#It's not difficult to come up with ways to still teach things if teachers bothered to take them seriously
thegoldendoorknob · 2 years
10 and 15?
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
Outside of nature itself lol, videogames and cartoons were also up there. I thought the Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry styles were 'easy' enough for a kid to recreate at the time, which is funny considering they're iconic and hard to recreate characters. As far as the continued hobby goes, it's just much easier to communicate metatextual ideas and memes through visual art than it is to explain things in writing, at least for me. The Mona Lisa's smile makes for many interpretations despite not knowing anything about her.
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
TAing mellowed me out as far as that goes, the only thing that pisses me off is when artists/patrons gatekeep their genres. It's just unfun for the whole family and actively harms would-be artists in the long run. I also have issues with art teachers that make biased judgements against children trying to use a style they like or struggling to understand, due to it 'distracting from the lesson', because if they bothered to learn anything about them, you can actually use that information to your benefit and remain engaging for the students to learn through that medium. They also need to get better at explaining the 'How and Why' behind those traditional art lessons. For a college student it's pretty clear erasing charcoal is meant to be a lesson on controlling negative space, for a child it feels like a lesson in frustration and wrist smudging.
TL;DR I have more problems with the factory system of artists than I do art... things, itself.
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blackdagger456 · 2 months
Let's Talk About: MHA 430, How This Fandom Can't Read, How Leaks Ruin Chapters And While Imperfect This Finale Was A Good Sendoff
So, here we are.
Ten years. Ten years and 430 chapters we've been with My Hero Academia. Ten long years of excitement, fandom interactions and so many fics I won't bother to count saved, subscribed and bookmarked.
It's strange really. To be apart of this fandom for so long...and find out that so many still can't read.
Like holy cheeseburgers Batman, so many of my fellow MHA readers/fans can't read it's astonishing.
So, for what'll be the last time for this series, let's go over the latest chapter of MHA and allow me to inform you of what it means. Or at least, that was the plan before the leaks came out. Just with the added addition of going over how people have reacted to chapter 430 before it was even officially out, and we're going to start with the first stone that began toppling Dominos.
[Official Spoilers Below]
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This. Oh god, this sentence has been nothing but a headache for me and so many others. Because of the leaks ,and subsequent mistranslations, being taken as fact the reaction to the finale started out as shit. This entire week leading up to today has been frustrating for me and many others as we tried to explain what should be obvious.
Firstly, none of this is coming from any official translation. What people were seeing before today were things fans and unlicensed translators are spreading around as if it's fact. This does NOT mean that they are correct and therefore these translations shouldn't be treated as such.
Secondly, in no way shape or form does Izuku imply or state that his friends abandoned him after he lost his powers. All he said, was that it was a bit more difficult to meet up regularly. Something that makes sense not only because they were working in different fields but also because work in general is like that.
It can be hard to meet up with the boys n girls for hang outs but that doesn't mean you don't talk. That doesn't mean you don’t call or text or keep in touch. Something which is easier to do when you've fought and lived through an entire war together!
His friends didn't abandon him. They didn't stop caring about him because he became powerless. Hell, the ending of the chapter proves this wrong if nothing else!
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Now, is it a shame the ships didn't get officially confirmed? Yes. But I think the implications are more than enough to satisfy. Even if they aren't, there's no reason not have fun with things being open ended. It opens the door to so many fun possibilities OUTSIDE of this whole NTR trend people are trying to start. [Thankfully that's a small part of the fandom]
But moving on, lets go into what he's been doing since becoming OFA.
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In what way shape or form does him becoming a teacher make him 'fall off'/make the Mc Donald’s meme become a reality?
 First off why are we hating on the man for enjoying his life without conflict after saving the world? We doing my boy like Gohan now? If he wants to retire to a teaching role, one he very clearly enjoys, let him. What do people think they can take him? Ya'll forgetting exactly what he had to do BEFORE he was able to get OFA in the first place. Izuku is still physically stronger than most normal people both in MHA and in reality.
But, I'm getting off topic. The point is Izuku has and continues to be an inspiration to those that will follow after him. Even to the point of mirroring his starting point with All Might when he inspires yet another young kid to become a hero.
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Is he a bit sad he isn't an official hero? Yes. Is he frustrated or unhappy with where he is in life? No. Not at all. He's content. His goal was never to be the No.1 Hero it was to be like ALL MIGHT. To inspire and protect people like his mentor had.
He's done just that and for it---for it he's rewarded.
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His kindness, his determination and his faith in those around him comes back to him in the best way for it was those people he spread said traits too that spent those eight years putting together the thing that would bring his dream back to him.
That would bring HIM back to standing by their side on the field of battle. For Izuku Midoriya never truly stopped standing by his friends. For they too had become their own inspirations to Japan and the world. But now, finally, their friend...their inspiration...their Deku could lead them on the frontlines once more.
They, and he, couldn't ask for anything less.
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tommysversion · 1 year
After watching the season finale, I’m just imagining domestic din 🥲🥲 i can imagine him falling for grogus teacher, at the school he goes to when he’s not on missions with din. especially seeing how nurturing and caring she is with him. And they live happily together as a clan of three ( maybe more 👀)
Yessss oml how cute ???
He doesn’t expect much to come out of sending the kid to school, but he’s not so arrogant as to think he can teach him everything.
Sure, he can teach Grogu how to be a Mandalorian. How to fight, how to navigate, how to negotiate. He can tell him stories and legends from their culture, but at the end of the day, he’s probably not the best one to teach the kid how to read, write, and do math.
Not like he can’t, but he just doesn’t have the patience. Besides, it’ll be good for the kid to go to school. Make some friends. He’s still only learning how to talk, but maybe that’ll come with socialising with someone besides Din, who, let’s be honest, isn’t the most talkative of people.
Navarro has a school. Two, in fact, with the population increase. One for the younger kids, one for the older. The younger kids learn their letters, how to read, math, geography. They play sport in the courtyard and make wooden swords to play with in arts class. The older kids study history, maps, languages. Some take apprenticeships as blacksmiths or mechanics.
Honestly, Din isn’t sure what to make of it. His own education was spotty, taught by older members of the clan. He never had a formal education as such, so he doesn’t know what to expect of someone who makes educating younglings their profession.
He certainly doesn’t expect someone like you, who’s so patient and kind. While taken aback at first, he finds himself watching you. Noticing little things. How you don’t chastise the children who are a little louder, a little different. How you make time for each and every child under your care, treating them all as though they’re special, all equal.
Maybe he was a little worried Grogu wouldn’t receive that same kindness. He knows his son is different, in a variety of ways.
It doesn’t seem to bother you; you find a way to communicate, to understand the kid even though it’s difficult. Once he’s worked out his letters, you give him a little datapad to input words into, and it speaks for him. It’s limited - Grogu can only learn so fast, and he’s still very young - but basic phrases are still giant leaps.
With the help of his data pad, Grogu can introduce himself, say yes, no, please and thank you. The other kids stop being wary of him and invite him to play with them. It’s kind of cute, actually, watching a group of five year old human kids and Grogu playing some sort of ball game. One day Din shows up to collect him and they’re finger painting together, Grogu and a little boy and a little girl.
You just smile at him as he walks in, put their picture on the wall to dry.
“We learned a new word today.” You tell him, and Grogu taps his datapad.
“Hello, dad.” The artificial voice says.
While he’s still wearing his helmet, behind it, Din smiles.
It’s almost inevitable that he falls for you. Inevitable that you reciprocate. You’re bonded by caring for the same small, strange child who endears everyone to him.
When he asks you to live with them, he’s nervous. Expects you to refuse. Is elated when you say yes.
Once you’ve moved into the little house, the walls decorated with paintings Grogu has done with his friends, you’re standing outside together, watching the kid play in the shallow water nearby.
When he turns to you, hands on your waist, and you in turn go to hesitantly remove his helmet, he doesn’t stop you. He lets you, lets you set it aside before he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
What was once a clan of two officially becomes a clan of three, and honestly? He’s never been happier.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Reading for Context
I don’t really feel like scrolling through community profiles has taught me anything. People tend to just post normal tumblr posts and not tirades about shipping. I was told to just scroll OTNF go understand, but OTNF’s feed is just screenshots from a K-drama and idiots pestering him about pronouns for some reason. Is there like a specific way to do it? So… i’ve actually never understood the social conventions of other people in any group i’ve been in. I haven’t really had in real life friends since middle school.
This is actually kind of an interesting question.
First, let me be plain, what you've been asking repeatedly over the last couple of weeks or however long it's been is this:
How does a neurodivergent person who fundamentally is not good at social nuance, reading comprehension, and picking up on context get better at those things?
I've known people whose parents hired coaches to work with them on a weekly basis for years. "How does socializing work?" is not a simple question.
Teaching reading comprehension is hard too.
I vaguely remember a lot of times in school where English teachers spent whole semesters trying to get us to understand not only what figurative language meant in context but how to detect that it was present in the first place. I still remember this one 9th grade classmate wailing "But why does it have to be a metaphor?"
What you're asking about is something most people work on for decades, yet you want randos to summarize it simply in a few sentences.
The first thing that jumps out at me here is the superficiality of how you're describing engaging.
When people say to lurk, they're talking about a deep engagement with a community. They're talking about reading closely, including comments, for a month, not scrolling back through a week and just skimming the top-level posts.
Did you open the replies on my tumblr posts where other people besides me are discussing things? Did you look at the reblogs with content, and not just the ones I reblogged back onto my own tumblr?
Beyond the exact number of days you should read or the exact procedure, people are talking about a very in-depth kind of engagement in general. The point is that it's difficult to just come into a new space and know how it works without studying it.
For example, I talk about oldschool fanfic stuff a lot. A logical default assumption is that I'm a woman. Are you not familiar enough with fanfic spaces to assume that, or are you coming from Spacebattles or something?
Why on earth would you default to 'him'?
I'm not insulted: it just shows a staggering lack of clue about the context you found me in.
I've linked you to my patreon where you can see my pro writing pseudonym, which is obviously female. My tumblr itself links to my pro writing and gives my actual name, which is also fairly obviously feminine. I've also recently talked about being pregnant. Yes, it was oblique and I only confirmed it in the replies, not a top-level post, but plenty of regulars noticed. (Yes, yes, biology is not gender, but still...)
There are plenty of clues I'm not a "him", but you missed them all. I don't care about pronouns, but I do care about people who don't bother to or aren't capable of reading closely.
Quite a few people have sent me asks asking what I'm watching. I have repeatedly said that it's DMBJ and described it as "the Chinese tomb raider franchise". Yet you assumed it was Korean for some reason. This suggests that you just scrolled through quickly and did not actually thoroughly read the text of the posts or the replies. It suggests that your eyes skipped over the boring-looking short text posts in between the picspams.
It suggests you didn't bother to google what I was watching when I did say the name because you don't give enough of a shit to bother. That doesn't suggest a very high level of interest in my blog or any reason I should cut you any slack or pay attention to what you think.
It also suggests that you didn't look back all that far. I've been posting a lot about DMBJ, but I only started downloading Ultimate Note on July 15th and Tomb of the Sea on August 1st.
If you want to understand a community, scrolling hurriedly through one month of content and not actually reading it closely is insufficient.
This is what people mean when they say you're not willing to put in the work and want other people to do it for you.
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hanshikha-life · 1 year
My Prankster Brother
It was a sunny evening in the month of June. The bright light shone at my books and my pen was constantly being bitten while I brainstormed the answers of my homework questions. My mind went back and forth on the same question again and again. That’s strange. I’m generally really fast on working out my after school work, I thought. Maybe it was because I was working three times hard to be on par with ninth grade. “It was a sudden change this year”, I said to myself, “It’s the first time I went to school continuously without a summer break and maybe because of which I got a little stressed out”. As such thoughts fluttered through my head came out of nowhere my little sister. I tried my best to pay attention to her while my drowsy, dark-brown eyes couldn’t help closing. I was snoozing hard. Why had I gotten soo tired suddenly? After a good enough attempt to listen I heard two words, “upload google-classroom”. I gently took the jet black phone from her tender baby hands and uploaded her online quiz to the google classroom to be corrected. I had just glanced at the big, fat student copy as the phone rang loudly. “Buzz…buzz”. Hugh? I jerked. Now that sure woke me up from my great slumber. I took the phone from my sister again. To be exact I remember snatching it from her. Yes, I know I should have asked, but anyways. I swiped up the lock-screen and entered the password. The home page popped up in a few seconds as I scrolled down to see who was calling. Ahhh…It was my little, naughty cousin brother. I’d known him since he was two days old and we’d grown as thick as a rainforest ever since. We bonded over the physical time spent initially as kids and later bonded over the internet.
He’s been calling me since and two things happen everytime we e-meet. One, our time extends for hours together and two, we have so much fun that it becomes difficult to sleep the entire night. I always love spending time with him! However, this particular day I was skeptical about it. You see, he had been trying to reach for quite some time and everytime he did something kept coming up and I had to refuse his calls. It was studies, or games or sports or sometimes even meal times. I was making lame excuses for silly reasons because of which I was scared to pick the call up. Of Course, I didn’t mean it but I was just not able to make much time for him. This did bother me a little but I put it in the last cell of my brain. I had a lot of thoughts going on in my head when GASP I was back to reality again. There were two missed calls and I had to call back. I texted him to hold on and returned the phone to my sister. Allowing her to complete the work she was to do. I took the time and set things within myself right. Once my sister was done I stood up to myself and rang my brother. I had my mind all set to apologize incase I had to. I gripped the phone tightly and pushed it against my ears briskly. I took a deep breath and then said a small, sweet, “hello…How are you?”
A crazy voice came pounding out, “Ha..loo…Howwaa…re…yo…u”. I was astounded. When did this guy start having internet issues? It went on for ages together. At this point I gave up. How could someone living in such a big city ever be able to get so many WiFi issues. This was literally impossible. Like hearing a crackle person. “Ba..t…ha…w?”. Why was he doing this? It had been five minutes and it was still going on. Oh! Now I got it. Brothers are never hundred present in what they say. Maybe he was just acting all along. After soo much effort and million requests of teaching me how to do ‘breaking voice’ he started to become normal. Oh and by the way I wanted to know how to do that for real. It would be soo cool to do that in online school and trick all my classmates and teachers. I’ve been asking him to teach me ever since. Once he became a normal person he randomly started shouting to the core of his voice that he couldn’t hear me. He was screaming at the top of his voice. Probably the loudest time I ever heard him. To counter his screams I started texting him for another four minutes continually. I texted him in normal formal English, then shifted to informal, then texting language. I even texted in Telugu but heard no reply.
The call was still on and the milk white text on the top center showed that nine minutes had passed. I was very sure he was just acting off that he couldn’t hear me. He must be partying vividly just by the thought of me assuming that he couldn’t hear me and I was trying to reach out to him badly. Out of frustration I just cut the call and called him time and again. After he was sure he irritated me to his heart’s content because I did not pick his call up. After taking full revenge he spoke to me only at the exact time when I had to sit down for music class. So, now I had to cut the call and make a proper deal with him to e-meet up properly again.
What an amazing prank call it was! It was so much fun that day! I loved talking to him. It’s one of my favorite things to do!
In fact this blog is fully dedicated to him!!
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sadfruittheatre · 2 years
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Name: Cayenne
Age: 16
Gender: Female (she/her)
Species: Human
Height: 5’5”
Likes: training, movies, girls, sports, and lizards
Dislikes: know-it-alls, alcohol, gods, having feelings, and Gonku
Fears: abandonment and her dad
Personality: Cayenne is loud, angry, and violent. She’s a delinquent who would much rather ditch school to watch movies than work on her education, and it shows, because she’s not exactly very bright. She knows a lot about the things she’s interested in, but when it comes to practical knowledge or common sense, she falls pretty short. This doesn’t really bother her though, as she’s more concerned with being a badass who can kick anyone’s ass.
However, underneath that rough exterior is someone much softer. She’s a bit of a romantic and dreams of being married one day, though in practice, she is hilariously bad at the whole romance thing despite somehow having a girlfriend. She’s also got a soft spot for children; even the ones that get on her nerves. She doesn’t have a lot in the way of friends or people she can trust, but the few that she does have, she cares about a lot. However, she is well-aware of how difficult she can be and often worries that it’s only a matter of time before they get fed up with her and want her gone. Joke’s on her though, she is so loved.
Background: Cayenne is an ordinary human from Earth with a pretty rough upbringing. Her mom died and her dad was pretty neglectful, and the two often butted heads. As a result, she often had to fend for herself and fight to get what she wanted. She found some solace in skipping school and wandering about, often sneaking her way into the movie theater to watch all of the most explosion and boob-filled action movies she could get her eyeballs on. They were her inspiration. She was going to get that cool and be able to kick anyone’s ass.
Unfortunately, it becomes a lot harder to go and do that when like half the district has been obliterated. She was so pissed off about this, she wanted to get to the bottom of it so she could figure out exactly whose asses she needed to kick. Thankfully, as an avid tournament follower, it didn’t take long for her to narrow it down. The Z Fighters were her sworn enemies, and more specifically, Gonku.
…She’s not great with names.
But if she wanted to stand a chance against guys that strong, she knew she needed to really train. Unfortunately, most practicians of martial arts don’t really want you going into them with the express intent to beat people up, so she was frequently turned away. She was about out of options when she learned of one more retired martial artist in her area: Dulze Kekie. She was once the latest in a lineage of martial artists but was now working as a kindergarten teacher and she certainly didn’t want to get involved with whatever this mess was. However, Cayenne is nothing else if not persistent. She’d seen enough movies like this. With enough gumption, surely, she could rouse Dulze out of retirement.
Dulze eventually humored her insofar as getting her to do chores for her. Cayenne, who has seen that one movie, knew that this absolutely had to be secret training, so she went all in. Unfortunately for her, was just chores. Eventually, Cayenne just sort of becomes a fixture in the house, getting to know Dulze’s children, a sweet little boy named Letch who Cayenne loves with all her heart, and Deeji, an evil mastermind of a 4 year old who Cayenne would love to just throw hands with. Eventually, on learning what was going on in Cayenne’s home life, Dulze ended up actually taking her in, later actually adopting her after her father died too. Dulze still isn’t teaching her any actual martial arts, but she’s trying to impart some other important lessons.
Somewhere in all that, Cayenne ended up meeting an android named Mille, who had all but abandoned her job as a Time Patroller to be adopted by the Ginyu Force. Cayenne spotted her on a mission on Earth and wanted to see what was going on. However, when she inevitably got caught snooping, the confrontation quickly turned violent. Cayenne got her ass absolutely handed to her, but instead of being upset, she was incredibly smitten. Mille was just as entertained, and ended up finding more and more excuses to come to Earth and hang out until she decided she would live there full time. Cayenne, after ages of like literally everybody but her assuming she and Mille were dating, finally asked her out for real, and they’ve been having a hella time ever since.
However, not all is hella, as thanks to Deeji befriending Bragi and subsequently many other members of the Dragon Ball pantheon, Cayenne’s life has been plagued by gods. Which would be a lot cooler if they weren’t constantly out here bringing in drama and drinking all the juice. How is she possibly supposed to do a training regimen of push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice if there is literally no juice ever???? Dulze’s not a fan of most of them either, but doesn’t have it in her to upset Deeji by banishing them from the house and she’s not letting Cayenne go try to beat them up, so her hands are tied. After she kicks Gonku’s ass, she’s getting rid of Core People next. Or she’ll try, anyway.
Will Cayenne succeed in kicking Gonku’s ass? Will she end the concept of Core People forever??? Will she ever be able to win the approval of Mille’s five dads so that she can one day ask for her hand in marriage???? Find out on the next episode of SAD FRUIT THEATRE!
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transboysokka · 1 year
How did you first get into Avatar/why do you like it? I love to see how different people answer this question!!
Wow, let's see it all started when I was ten years old and my family JUST got cable television, so I was excited to be a Cool Nickelodeon Kid, and I saw a preview for this Cool New Show that was gonna premiere on a Friday and I remember asking my mom if I could move my bedtime to see it because it looked cool
That show was Avatar if you didn't guess lol. And it was SO good. It was the exact kind of fantasy I loved, and the worldbuilding and aesthetics were SO good, and I just kept watching every single week because I was HOOKED.
I remember my mom would watch it with us which was interesting to me because she usually thought kids shows were boring.
I also always would talk to my friends at school about it the following Monday, which was definitely the first show I'd ever seen that people would have that sort of watercooler discussion about.
Anyway I think in the original run I only missed the Jeong Jeong episode and the Fortune Teller episode.
When it was originally airing, I remember the show teaching me a lot about the world, and also how to process different difficult emotions and deal with adult stuff. Growing up in America, there was a war going on at the time for us too, and it was everywhere, and I remember watching 9/11 on live TV and my third-grade teachers made our class watch the US invade Iraq and bomb Baghdad on live TV.
This was all stuff adults had never bothered to help me process (they probably thought they didn't need to, but I actually still have PTSD about 9/11) and anyway it was just really cool to see stuff like this on TV that could also challenge and develop my own morality as a kid.
Like even the idea of a bad guy turning good?? That was hard for me.
Anyway even when the show ended I still loved it. I was always drawing it or thinking about it or talking about it. I rewatched it a lot through the years.
When I moved to China in 2018 I rewatched it again because the show reminded me of where I was living and I thought that was cool.
And yeah as I've rewatched it more and more I've found new things to appreciate about it each time, and it's really cool to see how I've grown and changed alongside it.
Anyway, in the last like six months somehow I got clued into the fact that there's now a really decent-sized online fandom surrounding it, which I really think I started to notice when I was just reading way too much ATLA fanfiction as I do every few years and realized WOW a lot of these things have been written really recently!
So I decided to come back to Tumblr and check it out and here I am!
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svsjainschool · 2 years
Choose The Best Secondary English Medium School Tamil Nadu For Your Children
How to develop efficient classroom management has received a lot of attention. Every year, it seems, new concepts are proposed that might or might not work. Classroom management does not imply that your students are silent, that all their books are open, or that everyone is on task.
On the other hand, just because a classroom is noisy does not mean that students are not learning how to manage it or are not learning anything. On the other hand, there are times when students are focused and extremely enthusiastic about the activity. You have the right mix if students look forward to coming to class.
The following strategies worked for me after more than 23 years as a full-time classroom teacher: organization is the first step in classroom management. As an educator at svs matriculation secondary school Tamil Nadu, you are supposed to have a coordinated study hall.
This includes bookcases, cupboards, and filing cabinets as well as the building's exterior. Even though the end of the day might make your desk appear disorganized, always tidy it up. You should not have to deal with that chaos in the morning. Maintain organization.
Before the school year begins, you must take care of the following:
You will not be prepared for the first day of school if you do not have a well-organized strategy for completing these tasks. You will not be ready if you do not have the necessary supplies.
After you have completed the initial tasks, the next step is to create seating charts. In the long run, making seating charts before the first day saves time. Your class lists will be sent to you during teacher in-service days. Although there will be transforms, they will be not difficult to adapt to.
You need to get started right away if you want that efficient classroom. It might already be too late if you do not establish your authority then. You can still be who you are, despite this. It simply indicates that students are there to learn and comprehend who is in charge.
Students will sit next to their friends if you let them choose their seats. Experience demonstrates that this can result in issues.
Place your students in descending order. Why? It is simpler to roll. At the beginning of the period, you can complete it in less than a minute. Teachers who called roll every day or changed seating arrangements every month always shocked me. This is not how to manage a classroom effectively and wastes valuable teaching time.
Tape the names to 3x5 cards and write them on them. At the secondary level, simply write the student's name next to the appropriate period and list the periods on each card. They will be able to choose their own seats this way.
A list of your classroom's rules to hand out on the first day is the next thing you will need. There are the people who propose allowing each class to set its own principles. This is time-consuming and complicated. There are five distinct sets of guidelines for secondary students.
Most students do not bother to read the school handbook, so even though the last two are school rules, they should be reiterated. Include a space at the bottom for the date and the signatures of the student and parent. On day one, go over them. Students who return them the next day or during class may be eligible for additional credit. You must ensure their return. They make excellent conference tools for parents and teachers.
When students are crammed into a single room, it becomes more challenging to manage classes at junior colleges. Consequently, following every understudy independently turns into a difficult situation. Despite these issues, you must daily conduct a survey or evaluate everyone's performance. This will assist you in determining what aspects of the lesson you probably missed.
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Secondary English Medium School Tamil Nadu
Since the challenges faced by a teacher in a secondary school like the secondary english Medium school Tamil Nadu are significantly distinct from those faced by a teacher in a primary school, these challenges must be addressed with greater care.
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fishy-xp · 2 years
If you could create chans background how would you do it ??
Have a nice day
this is difficult because i can't imagine chan in any other fashion other than coming out of the womb as a cleanly shaven, 30/40 something year old man who can shoot several bitches in the head from a moving vehicle. but alas i will try!
i think chan comes from a middle-upper class background. a well-respected family, the type that has a family photo taken in a studio where the mother is sitting on a chair in her best pearls and the father and son stood behind her in suits. chan is an only child. i don't know if it's the same thing in thailand as it is in china but most people want a son as their first child (because patriarchy and patrilineal lineage) so i assume when his parents had chan, they were overjoyed by their little boy. but as the only child, chan took on every pressure and expectation his parents and those around him held for him. he was expected to act well, do well and be well. he was the pride of the family and the one who would continue their bloodline. whether his parents were in a loving relationship or whether he had a good family life, i don't know, chan doesn't know either because he was shipped off to some fancy boarding school in europe. he stayed there for most of his childhood and adolescence and it's where he learnt english (we love a cultured dilf). chan was always top of his class, he's a quiet, studious boy that all the teachers love and the other students don't bother him because he carries himself with an air of righteousness that everyone can't help but respect. he has a small group of friends and they always sneak off into the woods to smoke expensive cigars and write poetry (how very dps of you).
chan comes back after he finishes his secondary studies to serve his mandatory military sentence. he's top of his regiment in field training and all branches want him. chan chooses to join the navy because that was his worst performing - worst performing still having broken any and all records the royal thai navy has seen in decades. he's in the navy whilst he's studying part-time a bachelor's of political science and engineering. he works his way up to become the youngest commander in the navy. chan meets another officer, a lieutenant from phuket that smokes cheap cigarettes, the ones you get from any corner shop, and always wears their hair in a pony tail. they teach chan how to hold his breath underwater for four minutes. they're found in the water one day, having been drowned and the higher-ups chalk it up to an accident. a naval officer drowned. chan quits the navy the day after and joins special forces. he becomes an infamous sniper and when he leaves the army, his record in the special forces is wiped clean.
chan first meets grandpappy theerapanyakul at a function event with his parents. his mother and father introduce him with all his shiny records and achievements and there’s this glint in grandpapa theerapanyakul’s eyes. later that night chan sees grandpappy theerapanyakul pull his parents aside. even later that night, when they all get home, his parents tell him that the theerapanyakuls have generously offered him a job as security detail for their eldest son. about a week later chan is whisked away to the compound of the major family as he begins his new life in yet another institution. 
once again, chan is easily the best of the new recruits, and maybe even the old guards. he falls into everything too easily as well, having the intelligence and diligence from his former years easing the change into something very familiar. morally, the job doesn’t get to him either. it’s not like chan hasn’t killed people before. 
chan meets korn one day on the patio, the man is sitting in front of an untouched chess board. korn calls for him and asks him if he knows how to play. chan doesn’t. korn explains the rules and then invites him for a game. that game would last for hours until all the pieces empty the board and the only ones left are two kings. the game only ends because chan pretends he needs to go do something. korn leans back in his seat and wonders if that should be taken as an insult or a compliment. he asks his father to make chan his head bodyguard that night. 
chan has comfortably been korn’s head bodyguard and the head of the bodyguards for a few years now. he’s gotten privileges such as his own private room and the other bodyguards treat him as if he, himself, was a member of the theerapanyakuls. chan also oversees the training of new recruits and he always has an inclination towards those who were just that bit better than others. from the pool of new recruits this week, three stood out to him. one explained to him what a database was and single-handedly digitalised all the theerapanyakul records. it was the first time chan ever felt his age. recruit two, chan doesn't know how or why he is a bodyguard. he's close to number one, who helps him through the physical training. as for his general ability tests, chan looks at the physical paper in his hand and then the digital record, both of which hold two different scores. it makes a lot more sense when chan sees he's assigned to khun tankhun despite not having finished his training.
and finally, number three. number three came in the form of a street rat with a slew of juvenile offences taking residence on his record and kept his long hair tied up in a ponytail. he was 'offered' recruitment as an alternative to incarceration and acted out at every turn. one day, chan locked him in an empty room with nothing but pens and paper and told him he wouldn't be leaving until he re-wrote the third rule of the bodyguards until the ink of all the pens ran out. several hours later, number three emerged from that room with his head bowed to the floor. he hands over the papers to chan and dismissed himself quietly. chan looks down at the stack of blank papers. the next day, number three sets a new record for target accuracy, beating chan's old one.
one day, chan is walking the grounds when a familiar smell hits him. the smell of old, cheap cigarettes that takes him back to the shipyard in chonburi. he finds number three smoking by the east wing of the compound by his lonesome. he doesn't do much once he notices chan's presence, other than straighten his posture.
"where you from boy?" he asks.
number three looks at the head of the bodyguards, his cautious eyes giving him the once over. he takes another drag of his cigarette and exhales. the familiarity threatens to smother chan.
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
School Nurse
@letstalkaboutfandomsbaby led me to yet another 2D man that I want to get wrecked by
How would a school nurse react to Hwajin’s presence? Dabauchery will ensue.
AN: this started out as a short little drabble, turned into a long smutty mess that I finally rangled in with romance because… after care. As a nurse I was getting to into the logistics of the pencil stab
TW: smut, degradation, praise kink, breeding kink, power exchange, mild wound description (pencil stab), sex in a nurses office, oral sex
Hwajin knew you would look good on your knees. You had a bratty, stubborn nature that he wanted to overpower. He thought you were too gentle with trouble makers. When he told you this, you argued that it was your job as a school nurse to take care of all the students.
How was it that you were so hostile with him but when it came to even the worst students you were so gentle. It irritated him. You actively avoided him. Maybe he wouldn't care if he didn't find you so damn adorable. Thoughts of you kept him company late at night.
Even when he forced you to take a baton after he saw a student get in your face yelling. The only person you used it against was him. Apparently you wouldn't allow him to pull students out of your office regardless of their offense.
He was shocked to learn that few students ever bothered you. The worst offenders would constantly make advances at you and since you would have his head, he disciplined them only once you were out of range.
And you were equally irate. He treated you like a child when you tried to present him with research that aggression towards children under the age of 18 was just as detrimental as ignoring their bad behavior. You weren't against addressing the students inappropriate behavior, but the number of visits to your office had tripled upon his arrival.
It become rare that schools had a nurse on campus, barely coming back in to practice following the hands off policy. And at the most part you were mainly treating the faculty and the more unlucky students. If the Ministry of Education wanted to bring in people like Na, would you even have a job much longer?
"What are you doing here? I'm not harboring any students," You hissed as the warden entered your office.
"If I remember correctly, I'm here to oversee the whole school. That includes you. Besides I actually need medical help."
Hwajin turned the lock on the door before unbuttoning his shirt. He turned around to show you a shallow hole between his shoulder blades. You tried to keep the blush from creeping on to your face as you scanned his muscular body.
Apparently a student surprised him by sinking a pencil into his skin.
"Violence breeds violence," You chided when the realization hit. "Oh god, did you kill the student?"
You were truly alarmed. He took slight offense to that question. He wasn't a great guy but he wasn't going to kill someone on the job.
"Just give me something to bandage this up," he rolled his eyes.
You motioned for him to sit on the medical table but of course he had to make things difficult, choosing to straddle a chair instead. In spite of his protests that he could take care of things himself you pulled on a pair of gloves.
"Don't be such a pain, Mr. Na. There's no way you can properly clean what's on your back."
You probed around the wound that was already angry and red. The blood has begun to dry. Trying not to cause unnecessary pain you attempted to visually assess the bed of the wound for any debris that may lead to infection.
Instinctively he howled in pain as you began to clean.
"Will you just put a bandaid over it so I can get back to my job?"
You had to admit you were getting some sick satisfaction from this. The wound was clean and you applied an anti bacterial ointment but it was in a location where the skin tended to pull and stretch so you were sure it would bleed throughout the day-
"Are you smoking in my office?"
Hwajin gave you a cheeky grin before blowing smoke toward your face.
The nerve. In retaliation you flicked the inflamed skin while avoiding the actual wound.
"Ouch, you're cute when you get angry," Na laughed.
Your cheeks were scorching, "Okay Mr Na, you're all wrapped up. Stop by at the end of the day so I can change the bandage."
He winked while buttoning up shirt, "I knew you liked seeing me."
"Out." You hissed.
As he walked down the halls he chuckled to himself. He couldn't wait for you to submit to him.
Through out the day your mind wandered to Hwajin. Him sitting in front of you, shirtless and rippled with muscle. The parts of his skin left unscarred were so soft compared to his attitude. You wondered if his palms were as soft or were they were rough and calloused.
As if on cue the man walked into your office, catching you during one of your fantasies. Was it already the end of the day? Sure enough, the clock showed school let out half an hour ago.
Just like before he secured the door and stripped off his shirt. The bandage wasn't soaked, but it did need to be changed. The day warped your work and some of the tape was lifted away from his skin.
This time politely in the chair, he hummed as you removed and replaced the soiled bandage.
"Starting tomorrow you should just leave it open to air. This is really just to keep you getting your blood on your shirt. If you start thinking you have an infection go to the hospital." You turned around to discard your gloves.
As you turned back, you bumped into Hwajin Na. He smiled down at you and ruffled your hair, "Thanks, nurse, you took such good care of me. You'll have to let me thank you."
He lowered his mouth to your whisper in your ear, "what should I do for you?"
Your were in a losing position, you didn't want to make eye contact but you couldn't stare straight ahead, he still wasn't dressed and it was too overwhelming. You settled on looking down toward his feet.
You quickly snapped your eyes back up when you notice a bulge trying to push past his pants.
"Uh, no need to thank me. It's my job." You stepped back against the wall, at least giving you a bit more space.
Hwajin placed his arms against the wall so he could close the space between you.
"What's wrong? You're flushed. Let's see if you have a fever." He pressed forehead against your. "You feel a bit warm, but not worrisome."
You stammered, "Uh, Mr Na, it's late so we should probably wrap up."
"Mr Na," he mocked you. "Why do you do that? We're both adults, you can call me Hwajin."
Your eyes darted around the room. Maybe you were being punked. Was he testing you?
"It's respectful, it would be rude to call you by your first name."
He brushed a stand of hair behind your shoulder, pleased with your response.
"Well I can think of other titles you could call me that I would enjoy much more."
You were struggling between your desire and your fear of losing your job. Surely he knew what he was doing to you.
Of course he knew, the gleam in his eyes made that clear.
"Well, it's pretty late and I don't know about you but I'm tired after today so I'll see you tomorrow."
He dropped his hands and you took that as the end of his teasing. But instead he hoisted you against him, grasping the back of your thighs.
"My poor little nurse, I've kept you so busy. How about you lay down and let me help you relax."
"Hwajin, put me down," You smacked his shoulder. Listening, he sat you down the cot you constantly sanitized. In spite of what you were saying you allowed him to crawl on top of you.
"Hmm, now you use my first name, little nurse? And here I thought you were respectful," he nipped at your ears.
You shivered.
"Well pick one," You groaned. "First, no last name, then no first name. What's left."
His tongue darted across your neck while began tearing at your clothes, "how about you just be a good girl and call me 'Sir'."
At this point the primal part of your brain took over as you pathetically began to rub against his thigh. Your Irrational brain didn't need a job, it just needed this man to fuck her.
Nearly all your clothes were discarded to the floor as his mouth began to tease your breasts. Your hand tangled in his hair when sink his teeth into your tender flesh.
"Talk to me baby," he sighed. "Use your words, ask for what you want."
You lay out a whimper and tugged at belt loops, "fuck me."
He pinched your in thigh, "Now that's not using your manners. Am I going to need to teach you to behave?"
You mumbled a response that he could barely hear, eliciting another pinch to your thigh.
You huffed, "fine, please fuck me, Sir"
Pleased with your response he tugged your panties to the side, stroking your soaked pussy with his middle knuckle.
"Atta girl. You're so fucking wet for me. How long have you been waiting to be my little slut?"
He slid one finger inside of you with ease, arching you back as moved inside you. You were trying to fumble at his the button of his pants but he pushed your hands off him.
With a growl he removed his hands and your underwear from your body, "Not yet, although I'm flattered how desperate you are for me. Turn over, ass in the air, show me what's mine."
You were happy to obey, sliding into one of your favorite positions.
"You're not be very nice, sir," You teased. "You could at least remove your pants."
His hands came down hard on your ass causing you to cry out in pain and pleasure.
"Watch what you say, unless you like being disciplined. You already know I don't tolerate disobedience. And as much as enjoy your screams, don't forget that just because school is over doesn't mean everyone is gone."
You bite your tongue as he spanked you again. He certainly wasn't holding back. But he was right, there were after school clubs and some teachers stayed as late as 8. His fingers found their way inside your warmth again, fluid dripping from your aching cunt. You had adjust to his rhythm of spanking when his fingers were at their deepest. You felt so close to release. When he withdrew from you yet again.
You let out a frustrated groan until his hand made firm contact with your pussy. Once, twice, three times produce a wet spanking sound. You couldn't hold in your tears, thankful you were a glutton for pain.
"You still with me, princess?" He cooed, getting off the bed. You nodded. "Good girl, hold that position for me just a bit longer."
You nodded again, words evading your mind. You appreciated the coolness produced by the cot. Hwajin repositioned the pillow that had fallen on the floor and removed his belt.
Standing next to you on the bed he finally directed you into another position. He helped you stand, barefoot on the linoleum floor. You were held against his chest as you gathered your bearings.
He nuzzled against your hair, "I'm not a gentle man, if you need to stop at any time you say so okay. And that's an order. Can you do that for me princess?"
You told him you would as he helped you sink your knees to the pillow. He ruffled your hair again, telling you how good you looked. Finally he unzipped his pants, his erect dick right in front of you.
"Look at me."
You complied, tearing your ways away from his cock.
"If you want my dick then prove it. Open up that pretty mouth of yours."
He grabbed you by the hair, guiding your lips his shiny tip. Your tongue circled around him, admiring his taste. You weren't usually self conscious but you couldn't help but be nervous you'd disappoint him. As you began wrap your lips around him, Hwajin inhaled sharply. He gave your hair a gentle tug.
"Eyes on me. Good. You're doing so well. All the way to the base, baby."
You were almost there when there was a knock at your door. Hwajin kept his grip firm on you, instead of allowing you to pull back he shoved his throbbing dick down your throat and began fucking your mouth while putting a finger to his lips. He was smirking like the devil. Your throat constricting in protest.
"Excuse me, nurse," one of the school kids called. Knocking again.
"Fuck," Na muttered as he released into your mouth. Tears spilled over your eyes as you struggled to swallow.
The nock persisted, "hellooo? Come on I need to pick up a physical form."
"She's busy, fuck off."
As the footsteps faded down the hall Na released you from his grasp. He couldn't help but laugh at you when you pouted up at him, your were glistening and your cheeks were rosy and puffy. God, next time he swore he would take a photo of you on your knees after sucking his dick.
"Really, you had to open up your loud mouth," You whined. "You could've just pretended no one was here."
He shrugged in response, helping you off the floor.
This time on the cot you were both undressed. Hwajin sucked and bite on your neck. You nudged him off telling him he was gonna leave a mark.
"You're telling me I can't mark up my little whore?"
"Just not where students can see."
That was fair enough, there were other places he'd rather leave bruises. Between your thighs. Your stomach. Your breasts. Proof that he had made you his.
He wouldn't bite too rough, not want to scare you off. He planned on making more of these moments with you. You were better in person. Exceeding his late night fantasies.
Finally he began to slide his cock inside you, your pussy searing with pleasure at his size. It was a struggle to control the volume of your moans.
"Does my little slut like that? You want me to stuff you?"
"Please," You cried, needing more or his touch. "Please don't stop, Sir. Please let me cum on your dick."
Hwajin began to pound harder into your tight pussy, admiring how your body reacted to the sheer force of him. Each time he snapped his hips against you, your lush breasts, along with the rest of your body, followed with an intoxicating jiggle.
You were exactly what he needed and he wished to consume you. His mind flashed to images of you tied up and exposed for him, placing all of your trust in him. Or he could snap a pretty collar around your neck and tie you to the bed with a leash, you would be begging him to fuck you like a bitch.
"Tell me need me," he growled. "That no one else can fuck you into submission and make you dumb with pleasure. Your mine and I don't share."
Tears rushed down your face as a mixture of pain and desire burst the pressure in your core. You clenched around him, babbling what he instructed you to and meaning every word.
The tightness of your orgasm shocked both you and Hwajin. Paired along with your heat pushed the man past his limit, releasing his thick cum inside of you. Even through the near blinding pleasure of his own release Hwajin felt a moment of worry, he hadn't meant to pour himself inside of you, he was fully aware he wasn't wearing protect and had gotten your consent.
Between your gasps and moans you were were repeating a breathy thank you. Unless he had died and gone to Heaven You were actually begging him for more of his seed. Crying out that you needed him to stuff you full. The man nearly confessed his love for you on the spot.
However he maintained his composure. Pressing closer to you and guiding you through the high of your orgasm.
He combed his fingers through your hair, whispering praises and reassurance. Telling you to relax into him, he wasn't going anywhere. Finally your grip on him relaxed as a gluttonous smile graced your lips.
Na propped himself up next to you with his elbow. His other hand cupping your face.
You looked at Hwajin, "This doesn't mean I'm going to ignore your behavior towards the students."
"You know, seeing you protective over a bunch of snot nosed punks makes me want to fuck you until your nine months pregnant. It would keep you out of my hair while you were stuck waddling around home safe and sound. Win-win."
You gawked at him. Joking that you had yet to see any paternal instincts from him.
"I am actually great with children so long as their raised right. Like hell I'd let my kids turn out like these delinquents."
The two of you bantered back and forth while re-dressing. It was dark by the time you exited the school. Na was lighting a cigarette the minute he was past the schools threshold. You began to tell him goodnight where the two of you should naturally part ways but Hwajin caught you by the wrist, a confused expression thrown your way.
“Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet," he said, cigarette hanging from his mouth. You were about to respond when he cut you off. "Round two will be so much better in my bed. You'll be lucky if You leave my place in time for work tomorrow. But we should probably feed you first. I gotta take care of my little nurse."
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Silent Treatment ~ OT7 [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: ot7 x reader
GENRE: ot7, non! Idol, family relationship, smut, oral f recieving, female appreciation, we’re sorry sex,
A/N: I’m still not 100% there with ot7 smut, I am trying though so I hope that this is okay for you! I didn’t add too much smut as you only said a little. I hope you like it!
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If someone had told you that you would be in a happy relationship with seven men, you never would have believed them. You never took yourself as someone who would be into polyamorous relationships but when you met the boys it all changed. They were kind, sweet, caring and they all loved you equally so it was no wonder you fell hard for them. Eventually moving into a huge home together and having a child. The only difficult part about that was explaining to your daughter’s teachers that she had different people going to pick her up from school. The dirty looks you would get from other people who thought your business was automatically their business when it had absolutely nothing to do with them.
“Mummy!” You snapped out of your daydream when you heard the familiar cry of your daughter’s voice. The more she grew older the more she began to look like you. Which you were thankful for. Neither you nor the boys knew which of them was the father, none of you wanted to know either. Collectively she was your child and that was the only thing that mattered.
“Hey sweetie, how was your day?” You questioned as you bent down to pick her up, placing her onto your hip as she began to list off everything she had been doing in class that day. You couldn’t believe she was almost seven years old, time flew by so quickly with her. 
“We did maths! I learnt how to multiply up to 10 today.” You giggled as you began heading back to the family car. It was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn picking her up today but it turned out he was busy and stuck at work. No big deal, you were mostly a stay-at-home mum and wife anyway since seven of them earnt far more than you knew what to do with.
“Are my dad’s at home?” A filthy look flew in your direction from the woman in the car beside your car. You weren’t stupid. You knew how everyone felt about your relationship with her fathers. Even the teachers in the school weren't best pleased that your daughter understood that she had more than one father. They expressed that they would rather have her know them as her uncles but who were they to tell you how to raise your daughter?
“Daddy Namjoon and Jungkook are but they’re a little busy, sweetie.” You strapped her into the back of your car, taking her book bag from her to check if she had homework to do. 
Normally it was Namjoon’s job to help with the homework, something you were trying to make happen so she knew it was okay as she grew older but not tonight. Tonight he and Jungkook were making renovations on the house so it was going to be you that helped her out.
“Okay, I’ll ask daddy Hoseok to teach me some dance moves when he comes home. We have an end of the year dance coming up and I want to ask Jaylyn and Katie to go with me.” You smiled weakly at her. The boys were all busy with their own things tonight but you nodded along, not wanting to upset her too much before you got home for the night. 
“Shall we put on some music or would you like to keep telling me about the dance?” You looked in the mirror at your daughter who pointed to the radio. One of her favourite things to do was listen to music. Something she had gotten from Yoongi. He was a radio jingle maker/ producer on the side which meant he was almost always busy with work. 
“Maybe we’ll hear daddy Yoongi’s radio jingle,” You told her with a laugh as you turned up the radio and began your drive home for the night. 
Your daughter had something from each of the boys, Yoongi’s love for music, Hoseok passion for dancing. Namjoon’s brain, Jungkook’s ability to be good at literally everything that she set her mind at. Jimin’s duality, Taehyung’s art skills and she took after Jin with her loud rambling in Korean. There was so much of them in her it was hard to believe she was only one of their children.
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Once your daughter had finished her homework you allowed her to go and play while you cleaned up the house. It seemed that no matter how much you tidied up it would end up a total mess again. Clothes were strewn about on the top floor where everyone would come home and dump everything they had on. Shoes were piled up at the bottom of the stairs in front of the front door. Somewhat of a safety hazard. The floors seemed to always get dirty no matter how many times a day you cleaned them.
“What do you have planned for dinner?” Was the first question that flew from Jimin’s mouth once he entered the house. Shoes on messing up your freshly moped floors. Staring at him you almost wanted to slap him with the wet part of the mop.
“Jimin! I just moped!” You called out as you sat him leaving dirty shoe prints all over the place, seeming to have no care in the world as he made his way into the kitchen and heading into the pantry.
“Relax. It’s just a bit of mud.” He grumbled as he continued to go through the cupboards for snacks. Dropping different packets onto the floor that he didn't bother to pick up once he came out with what he wanted. 
“What did you say you had planned?” He questioned when you began cleaning up the mess he left and then began putting everything you had been using away.
“I didn’t, I don’t have anything planned.” You grumbled as you put the cleaning products away into the kitchen cupboards. Standing back up and looking over at Jimin who shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing planned?” Jungkook’s voice chimed in as he heard you speaking. By now all of the boys were home and expecting something to eat as if you were the only one that knew how to use the oven. 
“Yes, nothing planned because guess what? I’m not the only one that knows how to cook.” You snapped as you glanced at each of their faces. You hadn't meant to snap as nastily as you did but it was getting to be exhausting being the only one that cooked and cleaned everything in the home.
“You’re the only one that has nothing to do all day. You've done nothing, the least you could have done was made dinner,” As soon as the words left Jungkooks lips the air seemed to turn cold and thin. Everyone turned to stare at him as you scoffed at the statement. The only reason you didn't work was that they had convinced you that they earnt enough, there was no need to work because who would look after your daughter all day.
“I did nothing all day?” Your hand rested on your hip as you tilted your head to the side. The boys said nothing leaving Jungkook to dig himself a bigger grave.
“I didn’t mean-”
“I do nothing? So I don’t clean all day, make breakfast and lunch for you, or take our daughter to school..." Jungkook turned pale as he realised how angry he had made you. 
"I don't pick her up even though it’s everyone else's turn. I don’t do the laundry, make sure the studies are clean or go food shopping, parent and teacher meetings?” Jungkook was taken back by everything he realised you did. He had no idea that you did so much leaving them to get on with whatever they wanted to do. 
“Y/n you’re being dramatic,” Taehyung mumbled as he shook his head, to him this was all easy work. Nothing about what you had said seemed as tiring as you were making it out to be,
“You know what...I don’t even have the energy for this,” You began making your way to the door when you heard Yoongi speak out this time,
“It's not like you work a full-time job, we would help but we work more than you do.” There it was. The "you don't work but we do" line. Something you had been anticipating since the moment they told you that you didn't have to work. Looking at each of their faces you knew from the moment you saw them they agreed with Yoongi.
“So you think being a mother isn’t a full-time job? That everything I do around the house is easy? Oh, please I would love to see you fucking try it for once.” You countered,
“You’re being stupid, they didn't mean it like that." All that you heard fall from Jin's lips was that you were stupid. You stared at him mouth hanging open a little but nothing came out. You just shook your head and stormed out of the room.
Ignoring them all as you stormed up to your bedroom. Normally you would share it with one boy a night, or two if you needed the extra cuddles but right now you needed to be alone. You walked past one of the studies to find your daughter fast asleep holding her barbies. Luckily she was away for the fiasco going on downstairs so you picked her up and carried her to your room. If they saw she was with you they wouldn't bother trying to get into the bed with you. 
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Days passed by and the boys barely noticed you were giving them the silent treatment. They were all so busy with their jobs that they didn't speak to you. Meanwhile, you played the role of the pretty little housewife that made everything perfect for them while they were away. The house was spotless, your daughter was at school on time and picked up at the same time. 
"Darling, go and tell your dad's that dinner is waiting for them." You told her as you set the table for eight. Making sure your daughter's spot was right at the top of the table before putting their plates down and heading up to your room. There were piles of laundry sitting on the bed waiting to be put away. 
"Daddy," She called out as she walked into the back garden. They were all working on a new wendy house for her. They were trying to make it bigger than the last one so that everyone could fit into the house for tea parties. 
"Yes, sweetie?" Jin called out as she came bounding over to him, jumping into his arms and smiling.
"Mummy told me to tell you that dinner is ready," She looked at all of them and Jungkook clapped loudly. 
"Break time!" He chuckled rubbing his hands together and heading into the house. 
The dining room was empty and only eight placemats were set at the table. 
"Where is mummy?" Namjoon questioned your daughter who was sitting in your usual spot. She simply shrugged her shoulders before eating.
"I haven't seen her much and when I do she's silent which isn't like her," Jin mumbled as he began to eat the food you'd made, everything tasted fantastic like it always did when you cooked for them. 
"I tried to speak to her this morning but she ignored me," Jungkook mumbled as he pushed food into his mouth, 
"I don't blame her, you were rude on Tuesday." Hoseok reminded him of the day of the fight. That wasn't really a fight more like a disagreement. 
"We all were." Namjoon corrected him as they continued to think back on it. 
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The weekend continued on just like that. You were sending messages to the boys through your daughter using her as a messenger owl while the boys did the same back. Monday morning came around and you were standing outside the school gates with your daughter. 
"Mum?" You looked at her as you zipped up her coat, grabbing her bookbag. 
"What is it, sweetie?" You questioned as you made sure her hair was perfect and she looked good to go. 
"Are you and my daddies going to spilt up?" You looked at her and then over at the school as the bell rang. 
"No, we're just having a small fight baby that's all." You whispered as you kissed her forehead. If you tried to explain it now she'd be late for school. 
"Go, I promise we'll make up while you're at school." She began rushing off in the direction of her class and you waved goodbye until the doors completely shut and you could head home. 
Home where all of the boys were waiting for you. They had collectively decided to take the day off from work so they could get to the bottom of whatever was wrong with you.
"So what's the problem with you?" Jungkook questioned earning a slap around the back of the head from Namjoon who was trying to be the levelheaded one throughout all of this. 
"What he means to say is, why are we getting the silent treatment?" Namjoon reiterated the question but in a different manner.
"Let me see...Tuesday night ring a bell?" You questioned as you walked past them and into the kitchen. Beginning to get started with the housework when Hoseok pulled you into a tight hug from behind. Your whole body seemed to melt into his as you missed the contact from each of them. 
"We were being idiots, we were tired and irritated with our jobs and we took it out on you." He whispered in your ear as he kept his arms around your tightly never once letting go. 
"Let us make it up to you," He whispered again, his breath making your back tingle as you shook your head. Getting away from him as quickly as you could. He knew what his whispers and touching did to you. 
"You think I'm just going to forget what you said with a simple, "we were irritated?" Because that's not how it works!" You snapped at them all, glancing over all of their faces to see if they truly meant what they were saying. 
"We didn't mean for it to be so mean and we're sorry," Yoongi told you as he stepped closer to you, holding your hand and running his fingers over your knuckles.
"We know how much you do and how hard you work," Jungkook stood up from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen to look at you.
"Now, please...Let us make it up to you." Yoongi told you again as he stepped closer to you. Running his hand up and down your cheek as you relaxed into his touch. 
"None of you have actually said sorry except for Yoongi." You moved closer to Yoongi, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as you giggled. 
"So maybe I should only forgive him." You looked at the boys as your lips slowly began to kiss up and down Yoongi's neck, biting down softly right at the nape of his neck. His weakest point. 
"No! We're sorry! I'm sorry." Taehyung whined out desperately as he so wanted to have your body on his. It had been so long since any of you had been together intimately it was starting to become too much to be away.
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Seven apologies later and you were laid on the bed making out with Yoongi while Namjoon's hands ran down your naked body. Massaging your breasts while his mouth wrapped around the other, sucking and nibbling on your nipple as you let out small moans of pleasure. 
"L-Let me touch you," You complained as you reached out to touch Yoongi but he moved your hand away. 
"It's about you tonight and only you," Confused by what he meant you went back to kissing him. Your lips moving in sync with one another as he held your face in his hands.
Suddenly you felt Jimin's lips on your core making you cry out at the sudden contact, 
"Seems like someone has missed us almost as much as we've missed her." He chuckled as he began to slowly lick stripes up and down your folds, nibbling at your clit whenever he could.
"Jimin!" You whined out, back arching a little as he continued with the slow movements of his tongue which almost had you begging for more.
"Hmm so good," Jimin moans out as he begins to dip his tongue in and out of you. Taking his time as he slowly licks your pussy, tasting every bit of you he can get. 
"So fucking good," He growled deeply, your whole body shaking as he continued to lap up your juices. Repeatedly flicking your clit with his tongue causing you to cry out his name, hands buried in his hair as you pushed him closer to your cunt.
"Jimin right there!" You cried out as he inserted two fingers into you, curling them up as he continued to suck on your clit. 
Your whole body was on fire as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge. The curl of his fingers making you moan out, every now and again he would let out growls causing your pussy to clench around his fingers. 
"Don't take away all the fun," Yoongi pouted as he took your breast into his mouth, sucking harshly while Namjoon did the same to the other. Your head was spinning so fast you'd forgotten the other boys were in the room.
Watching as you were eaten out so carefully and lovingly.
"J-Jimin!" You warned as you could feel yourself beginning to get closer. The coil in your stomach was beginning to tighten with every bite, lick and thrust from him. 
"I-I can't-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm ripped through your body. Your eyes shutting tightly as you cried out his name. Hips bucking against his lips begging him not to stop until you rode out your high.
"My turn." Jungkook chuckled as he began to kiss up and down your body. Hands travelling down to your core as he began to rub your already sensitive clit. Each touch felt intensified from your previous orgasm. 
"J-Jungkookie," You moaned out as he kissed you sweetly, two fingers rubbing small circles into your core.
"Shh, let us take care of you tonight, it's not about us." Jin's whisper filled your ear as he began to kiss and suck on your neck. Hoseok's hands made their way to your breasts as did Taehyung's. It was going to be a long and very good day.
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By the time they were finished with you, you were panting and dripping in sweat...As well as other substances. You'd finally convinced them into letting you please them. Girls couldn't have all of the fun after all. Whining out as you held onto Jin you looked up at him,
"Someone needs to go and pick our little girl up, I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for a week." You laughed softly as Jin helped you into the bathroom. He'd already drawn you a hot bubble bath with a mug of hot chocolate waiting for you. 
"I'll go and get her, we can stop by the library before we come home," Namjoon said as he watched you sink into the hot water, eyes rolling back as you finally relaxed.
"I'll come too," Jungkook said as he looked at Namjoon and then at you. Making sure you were okay before they headed out to go and pick up your little girl.
"J-Jin." Your hand reached out to touch him and he turned to look at you. 
"Can you come in? I don't want to be alone." You told him, the others had all gone to wash up and you would have been alone. 
"Sure." He whispered as he stripped down, getting into the bath behind you and holding you close.
"I really love you guys," You mumbled as you closed your eyes. Listening to nothing but his heart beating against his chest.
"We love you too," He whispered as he began to slowly wash your body off carefully.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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introvertguide · 3 years
Abuse of Children Portrayed in Film
I like to use movies as an escape from the harshness of the real world and one of the things that I have learned about in my education is the effects on children when they are mistreated. I have a Masters Degree in Developmental Psychology and one of the hardest classes for me to handle was Abnormal Development in Children and Adolescents. We covered everything from dealing with dyslexia and ADHD to surviving severe abuse and loss at a very early age. We had guest speakers that ranged from people who had escaped genocide as children, to individuals who had been sold into prostitution by their parents, to people who had suffered severe abuse from their parents or guardian. I have heard stories that will stick with me forever and that is nightmare fuel that I don't want to share.
Because of my background education, I take note of the treatment and behavior of children and adolescents in the movies that I watch. There have been many great movies over the years that have depicted the suffering of children and it has always been difficult for me to deal with. There are more well known examples of films that focus on suffering but throw in more of a "sometimes we all suffer, even the children" message that demonstrate that kids aren't immune to great travesties (basically any film about The Holocaust). There are also well known films that show children "coming of age" through hardship (Annie 1982, Oliver! 1968) but end perfectly. There is a more current series of films that focuses entirely on a boy discovering a fantasy world that was robbed from him when his parents were murdered by a tyrant (Harry Potter series). But in this list I want to review some lesser known films that show examples of abuse. Even after all that I have seen and heard, the following list of films have affected me personally for one reason or another. Sometimes the children in these films endure and overcome their situation in the end. Sometimes these children do not survive or sadly remain in their misfortunes. To me, this can make the movie all the more powerful because of the incredible amount of pathos that endangering a child character can add. It can also make it a heart wrenching experience that is painful to watch. Here are some powerful films in which children suffer and the struggle is one of the main plot lines of the movie:
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Sybil (TV Movie) 1976
I just recently saw this film after I had heard of the story in my abnormal development class almost 10 years ago. It is the story of a woman who developed multiple personalities to deal with a childhood in the care of an undiagnosed schizophrenic mother. The movie stars Sally Fields and is based on a true account of Shirley Ardell Mason and her treatment by psychologist Cornelia Wilbur. The acting in the film is overdramatic at times, but it definitely reminded me of some of the actual old videos of Shirley Mason and her sudden strange switches in personality when she was scared or anxious. Dr. Wilbur used hypnosis to actually introduce Mason to her alternate personalities and she was able to recognize her disassociative identity disorder and overcome it. It still hurts me to think that this person was mentally wounded so deeply by her parents that it basically shattered her into pieces in an effort to make sense of things.
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Leon: The Professional 1994
I mention this film a lot because it is a heartwarming story of an assassin teaching a young orphan how to murder. It is the breakout role for Natalie Portman and it is just amazing. Leon is a "cleaner" that lives next door to an abusive and addictive family with a troubled girl named Mathilda. The father gets in trouble with the mob and some enforcers come by and slaughter most of the family while Mathilda is getting groceries. She returns during the massacre and realizes what is happening so continues next door and pleads for shelter. Leon takes her in and teachers her the trade and protects her from the men who want to finish her off. The movie was written and directed by Luc Besson and stars Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, and Natalie Portman. The suffering that this girl endures because of her parent's addictions hurts me, yet I have seen and enjoyed this film many times. I recommend watching when in the mood to be deeply affected by the trials of a little girl and the killer who protected her.
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Kids 1995
This film came out when I was early in high school and bothered me greatly. It is a story by Harmony Korine, and one of his many attempts to capture the hopeless lives of unmotivated and unsupervised teens. These are young teens having unprotected sex, stealing money to do drugs, and attacking people in the park. I did not really go to these kinds of parties when I was that age (or ever really) and it has bothered me to think that adolescents would partake in this kind of behavior. It is hard for me to believe that these kids had the ability to mentally comprehend the consequences of their actions and some of the characters end up contracting HIV from each other. I would not recommend the film because it is a depressing day in the life that no youth should have.
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Gummo 1997
I would not call this a good movie and I wouldn't really recommend it. It is another work by Harmony Korine and really details the depravity that can occur with unsupervised youths living in low socio-economic conditions. This movie is just depressing and motivated me to find something to motivate me into action. I got into both psychology and teaching, which has served me well for the past 20 years. It was this film that showed me how low the bar for quality of life could be, and I guess for that I am thankful. However, I still wouldn't recommend it.
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Happiness 1998
This movie I didn't see right away but noticed it at the video store on many occasions. I final watched it when I was about 25 on the recommendation of a friend and one particular storyline greatly disturbed me. It is basically the story of 3 sisters that feel they should be happy and project a face of happiness, yet they are miserable and have horrible lives. One sister in particular is married to a psychiatrist who turns out to be a pedophile that rapes the friends of his young son. At one point rather early on in the movie, this man confesses to his son that he raped the boy's friends and that he would do it again. The son is so confused that he asks his father why he never raped him. It is so disturbing to me because I know the boys that were assaulted will be forever damaged and this boy who was not actually raped will be mentally scarred as well. The fact that there are people in the world that would harm children that way, recognize what they had done, and then know they didn't have the self control to stop themselves from doing it again is horrifying to me.
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Lilya 4-Ever 2002
This film is deeply disturbing and I highly recommend never watching it. I will spoil it for you now so you never have to see it if you don't want. A 16-year-old girl named Lilya lives with her mother. The mom gets a boyfriend and the couple move to America and abandons Lilya with a neglectful aunt. The aunt movies into the old apartment of her sister and Lilya is forced to move out and become a prostitute to make money. A boy comes along and convinces her to move to Sweden to escape her life. When they arrive, this boy sells her to a pimp and she becomes a teenage sex slave. She almost escapes, but is then captured and beaten almost to death. She escapes again and this time commits suicide so she won't be recaptured. This movie is awful and changed my mind about giving every film a chance. I wish I could forget this film, but I can't. Perhaps it is just not for me, but this film presentation is definitely an experience that you won't soon forget.
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The Kite Runner 2007
I read this book in my twenties and saw the film in my thirties and both affected me greatly. A well-to-do boy and his friend are in a kite battle competition and the friend is beaten and raped when he goes to retrieve a fallen kite. The well-to-do boy denies knowing what happened to his friend (he does know) and basically shames and abandons him. This action haunts the well-to-do boy for the rest of his life. How the boy who was raped is basically falling prey to blaming the victim is heartbreaking, and the lifetime of guilt of the other boy is pitiable. Neither boy was the actual attacker yet they both were the ones that suffered.
There are many other examples of movies along these lines and could be found if you feel like suffering. I can't say that I would recommend them because they are very difficult to watch. Beyond just dealing with the content, it is rare to find child actors who can actually portray somebody who has truly suffered. The mix of bad acting and a depressing plot can make for a terrible movie going experience. The genre of movie involving suffering does exist, though, and it could be enjoyed (?) by some. Just not generally by me.
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seriouslysnape · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet
Severus Snape x Fem! Professor! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Teacher/Student Roleplay.
Request: what about snape and a fellow teacher in a pre-established relationship, but the reader is roleplaying as a student for some fun bedroom play? maybe some funny stuff about how he’s sweeter on her than the actual students?
A/N: HNksdnasodasndk WOW I LIKE THIS ONE.
Word Count: 1,970
“I told you that you’re sweeter on me.”
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“You’re tense, Severus.” Your gentle voice spoke out to break the silence in Severus’ home study.
The strain in his muscles caused a wince to clearly show on your expression as your hands massage at his shoulders and back. Fridays usually proved to be the hardest on Severus. The students were always much more rambunctious and much more difficult to control when they had the weekend on their consciences, much to his dismay. Students of all Houses had given him a run for his money today, even the Hufflepuffs who were usually the most well behaved were causing Severus grief. 
Cauldrons had been knocked over, potions were spilled onto the floor, glass vials were broken into tiny pieces, and heated arguments had broken out that Severus had to break up, and he had assigned at least five kids to detention.  On top of everything else, all the kids had seemed to be off the walls with excitement.
The absolute bane of Severus’ occupation.
He was disgruntled and aggravated when he returned to his home office, plopping himself behind his desk near the bed and sitting there to stew. He feared that his sour mood would cause him to snap at you and start a fight that he surely didn’t want to have.
However, he should’ve known that you’d come looking for him when he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Professors weren’t supposed to reside outside of the castle during the school year, but Severus wanted to get away from just one night. You peeked into his bedroom with a bright grin, indicating that you had clearly had a much better day than he had. His irritation was very obvious to you, so you allowed yourself in and had rubbed his shoulders and given him sweet kisses to soothe him.
He had told you all about his terrible day, not leaving out any detail.
“Darling, I’ve been fending off obnoxious students all day. You’d be uptight as well.” He grumbled, rolling his neck to try and work out the hard knots.
A soft laugh fell from your lips, sending a rush of warmth to shoot through Severus’ heart.
“Oh, come on. They’re just kids. They were good today.” You remarked, firmly running your fingers along his arms.
“They’re always good for you,” Severus claimed; “Even my Slytherins don’t give you any trouble.” 
You moved from behind him to stand beside him, looking into his tired pools of black.
“Because I’m flexible with them. I understand how difficult things can get and I offer my help for those who need it,” You explained; “You don’t have to be their friend or anything, but you could be easier to work for.” 
Severus scoffed incredulously. That was probably the biggest difference between the two of you. You had very different views when it came to teaching. Students seemed to favor you over Severus (however, most students preferred anyone over Severus) due to your friendly nature. You were warm hearted and made sure your students knew you were available as a resource to them. They respected you as a professor and were comfortable around you as a friend.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a hard ass all the time, they might like you a little more.” You added, hiding your smirk.
Severus’ eyebrows dipped a tad, his tongue running along the inside of his cheek.
“Watch yourself. I’ll send you to detention too.” He said purely as a joke, but his body flushing with arousal when he saw your demeanor turn lustful.
“Have I been bad, Professor?” You purred, your voice going up a pitch.
The use of his work title coming from your lips was turning him on way more than he would’ve liked to admit. His pale cheeks went dark red, and his skin began to itch with desire. 
“I think you already know the answer to that.” He rumbled, sitting up a little straighter so he could touch you.
One of his hands came to peel off your long winter coat to show more of your skin that was hidden away, but his pupils blew about 3x their usual size when he saw what you were wearing underneath. It was a seemingly innocent outfit to someone who wasn’t very observant, but to Severus it was about as scandalous as he could handle.
“What are you wearing?” He asked lowly, his eyes unashamedly gawking over your chosen outfit.
It was an old uniform skirt of yours from your days at Hogwarts, adorned with your House colors and the mascot stitched in the lower left side of the skirt. It was much shorter than when you wore it as a student. You had grown taller since first wearing it and you now filled it out in a much more provocative way since you had been in your adolescent years. 
“This old thing? I just had to change before coming to see you,” You teetered, knowing good and well it was driving him wild; “You know, I think you’re much sweeter on me than your other students, Professor.”
“My other students don’t look at me the way you do. My resolve is so very thin around you,” He reminded you, his hand sliding up your leg to push the skirt past your hips. A surprised exhale of air escaped his chest when he saw you weren’t wearing anything underneath; “Not even wearing your knickers...I’m tempted to take House points away for your behavior.”
Ecstatic thrills buzzed through you that he had jumped onto your little game. You arched your back to meet his frame as his hands began to massage at your hips.
“Oh, please. Anything but that!” You mocked a desperate tone.
A hard, rutted fucking would take tension away from even the most strained of people. Severus needed a good stress release, and you knew this was a hell of a good way to do so, and have some fun while you were at it.
“Bad students have to be punished, Miss [L/N]. Actions have consequences.” He tutted.
Arousal was beginning to glisten your inner thighs, something that Severus never failed to notice. His fingertips were ice cold against your heated sex, a pitiful whimper leaving your lips when he glacially dragged his fingers through your folds.
“Surely...there’s something I can do to rectify my behavior, Professor.” You purred out in a hush of a voice.
“Are you suggesting what I think you are? You’re much worse than I thought...” Severus teased.
Severus stared at you thoughtfully when you only looked at him through batting lashes. His fingers were stilled and refusing to move despite your desperate grinds against his hand. He stood from his chair to tower over you, a rush of intimidation and desire beginning to spew through the cracks of the dam that was ready to crumble completely.
“Get on the bed.” He ordered.
You teased your lower lip with your teeth, obliging to his husky command and retreating to his large bed, sinking and sprawling yourself out on the mattress seductively. This was a damn gorgeous sight to see. He loved the way you were wriggling with anticipation and expectation for him. Your thighs were rubbing together to create even just an ounce of friction to appease the ache.
“You’re so impatient. If you’re so needy then I suppose you can get yourself of-”
“No! Please, I need you, sir,” You droned. 
He had joined you on the bed, placing a knee on either side of you to keep you from going anywhere. He watched your squirm some more while he removed his belt and pants in a painfully slow fashion. He was determined to bring you to the brink of insanity. He wanted every noise that came out of you to either be a plea or a moan. 
“I’m feeling rather generous tonight.” He fished his hard dick out of his boxers, the sight filling you with joy.
You couldn’t help but smirk up at him, rolling your hips into his pelvis casually.
“I told you that you’re sweeter on me.” You grinned.
With that statement and without missing a beat, Severus shoved all of his cock into your throbbing entrance, the dam breaking completely. A stunned cry wailed out into the room, echoing off of the walls. Severus didn’t even bother to strip you of your clothes. 
He had all the access he needed.
He gave you only a few seconds to adjust to his length before he started pounding into you. You didn’t realize just how much pent up stress and aggravation he really had until each new thrust had your eyes rolling back into your head.
You thanked your lucky stars that you were in the privacy of his home and not his quarters at school, because even with a silencing charm you were sure that it’d be blatantly obvious what was happening. You didn’t think it was possible, but he started pushing in even harder, earning him a praise.
“Oh, fuck! Severus...” You rang out, not even realizing your mistake.
He stopped completely, his hand coming up to grip your chin to make you look at him. 
“Do you call all of your professors by their first name? I probably should just leave you here for-”
“Please, no! I’m sorry, Professor Snape, just...please, don’t stop.” You yowled pathetically. 
Severus rotated his hips to find a new angle as well as putting your heel on his shoulder to push into you deeper. He started fucking into you again, almost breaking when he saw the way your eyes squinted shut.
“Such a bad girl,” He muttered out through thrusts; “Showing up to see your professor and expecting a reward.” 
You moaned out in response, your brain was too cloudy to form a verbal response. Your breasts were pushing against the thin material of your shirt, your lacy bra underneath just barely visible. He held your wrists above your head to keep them pinned down, his other hand firmly gripping your thigh draped on his shoulder.
Severus' pace and pressure was perfect, throwing you into a continuous spiral of pleasure with each delicious movement. He was sucking hard hickeys on your neck and just on the tops of your breasts, leaving marks to let the world know you were his. 
That familiar coil was hot and close to snapping at any moment. Severus twitched somewhere deep inside of you, hitting every bundle of nerves he could possibly find. It wasn’t until his ring and index finger found your clit and began rubbing firm circles that you alerted him.
“P-Professor, I’m close.” You whimpered, praying that he wasn’t going to stop now.
He didn’t stop, continuing his perfect thrusts. 
“Let go, darling. I’ve got you.” He said through a strained voice.
With a final lust driven hum, you clenched and came around him, his own release spilling into you shortly after. He filled you with everything he had with a loud groan. His recent release mixed with yours as it leaked from you onto the sheets. Severus didn’t care in the least. 
He fell next to you, breathings heavy and words feeling impossible to come by. The lust had cleared from his vision, and he was feeling much more relaxed now. 
“Are you alright, love?” He asked, pulling your skirt down to cover at least a little bit of you from the cold hair.
A sleepy, satisfied smile appeared on your face as you nodded. He captured your lips in a lazy kiss, your voice breaking it shortly after.
“I think...it’s safe to say that I’m your favorite student.” You joked.
Severus chuckled.
“Well, if you WERE a student then yes. But I’m perfectly happy with how things are.” He praised.
You giggled lightly, kissing him once more.
“Yeah. Me too.”
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Part 3! Starring Mini Mammon and Mini Asmo!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Underground Tomb special Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Part 4
MC names:
Lucifer’s kid=L!MC | Mammon’s kid=M!MC | Asmo’s kid=A!MC
Why did bad things happen to good people? Well... Lucifer being a good person is up to interpretation. He hadn’t done anything too heinous recently, his instruments of torture were collecting dust for goodness sake! So why oh why was he staring down two half demon children who looked suspiciously like two of his brothers?
The first kid to step forward was Mammon’s without a doubt, but their general demeanour was very different from their father’s. Perhaps their other parent had done a good job-
“What the fuck was that?!”
Never mind. The kid had Mammon’s pottymouth.
The other child surveyed the scene with a nervousness that their suspected parent never possessed. The kid’s gaze fell on Lucifer, their eyes began to glow ever so slightly. “Uh-um...” the kid cleared their throat. “Someone explain what’s going on!”
Was this child seriously trying to use manipulation powers on Lucifer? He almost laughed at the mere idea of someone trying. The child didn’t even seem to be aware that they were doing it. When their question was met with blank stares, they instantly shrank back and practically hid behind the first half demon. Despite the severe self-esteem difference, this kid was Asmodeus’.
Lucifer’s own child cleared their throat and smiled. “Welcome to the Devildom!”
The Uncle That Looks Like he Has his Shit Together but he Leaves the Reunion Drunk off his Rocker (Lucifer)
Ah shit here we go again-
Okay- okay. Normally he’d scold L!MC for taking Diavolo’s line, but Dia had recovered from his shock and was now gushing over the new exchange students like an excited puppy.
“Okay... L!MC you’re going to need to share your room.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Unless Belphie is willing to give up the attic as a nap spot-”
“You’re sharing your room.”
RAD was buzzing with gossip for the entire first month of the second attempt at the exchange program. The threats of being eaten were once again stamped out very quickly.
(Special thanks to L!MC for being a good bodyguard)
Now, Lucifer didn’t exactly know what to expect when it came to the child of his favourite brother. Mammon was a dumbass, but this kid... this kid...
Was smart.
For the first time in Lucifer’s very long life he felt compelled to place someone in a higher echelon than himself.
Mammon’s child managed to successfully budget that dumpster fire of a house. On the first fucking day. Not only that. This kid managed to skim FIVE THOUSAND GRIMM OFF THE TOP AND THE BUDGET STILL WORKED! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT-
Lucifer and Mammon thanked whatever spirit was watching over them because they truly believed their financial woes were over.
Shame that M!MC also spent their money on dumb stuff they didn’t need. Like father like child.
It’s no secret that Lucifer does have a bit of a soft spot for Asmo, I mean, who doesn’t love Asmo? But A!MC was a blessing sent right from the Celestial Realm.
They were just... too sweet. Way too sweet. Lucifer was actively getting cavities just being near them.
Anyone who bothered A!MC and M!MC during the first month ended up getting... uh... suspended.
(We can assume the threat of suspension would have extended to those who bothered L!MC but all the lesser demons were already terrified of them.)
Normally when Lucifer called someone into his study it was to lecture them for at least four hours and then send them to their rooms, but he was having quite the difficult time actually being upset with M!MC and A!MC.
A!MC looked close to tears and M!MC just stared right back at Lucifer with little to no fear in their eyes.
“Starting a fight during the first week of school is not how I expected the exchange students to behave.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, and prepared to continue the lecture, when he heard a sniffle. There wasn’t enough Demonus in the entire Devildom...
“I-I’m s—sorry...” A!MC sniffled, quickly wiping at their eyes. “Th-they were being r-really scary and we did-didn’t know what else to do...”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“I threw them out of the window.” M!MC huffed. “They were bein’ a dick.”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“That um...” A!MC mumbled. “That’s not all... I may have... told them to stick their head in a toilet first...”
“You made them stick their head in a toilet,” Lucifer turned to M!MC. “And then you threw them out of a window?”
“Yes.” M!MC and A!MC replied. Lucifer downed the rest of his glass of Demonus and debated whether or not it would be a show of weakness to slam his forehead into the desk in front of the children.
Lucifer looked between the two for a moment, then shook his head and sighed. “It’s my job to deal with threats to the exchange students, not yours.” Lucifer stood in front of the two, he rested his hands on their heads and gave them a quick pat, before knocking their heads together. “Next time someone bothers you, tell me. If I hear even a whisper of you two getting into another fight, I’m hanging you from the ceiling. Is that clear?”
A!MC and M!MC looked at each other, then back at Lucifer and nodded. “Yes sir!”
“Good.” Lucifer removed his hand from their heads. “Now shoo.”
Flying lessons for the two of them went way quicker than it did for L!MC, mainly because L!MC was a way better teacher.
As much as Lucifer loved his newly found niblings, he couldn’t show it too much. Outward softness was reserved for L!MC and L!MC only. M!MC and A!MC were stuck with silent acts of affection.
Every once and a while a little present or two would end up in M!MC or A!MC’s possession. Some ice cream money for M!MC when they blew their part of the budget on fancy sunglasses, a multiplayer video game that the three half-demons could play together, new shoes when A!MC accidentally ruined their’s...
He’s a good uncle. A scary uncle. But a good uncle. ^_^
(Don’t tell him I said that, I’m still in trouble for advertising Mammon’s escape Go Fund Me and I don’t want to have to write the rest of this HC hanging upside down.)
He’s Not Like the Other Dads, he’s a Cool Dad! (Mammon)
He’s a dad?! HE’S TO YOUNG TO BE A DAD! Hang on- he’s over five thousand years old...
Oh would you look at that! His kid pulled out a calculator.
...his annual income? Uh... why do you- HEY! WHAT’S WITH THAT FACE?!
M!MC puffed out their cheek as they continued to add the ever growing list of numbers into the calculator. Mammon was trying to get a peak at what they were calculating. M!MC suddenly looked up and practically lit up the room with their smile. Aw, their fangs were growing in!
They had a devilishly charming smile, just like their pop! A real chip off the old block! It almost brought a tear to Mammon’s eye and he actually felt compelled to give this kid all the money he had on him. Maybe even his Rolex too!
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed,” M!MC said sweetly. “My... dad.”
“Yep! That’s uh... that’s me!” Mammon awkwardly ruffled his kid’s hair, the kid laughed good naturedly.
M!MC’s sweet as honey smile flipped from elated to malicious in a manner of nanoseconds. “You owe over thirteen years of child support. Dad.”
Everyone say thank you to Lucifer and Diavolo for getting M!MC to compromise and not try and sue their father.
If you thought Mammon spoiled L!MC you’ve got another thing coming. Mammon’s wallet never stood a chance against his kid.
Poor Goldie, press F to pay respects.
Mammon also tried to teach A!MC and M!MC to drive, M!MC has no regard for their safety, the safety of others, or the laws of the road, buuuuuuuut they manage to get the car back with no dents and no property damage bills are being delivered to the house sooooo...
A!MC can drive fine... it’s just that they adhere to literally every law known to demonkind, which means neither Mammon or Asmo are allowed to open up the sunroof and do that movie thing where they pop their heads out and yell something. ITS NOT SAFE!
Our beloved dummy also tried to teach his kid how to play poker, with... limited success.
“Aw, come on kiddo.” Mammon smirked, flicking his kid on the nose. “Your poker face is awful, I can also see your cards from here.”
M!MC growled and held their cards closer to their face. “My poker face is fine!” It was in fact, not fine.
Mammon scratched his head and thought for a moment. Was he sure that this kid was his? I mean, they weren’t good at poker, had terrible luck in blackjack and roulette, and could barely understand the rules of craps. Craps! While he was lamenting the loss of possible gambling winnings, an idea hit Mammon at a thousand miles an hour.
“Hey kid, you’re damn good at math like your great and amazin’ father, have you ever thought about learnin’ how to count cards?”
Fancy outfits on, hair done (sorta), car ready, the two were off to the casino after quite the intense training montage. It appeared that casinos in the Devildom allowed children inside... Diavolo should really fix that.
“Okay M!MC, you remember what to do, right?”
“Yes. Remember the signal, and if someone catches on, deny deny deny.”
Mammon gave his kid a slap on the back. “Damn straight! You got this, bud.”
As the night dragged on, M!MC and Mammon had made their weight in money, paper money, they had made a SHIT ton is what I’m saying. Tragically, neither the Avatar of Greed or his child had any sense to leave before their luck crashed like the Stock Market in 1929.
They were both Icarus, and they were playing chicken with the sun... and by 3 am they were also playing chicken with security.
“GO GO GO!” Mammon shouted as he and M!MC sprinted towards the car, the night’s winnings in hand.
“I think I lost a shoe!” M!MC gasped as they scrambled into the car, security on their heels.
“I’ll buy you new shoes JUST PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT!”
Re-enacting every Fast and the Furious movie in twenty minutes was how that lovely night of father/child bonding should have ended... until they got home and realized they were locked out.
“The window to my room!” M!MC whispered, pointing up at their window. “It’s usually unlocked, we can climb up to get to it.”
“Good idea!”
M!MC tucked the bag full of their precious money under their arm and began the climb to their window, their father close behind. They had almost made it, they were so close, M!MC could literally touch the window-
The window swung open and the smiling faces of L!MC and A!MC greeted them.
“Oh my, it looks like we have some delinquents breaking curfew~.” L!MC cooed, resting their head on their hand.
“You shouldn’t be gambling this late! A-and your accessories don’t match!” A!MC huffed.
“Oi! L!MC, A!MC! What are ya doin’ up this late! It’s not good for ya!” Mammon whisper-yelled.
“My sleep schedule should be the least of your concerns right now, right A!MC?” L!MC elbowed A!MC, who nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep! Those who break curfew are hung from the ceiling by their toes.” A!MC shuddered.
M!MC rolled their eyes and stuck out their hand. “Come on L!MC! Let us in! You should listen to your older cousin!”
Upon hearing M!MC pull the older cousin card L!MC smiled deviously, grabbing both of M!MC’s hands. “Of course, dear cousin.” They leaned in. “Long live the king!”
L!MC shoved M!MC downward, Mammon caught them, but lost his own grip and they both lost hold of the money, which fell out of the bag and onto the ground like snow. Paper snow...
Oh well, at least Mammon and M!MC landed in some of the bushes...
“Ya know,” Mammon said as the money fell around them. “I’ve had dreams where this has happened.”
“Wow,” M!MC smiled. “Me too!”
Yep. This was his kid alright.
Not all his father/kid time revolved around money, it also revolved around both of them trying to avoid horror movie night without making it look like they were chickening out.
“Okay, I’ll fake a medical emergency!”
“Kid, no! They’ll never believe that!”
Since A!MC had their father’s eye for fashion and none of the judgemental comments, the kid became Mammon’s unofficial style coach.
“U-um... I hate to say it but those shoes don’t match with the rest of the outfit, the silhouette is confusing...”
“What’re ya talkin’ about? I look fantastic!”
“Are you blind? You look like a thrift store threw up on you.”
“Who invited you, Asmo?!”
“I’m here to support A!MC! You’re doing great by the way, sweetie!”
He may have cried a little when M!MC was able to fly without help... sniffle... they grow up so fast...
Oh- oh fuck they both crashed into the tree-
Oh My God he Actually Showed Up?! (Levi)
That... that couldn’t be real life! A shut-in’s worst nightmare! More people he needed to talk to!
Considering Mammon and Asmo’s track record with taking care of his things, Levi was incredibly hesitant to invite the two to binge anime with him and L!MC.
It seemed that the two normies inherited their fathers’s level of respect for closed doors. What I’m saying is the two crashed anime night.
“I have never seen such bullshit before.”
M!MC’s hands were stuffed in about five pairs of socks each, effectively turning their hands into useless nubs.
“You be quiet! This is to make sure that you don’t take any of my things and try and sell them on Akuzon!” Levi hissed, turning back to make sure his figurines were safe from the mini Mammon. A!MC was standing awkwardly next to L!MC, who was sitting in Levi’s gaming chair reading manga.
“So what are we going to watch..?” A!MC piped up. “I haven’t really watched much anime but I did watch Digimon...”
“I was more of a Beyblade kid.” M!MC hit their sock-stumps together to make a thumping noise.
Levi looked like he was ready to have a stroke. “L-listen! Those are gateway anime! You two need to watch proper anime! Non-dubbed anime!”
A!MC let out a shriek and stared at their reflection in a very shiny looking gundam figurine. “Have I been wearing off colour lip gloss the entire day?! O-oh no... I’m a mess!”
Levi let out a strangled wail and snatched the gundam out of A!MC’s hands. “D-don’t touch that! It’s worth more than a house!”
“It is?!” M!MC perked up and tried to wrestle their way out of their sock-gloves.
“Don’t make me stick you in a straight jacket...” Levi growled. He turned to L!MC with a pleading look on his face. “Please make them stop...”
L!MC grinned deviously and closed their book. “Of course I’ll help you, if we watch season two of The Promised Neverland.”
Levi shrieked and nearly pulled out his hair then and there. “It’s manga divergent! MANGA DIVERGENT! THEY SKIPPED SO MANY ARCS!”
M!MC and A!MC continued to wreak both purposeful and accidental havoc on Levi’s room, he was just about ready to summon Lotan then and there when L!MC shrugged.
“The ball’s in your court, Levi.” L!MC leaned back in the chair and resumed reading their manga.
Levi’s willpower shattered the moment he heard something fall off one of his cabinets. “WE CAN WATCH WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST MAKE THEM STOOOOOP!”
Quick as a flash, L!MC was out of the chair and had both M!MC and A!MC by the ears.
M!MC and A!MC became the most well behaved children in the Devildom after that... and L!MC and Levi got to watch their anime in peace.
Okay, Levi wasn’t heartless, he loved his lame normie niblings. They were just very very loud...
Though, M!MC was very good at finding merch for way lower prices... and A!MC actually really liked some of the anime they watched... Maybe they weren’t so bad.
M!MC’s attempts to budget that financial dumpster fire of an otaku was not going well, at least until M!MC convinced Lucifer to dangle concert tickets in front of Levi like a carrot on a stick until he agreed to do his best to stay within the monthly budget.
Levi had learned his lesson from L!MC’s flying lessons and steered clear of them, but luck was not on his side. The ONE time he willingly stepped outside of the house...
Both M!MC and A!MC crashed right into him.
The Uncle With the Cat You Never See and Aren’t Really Allowed to Pet. (Satan)
Oh fuck him sideways the house was going to be so much louder... Say goodbye to his quiet reading time...
On the bright side, the look of pure disbelief and exhaustion on Lucifer’s face gave Satan the biggest rush of serotonin he’d ever had in his life.
To be honest, he got on well with Asmo, and he... well it’s Mammon.
Could have been worse.
Could have been ANOTHER child of Lucifer.
“So... who do you think did it?” M!MC asked as the opening to the fourth episode of the murder documentary they were watching began. “I think it was the sister.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” Satan asked.
M!MC shrugged. “Chick’s shifty.”
“I um... I think they disappeared on their own accord.” A!MC murmured. “I mean, so far it seemed the two’s home lives sucked...”
“Good theory.” Satan nodded to himself. “But both of you are wrong, it was very clearly the mother and the neighbour.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” L!MC asked, imitating Satan’s voice. Detective Toe Beans was sprawled out on their lap.
Satan glowered at L!MC and leaned over to scratch Bean behind the ears. “The step-mother and neighbour are backing up each other’s alibis and they have a motive, access to a possible murder weapon, and a way of disposing of the corpses.”
L!MC rolled their eyes. “That’s a load of crap. It was just the step-mother. The mother had the motive, she and the father were on the outs, she wanted the father’s inheritance all to herself so she got rid of his kids.”
“How many more episodes of this are there?” M!MC asked. “This seems like a really dragged out way of just saying: I don’t know.”
“Sh! They’re explaining possible corpse disposal methods!” Satan hissed.
The four of them traded theories until the documentary series eventually ended with an unsatisfying ‘we dunno’.
“This is such shit...” M!MC muttered. “How have they managed to fill eight episodes with all these leads and evidence and the case is still unsolved?!”
“It’s because everyone involved was incompetent and stupid.” Satan sighed.
“You know,” L!MC smirked. “With all the true crime stuff the four of us watch, we could create the perfect crime.”
“We really could.” M!MC nodded in agreement.
“Using A!MC’s powers no one would suspect us...” Satan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“Uh...” A!MC shifted uncomfortably. “On an unrelated note... I’m going to go...”
As A!MC scampered out of the room, L!MC turned to Satan and M!MC.
“There’s always the one weak person in the group who’s not down with murder.”
“A sad truth.”
“Hang on I thought we were talking about theft or something-”
Satan and M!MC are surprising study buddies, hell, they even help Mammon study. Or... it’s more accurate to say that they try to help Mammon study.
A!MC is good company, they’re quiet when they read, unlike most people in the house who felt the need to provide commentary on every single event that occurs in the book.
After proving to be quite useless in L!MC’s flight lessons, he just reminded the two new half demons to wear protective padding.
The Hot Single Dad That’s In Every Romcom That Features a Child (Asmo)
Oh... his... father... HE WAS A DILF NOW-
He practically vaulted out of his seat to coo and fuss over his new found hellspawn, they were just SO CUTE!
Their wings were just like his! So adorable! Oh and those little horns! They were so cute Asmo just might have combusted then and there.
Of course, he couldn’t combust without finding out which of his flings had made such an adorably shy mini-him.
“Ah! I remember that party!” Asmo squee-ed as he looked at a picture of A!MC’s parent. “They looked so hot in that outfit I swear I was completely-”
“Asmodeus.” Lucifer grumbled. “That’s a child in front of you.”
“Oh! Right! Mind if I call your ren, A!MC?” Asmo asked, ruffling their kid’s hair. “I want to see if they remember me fondly!”
As Asmo chattered with A!MC’s parent about just how adorable and perfect their kid turned out, Asmo leaned over to A!MC to ask a question.
“A!MC, I know this is sudden but how do you feel about getting a sib-”
“Tsk. Rude.”
It’s safe to say Asmo adores his kid. I mean, they’re 50% him, how could he not.
He didn’t exactly have experience with the whole... being a big part of his kids’s life thing. Sure he held the unofficial record for most kids but that was because effective birth control hadn’t been invented at the time when he was allowed to run rampant in the human world, not because he was an A+ dad.
None of that mattered! He was going to be a 10/10 dad to A!MC!
They were so shy... so... mouse-like...
“Um... dad?” A!MC awkwardly twiddled there thumbs as they stood in the doorway to their father’s room. The sweet smell of whatever essential oil was being spread with the diffuser did next to nothing to calm the poor half-demon’s nerves.
Asmo popped his head out of his walk-in closet with a sparkling smile. “Yes, child of mine?”
“I um, just wanted to ask...” A!MC was desperately trying to stave off an oncoming stutter-spiral. “H-h-how- *ahem* how do- ugh...”
A!MC steeled their face and straightened their posture.
“How do I be confident like you?!” They blurted that out a little too loud for comfort, but Asmo’s near-immediate joy quashed any embarrassment A!MC was feeling.
“You want to be like little ol’ me?” Asmo gushed, clearly trying to hide just how flattered he was. “Well, of course you do! Your dad’s got your back. So first what we’re going to do-”
The Avatar of Lust had done the stereotypical early 2000s movie makeover many times before, but never with so much enthusiasm. His kid’s style was fine, it wasn’t a lack of pizazz either, it was the lack of confidence in the pizazz.
“Okay, now stand up straight.”
A!MC straightened their back as much as they could.
“Perfect! Chin up, shoulders back, and there you go!”
A!MC didn’t look too different on account that Asmo felt like their fashion sense was perfect, but dear not-old dad coached MC on a new walk, better posture, and Asmo filled their arms with about seven boxes of self-care supplies.
“What’s all this for?” A!MC asked, shifting the weight of the boxes slightly so they could actually see their dad.
“That, A!MC, is all the stuff you need to have confidence.” Asmo explained. “It’s not required of course, but it sure does help.”
“I’m not sure I follow...”
“Oh sweetie, it’s simple really. When you take care of yourself, you feel better, and when you feel better, you look better, and when you look better and feel better, your confidence skyrockets!” Asmo shifted some of the boxes A!MC was carrying around so they could stand up straighter and not be held down by the weight of the self-care arsenal. “Good posture stops your back from hurting, dressing decently helps you feel better about your appearance, as does taking care of your skin, aaaaaand all this will culminate in you being your best!”
A!MC still looked a bit skeptical, but they nodded anyway.
“Remember MC!” Asmo said as he led MC back to their room to help them sort their new stuff. “Confidence in yourself doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t let Mammon try and sell you a fix-all potion because it’s just boiled Gatorade.”
“O-okay- wait did you just say-”
“Yes, boiled Gatorade.” Asmo shuddered. “Let’s not talk about that.”
Dear uncle Asmo? A financial dumpster fire?! It’s more likely than you’d think.
Sure, Asmo’s got a job and makes his own money, but Geez Louise... one demon does not need that much hand cream! Or that many questionable Akuzon packages that everyone is too afraid to touch...
M!MC had their work cut out for them is what I’m trying to say.
Of course... once M!MC realized what a lost cause getting Asmo to stop with the obsessive bath bomb purchases was and a few too many insults were thrown at M!MC’s dear dad... some of Asmo’s things went uh... “missing”
But would you look at that! No one went over-budget!
Even though their dads have a fierce party related rivalry, A!MC and M!MC get along great. It’s very wholesome.
The Uncle That Helps You Pester Whoever is in Charge of the Food at the Family Reunion About Dessert (Beel)
Yay! More kids :)
Do you think any of them know how to cook? No? Okay... :(
Beel adores his new niblings with all his heart and soul, and Belphie’s out of the attic and is able to meet them with everyone else this time! Yay!
I didn’t mention this in the other parts- but Beel totally gave L!MC piggyback rides whenever they asked, but now that two more kids have arrived... it’s now a fight to be tall.
But yea- kids like uncle Beel. Strong contender for favourite uncle.
“Do you think this is right?” A!MC asked as they fiddled with the settings on the stovetop.
“No clue. Do we put the cheese on while the meat is cooking or do we wait until after?” M!MC asked, they flipped through multiple cheeseburger recipes on their DDD, their frustration growing. “Hang on- do we have a deep fryer?”
A!MC rummaged around the cupboards and shelves for a good fifteen minutes and came back empty handed. “No, but I’ve seen videos of people making fries without a deep fryer, I think we just need to heat up vegetable oil and drop the potatoes in.”
After setting up the make-shift deep fryer, the two cousins carefully dropped the first fry into the oil, then screamed like banshees when some oil splashed close to their hands.
“Did you get burned?!” M!MC asked, A!MC shook their head.
“No, you?”
“Nah...” M!MC eyed the oil warily. “We should do this one at a time to be safe...”
It was an awkward process, grab potato, place potato, scream, make sure no one is burned, repeat. As... decent as the process was, with both of them manning the deep fryer, no one was manning the patties that were now completely charred.
“What’s going on in here? It smells like Solomon’s cooking.” Beel poked his head into the kitchen and saw two very upset children and the world’s messiest kitchen.
“We’re failures. That’s all...” M!MC murmured.
“We wanted to make lunch for all of us and we ruined it...” A!MC added.
Beel’s heart was set to explode then and there- but his stomach growled. “You tried your best, don’t feel too bad. Let’s get cheeseburgers somewhere else with Belphie.”
M!MC and A!MC nodded enthusiastically as the three of them left the destroyed kitchen behind them.
After Beel had to sling a sleeping Belphie over his shoulder, the now four of them were halfway out the door before they heard L!MC scream bloody murder.
M!MC and A!MC made eye contact, then sprinted out the door. “CHEESEBURGERS FIRST!”
A!MC and M!MC probably go to all of Beel’s games like the little super fans they are. Beel is very grateful for the support! :D
Flying lessons? Nnnnnot again. He’s here for moral support and moral support only. And to catch the two babs when they inevitably fall.
The Uncle Who Was Like... Really Racist the Last Time You Saw Him But He’s Not Anymore (Belphie)
So he uh... he didn’t try and kill these two. That already gave the two newbies a better first impression than what he gave to L!MC.
The Anti Lucifer league ALSO grew, just by one member though. A!MC was very easily persuaded to snitch on whatever prank the group concocted.
The attic nap club gained two new members, but Belphie still had to deal with wings hitting him in the face and waking him up. He’d usually return the favour with a swat from his tail.
“M!MC I swear I will throw you out of the window if you kick me again.” Belphie murmured, mashing his face into his pillow.
“Mmmph.” M!MC threw a pillow in Belphie’s direction.
“Quit whining, Belphie.” L!MC huffed. “You’re doing better than me.”
A!MC had attached themselves to L!MC like a sloth to a tree and would not let go or stop drooling. Ah schadenfreude, the best feeling in the galaxy...
“Stop with that look.” L!MC hissed, Belphie snickered. “I’m telling you to quit it because you’ll wake up Beel, and Beel is solving your M!MC problem.”
Belphie turned to see Beel practically crush M!MC into a bone breaking hug in his sleep.
“Should we do something about that?” L!MC yawned.
Belphie smirked his little douchebag smirk. “Eh, let them stew for a few more minutes.”
“Help me...” M!MC rasped.
Out of the three, A!MC is probably the best nap buddy, they bring in their own pillows and don’t hog the blankets.
Belphie is once again at the forefront for taking videos of the flying lessons, at least till M!MC accidentally broke Belphie’s DDD.
Just a friendly reminder, the sleepy cow man would kill for these kids.
Look at them funny and no one will find your body.
Okay! That’s part 3 done! I had to cut Belphie’s and Satan’s short because of post limit stuff, but the stuff with the side characters is coming soon! Also, Mammon would like me to inform all those who donated to his Go Fund Me that you will NOT be getting your money back, he has a kid to deck out in full Gucci now, he needs the cash!
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Lesson
After breaking up with your long-term boyfriend, you finally found the courage to enrol at university, studying Modern Theatre. Your life now taking an unexpected detour to its original plan of marriage, babies, settling down. This is going to be an interesting year.
Tag List (message me to be added): @queenshelby @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @margoo0 @cloudofdisney
Warnings - smut / teacher.student relationship
Main Characters - Cillian Murphy (he's 35 and single for the purpose of this fic, no children)
"Hey!!! Over here!!" You heard Sarah, your best friend, shouting from the other side of the hall and made your way over.
"Thank god, I was starting to think I'd gone to the wrong place! This place is huge!!" You laughed as you hugged each other. Your bag slung over your shoulder, you linked arms with Sarah with your other arm as you made your way down to the Lecture Theatre.
"So how are you feeling?" Sarah asked.
"Nervous! I never, in a million years, thought I'd be doing this! I feel so old!" You laughed. At 26, you were easily the oldest student here, but Sarah laughed your worries away.
"Trust me, you're not. Once they revealed who the teacher was going to be this semester, a fair few extra people signed up to do that course y/n!" You looked at her confused.
"What, Mr Allen?? He's about 75 isn't he?" Sarah laughed again and left you at the door to your classroom, making her way to her own Design Studio at the bottom of the corridor to teach her own class.
"You'll see when you get inside!" She called behind her, smiling.
You took your seats near the front of the room, looking behind you you could see a gaggle of ladies in the back corner, all of them easily over the age of 40 with no clear interest at all in the subject at hand. They were all giggling like children.. this was going to be fun, you thought, rolling your eyes. Turning back round, you caught a glimpse of a dark haired man making his way through the door at the back of the room. As he made his way to the desk in the centre of the stage area in front of the students, you couldn't help but gasp a little. Jesus he was cute....
The ladies at the back squealed in delight and the man rolled his eyes.
"Right then, let's make a few things clear from the off shall we folks?" He spoke, his Irish accent booming through the auditorium. Everyone fell silent.
"I have a passion for the arts - I've been involved with them since I was 19. I'm here to teach you all I've learned over the last 16years and I plan on teaching it to like minded, dedicated people. People who want to make a career out of the beauty that is theatre. Those of you here simply to catch a glimpse of anything OTHER than a teacher doing his job, the doors at the back of the room." He stood still, leaning against the desk. The gasp at the back of the room was so loud, you couldn't help but giggle a little. Busted ladies. They all whispered to each other, a few of them glaring in the man's direction as they made their way to the back of the room. Slowly but surely, a few others also left sheepishly, men included, and you couldn't help but notice the man smiling a little underneath his floppy brown hair and round glasses. Who was this man??
"Now that's taken care of, I'm hoping I'm left with students that are here to learn the theatre and nothing else..." He paused, looking round the room. His eyes met yours and he paused for a second, raising his eyebrow slightly. You were now the oldest in the room, and you felt even more out of place. You kept a straight face, and maintained the eye contact with him. He wasn't bullying YOU out of here, you didn't care who he THOUGHT he was.
"Right... Well we'd better get going then!" His demeanour changed, he smiled broadly clapping his hands together. "My name's Cillian Murphy - please for the love of God call me Cillian... Mr Murphy is my Dad and I'm not quite ready for that level of old yet." A few chuckles in the room - that tension was gone. "This isn't the first time I've done a class like this, and I've had to evict people part way through for.. ah.. shall we say inappropriate behaviour. Wanted to nip that in the bud from the offset, so I apologise to you all now for the way the class started. Now, do you all have the textbooks the school sent out last month? Let's start on page 35 shall we?" The class, including you, opened the books in unison to find the chapter on Lighting and Sound. Cillian glanced back over at you, a look of uncertainty on his face. You could feel him staring, but refused to look up at him.
"So how are your classes going y/n?" Your mum walked into your apartment to find you studying, book one side, laptop the other and you making notes in the middle of your desk in the corner of the room. You'd given her a key a month prior so she could let your dog, Juno, out during the day while you were at uni.
"It's hard work! I had no idea there was so much to learn about the theatre, they make it look so easy!!"
Your mum laughed and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on for you both. Kicking back, you allowed yourself a break after 3 hours studying and met your mum at the small breakfast bar.
"I hear you have a new teacher too? Cillian Murphy?"
"Yeah, he's amazing! He's been there and done it all mum, the stories he tells are fascinating!"
"You know who he is, right?" You did know. You'd googled him when you got home after that first lesson. Pretty big hot shot actor, but you weren't bothered. He seemed pretty down to earth and normal to you.
"Yep I know - you'd never think it though, he's so... Normal I guess?"
"Cute too."
"Mother! Behave!" You both giggled. You couldn't deny he was very attractive though - but you could tell he was a professional. No way had he even looked at you that way - in fact you were convinced he thought you were there purely for him, rather than the course, so you were even more determined to pass this semester with flying colours to prove a point.
The following weeks were filled with more information than you could get your head around. You hated to admit it, but you were struggling to keep up. You hated admitting defeat, but you were really starting to wonder if you could carry on at this pace. Your work was starting to slip, and Cillian had noticed it too, much to your dismay. He'd called a 1-2-1 with you this afternoon, and you were convinced he was going to pull you from the course. You knocked on the door of his office, the defeat written all over your face.
"Come in y/n.."
"Hi.." you tried to smile as you sat across from him. He had your latest piece of coursework in front of him on the desk and he was leaning back in the chair, eyeing you through the rims of his round glasses. Standing up, he made his was over to the drinks cabinet in the corner of the room and pulled out a bottle of Irish Whiskey. You watched him, silently, as he put two glasses on the desk.
"Shouldn't be drinking this during the day, but felt the need. Want one?" You smiled, nodding your head.
"Conversation is clearly not going to be a fun one, no?"
"What makes you say that? I'm just lightening the mood y/n, you walked in here looking like you were going to either cry or knock me out!" He laughed, and offered you the glass. You took it, and sat it in your hands. Your fingers connected and you forced down a gasp at the contact. You'd refused to show him any kind of attraction but it was difficult while he was sat so close to you.
"Listen, I know I'm falling behind Cillian, I'll make it up I promise -"
"Stop. It's okay. Yes, your marks are dropping slightly, but not by much, okay? I'm seeing real potential in you. I invited you here to talk to you about some extra classes to help bump you back to where you need to be. What do you say?" He took a sip of the whiskey and so did you. Relief washing through you as the warm liquid fell down your throat. Hopefully it hid the blush in your cheeks.
"Um.. wow... Okay.. yeah! That'd be great, thank you!" He smiled again. God that smile... Stop it y/n.. he's your teacher, stop.. he sat back down at his desk and handed you a book.
"Great! I've put my phone number on the inside cover. Have a read of this, and call me when you're done. I think you'll like it." You took the book and smiled. A history of Modern Theatre. You agreed, definitely an interesting read.
"Is it classed as 'appropriate' for a teacher to give a student his phone number, Cillian?" You smirked, referring to his opening outburst on that first day. He chuckled.
"Maybe not, but I'm not a teacher, I'm an actor helping out the local university for a semester while the actual teacher takes a leave of absence." You'd heard Mr Allen had fallen ill, Cillian was just a temporary stand in for three months. Nothing permanent. "I have a new job starting in January, I'll be done here by Christmas." You couldn't help but feel a bit sad at the thought of him not being around anymore. Without admitting it, you'd looked forward to seeing him every day in class. He stood again, and raised his glass in a toast. You raised yours.
"What are we drinking to?"
"You. We're drinking to you y/n. I'm telling you, I'm seeing some real potential with you - you're going far, just need to focus more on the content, that's all." You blushed again.. was that the reason you were distracted? Him? Maybe. "Meet me back here tonight, around 4:30? Should be done with marking by then, we can make a start?" You agreed, a nervous knot forming in your stomach.
You'd been having your 1-2-1 meetings with Cillian for more than a month now, and your marks were certainly improving. You had finished the book he gave you, but you hadn't plucked up the courage to text him yet. Watching TV alone in your apartment one evening, you downed your third glass of wine and picked up your phone. He wouldn't have given you the number if he didn't expect you to use it, come on y/n...
"Hey Cillian? Just letting you know I finished the book. Really good read, thank you! I'll have it back with you in the morning. And thank you for spending time with me helping to improve my marks too, it's really helped. Y/n x" pressing send, you cursed yourself, why the hell did you put a X at the end!!! You cursed again when it was delivered... Then again when its status changed to 'read'... Oh crap... A reply.
"Glad you liked it! It's been a pleasure, you're doing a great job! Cx." He put one on his text too... Come on y/n, you're not a teenager anymore, get a grip of yourself!!! Your phone pinged again.
"Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow xx" 2 kisses? Ping.. "Maybe we can finish more than your coursework.x" What did that mean? Was he flirting with you?
"What did you have in mind? X"
"There's still half a bottle of whiskey in the cupboard, shame to let it go to waste X"
"I don't think you'd be able to keep up with me Cillian 😉" you typed, feeling a bit braver.
"Challenge accepted y/n. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon X" you knew his stint at the university was coming to a close, was he flirting with you?
You knocked Cillian's office door at 4:30 sharp, knowing how much of a stickler he was for punctuality. You felt nervous, after your texts last night you didn't know what to expect - was he flirting or were you just overthinking it? The door opened, and he stood aside to welcome you in, a smile on his face as he greeted you.
"Good to see you y/n, come on in!" He walked to the cabinet in the corner. "I never turn down a challenge, you in?" You smiled, nodding, as he poured two glasses.
"Good job I left the car at home this morning," you chuckled as he brought his glass to meet yours. Both of you sinking it down in one, you grimaced as the liquid slipped down your throat and he took the glass from you to pour another.
"We'll take this one a bit slower y/n, what do you say?" His eyes darkened slightly, the alcohol clearly having an effect. You couldn't help the warm feeling running through your groin as he licked his lips to clear them of the whiskey remnants that sat on them.
"Whatever you say sir.." he glanced up at you as you said 'sir', and leaned against the desk.
"Sir? Since when did you call me sir?" He tilted his head back slightly, glass swirling in his hand. You sipped your drink and stood to face him, confidence growing. You could see his attraction towards you, and you decided to go with it.
"Since you decided to try and seduce your student... Sir." He swallowed hard, the game clearly up, watching you take a step towards him. Your bodies inches apart, he brought his hand up to rest on your hip, pulling you that little bit closer.
"Probably shouldn't have put kisses on a text to your teacher, then, should you.."
"Probably shouldn't have given me your phone number then, should you.." the air was hot now, your bodies touching gently, your breathing becoming deeper. You brought your hands to his chest, over his shoulders, and he quickly spun you round so you were now sat on his desk. His lips found yours and he ground his hips against your core, your legs parted allowing him access, skirt hitched up to your waist.
"I've wanted you since that first day... Fuck y/n you're beautiful... Sexy... Smart..." He kissed your neck between each word, breathing becoming hot and heavy. Suddenly stopping, he kissed your lips before making his way to the door, turning the key in the lock, before coming back to finish what you started. Unbuttoning your blouse and opening it, his hand snaked around your breasts, underneath the black lace bra. Groaning slightly, he moved his hands lower, down your abdomen.
"Leave as much on as possible... I'm taking you on this desk, right now.. you okay with that?"
"Like I said sir, I don't know if you'll be able to keep up with me.." your leg pushed him away slightly as you stood up, pushing him against the wall. You sank to your knees, taking his trousers and boxer shorts down with them, his cock springing up, twitching, begging for attention. Gasping, he watched you lick a circle around the swollen head, down the shaft, before taking one of his balls into your mouth and sucking lightly. His hand in your hair now, pulling it gently as he groaned. You continued teasing him with your tongue, before taking the tip of his cock into your mouth, giving it a hard suck, releasing it with a pop, sending his head back against the wall.
"Fuck... Take it y/n.. take it down..." You smiled, before sinking your mouth over his cock, all the way down the back of your throat, groaning into it sending shockwaves through him.
"Lets see how much you can take..." You sucked harder, not giving him time to react. Moving your head quickly up and down his shaft, you felt your core begin to leak, you'd never felt as turned on in your life as you did right now. You felt his legs start to shake...
"Yes.. fuck yes... Feels so good baby... Suck it... Harder.. god fuck yes..." His balls tightened, you could feel him trying to pull back but you held him firm with your hands on his hips, willing him to empty into you. "I'm gonna... You might... Jesus.... Fuck...." He came hard, gripping your hair for support as he came hard, you felt his cum shoot in the back of your throat and swallowed as much as you could, some of it spilling down your chin. You pulled your mouth away, holding your mouth slightly open so he could see his cum on your tongue before swallowing it back down.
"That was... My god... Fuck y/n..."
"Oh you will sir, you definitely will. I'm not done with you yet.." you stood up and sat back on the desk, legs parted again to reveal your core to him, completely bare. He didn't see you remove your underwear while you were sucking him, but he wasn't complaining. Gathering himself, he moved to stand between your legs and pulled your lips to his, kissing you passionately, tasting a little of himself in the process and feeling surprisingly aroused from it. He moved his mouth down to your core, running his tongue along your open slot painfully slowly.
"Cillian... Please... Need to cum...."
"You will, baby, oh you will..." You moved your hands to his soft, floppy hair and pulled his face where you needed it. He loved you taking control and took your clit with his tongue, pressing it, rolling it around his tongue as he felt you begin to shake. You lifted a leg onto the desk to give him better access, and he inserted two fingers inside you, tipping them up to meet your g spot deep inside, emitting a sharp cry from you as you three your head back.
"Yes!!! Oh god yes... Right there... Fuck!!" Your hips were involuntarily rolling against his face now, riding his tongue as he brought you more pleasure than you thought was possible. Within minutes, your orgasm was building, and sensing it, he pumped his fingers harder against that one spot that was making you see stars. Three pumps and you came hard against his face, liquid flowing from you like a waterfall, hitting the floor underneath you as you screamed Cillians name. He leaned back on his ankles, watching you coming undone, smiling. Once you'd caught your breath, your eyes fell onto his his.
"Feeling proud of yourself there Mr Murphy?" You smiled. He stood between your thighs again.
"Extremely. But I'm not done with you yet. Turn around y/n." His blue eyes darker now. Your core throbbed, knowing what was coming. Standing up, turning round, you bent over his desk, his hands parting your legs. Taking a condom from his bag behind him, you heard the packet rip open and you rotated your hips, teasing him. He groaned deeply as he started to push his length into you, inch by inch.
"Ohh... Oh god..." You weren't ready for his size, you legs parting as much as possible. Inch by inch he pushed, allowing you to adjust, before bottoming out, his balls resting near your still throbbing clit.
"I'm gonna fuck you hard against this desk, y/n... You're gonna take every thrust like the good girl you are..." You bucked your hips up and he responded by pulling his cock nearly out, and thrusting back in powerfully enough to make you scream his name. Picking up the pace, he leaned over to grab your hair in his hand, giving it a sharp tug as he thrust into you from behind over and over, relentlessly.
"Harder... Cillian harder!!! Fucking... Oh god yes!!!" Loving the sound of your cries and the feel of your pussy contracting around his cock, he knew you were close to another orgasm.
"Rub yourself... Rub your clit baby, make yourself cum for me..." You reached a hand round to your core and found that bundle of nerves. Circling it hard, your orgasm built up again and you swore you saw stars.
"Good girl.... That's it baby... Let it go, I've got you... Let it go...." That was all you needed to hear. You came hard, and he couldn't hold back once he felt your walls contracting round him. "I'm... Oh y/n yes... Yes!" He stilled, you felt his cock pulsate, filling the condom. Both of you breathless, he fell forwards resting against your back.
He pulled out gently, pulling the condom off and disposing of it in the bin, he chuckled slightly.
"Remind me to empty the bin before we leave... I don't think the cleaner will expect to see that in there in the morning!" You laughed too, standing up to face him.
"That was incredible... Just amazing..." You rested your head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your hair gently.
"I enjoyed that too y/n.. and I'd really like to see you again, if you'll let me?"
"I'd like that..." You smiled. You'd convinced yourself if anything happened it would probably be a one time thing, I mean he was a famous actor, what would he want with you? You had no illusions going into this.
"My teaching finishes here in 2 weeks - what do you say I take you out for dinner when it's done?"
"Sounds like a plan Cillian. But am I supposed to stay away until then?"
"Definitely not, y/n, we've still got a few 1-2-1 sessions to squeeze in before I leave..." He leaned down to kiss you, pushing you back against the desk again. His erection pressing against your core again. "It would appear I'm able to keep up after all y/n..."
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royallyjoon · 4 years
nephilim (quatre)
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you know where the cred goes 💙
cult au, supernatural creature au
yandere! ot7 x f! reader
warnings: yandere themes, violence, manipulation
undoubtedly, the boys have opened their arms and hearts to you. but have you done the same? life has only gotten more stressful for you, and the closer you find yourself getting to them, the more you feel as though you are changing, and the more you push yourself away. you refuse to break. never forget: one’s hubris could be their hamartia. forge your lonely path with conviction. after all, it may not be yours for much longer. the victor or the fallen--exactly who is it that stands to lose the most?
For a long time now, you had feared that your relatively peaceful days in Ichabod were coming to an end, and recent events only further proved your point. 
Mana’s forewarning carried its weight well, as Aemilia seemed dead set on making an enemy of you. She went from hardly acknowledging your existence to cursing it. 
She would never lift a finger to do her dirty work, oh no, for how could the delicate Augustus princess stoop so low as to take the garbage out herself?
No, she used her puppets Brooklyn, Constance, and whoever else she managed to sink her claws into in the student body to torment you. 
They tripped you in the halls, stole your belongings, and essentially made it difficult for you to bleed into the background like you used to.
Luckily for you, you happened to gain some formidable allies.
Mana was there to tell Aemilia’s lackeys to back down, and they wouldn’t dare approach you with Jimin around. And he happened to be around more often than not, strangely enough.
The three of you managed to form a strange alliance during this time. Your best friend was still extremely cautious around Jimin and his siblings, as were you, but they had gotten somewhat closer, which made you glad. You didn’t want to be the bridge between them, as you thought that would be tiring and more than you could already handle. 
Still, the two were only human. They wouldn’t always be there to defend you. Nevertheless, you were quite capable of defending yourself. 
You didn’t give Aemilia the satisfaction of breaking under her pressure. You held your head up high despite the amounts of rumors flying around the school about you, even if they made you want to split your own skull open. 
The student body, in part, was divided. Half of them wanted nothing to do with you, considering how you were associated with both the Augustuses and the Kims. They were wary of your actions, claiming you were steps away from meeting Wylynne herself. 
The other half whispered about how tired they were of Aemilia’s antics and tantrums, given that this was not the first time she had behaved like this toward another student. 
Two weeks passed by, and neither you nor Aemilia was giving in. The strawberry blonde was beside herself, and so were her poor friends. Every day that she failed to teach you a lesson was another day she went raving mad in private.
Soon enough, her patience would snap. She would find herself going over the tipping point, but the question remains: Who would stand to lose the most when she got there?
It was another stressful day for you at Ichabod Academy as you sat in your lively homeroom. 
Mana rested on your desk, laying their head on their arms. You figured they would be uncomfortable, considering the way their body was twisted around in their seat, but your friend was drifting off without a care in the world. 
You slumped in your chair, looking every bit as done with life as you had recently felt. There was so much you had to be on the lookout for, and today was no different. 
You blinked tiredly and looked at your best friend. You then decided to lay your head on top of Mana’s, who did nothing more than let out a grunt, and closed your eyes in an attempt to get some rest as well.
When Jimin returned from the restroom, he internally cooed at the sight. 
Your head started rocking back and forth as it tilted dangerously on top of Mana’s. Ensuring he wouldn’t wake you, the boy sat you up and leaned your body on him so that your head was resting on his shoulder. 
He smiled down at you in relief. Your classmates took note of his treatment and started to whisper about the two of you, but one look from him and the room quieted.
Unfortunately for you, the peace was short lived. There was a loud crackling over the intercom that shook both you and Mana awake. 
They sat up and glared at their surroundings in annoyance. You opened your eyes in a flash, desperately hoping it wasn’t your first period teacher. 
“Don’t worry, Ms. Diivi isn’t here yet.” Jimin reassured you. “It was just the intercom.”
You nodded in thanks and covered your yawn with the back of your hand.
There was some more crackling and finally, your principal began to speak. 
“Good afternoon, students. I apologize for the interruption, but this is urgent.  Constance Pierre is to report to the principal’s office immediately. I repeat, Constance Pierre to the principal’s office. Thank you for your attention, and please continue about your day.”
You squinted in confusion. 
Constance has never been called to the principal’s office before in her entire life. Even when she was causing trouble for you and other students, the teachers paid no mind and others were too afraid to report her. What could have happened?
The sound of feet pounding against the floor got closer and closer until you could hear it outside your classroom door. A blonde blur passed the room, disappearing as fast as it had come.
“Pierre...why does that name sound familiar?” You murmured to yourself.
“It’s the name of the freshman that went missing.” Mana said as they stretched. “Chance Pierre, I think.”
Your eyes widened in understanding.
“He was-is Constance’s little brother.” They corrected their statement.
Jimin glanced at your shocked expression and suppressed a dry laugh.
Quite frankly, he could care less about the Pierre family. Constance has been nothing but a nuisance to him and his brother.
He’d been willing to overlook the rumors of how annoyingly outstanding and clever the freshman was because he knew his little brother would always be better. 
But after the blonde went so far as to start pestering you, he used the information he’d gathered against Chance in its opportune moment. And he had no regrets.
You snuck a peek at Jimin and saw a familiar, cold decisiveness plastered on his face. It was the only expression you’d been seeing from him for a while now. Any time someone brought up the missing student, Jimin would go frostily silent. 
It reminded you of the difference between the two of you, just like his reaction--or lack thereof--the morning of Chance’s disappearance had.
You figured he was just uncomfortable talking about the situation and was carefully avoiding it, just as he had with you and Mana that first day you spent lunch together.
At least it wasn’t Mom or Mana, you thought to yourself.
“They must’ve finally found him.” You commented, distracted by your incoming thoughts.
Aemilia’s family is specifically in charge of hunting down anyone who can be perceived as a “threat” to the Kim family. Brooklyn Hayes and Constance Pierre, however, acquired social immunity for themselves and their families as the girls are so close.
Or so you thought.
Constance’s disheveled appearance the morning Chance went missing made much more sense, then. She was worried sick about her little brother, and one of her closest friends didn’t even bother warning her or her family. 
You shuddered. Just how many people would Aemilia sacrifice? How far would she go, just for her sick sense of what was right?
You had no intention of finding out.
By lunch time, the rest of the school had heard exactly what happened to poor Chance Pierre.
The fourteen year old boy was deposited in the family’s living room, returned out of the blue just like all of those who came before him. 
His mother had stepped out for a short moment to go grocery shopping and returned to find her bloody mess of a son, who she then quickly rushed to the hospital.
He was covered in bruises, had a broken arm and leg, several broken ribs, and permanent blindness in his left eye. All things considered, he is one of the lucky ones.
His family was just grateful that he was returned to them still breathing.
Whatever the message was, the Pierre family had received it loud and clear. And so had the rest of the town.
No one is allowed to leave Ichabod. Not without being stopped by Death herself. 
Another school day had come to an end, and you walked out the building with Mana and Jimin at your side. 
Seeing how the end of the month was coming up, you and Jimin decided that it would be best if you went over to his house to work on the project again. The beginning of the presentations were not far off and it was about time you completed your research.
It didn’t take long to convince your mother. The both of you found it easier for you to go over to the Kim residence than to ask Jimin if he could come to your home.
You sat on a granite bench outside of the entrance. Mana stood on your left, leaning up against the wall and Jimin sat to your right, perched on the bench. 
You were waiting for Driver Bin and Mr. Waye to show up when you heard a familiar voice call out.  
“(Y/N)! Jimin hyung!” You watched as Taehyung came running out the school doors, Jungkook trailing calmly behind him.
You waved at the two and gave them a tired smile. Taehyung made himself comfortable on Jimin’s lap as Jungkook stood along the wall near Mana.
“Did you have a good day, (Y/N)?” Taehyung hummed, eyes teeming with concern.
“Yeah, it was fine.” You said, struggling to actually mean that statement. 
Mana gave you a knowing look and huffed out a laugh under their breath.
It’s not as though you almost had your things stolen twice in one day.
This morning, Hoseok saw you chasing a junior who was running away with some of your notebooks and folders in hand. 
His charming smile dropped and he gave her a grim look. All he had to do was extend his hand and she placed the items in his palm, which he then promptly returned to you.
Then one of your classmates stole your laptop while you were at lunch in an effort to wipe the thing. Had it not been for Namjoon walking into the library and catching them in the act, you surely would have lost all of your information. 
Thankfully, he safely retrieved your laptop from your classmate. You made a new password for all of your devices and resolved to never let your bag out of your sight again.
“I’m glad you’re coming over again, though! Maybe we’ll get to watch a movie or play some games together.” He flashed you a boxy grin and you sent him a small smile in return.
“Jungkookie’s got loads of games,” Jimin added, peeking his head out from behind Taehyung. “He’s such a hoarder, he rarely lets us play with him. I’m sure he’d let you, though.”
Jungkook punched Jimin in the shoulder, looking at the ground in embarrassment. “Hyung, what are you saying...”
 “Yeah, that sounds nice.” You sighed absentmindedly. “I could do with a break from school and homework for like, the next month.”
The youngest brother flushed, peeking up at you through his bangs. “If you wanted to, I’d be happy to play with you.” He mumbled as he smiled.
“Oh, there’s Driver Bin!” Taehyung called, hopping up and pulling you and Jimin to your feet. 
You hugged Mana goodbye as the black van pulled up to the curb. Just as you turned to follow Jimin, however, someone knocked their shoulder into yours. 
“Oh, sweetie. You should really watch where you’re going.”
Brooklyn stood in your path with her arms crossed. Over her shoulder, you saw Aemilia and Constance standing a short distance away.  They looked as though they were about to make their way towards Aemilia’s family’s car. 
Of course, she could have just walked around you, but why would she ever let you off easy? 
The strawberry blonde wore a satisfied smile and she leaned over to whisper something in the ear of a haggard Constance. Constance merely blinked and nodded in response. 
You smiled at the girl in front of you. “Of course. It was all my mistake. I’m so sorry, Brooklyn.”
You stepped closer as though you were going to confront her and grabbed her arm, pulling her toward you before she could step back.
She fought against you but that only made you grip her arm tighter. You could feel your nails start to dig into her skin.
 “I’m sorry that you’re nothing more than a means to an end.” You murmured in her ear.
The brunette stilled.
“I’m sorry Aemilia couldn’t care less about you or your family.”  You continued, speaking in a low voice. “I’m sorry that your so called friend sees you as mere disposable goods, or should I say...a useful little puppet?”
You released your grip on her arm, bringing your hand up to her shoulder instead and giving it a few consoling pats. “Didn’t your little sister just get the lead role in the school play? I would hate for you to be the next Constance...”
You looked toward the blonde just to emphasize your point and Brooklyn’s eyes followed your gaze.
Constance was staring, unseeing, at the ground, nervously clinging to Aemilia like a lifeline. She was strangely quiet and obedient...like a dog in fear of disobeying its master.
Brooklyn looked back and forth between you, Aemilia, and Constance in utter shock. You sent her one more sympathetic look before moving around her to follow the Kims into their car.
The remaining students whispered, wondering about what you said and in the corner of your eye, you saw Mana tilt their head inquisitively. You knew they had questions, questions you would have to answer later.
You bowed in greeting to Mr. Bin and entered the car behind Jimin like last time, Namjoon going in after you.
Mr. Bin closed the door and walked around to the other side of the vehicle in preparation to leave.
“I’ve never seen Brooklyn look so shocked,” Taehyung said from the backseat. He put his hands on the headrest behind you and poked his head around it. “What did you tell her?”
You shrugged. “Something that could hopefully put her life in a different perspective.”
“I don’t know how you deal with those girls, (Y/N).” Jimin said. “Aren’t you tired of the tricks Aemilia’s playing?”
“Don’t you just want to get rid of them, once and for all?” Taehyung asked, tone darkening.
You shrugged. “For whatever reason, she’s currently obsessed with me-”
The reason being all of you-
“-and of course I want her to stop, but I would never give her the satisfaction of letting her think she won. She’s petty, and a bully.”
You texted your mother an update on your location and locked your phone, looking up at your classmates. “She just needs a reality check. I’d be happy to give it to her every now and then.”
Part of you felt like trying to care for Brooklyn was pointless, especially after the way she treated you. The other part of you felt you were killing two birds with one stone--you were opening her eyes and isolating Aemilia in one go.
While Namjoon and Hoseok nodded in understanding, the rest of the boys couldn’t help but worry. 
They all followed Namjoon’s advice religiously in fear of scaring you away. But what if your independence only made it harder for them to be able to be there for you? What if you never came to them on your own for assistance?
...They would simply have to make it so that you had no other choice, would they not?
But the circumstances were not yet that dire, so for now, you had nothing to fear.
The ride into the woods was pleasantly silent, and this time you made sure you didn’t fall asleep.
All too soon, Mr. Bin drove the van past the wrought-iron gate and up the impressive driveway. You weren’t as nervous as you were your first time visiting their residence, but you still had your guard up.
The boys bound up the wooden steps and opened the front door, piling into their home. You entered last, quietly closing the door behind you. 
As you were taking off your shoes, you spied a pair of nude slides next to all of the black ones.
Jungkook noticed you looking at them and smiled. “Mother prepared them for you. She saw you wearing hyung’s pair the last time you came over and ordered them after you left with your mom.”
“That’s so kind of her,” you said, slightly in awe. “I’ll be sure to express my thanks.”
You never thought you’d reach the day where Mrs. Kim would welcome you so readily into her home, but here you stood corrected. 
“(Y/N), let’s go!” Jimin called to you from the stairway.
“Coming!” You lay your shoes at the door, slid your feet into the slippers, and went to catch up with him, climbing upstairs. 
The library had hardly changed since you were gone. The shelves were just as dusty and dilapidated as before, and the couch was just as comfortable.
You maintained a safe distance away from Jimin this time as well so he wouldn’t get the opportunity to pull any tricks.
You spent the majority of the afternoon on writing the paper together, as you both had agreed. A few hours later, you finished and decided to get a head start on the presentation.
“‘The strength of a Nephilim depends on which angelic order their parent hails from,’” You read out to Jimin as he added to your shared document from his laptop. 
“‘The sheer majority, however, were parented by those in the third sphere. This was the lowest order consisting of the angels most concerned with the affairs of humans: Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.’”
“Got it.” He claimed, typing out a couple more sentences. “I think we have enough for the background information, but Mrs. Hargrove also wants us to discuss the religions they come from, their abilities and their weaknesses.”
You hummed. “Angels are mentioned in a multitude of religions, but Nephilim are really only mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, according to sources.”
“So that question shouldn’t be so difficult to answer,” He smiled, marking it. 
“Nephilim are really strong,” you said from behind the book cover, fascinated by the information it held. “They appear as ordinary humans on the outside but possess celestial powers bestowed upon them by their angelic parent. They’re faster and stronger than ordinary humans, and are excellent at reading people.” 
Jimin took the book from you and glanced further down in the book to see if he could find more specific powers for your project. 
“Oh, I found something here.” 
You opened your laptop and prepared to type as he read. 
“It says Nephilim possess super strength, longevity, the power of flight, healing abilities, teleportation, telepathy, angelic wrath, illusions, the ability to drain someone’s life force, and telekinesis.” He raised his eyebrow in awe. 
You chuckled as your hands raced to keep up with his words. “Illusions, the ability to drain someone’s life force, and what?”
“Telekinesis, the ability to move things with your mind.” He said. 
“I could use that all the time--like, the other day, I was waiting in front of the student council room to return the uniform I borrowed.” 
You recounted the story for Jimin as he peeked up at you. You were too engrossed in typing, however, to notice his gaze.  “I could have sworn the door was locked, but then Namjoon appeared and it unlocked without him pulling out a key or anything. He just flicked his wrist and open sesame.”
Jimin unabashedly stared at you, a small smile on his face. You always noticed the littlest things about them and it made his heart pound for you a little harder.
“Namjoon hyung always comes in at the coolest moments,” he replied, looking down at what you’d managed to gather so far. “So, we have the powers and where they come from. I think we found a section on their weaknesses the other day.”
“Yeah, it sounds like their main weakness is original sin, or the innate tendency to sin, all humans receive once they’re born.” You thought back to the section you and Jimin read before. “Because they’re part human and part angel, they are constantly at war with themselves and the human side typically wins.”
“Do you think that’s a bad thing?” Jimin asked. 
You closed your laptop. “...What do you mean?”
Jimin shifted, tucking his legs underneath him. “I mean, they’re celestial beings. They have cosmic powers at their disposal, access to the heavens, and everything they could have wanted. But they have a choice to throw it away, to sin, for...whatever the reason may be.” He muttered, glancing aside at the carpet. “If they gave it up, do you think they would have made the right decision?”
You paused for a moment, eyeing the shadows nearby branches cast on the library windows. “It think it depends on the person and what they’re sinning for. Whether they were doing it for their own self interest, or to protect a loved one-”
“What if they were doing it because they loved someone?” Jimin interrupted, eyes widened in curiosity.
Your eyes left the window as you turned to face him. “I would admire their dedication. And it’s not as though they lose their abilities when they fall from grace. I only wish that person would be worth it, and that they’re happy.” 
You smiled wistfully. “An angel losing their wings to love someone for the rest of their life. What a sad, beautiful thing. ’Tis the plight of being human, I suppose. They’re really not that different from us--besides the celestial gifts, of course.”
Jimin grinned and hummed in agreement. 
As always, only you could understand them perfectly.
You stood up from the couch and brushed off the back of your skirt. “Uh, Jimin, could you please tell me where the bathroom is?”
He smiled. “Yeah! You just make a left at the corner, then a right, then another right, and there should be a guest room with a bathroom in it.”
You zoned into and out of your thoughts momentarily and blinked, smiling and nodding at him. “Thanks.”
Perhaps Jimin told you the directions incorrectly, or you made a left when you should have made a right, but there was no doubt about it. You were lost. There was no bathroom where he stated there was, and you’d been wandering around the third floor for several minutes now with no clue as to where it was.
“Damn this house.” You muttered under your breath. “Only seven people live here, why is it so big?”
You finally came upon what looked like a guest room, one that hopefully had a bathroom inside, when you heard two voices speaking from the behind the partially open door. 
“Seriously. You need to be more careful with these sorts of things.” The first voice said, deep and mature.
You stopped in your tracks immediately.
“It’s not like I wanted this to happen.” the second one spoke. Their voice was much lower and raspier than the first. 
“Of course you didn’t. That’s why you should pay more attention when doing your work.” The first voice nagged and you heard someone hiss.
“Ah, it’s fine. It was worth it. Still, thanks for patching me up, hyung.”
You were stuck near the crack in the door, too afraid to move in fear of being heard. 
“Whatever. You’re too reckless. Maybe this’ll teach you a lesson.”
“Oh, come on. How was I supposed to know that the kid would make such a-”
“Stop talking.” The first voice stated, sounding much lower than it had before. 
Your eyes shook at the sudden silence and you whipped around to look at the hallway, quickly searching for a place to hide.
About two steps behind you, there was a five foot long indent in the wall, courtesy of the prominent display of a large painting.
You risked it and threw yourself backward, stepping as quietly onto the wood as you could before throwing your back up against the indent, facing away from the room. 
And not a moment too soon, as you heard the door fly open the second you were hidden from view. You sunk to the floor in a crouch.
“What’s wrong, hyung?” You could hear the younger’s voice sound from the room much clearer now.
You sucked yourself as tightly into the corner as you could.
There was no response from the older and you strained your ears for a sign, a hint, anything.
Breathing felt too loud, swallowing felt too loud, the brush of your clothes against your neck as you turned your head felt too loud. Everything was deafening.
Please don’t find me, please don’t find me, please don’t find me-
There was the slow, soft padding of feet on the wooden floor. You trembled as it got closer and closer to where you sat. 
In the corner of your eye, you could see a socked foot, inches away from where you hid.
“Jin hyung!”
Your savior, none other than Jimin, appeared at the end of the hallway, yelling in excitement.
You know he saw you, of course he saw you. It was impossible not to coming from his direction. You cast your eyes down, praying he wouldn’t reveal your presence.
He grinned as he ran towards the man. 
“You came back early!” The younger boy tackled him in a hug, wrapping his legs around him. 
The force drove the man back several steps and he grunted, his foot disappearing from your sight. “Jimin, you’re getting a bit too old for this, don’t you think?”
“Yes, but I know you’ll always carry me, hyung.” You heard him giggle. 
“What are you doing up here?” The other voice asked, joining the other two in the hallway. You remained where you sat, not moving an inch. 
“Yoongi hyung! You came back too!”
He scoffed. “Of course I did.”
“Answer his question first, Jimin ah.” You heard the elder comment in a much warmer voice than the threatening tone you heard behind the door. 
“I was in the library working on a project with my classmate. She had to use the bathroom but she never came back, so I came looking for her.”
You blinked rapidly, staring at the wooden floor in front of you.
There was a pause. 
“Have either of you seen her?” Jimin asked.
“...No, we haven’t.” The deep and mature voice, which you now matched to the eldest brother, replied. 
“I’ll just keep looking, then. But you should head downstairs. Father will be home soon, he’ll be pleased to know you’re here!”
Due to the series of complaints you then heard, it sounded as though Jimin took both of his brothers by the wrist and led them to the stairway down the other side of the hallway. 
You waited in that spot for several moments, until you couldn’t hear anything but the wind blowing up against the walls. Once you ensured that they were gone, you ran back down the hallway you came, bladder be damned.
Of course. How could you have possibly forgotten Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s two eldest children?
Kim Yoongi and Kim Seokjin.
Had you not moved when you did, and had Jimin not interfered when he had, you might have...no, you surely would have lost your life in that instant.
You made it back to the library, quickly and quietly opening the door before rushing in.
Jimin still hadn’t returned, so no one was there to see you fly over to the couch and plop down to sit. You tried to catch your breath to slow the pounding of your heart.
Kim Yoongi and Kim Seokjin. You were almost caught eavesdropping on their conversation.
You had never wanted to purge your memory more than in that exact moment.
What if they suspect I heard everything? What if they have the Augustuses’ people capture me for it? It couldn’t have been that important--it sounded like they were just patching up wounds. Maybe one of them got into a fight? Surely this wouldn’t be enough to warrant such violence. Even they have limits, yes? Then again, when did they ever need a reason to-
The library doors flew open and you flinched, looking up at them only to sigh in relief.
“(Y/N), there you are! Did you find the bathroom alright?”
Jimin’s eyes twinkled playfully as he smiled at you. You restrained yourself from cursing at or hitting him in anger and relief, choosing instead to let out a deep sigh.
“Yeah,” you stated quietly. “It was fine.”
At that moment you received a text from your mother stating that she was downstairs.
"My mom says she’s here. I guess it’s time for me to go.” You stated, beginning to pack your laptop and notebooks away.
“Sure! I’ll come downstairs with you.” He smiled and turned away from you to return The Word of the Lost to its proper shelf.
“Thanks,” you whispered, then zipped your bag up.
Jimin was already gliding away toward the back of the library, the leather bound book in hand, but he still managed to hear you. He didn’t respond, but he smirked triumphantly.
You accepted his silence as a “You’re welcome” and took the moment to fix your composure. When you were both ready, he led the way downstairs.
“My eldest sons have finally returned home!” You heard Kim Moonsik cheer from the living room. 
His tone, usually melancholic and oily, was much lighter today. You surmised that even his mood could be improved by the sight of his family.
He sat on one of the two settees while his two oldest sons perched on the long, gray couch in front of him. 
They both had black hair and dark eyes, like their brothers and parents. One was casually dressed in a large black hoodie and black sweatpants, while the other looked comfortable in a neutral toned sweater and slacks.
The one sitting on the left rolled his eyes. “I don’t understand why you had hyung drag me here a week earlier than necessary, Father. It isn’t that big of a deal.”
Kim Yoongi was notorious for his rebellious attitude. You had heard that since his days at Ichabod Academy, he never listened to authority figures--his classmates were afraid of him and his teachers let him do as he please. The only time he would adhere to rules and tradition was at the required monthly meetings, for obvious reasons.
“On the contrary,” The older man chuckled. “Every time you come home is cause for occasion, my prodigal son.”
“Have some sympathy for me here.” The eldest drawled with his arms crossed. “I get a headache every time I’m forced to drag you home with me.”
Kim Seokjin, on the other hand, was an entertainer. He would lower people’s defenses with a friendly expression and a joke. The citizens of Ichabod found him much more agreeable and respectable as Mayor Kim’s eldest son. They thought him harmless. They fawned over him and Namjoon, praising the mayor for how well he’d raised them in terms of respect and diplomacy.
They were fools. For even now, you could see it as he lounged back relaxedly in his seat: Kim Seokjin may be considered kind and polite, but he was by no means harmless. 
“Do you want me to bring you some medicine?” Jimin piped up from beside you on the stairs, drawing the three’s attention. 
You could feel the college students’ gaze burning into the side of your face.
You kept your facial expression neutral and descended the stairs behind Jimin, who skipped down the rest of them. 
“Who’s this?” You heard Yoongi question.
“This is my classmate, (Y/N). She’s the person I was looking for earlier,” Jimin said, seating himself in between his older brothers.
You bowed toward them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
Seokjin smiled and reached out his hand. You extended yours, expecting a handshake. 
He held it, turned it over, and pressed his lips to the back of it. “The pleasure is all ours.” 
Yoongi smirked as you took your hand back, fighting a blush. “How lovely it is to make your acquaintance.”
“Thank you, you too. It’s nice to see you again as well, Mr. Kim.” You addressed the older man.
“You also, (Y/N) dear. I’m simply ecstatic you took up our invitation.” Mayor Kim said, the usual, passionate fire in his eyes blazing. 
You fought back a shudder. 
“You know the entire town needs to be present, Yoongi ah.” Mr. Kim continued the conversation from before. “You’re no exception.”
“I never said I was,” the second oldest retorted. “I just prefer to spend less of my break here.”
“How’s everything at school, Jiminie?” Seokjin asked as Jimin wrapped his arms around his midsection, skillfully redirecting the subject matter.
“Strange, as usual.” He mumbled, hesitantly looking up at you. 
“I heard the police finally found the Pierre boy,” Mr. Kim added, and you suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable in the presence of this conversation.
Where’s my mother? Weren’t we supposed to be leaving?
“Yes, we heard about it at lunch.” Jimin said. His tone when speaking to his father wasn’t as clipped or standoffish as it was when he was speaking to his mother; rather, it was more lackadaisical. “Right, (Y/N)?”
All four heads spun to you, still standing in the middle of the living room. 
“Why are you standing there looking so stiff?” Seokjin sent you a sinister smile. “Come join us.”
This was the last place you wanted to be, but you had no choice in the matter. You smiled awkwardly and shuffled to the empty settee. 
Before you could sit down, however, Jimin jumped up and pulled you to the couch, seating you in his old spot between his brothers. He then claimed the spot on the other side of Seokjin.
You stiffened and relaxed in a second, praying to everything that you didn’t look as uncomfortable as you felt.
The atmosphere was stifling. You couldn’t breathe.
“It’s a shame what happened to him, truly.” Mr. Kim continued, humming in sympathy. “I sincerely hope something like that doesn’t have to happen again.”
How dare he sit here and act as though he had nothing to do with it? What happened to Chance Pierre was his fault! You unconsciously balled your fist in your lap.
“I’m sure everyone will take this lesson to heart, Father.” Seokjin consoled him. “May they never underestimate the power of Wylynne’s grace again.”
“She is holy and forgiving, but some actions need to be punished, yes.” Yoongi added from your right with a cruel smirk. “Praise Wylynne.”
“Praise Wylynne.” Jimin nodded, eyes twinkling with amusement.
It suddenly occurred to you that you were the only one left who had not spoken. When you raised your eyes to meet with the others’, indeed, they were waiting for your response.
“...Praise Wylynne.” You smiled. False religion or not, there was no way you would be testing your luck in front of the divine priest and his sons.
Mr. Kim nodded in approval, then broke out into a laugh. “Wise, hardworking, and devoted; like mother, like daughter. Wylynne surely smiles upon the women of the (L/N) family.”
You laughed awkwardly. “Thank you, Mr. Kim.”
“Will your mother be arriving to get you soon?” Mr. Kim asked you.
“It was to my knowledge that she was already here-”
Your head spun toward the sound of your mother’s voice and found her standing in the entryway next to Kim Eunbyul. She wore navy blue scrubs today and her hair was pulled back into a bun with a few loose strands in the front. 
You had thought right. The two were a vision next to each other.
Mrs. Kim walked over, bringing your mother with her. “I apologize for the wait--(M/N) and I were having the most delightful conversation. (Y/N) my dear, how are you?”
She sat next to her husband on one settee and your mother took a seat on the other, empty one. 
This was your second time seeing Mrs. Kim, yet you still could not get over her beauty. She wore another silk housedress, a muslin scarf draped behind her back and over her inner arms. 
Her elegance was neither ostentatious nor arrogant. She demanded respect but gave it in return. 
She had what Aemilia desperately sought after but could never possess.
You nodded with a smile, bowing slightly. “Good evening, Mrs. Kim. I’m fine, thanks for worrying. And thank you so much for the sandals, I really appreciate you going out of your way for me.”
The former actress waved her hand lightly as she laughed. “It was no trouble at all!”
She took your hands in hers and looked down at her feet. “Besides, we match!” Following her gaze, your eyes widened. Indeed, you both had the same style and brand of slippers on.
“Thank you so much for the welcoming her so warmly, Mrs. Kim.” Your mother smiled. 
“Of course.” She assured. “Think nothing of it. I already think of you both as family.”
Your heart warmed a bit and you smiled in response to her words, for you already greatly admired Mrs. Kim. To think that she had taken a liking to both you and your mother...
It was then that the rest of the brothers trekked downstairs in curiosity, then heartily grinned once they realized their oldest brothers had arrived.
“How about we let the kids step aside so us adults can talk properly, hmm?” Mrs. Kim suggested, taking her husband’s hand.
Mr. Kim grinned and squeezed her hand in response. “A wonderful idea, love.”
The boys then quickly pulled you away from the main couches, moving your discussion toward the glass windows. 
You looked back at your mom a couple of times while the brothers greeted each other before focusing on the conversation at hand.
The eight of you stood in a circle near the windows, and you were currently stuck between Jungkook and Seokjin. 
“The other day, (Y/N) said she really liked your interior designing, Jin hyung.” Hoseok piped up. “She said she thought the living room was lovely.”
“Did she? She must have impeccable taste.” He playfully winked at you.
You smiled weakly. “Thank you. I really admire what you’ve done with the space.”
Yoongi, across from you, leaned against the glass. “How is everything at the academy these days?” He asked. 
You hesitated to answer then directed your gaze to the floor thinking the question was not meant for you. When you didn’t hear any of the other boys speak, you looked up and found six sets of eyes on you.
Their gazes were so focused and intense, as if you would break or disappear the moment they looked away. You shifted your eyes.
“It’s not the easiest, but isn’t that what high school is like for everyone?” You grimace-smiled.
“(Y/N)’s being bullied.” Taehyung revealed, draping himself over Jimin’s shoulder. “Aemilia Augustus and her lackeys won’t leave her alone.”
This little-
You whipped your head around to see if your mother had heard anything. Thankfully, Taehyung’s voice was lowered at the time. She seemed engrossed in her discussion with Mrs. Kim. 
“The Augustus princess?” Yoongi asked, interrupting your thoughts. 
“She’s what?” Jin started in surprise, his polite smile turning into a displeased frown. He glanced at Namjoon. The student council president simply nodded in response.
“She has the other kids pester or steal from (Y/N).” Hoseok added, glaring out the window. “The students can hardly stop talking about it.” 
Jungkook gently tugged on your shirt sleeve to get your attention. “If she’ s bothering you--” 
“It’s alright.” You assured them before they could really give Aemilia and her people a reason to go after you. “I’m working it out.”
“And how well is that going?” Namjoon snorted, giving you a knowing look.
You grimaced, locking and unlocking your phone. “...I’m working it out.” You repeated, suddenly fascinated by the wooden floor.
“If she ever gives you a hard time, you let me know.” Yoongi said, holding up his fists. One hand was wrapped in bandages and the other hand was bare, knuckles covered in torn skin and still-healing scabs. “I don’t get these from just lying around, if you catch my drift.”
You gaped at his hands and at the offer. Kim Yoongi? Offering to beat someone up for you? Where had his famous apathetic attitude gone?
“Violence is never the answer, Yoongi ah.” Seokjin replied before you could. He gently took your phone from you while it was unlocked and swiped around until he found your contacts. “If you ever need help, just give us a call. Don’t be afraid to reach out. We’ll always be there.”
You opened and closed your mouth in distress. 
Seokjin pointedly ignored the glare Namjoon was sending his way. 
He was jealous of his younger brothers, who got to see and speak with you every day. Earlier, he’d been in the middle of healing and wrapping Yoongi’s injury when he saw your shadow outside the door. 
He’d barely been able to hold himself back from ripping you out your hiding spot and pulling you into his arms. But then all of their progress would have been for naught. 
So he allowed Jimin to drag him away. 
But not anymore.
He understood that you needed your time and space but, really, their angel shouldn’t be so stubborn around them. 
He held the device out to you and you took it back, observing the six newest additions to your contacts list. He’d taken the time to add not just his number, but the rest of the brothers’ numbers as well.
“Thank you,” You confided with a rare, genuine, and small smile, “really. But I can handle it myself.”
On the outside, some of them nodded while the others frowned at the floor.
On the inside, however, they collectively sighed inside their head, tired of your age old response.
They just wanted you to be able to lean on them, to see them as another option that was always available to you, and only you.
How long was it going to take for you to trust them? How far would they have to go to capture the object of their desire?
Whatever the obstacle, they would surely overcome it. 
Your mother called your name once more and you shouldered your bag, replacing the nude slippers with your school shoes.
“I hope you have a pleasant night,” You said to the brothers, fumbling with your shoes. “I’ll see you in school tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow!” Jimin waved you off with a smile and his brothers and parents chorused farewells behind him.
You both bowed once more to the Kim family and descended the stairs, making as hasty but collected an exit as possible.
“I swear, (Y/N), I lose years off my life every time I come to this house,” your mother murmured once you both sat in the car.
“You know what, Mom? So do I.” You exhaled, slumping down in the front seat. “Drive slowly, won’t you? I might be the one throwing up once we reach the edge of the woods.”
Your mother barked out a laugh and nodded in thanks to Mr. Bin as he opened the gate. 
As you drove away from the Kim family home, you opened your messages and texted Mana, updating them on how you’d nearly lost your life this time.
That night, you ate dinner, cleaned up, finished other assignments, and had an hours long conversation with Mana about Brooklyn and your latest visit to the Kim residence.
The way their eyes bugged out of their head when you told them about how you’d nearly gotten caught made you laugh. Of course, it hadn’t been funny in the moment. Even thinking about it now made you slightly nauseous.
But you went to sleep that night all the same, dreaming once again of haunting, magnificent black wings.
Once the front door of the Kim household closed, Jimin’s cheerful face dropped into a scowl. 
And he was not the only one upset. All seven of them glowered around the room in the aftermath of (Y/N)’s departure.
Kim Eunbyul and Kim Moonsik sat deathly still on the couch, unprepared for whatever was coming.
When someone is explosive with anger, they are destructive. One might break things, they may say harmful words, but for the most part, one takes their anger out in that single moment.
The seven men behind them were different.  
When they were angry, they plotted. The harder it was for them to get what they wanted, the harder they fought. They made sure there would be nothing that could possibly be in their way. 
“We told you to be patient, hyung.” Namjoon broke the angry silence. “Don’t ruin all of our plans with your ineptitude.”
“Isn’t that a little harsh?” Seokjin scoffed. “I put your number in her phone, too. Try being a little grateful.”
“Don’t disrespect your elders, Namjoon.” Hoseok chided, shoving his hands in his pockets. “We told you to put your dog on her leash.”
“You weren’t complaining when Aemilia’s antics gave you opportunities to help (Y/N),” Namjoon sneered. “I loathe her very existence as well, don’t misunderstand me.”
“You should hear the rumors going around at school, Namjoon hyung.” Jungkook frowned. “People are placing bets on how soon Aemilia’s going to destroy her.”
“I know you’re the brains of this operation but if (Y/N) gets hurt, this is not going to end prettily.” Yoongi stated solemnly.
“I won’t let it get to that point.” Namjoon assured.
“Get it together. And keep that girl in line.” Seokjin nodded.
There was a significant reason Eunbyul was so receptive of the (h/c) haired girl and her mother. 
Despite the fact that she really did enjoy your company and was happy to welcome you into their home, she knew what would await her if she ever dared to mistreat you.
You precious thing. You precious, hardheaded, stubborn thing. Why did you not give in to what they wanted? Could you truly not see how much they how much they longed to protect possess be with you?
Perhaps you’ve already started picking up on it, and this was why you wanted to distance yourself from them before it was too late.
You beautiful, foolish thing. It was already far too late.
Eunbyul quivered, squeezing her husband’s hand. Moonsik wore a stony expression on his face, but he squeezed his wife’s hand back with surprising strength. 
When she looked up from her lap, she gasped, for Jungkook was squatting directly in front of her. She felt as though his dark gaze was piercing her soul.
The probability of that very thing happening in this instant was high.
She exhaled and carefully avoided his gaze.
“Mother, Father,” he hummed, “is everything alright? You’re shaking like leaves in the wind.”
“Oh dear.” Taehyung replied, resting his arms on the back of the settee behind them. He tilted his head and frowned down at the two as if they were insects, scurrying around in an attempt to escape their deaths. “That doesn’t sound very good.”
“I’m sure it was just a result of them working so hard.” Seokjin smiled at Moonsik. “I must say, I was impressed.” The elder simply nodded and avoided his gaze.
Namjoon strolled over to Eunbyul’s side of the settee and gently pat the woman on her back. “Your performance today was especially moving, Mother.”
“At least she wasn’t trembling in front of (Y/N) like she did last time,” Jimin kissed his teeth. “Useless woman.”
Hoseok bent over in laughter, the outburst shortening into a light giggle as he joined them by the couches. 
“They work diligently, why not praise them once in a while?” He suggested, suppressing another laugh.
“Like I’ll ever.” Jimin rolled his eyes. “I really hope you know what you’re talking about, Namjoon hyung. I’m going to bed before I feel the need to hit something--or someone.” Jimin glared and bounded back up the stairs.
“It’s alright. We’re fine.” Eunbyul forced out. “Thank you.”
“Yes, you should be. If you weren’t, it would imply you did something wrong.” Yoongi smiled.
“And if you did something wrong,” Jin continued, “...well, we wouldn’t want that, would we?”
She stiffly nodded. 
“Of course not.” Taehyung grinned and pat her head condescendingly. 
“Of course.” Moonshik repeated, willing his hands to stop trembling.
He had never expected this to happen. He never thought he would be living the life that he did.
He had called for power, and he had surely received it, but not in the way he thought he would.
Was the insurmountable power worth the treatment he received in his own home?
Yes. And if he had to repeat it, he would have made the exact same decision. It would surely be worth it. That was what he told himself day in and day out, the prayer he spoke to his god in an attempt to convince himself of the lie.
It would surely be worth it.
“We’re trusting you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim.” 
The Augustus residence was a fairly old building, a beautiful family manor transformed into a modern, affluent home. It stood in the center of the city, as their family used to be the epicenter of society. 
Aemilia found both her home and its location extremely fitting. 
As unfortunate as it would be that she would have to move from this stately home to one in the middle-of-nowhere woods, she was willing to deal with it. She would follow her future husband anywhere, everywhere, if need be.
Usually, the esteemed Augustus home was silent. 
“How could you?” Brooklyn shouted in anger.
But today, those grand old walls whispered in the wind through quite the ruckus.
“The people that work for your family dragged Constance’s little brother out of his home in the middle of the day! They tortured him for two weeks! You knew where he was the whole time, and you didn’t say a thing!” Brooklyn gestured toward their friend. “She came to you for help, and you slammed the door in her face!”
The blonde had stopped talking long ago. She curled herself into a ball and tucked her head into her chest, looking well on the verge of a panic attack. 
The three girls had arrived at Aemilia’s house earlier, prepared to do the usual: finish some homework, study, and binge watch some shows. 
But (Y/N) (L/N)’s words had been ringing inside of Brooklyn’s head all afternoon. 
A means to an end. 
Disposable goods.
A useful little puppet.
She couldn’t take thinking it anymore, so she finally voiced the dreaded question. Brooklyn asked Aemilia what she and Constance meant to her.
The strawberry blonde tilted her head, staying quiet for several minutes. She then grinned and replied,“My ladies in waiting?”
For Wylynne’s sake. She could have at least been less direct than to compare them to literal servants.
Brooklyn erupted at Aemilia, asking her if that’s what she thought years of friendship had amounted to, thus leading them to their current argument.
For whatever reason, it had never occurred to the brunette that Aemilia may be using her. She thought she had broken the barriers the callous girl held for her long ago, but after Constance showed up at Brooklyn’s house in tears, combined with Aemilia’s response to Chance’s disappearance...
Perhaps it was time she seriously reevaluated their “friendship”.
“Don’t you think you could have reassured her that he was alive? Even police officers tell family members when people have been arrested.” Brooklyn glared at the other girl.
“Get real, Brooklyn. This isn’t a stupid police station. This is Ichabod. It’s because we live in Ichabod that Chance broke the law, and received his due punishment.” Aemilia justified coldly.
“A fourteen year old boy in laying in his bed, covered in bruises and permanently blind in one eye. But I need to get real because this is Ichabod, and that somehow makes it okay?” Brooklyn raised her volume, disturbed by how convicted Aemilia was in her reasoning. “How could you possibly think that makes it okay?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Aemilia sneered, “I wasn’t aware that I needed your opinion or approval for my thoughts and actions.”
“That’s exactly the problem! This is about you playing us, using us through your actions! I honestly thought we meant more than that to you!” She snarled in response.
“I don’t see a problem with it,” Aemilia shrugged. “You and Constance used me for popularity and safety, and now you come crying to me, claiming that I can’t use you in return?” She barked out a laugh. “That hardly seems fair. How ungrateful.”
The brunette couldn’t deny the benefits that came along with being close to the strawberry blonde, but for her to twist their entire history and friendship into one of utility? She was beside herself with anger.
“Used you? You think we used you? For what?” She roared. “Your money? Your status? Don’t you think we have those exact same things?” 
Brooklyn Hayes and Constance Pierre were not one’s normal, run of the mill best friends. In fact, they were in extremely similar situations to Aemilia, for their families were also members of the old city elite. 
The Hayes and Pierres had lived in Ichabod for nearly as long as the Augustuses. They may not have had the same amount of prestige that Aemilia lay claim to, but they certainly were not far off.
“You grew up with us and thought we were nothing more than what? Walking labels that strengthened your social status? People you could use to do your bidding?” Brooklyn deadpanned. “We were nothing more than pawns in your game, weren’t we?”
“We didn’t befriend you because of your title or your family, Aemilia. We befriended you because we admired you and your personality. We weren’t the ones that twisted your perception of us into toys, or puppets, or ladies in waiting.” She gave a mirthless smile. “That was all you.”
Aemilia paused, reminiscing on her younger days. In every interaction she ever experienced, she was treated like royalty. At some point, she simply assumed it was natural for everyone to bend to her every whim.
Everyone...except for those two.
They had approached her for some childish reason like playing dolls or tag or other, but it was all genuine. 
“I honestly can’t believe you.” Brooklyn shook her head at her silence and stormed around the room, collecting her and Constance’s materials and shoving them into their respective bags. 
“All these years. All these years, and I was that clueless, that hopeful.” Brooklyn muttered as she gave her a cruel smile. “I can’t believe (Y/N) (L/N) knew you better than I did.” 
Aemilia’s face flushed bright red. 
“Your ladies in waiting are going to relieve themselves of their position now.” Brooklyn carefully dragged the non responsive blonde to her feet, holding both of their bags and contacting her personal driver. She curled her lip. “Please feel free to march your way to the throne by yourself, your highness.” 
The door slammed shut behind them, and for a moment, the residence was silent once more.
Then, with an anguished cry, Aemilia picked up whatever textbooks were nearby and vaulted them at her walls.
First, her future husband. Next, her friends. What would that (h/c) haired bitch steal next? Her life?
“No. No. I won’t let it get that far. I would never let you get away with it!” She screamed, hurling another book. 
Her bedroom door swung open and her father ducked the incoming textbook. “Aemilia! What on earth is going on? Brooklyn and Constance just left looking extremely upset, did you three have an argument?”
She dropped the rest of the textbooks, raced to her father and grabbed him by the shoulders. “Daddy, I need you to call up the special squadron.”
Aloysius Augustus held his daughter’s hands and warily pried them off of him. “Whatever for?”
Aemilia flashed him a maniacal grin. “Namjoon just texted me. He says his father believes he’s found in another soul in dire need of discipline.”
Ever since engaging in this battle of wills with Aemilia, you tell yourself that there isn’t anything that could surprise you anymore.
Yet the actions of your classmates the next morning were strange. Stranger than you could possibly anticipate.
You entered the classroom and found a group of girls standing in a huddle around a desk, whispering to one another.
The room was strangely empty. Neither Mana nor Jimin had arrived yet, nor had some of your other classmates known for coming to school relatively early.
The girls noticed your entrance and quieted immediately. You found this suspicious, so you decided you wanted nothing to do with them. You shifted your gaze away from them and kept on walking to your seat.
That is, until you heard one of them scoff loudly in your direction.
“I mean, just look at her. She walks around the school as if she’s better than us, just because Ms. Diivi had Jimin sit next to her.”
You froze but their tittering only got louder. 
The girl that scoffed before, a classmate of yours named Seph, left the group and stood in front of you with crossed arms.
“You’re not anything special, (Y/N). You shouldn’t mistake yourself.”
The others seemed to agree with her as, soon enough, they left the desk one by one to surround you.
“It’s really pathetic how you practically beg for Jimin’s attention.”
“The other day, when you made him give you his sweater? It was really embarrassing.”
“Yeah, I could hardly stand to watch.”
They imitated your shivering as they laughed, making it look as though you were having a seizure.
“You used to be tolerable at the least, but Jimin transferred to our class and you finally decided to take the opportunity to climb the ranks, huh?” Another sneered.
You could hardly move. You were stuck in place, the words swimming around in your head.
Externally, you stared down at the ground in confusion, but internally, you were shocked. You couldn’t believe the accusations the girls were coming up with.
Even after everything this town had been through, the Kim brothers still had some sort of deluded fan club...and now they were coming after you.
“What the hell?” You finally said, lifting your head to look each of them in the eye. “Why would I go begging for his attention?”
“Don’t try to deny it, bitch.” Seph snarled. “You used to keep your head down and mind your business like the rest of us, but now, all of a sudden, you’re relishing in the spotlight.”
“We’ll see just how much Jimin likes you soon enough.” One of her lackeys snickered.
They left you where you stood, turning their attention to the doorway.
You could see Jimin from the glass window in the door, waving goodbye to Taehyung as he headed off to his respective classroom. He reached down to twist the knob and pulled the door open.
Had you blinked, you would have missed the entire thing.
Seph pulled a bucket out from under the desk they were all crowded around and threw its contents all over Jimin.
He closed his eyes and opened his mouth in shock as he was doused in water from head to toe. His uniform was soaked and his hair lost its floofy nature, flattening down over his eyes.
One of the girls ripped the bucket away from her and shoved it into your hands. They moved back in tandem, shocked gasps hiding their deeds as Jimin wiped water out of his eyes, which landed on you holding the bucket.
You were just as shocked as he was, mouth agape. The evidence was completely against you.
He looked up at you with teary eyes. He looked hurt, so angry, you figured there was no way you were going to get out of this.
“I didn’t do it, why would I?” You protested.
“Jimin, are you alright?” The ringleader picked back up, skillfully concealing a triumphant smirk with an open look of concern. “(Y/N), how could you do such an awful thing? Especially after he’s been nothing but kind to you...”
Wow, does she get lessons from Mrs. Kim or something?
You dropped the bucket in surprise. “No! Jimin, it wasn’t me, I promise, they just grabbed the bucket out of nowhere-”
This is it. My mother is going to have to bury her daughter young. I failed to provide for her, or thank her for everything she’s done for me. Your thoughts couldn’t stop racing. 
“Even for a prank, that’s a bit much, isn’t it?” They continued behind you.
“She’s been acting all this time. I’m not surprised.” 
“He treated her so well and it all just blew up in his face.”
“That’s just like her.”
“She’s lying directly to his face, how fake.”
They continued spouting lies in front of Jimin, telling him about how you were only using him, how you would curse his very existence behind his back. 
Jimin approached you, his wet shoes squeaking on the tile floors.
You backed up, intimidated, bumping the back of your leg against another desk and falling to the floor.
...Would begging help? 
When you finally looked up at him, begging felt like an appealing option.
Jimin’s eyes glistened, chocolate colored irises now hardened and flashing gold.
They were even colder than the ones you’d seen in your dreams, and you felt the temperature around you drop considerably.
You must have been going crazy with terror, something that wasn’t completely amiss in your town. The girls behind you were feasting on the fearful expression in your eyes.
Then, right as you were about to stand, Jimin gently put his hands on your elbows and guided you up.
To their surprise, he tugged you to your feet, wrapped his arms around your shoulders, and pulled you in for a hug.
“You must have been so scared, weren’t you, (Y/N)?” Jimin whispered in your ear. “Those rats dared to mess with you. They tried to come between us with petty rumors and tricks. It’s okay, I’m here now. I believe you.”
He rubbed his hand up and down your back, the water from his uniform seeping into the front of yours. “I’ll make sure you have nothing to fear.”
Jimin pulled away from the hug, smiling at you. He then turned to face the girls, and with that same chilling smile, spoke.
“You all enjoy playing pranks, yes?”
The girls’ expressions changed in a matter of seconds, from snickers and taunts to tearful pleads.
Seph could hardly pick her jaw up off the floor. “Jimin! It was (Y/N), we all saw her-”
“Ah, ah, ah.” You heard a low chuckle sound from the doorway and whipped your head towards the sound.
“I saw everything with my own eyes.” Hoseok stood in the entrance, his arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame.
When had he gotten there?
“And quite frankly, I don’t take too kindly to you lying about what happened to my darling little brother.” His famed smile slipped from his face as he stared down the girls with more hatred than you’d ever seen him possess.
“Jimin...” you reached out to get his attention, but he couldn’t pry his gaze away from the detestable scum that stood before him.
How quickly the tables had turned, you thought as you watched them cower.
Jimin calmly walked toward her and tucked his hand underneath her chin, yanking her ear to his mouth.
He directly whispered into Seph’s ear, but everyone in the room besides (Y/N) heard the same thing, the message pulsing loud and clear inside their heads.
“I’ll make you wish you had never done that.”
He left the group huddling against one another in fright.
“You’ll have to try harder than that.” Hoseok smirked and kicked off the door, walking off with his hands in his pocket.
You stood, incredulous at what had just happened.
“Jimin.” You lay your hand on his shoulder and he covered it with his, turning to meet your gaze. His eyes were wide with expectation.
“Let’s go see your brother, we can get you some new clothes.” You said softly. He smiled serenely and nodded, dragging you to the door by the hand.
Before you could step out, however, he turned around to face them and glowered. “Clean this mess up.”
Seph whimpered and knelt down to pick up the bucket. The other girls scrambled to collect paper towels to dry the floor.
You watched them, trying to conjure up some form of sympathy. That could have been you, cowering beneath him. Moments ago, that was you.
Frighteningly enough, that familiar, heart-strengthening feeling made no appearance. There was no hatred, no remorse. You felt nothing as you were dragged away to the third floor.
Jimin knocked on the door to the student council room, smiling as he spotted his brother. Namjoon, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Hyung! I need a new uniform.”
He stepped back to let the two of you enter. Jimin released your hand and beelined for the atrium, grabbing a new shirt and a pair of pants. He then stepped into the bathroom and loudly shut the door.
“Do you mind telling me what that was all about?” Namjoon looked down at you for a moment before his eyes flew up and he stared at the wall with newfound interest. “Feel free to grab a change of clothes as well.”
You followed his gaze and jumped at just how wet the front of your shirt had gotten. “Thanks,” you muttered, desperately hiding your blush.
I’m seriously finding myself back here too often.
You got another polo from the closet and left the door open as you changed, praying that Jimin wouldn’t leave the bathroom and that Namjoon wouldn’t walk around the corner. To keep him busy, you filled him in on what had happened moments before.
When you were finished, you stepped out into the main room with your wet shirt folded over your arm. Namjoon leaned against the wooden table with his arms crossed. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked as though he didn’t know whether to laugh or punch someone.
You glanced at Namjoon and thought back to the way he looked at the people around him.
It quickly dawned on you how bothered you were by Namjoon’s view of everyone around him as some sort of game. 
He always wore an amused smile on his face: when he was looking at his mother in his family home, when he heard what Constance did to you, when he saw all of the students worrying over Chance, and whenever Aemilia and her antics were brought up.
He probably thought he was so clever at hiding it, at being the misfortunate yet accomplished gentleman that everyone perceived him to be, but you saw right through his act.
“The audacity they have to dare make such a ruckus on school property,” He clenched his jaw. “Don’t worry. They will surely receive proper punishment.”
You nodded, eyes glazing over with indifference.
You were too grateful that it was not you or Mana and too exhausted to be concerned with the affairs of other students.
They should have been prepared for this, at the very least. You were only worried about the well being of you and your loved ones.
Did that make you incredibly selfish? Did that make you just like...them?
A hot flash of anger rose in you and died as quickly as it had appeared.
Perhaps Namjoon’s act angered you because it was so similar to, no, better, than your own.
Your face twisted in response to your thoughts. “Thanks for the help. I’ll be sure to pay you back. Tell Jimin I’ll see him in class,” you muttered and bowed then left, needing to separate yourself from them as soon as possible.
Namjoon watched you leave, intrigued by the sudden look of displeasure you wore. “...She noticed,” he chuckled to himself.
"She must not have liked it,” Jimin said as he walked out, fully changed. His hair was still a little wet, but it was nothing he couldn’t take care of later.
Namjoon scoffed.
His little brother subsequently seized opportunity of your absence to explain to Namjoon just how delightful you looked in front of him.
“She looked as though she were about to beg, hyung. As gorgeous a sight as it was, those lower beings had the nerve to send her to her knees.” Jimin growled. “They terrified her, made her think I was going to hurt her.”
“What would you like to do with them?” Namjoon asked him as he leaned against the wooden table, a familiar smirk on his face.
By the end of homeroom, those girls were removed from your section. By the end of lunch, they had left your class and the school completely.
The final bell rang and you lifted your head off your desk. You’d been trapped in your thoughts since earlier today, but your class schedule had given you no time to focus on your inner monologue.
Someone’s finger tapped your shoulder and you snapped out of your thoughts, directing your attention to them. 
A freshman stood before you nervously and passed you a folded piece of paper. 
“Thanks,” you muttered.
The kid nodded and scurried out of the classroom.
You unfolded the paper, reading the slightly disorganized handwriting. 
You and me, (L/N). Show up alone. Rooftop. 4 pm.
You didn’t even need to ask the kid who it was from.
“This is the game you’re going to play?” You mumbled to yourself. “You still can’t even confront me face to face.”
Unfortunately for you, you already were alone. Mana never came to school today, as they had gone with their father to visit their grandmother at her nursing home, and Jimin was going to be in robotics club for the next forty-five minutes or so.
Then again, Brooklyn and Constance didn’t look like they were attached to Aemilia’s hip today either. The brunette spent all of lunch sending her a bunch of particularly nasty glares from across the cafeteria.
You eyed the clock. fiddling with your phone. After several minutes of deliberation, you opened it to text your mother that you would take yourself home today. 
Let’s get this over with.
Approximately thirty minutes later, you shouldered your back pack on and made your way to the school staircase. 
You texted Mana an update on where you were going and what you were going to do, just in case. After a second thought, you also texted Jimin.
They must not have had their phones on them because they didn’t text back immediately, so you locked yours and put it in your pocket.
When you finally arrived to the rooftop, you saw Aemilia standing near the edge, strawberry blonde ponytail swinging in the autumn breeze.
You already weren’t feeling well and wanted to go home several hours ago. Alas, you were here. 
Your school rooftop was moderately large; appropriate, considering the size of the building. There was nothing up there but a few stacked, forlorn chairs, scattered materials, and blocks of concrete that functioned as storage spaces.
“What do you want, Aemilia?” You asked tiredly. 
She didn’t say anything, nor did she turn around. You walked a couple steps closer to her and stopped. “Hello?” 
“Did you enjoy yourself, (Y/N)?” She asked, her back still facing you. 
You squinted in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“Did you enjoy taking everything away from me? Everything that I deemed mine?” Aemilia finally turned to face you. 
On the outside, she looked no different than she had a couple of days ago, but her eyes seemed...hollow.
“I didn’t take anything from you.” You pointed out. “Though, it sounds like you finally realized how skilled you are at pushing people away from you. That has nothing to do with me.”
“Don’t lie to my face.” She croaked out a laugh. “Don’t you dare claim that you haven’t stolen anything of mine.”
Her gaze turned malicious. “I thought you’d be a bug. Small, easy to crush. I wanted to make you even more insignificant than you already were. Unidentifiable.”
“But the harder I tried, the more I failed to crush you. I wanted to rub you into the dirt, but you kept on escaping unblemished.” She gazed in bored ire at her own two hands as though there was something on them that only she could see.
“So I realized, if I can’t crush you, then I’ll just have to destroy you. Completely.”
Foreign hands grabbed your arms with a vice and you started, immediately fighting to pry them off. 
“Are you fucking serious? What are you doing?” You voice was a mixture of fear and disbelief.
Had your greatest fear finally come true? Were the Kims actually going to make an example of you?
“I’m simply executing my right as an Augustus. I am removing anyone who is a threat to the Kim’s empire. My future empire.” She calmly remarked, nodding tonce o whoever was behind you. 
No. She was doing this for her own purpose. Her sense of order, of what was right in the world.
“Aemilia! You can’t do this!” Your voice raised in pitch and your breathing increased, your blood pumping faster and faster by the second. The hands on your arms were growing tighter and tighter.
“Oh, (Y/N). I tried to warn you several times. You didn’t listen.” She chided with false disappointment. “You did this to yourself.”
“Are you scared? Have you now realized your wrong doing? What a shame.” You watched in horror as a deranged smile crept its way onto her face and Aemilia threw her head back in laughter. “It’s already too late!”
There was no time for her descent into madness.
You stilled for just a second, then rocked your head back and successfully slammed it into your captor’s. There was a low grunt from behind you and the person let you go. You took off without a second thought.
You didn’t even bother trying the school door, as you knew it would be blocked. 
Instead, you ran past Aemilia, shoving her aside as hard as you could, in the direction of the roof’s edge.
The strawberry blonde fell, but her laughter didn’t pause--if anything, it only rose in volume. 
You realized the person had regained control of themself, as they came barreling after you.
Yet you also knew that one floor below you, there was a balcony informally used by all the students as a multipurpose space. To your knowledge, it consisted of old blankets and furniture.
I’d rather take my chances with an old table or couch than these bastards, you thought as you ran towards the eaves.
The closer you got, the harder your heart beat in your chest. You were terrified. But somehow, under all the fear, you were able to rationally think and suppress your fears. 
You willed yourself to keep running and, before you could think about it, threw yourself over the edge.
You were in the air for about three seconds before your captor grabbed you by the jacket and stopped your descent. With surprising strength, they yanked you up and backward, tackling you to the floor. 
Your body met the concrete with a harsh slam and you yelled out in pain. Hopefully, you had received nothing other than a few nasty bruises. 
Aemilia’s laughter had quieted by now and she stood on her feet. She brushed her clothes off with a pleased grin.
“Nice try, sweetie. Mr. Byun, why don’t you give dear (Y/N) here a reminder on what happens should she mess with the Augustus family?” She crooned.
Your captor pinned your hands behind your back and shifted so that they were kneeling on your arms, bones digging into your back. He grabbed you by the hair and slammed your head repeatedly into the concrete.
It hurt.  
It hurt more than when you sprained your ankle that one time walking to a monthly meeting and had to continue walking on it for the rest of the evening. 
It hurt more than when your mother healed a particularly deep cut of yours by stitching it up herself because she couldn’t afford to take you to the hospital.
It hurt more than seeing your mother’s face whenever you asked about your father. 
Everything hurt.
You couldn’t even cry out in pain as it would take up too much of your effort, effort that you didn’t have to spare.
“Thus, I declare myself the victor of our little battle of wills.” Aemilia chirped, not at all disturbed by the violence occurring in front of her.
There was something hot running down your forehead. After a couple of blinks, red crept into your eyes, falling down your face with your tears. 
“Your pride’s going to be the death of you.” You choked out, then winced as the Mr. Byun kicked you harshly in the stomach.
“Should my time arrive, at least I will go out in a blaze of glory.” She said brazenly, beaming with triumph. As she bathed in the light of the afternoon sun, her strawberry blonde hair turned a shocking red.
You blinked blood out of your eyes and squinted up at Aemilia, not that it helped as your blurry vision kept her form shifting in and out of focus.
“Yet I can’t say the same for you.” 
Then the grip in your hair tightened and your face met concrete for the last time, your entire world going dark.
Halfway across the campus, Kim Jimin turned his phone on and felt his heart drop to his stomach as his eyes landed on your text message.
hey y’all! whew this is a long one--i’m sorry for taking longer than normal to update! thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and love! i adore reading your theories and comments :D i hope you all enjoy this chapter! feel free to let me know what you think will happen next~
@melaninkpops​ @loserwithapen​ @hellaspookystudent​ @ecillartto​ @omgsuperstarg​ @ace-angel-judas​ @jjamsbangtan​ @lovinggalaxies​ @lovesick-heart0​ @ksxmpoison​ @girlmeetsliv3​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @purpuravm​ @oneweirdbean​ @hopelessfountainjoonie​ @mazmaz30​ @enigmaticlove-03​ @uppiespuppy​ @queenceline22​ @kokofikats​ @taeyohonic​ @creatorspalace​ @supertweetycherry​ @anachikartadze​ 
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