22 Osprey unit operating in the U.S. military. As a result, the U.S. Pacific Fleet again used the C-2A Greyhound to transport to and from aircraft carriers.
After the fall in late November of a U.S. Air Force Special Operations CV-22B near Yakushima Island, Japan, in which eight aviators died, all the Ospreys of the Navy, the Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force were landed on December 6.
Only the Navy Middle Tiltrotor Squadron VMM-162 (part of the 26ª Navy Expeditionary Unit) flying MV-22B received special permission to conduct limited operations because it has detachments on ships currently deployed, including the USS Bataan (LHD-5) and the USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) in the Red Sea and USS Green Table (LPD-19) in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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All the other Ospreys are grounded. This left some U.S. Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers without their on-board delivery aircraft (COD). Most Fleet aircraft carriers based on the West Coast began using the Osprey CMV-22B variant as CODs starting with the first deployment of the tiltrotors on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in 2021.
The CMV-22B took over the COD mission both to replace the old C-2As and to serve the Navy's F-35C. Osprey can load the Pratt & Whitney F-135 engine of the Join Strike Fighter and land with it on the aircraft carrier. Greyhound is not big enough to do that.
As a result, the C-2s that served most of the West Coast aircraft carriers in previous decades were transferred to the Norfolk Naval Station, Virginia, on the East Coast, to support the Atlantic Fleet aircraft carriers whose Air Wings do not yet have F-35C squadrons.
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Currently, Vinson, USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) use Osprey. On Tuesday, Vinson was operating in the Philippine Sea area, while Roosevelt and Lincoln are currently at their home port in San Diego.
The Japan-based USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is currently in the port of Yokosuka, but is still deployed with C-2 based on land at the Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station in Japan. Their status in port allowed the C-2 of the VRC-30 squadron based in Iwakuni to be deployed to Vinson.
First placed on the field in the mid-1960s, the C-2 overcame the first problems to become a true Navy flagship. The same cannot be said of the CMV-22B yet. The grounding that began earlier this month is the second of the U.S. Navy's Osprey fleet this year.
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All three Forces flying on Osprey paralyzed part of their V-22 fleets in February due to an ongoing problem with the hard transmission of the tiltrotor. This grounding occurred after USAF interrupted its fleet operations in August 2022 due to the same hard transmission problem.
In 2022, the Pentagon's director of operational testing and evaluation (DOT&E) issued an evaluation stating that the CMV-22B only partially met its reliability requirements. He concluded that Osprey could not meet its operational readiness requirements and had an insufficient ice protection system.
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Thanks to its non-pressurized cabin, the CMV-22B cannot fly far above 10,000 feet with passengers (or practically with its crew), which means that it will probably have to fly through weather conditions in which it cannot fly easily. This has made the problem of the insufficient ice protection system more acute and the altitude limitation affects the operations and operational range of Osprey in any climate.
Meanwhile, C-2 veterans now crossing the deck to the Vinson can fly at altitudes of up to 28,700 feet and carry 10,000 pounds of cargo in a range of 1,300 nautical miles, surpassing the 6,000 pounds of cargo of the Osprey in a range of 1,150 nautical miles. The age of the C-2 also makes its maintenance difficult, but it remains a less complex aircraft than the CMV-22B.
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The Navy welcomed the Osprey as a COD that can take off and land vertically from the aircraft carrier and other ships, unlike the C-2, only transported by aircraft carriers, but in practice the tiltrotor V-22 operates from a few other Navy ships besides those of amphibious assault, dock landing and transport dock ships. It is not clear whether the CMV-22B operated with these types.
Thus, in the absence of flying Ospreys, the former Navy C-2s (who are on average 34 years old) are compensating for their CMV-22 until the tiltrotors are allowed to fly again.
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When returning to the deck of the Carl Vinson for the first time since 2021, the ship's crew will be able to reflect on the fact that the old CODs that now bring their correspondence, high-priority supplies and passengers cost approximately $38.96 million each, a third of the price of the landed CMV-22B ($104.9 million per aircraft).
Until the Ospreys receive the green light again, they will have to continue helping.
Source: Forbes
Tags: Military AviationCMV-22B OspreyGrumman C-2 Greyhoundaircraft carrierUSN - United States Navy/U.S. Navy
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 month
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Review: The House of Discarded Dreams
by Anil Menon
In Ekaterina Sedia’s novel, there is a striking passage where the heroine Vimbai invokes the Rafflesia, an endoparasitic plant with flowers that “looked like slabs of meat and stank of rotting flesh.” Inextricably entwined around the host plant’s life support systems, the parasite is completely embedded inside the host and visible to the outside world only in the form of its grotesque flowers. The House of Discarded Dreams splits our veins to show us the oneiric parasites that suck us dry, prospering as we wither, flowering in our ruin.
We give these dream parasites various names. For Vimbai, a second-generation American whose immigrant parents came from Zimbabwe, the dreams take the shape of guilt. Guilt at not being American enough and guilt at being too American. Like many children of the Diasporas—Asian, African, Hispanic, and European— she’s caught in-between, an African soul trapped in a new world body. Her mother, an Africana scholar, is harsh, loving, driven, irascible and hyper-sensitive to history. Her father is weak and ineffectual. Unable to take the daily blowouts any more, Vimbai moves out into a rental. Her two roomates are decidely odd. Felix, for example, has a black hole that doubles as hair (perhaps a play on Cosmology’s no-hair theorem for black holes). Her other roomate Maya has her familiars, critters that are a cross between foxes and squirrels. The house begins to float away. A Psychic Energy Baby downloads itself from the telephone wires.
Though the exuberant fantasizing is fun, it sometimes leaves the novel with insufficient constraints. It’s a problem intrinsic to the fantasy genre. If fantasy adheres to rules and regulations, then it’s just an alternate Earth with an alternate physics, chemistry and biology. But remove the rules and regulations,and there’s always the risk of adhockery. It’s a tough tightrope to walk, and Sedia’s novel occasionally teeters. For example, there’s a scene where Vimbai is being drowned in a lake by the catfish (Chapter14). Along comes the Psychic Baby who saves her by sucking the lake dry. It isn’t that this sort of thing is unusual in fantastic literature. Indeed, there’s a Hindu myth involving the sage Agasthya that’s quite similar. Nor does it have to do with the specific solution: the story’s context makes it clear why the solution requires the Psychic Baby to drink the water and not, say, make ice from it. The problem really has to do with the long sequence of such events. Myths and fairy tales are short. But at novel length, the techniques of symbolic fantasy can be wearisome.
To be fair, Sedia is very careful with her images. The basic set of events is quite sparse and mostly play with water, light, drinking, drowning, body traumas and the insides/outsides of things. And she never wavers from her central question: what does one do if one’s dreams are not one’s own, but parasitic dreams, life-sucking dreams embedded by one’s heritage, parents, and the Other. In Vimbai’s case, these parasitic dreams are primarily due to her mother and to a lesser extent from the American society around her.
Vimbai’s mother is a fascinating character. In the grand narrative of the Hardworking Immigrant Citizen, there are two things of special interest. As the scholar Bonnie Honig pointed out, the immigrant is the only citizen to “explicitly consent to the regime.” Regular citizens may have the luxuries of resistance and dissent. The Immigrant, however, cannot complain about the status quo because they came voluntarily. The second (related) point of interest is that the Immigrant’s dream is assumed to correspond with the State’s interests. But in Sedia’s novel, Vimbai’s mother is an immigrant who neither consents to the regime nor embraces the standard immigrant dream. She’s inconvenient, exasperating and not very grateful. She is also fully three-dimensional. For me, Vimbai’s mother made the story. Iwould have liked to have seen a lot more of this fascinating woman. Perhaps this book should have been her story and not Vimbai’s.
Perhaps it is. When we follow Vimbai in her attempts to free herself, to make sense of her existence in what shouldn’t be– for her– the New World, what we are also following is a mother who seeks rest. In this journey, Vimbai is assisted and harassed by a variety of frenemies—an old grandmother, totem animals, ghosts of universes past, and the presence of good and evil everywhere. But most of all, it’s her mother who guides her to the resolution.
The writing is occasionally a little rough, especially at the beginning, where there’s a marked lack of precision and cohesiveness. The first chapter could have used a more careful editorial scan. For example, this sentence with its unclear pronouns:
“She wished she would pay as half as much mind to Vimbai’s problems and worries as she did to the white men trying to hijack her department.” (p. 9)
But these problems mostly disappear in the later chapters, and the narration is more cohesive and to the point.
Perhaps the point is a moral one. I disagreed with Sedia’s thesis—or rather, the implied author’s thesis– that the “good” includes a non-judgmental respect for the past and its beliefs. In the novel, things get their aura from their connection with the past, from their humility and from knowing their place.The new, the modern, the forgetful and the aggressive are the problem, not the solution. Thus Vimbai’s beloved animal is the tortoise because it does not “chase after things” and is “satisfied with what it has”and is “never aggressive and yet gets its way.” (p. 292) This immediately disqualified the tortoise as my favorite animal, but then again, an author is not obliged to respect the reader’s preferences.
We could imagine a different Vimbai. A Vimbai who takes a bulldozer to that termite-ridden ancestral house. One who couldn’t care less about colonization, old myths or her parents’ inexhaustible regrets. One whose beloved animal is herself. A Vimbai who might one day lead a nation much like herself: noisy, brilliant, future-oriented, pulsing with the blood of immigrants. On the other hand, this is no longer a fantasy.
The House of Discarded Dreams is a courageous novel. It avoids easy cliches, it’s driven by powerful conflicts and its solutions are not necessarily pleasing. It’s condescending to give the novel extra credit because Ekaterina Sedia, an author of Russian origins living in the US, chose the African disapora as her setting. But I’m very glad she did.
Review: The House of Discarded Dreams
by Anil Menon
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yuugen-benni · 2 years
Flags with a s/o which is like Nagisa Shiota
Features: calm, collected, and friendly individual, exceptionally observant and circumspect, reserved and shy, emphathetic and insecure.
your shyness wasn't a problem for him so you guys hit it off - this boy is very sociable-
He loves your calm state but more likes to try to embarrass you even if he rarely succeeds.
Albatross will help you relax and have more fun, not letting you fill your head with insecurities.
In the end it's all a balance:
He is like the sun, warm, energetic, and you are like the moon, calm, gentle and reserved.
And so you influence each other by being a perfect fit.
Ice Man:
It feels cozy to find someone who looks a little like him: introverted and controlled.
You two being reserved, for him it's very special because behind everyone's eyes there's a secret corner just for you two.
Your caution and recurrent observation is something Ice Man understands even as he is a Mafia member, but will always reassure you that he is safe.
About his insecurities this man is a bit clumsy to say the least so whenever he sees you thinking too much just one kiss and you'll forget what was bothering you trust me
Piano Man:
First intriguing. Someone so distrustful and shy? Interesting...
He admires your observant look and likes to question you about it, teasing you "What do you want to find out so much, huh?"
About insecurity, this man is the best at bringing you back down to earth as a leader he always needs to support his team and gets a smile out of you quickly.
likes to try to make you blush, he just loves it
see your cheeks turn red.
Lipp Man:
Almost the same. Very similar.
Lipp Man is actually more extroverted than you, but he would always respect your reserved side.
Your ability to always be calm and friendely and not a bomb about to explode like Chuuya is something he admires.
Compliments all around seriously and it always lifts your morale.
You two have a very strong communication habit
Always talking about ideas, noticeable things, happenings, for hours and hours without getting tired.
Doc knows that sometimes you feel insufficient and tries not to bring it up because he wouldn't know what to say, he hates to see you sad :/
You are like an angel to him
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yazzydream · 1 year
JJK Playlists: Toji | Gojo
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Sounds Like A You Problem (Fushiguro Toji playlist)
Time to share my playlist for this trash man. Some manga spoilers.
-> [Spotify Link]
1. UH OH! (feat. BENEE) - Sub Urban
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh You've made a mistake
2. Wish You the Worst - Ryan Mack
Fuck the Zen'in Clan amirite?
Wish you the worst I think you owe me an apology, yeah Ever since I was a little kid, been giving me shit Always calling me a wannabe Saying I'm a loser, I don't have to prove myself to you
3. The Bidding - Tally Hall
Gege Akutami mentioned this in his comments somewhere, the fanbook maybe? but Toji is canonically a sugarbaby who mooches off women. lol
I graduated at the top I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie So if you have a fantasy of being a queen Maybe you should blow a couple bucks on me
4. Toxic - Britney Spears
Seems the type.
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride You're toxic, I'm slippin' under With a taste of a poison paradise I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic?
5. bad guy - Billie Eilish
So you're a tough guy Like it really rough guy Just can't get enough guy Chest always so puffed guy I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy Duh
6. Daisy 2.0 (feat. Hatsune Miku) - Ashnikko
Fuck a princess, I'm a king Bow down and kiss on my ring It's gonna hurt, it'll sting Spittin' your blood in the sink I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back Daisies on your nightstand, never forget it I blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
7. queen of broken hearts - blackbear
I'm the queen of broken hearts Break you in a thousand parts Used to be a shooting star When did I become so dark? Yeah, you need to chill, girl, don't play me I'm too far gone, you can't save me And I don't care, fucking hate me I popped a pill and I'm faded
8. Dead or Alive (feat. Madalen Duke) - Stileto
My playlist seems to be made up primarily of songs about Toji being a no-good womanizer and flipping off the Zen'in, huh? Anyway, fuck the Zen'in.
So now I'm asking you for one last favor You've got an enemy inside your blood Could you just take this little parting favor? It's just a little present from my love
9. Brittle Bones Nicky - Rare Americans
Shocking how well these two musical-inclined songs fit Toji. I'm linking the official music video, but the uncensored version is out there. About this guy who just grows up to become a criminal.
You're not gonna push me around (no!) You can't get me down, down, down (down!) Bounce ahead a couple years, king of my peers
10. Brittle Bones Nicky 2 - Rare Americans
Part 2, that guy finds himself in hell but returns to the living.
Thought my story was over, book closed? Think again, we're nowhere close My eyes are open, cheers, we toast I'ma mother fucking ghost (He's a ghost!)
I gotta get outta this hell Would you sell your soul to save yourself? I'm not gonna get pushed around I'm not going down, down, down! (down!) I'm not going down!
Brittle Bones Nicky He was crafty and tricky Yeah, that son of a bitch was gold! Yeah, that son of a bitch was gold! So, here I am, not quite a man But I always got a game plan I'll ruffle feathers, fuck with folks But you know me, I'm a good bloke
11. Freak - Doja Cat
From Toji POV. Ignore the pronouns as usual. Just know that Toji's a freak.
Freak like me You want a good girl that does bad things (to you) You never been with no one as nasty (as me) Spice up your life, come get a freak Freak like me
12. 12345SEX - UPSAHL
Some call it insane, say, "Baby, you're so vain" But I'm living on overdrive all the time And I like the way you taste, some liquor and a chaser Flavor of forever just for the night
13. Thriving - UPSAHL
Damn if this doesn't describe Toji's life choices.
I just checked my bank account Insufficient funds What the fuck is that all about? I'm barefoot stumbling down the street The hottest mess that you'll ever meet I'm thriving, damn this (la-la-la-la, life is a bitch) Thriving, 'cause I (da-da-da-da-don't give a shit)
14. Notorious - UPSAHL
(Reversed: Opinion, I shove all your) I shove all your opinions to the side I do whatever the fuck I like I'll be in to win it 'til I die
Mamaguro was the only woman Toji seems to have loved. Anyone else? Meh.
That's why I don't fuck with feelings anymore Every time they get deep, I just get bored So I'm breaking boys in pieces for the sport Just to lose my mind, I'll just say bye I don't fuck with feelings anymore When I say I want less, they just want more And it feels like I've just felt it all before So I don't fuck with feelings anymore
16. Dick (ft. Doja Cat) - DickStarBoi3
R.I.P. that pussy, ayy
17. Fuck Boy (feat. Kandle) - Apashe
Fuck boy: I didn't know you were crazy To the boarder come chase me I'm gonna break free Oh take off that disguise Show me somethin' real When I look into your eyes
18, The New Knife Game Song - Rusty Cage
A little intermission. Toji was definitely the type to do the knife game for some easy cash when he was younger. Probably even now.
19. Killer - Eminem
Yeah, it's crazy, I'm a (Killer) Made all this money from doin' this (D.A. got that dope) Now count it, five, ten, yeah, fifteen, twenty Twenty-five, thirty, yeah, get the money Throw it in the furnace, yeah, this shit be funny Earn it just to burn it, swag drippin' from me
20. Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar
Yes, the end credits song from Steven Universe. Can't help but think of how Toji felt about Mamaguro.
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love Like you I always thought I might be bad Now I’m sure that it's true ‘Cause I think you’re so good And I’m nothing like you
21. I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
Toji really, really, isn't a good guy.
I can't decide Whether you should live or die Oh, you'll probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry No wonder why My heart feels dead inside It's cold and hard and petrified Lock the doors and close the blinds We're going for a ride
22. Insane - Baasik, Black Gryph0n
Another sinner in Hell.
It's my pleasure to introduce to you hell's latest arrival The equal-opportunity killer, Alastor! Hello, it's nice to meet you Oh, can you tell me where I am? I don't know how I got here But I, I think I'm starting to understand I don't belong among the angels And baby, that's just fine with me The things I did up there were high school But now I'm going for my degree Hey Sorry, but you just got in my way I promise honey, I can feel your pain And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit Does that make me insane? Haven't been the same since I expired Doesn't mean that I plan to retire And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire
23. Trouble - Valerie Broussard
Applicable to a number of JJK boys honestly. But the gambling line specifically made me think Toji.
Dangerously havin' the time of our lives These boys are just poisonous thorns in our sides Startin' fires wherever we go Watching 'em gamble everything they own
Trouble coming in the dead of night Trouble making everythin' alright It's in your blood It's in your bones You cannot sleep for [x2]
24. Outrunning Karma - Alec Benjamin
Outrunning karma, that boy He's such a charmer, all the Bugs and their larva, follow Him out to Colorado Ten dozen hearts in a bag Their bodies lying, he'll drag Them down to Colorado A modern desperado
25. You Problem - Cloudy June & emlyn
That one part of the song that kept repeating in my head that the title of this playlist is from. It's just a very Toji thing to say.
That sounds like a you problem
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Seasonal Painting Tips from Aurora's Many Trusted Painters
When it comes to giving your home a fresh appearance, absolutely nothing defeats a great coat of paint. As the periods adjustment, so do the demands of your home. Whether you're getting ready for the wintertime cool or inviting the warmth of summertime, seasonal paint is important in keeping your residential or commercial property's aesthetic and architectural stability. Aurora's a lot of relied on painters have Harmony Exterior Painting Aurora collected their expertise to give you with necessary suggestions that can lead you via this process effortlessly. In this article, we'll explore different seasonal paint suggestions customized for the special problems of Aurora, ensuring your home stays stunning and shielded all year round.
Seasonal Painting Tips from Aurora's A lot of Trusted Painters
Painting isn't practically looks; it's additionally about shielding your home against nature's aspects. Recognizing how various weather conditions affect paint application and resilience is essential for any home owner. Allow's dig deeper right into these considerations.
Why Seasonal Paint Issues in Aurora?
Winter in Aurora can be ruthless, with snow and ice destructive unguarded surfaces. Summertime brings warmth that can cause paint to sore and discolor if insufficient procedures are taken. For that reason, seasonal paint is greater than a cosmetic upgrade; it's a requirement for protecting your investment.
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Winter Readiness: Choosing the Right Paint
Choosing paint ideal for cold weather is important when winter season approaches.
Consider Temperature level Ratings: Look for paints created to stand up to reduced temperatures. Opt for Oil-Based Paints: These are typically more long lasting during chillier months compared to latex paints. Use Primer: A top quality primer aids develop a solid bond between the surface and the paint, specifically useful in cool temperatures. Essential Devices for Winter season Painting
Before diving right into painting during winter months, guarantee you have these devices:
Quality Brushes and Rollers: They need to appropriate for thicker paints. Heater: If you are working inside your home, keep an adequate temperature. Drop Cloths: Secure your floorings from possible spills. Spring Refresh: When to Begin Painting?
Spring deals light temperatures best for painting tasks. But when specifically ought to you begin?
Temperature Check: Wait until nighttime temperatures continue to be above 50 ° F(10 ° C). Rainy Days: Prevent starting on days with feasible rainfall; dampness can wreck newly repainted surfaces. Choosing Your Springtime Color Palette
The blooming blossoms motivate lively colors during spring:
Soft pastels like mint environment-friendly or lavender Bright tones such as sunny yellow Earthy tones like beige or sage eco-friendly
Each shade contributes in boosting natural light and adding freshness to your space.
Preparing Surfaces Before Springtime Painting
Surface prep work is important befo
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airslinger1 · 18 days
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Does My Pinellas County Heat Pump Need a Heating Repair?
A heat pump is a versatile system that provides both heating and cooling, making it essential for maintaining comfort year-round. If you suspect that your heat pump might need a repair, it's important to recognize the signs early to avoid more significant issues. Here are some common indicators that your heat pump may require heating repair:
*1. Insufficient Heating
Description: If your heat pump is struggling to provide adequate warmth, it might need attention.
Uneven Heating: Some rooms are warmer or cooler than others.
Weak or Insufficient Warm Air: The air coming from the vents feels lukewarm or cool.
Possible Causes:
Dirty Air Filters: Clogged filters can restrict airflow and reduce heating efficiency.
Refrigerant Issues: Low refrigerant levels or leaks can impact heating performance.
Faulty Thermostat: An inaccurate thermostat may not properly regulate temperature.
When to Call: If cleaning or replacing filters doesn’t resolve the issue, or if you suspect refrigerant problems or a faulty thermostat, contact a professional.
*2. Frequent Cycling
Description: Frequent or rapid on-and-off cycling can indicate a problem with your heat pump.
Short Cycling: The heat pump turns on and off in short intervals without completing a full heating cycle.
Frequent Cycling: The unit cycles on and off more often than usual.
Possible Causes:
Oversized Unit: A heat pump that is too large for your space may cycle frequently.
Thermostat Issues: Incorrect settings or a malfunctioning thermostat can cause short-cycling.
Electrical Problems: Issues with electrical components or controls can lead to irregular cycling.
When to Call: If frequent cycling persists after adjusting the thermostat or checking for electrical issues, a professional evaluation is needed.
*3. Strange Noises
Description: Unusual sounds from your heat pump can indicate underlying issues that require repair.
Common Noises:
Grinding: Often a sign of worn-out motor bearings or other internal components.
Hissing: May indicate a refrigerant leak.
Banging or Clanging: Could be due to loose or damaged internal components.
Possible Causes:
Worn Components: Internal parts like the fan or compressor may be damaged.
Debris: Foreign objects inside the unit can create noise.
Loose Parts: Components may have become loose, causing rattling or banging.
When to Call: If you hear unusual noises and can’t identify or fix them yourself, contact a professional to diagnose and repair the issue.
**4. Reduced Airflow
Description: Insufficient airflow from your heat pump can affect its heating performance.
Weak Airflow: The air coming from the vents is not as strong as usual.
Cold Spots: Some areas of your home receive less warmth or are not heated adequately.
Possible Causes:
Blocked Ducts: Obstructions or damage in the ductwork can restrict airflow.
Dirty Filters: Clogged air filters can reduce airflow and heating efficiency.
Faulty Blower Motor: Issues with the blower motor can affect airflow.
When to Call: If cleaning or replacing filters doesn’t improve airflow, or if you suspect ductwork issues, a professional should inspect the system.
*5. Frost or Ice on Outdoor Unit
Description: Frost or ice buildup on the outdoor unit of your heat pump can indicate a problem.
Visible Ice: Ice or frost on the coils or other parts of the outdoor unit.
Reduced Performance: The heat pump is not heating effectively.
Possible Causes:
Dirty Coils: Ice buildup can occur if the coils are dirty or blocked.
Refrigerant Issues: Low refrigerant levels or leaks can cause ice formation.
Defrost Cycle Problems: Issues with the defrost cycle can lead to ice buildup.
When to Call: If you notice ice buildup and the heat pump isn’t performing well, contact a professional to inspect and resolve the issue.
**6. Increased Energy Bills
Description: A sudden rise in your energy bills without a change in usage patterns can indicate an issue with your heat pump.
Higher Utility Costs: Notable increase in electricity bills compared to previous periods.
Reduced Efficiency: The heat pump seems to be working harder to achieve the same level of heating.
Possible Causes:
Inefficient Operation: A malfunctioning heat pump may consume more energy to heat your home.
Maintenance Issues: Dirty filters, coils, or other components can reduce efficiency.
Refrigerant Problems: Low refrigerant levels can affect performance and efficiency.
When to Call: If your energy bills have increased significantly and you suspect a malfunction, contact a professional for a thorough inspection and repair.
Recognizing these signs early can help you address issues with your heat pump before they lead to more significant problems. If you experience insufficient heating, frequent cycling, strange noises, reduced airflow, ice buildup, or increased energy bills, it’s time to call a professional heat pump repair company. Timely repairs and regular maintenance will help ensure your heat pump operates efficiently, providing reliable comfort throughout the heating season.
AirSlinger.com: Your Trusted HVAC Experts in Pinellas County, Pasco County, and Pinellas Park, FL
At AirSlinger.com, we are committed to keeping your home and business comfortable year-round with our top-notch HVAC services. Serving Pinellas County, Pasco County, and Pinellas Park, FL, we specialize in comprehensive AC repair, furnace repair, and full-service HVAC maintenance.
Why Choose AirSlinger.com?
Expert AC Repair: When your air conditioning system breaks down in the Florida heat, you need fast and reliable service. Our certified technicians are skilled in diagnosing and repairing all makes and models of AC units, ensuring your home stays cool and comfortable.
Reliable Furnace Repair: Even in sunny Florida, a functional furnace is essential for those chilly nights. We offer expert furnace repair services, ensuring your heating system operates efficiently when you need it most.
Comprehensive HVAC Services: Beyond repairs, AirSlinger.com provides full-service HVAC solutions, including installation, maintenance, and system upgrades. Whether you need routine service or a complete system overhaul, we’ve got you covered.
Service Areas
We proudly serve the communities of Pinellas County, Pasco County, and Pinellas Park, FL, offering prompt and professional AC repair pinellas county, AC repair pasco county,  AC repair hillsborough county, furnace repair pinellas park,  HVAC companies in pinellas county tailored to your specific needs.
Trust AirSlinger.com to deliver exceptional HVAC solutions with the expertise and customer care you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your service!
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ontariobusiness · 24 days
Signs Your AC Unit Is Low on Refrigerant
Your air conditioning system relies on refrigerant to cool your home effectively. Refrigerant is the substance that absorbs heat from the indoor air and releases it outside, making your living space comfortable during hot weather. When your AC unit is low on refrigerant, it can’t perform its job efficiently, leading to various issues that may require AC repair in Hamilton. Here are some signs that your AC unit might be low on refrigerant.
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1. Reduced Cooling EfficiencyOne of the most noticeable signs of low refrigerant levels is a decline in your AC unit’s cooling performance. If you notice that your home isn’t getting as cool as it used to, or if the system runs continuously without reaching the desired temperature, it could be due to insufficient refrigerant. Low refrigerant levels mean that the AC unit struggles to absorb and release heat, making it less effective at cooling your home.
2. Warm Air Blowing from VentsAnother clear indication of low refrigerant is when the air blowing from your vents feels warm or only slightly cool. This happens because, without enough refrigerant, the AC unit cannot absorb enough heat from the indoor air, resulting in warmer air being circulated back into your home.
3. Ice Formation on Evaporator CoilsWhen refrigerant levels are low, the evaporator coils in your AC unit may become too cold, causing moisture in the air to freeze on the coils. This ice buildup not only reduces the unit’s efficiency but can also lead to more serious issues if left unaddressed. If you notice ice on your AC unit, it’s a strong sign that you need to check the refrigerant levels and consider AC repair in Hamilton.
4. Hissing or Bubbling SoundsHissing or bubbling noises coming from your AC unit can indicate a refrigerant leak. These sounds are caused by the refrigerant escaping from the system, which not only reduces the amount available for cooling but also indicates a potentially serious problem that needs immediate attention.
5. Increased Energy BillsLow refrigerant levels can cause your AC unit to work harder and run longer to cool your home, leading to higher energy consumption. If you notice a sudden spike in your energy bills without a corresponding increase in usage, it could be due to your AC unit struggling to cool your home with insufficient refrigerant.
Low refrigerant levels in your AC unit can lead to reduced cooling efficiency, warm air from vents, ice formation on coils, unusual noises, and increased energy bills. If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to seek professional AC repair in Hamilton. Addressing the issue promptly can prevent further damage to your system and ensure your home remains comfortable throughout the summer. Regular maintenance and timely repairs will help keep your AC unit running smoothly and efficiently.
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aligndentalcare · 1 month
Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain - Align Dental Care
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A toothache is one of the most uncomfortable and excruciating pains that can occur at any time. Conversely, the eruption of third molars occurs during adolescence or the early stages of adulthood. The lower incisors are overcrowded behind the lips, which leaves them with insufficient space in the oral cavity to erupt straight. As a result, it results in severe swelling, agony, and possibly suppuration. Analgesics are provided by dentists for wisdom teeth extractions. However, if a person suffers excruciating wisdom teeth pain, there are still certain at-home treatments that can be used in lieu of scheduling a dentist appointment. The good news is that they are simple to get hold of and can ease your agony until you can see a doctor. In order to effectively address how to relieve your suffering organically, this blog focuses on home remedies.
Understanding Dental Pain
Understanding the causes of these problems is crucial before looking at any solutions. The last teeth to erupt in the mouth are the wisdom teeth, sometimes referred to as third molars. They often emerge at an odd angle or become lodged behind the gum line since the jawbone isn't very large. It causes discomfort, edema, and even infection. Therefore, being aware of what triggers this impulse within you will help you manage its intensity.
8 Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain
Remedies at home to try while you wait for a dentist appointment. It's not simple, but it's also really beautiful. Therefore, take these options into account when trying to temporarily lessen our wisdom teeth pain. These solutions are widely accessible and easy to locate in most homes. 
Among them are:
Rinse with salt water.
Pain from wisdom teeth can be easily relieved with saltwater rinses. Sea salt's inherent antibacterial qualities aid in the reduction of infection and hasten the healing process in inflammatory regions.
How to Apply: Mouthwash is made with one teaspoon of salt poured into a glass of warm water. Before releasing it, it should be sipped for around thirty seconds. It is recommended to perform this procedure two or three times each day.
Advantages: By eliminating bacteria from the problematic area, this rinse helps to clean it and relieve pain. Consequently, there are no bacteria forming on the surface to cause discomfort.
Chilled Compress
Applying cold packs to the jaws can create numbness for around seventeen years. For example, if your wisdom teeth are causing pain in the area next to the swelling,
How to Use: Use a fresh cloth to wrap some ice cubes. After that, position them against the area of your cheek where the discomfort is coming from. Kindly wear it for fifteen to twenty minutes before removing it. Until relief is obtained, the procedure may be repeated every several hours.
Benefits: After swelling has begun, a cold compress helps to decrease blood flow and lessen pain, offering momentary respite.
Clove Oil
It is a substance that belongs to the class of analgesic agents, which is why it is frequently used to relieve pain. Eugenol is one of the compounds whose antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties have only lately been discovered. It qualifies as a potential natural wisdom teeth pain reliever.
How to use: Use a cotton ball dipped in a tiny amount of clove oil and gently apply it to the affected area. If the feeling is too strong, you can combine the oil with a carrier oil.
Benefits: Clove oil was employed as an external anesthetic. It even has the ability to eradicate the bacteria causing inflammation.
Bags of peppermint tea
Other uses exist for peppermint. It has a narcotic effect because it is also used to treat toothaches. Additionally, it creates a cooling effect to soothe the inflammatory gum tissue.
How to use it: Take a cup of peppermint tea and fill it with boiling water. Some are cooled in the refrigerator for a few minutes before being administered directly to an inflamed area. Others should be put to the skin and left there for 15 to 20 minutes.
Benefits: Toothaches and edema are two conditions that peppermint tea bags can treat. Your throat will feel better after consuming these tea bags.
In addition to being a popular ingredient in most cuisines, garlic is a powerful natural pain reliever. Killing bacteria can aid in the battle against illnesses and potentially lessen discomfort.
How to Apply: Crush a garlic clove so that the smashed pieces come into direct contact with your teeth. As an alternative, if you can tolerate the taste, you can chew on one piece.
Benefits: Garlic grows bacteria in that area and decreases pain.
Owing to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, onions may be able to provide toothache relief. This therapy, which likely dates back to ancient times, is used worldwide for any type of dental discomfort.
How to Use: A cleaned and diced onion should be applied to the area where the mouth hurts in order to offer some relief. As you chew it, gently squeeze it so that its fluids get into the affected area.
Benefits: The onion fights against bacteria and lessens swelling and soreness.
Baking Soda Paste
Baking soda is beneficial for wisdom teethaches because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This medication provides immediate relief from various pains with simple preparations.
How to Use: Make a very thick paste by mixing baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply this paste to the area that hurts with a cotton swab.
Benefits: By reducing tongue acidity, the baking soda ointment helps prevent oral infections and ulcers.
When to Consult a Dental Expert?
These DIY remedies may offer a brief respite. Seeing a dentist, however, is imperative if the pain worsens or continues. Sometimes the pain surrounding wisdom teeth indicates a potential problem. For example, you may have an infection or impaction-related toothache that needs to be treated by a dentist. If home remedies don't work, you should always seek medical attention because ignoring serious symptoms might lead to more issues.
To Sum Up
Pain management for wisdom teeth might be challenging. Still, there are a number of at-home therapies that one can attempt. Some of these are simple and affordable ways to relieve pain, such as using garlic and clove oil or saltwater rinses. However, people must realize that these remedies are not long-term ways to treat illnesses; rather, they are merely ways to provide momentary pain relief. Therefore, when it persists and gets intolerable, one should schedule a visit with a dentist. Early treatment could prevent issues later in life and ensure that your mouth remains healthy for the duration of your life!
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xyhuaqiang · 2 months
When we find that the fertilizer effect of organic fertilizer is not satisfactory, in addition to the possible purchase of unqualified or insufficient nutrients, poor process products, but also need to examine the problem from multiple dimensions.
1. Soil problems are serious
First, we must face up to the current soil problems, such as soil compaction and salinization. "Ice is not built in a day", soil problems are not caused by one or two days, then to improve the soil is not overnight. The improvement effect of organic fertilizer on soil is a gradual process, which depends on continuous input and correct use. At this point, the quality control of Organic Fertilizer Production Line is particularly important. Whether it is a Rotary Drum Granulator, or a Disc Granulator, it is necessary to strictly control the ratio of raw materials, mixing uniformity and particle molding quality in the production process to ensure that the produced organic fertilizer has stable fertilizer efficiency and good soil improvement effect.
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2. Selection and application of organic fertilizer
Different crops have different nutrient requirements, so choosing the right organic fertilizer type and application method is crucial. On the Production Line, by precisely controlling the ratio and mixing process of various nutrients, it is possible to produce customized organic fertilizers tailored to the needs of different crops. At the same time, when farmers use organic fertilizers, they also need to fertilize in strict accordance with the guidance of manufacturers or professional agricultural technicians to ensure that fertilizers can play a full role. For example, the proportion of water-soluble fertilizer of organic fertilizer is appropriate, blindly shrinking or expanding the proportion may receive counterproductive effects; When many farmer friends use organic fertilizer, they fail to cover the soil in time, and the fertilizer is only on the surface of the soil, and can not fully contact the soil, and can not play the effect of improving the soil.
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3, Organic fertilizer is usually slow-release fertilizer, fertilizer is slow but fertilizer efficiency is long.
This property gives organic fertilizers significant advantages in improving soil structure and providing long-term nutrient supply. However, this also requires us to take environmental factors into account when applying fertilizer. Compared to fertilizers, the release time of organic fertilizers depends on a number of factors, such as temperature, humidity, and soil type. In warm, humid environments, organic fertilizer is usually released within six months to a year. In a dry environment, the release time of organic fertilizer may be extended. Therefore, when selecting organic fertilizers and making fertilization plans, it is necessary to fully consider the local climatic conditions and soil conditions.
Finally, from the perspective of Organic Fertilizer Production Line,Rotary Drum Granulator and Disc Granulator are key equipment in the production process, and their performance and quality directly affect the quality and fertilizer efficiency of organic fertilizer. The Rotary Drum Granulator makes the material form granule through rotation and friction, which has the advantages of large output and uniform particle. The Disc Granulator is suitable for the granulation of a variety of materials, and has the characteristics of simple operation and strong adaptability. When selecting and using these devices, factors such as their performance parameters, maintenance costs, and the skill level of the operator should be fully considered.
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When we find that the fertilizer effect of organic fertilizer is not satisfactory, in addition to the possible purchase of unqualified or insufficient nutrients, poor process products, but also need to examine the problem from multiple dimensions.
1. Soil problems are serious
First, we must face up to the current soil problems, such as soil compaction and salinization. "Ice is not built in a day", soil problems are not caused by one or two days, then to improve the soil is not overnight. The improvement effect of organic fertilizer on soil is a gradual process, which depends on continuous input and correct use. At this point, the quality control of Organic Fertilizer Production Line is particularly important. Whether it is a Rotary Drum Granulator, or a Disc Granulator, it is necessary to strictly control the ratio of raw materials, mixing uniformity and particle molding quality in the production process to ensure that the produced organic fertilizer has stable fertilizer efficiency and good soil improvement effect.
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2. Selection and application of organic fertilizer
Different crops have different nutrient requirements, so choosing the right organic fertilizer type and application method is crucial. On the Production Line, by precisely controlling the ratio and mixing process of various nutrients, it is possible to produce customized organic fertilizers tailored to the needs of different crops. At the same time, when farmers use organic fertilizers, they also need to fertilize in strict accordance with the guidance of manufacturers or professional agricultural technicians to ensure that fertilizers can play a full role. For example, the proportion of water-soluble fertilizer of organic fertilizer is appropriate, blindly shrinking or expanding the proportion may receive counterproductive effects; When many farmer friends use organic fertilizer, they fail to cover the soil in time, and the fertilizer is only on the surface of the soil, and can not fully contact the soil, and can not play the effect of improving the soil.
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3. Organic fertilizer is usually slow-release fertilizer, fertilizer is slow but fertilizer efficiency is long.
This property gives organic fertilizers significant advantages in improving soil structure and providing long-term nutrient supply. However, this also requires us to take environmental factors into account when applying fertilizer. Compared to fertilizers, the release time of organic fertilizers depends on a number of factors, such as temperature, humidity, and soil type. In warm, humid environments, organic fertilizer is usually released within six months to a year. In a dry environment, the release time of organic fertilizer may be extended. Therefore, when selecting organic fertilizers and making fertilization plans, it is necessary to fully consider the local climatic conditions and soil conditions.
Finally, from the perspective of Organic Fertilizer Production Line,Rotary Drum Granulator and Disc Granulator are key equipment in the production process, and their performance and quality directly affect the quality and fertilizer efficiency of organic fertilizer. The Rotary Drum Granulator makes the material form granule through rotation and friction, which has the advantages of large output and uniform particle. The Disc Granulator is suitable for the granulation of a variety of materials, and has the characteristics of simple operation and strong adaptability. When selecting and using these devices, factors such as their performance parameters, maintenance costs, and the skill level of the operator should be fully considered.
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svairtech · 2 months
HVAC Low Side Work
When dealing with HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, "low side" typically refers to the low-pressure side of the refrigeration cycle. Here’s a basic rundown of what working on the low side involves:
Understanding the Low Side:
Evaporator Coil: Where the refrigerant assimilates warm and dissipates into a gas.
Suction Line: The pipe that carries the low-pressure refrigerant gas from the evaporator coil to the compressor.
Expansion Valve: Directs the stream of refrigerant into the evaporator coil.
Low-Pressure Side Pressure Gauge: Used to measure the pressure on the low side.
Typical Tasks:
Checking Refrigerant Levels: Using a gauge to ensure there’s enough refrigerant in the system.
Inspecting the Evaporator Coil: Ensuring it’s clean and functioning properly.
Testing for Leaks: Identifying and fixing any leaks in the suction line or evaporator.
Examining the Expansion Valve: Ensuring it’s not clogged or malfunctioning.
Safety Precautions:
Turn Off Power: Always ensure the HVAC system is powered down before working on it.
Wear Safety Gear: Gloves, goggles, and sometimes a face shield can protect you from refrigerant exposure.
Handle Refrigerants Carefully: Refrigerants can be harmful if they come into contact with skin or eyes.
Common Issues:
Low Refrigerant Pressure: Can indicate a leak or insufficient refrigerant.
Frost or Ice on Suction Line: May be a sign of low refrigerant or poor airflow.
Noise from the Evaporator: Could indicate a problem with the fan or a restriction in the airflow.
Tools You Might Need:
Pressure Gages: To degree low-side and high-side pressures.
Thermometers: To check temperatures of the coils and lines.
Leak Detectors: To find refrigerant leaks.
General Process for Low-Side Work:
Preparation: Ensure you have all necessary tools and safety equipment.
Power Down: Turn off the power to the HVAC unit.
Check Pressures: Use the pressure gauge to measure the low-side pressure.
Inspect Components: Look over the evaporator coil, suction line, and expansion valve for any visible issues.
Address Problems: Fix any leaks, clean components, or replace parts as needed.
Refrigerant Levels: Add refrigerant if levels are low, but make sure to use the correct type and amount as specified by the manufacturer.
Test System: Turn the system back on and check to ensure everything is functioning properly.
Always consult the specific HVAC system’s manual for detailed instructions and safety warnings. If you’re not comfortable performing these tasks, it’s best to call a professional technician.
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