#Inuyasha is a good bf
kitramune · 10 months
Mistlewoes (rating, G)
A lil InuKag Christmas drabble for you lovely folks. Sorry it's so short, I've been a little dry on the motivation, lately! Thanks to @nukawin for the prompt, here. ~*~*~*~*~
Inuyasha didn't know how this could have happened... Had he not been diligent enough? Had he missed something that only existed in Kagome's time? Something so subtle it had slipped past him? What a conniving and dangerous world she lived in!
All these thoughts and more shot through the hanyou's head as he faced down the giant bear that was currently roaring and standing taller to try and intimidate him away. He already had procured several herbs from Kaede and was working on the meat and organs.
This had all started when he overheard Kagome's family talking. Something about getting a tree for some disease. He forgot the name, but it had to do with toes.
He struck down the bear, harvesting everything he could before he moved on.
Dammit, how could he have let Kagome's toes get sick?! Or was it some kind of possession? Maybe he'd have to fight, after all. Hmmm... Well if this method didn't work, he'd try that. Lugging his haul towards the Well, Inuyasha stewed in his worry.
“Inuyasha-kun! My, what's all this?” Mrs. Higurashi looked shocked at his cargo when he made his way into the house.
“I heard Kagome was sick, so I brought some stuff to make her better. Is she in her room?”
“Sick? She never told me anything about that.” The woman looked even more alarmed.
Now Inuyasha was really confused. “I heard you and the old man talking about it and you said a tree would help bring it out of her toe? I got more stuff just to help her recover, though.”
Mrs. Higurashi seemed to realize something and lifted a hand to stifle her laughter. “Oh, that's sweet of you, dear. I'm sure Kagome will appreciate it. She'll be down soon, she's in the bath at the moment.”
He nodded. The warm water would probably make her feel better, as well. He moved to deposit his pack of items when something stopped him in his tracks. “Holy hell, is that the tree?!”
“Yes, it's called a Christmas Tree. We get one and decorate it every year around this time.”
Inuyasha gaped. “So this happens a lot? Is it a curse, then?! Is that why you have those weird shiny shimenawa ropes and shikigami all over it?”
Mrs. Higurashi hummed in thought, seeming to debate how to explain something to him. But Kagome chose that moment to come downstairs.
“Inuyasha? Why are you here?”
“Kagome!” he hurried over to her. “You'll feel better soon, I brought some things to help in addition to the tree! How are your toes?”
Kagome only furrowed her brow. “My toes? What are you talking about?”
“I think,” her mother supplied, “that there's been a little mix-up. Inuyasha-kun seems to have overheard me and father discussing our mistletoe.”
Kagome's mouth formed a small 'o' as she took in his worried expression and the pack of ingredients behind him. Luckily she couldn't quite see the viscera from there. She grabbed his hand, confusing him more, and pulled him over to an odd looking plant he'd never seen before. It was hanging near the equally odd tree.
“This is mistletoe, Inuyasha. It's not a sickness, it's for-... Well...”
Her confirmation that she wasn't actually suffering from anything did cause him to relax a bit, but it was quickly replaced by curiosity. She may not be sick, but her cheeks were quickly becoming red. A fever?
“For what?” he asked gently, moving his hand to touch her forehead and check for a temperature, ignoring her embarrassed inhale.
“It's, um... for this.” With that, Kagome stood on her tippy-toes, his hand still on her forehead, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
It was warm. It was slightly wet. It was soft. It was wonderful. It was... over way too quickly, leaving Inuyasha unable to do anything but stare at her and slowly put his hand back down. She smiled, and even through his shock, he wanted to smile back.
Mrs. Higurashi giggled, the sound breaking both teenagers out of their little trance. Both blushed, but the knowing mother seamlessly moved them on to a new topic. “Would you like to stay for dinner, Inuyasha-kun? After all, you brought such lovely gifts for Kagome and she can explain all about Christmas to you.”
Kagome cleared her throat tactfully. “That sounds... good.”
Inuyasha nodded. “Sure.”
No way in HELL was he leaving until he got to kiss her back! Even if it took all night!
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inusmasha · 1 year
Just rambling about InuKag dynamics I don't see ppl talk about.
this is 'long post' disclaimer .
Its a ghostly day today, and I have it all to myself. So while defrosting this english muffin I started musing about what sort of dynamics I like most in fiction. Like not just romantic wise. I wanted to figure out what was.. the tension? I enjoyed most... between what two archetypes?
And I what I noticed is that I love a good Mentor/Mentee dynamic. It's something that's been pretttyyyy consistent since childhood. (I can't name any atm to help my argument but you feel compelled to keep reading)
However, I didn't see how this would fit InuKag? My Titanic? My ship of dreams? My childhood? InuKag sometimes stands out like a sore thumb compared to my other interests. I was going to chalk it up to "Well it's baby's first anime so.." UNTIL..
I realized the fandom tends to focus on how Kagome helped Inuyasha (recover his lost heart, humanity, the unconditional selfless love, understanding ect.) but like.. we don't really talk about what he provides for her as much? And I'd love to indulge you with my take but we'd have to go over why I think Kagome decided to leave the modern world and opt for a life in wilderness of the Feudal Era.
Yes, yes. A big part is Inuyasha. That is a huge driving factor. But Im saying step back and see what's happening in the grand scheme of things.
I think..for Kagome..her romance with Inuyasha acted as a portal to a type of freedom she didn't know she craved. He acts as a guide of sort. He gives her access and safe passage to explore this dangerous world fully without fear. It reminds me of when I was with my first bf and I was over the moon happy when I realized I could walk around at night with him. It was THRILLING to my sheltered teen ass. It was like I was holding the key to the VIP room. I was allowed backstage. He was a door that opened me up to new experiences that would not of been available to me at that time otherwise!
And then the benefit of being immersed in nature. With your lover. Who is a figure that exists outside of the society that was keeping you locked up in the first place. Kagome's name is also referencing 'a bird in a cage'.
Kagome also serves as a guide for Inuyasha. She brings him back from the liminal space of the forest to the village/community/connection. Again opening him up to the possibility of trusting others and forming bonds and setting down roots in the village.
Kagome also represents us the Audience. She is our perspective. She is "The Ordinary Teenage Girl". She's pulled into the well like we are being pulled into the narrative. She grapples with her identity. Her purpose. Her abilities. She's lip singing to Kelly Clarkson with her hairbrush in front of the mirror. She's trying to get to school but...OOP...You know what? I'm 16. I'm suddenly in a fairy tale. The faries spirited me away and I can't take the test right now. The magical jewel was in my hip you see. I'll think about high school entrance exams later when I'm done shooting my sparkly arrows.
You can't sit there and tell me that you didn't long to escape the druggery that came after graduating lol? The what so I do now? The who am I ? And where do I belong? What major do I want? I have to buy a house now? No? I have to fix my credit score-
No babe. You're going to hitch a ride on your bf's back with ya hair down and eat fruit by a waterfall. He's going to ask you wtf a test is to the sound of a million birds chirping in the morning. Then you're going to go back to your loving village that welcomes you home and calls you a hero.
It makes sense that she stayed. It makes sense. You just gotta... see the vision.. you gotta FEEEEL the escapism.
Anyway yeah lol. Not really a mentor to each other per say but their meeting was a catalysis for a lot of growth and learning and trials and tribulations that changed them for the better. And it just feels similar.
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ronandreams · 11 months
i was tagged by @tommishelby, thank you kinga! 💖
last song: the great war by taylor swift
favorite color: pink, and turquoise/teal
currently watching: i was watching the fall of the house of usher 😁 so good! as well as casually watching inuyasha with my bf :) soon i'm going to start the new season of black mirror
last movie/TV show: five nights at freddy's! or it might have been skinamarink.. idk. didn't like either of these as much as i thought i would, but still had fun lol
spicy/savory/sweet: spicy
relationship status: in a relationship
current obsession(s): horror novels & taylor swift, the usual lol
last thing you googled: calories in an orange. i was curious lol it's 45
tagging: @lvnchs, @dykenadjas, @hellshee, @posthman, @nina-sayers, @laurabenanti, @burke-juliet, @merrypembertons, @elenas, @spelmansabrina, @haillily, @cavarage, @swkywalker, @eizagonzalezs, @jeanmoreaux.
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jennomess · 3 months
Hi! It's been a while since i want to make an intro post but i was too shy and new to tumblr to know how to start, but well, here i go!
Welcome to my king blog, you can call me Jen, the plethora is they/them, non binary, ace spectrum, biromantic. My mother language is spanish, i learned english in school and fanfics kept me going, so if at any given moment someone wants to add constructive criticism i'd be very very grateful ty.
In my country you are legal when you're 18 years old, so, MINORS DNI, please.
About my content:
-Crazy abt my bf atm so maybe that's what i'll be posting more. I don't know exactly why but i tagged posts about him with #jenbf 🤡
-My wavs are tagged as #jenwav . I wanted to try and retrieve to the community that offered me so much. I don't have as many oportunities to record as i'd like being that i feel more comfortable doing it when i'm home alone, but if you happen to have a request i can try when given the oportunity uwu
-Sometimes i write scenarios -or feel like some experiences can apply very oof-, they're under #jensnzario
-I also have one shot's that i want to share with you, someday, they would be under the #jensnzfic tag and detailed in a section in this pinned post (also if you happen to be interested in helping me as a beta pls dm me <3)
-If i ever, ever do some drawings, (there's one hyper vanilla maybe) they'll be under #jenart
And all my ramblings under #jenpost or opinion tags under #jenrb :v
Fandoms -and preferences-:
-S/piderdevil -A/drew's s/piderman and M/att M/urdock from D/aredevil-
-H/ijack (The d/reamworks boys) -J/ack F/rost and H/iccup-
-JC A/vatar -young± J/ake, the S/ullys, a/onoak (soorry, but that enemies to lovers gets me hehe)-
-K/uroshitsuji -S/ebastian, R/onald K/nox-
-N/o. 6 -N/ezumi and S/hion-
-D/&D movie -D/oric-
-S/hadowhunters -A/lec and M/agnus-
-A/vatar: tla -Z/uko, also in z/ukka's form-
-I/nuyasha -Inuyasha, Sango, Sesshomaru-
-M/iraculous lb -L/uka, Adrien, if L/ukadrien- better-
-T/he L/ion K/ing 2 -K/ovu and K/iara-
I think that's it, as far as i can remember right now that's all the fandoms i'd love to read or fantasize, if i remember another one i'll be adding it bc we never know where do we have friends or allies hahah (and also, serious question, how does one find fandom around here?)
A bit about me:
-I'm a musician, percussionist
-Don't have allergies -as far as i know- apart from the usual dust
-Idk how i got to be a little germaphobe and still have this kink since... 12? 14? Haha weird how this things coexist... So irl mess is a big no for me, in media, maybe a little... I think this kink for me is more of an auditory thing...
-The no's are also for uncovered and dad sneezes
-Thougths about contagion... Just with consent of course, irl... I think that sounds romantic, but just if i have money and time to be sick ha ha x,v
-I mostly use my phone to tumblr and there are a lot of blogs i'd like to follow and posts i'd like to kudo but this is a side blog and i'm "paranoid" so i mostly rb x)
And well i think that's all(?) thank you if you read this far, dm's and asks are always fine about whatever
Good timezone!
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firewoodfigs · 1 year
so i came down with a pretty bad flu while i was in Langkawi the past few days and decided to stay in on the last night and omg??? i forgot how good it feels to just lie on the couch and browse Netflix and watch stuff without worry??? i watched a really heartwarming Korean film with my friends called Dream—we picked it because it had IU in it but it ended up being so much more than we bargained for, lol. the film depicted homelessness in such a compelling and realistic way—the common stigmas associated with homelessness, and the futility of common but thoughtless solutions—while portraying, with immense tact and beauty, the hope that comes with faith and friendship. i loved it 🥺 especially the bits about this one father who wanted to do his best for his daughter and how she was just so unwaveringly supportive and concerned and kept plying meat on top of his bowl of rice because she knew he wouldn’t take it for himself 😭
I also binged all 4 episodes of my blissful marriage and devoured all available manga chapters lmao PLS the male lead is so deliberately targeted towards my weak pathetic heart and i love it I’m so soft for their blossoming affection 😭 afterwards i flipped through some episodes of the latest Netflix adaptation of shaman king and omg it brought back a whole flood of memories. i used to watch it as a kid when it was airing on TV every night at 1130pm, and i would dutifully wait cross-legged by the TV with so much anticipation and excitement. Yoh is honestly such an inspiring character lmao especially when i was going through a really hard time in middle school (obviously i got bullied bcs i was admittedly quite a peculiar character). to this day his repeated mantra that it’ll all work out somehow is such a vibe. i adored his enduring optimism and kindness, and revisiting this was truly a blast to the past.
it also made me recall how inuyasha would show at 11pm back then, right before SK, and i got reminded of my trip to Japan with my bf this year where we got to sit on a really fun Ferris wheel!!! my bf did not get the reference (him: is this another weeaboo thing again) LOL but he happily obliged when i pulled him towards it after our tour around the aquarium and we had such a lovely time watching the skyline from above. definitely one of my favourite dates for sure! here’s a picture of us inside the actual thing, and one of him pretending to eat my piplup barrette 😆:
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and of course, the star of the show:
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muchalucha91 · 2 years
I made a list for webtoons, might as well make a list for manga/anime! I wasn't really allowed to watch too much cartoons TV growing up, so for the past few years, I've been "catching up" so to speak on the anime I missed out on aaand also watching newer ones lol Anyhoo, here's what I've seen/read so far (in alphabetical order):
Arte (Hulu) Manga continues
Black Butler (Hulu) ((full disclosure, I wasn't super paying attention when I watched this, so I have to watch it again lol))
Blue Exorcist (Hulu) ((I haven't finished it yet))
Cardcaptor Sakura/Clear Card Arc (Netflix) ((One of my faves as a kid, I had a board game for it, even! It has since been lost to time, though. T_T))
Cells at Work (Netflix) ((Also haven't finished yet lol))
Corpse Princess (Hulu) ((See Black Butler lol))
Dance with Devils (Hulu)
Demon Slayer (Hulu) ((haven't seen a lot yet, please don't come for me, I'm trying lol))
Devil is a Part-Timer! (Hulu)
Diabolik Lovers (Hulu)
Dragonball/DBZ/DBS (Funimation) ((I got Funimation just so I could watch Dragonball, then I figured I might as well get a refresher of DBZ since I hadn't seen it since it was on Toonami, all while my BF and I were watching DBS on Toonami/Adult Swim lol)
Fairy Tail/100 Years Quest (all the seasons were on Hulu, but they took all but 2 down, so I've been watching it on Funimation) I am SO excited to see 100YQ animated! It's been fun to read.
Food Wars! (Hulu)
Fruits Basket (both runs are on Hulu)
Fushigi Yuugi (Hulu) ((I actually don't know if I finished this...after a while I was just waiting for it to be over and it just. wasn't. ending.
Horimiya (Hulu)
Inuyasha/Final Act (Hulu/Netflix has the movies) ((another fave from my childhood))
Itazura na Kiss (Hulu) ((I'm not sure why people like this))
Jujustu Kaisen (Hulu) ((I think I started reading this after I finished watching it, but I've been super busy and forgot lol))
Kaguya-sama: Love is War (Hulu)
Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits (Funimation)
Kamisama Kiss (Hulu) ((ugh...I love this and it's criminal that the anime didn't finish with the manga))
Kimi ni Todoke (Hulu)
Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life (Hulu)
Little Witch Academia (Netflix)
Magic-Kyu! Renaissance (Funimation)
Mahoutsukai no Yome [The Ancient Magus' Bride] (Funimation) ((I love this, too, but I had to take a break from the manga because I was getting irritated with the FL and the choices she was making lmao I've been meaning to pick it back up, though, it really is very good!))
Maid Sama! (Hulu)
My Love Story! (Hulu)
Noragami (Hulu) ((made me cry in a way that my BF asked me what was wrong lol))
Ouran High School Host Club (Hulu) ((I'm sorry, I don't get the love for this, but I also haven't been able to read it yet, so maybe I will once I do))
Pokemon [Kanto-beginning of Hoenn] (Hulu) ((I have not kept up with it over the years and the only reason why I know of any of the newer Pokemon is because of PokemonGo and the new Pokemon Snap--which has been really fun so far--lol))
Ranma 1/2 (Hulu)
Rurouni Kenshin (HBO Max) ((I liked this, but I thought the story was super choppy))
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts (manga only for now, but I think I just saw that an anime is coming soon!!) ((this is so beautifully drawn and sooo well written! It made me audibly react sometimes)
Sailor Moon [OG] (Hulu) ((My absolute favorite when I was a kid! My mom even watched it with me lol I wanted to be Sailor Mars sooooo bad I always kept my hair long just like her! I've got her as a keychain right now lol))
Say "I Love You" (Hulu)
School Rumble: 1st-3rd Semesters (Hulu) ((I didn't even watch the last episode. Literally nothing happened and I just felt bad for the guy. I couldn't watch it anymore lol)
Snow White with the Red Hair (Hulu) ((I hope it gets more seasons, but I also hope it gets better animation. I know people worked hard on it, but it does not do the manga justice. It's so beautifully drawn and written, this is for sure one of my favorites!))
Spice ad Wolf (Hulu)
Spy x Family (Hulu) ((It was popping up so much on my tumblr around ep 4 that I had to know what people were talking about and I'm so glad I did!))
Vampire Knight (Hulu) ((Didn't/Couldn't finish it))
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina (Hulu)
Yashahime (Hulu) ((It's not what I was expecting/hoping for, but I've had fun watching it))
Yona of the Dawn (Hulu) ((this NEEDS more seasons, the manga gets SO INTENSE))
You're Lie in April (HBO Max is where I watched it, but I think it's on Hulu, too) ((ugly cried))
Yu Yu Hakusho (Hulu) ((I only saw a few episodes as a kid, but I remember really loving the art style and the voices. It's still one of my faves))
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Hulu) ((I watched this every time it came on Toonami, I had a whole deck that I lost--which I'm still sad about--but I have a new deck and sometimes my BF and I play each other lol))
I've got an excel spreadsheet with these and others that I want to watch, but haven't yet, totaling 126 lmao As of right now (1/2023) I have no desire to watch Attack on Titan, One Piece, or Naruto (again, please don't come for me and PLEASE don't try to convince me), but I welcome any other recommendations and/or discussions/chats about any I listed!
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Sid, I know you’re mostly an InuKag blog and this probably isn’t your area of expertise, but as a POC the discourse surrounding Kikyo - and by extension InuKik as a ship - really bothers me.
Seems like all anyone can focus on about Kikyo as a character is stupid Iove triangle shipping discourse, if she is hated or called out it’s generally only for that reason and that reason alone. Otherwise if people aren’t hating her because “she gets in the way of InuKag,” she’s treated as this cool girlboss who’s a tragic figure and simply misunderstood, now this is not to erase the complexities and nuance that is inherent to her character, but it kinda bothers me that she’s not called out more for her actual crime in actually being really low-key racist? Like personally she’s one of the most problematic characters in the franchise to me.
The way she treats Inuyasha throughout the anime and manga she acts like she’s doing him a favor and gives off strong “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend/bf!” vibes. She treats him as one of the “good demons” constantly comparing him to the full-blooded ones saying how he’s not like *that* because he has human blood. She straight out just asks him if he ever just thought of stopping being biracial essentially, telling him to throw half of his identity and race away and get rid of his problematic “ethnic features.” She is literally Microaggressions: The Character.
And I know IY is fiction and demons aren’t an actual race that exists in real life, but I’m of the belief that fiction does not exist in a vacuum, it influences and informs reality just like reality informs it. The whole “demons vs humans” conflict that is at the center of the narrative and a hanyou’s place in it feels like it’s meant to be a direct allegory/metaphor for racism between different ethnic groups out in the real world and how mixed people are often caught in the middle. Inuyasha to me reads as a very POC-coded character with very distinct physical features alien to the dominant human society that he is judged for constantly. And maybe I’m just being overly sensitive but it feels really wrong that shipping drama is people’s biggest issue with Kikyo when they’re kinda ignoring this big 5ft pink elephant in the room? I mean tons of other fandoms are always ready to decry and call out the racism inherent to their franchises so why doesn’t the IY fandom? (Though the callouts of Sunrise over whitewashing Shiori in Yashahime was a good start)
InuKik’s whole relationship in general is just really uncomfortable and has these weird racial power undertones to it, I mean Kikyo is a respected village authority who is a Miko in charge of protecting the village in demons, so literally in the position of a “cop,” while Inuyasha himself is a poor, disenfranchised minority youth who’s discriminated against day in and day out and Kikyo basically takes it as her task to play white savior and try to “rehabilitate/civilize” him society, all while she clearly has the upper hand and holds all the privilege between the two and yet she wants to play little miss “woe is me” and pretends or even dismisses the fact that she has any privilege at all? That her and Inuyasha “are in the exact same position???”
And sure we could talk about misogynist double standards and how it’s unfair I’m suddenly interested in “cancelling” her character when Sesshomaru himself is also a big ass racist, but see the difference is is that at least Sesshomaru is an upfront, out-and out open racist. Neither he nor the narrative ever attempt to paint him in the right and openly criticize and give him comeuppance for his racist attitude in life which he has to actively learn from. Kikyo on the other hand is imo the much more dangerous type of racist, she’s the insidious “covert” racist, who might not even realize they’re being racist but has internalized a lot of toxic societal messaging regarding certain skin colors (Or I guess in IY’s case, supernatural powers and animal-like physical features) and so overtly looks down on POC and does a lot more institutional harm to them than a KKK-style racist like Sesshomaru could ever do. She’s not a self-aware racist, which imo is the much more dangerous type.
Anyways sorry for going off on this long rant to you like this, it’s just always bugged me that the fandom seems to overlook this major flaw and problematic connotations surrounding Kikyo’s character when this is an an extremely important issue that deserves to be talked about more and has much more serious implications than any petty shipping debates.
I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm not white either. However, this doesn't necessarily make me an expert on the subject by any means. It's definitely not my intention to speak for every people of color in the fandom. I'm simply sharing a personal opinion.
Of course Inuyasha is fiction and demons aren't an actual race, but as you so pertinently put it: fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum. It influences and informs reality and, in return, reality equally influences and informes fiction.
Inuyasha's predicament is a very clear representation of racism. Just because it doesn't get called out by name, it doesn't mean it's not there. The prejudice, the discrimination and the ostracizing he went through certainly are.
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The unfair way in which he has been treated might have nothing to do with his skin tone, but it's deeply associated with his status as a half demon, something he can't nor should naturally change. For an allegory, it can't get more explicit than this.
In that sense, it matters little which real life minority we think Inuyasha was coded after. What's really important is recognizing that his half demon heritage carries an undeserved stigma. It shaped who he is and how he's perceived by others. As a result, everything concerning his demonic blood will inevitably rise very real racial issues. That's why Kikyo comes off in a bad light.
She initially spared Inuyasha's life because she didn't see him as a half demon, but as a half human. And then she got into her head that, due to their shared loneliness, they were not so different — completely neglecting the fact that said loneliness came from totally different places.
Like I've said before: Inuyasha didn’t choose loneliness. Everyone else chose to isolate him. Kikyo, on the other hand, isolated herself. Both Kaede – as the village priestess – and Kagome – as the new guardian of the Jewel – proved that it's more than possible to fulfil their duties while still mantaining deep, meaningful connections to other people. Kagome in particular relied on those connections for her power to grow.
And so Kikyo had the option to simply drop everything if she so desired: pass the Jewel on, stop using her powers and start fresh somewhere. She had the option to ask for help, to let people in.
At the same time, all the reasons why she doesn't are completely understandable. It makes perfect sense for her character, fleshs out her personality and it makes her interesting from a storytelling perspective. What she didn't have was the right to compare her situation to Inuyasha's, who didn't have the luxury of choosing.
Of course, having a little sister who loved her to death and an entire village worshipping the ground she walked on aren't impediments to feeling lonely or depressed, but it's still way more than what Inuyasha ever had at the time.
Kikyo's sorrow doesn't take away from the fact that she was privileged and therefore, could never speack to Inuyasha from a place of parity. Presenting herself as his equal is a false equivalence and the way the scene was framed made it look like Kikyo was asking Inuyasha for sympathy when the goal was — or at least should have been — showing him compassion and understanding.
In that sense, suggesting to use the Jewel to turn him into human is just awful. Not only would it be a selfish wish, but also there's no way for us to know exactly how it would backfire, only that it would. Inuyasha was being used to test a theory that would have failed. Spectacularly.
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Sure you can. You're half human, after all. But if it was used to turn you into a human... the Jewel would be purified and would probably cease to exist.
The repetition of the word "human" emphasizes said circumstance. Also, notice how it gets confidently associated with "purity", while such certaninty is not applied to what could happen to the Jewel, which would only "probably" cease to exist.
Not to mention Inuyasha canonically hates being human. It's bad if Kikyo doesn't know that fact, because it shows just how little they actually knew about each other for two people who are supposed to be in love, but for obvious reasons, it's even worse if she does know.
One might argue that her intentions here were good. Adopting the "we're not so different" approach was her way of reaching up to Inuyasha and turning him into human was mutually beneficial in theory. Regardless of what her reasoning was, though, the point is that she never should have done it in the first place. It was highly insensitive at best.
And even if you believe that Kikyo didn't have an actual issue with Inuyasha's demonic features — which is as valid an interpretation as any — there's no denying she wasn't too fond of them either, otherwise she wouldn't have jumped at the chance to get rid of them. She liked Inuyasha despite of who he was, not because of it.
The situation gets even worse when you realize that this arrangement isn't mutually beneficial at all. Hypothetically, Kikyo would be free of her duty, becoming an ordinary woman with a human Inuyasha by her side, which was already everything she wanted. But what about him?
Inuyasha is the one making all the compromising. He was the one putting his life — the one his demon father died to save — on the line. He was the one sacrificing his powers, his physical appearance and his father's legacy (because he wouldn't be able to wield Tessaiga as a human, even if he didn't know about its existence yet). Inuyasha being a half demon was the living proof of his parents tragic love story and he was turning his back on that not because he thought was what he wanted — like becoming a full demon, for instance — but because someone else suggested it to him.
What was Inuyasha getting out of it? "Acceptance" from villagers he didn't really care about and who would only be friendly to him because he wouldn't look like himself anymore, while still being racist to other demons? An "official" relationship with Kikyo, even though there isn't really a good reason as to why he couldn't have that without forsaking a part of who he was, since relationships between demons and humans, though rare, already existed and he eventually got that with Kagome?
Unless, of course, Kikyo's offer to live together was conditional. Which raises the question: what was Kikyo giving up, apart from things she wanted gone anyway? And what would have happened if Inuyasha refused to go with her plan?
Because it was one thing to kiss him in secret — like the anime-only scene in the docks — or after she was technically dead and had nothing to lose, but it's a totally different thing to own up to that relationship without the prospect of using the Jewel to change him. Unfortunatelly, her character isn't written well enough for us to draw our own conclusions based solely on canon material.
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The point I'm trying to make is that despite the narrative portraying Kikyo's suggestion as a selfless act on her part, she would be the only one actually benefiting from this deal long run. In the end of the day, it was more about her needs than his, because the kind of acceptance she was offering Inuyasha wasn't the one he needed, which Kikyo should've known.
Inuyasha going for it isn't the proof of love Takahashi — and part of the fandom — tend to paint it as. It's a proof of desperation: desperation that Kikyo would walk away if he told her no. Desperation to belong somewhere. Anywhere. Remember: Inuyasha had his mind set on becoming a full demon literally a few days prior.
That's why this ship was build to wreck, with or without Naraku. There were no trust, no intimacy, no honesty. They barely knew each other. Inuyasha put Kikyo on a pedestal and was constantly trying to act like someone he wasn't to please her (restrained, apathetic and unsure). Their whole relationship was based on loneliness and idealization.
All of this is to say that the way Kikyo treated Inuyasha's heritage is a defining trait of her character and, by extension, of Inukik as a pairing. And although it is possible — even preferable — to call out her behavior outside the shipping discourse, it's also perfectly understandable that both things will blend together because Kagome and Inukag are direct paralells to Kikyo's actions in this regard.
Trust and acceptance are recurring themes in Inukag's relationship and the lack thereof, in my carefully curated fandom experience, is the biggest source of Kikyo and Inukik criticism and it circles right back to those racial issues. Sadly, the closer we ever got from the narrative challenging Kikyo's perspectie on the matter was having Inuyasha end up with Kagome, who had an opposite worldview.
Obviously, there are still people who will make this solely about the love triangle and there will always be, but as far as I can tell, they're mostly casual anime watchers nowadays, not at all comparable to how it used to be back when the ship war was still raging on.
I dislike Inukik and Kikyo is one of my least favorite characters not because I'm an Inukag shipper or a Kagome stan, but because as an Inuyasha stan and someone who appreciates themes and character growth, I can't get behind it even if Kagome never became a part of the equation.
And I believe a considerable amount of people who share this feeling think the same, we just don't express it more often because... Well... You said it yourself: I'm mostly an Inukag blog. And I'd much rather focus on the things I love instead of the ones I dislike.
You see, the Inuyasha fandom is old and the Inuyasha material is older. Inevitably, some part of its content did not age well and inevitably, someone has already pointed that out. It's understandable, though, that some people would chose not to engage the discussion in exchange of peace of mind. Especially with the "let people enjoy things" trend going on.
I think your frustration is completely valid and strongly encourage that you keep the discussion going on your blog if voicing your opinions and experiences will make you feel better. Particularly, I'll be avoiding the topic unless prompted by asks such as this one, in which case I'm fine talking about it.
Fandom is my escape from reality and using my recreative time explaining to the white people in it why certain dynamics portrayed in the show can be considered problematic in a racial level feels exhausting and it's not really my — or any other people of color's —obligation to do so if we don't feel up to it. Especially when there's a huge chance of backlash and of people reducing valid points to ship wars.
It's funny you shall mention the Shiori incident because, unlike Inuyasha, the sequel doesn't have the "test of time" to blame for its poor "creative" choices, since it's from 2020. I distinctly remember calling out the blatant white washing her character suffered, along with the sane part of the fandom and either got ignored because people thought we were overreacting or straight up got told that we were only speaking up because we didn't like a specific ship the show portrayed and that what Sunrise did was fine because Shiori's dark skin is, and I quote: actually orange. So yeah.
That being said, I have reservations about comparing Kikyo to a cop because, personally, I've always thought the priestess occupation — at least as it was originally portrayed in the series — had more to do with medical and spiritual care than with mantaining law and order. Plus, cops tend to do everything in their power to keep their authority and privilege intact, while Kikyo was willing to give that up to become an ordinary woman, but I do see where you're coming from.
As for the double standards, Kikyo isn't the first female character to fall victim to rooted misogyny and unfortunately won't be the last. Kagome herself gets hate for sexist reasons, often from the very people who reprove it when the same thing happens to Kikyo. However, I feel like claiming misogyny is the only reason Kikyo gets hate is not a completely honest statement.
I'd say this argument would hold a lot more water if Kikyo hadn't constantly belittle and actively tried to kill the female protagonist — who had been nothing but kind and understanding towards her — over jealousy, or if her post death existence wasn't literally based on feeding off of miserable women's souls.
The double standards regarding Sesshomaru are real, but it had little to do with gender and everything to do with context. Kikyo was a fallen priestess. One the narrative asks me to believe is in love — or at least loved — a half demon. Sesshomaru is a racist demon who despised his half demon brother and humans alike.
So when Sesshomaru takes a little human girl under his wings and acts somewhat respectfully towards Inuyasha, that's a huge deal to me. But when Kikyo, who is already dead, gives up her "life" to save the child she was planning to sacrifice for the greater good and treats Inuyasha with dignity, my reaction will naturally be "alright, what else is new?" Swap or even their genders and my feelings will remain the same.
It's not a crime having higher expectations for her than for an actual antagonist when the narrative insists on sweeping the bad things she has done under the rug and focusing on how she is still as good as she has always been because, in that case, doing good deeds is not some extraordinary feature, but rather the bare minimum.
Sesshomaru's bad actions were openly and correctly portrayed as bad. He was forced to face his limitations, his weakness and his loses. That made him grow as a character. And if I criticize Sesshomaru, people will most likely ignore me or agree instead of try and justify his actions with his daddy issues. Kikyo being armored by the plot didn't do her any favors in this regard.
Besides, if we're talking double standards, I frankly don't think some people would be as willing to look past Kikyo's mistakes — Sesshomaru's too, for that matter — and ship her with Inuyasha if she wasn't so pretty. And honestly? That's fine. No one needs an actual reason to love or hate a character.
Lastly, it's not like I don't get Kikyo's tragic backstory, it's just that a huge part of why it's tragic in the first place is because of the choices she made. Naraku was detrimental to her fate, yes. But Kikyo's appeal is that she wasn't a passive person to whom things just happened to. She had agency to make decisions for herself.
People like Inuyasha, Sango and Kohaku had way worse than her and definitely not by their choice, but they never used their traumas as an excuse to be cruel. And I'm not saying this is a competition. Kikyo's pain it's just as valid. I'm just saying that, given these circumstances, in a fictional level, it's way harder to relate and empathize with her character.
And it's not like I didn't want to stan Kikyo. On the contrary. She's beautiful, cunning and interesting. I have a long list of powerful, unapologetic, morally grey female characters that I love and most of them were a bigger treat to my ships than Kikyo ever was to Inukag. The difference is that they were well written.
Kikyo's entire concept is fantastic, but the execution was abysmal. It's very clear to me that Takahashi didn't know what to do with her and it's a shame to see so much potential get wasted. I don't mind her characterization at all. She should be flawed and controversial. It's the lack of character development and satisfying redemption arc that I take issue with, if the narrative is gonna sell her as a changed woman worthy of our sympathy.
Anyway... if you want her complexities and nuances done justice, I've heart the Sesskik fandom is the place to be. They actually acknowledge her flaws, hold her accountable for the things she's done and explore very interesting sides of her personality.
I didn't mourn Kikyo's death for a second. But I mourn the character she could have been every single day.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Heyyyy Jo! If you have any free time you spend it by watching Bastard!! On Netflix it’s soooo good! The Mc reminds me of inuyasha as far as looks go. it’s a pervy anime/ borderline hentai but the plot is really good!
Ahh my bf just started watching this!! I saw the trailer and it looked crazy af😂 I love the heavy metal soundtrack tho so I might check it out!💕
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agro-carnist · 2 years
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We went there earlier today! I had some really good ice cream and got some chocolates. They also had some funny energy drinks with anime characters on the can and named something relevant so I got my bf one with inuyasha
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kitramune · 9 months
Can we talk about how scary Kagome's position from Inuyasha's back was here, and the amount of trust she has to just spider monkey to him and know he'll twist to be a human shield for her when needed? AND HOW INUYASHA'S SUCH A GOOD BF HE HOLDS ONTO HER WITH ONE ARM EVEN THOUGH HE CAN'T REALLY AFFORD IT, JUST TO MAKE HER FEEL SAFER?!
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While we're here, let's also talk about how Kagome can go from that with Inuyasha... to SCREAMING as soon as it's Kouga carrying her. Like yeah I know it's extra justified cuz she's being kidnapped but she didn't act so upset/scared even on her first Inuyasha-backed rodeo.
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dog-forest-spirit · 3 years
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I posted 1,813 times in 2021
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#and if it was they missed a good (really basic) easter egg in the opening as foreshadowing that could have been seen or ar least alluded to
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So I saw yashahime trending on twitter ...
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160 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 07:04:11 GMT
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201 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 06:33:39 GMT
...kidnapping a child so she could become your bride then killing everyone who looks in her general direction then BLAMING A CHILD FOR SEDUCING GROWN MEN BY EXISTING AND THEN LOCKING HER UP IN A JAIL CELL BECAUSE OF AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX IS NOT THE SAME THING AS BEING ADDICTED TO A CELL PHONE
201 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 11:46:49 GMT
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307 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 11:18:28 GMT
Finally...some good content
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935 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 12:05:37 GMT
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rubisaurus98 · 3 years
Misc. OC/Character Things 20/???
Feel like talking about the earliest days of the First Summoners and OC additions.
Makoto Akatsuki, Monika Levin, and Hakim Zidan fought alongside Owen, Grahdens, Rayla, and Stein back when the Gate to Grand Gaia was first opened. The first three never received the Summoning power but are still very formidable combatants.
Hakim and Monika have more experience as mercenaries than Makoto. Makoto took up mercenary work later just to have one last bout of freedom before he would be made to officially take over his family’s training school in the capital.
Ancestry-wise, Makoto has roots in Ohbanahara, one of the many who found themselves suddenly displaced around the time of the Grand Gaian war. Hakim’s ancestry also comes from another world with suddenly-displaced citizens (one with Arabic influences. Idk if the BF universe actually has one yet), but what it actually is has yet to be discovered. Monika’s ancestors are Grand Gaians.
Power-wise in terms of BF1 Units, they’ve always been on the level of 7-stars. They spar with each other and other similarly-powerful Instructors to keep their skills sharp in the event of something Big.
OC voice considerations: Monika-Whoever voices Yae Miko (Genshin), Megan Hollingshead as Rangiku Matsumoto (Bleach)/ Intoner Five (Drakengard 3)[They sound virtually identical, tbh]. Makoto-David Kaye as Sesshomaru (Inuyasha). Hakim-Sean Chiplock as Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin), Derek Stephen Prince as Uryuu Ishida (Bleach), Crispin Freeman as Itachi Uchiha (Naruto).
Monika and Rayla are identical twins. Their lightning is also similarly-colored, but Monika’s has a slight reddish tint. And while Rayla used a sword, Monika uses a polearm.
Monika is the more cynical and critical twin between her and Rayla, but she's also just as outspoken and has a strong sense of justice. She will be one of, if not the first to point out when something's wrong; a bigger-picture thinker. Honestly, if it weren’t for her not only taking the reins on actually building a way for Akras to grow its numbers for a goal so huge and to make it a multifaceted organization, but moving to actually install them, the Akras Academy wouldn’t have been as good as it is by Ren’s time, if it even would exist.
Monika is the closest thing Rowena and Zura had for an actual mother-figure. So, you wonder how much Monika influenced those two in their Academy years.
Hakim was born blind in one eye and wore an eyepatch. He completely lost his sight when he fought Daze and Zekt alongside the First Summoners. Afterwards, he stopped using his eyepatch and found a way to “see” things not unlike Toph from A:TLA: Using his Elemental Powers to “see” through vibrations in the ground and shifts in the wind/air.
Makoto when Akras was barely just starting out always looked tired. Resting Tired Face. By the time of BF1, he actually loses this.
Technically speaking, Grahdens is the Academy Head, but Makoto is the one who actually runs the place in his stead and had been ever since the Academy’s founding, with help from the other two OG Instructors.
After the incident that lead to Rahnas’ dismissal from Akras, Monika has only referred to him as “that violent radical” and other similar derogatory names. He’s the only person she doesn’t hide her complete and unforgiving contempt for. In fact, she has full unfiltered disdain towards anyone who even remotely acts like he does.
Why is that? It’s actually quite personal, you see, and not completely out of disgust at the uncouth like Paris is with Lugina. You see, Monika had been growing concerned/suspicious of Rahnas for a while before his expulsion and watched both him and that Summoner Owen and Grahdens pardoned very closely. This was how she was the first one to know about Rahnas’ extrajudicial killing of that one Summoner. And they fought over it. She caught him about to commit the act and tried to stop him. She put up a hell of a fight, but he overpowered her and killed that one Summoner while she was down. This act fueled her rage and she fought him with renewed fury. She very likely would've lost her own life as well had authorities and the Elder Summoners had not been called. Which is how Owen and Grahdens found out before it could've been covered up.
Rahnas’ punishment wound up being incarceration for X amount of years followed by exile from the Empire as a whole. Monika was absolutely livid to hear that he used his earnings to pay his bail for the first part of his sentencing after she had come to in the hospital following that fateful night.
These three come back into the picture for Arc 3 at most towards the end of Valdroar, maybe towards the end of Rokkzalm.
They finally retire about 2 years post-BF1.
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
vanitas episode 2 reactions
imma do this for the whole series yes bc it’s fun. spoilers ahead obviously
every time i watch this show that sexy vampire song plays in my head bc it’s accurate. but i left my cross & garlic at home on purpose, personally
girl help the sky is fucking cracked to hell???
i really don’t like that there’s parallels to pandora hearts with this curse-bearer shit it makes me nervous. any other series having pandora hearts parallels is like HELL YEAH I LOVE IT HERE THIS IS SICK but a mochijun series paralleling pandora hearts??? in Two ways cause us being warned abt vanitas’ death at the end v much mirrors knowing abt break’s death ahead of time... i’m scared. she’s gonna rip me to shreds and i’m gonna let her but will that spare me from being fucked up in a manner i will never recover from once again? absolutely not
oh shit it’s she (?) i. i think. 
omg pretty water?! god im such a fucking huge slut for pretty animated water tkjkrj i watched the first two seasons of the swiming anime just for that
why is dr being suggested again stop calling me out on my bullshit
the. the moon is leaking.... or crying?! IS THE MOON CRYING?? WHO HURT THE MOON ILL FUCK YOU UP
the op is a never skip kinda op i adore this bitch. the gay rights? the groove? unparalleled. i think only the first carole & tuesday op can rival the gay since it’s literally called kiss me u know lol but this bitch is pretty close. the ending is just as good & gay & unskippable
“my dear noe” you are gay.
“partners in crime” just kiss him already god :/
being in a jail cell together p damn gay too ngl
idk y’all his wording Clearly lends to him wanting you to just give the book a vibe check it’s really not that deep
kiss him kiss him right now you gay fool
ah......................... tsundere................ justlikearthurfromarthur
noe you hurt his feelings ktjtrjt
WHOM the FUCK is count orlock what kinda name is that
th... the host club....
these backgrounds are really pretty this is a mochijun anime im gonna cry
yall going somewhere with “valentine” in the name?? bc you’re fucking gay??? and on a date???????
humankind instead of mankind :) 
dont smugly smile like that u bastard ur literally making my heart skip beats i loathfully love u
murrdurr strikes again
someone please help noe he is having a panic attack. me too when ppl yell around me noe
he’s blushing now that his bf stopped being a tsundere. cute.
:/...... im gay for noe thats all im saying
“penultimate partner” shut your gay fucking mouth oh my GOD
he not over his tsundere shit nvm
vanitas is such a fucking bastard i love him
i wuv u batbi ur my favorite character now
omg inuyasha and kagome??? is that u???
and who is this gay bitch
i love when he goes sonic kin <3 nyoom bitch <3
batbi squeaks ;-; <33
sh... sharon????
ah clearly not sharon as i expected but she does look exactly like her in that one unfortunate omake
yuki kaijura talent peaking
their faces tkjtkjrkjrkjtrekreje
“hurray!!! :>” gay
vanitas is such a fucking expressive character he’s great
love how that woman who looks like sharon is just. standing there. watching. enjoying the show. i mean i’d probably stay watching too if a bunch of vampires were in front of me too to be fair
me too vanitas & noe holy shit hello ma’am
y.. yeet??????????
stop making those faces at me vanitas u asshole im too gay for you as it is
i had a dream about being with a vampire and i was very sad when i woke up to not having one so this satisfied me for now. excited for more~ <3
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sn0tcl0wn · 3 years
an incomplete list of ocs in their monstrous forms and the demographics they're for in no particular order and compiled solely for my entertainment because i enjoy breaking down my characters to their barebones:
eldritch emerson (literally referred to as eldritchson): coulrophiliacs, tentacle fuckers, people who like their monsters hairy but not furry, teeth and talon lovers, people who like little goblin men, people who like short twunks, trans mascs who identify with harley quinn, catboys and the people who love them
bloodcorvid dmitri: avians, horny goths, vampire fuckers who want a little extra unf, blood kinksters, talon lovers again, people who like blue jays a lot, people who thought howl looked cooler as a giant bird thing, people who like when characters try to hide and hold back their monstrous form only for it to come out uncontrollably at the worst possible time
thoroughbeast fritz: horse girls and centaur/minotaur fuckers, monsterfuckers who are ~different~, people who fantasize about reaching out to a seemingly untamable beast and having them gently rest their head in your hand as a sign of trust, edgy cowboys, people who listen to orville peck and hozier way too much for it to be healthy
godform roach lumin: those people who are furries for bugs, alienfuckers, people who get turned on by monstrous faeries, people who like the concept of wing boners, people who only date guys over 6ft,people who like seeing the comedy relief guy be useful and equally as capable as other characters, people who would smoke weed with beetlegeuse
rascal just chillen in his normal state of being: clourophiliacs again but this time hornier, muscle enthusiasts, people who felt some kinda way while watching venom, anyone who likes the idea of a monster being large and scary but also gentle and very kind, people who would smoke weed with the cartoon version of beetlegeuse
demonic plush rabbit arin: furries who like fnaf a little too much, people who think chucky is hot, people who respect short kings, people who want what jessica and roger rabbit have, anyone who's ever looked at a cartoon rabbit and said "yeah i'd fuck that", people who want a man who feels good to cuddle, anyone who ever used a stuffed animal to practice making out, people who talk to their plushies like they're actual people, lemon demon fans (i will not elaborate), people who just think killer dolls and shit like that are dope, people who like single dads just trying their fuckin best
netherrealm executioner patience: cenobitefuckers, people who like milfs and gilfs, elvira fans, masochists who crave a strong female figure in their life, elder goths, someone's dad, my mom specifically
lycan percy: werewolf fuckers, basic bitch furries, people who like jocks, people who watched inuyasha and always wanted a bf they could tell to "sit", people who like their men big, stupid, and friendly and people who like their men strong, intuitive, and protective
bloodcorvid vlad: same for dmitri but this time you like much older men with more class, people who prefer the classic raven/crow aesthetic, my mom again
vermillion dragon honey: scalies, people who liked american dragon jake long a little too much, wing and talon lovers, people who like their women big and strong, girls who like butches but are sick of all the butch monsters being werewolves, people who read dragonology like it was the bible
terror mode marie: vampire fuckers who are dramatic, people who like monsters that incorporate roses and thorns, people who skip clownfuckery and jump straight to ringmaster kinkdom, dl monsterfuckers who want monsters but cant fully commit to any of the above tomfoolery, people who like their women with fangs and a body count, lady demitrescu and poison ivy fans, girls who like dominant femmes, people who like to get whipped, people who like scary ladies that are also fun to be around
crimson gauntlet beatrice: people who liked witchblade but thought "what if she was scary?", people with a thing for cursed artifacts that change the wearer into a Creature, tall people who want to be dominated by short people, girls who want to see the scary bone lady kiss the scary flower lady, bisexuals who want to see the scary bone and flower ladies in a healthy poly relationship with the blue feather man, people who like cold, calculated monsters, suckers for the angsty "am i losing my humanity?...was i ever truly human at all?" trope
spooky matilda: non horny people who just think monsters are neat (not all of the pandering is sexual, you stop that), people who like the creepy kid trope, people who liked growing up creepie and suzie oblong, people who think little girls reserve the right to kill as a treat, any poor kids who stumble upon my monstrosity of a series in the future, people who read the spinoff starring her and the other kids in her family, people who just wanna see a spooky little girl having a nice day and being loved by her large fucked up found family, fans of young x-23, the kind of people who take a character and decide to mentally adopt them
shadow jason: people who liked matilda but wanted things a little edgier a la teenage protag who's allowed to say Fuck, people who read shit like damian tod and percy jackson, people who like monsterhood being used as an allegory for the horrors of pubescence, people who like tentacles as a concept but don't want them sexualized (very reasonable and valid, more people like you should exist), people who like the trope where a kid's powers lash out of control to protect them and their loved ones
bloodcorvid natalia (it's a family curse): you like a lot of what dmitri and vlad have to offer but you also like monster high and/or would rather see a non-fanservicey version of that, teenage girls who like girls and need more positive representation, people who like vicious monsters that are also generally chill people, people who liked ginger snaps, people who relate to the older sister type character
black hound jackie: a lot of the same as with percy but this time you like dilfs and more emotional security, people who want characters like hopper from stranger things to adopt them, people who like the idea of vampires turning into canines and feel like it's an underutilized trope
cardinali dylan: people who like dmitri's vibe but think he'd be hotter as a woman, people who like the idea that blue jays and cardinals are arch nemesis twins, people who like lady wizards, people who like characters who deliberately curse themselves with horrific shit for Power, people who like the color red so much it's become a personality trait
ghoul the cat: people who liked american mcgee's version of cheshire, wtnv fans who named their cats khoshekh, people who liked pet semetary, people who trusted the cat from coraline before he even spoke, people who liked salem from sabrina, people who like cats in general, idk man he's literally just a zombie cat with demonic psychic powers, i feel like this is something anyone can be on board with, who doesn't like a fucked up cat character?
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Ready for some Envy? I know my bf and beta loves some jelly Inuyasha. And jelly Mamo. She just likes some angry fueled confessions I think lol.
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Thank you @clearwillow​ again for the artwork and @lemonlushff​, @neutronstarchild​, and @ruddcatha​ for creating and hosting this great event! Want more sin? Click here to go to the AO3 collection!! Sinfully Human is also on FF AO3 and Patreon if you’d rather instead of reading on Tumblr. Or if you wanna drop me a kudo, bookmark/follow/fave, or comment/review.
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"I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are."
― Jess C Scott, The Devilin Fey
It was interesting, watching Kagome slowly approach the wild animal before us. People were starting to scatter and a few looked as if ready to jump on Naraku. Even more so when Kagome started to approach. I glanced over at Inuyasha to see him looking super uncomfortable. Probably do to Kagome telling him to 'sit' before leaving him behind to face Naraku. The guy was nuts. The last thing we needed was to cart the two of them to the ER or have the cops show up. How the hell would we explain their lack of IDs and medical records?
No, this needed to be handled quickly and quietly. Hence why I stood back, keeping Inuyasha and Miroku from jumping to Kagome's side. Both of them were very protective of her. It had to be because of what Naraku said, about Kagome using her energy to create them? At least, I had to hope that was why my mate was chomping at the bit to go protect her.
A small seed of jealousy was in my belly but I stomped it out. It was pointless, I didn't care if Miroku had a thing for Kagome. He was just some stupid mistake, calling him here or creating him or whatever the fuck we did.
Now face to face with Naraku, Kagome kept her hands up near her shoulders in submission of sorts. Inuyasha growled but didn't move. Kikyo was on her fucking phone and I was allowing Miroku to press up against me, touching me as usual. I found it oddly comforting that, even in such a strange and stressful moment, Miroku still put his hands on my ass and groped me.
I would never tell anyone that but there it was.
My heart calmed with Naraku, his face paling slowly the longer Kagome stood before him. Inuyasha didn't calm at all, shifting his weight back and forth until it was so bad, it drew my attention from the scene before us. His ears were flicked back and even though Kagome was talking so soft, I couldn't hear her, I had a feeling Inuyasha could.
And he didn't like what was being said.
Naraku was calm so I guess he liked it. For a minute, because I knew the look on Kagome's face. She was scared. I didn't even see Inuyasha move, he was just there, putting himself between Naraku and Kagome. I managed a fearful squeak and that was it.
"We need to squawk back at him," Kikyo said, appearing at my side and speaking like that made sense.
Phone in hand, she held it up for me to read. It was Wikipedia's Raven page on aggression. It went on and on but basically it said that a leader Raven will squawk a certain rhythm and it's expected the lower Ravens will squawk back. "I'm not doing that."
Kikyo looked genuinely surprised, "Why not?!"
"He's your Mate! You picked Raven, you squawk at him!"
"It's for the submissive to do." She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and popping out a hip. "I'm not submitting to him or anyone ever."
Miroku pushed me back a few steps. "For fuck's sake… I'll do it." I tried to stop him but it all fell flat, standing stupefied as he pushed Kagome and Inuyasha back. "Squawk."
There was no flare to it, no feeling. Miroku was just making the sound and it was really hard not laughing. Naraku was thrown, falling back a few steps before squaring up to Miroku. "SQUAWK, SQUAWK, SQUAWK!"
Tilting his head down in embarrassment, Miroku looked anywhere but at Naraku. I wasn't sure if it was intentional but it was pretty clever. "Squawk, squawk."
He was quietly squawking back at the crazed man. Naraku had truly lost it but Miroku was working hard to bring him back down. "You realize he's agreeing to be Naraku's bitch, right?"
My face slowly turned to a scowl as I moved it to look at Kikyo. "I know. When that's supposed to be your place."
Kikyo just scoffed and rolled her eyes. I knew she wouldn't be responsible enough for this. I should have never told her about it but I was sleep-deprived and manic when I rushed out of my room that morning. I didn't even put on pants and I was waiting for Kikyo to get her dig in about my ass.
It was coming, she would never let something like that go.
The only reason I was even friends with her was because of Kagome. Once roommates in college and Kagome didn't even try to shake the bitch. Kikyo latched onto Kagome because no one else would have her as a friend. Which meant I had to put up with her as well because I loved Kagome to death.
Now settled, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Kagome lead while Naraku followed, looking proud of himself. Inuyasha looked pissed, holding on tight to Kagome while Miroku just looked tired. As his reward for being the one to sacrifice his dignity, I let him hold my waist.
"We should go home. Before someone calls the cops."
Kagome's words sounded like magic, as there was nothing I wanted to do more.
Naraku wouldn't stop squawking at the startled people. Kikyo wasn't doing anything and Sango looked as freaked out as everyone else.
Taking a step got me nowhere as Inuyasha's iron grip held me in place. Looking up at him, he grimaced back down in disapproval. "I have to calm him down."
"No. You don't."
I flicked my gaze to Kikyo and his followed, getting my meaning in a split second. "There is no one else to do it."
He let go, reluctantly, and I stepped up to Naraku just as hesitant. His eyes landed on me and he slowed his caws for the moment and lowered his arms.
"Um… hi." I already knew I was falling flat and Naraku's frown wasn't helping. "Look… I know you want to be… a badass but no one here understands."
"They don't need to understand, they just need to fall in line."
Now I frowned, looking at him like the idiot he was. "No one is going to fall in line behind a man squeaking like a mad man." His mouth was set in a hard line so I pressed on. "You don't need all this, it's just more headache for you." The corners of his mouth twitched. "Besides, you have Kikyo…"
"That whore isn't good enough for the likes of me."
"But… you're her mate…"
"You're the one that brought us to life. Me to life. Not her. So I should be with you."
My heart twisted in my chest and my belly-flopped from nerves and discomfort. No way I was about to 'trade up' or something. I may have just met all of them but I was sure Inuyasha was meant to be with me and me with him. "That's not… how it works."
"Of course it is! You want me to be calm and complacent? Then you need to be by my side, Master. Not that Mutt's."
I did want him to be calm. The many eyes on us were seconds from calling the cops if they hadn't already. It had anxiety crawling through my body; a mixture of fear and nerves that made me wonder if accepting to be Naraku's was the only way out of this?
"If you will come with us and calm down then… we can work something out."
His eyes bore into me, blood red and it wasn't my imagination. "That's not good enough."
I was aware. Painfully aware of Inuyasha as he pounced between Naraku and me. The smell of him, like a forest of pine heated by the sun, it calmed me. I still grabbed him, clutching the back of his worn and thin t-shirt that did nothing to hide the rippling muscles beneath. And ripple they did, Inuyasha tense and very angry.
"Stay away from my Master." He growled.
I tried to peek around him to Naraku, but Inuyasha wasn't haven't it, backing us up as he snarled. "She's my Master too, remember. You need to share."
"Like hell…"
"Boys! You're creating a scene!"
The people were even more agitated now. Probably because now a dog was on the premises. We should have put a hat on Inuyasha's head, his ears were pressed back but twitching. Anyone could see they weren't fake!
"Wouldn't want to scare the humans, would we?" Naraku mocked.
"You're scaring Master, you prick!"
Naraku took a step, his eyes wild. I took a step too, pulling Inuyasha back with me. "Maybe I should? She was seconds away from being mine with her fear. If I scare her enough, you will be a forgotten memory of a mistake she once made…"
Inuyasha pulled at my hold but I refused to let go, wrapping my arms around his middle to keep him back this time. "Stop it! Both of you!"
This wasn't what I wanted, what I agreed to. I just wanted someone to love and love me. Not fight or scare others!
Naraku was red-faced and I didn't need to see Inuyasha's to know he was just as pissed. Any second now, they were going to brawl and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Because if I caved to Naraku, somehow found it in me to give myself up to whatever his needs were, Inuyasha would be the one going berserk.
I guess most women would be flattered but I was just terrified.
It was then that Miroku appeared, taking a stance between Inuyasha and I and Naraku. "Squawk."
There was no feeling in it, not like when Naraku did it. But Naraku's entire demeanor changed.
And he squawked back.
A few moments of squawking and Naraku was calm. I thought it was all over until Inuyasha turned to me. His eyes were red just like Naraku's had been. "You would go with him? Be his?!"
My voice was trapped somewhere between my chest and my throat and it hurt. Shaking my head was the most I could do and Inuyasha didn't like it.
"You were ready to be with him, be his Mate. Do I mean so little to you?"
"Nnn..no!" Finally, my voice found its way out. "It's not like that! I just wanted him to calm down!"
He stood back, leaning over me the entire time until now, and crossed his strong arms over his wide chest. "He's better than me. A Raven is smarter, stronger, and better looking than a dog…"
"That's not true!"
In a blink, my face was in Inuyasha's hold, cupping my cheeks with urgency but not hurting in the slightest. "I'm filled with a feeling that I don't know or like. I feel sick and it has everything to do with you. I don't deserve Master."
He was feeling something he didn't know? Inuyasha… he was so naive and innocent, he didn't even know how to express his feelings properly. I was pretty sure he was feeling envy but that was giving myself too much credit.
"What will make you feel better, Inuyasha?"
He looked my face over for a moment before diving headfirst to my mouth. It was different than last night, not licking my mouth as he had before. This time, his lips were firmly pressed to mine, pushing them apart roughly with his need. His tongue swept around my mouth as if searching for something or memorizing it. I wasn't sure but I enjoyed it, letting him do whatever he wanted to me and not giving a damn about anything else.
My tongue searched his mouth in return. And he let me, tracing his fangs while he groaned against my lips. When he pulled back, I felt dizzy. It took me a minute to get my bearings again, Inuyasha slowly coming into focus. His eyes were back to their beautiful gold color and I was swimming in them.
"Thank you, Master. I feel a little better now."
I think I was smiling but my lips felt numb and warm. "Then… how about you call me Kagome?"
He didn't say it and my soul felt like it was begging for him to. To hear him say my name again like he had last night. But he didn't, nodding and taking my hand to lead us back to the others. They were standing around waiting it seemed when there were far more important things we needed to be doing.
"We should go home. Before someone calls the cops." I offered.
Kikyo grabbed Naraku like the errant child he was but he pulled back harshly. "I'm not going back to that tiny little room."
I didn't know if he meant our place or Kikyo's. Both were pretty small. Kikyo reached out for Naraku again anyway. "Come on. I need to get you home!"
"Fuck. You."
Now Kikyo was the one to square up. "You already did and it sucked so maybe you should just go back to where you came from?!"
He took off and damn he was fast! I barely blinked and he was gone. I caught sight of him as he turned the corner a few blocks away. All I felt was tired. I already had to talk Naraku down and now this?
"We have to go after him," I said loudly and Sango whined louder. "Kikyo?"
She was pouting and refusing to do or say anything. Yeah, now was the time for that.
"He's your Mate, dammit!" Sango screeched.
"No, he isn't! He's just an asshole! I think I got the wrong one."
Kikyo glanced around at the others, lingering on Inuyasha, strangely, and I had to grab Sango mid-flight. She was going to slap Kikyo. Probably for being lazy and as much as she deserved it, it wasn't the time for it. "Let's go before he gets any further away."
Sango's eyes went wide and Inuyasha growled. I had just calmed Inuyasha down and now he was irritable again. Something to deal with when we got back. Woo-pie.
"Kikyo should go, not me. Not us!"
My face was tired of all my grimacing and frowning. "She can stay and watch the boys. Get them back home."
"Kagome," Sango stepped forwards and whispered, "I think that's a really bad idea. I don't trust Kikyo."
"It'll be fine," I said, trying to assure myself as well as Sango.
I glanced back, Inuyasha pouting behind me. Kikyo walked over and patted his shoulder. The tension in his shoulders lessened a little as did my worry. Kikyo might be inconsiderate at times but she would at least make sure the boys got home alright. Because I would ask that of her and she was my friend.
"Kikyo, can you take care of Inuyasha and Miroku while we're gone?"
She nodded and we left.
Babysitting. Great. At least the babies were good looking. Inuyasha was filling out his shirt nicely. But his ears were freaking me out, twitching around like they were. And he was pouting which was a turn-off.
Miroku was still watching the distance Sango and Kagome left in. Sango and Kagome's place, aka home, was several blocks away. As much as I believed in my abilities, I wasn't sure how much longer I could stand the looks our way, their good looks gaining attention. It was Inuyasha's obvious ears that concerned me though, not the looks. I was used to that.
"We should get you a hat or something."
Inuyasha perked a little at that, confused. So I pointed to his ears and his hands shot to them as if he forgot they were there. "You have a problem with them?"
God did I ever. But Inuyasha was pouting enough and that was just not attractive. "No! But… others do… It would make, um, make… Kagome! It would make Kagome happy! You know? Not drawing attention?"
He didn't pout more but he didn't lighten up either. I wanted to see that sexy smile he was flashing earlier. But, he was flashing it towards Kagome.
I swallowed the jealousy I had burning my throat. I wouldn't be jealous of my friend. Not Kagome. She was my dearest friend. I just needed to chill and be good. She asked me to take care of them so that's what I would do.
After we got Inuyasha a hat, a bright red baseball cap that barely fit over his ears, the walk was relatively quiet. But Miroku was dragging his feet.
"Come on you two, let's just get you home." Inuyasha was watching his feet and Miroku was watching the world around them when it hit me. "Wait, you guys have never been here before right? You lived… elsewhere?"
I didn't want to know more. Where they came from or how they got here. It made my nerves flare and I really couldn't feel sick right now.
"Yes. We are new to this place." Miroku answered.
His word choice and the tone he took when he spoke told me he hadn't been here long. Something else they need to work on to blend in. Inuyasha barely spoke and when I had heard him, it was broken like he didn't know the language at all. Another thing that bothered me but no man was perfect.
"You've known Sango and Master a long time, have you not?"
Suddenly, Miroku and Inuyasha were beside me. Miroku's question was one they both wanted the answer to. "Yeah. Why?"
With one on each side, my head bounced back and forth, waiting for an answer. Inuyasha held firm. Strong silent type it seemed. Except when he was around Kagome and I was trying hard not to let that bother me.
"I would just… I don't know… how does one know if a woman is attracted to you?"
I giggled a little and they both paled. "They both asked for you to be here so I'm pretty sure they like you if that's what you mean."
"Could you…" Inuyasha suddenly speaking threw me a little. "Could you maybe…. tell us what they like?"
"Same as any woman. A man that can handle and care for them."
"How do you know if you can do that?" Miroku asked.
It hit me hard. "Neither of you have had sex have you?!" The blood rushing to their faces told me the answer. "Okay, okay, I can fix this. Look, don't worry. I'm going to help you both. I know exactly what you need."
I’m hope to have more for you tomorrow but it’s not looking good. Keyboard is out again. 
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inusedai · 4 years
i wanna take a minute and write out a smol headcanon
abt inuyasha & his dumb bf bc i love them
so we all know how heart wrenhing cruel that scene was in chapter 15. vol. 146 when kagura uses kouga’s own comrades against him, as a dead army.  its hard to watch. it gives me all sorts of emotions.
but let me make it better for you by digging a bit deeper into this, more than is necessary, because thats what i do. i strip things apart, tear ‘em down and stitch them back together until i know every fibre of the material. its a blessing and a curse.  FIRST. this scene happened differently in the manga vs the anime. 
but i wanna talk about the manga scene.  because theres a few things i’d like to make note between inuyasha and kouga. esp. between the trio of him, kouga and kagome. i’m a firm believer that kouga only has a mild fascination / grown on crush, on kagome due to it bother inuyasha so damn bad.  its clear to anyone, that dude BREATHES just to annoy inuyasha sometimes.  and its likewise. the bluster, the barking and snarls and jabs and kicks -- its canine language. 
there are undertones, i think that are hidden there.  how many times have you seen dogs interact and u sit there like /nervous sweats ‘they’re gonna kill each other’. but like, all they do is rough house and mouth each other and snarl and bark a lot. but. ultimately. its not SUPER violent.  not to say ofc that dogs CAN’T get super violent with each other. and inuyash and kouga DO do that a lot. super violent. 
but listen.  in this scene.
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“It’s better this way, isn’t it.” Its not a question, InuYasha, time after time, uses crass, harsh and sometimes cruel behavior and words to portray what he’s feeling. thats what he grew up learning. how social interaction WAS for him. until he met kagome -- his life was something to be HUNTED and reviled. his education consisted of life threats, fight for your life and fear of being caught by something bigger and stronger. his fangs, his bark; was all he had. from child to adult. 
“I think we should let him die,” I’m going to come back to his. “--so we can take the leg fragments. so that wimpy wolf can’t do anything elsse to us.”
Ok, lemme rip it apart ; as i mentioned before, inuyasha isn’t dumb. he’s driven by instinct, because that was his teacher and coach. ‘i think we should let him die’. he just witnessed, was apart OF what happened to kouga. the first ACTUAL interaction that bled with anatomisty and hate between dog and wolf. inuyasha never had a pack, or family or anyone to protect. kouga grew up groomed for it. with it.  inuyasha KNOWS however, what pack life is. his instincts tell him. inuyasha knows that kouga would die for his pack and his family. and the horror and cruelty that took place, was grounds for him to die; as far as a leader, an alpha. he knew that. could feel it. it wasn’t sympathy or pity or any sort of human inflection.  it was animal law. 
kagome asks, “you mean abandon him.” inuyasha asnwers, “i mean we have no duty to save him.” humans have an extrodinary way of complicating the simple. inuyasha knows this. he sees it in kagome, and often the reason they fight is because he just doesn’t get human subtlies, let alone female subtilies. 
inuyasha was ready to put kouga out of his misery.  to end his suffering. and not for any human reason you can think of, or that i can an put into words. it wasn’t even an animal thing. not quite, because inuyasha IS half human. the capacity IS there.
it was a mercy. or what he thought could be a mercy. it was also a greed. one less pawn for naraku to use IN kouga. against him. against his pack. against kouga’s pack! 
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it was incentive too .... a burden he would carry with him. like each person naraku killed, related or him or not; each soul trapped in that spiders web that he couldn’t save. until he finally killed naraku, and he could let it go and hope his actions brought peace. having did what he could. shoulder what he could.  a brutal, merciful, and raw incentive. 
“so that wimpy wolf can’t do anything else to us” this too, is indicative. being able to FEEL and THINK in instincts that are so VERY hard to understand as a human, one can only speculate that the translations between the two, especially AS he’s learning, inuyasha telling kagome ‘how he feels’ when he knows its going to be seen as brutal, is often ( in my own personal opinion ) is often times, very masked. which, again, is another reason why they fight.  he barks what he thinks is an acceptable answer. she bristles he gets offended she gets MAD
he gets CONFUSED. bada bing --- i think that inuyasha meant by that statement, and EVERY undertone theretin the context of this scene, is that... this wasn’t something they should be witnessing.  none of them.  he doesn’t like kouga, but he is a friend to him. any way to slice it really. they’re friends. hostile, antagonistic, i hate u --friends. inuyasha isn’t cruel, he’s been the victim of cruelty. theres no way you can convince me, here there or anywhere, that inuyasah would have walked away from kouga and that bloodbath no matter how much they fought. and we all know kagome likely insisted. without knowing he’d be ok first.  which he was, because kagome used an arrow and saved kouga’s life. but... that might’ev made it harder on kouga. and inuyasha knew that too.
but inuyasha also knows kouga isn’t a quitter, and sometimes a good threat is enough to pick up the pulse. 
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