#It's been ages since I've made a gif I hope they're alright!
1-800-pog-champ · 3 months
sweet flavor!!
jinbe x gn!reader
tags: gn!reader, fluff, mutual pining, spoon feeding or somethinf
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"Jinbe, come quick before Chopper eats everything!" you exclaim, dragging the large fishman behind you into the dining room. Sanji had made alot of different parfaits for no particular occasion. You excitedly grab 5 different ones and return to Jinbe who was still standing by the door. "Parfaits!"
The two of you sat down together but you noticed Jinbe hadn't taken any for himself. "How come you didn't take any? We're you hoping I'd share mine? huh?" you added the last part jokingly. Jinbe chuckled heartily. "Nothing of the sort, I just don't particularly like them."
You looked at him a little puzzled, he didn't seem to have any problems with other sweet foods. "Why so?" you asked curiously.
"Well... they're kind of hard to eat."
"So it's not because of the taste?"
Jinbe shook his head in response. "I don't actually remember what they taste like, I haven't eaten one in ages since I've been avoiding them."
"That does make sense I suppose. But it is a shame." you look away a little dejected. But then you had an idea. What if you just fed him!
"I don't think it's that bad." Jinbe responded with a soft smile. He was so optimistic even though he didn't enjoy parfaits!
"If you think so... which one do you think I should start with though? Which parfait looks the tastiest?" Jinbe looks at the different parfaits for a moment before pointing at one. "This one, I'd say." He smiled softly. His gentle smile was enough to make the entire arctic hemisphere melt!
You take a spoonful of the parfait Jinbe pointed at. It was very tasty and overall rather smooth. You take another spoonful and offer it to Jinbe.
He looked a little taken aback. "You said they're hard to eat, so let me help you?" you gave him a great big smile.
Reluctantly, he agreed and leaned toward the spoon, a gentle purple blush creeping up on his cheeks. He was so cute when flustered. You proceeded to feed him the spoonful, then waited for his reaction.
"It's quite good" he spoke. You smile at him "do you want some more?" you offer him another spoonful. Still flustered, Jinbe proceeds to eat it. This process continues until the two of you emptied the glass! Only 4 more to go!
"You've got some cream on your face." you instinctively reach for his face to wipe it off, only after which you realized how weird that might've been. "Oh, sorry!"
"It's alright!" he gives you his toothy smile "You have some on yours aswell." he leaned forward and with his large hand swiftly wiped it off. You could feel your cheeks getting hot. He was so considerate, making you feel less awkward! But with his looks? You couldn't help but blush at his gentle touch. You enjoyed the rest of your parfaits together, feeding each other alternately.
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ktchie · 1 year
'It's the hope that kills you'
Ted Lasso x Reader
Fluff and Angst
♡ other tags: attempt at humour/ no proof read we die like Rupert should've / possible part two
♡6.1k words
◇ In which Y/n wanted to confessed and Ted has a pastel pink apron.
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She consider herself as a tough independent woman who rather die and be beheaded than show any ounce of feelings or a hint of affection.
Her therapist said it's because she grew up in a household that doesn't show much emotion or any vulnerability. And they're right, she remember the time she saw her Dad shed a tear on the night of her high-school graduation, hiding behind his hands and cool dad stance before abruptly going to the bathroom and staying there for 40 minutes - he came back with red eyes and a terrible pun joke. As if nothing had happened.
So it is perfectly understandable that she grew up hating vulnerability, choosing to stay rigid and emotionless rather to have her whole soul on the palm of her hand. It doest help either that she's the eldest kid, the pillar of her siblings, the one who lays awake at night thinking any and every problems her parents throw at her way, worrying about it to the point her chest hurt and she has to learn to calm panic attack in such a young age.
So that being said, she never really had the full experience of romance or being in a relationship. She flirted with a few men on her lives and had fucked them plenty of times but she never really did the whole holding hands thing and all that cheesy stuff that people always whined about once the clock hits 10 and loneliness hits you like a freight train.
But meeting Ted, meeting Ted makes her want to dive head first on whatever corny things couples do in this day of age. Whether it be kissing on the rain or robbing a bank at 2pm in a Sunday afternoon.
She stared at him from across her, sitting so patiently like an overgrown child with a cup of steaming hot coffee.
"Something you need, Ted?" Her tone of voice held nothing but pure professionalism that made her quietly hissed.
Ted looked at her with his big brown eyes that makes her heart all googoo gaga, she sometimes wonder if Ted is secretly part of some hidden government group because she swore that puppy eyes could stop a international fued.
"Oh you know, just wanna visit ya'" he stated with a cheeryness only he can produced in the morning, all dimple and wide smiles. "'been awhile since I saw you, thought you're actually avoiding me but boss said that you're six feet under with all the work you got goin' on"
She chuckled at his words "Ted, I don't think there's anything in this world that could keep me away from you" she answered with a subtle smile, if she wanted him she would get him, whether it be by words or thousand of prayers.
Ted looked at her silently, wide eye and a blossoming blush on his cheeks. He looks ethereal underneath the early morning sun, a fallen single strand of hair dangling on his forehead that makes her hand itch with yearn to fix it.
"But I have been awfully neglectful to the rest of you, haven't I?" She decided to move on from her flirting (?), she doesnt want Ted to dropped dead on the floor from all the blood on his head. "I've been busy these past few weeks, but Will told me about the team plan get together on Sam's restaurant. I'll make sure to attend it, even shoulder the payment if we can get Sam to give us the bill"
Ted nodded his head, tounge tied for once, some part of her rejoiced while the other part, the one who always fear rejection and if she's being too much or too stupid, fear for whatever friendship they have (or had, if worse comes to worse)
"I-well" he cleared his throat, looking at her through his weirdly long eyelashes that always made her tear up in awe and envy.
"We can uh' y'know, we can split the bill, don't hav'ta shoulder it all by yourself"
"No its alright" she shook her head, she contemplate touching his arms, feel the soft fabric of his awfully comfy looking sweater and the skin underneath it but she decided not to, Ted might freak the fuck out and leave the room yelling 'HR! HR!' And have her fired and be shamed by the rest of the Richmond community for touching their beloved American wanker. "Consider it as my payment for forgetting to visit the locker room"
"Wasn't your fault, anyway" he shrugged before gesturing to the tower of folders and impending blueprints for the upcoming renovations and building upgrades. "I mean take a look at that, the great mt. Everest would cry if he saw this monstrosity. Even looking at it makes my stomach all funky" he shudder at its sight. "Do you even take a break? Jeez."
She sighed and leaned back on her office chair "from time to time, 15 minutes or 5. I like to finish my work early so.."
Ted frowned, he has one of those upset looks that makes her heart clenched and crack little by little until it exploded on her chest and she has to pretend she wasn't in pain so he could view her as a normal human being and not a lovesick teenager. "Ya should take a better care of yourself, you can't just go 'n on 'n on workin' till you drop dead" if it's possible, his doe eyes turned even more sadder. " its not good for you"
She bit her lip, her thighs moving up and down underneath her desk. She never liked it when he's anything but happy. "I can go take a rest when I go home and take a rest some more once I finish of all this work. its fine, don't worry too much about me"
"How can I not worry about you?" Ted leaned in, sad eyes and furrow brows. "Youre my-" he sighed before he shake his head "heck, If I had known you're over 'ere slowly killin' yourself i would have yank you from your desk till you're screamin' and cryin'"
Screaming and crying huh? Oh she can do that, alright.
"Ted.." she sighed, trying her hardest to ease the furrow on his brows "its fine, im fine. Don't worry about me too much. there's another game coming up, thats what you should be focusing on yeah?"
Ted sighed deeply, leaning back on the chair before nodding. A lock of hair fell down on his forehead, perfect it was, and y/n thought he never looked more beautiful then. She wonder if Ted kept his hair perfectly gel all the time or if he had ever let his guard down on the four walls he had been forcely call his home.
She would love to see him just him, just Ted, with his goofy smiles and bad puns and old reference from a bad film made years before.
She would love to love him, flaws and imperfections and bad days. She would paint him beautifully, perfect at every stroke of her brush and no smudge of mistakes and yet she knows she still wouldn't do him justice. Ted is just too perfect, too lovely, too godly to be even be depicted on a rough white canvas of this wretched world. Ted deserves to be painted in the walls of the church, or at every thread of the clouds, he was meant to be seen and to be watched and to be memorize until his kindness and his generosity and smile are engraved deep within everyone's heart. Y/n wanted to worship Ted with utmost devotion that her mouth would utter prayers like a second breath, until her two pressed hands bleed and flowers grow between her palm.
She watched him sat across her, his gaze darting everywhere on the carpet before a smile slowly broke on his lips, eyes suddenly lighting up and whole body perking up.
"Hey" he looked up to her, grin and joyful gaze "guess what I cooked last night" he had said giddily
"if you get it right I might just have to take a peek on that ridiculous sitcom you've always buggin' me to watch"
She scoffed, offended. "Modern family is not ridiculous, it's the best thing that ever happened to television-"
"Now hol' up. You're gettin' ahead of yourself now, sugar" she pretended the pet name didnt make her stomach flip and twist and did all kinds of wwe wrestling stunt. 
"I'll have you know that you're wrong, there are tons of- you know what, I ain't even gonna argue with you because we're both too tired for this and I'm too excited to tell you what I cooked last night, so just guess, come on"
She squinted her eyes before sighing as she started to think. "Well, last time we spoke you wouldn't shut up about barbecue and kebab and that one burger that sounds like it could kill you from one sniff"
"Triple cheese burger with bacon crisp, 3 sunny side eggs and curly fries dipped in ranch and garlic sauce with side on-"
"Sounds awful. Americans and their ridiculous food, seriously how are you not dead yet?"
Ted had shrugged with a sickeningly sweet smile "have no idea, but its good 'n ya know what they say 'enjoy life while it lasted'"
"Curse that qoute for manipulating you, let's just pray you wouldn't drop dead in the middle of the court because we can't handle your decaying body and another lose at the same time"
"You betcha! Now guess what I cooked!" Ted was almost jumping from his seat, propping his head on his palm as he stared at her.
"Come on, now"
"Friend chicken?"
"Nope, but boy I would love to have that right now"
"Heck no! You kiddin' me?"
"Uhhh, curry?"
"You already said that!" Ted pouted lightly and she almost reach out to trace the bottom of his lips and mumbled how sweet he look right now but thankfully she stopped herself.
"Allright I give up" she threw her hand up and sigh "anything you cooked is fantastic anyway, doesn't matter what it is"
"Oh, arent you a sweetheart" he smiled at her so adorably it made her tooth ache. "I'm glad you think so because I just cooked f/f!" Ted yelled so excitedly, arms spread wide and eyes bright.
She looked at him with agape mouth
"F/f? Are you serious?" She grinned so widely, it has been awhile since she tasted it, mainly because the only f/f she had ever ate is the one her mother cooks.
"Course! I wouldn't lie to ya!" Ted had stated "I couldn't get some shut eyes last night so I decided to make it, better to do something than nothin' at all am I right?"
She's still looking at him, as if in trance. "Wow Ted..I mean im pretty fucking pump but-well, why did you make it? You could have baked, you usually bake when you have nothing to do"
Ted looked away from her, cheeks suddenly getting warm and pink under the sunlight. "Oh you know..just miss ya' I guess"
Her heart crumbled and melted inside of her chest, she could feel its warmth drip from every nerve she has and settle deep within her guts and lay there until she has to curl her toes in a pathethic attempt to calm herself down.
He took a peek at her under his lashes. "I was so used seeing you every darn morning 'ere so it makes me all sad and upset when I don't. Even coach beard had to knock some sense in to me, told me to keep my marbles together or else he'll hide my barbecue sauce" he lightly chuckled "pretty heavy threat, if you ask me"
"I didnt know you miss me so much"
"Are you kiddin' me? I miss ya a hell'ava lot more than 'much'" Ted had almost yelled "i miss ya more than Roy misses running! And thats alot"
She laugh quietly, both in amusement and the tickling feeling deep on her stomach that normal people (with normal amount of love on their heart) would refer as butterflies, but for her, for someone who love too deep and too vast and too much and for a girl like her that grew up reading stories and fairy tales and movies characters with soft confession under bright stars and harsh rains, she could refer the feeling on her stomach as a clawing beast, a magnificent one born on legends and shaky words of the fear locals, with a ferocious growl and wild eyes and fangs as big as a tallest house.
In short, everytime Ted does something so adorably lovely on her eyes she could feel the entire animals on her stomach.
She looked at him with a gentle smile, eyes bright and so so soft - looking at him a like proper lover would. "I miss you too, Ted" she had said almost like a whisper, like a sin. "More than you could ever know"
The statement sounded too intimate, the tone too romantic to be said between casual friends and even the silence after it could be written in a pages of old romance stories - describe it like moment after the music, where the two of them stares at one another with that yearning look that makes all the reader sick to their stomach.
Her words sounds like a confession, one that is so gentle even the gods up above would melt where they stood. She didn't utter the proper words of 'i love you' and didn't open her palm where her bleeding heart lay and offer it to him with a desperation - but the way she said her words, the way every letter soud so much like a sudden whisper in a night of passion and sudden realization of devotion and adoration makes her statement more than a confession - as if it was an oath, a promise set on stone. Like a knights word as he kneeled on his king and offered the edge of his swords, bare against the world, bright steel and fierce glare as his lips mouth his promise, the words he would live and die on, where war would start and where it would end - be it by his blood or his foes. And similar to that y/n is ready to be let down on where she sat, to spill her heart like a leaking wound and let it stains them both, let him know how she feels, how serious, how much time she had spent pinning after him, yearning, adoring him so silently like a lovesick suitor from afar.
Ted grinned at her, dimple deep on his cheeks and that damn fallen hair on his forehead that makes him so so lovely. He opened his mouth and y/n waited with bathed breath and wonder what words would come out but before he could even roll his tounge the door of her office opened with a harsh loud push.
"Y/n we have to- oh. oh Ted! Good morning!" Higgings strolled in clumsily and no matter how much she love the little dork she kinda want to crush his glasses on her palm and send him home.
"Higgins! Nice to see ya today, buddy" Ted stood up to greet him and to give him a pleasant hug and if the coach is annoyed at anyway, he didn't show it. God he's so kind its annoying..
"You too, Ted. You too" Higgins replied with a smile that reserved only for Ted, filled with gratitude and adoration before he turned to her and she watch, with great amusement and a little irritation, when that smile fell down on his lips. "And uh, we need to talk"
She sighed mournfully, waving a goodbye to the wonderful conversation she was having with her love and to the words he would say earlier. She gestured Higgings to sit across her before she met Ted's eyes.
"Im afraid we'll have to cut our cheesy conversation here, Ted. Duty calls and if you want someone to blame, blame Higgings" she pointed at the man with a teasing smirk that had Higgins poor heart rapidly beating with nervousness.
"What? But I'm merely doing my job-"
"Im fucking with you" she patted his shoulder with a light laugh before glancing at Ted, who still remained at her office with a smile.
"I'll gave you a call later" Ted had said "let's have a dinner, ill cook for ya'"
She bit her lip to keep the ridiculous love sick smile threatening to rip her mouth apart and nodded "ill look forward to it, have a good day"
"You too, sugar"
And he was gone and if Higgins wasn't infront of her, staring at her with that bewildered look only spooked squirrel could do she would have stood up and do a cartwheel on her carpeted floor because holy fucking shit Ted is going to cook for her, just for her, not like those times where they eat together on the locker room and she has to sneakily steal his lunch - tho she knows Ted wouldn't mind Beard is another problem, she still thinks Beard has a few dead bodies on his back, the man has a stare of a despondent convicted murderer inside a prison cell. Its crazy.
"Oh." Higgings blink rapidly, his mouth subtly and slowly forming a smile. "You and Ted?"
She squinted her eyes "We're friends"
"Not with that look in your eyes, no"
"What did you eat today to have you acting this cheeky, my dear Higgins?" She looked at him up and down with a scowl.
The man let out a grin
"I should be the one asking that" he then leaned in "or should it be 'who did you meet today that have you acting this lovesick, my dear y/n?"
She flush red "You're fired"
"That'd be the 205 times you've fire me and I will continue to ignore it as long as I live"
"The first time i did that you sobbed on my shoulder"
"Well its.." he looked away "it was a different time"
"Sure it was"
"Look what we have 'ere-"
"JESUS, ROY!" She had jumped 2 feet from where she stood, clutching her heart and her car keys.
"What the hell man!"
"What? You got yourself an American man and suddenly you're weak of heart?"
"That doesn't even make any sense.." she mumbled with a disturbed look as she stared at him. "What are you even doing here? and I dont have an American man, get your head straight"
"Its a fucking parking lot, im allowed to be here" He commented with a glared as he not so softly leaned on her car.
She sighed through her nose, annoyed. "What i meant was, why the fuck are you even standing about in here and suddenly appearing from the darkness like a...hairy angry batman"
"Im not fucking hairy!"
"you shed like a golden retriever, you're not fooling anybody!"
Roy, the dog, growled in annoyance before he blocked her way to the driver seat.
"Please move or ill yell bloody murder" she stated suddenly so so exhausted.
"Why actin' so rush? Got somewhere to be?" She squinted his eyes at him, suspicious and contemplating why is he being such a dick.
"Why are you talking to me like you're about to take my lunch money?"
Roy, with the little patience he has, growled once again before he shook his head, as if he was the one getting annoyed and tired on the conversation. Then he stared at her, right on the eye, as if wanting to burn her soul and cook her alive.
"Youre really not going to tell me?" He had asked, hands on his hips.
"Is that how it is?"
"What?" She ask, confused.
"You and Ted" Her eyes widen, what is he on about?
"Me and Ted? What about us?"
"Higgin-" he cleared his throat "I mean, someone told me you and the little prick was getting all chummy in your office. Even got yourself a fucking date, how lovely"
She sighed "there wasn't a date Roy, Ted and I are friends. And we aren't getting 'chummy' or whatever kind of meaning that word has in your vocabulary and tell Higgins-"
"It wasn't higgings"
"-tell him to keep his damn nose out of my business or ill key his car"
Roy stared at her for a long second before he clenched his jaw and mumbled a 'fuckkkkk'
"We're-" he swallowed before he looked upwards to the sky, as if begging the gods above to give him more strength. "We're-..f-friends, arent we?" Her eyes soften in both adoration and amusement as he grimaced with every letter he spoke.
She chuckled "we are, no matter how much you disdain that word"
"Then," Roy had sighed "believe me when I say that that cowboy Mr. Rogers is fucking inlove with you"
Suddenly the air felt too thick and her clothes felt too hot. "Roy, i think you're wrong. Ted wanst-"
"Don't you fucking dare tell me he wasn't because a blind bloke could see it in a mile away, he wouldn't fucking shut up about you. fuck sake, He even draws you!" He yelled dramatically, hands shooting in a air in a form of exaggerated irritation that only Roy Kent could do. "Those past few days where you lock yourself up in your bloody office has been the worst days of my entire life, Ted looks constipated half of the fucking time and all he does is broods and broods and fucking complains about you. He's insufferable! Beard has to talk to him in the bathroom to get him straight!" He massage his temple before sighing and looking at her so gently then, so softly, like a brother would, like a friend would do, like someone you can hold onto when life gets though and days gets bad.
"Believe me, he's inlove with you.." he softly said like a whisper.
"In every possible way a human could love, he's inlove with you"
Her breath hitched from her throat, tounge heavy on her mouth and her heart beat could be hear from miles away. The beast inside of her guts fell silent, almost asleep, like his words strike straight to his heart and send him down on the ground, wounded and shaken and could never get back up.
"I came here to.." Roy cut short, finding the proper words. "To tell you how happy I am that he finally work the balls to ask you out, but turns out he's still a fuckin' pussy and a mess of a man"
She chuckled and shook her head.
"Ted is.." She lick her lips and leaned on her car, Roy beside her and shoulder apart.
"I don't think Ted would do the first move, he's..afraid, I think. All his life Michelle was the only woman he knew, only woman he loved and if what you're saying is not true, then she's the only woman he would forever love" she said almost mournfully. "Divorced is hard, specially for someone like Ted who loves too much and give too much, maybe that's the reason why I'm hopeless inlove with him to the point of humiliation but who fucking  cares, right?" She shrugged.
She then swallowed before sighing a shaky breath. "I'll uh, ill confessed tonight. While we eat dinner, ill..ill try, and if- y'know, he doesnt like it then I'll back off" she bit her lip as her gaze burn holes to the pavement.
"I'll love him from afar, cheer for him from the stands and sob on my office if I saw him and sassy together again"
Roy chuckled "i remembered that one" reminiscing her worst times of sobbing half dead on her office table mumbling how cruel it is to love Ted and asking what Sassy has that she does not.
"Maybe ill hire a hit man too, have them kill you so you could forget about it" she bumped his shoulder with her own and lightly laugh when Roy grunts.
"I'll write it with my fucking blood, believe that"
"Write it with your chest hair and ill believe it"
"You fucking cunt-"
"Sorry 'bout the mess.." Ted gestured to the perfectly clean living room with a sheepish look. "didn't have time to clean up. I'm just too excited to cook for ya I forgot about everything else"
"That so? Well I'm excited to taste it, I'm sure it'll be wonderful" she smiled at him as she put the bottle of wine down on the marble kitchen bar.
"Oh it'll blow your socks off, its nothin' like the food at Sam's restaurant but its darn good if I say so myself" She watched silently as Ted, adorable adorable Ted, wore his pastel pink apron, tied it around his waist and fluff it with a lovely smile that almost had her clutching her precious weak heart.
"Im sure it'll be delicious" she say, referring more to the cook rather than food. "I like anything you do anyway, so"
Ted glance at her and smile, all dimple and bright eyes. It made her smile too, softly, subtly, like one of those yearning smile that hides thousands of words and promises and hopes and desperation.
Ted went back to his cooking, whistling a tune she swore she heard before. He was telling a story, one about a fish and a basketball and a prom that gone wrong but for the life of her she could not listen.
She thought about her conversation with Roy, the words he had utter that made her want to pour her heart out and confessed to her love. She dont want to be hopeful, being hopeful is nothing but a wish on the wind in this place. It is the poison that rots your mind, that decays the flower and the trees and the grass, break the ground you stood up upon - watch it crumble and crumble until your legs become weak and your bones break from your flesh and you fell ill and sick and cough blood until you die and wish that you should have done better, that you should have stayed quiet and at peace and settle from staring from afar instead of watching your own skin slowly peel away as you continue to hope and hope and hope and watch as the filthy earth swallow you whole and- Jesus christ she should really stop reading those sad terrifying books Nate had been recommending her alot, its ruining her head in the worst ways.
"Ya feel alright?" Ted's voice woke her from her thoughts.
She looked at him furrowed brows and concerned eyes. "Im good, it's nothing"
"We could just watch a movie, you know? Order some good ol' pizza and have a laugh on some bad movies and oh! You know what? we could just watch your favourite-"
"I rather just taste your food, Ted. If you don't mind"
"But you look tired" and there it is again, the puppy look, the vain of her existence. God he's so terrible she kinda want to kiss his face and pinch his cheeks.
She chuckled "arent you sweet"
"Oh gosh! I didnt- darn, I didnt mean it that way, sugar!" He was panicking, going all over the kitchen with his cute apron on and little sauce smudge on his cheeks.
"You l-look tired but y'know still pretty, and cute and-and you know? Please darlin' I didnt mean to offend you i just want to-"
"Hey, hey, hey.." she called out to him with a barely contained humour smile "I get it, I was fucking with you. I'm just joking, calm down"
He slumped dramatically on the counter with a sigh "oh goodness, you had me there. Thought I was gonna loose ya'"
They had talked a little bit, or maybe too much, she couldn't exactly remember how long it was or what it was about but she had know they had laugh and jest and share a few stories of their childhood and back when they're still a foolish teenager who didn't know what they want and where they belong - she  still don't know now if she was being honest, she wasn't really the kind of person that plans ahead of time, or give a genuine thought on what she wanted to do in the future and how she will get there but Ted is, Ted knows, Ted understand what he wants and how he will get there and what he see himself on the future and in which place and who he was with, it made her fall a little more inlove with him.
"How was it?" He had asked as he leaned in, nervous and fidgeting.
"Oh gosh please say somethin' I'm about to blow a nerve over 'ere"
She laugh "it was good!" And it is, the best curry she probably had.
"Its perfect, Ted. Even the spiciness is perfect"
He blew out an air "oh thank god, I was so worried ya wouldn't like it! And to be completely honest with ya' I thought I switched up the salt and sugar halfway"
She laugh again, it wasn't even funny, she's just inlove and a complete fool.
Ted started to talk about his day, down to what he had ate for breakfast and how terrible his coffee was 'it tasted like cow piss' his words. He then talked about his theory that Nate is secretly a goverment spy forced to work with him for a very dangerous top secret world breaking undercover mission - when she asked why he think that - 'because nate is a genius and there ain't no way he was a water boy before I came here and coach beard told me he saw nate yesterday slap a fly in a speed of light and didn't even flinch'
It was ridiculous theory but she then remember the amount of gory psychological thriller books Nate has been recommending her for the past few days and a good amount of them involves a spy or two. She wasn't convinced but she'll keep an eye out just incase.
"-it wasn't that much of a big deal"
"You set your school on fire!" Ted had exclaimed rather dramatically, on her opinion, as she told him her high-school tales.
"Thats like- Thats arson!"
"Its not arson if they don't know someone set it on fire" she tap her forehead lightly as if gesturing Ted to see how smart she is. And Ted, bless his heart, actually nodded.
"Youre right, thats smart. Look at ya' getting away with crimes in such a young age!" He grins so beautiful she was actually proud of what her foolish younger self did back then.
"You sounds awfully proud of me bring a criminal"
"Well its kinda awesome and speaking of awesome!--" his eyes was bright and there's a little smudge of sauce near his lips, he looks adorable and loveable and she just suddenly want to kiss him stupid and tell him how much she loves him-
"--Sassy and I are going on date this weekend!"
A glass shattered on the background.
She wasn't adventurous or a sucker for pain and near death experince but if someone had ask her what it would feel like when an arm go through her chest and crush her heart in one fist, she would describe what she's feeling right now in exact gruesome detail that even Nate would vomit on the corner.
She couldn't stop her smile for falling from her lips or the soft disbelief of 'oh' that escape from her tounge, its amazing how a simple two letter words sounded so broken out of the millions she had uttered before.
"Thats great, Ted" she thank every God there is that her voice didn't came out robotic "im happy, you deserve someone who can take care of you"
Ted nodded his head with a grin that is far too wide for his cheeks and then he stared talking, he was saying something but she couldn't hear it, didn't bothered to hear it, she was too busy wondering if the feeling of absence on her chest had been there long before or had just recently appeared now.
"-aint it funny?"
"Yeah" was her response even if she didn't hear any word of it, she avoid his gaze as she wiped her mouth with a tissue and cleared her throat - there's a vile stuck on it that she couldn't seems to swallow.
"Ted, I-uh, I think I'm gonna go home. I'm not feeling very well" she was a liar and a coward but she rather die than cry infront of him -  and suddenly she was young again, alone in her room, toes cold from the floor board and clenching her hands into a tight fist and wondering what is it about her that is unlovable.
"Oh, uh, okay" Ted stood up from the table "are you feelin' dizzy? Does your tummy feels funny? Do you wan-"
"I don't" she said firmly, she was upset, mad, not to him but to herself, for even hoping that she could have this. "I don't need anything, thank you" she lied and swallowed the humiliation of even wanting to say everything she wanted to say to him. All those words she wanted to confessed makes her sick to her stomach because how fucking dare she believe she even has a chance? How foolish to even assume she could have Ted?
"Nothing like a good rest would fix" she had stated, hoping to ease his mind but her chuckle came out weak and sad.
"Okay uh, ill walk you to your apartment - I mean, flat, christ-"
"Its okay" she grab her bag "I can walk by myself"
"I don't think its safe-"
"I can handle myself"
"Still, you look a little pale and I can't have a gal like yo-"
"Fucking hell Ted!" She had yelled and the guilt settled on her stomach as soon as she did so.
Ted look at her like she wasn't her, like another person came on his flat with a face of a friend he adores and she wanted to laugh because how could she want to love him and care for him when she could barely be half of a kind person that he was?
"Just- fuck, I got it. I can handle myself just dont-" she sighed through her nose and looked down, she could feel the tears on her eyes and but none of them fell down.
"Just let me be, yeah? I'm not a fucking toddler you need to be coddle all the time"
There's a pause before Ted nods "Okay" his eyes were sad, sadder than anything she had ever saw and it would've break her heart if it weren't shattered before.
She looked at him silently, a second. She almost wanted to say it, say the words, just lay it all on the table and let Ted feast on the remnants of her broken heart and whatever is left. He'll take good care of it, she knows. That's a kind of man he is. Maybe even fix it together with some melted gold.
"Im sorry" Ted was the one who apologized even if she should be the first, it made her guts coil. "I didnt mean to upset you, I was just-just worried. I'm sorry"
She looked down and clenched her fist, dig her nails on her palm.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I was being a dick and I have no excuse-"
"Youre tired and you're not feeling well, 's okay"
"Its not, Ted" she shook her head "I shouldn't have talk to you like that, you're my-" she swallowed "youre my friend, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry"
Ted smile, sad and worried all at once. "Its okay, I forgive ya'"
He shouldn't be, atleast not this easily.
"Okay" she nod her head once before she turn to the door with trembling hands.
Ted appeared next to her and held the door open for her. "Be safe, sweetheart"
'Don't' she wanted to whisper but felt too tired to do so.
"Call me when you get home"
"Will do"
The ground was wet as she walked and the road felt much sadder than before, the cold night air beg her for warmth and instead of the heat of her flat her mind travel to the warmth of his hands, of his touch. Y/n briefly wonder how she came to be like this, how she love so fiercely like a beaten dog and dig claw marks on everything she ever love just to watch it be yank away from her as easily as her tears could fall.
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archiveoftara · 1 year
Magic is not real
Hello locknation, I'm back with another series. The reader doesn't possess any talent, has anxiety and isn't fond of the agent life or the industry. Lockwood falls for her first. Hope you like it!!
Warning: mention of anxiety
Part 2
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It's chaotic at 35 Portland Row. The agents were occupied preparing for their latest case. Lucy was checking the inventory. George was surrounded by papers, plans, notes and whatnot to gain more knowledge about the visitor they're supposed to encounter. Lockwood was brushing up his rapier skills in the basement.
Lucy plops on the chair beside George and takes a deep sigh. 
"I'm exhausted." said lucy.
"Nice to meet you exhausted, I'm George." George said. 
"Very funny." Lucy glared.
Lockwood entered the room sweating, said "I'm starving, George." 
"Have patience, kids. I've already called Arif's." George said while burying his face inside the books.
The bell rang and Lockwood rushed to the door to get it, only to be hit by the cupid's arrow.
The weather is nice in London today. I was at the back, baking some cakes when Arif asked me to deliver an order urgently as we're running short on staff. 
I quickly got changed and left to make the delivery. I looked at the slip to make sure I'm at the right address. I rang the bell and waited patiently. 
The door opened revealing a boy my age (probably), in white shirt and black trousers. Beautiful brown eyes, dishevelled hair, sweat dripping from his forehead. 
"Um.. your delivery, sir." I said while handing him the donuts. 
"Ah yes." He said while taking the package from me. The atmosphere turned awkward. 
"Yes?" He whispered. 
"That will be 15 pounds, sir." I said awkwardly, fixing my glasses. 
"Oh yes, sorry. I'm so sorry. Let me fetch my wallet real quick." He disappeared inside the house. 
I bid goodbye and left for my job. Little did I know my life was about to change.
It's been two months since the fellow agent met Arif's new Baker. He's been making his visit to Arif's more often than usual. Y/n couldn't help but notice the sudden change in the atmosphere. At first she paid no mind to it but Lockwood made it a tad bit obvious about his growing affection towards her. For instance, he would personally go to the shop to fetch the donuts, try to make small conversations and get to know her more, would order tea and have it there while waiting for his order. One day y/n had enough and asked Lockwood to meet her after the shift ended. 
"What are you doing Mr. Lockwood?" She asked. 
"Um.. having tea?" He replied.
"I want to make one thing clear to you. Our paths are different. We can't be together, Mr. Lockwood. I would really appreciate it if you just leave me alone and carry on with your life." With that, y/n left the shop. 
Y/n got off late. The streets were empty and she still had a couple of blocks left till she reached home. 
"There's no taxi. I have to reach home quickly." Y/n said while moving her feet faster. 
Couple minutes later she felt a cold breeze. A chill ran down her spine. She hoped it's a cat but she knew it's something else. A visitor. 
Y/n gulped and rummaged through her bag for a lavender or smoke bomb. She didn't wait and ran. She ran as fast as she could. She didn't care where she was going, she's looking for a place to hide. She suddenly stumbled upon a pavement which caused her glasses to fly away from her face. 
"Shit. I'm blind without my glasses." Y/n frantically looked for her glasses but it was too late. The visitor was near her. She froze. 
"Guess I'm gonna be joining you guys soon." She muttered to herself. Suddenly a rapier slashed through the air. 
"Y/n are you alright?" Lockwood asked. 
She was frozen. She was profusely sweating. She couldn't speak.
"The visitor will come again shortly. I can't hold him for too long. We have to leave. Y/n please, hold on." Lockwood picked her up on her feet. Lockwood safely took y/n to her flat.
Y/n invites Lockwood inside her tiny flat. She offered him tea as a token of gratitude. For some reason y/n couldn't meet his eyes. Maybe because of the nerves, maybe she's still shaken up by the previous incident. 
Lockwood cleared his throat and said "it's a nice flat." 
"Thank you. That's all I have." She said while looking around. 
"I'm sorry." Lockwood regrets making the previous statement. 
"No, it's fine. My parents, they were agents just like you, Mr. Lockwood. After their talent faded they started a small business. Everything was good till that night. They got ghost touched...You know how life in London is expensive, so I had to sell our shop. The rest is history." Y/n opened up her heart. 
Lockwood didn't know what to say.
"That's why I stay away from agents. Mr. Lockwood. I'm not the ideal person for you. You deserve someone... someone who's brave.. like you." Y/n said. 
"You think I'm brave?" Locked gave her his iconic smile. 
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. 
"Ms. Y/l/n, I can understand what you're going through. I respect your decision but please, i request you to respect mine too." Lockwood said looking deep into her eyes. 
"Have you seen fireflies Mr. Lockwood?" Y/n asked. 
Lockwood raised his eyebrows. "Yes?" 
"When we see fireflies, we think it's magic but when we hold it in our palms; we realise there's nothing magical here. Magic is not real." Y/n tried to explain him. 
After a moment of silence, Lockwood said something which froze y/n. 
"I don't want to hold the firefly. I want to live in its light. I want to feel its warmth because it makes me feel alive." 
"Please, y/n. I've lost everything just like you but I can't afford to lose anymore. I want to be your friend. That's all I ask of you. Give me one chance." Lockwood pleaded. 
One chance? Every human deserves at least one chance right? 
Y/n couldn't help but ponder about the thought. 
"You can take as much time as you need. I'm always here for you, waiting." Lockwood left her flat leaving a conflicted y/n. 
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
hello!! i love your works and i'm a huge law fan myself!!
I was wondering if you'd make a request for me (you don't have to do this if you don't want to). Law and his crew are on an island and Law meets this girl getting robbed by a few other older men. This girl is blind btw. Law saves her and almost instantly falls in love with her. Maybe she wants to repay him back for saving her and they go on a date?
Law x blind!reader (if you don't feel comfortable making the reader a female, gn reader is okay too!) fluff fluff fluff
Please and thank you!! <3 :)
I can see you now.
Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
A/N: I've been thinking of this for a while now but I don't have any prompts to plot around, and yours is really cute! Sorry if it took some time to make since I'm still arranging some things for my school this year. Also, I kinda made law a bit ooc and a few changes to fit the narrative, I hope you like it regardless...
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Law had to get away from those... Idiots he calls "childhood friends" for some reason.
So walking around the island was a good idea until he passed by a what seemed to be an empty park with a pond that has a lot of ducks.
He glanced around the empty park to think of he could have some peace here as he entered the small wooden gate, watching out for splinters before deciding that yes, this is peaceful enough.
He walked over to where he assumed the benches are only to find, in his mind, the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in the world.
Her hair flowing with the wind smoothly, her skin as clear as day, her eyes... Her eyes were sparkling beautifully.
He can't help but stare but at the same time feels like a creep for doing so... And after some back and forth with himself, he scoffed to himself and slowly walked over.
He also noticed how she just looked straight ahead, as if she was just listening to her surroundings, though when he got a closer look in her eyes, he can kinda see something that he knew was probably something but shrugged it off
"Hey..." He called before sitting beside her.
"O-oh...! Uh... Hello!" She smiled, still not looking at him even though she knew he was already there.
He waved a hand on front of her and raised his brows, "you're... Blind?" He asked
"Ah... Yes... Were you... Um... Showing me something? I'm sorry... As you see, I am blind" she laughed
"A bad pun..." He smirked, "I like it" he chuckled, "what're you doing here?"
"Listening to the nature around me... It just makes me feel so peaceful... Compared to the village..." She muttered, "and uh... You?"
"Ahh... I just need to take a walk..." He shrugged only to realize she wouldn't see it, "I'm Trafalgar Law, and you're...?"
"Trafalgar... Oh! That famous pirate! I think that was..." She mumbled a bit with a hum
"Surgeon of death?" He mused making her nod
"Mhmm! I always hear about you... You're quite a star now aren't you?" She laughed, "I'm (y/n)... By the way, I hope you didn't come here to steal my eyes, they're quite useless" she smiled
It made him laugh, "I only steal the eyes of my enemies. And you're not an enemy." He hummed, amused at how light he feels around her, "anyway... I hope you don't mind me asking, how... Did you become blind? Is it some sort of tumor or were you born with it?"
"Oh, it's some tumor the doctors didn't want to risk taking out for a lawsuit, also... Too expensive for those who are risky... Haha" she laughed a bit
Law nods to himself, "do you have... Um... A boyfriend or girlfriend to help you around? Are your parents present?"
"Oh... It's just me, my parents died a year ago due to old age... And... No person would want to take care of a blind person, because apparently, blind people can't do anything because they're blind. But I get around, I'm currently living off of my inheritance from my parents but soon, I know it'll run out..."
He hummed a bit, "I see... You know... I'm a doctor myself, want me to help you?" He offered
"If you want, sure." She smiled again.
"Alright then, though it might take a while before I take you in for operation since I'll be researching a bit... Is that alright?"
"Go right ahead" she nods
"Are you always here?" He asked
She hummed, "why yes... I'm always here... I love listening to the nature in here, also, it's shady and cool, since... You know, summer?"
He smiled as well, "I understand... Well, I'll leave for now, I'll come back tomorrow? If that's okay"
"It's alright with me... Oh and uh... Thank you, for talking to me... It's not always anyone would talk to me" she smiled sadly making him nod
"No prob, I'll be back tomorrow... Okay?"
He ruffled her hair after getting up making her giggle
And so he did.
He came back the next day, then the day after that, and the day after that, and goes on...
It has been a week of him going out for almost hours everyday only to come back with a lighter mood.
It made the crew suspicious as to why the hell he's like this, but they will NEVER question it because with his lighter mood, they can get away with anything.
But one day, Law wanted to give the good news to (y/n) that he'd be able to operate on her only when he reached the park she was always at, he heard her scream loudly making him immediately rush inside to see two teenage boys trying to take away her walking stick and her bag
Only for one of them to kick her on her stomach causing her to let go of both items as the boys run off.
Seeing this made his blood sizzle and boil.
"Room." He casted as the blue dome covered the whole park, "shambles."
He motioned with his hand as the two boys suddenly appeared in front of him as they look at him with fear and shock knowing that an infamous pirate was going to steal their loot.
"(Y/n)-ya...!" He ran over after dealing with the now bruised and injured boys who ran off crying to their mommies.
"L-law...!" She gasped as she cried, "m-my things..." She cried as he held her tightly in his arms
"Don't worry... I got them right here" he smiled when she gasped.
"R-really?! Y-you have them??"
"I cought the boys who tried to steal them, here..." He handed the stick back to (y/n) and helped her up slowly before handing her the bag, "are you alright? That was a pretty solid kick."
"It was a kick...? I thought someone punched the living shit out of me..." She muttered, "b-but... Thank you for retrieving my things, Law..." She smiled at him
"You're welcome...." He smiled softly.
Shachi and penguin wanted to know so they followed him only to see two teenage boys run out of a park, crying and bruised.
Upon notice, they instantly knew who inflicted those on them so they rushed to the park only to pause when they saw Law, comforting and hugging a woman while smiling softly at her
"Okay... I guess we're late to the party and uhm... Captain's got a girlfriend, finally." Shachi whispered.
"Yeah... Let's go back before he sees us" the two nodded to themselves before rushing off, probably to tell the crew or not.
"Uh... Law, do you... Do you want to come with me? I can make you something back home..." She smiled, "you know... As a thanks"
"Oh... It's alright, you don't have to-"
"But I want to, Law... Please?" She may not know it but she puts on the cutest "please" expression he has ever seen on a human being.
"A-alright..." He muttered thanking whoever is in charge that she can't see him blush ever so furiously
They soon arrived at her small cottage just a few blocks away from the park.
Law observed how the front yard was well-kept and the porch having a rocking chair on it before hearing her open the door after fumbling with the keys.
"Please, come in" she smiled as she let him in and take off his shoes, "this way..." She smiled as she placed a hand on the walk before walking to probably guide him to the dining room that was attached to the kitchen.
"Nice house you have, (y/n)-ya" He smiled softly.
"Ahh... Thank you" she smiled again as she entered the kitchen
"Do you need help with that?"
"Oh uh... Can you cook the rice?" She asks, "and I hope you're alright with some curry?"
"Oh, that's alright." He smiled as he helped her in the kitchen before sitting down once he finished his job
She soon served him the most beautiful food in a plate with rice.
It also smelled nice.
He took a spoon and scooped a spoonful before eating only to melt at how delicious it is.
"Mmmhhh...!" He hummed in satisfaction, "this is so good!"
It made her smile excitedly, "really?? I'm so happy you think it's delicious...!"
Law finished his food before drinking some freshly made juice, "before I almost forget, I was going to tell you at the park something"
"Oh? What is that...?" She felt around for a chair to sit in only for law to guide her hand to a nearby chair as she sat in it
"Good news and bad news"
"And... What might that be..?"
"Bad news... We'll be leaving tomorrow, but good news, I'll be able to take you on that operation!" He said as she can hear him be excited.
"But you guys are leaving... How can that be..?"
"This part is where the decision you need to make is very important, either... You can come with us... Or not... But don't worry, we'll take you back here as soon as you recovered or drop you off at an island if you want."
"Law... I... I want to... And if you do help me regain my vision... I want to repay you as much as I can" she smiled making him smile again
"Alright... I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning... Then I'll introduce you to my crew" he said with slight excitement
She laughed, "okay. I'll be waiting for you..."
The next day, (y/n) had her things packed, which wasn't too much than just 2 bags of her belongings.
But it was enough to make the house empty...
Someone then rang the doorbell and she went to the door, "who's there?" She called with a smile
"It's me..." She recognised his voice and immediately opened the door.
"Law...!" She gasped with a smile before feeling arms suddenly wrapped around her tightly
"Come on, let's get going... It looks like it's about to rain" he smiled softly
"Yeah, like I can see it." She joked making him laugh as she stepped aside cautiously, letting him in
"Anyway... These are all your things? Just... 2 bags...?" Law muttered
"I don't have a lot... But... I hope it's not that heavy..." She smiled softly
Law picked them up, "not really..." He mumbled before shrugging, "well? Are you ready?"
She nodded, "though... I wish to stay with your crew when I regain my eyesight back... You know... Like me paying you back?" She smiled a bit, "and... It's nice being with you... I like your company, hehe..."
It made him blush softly before chuckling, "me too... I find your company rather... Comforting"
"Here, let me carry you" he smiled before lifting her up into his arms then jumping into the sub, and as he was in the process of gently placing her down, she heard multiple gasps of surprise and shock
"What..." She muttered once he secured that she was safely
"Oh uh..."
On Law's side, he was too focused on (y/n) that he failed to notice most of the crew lounging on the deck.
So it came as a shock to them that captain, at least they think, recruited the blind girl Shachi and penguin told them he'd been visiting these past few days.
"What?" He grumpily said
"Captain...!" Bepo cooed first, "who's that?"
Law sighed before placing a bag down and holding (y/n) gently to face them making them make a sound of being in awe at how cute and beautiful they think (y/n) is.
"Everyone, meet (y/n)-ya. (Y/n)-ya, you may not see them for now but these are my crew... I hope you can familiarise them by voice?" He said as (y/n) hummed
She then nodded with a smile, "hello everyone...! Nice to meet you all, I'm (y/n)...! Lovely weather we're having, yeah? Too bad can't see them." She joked
It made them chuckle a bit before introducing themselves
Some... Sound the same to (y/n), while some are unique and easy to distinguish. But she was also glad that there's another girl in the crew, Ikkaku...
Ikkaku was more than thrilled to see and meet (y/n).
"Oh. My. Gosh... You are so CUTE!" Ikkaku gasped and held (y/n)'s hand, "I'm Ikkaku, nice to meet ya!"
It made (y/n) giggle a bit, "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you too, miss Ikkaku"
"Ah... No need for formalities, just call me by my name. And if you need me, feel free to find me" Ikkaku smiled
"Yeah, as soon as I get my eyesight back, I'll definitely find you." (Y/n) half joked making her laugh
"Captain...! You never told us your FRIEND is so funny" the crew said before earning a glare from the man.
"Come on (y/n)-ya, let's get you settled in and prepared for surgery. The rest of you, get back to work, let's leave before the marines come." Law ordered as he placed a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder and gently dragging her away
"You sounded so scary back there, haha" she laughed as they walked through the halls.
(Y/n) could hear the sub's low hum and buzz, some pipes, and metallic echoes of their footsteps and possibly others, too.
Law only huffed, "let's get you settled" he softly said, "then let me conduct a quick check up before I get you admitted and prepared for surgery" he finished, (y/n) could sense him smiling, in which he was.
Later, Law decided to settle her in the room across from his before leading her to his usual doctor's office to conduct some check up, hand in hand, they walked through the halls towards the office.
Some crew saw them and instantly knew that Law was growing close to (y/n), making them wish that (y/n) would stay forever.
Because truth be told, they've never seen him relax this much around the sub, only time he's relaxed is when he literally passed out from overworking.
So it was a great sight for them to see...
They soon arrived at the office as he placed her down on a small bed before grabbing his kit
"Just listen to me, okay?" He said before putting on his gloves and doctor's coat.
She nodded and unconsciously started kicking her legs since the bed was kinda high.
He noticed it and thought that it was cute.
The check up soon ended as he was currently writing the conclusion on the paper
"Hey... Law..." She called almost quietly as he hummed
"I'm... I want to stay with this crew... Whether the outcome of the operation succeeds or not... I... It's just been a long time since I've had people not wanting to take advantage of me being blind... And..."
"I understand" he cuts her off, "you're joining us anyway"
She could feel him smirk making her giggle before hearing him walk over, "come on, let's get you admitted for surgery."
The surgery was a success, Law could feel himself brag all over that despite him doing this for the first time, he excelled in it.
So now Law was waiting for his little patient to wake up and see if it worked, hoping it did...
So that she can finally see the world again.
But while waiting, law started to reflect on those days...
Had he not taken a walk would he ever meet her, had he not talked to the woman staring into nothing, they wouldn't have known each other better.
He was proud of the choices he made, and now... The only thing to do is to confess what he feels towards her.
Though he kinda knew it's going to be for a few more months, years even, for him to do so.
While he was thinking deeply, he felt her hand twitch making him alarmed and stand up immediately.
"(Y/n)..." He softly muttered as he moved closer
(Y/n) groaned a bit before squinting her eyes to adjust to the light above her, "law...?" She called before looking to the side, her vision still hazy
She then gasped and her eyes widened, "law... Is that... You?" She muttered as she reached her hand towards law.
It filled him with so much joy that it worked, his intelligence helped him once more as he grabbed her hand
"It worked... It fucking worked!" He grinned before moving closer and kissing her hand
"Law..." She muttered, tears soon brimming her eyes as she sat up.
With his help, she sat up and immediately grabbed his face in her hands to observe his face.
"It worked... Law...!" She gasped while crying before hugging him
Law immediately hugged her back but tighter.
They pulled away a little bit after as Law wiped away her tears that kept spilling from her eyes
"Hush now... This is something to celebrate..." He smiled
(Y/n) nodded before smiling brightly.
The moment was there... Though none of them talked, it was clear.
"Thank you..." She muttered before feeling him start to lean closer, she sighed softly to calm herself before leaning back against him.
His lips pressing against hers in a soft kiss.
"Thank you, Law.." she smiled once they pulled away, "I can see you now... Thank you..."
He chuckled, "you're welcome..."
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she's my collar
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summary : you and your aunt moved in to Hawkins, Indiana, you got your last year of senior high and got a job at Family Video, you finally made friends and this place feels like home until you met Eddie, you never know what love feels like unbeknownst to you he is not truly human what you thought he is
word count : the is the most longest one part fic that I ever written I'm sorry 😭
warnings : (18+) Vampire!Eddie Munson x FEM! reader, Eddie & reader are virgins, language, use of (y/n) losing a loved one, Eddie is (19), reader is (18), protected sex, Eddie being the most adorable and caring vampire ever, natural disaster (earthquake), reader is oblivious to Eddie's true nature, I added the KAS THEORY a little bit in this, idk if this is considered a spoiler but reader will sacrifice her mortality 👀
what to expect : angst, fluff, eventual smut, but I promise this has a good ending
note to reader : I've been wanting to write a fic about Eddie being a vampire and I hope you'll enjoy this! 🫶🏻
author note : I love Gorillaz so much, they're like my favorite band ever, if you haven't listen to this song yet and yes this is where I got the idea hahaha you should listen to it first! 👇🏻
It's April 16 1988
You and your Aunt Katherine moved to another town again called Hawkins, Indiana
Ever since in your early teens, you got used to it, moved here and there
Your aunt took care for you, when your parents both passed at a very young age of 7
She's the only one you've ever had in your life and you couldn't be more grateful
She did the best that she can to give you what you needed, she treated you well, she thought you the how to deal things with life
You loved her very dearly, it just saddens you to move on again to another town- she wants to have a partner again in her life, on every slight inconveniences the next thing you know is packing up all of your stuff and leave immediately
All the memory of Uncle Charlie is a bit hazy and you couldn't quite remember everything of it but you know, he is an amazing husband whenever your Aunt talks about him, you can see the way her eyes glow
You struggle to adjust into the new environment and make new friends, Perhaps?.... as if you ever made one
But this time, you wanted to stay for real this time, you wanna settle down and have a real life
Thankfully, is the last year of your senior high school and you're just going to need a job after you graduated
Even though your aunt insist not to take any jobs she wants you to go in college as soon after you graduated
But you really wanted to have a job not because of your own needs but you also wanted to help out your aunt
She sadly smiles at you and she sighs in defeat and she saids "Alright, we will look for a perfect job for you"
While your aunt is asking for inquires at a local diner in front of the Family Video
You eye out the store and you don't understand why the sudden pulling inside of you telling you that's the place that you want to work
You cleared your throat "Can I check that out, if you don't mind?"
Your aunt looked around "Yeah, sure, my dear but be back here? alright?"
"Okay" You nod
You crossed down the road and your eyes roam around the small building
You loved movies, you always loved watching movies
You opened the door and the bell chimes, a signal, that a customer enter the premises
"Hi! Welcome to Family Video!" A short dusty blonde hair girl- greeted you with a smile on her face
You like the enthusiastic tone coming out of her voice "uh- thank you" you shrug shyly
You didn't noticed the man coming in a load of big boxes on the side and you bumped to each other and the box fall back down on the ground scattering all of the VHS tapes on the floor
He grunts and sighs warily not until he looked up at you "Oh- I'm sorry I didn't see you there"
"It's my fault, let me help you pick up those"
Before he can protest, he already saw you piling all of the VHS all at once
"My guess this is for the horror section, right?" You held up one "Rosemary's Baby" VHS
"Yes" he responds feeling bad while he watches you picking all of the tapes and placing all of them one by one on the shelf
"Look, you don't have to do this" he says while grabbing all of the VHS at once putting them on the front desk he even doesn't bother to organized them all he just goes straight back to you
"Hey, it's okay, don't sweat it" You say before you crouch down to put the last horror VHS in place
"Actually, I think I might get a job around here" you stand up straight and look at him
He's very attractive, his hazel eyes are pretty and the hair is perfectly styled
He must've been very popular at his school where he studied
"Oh, you are?"
"I think we have one more available slot for you- he pauses "Shoot- I'm sorry, My name is Steve, Steve Harrington"
He hold out his hand for you and you shake them "it's Y/N"
"Steve, have you-"
You looked around and it's the girl who greeted you earlier
She smirked and you looked back at Steve in confusion
He shakes his head at her "Before you go think of something else, I'm almost finished to organize everything that is delivered right now"
"Ooh, really?" She answers sarcastically
"It's because we have a new assistant now!"
"Wait-woah- Does that mean I'm hired?"
"Yes!" Steve replies fast and you can hear the excitement in his tone
She rolled her eyes at him "Anyways, I'm Robin, Robin Buckley" she reached out for hand and she shakes it aggressively
"You better get used to her over the top energy" Steve chuckles
You giggled "Okay, it's nice to meet you, Robin, I'm Y/N"
"Hey, Robin could you get the papers to sign her up?"
She annoyingly smiles at Steve and goes back to the office
"That was fast?" You furrow your brows in confusion
"What do you mean?"
"That I got the job?" You raise your eyebrow at him
He goes back to the desk organizing every VHS tape in order on the shelf
Not looking at you he replies "It's because you knew the film that you're holding earlier"
"Huh? Is that it?"
"Uh yeah- that's what we needed in here, top 1 most important thing is that you must know or like familiar with films and everything" he says while opening a second box putting out the other new delivered VHS
"and you even place them not just in the horror section" he gestures the last phrase with quotation marks "you also placed them by year!" he breathlessly laughs
He motions you to look back at the horror section
"Oh, yeah right" you chuckled
He crouch down to look at it and shaking his head "I can't believe that you know all about this stuff!" he exclaims
"What stuff" Robin says without looking at you both while she's double checking the paper before she gives it to you
"This girl right here" he points to you "is very cultured"
"Say what now?" Robin grins at you as she crouch down next to Steve
She gasps and looks right back at you "You literally organized all of these by year?"
You nod at her and smile
"Dracula (1931), Frankenstein (1931)-" Robin cups her face in awe as she reads all the labels again
"Psycho (1960) to Rosemary's Baby (1968)"
"I just place them on the shelf but not like this" Steve is still unbelievable of what you just did
"She freaking place them not just by year but also by decade!"
You watch them as they lose their minds and you can't supress the smile growing widely because you've never had like this before
Maybe.... You finally made friends
Robin stands up straight she walks towards to you "Like how could you know all about this?"
You shrugged "I just love movies that's all"
Steve straighten up as well "Did you go to film class or something?"
"I guess you could say that" you snorted while you put your hands on your pocket
"Wait? Are you in college?" Robin says
"Not yet, I'm going to finish my last year of senior first but yeah Steve's right that's what I want to pursue someday"
Robin nods while Steve listens continuing to put all of the VHS at place
"I-I was supposed to go to college after I graduated that's what my aunt really wanted but I just- you paused
"I want to have a job and uh- I wanna experience it while saving up some money for college" you added
"Well, you found the perfect place" Steve smiles
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun!" Robin agrees
You look in their eyes and you can tell they're very genuine and you smile at them
You heard the car from outside beeping and it's your aunt calling out from you
"Oh, that's my aunt, I- uh I'm gonna go" you say while you're rushing out towards the exit
Steve follows you while your hand rest on the door handle "Before you go, can you start tomorrow? We open at 9am?"
"Yes, I can"
"What am I going to wear by the way?"
"You can wear anything you want- we don't have spare uniform around here yet" Robin says while she carries the 2 boxes bringing it outside
"Oh okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow then!"
"Sure thing!" Robin smiles at you
"Bye, Take care" Steve says while waving to you
You look at them for the last time and you push the door forward
"She's really cute and pretty!" Robin says with a eat shiting-grin on her face
Robin feels Steve's eyes rolling "I like her but, very funny, Robs" as he glares at her
She laughs "ooh I wonder what else she likes, maybe she loves rock music" she says as she taps her finger at her chin while thinking deeply
"What makes you say that?"
"I saw her leather bracelet and she wears like black & white colored outfits"
"Just because someone is wearing one doesn't mean they listen to rock music, Robin"
"But what if, she is!"
Steve chuckles "Only way to found out tomorrow"
6:30am in the morning, you woke up
You stretch out your body before getting out of the bed and move the curtains on the side of the window
You're never a morning person as a kid but now you're growing more to like it
You still haven't done unpacking everything yet since you're exhausted yesterday just recently moving in the tow
You sigh as you looked over the baggages in your room instead you showered to freshen up and start rummaging through your luggage
you grab the black bra top, black cardigan and khaki pants
Your aunt made your favorite chicken noodle soup and you smile to yourself as you walk across the kitchen, smelling the aroma more
"Goodmorning, pumpkin" she greets
"Morning!" you smile
Your aunt caught your keen voice as she squints her eyes at you but a smile grows on her lips before she continues to what she was doing
You want to help out your aunt for cooking but she always insists that you sat down on the table
she places the bowl in front of you "What's with you so smiley today?"
"I'm just looking forward for the job that I got yesterday"
"Wait, what- really?" she stopped while holding the serving spoon
"At the Family Video?"
"And you're excited about that?"
You smile even wider you can't help but wonder why "Yes I do! I think I made friends as well!"
"You did?"
"What are their names?"
"Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley"
Your aunt can see the lively vibe into your eyes and she hopes that you will never lose it
She smiles down at you as she fills up your bowl with chicken noodle soup
You sigh at the comfortness around the area and you've never felt this before ever since.... well.... you moved in a lot
You felt happy at those times before but not like this, this is different
Maybe, just maybe..... This is the place that you want to stay
"I'm happy for you, love, but if things go wrong-
"I will always be here whenever you need me" you cut her off by finishing her sentence that she always reminds you
She chuckles as she places a glass of red iced tea
"Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us"
Your aunt drop you off at the Family Video, she decides to take the diner instead, she works as a waitress in there
Steve & Robin are already inside opening all of the windows inside
They seem to focus on what they're doing that they didn't even noticed that you arrived on time
You cleared your throat and they raise their heads in unison
You shyly wave at them
Robin smiles "Perfect timing!"
"Hey there!" Steve greets you
You sheepishly nod at him
Robin walks towards to you and grab your hand as she pull over the desk and she reveals your uniform and your name tag
You gasped as you look over to your uniform
Other people might found this funny because of your reaction looked like you just won the lottery
But this is very new to you and it's a great experience to let yourself feel it, enjoy it and embrace it
"W-Wow, I'm official now?"
"You sure are!" Robin says as she watches you unfold your uniform and couldn't help but smile even more
"You can wear it now, if you want to" Steve says
"Are you kidding? I've been dying to have one of these!"
Steve chuckles and shakes his head at you
"You can go ahead and change in the restroom is just around the corner" Robin says as she directs you to where the bathroom is
"Okay, be right back!" You say as you pick up your stuff and headed towards the restroom
"Isn't she the most lovely human being ever!" Robin admires your kind personality
"I gotta admit, I do" Steve shrugs as he flips the sign on the glass door that says "OPEN"
"We had a bet right?"
"A bet that we did, last night"
"Oh- that"
"And I just have the perfect person to talk about it" Robin looks over to Steve shoulder and she grins
Someone enters the store with heavy boots on
Steve already knows who is the person behind him and he sighs in exhaustion
He turns around and he says "Dude, what the hell are you doing in here?"
He's wearing Ray-Bans black sunglasses
"I'll be quick, man, don't worry"
"I'll be quick" Steve mocks him making the man rolls his eyes even though his wearing sunglasses, Steve can see it
"You know it's dangerous for you to go outside, in broad daylight!" Steve exclaims
He sighs "yeah, man, I know, goddamn it just be chill, Harrington" he walked over the Mystery/Thriller section as he halts his tracks
His sensing something..... else
"Don't tell me you're going outside like this often" Steve says sternly
Robin ignoring Steve "Uh- I'm going to say something about-"
The man just hushes them both
They both went silent and Steve looked over to Robin and she just shrugs
He can smell you, he can even hear the beat of your heart
He takes a deep breath and he narrows his piercing red glowing eyes to his friends
But before they can say anything, he heard the restroom door open as he swiftly snaps his head looking at you
you unbeknownst to what's going around at the store and the strange man that came in
You're wearing a walkman and you're listening to "Deep Purple - Child In Time" with your head down and you swing your bag over your shoulder fixing your uniform more properly
He removed his sunglasses with his lips apart
The man could've sworn to himself that he is dead, he felt alive again just seeing your presence, even though his heart isn't the same anymore since.... the disaster happened
It's been 2 years and yet here you are, he thought he would've never feel anything that is human but now.... he is feeling something again and that intrigues him
You feel eyes on you
Your raise your head and you have locked eyes at the peculiar man standing not too far from you
He can feel and read your mind, emotions towards him, you're curious and somehow.... intimidated?
That's what he is afraid of.... but that changes when you started walking towards him with a smile on your face
You remove your walkman headset and pause the cassette
Steve and Robin shared a knowing look with each other as they smirk behind the man
"Oh, hello, I'm Y/N" you offer your hand to shake hands with him
You asking him? to shake hands with you?
He blinked and swallowed he becomes nervous as he couldn't said a word
You furrow your brows while you reach out for his hand and he shakes it "and you are?"
"I-I'm Edward Munson- b-but you can call me, Eddie" he stutters and he winces at the awkward answer but you find it cute
The one thing that you noticed, it's not even winter yet but his hand feels.... cold... not that it's weird is just it's summer but you don't pay attention to it...maybe....it's because he's nervous
"Hi, Eddie is a pleasure to meet you, I just recently moved here."
"You do?"
"Yeah, just yesterday"
He looked back at his friends raising his eyebrows
"And that what I've been meaning to tell you" Robin sighs
"She's on her first day of the job!" Steve says while putting his hands over his waist
"Are you picking up a movie?" You asked
"Uh- yeah- I was"
You nod "What kind?"
He got confused by your question and you chuckled "What I mean what kind of movie genre"
"Oh, I get it" he admires your features carefully your eyes, lips, smile, nose, even your voice.... is making him melt
You move yourself beside him and that shocks him, he's never been close to a human girl in his life.... except for his friends though
"You're looking for a Mystery/Thriller film?"
"Yeah, I am"
You look over the VHS section, you found that catches your eye but before you put it out from the shelf, you ask him first
"Are you looking for something that is uh- spooky?"
He tears his eyes away from you while you lean down bending beside him
You didn't even noticed that he is watching you, my god- you're so beautiful- it hurts
He clears his throat "I-I'm kinda into some kind of action"
Steve scrunches up his brows "Since when?"
Robin elbows him with Steve saying "OW!"
"Don't mess up with the moment" she whispers
You picked it up and give it to him
He take it out your grasps and he reads the title "Die Hard"
"You gotta love it" you told him
He smiles to you "Okay"
Robin presses her lips together as she can't control her excitement
"Say- uh- Eddie- I think Y/N is also into rock music" Robin says as she throw her arm around your shoulder with a grin
"How- did you?-" you say as you turn your head on Robin
"You are?"
"Oh- yeah I am"
"What kind?" he echoes the question that you asked him earlier
"Heavy metal, speed metal, glam rock, hard rock, blues, psychedelic rock and so much more" you say as you motion your hands for far more wide
Eddie's eyes almost bulge out of his head "Really? No way!" he jumps out of exhilaration
"Yes, I do!"
You mirrored his enthusiasm as you jump at the same time- you didn't even realized you both holding each other's hands
Robin face turn into such a satisfaction as she turn into Steve mouthing to him "Pay me"
Steve rolls his eyes at her with a smile as he digs out of his pocket a dollar and gives it to Robin
You share each other's interests as you both looked down
you rip your hands from him immediately while smiling sheepishly at him
Eddie scratches the back of his neck
"Are you going to pay for that, Munson?" Steve asks
"Right" he responds as he holds up the VHS you gave to him
Before he can leave the store he turn around and say "Can we hang out sometime?" he shyly asks
"Sure, Eddie, I would love to"
"Oh, okay good, what day are you available?"
"I could hang out with you tomorrow if you want"
"T-That's perfect!" his voice raises a bit much that gives two of his friends shared giggles and he shakes his head at the sight of them
You laugh "See ya, tomorrow, Eddie"
"You too, sweet thing" he gives you a smile before he exits
and that's where all it began....
Everytime you bond with each other, you two became close, literally inseparable
You even met his amazing friends that you very liked in the first place that you met them
Dustin, Max, Lucas, El, Mike, Nancy, Will, Jonathan, Chief Hopper (but he prefers to be called Jim) Joyce, Murray, Karen, Ted, Enzo
You notice something again in their eyes, you can't even read it what it means but you never really mind it about anyways
The first thought comes to your mind, maybe.... they're observing you- they feel like they should get to know you first before trusting you
Are they hiding something from you? or maybe they're just being careful or it's just their instinct
But at the same time it doesn't add up, if they won't trust you they shouldn't be inviting you to hang out during weekends or inviting you and your aunt on dinner
You have done it, countless amount of times already.... and it's overwhelming to you because.... this never happen to you before
One time though, you made garlic buttered shrimp that Eddie almost runaway at the smell of it, you thought he didn't like the food and you can see he is scared.... like you can't even explain it- it looks like you're going to hate him?
Eddie on the other hand can read your mind and he wishes if anything happens, if ever you found out about him, he hopes that you will never change towards him
"Oh, are you allergic to seafood?"
"U-uh- yeah I am" he quietly sighs of relief
You gasped "My deepest apologies, I am so sorry I didn't mean any harm" you say as you moved away the food from him
You met Eddie's uncle, Wayne, that's your first impression again
You got intimidated, but that got off as well as soon as he acts so friendly to you
He has the exact same qualities with his nephew
He is so sweet and kind like Eddie
Sometimes you caught them looking at each other with a look that again.... you couldn't understand
There's also no mirrors in their trailer
There's mirrors in some of his friend's house but all of them are covered with a fabric
You find it odd but you can't stop yourself from being curious though
One night, you came home late from work since you insist to take the night shift from Robin- you couldn't quite understand the reason why the sudden she has to leave
It's about a "Code Red?"
Steve didn't want to leave you behind but you heard Dustin's voice coming out from the walkie-talkie shouting
"Bring Steve with you, y-you guys better come in here right now! It's urgent!"
Judging by the tone of his voice, it is very serious and you hate yourself for thinking this is kind of a sick joke but it really is not
You drag your brows together but you don't wanna pry and it's really none of your business but you wanted to know what's going on though
Robin almost dragging Steve out of the store
He really didn't wanna go and you can't understand why, the more you try to convince Steve that you'll be okay and you can see in his eyes that it's highly unlikely that you'll be fine,
It's closer to 12:00am, you packed up your stuff and you make sure all of doors from the back door and the office are locked and you switch off the lights and close the store
The cold wind made you shudder a little
Your aunt take the bus ride home she leaves you with the car, while on your way to it- you didn't know that there's a man holding out a knife to harm you
Before he can attack you, there's a wind swoosh behind your back, you turn around and you notice there's nothing in there- you roam your eyes everywhere
There's no one
You felt nervous and you grip on your car keys as you quickly unlock the door
There's 'clang' of a trashcan that flew into the air and that made you shrieked and you drop your keys on the ground
You take a deep breath and you shout
"Whoever you are! Show yourself!"
Eddie can feel your fear and he feels bad he's the one that caused it but he doesn't want anyone to hurt you, he won't let anyone to do that to you
His eyes are red, his hands are bloody, and his fangs were out.... good thing that he can go back to normal after a while to calm down
When no one respond, you huffed and shake your head, you pick up the keys on the ground
The moment you look back again, you screamed "AHH" you put your hand over your chest and you're heavily breathing
It's Eddie fucking appeared out of nowhere in front of you and you didn't even heard him coming
"You fucking scared me half to life! Eddie! What the hell?!?"
You clasps his hands together saying "I'm sorry" repeatedly
You wave dismissively at him and he says "A-are you good?"
You laugh in disbelief- you scratch your forehead "What are you doing in here anyways?"
Oh shit
He needs a valid reason
"Uh- Steve asked me to guard on you"
"Guard on me?" You raise your eyebrows while you squint your eyes on him
"Y-yeah since, it's late"
before you can reply, Dustin runs around you and he put his hands over his knees as he tries to catch up his breath
Steve leans over to your car with a ragged breathing
Robin puts her hand over her chest as she gives a small wave
"Oh- good, you're okay" Dustin hugs you and you hugged back looking at Eddie in confusion
He pulled out a forced smile as he doesn't know what to say
Hopper's car arrived and he came out of the vehicle and he gives a glare to Eddie
Eddie gulped and put his head down
"There's a suspect that runs into this area that's why we came as fast as we could" Hopper explained
You nod and that lessens your suspicions but- you want answers
You're still confused by the whole situation going on but they watched you as they saw you're inside of the car and drove away
Eddie watches you closely as he can read your thoughts and he feels so guilty for not telling you the truth about....
"What have we told you?" Hopper says sternly
"I know-"
"Listen, kid, you know I like you alright?" Hopper says
He just nods
"I can't help but feel infuriated by your stubbornness"
"Look- I just- wanna help! I caught the bad guy! didn't I?!?" He looks over to Dustin, Steve and Robin
The three of them give unsure looks
"Oh, come on, you guys"
"Yeah, you caught the bad guy but what about you?" Steve says
"I agree with Steve" Dustin can't even look at Eddie in the eyes as he can remembers how he almost lost him before
"What if, someone saw you? Do you think they won't think twice of killing you instantly?" Robin added
"We know that you wanted to help but we can't risk anyone by finding out that you're- Eddie cuts Hopper off before finishing his sentence
"A what?!? A fucking vampire?!?" Eddie exclaims
He lets out a exasperated sigh "I know guys are concerned about me and I promise this is the last time that I will violated what we talked about" he starts
"If there's a bad situation, I will never do anything without your permission"
Hopper, Steve, Dustin, Robin glance at each other as they all know no matter what they do- Eddie will always be there to save someone from harm
"He-" his angry tears welled up behind his eyes
Hopper blinks at his vulnerability, He knows that he is strong but he truly does care for his loved ones
But this is the first time that they saw him like this..... again.... after the incident....
"He almost killed her, Hopper"
"If- if I wasn't there on time, he would've killed her"
"I would've have lost her" he sniffled
Steve gives Eddie a sympathetic smile, Robin softly gasps at his subtle confession about his true feelings to you and Dustin widen his eyes
"I'm sorry, if I was on a rush for making risky decisions again" he says plainly as he flew off
All of them watch him as he flies away
Dustin smiles sadly "What happens if she finds out?" He says as he still looking up in the sky
"What?" Steve asked
"What if she finds out the truth about him?"
"Oh" Steve can't help but feel so sorry for Eddie, he knows that he never loved someone in his life ever since, he never knew this could happen
"What should we do if ever that might happen?" Robin says as she presses her lips together
"She won't" Hopper says while he's walking towards to this car
"She won't" what? Dustin raises his eyebrows as he waits for Hopper to continue
"She won't be scared of him"
"What makes you say that?" Steve added
"Because they've been together a lot, it's over a year since they moved here and Y/N told us that they frequently leave even though she doesn't tell it to me, I feel like she wants to stay here because of him.... and that says a lot." Hopper says as he goes inside of his car and turns on the engine
"You know what, he's right" Robin says
Steve and Dustin looked at her
"She wouldn't be with us, if she doesn't trust us."
"Well, I just hope she won't change after anything if she finds out" Steve sighs
"I believe in Y/N too" Dustin while he crosses his arms
"Remember the time when Y/N defended Eddie from those douchebags at The Hideout?"
Steve chuckles and Robin "Oh yeah, she got heated when they're calling him "monster" and a "freak"- she literally splashes him with a beer and my god she punches the guy after he tries to hurt her"
Eddie rambles the whole situation over and over to Dustin, from what his dear old friend doesn't know even he is just a kid, he can see his eyes shine whenever he talks about you
Dustin is very happy for him, he hasn't seen his friend this joyful ever since
"Just be there for her, if ever, okay?" Hopper says
All of them nod at him, they watch as he droves away
Eddie on the other hand
Thoughts going wildly on his mind while he's flying around the town
He doesn't know what to do, is it a right decision to tell you or to keep it a secret?
but he knows deep down, if he still keeps this as a secret, you would be furious that it makes him look like he doesn't trust you
He angrily shouts as he lands on a forest
He screams "Why?!"
"I know this would've happen, but I never thought it will really happen" he's heavily breathing as he continues to shout
"Why do I have to suffer like this?!" He says as he owns tears getting choked up in his throat
"I really wanted to stay with my friends but right now?!?" He laughs incredulously "I would rather die than seeing my love getting afraid because of me!"
Memories flashes before his eyes as he remembers the one who gave this to him
"You'll live"
Eddie is gasping for air but he feels different
He woken up he is still laying in the upside down
He sits up, the demobats that tear off half of his skin and limbs are all healed
"W-What have you done to me?" He says as he backs away from him
"Shh" he shushes "Don't be frightened"
"I need you to work for me"
"I gave you life and powers"
Eddie runs his tongue over his teeth and he shouts "No" his fuelling anger is becoming tears in his eyes
"You can't do this to me!"
"You're my slave, I need you to do something for me"
"I won't work for you!"
He slams him behind the trailer as he threatens him and choking him in the process
"You wanted to graduate is that it?"
"Y-yes, I do"
"Then follow me what I need you to do"
In fact he did follow him, but he had other plans
Everyone was shocked that he is still alive, he showed up first to Dustin, he thought he saw a ghost the first time he saw him again
"I knew it! You're alive!" He hugs Eddie with happy tears
"It's really good to see you, bud" he says as he rubs his back
"But- how did you manage to-" Dustin pulls away but he got cut off by Eddie saying
"I will explain to you everything, we have a problem"
"Copy that" Dustin says as he walks over to grab his walkie-talkie saying "Code Red"
To be completely honest everyone felt weird when they saw Eddie alive and well as if he wasn't got eaten off by demobats
Eddie can understand why and that he is truly himself, just undead that's all
"Steve, Robin, Jonathan and I, will take cover for you" Nancy says
"El and Eddie will corner Vecna to finish this once for all" Mike tightens the grip on El's hand as she flashes out a small smile
"We will be at the gates and guard on it if ever nasty monsters will get out" Erica says as she nods over to Lucas and Max
"Me and Argyle will warn Hopper and Enzo to the townspeople to stay alert and be ready" Will added
Eddie sighs "Do you think this could work?"
"It has to- and I believe you can beat his ass off" Dustin reassures Eddie
The plan is going on so nicely, everything is coming to an order
El uses her telekinetic powers to hold off Vecna and while Eddie pins him down on the ground
"Your time is running out" Eddie grunts
"You're making a big mistake"
"Am I?"
Vecna tries to fight back but El groans and screams harder as she pushes him back down and Eddie stabs him with a sword and punches him
That caused a lot pain to him "Traitor" he says while wincing at the wound
"If you kill me, you won't be able to go back to normal"
El glances over to Eddie and he looks back at her
He gave her a small nod and mouthing to her "it's okay"
"Someday, you'll see, if someone tries to love you, they won't love you back because you're a monster"
Eddie clenches his jaw as he deepens the wound
"They won't accept you, everywhere you go- they'll hate you"
"A freak but also a monster?" He laughs darkly
"Don't listen to him, Eddie!" El yells as she uses both of her hands to hold him back down
"Now, don't you worry, supergirl, I am not" he says sternly to Vecna
His eyes widen as he watches him raises the sword to chop his head off
"I would rather live like this than to knowing that you're still alive killing innocent people" he says in his last blow of his sword
Both of them shout in anger and exhaustion
They both fell back down and the upside down is now crumbling
Eddie, El, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan running for their lives as they try to leave the upside down
Erica, Lucas and Max watches the gates closed on its own and it faded like it wasn't ever existed
The cracks are all gone and the wind and the red glow in the area is nowhere to be seen
"He made it" Enzo chuckled
"The kid got guts" Hopper smiled as he closes his eyes finally at peace for this town
Mike speaks over the walkie-talkie asking "Hey, guys? I see the town is going back to normal is everything alright?" Dustin can't reply as he's watching the last gate where Eddie is
He kept saying "Come on guys, Eddie, come on, man"
The 6 of them jump on the ground back into the real world as the watch the last gate finally closed and goes back to where it was before
Dustin sighs of relief "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, we're okay" Steve says as he looks over to his friends
Eddie is the only one who is silent as everyone is catching up their breath
He is disappointed of what he has become for all eternity but also the same time, he is glad, that the war is finally over
"Are you good?" Jonathan asks Nancy as she gives him a nod
"Eddie?" Robin asks
El glances over to Eddie and he looks at her giving him a hopeful smile
He finally turns around "I am stuck like this, you guys, forever" he scoffed while shaking his head
Everyone gave him a sympathetic smile
"You're a hero, Eddie and nothing ever changes that" El says as she puts over her hand in his shoulder
"Thank you" he says softly
"You'll be okay and we will always here for you, Eddie" Dustin says
"Yeah, man" Steve agrees
"It never felt any different ever since you came back, Eddie, it's still going to be the same" Jonathan says with a small smile
"We should celebrate, you know" Nancy shrugs
"Oh, I hear you, Wheeler" Eddie chuckles and all of them laughed
"We should cover up those wounds first, Munson" Robin says
His eyes became misty as he is so grateful to have friends like them
Eddie proved Vecna wrong about people not accepting for who he really was....
but... what about you?
Joyce, Murray, Karen all of them decided to keep Eddie's true nature a secret and kept it quiet
Hopper and Enzo agreed with this
So the townspeople won't snoop their noses around him, they'll still believe he's the one that caused it
Fucking close-minded people
"She's deserves to know" he says as he calms down a little bit
"She has to know" he says it himself
No more lies, no more secrets, he doesn't like to see you get betrayed and hurt
But he hopes that you'll won't be disappointed
He's going to admit it all at your first date together
You showed up in Family Video, you went to do all of the tasks as if nothing ever happened last night
Steve and Robin give looks at each other and then back to you
"You know that I can feel your eyes on me, right?" You say while opening the window blinds
"Sorry" Steve says softly
"Y/N, we just wanna know, if you're okay?" Robin says
You bring yourself around to face them "I am totally fine, guys"
You both gave them a reassuring smile
There's still a piece inside of you wanted answers to your questions but you don't want to make things worse, so you kept it to yourself
While you're bringing the storage boxes outside, Eddie approached you while clearing his throat
"Hey, Y/N" he says softly
"Hi" you say sheepishly
"I know what happened last night was so weird, please, forgive me" Eddie says with his doe eyes
His eyes are making you say "aww" on how adorable they are
Wait- you found my eyes appealing? He thinks to himself while he reads your mind
But he stops doing it right away as he feels like he's invading your own thoughts
"You don't have to explain and you don't have to apologize to it anymore, Eddie" you sigh
"Look, just hear me out" he says as he looks deeply into your eyes
You swallowed nervously and you blinked rapidly
Woah- why is your heart beating so fast? Do- do you like me?
He can feel emotions rushing and the energy of it.....is growing wild
You nod for him to continue
"I know this is like way too early but I'm asking you out for a dat-"
"Yes" you cut him off
"I'm not even finished yet" he throws his hand up
"Yes, I would like to go out with you"
"Yeah" you smile at him
He looks straight into your eyes and he might felt come alive again as he doesn't see anything else that is untrue
You're his dream come true
"Are you serious?" He says as he can't believe that you're willing to go with him
You roll your eyes playfully and giggled
Your smile and laughter brings soothing to his heart, even it's not the same anymore
He felt like a normal human being again
You step closer to him and he's taken a back
"You're amazing gentleman, Ed's, that's why I wanted to go out with you, I hope you know that." You say as you place your hand over his cheek and caresses it
He melts into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment and he smile down at you
"Is 7pm alright?" He whispered
"Yes" you replied while you pat his cheek
You walked away leaving a breathless Eddie behind
"Goddamn" he smiles to himself, his smile though slowly fades a little as he remembers what he's going to do tomorrow
You wore a black corset and black ripped jeans
You checked your outfit while looking at yourself in the mirror
"Hmm, it might be too cold outside" so you picked out your sheer white jacket
"You look absolutely divine, honey" your aunt says while she leans over to your doorframe
"Oh, hi, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I have a date"
"Is it Eddie?"
You gasped and you take a double look at your aunt "How could you know?"
She chortled as she sits down on your bed motioning for you to come sit beside her
You smiled at her and she starts "I see the way you looked at him and the way he looked at you"
"Auntie-" you groaned but she laughs "Just listen to me for a moment"
"Never be afraid just to get out there and explore and have a new adventure at your life"
"When I was your age, me and your uncle just go literally everywhere, and it was the surreal experience of my life" she paused as she snifffles a little
You rub her back and she holds your hand "this thing you have with Eddie? Is very special, I see myself through the both of you"
"You both have the same interest and filled with just pure happiness and imaginary at the things you loved the most"
"Never lose yourself and I love that you kept being yourself, honey"
Your tears are threatening to spill "of course, that's what you always told me when I was a kid"
"Hush now" she presses a kiss to your forehead "don't ruin your makeup and I might be the caused of that" she snickers and you laughed
"See you later, auntie!"
"I love you"
"I love you forever, auntie"
You came in the diner that Eddie asked you to come and for moment there you thought you got stand up but you saw him and sigh of relief
"For a minute, I thought you're not going to show up" you say
"I-I'm sorry, I got nervous"
"You're nervous?" You watch him as he sits down across from you
Eddie has always been so handsome to you but you've never seen this close and you're used to see him wearing bandshirts, denims, leather jackets
He is now wearing a decent attire, a little bit formal but still has the touch of his own style
He's wearing a white polo, black pants with his Reebok
His chains and his rings making you feel hot sensation all over your body
"Am I late? Do I look okay?"
"No- you're not I just arrived 2 minutes early and you look exquisite"
"Exquisite?" He smirks
"Fine" you huffed "you look extremely so handsome tonight, Eddie" you bat your eyes at him
Eddie laughs as he admires your pretty face as he looks at you
You corset goes so finely with you, it hugs your breasts so tightly and he grunts softly at the sight of it, every hairstyle is perfect on you but he loves to see you wearing it down
He loves everything about you
The date is going on smoothly, you both shared laughs and funny stories about each other
Like come on, it's like you're fooling both of yourselves, you've been friends for like over a year now, so this feels so natural for you and so does he
Eddie droves you to over his trailer for a movie date
He put VHS Beetlejuice (1988) as he settles down with a popcorn bowl on his hand and places 2 canned sodas on the table
He froze when you remove your white sheer jacket off and you remove your high-heeled shoes
Good thing, he knows how to control his powers, he can't stand not to see your pulsing veins on your neck as he tries not to take a bite of it
You caught him watching you and he shyly ducks his head down and he moves sideward to give you open space to sit down on the couch
You smirk and sat down beside him
You grab a pillow and you put it in front of you to hug it while you're eating popcorn
He can smell your sweet scent as he exhales slowly, he feels so comfortable whenever you're around
You're paying attention in the movie while he doesn't- he watches you
Your eyelashes are so pretty, he just wants to smushes his own face on you and showers you a lot of kisses
But he doesn't want to do anything rash right now, you're being nice ever since you met him and he hates it he's getting thoughts like this
You looked over to him while chewing on the popcorn on your mouth and you chuckled a little when he looked back at the television screen and he grabs his soda immediately and takes a sip of it
"Whatchu, lookin' at- Ed's?"
"I'm not blind, Eddie, I saw you looking at me!"
Oh- his cheeks is on fire
He steals the popcorn bowl from your hands and you gasped "You're making it all up" he says as he throws a popcorn onto his mouth
"Sure, whatever you say, handsome" you roll your eyes as you looked back at the TV
"Handsome? that's the twice she said that to me?!" He thinks to himself
He watches you again
You feel his eyes on you as you quickly turn yourself on him
Once again, you caught him
"Aha!" You point at him "I caught you red-handed!"
You throw popcorn at him and he laughs "Okay, fine!"
"Aww, you feel defeated, Ed's?" You pout at him
God, how can you be so cute and hot at the same time? He thinks to himself
"I am guilty, sweetheart" he says as he smiles down at you
You giggled at him and while you reaching out the pillow that fell down from your lap
"You're beautiful"
"I said, you're beautiful" he repeated with a grin on his face
Now, it's your turn to be flustered and you smile at him sheepishly
At this point, you don't even care if you got rejected, you have this crush for him carrying it for a over year now
You gotta take the risk or live with regret
So, fuck it
He loves to see you getting blushed because of him as he takes another sip from his soda while he places it from the table
"Eddie?" You called out for him
You and him both stare at each other and he gulped of what you're about to do
You cupped his cheeks and presses your lips into his
You kissed him and his eyes were wide as hell
You pulled back and you furrow your brows at his expression, you can't even read it
You chuckled nervously "oh wow- okay, that was stupid, you know what I'm gonna go-" you get up but he grab your hand
His eyes softens and you look back at him and you slowly sat down again beside him
He tucked your hair behind your ear and he slams his lips onto yours
The kiss was so passionate and it was steaming hot, he tilted his head as he deepens the kiss even more, you moaned
You runs your hands over his chest as you throw your arms around him and one hand over the back of his head as you hold him and pulled him even closer
You both flushed at each other's bodies automatically
His cold hands run over your shoulders and to your thighs
You're both making it out like it was for centuries and he doesn't mind it all
He loves to kiss you forever
You don't even noticed that you both floating up in the air
You pulled away and gasped as you put your hand to cover your mouth
And you look back at Eddie and his eyes are red and you look down at his mouth, you saw his fangs
You're in a state of shock as you felt coming back down on the couch
You breathe heavily of what you just witnessed but you quickly collected yourself
All of the missing pieces are coming together
Now, you understand everything
Eddie is a vampire and you're completely clueless about it
You stare at him and he looks away from you ashamedly but you stopped him from doing it while you place your hand on his cheek to make him face you again
He knits his brows together at your action
You peck a kiss onto his lips and he kisses back "Talk to me"
"I wanna know everything, Eddie" you say to him as you flash a sweet smile
He searches uncertainty on your eyes but he doesn't find anything, he saw compassion and love?
You love him?
He just burst into tears as he goes back to normal again
"Oh, Eddie" you hug him while you rest your head over his chest
He hugs you even tighter and you embrace him even more
You both stayed like this in comfortable silence
Locked into each other's arms
He runs his fingers through your hair and you sigh in comfort
You broke the silence first "Before you can think of anything that I don't want you anymore after this, I won't do it, Eddie, I really mean it"
His eyes are still blurry from the tears as he looks down on you and kisses the top of your head
You hum in agreement with a smile on your face
"I- I adored you ever since, Eddie, I love you" you confessed
You felt him get tensed up and he looks at you in shock
You pulled away from him and you cup his cheeks
"I am willingly to spend my whole life with you, Eddie"
He never felt this much happiness in his life but he smiles sadly at the thought-
He's immortal and you're not, his lifetime will be different in the world and yours will be end up fast unfortunately
At least he got the taste of true love but he really wants to make that happen
Loving each other endearingly
But he also doesn't want to cross over the line, you might want to live your life normally
"Oh, sweetheart" his eyes are brimmed with tears and yours too
He got confused "What is it, darling?"
"I- I thought I will be rejected" you laugh "but I see nothing but the truth in your eyes, Ed's" you say
"Even you don't say it-" he cuts you off by saying
"I love you too, Y/N" he kisses your cheek
"Ever since the first time we met" he added
Your lips clashes onto each other as you make out again
Eddie carried you into his room not wanting to break the kiss
He closes the door and locks it and he places you slowly on his bed
You helped him unbotton his polo and you quickly rushed to unclasp your corset
"No, let me" he stopped you and you nod at him
"Are you sure about this?" He asks before he continues to undresses you
You just nod at him and he sighs as he doesn't want to make this go any further if you're aren't up to this truly
He does not want to make you regret it, it's fine for him, if you're not ready
"Hey" he lifts your chin up to make you look at him in the eyes
"I need verbal answers, sweets" he says as he narrows his eyes on you
"I-I've longed for this, Eddie and I only want you"
"Okay" he says softly as he kisses on your knuckles
You make love for the first time and you're so sure of yourself that he is your person
You're going to settle the life that you want with Eddie
You're naked, laying on his bed, your hair is a beautiful mess
You blushed when you noticed his eyes are roaming around your body from top to bottom
You got shy, you tried to cover yourself by wrapping your arms around you
He licks his lips and his eyes filled with hunger, he chuckles darkly
"Damn- that's so hot, why does he have to do that" you think to yourself
"My love, I was just admiring you" he says as he places both of his hands on your hips
"My love?" your knees are now wobbling at his words
"I can't take my eyes off you, you're a goddess!"
"Oh- stop it! Eddie, I-" he cuts you off with a fervid kiss
You squealed and you can feel his smirk while kissing you
You grab a fistful of his hair and he groaned on top of you and as his hands roam over around your body earning a whimper from you
He deepens the kiss even more as he unbuckled his belt
You're already got so worked up by the simplest touches that he did
The effect he has on you, is freaking unreal
He breaks the kiss and you frown, he laughed while he grabs something on the drawer
"I want to be safe"
Your heart melts as he cares about your pleasure first
He pulled his boxers all the way down and you squirmed
Oh, he is huge, you don't even know if you can take it
"You can take it, don't worry, hunny" he winks at you as if he can read your mind (you didn't know that he can truly do that)
He places himself back on top of you and grab his dick directing to your hole
"You ready?"
"Yes, I am, Eddie"
"I applaud your attentiveness, sweetheart"
He takes himself in slowly and you scrunched up in pain
"Just tell me to stop and I will stop" eying you in concern
"No- no, I'm adjusting, keep going"
The moment his all the way in, you look down and you saw that he filled you up real good
"Oh" you breathe heavily
"Told you can take it"
"E-Eddie- you can move now"
He thrust and he grunts as at your pussy already clenching
"Wow, my darling- you impressed me"
You want to keep your eyes open but can't help by the overwhelming sensation burns through your system
"It feels so good, go harder, please" you beg and he doesn't want to keep you begging for more as his thrusts grows harder and harder
You kept your lustful eyes on him
"Don't you dare look at me like that or I will tore you apart" he thinks to himself
"Ah- Eddie! Oh my fucking god!" You moaned
He grabs your legs and places it over his shoulders
He watches as your chest rises up and down
You got confused ignoring the enrapture that you're feeling at the moment
"Eddie- what are you-" you got cut off as he deepens himself down onto you
You can't suppress your moans any longer as you moaned louder
You grip on the sheets as he fucks you roughly
He even watches your boobs bounce up and down, he smirks at the sight of it, he is enjoying himself
"Holy- shit- oh!" You exclaimed
"Baby, I'm coming, I can't take it anymore"
You arched your back in pleasure as he came undone
He falls down on you even though you felt weak, you still manage to hug him
You can feel him smiling at your action and you run your fingers through his hair
He carefully puts down your shaking legs
Your eyes are heavy lidded, your cheeks are flushed, Eddie slowly pull himself out of you
He wiped you, cleaned you, he pulled a clean bandshirt on you and he chuckles softly on how big it is to you as he dresses you up with his clean boxers
He wore his pajama pants as he cuddles next to you
"How's that?" He asks
"It's astounding" you say while your eyes are closed
He bursted out laughing and you furrow you brows as you slap his arm playfully
"I-I am sorry" he is tearing up from laughter "your choice of words are remarkable" he says with a British accent
You laughed at him "Well, you're not the only one" you snorted
"Oh- how dare you" he says dramatically
You rolled your eyes as you push him back laying down on the bed
You caught him by surprise
You remove his boxers that belonged to him and his
You sat down at him without any warnings and you bite your bottom and you moaned
With his lips apart while looking at you
You place your hands over his shoulders as you begin to ride him, your eyes rolling back as you can feel yourself getting wet because of him
He squeezes his eyes shut on the sweet sensation as you say
"Round 2?" You say menacingly as you smirk down on him
He moans while laughing in the process "where have you been all my life?"
He takes care of you after you both make love again
As soon as he goes back beside you, he's picking up the clothes that he wants to put on you, you're ready to snuggle up with him and yes he will cuddle up with you as soon as he dresses at you up he insists to do that one first but you give him a scowling face
He chortled at how clingy you are
He pulled up the blankets as he lays down and he open his arms out for you
You smiled as you lay your head over his shoulders and hug him and he kisses your forehead
Now at this time, he told you everything about him, about what happened 2 years ago
"I wish I was there for you" you start "they didn't even look hard enough, you're innocent"
"I appreciate that, Y/N, Thank you"
"And I also appreciate your honesty" you pulled back to look down at him and you smile
Your prop your arm up and you say "So there's this other world that you guys called the upside down and this asshole named Vecna did this to you?"
"Yeah, that's sums it all up"
His story sounds like the sci-fic, adventure and action films that you watched before and now knowing that this really happened sends goosebumps into your skin
"Where's Jason now? I would like to punch him in the face"
"Easy there, tiger" he chuckled
"You didn't deserve that! Eddie!" Your eyes are forming with tears
Eddie pulled you into a hug as he rubs your back
He is now sobbing softly with happy tears
You're not afraid, you trust him, you accept him, and you even love him
His eyes flashes with so much gratitude
You suddenly became concerned as you heard him crying
Both of your eyes are stained with tears
"What's wrong, Ed's?"
"Nothing, I just" he sniffles "I didn't know that I got to have you and called you mine"
You smile widely "I'm yours forever"
"I'm yours forever" he keeps replaying it in his head
"I'm so lucky that you exist and you're here with me"
"Because I thought I would never have-
"You're my first" you admit
"I don't wanna give myself to someone who wasn't true to himself" you paused
"I was never in love with anyone until you, Eddie"
His eyes glint with teary eyes with overjoyed coming into his face
"Me too" he says while you into his eyes and look for dishonest on them but nothing
You fall for him even harder
"I love you, Eddie"
"I love you forever and ever"
You snuggled up together as you slowly close your eyes as you drift away to sleep
Eddie is wide awake somehow gobsmacked at his life right now
He embraces you even tighter as if you might disappeared from him
You hold onto him close as you bury yourself on his chest
His sheets are now covered with your scent and he just loves it, mixed with vanilla and lavender from your shampoo
He can also smell the lotion from your soft skin, flowery and fresh scent
He smiles in content as he fell asleep....
Everything is going so well, why does it have to be like this?
An intense magnitude Earthquake happened all over across the town of Hawkins, Indiana
You and your auntie hold on to each other inside the diner
You both tried to stay calm as you both headed towards the exit
A big rumble on the ground made you both ripped at each others hands
Your eyes widen in fear and you screamed "No! Auntie!"
A big pole that fell back down on her crushes her entirely
The earthquake is becoming more and more stronger as you ran towards her
"Y/N! Stop! Save yourself!" She chokes on her own blood
"No- I won't leave you!" A small wall but heavy enough slams down on the half of your body made you screech in pain
"R-remember what I told you, sunshine"
"I-I love you" she blinks slowly and she dies
"Auntie" you cried out "N-No"
You felt dizzy and you look down wincing in pain, your head bleeds as before you got unconscious the last words you said
"I need to find Y/N before it's too late" Eddie says
"Be careful, kid" Enzo says while he and Hopper protect everyone in the open ground area
Eddie gasps as he saw you laying in your own blood, your heart is slowly beating
You're still alive, but losing a lot of blood
"Don't you die on me!" He shouts as he raises the wall that almost crushed you
Eddie saw your lifeless, Aunt, "oh- I am so sorry, sweetheart"
Your mind is hazy but you knew the person who is carrying you
"You came"
"Of course, sweetheart, I'm taking you to the hospital"
"I-I tried to save her" you say weakly your nose starts to bleed
Eddie cries in anger as he quickly finds a hospital
The earthquake is finally over, everyone was wounded, lost a loved a one, lost a home
Emergency vans, were everywhere
The hospital is crowded, every nurse and doctor are running all over the hallways
Eddie's knee kept bopping up and down as he couldn't stay calm at what you're state your in
The doctor finally talked to him and said it's bad news
"She might not make it, I'm sorry"
He cries in agony and this is his greatest fear, losing you.....unless....
There is only one solution to save you
He comes inside your room and he weep even harder as he saw you slowly breathing
It's not your time yet, this isn't fair
"I want to save you, but I don't know if it's also that you want" he says as he holds your hand
You heard him and you slowly opened your eyes and he saw it, his eyes are bloodshot from crying, his clothes are covered with your blood
"Do it, Eddie" you say
"But I don't wanna-"
"Please, Eddie, I don't want you to be alone and I don't wanna leave you behind, I really want this"
"If I do this, you might not be able to do the normal things anymore"
"Let me into your world, Eddie"
"I've got nothing to lose, I only have you" you sob
He can feel you're very certain, he warns this might hurt a little and you'll die for a second
He bites your neck and he cut his wrist to make you drink his blood
You drank a lot and you can feel your heartbeat finally comes to an end
Your eyes, your complexion is now similar to Eddie's, your hair became more wavy, your whole appearance changed
You gasped for air and you didn't feel any pain on you anymore
You looked over to Eddie and you laughed slightly and he hugs you tightly
3 months after the earthquake
Hopper grabs the walkie-talkie and he calls Eddie to come over
When he arrived Dustin and Steve and everyone is in there
He showed him the "WANTED" picture as Hopper explains the criminal that you and Eddie need to capture
Before he continues he exclaims "Where the hell is Y/N?!"
"I'm here, Jim" you say as you entered the room with Eddie's black leather jacket draped over your shoulders
Eddie smirks at your entrance
You take a quick sip of your flask with blood droplet on your chin and you wipe it off using your finger
"So, where to- Chief?" You smile with subtle red glow on your eyes
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svlad-cjelli · 7 years
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Zen Navigation (requested by @cutie3pnt14159)
369 notes · View notes
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[SUMMARY: PRE APOCALYPSE: Trisha comes from a toxic family whom Negan eventually meets. Watching as they mistreat you during dinner, Negan becomes fed up and confronts them.]
Negan and Trisha
Staying over at Negans place was something you looked forward to. Although you and him didn't have the perfect relationship, you still enjoyed spending time with him. As you lay cuddled up in bed with him your phone went off awaking the both of you. A text from your mother inviting you and your boyfriend to dinner made you suck your teeth.
"What's the matter?" Negan asked as he lay beside you.
"My family, I guess they wanna finally meet you." It honestly surprised you that they wanted to meet the man you were with at all.
"So let's do it," he noticed the hesitant look on your face and pulled you closer.
"What is it, baby? You think they're gonna have a problem with my age?" He laughed.
"No, I didn't even think of that," you responded as you got up and began to get dressed.
"So what's wrong? You don't want me to meet them?"
"Yes of course I do. It's just, I get a little stressed whenever I go back home. They're not bad...but it can be a lot at times."
"Well I'll be right there with you, let em know we're coming." Negans enthusiasm did relax you a bit but you still felt anxious.
Negan had a habit of showing up late whenever he felt like it, you hoped he wouldn't do this tonight.
"Remember, seven o'clock tonight. Please don't stay out drinking after work, I want you to be sober tonight anyways-"
"Trisha don't fucking start." He walked past you to the fridge as you quickly stood silent. Negan had his moments where he could be the sweetest and then of course he had his moments where he could be a complete dick.
"Sorry," you whispered as he walked off. Usually when he got this way you wouldn't fight it not wanting to escalate the argument, you hated confrontation even if you were right.
Just as you thought... Negan was running late, you sighed waiting in front of your parents house when he finally rode up on his motorcycle.
"I've been waiting here for a damn hour!" You whispered in annoyance as he took off his helmet.
"Alright well I'm here now, baby. Everything's good," he smiled at you and you could tell by the look in his eye he wasn't sober.
"Didn't I ask you not to drink? Dammit Negan do you listen to anything I ask?"
"Trisha, just drop it. I showed up didn't I?" You looked at him in disappointment before you turned to knock on the door.
After introducing Negan to your mother, you walked to the living room and introduced him to your father. Introducing him to your father made you way more anxious than your mother.
"Hi, I'm Negan," he put his hand out to your father who quickly shook his hand before turning to you.
"And where the hell have you been? Didn't we tell
you seven o'clock?!" He looked down at you angrily.
"I'm sorry dad, I got out of work later than expected," you spoke without looking up at him. Negan instantly noticed the intimidation you felt from your father.
"It's my fault, Mr.Drew-"
"Don't cover up for her, I know how she is." Your father interrupted him before walking off.
"Just leave it, it's fine," you whispered as you walked to the dinner table. Sitting at the table you had mixed feelings, part of you didn't want to be there while the other part was some what touched by the idea of them wanting to meet the man in your life.
Dinner was awkwardly silent at first until you noticed your mother made your favorite cheesy garlic bread, with only one left.
"Oh, can you pass me the garlic bread," you spoke excitedly.
"I was saving that for your father," you looked over at his plate and saw he already had two.
"Besides sweetie, you need to lose some weight. You've gained a few pounds since we last saw you." Your heart sinking at your mothers hurtful comments, you stood silent as Negan looked over at your mother.
"And how'd you meet my daughter?" Your father turned to Negan quickly interrupting the conversation.
"We met at a bar," Negan responded making your father laugh.
"Sounds promising and what is it exactly that you do again?"
"I'm just trying to get to know the man that's with my daughter." Negan could hear the sarcasm in your fathers tone.
"It's alright baby," Negan whispered to you as he sat up in his seat.
"I'm a high school gym teacher,"
"Hm." Your father leaned back and crossed his arms.
"So how have you been doing, Trisha?"
Your mother asked as she took a bite of her food.
"Still have that mess of a art store you opened? Or did you find a real job?"
"It's not a mess-"
"Have you been making any good money?" Your mother asked making you stay silent. Of course you hadn't been making the money you needed just yet, the store was still in the process of getting fixed up.
"No but-"
"Then it's a mess. Garbage." Your mother quickly interrupted.
"You could be making so much better money and sending us some, look at your father. He's older now, he's tired." Your mother explained making you feel guilt.
"I'm sorry," you spoke softly as Negan looked over at you. Negan had seen how talented you were with your paintings and didn't understand how they could put you down this way. He loved how important art was to you.
"Sorry ain't good enough, Trisha. You're our only child and you don't do jack shit for us, after everything we've done for you. A roof over your head...food on the table..you're ungrateful." Your father continued as he looked at you in disapproval. Negan furrowed his brows hearing how you were spoken to, how you were belittled and yet somehow you apologized. He was beginning to realize why you never really
fought back in arguments, a piece of him in that moment felt guilt for how he ever argued with you.
"I'll do better," you whispered.
"You're doing great, babe," Negan whispered to you making you look up at him.
"Oh please don't encourage her ideas-"
"Why not, you've got a hell of a talented daughter." Negan came to your defense making your stomach turn, you never dared to answer your father back.
"I think I need to use the restroom-" you quickly stood up silencing the room. Having to walk around the table past your father you couldn't look his way as he began to speak again.
"You're a disappointment to this family," your father spoke coldly as you walked past him only angering him more.
"You hear me?! You don't walk away from me!" Your father stood up and suddenly grabbed you by your arm yanking you toward him. Negan quickly stood up having had enough of watching you being disrespected.
"Hey!" He roared angrily making your father let go of
you and look his way.
"Trisha, babe we're going home." Negan spoke calmly to you before looking back at your father.
"I've had enough of your god damn shit this entire evening."
"Negan-" you spoke anxiously as you walked back beside him.
"No, Trisha. I've had enough of hearing this bullshit." Negan spoke sternly staring straight at your father.
"Lets go," you tugged at his arm as he silently stared angrily at your father.
"Yes, leave and take my no good of a daughter with you. I knew it was a mistake inviting her for dinner." Your fathers insults making tears well up in your eyes. Your mother silently watching as usual as your father belittled you with vicious words.
"You're good for nothing, you can't even get a decent man. That's why we invited him, we wanted to see what kind of a loser would settle for you!"
Negan flipped his plate over making your mother scream.
"Oh fuck you!" Negan yelled in a way you had never heard him.
"Please!" You cried out pulling Negans arm as he finally gave in and grabbed your hand pulling you out of there.
Your father following you out the door watched as Negan handed you the helmet for the motorcycle ride.
"Look at this, he doesn't even have a damn car for you!"
"Negan please ignore him," you whispered.
"But this is what you want Trisha?" Your father walked towards you as you turned to him.
"Please just go inside, I should've never come here," you cried.
"Well you ain't welcome here again-" your father unexpectedly shoved you to the ground making Negan see red. Instantly grabbing your father by the collar of his shirt making your mother panic and scream.
"I'm calling the cops!" She yelled frantically.
"Go ahead touch her again, do it!" Negan yelled shaking him before throwing him to the ground hard.
Negan quickly turned back to you pulling you up and got you behind on the bike before riding off.
Once you got back to Negans house you quietly walked in as he rushed in behind you and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"He's lucky I didn't knock his god damn head off," Negan took a sip of his beer before noticing you silently staring at the floor in tears.
"I should've just stayed sitting down and apologized, he's right, I shouldn't have let it get to that level." Negan put his beer down hearing your words, he couldn't believe how much your family manipulated you.
"You didn't do a damn thing wrong, Trisha. From the beginning they were picking you apart and you just-" he cut himself off looking down at you, thinking about how much of his own shit you had taken.
"You didn't deserve any of that," Negan continued. Yet, you couldn't help but think of how this all could've been avoided had you just acted differently.
"Maybe I can still make it right, I should call him and apologize and-"
"Trisha-" Negan tried to interrupt you but you went on to rant.
"I mean they do only mean well, it may seem harsh but they're my parents. Besides they have done a lot for me, given me food and a home and they have good intention-"
"Trisha!" Negan yelled loudly as he shook you trying to get your attention.
"They don't mean well, god dammit you're giving them too much credit for giving you the fucking bare minimum. I don't give a shit if their your parents, look at how they spoke to you, look at how your father-" Negan looked away clenching his jaw.
"Look at how he shoved you to the ground," he looked back down at you.
"That shit isn't right, Trish." Deep down you knew Negan was right, but it was just too hard to accept. It was all you've ever known to be normal.
"Does he usually put his hands you?" His question making you look up at him.
"I mean, there's been a couple times he got angry-"
"So that's a yes," Negan cut you off bluntly leaving you silent. You could see the anger clearly on his face.
"He usually never gets like that, but I had screwed up a couple times," you explained as Negan took a deep breath.
"Baby that shouldn't have happened at all...not even once. You understand me?" He took your hand pulling you close.
"Yes," you whispered.
"I'm sorry for acting like a dick at times with you, that's not gonna be happening anymore." It was strange for someone to acknowledge their mistreatment towards you so you didn't exactly know how to respond. He could tell it was strange to you but he assured you he meant every word he said and wasn't going to allow you to take any kind of disrespect from anyone again.
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murderousginger · 2 years
Notice me depart
Chapter 9 of Angel On Fire
Word count: 2195
Warnings: They're criminals guys they do bad things.
Notes: These two chapters have to rush through a bit to get to the end if I want it all to make sense. I hope you enjoy!
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Finn made hushed sounds as he encircled you in a hug and sat beside you. You cried into his arm, shaking as your emotions rushed through you. You felt his arms tighten around you and Isaiah sighed from across the room.
"Dove," Isaiah murmured as he cleared the space between you and practically fell on top of you both, causing a pile.
You fell back as the boys sprawled on you, and you couldn't help but let out a small giggle. Isaiah playfully poked your side.
"There's m'girl," Isaiah said, his voice still thick from sleep. "What'd the asshole do?"
"A devil visited my boss and I've found myself unemployed," you said as your voice cracked and tears threatened your eyes. "John didn't have time to do it. He was with me all night."
"A devil?" Finn said as his face soured. "There's only one devil in Small Heath and John's not him."
"What's Tom got against John having a girl?" Isaiah asked, confused. "He's never even talked to her. Why would he get her fired?"
"He spoke to me once," you whispered, looking up at the ceiling. "At Arrow House, when John first took me out."
"What did he say?" Finn asked, moving back to look at you quizzically.
"Told me not to distract John from the war," you said, throat going dry. "Called 'im a general."
Isaiah cursed under his breath.
"Guess boss man decided you were a distraction after all," he frowned.
"Yeah, and without a job I'll be too busy being homeless to distract his brother."
Isaiah rolled his eyes before nudging you.
"Neither of us are going to let you sleep on the streets," he reasoned. "And no way John let's his girl be homeless. Probably just move you in with the kids."
"I like my flat," you whined. "And it's too early to shack up with John. I want the kids to know me and approve before that ever gets mentioned. I don't want to be a stray he takes from the streets."
"Alright," Finn said. "Then work for us again. You made enough twice over for this place baiting."
"Nah," Isaiah said before you could respond. "She said she's done. Let her be done."
They all laid together in silence for a moment.
"You won't take handouts and you won't bait," Finn said. "Then talk to Harry. He has been complaining for help for ages."
"How is working the bar better than baiting?" You huff.
"Work days so Harry can sleep," Isaiah said. "You'll get the old men and whatever meeting Tommy has going. Harry can rest up for the night crowd."
"I'd be there with Tommy?" You asked. "Wouldn't he just get me fired again?"
"Nah, dove," Isaiah said. "Enemies close, and all that. You smile and keep your head down, he'll assume you fell in line and forget you exist."
"Fall in line," you toned. "Right."
Harry jumped at the help, promising to pay you since the tips would be shit. You fell into the slow routine of the bar during the day pretty easily. You cleaned the mess from the night before, tended to the regulars and made note of any alcohol that was running low. Surprise, it was mostly whiskey.
John was upset that your boss fired you, but his face went blank when you repeated that your boss said a devil told him to. He got quiet and wouldn't speak of it again.
You continued to date John. Oftentimes he would take you to work in the morning or out to dinner when you got off. You both settled into a routine with each other pretty easily.
Katie started visiting you at the bar during the day occasionally. You would sit her in the corner of the bar with a glass of ginger ale and as many cherries as she could stand. You both would giggle and she would tell you about the babies or what she was learning. You lived for those little interactions.
Finn and Isaiah would come in to hassle you right before your shift ended, usually signaling to the regulars that the night crowd would soon take over. Their energy and rowdiness shooed the regulars out but was infectious to you. John would appear in the doorway to see Finn or Isaiah spinning you in circles on the middle of the floor, your laughter echoing the room. You would stop, out of breath, and look up to see John leaning on the doorway, arms crossed but a little smile on his face.
"Enough playing, boys," he called. "She's mine. Clear out or go bother Harry in the back."
You raced to John and leapt into his arms. He caught you and you peppered him with kisses as you giggled.
"That good of a day, eh?" He chuckled. "Did the men finally give you a tip?"
"Only not to bet on the horses," you said. "Or do, since I know who rigs 'em up."
"Could always cut out the middle and move in," John said as he nuzzled into your neck. "No need for a payout when it's all yours anyhow."
"Nothings mine without a ring."
"We'll go today then," John said, turning toward the door with you in his arms.
"John," you gasped as you hit his shoulder. "What about the kids? Don't they have a say?"
"Love," he chuckled. "We've all been in agreement for some time. We are all just waiting on you."
Tommy barely looked your way, even when you served him. You played nice and kept your head down at first, worried what Tommy might do to you. To John.
John and Tommy both shared the same Shelby blue eyes, but the spark behind them was vastly different. John's were crystal clear, like a stream on a summer day. Tommy's were like ice on a pond, threatening to collapse and pull you under.
The first time you brought Tommy his whiskey, you felt a chill come over you as he watched you intently. You fought yourself not to freeze, focusing on your movements so they stayed fluid. You wouldn't let him know he bothered you. And just as fast as his gaze was on you, it was gone. He didn't look your way again.
You became furniture, just more background as he navigated his dealings in the corner "office" of the pub. You enjoyed not being seen by being present, you learned things pretty quickly. Like even though Tommy's brothers thought they were included in decisions, ultimately Tommy got what he wanted. And slowly that began to show more and more.
Occasionally John would sit in on happenings with Tommy, but more often than not it was Arthur. You grew to appreciate the gentle giant. He never said anything about that night you ran, you weren't entirely sure if he even remembered, but he was always nice to you and seemed happy for John.
"Sweetheart," Arthur winked at you as he tapped on the bar top. "Round of whiskeys, eh? Wet our whistle before this old dusty bloke bores us to tears."
He motioned to the older man that was sitting with Tommy in the room talking. You grinned, putting your hand on your hip.
"It's not even 10 in the morning and you're on to whiskey?" You teased. "Today is going to be a long day, I take it."
Arthur grunted.
"Ayuh," he said quietly as you brought him the shots. "Brother wants to run for government, which means greasing a few dusty palms and kissing babies and the like. We've got the people's vote, but he's got to convince the bloody uptight assholes to let him on the playground."
"Government?" You said incredulously. "What's got Tommy wanting to go straight?"
"Government is as crooked as they come, sweetheart," he smiled. "They just hide it better than us. But what does every man bend over backward for, love? Tommy's got himself a girl to impress."
You raised your eyebrows before leaning closer to Arthur.
"Arthur," you whispered loudly. "Lizzie is a fine woman and all, but a tenner will impress her as much as being a Government official. Tommy hangs the moon to her already."
"Not Lizzie, love," Arthur said gravely before he took his shot. "Another woman. Did a number on him before, but now she's back. He can't let go of a high society woman. Something about it really fuels his fire."
"What's a high society woman want a Birmingham king for?"
Arthur smiled, taking the second shot before sliding you the glasses.
"Tommy doesn't see it, but she's got ambitions of her own, that one," Arthur said through a clenched jaw as he looked off.
He looked at you and smiled again, taking your face into his hand as he gently squeezed your cheeks.
"None of this is your worry, love," he said. "John will keep you away from all that nonsense."
"John will," you said as you looked up at him. "Or Tommy will?"
Arthur's smile turned into a grimace and he patted your hand softly. He turned away and went back into the room.
"What is my niece doing here?" Tommy said, on a rainy morning as he walked into the Garrison, John and Arthur in tow.
Katie stopped kicking her dangling feet at the bar as her dad and uncles walked in.
"She's visiting me," you said as you slid her some more cherries. "For our weekly girl talk."
"I don't need you filling her head with nonsense," Tommy said offhandedly as he took his coat off. "Be down the road with you, Katie. Go visit Aunt Pol or help with your siblings."
"No," Katie said as she plucked a cherry and popped it into her mouth. "I like her. I want to stay."
"See what happens when you choose a wild girl, John?" Tommy said. "She makes your daughters wild, reckless things that don't listen to their uncles."
"Better wild than caged like a pretty bird," you shot back. "Your high society woman smile pretty and show you around with her friends, Tom, or are you still trying to earn a reputation above your station to make your pretty bird sing?"
Tom stilled as his icy eyes looked directly through you.
"And what do you know of society?" He asked calmly. "You'd be on the streets without this job."
"I was doing just fine before a devil got me fired," you said as you smiled, but the smile never met your eyes. "But we shouldn't talk about that, should we?"
"John," Tommy said, turning to him. "Fuck her in the backroom, kick her out to the streets, or marry her for all I care, but leash your woman around me before I kill her."
Tommy walked into the corner room and slammed the door. No one moved.
John let out a long sigh as he scrubbed at the back of his head with his hand.
"Well," he said with a lopsided grin. "You heard the man. Marry me already."
Katie giggled. You looked at her.
"Are you okay with that, Katie?"
"Silly," she said as she wiggled in her seat before plopping a box on the bar. "I helped him go shopping ages ago."
You gasped as you looked between them both, but grins on everyone's faces. You opened the box to find the most beautiful but simple engagement ring.
"Are you both serious?" You said.
Katie nodded as John walked behind the bar to kiss you.
"If you'll have my crazy bunch," John said. "I'd love to make you a proper wife."
"There's nothing proper about you," you laugh as you kiss him back. "But I would love to be your wife."
"And our mum," Katie said. "Can't forget that part."
"Never," you smiled at her.
"Bring me a bloody whiskey, barkeep," you heard Tommy bellow.
You rolled your eyes, moving to make his drink instinctively. John moved to stop you but you shrugged him off. You slipped the engagement ring on, gave him a peck on the lips, and carried Tommy's whiskey to the little secluded room.
"Now that I'm to be your sister in law," you said cheerfully as you slammed his drink in front of him on the table, showing him the ring in the process. "I don't expect you to care, but I do expect to be around more. To grate on your nerves. I don't know what tamed looks like to you, Mister Shelby, but I don't plan on shutting my mouth. So if you're going to make John a widow a second time, at least have the balls enough to look me in the eye as you ruin my life. I want the devil to look me in the eye."
Tommy looked at you, mouth pursed as you leaned over the table at him.
"Welcome to the family," he said as he picked up what was left of his drink. "Now fall in line."
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
it has been a while since I have liveblogged!
alright, James square up :) 🔪
I hope he dies of alcohol poisoning
this is breaking my heart so badly :((
Alexander had learned to cry quietly a long time ago, and it still hurt her heart to contemplate that. He was four years old. A toddler, basically.
sorry it is 4am and I am angry
There is nothing I hate more than child abusers. How do you look at a child, a small helpless human, and hurt them?
fuck you James
She could see individual fingers. Pressed into her son's skin, and she could imagine it all too well, James grabbing him in a rage, dragging him across the flat by his arm as Alex cried quietly and let him, not that there had been anything else to do for the poor boy. He was just a child, and small for his age on top of that.
Hello, CPS?
No, but seriously what the fuck???? I babysit my baby cousins often and one of them is 4 and I can't imagine ever laying a hand on them like this. They're small tiny humans completely relying on us for everything. What is wrong with him.
Her sweet little boy would grow up, thinking it was fine and ordinary for people who were supposed to care about him to harm instead.
But he won't and I am so fucking glad for that
"Why, um." He sniffled, and those clever, so curious eyes–his father's eyes, good Lord, she remembered his eyes so well–misted over with fresh tears. "Why does daddy hate me?"
This line broke me. If you need me I will be lying in a ditch somewhere
because he's a horrible human, Alex.
Rachel, you can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault
"I'll never become mean like daddy, Maman. I promise," he said and blinked up at her from wide eyes, and Rachel's throat closed up.
I am not crying I am fine.
I need a second. or two. I am also hungry but it's 4 30am so I'll have to cook if I want something
Do you think you'd make more baby Alex content? Maybe with the Washingtons after they take him in?
This was amazing!!!! SO AMAZING!!!! take care of yourself!
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ahhh welcome back :))
honestly that would be so sexy of him. just to fucking die of liver failure ❤️
baby boy :(
this is the energy we need here. James Hamilton fucking DIE IN A DITCH CHALLENGE
you're absolutely correct tho he needs to have his dick cut off or something. murder violence arson ect!
oh yeah that's inspired by me running away at all times! Alex is my special little neurodivergent baby and he gets distracted very easily <33
yeah :((((
right??? I don't even like children but I'll never understand how you can just. PUNT A CHILD?? GIRL THEY'RE TINY CREATURES THEIR BONES ARE BRITTLE AND THEIR SOULS SQUISHY :(
Alex grows up to have a husband who would backflip into hell and kill satan for him and that is SO SEXY and EXACTLY WHAT HE DESERVES
literally he's just a little guy :( baby :( why would anyone hate this sweet tiny angel child :(
Alex will become Best Man just because he PROMISED his MAMAN. sweet darling <3
THANK YOU I LOVE ANGST AND GUILT BUT MOST OF ALL I LOVE THE BABY!!!!! I've been experiencing so much baby Alex brainrot these past few days so it was really only a matter of time until he made an appearance :)
I really don't know! I mean I'm not opposed, but what I write depends entirely on vibes haha, so perhaps!
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Bill Weasley — Intoxicating
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Summary: Bill Weasley had picked up a habit of smoking from his peers in Egypt. When he came back to Britain for summer, he met you in a fancy restaurant, as his barista.
Words: 3,415
Warnings ⚠ : Floofy Stuff, Cute, Sexual Tension, I Don't Write Smut so None of Them, Bill Weasley being Deviously Charming
Disclaimer: Domhnall Gleeson can run me over and I would thank him this man is sO FINE
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"William, you're home!" Molly's voice echoed around the Burrow and Bill laughed as he engulfed the small woman, "Missed you, Mum."
The rumbles of stairs indicated his other family members running down to see him. Upon knowing them for years, he could predict the one who comes down first would be-
"Ah, Ickle Billiekins!" Two grown men engulfed him in a bro hug, and Bill chuckled, "Fred. George. How's the shop going?"
Fred smiled in triumph, "Splendid! We're planning to open our second franchise soon in London!
"Bill!" Ginny pushed away from the twins and hugged him, the complaints of the twins were visible. "Ginny! How are you, lil sis?"
Being the only sister he had, Ginny has a special place in his heart. Everybody knows how spoiled she is with him. The ten-year difference between them doesn't help either.
After catching up with the rest of the family, The Weasleys had a celebratory dinner to celebrate Bill being home for the summer. Ginny and Ron even invited Harry and Hermione, whom Bill knew pretty well because of the war a few years ago.
Molly being the lovable mum she is, kept adding food to his plate, Bill had to ask help from Arthur with pleading eyes. "Now, now, Molly dear, we don't want Bill to have indigestion now, do we?"
"But he's so thin now! Oh, what have they been feeding you at Egypt?"
Bill chuckled, "Mum, I've been like this since Hogwarts."
Molly gave him a motherly smile, "Oh alright. How's Egypt?" She changed the topic, and Bill had never been more grateful, his stomach almost exploded.
Hours after dinner ended, Bill stepped out of the Burrow to puff out a smoke or two. He heard someone opening the door and closing it, footsteps nearing him and Bill was pleasantly surprised to see Harry Potter, the hero a few years ago who defeated the bloody wizard Voldemort.
"You smoke?" He asked in bewilderment. Bill inhaled and kept it in, feeling the nicotine in his system for as long as he could before exhaling the white semi-dense smoke. He kept his views to the tall grass field in front of him, "Got it from my peers back in Egypt. Thought it's a good distraction, and it is."
"Distraction from what?"
"Thinking. So many thoughts and not all of them are pretty. Especially if you have 6 younger siblings and two aging parents." Bill confessed, finally looking at Harry with a small smile, "And now two troublesome future in-laws."
Harry chuckled and diverted his eyes from Bill, a heavy blush at the nickname, "Maybe later, I reckon. Ginny's focusing on her career first and I as an Auror. We have no time for a wedding."
Bill snorted, "Why are you acting like we didn't have Charlie's wedding in the middle of chaos 3 years ago?"
The two men burst into laughter. Looking back, it was amusing to have a wedding ceremony out of nowhere, especially if the night before someone just died- ehem, mad-eye, ehem- anyway. The laughter died down, and comfortable silence began. Harry was looking up to the stars, sighing, "We sure do have a lot of adventures here."
Bill shrugged, "I've been having adventures since I was born, Harry. Adding you into the family isn't that special," He teased and Harry rolled his eyes playfully.
Bill took a final puff and exhaled loudly, dropping the almost finished cigarette to the ground and stepped on it a few times, no one wants a random fire in the middle of the night.
Harry walked back in first, but then he turned back and said, "Maybe you're not the only one getting an in-law soon."
Bill snorted, Harry was referring to Bill about marriage, "Maybe," He said, didn't really want to jinx anything if he says no. Harry smiled at him and entered the Burrow, leaving him alone.
Bill sighed, looking down to the dead roll of cigarette on the ground, "Maybe," He whispered, even when he knew it's not likely.
A few days after that night, Bill got an owl from his peers from Egypt. They invited him to a fancy party in a muggle restaurant in London, something about celebrating their 10th year working in Egypt.
He sighed quietly, he really doesn't want to go, something about being in a crowd exhausts him. But alas, he figured it would be worthwhile to catch up with his friends and enjoy a drink or two.
Who knows, maybe he could find someone there, although that's nearly impossible. Not that Bill cared about blood status, it's more to the scar on his face from Greyback a few years ago.
Who would date a scar-face?
Bill smiled bitterly, this thought kinda hurt him a little bit, but he let it tear down his mood no further. He has a party tonight to attend anyway. A fancy one.
That evening, Bill had whipped out the fanciest suit he could find and had Transfigured his hair into the color of dark brown, for fun. Molly, of course, had her disagreement as ginger hair has become a trademark of a Weasley for so long, but Bill had reassured her it's only for the night.
"Looking fancy, eh? Have a date somewhere?" George teased his older brother, the eldest just chuckled and shook his head, "Got a party at a fancy restaurant in London, had to dress my best."
"Ouch Billie, already forgetting to be a Weasley?" Fred chimed in, faking a hurt expression with his hand on his left chest. Bill rolled his eyes playfully, his dark brown hair sure did look weird after years having ginger as the hue of his hair, "Sod off, Freddie."
"Well, I think you look handsome, Bill," Ginny said suddenly, walking towards her older brother to fix his tie. Bill looked at her in triumph and glared at the twins, "Finally, someone on my side,"
Ginny chuckled and patted his chest when she was done, "I'll always be on your side. Just don't wear it too long, don't want you to forget you're a Weasley."
Bill chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Yes, ma'am."
Apparating to the alley behind the bar, Bill walked in the party looking ravishingly stunning, although he sort of regretting the new color on his head.
"William!" Shouts from his peers made him smile ear to ear. The night was celebrated with a few drinks here and there, Bill had a wonderful time catching up with his friends.
But a few hours later, the said friends had separated into different corners with their partners, leaving Bill, the only one who doesn't have a partner, to be alone.
Bill clicked his tongue, the sudden feeling of wanting to smoke was strong. He hadn't associated himself with this many muggles before. Nevertheless, they're all human beings in the end, magic or not. He checked his watch, it's a quarter past 10, the night is still young.
And so Bill went to the bar section of the restaurant, wanting some alone time from many people. He fished out the cigarette box from his pocket and took one, placing it in between his lips.
Bill inwardly groaned as he remembered he couldn't use magic to light up his cigarette, there are way too many muggles to witness and honestly, he doesn't want to go to Court, especially when the government is still corrupted even after years of Voldemort gone.
He patted around his suit, hoping there is somehow a box of matches resting inside one of his many pockets. The cigarette between his lips was starting to get wet.
Suddenly he heard a flicker, and Bill was met face to face with a tiny light of fire.
Strange, the fire was resting on top of a metallic box with a lid. Bill blinked, and that's when he properly see you.
His eyes met yours, and for the first time in years, Bill Weasley was speechless. It was only when you shook the tiny fire on your hand slightly that he realized that he was staring.
He quickly leaned into the fire to light up his cigarette, nodding to you in gratitude. He took a long inhale, relaxing as the toxic substance entered his system. He exhaled and looked at you with a smile, "Thank you."
You quirked an eyebrow at him, "Did you forgot to bring your lighter or something?" You said, and Bill was slightly surprised at how easily you sparked up a conversation with him.
"I beg your pardon?" He said, and you nudged to the metallic box in your hand, flickering the light up once again, "A lighter. You forgot to bring it?"
So it's called a lighter. Fascinating. Bill thought as he chuckled, "Sort of," he said, not really wanting to say his 'lighter' is a spell.
"Anything you want to drink?" You asked, and that's when Bill realized you were over the other side of the counter, and you were wearing a white blouse and a patterned dark red vest over it. Ah, you're a barista.
Your hair was put on a low ponytail, and Bill suddenly missed his long red hair. Curse this brown short hair.
Bill hold his cigarette in between his index and middle finger, "Just water, please." You raised an eyebrow, "Water? Really?"
Bill chuckled at your teasing demeanor, and you were surprised at how he wasn't offended by your jokes. Your usual customers would usually tell you to shut the fuck up and bring them drinks quietly.
"Home was quite far from here. Don't want to drive home dead drunk now, do we?" Bill chimed, a genuine smile was on his lips. He wasn't this friendly around strangers, but there was this vibe around you that tells him to loosen up and enjoy his time.
You smiled at his remark, he was the friendliest customer of the night so far. "Oh c'mon, you're sitting on a bar! Surely you'll drink something." You said with a playful toothy grin. Once again, Bill chuckled, "Alright then. A glass of wine please."
"Atta boy," You quietly cheered and got to work. Bill watched you silently, occasionally bringing his cigarette onto his lips, somehow the nicotine wasn't as strong as before, now that you're here.
He couldn't pinpoint what was it, but you were... Charming.
"I've never seen you before," You struck up a conversation with Bill again once you delivered his glass of wine. This man before you was ravishingly stunning, would be quite a waste if you just watch this masterpiece from afar.
You could say he was the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on. Even with that scar on his face. The long trailing scar from his temple to his cheek was intimidating at first sight, but when you look at it longer, it's only a scar, nothing more.
If anything, it makes this man before you look more mysterious than he should be.
"I'm from Devon, actually. My friends thought it would be a good idea to have a party here for our 10th-year celebration working at our workplace." You widened your eyes in, letting out a surprised laugh, "Blimey, 3-hour drive for a party?"
Bill shrugged his eyebrows, 'Huh, 3 hours.'
He sipped on his wine and gestured at the bar with his chin, "How long have you been working here... Y/N?" He asked, his eyes lingering on your name tag before coming in contact with your eyes.
You blinked, oh lord give me strength.
The way he said your name was beyond lovely, as if he's saying such poetic words. And the way he looked at you isn't really that much of a help. You felt heat rushing in your cheeks as you turned around to the alcohol collection, not letting this fine man before you see your blush.
"About 3 years already? Got to make money somehow to live," You said nonchalantly, when another customer ordered a drink. You got to it right away fast, wanting to talk more with the mysterious man whose name you didn't even know.
As if reading your thoughts, he said, "I'm William, but my friends and family call me Bill."
You chuckled and throw him a playful look, "Where did Bill come from out of William?" The remark made him laugh, the sides of his eyes crinkled. You smiled in triumph at the successful attempt of making Bill laugh.
"I honestly have no idea," Bill chuckled and inhaled more of the cigarette between his fingers, the nicotine felt less effective by now.
You stood in front of him, with the wooden bar table between you, biting your lip, "And what should I call you? William," You trailed off, feeling the energy between you shifted from light to somehow heavy.
"Or Bill?" You muttered loudly, giving him a slight smirk.
Bill felt it, the energy shift. And for the first time, he didn't mind. "Well," He started, putting the cigarette onto the ash box, killing it instantly. He took the glass wine, swirling it slightly to make the wine well mixed, and right before he sipped the dark liquid, he looked at you, "Surprise me."
You watched him drink the wine with his eyes on you the whole time, and the action made the butterflies in your stomach came alive.
"Y/L/N! No flirting with customers!" The shout from your manager made you flinch in surprise. You looked to the side, your manager looking at you sternly with his hands at his waist.
You smiled mischievously, "But boss, I don't think we're flirting!" You said with fake innocence, batting your eyelashes innocently. You turned to Bill, smiling in a way Bill was reminded of his cheeky twin brothers at home, "Were we flirting, Bill?"
Bill smiled widely with his front teeth on his lower lip, you're something else, Y/N.
"Were we? I can't remember," He chimed in, giving your boss the same innocent smile, making your own smile widen. The boss rolled his eyes and left, leaving you both by yourselves.
A moment of silence before laughter erupted from both of you. "What time does your shift end?" Bill asked as soon as he calmed down, a genuine smile on his lips.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, "At 12," You voiced out, trying so hard to contain your smile. Bill's smile got wider at the sight of your blushed cheeks, "Alright, I'll be here till 12."
"You sure we're not flirting, Bill?" You said playfully. Bill bit his lower lip and looked up at you, "I don't know, Y/N. You tell me,"
"Oh, you're good at this," You breathed out and nodded, impressed by his flirting skills. Bill chuckled and shook his head, "Sometimes. There's just something about you that makes it easier."
The entire two hours were filled with conversations and laughter, some occasionally constantly flirting here and there, but needless to say, Bill was having a great time with you.
You were charming, funny, witty, and absolutely gorgeous in his eyes. He forgot for a moment, that you can see his scar on the side of his face.
Not that you minded it. Bill was everything. He's a gentleman with a beautiful smile and an amazing sense of humor, mysteriously alluring.
By the time the clock starked 12, Bill stood up from his seat and then you realized how tall he was from you. If before he was looking up to you, now it's completely the opposite. Bill had an amused expression over your sudden realization of his height.
"I'll wait for you outside," He said and you nodded with a smile, already tearing off your vest.
The party was long forgotten, some of his friends had already gone home before he even realized it. Once he was outside, he took out another cigarette and snapped his finger, instantly lighting it up. He took a long inhale, warming his system up to fight off the cold air of London. He exhaled and sighed, the cold mist now mixed with the smoke, making it denser than it should be.
Bill then realized he was supposed to be with you later, and a guy with a bad breath is the last impression he wanted you to have of him. And so he reluctantly threw away the barely finished cigarette, crushing it with the bottom of his shoe.
Just then, you came out and walked to him, looking casual with a beanie on top of your head and hair let down from the ponytail before. "Hello, handsome." You said cheekily with a smile.
He smiled at the sight of you, and with his cold hands, he held yours softly. You halted your movement altogether, now looking eye-to-eye to this beautiful man before you. "I couldn't do this to you before because you're working, but," He said softly, and met your knuckles with his lips, kissing it gently.
The blush in your cheeks was prominent, and you felt like a high-school girl all over again, "Hi," You said shyly.
You suddenly felt some sort of courage running through your veins, because without thinking, you grabbed his tie and pulled it towards you, making him closer to you.
"I may have a few shots before coming out here so please don't mind me," You muttered quickly as you pulled him into a kiss. Bill was pleasantly surprised and kissed you back. The makeout turned heated quickly, Bill had to contain himself as he suddenly found a new hunger for your taste.
Whiskey, and smoke.
It was intoxicating. When you pulled away, you were both panting. You later giggled at the sudden courage before, and your laugh being contagious, he started chuckling on his own. Bill was holding your waist tightly, touching as much skin as he could while you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
Never would he thought a few minutes later that he would be running while holding your hand, laughing with each other as you dragged him to your apartment.
Bill had already loosened his tie and tossed his suit around somewhere by the time you're opening the door. He turned you around suddenly from the door and gave you another hungry kiss. You were pressed between the door and him, and you didn't mind.
Reluctantly pulling away giggling, you opened the door sloppily, your mind still hazy by Bill's kiss.
He was a bloody excellent kisser, holy fuck.
The door slammed shut behind you two, and the kissing continued. It was safe to say, Bill Weasley didn't come home that night.
By the time morning came along, you woke up being wrapped around Bill. His naked arms wrapping around your waist and his leg around yours. You smiled and looked up to him, and was surprised at his long red hair.
You chuckled, shaking your head. You trailed kissed from his freckled chest to his neck, making him humming in content. "Good morning, sweetheart," He said groggily. You giggled at his sleepy attempt of kissing your nose.
You reached your hand to caress his long hair and sighed in content, "You know, you could've told me your real hair is ginger."
He hummed sleepily, "Mmm, yeah-wait, what?" He snapped his eyes open and reached for his hair. Indeed, ginger and shoulder length.
He sat up suddenly, looking everywhere but at you, "I-I can explain." He stuttered.
I knew it was a bad idea, he groaned.
He stopped when he saw you looking up to him with amusement, your arm supporting your head, and your hair falling slightly to the side you're leaning on.
"Why aren't you freaking out?" He asked. You smiled, "I know you're a wizard, Bill. Or should I say, Bill Weasley?"
Bill scoffed in surprise, his tense shoulder relaxed, "Why didn't you tell me you knew?"
You sat up, revealing your naked upper body that you had presented to Bill the night before, and kissed him on the cheek, "I figured it wouldn't be fun if I let you know so soon, so I figured I should play along."
Bill was supposed to feel offended, you did lie to him after all. But all he could find in his heart was warmth. He smiled gently, cupping your face and kissing your lips softly.
"You're something else, you know that?" He stifled a laugh as he said it. You joined his laughter and caress his cheek, leaning your forehead together.
"I know."
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Someone Saved My Life
(Jack x Rin Davies, Pt 1)
Word Count: 3600
Warnings: nothing just intimacy, implied sex and a bit of angst thrown in for funsies
A/N: Jack takes Rin to the Yorkshire Moors for their first holiday together. After all they've been through together, they could use the time away. And yet their first night ends with the arrival of an unwanted guest. ((Totally didn't plan on writing anything let alone another story for the two of them. Was going to try to work on an Ivan story, but I tossed around this idea for months now, and it just felt right? Self indulgence is my new name when it comes to writing!))
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Things weren't always perfect between Jack and Rin. Jack had days where he slipped back into isolation. The sadness would swell and he wouldn't sleep. Rin knew those were the times he was surrounded. Overwhelmed. And while he mostly ignored the dead, she could feel when they simply refused to ignore him.
They would come in droves and scatter about any room Jack was in. Crammed together like sardines in a can all shouting for messages to be passed to the living. Sometimes Rin would give him a wide berth, the death and decay crawled along her own skin. She would dress with every inch of her skin covered and attempt to sleep alone while Jack banished himself to the sofa. Those nights resulted in him exploding with anger and shouts of desperation to be left alone.
The guilt would wash over Rin. They're a couple, she would remember. Partners. Not just lovers and friends. You take the worst of one another as your own, and she could ACTUALLY do that for Jack. Letting him be was not a choice anymore, no matter what he believed.
Rin would go and gently talk Jack down into her lap. His thick mass of waves and curls against her bare thighs would be sweaty. He would curl on his side with a hand under legs instead of his cheek. His other by his mouth so he could anxiously chew on the already devastated thumb nail. She knew his eyes would be jammed shut.
Rin would brush the curls off Jack’s forehead with fingertips. Fingers that traced delicate and light patterns over his temples and cheeks where they wiped away tears as she hummed. Her thumb soft along his lips before they ran back up where she would press her index, middle, and ring finger into his temple. Then she would sing and fill his head with warmth and love to bring the light instead of death.
“Someone saved my life tonight..” And Rin would look up and around at them all. Her voice came out soft and full of affection. She would narrow her eyes in their direction. Silently chastising them all the while comforting Jack.
His body relaxed as she continued, “You almost had your hooks in me. Didn't you dear. You nearly had me roped and tied. Altar bound, hypnotized, sweet freedom, whispered in my ear. You're a butterfly, and butterflies are free to fly. Fly away..” Her hand would sweep in a wild gesture along the lot of them. He would be asleep, and she would be alone with the shock of the departed that they had another to see them.
As long as Rin connected with Jack he wasn't alone in his ability. They discovered that with Finch. Jack was the conjurer; Rin the conduit. A hundred years ago they would have been rich in the spiritualism movement. Now they were labeled mental and mad and stuffed full of chemicals, their gifts silenced.
Never again for either of them, Rin would hold back the dead so her love could sleep and get peace. When she interfered the protection emanated from her. They would stop shouting, stop begging, just.. stop. Rin would flick her hand like she was casting a powerful spell, her eyes set in determination. Then they would be gone.
Then there were times like this. When Jack closed up his shop with a sign that said “I'm on Holidays. Dunno when, I'm almost thirty and this is my first one.” He put himself and Rin on a train up to Yorkshire where they hailed a cab to what was theirs for the next month.
Rin gazed in delight at the two story stone cottage. It was covered in ivy and moss with a carved stone fence and a picket gate. There was a little English rose garden off to the side of the house, and wildflowers simply everywhere else. In the hills beyond stood grazing cattle and a pond. Behind the hills of Yorkshire.
“Oh, Jack,” it was just a breath that managed to escape her.
“D’you reckon it's alright?” he scratched his shaggy head. There was worry in his green eyes as he glanced towards his partner for approval.
Rin’s eyes met Jack’s, and she slipped her ungloved hand inside of his. Their palms together, she squeezed. “This is stunning,” she hoped to reassure him. Her gratitude and pleasure flowed from her body to his through her touch.
Jack had just bent to kiss Rin when someone interrupted them and cleared their throat. A feminine voice shouted, “Yoo hoo! Hello!”
The couple turned to see a stout, round faced cheerful old woman in the garden. She wore a wide brim straw hat, an old dress and an apron. Rin was reminded of a human Mrs. Potts as the elder smiled wide.
“Aren't you a delight!” she beamed. Making her way to the gate she stopped. “I'm Mrs. Barrow. My husband, Henry is round back in the barn. Oh it's been AGES since we've had newlyweds.”
Jack's cheeks pinked, but Rin giggled. “No. We're not married.”
“Oh, sinful little doves.” The old woman winked. “By the looks of him, I can see why.” She fanned herself dramatically and Jack now turned red. He scratched at his head even harder whilst his eyebrows disappeared in his hair.
“This is Jack, and I'm Wren. But you can call me Rin! Are you the caretakers? Is this your house? We're on our first holiday together.” The words tumbled out of the young woman before she could stop herself.
“Oh no, little Wren. Henry and I..” Rin had let go of Jack's hand to shake Mrs. Barrow’s. The moment she let go, the old woman disappeared. Rin gasped and turned to her boyfriend.
“She was telling us she and her husband did live here. Died from the Spanish flu a hundred years ago.” Jack gave a little shrug, but a tiny grin had crept into the corners of his mouth. “They love it here so much, neither moved on.”
Rin reached for him, and his hand covered hers. The old woman reappeared. “Sorry, Missus. I didn't know?”
She laughed heartily in response, “Sometimes Henry and I forget we're dead. Never had someone who could see us before. Let alone a couple. The moors are full of ghosts, mostly long gone. None of us here for a bother, especially since your beau here looks exhausted. Just popped in for a bit of cheek and a greeting. If you need us, give a shout ok?” Then she was gone.
“Why can't they all be like that?!” Jack almost shouted his question.
“Maybe we should move up here where they've had time to get used to it? The ones in Manchester are all.. fresh and selfish and confused.”
Rin pulled Jack towards her for a kiss. His tongue teased her for the briefest moment before he picked her up and carried her in his arms towards the cottage.
“What are you doing?!” she squealed.
“Dunno. Little biddie thought we’re married,” he leaned in to kiss her a few more times. He waggled his eyebrows, “Might as well act like it.”
“Jack, we just got here!”
“I've been ready since we woke up. We’ll have a shag then go out to the pub for a few pints and some fish n chips.”
“Romantic,” Rin rolled her eyes as Jack opened the door around her.
“Oh, you love me!” Jack set her down in the foyer then playfully slapped his girlfriend on the ass.
Rin jumped and bolted up the stairs before he could catch her. “I do!” she called down to him. “What's that vow? Till death do us part?” She started to strip her clothes off to her bra and panties. Her finger made a come here motion before she disappeared around a corner.
Jack's face fell, but only for the swiftest of moments. “Even then you wouldn't be gone.”
Rin snuck out of the bed as she so often did after they had sex. Mostly because it was the soundest Jack ever slept with his long limbs stretched out as if she wasn’t there. Or he would envelop her in his arms without a choice. And even though she understood Jack's desire to be with her constantly, sometimes Rin felt smothered.
Now she stood at the foot of the bed to watch Jack's breathing as his sternum rose and fell with a steady rhythm. He laid on his back, arm above his head in a languid position. The sheets barely draped across his hips to reveal the V shape of his pelvis and just a tuft of pubic hair. Rin’s eyes kept going until she felt her heart between her thighs and not in her chest.
“Go take a bath,” her brain scolded her. “Wash off the train and sex before you go out for dinner. You stand here any longer, you'll wake him up by straddling him.”
Rin’s body wavered. I mean, that was an idea. “BATH, ADERYN DAVIES!” At least her inner monologue didn't use her middle name.
Rin closed the door and turned on the hot water. She was lost in thought as it filled. How she and Jack developed a willingness to share their bodies with one another in the light. That she relished how their chests and mouths and skin dissipated into reciprocated emotions. Jack was addicted to it the way she could absorb him and switch places with him. Show him what it was like to be her. Empathy became his heroin.
Rin climbed into the tub and settled against the porcelain. She relaxed her mind and body until only her breasts remained afloat. She never took a bath. Not since her time in hospital when she and Jack met. Where the dead tried to drown them. But she and Jack saved each other.
Maybe because they were nearing the three year anniversary of that awful time, but Rin thought about it more these days. She held her hands above the water and ran her scarred fingers over the further damage she had done to herself. The long jagged line from her wrist to forearm. Usually she wasn't quite THAT bad off when she tried to commit suicide, and even now she couldn't remember what was her trigger that day.
“There's not even a word to describe how bloody melancholy suicides are when they come ‘round,” Jack would say. “Maybe desolate?”
“Did you ever try?”
“Not that I remember. Didn't wanna upset Emma. Always seems so messy. Guess maybe I was doing it slowly though, the way I lived. We're ok now, right?” he would ask and kiss her hand.
“We're diamonds, Jack,” she would respond, "Unbreakable.”
Now Rin knew he was in the doorway. It was hard to sneak up on her if you gave off too much emotion. Currently Jack was as warm and comforting as the water she floated about in.
“You alright?” his sleepy voice carried a trace of concern.
Rin looked up and back at him, her fingers still on her scar. “Yeah! Just thinking about us. This.”
The air shifted. A wicked grin played across Jack's face as he walked around the side of the tub. His naked body in full view. Rin’s face flushed and her heart raced, but she kept her composure on the surface as he stepped in to join her. His hands on her waist drew her into his lap. She threw her arms around his neck as they held onto each other tightly. Jack pressed his lips to Rin’s neck where he kissed a trail down over the curve of her shoulder.
“Jaacckk,” she whinged. “Come on I was sat here having a think, and you’re like a teenage boy with this!” She tried to hide a moan when he bent her back to capture her breast in his mouth. “Bless,” was her response.
“I can't help it!” he teased from between them. “I have so much lost time, and you’re so bloody sexy.”
“Will you put that thing away!” Rin’s voice was louder, but still had laughter in it. “C’mon Jack. This should be sweet and romantic. Somehow you always turn it into a porno.”
“I can't help that my,” Jack pointed his finger towards the water and whistled, “likes you. Loves you? Always wants to be in you.”
“Cock, Jack. It's called a cock. Shouldn't it be used to me by now? It's been almost a year.”
Jack stopped teasing Rin. He looked at her seriously now. Those green eyes seemed to search her soul as they moved back and forth over her face. “One year?”
“I can't believe I had forgotten you all the time between..” his voice trailed off.
“It's ok,” Rin spoke softly.
Jack turned his bottom lip out, “Now I'm sad. So we should shag in this bathtub, then I won't be!”
Rin groaned for a long time after that. “No!! Sex in hot tubs or bath tubs or pools isnt the best. Water is a shite lubricant, trust.”
Jack pushed her away and feigned disgust. “Have you shagged in them before?”
“Once or twice.”
“With Roland?”
“What?! No! I told you we only had sex once. Then he left LITERALLY the next day. Why are you so weirdly jealous of him? It wasn't my first time. I've been with loads of men.”
Rin sat back again on her side of the tub. She reached for the body wash on a shelf, and started to use it on her arms and chest. Her eyebrow arched as if she was trying to challenge Jack to get angry at her sexual history.
Jack pulled his knees to his chest. “Are you hoping I get pissed that you've had sex with other guys? Of course you have, you're beautiful. Roland is just so.. Roland.”
“Fair play, but he has a gift like we do.”
“Ghosts and music. Worst super powers ever,” he mused.
Rin opened her arms and motioned Jack to settle in between them and her legs. He turned and laid down with his back completely pressed into her. She kissed his cheek then gestured for him to tilt his head back with her finger under his chin. Jack obeyed with his eyes closed.
Rin cupped water in her hand and poured it over his hair. She repeated the process a few times before he sunk down under the water. She marveled at how long his hair was when wet or straightened. At how long his arms and legs and torso were as he held on to her own knees that were drawn up around him. At how far he had come from the man drawn into himself high, on psych meds, with dirty fingernails and rough cheeks. Now he was open and present and relaxed in her arms.
“Birdie,” Jack started calling her that out of a desire to give her some kind of nickname. Love and darling and babe weren't enough.
“Jackie?” only Rin got away with that. She put some shampoo in her hand and lathered them together in front of their bodies before she dove into his hair.
“You're making me sad thinking about how poor I was when we met. You know, passing it from yourself to me without meaning.”
“What?” she was concentrating on massaging Jack's entire head. Her light fingers made circles and gentle scratches. Then they widened and she drew bigger circles. She didn't want to leave out one inch of his scalp.
“You're body, it's pressed to mine? You're passing along your thoughts without noticing because we're relaxed. But also, please keep doing that. Holy shit that feels nice.”
Rin kept on. She alternated from soft to a little harder to as much pressure as Jack allowed. He gripped her calf and ankles now wrapped around his waist. She used her thumbs to stroke his temples and rub across his forehead before going back to knead the rest of his head again.
Her attention back to reality instead of just on making sure Jack was cared for, she realized what had happened. “I'm sorry! Sorry. I can block it if you want?” She separated her body from his and unwound her legs. Jack held on.
“It's fine,” he reassured her. “Just let me mind your body too?”
Rin snickered, “You minded my body for about an hour already.”
Jack gave an annoyed smirk and rolled his eyes. “I mean like this!” he gestured towards her washing his hair.
“You can wash my hair. That would be lovely.”
“Why don't I..” he stroked his chin. Jack's eyes settled on the stuff she had spread out on the sink. “Shave your legs?”
“Blimey,” Rin whispered. “Really?” Her heart took to pounding in her ears. She eased him down into the water to rinse everything from him clean. “Jack that's very..”
“Intimate?” he was already standing to carefully choose what was her razor and shaving cream. He held them in her direction for approval.
“Actually, yes.” Rin nodded, “And yes. This is really different from shaving your face, y’know. I've got to trust you completely because that is a new blade, and I always nick a damn patch of skin.”
Jack sat back down in the water, placed the razor on the edge of the tub and lifted Rin’s ankle. He pinioned her foot to his chest and bit his entire bottom lip. She felt exposed, made vulnerable by this position. He was looking at the half of her naked body just below the water’s surface. The can of gel faltered as he shook it.
“Jack! You're shaving my legs, not my twat. Eyes on what you're doing!” Rin snapped her finger to catch his attention.
“I can do-”
“Keep speaking, and no sex for two days.”
Jack frowned but sprayed the soap on her shin. He spread it around from the ankle up to her knee before trying to go higher. Rin held up her hand, “Only strippers and sex workers shave that high!”
He snorted and continued on the back of her leg and made sure to get the back of her knee. She was especially ticklish there and jerked her body and giggled as a result. They both could be in trouble: Jack with a sharp object; Rin with the ability to kick him in the sternum if he wasn't careful.
“Better luck if you're facing away from me. You have to shave with the blades towards my knee. You best sit back against me like before.”
“Or,” Jack held the razor backwards with the head towards his wrist. His thumb on the grooved grip as he placed it delicately by Rin’s ankle. The handle was awkward in his large fingers as he took it gingerly and with the utmost of care upward. The blade made a path in the cream as he moved it up to her knee.
Rin inhaled as he did the same gesture again. She exhaled when the razor met her kneecap. Steady breathing with each swipe along her leg. The tip of Jack's tongue stuck out from his lips as he concentrated. He worked and focused and shifted her calf just enough to get the sides and the back. The only sound in the bathroom was the splish of water when he cleaned the blade after each path.
“Oh,” was all that left Rin’s mouth the entire time. Her eyes never left Jack's face while his own refused to break away from her leg.
“You alright?” Jack finally looked up at Rin just as he was getting a start on her other leg.
Rin shook her head with enthusiasm. Now her turn to bite her bottom lip before a giant smile crawled from ear to ear. “I'm grand! I love you.”
And just like he always did when she said that, Jack looked sheepish. Like he still couldn't believe that any.one would love him let alone a whole family of them. Rin. Emma. Billy. Jerry. They all loved him without condition.
“I love you too,” Jack smiled in kind. It reached his eyes in wrinkled skin in the corners of them. He made his way around his girlfriend’s other leg and realized something had grown inside of him. He was starting to care for himself.
So this is it, Jack thought as he finished shaving Rin’s legs, I think I love myself?
Before he could say anything the doorbell rang downstairs and scared the shit out of them both. They scrambled to their feet and started to dry off in a harried way. In the bedroom, they threw on clothes as the bell rang out again with more insistence.
“Can ghosts ring?”
“No! Not usually. BLOODY HELL WE’RE COMING!” Jack shouted as he rushed down the steps. He turned the light on in the foyer and opened the door. Rin couldn't make out anything but Jack’s shocked voice. “What the fuck are you doing here? You're two weeks early, mate.”
“She.. I should've.. Wren.. I lost my..” the words were broken up by Jack's body.
Rin made her way down and peered around Jack's shoulder. A tired, swollen eyed man stood on the front stoop. His hair was a curly mess; his goatee and mustache looked like a positive fright. She could tell he hadn't been sleeping much. It was the first time Rin had seen him alone in the last year. It was the first time Rin had seen him in PERSON in maybe seven in spite of all his promises.
Both he and Jack turned towards Rin and shouted simultaneously, “Surprise!”
tag @robertsheehanownsmyass @magic-multicolored-miracle @slutforrobbiebro @forenschik @super-unpredictable98 @bisexualnathanyoung @nightmonsters @rob-private @badsext @bwritesstuff @frogs--are--bitches
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 42
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This chapter was a mess. But it's my mess.
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FOUR weeks of Silence
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Veteran's Village
A peaceful Sunday meant that Roach, Alex and Soap were chilling at the house Samantha and Maxine were in. It had been 4 weeks since that Cuban incident and Francine had gone to therapy for her near death traumatic experience. If it wasn't for Soap, she would've been left out there for good.
France thought that it would be healthy to stay in a more domestic setup rather than the base so she took her time off duty to recover in the veteran's village. And ever since that day in Cuba, Soap and France's relationship was more expressive than ever.
"If we're having a barbecue tonight, we better head off to the meat shop." Alex peeked by the door, giving a heads up to the rest of the people sitting on the couch. Soap turned his head to Alex and tossed his keys as Roach stood up and came with Alex.
"Any other requests?" He looked at the group then to Maxine, who shook her head and laughed. 
"Just be back safe." She replied.
"Got it." Gary nodded and waved goodbye at them. Soap wanted to come along but France had been falling asleep on his lap for quite a while. And Maxine and Samantha noted that she hadn't had decent for days.
"Oh, Roach! Grab me a cigar maybe." He whispered, trying not to wake France up.
"Roger that." He nodded and made his way to Soap's jeep, where Alex was already waiting on him. He sat himself on shotgun and let Alex lead the way to their destination.
He turned on the radio as it played a song about driving. Roach was quick to shazam it and found out it was Automobile by KALEO.
"Now this is going to be on my playlist." Alex said as his head nodded to the music, taking him where the winds take him, far away.
"Agreed. Oh, Soap actually asked for cigarettes so we might have to stop by a convenience store on the way back." Roach informed as the song ended. 
"Okay. That's cool. Maybe add a few sodas for the girls. They probably haven't had those i  ages." He said as he turned the radio off and switched it to AUX.
"Here. Grab my phone and play that song again." Alex instructed as he drove through the streets, and Roach followed him. Playing the song again.
"Ah yes. This song is good." Alex sighed.
"Yeah. It's fire." Roach commented, making Alex raise an eyebrow.
"You know, fire… lit… slaps… Modern terminologies." Roach explained shyly as Alex chuckled.
"I'll never understand the young ones of today." Alex chuckled as he stopped by the parking lot, pulling his phone and leaving the car.
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Dinner was the best part of the Sunday evening as the three couples enjoyed a hearty meal together, sharing experiences and funny stories like an extended family. Roach talked about his raccoon story once again as one topic led to another until such time that the inevitable topic was discussed.
"Speaking of fires, do you have any leads on Nero?" Samantha asked innocently as the men fell quiet, looking at each other. Wondering who would open up the topic.
"Well, uh… After his assault in New York…" Soap trailed off, his eyes went to Alex, signaling him to continue.
"Alex, it's your girl's question! Go answer it!" Soap complained as France laughed, wrapping her arms around Soap.
"He's gone silent." Alex muttered. Samantha was kinda sad she asked about it so she tried to make up by brightening up the mood.
The night continued on as the group played charades, girls vs boys. For an hour or so the soldiers forgot about their worries and acted like they're normal people living their normal lives outside work. It wouldn't hurt to pretend like that, especially when the baggage of guilt was hard to handle.
"So, Gary. I've been meaning to ask you something…" Maxine said as she assisted him in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"How are you… like mentally. You seem… off." She asked, Gary sighed and eased his shoulders.
"It's just… we almost lost a life back there… for nothing. Lannister hasn't said any useful information and as the days go by another assault might occur." he breathed out his worries, earning a back rub from Maxine.
"People have their limits. Lannister could break anytime. Let's just hope we're not too late." She assured him. It was a very negative statement but somehow it's actually helpful. Gary smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Maxine." he said.
"Yeah. Don't ever think you're alone. I'm here for you. Actually, just last night. I had another memory restored. And it felt so important that you have to know it first. Before…" she said, her voice lowering down after every word.
"Before what?" Gary whispered jokingly. Maxine laughed and hit his chest gently.
"Nevermind that word. Back to my memory…
I…" she trailed off, looking like she was too shy and scared to finish the statement.
"You…?" Gary raised an eyebrow. Maxine took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"I had an ex-girlfriend." She blurted and paused right after saying it, bracing at what Gary's reaction.
"I- uh.. That's okay… There's nothing wrong with that, Maxine." He said like he meant it. Maxine was too shocked about his reaction. Maybe she thought about it too much.
"Like… does that change anything?" She asked.
"Nothing at all. Oh wait! Yes! It does." Gary announced and Maxine's smile almost dropped.
"It means that if I want to have you, I'll have to step up my game. I have more competition now." He realized and Maxime sighed in relief. This man was about to get some scolding.
"You worried me, you know!" He continued gently hitting on Gary's chest, giggling away all her fears. He still accepted her. This was great.
"My point's valid!" He laughed, defending himself from her hits,.like children playing house. This may seem like a simple event, but this was the beginning of something new for the two of them.
Task Force 141 Base - Interrogation Room
Price sat in front of Gabriel, they've been silent for about an hour now as Gary and Soap stayed on the viewing area to observe the interrogation. Alex was here thirty minutes ago but he left after he got a phone call.
"What kind of twisted play is this?" Soap asked, crossing his arms and looking at Gabriel.
"The bastard won't talk. Just cut off a finger or something." He scoffed. To Gary, it would make sense, but with all the cameras and the formalities, It wasn't allowed. Especially that Gabriel's alibi was that he got their first to investigate. Which was total bullshit.
"He still has his ace on his sleeve. As long as we don't find proof of involvement, he's going to be free soon." Gary commented, making Soap grumble some Scottish curses.
"It's pretty obvious!" Soap yelled as Alex entered the interrogation room, saying something to Price as they immediately left him alone. Whatever that message was, looked way more important than Gabriel.
"We've got a lead on Nero!" Alex said as he peeked on the door, making the two stand up immediately and head to the briefing room.
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"Operation Eye of the Storm." Price announced.
"In 24 hours, Nero and his newfound friends will meet on a hotel in Prague. This intel was from one of the Resistance Leaders Alex once teamed up with. They reached out for help since Nero started to secure the whole city." Price paced back and forth on the big screen.
"The plan is to eliminate Nero and his allies. As simple as that. We have the element of surprise in our hands. Soap, I want you to position yourself on the clock tower, just by the hotel. A bullet to the head should work. Alex will be watching your six. Jack will be our eyes and ears inside the convention. He'll be signaling when they'll be out on the open. Roach and I will enter the building for cleanup. We only had one shot at this so let's make it count." Price briefed and everyone else murmured their thoughts, some were already thanking for a solid lead. This was it. The final showdown. The end of the war.
Alex and Soap already left the resistance safehouse, they had to be at the clock tower tonight, using the concealment of the night and the noise of the rain for cover. The perfect opportunity to say under the radar. Meanwhile, Roach and Price stayed to defend the place as Nero's men once again ransacked the streets just to ensure his safety. The world may have announced that the war in US was over, but Nero still had some cities under his control. This minor setback was the reason he's planning for something new. And they're here to stop it.
"Alright, Roach. Your replacements here." Price said as he stood up from his spot. 
"Get ready for the big day tomorrow." He added as he nodded and left his gun for the next person to use. Tomorrow's battle is going to be tough, and even though he didn't want to admit it, Roach needed some rest.
Despite the occasional gunfire and screaming, Roach was able to sleep. He didn't mind the battle outside the building as his battle was with Nero. Once Soap shot him dead, he would also want to shoot him again, just to feel satisfied.
Hotel Lustig
Prague, Czech Republic
Roach hid on the west wing of the hotel, while Price was on the other side. They were both clinging on to the walls as their entrance was at the small opening where Soap would shoot Nero. Roach eyed the convoy just below him.
"Convoy's up ahead. Nero should be in one of those cars." Soap muttered.
"Can't see shit through the lens. He could be anywhere." Alex added.
"Easy lads. We'll have a clear shot once they're in the balcony. Right Jack?" Price asked. Jack didn't respond, but maybe the signal inside was too weak.
"Jack? Do you copy?" Price asked.
"Da. I do copy, Captain Price. I'm just here to get my old prisoner back. I've had him in the gulag for quite a while but it seems this is our first time meeting face to face." A russian voice which everyone assumed to be Nero said in the most villainous tone possible.
"You're too predictable, Captain." he said as he clicked something, prompting an explosion on the clock tower.
"Get down! C4!" Price yelled as the two soldiers jump out, falling on to railings. Alex landed on a fruit cart by the tower while Soap landed on the car, crashing it as it alarmed.
"Roach! Go help them out!" Price ordered as Nero's men started to circle around the two while the resistance team helped them defend. 
Roach quickly pulled Soap up who was groaning in pain. Alex looked pained too but the look in their eyes says that they're still willing to end this today.
"Let's catch up with them." Alex said as a resistance member tossed them a rifle and quickly hid for cover, pushing their way into the hotel. At the corner of Roach's eye, he saw Price enter the building, loading his gun and ready to end this as well.
Next Chapter : THREE Bullets
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1
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brycelahelalover · 4 years
The 19th century
Pairing: Bryce × f!MC ( Tesse Sterling )
Author's note: So I've been thinking... What if Tesse and Bryce met in the 19th century. THAT would be interesting. And I know Tesse isn't an old name but I didn't want to change it. Soo... And I guess neither is Bryce but I wasn't going to change HIS name 'cause you know, no one would recognise him if I did. So as usual I hope you like it.
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She could see the carriage pulling up on her family's mansion's doorstep from her balcony and immediately ran down the steps. She knew it was him. She could feel it in her heart. And also because he sent a letter saying that he would be coming around this time of day. But still, she missed him terribly. Not that she would tell him that. His ego is large enough to fill her whole house and suffocate everyone in it. But he's been gone for over three months on some kind of trip. Probably one her father, Alexander, sent him on.
You see, sir Alexander Sterling, is a doctor. And sir Bryce Lahela is one of his students, along with Tesse. And since they're the same age, they've been in the same classes since childhood. Bryce has been around since Tesse could remember. But that's no surprise since her father and his has also been childhood friends. And when Bryce decided that he wants to pursue medicine as a career instead of taking over his family's business. There was no better choice than to attend Dr. Sterling's university than choose one outside of town. As much as he wanted to stay away from his family. But Tesse hopes that's not the only reason. And that he stayed, in part, because of her.
You're probably wondering why her father sent Bryce instead of his own daughter. You see, Sir Alexander is an open minded man. After all, he let her pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. But he's not as open minded as to let her go on a trip for three months on her own. Which infuriated Tesse, since she's quite curtain that if she was a man, he would've let her. She hated how her gender limited her, even in her father's eyes. It was quite unfair. But what could she do about it? If it wasn't for her dad she wouldn't have been able to do what she wanted since he stood in front of the whole family when they said that she should stay home and do what anyone her age did. And that's Pretty much, eat, sleep, get married, and have children. But she refused to have that kind of life. Where the whole purpose of her being is to give heirs to some duke to show them off. She refused. She will get married and have children when she darn well pleased. And that's probably after she completed her studies.
She was running down the stairs when her maid, Charlotte, yelled.
"My lady, please slow down. You could harm yourself."
But, it was no use since she was intent on opening the door and greeting him herself. Which, she didn't know why since they have servants to do that. Perhaps, it was the fact that she wanted to be the first person he sees when he comes in.
After she made it down the stairs, she ran to the door and threw it open. Only to be greeted by his amused face. Alright, maybe she could've been more graceful about doing that.
He stepped inside and bowed, taking her hand in his own to kiss it. Saying:
"Greetings, lady Sterling"
"I told you to stop calling me that." she replied.
She could hear Charlotte clearing her throat behind her.
"Oh, fine. Greetings, BRYCE."
"That's better." He said.
After that, he threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly to his chest. She never understood why he always bothers with the formal greetings when he could just do this. Forever. But it's probably because he likes getting on her nerves sometimes. Oh, who is she laying to? He likes getting on her nerves all the time. She assumes it's one of his hobbies. After letting her go, he asked.
"How are you doing? Been missing way too much?"
"What's there to miss? Your obnixiousness? Because if so, than no I did not miss you."
"Really? Because I didn't miss your sarcasm either. But I missed the rest of you."
God, he always played this card whenever he wanted her to admit something she didn't want to admit. Or did she?
"Oh, she missed you alright."
Turning around, she could see her father descending down the stairs, smiling.
"She's been asking about when you return since the day you left."
Smirking, Bryce turned to her.
"I thought you said you didn't miss me."
"I didn't say that. I just said that I didn't miss your obnixiousness."
When Alexander made it to them, he turned to Bryce, beaming.
"Welcome home, son. We missed you." He said pointedly.
"Thanks, sir. It's good to be back."
"How was the trip?"
"It was quite informing."
"Come, tell us about it over tea."
They made their way toward the living room with Bryce telling them about all the exciting experiences he had.
After her father excused himself after being called in to his clinic, Tesse and Bryce made their way around the garden. They were walking in a comfortable silence with a few glances at each other every now and then.
"So, what did you do while I was gone?" Bryce said, breaking the silence.
"What'd you expect. Studying and helping father whenever I can at the clinic." She replied.
"I wish that you'd went with me." He said after a few beats.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes. I found myself quite often wondering what you were doing and wishing that you were with me. Thinking experiencing everything together."
"Wow." Tesse said, stunned.
"Yes, and it wasn't just while I was away. It was way before that."
"Bryce.." She whispered when he cupped her cheek. Leaning into it.
"Tesse.. look at me."
She looked up to this intense fire burning behind his eyes.
"Tesse... I never want to be away from you. Ever. I want to be near you every hour of every day."
"That's a little bit much, don't you think?"
Bryce chuckled.
"Maybe. But you get what I mean."
"Yes.. I do."
Bryce leaned little by little towards her. His gaze staring at her eyes than dropping to her lips. Than it happened, Bryce leaned the last inch separating their faces and put his lips into hers.
The kiss was slow, soft. Bryce caressed her cheek than used his other hand to push her against him. He wasn't hurried. Instead, he took his time to take her breath away. After a while Tesse leaned Back, looking at him and bitting her lower lip. A few seconds later, she said.
"It was my first."
"It was my first kiss."
She could see the panick settling into his face so she hurried to chase it away.
"Don't worry. It was wonderful."
He face eased up and the smile returned.
"But why?"
"Don't really want to kiss anyone when you've been pinning after a lad for the last two decades."
She could see the surprise and than a smirk replaced it.
"Well, I guess I need to make it up to you somehow."
And then he pushed her back against him to kiss her again. Passionately this time.
The end
Hi!I know I didn't lean a lot into the fact that it was written in the past but I didn't want to make some mistakes. And... I hope you enjoyed it and I would really appreciate it if you like, comment and reblog 😊
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shezzaspeare · 4 years
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The Science of Fanfiction
A Study in Sherlock | 3 More Days to Go!
Getting to Know Blessie.
A/N: This is going to be a long post.
Hullo! I apologise if this isn't the actual TSoF yet (next few posts won't be either, sorry), but I think that before we get to the point, I should probably tell who, what, where, why, and how I am. I guess it's important since I'm no big name here in the Sherlock side of Tumblr – I only have 32 followers at the time I'm writing this, and I'm just as much of a fan as the next user. Doing something this big is really hard for me since I've got a lot of things on my hands, but I hope and pray that God will give me enough strength and support for me to pull through.
(Yes, I'm a Christian; Roman Catholic, to be specific. However, my religion does not define my beliefs about life.)
Alright, enough sidetracking. For starters, my name is Blessie, but you can call me Bee if Blessie is a mouthful for you. I am the girl behind the handle of shezzaspeare, if that's not yet obvious. I will be launching TSoF at the age of sixteen years, two months, and two weeks. I'm a Hufflepuff, Thunderbird, Erudite, neutral good, ENTP-T, and tired. If anything else, I'm basically your local demisexual Sagittarian ambivert from the Philippines with artistic leanings, a truckload of unfinished WIPs, and a vague but large amount of anxiety running through her veins. If you want to know how I look like, here's a visual I made a couple of months back for you:
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[Image ID: A self-portrait of Blessie/@shezzaspeare in pencil. End ID]
I've been in the BBC Sherlock fandom since I was twelve, the general Sherlock Holmes fandom since I was eleven. I'd be lying if I saw that they're not a big influence in my life: they, along with various other crime shows I'm fond of, inspired to want to become a forensic linguist. They're also a big factor of a lot of the things I do. I've watched a lot of Holmes adaptations (I've yet to finish Elementary and watch Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century), read countless pieces of pastiche, and spun numerous conspiracy theories based off the show. My parents find this liking a little worrying, but I beg to differ.
Other than the aforementioned classic, I'm also an avid fan of Marvel, Harry Potter, Good Omens, Six The Musical, Disney, and Hamilton. I adore Benedict Cumberbatch, Louis Partridge, Jeremy Brett, Natalie Dormer, and a handful more celebrities. I like to listen to old songs, watch documentaries, read classic books, and if I continue, we might be here long after Series 1 of TSoF is finished. Hello to my mutuals, by the way!
Now, for those who know me outside of Tumblr, you know I do a lot of things. But for those who don't, I've done a lot. I've sang, done art, cross stitched, made graphics, joined in academic competitions; and currently, I'm running a YouTube Channel, this blog, and this sentence.
Above that all, though, I write. I started writing when I was in fourth grade, and it's for a category in the school paper called editorial writing (the opinion columns). Not long after that, I discovered the world of fanfiction through the world of Wattpad, and I mainly wrote for this cartoon series called Ever After High. Years have passed since then, and my writing and fandoms have changed. So far, I've been writing for nine years and counting. I'm still fixing up my AO3 account and I plan to transfer some works of mine over there. You can still find all my works at my Wattpad page.
Now, why did I decide to do TSoF even if I have a lot going on with my life? Why did I push this through even if after nearly a decade of writing I haven't finished a single fanfic? The answer is very simple, really. I've seen a lot of brilliant discussions about the show — Sherlock's personality, symbolisms within the series, and backstories with the details of the scenes. I've come to realise that we never shone light into the other side of this wonderful fandom in which I contribute to as well. There are numerous writers who don't get the exposure they deserve, fanfic tropes we have yet to talk about, and AUs far more complex and deep than they seem. I think it's about time we talk about the—
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[Image ID: A flashback of John (left) and Sherlock (right) finding an elephant (not in the screen) in a room in The Sign of Three. End ID]
I'm sorry. I just really love this GIF a lot. This is definitely not the last time you'll see it in the series.
For the tropes, if I may add, I'll mainly focus on tropes on Wattpad since AO3 is nothing short of unique and different kinds of stories whilst Wattpad is a different territory.
I don't have a day assigned for a regular update in TSoF, since I've still got school and all. I do promise that I'll post at least once a month, just for good measure.
I would like to thank everyone for their support for TSoF even if it hasn't begun yet. I can't promise it's anything as good as the content they put out, but I will give my all in this series. You guys rock!
So, allow me to share my love of fanfiction, BBC Sherlock or just plain ACD canon, with you with TSoF. It is my honour and pleasure to go balls knees-deep into this thing.
See you at the start of this thing on Monday!
My Carrd | My YouTube Channel
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
Since you like Law-
Cuddle for a Day in a Field of Flowers with
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Lol, sorry if this is so random...... Just gotta know 🤭🤭
A/n: HI!! I don't check my inbox often and I saw this just a few weeks ago, couldn't think of anything cause my brain is fried thanks to my school. But I hope it's alright. I'm just happy to have my first ask! :)
Cuddle day with law and/or Bepo
Also, established relationship between (y/n) and law (they're engaged in this one) also kind of short cause it's literally 2 in the morning here XD
(Y/n) sang softly as she made flower crowns in a field of flowers she found at the island.
"(Y/n)-chan...!" Bepo's distant voice snapped her out of her trance as she looked back at where she thinks the voice came from, "(y/n)-! Oh! Hey (y/n)!"
Bepo excitedly said and carefully rushed over to her before sitting down next to her, "what's up?" She spoke with utter softness and gentleness
"Captain's looking for you." Bepo said happily
"Is he now?" She chuckled, "please tell him where I am, I wish to stay here..."
"Hmm... But you're alone... Something might happen" Bepo muttered
"Oh? Hah... I guess it is quite open..." She smiled and looked around the grassy flowery field.
"I'll stay with you then...!" Bepo cheered to himself as he situated himself behind you, "what're you doing...?"
"I'm making a flower crown, want to help?" she asked as he nodded, "well then..."
'where is she...?' Law thought to himself because it's been a long time since Bepo left to go find her, 'nothing bad happened to them, to her, right...?'
It was evident in his face that he was worried so Shachi walked up to him, "you got to relax, captain. I'm sure (y/n)-chan is just out there with Bepo."
"That's the point. I don't know where she is." Law scoffed with a small pout of annoyance
"Why are you looking for her anyway?"
As if law froze to himself, why was he looking for her? Well, he was feeling kind of lonely and sad without her, so he wants to atleast cuddle up to her even for just a little bit, "why? Is it not bad to look for my fiance??"
"Oh well... I think Bepo said he saw a big field of flowers nearby, yiu can surprise (y/n)-chan with a bouquet of fresh flowers you picked." Shachi suggested
Law hummed with a nod, "that sounds... Quite alright..." He muttered, "then it's settled. Where is it?"
"Right over... There." Shachi pointed, "I'm not sure though, Bepo just pointed it"
"Alright, if (y/n) ever comes back, tell her to wait for me in our room"
Law soon set off to find flowers for his beloved.
He wonders what flowers he should give, the bright ones, the pretty ones, the ones with a good smell, or the ones that are big.
But once he saw the field, he noticed Bepo's uniform and (y/n) just snuggled on the ground.
She was making a crown while Bepo cuddled up to her
He sighed in relief knowing nothing bad had happened to her and a slight tinge of jealousy cause... Well... Bepo's the one snuggling her, not him.
So he quietly walks up to them and purposely covered her eyes making her jump
"Who's there?!" She gasped
"Guess who~"he sang in her ear
She scoffed with a smile, "law..." She whined as he chuckled and sat on her other side
"What're you doing here?" He asked as he kind of subtly pushed Bepo over so that they could lean back against him as a pillow.
It made (y/n) laugh inwardly seeing how jealous he had been, "oh nothing... Just making a flower crown, for you...!" She smiled and presented the beautiful flower crown.
"Oh... Oh my... It's beautiful" he smiled as he let her remove his hat and place it on his head
"My king..." She smiled making him chuckle and place his hat on hers.
"How can I make one of these? I want you to be my queen" he smirked as he watched her cheeks burn slightly
"Oh you...!"
He laughed and pulled her into his lap, "I've been looking for you for ages" he whispered in her ear after wrapping his arms around her and his head tucked in her neck.
"Hmm? Oh... I'm sorry, got carried away" she laughed as he pulled her closer and tighter.
"It's alright. Just.. shh... I want this moment to be just us... And Bepo" he muttered as she laughed as well.
"I see... I see" she smiled and cuddled law making his chest burst up into flames, "I know you just want this for now... Hehe"
"How do you know...?" He grumbled as he wrapped his own arms tighter in his embrace.
"Oh nothing... Just a small guess"
A/N: Is this alright? I did my best at 2 am AHAHHAHA. Anyway, thanks for the ask...! I love it<3
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misshollander1 · 6 years
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Gif credit to @parkery
Contains; small drabble of an 18 year old somehow catching Tom's eye and the thoughts he faces of finding her intruiging.
I never thought I would be in the acting scene. Especially since I hated being the center of attention. But something about being in front of a camera and playing a character made me feel somewhat safe.
I was able to be someone I always wanted to be and portray them in a way only I could and have people relate.
That's how it started at first. I acted in a few commercials and starred in the background during my years attending University, the small money I made being put away in order to help pay my tuition.
Next thing I knew, I had people asking who I was and if I had any social media. I was contacted by a previous person I worked with, them telling me their manager would like to work with me. I was quite young and my parents denied but I told them that if I could help make money in any way, I would take it.
So I took the job. Granted everything started off slow again, me being in the background and having small roles. It soon led to me being a supporting role and eventually, landing a role in the new Spiderman movie.
I was now eighteen years, four years younger than the male lead Tom Holland. I wasn't playing a love interest despite a few people I knew wanting one for his character.
I couldn't deny the role because, not going to lie, he is quite attractive and a total dork. But, I've always loved superheroes and it was a dream to star in one in any way I could.
I admit I was nervous, seeing as Tom's character Peter and I had quite a few scenes together and there was suppose to be some sort of interest towards one another to create some tension for the audience.
It didn't take a lot besides the director having us spend some time together to maintain a friendship so it was more believable on screen.
So here I am, an eighteen year old sitting across from Tom Holland himself and having a small lunch, each of us having prepared questions to ask one another.
"So, how long have you been attending University? How is it?" He asked, handing me a napkin.
"Thank you and uh, it's my first year. But since I got some financial aid to help me attend, I have to pay back a loan I borrowed. So far it's okay. I wish someone told me about time management because my first semester was completely horrid." I chuckled, opening the chopsticks nearby and stopping mid dip to choose a fork.
"You don't know how to use chopsticks?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I've spent hours practicing but I guess my fingers aren't meant to hold them." I sighed, twirling the noodles around my fork and stuffing it into my mouth. "Anyways, how is it being Peter? I know you get asked a lot but it's what I could come up with."
"Don't worry about it, darling. And I enjoy it. Like I've said in many interviews, I've always had a liking to Spiderman so being able to portray him makes it a dream come true." He laughs lightly
"Despite looking like a 12 year old?" I teased, raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Do people really say that? First they say I have a frog in my mouth and how I can't pronounce croissant. Now this?" He laughs a bit once more, his voice making me feel warm.
I won't lie and say I didn't have a crush on Tom. He is an amazing actor but the way he's such a dork and a goofball made me admire him and like him. I just wish he didn't call me darling because sWeEt JeSus that was attractive.
"So, besides that, is there a reason you chose acting? Is that something you're studying?" He asked, stuffing his face with the Chinese food we ordered.
"Not really. I'm majoring in psychology and thought about minoring in dance but there aren't many dance minors. I opted out for possibly minoring in English but it's not a for sure thing. But, I never acted in my life and the opportunity was given to me so I tried it."
"What do you like about it?"
"I guess being someone you're not. I understand a lot of actors contribute a bit of themselves into the roles they play but for me, I guess it's a confidence boost type of thing." I said, grabbing my water and taking a sip.
"Confidence? Explain." He asked, a small smile on his lips.
"I uh, I'm not that confident in who I am. I hate my body and who I am as a person. I'm high key a pessimist but choose to hide it and I am very easily manipulated. I guess being sexualized at a young age and being harrassed for four years made me feel even morr less of myself. So being able to play a character where I can include those struggles makes me feel like I'm not so alone. I hope that makes sense?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows and looking at him.
"Well, I can truly say you are a beautiful girl. I'm not just saying it. Everyone is beautiful in their own moments and from the moments I've seen you on camera, I can tell you radiate a light. I do see something in your eyes I haven't seen but that's what I find interesting about you. You were willing to be vulnerable to me and let me know how you feel in complete honesty, yet you hold something in those eyes of yours. They're beautiful if I may say once again despite them being the same color as mine but you get what I mean?" He said, clearing his throat and reaching for his own water.
I gave him a shy smile and nodded, the words he spoke making me happy. I have had people conpliment me and try to make me feel better about myself but the way he put things made me believe it the most.
"Aside from all...whatever this is," I smiled, reaching for a spring roll, "what is something you would want our characters to do? I've read the script and we seem to be doing these crazy things like a science experiment going wrong and it exploding in our faces, coating them in blue dust."
"I want us to do something in the rain. I could walk you home along with Ned and I guess all three of us have a heart to heart. Kind of like we did here." He smiles, looking at me and then avoiding his gaze.
"I think that would be nice. I could push you into a puddle and run away." I said smiling.
"I would tackle you then and there don't test me." He teases.
"Try me Holland."
Eventually, Tom and I got closer working on screen. I was only able to shoot during certain times due to my classes but I always made up for it, working on late work or doing homework during my lunch time or any free chances I got.
The other cast members would check in on me and bring me some snacks to keep me motivated and focused so I wouldn't be too stressed.
But there was one day where I was not understanding what was being said and it frustrated me to the point I slammed the book and cried into my hands, the stress overwhelming me.
I didn't hear the knock or the door being opened to my small portable but I did hear the swish of plastic bags.
I looked up and was face to face with Harrison, one of Tom's best mate.
"I'm sorry to disturb you. Tom told me to bring you some lunch but I guess I'll leave you be." He spoke, clearly embarrassed.
"Nono. Don't worry about it Harrison. I was just taking a small break from my work seeing as I couldn't understand it." I sniffled, wiping my nose and eyes.
"Maybe I can help? What is it?" He asked, setting the bag down near my books and taking a seat near me.
"It's physics." I sighed and he made a face.
"Why would you hurt your brain like that?" He asked, making me laugh.
"I thought it would be easy. It somewhat is but this topic is hard and I'm not understanding. I guess I'll email my professor for some more help if needed." I sighed, rubbing my face.
"Alright. I'm sorry I couldn't be much of help. But Tom made sure he got you your favorite, Chinese." He smiled, reaching for the bag and unboxing the takeout.
"That's really sweet of him. You guys didn't have to do that." I said, setting the box on my lap.
"Well he wouldn't shut up about it. He kept interrupting and asking if you had eaten and it took Zendaya to say she took you some breakfast and that was it." Harrison spoke.
"Mm well... When you go back to him. Tell him I appreciate his kindness. Also, thank you for delivering it. I haven't seen you around much as usual." I sighed, rubbing my left eye from any tears.
"Yeah. I've been running some errands of my own, listening to Tom gush on and on-"
My phone rang and I gave Harrison an apologetic smile, answering it.
"Hi Tom. No, I got the takeout. I appreciate it. Yeah no, he's here." He continued to speak until asking for Harrison, me looking and handing him my phone. "It's for you."
Harrison took it and spoke to Tom, casting glances my way every few seconds.
I set my takeout onto the side and regrabbed my Physics book, Harrison putting his hand out and stopping me before ending the call and handing my phone back.
"A scene with you, Ned and Peter is being shot soon so you're going to need to get ready." Harrison told me. I nodded and thanked him once more, waving goodbye as he left.
"Are you serious?" I asked, seeing the set design.
"Yeah! I talked Jacob into helping me get this scene and our director liked the idea enough to have us shoot it. He called for improvisation to see how it looks." Tom said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and smiling at me.
"This is so cool what the fuck." I said, earning a laugh from Tom.
We shot the scene and did as much improv as we could, Tom keeping his word and tackling me in the rain when I pushed him into a puddle and splashed Jacob, a huge 'come on!' escaping his lips.
"Cut! Great scene. Let's try it one more time and great job tackling her Tom. Make sure not to bruise her! And Jacob, great reaction!"
Jacob shook his head and laughed, handing me a towel to dry my hair off.
"I'm going to need a blowdryer or something." I sighed, the towel being worked on my hair.
"Why's that?" Jacob asked.
"It begins to curl. Like how it is now." I said, holding up a loose curl.
"I think it looks pretty." Tom spoke, ruffling the towel over his own curls.
"Thank you." I said, earning a wink from him and an eye roll from Jacob.
Filming was coming to an end and my screentime was becoming less and less which meant I was hardly on set.
But that didn't stop Tom from messaging me during his breaks to see if I wanted to get lunch or hang out with him and the cast.
I was walking to the lounge on set after one of my classes when I overheard my name being spoken.
I furrowed my eyebrows and listened, hearing Tom and Jacob speaking.
"She's eighteen isn't she?" Jacob spoke.
"She is. But I don't see that as a problem." Tom answered.
"What about the backlash? She's four years younger than you and people will find it weird."
"Oh please. There are women and men dating others more than half their age. Something about her intruiges me. I-I enjoy being around her. I can't explain the feeling being around her." He sighed.
"It's obvious you like her. We've all discussed it and even our director knows. Why else would he approve of that rain scene knowing it might not make the cut? He wanted to see the chemistry behind you both." Jacob explained.
"I do adore her and something about her is just ugh. I don't want to creep her out and feel like I'm preying on her. I'm not. I do like her Jacob." He admitted, silence following a bit after.
I was obviously shocked to hear the news because one, Tom Holland said he liked me,two, he said he liked me and three, he said he liked me.
But I knew where he was coming from. People would be quick to think he was being a creep and his fans would be hurt they weren't the ones catching his eye.
But I also wasn't so sure how I would be as a girlfriend. I have never dated and felt that if things wouldn't work out, I would be the reason why.
I don't know how to love myself and I feel like my anxieties and insecurities would get in the way after a while of hiding them so much.
I shook my head continued quickly to my destination, hoping they never saw me and knew I was listening in.
I eventually reached the limit and had to stop here! The rest is in my drafts so let me know if you would like a part two!
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