#It's just...... HIGHLY unlikely. XD
loupy-mongoose · 7 months
Reading the ask about whether or not Akoya and Randal could have a human child did make me wonder about something else. If they were to have a human child, would their DNA be as if it came from pre-mewification Randal? Would they be genetically related to Vivi? An interesting train of thought, really. Though I wouldn't wish a human pregnancy on anyone.
I keep learning new things about pregnancy from my co-workers that dissuade me from ever having kids of my own. X3
I see Randy's human transformation as a near perfect copy of his previous human body, with the eyes being the major exception. So I would consider their hypothetical human kid genetically related to Viv, yeah.
My knowledge on the subject is shallow, though, so I could be objectively wrong. X3
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breezemoonriver · 10 months
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𖦹spin spin spin𖦹
Doodle of Hinarin! I tried to make this look like early 00’s anime art, whether I succeeded or not is up to my luck (^_−)−☆
This is also my first ‘normal size’ drawing of her, I usually draw her as a chibi on empty places on papers, margins of my notebooks or the whiteboard :3
Like and reblog pls (⌒▽⌒)
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
voice gonna be dead lmfao
#had our first performanceeeee <333 and cheered for ourselves which we usually do lol#and we stayed for our sister club's performance and i was super fucking obnoxiously cheering <3#my throat kinda hurting XD#the thing is the audience was very quiet unlike other shows we've done so i was just trying to make up for it ig lmao#idk it's like suddenly i can be loud .... ok#i keep like thinking about if other ppl found it stupid or annoying esp bc no one else rly was doing it as much as me#but i'm just like NO !!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!#was being supportive and silly and cheering and there's nothing wrong with it jhfgkfdhgdkghkslakghd#:'''''''') anyway#i would like to not have homework to do <3 and just live my life devoted to this stupid fucking club lmfao#that's basiclaly what i am trying to do rn but school keeps getting in the way smh#jeanne talks#that was great tho we love the vibes when we have a show <3333#the way i had glowstick club practice on thursday mass meeting on friday show today board meeting tomorrow and practice monday <33333#i'm so fucking lame lmfao let me literally just do this club and nothing else and i'll be happy#LITERALLY WHAT IS IT ABOUT SPINNING STUPID LITTLE GLOWSTICKS ON STUPID LITTLE SHOELACES WITH NOT STUPID LITTLE OTHER PPL THATS SO LIKE#GOOD LMAO like i love seeing it in potential newbies too they're like so excited about fucking swinging glowsticks around lmfao#and i'm like YEAH ME TOO THAT WAS ME!!!!!!!! welcome to this amazing wonderful world of#spinning glowsticks gjhfdfklsdjfgfd#highly recommend <33333333#me @ myself wow jeanne i thought ur personality wsa just like fandoms and shit NOT ANYMORE#JUST GLOWSTICKS#i am very excited for newbies. on the other hand i don't want newbies i want it to stay this lil group of wonderful ppl i alr know <3#feeling that glee season 2 bullshit lol
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corduroyserpent · 15 days
i love zhuzhi-lang conceptually but every time i see him i am forced to wonder if his father was just a regular old snags, or was it like a naga situation… did his father pass the harkness test? as the foremost tumblr expert on this specific guy, i was wondering if you have any insights
you've certainly come to the right place! unfortunately the canon information we have about zhuzhi-lang's father is slim.
we get this nice little tidbit about snake demons from shen qingqiu –
The snake race resided on the southern border of the Demon Realm. Strictly speaking, they still counted as part of the demon race, but their true forms took on the appearance of giant snakes. They were born in this form, and as they grew in age and cultivation, a terribly small number would over time shed their scales and take on a human appearance. But even more stayed in the shape of a snake for their entire lives.
[SVSSS Volume 2 – Chapter 12]
and this from zhuzhi-lang –
"My bloodline is lowly, all because my father was a simpleminded giant snake. I had this half-man, half-snake appearance from the moment my mother gave birth to me.
[SVSSS Volume 3 – Chapter 21]
so i'm of the opinion that zhuzhi-lang's father had either yet to cultivate a human form at the time of zhuzhi-lang's conception or at the very least was in his original giant snake form when tianlang-jun's sister got to live out her monsterfucking dreams (good for her MY GOD GOOD FOR HER)
the naga form we often see depicted in fanwork (for good reason, it's fun and sexy) is never seen in canon. so i think it's highly unlikely he was breasting boobily while slithering XD
but! i do think it's likely that their relationship passes the harkness test! just based on the sentience we've seen from other beast type demons and how zhuzhi-lang in his original half-snake form would definitely be able to consent. but we also only have zhuzhi-lang's word about his father so *shrug* who knows!
the only person who could tell us for sure is MXTX 🥺 i'm on my hands and knees begging, please release the forbidden heavenly demon princess x giant snake extra PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
ahem. anyway! these are my thoughts and i hope they were helpful <3
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phoenixcatch7 · 7 months
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Welcome to the environmental lore photo collection that took me three weeks to do! We shall see if we can fit all the photos in!
Okay! For purposes of this compilation I'll not be talking about either seasonal areas or the war! Because those are whole separate topics, and well...
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We know enough. Also, I had to lighten several photos, so they might look slightly off to experienced players. It's so you can see!
So, the very first area -
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Forgive the quality, this is their second compression lmao. As you can see, we start off with pretty standard Sky Kingdom architecture - blue stone with pale blue paint, topped with gold almost-spikes. There's a landing area from valley (middle left) but it's almost entirely flooded with cloud so good luck landing on it now lol. An overhead walkway (bottom left) that only appears elsewhere in the valley citadel and skate race. Unsurprising, given the proximity.
The interesting things are the campfire, the lanterns, and the broken bridge (top left, right, and bottom right respectively).
The huge campfire and the rows of lanterns speak of low light levels and temperatures. The nature of the wasteland is pollution and corruption, so it's easy to think the thick, dark cloud layer blocking out the sun is a result of that, and thus came about later in the timeline. But it seems to be early enough that ancestors made their own countermeasures to the darkness.
The broken bridge, of course, led down. It's sizable. I wonder what it looked like, before the hurricane? Perhaps they used shuttle boats like the village of dreams? Unlikely - there's no boat debris anywhere on either side, but it's an interesting thought. Either way, it tells us the hurricane wasn't always there...
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^ Enter the wasteland proper, and you're met with this. Everything is half buried in sand, the water is toxic, and there's not a candle to be seen (except of course on cake days, as you will see later XD) - this will remain true for the whole realm. Under the hooked arch in the bottom pic is the sapling (clinging on for dear life, surely) and the dock leading to Enchantment.
What purpose the listing building in the centre pic does, I don't know, but if you squint under the left arch in the bottom picture, you'll see there's another one (with nothing inside). Given its placement, it could be assumed one had to pass through it to reach the main entrance. It's highly unlikely they were homes.
Similarly, all those giant broken arches could have enclosed a vast area the size of a small town (figuratively, if we consider the dream village and the aviary) - they're all pointing at each other (as best they can). Valley has proven the smaller version of these are to be walked on, so perhaps guards or manta riders could patrol on them? You do crashland enter under the only standing arch, after all.
The paths, centre right, also seem to be doing badly. Their solidity and thickness means they're not simple flagstones or paving like other areas in sky - they're heavy duty, lined with I believe to be more of that golden metal that bent instead of crumbled. They were built over unsteady ground. Whether that be the sand and toxic water they sit in now or just normal water remains to be seen.
If you look left, you'll see a distant... Factory of some kind. Middle left picture. Pipes leading in or out of it. Whatever it is, production, water purification, waste disposal, it probably doesn't work anymore. If you've played Journey (sky's predecessor), it's strongly reminiscent of an area where you build a temporary bridge connecting the broken arches so you can cross into the enormous building ahead. It's a fantastic sense of scale, to realise that this ancient civilisation ringed a significant portion of way around the base of this gargantuan mountain.
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Half buried statues guard the crumbling entrance - smaller than the gigantic ones in the valley stadium, but pretty much the same otherwise lol. Given the amount of buried rubble around them and the chasm in the stone above, did something burst in... Or out? The mystery isn't solved on the inside, but at least the corridor isn't completely blocked. Sky kid (me!) for scale! It's interesting, how apart from the obviously ceremonial dramatic valley statues, these are the first things we see of anything resembling combat or even weapons. A culture which has a concept of militaristic might. They're guarding something important. (Vault, duh.)
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No! Unlike what you'd think, the important thing becomes clear immediately. The collosal, toppled bell (I always wondered if they were hollow), the odd ceremonial structure it landed by (top left), those funny diamond bells (top right, top left if you squint), the studded cylinders (bottom left). The hastily stacked rubble blocking the krill's sight (bottom middle), the ripped open roof (bottom right).
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It's identical to the forest elder shrine. This is a temple. Could this have been the original location of the wasteland elder shrine? The only remaining proof of a secret eighth elder, now subsumed?... A cool shaped building the architects took and ran with? We don't know. Whatever it was, it was clearly of great import. Most likely ceremonial, or for worship, or, heck, the equivalent of a podium specifically for big grand speeches. When the roof was there, it was an enormous, grand room, guarded by stern stone giants twice over and blocked by the same great doors that hide the forest glade. The ones that light up and spin and only open after meditating and meeting the elder...
There's no sign of those doors now, which is impressive. Probably where they got the stone for the krill blockade and the hiding places along the little bridge. Good thing they're gone, then, because those magic hinges seem to have run out of juice and gone dark. My theory is they were there to keep people out - a barrier between the last traces of peace and the battle torn graveyard we're about to walk into. (Another potential point in the 'prev wasteland elder location' - an ancestor would have to pass through him to enter, and the enemy on the way out.)
There's pipes now, too - I can only believe they were a later addition, given how haphazardly they coat the walls, and the industrial pollution aesthetic much more suited to the grimy, bleak wastes of today than the gilded ceremonial hall this once was.
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Just off the left after the main temple area, there's a large room, ceiling also torn off. I can only describe them as pedestals, but what stood on them I don't know. My first thought when I found this place as a moth was a wardrobe/constellation/friend constellation thing, but it's??? Eh. If it were statues, they're long gone with no sign, and they're not big enough for anything mobile. This room served a function, that much is clear, but if decorative or practical I doubt we'll ever know.
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^ The graveyard. This is its actual name, I believe. Fitting. The wasteland title promised us Vault, that's all this place is now good for, so that must be the vault we see looming in the background, tower reaching into the low clouds. (If you've played Journey, you're already familiar with the tower idea, so it's easy to slot the two together.)
Here you'll find, uh, krill. There's four here, the highest concentration of krill in all sky lmao. You'll find giant skeletons. You'll find sand. Toxic water. And that's kind of it.
Interesting things abound, however! There's a fleet of sunken, broken boats (middle left), a campfire now overgrown with dark plants (not shown) and a giant crab roasting campfire with a poor, beloathed by the community, crab loving spirit (middle). We can only assume he's the one who built the campfire! Thanks dude! Please have an easier relived memory! (should we call it a seance??) Now, given the guy is an elderly dude who carries a guitar and spends his time chasing crabs all across the dang map, he's probably not a warrior. Heck, with the amount of crabs, he probably arrived after the pipes. After the war, even? On the middle right pic is the weirdly undecorated entrance to the sunken ship.
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Of course I looked at the skeletons and compared them! Each wasteland one had tiny scratches or notches in the spine spikes, and yes they aren't there on the other, but otherwise the size and shapes are identical! These skeletons are whales, as proven by the skeleton in forest haunted by the whale whisperer! The poor forest whale died of head injury colliding with the building, so there's every chance these guys were also used in warfare for similar reasons - maybe even specifically bred to fight the krill - but it could also have been a tragedy of mass extinction during what turned the graveyard into what it is today. :( That you can find a Rythm spirit in a skull tells us the troupe came about a LONG time after the deaths.
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^ To the shipwreck! The first pic I caught during the shard event (though they landed all the way in prairie!) lol. It looks so ominous... Outside of the seasonal enchantment beauty, this is the biggest vessel in the game, and much more utilitarian. Unlike SS Enchantment, this thing was a tanker, not a home for those on board.
Featuring - the only decorated pipes in the kingdom (middle left)! Life boat deployment cranes (bottom left)! A beached lifeboat, bottom right :(. A boat still attached (feat me). More of those weird diamond bells for cargo, which proves they were a valued commodity and at least semi mass produced and shipped around the kingdom! More than the craftsman in prairie, or the tree fellers in forest, they prove a thriving, stable kingdom steadily advancing in technology and society! And the boat being pointed to the temple - incoming goods? Potentially, for Vault?
The krill decided it didn't want to be in the top pic, but I swear he's there XD... Most likely what sank the ship, tbh. It's not caught on some rock, or ledge, or ditch. In fact, the bottom is more intact than the top!... I think the krill escaped the warzone and caught the arriving ship, possibly spotting an unlucky crewmate through those big arched windows. The memory of the saluting captain walks the wreckage of his ship, sending away a loyal crew member on the second last life boat, back out to sea. Whether it's the boat dashed on the rocks or if they escaped the krill I don't know, but we know the captain didn't. Crab whisperer passes through later, so we know the light seekers are also post event.
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We've reached the entrance to the vault! It's.. Smaller than it looks from a distance. Vault must be a shorter building hidden behind it, or far enough away it vanishes into the smog. Under a shard event sky, the black waters look like blood.
The first thing you see of the battlefield is the large, imposing building, now listing to one side and rimmed with stakes (cheval de freise, if you want to be fancy. Large caltrops... When your mounts and enemies can fly). There's only one spirit here, lookout (middle left). Whether it was supposed to be a temporary building (UNLIKELY) or whether they didn't build it properly and the sandy ground subsided over the aeons that have passed between then and now is up to interpretation, but at least this time the lack of roof seems intentional. I'm more annoyed it doesn't line up with the temple, I had to stand literally on the right wall to get the bottom picture and it's still slightly left!
Lighting the crystal triggers three krill to emerge from the ground and start hunting. (One time I visited some unknowing friends who triggered the gate... A krill emerged less than a metre from me with no warning... Terrifying XD.) Previously they used to spawn basically on top of the players and you had to run for your LIFE, but now they take a leisurely stroll in your direction, so you've got plenty of time to wander your way to safety. Maybe stop and get an ice cream. Boring :/. In terms of lore very fascinating and scary, given the last stand and the aurora concert both seemed focused on defending the crystal. This whole time... It was rigged. By which side, I don't know.
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The shrine! ^
From the outside, a large, ominous building covered in pipes and statue towers. On the inside, an octagonal chamber many stories high. Like the rest of wasteland, what little decor there is is chockers with that hollow star shape that symbolises light, the king, all that good stuff. There's six ginormous double doors ringing the chamber, all tightly shut. My first thought was six realms, one war council. Nothing to prove or disprove that lol. It would have been a great place for diplomacy, though, without the shrine statue. Sand everywhere, probably through the gaps in the ceiling lol. Beautiful door.
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Wasteland elder himself!!! His weapons are the ones arranged on his shrine - whether that means he can manifest in the world and grab them or if they're stone recreations of the ones he carries at all times, I don't know. He's never been seen in any memory or cutscene of war, so maybe he can't manifest... We know the isle elder can, in the song runaway of aurora. His space is the very same place as the Crystal outside his chamber, facing out, and he points his spear towards where the kings star would be, the crowning jewel of his tower. We can safely assume whatever his role, he was defending Vault and Eden behind it. And he succeeded.
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There's so much to talk about with the vault door. Top left, the closed wasteland/vault door. Bottom left and right, the closed forest door. Centre and top right, the open vault door. You'll notice more diamond shapes and boat imagery. But in wasteland, the jewels that presumably power the great door are missing, black. The double switches, inactive. Even when activated, no line traces up and no light appears - only the outlines of the stars and speckled lights hidden on the door itself. If that's not divine intervention from the elder, I don't know what is lol.
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Pass through into vault, and see its beauty untouched. But turn around, and see the mounds of golden sand blown in from Wasteland, settling in the still air. Vault acknowledges its protector.
Some final thoughts:
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^ For some reason, probably that it's the only place it's not very visible, the shipwreck is the only place where the kings star is absolutely massive and has a ring. Every other place, it's normal! It's probably an old design tgc forgot to update with the rest lmao.
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^ An entirely accidental realisation due to my research. Man I love environmental storytelling. Nearly every detail of the mask matches the skull! The IMAGERY.
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^ My first attempt to get a good shot of wasteland instead caught a first person witness to an expert krill dodger! I didn't get to talk to them, but know you were caught being very cool in high definition!!
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^ I didn't get to talk about this theory before, but every entrance and exit to the graveyard and next door shipwreck EXCEPT their connecting corridor are all huge drops in altitude. Both are the only places you find boats. Both are sodden with black water. The ground is uneven. There's whale skeletons. My theory is that these areas were once entirely submerged! Water areas! Shipping and naval battles and cargo! Abyss proves krill can survive perfectly under water - and all emerging krill do so from water!! It'd explain the sand and the debris and the beached boats and all!
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Elder shrines do like their slitted roofs. This is prairie. 'S why I wasn't theorising about the sand in wasteland lol. Gotta get the dramatic shafts of light from somewhere!
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The open door and two beautifully poised strangers - well done on completing wasteland! I hope you enjoy vault!!
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Pipe theory: these things pop up at the entrance to wasteland and follow you all the way through to the shrine, disappear in vault, and then reappear. They go all the way to the point of no return in eden!!! They're either taking something up, or, considering the amount of pipes that open into black water areas, the general gravity situation of vertical pipes... It's likely they were siphoning something away. Sewer pipes, but evil. Maybe trying to wash away whatever corruption happened to the Eye? It didn't work... Poisoned the waters instead. Maybe they carried water up to the Eye like a kingdom sized cooling system and that drained the waters??
And the photo that started this whole thing, the day I climbed the wasteland temple...
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that's not smog. That is a wall. That is the biggest wall I have EVER seen.
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Do you see the line under the clouds? The sky box? The 'horizon'?
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patchworkgargoyle · 11 months
Okay, Sav, my first instinct was of course to demand more motw just because I am already so fucking invested BUT then I thought I'd rather ask about "Shark Bite Meet-Cute" just because WTF are you coming up with here???? I need to know!
Hi Sandy!! xD That one was inspired by a rant that I thought I would go on if I ever got bit by a shark (highly unlikely) and survived, and then I figured Eddie would say something similar, then thought that it'd be very funny if paramedic!Steve was there trying to help Eddie while he ranted about how it wasn't the shark's fault for biting him.
Not sure if I'll ever finish this one, because I did that thing where I skipped ahead and wrote the scene I wanted to write and that's always the best way to get me to never finish a fic, so. Whoops.
Anyway, here's that rant xD
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"It's not the shark's fault!" Eddie shouted as loud as he could manage at the crowd. "Sharks are still great! It's their ocean, we're the invaders!"
"Eddie, please calm down, oh my god," Chrissy said, following the stretcher and wringing her hands.
The unfairly hot paramedic nodded down at him. "You should try to keep your heart rate down, and please lie still."
He doubted his heart could be any kind of normal around this man, but Eddie lowered his voice anyway as they lifted him into the ambulance. "It's true, though, man. They can't help that they don't have hands."
The other paramedic couldn't hold back a snort and the hot one raised an unimpressed brow at her. "He's probably feeling loopy from the shock and adrenaline," he explained to Chrissy.
"No, nonono, you don't get it," Eddie blundered on, only slightly slurred, "they don't have hands, y'know, so they use their mouths to figure out what they're seeing. Like babies, or archeologists. Did you know archeologists lick rocks to tell if they're rocks or bone? It's because bone sticks, it's more porous. So, sharks. Can't help it if they've got some fuckin' sharp teeth. Probably thought I was a weird seal, took a bite and didn't like how my gamey, non-blubbery stick leg tasted."
Chrissy, who'd sat on the bench in the back, hid her face to try and stifle her laughter while he rambled. Hot Paramedic had the prettiest, most baffled smile on his face while he hooked Eddie up to some wires and monitors and the other one actually looked thoughtful while she checked the bandages on his leg.
"I didn't know that about archeologists," she said.
Hot Paramedic sighed. "Don't encourage him, Robin."
"Hey, if it keeps him conscious."
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quinloki · 1 year
hiii I love your work <33 could we get Doflamingo and Crocodile with overstim and a size kink?
\o/ Ah thank you - I've been glad for this head canon brain break, but I'm glad to be caught up with this so I can get back to my longer form writing xD Well, mostly caught up, currently one more after this <3
Alright, let's do this by Character, and since there's only two, I'll dabble in both giving and receiving for this. (okay, it's not because there's two, it's because as soon as I read it I wanted to dabble XD )
Sir Crocodile:
Overstimulation - Giving: Oh god you don't even know - Crocodile revels in being in control. Taking senses from you, stimulating the ones left, or simply flooding you with sensory inputs. He's very flexible with this kink, and will intently listen to you - before and after a session. Did you like what you thought you would, what else would you like to try? It's not just pushing and pulling pleasure from you, but it's also putting you on edge for so long that one soft caress and you're a complete mess in his hands.
Receiving: No. - Stimulate him, by all means, physically and mentally. Debate and argue and touch and kiss and caress, he's here for all aspects of partnership. But that desire for control is strong. It's not for him to be overstimulated, it's for you to shatter into pieces within his grasp.
Size Kink - Sure - Crocodile is very middle ground for this. He does enjoy being larger than his partner, but that just might be because when you're as tall as he is, statistically people are going to be smaller than you. He's not against an equal or larger partner, size hardly matters in any capacity, but even less so in terms of power dynamics. He'll be in charge no matter who's bigger than who.
Plus, if he wants you to have to stretch a struggle to take him, there's several ways to make that happen regardless of whether you're bigger than him or not.
Overstimulation - Giving: Oh god you don't even know - It's not so much about control for Doffy, it's about manipulation. Yeah, it's a form of control sure, but he wants to drive you into making the decisions he wants you to make. He's not just forcing his control on you, he's making you beg for it. There's a few ways he likes going about it, but overstimulation is up there. It's so easy to slide from pure pleasure to pure hell, and you dance on the strings of his whims until you're either wrapped around his finger, or passed out from exhaustion.
Receiving: FUCK Yes - Doffy is more than happy to revel in pleasure, and even a bit of a pain. He's certainly more sadist than masochist, but even more than that he's just a hedonistic peacock. You'll never drown him in either so much that he loses himself - at least it's highly unlikely he'll let go of the reigns enough for it. If you truly have his trust you might just, but considering what he's gone through it's highly unlikely.
Size Kink - FUCK Yes - Doflamingo prefers to be the big one in the relationship. Which works out well for pretty much everyone involved. There aren't a whole lot of any-bodies taller than him. Sure there are some, but statistically he only falls short around literal Giants. He wants to be the big, intimidating, powerful, looming presence in the relationship. He wants you to disappear under his favorite massive pink coat. He wants you to struggle to take him, no matter how much prep or stimulation precedes it. He wants you to disappear into his embrace and be completely unseen by the rest of the world.
There's some protectiveness in it, oddly enough, but it mostly ties back into the whole Master Manipulator vibe.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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So here’s my highly unlikely theory on how Season 2 of Interview with the Vampire will end, based on the final two songs of the soundtrack and my knowledge of the books.
Lestat is alive and more or less well in New Orleans. He thinks that Louis is dead, because Armand made him believe this before yeeting him off the tower. He likely slept for a while after this – actually him coming back to full life might be the whole reason why Armand and Louis are living locked away in Dubai like that. Armand is a master at keeping his mind closed, and obviously Lestat can’t hear Louis’ thoughts. So keeping Louis away from all contact with the outside world would be the safest way to keep him secret. (Just to be clear, I’m pretty sure that Louis actually did want to close himself away like this, which simply played into Armand’s hands.)
This is when present day Lestat returns to the narrative. (I mean, the crescendo at the end? Daniel Hart, thank you!) How does this come about? My pet theory right now is that Raglan James tips Lestat off, maybe as part of a certain deal that will obviously come into play later. But it might be the other way around – from the trailer it seems that Daniel and Raglan are or will be in contact, so maybe Daniel learns from RJ that Lestat is around in New Orleans and tells Louis. Anyway, there will be DRAMA!
And then we have this. The final track. Which just screams “Happy Loustat”. And is obviously set in New Orleans. So… we might get a reunion! (Honestly I just really want to see them dance to this track and it would be very much full circle.)
Except of course, this might also be a final Loustat dream sequence a la Titanic. xD
I can’t wait to find out how all of this will play out! <3
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
Read Disjecta Membra and Chess Piece here~
In my Yandere! Pierro fic, I mentioned that his Savior! Darling personally knows Zhongli. I just think it would be funny if the two gods reunite in a crack scenario ft. ZhongChi xD
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It happens when Zhongli visits Snezhnaya to see Childe. On the day they go to Zapolyarny Palace, Savior is allowed to accompany Pierro to work. The couple retired Geo Archon and the Eleventh Harbinger are idly roaming the halls when they bump into an unsupervised Savior.
*cue Spiderman pointing meme* Despite their composed reactions, the two gods are shocked to the point of nearly outing each other. Has the God of Mist been alive this whole time? Why is the retired Geo Archon in Snezhnaya? Wait, did they both end up with Fatui Harbingers for lovers?!!
In those few seconds, Childe watches them in total confusion. To make things more awkward, Pierro arrives and asks what is going on. After a tense introduction, Savior silently follows Pierro to his office for a long interrogation.
..…Well, that was unexpected. Alone once more, Childe turns to Zhongli and asks him how in the world he knows the Jester’s spouse. Few know of Savior’s existence, much less on a personal level, so what is her relation to him? Does she know he is the Yanwang Dijun?
Zhongli's answers are vague. Oh, she is just an old acquaintance. How long ago? He refuses to say and he advises Childe to forget about this encounter. It’s for his own good.
Well, it seems that Zhongli isn’t the only god enjoying his retirement. It is good to know that Savior is alive and well…....though her situation leaves much room for concern. At any rate, another encounter is highly unlikely and the Jester's glare was a clear threat. Why don't they move on to Morepesok?
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Just for the fun of it, I thought I'd share/outline some of the AU branches I've thought of for Linden Roots. None of them are anything near fleshed out. Just fun little potentials~
Some things of note: -If Lavender were to be born as a Mew, then she would have been called Poppy. So when I mention that name, that's who I'm referring to. -Unless I think of or mention a very special case, in any path where Randy survives as a human, Randy and Akoya do NOT end up romantically involved with each other. I think of the canon path as the "True Ending", lol. -In the same vein, Lav/Poppy would not come to see Randy as her dad, and would likely call him Mr. Randy. -The human form of Mo that I shared is a possibility in any path where Mo survives. -Any scenario where Randy and/or Akoya survive, they would likely go to Vivianna's place first.
-Some of these go a very, VERY dark and sad direction. Each one will be labeled appropriately.
1: Randy, Akoya, and Mo leave the lab before Poppy is turned into a Mewtwo. I could see Randy going on to become a trainer and having a team of Mews, starting with Akoya, Mo, and Poppy. Possibly gaining more, like Persim, as well.
2: Randy, Akoya, and Mo leave the lab before Lavender is born. Death Warning I see two possible outcomes with this, as it's highly unlikely that Akoya would survive having Lavender without medical aid. There's the possibility that they take her to a Pokemon Center and she survives, but also the possibility of her giving birth at Viv's place and passing away. :(
3: Randy, Akoya, and Mo leave after Lavender is born Randy is somehow convinced to not destroy the computers, and they leave the lab together.
4: Mo doesn't take Randy's memories Death Warning Without the new memories cluttering his mind and breaking his focus, Mo would be more likely to stop Akoya from rushing into the fire, and thus getting her, him, and Lav out. They may go to visit Viv and break the news to her that Randy died, but eventually Mo would get them to go find Fuji. Due to him knowing about the first Mewtwo, Mo would feel like he would be a good place to go to learn about the second.
5: Randy's mother doesn't accept him as Randy Death/Suicide Warning It was asked once on the Discord server I'm part of, what's the darkest path our stories could go down. (Or something to that effect) This is the one I came up with at the time. If Viv didn't accept Randy as Randy when he told her, then he wouldn't be able to either. He wouldn't be able to be Randy, and he wouldn't be able to be Mo, so he'd probably go off by himself and try to be someone else. But I strongly believe he would give up, and... Well...
6: Randy and Akoya both die in the fire I only just now thought of this for this post, but it's another possibly fun outcome to explore. Mo would have to take Lav by himself, in which case he would've thought of Fuji first. He would have to find him on his own, as he doesn't have access to technology like the other Mews have.
7: Lav's Bio dad survives and somehow takes Randy's memories instead of Mo. I haven't put any thought into this one, but it's an option, so I'll stick it here. XD
There could be more to come, but for now that's all I've got~
It's very interesting to think of all the ways my story could go. I don't know if, when, or how I'll ever expand on any of these, but it could be a fun idea someday! The doodles of human Mo got some gears turning, but I don't want to be distracted too far from the canon for now. >w<
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bluginkgo · 3 months
This might be stupid (or technically I'm stupid and blind), but I had a revelation while staring at my screen for too long.
All WD already had the 1001?
Spoilers duh
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The thing I was staring at for so long. Because this render reminded me of some behind scenes that Glitch posted, I think after pilot aired? (I wasn't here from the beginning and came 2 months after ep6 aired, so I'm probably wrong). But then I stared a little longer.
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In this poorly cropped image, the WD units have the same 1001 that the Tessa entity had.
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Going back to ep3, the corpses in Doll's apartment also had them.
A couple things:
This has probably already been stated. I'm just hella facking slow and blind.
Does this meaning anything? ...possibly.
1. Just an animation placeholder. All WD units are the same rig, and most of the shots with exposed cores are far away enough that we don't see the numbers clearly, unlike with Tessa entity. So the animation team probably just didn't bother changing it for every single drone - plus it'll take too long.
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2. There could be some deeper meaning behind it, but my brain refuses to work anything out right now. It could still be the case that the main WD cast, like Lizzy, Thad, Doll, and Uzi, have different numbers. Almost like Nori had the 002 and Yeva had 048. Buuuut, that's highly unlikely. 002 and 048 were the numbers JCJ scientists assigned to individual drones with the solver string in them. Plus, the number of WD units that were on Copper-9, Earth, plus all other exo-planets far exceeds the thousands number.
Aaand this also puts my previous crazy theory that there could be more of these Tessa monstrosities out the window. Because if all WD units have 1001 or |001 (cause I still can't settle on the first symbol), then that's that XD
Have a cookie, you withstood my crazy ramblings. ^_^ 🍪
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aquaburst3 · 4 months
I read a post where OP listed off all of the reasons why they don't see Mallyuu being possible in canon and believes that Malleus would be in a politically arranged marriage to a powerful fae of high status. I strongly disagree with OP. Even as someone who isn't a huge Malleus stan or has their Yuu shipped with him.
Okay, sure. If we're looking at that possibility from a strictly dogmatic historical and realistic lense, then I agree that statement would be correct. But we're not talking about the possibility of a real life marriage for a crown prince here, but about a fictional one in a Disney game. In that case, I think it's possible. Because...
I don't think game has such a law actually put in place. The game never mentioned it. The closest thing are that stupid council, who could be overthrown or put in their place, and Lilia saying that "Malleus can't enter a marriage lightly" during the Ghost Marriage event. (Far as I'm aware, I've tuned out most of Book 7 since it's mostly just one stupidly long flashback.)
If such a law did exist and Malleus was in a canonical arranged marriage, wouldn't the game have brought it up by now? (Yana sucks at foreshadowing and laying down this shit, but come on! That's too much even for her. xD)
Yuu brings some things to the table. They are human. Malleus marrying them would help with diplomatic relations between the fae and the humans. With how isolated the fae are in that world, they kinda need it. They also survived several overblots and would've saved Malleus' life, which is worth something.
I'm pretty sure that his grandmother could pull a Sultan and just change the law if such a thing is in place. She's one of the most powerful fae in the world, so what she says goes. She could easily put that council in their place if she must.
Dragon eggs in canon can only be hatched by true love, either platonic or romantic. (Even if I think that whole thing is silly, but that's beside the point.) If Malleus was in an arranged loveless marriage, he would never be able to produce an heir like the council wants, even if he has an AFAB/cis female partner. If they want any kids from him and he marries an AFAB person/cis female, it must be someone he loves like Yuu. If he marries someone AMAB or cis male, then he can just adopt or use a surrogate.
If we bring mythology/folklore into this, it's even more possible. The fae criteria for marriage is focused more on how talented and attractive the human partner is, that's it. There are plenty of stories where fae "spirit away" normal human women and men away to marry fae royalty. I imagine the fae in TWST are similar.
As for the life span thing, I think either Malleus will pull an Edward and let Yuu age normally or have the human partner drink fae aging potion. (I went with the latter in my own writing in a general sense. Again, shipping my Yuu with Jamil.)
Even if he was in one, he would find a way out of it. One of the biggest tropes that the Disney brand stands for is "true love conquers all". While the form of that love changes, that idea remains the same. The game shattering that by making Malleus be doomed to be in a loveless arranged marriage forever would go against what the brand stands for, so it seems highly unlikely. The fact that the game is also tapping into the otome market makes it even less so.
So, yeah. While I don't think MallYuu will ever be canon, I think a union between them is quite possible. It's fanfiction. Do whatever you want.
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i would love to hear your infodump on the patrons and their deals if you're willing to share <3 you genuinely are the first writer in YEARS on here to feel like actually gets the characters and the world of the arcana (imho) so please share if you so desire!!!
Brainrot's Arcana Essays: The Patrons and their Deals
Bear in mind, anon, you did ask for this XD
One of the most consistent things about the Arcana Patrons (as they are represented in the story) is that they are archetypes intended to nurture their beneficiaries, and in doing so, empower them to make good change. As such, the deals they make seem to me to look a lot more like a commitment than like a legal contract. Hear me out:
One of the most straightforward deals we have in the story is Julian's (which to me makes sense, as he's the least magically invested). He describes it like a trade: he gave the Hanged Man his memories, and in return, the Hanged Man gave him the ability to heal any wound or illness. That's as far as the description goes, so one would think Julian could just snap his fingers and the person would be okay. But that's not how it pans out.
Instead, he is granted the magic to take somebody else's injury or illness upon himself, and then heal from it exceptionally quickly. This process is a lot more defined by what kind of person Julian is and the traits he shares with the Hanged Man (self-sacrifice & a quest for knowledge). It doesn't seem like anything more than a dramatic detail to add if the deal was just a trade, but it's a very relevant detail when you remember that the Hanged Man is Julian's patron. So how does that patronage play out?
We see patron - human connections the strongest between Asra and the Magician and Nadia and the High Priestess, and in both cases, the patron takes their beneficiary under their wing and assumes a mentoring role. So when a deal is struck, it's not meant to be exploitative or a legally-bound trade. It ends up looking more like a patron offering to empower their beneficiary, but needing something belonging to that beneficiary in order to do so.
To my knowledge (and to be fair, I'm still unlocking all of her content), Nadia has had a gift of clairvoyance that comes from the High Priestess since she was just a little girl. It's highly unlikely that the High Priestess would offer a binding contract to a little girl, but to offer a gift as a form of empowerment and nurture? That seems a lot more in character. It also explains Nadia's relationship with her own sight - she experiences it as an extension of herself more than she does as a tool that she's been handed.
In short, there's no point at which we see a patron and beneficiary (with a good relationship) hashing out all the details of a bargain like it's a trade deal. (e.g. Does Muriel have a daily limit on how many people can forget him at once? Does Julian lose extra memories if he exceeds a certain amount healing per day?) What we're more likely to see is a patron saying "I'm invested in you enough to give you this 'thing' that will help you, but I'm going to need something from you in order to do so." The way that deal plays out afterwards seems to have a lot less to do with a character's step-by-step decisions and a lot more to do with how they see the world and function in it. It's also designed to contribute to the beneficiary's personal growth and is easily repealed once that growth has been achieved.
This really shows up with Muriel - he doesn't snap his fingers and wipe someone's memory of him, or turn completely invisible. He just walks away, and then people forget once they lose sight of him. It perfectly plays into how he already functions in the world. It makes even more sense of the workaround for his curse - he doesn't just decide that this one person is going to be immune, he has to give them something that represents him, that they can hold onto in his absence. Muriel received his "blessing," as he calls it, when being alone and forgotten was essential to recovering from a lifetime of trauma, and it begins to fade away when he reaches a new stage of healing that involves becoming a part of the community again.
This (to me) has major implications for how we understand two of the biggest sets of deals in the Arcana story - Asra's deal to bring back MC, and the Devil's and Lucio's bargaining habits. I'll start with Asra's deal.
Asra wasn't offered his deal, he pursued it. Most fan estimates put about a year between his return and the disastrous Masquerade, but either way we know that they spent a long, long time trying idea after idea to bring MC back. Their deal was the result of actively pursuing a specific outcome, which is why he's the only one of the M6 who ended up receiving a gift from someone other than their patron Arcana. MC has the Fool's body, not the Magician's.
Two things play into this: first, the Fool's body was already on the table because Asra's ability to ask for it came from him hijacking Lucio's ritual. Second, Asra had help on multiple fronts to make this deal. We know from some of his returning memories that Nadia knew what they were planning and gave them her full support. The Magician never outright says it, but they also seem to know plenty of details about the deal considering that they weren't the one Asra was asking.
It suggests (to me) that Asra knew ahead of time what the deal was going to be, and that once they made it to the realms the Magician was already prepared to help him convince the Fool to let him have the body for MC instead.
That's a lot more meddling with fate than what you'd normally see them do, and it further reinforces what a powerful character MC is. Asra themself says that, if anything, MC was a stronger magician than he ever was (which is no small feat - other characters comment multiple times on how famous he is for his skill with magic). If you follow their route, MC's magic is shown to be on par with an Arcana's, and while part of that is attributed to having the Fool's body, much of it is also credited to MC themself. Pair that with the fact that MC inherited a magic shop from a family member, and we know that magic has been a big part of their life in nature and in nurture.
It wouldn't be too much of a stretch (though it's still speculation) to say that the Fool is MC's patron. So when we put all of this together, Asra's deal to bring back MC is part of a much broader effort. It required (at least) Nadia, the Fool, and the Magician all pooling their resources to bring MC back as well, and we know for those three characters that that wasn't a light decision they made simply for Asra's sake. They worked together to bring back MC for MC's sake, with Asra spearheading the movement. It's why he takes responsibility for the danger of what was done on the Lazaret, saying that he led people who trusted him into a situation even he didn't fully understand, and why they were the one to ultimately make the the deal. He takes responsibility for the initiative, but he includes other people in the picture.
In both cases, Asra and the Fool are giving up something that is theirs and allowing it to be changed to who MC is. The Fool's body changes its appearance to match MC's soul, and Asra's half-heart changes to carry MC's emotions and personality instead. If we assumed otherwise, then MC wouldn't be too interested in dating anyone because they'd be totally in love with themself (following Asra's emotional state). It means that MC is still entirely themself, even if their memories are missing. They're still growing and changing as a person but they are doing so on a path that is completely their own. So while MC comes back from the dead without knowing anything and needing time to relearn how to use a body, they don't come back fundamentally different as a person. (Though headcanons where that happens will never not be fascinating to me)
In short, when it comes to the deal that brings MC back, the context is so much bigger than just Asra. Asra is the only human who remembers it, but it took him, the Magician, Nadia, and the Fool (at least that many - Julian was likely involved as well, considering how he aided Asra's research, and other Arcana patrons may have contributed) all working together to bring MC back. MC is a big deal. (pun intended)
So let's contrast that with the other deal that has multiple people working together. When we compare what other patron deals look like, it's a lot easier to put a finger on why the Devil's offers always feel so wrong. His deals are designed to mislead and exploit.
Where other Arcana patrons seem to be focused on the nurture of their beneficiaries, the Devil describes Lucio and the other courtiers as his puppets. He's only playing for his own gain. He has no interest in connections, whether it be with the other Arcana or with humans. (sidenote: ever notice that the uniting difference between Upright and Reversed endings is growth and community vs stagnation and isolation?)
Of the two bargains for a new body, one requires half a heart, which is willingly given. The other requires blood stolen from multiple Arcana representatives and the surrender of the human realm. There's a considerable difference in what is required, and that's because the Devil likes to bargain. He likes to take, to request more, to exploit, and to give as little as possible in return. That kind of example likely played a big role in how Lucio became his worst self before meeting MC and mending his ways - while he's naturally the kind of person to take without asking, the influence of a character like the Devil would explain his development from enlisting help to fight someone he was expected to defeat (though not necessarily expected to kill) to starting unnecessary wars and building and maintaining a place like the Coliseum.
It explains why the Devil's deals are often described as bargains, and why, instead of a mark of magic, everyone who trades with him ends up in chains instead. Where other Arcana patron deals intend to promote growth and are known to end if that growth achieves a bench mark, the Devil's intend to hold someone under his control far longer than the results of the deal last.
So let's put the two side-by-side and get a really big picture, shall we?
MC exists due to the combined productive efforts of both human and Arcana. The Devil builds his power by exploiting and destroying both human and Arcana. We know that the Fool never shared the Devil's vision, so it's safe to assume that the trade promised to Lucio didn't happen because the Fool wanted to give their body to him. The Fool gave the body to MC instead, keeping their body out of the Devil's clutches almost as a form of safekeeping, because they were already known to be a powerful magician. We see the same collaboration happening again in (if I remember correctly) Portia's and Lucio's routes, where the Arcana patrons gather together and collectively give MC their support.
When it comes to how the deal for MC's life creates growth, the answers exist on multiple levels: as the Fool's beneficiary, they get to keep growing personally. As a powerful magician, they get to keep working to make the world a better place. And as an ally of progress and healing, they are someone worth recruiting to challenge forces that the Arcana patrons themselves struggle to resist. There is consistent faith in MC's innate ability to challenge disaster - it's the attitude MC displays about whether they have any faith in themselves that determines the outcome.
There you have it, anon, there's my little infodump! I hope you like it and found it somewhat interesting! ^.^
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halfagone · 1 year
So this prompt involves some villain attempting to invade earth, with them using their power to summon Earth’s greatest hero for a one on one fight for the planet that’s televised across the whole world. Everyone expects Superman to show up…instead a kid with black hair and blue eyes who’s 16 at most shows up. Basically, some villain forces Danny to fight them and Danny is forced to decide if he wants to out himself in front of the whole world to save the planet while the league watches in horror as what they presume to be some powerless kid fight someone the whole league would have trouble beating on a good day. What do you think?
OH MY GOSH This reminds me of The Apocalyptic Support Group by Voidborn. It's only one chapter right now, but that fic has me by a chokehold with just the one. However, unlike this idea, that fic has four "random" civilians. Billy Batson, Clark Kent, Danny Fenton, and Tim Drake. Whatever will these civilians do! (They all have black hair and blue eyes? Huh, crazy coincidence...)
But as for your idea, I like the concept of Danny... faking it? Like he's manipulating his surroundings as surreptitiously as possible and beating the villain that way. But as far as people can tell, it's just crazy good luck on his part? Or he's just really resourceful? But in reality, Danny is like- using his telekinesis to manipulate objects to move in the background out of sight or his cryokinesis to stir up objects within the ground so that it breaks a certain way to help his evade a blow. All sorts of tricks like that.
In the end, Danny wins the fight, but he acts like it's just crazy good luck/coincidence, and people begin to suspect that luck is his power. Like how John Constantine can manipulate luck to his favor, the same way Domino from the Marvel comics can. And maybe people want to take advantage of him for that, or try to harness his powers for their gain. But it never seems to work, and people can't figure out why.
And maybe others can piece together clues to suggest that Danny had been doing subtle little tricks all along, and they begin to realize that Danny really is crazy powerful to do all of this and manage to, largely, get away with it. He's obviously not a threat to superheroes, but maybe they should be reaching out and making sure he's okay. Metahumans aren't always treated kindly, after all, even if there are measures in place to ensure they have better and equal rights.
Of course, there is always the option that Danny just decides he has no more fucks to give and just goes: "Eh, why not?" And then absolutely wallops the villain on international television, and all the people back in Amity Park are either cheering for their boy or swallowing and praying he doesn't want revenge for some of the stuff they've done to him *cough*Dash*cough*. Ugh, sorry, I was clearing my throat. XD
Obviously this would be the funnier version, but there would be more consequences to it once he goes back home and people realize how powerful he is. However, this does offer more opportunities if Danny tries to play it off like: "Yeah, I have powers, but I'm not really interested in being a hero. Is that such a bad thing?" And that raises awareness of how metahumans shouldn't have to automatically be heroes just because they have powers? There are plenty of powers that don't lend well to heroism too, after all! But perhaps people try to pressure him into becoming a hero, or using his powers in his day to day life, and it's a whole thing.
I have to be honest with you, I really like the idea of a highly publicized identity reveal. Which is why I hate Phantom Planet. XDD You'd think I'd like it for that exact reason, but it's not really the concept that I disliked but the execution of it. But anyways, I'm rambling.
I like people realizing that Danny has powers, but not realizing how he has powers. For example, there was a fic a while back where people found out Danny was a halfa but didn't realize he was Phantom (can't remember who wrote it now, sorry about that). I adore identity shenanigans like that, and I feel like this type of AU would lend really well to that possibility.
I also really like Social Media fics, and I feel like there is a lot that could be explored in a highly televised fight like this. The Survivalists is a really good example of this, in my opinion. Just... exploring the populace's conjecture and theories, and just their reactions to everything that is going on without the context. I'm always excited for fics like that, and I definitely think this AU could do something similar.
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zirkkun-uthcs · 1 year
Hiya! So, i just read the scenario where the reader died during the X-event, and thought "This needs a happy ending!",, So, could you do Error, Cross, Dream (If you write for Dreamtale, it's okay if you dont, just do the others xd) and Swap Sans if they're S/o got badly injured during the X-event, but managed to survive? Thank you!
I for the life of me do not remember what ask this is referencing (it's been a while), so I can't go and grab it for reference. I'll be writing based on this ask only, so I'm sorry if I missed something integral that was mentioned in the other ask!
I don't currently write for Dreamtale, so I'll leave Dream out for now.
Error - He will NEVER admit this, but when you were so badly injured that you weren't responding, he was absolutely freaking out. Error did everything he could to make sure you were coming out of this alive -- sewing up wounds, bandaging what he could, stealing healing items from anything remaining he could find and shoving them down your throat. Anything and everything possible, he is going to do it, even at his own expense.
Once you're stable, though, he'll immediately go back to his normal self. And by that I mean he will deny ever helping you, probably tell you how stupid you are for getting hurt during that whole thing, refuse to admit he actually enjoys your company. You know, regular manbaby Error things. But he might suspiciously be far more okay than usual with you sitting close to him, provided you ask first.
Cross - Similarly to Error, Cross will do everything in his power to make sure you're okay. However, unlike Error, Cross will be very emotional at this point. He doesn't get emotional often -- only when he's in highly stressful situations. The last person he knows alive, nearly dying, and he's the only one who can help? Cross is a fucking mess, even if he doesn't look like it yet. All while running around trying to stablize you, he seems very stern, serious, strong. Nothing could faze him right now. But the second you're looking like you're gonna be okay... that's when he breaks. He can't stop crying or shaking, and he crumbles into a weak puddle of feelings. Cross is extremely happy you're okay, but the amount of stress he just went through and now there is finally a moment of silence and calm? Yeah, he's shaken up a bit.
Underswap!Sans - Once again, this guy is gonna be working his ass off to make sure you're okay -- even if it costs him his own life. Blue is not the type to sit back and watch anyone hurting, but he especially can't see you dying. In a way, he's almost the reverse of Cross: instead of being strong until the stress has cleared, Blue is frantic until his stress is gone. He makes desperate, rash decisions that he know will work despite the cost aside from perhaps more calculated ones that have less of a cost. Quite literally, if it came down to it, Blue would give up his SOUL so you could live -- but fortunately, since you asked for a happy ending, this doesn't happen. And once you're stable again, he desperately tries to go back to his confident, prideful persona. But any moment he's alone, he's practically falling apart and trying to glue himself back together.
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