#Jérôme Game
bonheurportatif · 2 years
Quelques trucs bien en novembre
1er novembre Recevoir un mail amical, sous la forme d'un strip de Tom Gauld Ramer sans se casser le dos Découvrir une revue québécoise de recherche en littérature
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2 novembre Déjeuner sur le pouce, des restes du frigo Découvrir avec intérêt le travail de Jérôme Game, parmi d'autres trucs de poésie sonore Ne pas voir passer l'heure au téléphone avec la responsable d'un refuge équin 3 novembre Raccourcir efficacement la procédure de validation d'un article Avoir lu un Goncourt avant qu'il ne soit primé Dîner d'une soupe de cèpes 4 novembre Se réveiller en pleine tempête Être à jour de son travail pour au moins un après-midi Regarder un film avec la famille au complet 5 novembre Couper une betterave cuite en petits cubes Sauvegarder enfin le contenu de son vieil ordi sur un disque dur externe En profiter pour se replonger dans plusieurs années de photos
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6 novembre Aider sa fille à boucler fissa son devoir de géométrie Lire dans l'après-midi le livre qui attendait depuis un an sous son lit Retrouver facilement sur internet le titre qui nous est revenu en mémoire durant la lecture 7 novembre Après les avoir longuement cherchés, et redouté leur disparition, retrouver deux bouquins, à leur place, dans la bibliothèque Ranger, et réaménager un peu le bureau Saupoudrer sa soupe de potimarron de châtaignes écrasées 8 novembre Ouvrir un restaurant à oiseaux et rencontrer un grand succès : les clients se battent Retrouver l'infraordinaire Acheter trois livres, en commander deux, s'en faire offrir deux
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9 novembre Passer par la plage pour rentrer Apprendre la différence entre "raven" et "crow" Limiter sa consultation des sites d'info 10 novembre Rester plus longtemps qu'à l'accoutumée sous une douche plus chaude qu'à l'accoutumée Ranger mon placard d'atelier Décliner avec politesse mais résolution une proposition de collaboration 11 novembre Tomber sur une mise en abîme de ces 3 trucs bien dans un roman Faire des pizzas maison, pâtes comprises Finir un deuxième roman avant d'aller se coucher 12 novembre Prendre un café avec une amie perdue de vue depuis des années et croisée au marché Sourire aux "bains sulfureux" gravés dans la pierre Lire l'inspirant journal d'Erica Von Horn 13 novembre Se réveiller au terme d'une quasi grasse mat', à 9h passées Faire une promenade sur la plage Remplacer la pile de la pendule
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14 novembre Se réveiller une minute avant le réveil et l'empêcher de nuire Liquider rapidement le courrier Voir un arc-en-ciel 15 novembre Entendre la pluie sur le toit Renouveler sa pile de livres à lire à la médiathèque Passer par la mer et tomber sur une procession de promeneurs de chiens lumineux 16 novembre Réécouter Vaduz de Bernard Heidsieck Préparer (balayer, dépoussiérer) le poêle en prévision d'un feu Faire la première flambée de l'automne 17 novembre Voir un mini-arc-en-ciel très furtif dans la tempête Animer sans réelle préparation une très agréable séance d'atelier Marcher sous un ciel gris menaçant et s'abriter quelques secondes avant l'averse
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18 novembre S'accorder quelques minutes supplémentaires au lit Recevoir Le Matricule des anges avec Thomas Vinau Boucler (enfin ?) un boulot qui traîne depuis deux mois 19 novembre Se régaler de la lecture - et de la découverte - de Guy Bennett Savourer par avance la triple bonne pioche effectuée chez le libraire Lire devant un feu, tandis que le reste de la famille joue 20 novembre Fêter un anniversaire avec tous les enfants Bien réussir les tartines au fromage, fondu, pas trop grillé Regarder Blow Up pour la première fois 21 novembre Marcher sur la plage et contre le vent avec sa chérie Manger des saloperies, avec une culpabilité gourmande D'un souffle, ranimer le feu 22 novembre Voir un très bel arc-en-ciel pile dans l'axe de sa rue Boucler son travail à 9h30 Recevoir la confirmation pour la location des vacances
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23 novembre Trouver une place où il n'y en a habituellement jamais Acheter un mixeur à bras qui fait aussi batteur à œufs Manger des oursons à la guimauve avec un nutriscore E comme "Excellent" 24 novembre Franchir in extremis le passage à niveau avant qu'il ne se mette à sonner Tester des haïkucottes avec les étudiantes, mélange de haïkus écrits sur des salières en papier Se faire son cadeau de Noël 25 novembre Arriver à nouer la cravate de sa fille Recevoir quelques mails amicaux Arriver sur l'île à la fois dans la brume et sous le soleil 26 novembre Lire presque toute la journée Décrasser sans forcer la vitre du poêle Démarrer facilement le feu 27 novembre Réviser son espagnol Effectuer une réparation de fortune dans le plafond crevé de sa fille Conduire dans les marais, de nuit, à petite vitesse, sous une pluie battante 28 novembre Balayer l'humeur du jour à la tombée de la nuit Préparer deux chocolats chauds Tester les rapports entre les temps de cuisson et le moelleux des cookies maison
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29 novembre Découvrir sa playlist 2022, basée sur ses statistiques d'écoute Céder à la fatigue Sortir son gros pull islandais 30 novembre Allumer le chauffage un mois et demi plus tard que l'an dernier Reporter tout travail ce matin Déclarer un total de piges confortable
Ces “Quelques trucs bien” s’inspirent directement des “3 trucs bien” de Fabienne Yvert, publié au Tripode. > Quelques trucs bien en janvier. > Quelques trucs bien en février. > Quelques trucs bien en mars. > Quelques trucs bien en avril. > Quelques trucs bien en mai. > Quelques trucs bien en juin. > Quelques trucs bien en juillet. > Quelques trucs bien en août. > Quelques trucs bien en septembre. > Quelques trucs bien en octobre.
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joselito28-1 · 4 months
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« Anne Hidalgo veut célébrer Paris et ses monuments avec les Jeux olympiques, mais sans les bouquinistes. Nous faisons partie de Paris. Vouloir nous faire disparaître, c’est aussi absurde que de démonter la tour Eiffel ou Notre-Dame de Paris ! Nous sommes là depuis quatre cent cinquante ans » , rappelle Jérôme Callais.
“Anne Hidalgo wants to celebrate Paris and its monuments with the Olympic Games, but without the second-hand bookstores. We are part of Paris. Wanting to make us disappear is as absurd as dismantling the Eiffel Tower or Notre-Dame de Paris! We have been here for four hundred and fifty years,” recalls Jérôme Callais. 😡😠
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katropolis · 9 months
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Jérôme Boateng is returning to FC Bayern München
The defender last working for Olympic Lyon was seen today at 11:03 entering the training grounds together with head coach Thomas Tuchel.
On their website the club is saying "After the 2:2 against RB Leipzig, the players who did not partake in the game, are having a special training session at the Säbener Straße. Amongst those: the two times triple Winner Jérôme Boateng. Boateng is supposed to also join every next training session. "
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tortoisesshells · 7 months
Writing Pattern Game
Thank you so much for tagging me, @shoshiwrites <3
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor in Haven
It wasn’t that the sun set any earlier in the mountains than it did in similar latitudes; the sky stayed day-bright, hours after Haven fell into darkness.
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Haven
“There’s no mystery to it,” said Sophy, around the pins in her mouth, “Do you know how many Trevalyen children there are?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & party in Crestwood
“So, Hero,” said Varric, leaning back in his chair, as Blackwall threw another log on the fire, “Wish you were back in Skyhold yet?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Skyhold
“Respectfully, my lady Trevalyen,” said Blackwall, speaking between swings of a maul, the thud of split wood falling against the warm soil, “Solas – or even Pavus, or Madame de Fer – would be better able to answer such a question.”
Who something lost, the seeking for Is all that's left them, now - (1899, pre- Clémence/Jérôme)
“It’s unusual, that’s all I’m saying,” said one of the men at the oars to another, shivering.
half-built and half-rotted (potc: dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, james norrington in tortuga)
Tortuga had been a new place, but all new places could be learned: a small island and a smaller port, half-built and half-rotted, alive in the same way that bloody-faced vultures and mushrooms were.
some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home (potc:dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann cannot figure james norrington out)
Truthfully, she never expected to see James Norrington again, and in some ways Elizabeth is not sure she has: there is a man in a hammock who answers to that name, who has a captain’s coat, and the same sharp-tongued disdain for what irritates him – but (and here, when she has thought on it, she has struggled) either there is some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home.
stood in the twilight (timeless, five sentence prompt fic, lucy preston and garcia flynn contemplate the sublime, and frostbite)
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” Lucy asked, thinking she would have gestured to the fading light in the sky if she could have borne unwrapping her heavy wool shawl for the half-second it would have taken to point – but they did not call 1816 The Year Without A Summer for nothing.
irrevocably altered (potc:cotbp, five sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann at odds with her old life)
There was comfort, if only in the physical attributes of the King’s House in Port Royal: her feather-soft mattress, food not gone rotted in the cask, windows wide to every wandering breeze – things which Elizabeth had always understood, vaguely and without much in comparison, to be luxuries.
a pass-port for her presence (mercy street, five sentence prompt fic, henry hopkins struggles with emma green's indirect words)
It was easier to know those you didn’t than those you did, Henry Hopkins had thought at some distant, drunken point in the past – a practice as straightforward as prayer, to copy a man’s words exactly to send to his family, or to recall who and which had requested some concession or another.
A prompt specifically for five sentences brings out the worst in me, length-of-sentence-wise.
I love dialogue as a starter, particularly "Indirect Observation," Specific Description of Speaker/Speaker's Actions, "Indirect Observation, Continued And/Or Refined."
I think I try to establish who the POV character is pretty quickly - maybe too quickly?
what is it with me writing fics where someone's chopping firewood, or fussing with firewood. i'm not that cold all the time.
Tagging: @boltlightning, @johnbly, @theonlyredcar, @aloveforjaneausten, @jomiddlemarch, @sagiow, @enchi-elm, @ramiroangel, @admiraleyk, and anyone else who wants to play!
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my-chaos-radio · 5 months
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Release: August 7, 2015
I'll make it quick for you to know
Splashing my feelings is not where I'm the best (at)
I've never told you many things that I should
The words are on my lips, it's time to tell you the truth
The words are on my lips, it's time to tell you the truth
I belong to the roads now
Coming home to my old town
This pretty smile on this pretty face
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I belong to the roads now
Coming home to my old town
This pretty smile on this pretty face
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
Will you let me empty
The pain in your eyes
The chain in your heart
I'm gonna break it with my arms
Whenever you feel sad
In times of dark days
Going through a bad patch
Please come and take my hand
I care too much about you
To let you get drown
I'll always stay around
Whenever you hit the ground
I belong to the roads now
Coming home to my old town
This pretty smile on this pretty face
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I belong to the roads now
Coming home to my old town
This pretty smile on this pretty face
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
Will you let me empty
The pain in your eyes
The chain in your heart
I'm gonna break it with my arms
Whenever you feel sad
In times of dark days
Going through a bad patch
Please come and take my hand
I care too much about you
To let you get drown
I'll always stay around
Whenever you hit the ground
I belong to the roads now
Coming home to my old town
This pretty smile on this pretty face
I think I am the happiest man on earth
Songwriter: Jerome Fagnet
I belong to the roads now
Coming home to my old town
This pretty smile on this pretty face
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
I think I am the happiest man on earth
Broken Back (born August 10, 1990 in Saint-Malo, France, real name Jérôme Louis Robert Fagnet) is a French musician.
Fagnet studied at the EDHEC Business School in Lille from 2010 to 2014 and completed his master's degree in business and management. Meanwhile, in 2012, he had to miss several months due to a slipped vertebra, which is where his stage name comes from. He used his free time to play guitar and work as a songwriter. He offered the songs he created for free on Soundcloud.
In 2014, Klingande became aware of him and produced the song Riva (Restart the Game) with him. This was released in spring 2015 and entered the top ten of all three music charts in German-speaking countries and also enjoyed success in other European countries. His first solo single Halcyon Birds was on the French streaming charts for 77 weeks from 2015 to 2017.
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adyssims · 4 months
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Who am I ?
Let me introduce myself, my name is Audrey, I'm 27 years old, and yes I still play the sims.
I love this game, I've been playing it since The Sims 2 came out, my sister and I were fighting to get the computer to play!
In life I am a self-employed nail technician, and I have shared my life with Jérôme since March 25, 2019.
I share with you all my lookbooks, my creations for my love of decoration, and my story with Jérome
I would like to share with you my love for the sims, through my social networks, and to be able to share this same love for this game together.
See you soon
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fatherramiro · 1 year
top 5 episodes of 1899/top five scenes? please and thank you!
thank you!! under a cut because im a Wordy Bitch
top five episodes of 1899
The Calling (Episode Five) - I think it's such a terrific episode that does so much to change the game. We hear Elliot speak for the first time, we see Maura's father in full the first time, Sebastian reveals his true allegiances, we get that AMAZING scene where time stops (and honestly we don't even know in full how that actually fucking worked now that I think about that, like did Elliot stop time or did Maura control the simulation herself?)... plus, the imagery of the passengers leaping from the ship is so much and so terrifying. The loss of both Yuk Je and Krester hurts so much at this point in the show. And also amidst all this plot, we also still get so many character beats - Jérôme going to protect Lucien and Clémence, Ramiro and Ángel reconciling, Maura and Eyk being honest with each other, and Olek and Ling Yi's relationship really becoming important. I love it. It's a powerhouse of an episode.
The Ship (Episode One) - To get a mystery box show right, you need to crush the pilot episode, and boy does 1899 ever! The imagery in the first couple of minutes immediately sets up the tone of the show. Emily immediately kills it as Maura, and the slow introduction of all the ensemble is so magnificent. I could talk for hours about the way that scene in the dining hall is written and shot, especially how that scene with the cups immediately tells you something is Inherently Wrong with this ship. The slow burn to finding the Prometheus, as well as what happens when they get on the ship? Amazing. Plus the way the show tells us exactly what's happening on the show both with Ada talking to Tove and the goddamn last word we hear in the final montage's music - "remember" - shows us Bo and Jantje knew what they were doing.
The Boy (Episode Two) - This episode is high for a lot of personal reasons as One Might Guess, but we'll get to that in a minute. I love the way they build up Eyk's character. Andreas is an incredible actor and I just love the way he sets up not only Eyk's grief and trauma but exactly who he is as a person. Another acting highlight is Fflynn as Elliot - he's so creepy but his performance is also really goddamn sophisticated for him being a literal child. On the subject of key scenes, I also love that this episode has Jérôme and Clémence's first meeting - they're such a fascinating duo and their first scene is loaded with such tension. And of course, I love the Ramiro/Ángel of it all, but my favorite moment is that brief scene of them where Ángel is watching Ramiro sleep as Anker's prayer plays over it because I do think that was setting some stuff up.
The Storm (Episode Seven) - This episode is such a gut punch in the best way. The stakes are so high and even if we know that the characters we lose aren't necessarily gone because of the simulation, it still hurts to watch all those death scenes. Anker's decision to stay with Iben, Olek dying after promising Ling Yi she'd live, Franz sacrificing himself for Tove... and of course, Ramiro losing Ángel all make it such a perfect human tragedy against the sci-fi backdrop. Add in the conflict with Maura, Henry, Daniel, and Sebastian, and you've got a perfect episode of TV. The ending of the Kerberos going into the archive is also just such damn good visuals.
The Fight (Episode Four) - While I absolutely despise the character, I cannot help but love Maria's performance as Iben, and I feel like this episode is her showcase. What a pitch perfect performance. I also am obsessed with Jérôme, so getting to see his story and his character flourish in this episode is just catnip for me, especially since Yann is one of the strongest performers in an already strong group. The Jérôme/Clémence "romance" is also so well done, and I love seeing that instant connection blossom more. Plus, the dynamic duo of Eyk and Ramiro is excellent, as is seeing Ramiro getting to take on a more active role in the narrative (if only we had better footage of him kicking Franz's ass!). Also the Krester and Ángel moment is such a powerhouse, but that's a meta for another time.
Favorite Scenes!!
The Ramiro and Anker confession scene. Look, I could sit here all day and talk about why this scene is brilliant, but at the core it is so much about human connection and understanding, even if they can't understand how similar they both are. Also the acting makes me scream.
I am only allowing myself one (1) Ramiro/Ángel scene on this list and for me the scene is their pseudo-breakup in episode three. José absolutely destroys me in this scene and you can feel Ramiro's desperation and anguish just pouring off the screen. It also represents such a key moment for Ramiro, my beloved, so I have to put this on here.
The dining room scene. I love Rosalie's performance as Virginia so much and the way this scene weaves in setting her up for something as well as introduces us to the key first class ensemble players is so much. Plus, I do think the moment of them all lifting their cups at the same time is just such an excellent way of setting up something being Wrong before the Prometheus even enters the picture.
Clémence and Tove in episode six. I love Clémence and the idea of her bristling at the life she's been forced into - one where she's married to a man she does not love, who mistreats her, and where she's undoubtably expected to have children - sets up so much for her character and illustrates why she makes the choices she does throughout the series. I also just love her look with the pants.
This is so hard for me but I think I have to give this to a section of an episode - the characters going through the different memories in episode 8. I love that Clémence and Jérôme hear Lucien and try to help him (also how did they escape???). I love that Ramiro and Ling Yi are teamed up in this scene - the fact they're holding hands kills me, they're besties - and then I love how the voices of their love interests lead them out of the memories and back to the ship. It's such a good sequence!
Bonus sixth scene - The final scene with Maura and Daniel. I cry every time.
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lafiametta · 1 year
Who likes to collect merch of their favourite shows, like figurines and concept art/BTS books? Who goes to book signings and has a full bookcase with all sorts of genres? Who has a huge stack of boardgames and could spend countless nights in a row playing with their set group of friends?
And why is it Olek?
I'm sorry, but you see... I just think he is a big nerd who doesn't look like it at all. Ling Yi saw how built he was, and how he was often covered in oil stains from working at the repair shop, so she never suspected anything until Olek was comfortable enough to start sharing his interests in old TV shows, movies, and retro games with her. She was speechless for a long time while he explained it all, and then kept pestering him for more. "So you like that thing too?" "And what about that other one?" "I can't believe you took this long to tell me all this!" She also struggled to learn D&D in the beginning, but now she enjoys the game nights and always tries to buy pretty new dice for Olek, just because she finds it so funny and charming how competitive he is with Jérôme to see who has the best set each time they get together.
Plus, I like the image of Olek chilling on the couch during rainy days reading books and Ling Yi sleeping on his chest. I like it a lot, and for Olek, there is no better way to spend rainy days!
Aw, it’s so sweet that you’ve headcanoned Olek as a nerd! I mean, I’d have to think about it a bit more to see how it would fit into my modern AU version, but I like this vision you’ve laid out.
And, seriously, Olek hosting a game night — whether for D&D or of the more standard variety — is such an adorable idea. (Who would be the DM, do you think? I would say Jérôme, but maybe they could get Henry Singleton? He seems like he would really get into it and devise a ton of fiendish scenarios.)
And yes to rainy days with Olek reading and Ling Yi sleeping against him! I agree — there’s no better way to do it.
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saintseiya-zone · 2 years
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Time Odyssey (IT)
StarComics has announced Time Odyssey will also be available in Italian, both regular and collector edition, on Oct/28. The 5 volumes will be 21x28 cm hardback (collector's edition 25.5x33.8 cm), with unpublished extra materials and exclusive content.
Jérôme Alquié and Arnaud Dollen will be at Lucca Comics & Games from Oct/29-31. Events open to the public in which they will participate will be announced soon.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Véra Clouzot and Simone Signoret in Diabolique (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1955)
Cast: Simone Signoret, Véra Clouzot, Paul Meurisse, Charles Vanel, Jean Brochard, Thérèse Dorny, Michel Serrault. Screenplay: Henri-Georges Clouzot, Jérôme Géronimi, René Masson, Frédéric Grendel, based on a novel by Pierre Boileau and Tomas Narcejac. Cinematography: Armand Thirard. Art direction: Léon Barsacq. Film editing: Madeleine Gug. Music: Georges Van Parys.
Diabolique (or Les Diaboliques) was probably one of the first foreign language films I ever saw, so I'm glad to say that it holds up after all these years, as any good thriller must even when you know its twists. I'm not one who is spoiled by "spoilers": I knew the gimmick in The Crying Game (Neil Jordan, 1992) before I saw it, and I like to think I appreciated it more because I could see how it was being set up, and I enjoyed The Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan, 1999) more the second time I watched it. To my mind, any good thriller with a twist has to work independently of that twist, which Diabolique does. What it has going for it especially is Clouzot's superb control of atmosphere, helped by the sets, music, cinematography, and of course the performances of Véra Clouzot as Christina, Simone Signoret as Nicole, Paul Meurisse as Michel, Charles Vanel as Fichet, and a gallery of mildly grotesque supporting players, all working together to create a thoroughly sordid and unpleasant but also hypnotizing milieu. Even before the murder takes place, I was seriously creeped out by the shabby old school, its rowdy boys and ratty staff, and the sadism displayed by Michel toward his wife and mistress. That said, the story doesn't entirely hold together in any dispassionate post-viewing analysis. Without giving away any of the film's secrets, I spotted numerous loose threads. To name one, why is Christina so insistent on not divorcing Michel when she's perfectly willing to go along with a plot to murder him? We are expected to believe that she's a devout Catholic with religious scruples against divorce, but surely the church is at least as much against murdering your husband as it is against divorcing him. But I'm perfectly happy to ignore the implausible when the movie is as gripping as this one is.
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ungrateful-cyborg · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. <3
My friends and family, cats included.
Videos games, more specifically FFXIV and the Sims 4 at the moment. I'm not really the kind of gamer than plays many games, I tend to focus on one or two instead until I get bored of them.
Walking in nature. I'm luck enough to live in a country that basically looks like a postcard (Switzerland). I don't get out a lot aside of work but currently I work in a job that's half-inside, half-outside so that's nice.
Daydreaming about my OCs because what I do definitely doesn't count as writing :'D
And last but not least... watching videos of people renovating their house/videos about ecological restoration projects. If anybody else is interested, my fav house renovation channel is this one: Les Jérômes (They speak French but English subtitles are available).
Thanks for the ask, @musing-and-music!
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I'm sorry this is so long, wasn't supposed to be haha. But adding to your what kind of music they like ask response; Emmanuel is an old soul indeed yet Brigitte not so much, I'd say she very much likes electronic music, seeing how the Élysée's fêtes de la musique always look. In 2018 you could see her dancing to Daft Punk's Aerodynamic or singing the beginning of Kavinsky's Nightcall, for instance (by the way, the lyrics in Kavinsky's piece are I'm giving you a nightcall to tell you how I feel... I wonder if she does that to Emmanuel sometimes when they're apart). Kavinsky later said himself that « Cette femme adorable connaît tous mes morceaux et m’écoute chaque fois qu’elle prend l’avion » (This lovely woman knows all my songs and listens to them every time she takes a plane). Also, she definitely likes MIKA, they have an adorable photo together at the Élysée and I believe there was a sports event? back in 2019 or so... that Brigitte went to specifically because MIKA was going to perform there before the game. And, given she attended their concerts, I'd say she's a U2 and Johnny Hallyday fan. Plus, obviously, we recently learned that the song which moves her and the one she sings the most is Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais by Serge Gainsbourg. And, judging by the choices of performers for the Gala des Pièces Jaunes, it's possible she's a bit into K-pop too, and enjoys BLACKPINK. Generally, I feel like the entire setlist and the list of the artists invited to the gala were strongly influenced by Brigitte and Emmanuel's music preferences lol (so, if I didn't miss anyone, they had: Pharrell Williams, MIKA with Vianney, Kid Cudi, Angèle, Mentissa, Soolking, Gautier Capuçon, Christrine and the Queens, Daniel Lozakovich, Michel Polnareff, GIMS, BLACKPINK, Alexandre Kantorow, Hugues Borsarello and Jérôme Ducros).
Aaah oops, you are right, I only answered Emmanuel’s part of the question. Sometimes it’s hard to focus on anything other than him 😁 So thank you for answering the Brigitte part!
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shinygalaxyperson · 2 years
comfort tag game!
we can all use a little comfort from time to time - which i agree with, so, thanks @creepkingincand @imikhailotakeyouian the tag! -, so what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see the following:
A lot of french things here 😚
band: Florence and the Machine
movie: my neighboor Totoro
actress / actor: Jérôme Robart ( french actor)
tv show: Downtown Abbey or Nicolas Le Floch ( french TV shows)
concert video: Cali ( french singer)
book: period drama Romance novel
author: Juliette Benzoni
animal: cat, hedgehog, fox
poem: les Pas de Paul Valéry
character: mickey milkovich. ( Who else 😍)
snack:  cheese
piece of clothing: my Montréal hoodie (a gift from my sister )
meal: "La soupe au pistou"
drink: earl grey
room: my living room is my safe place
No Idea who did this already so anyone who want to play 🫣
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rolling-solo · 12 days
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bought some great stuff at a convention this weekend! details of where you can find these under the cut
Wreck this Deck by Becky Annison. I didn't pick this up at the last con I went to and have regretted it since! Was sad not to see Black Armada at the con themselves but picked this up at an Indie RPG stall.
Tales from the Crows' Nest by Tim Roberts (PDF). Didn't know there was a new setting for BLAC released so was excited to see this at the Critical Kit stand!
Oh No... I Started a Cult by Mike Garley. Never heard of Black Stag Press before but this sounds like a fun & quick solo RPG.
A Collection of Improving Exercises by Tim Hutchings. I'm always a fan of a solo RPG that isn't really about playing in a traditional sense. This looks gorgeous and slightly strange, which is right up my street. Also, Tim Hutchings' games are a nightmare to get hold of outside of conventions so I bought it rather than regret my decision, like I did before with his Thousand Year Old Vampire.
Death in Berlin by Jérôme Mioso. This is the first time Critical Kit have published something by an author other than Tim. I trust his judgement so bought this on his recommendation. Had a quick flick through and the gameplay looks really interesting.
The Almanac of Sanguine Paths by Rori Montford. When I found out this existed, I was so excited to buy it. Dead Letter Society but with werewolves?! Incredible, can't wait to play.
Artefact and Bucket of Bolts by Jack Harrison (PDFs). I love Mousehole Press and am waiting on my copy of Koriko to arrive in the post, so had to swing by to say hi. I didn't have either of these RPGs already so picked them up while I could.
Food Chain Island and Fishing Lessons by Scott Almes. Wanted to pick up at least something from Buttonshy as they can be tricky to get in the UK. picked up both on a bit of a whim but they're delightful.
Dice sets by Dice Goblin. I had my eye on the new baker set and was so glad they had them available. Also grabbed the Apostle set as a sneaky little treat.
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wwwdenise · 3 months
Arcane Season 2
Arcane: League of Legends, is an animated web series from the American gaming company Fighter Games, based on the company's video game title League of Legends. Arcane: League of Legends, is an animated web series from the American gaming company Fighter Games, based on the company's video game title League of Legends.
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The first season caught everyone's attention when it aired in 2021, and a teaser for the second season has now aired. Expect us to be able to watch it this winter in November! Season 2 "features Caitlin and Azure", these 2 characters have a close relationship, but Caitlin and Azure have an important enemy: Ugarte. As a result, there's a high probability that they'll be battling Ugarte in Season Two.
The appealing wow factor for me is that the concept design seems to move. It's visually stunning, incorporating a stylised rendering of 2D backgrounds + 3D characters, "triple rendered". The team behind it! Produced by French animation studio Fortiche Prod, Fortiche was founded in 2009 by Jérôme Combe, Pascal Charrue and Arnaud Delord, who have been working ever since to develop Fortiche into one of the top animation studios in the world. Since then, they have been committed to developing Fortiche into one of the world's leading animation studios.
I watched the disciplinary film about their production, from how it all started to the production choices. It made me look forward to more animation for the second instalment, and they talked about how "Because we have a sense of responsibility to the players, it feels like we created these game characters, and then the players responded by giving their time and love to the characters, and we feel like these characters deserve a better story to back them up."
It was only when I saw Jinx's animation bindings that I realised that the animators had designed a special binding for her, which allows her to transform between young and old, and this is the source of the charm of Jinx's micro-expressions in the animation. I learnt in the documentary that the production process started with the design stage, where backgrounds and character props were designed, and that all the backgrounds for Battle of the Two Cities were hand-drawn. The sub-production department is also working on the script, but it's important to work with the director to create something that's not in the script. At the same time, the dubbing work is also going on, recording some temporary audio tracks, and eventually, getting a rough and dynamic split episode with sound effects. I was surprised that there was no motion capture used in the animation process, as the film is not motion captured at all, considering it is "semi-realistic", it's all hand-held.
Understanding the production process of such an excellent animation through the documentary behind it, learning not only the professional aspects of knowledge, but also a need to slowly polish the heart, the first season took 6 years, but the second season will soon be with us. Very much looking forward to it!
I really like the prop design in it, which is Fishbones by designer Arnaud-Loris Baudry. The exaggeration in the design, coupled with the props of the rational conception. And I did not expect the weapon so big hhh. But my favourite is his material drawing, with a thicker-than-the-touch!
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In the trailer clip for Season 2, first there is the sound of ragged breathing and an arm being infused with fluids emerges from the darkness. Then the man with a bandage wrapped around the lower half of his face appears. The fluids continued to be channelled along the pipes on the floor, eventually meeting and fusing within the huge device. The man then glances at the pocket watch in his hand and clutches it tightly in his palm. As the camera zoomed away, he sat alone in the darkness, seemingly planning his next move. And will the huge mysterious figure that appears behind him bring a new nightmare.
Netflix. (2021, September 25). "Arcane Season 2: Release Date & Photos." Tudum. Retrieved from https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/arcane-season-2-release-date-photos
IGN. (2023, December 19). "Arcane Season 2 Announced at Netflix: League of Legends." Retrieved from https://www.ign.com/articles/arcane-season-2-announced-at-netflix-league-of-legends
niiicolo. (2021, November 20). "We can't wait for Season 2 of Arcane!!!" Twitter. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/niiicolo/status/1462225669551575042
League of Legends. (2023, November 6). Arcane: Season 2 Official Announcement [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz4-38d3-AE&t=8s
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equestrianempire · 3 months
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Saut Hermès: 14th Edition Welcomes the Elite of Showjumping &amp, their Flying Beasts to the Grand Palais!
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<img decoding="async" width="1000" height="666" data-attachment-id="170710" data-permalink="https://jumpernews.com/2024/03/14/saut-hermes-14th-edition-welcomes-the-elite-of-showjumping-their-flying-beasts-to-the-grand-palais/hermes-2023-35/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/jumpernews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024." data-orig-size="1000,666" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta=""aperture":"3.5","credit":"@Ctanierephotographie pour Herm","camera":"ILCE-1","caption":"Hermes 2023 -","created_timestamp":"1647677127","copyright":"Christophe Taniu00e8re pour Hermu00e8s","focal_length":"200","iso":"3200","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"Hermes 2023 -","orientation":"1"" data-image-title="Hermes 2023 –" data-image-description data-image-caption="
Hermes 2023 –
” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/jumpernews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024.″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/jumpernews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024.″ src=”https://i0.wp.com/jumpernews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024.″ alt class=”wp-image-170710″ srcset=”https://eqsportsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024. 1000w, https://eqsportsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024. 300w, https://eqsportsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024. 150w, https://eqsportsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024. 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>
Paris, France – March 14, 2024 –&nbsp, On March 15, 16 and 17, the Hermès house did welcome sixty of the world’s best users and their horses to the Grand Palais Éphémère for three days of opposition labeled 5*, the highest level of international events. Twenty-five global çandidates under the age of 25 may also take part in the Hermès ability tests. A few days before ƫheir entry onto the trail, we take a look at the people competing in the Saut Hermès at thȩ Grand Palais Éphémère, 2024 model.
The lineup for this thirtȩenth edition of the Saut Hermès at the Grand Palais, which was co-ordinated by GL Occasions, promises intense spσrts and tension. Both Hermès partner riders Ben Maher ( GBR ) and Steve Guerdat ( SUI), who have been the world number one for more than a year, have confirmed their presence. The top three riders in the world will face serious competition, including Hermès partner riders Simon Delestre and Julien Épaillard ( 4th ) and Simon Épaillard (7th ), two of whom are also French riders. Max Khüner ( AUT), who is currently eįghth in the world rankings, adds to the group of six top tȩn alumni on the Parisian track. Numerous other champions reacted to the sports concern that the Spanish program manager Santiago Varela Ullastres had suggested. In fact, there will be no fewer than 20 countries competing in this one.
Marlón Módolo Zanotelli ( BRA ), the team bronze medalist from the last year’s Pan American Games, and Santiago Lambre ( BRA ), the recent 5* Grand Prix winner in Doha ( Qatar ), will be able to count on Brazil. The Belgian Pieter Devos, who won the FEI World Cup Grand Prix in Basel ( SUI) in February last year, will also be on the track, along with his fellow riders Gudrun Patteet ( BEL), Rik Hemeryck ( BEL), Wil Vermeir ( BEL), and Jérôme Guéry ( BEL), who has been Hermès ‘ rider partner since 2017, along with a sizable delegation made up of regulars from the Paris Only Marcus Ehning ( GER ) and Simon Delestre ( GER ) have succeeded in achieving the double that Victor Bettendorf ( LUX), who won his first 5* grand prix at Saut Hermès last year, will be present.
In addition to the experienced Roger- Yves Bost ( FRA ), the reigning French Pro Elite champion Edward Levy ( FRA ), Kevin Staut ( FRA ), who has won three CSI 5* titles since the start of the year, and Olivier Perreau ( FRA ), partner rider of GL events, who was the author of a double clear round in the Abu Dhabi Nations League in January, France will have 16 representatives from this year. The younger generation will also be well represented, particularly Julien Anquetin, who has seven victories and three podium finishes in 4* and 5* competitions since December, or even Jeanne Sadran ( FRA ), who is gearing up to compete in her first FEI World Cup Final after taking second place in the FEI World Cup Grand Prix in Bordeaux in February.
In the Hermès skills events, Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland and Sweden will provide two cαndidates under 25 years σld. Among them, the medalists of the last European Young Riders team championships, the Belgian Jules van Hoydonck ( 21 years old – silver medalist ) and the British Claudia Moore ( 19 years old – bronze medalist ), or the Irishman Coen Williams ( 18 years old ), reigning European Junior team champion. France, which placed third in the most important event last year, will rely on Jules Orsolini ( FRA ) and Wiliam Ligier de la Prade ( FRA ), who compete regularly side-by-side during the Young Riders Nations Cups. Hermès’s skill tests frequently provide an opportunity to realize fantastic family adventures. This year, Mathieu Guéry ( BEL), 19 years old, and Matias Larocca ( ARG ), 25 years old, will also be present to defend the colors of their countries, while their fathers will appear at the start of the CSI 5*.
Source: Press Release ( translated &amp, edited ) from Saut Hermès
Photo: © Saut Hermès / Christophe Tanière
Categories: English, Jumper News France, Preview
Identified as: Chevaux, CSI 5*, Equestrian, Events, Fédération Française d’Equitation, FFE, Grand Palais, Hermès, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News France, Saut Hermès, Saut Hermès des Grand Palais, Showjumping
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