#Iove children
sunnytarg · 2 years
Aegon discovering he not only has a breeding kink but also genuinely enjoys fatherhood???
Him and reader will probably out do King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne with how many kids they have.
He’s probably a better father to his children then Jaehaerys was because whenever his children act up he’s probably causing havoc with them or encouraging it.
Duty becomes something else entirely when after his wedding he fucks his wife and watches his seed drip slowly out of her. He doesn’t know what comes over him when he brings his fingers down to his wife’s cunt and pushing in all of the cum that had dropped out. He certainly is not doing that just so she has an heir.
He still fucks her several more time that night and makes sure to fall asleep with his cock in her to keep his seed inside of her.
After having his cock in her nonstop for several months after their wedding, it’s no surprise when his wife starts to grow round with his child almost immediately. The sight of her large belly and fuller tits that begin to lactate soon enough has Aegon harder than usual. Instead of fucking his wife once a day or every other day he is now buried deep in her almost all the time.
He loves to whisper how he was the one who put the babe in her. He’s the one she spread her legs for and let him seed and how she’ll do it again soon after their first child is born.
When their first child is born, less than one year after the wedding he doesn’t think he will care much about it. He thinks he’ll leave the raising of his child to his wife and perhaps his mother but when he walks into the room after his wife has given birth and he’s handed his son. Things change for Aegon.
He always has his infant in his arms. Whether it’s when his mother or grandsire demand to talk to him (he learns quickly they tend not to yell when his infant son is asleep in his arms) or just sitting in his shared chambers with his wife.
He adores his son so much and surprising Ioves being a father more than he ever thought he could. So when the maesters tell him his wife is healed after only a few moons after giving him a child, he’s climbing back on top of her to give her another baby.
Aegon soon develops a schedule that everyone in the castle is aware of by the time he and his wife have their third child three years after being wed. If Aegon is not holding or playing with one of his children, he is most likely balls deep in his wife.
Everyone in the castle learns pretty quickly that when the youngest has grown past their third moon, Aegon’s wife will soon be pregnant again.
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fennecfiree · 4 months
I love my children ( Iove that Kyle, Kenny, and butters are the shortest plushies cuz that's my headcanons lol)
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
Hi,I've recently discovered your blog and I Iove it.
I would like to know if you have any predictions regarding the second season of HotD. Do you think that the pessimistic attitude of many show watchers,especially TG fans, is warranted? Imho, if anything could irreversibly harm the greens is Rha*nicent. Not the ship itself, but the way the showrunners seem incapable of letting that ship sink after the time skip and are pushing it even after everything that has happened in season 1. Idk, the mere possibility of Alicent betraying her family and forsaking her children in any way to ingratiate herself to Rhaenyra is so illogical and outrageous, especially after B&C. The thing is, I'm almost certain that we are going to see a lot of Rha*nicent in the following season in some form and it could really irreparably ruin not only Alicent's character, but the greens in general. And, ofc, the show. What's your opinion about this and do you have any other predictions regarding the future seasons?
Thanks in advance :)
First of all, thank you, anon! 🌞🙏🌻
Preferences aside, I just think that white feminism sells in media. It manifests in tropes such as girlboss narratives (I know everyone is tired of this word by now), women warriors, female sexuality relayed through a male gaze-ish lens, overcoming adversity in an easily digestible way, scoring against some obviously misogynistic obstacle, framed in a way that appeals to a basic sense of justice etc. Lots of female characters that became popular in the last 15 years embody some of those markers, from Natasha Romanov to Katniss Everdeen to Arya Stark to Lagertha. And they're not even necessarily ~bad things~ or elements we shouldn't ever have in our fiction, it's just that this kind of tried-and-tested formula is what film executives think will bring them easy popularity and quick money.
Daenerys was such a hugely popular character that that it's to be expected (in this capitalistic hellscape we live in) that it would make monetary sense for HBO to try and recreate a straightforward empowerment narrative with the character of Rhaenyra. On paper, she has all the superficial storyline elements that could be converted into a blockbuster: powerful in some badass way (she is a competent dragon-rider), is A Rebel, owns her sexuality by sleeping with whomever she wants, which translates into 21st century mentality as empowerment, and has to overcome an obstacle posed by The Man.™ All wrapped up in a nostalgic package that reminds viewers of their beloved Daenerys.
So, unfortunately, I expect them to continue to build on these marketable points instead of focusing too much on finesse details, such as how Rhaenyra's already immense privilege and power as a princess of the Realm and a dragon-rider negatively impact those around her, how she can be both victim and perpetrator, how she perpetuates the cycles of violence and abuse + her less than palatable traits. Certainly, I'm not going to stand here and declare that they WON'T touch on those aspects either, before even watching the new season, because that would be silly. I DO expect them to address at least some of those issues and I'm sure there will be many moments which I will enjoy and even scenes that will be well-crafted explorations into certain questions. I do like this show a lot, at the end of the day, and will probably love S2, as well.
But, overall, I can't say hand-on-heart that the marketable concerns won't prevail in the end either, and I expect the framing to fall in the direction of "yeah, she did some bad stuff, too, but ultimately Rhaenyra had the right of it and was Betrayed by power-hungry woman-hating misogynists". Which does get frustrating in this media climate, because it is essentially the same message being delivered without much nuance or refinement: women* can't ever be wrong, anything a woman does is automatically great and should be supported, all delusions are valid if they're produced by a woman etc. I hope to be proven wrong, but only time will tell. Which is not to say that we should go back to making pro-patriarchy and pro-gender roles stories, which is kind of the vibe I'm sometimes getting from some "anti-woke" HotD critical pieces. An intersectional HotD - is that possible? At least a little class commentary on these people.
(*Of course, this only applies if the character fits into, what essentially is, another type of Ideal Woman: the acceptable amount of progressivism deemed appropriate at the current time, with the acceptable attitudes and interests. But that's a discussion for another day.)
So this is where rhaenicent falls for me. I've always thought it was an interesting addition and the change never bothered me, but there is a certain point at which it becomes unbalanced and, as you say, illogical. When is love ever "logical", though, you might question? Well, I think the prospect of losing your children + grandchildren + father + brother vs holding on to an unrequited lifelong crush might knock some sense into someone. Realistically speaking, the vast majority of people would nope out of that equation and the choice would be clear. How much can you truly love a person at the expense of literally your entire family? (including your extended family, because the Hightowers in Oldtown risked their lives for King Aegon). The reward is also so small, what exactly would Alicent be trading for? Yearning gazes and holding hands? Rhaenyra has not exactly been shown to reciprocate these feelings post Alicent's marriage to Viserys.
I think that the showrunners are holding onto this aspect because they're trying to make Alicent sympathetic to the general public, who are mostly on Rhaenyra's side, as a result of the show's framing. So their logic is that the viewers won't hate Alicent as much if she displays how sorry she is for everything, how reluctant, how much she loves Rhaenyra. And they think that her contradictory actions are a fair trade-off. So I do expect us to get more rhaenicent in the coming seasons.
All in all, this wouldn't be so bad, because indeed it could be framed as very romantic, a lot of pathos, star-crossed lovers etc and human emotions are messy and complicated. Our desires can often be contradictory in nature. Literature and mythology are filled with passionate love stories that defy all rhyme or reason. Doesn't Jaime tell Cersei he would kill every single person in the world for her? I just hope it'll get the presentation it deserves, delving into the complicated nature of love and difficult choices, and not turn into "Alicent would sell out her kids to save Rhaenyra from her self-inflicted predicament, all the while Rhaenyra is not sparing her a single thought or concern".
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
My mind is on the ghost kids au and i had to get the ideas out (really it's just Vanessa brainrot tbh)
Michael, because iove to see him suffer, is very much aware of the fact that most security guards who have ghost children hanging around them aren't usually the best people, so imagine his horror when he tries to knock out Ness and is swiftly met with a contingent of very angry, very not in the mood to deal with him ghost kids.
He has never been so terrified than in the moment that several of the kids he grew up around decided he was not a friend and in fact the bad guy. That's not even counting the fact he looks so much like his dad that it's like an attack on sight for him.
Meanwhile, Ness who has a bit of a concussion from him hitting her and is sitting on the ground trying to get her bearings, is being tended to by very worried and slightly murderous animatronics that are oy being held back by Gregory who looks so much like his dead brother that Michael is seriously wondering if hes having some kind of mental break.
Ness for once is not the one slamming a crowbar into a trespassers head and is kind of ok with it seeing as this guy now has to deal with Gregory and her little ducklings.
Oh, this is just not Michael's night, lol. I especially love the "several of the kids he grew up around decided he was not a friend and in fact the bad guy" part, great angst. And I am, of course, always down for Michael seeing Gregory and Freaking Out.
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somin-yin · 1 year
The characters' fates in rage + loyalty Ratan's path:
Kiran has a promising future ahead as a basketball player ❤️
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THIS HAD ME ROLLING 😂 I love their sibling banter ❤️
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Amala became a successful woman and started making MONEY, I Iove that for her ❤️
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Sana now lives in London and is safe and happy, I love that for her too ❤️
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I bet Sana will also offer to look after Ramala's kids in the future too, she seems to be good with children ❤️
This was by far the best ending ❤️
Ratan's ending continuation ❤️
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wellwhatisnttaken · 7 months
I’m in my LOA feels, so let’s talk about her. Firstly, let me just say i think it’s bad taste to make her important to Feyre’s success in the first book, and just not give her a name. She is a battered woman who is used by the plot and discarded and i just think that’s bad form. Vivienne of the winter court got a name, why not LOA?
Secondly, let’s talk headcannons
I love to think that the Lady of Autumn is the most powerful and most skilled fire wielder in Prythian. It would just make her story so much more powerful. The fact that she could defeat Baron, she could leave and burn down the autumn court, but she stays for her children. Even when she’s beaten and broken down, and lost nearly all sense of self, she stays in her place so Baron doesn’t hurt her sons. Baron needs to die, and i NEED a scene where LOA finally sheds her mask and unleashes her rage on Baron. I need a fight scene that she so clearly wins. I need Baron to look into her eyes as she kills him and know that he did not break her.
And ok. This is not an anti IC post. But you have to admit, the IC kinda treats Lucien like shit. And for me personally, it would be quite healing if LOA went head to head with Rhys and won. Is it realistic? Probably not. SJM would never let that happen. But i need to see LOA beat tf out of some people.
Speaking of Lucien, loa and Helion. If SJM kills Baron, i hope LOA doesn’t immediately get together with Helion. Of course, i would Iove for them to be together eventually, but i want LOA to find her feet as a free woman first. I want her to heal instead of being passed off to another male. She deserves her own story and she deserves to be more than a nameless wife to a high lord.
Anyway that’s it, thanks for listening.
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elitadream · 1 year
ur art is so pretty and soft, reminds me of fairytales and Disney movie mad it fits so perfectly with Mario😭 I love it so much!!!
Thank you, that's very kind! ☺️🌼
Although it primarily is a videogame franchise, I've always associated this universe with classical litterature and regarded its core narrative as something closer to an illustrated storybook for children. 📖💫 The timeless themes, the unique atmosphere, the nostalgia... There's just something about this story in particular that is immensely appealing to me.
Also, Iove warm and cozy vibes! 🥰 Anything soft and heartfelt is genuinely therapeutic for me, and I'm really happy that other people enjoy the way I portray these characters. 💕
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windsweptinred · 8 months
May I ask about the Destiny artwork for the WIP game, please? I love your approach to him :D
Thank you @dream-of-the-bitchless 😊. And @notallsandmen as you also asked. ❤️ I appreciate any excuse to waffle on about Destiny. 😅
I'm going to go into this assuming you already know about my Children of Destiny headcanon. If not, forgive me, I shall return and explain.
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So this was my original 'Destiny Calls his Children'. Drawn around a year or so back in pen and inks. Now my art has come on a bit and I'm trying my hand at digital, I really want to take another crack at it. As Destiny has remained one of my favorite Sandman characters. And I always end up getting sidetracked from doing more art/headcanons for him. (Bring forth the box of shame.)
This time I've replaced the horses with the figures of the Horsemen/people as depicted in Good Omens (War/Famine/Pollution) and Pestilence (Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold). And I'm going to be cramming a whole lot more detail in there. I'm always in my art element when I can do zodiac wheels and arcane symbolism. So Iove doing Destiny fanart.
I really want to revisit this headcanon at some point this year. Either seriously or as crack, as it's so fun to play with Destiny having his own chaotic little brood. And see how this next generation of Anthropomorphic Personifications would fit in with the extended family. 😅
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khawlakbg · 10 months
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In the heart of a distant land, where skies bear witness to the countless stories of pain and resilience, there exists a mother whose love for her child knows no bounds. Her name is Palestine and her children, a generation shaped by strife carry the weight of history upon their fragile shoulders.
Palestine cradles her offspring with love that transcends boundaries. It is in her embrace that they find solace, in her arms they are cradled by a Iove as ancient as the hills that bear witness to their struggle. She nurtures her children amidst adversity planting seeds of courage in the most arid of circumstances. Her tears fall silently, she wishes to shield her little ones from the horrors that surround them. In the face of adversity, she becomes their steadfast fortress, a shelter from the storms that rage around them.
But it is not just Palestine who weeps for her children. The world watches with tears in its eyes, for the pain that runs deep in her heart resonates within the hearts of humanity. Her children are not only hers they are the children of the world, each a symbol of the enduring spirit of human resilience.
In the ethereal embrace of heaven, there is a moment of profound beauty where the departed mother and her children are united once more. They stand together, joyful and at peace surrounded by the serenity that eluded them in life. But as we witness this heavenly reunion, let it serve as a touching reminder of the price they paid on Earth.
They endured deep pain, misery and mayhem in a world where innocence was shattered and dreams were lost in the shadows of conflict.
This is a poignant reminder of the price paid in life calls us to be stewards of change. Igniting a fire in our hearts to advocate for a world free from conflict. Together, may we sow the seeds of a brighter more peaceful future, preserving the innocence of children. This is a call for the rebirth of our humanity, united in empathy, love, understanding and unity.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
the older draft you had for HWR with five siblings will forever live in my heart btw. i constantly think about how different the three siblings' relationship would be if they had other siblings. if you have any other stuff from the older draft i would Iove to hear them!!
if i ever were to host a HWR trivia night, you'd undoubtedly be a contender for winner. omg. you have recalled some of the most obscure HWR lore.
it definitely would've changed a lot!! in that version of the story, the main antagonist was HWR reader's older brother, not her father. i ended up really liking the gothic theme of resisting an authoritative male figure (fun fact, i mentioned HWR reader reading the castle of otranto as a little nod to this). i just couldn't figure out an interesting motive for older bro to be that way. in victor avalor's case, some of his reasoning will be explored in bloodlines, but what i can say is that he ultimately wanted to be overthrown by one of his children. he saw that HWR reader had the strongest potential to do so and sorta egged her on for that very reason.
some of older bro/younger bro's characterization got merged into estella and ash respectively. estella's oppressive nature toward her siblings and her faux classy demeanor which hides her ruthlessness originally belonged to older bro. i considered making her more of a benevolent/nurturing mother figure, but i thought that was boring. i wanted her to be more cunning and showcase a different type of manipulation than victor avalor's.
estella goes for subtle emotional manipulation, whereas victor uses outright intimidation and fear. i felt it'd be interesting to take this 'strong' character in the traditional sense (since HWR reader is an adept fighter), but make her susceptible to manipulation by the few individuals in her life she cares about. especially since this opens a Whole Can Of Worms about her relationship with chrollo. HWR reader is just subconsciously drawn to people who make use of her abilities, since she doesn't really know anything else. this is another element i intend to explore more in bloodlines (i promise i'm still working on it, i just have such a Clear idea of what i want, and keep revising everything because the execution never feels satisfactory).
little bro's arc was going to be similar to ash's. he was going to be a 'forgotten child' of sorts, who is average at everything, yet excels at nothing. forever burdened with living in his older sibling's shadow. this gives him an inferiority complex that manifests itself by being callous toward his family. ash was... well... just gonna be a lil cutie pie that goes :D. the ray of sunshine of this otherwise cursed family. ash has some of the snark i intended for lil bro, but it isn't quite as meanspirited.
i had a good time reminiscing to answer this, thank you for asking such a fun question 💖
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makiruz · 2 years
I LOVE N'kosopa, they're a democracy, they have no class division, and they're crazy as shit, amazing
Also, Iove Yanma Gust, oh my god I hope he kills Racles
Now Gira, Gira doesn't know who the leader of his kingdom's neighbors are, or even what said neighbors are; clearly Red King Asshole is bad at his job, if education is so bad among the lower classes.
Gira is also an adorable idiot, and I love him, he finds children to befriend immediately. Aw, and he wants to sacrifice himself for this other kingdom that just kidnapped him, he's too good for this world (hence why Yanma has to be one to kill Racles)
Oh my god, the N'kosopans fight alongside their president against evil! I love them
Oh! And the thing I was hopping happened! We got political tension because N'kosopa is harboring an enemy of Shugoddam, there's no war yet, but........ And at the end of the episode Gira and Yanma get kidnapped by Yellow Queen Himeno! She's probably curious about this rando who activated KingOhger, and why is Yanma helping him; honestly it'd be hilarious if all the kingdoms ally around Gira isolating Shugoddam and Racles; and of course, Gira, the self-sacrificing idiot, would get them to help the people of Shugoddam regardless; my god Racles would look so bad if the kingdoms help his people even though he's shunned them
God dammit, this is a political show, in that it's about politics, and I like it
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mypolicegiver · 5 months
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Please write those eve fluffs ❤️ Iove everything you writre. But I have to admit that dad Matty isn't my favorite like I totally get why people love it. Matty with kids is just adorable and thought of it is melting my heart but I don't have kids and I'm not able to feel it. I'll try today !
Oh I don’t have kids either, haha. But I was watching the neighbors kids play outside and ask their grownups about Santa and stuff and I thought….matty would totally get into these conversations with kids or if he had children of his own.
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prosperdemeter2 · 1 year
You know, going off that other anon re Shannon being a good antagonist? I actually agree and it just makes it all feel so much more real. Because real people get divorced and sure sometimes it’s amicable and sometimes they can find a way to peacefully co parent if kids are involved but usually it’s so so messy and just a constant nightmare until the kid(s) are 18 because humans are flawed people and you writing it like that makes it so much more real and I Iove it!
That means so much to me! I don't want to, at all, show something that could be fundamentally harmful. As you said, divorce isn't always easy but, from my experience (of friends who were children of divorce), both parents have to be willing to make the effort to create a peaceful co-parenting situation. And sometimes there's nothing that can really be done when one parent is more concerned with hurting the other (or, in Shannon’s case in this fic, maintaining control) than they are raising their child.
Humans are messy and sometimes their mess can't help but spill over onto others.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
Finished them!
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His birth name is Eri but she enjoys being called Livyatan (or Liv for the close ones) they are a orphan who was found by his father's first spouse and taken in as one of her children. Sexuality? No one's sure. Gender? No one's sure-
Face close-up
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His familiar is a skeleton cat named Kayn, who was her pet during childhood and was taken in when they got adopted (Kayn wasn't always a skeleton-)
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
Hi, first I want to tell you I really Ioved your story "persist and resist the the temptation to ask you"
Second what are your thoughts on Ginny being head girl After war like James potter( I mean without being perfect).?
People says it's out of character for her or Mcgonagall will never make anyone over hermione headgirl( my problem with hermione being Head girl is that i think she will not connect with children especially after what those kids have gone through during war year at hogwarts( she has her own trauma not discounting that but she wasn't at Hogwarts she did not know what happened last year, I think for her Hogwarts is still wonderful place)
I am not hermione hater whenever I say this people think I am bashing hermione. I do like hermione.
Shouldn't head be the one who can connect and empathize with children better( esp. Younger ones) ?
Ginny co-led Rebellion last perhaps she will become better head girl.
Please share your thoughts on this.( only if you want to ofcourse) sorry for the long ask and my bad English( really love your ginny weasley tag by the way)
ahhhhhh this was so sweet of you anon! I'm so glad you liked persist. i had a fun time writing it, that's for sure.
to answer your question, hmmm i guess i never really thought about if ginny would be head girl. if i did, i was also in the same boat as the others that it wouldn't fit her laidback/rebellious vibe as much as it would hermione.
HOWEVER, after reading your message, i began to realize that this perception i had of her was circumstantial, such that that would be the case if she was prefect and not head girl. but you are completely right. because she had gone through the war and had to serve as an automatic role model and leader to the younger population, i can 100% see McGonagall advocating for her to be head girl over hermione.
whether ginny would choose to do so is still under debate because let's think about it... the seventh year was - of course - a tough time for everyone, but in ginny's case, what with all of her responsibilities in the DA, all of that extra burden must have built up over time. there's an interesting variable in sociology called weathering, in which one's allostatic load - or "the wear and tear" of the body - builds up cumulatively the more one experiences stress. there's no doubt that there was a lot on her plate, and she must have eventually associated hogwarts itself as the emblem of her trauma. thus, i feel like she still may not have chosen to be head girl because she is in a completely different headspace after the war...she is no longer in fight or flight mode, yes, but i bet she's still hypervigilant all the time. because, unfortuntately, our bodies don't get the memo and have trouble differentiating life-threatening stress from other types of stress. bottom line is, she's in the midst of healing and processing grief from the death of her brother that i don't think she'd want to once again put herself into a direct leadership position that could only bring up all of those emotions full-fold. so she'd probably say no, but if a student ever comes up to her for support, then obviously i don't think she'd turn them down, if that makes sense...
on the other hand, not much is seen from canon about how ginny copes with stress. all we get is her reaction to the dementors in POA following COS and that she was supposedly "cheerful" at the end of COS and, of course, the "Lucky You" scene in OOTP. this is, of course, unrealistic on the behalf of JKR (and Harry, if we were to analyze this from an unreliable narrator's perspective), and i certainly don't headcanon that she has little trauma reactions, but it still brings up the question of her coping mechanisms and if she would indeed take up the role of head girl.
summary: it's definitely possible given some characteristics from canon, but from the few instances we do see from canon and the general knowledge of what trauma does to an individual, i can also equally see her saying "no" to being head girl. i still don't think hermione would be asked to be one, though, like you said, but who knows, maybe ginny offers it to her. or maybe ginny would hand the official position to another girl entirely their year (maybe parvati, eh? @foreverginevra) but still serve as moral support when needed.
either way, anon, i am in full support of your headcanon and love your reasoning for why :)
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