#It's one of those rarepairs that I kinda enjoy
Anyways, it'd be really funny if I shipped Diowagon.
Because I do–
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lvnesart · 1 month
Hii!!You’re like my fav genshin artist!🩷
Sooo I wanted to introduce you to my favorite genshin rarepairs even though u never asked and probably wont see this
🥁🥁🥁Chisara!!! (childe x kujou sara not childe x scaramouche)
I think Childe would admire her strength and the fact that she’s a Tengu and Kujou Sara would admire his freedom.
I can see them taking some time to get used to each other even in a platonic sense before they develop romantic feelings with Childe being a Fatui harbinger and the two of them just being distrusting people in general.But I can see them bonding over the fact they were child soldiers that feel manipulated and disposable to those around them + shitty dads.
But once they do become comfortable with each other Childe is basically all over her because deep down I feel like he’d be a clingy and cuddly person once he genuinely trusts someone.Sara doesn’t really know how respond to it as she hasn’t ever really received physical affection but she enjoys it.(Side note once she meets his little siblings they’re also very physically affectionate and are basically climbing all over this big bird lady their big brother brought home and Sara doesn’t know what to do bc she isn’t good w kids so she kinda just lets it happen until Childe pulls them of lol).
I think Kujou Sara deserves to have a pretty boy sit in her lap and give her kisses on the cheek ya know as a treat
Sharing this one cause I think others would really love it 🤲
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the-kk-crow · 2 years
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Back ALL THE WAY IN FEBRUARY 2022 I was like "hey guysss I want to do one of those "Give me four ships to make fanart of" memes! Send me ur ships!" and I got TWELVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE with TWELVE DIFFERENT SHIPS.
So I decided. I'd just do. All of them?
Terrible idea, like 10 months later, I've finally finished it. Why did I do that. Anyways enjoy your rarepairs and not-so-rarepairs.
If people want these individually posted then tell me and I will!
Errorink - Error is big loner angry hates being touched and Ink is energetic touchy feely. I feel like for any art that is supposed to describe ink/error relationship you have to have Ink: :D and Error: D:< and so I had him hug him lol.
Cream - they are just cute soft fluffy. Cross carries Dream as a way to show that he "supports" them, lol
MareNight - Black Apple Blues is adorable and you should all read it
DreamNight - I tagged it dreammare because it's the common tag but I decided I would be wrong to not give it a more accurate name lol. Idk much here I just know that Dream is the more :yellow_heart: one in the relationship so it's funny. Also coup timeline for variety in outfits and that is when they are more comfortable. Why is Night scandalized? idk lol
DrInk - Funny shipname. This ship was most popular in the star-sanses era in early fandom where energetic baby Dream was at its most dominant so the ship was always very energetic, and though my dream is SAD I thought I should still represent that with the movement of the picture!
Crightmare - blame @wyrm-in-the-apple
Desporlue - I just think Two Scary Murder Lookin Guys being all interested in the totally normal kinda cute well adjusted fellow is really funny
NightKiller - This shipname is funny. Back in 2019 I always saw it as Killer constantly following nm around and nm was annoyed about it but TOLERATED IT
Criller - fucking castle fic. This ship used to be a rarepair once you know. But yeah the dynamic everyone does for this one is always "Killer is annoying bastard and Cross wants him to go away and then they bang I guess" and I have barely seen any variation on that lol
Despor - my pet now! Man that was hard to draw
Bleam - It's like DrInk/Cream where Blue is the more dominant caretaker but also it's energetic
Bloss - they were both royal guards once that's cool
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
for the rarepairs: maru and haley?
I want them to hate each other
At first! Lol. I want a rivals to lovers with them. Both just being judgemental about the other person until forced proximity makes them realize they are more alike than they think, and actually enjoy how they challenge each other.
They are both very strong-willed. I think that's how they're most similar. Maru is a proud woman of STEM and lowkey looks down on Haley for being an influencer and (supposedly) only caring about boys, beauty, and shopping. And Haley isn't interested in female friendships at all. She's been burned too much before. Women (in her circles, at least) are too catty. She has her sister and her bff Alex and those are all she needs.
But how do they get forced together?
I'm thinking Haley has a problem. She likes being an influencer but really wants to break into the photography scene. One of her common loon pictures gained some notoriety but didn't manage to place in the competition she submitted it to.
There is another competition she wants to enter, one that not as many people apply to. Why? Well because the competition is organized by an astronomy journal. Only photographers with telescopes ever win.
(I proceed to do way too much research into astrophotography, as a fic writer does)
But you see Haley doesn't go straight to Maru about it, no. She would be too easily dismissed.
She goes to Robin.
Robin is excited! "Oh this will be so nice, Haley has grown into such a nice young woman, wouldn't it be nice to be friends? You need some friends you spend too much time in the lab."
"Wow, thanks mom" 🙄 "Love that even at 22 you are setting me up on playdates"
Suddenly, Maru doesn't have much of a choice. She does try to get out of it though.
Haley comes over. She's always so hot. Who is she even dressing up for? She's only coming over for tea but she has lip gloss on. (Ew. Definitely not like, hot or anything. Definitely not drawing her eyes to her lips over and over.)
"I can't help you. My telescope is made for a visual focus."
Haley's plastic smile doesn't falter. "Oh, it doesn't need to be. I'll need an adapter but if you don't have one that's fine, I'll take care of it."
"I don't think you understand everything that's involved in astrophotography."
"Oh really?" Her smile gets sharp. She's enjoying herself now. "I'm not the one who didn't know about adapters." She sips her tea innocently.
Maru is flustered. "I-I knew about adapters!"
Haley cocks her head playfully. "Oh, are you playing dumb just to make me feel at home then?"
What are we calling this one? Marley? Any abstract name ideas? Something something astro. Venus? Could just be Venus actually. It's kinda big brain bc you know Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, sex but then also a planet.
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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prince-liest · 7 months
This may be an odd question, but I believe you mentioned you got into writing because of rp(or at least into fanfiction?) And I was wondering how you transitioned into writing solo? Most of my writing is/was with a partner, but I've been trying to write on my own, and I've found it incredibly difficult. I'm told that what I write is still good regardless, but I've a hard time both finding enthusiasm for it without a partner to bounce off of or finishing whatever I'm working on.
This might just be a me thing and more to do with being self-critical, but if you have any advice, I'd really appreciate it. I just want to figure out how to enjoy writing again without jumping through weird hoops for motivation.
(You may have already been comfortable writing even before rp and if that's the case, feel free to disregard this question.)
I'd tried to write a bit of fanfic before my RP days with limited success motivating myself, so it really was very much RP that got me the skills and ability to be able to write full-form fics!
But more than mechanical skill, mostly I think the issue you face is very similar to what I struggled with for a while when swapping to writing fanfic, which is that a lot of the reason RP is so easy and rewarding is because it's such a profoundly social activity. You write a few paragraphs and then you get social feedback immediately from your RP partner in the form of chatting about it and/or the RP response you get! With fanfiction, you have to write a whole damn piece or chapter, post it, and then hope that you get comments if you want engagement - and then those comments are inevitably going to be a little bit less personal if, like me, you RP OCs that you put a lot of yourself into rather than pre-existing characters!
The problem with doing things for the sake of extrinsic motivation is that it kills your intrinsic motivation to do those things. This isn't a moral flaw, it's a documented psychological effect! Nowadays I write primarily because I want to see the things I put into the world, but that's fucking easy for me to say when I also have a large reader base and really enthusiastic commentors, isn't it? And it took me a hot minute to figure out how to transition to motivating myself that way rather than because I wanted interaction.
My suggestion is, honestly, to find folks that hype you up! I kinda crested that barrier by getting possessed by writing demons and pounding out like 60k words of insane Hawks-centric character study in one month during the 2020 quarantine, and I was lucky enough that people really liked it and immediately flooded my notifications with the kind of really lovely, long-form comments that my writing style encourages, which isn't really a typical experience. Those folks that hype you up, it is LOVELY if they are your friends, but sometimes what you really need to do is find the small social circle of freaks that are really into whatever niche thing it is that you are writing, and infiltrate their Discord. Ship-specific groups are really good for this! (Especially for rarepairs.)
But a lot of it is really going to be finding the balance of finding supportive people who will feed into your excitement, and also finding that part of yourself that finds the process of writing to be fun. Social activity is still 100% just a necessary part of the human experience, and I myself post snippets of my writing online and on Discord all the time for the little dopamine hit of "Yay! We're enjoying this together!" but it's become something I do because I want to share the joy I already get from writing, not because I'm writing to share it!
Which also means that you should write things that you enjoy writing. ;) Write things you are actually excited about - not just things you want to read, but things you think would be fun to write, and if there are boring parts that you're getting stuck on? Fucking skip them! I am not kidding! You think anybody thought it was a loss that I literally never even mentioned how radiostatic got together for the first time in 666? If they did, nobody's mentioned it, because it wasn't necessary to the story I actually wanted to tell. Literally so goddamn many of my fics start with cold opens because I don't like to bother with exposition until things have already gotten rolling. Fanfiction especially is GREAT for this because people are already familiar with the world you're writing in!
You are writing to entertain yourself! If it's not entertaining, don't fucking write it! Or figure out what about it is boring you, and then write it differently. This will have the splendid side effect of teaching you how to write transitions and also making a fic that is more fun to read. >:)
Anyway, this has gotten quite long, so: I'm sorry that I wasn't able to offer a great deal of advice, because I relate deeply to what you're experiencing but I basically got to speedrun the transition phase. I hope that it was at least a little bit helpful!
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charkyzombicorn · 4 months
One piece shipping meme because i can only mentally consume the sillies :( blank template and justification below the cut
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lusopp - my favorite guys! I love the theme of devotion in ships between strawhats but I also love that effort they had to put into it. They don't always understand eachother but they are constantly trying to and I love them I could make a whole seperate post abt it
zolu - the devotion? There. The complete interdependence? There. The full faith in eathother? There. Literally the only problem with them is that any conflict with them has to be them vs the world instead of inter-relationship because they are so symbiotic
zosopp - I'm soooo normal about them. Usopp is everything Zoro is not, but all they see is the benefits of that. Usopp confuses Zoro in a good way
sanlu - the subtext between a captain and a cook got to me, man. Also the devotion still gets to me, and I think those two would make for very cute old people
frobin - genuinely forget this one isn't canon sometimes. Autism x Autism. They make eachother happy. I don't know what more to say
navi - listen. I know a lot of the ship is based on fanon because Yuri is hard to come by in a show that doesn't pass the bechdel test within the first 500 episodes. But I don't care. Let me enjoy my lesbian Aladin in peace. Nami being a cutpurse mad at the world for what it did to her and Vivi being a princess desperately trying to control the world just to keep it safe. I love them
roboa - yes I know it's a rarepair yes I know they haven't interacted but. The potential???? Firstly, Robin could fix her. Secondly, Boa could make her worse. Thirdly, they would be able to understand eachother on a very deep level. Fourthly, undercover assassin scenario ✨ yes I'm delusional leave me be
lawlu - lots of great fics, lots of potential, lots of Dressrosa arc. I like them
zolaw - jock x nerd type ship. Not a bad thing. All the content I see of them is gold
lunami - been obsessed since I read Arlong Park in grade 4 at my school library. I'm very specific about them, though, because a lot of the content is two-dimensional guy-girl tropes that don't fit them.
branky/brobin - strawhat old people polycule real. If Jimbe was in the circle he would be here too
usosan - I get it
acesan - they're funny to me
usonami - most normal couple i think
ronami - depends on the content & context
sannami - drum island ot3 real, but without Luffy it's kinda meh
lawsopp - I've seen some good content, but I don't think they would fit well
zosan - they kinda just act like my brother and I? They're kinda that sore spot between witty banter and actual enemies-to-lovers. Some of the content is good, though
luboa - pretty sure it's canonical boa is only Like That because she doesn't have a lot of good sources that men aren't all dogshit
sabolu/acelu/saboace - doesn't really do anything for any of their characters, kinda pointless unless they're ooc and seems more like a kink thing than anything
sanrobin - don't really see it
lushanks - don't really get it
Nothing is in black because saying something people enjoy that doesn't hurt anyone shouldn't exist seems mean to me, I don't really believe in that.
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tiktowafel · 1 year
Hey, I love your art style and your work on class 1B. I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for fics that are 1B centric, maybe even stories with someone like Setsuna as a main character. I love the MHA fandom, but it's sometimes hard to find those good stories with all the fan generated content, an I was hoping another 1B lover would know what's what.
thank you, and sure! i don't actually read that much fanfiction (my taste is rather narrow), but here are a few ones that i read and enjoyed! i'll put it all under the cut because my summaries ended up making this list kinda long lol
'Class 1-B' is Trending #1 in Japan - 9k words and absolutely hilarious crack oneshot with a lot of chatfic/social media elements. Tsuburaba accidentally turns one of Monoma's rants into an international meme, which results in 1-B becoming incredibly popular and the League of Villains being defeated in the dumbest way imaginable. the fic is restricted to AO3 users, since i don't have an account there i can't check if the link works but i really hope it does :'D
Adrift - long (13k words) and extremely angsty space horror oneshot with Setsuna as the main character. AU where class 1-B are a space crew and a mission goes terribly wrong, leaving Setsuna, the sole survivor, floating hopelessly in space and thinking about everything that happened. 10/10 made me feel extremely uncomfortable for the rest of the day
Mindfucker Has Closed the Chat - 9 chapter 17k words long very chaotic Monoshin chatfic (with one non-chatfic style chapter) where Monoma texts the wrong person and ends up befriending Shinso without knowing who he's talking to. the fic is tagged "attempt at humor" and i gotta say that the attempt was 100% successful, this thing is hysterical and i audibly laughed several times while reading it
Picture Perfect - i know i hardly ever talk about Kosen on this blog despite the fact that it's one of my favorite ships, but one day i'll post something about them i promise- anyway this tiny 2k word fic is pretty much what made me ship them. it's just... very good and very sweet yknow
Unlikely and Unusual - a oneshot collection made for one of those rarepair month events. it's not specifically a 1-B fic, but some of the oneshots feature 1-B characters and the ones i read are very cute :)
the one and only The Heart of a Hero - 345k words and recently updated after a long hiatus, basically a 1-B fandom legend. It has everything: drama, epic fights, romance, slice of life, character backstories, it's pretty much what BNHA would have been if it was about 1-B. A lot of things in it are inaccurate to canon because it was first written before the joint training arc even came out, but that just makes things more interesting in my opinion (dude i actually wish Reiko's quirk was like this in canon)! it's actually one of the main reasons why i got so invested in 1-B in the first place, i couldn't recommend it more!!
The author of THoaH has also written many other, shorter stories about 1-B, so their entire profile is worth checking out! my personal favorite out of these fics is I Want to Break Free, a 6k word oneshot focusing on Setsuna and her family.
and now for what is probably my personal favorite:
When Die Rolls Differ - 294k words and counting, canon divergence/butterfly effect fic where class 1-B is the class who gets attacked at the USJ instead of 1-A and becomes more involved in the main conflict of the series as a result. honestly i don't even have the words to describe it, it's so good, the character interactions and backstories, and the fights, and the humor, and the way 1-B students fit into the events that originally only featured 1-A characters, and the everything!! just!! dude!! it's amazing!! and there's so much love and thought and creativity put into it!! please check it out because this fic has my whole heart <3 it's also on a break right now, so you have time to catch up
aaand that's it for today! there are probably more fics that i like, i just can't remember them rn, so i'm planning on updating this post every time i remember a nice fic or find something new!
sorry this took so long i may have procrastination issues
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sagegarnish · 1 year
I DO understand the frustration of having a rarepair, of seeing a ship and dynamic you think is SO GOOD and "why can't other people see it?" Some of my ships only have two fanfics and then one of them is MINE. But the "solution" is not to yell at people for not making other fanworks. If someone told you YOUR ship was shitty, and that you should write this other pair instead, would that make you want to write it? Probably not, right? It's the same for other people, even if you haven't figured that out. OTHER PEOPLE ALSO DO NOT LIKE THAT.
"How did THAT pair get so many fics? That's fucked up, when OTHER PAIR is right there!!"
The secret: Positivity.
Fandom communities where people are positive and encourage others are the best soil to grow in. Big Bangs, Fic Fests, Pairing Weeks, art/fic trades...and a general sense of welcoming to newcomers and multishippers. That is how you get the big numbers. If every time someone sees your ship on their TL and they associate it with a sense of negativity, and dread, that's NOT GOOD. Be an evangelist for your ship! When you post about your ship, pretend you're making a pitch for why it's good, not why OTHER ships are bad.
Think about reasons why you ship something. Talk about those reasons! No one is out there shipping characters "because the other pair sucks". Keep in mind that many of the most popular ships are that popular because the already experienced and prolific fic and art creators found it and said "Oh wow this is great, I gotta do something for this ship!" The goal is to draw EVERYONE IN, to welcome people.
Many of the ships that people complain about "not having much content" are the same ones where the negative posts about that topic is often all people see. They witness the complaints and bad behavior first. Many people think "Wow, that ship fandom is full of mean people, and they kinda scare me, so I'm not going to make anything."
I hope this was not too lecturey, because I see the real true emotion behind the complaints. It SUCKS when you can't find fics/art of a pairing! It can feel very alone and frustrating! I know that's why there's so much negativity.
But the negativity only increases the problem.
Anyway, next time you feel annoyed or frustrated by the lack of fanworks or attention for a genre or pair or dynamic, try organizing an event. Start small! Maybe just your own mutuals. Or go big! But don't police what other ships those people enjoy.
And most of all, be kind.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
A fandom thing that brings me great discomfort is the assumption that "all" queer fans are naturally going to flock around a single ship, and if you don't see it happening you're definitely straight and possibly homophobic. Those are some wild things to assume!
(I'll note a bit of added context here: I don't participate in Twitter fandom, so Discord and Tumblr are my main exposures to character and ship discourse, and AO3 and Livejournal and fansites are the current and past places I've consumed fic. When I'm into a show, I tend to read widely in the main tags even if I usually gravitate towards one or more favorite ships.)
In my current fandom, my inclinations are mostly centered around a m/f ship as well as multi-shipping a variety of monogamous and poly ships (many/most of which are queer). This is a bit of a departure from most of my previous fandom experiences, which have been centered around very subtextual f/f ships in fandom spaces where the fic-writing and discourse is nearly entirely centered around femslash. My corner of this current fandom includes tons of queer fans (of which I am one), as well as plenty of fans who don't identify as queer. In all the fandom spaces I'm in and in all the pairings (and gen fic) I enjoy from this show, there tends to be a lot of nuanced exploration of gender and sexuality, including explorations of queerness, including within transformative works about that popular m/f ship.
Over the last few weeks, I've watched the ship wars in my fandom, which used to be largely focused around that m/f ship I happen to love, kinda shift into what I think is a bit of an emerging-from-within defensive campaign for a popular m/m ship.
(Some more context: I have zero interest in engaging in ship wars. I believe all ships with adult characters are valid ships. I am invested in what will happen in the canon of this show, but "endgame" has never been the driver for my participation in any fandom, and I'd be shocked if I don't continue to create transformative works about my favorite ships for months and years to come regardless of what happens with the show. I personally don't adore the popular m/m ship, although I definitely see the chemistry and for most of the time this show has existed, I've appreciated the enthusiasm for the characters and the ship even if it's not my cup of tea. I enjoy both characters and their canonical relationship, and completely understand why the romantic ship is very popular.)
I find it genuinely kind of funny and amusing that for ship war participants fighting for basically any ship within this fandom, the arguments they experience from antis are incredibly similar--for character x and character y to get together, or for character x and character z to get together, it would be cliche, it would be tired, it would be unnecessary, we already have plenty of rep like that, or there's no way these characters could make sense as rep like that, there's nothing in the text that supports this ship, etc.
What feels newer is this insinuation that to opt out of shipping a particular thing means you are unable to see it. If you just don't prefer it or don't predict that it will happen in canon, that must mean that you believe the people who do see it happening are delusional, and therefore you are the enemy.
And attendant with that viewpoint is this idea that there are only two options in media: "the" queer ship will go canon, or the entire show is a big queerbaity setup. Does queerbaiting exist? Yes! Is it happening right now? No! Queerbaiting is, essentially, a broken promise from creator to fan.
The reason all this bums me out try as I might to ignore it and continue having a grand time is multifold: it's a gender thing and a rarepair thing and a thing about ship-as-campaign that saps the fun and joy out of (sub)text and text and the beautiful mystery of watching a story unfold faster than anything.
The gender thing: the show I'm talking about has a character who identifies herself as bisexual in the first season. Do I want more about that story? Do I think that story could and should take up more space? Yes! But is it there? Absolutely. And it's been disheartening to see people either ignore her completely or chalk this part of the story up to "lame jokes" as if humor and flirtation are less-than or inauthentic ways to engage with one's sexuality. It's disheartening to hear people talk about how they hope this show will have its first queer representation when there's been a queer woman on the show the whole time.
The rarepair thing: fic writers, presumably of every orientation under the sun, have been creating very queer fic about a multitude of characters on this show (including, notably, characters who are women) this whole time. There are queer pairings with twenty or fifteen or even three, two, or one stories in their tag. And it feels like lately all these pockets of fandom, regardless of what we've been writing, are getting lumped into this generic "straight" soup of people who lack the vision for the thing that's now "the" thing. But the things that made me want to write queer fic (and, yes, m/f fic) about all these characters, including one of the characters who is part of the popular m/m fic, are things I picked up in the source material, too.
The ship-as-campaign thing: it's exhausting. And it takes something that's pretty inherently queer--the communal act of engaging with a text and transforming it in a million beautiful (or depraved, or silly, or gross, or genre-defying) ways--and splinters it into factions. And assumes stupidity (or outright bigotry) on the part of those who don't see it the exact same way you do. Of course there's bigotry in this fandom, and among casual viewers. It's shit. So why invent more of it that isn't there when we could all focus on eradicating what is there? I don't think there's anything wrong with hoping fervently that you get to see the love story you want to see play out onscreen. That's absolutely how I feel. It's the way this stuff gets treated like a political platform that needs to do numbers to win...that's what bothers me, regardless of which ship it's about.
This has gone on way too long and I very easily might end up regretting making this post, which is very obviously about the thing it is about. If you reblog it, do NOT use it to campaign for any ships or belittle anyone for enjoying the ships they enjoy. PLEASE. Every single one of the ships is great and interesting and worthy of being explored by fandom, and you're selling fandom and community and queer culture short if you assume all the queers have to go in one room and all the straights have to go in another. We can be excited about the things we're excited about without making those hurtful assumptions and making ourselves miserable over a thing that is actually extremely cool.
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generaltrashshecox · 8 months
Okay so a thread that kinda happened on my rarepair post just got me thinking of an idea so this is for you @drowninginredink
Damien identified as aceflux leaning demi but some days he had those times where he just wanted to get off. He decided to hit the bar not to drink of course but to... Peruse. He sipped his water as he people watched trying to find someone who he thought would enjoy a good time. What he didn't expect was for his boss to be at the same bar. He caught his eye and Anthony saw him silver hair a dead give away and something he regretted at the moment. He made his way to the bar leaning against it with one arm ordering another beer.
"What're you doing here Dames. You don't drink," he said nickname slipping off his tongue. Damien shrugged trying not to look too hard at the man in front of him. There was no doubt that Anthony Padilla was attractive almost annoyingly so. Damien felt his face heat up.
"Yeah I just wanted to get out of the house. Just... Hang out y'know?" he said hoping he sounded confident. He fidgeted awkwardly before taking another sip of water. Anthony looked at him trying to get a read before a smirk broke out.
"Nah that's not why you came out tonight. You came to get laid," he said confidently and Damien nearly choked.
"What are you talking about?"
"You got nice clothes on, you smell great, and you even have a little make-up on. Gotta say the eyeliner makes your eyes pop," he said with a smile and Damien's blush deepened. Fuck. Was he really that obvious?
"And if I am?" he asked finally. He dared to look up at Anthony only to see him still smirking but a darkness in his eyes. He got a bit closer and Damien sucked in a breath. He smelled good too.
"Maybe... We could help each other out," he said voice sultry. "One time only. Unless you come begging for more." Damien rolled his eyes.
"As if," he said but the offer was tempting. It wasn't every day you got offered to be fucked but your hot boss. And he was so needy it was almost annoying. "I mean... It's a win win right?" Anthony smirked before wrapping an arm around his waist.
"Oh definitely."
I'm sorry if it's terrible 😭😭
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nighthaterfrfr · 7 months
do you have hcs?
oh. you dont
do i have hcs?
sorry hold on gotta pull from the
little chats i have w @jben073 abt this & lautity giv eme
here's a few misc. ones that i found
-they have once gone on a little theater date. normally, lex couldn't care less. why would she? most theater shows are boring anyways. but seeing her alice's eyes light up, and the intense explaining after the show? lex couldn't care less about her neutrality. she cares more about her gf more than anything.
-fun little hc that since lex is overall a kind of "bad" person? from like outside perspectives, alice likes to call lex her bad girl. i dont think i need any other explanation. she doesn't use this nickname a lot. well, except if lex is being bad. someone needs to show her who's in charge, yk. it just so happens to be this dumbass.
-alice has a secret (to abt everyone in her life) little blog dedicated to posting her musings abt her gf. yk. she named it "a maiden's musings," and is often the like "do u listen to boygenius?" of the hatchetfield universe. if u read "a maiden's musings" post, related to it, and liked it, chances are ur a bit… yk. she started the blog around the time she broke up with deb to not try and sulk over that, but slowly over time, lex began to unconsciously take over her mind, and the writings. alice once told lex this drunk, and lex later read it that night. safe to say, she's a big "maiden's musings." jst dont let her gf know abt this. she'd probably explode in happiness & embarrassment
(let me know if you'd like to hear one!i have one alr made lol)
-sometimes, hannah gets picked up by alice on thursdays and fridays, since lex always seems to be working too hard (enough) on those days. initially, hannah was very quiet and timid towards alice, still unsure who she is as a person. but as time went on, she got along with alice, and enjoyed her presence. alice was almost another motherly figure to hannah, and she appreciated it greatly. now, she'll talk (albeit limitedly) about how her day with, and converse with lex about her sometimes. almost like a little family.
-last and very silly one i have rn, lex has often tried to write something for alice. however, it always jst seemed kinda.. off. according to hannah, it reminds her of "a 4th grader trying to explain love." either or, alice holds it near and dear to her heart. she even kept the poem lex wrote in her phone case.
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l0rd-0f-c0ws · 1 year
I traced the strings back to YOU, the missfire creator, and now I have two things to say.
1) THIS SHIP IS SO WONDERFUL EUGHHGFDHGFGFG OH MYGOD 3RD EYE OPENED. Thank you so much for throwing this rarepair in my radar.
2) Do you have any missfire/cesium headcanons?? I'd LOVE to hear some :3c
I FINALLY HAVE GOTTEN MY BRAIN TO WORK ENOUGH TO ANSWER THIS HI HI HI HELLO :) I am in fact no the creator tho that would be @soupsy-daisy who wrote This fic!! I just got VERY autistic about the pairing and was the first person to suggest a name for them (I am the cesium person idr who came up with missfire rn but its also v cute :) )
as for headcanons here are some !!! (Under the cut for those who don't want to see my rambles :) )
Miss Pauling has (somewhat) learned all the languages the Mercs know! this was a job requirement as she had to make sure they weren't keeping secrets, but she does enjoy it. Pyro CAN speak they just don't like taking off their mask nor do they like shouting for people to be able to hear them (legit i have a friend who tried playing dnd in one of those and half the time he had to yell so i could hear him right next to me), so they use sign and writing stuff down to communicate a lot. She was the first person to be able to understand pyro using ASL and she was the one to encourage the team to learn.
Pyro has cronic pain (mecore) and often has flare ups after battles pretty often, and it makes it hard for them to move and shit because Their Legs are being Taken by the Demons. They tend to just try and power through despite feeling like their muscles are attacking them and refuse to tell medic because they feel like they'll just be dismissed as dramatic. While the other mercs have noticed something is up with Pyro when they get back to base most days, no one pushes them to hard on it since theyre always quick to deny any oddities in their behavior, but Ms. P knows because well... its her job to know. She did get them to go to medic and get pain meds to help, as well as laying down with them when its gets to be too much. she also got them a cane not long after to help them out as well as some cute stickers and stuff to decorate it with :)
Pauling hates loud noises if she doesn't feel she has any control over them (Mecore again). like a gunshot? eh half the time shes the one firing the gun, and if she isn't then soon she will be. But things like people suddenly shouting when she didn't expect it, thunder and fireworks, stuff like that will just really mess her up. Pyro is pretty neutral on loud noises like that (tho they LOVE thunder and storms in general) so typically they'll go find her and just sit down and enjoy the silence together away from that
its actually pyros love of storms that helps her enjoy them herself. I have to draw out my idea for this since its a very spesific gay little moment but she basically over their time together begins to associate rain with them and without realizing it starts to get just as excited about rain too :)
I can post some more hcs later but a lot of the ones I had to stop myself from posting are gonna be kinda mentioned in some fics im working on rn >:) Gonna finish chapter 2 of safe with me tonight hopefully so stay tuned for that!!
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evilpenguinrika · 2 months
3 and 20 for the fanfiction ask game?
Ask Game For Fanfic Writers
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
About like, a 7.5 or an 8. Which is funny because I love love. I love reading about love, I love learning about love. I just love love. I think the reason I'm rating it like that is mainly because when I'm writing a story where romance is not the prime focus, I tend to forget about the romance.
For example, I got this question asked to me on one of my current-on-going Hosie fic (You're The One Born To Save series) why one of the main character, Hope, refers to the other main character and partner, Josie, with "my love" or other pet names while Josie doesn't. And honestly? It's cuz I forgot. Weird thing to forget about, yes, but like I said--if romance is not the prime focus of the story, I will forgetti spaghetti until someone reminds me. I have since rectified that oopsies and started having Josie call Hope pet names just sprinkled through here and there ::>_<::
Though... I guess maybe even if romance is the prime focus, I probably would still forget about pet names because I, as a person, am meh/indifferent to pet names in a relationship. I have only ever been called 'babe' once in a prev relationship but other times we just referred to each other by name, so maybe that's why.
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
My favourite trope to write... Oh man, I don't know cuz I don't think I've written a lot of trope-y stuff?
Upon going through my fics that has a few tropes, I've realized that I really enjoy writing Single Parent tropes haha. But I also do enjoy writing Modern/High School/College AU, Punk/Nerd AU, and Omegaverse (even though I kinda suck at remembering it's Omegaverse).
I have two THREE (I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ONE) Single Parent AU fics but I guess they're also slotted into Modern AU as well.
A Redhatshipping fic called MYOSOTIS. A Hosie fic called Sad Bedroom Eyes, and a Lightning/Vanille fic called do you think god knows you've been sneaking out of heaven
I just really love reading Single Parent AU fics where one half of the ship is a single parent and the other half is either like the babysitter or neighbour with their own kid or no kid at all. Just something about it tickles my fancy so much. Which is why I wrote three Single Parent AU fics haha. Actually, Sad Bedroom Eyes(I'm a nasty little forgetti spaghetti liar) MYOSOTIS is my first Single Parent fic I've ever written! Sad Bedroom Eyes is my second (and first fic for the Hosie/Legacies fandom). Then Sneaking Out Of Heaven is my third because I was craving for some Lanille fics (alas, the struggle of shipping a rarepair).
I also feel bad that I have not updated MYOSOTIS in like forever and so sorry for those like small number of people who read that fic and was met with nothing I'm so sorry.
For the other tropes tho, I've only written one of each (I think?):
I've written one College AU trope--another Hosie fic called photo gallery meme--which is fun and I would like to go back to writing and finishing that fic sometime in the future.
I have written a Punk/Nerd AU one that I absolutely love with all my heart--an Ikarishipping fic called Hold Me, Hold Me Like A Grudge written for Ikarishipping Day. Mostly because I love the idea of a Punk!Dawn/Hikari and Nerd!Paul/Shinji it's just so cute and I love switching obvious characters for their obvious choice around since it's fun. I think I would like to write another Punk/Nerd AU trope because I had such a fun time writing the PNAU Ikari fic.
And last but not least, I have written only one Omegaverse fic--yet another Hosie fic called Terra: This Is My Always And Forever, which is part of a 3-part series. I haven't really updated this in a while, but I have worked on bits and pieces of it whenever I'm in the mood to do so.
I think that's about it, thanks for the ask anon!
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nanayuz · 1 year
so... hz ships.
right now, they’re kinda nameless. well, not exactly, with the use of japanese portmanteaus being popular. but, just to be a bit more ‘mainstream’ at least in pokémon, they deserve ‘_shipping’ names.
how about we give them some?
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i did not make all of these ship names. i made some of them, but some were taken from my friends or may have gotten usage already. 
let’s start off with, from what i’ve seen, one of the most popular ships in horizons, ameliko. since i don’t ship this, i’m unfamiliar with the fandom, and have no idea if they already have a name. but i’ll still give them one: pendantmissionshipping. i don’t really like it, since it’s probably not gonna end up a huge part of their characters like it is now, but it works.
next, let’s do likoroy, or royliko as some people call it. let’s start off with the fact that it literally cannot be horizonshipping. it can’t. the name’s taken, it’s been taken since the old bulbagarden shipping list. so, there’s the alternative newhorizonshipping, and it’s probably the most similar that we can get since ‘horizonsshipping’ just sounds stupid.
alright, ann x liko. it was the most popular liko ship during hz001 and hz002, but recently it hasn’t been as popular compared to other ships. the recommended one is aiboushipping, ‘aibou’ means partner in japanese. sidekick, one and only. i think it fits quite well.
the last ‘main’ liko ship is dot x liko, which i don’t really have any idea for. i do like the name ideas of superfanshipping and guruminshipping, and i think those fit best out of the ones i’ve seen recommended. i’d love to find better names for them, since i do enjoy them as a pairing.
since there aren’t many ‘main’ roy ships besides likoroy, let’s move onto my favorite platonic soulmates, furiame. the recommended name for them is freedexplorershipping, which, oh my god, fits perfectly. it’s both obscure but not absolutely ridiculous, and it’s literally perfect for them.
one of the other friede ships, friede x murdock, is one i did make a name for, which i’m very much proud of. capncrunchshipping surprisingly isn’t a taken name, and it makes sense for both characters and their jobs on the ship. rn, this may jst be my horizons otp, half because of the name. airfryershipping is another name i enjoy.
orla x mollie is definetly the most popular yuri ship in horizons up to this point. they’re just.. oh my god. i suggest the name heartstruckshipping for them, since it again, makes sense for the characters’ jobs. and it’s just a gorgeous ship name, they deserve a gorgeous name.
there are other ships, like friede x mollie, or amethio x spinel, or one of the many rarepairs i’ve already made, but the last ship i’ll talk about is zir x conia. since the name ‘explorershipping’ is taken, explorersshipping could work, as i’ve seen recommended. it doesn’t sound as goofy as ‘horizonsshipping’, and it works for them.
but, i really wanna see what other people think could be their ship names!!
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petalologist · 10 months
YOU SHIP CHIYAKA tell me your thoughts sand i'll tell you mine there's like 3 other people on this site i've met who ship chiyaka
HELLO!! first off, sorry for such a late response; i've been out of town for a few weeks. i really appreciate you reaching out though, as i love discussing ship stuff!!
honestly it started just because i have a problem with constantly shipping ayaka with various fatui LMFAO (stares at my scarayaka and lyneyaka art nervously) but i do think they could have a very fun dynamic! tartaglia is a very Respects Strong Women kind of guy and ayaka would be no exception, albeit her combat experience pales in comparison to those whose main line of work is in fighting. i feel like the obvious idea would be them meeting for diplomatic purposes, but i also think it would be fun if they just kinda met each other out in the wild, whether they know about each other's respective roles and titles at first or not. i think they'd equally spoil each other. ayaka is big on gift giving and would definitely express her affection through those sort of hints at first. i also have had thoughts about their respective thoughts on family? ayaka and ayato being the remaining members of their clan obviously makes them very close and worrisome about one another, and childe's sort of sheltering of his siblings might remind her of how ayato had been with her for a while. crying and sobbing thinking of ayaka pulling out her long since stored away childhood temari to teach teucer how to play, introducing his little siblings to various inazuman games and events like festivals. also, i enjoy the contrast between ayaka's more cautious and closed-off approach to live vs childe's seemingly impulsive nature. he'd be a bad influence on her in a fun way lmao
there's also obviously the angst potential. c'mon. harbinger and a government official/practically princess from two countries with rocky relations? childe is totally ayaka's 'sneak away at night, steal kisses in chinju forest away from their respective duties' bf. they'd be the types to fall for each other but barely see each other, as ayaka remains pretty stationary in her work for the yashiro commission and childe is always traveller for one mission or another.
these are all TOTALLY VAGUE and as you can tell i haven't actually ever hashed this stuff out, but i'd love love love to hear your own thoughts on them!! it's always so nice to see anyone who shares any of my rarepairs :"")
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loregoddess · 6 months
14, 15, 25 for the Love your fandom ask
14) the ship that always makes you smile Hmm, for long-running media, probably Midna x Link from LoZ:TP, bc that's basically the oldest ship in my fleet and it still brings me lots of joy. For mid-running media, probably Kay x Franziska for AA (my first rarepair), Rinea x Faye for FE:SoV (rarepair I wasn't expecting to see others ship), and Ashe x Dedue (literally got me to go out of my comfort zone to figure out how to draw cute ship art, when I was really bad and afraid of drawing people interacting). For stuff that I've gotten into over the past year, probably Alear x Pandreo from FE:Engage, and Mineru x Purah from LoZ:TotK (also I'm kinda silly goofy happy about Jin x Xiaoyu finally getting some development in Tekken 8, but that's bc I had to suffer watching it come to fruition over like, 20 years of my life, slowest goddamned slowburn I've ever had to endure).
15) the character that always makes you smile Oh, lots and lots. Long-running media would be Shad LoZ:TP, love that guy, I get excited anytime I see him. For mid-running, Satoru Hosonaga, my beloved from DGS/tGAA, a decent number of FE characters (Kurthnaga, Rhys, Libra, Flora, Lukas, Faye, Dedue, Ashe, and Ferdinand come to mind off the top of my head), most of the FF7 cast but esp. Red XIII/Nanaki. For more recent things, Alear and literally any of the Engage characters actually, the Octo2 crew (and also the Octo1 crew, and a fair amount of NPCs from both games); I also read Dungeon Meshi recently and I gotta say one of the most casts of all time, I haven't settled on favorites yet but damn were there some good characters.
25) a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces Block button is your bestie, don't feel bad for blocking people for any reason whatsoever so that you can peruse the fandom tag in peace. But also, if you find other fans who are making stuff you enjoy, support them by reblogging their art or headcanons or writing or whatever, or even just liking their stuff.
Do what you want to see in your fandom if you have the energy. I like to see people excited about things they love, whether that's a character or a ship or something about the story or their OCs or their own headcanons, like, doesn't even matter if it's not my Thing, I genuinely enjoy seeing people happy and brave enough to share that happiness in the main tag, so I try to also share stuff that brings me joy when I engage with fandom stuff too. Share joy when you can.
This is not to say you should never be negative ever like, you should also give yourself space somewhere to be a petty snob about things that tick you off. You don't have to make it public, but at the very least give yourself an outlet to let the negative move through and out of you. Believe me there are so many things that tick me off so much about either fandom spaces or various media that I could rant about for hours, but I just choose Not To Share It after I've written it out bc writing it often makes me feel better--or I go and find a trusted friend who I can be like, "Hey I gotta vent about something stupid real fast, will you hear me out?"
Lots of things in life are never all positive or negative feelings, but no emotion is inherently good or bad, so it's important to let yourself feel those emotions and let them pass without bottling them up. Otherwise they stagnate or explode, and neither is fun to deal with the aftermath for. But like, it's okay to be pissy about things from time to time.
Have fun, but never feel like you have to engage with a fandom just because you used to be a part of it, or you got into a new thing. I treat fandom like a public park, I can go there when I want to enjoy myself but I can also leave anytime I want. If a bunch of mean people are hanging around the park I know there are other parks, and I can just go to those instead and cultivate my own little garden to make up for the park I won't go to anymore. I might even get to invite some friends to that garden. Honestly, most of the time I'm some weird forest hermit who only comes out sometimes to haunt the park, and I think that's just fine as well. Engage with fandom in a way that makes you comfortable.
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