#It’s definitely the autism that makes him so endearing to me
golden-rolling-hills · 2 months
More Autistic Pony and Darry Headcanons
these took me a few days but here y’all go
*scatters headcanons likes they’re birdseed and runs away*
Pony has literally no sense of danger, bro ran into a burning church for christ sake he doesn’t understand danger at all. this scares the fuck out of Darry and Soda
Pony is a chewer, he has a chewy necklace that he uses when he’s at home but at school he literally devours the ends of pens like om nom nom
Pony is much more prone to meltdowns than Darry and he can get pretty aggressive during them. his stims when he’s upset are very self-injurious but if Darry or Soda did something to cause him to meltdown he will hit them
Darry was the kind of kid to heavily mask all day at school and break down as soon as he got home
he’s very routine oriented and if his schedule and routine get messed up then he doesn’t know how to cope
his meltdowns look a lot different than Pony’s. Pony’s are much more stereotypical autistic meltdowns but Darry’s are more yelling at people and stomping around. he’ll usually go off to his room alone and let himself cry and stim but he doesn’t let other people see him like that unless he’s so upset that he can’t hold it in
Pony had the worse sensory issues out of the two of them, he hates tags and seams but he especially hates long sleeves, this is why he cuts the sleeves off of all his hand me downs
he actually likes that most of his clothes are hand me downs because that means they’re already soft and broken in
Darry is the most literal thinker in the world, he can’t understand metaphors or analogies or sarcasm like at all, Pony doesn’t struggle with this as much though and it makes Darry lowkey upset
Pony has a really hard time with routine and time management. he needs to be guided through getting ready for school everyday or else he would just show up late and still in his pajamas
Pony has absolutely zero filter. he says every single thought he has out loud. his social skills are so unbelievably non existent. he really struggles with making friends and the only real actual friend he’s ever had is Johnny
Darry has always masked his autism a lot and he was actually pretty popular in school. if he wasn’t so handsome and athletic then his awkwardness probably wouldn’t have been as well received but since he was then people found his quirks charming and endearing
Pony is very particular about food, he likes to eat the same exact things every day and he’d rather starve than try something new
Darry definitely has alexythmia, he has no clue how he’s feeling ever and emotions make no sense to him
Pony and Darry were diagnosed in the same year, pony was 2 and darry was 8. Pony’s pediatrician noticed signs in him early has referred him to a specialist to be diagnosed and after going through the diagnosis process with pony, the Curtis parents were like “wait, hold up a minute. this all sounds like it applies to Darry too.” so they had him assessed too.
after a meltdown, Pony just wants to be cuddled. he loves deep pressure so tight hugs and weighted blankets are his best friends. Soda is always his go to for a good bear hug, not just because he’s his brother but also because Soda is the master of hugs
Pony always has his headphones on, he’s usually listening to music but even when he’s not he doesn’t take them off
Soda is not the token neurotypical sibling though, he canonically had the most textbook case of ADHD that i’ve ever seen, argue with a wall
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adventuringblind · 1 year
(●’◡’●)ノ, I'm in loove with your Oscar Piastri x autistic!reader series, it gives really beautiful perspective on navigating relationships while being neurodivergent. I was wondering if you do a imagine/headcannon for Oscar and reader and how they navigate sexual intimacy in particular, like do's and donts, emotions during it stuff like that. If ur not comfortable writing that then it's ok, I just thought it would be interesting ♡
Bedroom Procedures
Oscar Jack Piastri x Reader
Genre: spicy things ahead but not smut
Request: the way I ran to write this... send me more ideas like this please they are my favorite to write!
Summary: Oscar and Reader navigate through intimacy
Warnings: again... spicy things. However there is no real depiction of anything happening!
Notes: aight, so this is again how I navigate because that's what I know. This is not a depiction of how every autistic person is when it comes to being intimate. Remember that autism is a spectrum and everyone is different.
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Being intimate with each other actually took a long time
At least longer than what is probably average
And that's in opinion
She wants to have sex with Oscar
It's just that it's difficultt and there are so many different feelings that is gets overwhelming quickly
It doesn't help she's trying to dive straight in whenever they try it
Oscar pays attention however
Her body language is how he can understand her feelings
So he knows exactly what he's doing even if she doesn't get it yet
The next time things get a little heated, Oscar slows them both down
"Why are you stopping? Did I do something wrong?"
"Absolutely not, just thought we would try something different."
In her head, different is strange because there is usually an order to these things, and it should become routine eventually
Oscar has other plans
He starts taking their intimate moments incredibly slow
Introducing her to different sensations and letting her tell him what she likes and doesn't
Soon, he has a comprehensive list of dos and don'ts
Like how sometimes she prefers to keep on a loose shirt because otherwise the skin on skin is to much
Not all the time
He always asks before they do anything if she would like to wear one of his shirts
Or how her biting him is usually a good sign because it means she's happy
(Something she does even when they aren't having sex)
Oral is a grey area for her
Sometimes, she'll suck him off for hours, and others, she gets overwhelmed just thinking about it
Oscar doesn't care, though, because he loves her no matter what she's feeling up to
One thing he was not expecting was for her to be relatively kinky
Experimenting is everything
Hard yes and no things but down to try before deciding
Oscar got a bit experimental after he got a general idea and their bedroom communication was good
Again... communication is a key point
He's always asking questions and reading her body just as she is with him
The fact that it's a vulnerable state and both of them are connecting in a way with emotions that even sex itself can't give is incredibly intimate
They don't even make it there sometimes because the emotional ties are just so deep that they simply spend time memorizing each other
Another thing is vocals
Oscar is usually composed and level-headed
Sex however is completely different
It's where he is able to express himself in ways he couldn't before
Also, listening to his voice is something that helps her know if she's doing okay
She also experiments with her voice
Vocal stimming during sex happens often, and it happens when she is on the edge
Her parroting is endearing ad well
Sometimes Oscar will moan or hum in a way and she will copy
A non-verbal agreement to keep going
Can go for maybe two rounds maximum
Maybe three or four but that's on a good day
Follows a routine of how things go down and there is definitely communication beforehand
Even if both parties are in the heat of the moment, he will not start anything without giving an idea of what will happen
It's like an unwritten rule so that she isn't trying to read the situation and get frustrated with herself if she can't understand what's happening
Clear cut yes and no
There is no maybe
All communication is cut and dry, and there is no beating around the bush
Because of her willingness to touch, but only from those she's allowed, Oscar is a teeny tiny bit possessive
If anyone touches her who she's not comfortable with he won't hesitate to bite her in reciprocation
She bites him, he bites her, it's a pattern they keep going because he knows its her love language
Also, it creates some fun on other places
Really the two are very good at setting boundaries and communicating
It makes things fun for both of them and there is never any feelings hurt
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dragon-watcher03 · 11 months
Hello! <3 how are you?! I love what you write, could you place an order for me, about bi-han's head cannons, Johnny cage, smoke and reptile from mortal kombat 1 meeting and falling in love and conquering an autistic reader or one with asperger's, I'm very curious about that already I have Asperger's and curiosity kills me a lot.
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Sorry it took so long to answer your ask. Had to do some research first.
Mk1 x Autistic! Reader
Ft: Sub-Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Johnny
Note: I appreciate all the asks and requests yall. <3
He was never good at understanding others either, so you 2 were the perfect match for each other.
He probably met you through Tomas or Kuai Liang and didn't talk to you at first. But as time passed, he realized that you are just as socially awkward as he was. So he plucked up the courage to start a conversation with you.
He fell in love with your strength; you can't tell me otherwise. It's what he looks for in a partner. He also found your silence endearing and comforting. And as you two grew closer, you eventually plucked up the courage to tell him about your autism.
He didn't react that much since that didn't change how he saw you. But he now understood why you were so quiet and socially awkward, so he tried to keep you away from situations like that so you don't feel uncomfortable.
He isn't very empathetic either, so you two can relate pretty well with each other. Most of your time is spent alone with each other in silence and just enjoying the comfortable silence.
He's a pretty social person, so he had a little trouble understanding you and your quietness.
You both met when Liu Kang introduced you to them and he obviously tried to start a conversation with you, but sensing your awkwardness and discomfort he stopped. Over time though you started talking a little bit with him which made him very happy.
He probably fell in love with your determination. Since you don't talk much he doesn't really know much about your personality but he saw your determination during missions as clear as day.
When you told him about your diagnosis, he was very supportive and reassuring that he didn't see you any differently. But he definitely does plenty of research about your specific type of autism and does his best to understand.
He tries to have you avoid social situations since he doesn't want to see you uncomfortable. Plus, he prefers your company over anyone else's so it's a win-win in his book.
He doesn't really go out of his way to talk with other people or attend social events, but that doesn't make him bad at it. In fact, he's actually quite good at socializing.
You both probably met through Ashrah and he didn't really see your awkwardness as odd, he thought it was normal for people to be quiet when they first meet.
But then over time, he saw you were still quite distant despite having known him for a while. So he took it upon himself to start a conversation with you.
He probably fell in love with your voice, at least when he does hear it. He thinks it's the most beautiful melody in the entire realm and wishes he would hear more of it, but he also doesn't know if it's weird to want to listen to someone's voice.
When you tell him of your condition, he's kind of confused. Poor boy doesn't know what Autism is, so you'll have to explain it to him. When he eventually does understand, he's very understanding. He usually talks for you in social settings but doesn't avoid them entirely since his species are social creatures.
He is the most social out of all of them, he's constantly going out to events and talking with everyone in the area.
You both met through Raiden and he warned Johnny that you weren't much of a talker. That didn't stop him from starting a conversation immediately. That's when he really saw how socially awkward you were.
So he laid you off for a bit since he thought maybe you were too shy to speak with him, but the longer he knew you, the more he noticed something off about your behavior. So he does some research and finds out you most likely have autism.
So he keeps it to himself but still tries to engage in conversation with you. He fell in love with your shyness, 100%. And he doesn't even need to do anything to make you that way.
Eventually, you tell him you have autism and he tells you he already knew. So now that you were comfortable with telling him that, he thought that meant you two were a lot closer now. So he tends to let you stay at home while he continues to socialize as he usually does, but he does it a little less often so he can also spend time with you as well.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Could I get horrortale papyrus, horrorfell papyrus, underfell papyrus, and undertale papyrus with a SO who has adhd and autism. There love Language is also like a crow (bonks for affection, small gifts, etc.)
Of course you can. I loved writing this! Thank you for sending it my way, I hope you enjoy it!
I definitely didn't go a bit self-indulgent with Charon’s bit, nope not at all, I don't know what you talking about.
Charon: UF Papyrus
Bean: HT Papyrus
Thatch: HF Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Papyrus: Oh, this sweetheart adores you and your bonks. Papyrus is quite the affectionate fellow, so while his way to show affection are hugs and skelekisses he is more than open to accept your own ways of affection with open arms. He is also more than happy to return your preferred method of showing affection if that gives you the most comfort.
Papyrus finds it so precious that your love language is like that of a crow. When he first learns about it he is like “WOWIE! THAT IS SO FASCINATING.” Which 100% means that the first thing he’s gonna to do when he gets home is researching all about crow’s social behavior and their habits and behavior towards family and mates. He’s just so fascinated and curious! The next time you bonk him he has found a whole new layer adoration for you.
Papyrus keeps every single gift inside his closet, the place where he keeps his knick knacks and just everything that he has emotional attachments to or have meanings behind it - at least the ones that fit in there. The closet is a sort comfort space for Papyrus, so whenever he feels lost or stressed or feels like he has an existential crisis, he feels the need to be surrounded by comforting objects, hence the closet. Your gifts have a special section dedicated to them. It’s at eye level so he can easily find and look at them again.
Charon: This man is a not so secret secret simp. I’m telling you, believe me. Like you may be sayin the most randomest shit ever out of nowhere with no context provided whatsoever leaving everyone going like “what?” Because they don’t see the train of thought you are going through. And Charon is standing there at the side absolutely loving. He finds it very endearing how at one point you could be talking about the weather and suddenly you bring up that “sometimes, dogs eat each other's poo”. It’s so out of nowhere it makes Charon burst out laughing or makes him at least chuckle sometimes. He finds your mind endearing he cant help it.
At first, Charon was quite confused with the bonks. He didn’t know what they meant or why you did them, but he appreciated it either way. Because it was you, his lovely mate who did them. But oh boy, were his cheekbones filled with a scarlet flush when he finally found out it was your way of showing affection. Now he just gets internally excited whenever you come up to him to give him one of your bonks. He may think he got himself together but it’s so obvious - to those who know him - that his face perks up slightly whenever a bonk is about to happen. Charon - mostly in private - returns your affection by placing a skelekiss on the top of your head or upon your hand. (A skelekiss is kinda like a bonk since he doesn’t have any lips.)
Gifts mean a lot to Charon in general. You have no idea how big of a thing it is to Charon, the first time you came bearing a gift for him, Charon was left speechless. Silently, gingerly accepting your gift while his gaze keeps flickering over towards you and the gift for a good while before he finally manages to utter so uncharacteristically quiet: “T-This is for me..?”
Someone save this poor boy’s soul, he can handle flirting and territorial behavior between mates. But this? This is something else entirely and someone, anyone, spare his poor soul from the warm flutterings that are erupting from within him like a volcano. You have no clue what you just did, or you did and you had planned this, planned to leave this man without a single breath left to gasp with. It’s quite the beautiful sight I must say.
Charon doesn’t know what to do or say, for you see; back in the underground, gifting a mate a gift is something big and something special because it is such a rare thing to happen. Monsters used to pick mates yes, but that’s more a fling than something serious. Leaving yourself vulnerable to another was a high risk to take, monsters used to trust no one. So when a mate gifts a gift it’s a display to everyone else to let them know that they and their mate are taken, and anyone that dares to mess with either of them there will be consequences. It’s only done when one’s sure they can protect the both of them from potential enemies that try to target either of them. But it is also a vow, an indication of their love and affection. Gifting a gift is practically a declaration: ‘you are the one that I want and the one I’ll keep wanting, I’m prepared to fight for us.’
Charon treasures every. Single. Gift you give him. Every. Single. One. You gave him a bracelet? He wears it every day with pride, it's the first one he puts on before putting on the other bracelets he has. You made him something? He has placed it proudly in his room or throughout the house. Charon doesn’t really make gifts, and he doesn’t call stuff he buys for you gifts. To him it's just something he bought for you. (Funny that actually, because if you buy him something he does consider it a gift.) Charon is more a person who cooks for his loved ones. So he definitely shows his affection by providing you delicious meals.
✨ ✨
Bean: His soul warms up with fluff whenever you decide to give him a loving bonk. Purrs rumble through him as your head makes contact with his bones. Bean finds great comfort in your crow like love language, it soothes him whenever he feels a bit stressed or had a bad day.
You two often share gifts together. Bean makes little music playlists for you or crochet articles of clothes like scarfs, hats and mittens, maybe even socks if you don’t mind. He really appreciates gifts you give him, although every now and again, especially in the beginning or on bad days, he's hesitant to accept them because he feels as if he isn’t worthy of them. Give him some time, he’ll come around once his inner demons have left him alone. Or you could also on the bad days leave your gifts in front or inside Bean’s room, somehow that makes accepting said gifts without hesitance much easier.
Thatch: Oh stars, spare his poor soul. You are too precious, how do you exist? What has Thatch done to deserve you? Thatch loves you so wholly and deeply, it sometimes scares himself a bit. You could just be doing your own thing, something very uniquely you, and he notices, and he stills. He’s reminded by the soft warmth flooding his soul how much you mean to him.
This sweetheart practically melts into a goopy Lovestruck puddle whenever you give him a bonk.
No, really, believe me, I’ll tell you why.
Whenever you wanna give Thatch that affectionate bonk of yours you have to ask him to lean down or climb upon something to become taller. (There’s no other way to reach his face, Thatch is a tall boy, and when I say tall I mean tall.)
And whenever you do, Thatch already knows what’s going to happen and his poor soul can’t handle it. He can’t handle it, his cheeks are already getting hot, his soul is skipping around as if it’s dancing in the clouds, and all Thatch can do is accept his fate. The first time you gave him an affectionate bonk, you had K.Oed him. Frozen stiff he stood there, the only sign of life was that high whistle that slipped past Thatch’s teeth and his face that gradually erupted in a mahogany flush. But how could he not become a mess like that?
It’s just an affectionate bonk, but to Thatch it feels so intimate, as he stares with wide sockets into your eyes. It’s a priceless thing, the soft touch upon his forehead. The proximity of you renders his mind blank, he can practically feel your warmth and breath flutter against him like a loving whisper between lovers and it’s you, so completely you, and oh stars, he’s so doomed.
(And a purring mess.)
Thatch returns your affection (if he isn’t rendered stunned by the love that floods him) by tracing his knuckles oh so gently across your cheek.
Thatch has a hard time accepting gifts. Not that he doesn’t love them, he does, he just finds it hard to grasp that he deserves them. It’s harder than accepting affection because he can just stand there and let it wash over him, and be lured to lean into it. With gifts, he has to actually reach out and take it. Sounds easy, but to Thatch it isn’t.
Just walk up to him and get his attention, and then shove your gift in his hands. Thatch will automatically hold it on reflex. Immediately let go afterwards and tell him you don’t do ‘take backs’/thank him for accepting it, he won’t be able to try to refuse it for reasons like he ‘doesn’t deserve it’ or any of that nonsense. It’s rude to return an already gifted gift after all, and Thatch is a gentlemonster true and through.😉
But really, give him all the gifts! Shower him in them! He deserves it and he treasures your gifts dearly, yes even if it’s a shiny rock. Especially if it is a shiny rock.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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the-starry-seas · 5 months
omg you're a techo enjoyer too??? blessed 🥺 do you have any hcs or plot tribbles about them you'd be willing to share?
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So Tech is the person that Echo spends the most time with, when he first goes with the Batch. This isn't because of any desire to connect on Tech's part - the only reason nobody calls him unfriendly is cause Crosshair is right there, in much the way that your neighbour's snarly dog isn't much of a problem compared to a rabid T Rex.
Instead, it's because the Bad Batch realise that, y'know, Echo's been Matrixed into a freezer for a while (timeline is not my strength but it was a few years, I think). Somebody's gotta figure out those cyborg parts and how to fix them, preferably before something breaks. And of course for something that serious, you choose the smart one.
At first, Echo is very awkward about this. The last thing he wants is someone digging around in his parts, even if it's for a good reason. But he also knows that it's going to be even worse for everybody if he has some sudden breakdown that disables him. So he grits his teeth and bears it.
(Tech does not notice shit about this. He has new science to explore, new problems to figure out, and human interaction has never been his strong suit. Autism King <3)
There's definitely some initial awkwardness, but Echo figures out pretty quickly that if he gets Tech rambling about something, the sound of his voice is soothing. Echo thinks nothing of it. (lol. lmao even.) He also comes to find it vaguely endearing when Tech gets distracted in the middle of something because he thinks of some cool upgrade that he can do. The Iron Man-style rocket boots are a total success. Tech is fully convinced his sensation of affection and pride is just because he got the boots working, and nothing to do with Echo himself (again: lol. lmao even.)
Tech pokes at the dataport, frowns, and looks down at his datapad. "Can you give me a hand with this?" A metal arm clatters to the floor next to him. Echo, across the room, hasn't moved from his co-pilot's seat and is still watching the latest episode of his holodrama. "Technically," he begins, adjusting his goggles with an indignant sniff, "yes, that is what I asked for. But I expected better of you."
Echo suddenly has some fucking thoughts about the possibility of Tech praising him, let me tell you. Still, he also has some reservations, because there's times where Tech gets too invested in the ✨ science ✨ and Echo starts feeling kind of like an experiment all over again.
Anyway the two of them are getting along pretty well and Tech is remaining fairly oblivious to both their feelings. (This is not a dig at Tech, I'm simply a huge sucker for ships where one of them doesn't realise their feelings until a Dramatic Moment, generally involving a near-death experience.) Except that Echo doesn't much like talking about his past and all the Clone Trauma™, especially pertaining to his lost Fives, and Tech's a nosy bitch who wants to know everything.
So Tech finds a way to get Echo's file. If the reg's not gonna talk, well, when has Tech ever respected a 'no access' sign? He reads through it and takes some notes, and it seems as though things are fine.
Except once Echo actually does start opening up about his past, Tech jumps in to fill in some details. Details that Echo certainly never told him. And Echo wants to know how Tech knows, and Tech's a shit liar, so the truth comes out.
Echo is not pleased with the truth.
(pain incoming)
"Well, I've... read your file," Tech says, hesitantly. He reaches up to adjust his goggles. A nervous tic, one that Echo usually finds endearing. But hearing that Tech was reading his file makes something twist in his stomach - what's left of it. Especially with Tech nervous about it. Echo's never really seen him like that. Not with him. "Okay," he replies, fighting to keep his voice and expression as close to 'calm' as possible. "And?" "I know it's been, well, hard. For you. For the other reg- the other clones." Echo stares at him, too shocked to attempt a look of neutrality any more. Tech must be joking. He must be. Not about reading his file, Echo had assumed that the Batch had all dug into him to find out who he was. But thinking that he knows anything about what it was like? Just because he read a file? He's seen the kinds of files that are kept on clones. They're dry, succinct, and mention nothing about who a clone is, just a service record like the kind you'd see kept about a machine. Because that's just about all they were, to the people in charge. The clones certainly weren't people to anyone but themselves. "So what's it like, Tech? Go on, you read the file." He waits. It's harsh, he knows, maybe even cruel, but he's not much in a laughing mood any more. "Maybe I... missed a few things," Tech hedges, looking very much like he wants to escape. "How much more do you want to know? Because they carved me out of myself, but they left the memories, and I see all of it every single night, so I can tell you more than the devil himself could stomach." He waits, but Tech doesn't say anything, just shifts his weight, eyes wide, fingers curling and uncurling around his datapad. Finally, Echo says, "You don't know shit, Tech. Don't ever pretend you do. Especially not around me." He leaves. For once, Tech's not distracted. For once, Tech watches him go.
So there's a bump in the road, as it were. Well, more like hitting a moose with your janky 90s sedan. You walked away from it physically fine but you have an overwhelming feeling about how oh god you're so fucked. Also who do you call about that???
Echo calls Rex. Rex does not know what to do about this. He lets Echo vent until they've been sitting quietly for a few minutes, and then suggests that maybe that was just Tech's way of trying to connect to Echo. Not exactly normal, "but you always did say, when you called, that he always paid attention to you and wanted to know more about you. Maybe this is an extension of that, and he didn't realise that he was crossing some lines."
(Yes, in my head, Rex is lowkey playing matchmaker. He's heard the way Echo's voice changes when he talks about Tech, and he wants to see where this goes.)
Meanwhile, Tech is bothering the shit out of Hunter because 'you know how people work, what did I do?'
This is the first that Hunter is hearing about any of this. He doesn't have the slightest idea what's going on, but he does have some experience with relationship difficulties caused by inadvertent assholery *inserts my Cross/Hunter agenda here*
So Rex helps Echo calm down, and Hunter helps Tech figure out how to apologise. Tech doesn't do shit with that knowledge because emotional conversations suck and he'd much rather pretend that just never happened, thank you goodbye. He's just a huge anxious mess because he doesn't know why people think he's being weird or mean or rude when he thought they were Just Vibing.
It takes like two months for Tech to make a move to fix this, is what I'm saying.
"Echo?" Tech asks hesitantly. He stands with his hands clasped in front of him, one thumb rubbing over the knuckles of his opposite hand. "Fuck off." Tech winces, but, well - with the way he inadvertently treated Echo, it's not like he can complain. "I- when I mentioned your file-" "Don't." "I was just trying to say that you didn't have to hide anything from me. That you were one of us. And we'd do our best to understand. I didn't- I'm not good at apologies, I'm sorry, I'll go-" "Wait." Tech freezes in the doorway, even more uncertain now. Echo sighs and looks at him. If his gaze is supposed to be communicating something, it's not in a language that Tech speaks. Maybe his uncertainty shows on his face, or maybe Echo was just waiting to collect his thoughts. "Thanks, Tech." Despite the awkward seriousness of their conversation, Tech smiles. "You're welcome, Echo. And if there's- I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to, you know, but if there's anything you wanted to talk about, um, well, I'm only so far away. The Marauder's not a big ship." Echo doesn't say anything else, but he nods, and Tech feels like he actually managed to make some progress as he slips back out to the kitchen.
Anyway Echo has to comm Rex and send him ten bucks because Rex was right about Tech not being an asshole. Rex is only a little smug about this.
Echo slowly starts gravitating back towards Tech after that, and Tech is all !!!! not entirely sure what's happening but apparently the hot one Echo doesn't hate him any more so that's great!
They eventually get back into their groove and Tech makes him those kickass rocket boots to apologise for the whole... whatever that was. Words are hard, inventing is easy. He's still not 100% sure what went down, but Echo seems to have forgiven him, so he doesn't want to bring it up again. (He does, but it's like... a full year later, once he's definitely sure that Echo's not mad at him about it any more.)
Good thing that they do find their way back together, because one of Echo's legs breaks. And of course Tech's the one who immediately gets a little googly-eyed about finally being able to take Echo's leg apart. (He was strictly forbidden from Tinkering while Echo was wearing them, because Echo doesn't completely trust Tech to be able to resist the siren call of becoming a mad scientist. He adores the man, but he also knows Tech's weaknesses.)
Tech does indeed get a little mad scientist-y when he gets his hands all over those legs. He spends a week with a diet of space Red Bull, dry instant ramen, and no sleep, and comes up with Legs He almost blows the ship up once or twice, but nothing seriously affects the life support systems, so it's fine, leave the lab alone.
Legs are lighter, more durable, fit more comfortably, and have not only the fancy rocket boosters, but the ability to switch out normal treads for heavy ones and even climbing crampons! And a thousand other upgrades, but he's talking so fast that Echo genuinely has no idea what's going on. He figures that he can ask to read Tech's file about em later (yes he jokes about that, no Tech doesn't know if he can laugh).
When Echo first tries out his new legs, he loses his balance and goes straight into Tech's arms. Tech catches him and murmurs You're doing great, Echo.
Echo is running on an emotional high of having his legs back, having much better legs than the last ones, being caught by a hot nerd, and being praised by a hot nerd.
There's nothing to do about all that except kiss Tech.
He briefly thinks he's encountered a massive problem when Tech doesn't kiss back, and just stands there with a thoughtful look on his face. There's about a thousand things crossing Echo's mind in that moment, none of them exactly good. Can he get kicked off a squad for kissing someone???
Tech calmly says, "That was unexpected but perfectly acceptable. I commend your technique."
Echo isn't entirely sure what that means for a second, but then Tech pulls him in with both hands and tongues him, and Echo figures he doesn't need to ask.
The Batch is entirely unaware of this until three weeks later, when Echo joins them in the cockpit and sits right down in Tech's lap with his legs crossed. Wrecker wants to know why Echo's not in his usual co-pilot's chair. Echo just says figure it out and nudges Tech's chin up to kiss him.
Okay I've got so many headcanons too hold on
Tech's bunk is full of half-forgotten-about wires, metal sheets, pieces of rebar, loose screws, and the occasional shard of glass. Echo will not get into that bunk, they cuddle in Echo's hammock.
Tech will lay on top of Echo like a living weighted blanket and is perfectly happy to stay there for 12+ hours if he gets really invested in something on his datapad. This is often some design for another improvement to Echo's implants, so double bonus!
Strip chess
They love crosswords but they manage to get really competitive. Usually this means they make out about it, but sometimes they get mad at each other. Scrabble is banned after a few Incidents that resulted in yelling and a little blood, Hunter burned the tiles.
Tech keeps begging Echo into picking up dangerous insects, snails, frogs, and poisonous plants with his metal hand. Echo doesn't have to worry about getting bitten/poisoned and Tech can get a close-up look. Best of both worlds!
LEGO couple. If you haven't seen them for 16 hours? They got deeply invested into space version of some NASA set with 4000 pieces. Echo will bite you if you interrupt them.
Echo doesn't handle cold weather, it reminds him too much of being stuck as a POW. This means that the Batch leaves him on the ship on arctic missions but it also means Tech gets him eight pairs of fluffy socks because he read on the holonet that those are the best for keeping warm. Nobody's allowed to point out that Echo no longer has feet to keep warm. Echo wears them anyway and has favourites.
Sometimes Echo uses his USB hand to lock Tech's datapad when Tech won't go to sleep
He has a body pillow because it helps when his hips hurt. It's custom printed to look like Tech. Tech gets irrationally jealous over seeing Echo cuddle it.
Tech can do that finger skateboard thing and Echo uniroincally thinks it's really clever of him and admires his tricks
Tech makes Echo a new arm that has a human-shaped hand on the end so it has a wider range of function. The USB comes out of the tip of Echo's middle finger, at Echo's request.
Echo shakes hands/takes things from people with his metal hand. Tech is the only exception.
Tech likes crouching and crawling around, instead of walking 'normally'. There's been a few times that his head's popped up from where he's been crawling around on the floor like a snake, and Echo almost kicked him in the face because it scared him.
Echo can do some Black Widow shit with his new metal legs. He tries them all out on Tech cause it gets Tech real hot and bothered
There's been several times that Tech runs away from making out because he had a breakthrough thought on some project. Echo is always a little mad about it.
Tech snores. Loudly. Echo always turns off his hearing aids and lets that be everyone else's problem. He likes the way Tech's chest moves against his when they're sleeping together.
Echo keeps the lights off and his shirt on when they're getting intimate for years. Lot of self-esteem issues related to how his body looks. It's Tech's unfailing admiration for the occasional shirtless look, that eventually helps Echo start to accept himself.
Tech's name in Echo's phone is 'cyare' and Echo's name in Tech's phone is 'Echo 💙'
Echo once casually refers to a 'honey-do list' and Tech needs a reboot because holy shit he's honey!!!
Everyone can always tell when they were making out because Echo has hickeys everywhere. At first he was embarrassed about it but nowadays he shows them off.
Rex once commented 'oh, wow, did Echo get hit in the throat?' and Tech spat his water across the table. That was how Rex found out they were hooking up.
Rex said he was going to give Tech the shovel talk and Tech immediately started talking over him about the types of screws used to connect shovel heads. Rex never got around to his part.
Tech and Echo always walk holding hands. Sometimes the rest of the Batch stops or changes directions, and Tech doesn't notice with his datapad two inches from his face, so Echo gently tugs him in the right direction.
Sometimes the rest of the Batch didn't stop or change direction, and Echo is pulling him into an alley to make out.
Tech still hasn't lived down the time he came back from a detour with Echo and then had to go back to find his codpiece.
They stargaze whenever they're planetside. Tech loves infodumping about the stars and Echo loves to listen. Tech custom-built a two-person lawn chair so they can put their feet up. Echo's fallen asleep cuddled up to him more times than even Tech can count.
Echo has to be physically direct with flirting, cause if he just says something like "wow you're hot", then Tech just says "yes thank you", and keeps doing what he's doing. Gotta distract him from his project by kissing him or sitting in his lap or something before Echo can get to the words part.
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toon-bunny · 4 months
Cathal head canons!!! I'm crazy about this guy so please be warned that there is a LOTTTTT under the cut
voice: Andrew VanWyngarden. soft tone, high pitch, speaks kinda slowly, little bit of vocal fry. breathy/hiccup-y laugh. definitely has that muffled synthetic sound like the in-game voice too
speaking sample (please ignore the weird title, this is just a good compilation)
singing sample (I don't imagine them singing, but I do like the voice effect here and the cadence)
personality: extremely perceptive and smart. friendly, light-heartedly sarcastic guy with a metric ton of non-emotive autism. it's kind of deceiving? because when u think of non-emotive autism u think of a guy who never smiles or changes pitch but Cathal is passively very smiley and has a laid back demeanor. very interesting guy to me. he is VERY passionate about his interests, they just aren't indulged/taken seriously by others so it's believed he just doesn't give a fuck about anything. that and they're still not very animated when infodumping
very alienated from living kind of outside of the cogs lifestyle. not that he should be pitied for not having to work, but how do you live and socialize in a culture completely dedicated to work when you don't Do That. but I think he would have odd friendships with other sellbot managers and probably some others
they have a good relationship with dad of course. I like to think that Allan Gets him and doesn't give him a hard time for his perceived lack of passion or anything like that. but giving him a very cushy job and continuing to encourage him w/ said job that doesn't interest him is just how Allan thinks is the best way to support him. I don't remember where I read this but I love the idea that Allan isn't emotionally getting anything out of his job either BUT he's better at masking that and believes he will if he keeps doing his best - it's "supposed" to feel good. sorry wait this is just me thinking about Allan
I do like the idea that, in addition to this job not really aligning with Cathal's interest, they also dgaf because no one would take them seriously in this position anyway even if they DID try. not only do they look silly and non-serious, they'd still be resented for having this position even if they proved they were qualified for it. so it becomes a feedback loop. I'm basically making a ton of reasons as to why he acts the way he does in canon which might seem excessive when ONE trait would explain it alone, but I really like when there are a bunch of experiences/symptoms/etc that foster a particular behavior/outlook and can't be untangled from each other
I think he likes TV shows because they kind of fill the void of connection with others… cartoons kind of endear them to toons but also whenever a character that represents someone like him shows up, they're 1) malicious and greedy, fat as shorthand for capitalist monster or 2) a selfish, stuffy nerd who's meant to be ridiculed by the audience. so no, liking cartoons doesn't necessarily make him more sympathetic to the toons' cause or push him to help, bc he's led to believe he also doesn't have a place in their society
all of the above points also make them a little intimidated by activism and seeking a better life. I think he got cornered into a particular brand of quiet nihilism. I am definitely inspired by this song
in terms of disabilities and conditions…..chronic insomnia from snoozing and lazing about all day, not getting any energy out when it's appropriate. CFS like crazzzzy. autism of course. and also ADHD's brother, cognitive disengagement syndrome
expanding on their canon interest in TV shows, I'm handing my luv of animation to them, but I also think this is the type of guy who could watch scarier stuff and just enjoy the artistry of it. as in "oh wow those practical effects are so well done" (guy who's unfazed by the horrors). (I'm so jealous of this I want to have this ability)
I think they'd like retro games more than I do, he seems like they'd enjoy a good GBA title. maybe roguelikes and metroidvanias, stuff that could be considered tedious and punishing to some but a really fun and rewarding way to waste time to others. he's got a lot of time on his hands to metaphorically bash his head against the wall with more difficult titles ykwim?
this bit's inspired by my friend's AU Toon After Time, I can't undo the association between them and tech knowledge/know-how LOL. I knowwww he collects VHS tapes and other old equipment and can also troubleshoot anything to do with old TVs, VCRs, etc
other details…
I KNOWWWWW it's so cliche to give the cogs tails but I can't help it I LOVE ROBOT TAILS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. plus I love the idea that if cogs have tails, they are prehensile, but Cathal can't even be arsed and just lets it drag everywhere so it's all worn out and torn up from getting stepped on/caught in stuff. I also like the idea of it flopping VERY slowly once or twice if they're happy. like a very old dog wagging its tail
inspired by this post by bunglefication, I love the idea that Gizmo is treated well by Cathal and is more like a service animal to them :D so awesomes
bc my friend suggested "closet femme Cathal" once I am now 100% sold on Cathal dressing at least a little more femme at home 🌈 likes to get cutes with it for funsies. other than that, I like the idea of 90s tech guy/TTRPG guy type clothing for them. like imagine a Best Buy employee or Blockbusters employee in the 90s do you see my vision
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gregoftom · 1 year
Greg’s zoology major has recently been haunting me bc we have so much that shows that Greg is such a goofy little (big) lovable dumbass but like he has to be at least decently academically smart to have a STEM degree?? Even if he has average grades, he would have had to do biology, chem, physics, and like calculus as just foundational courses.
And tbh he probably forgot alot of it the second he didnt need it anymore but I keep imagining a situation where they are in a meeting and they suddenly have to do quick math to figure out a percentage increase or something and Greg does it like casually in his head and Tom is like oh this is really fucking hot
And so he casually create situations where Greg is forced to do math at the top of his head and just kind of stares at him desperately turned on as he watches Greg thinking
[to be less horny I also think Tom would find Greg throwing out random animal facts and knowledge to be super endearing and cute]
that’s very true!! i see greg as someone who struggles with a lot of like, how to put it… like, he finds it hard to hold down a job, i get the feeling he never completed his zoology course or it implied it in the script somewhere…? idk but basically he’s a nd bitch who finds life hard and i think many of us can relate but like yeah he definitely needed to do those classes and all you say and i think of everything he mostly retained basic animal knowledge/health autism GET BUT!!!! YES i Do like the thought of thaaaat. i do love a good bitch who shows ppl up like, that’s what makes greg so great and also so dangerous, ppl underestimate the hell out of him bc he appears a certain way.
and i doooo love the thought of tom watching greg calculate stuff or be like “wait i need paper” and tom could get his phone out and so could greg but he hasn’t thought of it, and it could make life easier but something about it all is so hot, his sweet little greg being old school and calculating especially at tom’s behest. yeeeesss like. maybe greg picks up on it like, okay? i’ll get my phone and tom is like i BELIEVE i asked you to calculate it yourself, knave. need to keep you fresh. and greg is like UUUUgggghhhhhhhhnnnmghggghhhh okaaaiiee and puts his thinkie face on and tom is like hhhhhhhhhhh.
sometimes greg will catch tom staring like, uhhh tom? it’s kinda hard to concentrate with you looking at me, it’s like, off putting. and tom blusters, oh i’m off putting to you, gregory? and greg; no! i mean it’s distracting! tom; well don’t let my horrifically unappealing looks get to you. and greg is just uuuughhh this man is going to give me high blood pressure.
he would!!!!! augh he’d find it so cute. his ass is NOT beating the greglover allegations!!!
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bizarre-blorbo-bracket · 10 months
Round 3 Poll 6: Leonardo the Robot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology vs Casey Murphey from the 2019-2020 Florida Mock Trial case: “State of Florida v. Casey Murphy”
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Leonardo is a social robot who was created by MIT in the early 2000’s. He is designed to be accessible and user-friendly for people who want to work with robots but may be inexperienced. He can learn and perform tasks on par with what a toddler is capable of. He’s designed to be cute so you’ll want to bond with him. He has a whole visual tracking system to respond to emotional cues and even mimic expressions the same way a pet dog or cat might mirror you to bond with you. He can emote with a great deal of complexity while responding to human interaction and the stimuli around him. One day I was bored and thumbing through my college psych textbook that I way overpaid for because we barely used it. I ended up on a page about Leonardo, found him fascinating, and had to learn more. And then there was a sentence that absolutely floored me. It might be slightly inaccurate because this was years ago but in essence it said: “Leonardo will never know love.” Something in me died that day and I started crying over a robot. To be so complex, years ahead of its time for the advancement of technology and robotics in the early aughts. To be purposefully engineered to be endearing, and for humans to pack bond and want to form connections with it. To even be intelligent enough to distinguish between itself and other beings, to help humans with tasks while accounting for human error, and to even understand the difference between intention and action. Feats of engineering and innovation that remain impressive over 20 years after its creation. And yet. The soul-crushing pathos that Leonardo will never be able to give nor receive love. It’s a lot. It’s all deeply heavy, but also deeply fascinating. He’s definitely hit blorbo status for me, he’s such a little guy who I just have very intense emotions about.
Casey Murphey:
I have a lot of obscure mock trial blorbos but I’m going to start with Casey Murphy because I think they best encapsulate the depths of weirdness some of my blorbo relationships with these characters can get to. So to start, I have never been enrolled in a school in Florida. Or even anywhere near there. I visited a few times as a very little kid, but my schooling has been in the Midwest and the Northeast. I also was not remotely involved in high school mock trial in the 2019-2020 school year. I only know Casey Murphy because I used to be part of an online mock trial group that picked up the case a few years later. In fact, I took Casey as a witness as a joke because I had also been a defendant named Casey in the case we did before State v. Murphy. But Casey is my tragic scrungly. The autism took hold on them. BASICALLY they were a slightly “below average” kid grappling with the huge academic expectations their family had. Specifically, there was a college (Southern Coastal University) that their family had been going to for generations. But when Casey applied, they got waitlisted. They managed to make it in right before the school year started, but they were put on probation because of the short notice. A few weeks into the year, though, Casey was talking to their older brother Patrick (basically their closest friend) and they find out about a secret society called SCU Underground that their family has been in since it was founded. Originally called SCU for Change, it was a student activist group. They learn about some shady things happening at the school and how SCUU planned to combat it by holding a protest bonfire. Patrick invited Casey to the next meeting, and Casey was very excited to prove themself. Later psychological testing showed that Casey was among the most easily suggestible in society, so it’s clear that this was important to them. Here’s where things get unclear. All we know for certain is that Casey bought lighter fluid and vodka (likely using a fake ID considering they were only 18) from a liquor store. They brought those things, along with their laptop, in their backpack to the meeting. There was an argument which ended in someone named Cal Robbins storming out of the old student union building which the meeting was being held in. Then, the building burned down, and Casey came out later than everyone else before being arrested and confessing to burning down the building. The prosecution’s claim is that Casey brought the materials to burn down the building to prove their loyalty to the cause. They might have been influenced by Patrick to do it, but either way they actually committed the act. The defense’s claim, which I find more compelling as a story, is that the lighter fluid was to show that they were prepared for the bonfire, the vodka was as a peace offering considering that they were a new member, and the fire was caused by a projector overloading the old building’s power. Casey ran back in to get their laptop so they could continue their school work, and also didn’t know the layout as well as the returning members, so they came back out later than everyone else. Then they were arrested, treated poorly, and were coerced into a false confession because they were lead to believe Patrick would be found guilty if they didn’t. It’s all just so sad and angsty to me, especially seeing as they were found guilty at the trial I did so I always mentally fill in them being falsely imprisoned at the end. They just wanted to prove themself to their family, to step out of their brother’s shadow, and this is where it lead them. Also here’s my playlist lol https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ccMwC9xV83ddZoANpejE1?si=nGtWp7MvS7WXJEWLMrBNVw Also also, like most mt witnesses, no canon gender or pronouns which is very cool of them
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rhythmmortis · 10 months
imstill thinking. i want to know so much. Which is ur favorite trio. Ur favorite kh game. Favorite kh world. Whats ur favorite kh headcanon. Thoughts on axel
fave trio: this one is hard but im gonna have to go with wayfinder trio because aqua and terra my beloveds....... the autism duo........ (and also ventus is there and he's cool but i am more focused on aqua and terra because i have so many fucking thoughts about them. where did they come from. how long have they been training and how much do they know about keyblades and history since they were presumably studying. what specifically made them be chosen. i am so excited for their future in the series because AOUGHHH). since i think the series might be headed towards a shift in the 'light good darkness bad' mindset where light might serve as a slightly antagonistic role (what with the whole keykids fighting over light and whatever the fuck is up with MoM, also i think it would just be cool), i think aqua and terra and ven are kinda the perfect trio to explore that with. there's also them ACTUALLY dealing with the aftermath of bbs (since we never really got that!! and i wanna see how their dynamic actually is, how do they deal with the fallout of those events like terra killing eraqus, aqua not trusting ven, ven still technically being pure of heart?) and how aqua is gonna handle basically being the successor the eraqus (especially since aqua BECOMING a master and not terra was part of why shit fell apart. theres drama to be had (even though in bbs xehanort does call terra 'master terra', its just to trick him into trusting him more yes BUT xehanort is still a master. to our knowledge all it takes to name a master is another master seeing them pass some sort of arbitrary test and saying they are. yes xehanort is evil but he is still a master. making terra technically one too. and i wonder how he would feel about that title still, as its everything he wanted but thats how he got it)). i have so many thoughts on them all but it's very chaotic and disorganised so i will move on fkhfdkjh
fave kh game: bbs i love you so so so so much my beloved wonderful game!!! ive talked about this a bit before but bbs is very accessible for me to play since you can choose your own moves and commands so you have a good degree of customisation with how you play, you can choose if your finishers have QTEs (since my hands are kinda shit, i cant really do QTEs or input heavy things, so being able to choose if i want to or not is amazing), command board is actually quite fun and a fun way to level up commands without having to go into combat so you can take a break but still enjoy it, i enjoy the movement options and how varied they are between characters, and its easy to move between commands on the command deck (im looking at you ddd. why do i have to use the goddamn D-PAD). aside from actual gameplay, while the story is a bit clunky at times and theres DEFINITELY room for improvement, i still find it quite endearing and theres some REALLY fucking good moments in there i still think about so often. the fact that terra's final fight is a fight we as the player know he cant win but he fights regardless. and then sprouts a stupid little cape like its from a tissue dispenser for the sake of continuity. terra's voice genuinely cracking slightly when he's crying after he kills eraqus. aqua calling vanitas a freak. the extra chapters in the bbs novel that add so much depth to vanitas and ventus (which isnt in the game but its still so good regardless). the entirety of the secret chapter in aquas route. the vanitas remnant fight (you find what's left of this sad kid, beat him up, and steal his keyblade). good fucking game
fave kh world: for some goddamn reason this is also bbs worlds. what the fuck is wrong with me. it's either land of departure (which we literally know basically NOTHING about and i am so curious about it) or the realm of darkness SPECIFICALLY in the secret chapter.
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(^one of many insane ramblings i sent to my friend after playing bbs again and again) when you first start the secret chapter, you're put in a place right after that scene on the bridge thing in the realm of darkness where aqua gets surrounded by the darksides. if you turn around, you can still see it slightly but you physically cannot go back. you can never go back. and being able to see it gives me this really weird feeling like im being watched or followed, and who's to say that she isn't!! the darkness is always lurking!! after that message i also mentioned that while enemies can drop potions and stuff, its never a guarantee and you are constantly fighting for even the smallest chance of surviving, if that can even be called surviving. your most valuable item that you have (if you have any left) are the ice creams that can trigger command style changes. disney world, the place you get them, is one of the brightest, happiest worlds, and once youre in the realm of darkness, you cannot get any more. you're essentially trading fleeting memories of a happier time as a desperate attempt to stay afloat (you can tell im a kh fan because im essentially thinking about A SECOND TRAGIC ICE CREAM). its a futile and tragic experience which, while 0.2 also has the realm of darkness, the secret episode has such a specific feeling to it i cannot stop thinking about
fave kh headcanon: this one is actually pretty hard because there's so many and i have been losing my mind over other things recently BUT. theres so many headcanons about physical appearance that i love (brown eyes for ALL please put those blue things away, freckles for sora, namine, terra, and a few others, XEMNAS WITH CURLY/WAVY HAIR which is from one panel in the days manga where he's just slightly distorted by water but like. its a good fucking idea, giving characters their normal skin tone back. im looking at you ssbu sora v kh1 sora. they took my boy's melanin (which isnt really a headcanon and more of a genuine anger at the whitewashing), scar headcanons for kairi and sora from where they died, etc). current favourite headcanon is either: aqua using more strategic fighting styles (with teleporation being a BIG part of her bbs moveset, like her unique teleport dodge, her ultimate finisher being teleport spike, and a unique command style being ghost drive) and that either playing into either her feeling detached from everything like a ghost (ghost drive) after being stuck in the realm of darkness for a decade or since these moves leave after images, maybe her developing a fear of isolation (or HERSELF especially given mirror aqua in 0.2), kairi also training with terra because i want her to fight like a fucking TANK instead of being more magic focused. i want her to kill (and if we get a rikai teamup, i think mage riku and tank kairi is such a fun idea), OR the current headcanon/connection of xion to the cavern of rememberance (i talked about it in the tags in this post), but i know theres so many ive had over the years that i genuinely cannot think of right now fkhfdkjh
thoughts on axel: the organisation's assassain. they chose HIM to be the babysitter. and then those kids said 'i could make him feel emotions after a decade of feeling detached from everything' and they did!! they gave him a heart!! but i LOVE thinking about axel during com and i think its the closest we'll probably see of his actual job as an assassain. he AIR FRIED A MAN (and i think in the manga he used his chakrams to physically attack instead). he 'betrayed' larxene and marluxia so easily. he wasn't afraid to go through namine to fight marluxia (that scene where marluxia uses her as a human shield, you can actually visibly see namine shaking in fear and rewatching some com scenes to get gif footage REALLY made me remember that its literally just Kingdom Hearts: Namine's No Good Very Bad Day) but he had NO hesitation. he ordered repliku to STRANGLE zexion. needless to say, this is all treated very casually for him that it makes me think what he mustve done during his time in the organisation to get the status as an assassain. he treats murder as an 'icky job', but on the flipside, when we see him actually care about something, it's just that same drive and motivation but used for his own personal goals (tracking down xion, following roxas in the kh2 prologue which is terrifying without context), but MAN. seeing him from a detached perspective without context is like 'holy shit this guy is scary' and then you play days or read the manga and anything else with him and you realise he's so sillies. wonderful guy 10/10
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baura-bear · 1 year
MAURA IMPORTANT AS FUCK !!!!!! what do you think david's favorite books are. make this as self indulgent as you want bc then i will also learn what books you like :33 personally i think he loves classic polish books (they help him reconnect with that part of his identity which can be a little hard considering he lives so far away) such as pan tadeusz or kordian and especially wesele (it didn't come out until the 1900s but shhh he would LOVE wesele) and also i think he really loves 20,000 leagues under the sea (i think he just loves the fantastic elements, the way the ocean is described + also captain nemo was originally supposed to be polish and yadda yadda i don't want to dump too much here..) AND little women. because of reasons i think. the march family dynamic is so sweet and also i definitely think david's gay ass would find laurie cute SORRY i got really passionate about this my bad.
Guys, I had and Epic Autism Moment so this will all be under the cut. You have no clue what you've started Dave <3
OMG YES YES YES!!! I LOVE THIS! ok ok ok so i definitely agree with you about the polish literature thing (although i obviously don't know anything about polish literature) I always imagined David to live in an immigrant neighborhood (and of course be an immigrant himself) and I'm sure he has several neighbors who, throughout his youth, lent him and gifted him books.
(going off the rails for a second idc) I think his family is really active in the community (of course they attend shul) Mayer and Esther love talking with the neighbors and having them over for dinner or just tea or something. Esther mends clothes to make a little extra money so she frequently has folks coming to her with that. I also think there's a kosher deli nearby and Mayer is friends with the owner (well the whole Jacobs family is friends with their family) I know that in 92sies it's established that Mayer works in a factory but with the stage version we get a bit more lenience PLUS (this might sound terrible) but like. his injury doesn't look that bad in 92sies (LET ME EXPLAIN) his arm is just in a sling so we can infer his arm is broken (i honestly don't remember if they ever say??) but I feel like he'd be able to a job like he wouldn't be completely indisposed. anyway in the stage version it makes more sense that he has a leg injury and can't walk, hence the inability to work. I imagine he helps do deliveries and like loading stuff off of carts. His injury actually happened out on the street trying to stop a kid from getting hit by a wagon and he did, it was just to his expense. "twisted his leg up real bad" I take that literally like.. it got caught in the wheel and twisted up. and I think the deli owner saw it happen and got him home (along with a few other fellas and a doctor).
ANYWAy the whole reason I say that is just like. I think the Jacobs are a well liked family in the community and everyone always found David endearing and saw his love of reading and writing and wanted to help give him the resources he needed (especially being a polish kid removed from his culture they wanted to help restore that)
I agree that he likes Little Women!! He also enjoyed reading War and Peace (I haven't finished it yet but I just KNOW Davey loves Pierre because little awkward man who's probably autistic). I think he also enjoys Wuthering Heights (which admittedly I haven't read but my friend really loves it and has talked about it so I think he would enjoy it) along with poetry. I think he loves books/stories/poems that are very descriptive and have good imagery because it helps him transport himself and like really be engulfed by the story
He'd read Moby Dick but he despises it. He wanted an epic ocean adventure but half the chapters are just all about whales (like science-y and shit) which,,, would be fine if he'd picked up a textbook about whales. He just wanted more from it and didn't enjoy the ending. WHICH IS WHY he prefers 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea because if he wants to read a good story involving the ocean he's not gonna pick up Moby fucking Dick.
um. yeah.
i had literally never thought about this before but the second that I saw the ask i was typing up a storm. hehe
ALSO LITERALLY STOP APOLOGIZING I LOVE WHEN ANYTHING FROM YOU APPEARS IN MY ASK BOX you could send me a ten page essay and I would read it beginning to end like :DDDDD and enjoy every second
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leporellian · 1 year
Since you wanted asks about Leporello...
What are your favourite renditions of each of his arias?
i have a lot of trouble picking specific favorites in general when it comes to things, and leporello is no exception. although ferruccio furlanetto continues to be my favorite leporello singer, it’s hard for me to pick definite favorite recordings of each aria because i tend to have pros and cons for each (also i am not actually that musically trained so it’s hard for me to pick out what’s meant to be the “ideal” singing style vs Sounds i Like). so it’d probably be better to list things i Like Seeing in leporello arias!
notte e giorno faticar:
this aria is so fascinating because while The Catalogue Aria is the perfect encapsulation of leporello as a character, notte e giorno is the perfect encapsulation of the entire show right from the getgo. starting it all with leporello’s abject frustration with who his master actually is before slipping into this idealized, endeared vision of what the don represents that isn’t actually real…. maaaaan mozart you sonuvabitch you’ve done it again.
that being said it’s so funny to me how people use this to “prove” that ackshually leporello wants to be the don and do what the don does and would be as bad as him or whatever. 1) the music in notte e giorno, with its clumsy steps indicating lep’s pacing, is meant to endear the audience to him. 2) the things leporello would like to have if he were a nobleman in this aria is shit like “ample food” and “sleep” and “not being forced to stand out in the rain” which feels like it is pointing to something entirely else and not whatever weird ass take people have on this guy
yes when opera characters act in time w the music it looks like some mickey mouse cartoon shit. however as a guy who grew up on warrior cats amvs i will never get tired of that shit. have him pace in time with the music it’s fun
him starting the opera by pacing, as a side note… he’s so autistic (positive) (unironic)
the catalogue aria:
i don’t think i’ve ever seen a catalogue aria that fully encapsulates what i see in that aria. that thing is THE leporello character study and i think it needs to be given as much complexity as mi tradi, as- if you take their placement and purpose in mind- they are linked together.
i am really not a fan of when productions make the catalogue aria into leporello making fun of elvira or dunking on her… leporello and elvira seem perplexed by each other -later- because they see themselves in each other. but this is too soon in the show to establish that without leporello coming across as mean, which he often does in that take on the aria
however i DO like the idea that he gets so wrapped up in the catalogue that he fails to notice her reactions to it. autism, etc.
the catalogue aria is funny in its absurdism but it should be taken at least somewhat seriously. note how mozart chooses to set it in D (which is the grief/consequences key and the driving point of the show) and not the F or G keys (which are ascribed to the comic arias). also note how dark the music suddenly becomes- complete with strings indicating shivering- when leporello mentions the don’s favorites are the “young beginners”. there’s layers here and i don’t think we’re meant to get the impression that leporello is ENJOYING himself here
basically it should start out like “look i’ve color coded it and everything! i love to sort and list things!” and then devolve into The Horrors without being melodramatic about it. there’s affection for the don, repulsion at his actions, a sort of escapism, fear, a sense of awkwardness… everything that makes leporello who he is is in that aria
when productions make it so the catalogue aria is leporello warning elvira or trying to get her away from the don, as the recitative before implies, they should get some kind of bonus point
ah pieta signori miei
the amount of times i’ve seen this staged in such a way that you’d think the director actually thinks leporello Did All The Things He Did Not In Fact Do is hilarious. anyway
this should be a comic aria. it comes at a point in the story that needs comedy because masetto and zerlina kind of duck out right after this and the bit before this is Anna Grieving Moments. however i think the zerlina leporello duet should not be included bc it goes Too much into comedy and also throws a monkey wrench into the pacing
the aria should actually prove to everyone there that leporello didn’t do All the Things he’s accused of because THIS is what confirms to ottavio that don giovanni is, infact, a Bastard, and if don “a nobleman wouldn’t do such things” ottavio of all people is convinced that’s saying something.
i like it when productions just stage this as leporello having a panic attack/meltdown. Real
i never feel like productions do anything interesting with how (when describing how the don manipulated him into the scheme) leporello just turns to elvira and goes “you know how it is”. but they should do something with that
yes i am a leporello apologist…. and what of it
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rainbowspinch · 2 years
Things my partner and I have said about CTC characters, an ongoing draft
“Bill Danton is baby girl”
“Norman would love Disney Princesses”
“Jacob probably does many forms of art that most wouldn’t associate with him. Like he could design a house really well but people would go ‘that’s not a Jacob thing’”
“Jacob does sculpting. His housewarming gift to Norman when he moved next door was a middle finger statue.”
“When Norman went into his new house for the first time, he found all the statues Jacob had been storing in there of himself.”
“Tom’s got a touch of the ‘tism. Another one for the pit.”
“They’ve all got autism. In our world, autism is the default and you have to prove you’re allistic.”
“I like that he is a little fucked up.” (About the Ink Demon)
“Jane has slight shaken baby(adult?) syndrome. Bill shakes her with passion”
“It’s the discord kitten in him.” (About Bill Danton)
“I LOVE HOW MAN HE IS” (about someone else’s interpretation of Sammy)
“Certified boy holder” (about someone else’s interpretation of Sammy)
“The babies. He is So Ugly<3” (about the Tom plush)
“Allison would be a crystal girl in modern days. Susie would be one of the ones with a super complex skin-care routine”
“Do you think big Bendy accepts Sammy’s weird behaviour because he gives good tummy scratches”
“Susie would hate mullets. A lot of them would. Not Jacob.”
“Norman would fucking love the song Piano Man. He would sing that shit with heart.”
“Do you think Abby helped Richie through dealing with Dave’s death?”
“Sammy+Susie: the mean girls
Jack: the cat kid”
“Norman finally exercising his ice cream rights” (about a video of a man on a game show eating an entire pint of ice cream and then feeling sick afterwards)
“High school mean girls Susie and Sammy definitely practiced kissing together”
“Me: where would Jacob be from?
Rat: Ohio probably. Look at him”
“Me: Sammy. Is he British?
Rat: yes. He tries not to be”
“I literally spent $50 on this shirt because I looked at it and went “OOooOu Norman!””
“No arguments, Nice is a people pleaser. She wants to be Alice’s best pal ever, even if that means she has to commit to atrocious crimes” (about Malice Angel’s two different voices)
“Norman goes to a thrift shop and goes “ooooo for me”. Jacob goes to a thirft shop and goes “ooooo for Norman”. Strange gay things for a strange gay man”
“Got shoved in a locker for being a nerd” (about Grant)
“I can’t explain how, but the way you’re typing is Tom like” (about me calling crabs Big Boys, Tiny Boys, and then struggling to spell anemone, followed by “how the fuck do I spell this shit”)
“He loves almonds. Nut boy. Nut boy.” (About Norman)
“Kismesis. Mmm. Regret regret regret regret” (me regretting referring to something Homestuck related while talking about Prophet Sammy and Malice)
“Do u think Tom Boris cleans people. Like lick lick.”
“What’s more powerful then being nothing AND A WOMAN AT THE SAME TIME” (conceptualising nonbinary transfem Bertie)
“He looks like a Mangle” (about Bendy-Bot)
“Old Men that make Unexpectedly Nice Poetry” (about Henry and Norman)
“Bertie: You want meeee to come put of retirement to work on your silly little project? Do I get anything out if it?
Joey: I can give you a kiss-?
Bertie: *unimpressed*
Joey: I could get on my hands and knees and start crying
Bertie: that’d be a start” (Rat’s genius)
“His boyfriends wedding, he deserves that cake” (about Wally eating Tom and Allison’s wedding cake)
“Tom wouldn’t say blimey. ..I lie. I’m sorry.”
“Sammy Lawrence is Michael Bublé”
“Pfft- love his handbag” (about a picture of Sammy holding a light from BATDS)
“Richie has discord server mod vibes”
“Rosalia is not a discord kitten. She’s the actual mod, Richie just talks too much”
“Norman is a discord kitty for many many people to turn a profit”
“And Bill and Jane look like they eat humans and get away with it. But In a Endearing tumblr sexy man Sammy way”
“What the fuck is her” (about Slicer)
“Jack is catish”
“You know he’s ready to grab things and “what if you went in my mouth”” (about Ink Demon)
“Grant is autism.
He verbally stims (tick tick tick)
He enjoys math
Canonically He can’t understand when people don’t do things for money which I assume our Grant doesn’t get it either
Bad social skills
Resting bitch face
I say so???? So??? You can’t say I’m wrong???”
“I bet he’s never heard of a social cue in his life” (about Grant)
“Grant’s ‘Strange Money’ tape. He sounds like a self conscious southern 20-something year old that really doesn’t want to be southern. He sounds divorced. He sounds like his ex-wife is a lesbian.”
““Simmons I left something in the Hell Dimension can you get it for me” that’s on brand” (about Joey)
“Henry come on, respect your parents” (about Henry telling Abby to ‘get a better name’)
“Do you think their whole group has a thing for photos, Joey’s photo book, Carol hangs some up and Simmons just has them stuffed into random places, cup holder, under the seats, in his pillow, with the spoons”
“The moment you’re in Simmons’ house you’re walking on eggshells. There could be a jumpscare anywhere”
“Joey - a list of ways he handles the studio, to emphasise that he’s trying his best
Carol - a list of ways she handles being a secretary and a front desk lady, to emphasise that she’s good at her job
Simmons - what the fuck? What is he even doing here?”
“He/him (in the gay way)” (about Simmons)
“She’s actually 12 sea mines in a turtleneck sweater” (about Susie)
“Bald Sammy Lawrence and Skin Eyes Jacob”
“Fuck you [romantic]” (about Joey’s letter to Henry)
“Sammy keeping inky handprints from PJ on his overalls” (based on a picture of a cat leaving wet paw prints on a boot and calling it a little accessory)
“Enemies to lovers [obliviously]” (about Sammy and Susie)
“Do you think even as teenage mean girls beefing it out, Sammy and Susie were still crushing on each other”
“No idea who Eugene is but fuck Chef Buck”
“He is Brazilian I’ve decided, and Sally will be Greek” (about Andre and Sally Newt, when I was designing them)
“Rat: why does 30 years make my eyes green?
Me: Tism does that
Rat: Norman, Norman, Norman, Norman, Norman, Norman-“
“Bill is what happens when you forget about a middle child”
Edit: “Jacob and Norman definitely do drugs. Anything they can grow, they will take.”
“[scary[hot]]” (about Malice)
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tauforged · 1 year
#1: I love finding someone with a unique/rare ship or headcannon.
#2: the interaction with Sigma and Sombra, where Sigma is saying Moira is going to run some tests on him, how do you think Ramattra would respond to hearing that?
#3 do they have any nick names for each other?
AW TEEHEE THANKYOU!!! its been a while since ive had the motivation to like, draw or write anything for em but rest assured im thinking about them so so so much... youve activated my autism trap card though i have an INSANE amount of convoluted opinions on the nature of character dynamics between sigma and sombra as well as sigma and moira and im taking this opportunity to babble about it. sorry in advance.
as for the interaction, personally im of the opinion that said 'tests' are literallly.... just tests. as in like, yknow, bloodwork, scans to make sure the implants and augments he has are actually working to redirect excess pressure and kinetic energy from his vital organs when using his abilities ... ive talked about how i think that sorta stuff works more in this post but tldr is that a lot of the tech and equipment hes using is of his own design and VERY experimental, hes pretty much flying blind here so he kind of has to make changes as he goes and so it's kinda important that his health and safety are taken into account. and he also has a bit of a uhhh. demonstrable history of disregarding his own safety for the sake of his research. it would kind of make sense that theyd be going out of their way to make sure someone stays on him about actually doing the damn tests and keeping track of the results. it just so happens that he's really averse to letting just anyone Examine (tm) him because of. yknow. the everything. and moira happens to fit the bill of being A. someone he feels he can trust to not take things too far (whether or not he's making a good choice here is up for debate, but i think he could do worse) and B. actually have a degree of knowing what she's doing. i definitely think that the only reason she's bothering at least initially is her own curiosity about everything he's got going on, but he also does just really feel like the type to jsut kind of naturally be very endearing . ive said before that a lot of their interactions read as playful to me, at least on his end - he DEFINITELY sounds like he's messing with her on purpose. i think he does genuinely regard her as a friend, and for the most part, he's probably right - even if she's a bit cranky about it. i have a LOT of thoughts about their relationship too honestly probably far too many to cram into this one post LMFAO i think about the dynamic a lot. im a moira apologist idc i think that she is capable of being nice sometimes. just because shes kind of a cunt sometimes doesnt mean shes needlessly cruel, like not only do i feel like messing with his head and experimenting on him given his history would be kinda kicking him while he's down. but ALSO, i feel like she's smart enough to know that making him an enemy would be a baaaad idea. he can literally explode people with his mind. she knows better than to give him any reason to be genuinely mad at her, and i do think he would absolutely NOT tolerate any kind of treatment like that ever again unless it was on his terms and he had the power to just leave if it got to be too much. even as it is, i think the entire process is a bit of a sore spot for him and not exactly something he's thrilled about, hence his hesitation in that interaction - not because it's happening against his will so much as he's regarding it the same way i think about having to go get blood drawn. it's not fun, but it's gotta happen somehow.
all that to say, i think upon overhearing discussion of said 'tests' without further context mattra would NOT be happy about it, likely getting defensive the same way sombra does. he'd probably be a lot harder to dissuade than she is tbh, i dont know if he'd really take moira's word for it that there's nothing underhanded going on here unless sig told him so himself, and even then it would still put his hackles up. he's probably very nosy about it for a very long time. just to be safe.
as far as nicknames/pet names go, in my mind theyre both very... awkward about these kinda things i guess if that makes sense? emotional vulnerability comes easily for NEITHER of them, between sig still recovering from decades of isolation and mattra just naturally being very guarded and bitter (for good reason!) and not used to outwardly expressing his care for others, especially not for some random human who seems to have decided that they're friends. to me, their dynamic is very much one of tentativeness and battling with distrust and insecurity. i think it would take a very, very long time to get there, and even longer to actually be able to casually say stuff like that without wanting to explode and die on the spot. i do think sig is a bit more outwardly affectionate than mattra, but even then, a lot of it is kinda tempered by the fact that he's just very forward with everyone about everything at this point - he's kind of desperate for positive connections with others that he can hold onto, so he's reached a point where it doesn't take much to get him to consider someone a friend and he's not exactly hiding it anymore. oh, i dropped something and you picked it up before i had a chance to? sick, we are now besties and i would kill for you.
i think that sort of attitude would catch ramattra off guard and he'd not really know how to react to any of it. sig could call him anything at this point, but if it's in an affectionate tone he WILL bluescreen about it. ramattra.exe has encountered an error and must restart
i do really like sig's valentines voiceline, so i might just roll with 'starlight' even if it's a bit cheesy... hell, now that i think about it, i think he'd do that specifically BECAUSE it's cheesy and will probably elicit an eye-roll or a 'stop that'. he seems to enjoy pushing people's buttons. maybe bothering his friends is his love language idk
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ok I want to talk about Hunter for a second. I just reread Shifting Colors because I wanted to confirm a theory (I got it in my head somewhere that chlorine was lust but now I don't think so. General interest maybe? Desire to control? Idk yet) and I noticed something else.
Hunter compares his powers twice to drugs, calling it a high he doesn't come down from. He also is constantly triggering the shapes and colors, digging at his fingernails or pressing at bruises or cuts. I think he's addicted to it. I think at some point his powers are going to either fade or break completely, maybe overuse or fuckery with the reality cage, and he is going to be Straight Up Not Having A Good Time from that. I think he very might spiral with the mild self harming he's doing, trying to do anything to trigger his powers again.
Seperately, I also feel he's very autism coded, at least with my experiences. He literally has the highest form of sensory issues a guy can have. He doesn't look at faces but relies on Vibes, and the awkwardness and trouble with names resonate with me (even if that's not specifically autism). I feel like it's more possible you're trying to align him more with hallucination-type disorders, but those were his qualities that endeared him to me lol.
He is the precious little boy who has done nothing wrong and I love him. (<- me ignoring the people he's said he's probably killed)
For his implant abilities - he's definitely developed a dependency on them. When he's bored or nervous or understimulated he now immediately tries to trigger a color or seek out a pattern. And he's definitely not starting to tie his self-worth to how useful he can be with these abilities
Losing the implant would be a crushing blow, and he wouldn't know what to do. He would probably get increasingly self-destructive trying to seek out the same high
For his neurodivergence - yeah, he's definitely not neurotypical lol. He has a lot of traits that are autism-adjacent, as well as adhd, but he'd be undiagnosed on both counts :)
Full disclosure on the writing side, I didn't set out to make him specifically autistic, but he definitely has some form of social disability, and difficulty reading others
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soursherbat · 10 months
for the ask game: 4, 10, 14, 23, for springtrap, hawk and/or monty (:
frothing at the mouth at this one i think i'll just do all that apply- also putting under a read more because hoo boy. many thoughts
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for hawk, i've put him in literally everything at this point- he's a very versatile character but my favorite setting to put him in is definitely as a security guard for the pizzaplex. he'd just fit so well imo.
for springtrap and monty- i actually keep imagining them in the pokemon universe? they would not fit at all, but i just love assigning pokemon teams for my favorite characters. my main thing i keep crossing them over into is my oc universe with lore so deep i'd genuinely need several hours just to explain it-
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for hawk? yes. we'd both be incredibly anxious and weird around each other but we could bond easily over our love of rabbits and insane ramblings. though knowing me we'd probably end up sitting in silence together for an hour or making out tbh
springtrap? my interpretation of him- yes. absolutely, i would take him home in an instant. he'd have to get used to my autism flaring up constantly around him because he's so cute but i feel like he'd be endeared by it, personally-
monty? honestly uh, it depends! i don't do well around prickly people because of my anxiety and due to my interpretation of him being prickly with a soft interior... depends on exactly what he says, really. man's absolutely a big softy though so i feel like we could be friends.
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ooohohooho. hawk's fashion aesthetic is definitely mid-2000s emo boy, 100%, unapologetically. but i also imagine him liking soft pastels and dresses, so really he's a huge mixed bag. get you a man who can do both (and everything in between)
for springtrap- i imagine him wearing anything hawk makes for him, but he's incredibly attached to cute little vests. i imagine him being emotionally attached to spring bonnie- and with hawk repairing him to look more like him, he'd lean more into the fashion he dressed them in. vests, ties, little hats- though i feel like he would prefer wearing loose, flowing clothing such as dresses or skirts. imagining springtrap wearing a cute purple sparkling vest that hangs open with a soft yellow skirt is living rent free in my mind-
monty definitely loves wearing anything with scales on it. i imagine him wearing incredibly flamboyant glamrock clothing (though that seems a bit obvious-) but also having a HUGE soft spot for punk rock fashion. he definitely wears a black denim jacket with the sleeves cut off and patches all over it, belts and chains- the works. he would look so good in a spiked collar
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very very self indulgent because this is my art but- for hawk and springtrap, definitely this sketch that i made:
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they're just so happy together!! so fulfilled, they deserve this. for monty, literally any drawing from @/balloonboyismyson- i dont feel comfortable reposting their art as im not sure how they feel about that but ouuughh go look at their art for amazing monty content fr.
thank you for this this was super fun!!!
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eloignetoi · 2 years
My opinions and overall throughts about Netflix Wednesday because people (including me) are obsessed with it but there is very little content about it (beside the TikTok trend).
The show itself is amazing - not just because it's popular - but the storyline, characters and overall aesthetic are quite endearing. I loved how characters worked together and how sometimes they didn't:
Wednesday is not perfect nor horrible. She has many traits that fit the autism spectrum : obsessions, blank tone and facial expression, unique perception of the world - no she is not depressed, she isn't numb to reality nor sad, she simply enjoys what most people are scared of -, and her perception and understanding of social and emotional conventions are, well, unconventional. These traits make her uniquely enjoyable, but it also gives place for improvement and development in this new social environment that is Nevermore, and which we witness throughout although mostly at the end of the show.
Xavier is not a classic manipulative white boy. He is clueless and emotionally constipated (which I believe has something to do with his dad), and that can be annoying, especially when you know he could have been a lot more helpful with Wednesday's investigation as his dreams/visions seemed to complete hers. A certain tweet has made people agree that he is manipulative and annoying, which I don't really get. He is supposed to have flaws so that there's place for character development, just like Wednesday. But he always had good intentions. He did not manipulate Wednesday into asking him to the ball : considering his serious crush on her, I think he truly hoped she had changed her mind - one can hope lol - and teased her as a friendly joke. That's why he got so mad when he found out about her ulterior motives: he realized she never planned on being his friend. He was not being obsessive either. I mean, when you're in love with someone who's been the target of an attempted murder, I guess you try to go out of your way to protect them - and eventually forget them. That's what the painting was for (as he clearly explained it), don't act like you've never been in love or had a hard time getting over it. The one thing I do agree with is that he and Wednesday have no romantic chemistry, and I hope they are not going to try and force this relationship. If they do, I hope they'll make it right with a better atmosphere, context, chemistry, etc... and let's be honest, it would take a lot of changes and efforts. What would really work (with the atmosphere and context of the first season), would be a strong friendship, not only because they made up at the end, but also because they have many similarities and their powers could be very useful when put together. They would be amazing investigators.
When it comes to Tyler, I am surprised people didn't catch on his uniqueness. There were very little to no clue about his true nature, but he was definitely odd: the only normie kid rejected by his normie friends but without any outcast friend either. Troubled teenager who lost his mom, has a bad relationship with his father and a history of bullying (with Xavier), and the creepy scene in the Gates' mansion where his face suddenly appears in the light. After watching the end, you can also catch on the change in sound/music at the ball when Thornill smiles at him, like there's a form of dissociation from the rest of the crowd. Overall, I think the twist was rather unexpected. What I am really eager to see is what they are going to do with him: he was manipulated and experimented on to turn into his outcast form, but from there he also willingly killed people while enjoying it and manipulated Wednesday in the creepiest way (planning a date and their potential first kiss in the very crypt he knew they'd kill her, seriously...). I wonder if they are going to try and save him or push the monster hunting to the edge. After all, his mom apparently didn't kill anyone - I believe they would have mentioned similar deaths from 30 years ago (although that might be information kept for season 2 and it might have something to do with the normie death from 30 years ago that forced the Nightshades to disband). And I can't imagine his dad's state after all the revelations: the guilt he must feel for not talking to his son about his mom and not seeing he was being manipulated.
If there is a second season, I can't wait to see more revelations about Bianca and her mom, Xavier's dad, and just more of Ajax, Enid, Yoko, Eugene and maybe even Kent. And I'm not even mentioning the stalker, as well as the new possible mayor, principal of Nevermore and Thornill's replacement.
What I really liked about this show, beside characters, were costumes: the Addams' gothic style, perfectly modernized while still being close to the original comic/movie. And I loved Enid's colorful clothes (especially her amazing pink shoes in the last episode).
I do have a few complaints about the show:
Although dialogues are perfectly intelligible, everyone being at the same volume, I could barely hear any background music. I only realized it were here in certain scenes thanks to the subtitles, and it sort of loses the whole impact its supposed to have on the scene. So, if you have a hard time hearing (I am aware I don't have the best hearing), I would advise you to use headphones to really get the whole experience.
I'm also slightly disappointed by the style of the series. With Tim Burton as a director, I guess we expected a darker, more "crooked" style (with character designs or even sceneries), which we mostly only got from Tyler's Hyde form and Thing. I am aware Tim Burton doesn't have full freedom and, contrary to animation movies, has to deal with the material and physical limits of the real world (human face shapes, expensive makeup and CGI).
I think my last complaint would be about the length of the season: it was slightly fast-paced and therefore quite short in the end. So many things happened in only 8 episodes. I know productions now have to deal with many constraints, deadlines and even budgets, but I hope the success of the first season will give more time and money for the producers to have fun and add as much as they want to the final product.
Finally, I think it's just fair to write about Jenna Ortega's acting, which is absolutely amazing. Beside the no-blinking thing (which is really hard, not only because of the length of the scenes but also because of reflexes - try not blinking while moving your head around, or try doing it while keeping your movement natural), her posture is so straight yet remains natural. I'm also quite impressed by her capacity to control her full body - try staying as straight as her while falling, like in her vision scene after the kiss.
I also think it's important to note Gwendoline Christie's performance (principal Weems). Her facial expressions are to die for, with the slight eye movements whenever Wednesday or Morticia piss her off !
Emma Myers (Enid) also has some good facial expressions (at the ball, or with the homeless man who steals the camera) and her whimpers are so fun !
The expressiveness in this show is quite phenomenal and really participate in the story - big fake smiles (like Noble and Weems), odd expressions (like the woman who drives the hiker in the woods in the first episode, or Tyler's weird scene in the mansion), and the ambivalent, twisted meaning of Thornhill's actions and reactions that are great to rewatch after the twist revelation.
I have a few more thoughts about the choice to involve Pilgrims in the story (which is unique, hilarious and meaningful), but they're not fully developed.
I don't mistake my opinions for truths and I'd love to see more approaches to the series.
Also please note I'm French and English is not my first language. If you see any mistake or weird syntax/grammar, please inform me 😊
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