#It's Midnight
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Okay, but what if I call my sketches....
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 months
Buck has an idea.
Eddie's been avoiding him for a week.
And Buck is sick of it.
He's tired, and angry, and more than a little hurt, and he's sick of his best friend walking away from him at every moment.
And he's not stupid, he knows he was an idiot, but he's determined to fix it even if he has to kidnap the man and duct tape him to a chair.
But his idea is a lot more civilized. Kinda devious, but he doesn't care. They're worth the fight... So he thinks.
He's only known he's been in love with Eddie since he almost drowned. What a time for a realization like that?
But then again, nothing about their friendship has ever been perfectly timed.
So Buck's willing to fight for them. Even if Eddie ends up telling him he never wants to see him again. Though, it wouldn't make much difference from now.
Eddie only lets him past the door of the Diaz house to see Chris. He asks to be partnered up with Chim on every call. He sits beside Hen at dinner. He won't answer his phone.
There's only one thing to do.
Ambush him.
Buck marches determinedly into the station one afternoon when he's off shift, just when he knows they're scheduled for some downtime. (If he got a heads up from Chim, that's no one's business.)
He finds Eddie in the gym, sitting on a bench with some dumbbells. Buck strides in and stands in front of Eddie.
Eddie makes a move to leave, but Buck stills him with a hand on his shoulder.
"I just want to talk," Buck says.
"I don't want to talk to you," Eddie snips, looking up at Buck with something not quite angry in his eyes.
"Tough," Buck bites back.
"Buck, I-"
"We're going to talk about this, Eddie," Buck says firmly.
Eddie sits down hard on the bench with a put upon sigh.
"Thank you." Buck lets go of his shoulder and backs away a few paces. "Tell me why you're avoiding me."
He's not going to plead, and beg, and end up with some botched forgiveness like the lawsuit. He wants the truth. Even if it breaks them.
"You know why," Eddie says flatly, looking somewhere over Buck's left shoulder.
"Tell me anyway," Buck says.
Eddie presses his fingers to his eyes. "You almost died, Buck. Again."
"And that's why you're treating me like I've committed murder?" Buck asks.
"That might have something to do with it," Eddie snarks.
"Okay. Tell me how." Buck sits down on the bench opposite Eddie and leans his elbows on his knees.
Eddie rolls his lips and looks towards the locker room. Buck's fully prepared to follow him if he decides to walk away.
"You were reckless," Eddie finally says. "You didn't care what happened to you when you dove back in that water." He finally looks at Buck, his wide eyes shining.
Buck may be a lot of things, but he's not reckless. "I knew the risks."
"I know you know the risks, Buck," Eddie huffs. "The fact is you disregarded them."
"To save Bobby," Buck states, "just like you would've done."
"This isn't a contest," Eddie sighs. "What I would've done and what I did do are completely different."
"And I would've waited for Chim to get the oxygen, had we had the time," Buck reasons. "I wouldn't have been reckless if there wasn't a need for it, and I know you know that."
Eddie looks at his hands in his lap.
"So why are you shutting me out because I almost died?" Buck asks again. He knows there's something else.
Eddie folds his hands in his lap and looks over Buck's shoulder again. Buck's seen the stance before. When he first met Eddie, when they were fighting in a grocery store, when he left the 118. He's closing himself off.
Buck should've expected it. He just doesn't know how to break past it. What he's done in the past, cornering Eddie on Halloween after the lawsuit, or trying to drag Eddie out of the depths of his own mind, haven't worked. He chooses the more direct approach.
"Eddie, I had to corner you while I wasn't on shift just to talk to you," Buck says. "This is serious, okay? Don't close me off and push me away. Not again. I..."
I need you. I just want you to talk to me. I love you.
He can't bring himself to say any of it.
"Why do you want to know so bad?" Eddie snips.
"Because I miss you," Buck blurts out. It's the truth. It means just the same as the words he wants to say.
Eddie looks at him, wide eyed, his mouth open in shock.
Buck doesn't backtrack, or fill the silence.
Eddie unclasps his hands and rests them on the bench instead. "Just over a year ago, you did die."
Buck nods as Eddie takes a shuddering breath.
"The thought of going through that again..." Eddie shakes his head.
"Eddie, that's always going to be a possibility," Buck says gently. He doesn't like it any more than Eddie does. He still flinches when a car backfires. He doesn't like walking in open spaces with Eddie either.
"It's easy to say that when you haven't faced the certainty," Eddie says. His voice shakes and he swallows.
"Who says I haven't?" Buck asks, trying to keep the edge from his voice. He shouldn't be angry. Eddie's finally talking to him. "You were bleeding out in front of me. I had no idea if you were alive or dead before I got to you."
"I didn't know you were dead until we got you down," Eddie says. "I had no way of knowing if I could get you back this time."
"You were buried under thirty feet of mud," Buck says. "I thought I'd never see you again. Alive or dead."
Eddie ducks his head. He takes a deep breath and looks into Buck's eyes. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Buck asks with a frown. Eddie couldn't have known what Buck went through then.
"I didn't want to shut you out," Eddie says in a shaky voice. "I just... got scared. I already lost you once, and I can't handle doing it again."
"I'm scared too," Buck admits. "But it's a fear I'm willing to live with. Because it's you."
Eddie blinks at him, tears shining in his eyes. "Yeah?"
"Yes," Buck says reverently, almost like a vow.
For the first time in over a week, Eddie smiles at him, soft and sweet. "Then I'm willing to be scared with you."
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abrokenherocomplex · 5 months
in the dark
“You know? Hostage or not, sometimes it’s just nice to be held.”
The villain nearly jumped six feet in the air. They’d just flicked on the old light in the lair basement, not expecting to come face-to-face with their old nemesis. At least not on a Monday morning. Clearly their villainous co-conspirators had other plans and now deemed Monday mornings were for hostage-taking.
“Jesus Christ,” the villain swore, nearly dropping the boxes they’d been carrying.
“Nope, just me.”
The villain resisted the urge to roll their eyes.
Their golden little hero was indeed tied to a chair in the now-dimly lit basement. A gag lay discarded on the floor where the hero had evidently spit it out. The villain raked their gaze over the hero, taking in the scene. It really wasn’t fair how the hero still looked so golden after a, well, kidnapping. A bruise bloomed on their jaw and their eyes were a little too bright, as they usually were when faced with an obstacle. Or a fight.
“See something you like?” the hero drawled.
The villain rolled their eyes this time, setting down the boxes. “I came down for cleaning supplies. The lab’s a mess.”
“Hmm… I'd help but I haven’t had a chance to look around.”  
The villain snorted.
The hero continued, prattling off while the villain gathered up Windex and Clorox. “I asked your coworkers for a tour of the rest of the building. Particularly those shiny labs you lot are always monologuing about.”
“Ah, and what did they say to that?”
“I think I was actually getting through to them this time! That is, until they sedated me.”
The villain shook their head in mock sympathy. “Tough crowd around here.”
“Evidently.” The hero leaned back in their restraints. “It wore off quickly though. Do you have the time, by any chance?”
The villain frowned. “What are you doing here, exactly?”
“…you took me as a hostage.”
The villain regretted asking the question as soon as the hero’s face lit up like a Christmas tree at the realization that the villain was in the dark about this specific operation.
“You weren’t behind this, were you?” The hero asked. Though, it was less of a question and more of an easy deduction. Amateur on the part of the villain, to let that slip. They now fought the urge bury their head in their hands.
“I wasn’t behind this,” the villain confirmed.  
The hero smiled gleefully. “I knew you had a soft spot for me-”
“That has nothing to do with-” the villain took a centering breath. “I wasn’t behind this, believe it or not.”
“I should have known. I mean, other than you screaming like a little girl, they didn’t even use the right dosage to keep me out. It’s honestly a blessing you came along when you did. At least you know how to properly drug me.”
The villain stilled, narrowed their eyes. “How long have you been awake?”
“The whole night, probably.” The hero caught themselves. “Not that it was a problem or anything-” They added quickly.
“You were here? In the dark?”
Anyone who knew the hero knew their… phobia for lack of a better term. Back at university, before the villain and the hero were ‘the villain’ and ‘the hero,’ the villain had deemed it nyctophobia. The Greek word for night, and well, phobia. Fear of the dark. They’d had to keep a night light on in their university dorm. The villain had teased them mercilessly for it, until they’d finally found out why.
“I was fine, really.” The hero assured them. “I can handle it.”
“Uh huh.”
What the villain had been taking for pure cockiness – joy derived from prattling off aimlessly in the direction of the villain – was actually... relief.
The hero cleared their throat, evidently wanting to move on as quickly as possible. “Do you happen to know why I’m here? Obviously, you didn’t know I was here, but now that you’ve found me. Are there any… plans? Or anything? Anything ring a bell?”
“I fear I’m in the dark as much as you.” As soon as the words left the villain’s mouth, the door to the basement slammed shut with a bang that caused the villain to jump another six feet into the air.
Then, the lights flickered. And went out.
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cyber-neptune · 19 days
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Tears in my eyes this is stupid nfnsns
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humanonstrike · 5 months
@fabulousglitch posted about how Lena feels about "L" names and it got me thinking about Kara and Lena's family names. It's wild to me how much their family members have pretty much the same names. A(lex)ander. (Alex)andra. Elizabeth. Eliza. Lionel has the -el ending. What is this if not soulmate coded??
The Lex/Alex thing is even crazier because the prefix 'A' negates the word, so Alex is the complete opposite of Lex.
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the-spooky-children · 1 month
Btw if you vote other pls elaborate in the tags I'm curious
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comic-covers · 1 year
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transmascpetewentz · 2 months
tbh i have a hard time taking xtianity seriously as a monotheistic religion because like. how is it monotheism if there are three of them. maybe i've just been stuck in my jewish bubble since last year but like, how is a faith monotheistic when there is more than one deity,
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lilies-are-azules · 10 months
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New Morimu Op.5 visual!
I think I'm three seconds away from going insane because LOOK AT LIAM AND SHERLY STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NOAHTIC BLUEPRINT!!
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666herescared · 11 months
Peach Treats(ClingPeachesAU)
This is a bit of a random fanfic for LMK that I came up with. Wukong tricks Mk and friends into eating peaches of immortality. ClingPeaches=Clingy Wukong BTW.
 Everyone was surprised when Monkey King invited them to his place on the mountain. Mk thought he was trying to get closer to his friends, so he (mildly) pressured them into coming, despite their protests. When they arrived, the monkeys didn’t rush to greet them, opting instead to sit in the trees and chatter amongst themselves. The monkey kid glanced at them and saw looks of concern on their faces. Why did they look… almost apologetic? What didn’t Wukong tell them?
  The atmosphere livened up a bit once they actually met with the king. He seemed cheerful, and was wearing casual attire. He looked so much more approachable; a hot pink hoodie with a logo and the words, ‘Feelin’ Peachy’ in place of the armor they usually saw. Pigsy approached immediately and asked why the monkeys were acting off but the king brushed it off as, “They’re like that sometimes’ instead of giving a proper answer.
  Inside of the sage's hut, he had already set everything up for a ‘Monkey King: The animated series’ binge; Bowls of chips were placed on the couch and there were bottles of drinks on the coffee table. Honestly, the oddest thing was when Wukong said he had a batch of peach treats in the oven.
  The day went as planned for the most part. Everyone was enjoying themselves and Monkey King wasn’t even slightly offended by the jabs Mk and his friends made. He seemed to be in such a bright mood, nothing could bring it down. His successor was shocked when he started grooming him, but he relaxed into the comforting touch easily. The day just couldn’t get better.
  Eventually, the treats were done and Wukong brought them out. There were two trays of twelve treats each. Definitely enough for the six people there. They were peach shaped snacks with graham cracker crust and peach pie filling. They definitely looked delicious!
  Mk was the first to take one, but he forgot to let it cool down first, causing him to burn his tongue on the yummy treat. His mentor chuckled and mentioned that, "you gotta let it cool down first" before pulling the younger onto the couch with him and wrapping him with his tail.
  Second was Mei, waiting for about a minute before taking one and blowing on it to cool it down. She was enraptured by the flavor and complimented the king, not noticing how his eyes shined with glee. Or maybe she did notice, but just couldn’t tell why it was there. 
  Third was Sandy, who ate one, hummed with delight, and washed it down with a sip of his tea. The sage was definitely pleased by this, for what reason, well… You probably read the description. 
  Anyways, number four was Pigsy, closely followed by Tang. Even their refined palettes had to admit the deliciousness! Wukong let out a chuckle at Tang’s satisfied smile and Pigsy’s backhanded, “I guess it’s okay..” The king’s grin could not be beat.
  When he went to pick one up though, the one he grabbed was snatched by an uninvited guest. “Sorry, Monkey King. I just had to see what everyone was so happy about.” Macaque stated, taking a bite out of his and being shocked by how good it was. He glanced at Wukong, about to make a snarky comment, when he was stopped by the other’s eyes shining in delight. “What… What flavor are these again?” The shadow asked with suspicion and dread on his face.
  “Peach. Obviously. It’s my favorite fruit!” The sage responded, his smile not dampened when the darker monkey jerked away from him.
  “What?...” Macaque muttered, glancing around the room before his eyes landed on Mk. “Kiddo.. Please tell me you didn’t have any!” He sounded distressed.
  The monkey kid said, “I had one first. What’s wrong?” with concern for the other. 
  The black furred monkey jerked his eyes to all of them; Each one filling his face with more concern until he gripped his head and looked down. “Stupid. Stupid!” He berated himself, hitting his hands against his head. “I should have warned you!”
  Mk tried to get up and approach but the Monkey King’s grip was too strong. “Warned us about what?” He asked, glancing at his mentor. Still smiling. Never even wavered.
  Macaque seemed nearly hesitant, with dread in his eyes, but he worked up the courage to say it. “Never trust Wukong’s peaches.”
  The king laughed, laughed, at the warrior’s dismay. “C’mon, Macaque! Longevity peaches never hurt anyone!” The rest of the room fell still. Mk could feel his throat close up. “After all, I made all of them immortal! They aren’t gonna lose each other! They’ll be fine!” The king held his successor closer as the younger processed the statement. 
  It was true. If those peach treats made them immortal, all of Mk’s friends were immortal too. A lot of dread still lingered despite that though. Maybe it was because he would still watch everyone else die, even if everyone in that room was now safe. Mk might not have had a biological family to speak of, but his friends sure did! 
  He glanced at Mei, panic clear on her face even though she was covering her mouth. What would her family think? What are they gonna do to Wukong? The image of Mei growing up and watching her family die flashed in Mk’s mind as he shifted his gaze to Sandy.
  Sandy, the gentle giant, friend of the forest, and team therapist… looked like he was gonna cry. How would he handle that? He already had so much survivor's remorse from his time on the battlefield, and now he was gonna deal with that sort of thing every time anyone dies in their fights. Immortality is no picnic. Wukong was the one to tell him that, so why did he do this?
  Then there were his parents. Pigsy was holding a crying Tang in his arms with so much fear in his eyes. He knew them. He knew they got attached to people easily. Pigsy, shockingly enough, became friends with a lot of his regulars. Mr. Tang was also friends with half his class. Knowing how much they would mourn- Hey! When did Mk start crying?
  Tears fell from his eyes as he came to the realization that- he was still in Wukong’s arms! He tried to pry the demon monkey's arms off, but he just tightened his grip even more. He glanced up at his face and saw that- that he was still grinning! Like he didn’t know how much pain he was gonna make them go through! Mk started desperately trying to escape his mentor’s hold, but it only got tighter, and tighter, until- “Why are you tryin’ to run, bud? I’m not gonna hurt you or nothing.”
  The sage finally looked around and he scoffed- Fucking scoffed!- at everyone’s faces of betrayal and fear. “I can’t believe you all! I worked my ass off to get those peaches and yet none of you look thankful. Really rude, y’know!” He said, like they were the ones acting off.
  “Wukong, Wukong! What have you done?!” Macaque asked, incredulously. “I know you don’t wanna lose them but- but this is too far! They have families! Friends, outside of each other! And yet, you think they’re the ones who are in the wrong?!” He sounded angry yet terrified at the thought. 
  The stone monkey seemed to consider the statement for a moment before saying, “If they were close with those people, they would talk about them! Honestly, I can get more! I mean- not too many or I’ll raise suspicion, but I doubt they have that many friends.” as though he couldn’t comprehend their emotions. 
  He probably couldn’t, honestly. The rest of that night was a blur for Mk; mainly consisting of tug of war, with him as the tug rope, but no one could overpower the great sage. Even if Macaque came close, he still couldn’t rip the king’s cub from his arms. Mk was too out of it to even realize he had shifted into monkey form, and that's without even starting on fighting back! He only came to realize what had happened after; when the king was holding him close and whispering comforting words, the thought crossed the wrong person’s mind.
  “What have I done?”
Alright! Please tell me if you liked it; if you didn't. It would really help out. Also, feel free to make whatever you want in this AU! Just make sure to credit me if you do! I'd love to see whatever you all make!
Have fun, and happy scrolling!
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pato-roldnart · 1 year
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I share birthday with Shouto! I made a little piece to celebrate 🥳🥳❤️❤️💚💚
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feelbokkie · 7 months
fighting the urge to take all my pcs out of their binders and rearranging them
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
i know i said genshin heightened my standards to an impossible degree but i just got back from a get-to-know-each-other date and despite the language barrier, we communicated so well and i learned a lot of new words as we patiently tried to make conversation and it was so fun 🥹
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very-uncorrect · 4 months
I need some of you to understand is that there are no laws or rules for being queer or a certain label or "valid", literally the only thing that determines if you're part of the community or not is whether or not you feel like you are, that's it, it's not that hard, stop trying to police queerness
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ngalu · 2 months
Finally! Finished!
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marsti · 6 months
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🎂 happy birthday to ME 🎂
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