#InuKik fanfic
mrfeenysmustache · 2 years
Secret Surrender
Written for @inu-spiration with art by the amazing @otaku-108!
When I first saw the piece i wrote this fic for, it was just lineart. No background no base colors yet, just the lineart of Inuyasha and Kikyo, and there was already so much emotion and feeling and atmosphere. This story practically wrote itself thanks to that art which is finished now and even MORE incredible. I’m so excited to get to share it now, and I’m happy that THIS was my first foray into writing solely about InuKik.
Summary: Inuyasha and Kikyo have an unconventional friendship, but it is a friendship nonetheless. If either one of them wishes for more, they guard that desire like a rare, forbidden treasure, unwilling to risk the bond they’ve forged. When a greedy family member threatens to come between them, however, Inuyasha will not let her go without exhausting all options, even if it means the end of their friendship. Sometimes endings usher in beautiful new beginnings.
Read on: AO3
———————— preview ————————
Aside from the soft Twitter of bird song, the forest was silent, making the soft crunch of feet on branches and leaves ever louder.
But stealth was not his goal today, not like it usually was.
He’d long ago given up on sneaking around in this part of the woods, especially since they’d given up on all pretense and sunk into the reality of just being friends.
No more badly aimed arrows, no more half hearted claw swipes, no more ‘what brings you here, hanyo,’ or ‘get outta my way, wannabe miko,.’
No, for the first time in his life…. Inuyasha had a friend.
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sereia1313 · 1 month
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A Perfect Blend
Chapter 2 is up for @kikyo-weekend! This time it's Kikyou & Sess.
Read it on Ao3 and FFnet.
Sneak Peak
She kept their gazes locked, wondering if he was joking, or at least poking fun at her, but there was no mirth in his expression, no tilt of his lips, and she shrugged. "I don't see a point in wasting time putting on a mask. Either you like me, or you don't."
Another chuckle. "You are well suited, then."
She raised an eyebrow. "We kind of have to be. We're cousins."
Sesshoumaru shook his head, moving to the next set of cutlery. "You and Inuyasha."
The blush returned, and though she'd just made a point about not caring about what others thought of her, her confidence wavered. "You think so?"
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alicepupurred · 2 months
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Story art wip for a future chapter 🖤
This version of InuYasha (600yo) and Kikyo (22yo) belong to my fanfiction StrawberryLips and they are adults.
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inu-yasha · 2 years
prompts: Kikyo is giving birth.
A/N: Hope you you like it and again sorry it took so long.
"Kikyou-onee-sama" Kaede said with a compassionate and concerned voice
"Kikyou..." Inuyasha
Hanyou looked out the window and saw that the first snow had started to fall. "First snow. Our child will see it" He thought, Kikyou's scream snapped him out of his thoughts.
Kikyou squeezed Inuyasha's hand very tightly "You can do it, sister!" Kaede was speaking This beautiful moment came on a December day Kikyou went into labor, two peasant women came to help and Kaede also helped. Inuyasha was by his wife's side and held her hand gently to give her support. Kikyou tightly squeezed his hand so hard that he could feel her pain of childbirth through it. "You can rest for a while," said one of the peasant women Kikyou relaxed for a moment, turned her head to her husband who gently smiled at her as he kissed her holding hand, then looked at his wife and saw that she was tired, all sweaty, but happy. This is their first child. Inuyasha kissed her forehead. "You can continue" Said the other peasant girl Inuyasha felt her rising pulse and heard her heartbeat. His heart was restless and was beating hard, but he could hear. Kikyou felt her strength slowly leaving her, but soon she gained new ones because she knew that her first beloved child would come into the world, her sister and husband give her extra strength supporting her. "You did well, Kikyou," one of the women said Kikyou put her head down and relaxed her body and heard a baby crying "It's a girl!" Kaede screamed happily Inuyasha heard that Kikyou's heart had calmed down, but was beating faster with excitement and happiness. He too, when he saw the baby, his eyes shone with happiness. "You did well" Inuyasha gave Kikyou a short kiss Kikyou looked at her husband with love and thanks One of the women cut the umbilical cord, washed the baby, wrapped the baby. Kikyou half-rised gently. Iniuasha gently moved his wife to him, providing support for her too. One of the women handed the baby into Kikyou's arms. The girl had dog, silver hair, Inuyasha complexion. She opened her eyes and her eyes were brown from Kikyou. The girl, when she saw her parents, stopped crying and smiled, after a while she fell asleep. "Beautiful" Inuyasha said happily "Yes" Kaede confirmed "What name will you give her?" "Inuyasha.. " She looked at the husband of the priestess with slight apprehension. "I was thinking about Izoyai's name… um.. do you agree?" Hanyou's eyes stopped working, then he hid his eyes behind his bangs, he looked displeased. Kikyou and eade looked at each other fearfully, then back at him. Of course I'm happy!" He said happily Kaede and Kikyou laughed because Inuyasha's reaction was cute and funny to them. Inuyasha made a childlike face, his eyes shining with happiness "Lovely," they both said "What?" Inuyasha didn't know what was going on "I'm glad you don't mind" "I'm an aunt!" Kaede couldn't contain her joy "Do you want to hold her in Izoyai's arms?" Inuyasha asked "I can?!" "Of course!" Kikyou handed over her daughter and also told her how to grab her so as not to hurt her. Kikyou and Inuyasha were holding hands and Kikyou looked at each other and then at Kaede. "She'll be a great aunt," Inuyasha said "Of course!" Kikyou confirmed
Kikyou looked out the window and saw the snow falling heavily. She knew her daughter was born in a beautiful winter. It may have been cold, but the landscapes that the snow created were as beautiful as their dearest daughter.
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Hi! I love following your meta and detailed analyses and I swear you had one somewhere about the actual chapters/instances that had InuKik in the manga as compared to the anime but I can't find it :( Did I imagine it? (Why I'm asking is I'm writing one of my fics IWFA and I had someone ask me why I write InuKik the way I do and I was about to say cuz in the manga they give off the impression of being distant like that. Then I second guessed myself and wanted to reread the parts... anyway I blab.
Hi! Thank you so much! This means a lot because I do love writing meta. Unfortunatelly, I don't think I made the post you're looking for.
I'm still in the process of reading the manga and even though I use a panel here and there to make my points across, I refrain from going into deep, side by side comparisons because I feel like smarter people than me have already done it to exhaustion. And with a level of coherence I can only dream to achieve.
One of these people is definitely @inukag so maybe you'll have more luck asking her? If Cynthia didn't wrote it, she's still your best shot at figuring out who did.
And for whatever is worth, I think your interpretation of manga Inukik is actually pretty spot on. In fact, I'd go even further and say that anime Inukik was almost just as distant. The difference is that at least Sunrise tried to give them some substance, which in my opinion didn't work at all, since it butchered their characterization (Inuyasha's especially) by omitting very important scenes and adding meaningless fillers that in my opinion only made more obvious how superficial their relationship really was.
To me, love is something you build and trust is the foundation in which you're building on. To trust — and consequently to truly love — takes time. On top of that, a strong relationship requires efffort, honesty and fully acceptance from both parts, none of which I believe Takahashi or Sunrise showed us.
Boat dates under the sunset and passionate kisses are just bells and whistles. Yes, it looks great on screen, but it doesn't necessarily equal to real love. Infatuation, sure. But love? It's easy to make you characters go on boat dates under the sunset. It's easy to make them kiss passionately. It's even easier for the writers, for the audience and for characters themselves to confuse it for love.
What's hard is to actually take the time to create, develop, test and expand a romantic connection. To show how deep it runs instead of just telling. To make it unfold and progress and grow stronger before our eyes. To make it dynamic rather than stagnant. Inuyasha and Kikyo didn't have that at all, be it in the manga, be it in the anime.
Their relationship was based on mutual loneliness, on seeing each other through rose colered glasses and of the fundamentally wrong idealization of the life they thought they'd have together.
That being said, here's my unsolicited advice: if you're anything like me, I can totally understand why you'd feel the need to try and defend your point of view, especially if the person asked you to explain it in good faith.
However, even if your interpretation of the Inukik relationship was way off — which, again, I don't believe it is — remember that you don't owe anyone an explanation for your writing choices, but you do owe it to yourself to write what feels right. It's your story to tell and you can tell it any way you see fit.
I know our takes on this matter aren't particularly popular within the fandom, but they are just as valid. I lost count of how many Inukag fanfics I've read where Inukik was written to be a much bigger thing than I personally believe it originally was, but even though I disagree with that interpretation, I'm also not entitled to an explanation other than... that's the author's vision. And that's okay.
The important thing was that people had fun and were proud of what they wrote. As they should, because it takes courage to post your stories online. And if I'm bothered by an specific story to the point of not being able to enjoy it, that's my problem and I should probably search for something closer to my own interests to read.
Anyway... I can't wait to read If We Fall Anyway. It has been on my to read list for a while now and I'm sure I'll love it.
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findroleplay · 7 months
Hey there, all! I’ve been in such a writing mood lately! I’ve written a lot of fanfic for myself but I miss writing with someone else!I go by S! I’m in my 30’s so I’d appreciate it if you were 25+ but I will definitely accept 21+
So something to know about me is I love villain pairings!
I’m dying to write some Inuyasha or Supernatural!
I do double and I do write canon x oc! If you want canon x canon for your side I can definitely do it! I’m a sucker for a good Inu side pairing! (I do ship Inukag, Inukik, Narkik.)
Inuyasha: I would love to play against Bankotsu or Inuyasha! Or if you feel up to it Naraku! I think those are my order of preference! I can play pretty much anyone for you!
Supernatural-wise: I can play just about anyone but Lucifer. He eludes me lol I would love to play against Sam, Gabriel, or Lucifer! No preference honestly. If you want to pair canons for a doubling rp let me know!
I enjoy plots with lots of character growth on all sides!
my discord is: sulfuricromantic
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sirpotys · 2 years
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The calendar for this year's InuKyo Month is ready, it is our second year holding this event and I publish it so that those who like to participate can see the different activities that will correspond to each day of the month of August.
Remember that it starts from August 1 to 30 and you can participate with fanarts, fanfics, amvs, edits. etc. I attached the corresponding hastgs for the event, I hope you can participate and enjoy this month dedicated to our beautiful Otp.
Ya esta listo el calendario para el InuKyo Month de este año, es nuestro segundo año realizando este evento y lo publico para que los que gusten participar puedan ir viendo las diferentes actividades que corresponderán a cada día del mes de Agosto. Recuerden que inicia del 1 al 30 de agosto y pueden participar con fanarts, fanfics, amvs, edits. etc. Adjunatré los hastgs correspondientes para el evento, espero puedan participar y disfrutar de este mes dedicado a nuestra hermosa Otp.
#InuKyoMonth2022 #MonthInuKik2022 #Inuyasha #kikyo #Kikyou #InuKyo #InuKik #犬夜叉 #桔梗 #犬桔 #InuKikmonth #InuKyoMonth #monthInuKik #monthInuKyo
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softhanyou · 2 years
Do you know if there's any good inukik fic on tumblr I really don't want to go to another site like ao3. I'm in my feels about this ship and I just want to see them happy, pregnant kikyo with cute little babies and living the life they deserve!
How come you don’t want to go to ao3? all the best fics are their 😭tbh I haven’t seen any inukik fics posted here which is why I look for them on ao3!! But you probably wouldn’t be into the inukik fics I love because pretty much all of them are tragedy 😭 their is a fic called The Great Underwear Mystery and it’s very light hearted and funny I think you would like it but unfortunately its on ao3 not tumblr:( I will edit this post if I find any fanfics here on tumblr!
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mintverick · 2 years
I really like this InuKik’s fiction. I am no anti to anyone, BUT Kikyo obviously deserved the better things after the sorrow and suffer she has been through. Nevertheless, her character needed the only probably adults’ perspective or someone who passed the experience a while. Without biass🙃
#Inukik #InuyashaXKikyo #forever
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viva-el-belt-libre · 2 years
Fleet week - Day 5: Shipwreck day
Ok, guys, it has been a long day and I'm doing this on my phone, so this is going to be a quick post. Here is my InuKik break up fic. Good humoured. If you are not Kikyou, that is.
It shall be posted on AO3 tomorrow. Maybe.
(also modern day Kikyou listens to the whole Olivia Rodrigo album on repeat while locked in her room)
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good 4 u
Oh, there you are. You look good. Understandable. It’s been a while since we’ve last seen each other.
Well, technically it has been, what? Fifty-ish years give or take? Though, let’s be honest, for me and you it wasn’t more than the blink of an eye.
And yet, here you are. One blink later, and you already have another lady by your side. Great. Really, I’m happy for you. Moving on and all that. I shouldn't be so surprised. It was pretty clear I gave way more to our relationship than you did. I was being honest at least, while you were offering me empty promises and then stabbing me in the back. Anyway, I digress. It's good that you've moved on. I wish I could have done the same, but, you know, I’ve been dead while you were out and about getting to know your new girl. Dead. The definition of not moving on. It would be great if I could say I got over everything we had, but it’s not like I’ve had many opportunities to meet new people in the eternal sleep of death.
Not so eternal, I suppose. Since I’m here now. And so are you. What a surprise! I sealed you with the intention you would spend the rest of eternity asleep. But funny how life works out, isn’t it? You are awake even though I sealed you, I’m undead even though you killed me… The world sure is full of surprises.
Anyway, we shouldn’t dwell too much on what is past. It’s good that you managed to move on. Really. This girl seems nice. She looks a lot like me, don’t you think? But I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. You wouldn’t get involved with my freaking reincarnation out of choice, right? I for sure wouldn’t have wanted to be close to anything that even marginally reminded me of you, but I guess that's just me.
Oh well. I wish you all— wait, is that a sword at your hip? You have a sword now? You didn’t have one before. I’m sure it’s powerful. Great. Just… Wonderful. Things really are turning out so good for you, aren’t they? Not for me though, if you ever care to ask. 
I’m sure your brand new sword and your brand new girl will bring you so much happiness; while I’m being forcibly being kept in this world by a crazy witch and the power of hatred and resentment.
But truly. Good for you.
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sereia1313 · 1 month
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A Perfect Blend
Final chapter is up for @kikyo-weekend! We finally get to the InuKik part (all fluff, of course).
Read it on Ao3 and FFnet.
Sneak Peek
She'd finally managed to schedule her break to coincide with the mutiny in the pediatric oncology ward, keeping herself hidden as she watched Inuyasha jump over a bed. He was clad in crimson scrubs and a dollar store captain's hat on his head that looked like it was being held together with duct tape.
His sword was more realistic, but he was also using a bedpan as a shield, the clang of the children's weapons only slightly louder than their laughter. One little girl leaned over her side table a little too far, spilling a cup of water all over the floor. Everyone stopped, some looking around warily, but Inuyasha didn't miss a beat, quickly locating a mop.
"How're we supposed to look for buried treasure when yer not swabbin' the deck properly?" he growled playfully. Two of the more mobile children grabbed the handle, giggling as they helped clean up. As soon as his back was turned, an older boy stabbed him in the back with a paper towel roll. Inuyasha groaned, sinking down to one knee. "A mutiny, is it? Blast ye! I won't give up me treasure to the likes of you!"
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inu-yasha · 4 months
ive talked to some inukikers who stay in the shadows and they just think its pointless bc it's a constant war between the ships and of course inukag is much bigger, and they feel like its tiring and not worth it to go against the tide. especially now that rumiko decided to invent an afterthought daughter for inukag. some inukikers worked hard on fanfic only to get very few reviews and even a lot of negative ones from inukags. same with fanart. imagine working hard and getting few likes and hate
I'm in another fandom where it's like gintsu, a small group of friends, their fanarts/fanfics get a lot of hate, but they still do it because they love this ship and so do I. I love reading their stories, they are wonderful and fanarts. There are few of them, but we exist. InuKiks, if they continue to be in the shadow of the fandom, they will never be satisfied with their work. My stories that I wrote also met with low notes here, so what? I write because I love them, and also because I don't feel like writing at the moment, inuyasha,, well, it happens, writer's block. It's about pleasure. inukik fans will appreciate it and I'm 100% sure. When I came across inukik headcanon, my heart swelled with happiness, it was wonderful. Hate. That fandom also meets it, one of the girls and my friend have a lot of hate, but they MOVE on and make content. But apparently inukik fans would rather be defeated by a large fanbase than do whatever they want for their own ship, and if inukag send messages like this, can't they really shut them down? After all, they do it on purpose by using gasglit. This fandom will never EVER be more active because of behave like this. Inukik fans are simply gaslight by inukags. This isn't about war. There's no need to lead it, ignore these fucking son of bitches and and do your thing, and if one comes, you just need to extinguish it with arguments!!
This method was also used on me and I had to go through a lot of things, but I managed to be here with you and support you. I am very disappointed with the approach of inukik, with such an approach things never change. Oh well. It's sad.
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toffeeinx · 3 years
all i want is too read inukag fanfics in peace, but i keep stumbling upon posts about how much someone love/hates a specific ship or character or how yashahime is terrible other than moroha and i’m all for people knowing their interests and having differing opinions but… pls i just want inukag fanfics
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masitadibujante · 4 years
Thank you for answering my ask about InuKik! It's really the only thing I ship after getting back into the series! I think you nailed what I like about it so much, they're both outcasts and sp they found each other. They were cute before it all went to hell, but I also like it during the series proper. I like ships that have that sort of range, particularly if there's good angst a d overcoming bitterness you know? Anyway, thank you. I don't have anyone to talk about this ship with.
Heey Where are the inukik stans? this sweet anon wants to interact with you guys 👀
Answering your ask, uhm I’m not sure if you're talking about similar ships/interactions inside the IY series or outside so I’ll answer both ways lmao
Outside Inuyasha: Out of all the series I’ve seen or read I think the ones who are as interesting/complex as Inukik are from the Fate franchise like Kiritsugu and Irisviel’s relationship from Fate Zero (Gen Urobuchi is not called Urobutcher for nothing so expect tons of angst lol) as well as Shirou and Sakura’s relationship from FsN Heaven’s Feel route. Both couples are similar to Inukik in being misunderstood as hell by fans due to their wide range of interactions.
Inside Inuyasha: If you’re like me who finished the series but wants more Kikyo  interactions and or interesting plots in general, I do have two main fanfic recommendations, one with Kikyo and one with Kagome.
Tomorrows Sorrow (KogKag): Yes, you’re right, this fanfic has nothing to do with Kikyo and even has a ship considered vanilla because we all know Koga loves Kagome like nothing else but believe me when I tell you this story is amazing in terms of details, not OOCness and hella lots of ANGST. Inuyasha is surprisingly well portrayed and is a slow burn romance.
The Rift Between Auras (SessKik and a bit of InuKik): You may think why the hell would I recommend such a peculiar couple like Sesshomaru x Kikyo but PLEASE bear with me. This masterpiece of a story is the main reason why I changed Inukik as my top Kikyo ship because it has everything you want in a story to the point that a lot of Kikyo stans consider this as the new canon. If you think she deserved more development in the og series as I do, please do yourself a favor and give this story a chance.
Unfortunately I haven’t search that much InuKik fanfics so if you guys have a suggestion please do tell me 😁 Hope to have helped you anon!
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titan-wolfdog · 5 years
Hi there! If you're still taking sesskag requests, how about au swap where kagome is a human priestess from the feudal era and Sesshomaru is a modern age youkai? Makes good for fluff and humor! Cheers!💕💕💕
Hello hello lovely one! Ask and ye shall receive, hope this is to your liking! Cheers!  💕💕💕
Word count: 1267
Rating: General, very fluffy and lighthearted!
Another summer came, another normal season where her duties would just turn a bit more annoying due to the heat and bugs, but never more. Kagome watched over the village she had under her protection, duty she carried with her older sister Kikyo. So much hand changed in such little time, it all seemed different since the arrival of the demon brothers, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
They had come from a time that was not her own, eventually they’d have to go back, the priestess assumed. It was no use to become fond over either of them, much unlike her sister had done with the half-demon brother, the youngest one. Kikyo’s ice-cold heart melted for Inuyasha’s hot-headedness, reckless way of thinking and oddly-charming smile.
And Kagome’s? She won’t say it out loud, but hers surrendered for the full-blooded demon. She could hide behind her self-reliant, independent and pure-hearted nature all she wanted, but flushed cheeks and dreamy gazes don’t lie.
He has no business being this handsome and pretty, Kagome often thought, much like now, detailing in her mind how his golden eyes were framed with cheek stripes, maroon eyeshadow and a lilac crescent.
Or this… dreamy! Her eyebrows furrowed and her face reddened, imaginary fingers running through the cascade of silver locks that fell from the demon dog’s pervasive ponytail and framed his face with a well-cared fringe.
Or this kind, and mysterious, and confident… Her frown transformed into longing stare towards the vastness of the rich blue sky. She kept listing all the reasons that seemed to draw her towards the older brother, she was alone and could simper all she wanted without being judged.
‘‘ ‘Ey Kagome!’’
‘‘Hello, Kagome.’’
Or so she thought.
‘‘Inuyasha? S-Sesshomaru!’’ Their presences seemed manifest out of nowhere, though in reality they just walked their way there and she had failed to notice, caught in her own daydream to the point the rest of the world had numbed.
‘‘Same as usual! C’mere!’’ Inuyasha greeted the priest first, messing her hair as his usual form of affection, she fixed it quick and pinched his cheek, getting a whine out of the half-demon.
‘‘I thought ya’ were gonna say ya’ missed me at least! What gives?!’’
‘‘That is scolding for last time! You ran off before I could give you the talking to for acting so recklessly!’’ She pointed at him, but at the sight of his puppy eyes, she chuckled.
‘‘But yes, we indeed missed you Inuyasha,’’ She smiled at him, and the half demon gave a cheeky smirk in return. ‘‘Kikyo is by the same spot, as you guessed. She’s waiting for you.’’
‘‘Oh! Thanks, Kagome! I’ll see ya in a while!’’ He sped downhill, fixing his usual updo as the half-demon rushed to find his beloved. Kagome shook her head, arms crossed over her chest. She turned to find the taciturn demon’s lips curved up, just by a bit.
‘‘Your brother is certainly a handful, how is modernity? You two were gone for a bit longer than usual.’’ She pointed out, inching closer.
‘‘That may be my fault, there were family matters to attend to. But I am not smiling due to Inuyasha’s antics,’’ His baritone was calm but clear, almost opposite to his brother.
‘‘And why are you smiling, then?’’ Her eyebrow raised, a little smirk on her face. All he had to do was glance at her, smile a little more and nod, and her heart was sent into a frenzy. She heard a chuckle escape his lips, and there was no form to deny her adoration for the demon dog.
Sesshomaru was well aware of the effects he had on her, speaking with frankness, the priestess had his heart dangling by her hands, even if she was not to admit it to herself. Their mutual attraction was palpable to anyone who looked their way for more than a few seconds, thus he didn’t mind the flirting and banter at all.
Her azure gaze fell on his silver hair, tied up in a ponytail just like it should be. Imagination could barely compare to the real thing; even tied it reached a little above his knees and waved in enchanting motions when he walked. Curiosity sparked in her, over how it would look down and free.
‘‘Lord Sesshomaru?’’ She called his attention, blue eyes beaming with interest.
‘‘I told you there’s no need to be so formal, just Sesshomaru is fine.’’ He smiled, leaning a little to look at her. ‘‘What is it?’’
‘‘Is there a reason why you and Inuyasha always have your hair tied up?’’ There was a hint of nervousness in her tone, fearing she might have offended him. What if in the future this is expected of young men? What if it’s not courteous to ask? She wondered, regretting her question that could not be taken back.
‘‘Commodity and practicality, of course. Why do you ask?’’
‘‘Really?’’ Kagome was glad to hear him say so, ready to deliver her next question. ‘‘Well, I have to admit I’ve been curious to know how you look with your hair down, is there any possibility I might see?’’
He found nothing odd in her question, no reason to be ashamed as his hair was, indeed, his joy and pride as far as physical appearance concerned, much like his markings. He reached behind his ears, clawed fingers holding his locks as he undid the hairdo.
Through an enamored gaze, Kagome watched silver locks fall on his back, over his shoulders and onto his chest. The subtle scent of his shampoo made clear as he fixed for it to be all on his back.
‘‘Wow…’’ She marveled at it, fixed stare and mouth a little agape. Her awe and adoration increasing by the second, the only thing that managed to snap her out of her head but Sesshomaru’s touch as he reached behind her.
‘‘And now, stand still,’’ He ordered, moving the priestess to be in front of him. Her face just gained more color as his fingers twirled and played with hers locks.
I thought I was going to run my fingers through his har! O-Oh dear- Am I stuttering in my own head?! She was frozen in place, enjoying the delicacy of his claws’ touch.
‘‘There we go,’’ Pulling out his phone, he opened the camera to show her his work. Her jet-black locks were tied up in a similar fashion to how his was, save for a few slight waves that framed her face and her fringe. She caressed her face and glanced up at the modern lord, with rosy cheeks over fair skin.
‘‘How do I look?’’ Bashful, Kagome asked. Her heart pounded
‘‘You look peachy, Kagome.’’ He caressed the cheek her fingers had traced, his face beaming with casual delight.
‘‘Now, don’t mind if I do this.’’ He wrapped an arm around her, lifting his modern gadget to snap a picture of the moment. She cuddled against his hold, pearly whites shown for the camera she had yet to accustom to. His chance then, he missed no beats as his lips connected to her cheek, captured by the app.
She dared to return, for a second picture, and the demon dog couldn’t lie to himself even if he tried. He wished she had missed by two inches, just so he’d taste her on his lips.
He put the foreign object away with his other belongings, trailing towards the village with the flustered, bashful priestess by his side. His lengthy silver locks moved by the breeze, and by a faint touch of Kagome, at last.
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kago-mae · 4 years
So my state currently has us under a lockdown, I have an abundance of time on my hand so I’m thinking this is a good time to work on my sesskag FanFiction.
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