#It's a ghost. It's a machine. It's Halloween themed.
dorenarox · 2 years
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skeltnwrites · 12 days
happy friday the 13th lovelies! i have a similar friday the 13th themed steve drabble i'll try and finish tomorrow 0.5k words
“I think my tattoo is cursed,” Eddie grumbles from the kitchen table behind you. 
“I told you that place was sketch, Eds.”
“I made sure everything was clean! It was a good deal,” he whines like a child might– in this mumbly sort of way that he only does when he knows he fucked up but wants your consolation. 
You turn, abandoning the pot on the stove to lean against his chair. Eddie pokes at his wrist where pale skin has darkened into an angry shade of red. 
The tattoo was not your favorite choice to begin with. Jason’s hockey mask from Friday The Thirteenth– A random Halloween-themed, half-price piece of flash from a gumball machine. It’s slotted between the bats and the crease in his elbow, clunky and clashing art styles with his other ink. And as if it couldn’t get any worse, Eddie doesn’t even like the movie, he was just too embarrassed to chicken out once he pulled the piece of paper out of the machine. 
“Does it hurt?” 
He shrugs, “A little. Mostly just… like tingly, I guess?” 
“No, not itchy. Just feels weird– different than usual.” 
You tug his arm up to eye level. The ink twists and swells along some lines, as if a funhouse mirror has warped the image, distorting it into something you probably wouldn’t recognize if you didn’t already know what it was. 
“Probably infected, babe.” 
He reels his arm back in and deflates with a sigh. 
“Eddie, don’t– don’t pick at it,” you swat his fingers away before they can reach. “The ink won’t heal properly.” 
“It already isn’t healing properly,” he pouts, a weak glare attached. You cock your head, dissecting his expression, but his irritation softens into something else. Eddie presses his forehead into the meat of your upper arm. “I should’ve listened to you.”
You card through the knots in his hair, biting back an I told you so. 
“You can always get it covered up. Maybe it was just a different type of ink or something? An allergy.” 
“No, you were right about that guy. He was strange; gave me the heebie-jeebies as soon as we walked in. I think he did some fucked up, witchy voodoo magic shit on me.”
“He was all quiet and pale, like sickly pale– and his hands were fuckin’ freezing. Maybe he was a ghost?”
“Wouldn’t be the craziest shit we’ve seen,” the corners of your lips rise as you loop a curl around your finger. 
“Or Gandalf? With that beard. That’s what I thought when we walked in– I mean, if Gandalf was a tattoo artist, I’m pretty sure that’s what he’d look like,” he chuckles. 
You snort, because you thought the exact same thing, which has Eddie laughing twice as hard. And you can’t find the time to be embarrassed when your favorite pair of eyes are creased with glee and beam at you with more love than you can carry. 
When he settles, you hum. “So we’ve narrowed it down to a witch, a ghost, or Gandalf?” 
“Yeah, what do you think?” 
You hunch over the chair, angling his chin towards yours. “I think a kiss might break the curse.”
“Oh yeah? Like sleeping beauty?” 
“Exactly,” you whisper before pressing a slow kiss to his lips.
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luminetti · 11 months
Dressed to Kill
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༘⋆ Summary: In which, you, a professional cosplayer, mistake Bakugou’s hero outfit for a really good Halloween costume. ༘⋆ Pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ༘⋆Warnings: n/a, reader is just the biggest dumbass (lovingly) also, i cannot stress this enough. they are NOT CHILDREN in this. they’re both at least the age of college seniors  ༘⋆Notes: huge thanks to one of my biggest inspirations for writing in general: @andypantsx3 ! this fic is lightly inspired by—and lowkey a lovechild of—her pieces, baby are you playing tricks and unconventional, so if you somehow haven’t read those yet, i strongly recommend doing so!  also now that i actually have more than one piece of writing, id love for some writer/fandom moots! im very new to tumblr and would love friends :’)  ao3 release
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Halloween was by far your favorite holiday. 
As a child, you were always drawn to Halloween, not just for the candy, but for the extravagant costumes and house decorations. Nearly every year, you stayed up late with your father, hand-sewing various details onto your costume. Finally, for your eighteenth birthday, you were gifted your very own sewing machine which officially kickstarted your interest in cosplay.
Throughout your first couple years of college, you worked on your Twitter account, posting quick mirror selfies of your various cosplay projects. Only during senior year did you finally feel comfortable enough to go out in public for your first official photoshoot.
‘Comfortable’ was a bit of a stretch. Very seldom does one feel truly comfortable when posing in front of a grandiose fountain in the middle of a public garden, fully clad in foam armor. What made it significantly worse was when the aforementioned armor looked more like a metal bikini than an actual chest plate worn into battle.
Poor character design choices aside, you loved Halloween for that very reason. With everyone dressed up–or down, for some–there was no reason to feel self-conscious during your monthly photoshoots. Sure, there was the occasional snide remark, but the number of supportive comments from passersby was enough to quiet your uncertainty.
This year you had stayed up late for the past month putting the final touches on your purple staff, even attempting an LED system that allowed parts of it to glow. It had taken two weeks to get the prototype of the dress situated since you weren’t used to sewing such a large amount of detail into your fabrics. Unfortunately, this also meant it took significantly longer to finish the outfit than expected, leaving almost no time to do your wig. But, in true cosplayer fashion, you managed to whip something together with an older purple wig, just in time for tonight.
You did, however, only realize the character also had a sword occasionally, but there was no way you were going to make that in time so the staff would have to suffice.
The night had already been proving to be one of the best so far. Starting around eight in the evening, you and some of your closest friends had gotten together for a costume party, a series of shitty horror movies, and a plethora of even shittier cheap cocktails. Despite not being much of a drinker yourself, you always participated in the annual spooky-themed cocktail charcuterie. This year you weren’t holding back. Your pride and joy charcuterie consisted of nine drinks including, but not limited to ghost-themed Aperol Spiritz–nicknamed Spirit Spiritz, Bloody Marys, and your personal favorite, Bonejitos. They even had little skeleton dudes sitting on the rim of the glass.
Unfortunately, your friends weren’t very amused by your festive drinks, even going as far to say your ingenious Bonejitos were a stretch. So, clearly they didn’t see the vision. Eventually, the party events died down as the guests began to go home, allowing the night to evolve into just drinking.
“Did you get a photo of your costume yet?” Himari, your friend from freshman year, questioned.
You shook your head, absently watching as the rest of your friends downed your masterly made Bonejitos. Liars, all of them. “‘A stretch’ my ass,” you scoffed.
Himari dug around in her bag, retrieving her camera. “Halloween photoshoot? Your fit is cute and I’m getting bored here.”
You did like the idea of photography-major level photos with none of the price involved. “I love you, Mari.”
She stuffed your spear under her arm and with that, the two of you stepped out into the cold and crisp autumn air, the breeze running over your bare shoulders and thighs. You shivered lightly, pulling up your thigh-highs and hugging the excess fabric close to your body.
Himari glanced at you in concern. “Does the Raiden Shogun not wear a jacket?”
“Unfortunately, she doesn’t.” You chuckled, rubbing your arms. “You can’t be sexy and wear a jacket,” you joked.
She hummed in sympathy, looking around for a good place to set up. The park was a particularly popular spot during Halloween, specifically known for its comforting lighting and ambience.
 “What about there?” Himari pointed to a small gazebo surrounded by violets, lit up by a string of fairy lights. There were a couple groups nearby, but otherwise it was pretty much empty.
You nodded, excited. “Good eye as always, Mari.”
She handed over your spear and offered an arm,helping you step up onto the platform and underneath the gazebo. While she adjusted the lights to her liking, you took a moment to adjust your skirt and sleeves.
“Do you think it’s too short?” you asked, tugging on the cloth. Thankfully the character wore a pair of shorts underneath, but the dress was barely miniskirt length.
Himari looked over briefly before turning back to the lights. “No, not really. Why? Are you uncomfortable?”
Before you could answer, a group of college-aged girls passed by the gazebo, clearly a bit drunk. As they left, one of the girls that was hanging onto her friend’s arm looked over. “Don’t be, girlie! You look hot as fuck!” she shouted out, words slightly slurred.
You flustered, blabbering out a quick thanks in surprise. There’s nothing like a friendly drunk girl to get your confidence up.
From behind the camera, Himari gave you a thumbs up. “Give me one of these.” She mimed leaning against the wooden banister. “Yeah like that, but with your leg more out.”
The shutter clicked several times as you did your best to recreate her gestures.
Himari proceeded to guide you through a series of poses, occasionally having you incorporate your staff or the gazebo. Eventually you got used to the flashing camera and allowed yourself to melt into the character, embodying her essence as best as you could.
Time flew and before you knew it, Himari was calling you down from the gazebo to look over the photos. You hovered over her shoulder as she flipped through each one, pausing at her favorites.
“I’ll import these onto my laptop and send them back edited sometime this week,” she told you, removing her glasses and wiping them off with her sleeve.
You nodded. “Thanks for doing this, you really didn’t have to.” You rummaged through your bag, hoping to find at least a little money for her efforts. Feeling a couple bills between your fingers, you held them out to her.
Himari’s eyes squinted and you realized she was staring over your shoulder. “I think that guy in costume was looking at you,” she said, still cleaning off the lenses.
You turned to see a tall man across the park, large grenade shaped gauntlets resting on both his arms. He quickly looked away once he saw your head turn. Looking closer, you realized he was dressed in a dark black sleeveless jumpsuit with orange and green straps along his body.
He was clearly a Dynamight cosplayer. And by the looks of it, a really talented one at that.
You were almost convinced that he had real hero equipment on. His armor pieces were strikingly accurate, and you made a mental note to look for more realistic prop materials.
“He probably spent a lot of time on that,” you mused to Himari, who had already gone back to inspecting the photos.
“You should go ask him about it.” she suggested, collecting the rest of her things and zipping her bag. “I’ve gotta catch an Uber soon.”
Maybe it was the lingering confidence gifted by the girl from earlier, but you managed to muster up enough self-assurance to wave goodbye to Himari and stride right up to the cosplayer.
As you got closer, you realized just how much work must have gone into all the details. The gauntlets–a very convincing metal–had several dents and scratches, giving it a worn down look, as if it had been used frequently.
His hair looked far too real to be a wig, likely just being his natural hair with lots of product in it. The most impressive detail by far was his physique. Had he trained specifically for this? The closer you got the more you noticed. If you were lucky, maybe he’d give you the name of his supplier.
“I love your outfit!” You smiled cheerily at him.
He turned to look at you, slightly taken aback. “Thanks?” he replied, folding his arms as he looked you over, eyes lingering on your cosplay.
You felt a twinge of anxiety as he inspected your outfit. He probably just didn’t recognize the character, you convinced yourself.
“I’m a cosplayer too,” you clarified, gesturing to your dress. “But clearly not as dedicated as you.”
You watched as his chest puffed lightly at the compliment, though he titled his head, a bit puzzled.
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you tried a different method. “How long did it take to make?”
He blinked at you and shrugged. “Dunno. Maybe a couple of months? I just told them what I wanted.”
Oh, you got it now. He’s just a model. It wasn’t uncommon for people to collaborate on cosplays, especially ones where one person either commissions or buys a cosplay from an artist, and then models it themself. Either way, he was still one of the best you’ve seen.
You nodded in understanding. “Do you have social media? I’d love to see what else you’ve done.” Pulling out your phone, you loaded up your Twitter, preparing to enter his tag.
“Dynamight Official. All one word,” he replied hesitantly, looking you up and down as if he was scanning for signs of sickness.
You chuckled faintly. He was really dedicated to his role. “Well, what's your name? I follow a lot of cosplayers already. Maybe I’ve seen you?” You pulled up your profile and turned the screen around to show him in case he recognized your tag.
His arms unfolded and his face slowly morphed from confused to exceptionally amused. “Bakugou Katsuki. I am Dynamight.”
Waving him off absently, you nodded as you scrolled through your followed accounts. You swear you’ve seen him online before. “Sorry, I’m not really good at roleplay. But you’re pretty convincing.”
He leaned against the cold metal lamppost, watching you sift through various Twitter accounts. You sneaked a glance to check his facial features again, but he was already staring straight back at you.
In such close capacity, his striking crimson eyes stood out to you. Even his contacts were high quality… Fighting back the warmth that threatened your cheeks and ears, you averted your gaze downwards.
Your eyes flicked to his waist. You hadn’t noticed it before, but a thick black bomber jacket was tied tightly around his torso, unlike the real hero’s costume. Well, you stand corrected. You certainly can be sexy with a jacket.
Speaking of jackets, you had been so caught up in conversation you hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten. The soft breeze from earlier had picked up into chilly wind, rustling the fabric of your dress as it blew by.
Bakufaux–haha–seemed to notice your interest in his jacket, untying it and tossing it over your shoulders. “Bit cold for you, Princess?” he drawled. “D’nno how you’ve managed in that outfit.” He gestured to your short dress and tall socks.
You couldn’t help but notice how his gaze lingered on you for a half second longer than normal. Not that you would’ve said anything. Thanks to his jacket, you were enveloped with warm and musky scents of charcoal and sandalwood. Though, being honest with yourself, you’ve been distracted ever since you walked over.
You snapped out of your trance when he pushed himself off the lamppost and leaned over you. It could’ve been twenty degrees out and you’d still swear you were overheating.
“Ever considered cosplaying in my costume?” He asked, watching your darkening cheeks closely.
Maybe it was the shit eating grin he wore proudly on his face, or the sneaking suspicion in your gut, but you had an inkling of a feeling he knew something you didn’t. In a surge of confidence and curiosity, or perhaps just pure adrenaline, you took a step forward.
“And if I have?”
Something snapped behind his eyes and you could’ve sworn his gaze dropped to your lips. He might’ve actually kissed you if you weren’t interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and the screams of customers inside a late night coffee shop.
You felt your heart rate increase as he swore under his breath, whatever smug expression he previously had was replaced by something far more intense and serious.
‘“I’m not leaving you out here alone, stay close to me,” he urged, taking one last look at you before turning and running towards the sound.
It took you a second to realize you were running behind him as fast as possible.
As the two of you neared the coffee shop, you noticed numerous shards of glass laid out on the concrete. On a second glance, you noticed some of the smaller shards were beginning to melt, turning the ground slightly slick.
You halted to a stop, almost crashing into your new friend. You felt a warm hand snake around your waist, lifting your body off the ground and onto a nearby bench.
“Don’t touch the ground, and stay right here,” he told you sternly, before turning and rushing straight into the cafe.
You watched, frozen in astonishment, only able to hear the horrific sounds of glass and… explosions? Occasionally you caught a glimpse of blonde hair, dropping off a poor customer caught in the crossfire, before dashing straight back inside. In what felt like seconds, he had already retrieved nearly every patron from the cafe, all while the villain was still inside.
Quickening footsteps approached from behind your place on the bench. You barely had a chance to comprehend the noises when a flash of red zipped past you, making a beeline straight for the cafe. Only after several trips in and out of the building did you finally recognize the eccentric costume of Pro-Hero Red Riot as he gathered the remainder of the victims outside.
Through the ringing in your ears you could only vaguely make out shouting between Red Riot and someone else still inside the building. It was all intelligible until he turned to you and the victims. The last words you heard was look away, or at least you assumed.
You weren’t interested in waiting around to find out so you shut your eyes tight and turned away from the scene as best as you could.
At first nothing happened. But after a beat, you felt your eyes burn behind your eyelids as a blistering wave of heat surrounded you. You think you screamed, but you weren’t entirely sure. Every muscle in your body tensed as the bench shook underneath you, threatening to break.
But as quickly as it came, it passed. You couldn’t tell how long you had been trapped in that position, clutching your knees to your chest with your eyes sealed shut. A warm hand shook you out of position, jostling your eyes open.
When your eyes finally adjusted, blocking your vision of the cafe was none other than a tall silhouette, and familiar red eyes.
“Hey, stay with me, Princess. You hurt?”
You felt calloused hands hastily press against your body, examining you for injury. He took a hold of your ankle, easing you into extending. “Anything?”
Shaking your head, you gripped onto him as he lifted you from the bench to your feet, steadying you with strong arms.
“Happy Halloween,” you managed to mutter meekly into his chest.
You felt him shudder beneath your head as he laughed, surprisingly heartily.
“Certainly one you’ll remember.” His low voice resonated in your brain, calming whatever nerves were remaining. “Let’s get you home, m’kay?”
You let him navigate you back to your apartment surprisingly deftly given your shaky directions, until finally you found yourself thanking him at your doorstep and shutting the door behind you.
Now that you were home and given a chance to breathe, you weren’t sure what was real. Everything mixed together in a blur and you couldn’t tell if it was all a dream or not.
As you groggily slumped against your bed, you felt something soft bundle against your back. Sitting up, you reached behind your back to feel the cool fabric of the black jacket you had been holding tightly against yourself. Embroidered on the sleeve were a pair of initials you hadn’t noticed before.
With a strange pounding in your chest, you pulled out your phone.
Sure enough, you had one new notification.
@DynamightOfficial followed you back
The device buzzed in your hand with a second notification. A direct message request alongside an image. Swiping to your messages, you opened the text from your new follower.
Front and center was a quick photo of Bakugou’s hero costume, laid out neatly on his bed. Directly underneath the image were two small text bubbles.
u take commissions?
ive got something in mind for ya
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plutowon · 11 months
enhypen as mythical / supernatural
creatures ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff
warnings: blood mention, fantasy violence, reader is somewhat described as short ?
happy halloween!!
🍰 ೄ🩰ྀ࿐ 🧸ˊˎ-
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heeseung- banshee
  heeseung was always emotional. 
  that’s how you met him.
  sitting atop of the old hill in the town park he cried and wailed with flowers clutched in his hands. you being the kind and gentle spirit you were, went up to ask him what was wrong, to which he responded “i don’t know”. usually when people see heeseung they don’t mistake him for human. your approach startled him a bit, even more so when you grabbed his cold dead hands and drew him into a hug. 
  you run your fingers through his hair and tell him everything is gonna be okay. then, you took him out to eat. of course you two got a few stares—holding hands with a banshee tends to draw in attention—but you seemed not to notice. you hold his hand and listen to his sorrows. you caress his cheek and you don’t flinch at the lack of body heat, paying no mind to the coldness that surely makes your hands freeze slightly.
  mourning death all his life, he finds your kindness and comfort refreshing.
  your boyfriend is a bit pessimistic. he looks at the glass half empty rather than half full. like when you watched coraline for the first time and he cried for half the movie believing there was no way she’d make it out of the beldam‘s hands alive. or when he sulked for half a day because he felt the sad lady from next door would never find love, resulting in the death of her love life. you told him to keep his head up and a week later, she comes into your home, bringing cookies and talking about a handsome man she met two nights prior. heeseung supposes there are some happy endings. but even so, he’s sweet and sings you songs all the time. his favorite thing to do is sing you lullabies and watch your sleep consume you. you look so beautiful while you dream, he wishes he could be in your dreams with you. he wonders what you dream about. he wonders if your dreams are as beautiful as you are. you like to take him on happy adventures and show him the world is not as bleak and depressing as it seems. you did make the mistake of taking him to a theme park, more specifically the rollercoaster, where he cried and called it a big death and torture machine. even if you left him outside he refused to let you ride it by yourself, certain that you’d fly out and die (he saw it on the news). needless to say that was the last time you went to six flags…disney world was fun though! you try to make him try new things as much as possible. heeseung finds it exciting. he looks forward to your little rendezvous. 
  he still cries and wails, mourns death every sunday at the top of the old hill, but after all his pain and anguish has been tossed into the atmosphere, he comes home to your warm and loving arms, where you hold him with love.
jay- ghost
  you knew your house was haunted. you knew the moment you walked in with the realtor.  would that stop most people from renting a house? absolutely. did it stop you? no.
  the house was dirt cheap and you really needed a place to stay after your ex boyfriend kicked you out of the house. your parents are 900 miles away and you’ll be damned if a little ghost made you sleep in boxes on the street until you could get a plane ticket.
  jay’s first attempt to scare you ended in a scoff. you laughed at him. how insulting. but it doesn’t get any better when he ramps up the scare factor. he’ll get you to jump, maybe a tiny shriek, only for you to come back and be like “wow that one was really good you’re getting better” with a smile etched into your face. seriously, what the hell was wrong with you? why was it so hard to scare you out of his house? he tried everything from making your dishes fly to making the lights flicker to making you see visions of dead people but nothing worked. he even flinged your knives into the wall (not that he would ever physically hurt you but perhaps if you thought he would you’d finally leave…you did not).
  one night though, he shows you his face through the bathroom mirror. instead of a scream, you swoon, clasping your hands together across your chest. you call him handsome and beg to see him again. you beg for days and days. it tires him out, so he appears again. he’s much taller than you, which has you giggling and twirling your hair before you offer him a shy “hi”. he thinks you’re insane.
  your ghost boyfriend has now devoted his already dead life to protecting you from other supernatural entities. once, a goblin came into your house unannounced and…well jay didn’t take too kindly to that. he gets jealous when you have friends over. perhaps it’s the fact that your friends have physical bodies to touch you. not that you can’t feel his touch, but it’s not the same. he also just doesn’t like mortals entering his property, and he’s now extended that possessiveness to you. he’s still sweet though. watches over you while you sleep to make sure no demons come by. most creatures that come by don’t expect jay to be so tough and intimidating–he’s just a ghost–but they always end up leaving the house in fear, trembling. he has a habit of sneaking up on you to tickle you, the sound of your laughter that once filled him with rage now fills him with glee. he wishes he could feel you better, but still, he loves the touch of your skin. his favorite time to see you is in your dreams, where you are both on equal planes. he can feel your soft hands, kiss your pretty lips, and have normal dates with you. it’s also great that he can defy laws of reality.
  jay has been dead for years and years now, but having you in his home makes him feel alive once more.
jake- angel
  you meet jake while he’s on a thrilling adventure exploring the mortal world. he bumps into you at the mall, knocking you over. of course, being the literal angel that he is, he helps you up. you’re just a small fragile human—he could’ve killed you for goodness sake! (he couldn’t have but he still believes he could’ve)— he calls you gorgeous, as he failed to realize that most humans tend to restrain from saying every thought that comes to their mind, no matter how good the thought may be. but to his luck, you blush and say thank you and he thinks you’re the cutest flower he’s ever seen. you give him your number on the back of a receipt and jake is too ecstatic to realize…ah…he doesn’t have a phone.
  he buys one just for you though! and after that you two are inseparable. jake being the literal angel that he is, takes care of you like his life depends on it. your sick? jake’s here. hard time with school? jake’s here. your friend’s being a bitch? jake will be there to listen intently to allll your drama, and not just because he’s a little nosy. 
  of course, he’s begged god to make him your guardian angel, to which god reluctantly agreed, so long as he does not take his guardian duties too far or too lightly. there’s also monthly check-ins with the head guardian angels to make sure jake doesn’t go too far. you ask him if it’s too much of a burden, to which he smiles and tells you he couldn’t be happier.
  he’s still a bit naive when it comes to humans. he doesn’t often think that human beings can be so cruel and evil, but when he witnesses this firsthand, he’s worried about you! what if you fall victim to these cruel and heinous creatures! his fragile little flower…he’d never forgive himself. he protects you with his life. he asks you a great many questions about human beings and their history, what they’re like and such. you think it’s cute. jake is so sweet it makes your teeth ache.
 the first time he shows you his wings you’re in awe of the way they span across his back. they’re big enough to be a makeshift shield. his beautiful pure white feathers are soft to the touch. you run your fingers along the point in which his wings sprout from his back only for jake to laugh and fall to the floor. ah, he’s ticklish. he loves to hold you with his wings and shield you from the world. just the two of you together. per his guiding duties, he’s a little bossy. he tries to steer you away from bad decisions and protect your pure innocent eyes from seeing horrendous things, which you appreciate, but you also wish he would let you go crazy and stupid. you know, for the plot.
  your cute angel boyfriend may think you to be the most delicate dove in the whole world, but you also can’t help but hold him close to prevent him from flying away. he holds you against him with his wings covering over you so you can rest easy. he’s not going anywhere.
sunghoon- siren
  sunghoon has no intention of drawing anybody into his waters, but when he sees you on the sand he can’t help but stare. when you lock eyes with him, he knows it’s wrong to tempt and tease you, but he’s selfish by nature and he wants you all to himself. you must forgive him for this.
  you are his most valuable treasure.
  when you’ve submerged yourself into the water and make it to his arms, he sings to you. he holds you tightly and carries you across the waves and you both fall in love together in the deep, salty waters that you don’t even realize you’re in right now. he brings you back to the sand, kisses your legs and hands all the way up to you forehead, but your lips are left lonely. he makes you a promise. till death do you part and you shall see him again.
  surprisingly enough, the next time you see sunghoon is on land with two legs. of course, you question him and he laughs at your innocence, “yes, my love, i can walk”. the shocked expression on your face is too cute. he kisses your nose and you shyly hide yourself in his chest. he finds the way your cheeks heat up magical. sunghoon is a siren that hides upon humans before he makes his way back to his home sweet home, the chilling sea.
  dating sunghoon obviously entails walks on the beach while the sun sets. he loves watching the moon rise with you, loves the way you look when the light hits your pretty face. he always sings you songs. karaoke at least twice a week is definitely a must. he loves hearing your voice too, whether you’ve been singing for 15 years or 5 months, he loves it. he loves to tease you. loves the way he can fluster you just by staring at you for a bit too long. it gives him a huge ego boost. the way you melt into his touch makes him sore, he feels like he’s become a creature of the land, sea, and sky. when he does go back into his waters, he misses you. longs for the hours in which he can see you again. he loves when you visit him so he can swim with you and hold you for just a bit longer. you find that sunghoon likes to be up at night. you find that usually he comes to you in the late afternoon or at night. he brings you beautiful jewelry and treasures. pearl necklaces and pearl embroidered dresses. gorgeous hand held mirrors and diamond earrings. how he obtained the items is something you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about. he loves to spoil you rotten. when you do see him during the day, he just wants to cuddle up against you and rest.
  being lovers of different domains is hard, but to sunghoon, loving you is the easiest thing he’s ever done. to him, you’re more valuable than all the jewels in the world combined. 
sunoo- dragon
  you should not be in this cavern alone all by yourself. this you know, but cannot bring yourself to care. you’re far too curious to stop now. but when you’re deep into the cavern, you see something glow in the distance. you walk closer, too close, and you hear a loud growl. which makes you jump back. there that stares as you is a fierce dragon. he inches closer and closer to you as you tremble in fear. he asks what you’re after, to which you panicked and told him you were just nosy and thought this was where your peers were meeting to share their secrets.
  he looks at you quizzically and sighs before he turns into a much smaller man.
  although he’s still bigger than you, almost towers over you and his shoulder span is twice as big as yours, it’s still much less anxiety-inducing than a big fire breathing dragon.
  especially because he’s gorgeous.
  he gives you a death glare that has your knees weak. he rolls his eyes at your shameless display of attraction before he takes your hand and pulls you, guiding you out of the cavern. to sunoo’s surprise, you keep talking. you ask him questions, ask him about what he does, tell him about your life, and sunoo would like to say he doesn’t care, but he does. a lot. when he leads you out, you promise him you’ll be back. he gives no visible reaction, but inside he smiles a little bit. your warm his heart.
  your boyfriend would describe human beings as incompetent and selfish beings—minus you, of course—and you tell him he should be more open minded, but sunoo has dealt with (and severely injured) a great many humans that don’t know their place. you think it’s cute. you call him your hot emo boyfriend, something sunoo thinks is annoying and corny but he endures it for you. he’s snappy, takes no shit. he’s more patient with you, but the average worthless human being that tried it with him? it takes everything in him not to burn their eyebrows off. thank god he has you. if not, he’d probably burn your city to the ground. he’s also grateful, but concerned that you find his temper attractive. perhaps he should send you to a therapist.
  his favorite thing is when you think you’re being sneaky and you creep in his cavern while he’s sleeping and slip yourself between his body and his tail and cuddle up against him, falling asleep until he wakes you up. he finds it adorable. he loves to guard you with his tail. loves how safe and secure you feel around him. despite what others might think, sunoo is incredibly caring. before you leave the house he makes sure you’ve got yourself together. tidies up and smooths out your clothes, tucks your hair behind you ear if it’s down and makes sure it’s out of your face. he cooks for you, cleans with you, and makes sure you’re safe and happy.
  although sunoo usually hates being disturbed, he’s glad you woke him up that day. because of you, he always has something to look forward to. and if he can help it, for the rest of your day’s you’ll always have someone to protect you…and someone to burn the hair off your enemies.
jungwon- fairy
  the leaves and sticks crunch beneath your feet and you find a place in the forest where the sun’s light seems to beam down brighter than the rest of the forest. the sun feels nice on your skin. you take in the smooth air and breath out, content.
  when you turn around, you see a man with beautiful translucent wings that glitter yellow, but the tips of his wings are pink. he looks at you wide eyed. his smiles before he runs up to you, taking you in his arms and spinning you around, “oh my god, a human! you’re sososososososo cute~~”, he goes on and on excitedly. he sits you on his lap, inspecting every aspect of you from your cute little nose to your pretty eyes to how ticklish you are. you truly are the most adorable thing he’s ever laid his eyes on. unfortunately–or fortunately, i should say–because of fairies interest in humans, he’s decided that you are his human and his only, like a little kitten he gets to love and take care of! it’s a dream come true. 
  he takes you deeper into his side of the forest, where jungwon’s fairy friends come up to you both and ask about you in awe. when they try to touch you though, he swats them away and hisses at them…you had no idea fairies had fangs… .when you tell him you must go home, his face falls for a second before he smiles again and says you may go, so long as he get to go with you. and when his wings flutter happily and he’s bouncing, how could you say no?
  although jungwon has declared that you are his cute little human that he shall protect and care for, outside of the forest, you find yourself being the one watching over him. you no longer allow candy in the house because if it’s in a 10 mile radius jungwon will eat it all, resulting in a very sugar high fairy bouncing off your walls. before jungwon had a concept of human society, he went inside of a candy store and ransacked the place…never had you imagined yourself in a police station like this. it didn’t help that jungwon kept asking the cops about scary criminal stories and why and what a taser was for. they ended up letting him go on a warning. being around a lot of humans is also very exciting for jungwon…but he had no concept of personal space. he used to go up to random people and inspect them, pointing out his observations to you. he did this especially when he saw pretty humans, which made you a little jealous but he assured you that you were the prettiest, most adorable human in the world. 
  in the forest, he is much more protective and possessive. no other fairy is allowed within 10 feet of you and touching you is a crime punishable by death. though, he doesn’t like other humans touching you either, he’s more lenient with them. one unlucky human tried to kiss your cheek and almost got his face bitten off…never happened again. and of course, he takes you flying across the sky.
  to jungwon, you are the most precious thing in the world, his most prized possession from the moment he met you. and although he believes your his little baby, you know he’s just as much your baby as you are his.
niki- vampire
  niki is very clumsy for a vampire, if he’s being honest.
  he’s trying hard to beat the edward allegations, but perhaps he should learn how to prioritize because while he’s growling and tearing up in the woods, ripping bark off trees to chew on to dull the ache in his teeth he makes eye contact with a very pretty person, watching him in awe. awkwardly, he spits the bark out of his mouth, his glowing red eyes still looking at you. he tries to think of anything to ease the tension, so he asks you if you come here often. to his surprise, you say yes. you ask why he’s chewing tree bark to which he, embarrassed, says “i’m teething..”
  you coo.
  you come up to him and ask to see his fangs. you ask him if it hurts. he kicks the dirt under his shoes and nods. he licks them and takes a blood substitute for kids box out of his pocket.
  you think he’s so cute. he thinks it’s annoying how you’re cooing at him when you’re a foot shorter than him but he loves the positive attention. you drag him to a target. he notes how small your hand is in his and squeezes it a little harder. you take him to the wooden spoons. you give him one to chew on and take him back to the checkout, where you scan it out and pay. now he shouldn’t have to rip the bark off trees. niki promises to repay you, writing his phone number in your phone before he takes off because his mom was gonna kill him for being out at 1 in the morning.
  niki loves to visit you at your window at night. he’ll tap on it lightly and wait for you to answer. he asks how you are, if you’re safe and if any other vampires have tried to mess with you, to which you giggle and tell him no. he loves to sit and cuddle with you, of course he prefers to be big spoon, but if you pout and say please he’ll give you anything you ask, even if little spoon is embarrassing for him. you spend a good amount of time teasing him, but when he teases you back, suddenly, you’re quiet and he loves it. he loves to pinch your cheeks and carry you on his back. he loves knowing you can depend on him. niki’s very soft with you so you often forget he possesses superhuman strength. a man made the mistake of putting his arm around you and ended up in the hospital with broken ribs once… .he gets shy asking if he can feed off you. he feels bad about it even when you assure him it’s fine. after he’s done, he makes sure you’re taken care of. licks your wounds to the speed up the healing process and gives you a little snack with juice before he cuddles you and soothes you to sleep.
  niki’s very clumsy for a vampire, but his love and devotion to you comes to him as naturally as breathing does. he will love you till the end of time.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
i am so down for learnin more about R 👀👀
Especially the idea of them and fast food reader catchin up on stuff R didnt get a chance to do???
Chefs kiss for R or maybe just even regular smooches for R
R was born June 1st, 1981 and went missing on the 2nd of June, 2002. This is important to mention not just to give a timeline to his short period alive, but also because he was a huge Scooby-Doo fan and really looking forward the live action film coming out around that time [June 14th]
Fast Food Reader unwinds from a stressful day, and rewards R for good behavior (aka going one day without slapping their ass with a dish rag) by wheeling in the tv used for training tapes and popping in a copy of Scooby-Doo - chilling with R as they watch it. Grabs the blankets they keep in their locker and sets up a little fort in the break room with popcorn and everything. Being the saint they are, Reader may offer to let him use their body so he can enjoy the snacks himself, but R wants to experience everything with them and snatches some poor suckers body to use. Reader doesn't understand why any of their coworkers like them, but then they do shit like this that reminds R a little of what he used to be and fall deeper in love with them with the humanity they've restored in him.
If Reader ever shows him what's new Scooby-Doo they would try to kill him again because he wouldn't stop singing the theme song.
R watches from behind the counter as you push the tarp covered trolley into the break room. After cleaning up for the day, you've been in and out of the room without saying much to him or answering his questions. The slam of a locker door and your shoes clicking across the hard floor draw you back to his spot as you fling your bag over your shoulder. You present the item retrieved from within, picking off the plastic film wrapped around the box.
"Hey, I'm done with work and still have a couple hours on the clock. Wanna watch this movie with me? Brought it for you."
"For me?" The confusion in his tone is genuine - still laced with that snarky tone he's known for. "What's the occasion? If you wanted to take me out on a date you could've been a little more romantic with your approach."
"Don't play dumb. You've been muttering lyrics to hex girls songs since I started working here when you think nobody is around. Took a while to figure out where they were from, but it's from a Scooby-Doo film so I thought you'd be interested in watching one with me."
R inspects the box art closer. There is something vaguely familiar about the girl with the orange sweater. Had a crush on someone just because they had the same square glasses and brown hair. That lovable, scared-cat mutt and his equally as jumpy human companion. He and his little brother used to have week long fights to see who got to be who for Halloween... They've taken on a different look, but they're still them. And he's still him. The same young adult who lept over the moon when he first saw that poster hung on the wall of his local theater.
"Got some popcorn and junk in the back. You can use my body for a minute if you want some. Try to make me strip in front of the bathroom mirrors and I will call an exorcist."
"While I appreciate the offer, there's no need." Leaping over the counter, R zips pass you and straight for locked front doors - phasing through the glass and into the body of the understandably terrified customer you chose to ignore as you closed up early. Their eyes briefly widen with fear before glossing over. R stretches, popping the stiff joints in his new body as he rounds the building - leaping through the still open drive through window. He strolls over to you, flashing that wide smile that looked bizarre on a living human face.
"I'm sure I'm better looking as I am, but this body doing anything for you?~"
"Whatever - let's just go."
His stolen heart leaps as you take his hand and pull him along with you to the back. It continues to pound in his ears as you enter the bathroom and take your seat on the floor, sitting shoulder to shoulder with him in the little fort you made using chair and old tablecloths. You take a blanket left on the floor and throw some of it in his lap as you pick up the remote.
Reese looks down at his legs. He looks over at your hand still in his and squeezes it tighter. He fainty remembers the warmth of a high school crushes touch, but there's something different about it this time. The angry swarm of butterflies he felt in his stomach then are calm in the same way his mind is whenever he hears your voice.
"Yeah... I am...."
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hope you uh don't mind me asking again i thought of something different can you do something spicy where y/n dresses up as joker but like a sexy version with the makeup and wig foe her halloween costume up to you but was wondering what that would be like between the two
His Lighthouse: Happy uhh Halloween? (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Happy uhh Halloween? - Oneshot
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Hi @jokerslittlepage I am so sorry this oneshot is ten days late!! but I spent the entire day to make sure you enjoy a little slice of October at the end of July! I love writing female!Joker... hehe might revisit this reoccurring idea later... anyhoo I hope you enjoy!!
two oneshots down four more to go!! The next one is super fluff! 🖤✨Wanna be included in the His Lighthouse journey? Join the taglist!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Halloween is a big deal in the L/n household.
You always won best costume at school, the house (both indoors and out) was always eloquently decorated and you lived, ate, and slept, Spooky day vibes.
Your mother made sure the surrounding neighbors understood the assignment and participated to the best of their abilities. It wasn't just about candy and scaring people, oh no. This was a lifestyle. Now that you were away from home, you were stoked to continue the tradition even if you were the only one to enjoy it.
Joker was rather curious when you dragged out totes from storage on September 30th and willingly climbed your ladder to hang cobwebs, giant spiders, and the like from the rafters.
Not once did you trip or ask for help. He was impressed to say the least.
Overnight, your bright and cheery penthouse was transformed into a haunting decrypted shell of itself.
Anything colorful was converted out for shades of black or silver with red being the only pop of color. You moved your plants into the sunroom but the creepy vines and black elephant ear remained. For the next month, your abode would convey peak Halloween energy.
The entire apartment building participated too and decorated the main lobby and elevator for the month. It was cute and focused mainly on pumpkins and ghosts. Definitely not your style.
But for Halloween night, everything was dedicated to the trick-or-treaters within the building.
Each apartment floor had a theme and boasted fun little activities for the youth. You made it publicly known at the September community meeting, your floor would be the one to visit.
As soon as you got off the elevator, the short hallway leading up to your black front door was decorated to perfection. Even Joker was caught off guard when he came home.
The lights were turned off and you placed keep out signs, hung more cobwebs from the ceiling, and scattered dried up leaves on the hardwood floors.
The small table you had in the hallway was replaced with an gothic altar that held a cauldron of dried ice that pooled onto the floor and really gave off the haunted vibe you crafted so wonderfully. A fog machine nearby was pumping the rest of the area with smoke. Red and black candles littered the hallway, providing just enough light to see where you were going but no more.
Joker was thoroughly impressed by your haunted hallway in all of its glory.
It was eerie and completely unlike your normal setup. He was used to bright lights and a fresh display of flora on the table before entering your penthouse, not this.
You warned Joker to stay away for the day while you entertained children and their parents stopping by but when did he ever listen? He stuck around the area just in case you needed him.
Since the day was over, he came home.
He made it to the front door but stopped when he saw it was cracked open. His natural instincts were on high alert, already thinking the worst.
He knew for a fact that wasn't part of the decorations. You always kept your door locked.
Granted you were excited as of late, you weren't that careless to forget to close the door. The entire month you fangirled over your Halloween costume and barred Joker from seeing what you would be wearing.
'It's a surprise!' You would say as another component was delivered to the penthouse or 'You'll see it online when I post pictures!'
This morning you did in fact post pictures of your costume. It was a character from another popular book ,right down to the outlandish wig and custom shoes.
That's what you were so hush hush about? Big yawn.
Little did Joker know, you had two Halloween costumes this year. One was strictly for public view, the other.. well. Joker would see it very soon.
You knew Joker wouldn't stay away for too long so after the last trick-or-treater left, you quickly changed to begin your surprise for Joker.
You left the front door open knowing he would panic and left him a trail to follow. Another cauldron/fog machine in the main foyer to your apartment made everything distorted.
It was dark in here too but candelabras were scattered about offering limited light for Joker's search.
Just how many candles did you buy? Wasn't this some kind of fire hazard? And where were you?
Joker wanted to call out your name as he slowly searched your apartment but stopped himself. He knew the floor plan by heart and if there was an intruder inside, he'd rather keep the element of surprise and stay quiet.
The living room and beyond was empty so he moved onto the dining room and kitchen. Right as Joker was clearing the pantry, he felt a presence behind him.
He swung and hit nothing but air as your giggles echoed throughout the room. "Come and catch me..."
So his bunny wanted to play hide and seek? He grinned and followed your stifled giggles towards his bedroom. The door was closed but he could see the glow of light underneath. The entire apartment was decorated for October but you didn't touch his room.
At least you hadn't when he left this morning. When Joker opened the door, he knew you had been busy.
More candelabras were lit, giving the place a soft intimate glow, and black lace and cobwebs hung from the ceiling around the bed like a canopy. Not a speck of color was to be found and you had black rose petals scattered all over the floor. He expected you to be on the bed since you were always one for theatrics.
Yet you were nowhere to be found. Did he mishear the door closing? Maybe his Light was good at hiding after all.
Joker clicked his tongue and turned to leave when he (almost) ran face first into..
It took everything in him not to hit you. Joker quickly backed away but not before his jaw fell open in disbelief.
Joker was at a loss for words and of course you teased him for it. "What? Is there something wrong with my uh.. face? Is it the scars? Wanna know how I got 'em?"
You smiled wide, exposing your pearly whites. His eyes scanned your body, completely speechless. He didn't know whether to be turned on or disturbed by your getup.
On one side, you were a literal vixen but it was something off putting about seeing your doppelganger. Especially genderbent.
Was it weird to be attracted to himself? Was that a thing?
Your normal voluptuous curls were gone and replaced with long green hair. You incorporated braids into the do' to keep the bangs off your forehead since your entire face was painted in Joker's signature white greasepaint.
Your makeup was dark and dramatic with a smokey eye and a winged eyeliner so sharp that it could cut him if he weren't careful. You let the black eyeshadow extend past your eyes and fade down to your cheekbones.
It was simply phenomenal but your mouth was where J drew the line.
Joker feared you went too far and did the unthinkable.
Your beautiful face was now disfigured and still wet with blood. You arched an eyebrow at Joker's pain stricken face. He didn't like your cosplay after you spent all day putting it together.
You rolled your eyes, (it took him a minute to notice they were green) and smacked your red lips. "Oh? Do... ya not like iT?" You even adopted his speech pattern. This was all too much to take in.
"Y/n... "
You didn't give him a chance to speak. You roughly pushed Joker down into a chair. He was appalled by the audacity but also mildly turned on by it.
Was this just a Halloween costume or did you fully commit yourself to this? He was unsure and weighted out the possibilities of his Light actually gone insane.
It was something about seeing you in a tight black corset and matching leather pants splattered with blood that did things to him. Your curves were on full display in the tight material and you oozed confidence.
He swallowed loudly and avoided your gaze.
You didn't like that. You straddled Joker's thighs and ran your hands from his shoulders down to his chest. "You look tense. What's the matter hmm?"
You grabbed his face, jerking it so he faced you, and demanded that he answer. You saw the wheels turning in Joker's head. Would he play along or put a stop to things before they began?
He was too confused to decide. "Bunny.. Y/n. What's gotten into you?" Joker asked.
He let his hands roam over your leather clad thighs until you spoke up.
"Oh her. She's... err gone for the night. I'm afraid you're stuck with meeee." You rolled your hips into Joker's with an airy moan. "And I think you're quite okay with that.."
You grinded down on Joker's hard on and trailed kisses down his neck. You tugged at his hair and he couldn't stop the moan that escaped his throat.
"See? You want this. Relax, J. I'll make you feel gooood."
In the blink of an eye, you clicked a knife open and cut Joker's shirt right down the center. Your knife skills weren't perfect like J's and you accidentally nicked his skin. Without thinking, you licked the red welt clean of blood.
He saw red on your tongue as you licked your lips making him groan. Joker was breathing hard but you could see the uncertainty still in his jade eyes.
Why was he turned on by this? What was wrong with him? He should be concerned about your mental health!
"Y/n? I uhhh gotta ask. Are they.. did you.. You know?"
Joker ran his thumb against the jagged cut that began at the apples of your cheeks and stopped at the corner of your lip. He sighed when you sucked his thumb into your mouth. God, you were such a tease. And your mouth was so warm too.
You asked him coyly. "Do you want them to be real, J?"
Did he? Heavens no! Joker liked you the way you are! He pulled you into a hug and let his hesitations be known. 
"Never. I like my Light the way she is. Please.. tell me you didn't cut your face baby doll.." J cupped your cheek and stared into your contact colored eyes.
It was just prosthetic makeup but Joker didn't need to know that. If he thought your costume was that real, then kudos to you! You tried to stifle your laugh but failed terribly.
And that seemed to make things worse.
Watching you laugh uncontrollably dressed up as himself, Joker was beyond worried. He was about to shake some sense into you when you finally had enough.
You did your best interpretation of Joker's growl and fought his hold to pin his wrists to the armrest. The moment Joker heard a distinctive metal clicking sound, he flipped out.
"What the f__k, Y/n?" He shouted until you shut him up with a kiss.
"Shhhh. Since ya don't wanna.. re-lax, I'll make ya by force. Oh someone's maddd." You giggled.
Joker exhaled through his nose and tried breaking free of the handcuffs but they didn't budge. There wasn't a pair in Gotham City that could hold him but these must be new. Just what kind were they? He struggled some more and didn't notice you undoing his belt until you started removing his pants.
"Should've done this earlier but.. I have such a stubborn pet. I'll have to switch my plans around." His neck nearly snapped in half, hearing you call him a pet. 
You grunted as you finally pulled Joker's pants off. They disappeared somewhere in the candle lit room as you fell to your knees in front of him. From his seated position, Joker could admire your cleavage spilling out of your corset and your curvaceous backside if he turned his head to the side. This outfit of yours was killing him.
He was left in his boxer briefs with a noticeable bulge poking through the dark fabric. Your mouth watered just by looking at it.
He refused to be handcuffed like some submissive lover.
"Bunny, last change. Take these off. Now." Joker warned.
Screw your plans! He.. he was not enjoying this. Such a shame his body said otherwise. Joker's dick was straining against his briefs and you instantly took pity on him.
"Ya want me to take these off? Sure thing handsome."
You dipped your fingers into the waistband of his underwear and tugged. You laughed when J's cock hit your face after being set free. "Such an eager pet! This all for me?" You kisses the tip and Joker hissed.
"Careful now, Y/n. Y-You're playing a dangerous game." He said.
Two pairs of green eyes met in a stand-off. One was filled with unbridled lust, whereas the other, pure mischief. It was rare that Joker let you be in charge so you seized this opportunity while it lasted. So what if he punishes you later?
You secretly loved punishments from Joker.
You licked Joker from base to tip before swirling your tongue around the head. And just like you anticipated, J went wild.
He bucked his hips up and bit his lip to stifle the deep groan he wanted to let out. That mouth of yours was a tease. Why didn't he let you suck him off more often? It felt like the first time all over again; it had been so long.
"Yesssss Princess. Just... just like that." He wanted to guide you but you had his hands cuffed to the chair. "Ohhhh you planned this didn't ya? Naughty girl... get it wet."
You smiled and slapped Joker's fat head on your tongue. You managed to respond with a uh huh, noise right before you relaxed your jaw and took J down your throat.
"F__k meee! All of it! All. Of. It. Yes, that's it, there ya go, doll!" Joker groaned your name when his head bumped against the back of your throat, making you gag a bit.
He didn't care that your makeup was rubbing off on his thighs, feeling your hot mouth wrapped around his dick was oh so worth it.
You swallowed around Joker's dick a few times until you had to breathe. With a sharp gasp, you let him slip out of your mouth. Joker was now shiny with your spit and you stroked him with your hand as you caught your breath.
He looked down and noticed you were already staring. Your contacts were pretty but he loved your natural eye color more. It was like staring in a mirror. You looked so sexy dressed up like him.
"I wanna grab your hair... use that mouth of yours. Ruin you.."
You kissed Joker's inner thighs and laughed. "Ruin me? Why... that's exactly what I'm gonna do to you, J." You squeezed his cock tighter and began to jerk him off faster.
Joker tried to hold back his desire but your hands were so soft stroking his cock. Your body was so sexy all dolled up in leather and splattered red. Your smile was so inviting even if he questioned if the scars were real...
You had an air of confidence and he was drowning in your allure. He was so close didn't care how loud he was.
Joker letting go right as you stopped and leaned away. His eyes shot open to see your smug grin.
"Oh bunny, you are cruel." He pulled at his restraints to no avail and groaned. "When I get these uh, handcuffs off, you're gonna get iT."
He gasped when you stroked his tip until a tiny bead of cum emerged to the surface. It was torture he never felt before. Being worked up only to be thoroughly let down. What were you doing to him?
You made sure to keep eye contact with Joker as you licked up his precum. His poor tip was turning red, he was so wound up. It matched Joker's rosy cheeks with each heavy drag of air that he took.
"I'm sorry. Did ya say something, J?" You teased.
You wondered how many times you could bring Joker to the edge and snatch it away before he finally snapped?
You scratched your purple fingernail down Joker's shaft. He huffed out a curse with an unexpected moan. You saw a vein throb from the sensation and giggled. This was so much fun!
You gripped him again and began a slow, leisurely pace, as you thought aloud.
"I gave out sooo many tootsie pops today, I wonder. Just how many... uhhh licks does it take to get to the creamy center? Let's find out.."
You opened your mouth and took Joker's cock right down to the base in one go. He was too far gone to care about what you said, the pleasure had a way of overriding everything. He threw his head back and let you take charge for a change.
He'd regret letting you call the shots later. Once you got a taste of power, you'd force his hand again.
Joker tugged at his restraints, feeling powerless to your desire. It wasn't the worst situation he'd been in but still.
Your mouth was bobbing up and down his length in wet, sloppy pulls that forced him closer and closer to the peak that he needed to fall from. You edged him long enough.
Joker could feel the white hot coils slowly tearing apart and they threatened to take him under but once again, you stopped.
Joker cursed up a storm amidst your chuckles. You licked your lips clean and stood to your feet but grabbed J's face to calm him down.
"Shhhh, shhhh, pet. Don't worry. You'll get to cum. Yeah.. Right now." You let him go so you could shimmy out of your skin tight pants.
He groaned discovering you weren't wearing any underwear. He called out your name, making you look up.
"I need ya, doll.  M-Make me feel good, yeah? You said you would. Be a good girl then and do it."
It was the closest thing to pleading that Joker was gonna do. He was desperate enough to even ask.
He looked so helpless sitting in handcuffs with his swollen dick rutting up into the air, searching for any type of stimuli to get off.
Joker wasn't broken– you doubted he would ever submit to anyone, (you included) but he was delirious with pleasure. It was time to put him out of his misery.
You were about to undo your corset but Joker snapped at you, "Leave. It. On. I need you, now."
The sheer need in his voice had you scrambling into his lap and sinking down on his cock without hesitation. The both of you cried out at the stretch. Joker was already on the brink and feeling your pussy welcoming him inside its wet warmth was making him dizzy. He didn't know you had edged yourself before he came home in preparation.
None of that mattered right now.
You secured a grip on Joker's shoulders and started bouncing on his dick. There was no rhythm or tactic, just pure instinct hurdling you straight into an orgasm as Joker lost control and burst into your pussy.
He said your name like it was both a blessing and a curse.
He never came this much in his entire life. Black dots clouded his vision and his body felt fever hot. Tremors wracked his body as you continued to slam your pussy down over and over on his spent cock.
"Bunny... bunny... s-stop!" A moan got caught in his throat when he felt another orgasm rushing to the surface.
This had to be magic. There was no way he could cum again. You were a literal witch.
He bit down on your neck as the both of you came together. You sagged your weight onto J as the both of you floated in an afterglow. Joker's gaze was fixed on the ceiling as he came to terms with what just happened.
He literally just had sex with himself. The situation sounded so absurd that he burst out laughing.
You lifted your head in confusion. Joker simmered his mirth down to admire your beautiful face painted in white.
"What's so funny?" You asked.
Joker sighed and rolled his neck. You were gonna love this one.
"If that's how you uhhh celebrate Hallo-ween. I'm looking forward to next year's festivities. But! For now.. can ya hehe, get me outta these cuffs, baby doll?"
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stirthewaters · 8 months
Any HCs for Baby Enid and Baby Wednesday?
FIRSTLY, Enid is as already established, a CHEWER
Like, she was already regressed but she’s a werewolf so she’s like 2x stronger (idk the exact logistics-)
So alongside Wednesday’s teethers and chewies she ALSO has some reinforced specially made ones that Yoko got her!! Some of them even have strawberry scents or little stuffed animals attached to them like those newborn pacifiers :>
Sometimes they wanna color together so they’ll share a single coloring book page 🥺
Hence Yoko finding a sheet on the floor of a dinosaur with bats and ghosts drawn around it and bright pink scales
Yeah that one went on the fridge for sure
They just really like matching in general, more so pattern wise then designs
Yoko also bought them a littlespace journal each and alongside the normal stickers, coloring etc that goes in them, sometimes they’ll swap and draw each other pictures
Enid is somewhat more crafty than Wednesday, due to having a little bit older little age than Wednesday and her knack for it outside of littlespace
So she likes making all sorts of neat little toys and tricks for the little seer, both out AND in littlespace
Yoko helped her make a little bat plush for Wednesday (bc she’s still not exactly trusted with the sewing machine when regressed)
And because Wednesday isn’t very crafty, in response she LOVES given the wolf cuddles whenever she can
Just imagine the two doggy-piled on top of each other, asleep, pacis in mouths, that’s what Yoko walks in on most of the time
When the two aren’t running around the place like crazy they LOVEEE napping
Mostly Wednesday, but Enid finds the seer’s cold body temp comforting and Wednesday likes the body heat from the werewolf.
I’m talking pillows, blankets, stuffies, pacis, the whole shebang
And they loveeee doing it with Yoko 🥺
Deeper stuff below the cut?
The two also like being changed next to each other!
I mean, they’re basically glued to each other and Yoko, why not this?
So they’ll pick out the prints they want, and Yoko will help set out the changing mats for them!!
Spooky Halloween one for Wednesday and pastel colors for Enid
It’s also helpful for each other because they’re kinda a distraction for each other when they get squirmy
And oh god sometimes when Bianca is there to help she’ll wave RATTLES above their heads to keep them distracted?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Also I’m really into the idea of them getting to pick out their own creams and lotions and prints, just to be more involved if that makes sense
Like, a Sesame Street themed pack of wipes alongside some ghostbusters print lotion-
Headcannoning that Wednesday also likes ghostbusters when little-
Went on longer than I expected, genuinely impressed with myself, thx for the ask 🫶🫶🫶
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sohemotional · 2 years
My Brittana/Glee Fics - Masterlist
Ongoing/Incomplete Fics
Leo and Aquarius
"Brittany and Santana are like the North Star; you're always going back to each other." - Naya Rivera
A collection of Brittana-themed one shots, some canon compliant-ish, some in AUs, showing Santana and Brittany’s love for each other in every universe.
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The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine
After her breakup with Brittany, Santana is lonely and struggling to cope with life in the big city. The last thing Santana expects is for Brittany to show up at her door and tell her she’s pregnant with their baby.
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Snow Angel
Santana and her little sister Rachel are rich, spoiled college girls who go to a ski resort during their winter vacation. The siblings aren’t all that athletic but Santana is determined to show off her skills and fails spectacularly. Meeting flirty, super hot ski instructor Brittany makes everything a lot better for her. (Discontinued/On Hiatus)
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A Walking Study In Demonology
Years after the tragic death of their father, Santana asks Rachel to join her on a mission to save their missing mother before it’s too late. Despite being from a family of hunters, Santana can’t seem to resist the allure of a seductive blonde, blue-eyed enchantress called Brittany along the way. Inspired by Supernatural.
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Santana, a firebender and the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation falls in love with ditzy, eccentric airbender Brittany of all people, much to the surprise of the nation. Brittana ATLA AU
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My Love’s Like The Warmth of the Sun (One Shot Anthology)
Part I: Brittany gets a terrible sunburn during a Glee Club field trip to the beach and it's up to Santana to take care of her. Back in their hotel room, the two can't seem to keep their hands off of each other anyway. A collection of summer-themed Brittana one-shots.
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Completed Fics
My Name Is No (You Need to Let It Go)
Santana is an egotistical celebrity who instantly falls head over heels in love with Brittany and tries anything to get her attention but the coy blonde keeps playing hard to get. Can she make Brittany fall for her too?
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That Don't Impress Me Much
Brittany is tired of being taken advantage of by selfish, egotistical jerks, so she makes a plan with her friend Tina that she can make some idiot fall for her and then ditch them after she has had her fun. Her plans backfire when she’s swept off her feet by arrogant yet surprisingly sweet celebrity Santana Lopez. (Companion piece to My Name is No, told through Brittany's POV)
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The Ghost in You
Brittany begins flirting with a lonely, mischievous ghost she meets through her Ouija board. Brittana AU Halloween Fic
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Are You My Other Mom?/Single Mom!Brittany AU
Brittany’s a single mom with a six year old son who can’t stand any of his mommy’s boyfriends and girlfriends. Now that she’s dating “mommy stealing” Santana, he’s determined to drive her away but Santana has other ideas.
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Tell Her About It
A confused and heartbroken teenaged Santana gets love life advice from an unlikely source on Valentine's Day. Pre-Season 1 Brittana
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My Future Wife
After being dumped by her boyfriend, Brittany, a naïve and innocent girl from the 1980s with a secret time machine in her garage embarks on a quest to find her perfect husband or wife from the future. In modern times, she meets a cynical Santana Lopez who comes from the wrong side of the tracks and doesn't believe true love exists.
Can these two opposites attract? A.k.a. the Glee Meets “Blast From The Past” AU that absolutely no one asked for.
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Grumpy Cat
Brittany is a waitress at an old-fashioned diner and Santana is the grouchiest guest they’ve ever had. Even though everyone warns her away from the bad-tempered woman, the blonde is determined to make Santana smile, if it’s the last thing she does.
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Breaking Girl Code (Two Shot)
Girl Code Rule #1: Don’t fall for your best friend’s sibling. Too bad Brittany has already broken it.
Rachel and Santana are sisters but they couldn’t be more opposite in personality. Much to the preppy good girl’s confusion, Rachel’s cheerleader best friend Brittany has a huge crush on the brunette’s badass older sister and will stop at nothing to get her attention.
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5 Times Santana and Brittany Didn’t Have a Baby (And One Time They Actually Did) (Two Shot)
Ever since they were six, Brittany has always been planning their future babies but Santana isn’t entirely sure she’s ready to be a mom. Maybe she can be convinced otherwise…
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Put A Ring On It (One Shot, Canon Divergence)
What would happen if Santana had been honest about still having deep feelings for Brittany when the blonde moved on to a new boyfriend? A jealous Santana confronts Brittany and tells her how she really feels after her duel with Sam in the auditorium. An alternative take on 4x13 Diva.
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I Won’t Say I’m In Love (One Shot)
Santana refuses to ever admit she has feelings for Brittany... yet when the bubbly blonde goes on a date with someone else, Santana can't resist following her to "scope out" the competition and makes a total fool of herself when Brittany catches her.
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I’m Just The Villain (One Shot)
After Santana storms out when Rachel and the rest of the New Directions insult her, Brittany is the only one who goes to her. Santana is desperate to know if the girl hates her as much as everyone else seems to. Set during Silly Love Songs.
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Firestarter (Two Shot)
Santana has two secrets that no one in the world can find out about. One is the fact that she’s head over heels in love with her best friend. The other is that she has the superhuman ability to create fire from thin air.
Exposure to a strange, red meteor rock gives Santana the ability to create fire and now it’s threatening to burn her up from the inside out unless she admits her true feelings for Brittany.
Read on AO3 (Part II of Kryptonite Verse)
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight Now (One Shot)
Brittany thinks they should go to the Glee Club's Christmas Eve party but grumpy Santana just wants to do Christmas in bed with her girlfriend instead. When Santana turns up the charm, the coy blonde can't resist her lover's seductive side.
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Be Your Teenage Dream Tonight (One Shot)
Brittany and Santana decide to do a duet together after all but on Santana’s terms with the song "Teenage Dream." Their performance doesn't go the way Santana expects. Set during Glee 2x04 Duets.
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Make Love, Not War (Two Shot, AU)
A scandal ensues on Mount Olympus when the least loved deity, Santana, goddess of war, is caught in flagrante delicto with Brittany the goddess of love, who’s married to Artie, god of blacksmiths. Brittana Greek Mythology AU
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The Kissing Disease (One Shot)
When Santana gets the flu, it's up to Brittany to play nurse and make sure she gets better. A sick Santana is a force to be reckoned with but the last thing the blonde girl expects is for her best friend to start confessing her secret love for her in her feverish state. Season 1 Era Brittana
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When A Black Cat Crosses Your Path (One Shot, AU)
Tina puts a hex on Santana and turns her into a cat. The only way to undo the spell and return to her human body is to find someone who loves her and love them in return before the full moon...but who could ever love the aggressive, beastly Santana?
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Santana and her babies all come down with a cold at the same time and caring for sick, whiny Lopezes is no easy feat. Supermom Brittany to the rescue!
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Making Out in 7-Eleven (One Shot AU)
Santana has always had a huge crush on her childhood friend's older sister, Brittany but is too shy to admit it. A trip to the local convenience store somehow changes everything. Brittana AU
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Other Glee Fics/Other Ships
Nice Guys Finish First
Golden boy quarterback Finn just wants to run with the popular crowd and that means pulling pranks on Rachel Berry with his friends shouldn’t bother him, right? Except despite what everyone tells him, Finn can’t help but feel guilty. Getting stuck alone with a half naked Rachel Berry in the girls' locker room while trying to rescue her from a humiliating prank wasn’t part of his plan. Pre-Season 1 Finchel AU AO3 Link
Sweet Tooth
Finn is a pastry chef at Carole's Cupcakes who's just trying to make it through the Christmas season while Rachel is a Broadway star playing the lead role in Funny Girl. The two seem to have opposite lives but after an unexpected encounter at the cupcake shop, they discover that they have more in common than you'd think. Finchel AU AO3 Link
I’ll Keep You By My Side (With My Superhuman Might)
Rachel has a habit of getting herself into trouble... good thing her amber-eyed hero is always there to save her in the nick of time.
Years after his falling out with Lex and Lana, Clark is now a happy family man. When Clark and Lois' superpowered teenage son Finn gets close to Lex and Lana's sheltered daughter Rachel, their feuding parents want to keep the two apart. Finchel AU AO3 Link (Part I of Kryptonite Verse)
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susandsnell · 1 year
Movies with Scarecrow vibes?
Ahhh, thank you so much for sending this! This might be long-winded, as I tend to be, but such is the way of Cranerot!
Naturally, Brian de Palma's Carrie. Aside from the plot and thematic matches almost eerily to Scarecrow: Year One to the point I'd be shocked if it wasn't a direct inspiration, de Palma's camp balanced with heartrending drama and tragedy and a horror where nearly everyone involved is a monster has Crane written all over it. I actually have several tracks from the score on my inspiration playlist for when I'm writing him!
Hellraiser (1987)! Jonathan Crane is so, so, so Cenobite-coded (highly recommend @acapelladitty's Cenobite!Crane AU, incidentally)! An old house filled with secrets, a plucky heroine whose sanity is doubted but who wins the day (at a great cost), and creatures that want to bring you to the height of sensation until the joy is inextricable from the anguish...it very much suits his more sensual reverent speeches/quotes about fear. "We have such sights to show you" could so easily be a Scarecrow quote, and likewise, "Eventually, the victim desires the horror" could very believably be a Pinhead line!
Since you mentioned it in The Most Poetical Topic, Night of the Hunter (1955) as a Southern noir quasi-folktale thriller absolutely suits the more charming, insidious iterations of Crane, in atmosphere, setting, antagonist, and in the themes of corrupted religion. The themes of childhood fears and defeating your demons while also struggling with their humanity both suit different phases of Jonathan Crane in his life, and the responses to and from the people he knows and terrorizes.
On the note of the South, O Brother Where Art Thou provides heavy atmosphere that give off Crane vibes, bringing a mythic epic to the setting of his backstory, with the music and monsters therein giving a good feel of everything that built the man and the monster.
Also naturally, many a mad scientist movie! The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari gives us a corrupt asylum director who torments his patients until he eventually becomes one of them, and Re-Animator gives us an actual former Scarecrow actor, Jeffrey Combs, in a very Crane-like role when it comes to being penalized in academica for horrific and unethical experiments. (It's even set in the original Arkham for which Gotham's is named!!) The Fly isn't quite as on point, but it does still give those vibes as well. And although the degree of 'madness' when he plays him is debatable, any of Cushing's roles as any member of the Frankenstein family come to mind since he's very much an old school!Crane figure.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984): yes, yes, 'look out for Mr. Pricky-Fingers', in the words of Codotverse!Scarecrow, but fear gauntlets/needles gloves aside, Freddy is the boogeyman who is literally fed on fears, and he much better gives the feel of a distinctly Scarecrowish tormentor than, say, your average Pennywise or other. Nancy's speech to him at the end is highly reminiscent of those who've managed to successfully stand up to Crane over the years, too.
Halloween (1978): On the note of boogeymen, and other than the "one good scare" quote you yourself have mentioned, I imagine Scarecrow to move and function a lot like Michael Meyers; slow, creeping, inevitable. Every kid in Gotham City thinks this place is haunted. They might be right!
For the pure fanservice of it/JonBecky vibes, let's say both the Lon Chaney and Charles Dance Phantom of the Operas, Death Takes a Holiday (1934), The Shape of Water, and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir inspire how I conceive of the more romantic side of our beloved Scarecrow. I'll throw in Silence of the Lambs as well, since that gives us an incarcerated evil psychiatrist meeting his match in an intrepid young woman involved with the law who he forces to face her formative traumas, but who manages to come out on top despite his machinations.
A few Hitchcocks, honestly! The Birds is outright referenced in Year One and definitely gives life to the visceral horrors he underwent in the old Keeny chapel, whereas Vertigo more in atmosphere and obsession captures a lot of torment he experiences. I also do see shades of crane even in Norman Bates' "private traps" speech!
Thanks so much for sending this along!
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andromebaa · 11 months
Just the Two of Us Horror Inspiration MegaPost
It's nearly Halloween so I'm going to spend an embarrassing amount of time explaining every single horror reference and inspiration in Just the Two of Us that I can recall. I'll try to include links where I can for more context.
Story in General
The biggest inspirations for Just the Two of Us were Silent Hill, Black Mirror and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I've always adored psychological horror and sci-fi horror and I think it reflects in this fic. Chapter 1
One of my favourite Silent Hill games is Silent Hill 4. The game is focused on a man who cannot leave his apartment. The concept of a house that cannot be escaped from is really fascinating to me and I think it played a big inspiration for the house in JtToU. I pretty much consider one of the game's songs, Tender Sugar, the unofficial theme of the fic. Time dilation in fiction is super interesting to me. I don't think it was necessarily a huge inspiration, but The Jaunt is a beautifully creepy short story that probably rolled around in my mind while I was writing this part. Chapter 3 Okay this isn't scary or intentional, but I legitimately cannot read the hydrazine cup scene anymore without thinking about that one scene from The Princess Bride. I can't believe I did not see that sooner and now I can't stop thinking about Kokichi screaming about how Greek philosophers are all morons. Chapter 4
Again, not intentionally a reference, but that scene in The Thing is Kokichi stuck in the chair lmao. Chapter 6
When the fake Shuichi talks to Kaito over the wall, one of his lines was taken directly from Waiting for You, another Silent Hill 4 song. Chapter 7 The short burst of static that Kaito hears from the phone at the end of this chapter was directly inspired by the radio from Silent Hill 2. It spurts out creepy, distorted static when an enemy is nearby. Chapter 8 Okay the good stuff now. This chapter, especially the first half of the house (a distorted version of Kokichi and/or Oma's apartment), was directly inspired by the movie Skinamarink. That movie follows a young child trapped in a house with no windows or doors and a weird, malevolent force lurking over them. I really wanted the whole vibe of that section to reflect this. There was also definitely heavy inspiration from Silent Hill, particularly Lakeview Hotel in Silent Hill 2. The design of Shadow Child was inspired by the Larval Stalkers in Silent Hill 1. Chapter 10 Mani-Kun is a love letter to every single creepy mannequin in every horror game ever. Love you, you absolute freaks <3 Chapter 11 Miu's copy being stuck in P.A.L was definitely inspired by a bunch of different things, especially SOMA and this fantastic animated short To Be. Love some of that existential am I real or just a copy sort of thing. Chapter 12 The horror movie that Kaito mentions during the game of Two Truths and a Lie is Event Horizon. I honestly don't know how he could have sat through it, let alone enjoyed it. He probably had nightmares for weeks afterward. Chapter 13 Miu standing in the corner like a creepy fuck was inspired by the ending of the Blair Witch Project. Her whole transformation was greatly inspired by AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, particularly the whole ghost without a machine idea. Chapter 14 This whole chapter was basically created as if it was a level in Silent Hill and Kaito was the protagonist lmao, especially when he explores the hospital. It even has a boss battle! I feel like the loop and the leech spouting terrifying stuff was definitely inspired by P.T in particular though. The dirty bathroom and the fact they are chained up in it is a very very obvious Saw reference lmao not even trying to hide that. Miu mentions she could turn one of them into a soft, jelly thing - that's taken word from word from the ending of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Chapter 16
This chapter, particularly when Kokichi is still trapped in the debug room, was definitely inspired by Omori. Just the concept of a character in denial over a very bad thing which makes them blank out any awfulness in an act of self-preservation. The whole talking to another version of yourself was also inspired by the Stephen King story Gerald's Game. I love the idea of an isolated character having to converse with themself in order to stay sane or rationalise things. The creepy Judas Cradle chair from the hospital flashback was definitely Saw-inspired. Also it was an actual torture device that has been used in the past so that's fun. Chapter 19
Momota's personality and traits were heavily inspired by Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. The scene where he ties up Kokichi and the whole conversation he has with Miu in the snowy cabin are probably the best examples of this lmao.
Also a guy chasing after his partner and kids with an ax in a bloodthirsty rampage in the snow? Guess we need to tick off yet another Stephen King reference lmao. I swear that one was unintentional though. Oh yeah, their kids are named after Satoshi Kon (creator of psychological horror masterpieces like Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent) and Koji Suzuki (author of The Ring and Dark Water).
Chapter 20
Kokichi's transformation into a leech was heavily inspired by I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Again, another reference to the soft, jelly line as well. Momota's rant about how much he hates Kaito was kind of inspired by AM's rant .
That's about it! At least, what I can recall ahaha. But yeah I love horror with all my heart and soul <3
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jukeboppy · 3 months
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Echo is a mechanic, and though it largely ends up repairing cars and other vehicles, it loves tinkering with old gaming consoles. Recently, it's been spending more time at an old arcade, fixing up the machines at the request of the new owner. It's also begun feeding the local cat colony, many of which now follow it home.
Echo is a ghost and a character in a story I may (or may not) write one day called Tombmates! It's friends with all the others in said universe, which is basically a Halloween themed city.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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Day in Fandom History: October 29…
Benson tries to spice up the park’s annual Halloween party by renting a wish making machine.
Mr. Boss Man: Benson purchases a doll from TV that he hopes will make Mordecai and Rigby work.
WerePops: Pops and the other park workers trial on a werewolf.
Going Up: Hi-Five Ghost gets stuck in an elevator while visiting Celia.
Chocolatude: Mordecai and Rigby are taken into an old hag’s house and uncover a big secret.
The fifth Halloween-themed episode of Regular Show, “Terror Tales of the Park V”, premiered on this day, 8 Years Ago.
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tacoma-narrows · 6 months
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Finally went through my camera photos from my experience at Dorney Park's first ever Winter Chill Out event last weekend!! It was so cool to see the park closed during the off-season and all the rides being broken down for their off-season maintenance! We got to see a whole bunch of different places including:
Seeing the new trains for Thunderhawk for that ride's 100th anniversary this coming season. They look absolutely fantastic!! I love the colors (first picture)
Got to go into an off-season maintenance building to see a bunch of ride vehicles and stuff including wheel assemblies, cars, vehicles for their newly rethemed set of flying scooters, and it was crazy to see a box with the B&M logo on it lmao (pics 2 thru 5)
We also were shown the thing they use to inspect the tracks of rides like Steel Force, Talon and Hydra! This crazy looking gyroscopic hamster ball on an arm thing that hugs the track of the ride and can be controlled along it for the technicians sitting in the ball to inspect the track (6th pic)
We got to go into a behind the scenes area behind Hydra and Steel Force to get some really cool shots of both (pics 7 and 8). They were also test cycling Steel Force while we were back there, so it was awesome to see it fly through the helix a bunch while we were back there!
It was also just rlly cool to see all the different rides closed down for the winter, with the Wave Swinger, Musik Express and Demon Drop shown here (pics 9 through 11)
And of course we got to see the brand new Iron Menace up close! It may not be the biggest or most dynamic dive coaster ever, but it looks fantastic, both in its own right and in Dorney's skyline! The colors are great and I absolutely cannot wait to see what the whole new Steelyard themed area around it will look like when it's done! (Pic 12)
We also got to take a light on tour of the park's Ghost In The Machine Halloween Haunt attraction! I didn't include any pics of that here, but it's tied in with the story of Iron Menace and was SUPER cool too!
Then lastly we got to go into the electrical room for the park's Intaimin Impulse Coaster, Possessed! (Pics 13 and 14) Just all the electronics and wiring that go into that thing was crazy. Since the ride is launched magnetically, it uses a HUGE amount of power. The guy showing us everything said that when it does the initial launch of 0-70 mph, the ride uses more power in that moment than the entirety of Dorney's attached waterpark COMBINED! And if you know how big Wildwater Kingdom is, that's no small feat lmao
Anyways, that's a sampling of some pics and a general rundown of what I saw at Dorney Park's Winter Chill Out! It was such a cool event and I'm so happy I was able to go! Hopefully Dorney continues to put these on, because I'd love to go to more of them in the future!
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
A Thousand Leaves
Part 3 - All Hallow's Eve
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Characters: The character Henry is inspired by several of Bill Skarsgård's characters. The rest are my own original characters.
Setting: The story is set in the early 90s in a nameless town with several smaller villages surrounding it.
Warnings: 18+, religious themes, smut (sort of), alcohol, drunkeness.
Notes: Happy Halloween! 🎃
Irma stood in her parents Halloween decorated hallway dressed in a nun costume. It looked really modest by the first look but it had a high slit up to her hip and she could open it to show cleavage but she didn't do that in front of her parents. Her mother stood by the entrance door talking about the Halloween decor in the hallway. It was the only room that had it and it was for the kids that came to trick or treat. Glowing pumpkins hung from the ceiling together with spider webs and a ghost created with white textile that Irma made when she was little which hung by the stairway.
"I thought Laura lived in an apartment?" Her mother asked and pulled on the hem of her forest green jumper.
"She does, but it's on the ground floor so she has her own entrance door," Irma said and looked up at the stairs. She was excited to see Henry in his costume even if she knew what it was and how the costume looked like.
"Will there be a lot of people? I'm just worried about Henry."
"No, like 15, 20."
Irma heard a sound from the stairs and looked up. Henry walked slowly down in his black suit. It sat impeccably, like it had been sewn on him. He rubbed his palms together like he was excited for what would happen or that he had an evil plan. Irma bit her lip, watching the man that hade been so defensless become a mysterious sexual fantasy. As he descended she saw the white collar around his neck. A priest collar. While talking about the Halloween party Irma said he could be dressed as the thing that scared him most. Henry had said a priest without a doubt. Irma gave him a surprised look and asked why but at that he had just shrugged his shoulders. She had chosen to match him with a nun costume but she didn't look as sexy as Henry, far from it. His hair was well combed in a neat side part while his skin was as pale and polished like a porcelain doll. He did look scary but scary sexy and it matched the day.
Bea looked at Henry and helped him fix the collar.
"You're so handsome," she said and patted his cheek.
"Thank you, Bea," he answered with a small smile.
Irma took a hold of Henry's arm to make her mother release him from her grip.
"See you later!" She said and took Henry out of the house. On the pavement outside he looked at her and smiled with a hooded gaze.
"Your costume, is it really that modest?"
Irma laughed and moved the costume and put out a thigh high nylon covered leg from the slit.
Henry smiled bigger and moved closer so he could drag two fingers over the lace. Irma was always surprised that he became more and more comfortable with her, but invited it everytime. She thought it was his earlier self that started to be awakened.
"And this…" she said and opened the front so he could see most of her red bra.
"That's really… Sexy," he whispered and put his fingertip on her nose.
"But Henry… Why a priest?" She said low and looked up at him. So many clues pointed her to the church, where he had been found, the tip, Henry's fascination for the church and now he dressed up like a priest.
"It feels… like I have bad memories with them. Or one."
"You don't think you have been a priest then?"
He smiled a little.
"I don't think so, I don't like the clothes."
Irma laughed and took his hand while they walked the pumpkin lit streets to Laura's house.
Laura's entrance door was full of ghosts, pumpkins and spider webs, it was hard to even see the door. It was typical of Laura, always more is more. Irma opened the door without knocking and they were met by loud music, fog from a smoke machine and they could see a strobe light flashing in the living room. Irma laughed a little and dragged Henry into the hallway. It was fun that they all were still young in mind and could have these kinds of home parties. Henry looked around and took off his plaid jacket. At once he was that sexy dark man again. He looked like a character from a Hollywood horror movie. Irma said hello to some of her friends and smiled proudly when she saw them looking at Henry with liking interests.
"Do you want something to drink?" Irma asked Henry and took his arm so they could continue to walk into the apartment.
"Red wine, please," he said and looked at the people watching him. Irma said hello, hugged some of them. Henry said hello to the one that approached him otherwise he just watched the people. He didn't look uncomfortable, more interested and even smiled a little when he watched some girls dance sexily.
Irma poured Henry a glass of wine while she had a rum and coke. She watched him happily when she found him sitting in an armchair, smiling with a hooded gaze. It was obvious everyone was interested in him, attracted to him but he just sat on his throne, looking at their desperation. Irma was proud but she also felt a bit odd about the situation. Her friends were not easily impressed but Henry seemed to spellbound them all.
"Do you dance?" Irma asked close to his ear so he would hear.
"Not like they do," he said and nodded to the girls that were now more or less dancing sexy for him. Irma felt annoyance creep up on her and maybe another feeling but she shook it off.
"Show me." She smiled challengingly towards Henry and took his big hands in hers.
Henry stood up but looked at the guy next to him, with a cigarette between his fingers.
"Can I..?" He pointed at the cigarette. The guy looked at Henry with big eyes and swallowed hard.
"Of course." His hands shook when Henry took the cigarette from him. Henry took two deep drags. It was obvious he was a casual smoker and several of the girls looked at him when he bent back to let the smoke sip out from his pouty lips.
"That was good," he said with a raspy voice.
"Have we said hello?" Suddenly Laura pushed forward and pushed away Irma from Henry. She was dressed as a devil with glitter horns and a red corset. Henry looked at her approvingly up and down. Irma moved to stand next to them, watching them both with a hammering heart.
"I like your costume. Henry." He put out his hand and so did Laura.
"Laura." To both Irma and Laura's suprise Henry took her hand and kissed it.
"Or maybe, the devil? He teased her.
Irma didn't know how to react to his courtesy to Laura. Henry had grown a lot the last couple of weeks but where did this confidence come from?
The party continued and more and more people dared to approach Henry. Asking about his costume, his earlier life and his time locked in. Henry didn't say so much but suddenly he said one thing Irma reacted to even if she mostly was annoyed at people's ass kissing attitude toward Henry.
"Priests just want you to follow them and use the Lord's words for it. Then when they have you around their finger they will use you. Take away every blessing and leave you with a bad conscience even if you have given them fucking everything." He said with a low chin looking up with his eyes. The candles reflected in them and Laura's horns cast a shadow on his face. Irma just thought about the meaning behind his words while Laura thought about something else.
"God, you're so fucking sexy. Who the fuck are you Henry?" She dragged her hand over his thigh and he let her, just leaned back and welcomed it. Another girl that had been sitting on the floor moved closer to his leg and played with the shoelaces on his black leather shoes. Some of the men looked at the girls, just moving closer and closer to Henry and then at each other with annoyance and envy.
Irma stood up with anger hammering in her chest.
"Henry! Time to go home!” She pushed her way forward and took his hand. Henry smiled mischievously and let her drag him up from the armchair and out in the hallway.
"What the fuck was that??" Irma said angrily to Henry when they had walked a distance from Laura's house. She turned to Henry who now stood in the plaid jacket and looked much less threatening. Henry looked at the Halloween decorated houses and up at the moon.
"I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
Irma stood breathing heavily and took off the headdress and stuffed it in the pocket of her suede jacket.
"Henry, you were a completely different person in there."
He looked at her with big innocent eyes and once again shrugged his shoulders.
"I was just the person it felt like they wanted me to be."
Irma dragged her hands over her face and moved closer to him.
"Was that a problem?" He asked carefully and just as carefully moved her hands from her face.
She looked up at him and watched his lips while he licked them.
"I just thought… You and I…"
Henry smiled a little.
"If you want that."
She didn't really understand what that meant but she couldn't stop herself from kissing him. He kissed back hungrily and grasped her ass in an aggressive grip. Irma felt her heart beat full of desire but was also shocked by his passion. He continued to kiss her, his tongue seemed to seek more and more while his hands creeped under her dress. Irma felt how the dress had gone up completely but they stood on a quiet street so she didn't care that everyone could see her panties and thigh highs. Henry took a break from the kissing and played with her panties so they crept into her ass.
"You can't resist me," he whispered and looked at her with a deep stare.
"No…" said Irma and caressed his upper arms.
"Are you my little slut?"
"Yes…" she said with a moan and moved her hands down his chest and stomach.
"Eeey! Do that at home for fuck sake!" A man shouted from his porch.
Henry laughed which made Irma laugh too. He dragged her dress down and fixed his own clothes.
"I'm your slut…" Irma whispered with a smile.
"Yes you are," said Henry pleased and gave her a soft kiss.
If her mother hadn't sat up waiting for Henry, their night would have ended very differently. Irma was prepared to sleep with him. Do every filthy thing he wanted. She had thoughts of passionate sex, his mysterious eyes and his cock. Mostly his cock. Even when her mother showed her face in the hallway when they came in she thought about Henry's cock. She felt like she could abstain but she just looked at his crotch even when her mother spoke to them.
Bea looked at Henry who looked at her with big eyes and a little smile.
"I'm glad you didn't stay out all night. And that you haven't drank too much?" She helped Henry with his jacket and looked at her daughter who just stood with a low gaze. She rolled her eyes and thought that Irma had probably drunk too much, it wouldn't be the first time.
"Thank you," said Henry and took off the white collar and his suit jacket.
"How was it?" Bea said and took out some freshly washed sweatpants to Henry. He smiled a little and went to an arm chair and started to take off his clothes. He wasn't shy but didn't make a big thing out of it. Irma just watched him with big eyes, especially when his pants went down and she could see the big bulge in his boxers.
"Irma!" Hissed her mother. Irma looked at her annoyed. "Don't stare!" She furrowed her eyebrows at her mother and crossed her arms but she could see even her mother peaking while Henry stood in just his boxers. He had gained weight but it also looked like he had built some muscles and Irma knew both her and her mother liked the view. Henry put on the gray sweatpants but left his upper body bare.
"Are you going home?" Her mother asked. For a short moment Irma thought her mother wanted Henry for herself but then remembered her father was sleeping upstairs.
"Yeah…" She turned to Henry and stretched her arms out for a hug. He gave her an innocent hug but Irma let her hands glide over his bare back and sniffed his naked shoulder.
Irma cringed while thinking about what Henry had gotten her to say. She just thought back to how desperate she must have looked and how easy she might have seemed. It was obvious Henry had sides to him that had been suppressed but now came forward. He was charming, sexy but also a bit manipulative. Irma didn't know if she liked it or not. He was so cute when he was confused and innocent but damn, he was sexy with all that confidence. She had gotten phone calls from both Laura and a girl named Agnes, one of the girls that had been dancing for him, that they wanted to share contacts with Henry. Irma had dodged the question because she wasn't interested in sharing him. She wanted to be his only slut.
She was on her way to the library, not to borrow books and not to use the phone. The librarian had been right, that every answer was found there and it was the librarian who had the answer.
Irma had asked around at the office if someone had heard anything about Church of The Glorious Light but no one had but an assistant had offered to look through the archives. He had found an article about a church building that had been a victim of a storm and the owner was in the congregation of that church. She had looked through the article and had found a member. Lysette Levi. She looked at the picture of the woman with wild hair. It was obvious it was the librarian, known now as Luna Levi.
It was ironic that she found the answer so close and also in such an obvious place. She tried to tell herself there wasn't any definitive evidence that Luna would know something. The article was ten years old and she had moved from the village where the church was. Still Irma couldn't keep herself from believing there was a possibility of finally getting some answers about Henry.
"Oh, that's Henry," said Luna as she sat down in an armchair by the desk while looking at one of the photos Henry had taken with the photographer.
"He looks awful, he was such a pretty boy. What happened to him?"
Irma sat down on the armchair opposite Luna's.
"He is the boy found in that basement. Of the old church."
Luna looked shocked at Irma and shook her head.
"Who would do that?"
"I'm trying to find that out. But you were a member of the Church of The Glorious Light?"
Irma grabbed her notebook out from her bag.
"Yes, between 1978 to 1989. But it didn't become The Glorious Light until 1986. I left them both because I found New Age spiritualism but also because of how extreme they became. Everyone was a sinner."
Irma nodded interested and made notes in her book.
"And Henry..?"
"Henry, maybe he came in 1988? He was new in town, a church musician and so, so pretty. He became popular at once and gained more and more chances to become an important person even if he was so young. He had the responsibility to take care of the young and create activities for them."
"Did he influence the church?"
"Maybe after I moved..? I actually left that life behind completely. My husband and I moved and we don't have any children."
Luna remembered the day Henry Deaver came to their village very well. It wasn't something you could forget. It was a sunny All Hallow's Eve day and most of the citizens of the village were at church. She had walked there with her husband and liked to see all the people dressed up. She could see some were tired and probably felt they could do better things than to go to church, others looked determined and open minded. She was a mix of both. She had heard rumors about a new church musician and looked forward to having Psalms accompanied by a piano again. It had sounded so depressing without it. They had always had a talented pianist, it was their congregation's signature and pride but old Lenny had a heart attack and since then the piano stood empty.
Luna and her husband walked in the simple wooden church together. It was newly renovated, which Luna sorrowed. She had thought it would have been better to reconstruct it but that would have been more expensive then renovate it. Now it was simple and bright. The people sat quiet on the benches but several had started to whisper because the piano was still empty. Father Blom always walked around to say hello but this day he chose to stand by himself in a corner with a sour look. Luna had looked at her husband and made a confused face. He shrugged his shoulders and looked around at the people. When the clock struck all the people started to prepare to sing even if there wasn't a pianist. Just when the clock had stopped another loud sound could be heard. It was the entrance door, someone had opened it completely and let it slam loudly. Several people turned around to look at who came in too late to the church service. It always began at 11 o'clock but you should be there earlier. Luna didn't turn around, she could imagine it was embarrassing enough to be late. She heard heavy steps through the church. It was obvious that it was a man, probably with heavy shoes.
"I'm sorry I'm late but my bike started to act up a mile away from here." A man said with authority. Luna saw the people in front of her look at the man with big eyes so she couldn't no longer resist turning her head towards the voice she had heard. It was a young man walking between the benches with calm heavy steps. He was so tall Luna worried he would smack his head on the chandeliers. He was completely dressed in black, from the heavy boots to the leather jacket. Everyone looked at him with big eyes. A man like him had never existed in their village. The people there were conservative and dressed up to go to church. Motorcycles and tight black jeans didn't fit in there. Luna looked at the man's face. High cheekbones, a hooded gaze and plumped lips. Behind him she saw two teenage girls hide their smiles to each other.
"I'm Henry Deaver, the new pianist." He stopped at Father Blom's place, like he was the leader of the congregation. He dragged a hand through his hair that was messy slicked back, probably by a helmet.
"Excuse me?" Said Mr. Munro, one of the wealthiest in the village and one of few that worked outside of the village.
"Yeah, I've left my references to Father Blom and I got the job, any problems?" Henry tried to sound neutral but it was an edge of defense in his voice. He shrugged his jacket off and revealed a band t-shirt for The Cure. Luna smirked a little at the bench because she and the teenagers were probably the only ones that knew who The Cure was.
No one said anything so Henry just smiled, a handsome smile, dimpled and contagious. He walked up to Father Blom who looked at him up and down. He looked nervous and humiliated. They shook hands then Henry sat down by the black piano but looked at some of the women with the same handsome smile and doll eyes while playing the first Psalm.
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Ooh maybe you already did BUT please drop your list of spookiest x files eps if you have a chance! ~spookytheory
hey Ash!! I am more than happy to share my list of spooky episodes ;)
a small side-note is that in earlier seasons, particularly season 1, I noticed that a lot of the episodes tended to lean more towards horror (but like, really campy horror) than in later seasons, so this is not an exhaustive list!
🎃 x-files episodes to watch during spooky season 🎃
season 1:
1x3: Squeeze -- it's generally thought of as one of the scariest MOTW episodes, and it's one of the few episodes that actually scared me.
1x7: Ghost in the Machine -- I think this is the only X-Files episode to actually be take place on Halloween, so of course it had to go on the list!
1x8: Ice -- mainly here because it's in the same style of horror as "The Thing."
1x11: Eve -- it's just a very sinister and unexpected concept, which I loved.
(optional) 1x13: Beyond the Sea -- it's one of my all-time favorite episodes, and it definitely is spooky, but I think of it more as a Christmas episode because it takes place in December.
1x21: Tooms -- if you feel like wrapping up the storyline from "Squeeze."
season 2:
2x11: Excelsius Dei -- it's a ghost story, so naturally I had to put it on the list :)
2x14: Die Hand Die Verletzt
(optional) 2x15: Fresh Bones and 2x21: Calusari -- they don't stand out in my mind as being super memorable, but they do have the spooky Halloween/horror themes.
2x24: Our Town (also known as 'the episode that will never let me look at a piece of fried chicken the same way ever again')
season 3:
3x14: Grotesque -- to be honest, there's surprisingly few horror episodes in s3 (it's mostly sci-fi/comedy/psychological horror) but this is the one that stands out to me as being the most “spooky."
season 4:
4x2: Home -- it would be a disservice to the show not to include this episode on the list, since it was the only one to receive a content warning
4x6: Sanguinarium
4x22: Elegy -- another ghost story!
season 5:
5x5: The Post-Modern Prometheus -- it's just so campy and different and funny! yes, there are issues with consent, but there is also the slow-dancing scene :)
5x10: Chinga -- I mean, it was written by Stephen King, so it's going to be a scary horror episode (and surprisingly shippy!)
5x12: Bad Blood -- "classic vampirism," of course.
season 6:
with the exception of "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas," (which could technically go on this list, but in my mind it is too firmly cemented as a Christmas episode) s6 doesn't really have a lot of horror either. If you squint you could count 6x10: Tithonus, 6x18: Milagro, and 6x18: Field Trip, but I don't really see any of these as true horror.
season 7:
again, not too many horror episodes, but there are a few that stand out, most notably 7x4: Millennium (we have zombies!!), 7x7: Orison, and 7x14: Theef.
season 8:
8x4: Roadrunners -- such a good (and maybe underrated?) horror episode.
for season 9, I don't really have any to list (I skipped through a lot of s9 and have been meaning to go back and watch it all eventually), and the only spooky revival episode in my mind is 11x8: Familiar.
so there you have it! that's my list of Spookiest X-Files Episodes. hope you enjoyed it!!
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bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
Perona X !Female Reader - Ghosts of the Festive Bash
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“Horo-horo-horo! You look so adorable (Y/N)!” Perona clapped and smiled at the outfit you showed her. She took you shopping since she was throwing her annual Halloween Bash and she wanted you to look cute and after claiming you didn’t have any cute clothes, well cute to her standard, she dragged you to the mall and that’s where you’ve been for the past few hours.
“Are you sure, it’s not too tight right?” You spun around looking at the dress at all angles and smoothing out the material. 
“You look cute! It’s not tight and besides you’re cuter chubby, you know this.” Scrunching your nose at her through the reflection she blanched at your face. “That face isn’t cute, stop it.” Sticking her tongue out at you, she waved you into the dressing room again. 
“I’m getting you that dress, it’s going to be so cute and perfect for the party!” Sighing you knew you would lose the fight and just changed out of the dress and put your street clothes back on. Perona always went overboard on her Halloween Bashes, but it was her favorite thing to do and you were happy to help especially if it meant she was happy. Many thought Perona was selfish and maybe she was when she was younger, but ever since you met her and you both started dating and moving in with each other, she wasn’t selfish. She would help you when you needed it, surprise you with cute clothes or plushies and even took care of you when you felt down.
Did she have selfish tendencies? Sometimes, but she was working on those and that’s all you could ask for. 
Perona always had a ghost theme to her Halloween Bashes, but it was a specific ghost theme. This year it was Sanrio ghost themed. Cute and spooky were two words that described Perona the best. 
She wanted to do a bit of a couple costumes which is why you were at the mall. She already got her costume, which was a pink and white frilly dress with My Melody’s face on the front paired with a pair of pink ears. Going with her theme she just bought you a purple and white frilly dress and she’ll be putting Kuromi’s face on it and she already ordered you her signature black spiky ears to wear as well. 
You’re not going to lie, you loved how cute it was and you were okay with it. “Alright, off to the party store! We have so much to get! Horo-horo-horo!” She grabbed your hand and led you to the next stop. After Perona had her fun in the store, your car was filled with hanging ghost figures, caution tape, pumpkins, fog machines, balloons, honestly you felt like she grabbed half of the store.
After you got home and unloaded the car, you both got to work decorating every inch of the house in ghosts, pumpkins and anything and everything you had. “A little to the left (Y/N), yes! Right there, perfectly cute!” Huffing and puffing, you made your way down the ladder as the final hanging ghost was put on the ceiling. Your whole living room, kitchen and dining room were covered in the little cuties. Some were white, others were orange and there were a few that were pink. 
After the other decorations were put up and the food was placed out with cutlery and plates ready, you both heaved a sigh and took a quick rest on the living room couch. Perona hugged your soft side, squeezing you like a giant plushie. “So soft and warm, my precious (Y/N) is so cute.You wrapped your arms around her as well as you both relaxed for a bit on the couch, surrounded by your army of little ghosts.
There honestly wasn't anywhere else you’d rather be.
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