#It fucked me up
periprose · 1 year
bro i fucking cried so hard at the end when neteyam died... and they were happy to see him again 😭 definitely writing a fic asap <3
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jenna-louise-jamie · 3 months
i cannot stop thinking about ian rider. more specifically, how alex had so many unprocessed feelings about him after his death. imagine being an orphan, getting adopted by your uncle as a baby, having him raise you for 14 years then discovering he lied to you your entire life. that he [unintentionally or not] trained you to be something you never wanted to be under the guise of bonding with you. never being able to ask him what his actual intentions were because he's dead. never getting closure for it. im going to throw up.
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blackoutbugza · 8 days
heart to heart
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extra under cut
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
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myagamingloveryt · 4 months
I saw a trolls infection AU, and I'm totally normal about it 😃
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hearts401 · 5 months
Elizabeth and Michael fighting but its like that one scene in wolf children where yuki and ame fight.
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heraldofcrow · 4 months
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My night in a nutshell
Sorry @Lore Council 💀
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gaylienz · 5 months
watched a thing that i knew would fuck me up and guess what happened?
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lewis-winters · 6 months
this is only if you want to share, I would understand if you don't, but do you have any funny stories about your time in the military?
one time I got a report of a whole squad of new recruits going down due to food poisoning because they decided to go foraging and accidentally added poisonous mushrooms to their meal.
another one. well. I've talked about this before but one of my S2s got shot in the ass doing reconnaissance. but he had a big ass, so it was ok. I still made him report to me on zoom and I laughed and I laughed for a good 10 mins because he had to do it from his bed and he obviously couldn't lie on his back, so he was on his front and he looked so funny. and since we knew each other very well already (as in, I knew his wife and kids and regularly got to talk to them since he brought his office phone home), he went so far as to show me the bullet wound over the call (he was using his phone). it was pretty clean. and I did say, he had a big ass.
that christmas, to rib him some more, i sent his family a conchillo (a tiny roasted pig), and i instructed the resturant to put a little "bandaid" on the pig's ass. he took a picture of it and immediately sent it to me with something that I can only translate in english to "how fucking dare you."
anyway. fun times.
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kukuandkookie · 1 year
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So. Um. I can’t talk about it in detail yet (*wails*) but I finally finished all of White Cat Legend season 2, and I did it in 2 sittings—since I’m writing on it and Link Click and Belladonna of Sadness for a final paper for class—but basically, what I want to say first is...
Help. I feel like part of me has changed—or at least shifted—in some way. Big *head in hands* mood right now like. Holy shit. 😭
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unityrain24 · 10 months
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schemmentishoward · 11 months
I can’t stop thinking about the queen and knight au
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40 Day Anime Challenge Day 9- Character you want on your side in a zombie apocalypse: Koro-Sensei, Assassination Classroom (2013-2016)
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Look, the guy’s OP af. And he’s got jokes for years to lighten the depressing mood of a zombie apocalypse.
Synopsis (from IMDB): “ A powerful creature claims that within a year, Earth will be destroyed by him, but he offers mankind a chance by becoming a homeroom teacher where he teaches his students about how to kill him. An assassination classroom begins.”
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thewaywardcasgirl · 2 years
i took 100 damage this episode, especially that scene, sky was having a break down, crying out loud and pai poor pai he was breaking down worse on the inside
i know they resolved the conflict but I'm not able to move onnn, my back is literally hurting idk what to do
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firemandeanbuck · 1 year
what if...
(tribute to this post by father) (major character death, there will be pain btw COMIC SPOILERS)
Hob had a dream. Or was it...? A dream? Well, it sure was, or elsewhere would he find such fantastical creatures, Gods and Legends, mourning for the death of someone?
His body was flowing down a river, in a big black swan boat. The sky was the greyest Hob ever felt. It was like a shadow was casted over the entire universe by the wings of a Titan. They mourned the death of someone they knew very personally. Hob had a feeling he knew him too. He had not seen his face, but he knew him, he had not remembered his voice, yet he heard him saying goodbye one last time to his kingdom. Leaving everything and everyone behind, never to look back. This isn't a trick, or deception, or a play. No, this was real life.
No coming back from there.
Words were spoken in countless languages, unknown manners and with various level of emotions. The little girl with insane hair said nothing more than 2 words, she was clearly upset. The crow talked fondly, if a little harshly, of his boss. They went to hell together and challenged Lucifer, he said. Someone in the crowd scoffed loudly..
When the fire rose up into the sky as a phoenix, everyone was returned home. Gods and the funny creatures walked out the gate. But Hob woke up.
((1 month later))
Inside the barn, Hob sits around a fire. He is greeted by a familiar face. Familiar yet. Distinguished. He doesn't recall who she is, all he knows that she is someone he knows, or at least used to know.
She tells him about her brother, about life, about dreams and death. Hob tells her about his life, about his aspiration.
Death tells him about her idiot brother. A hollowness digs into Hob's chest, weighing him down. The final blow, while waking, comes when Death tells him Dream is no longer, he is dead. he attended the funeral. Hob needs a drink, he needs to get away, to be alone with his thoughts. No, no, this can't be true. The man with whom he met every century, the one who hears his stories about life and the ONLY perosn he had been genuinely open with, is DEAD.
He can't. Hob had lost so much over the corse of 6 centuries. he can't-
But he seemed immortal. Dream did. He seemed infinitely bigger than life, he seemed unreal, like a wild imagination running around unrestricted. Oh, so mighty and great. Even gods dont question him
Yet, in his heart of hearts, he KNOWS its true. That's the funeral he attended, and he saw her there, for she was also mourning her brother. Even now, as she is talking to him, grief is crystal in her eyes. She doesn't want to tell this story, yet, she feels like she OWES her brother to. It's what's proper, what's right
Then, she asks him to take her hands.
Hob hesitates. He asks her, "How did it feel?"
"Like death. A part of me went with him and forever shall be with him. I have no control over such matters", Death answers, rubbing her hands together.
"I'm sorry", Hob place his hand on her shoulder, "My condolences to you, Death",
"Y'know, I was his sister before I was DEATH", she told. Her head hung low, the curls were curtaining her face but the tears were unmistakably there.
"I cannot imagine the pain. To think that who WOULD NOT go away actually do, in front of your eyes. But... to be the one to take him there. I'm so sorry, Death. If I could, I would've changed our places"
"Thank you", she wiped her glittery tears, "So?" Once again, she had extended her arms.
They looked so inviting. No more pain, no more struggling to hide his identity, no more problems of the world, no more lost loved ones, no more changing times taking a toll on him, no more finding new love, no more grieving for the past.
But... GWEN. She will be alone. Hob doesn't want her to feel what he did. She is good she doesn't deserve such pain.
"Will I be forgiven?"
"No one is condemned in my realm", assures Death, her gentle smile reminding Hob of summer in the open country, warm breeze bringing the sweet smell of fruits. Oh, how much he wanted to go.
From somewhere far, far away, his beloved mother was calling him into home. His little sister running back to him, showing him her collection. The sun kissed his skin. He could feel the soil and grass under his feet.
There it was. Such a strong nostalgia, the bittersweet feeling that leaves a foul taste when its over. He doesn't want it to be over
"Okay, I'll come with you"
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I just finished "they both die at the end" and I am inconsolable
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