interretialia · 2 months
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Sex Milia Secutorum! Multas Gratias Vobis Agito!
6,000 Followers! Thank You Very Much!
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daytaker · 5 months
Does anybody here know Latin? (Resolved!)
Did you study it in school? Did you take a course? Do you feel like you are fairly decent with grammar? I have a passage in Latin I'm writing for a fic, only about 65 or 70 words, and I've spent about two or three hours on it.
But I'd still feel better if someone who actually knows what they're doing could proofread it and make corrections. So if you do and you're willing to skim something over for me as a favor, I would be super grateful.
Also fun fact, if you conjugate Barbatos' name properly it reads as "barber".
UPDATE: A lovely person helped me with this, and I no longer need assistance! Thank you very much, interretialia!
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allbeendonebefore · 6 years
"Another super-specific Classics Ask Meme" DUO!
haha im supposed to be working on an essay for law class but thats Boring so here i am ;o
2. Pick a translation for “polytropos"
my first translation of this word was ‘[the] man of many ways’ or ‘[the] man of many turns’ but all i can think of right now is ‘twisty boi’ or ‘mr. twisty’ :’D
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chofitia · 7 years
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lepidopterane · 7 years
πιστεύω τοὺς κύνας ψηφίζεσθαι δεῖν
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locutus-sum · 3 years
tagged by @divaivlia - it's been really nice talking Latin with you, so thanks :)
tagging @teabooksandsweets, @mjltranslations @marcus-tullius-cicerhoe
1) Why did you choos your URL?
I'm a big Star Trek fan and Picard's borgified character is called Locutus and says 'I am Locutus of Borg' which would translate as 'locutus sum' in Latin which, coincidentally (probably) means I have spoken so I thought it was kinda neat and combined my two interests
2) Any side blogs?
@cosmic-chelonian for all my Classic Who/All Creatures/Other Sci-fi or British TV musings
3) How long have you been on Tumblr?
Not long at all! Only since about December last year. Unfortunately that means many blogs for my niche interests are now no longer active :(
4) Do you have a queue tag?
No because I don't post often enough to use the queue!
5) Why did you start this blog in the first place?
Discovered Tumblr while searching for Dr Who memes. Discovered the #tagamemnon. Realised a Latin fandom actually existed. Decided that they were the perfect people to scream about Cicero to. Never looked back.
6) Why did you choose your icon?
I made it using the powers of Microsoft Powerpoint and Paint 3D (the fact that the latter actually exists makes me laugh). It's a borgified image of Cicero, the original locutor, one might say. It just made me laugh.
7)Why did you choose your header?
Combines Cicero my beloved and purple my beloved. I made it myself on Canva (I know, look at me with all my pro software!) I realise the words aren't all visible either on PC or on the app though so I think I need a new one.
8) How many mutuals do you have?
I mean it's not about the stats is it, but let's just say it's more than I ever hoped. (It's 14. 14 people are mad enough to follow me back. Thank you <3)
9) How many followers do you have? As of now, 67. 67 people listen to (/scroll past, it's up to them) me waxing lyrical about some guy who's been dead for 2000 years. Still in shock tbh. God, I love Tumblr.
10) How many do you follow?
57. Not loads, I know, but I mostly drift around in small fandoms. Most of the blogs I follow are on hiatus :(
11) Have you ever made a shitpost? Have I made a shit post? Yes. Without a doubt. But a shitpost? It's a different thing, apparently. So... no?
12) How long do you spend on Tumblr per day? No comment.
13) Did you ever have a fight with another blog? So far, everyone's been lovely to me, and I'm not in the habit of throwing punches without a reason. I mean, even if there were a reason, I'd probably just stand there and let them beat me up. Unless it was about something I cared about, like LGBT rights or whether Cicero is a splendid chappie (HE IS.)
14) How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts? Shaming tactics are deplorable and can lead to the distribution of misinformation. I always do my research before I reblog something.
15) Do you like tag games?
I... I guess so. I mean, I'm doing one now. A lot of the time I don't know the answers though. I mean, what movies do I watch? I don't!
16) Do you like ask games? YES! Please talk to Cicero in my ask tab, he's getting very lonely :(
17) Which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous? Still don't believe that catullan and interretialia follow me!
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caecilius-est-pater · 4 years
How do you ask for a selfie in latin?
The meat of the question is how to say “selfie”- official Latin translations for modern terms do exist since it’s used in some contexts in the Vatican, but I’m fairly sure “selfie” isn’t one of them. I had a feeling @interretialia​ would have covered this question before and I was right, he has “ipsillus”, which is explained more in detail in the post but essentially is “self” in the diminutive. It’s a good length and pretty much a one-to-one translation and I like it a lot.
The downside to that (and “selfie” to be fair) is that someone who doesn’t already know the word is going to have no idea what it means other than something to do with oneself. If this is for a context where it actually needs to be clear what the word means without happening to have read that one tumblr post, you might want to go with something a lot longer but more descriptive. Since “selfie” is short for “self portrait”, the Latin for that would be “effigies ipsius”, and then if you wanted to preserve the “-ie” ending, a diminutive. I think the diminutive of “effigies” would be “effigiola” but please do not quote me on that because honestly, fuck fifth declension vowel stem words. So that would make the diminutive “effigiola ipsius”.
“Ask for” is fairly vague, but I would probably go with “quaeso ___”. You could also use “da mihi ___” which literally means “give me ___” if you want to be blunt or cheeky, though note that this one specifies that you’re talking to only one person. Both of these take the accusative of whatever word you use, so the three suggestions here would be “ipsillum”, “effigiem”, and “effigiolam ipsius”.
Does this seem overly complicated and silly? Yes! Latin is just Like That. TLDR: My general answer is “quaeso ipsillum” unless you need/want to change it up for the specific context.
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housmania · 5 years
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Tumblr user @interretialia (2019) // Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (406 BC) // Heinrich Heine, “Morphine” (1881) // Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody” (1975)
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sterrenzien · 4 years
Kan je me nog blogs aanraden die iets doen met Latijn? Of wat zijn jouw favoriete blogs hier op tumblr?
Ik ken er enkel die (naast het Latijn) in het Engels communiceren. @interretialia is continu bezig met Latijn, @labentiasidera deelt quotes met vertaling en heeft veel tips. @plasmapop vertaalt Latijnse poëzie op prachtige wijze en @chelidonart maakt comics over de Romeinen die mij echt emotioneel kunnen maken :)
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interretialia · 11 months
Hi! Short question if you're up for it: I'm currently translating the sentence "For 3 years of friendship and hopefully a lot more" into Latin for a gift anf was wondering whether there's do different forms of "a lot more" implying either "a lot more (than friendship)" or "a lot more (than 3 years)" in Latin so I use the right one! Thank you so much, should you have an answer!
Sure, I would be happy to answer this.
It is the case that the two interpretations would require different expressions in Latin for the English phrase that you are translating.
“a lot more” implying “a lot more (than friendship)” requires you to say: Tres annos amicitiae et, ut spero, multo maioris rei (quam amicitiae). The comparison is a qualitative one, hence the use of the word maioris (and not pluris) along with a noun of general applicability. The operative word of the comparison is the “(of) friendship,” so it is in the genitive (i.e., explanatory genitive), and the maioris rei, amicitiae (after quam), take the same case.
“a lot more” implying “a lot more (than 3 years)” requires you to say: Tres annos amicitiae et, ut spero, multo plures (quam tres annos). The comparison relates to numbers of years, hence the use of the masculine adjective plures. The operative words of the comparison are the “(For) three years,” so it is in the accusative (i.e., accusative of duration of time), and the plures, annos (after quam), take the same case.
Utinam hoc tibi prosit! I hope this is helpful!
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amillionlanguages · 5 years
Hello! Do you have any resources for people trying to learn Latin? Anything would be helpful, be it langblrs, websites, apps, anything. Thank you ⭐
Yeah definitely:
Websites + apps:
Clozemaster Latin exercises
Surface Languages
Latin Wisdom - iPhone app
Latin Word of the Day - iPhone app
Latin trainer - Google Play app
Learn Basic Latin - Google Play app
The Little Prince in Latin - pdf (it looks sketchy but it’s actually legit!)
Podcasts + YouTube:
Grammatica latina podcast
Latinitium podcast
LatinTutorial YouTube channel
Learn Latin Now Beginners’ Series YouTube playlist
Good luck! x
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
interretialia reblogged your post: “Which cities do you think could survive the apocalypse”:
Fiat. Quid tamen de Fredericopoli?
From what I’m aware of in my faint knowledge/impressions of New Brunswick, it is both 1. impenetrable wilderness 2. entirely forgettable (case in point, me forgetting it and also Ottawa whoops). If the apocalypse is anything like 1812 or the Fenian scare, the apocalypse probably just got bored/frustrated/lost before arriving or just entirely bypassed it on the way to Maine or something. Fredericton doesn’t notice anything amiss until they arrive at the US border to dip down and go get some deals at Target.
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hoepossum · 5 years
Any hellenists/classicists out there that can help me translate an x-files quote into greek
I need to roughly translate "Scully, you're not going to believe this" into greek for extra credit on my greek final
@nathanielthecurious @interretialia maybe?
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tryingtostudyblr · 5 years
Classics discord
I’ve started setting it up, any ideas for names guys? I’ve currently got Probably Zeus’s Kids Let’s Be Honest
But other (better) suggestions are welcome!
@thirtyrocked @fancifulfinch @interretialia @vocative
(Also lemme know if anyone else wants to join!)
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transinifinitum · 5 years
gucci gang parody (latin gang)
Hey there Latin gang, I wrote this rap for my school’s Classics Club promo. Some of the lines don’t flow that well, and I would really appreciate any feedback/lyric suggestions!! thank you so much
Latin Gang, ooh, yeah, (name)*, yeah, Latin Gang, ooh
Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang (Latin gang!) Spend ten racks on Cambridge Latin My friends love do Quizlet, ooh We read ancient Romans, know the name, yeah We can't read no translations Rather go and quote Caesar Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang (Latin gang!) Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang (Latin gang!) Spend conference reading myths We love walking Max**, ooh
We got the dankest memes, yeah We can't order no one no pizza Rather go and make garum, valete out Latin gang, Latin gang, Latin gang
*my friend who is rapping this
**my Latin teacher’s dog @clodiuspulcher @nathanielthecurious @thoodleoo @interretialia @vocative @clytemnesrta @markantonys @strugglingclassicist @catlinas @via-appia @song-of-orpheus @iaquilam @aurltas @philogrammatos @theiaphaessa @mythicalmagistra @ciceronian @florenceandthecaffeine @theancientgeekoroman
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journalgen · 2 years
Acta Interretialia et Sexualia Malaesiana
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