fanofspooky · 3 months
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Horror movies of the 1930s
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j-accuuuuse · 1 year
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desperatelysuckidol · 1 month
So yes, it’s true.
I was walking
down the street you know, and
I turned to Ralph—
you know Ralph—
and I said, Ralph,
did you know
that there has actually
been a string
of thefts this months, actually,
all over Aberdeen.
I said, Ralph, you know,
someone has to put
a stop to this, it’s actually
gone too far, and only you
know what to do
in situations like this,
you are, actually,
the only person who knows
what to do in a situation
like this. Ralph, I said,
we need you.
Come back.
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thebibliomancer · 8 months
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I don’t think Junko ever wanted to be uncovered.
She definitely wanted to eventually reveal that she ended the world and wiped Class 78’s memories. She wanted to drop those despair bombs on the survivors.
And I do think she had been getting terminally bored of the exercise by the time she’s revealed. She started getting careless.
But she really freaks out when averagest boy announces her identity to the class and whoever is watching the broadcast.
Then she probably smashed her head into the keyboard a few times and BOOKED it to the trial room and just started gobbling the scenery.
Makoto thrust her into the spotlight so now he has to live with it
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Never trust the CRM SME when they say the integration is working perfectly and they don’t need to be on the testing call.
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shobatsu-hanzai · 2 months
« Paraît qu'il faut virer des profs… Et puis les travailleurs sociaux. Les fonctionnaires qui servent à rien. Les infirmières à mille euro »
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billlaotian · 3 months
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domifucker · 6 months
a brief glimpse of auston next to j’accuse reminded me that auston is built like a fridge
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jeyneofpoole · 6 months
with all affection possible: was the franklin expedition brainrot ever out of session? truly?
you come into my house. you abuse your anon privileges. you um. you make valid points. yeah. whatever.
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diari0deglierrori · 10 months
So Jean is a 100% a Mozart L’Opéra Rock fan and I can prove it :
First things first, he’s french, no explanation needed for that one. Je sais de quoi je parle
Second, have you seen him ?
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Third, this is definitely a costume choice, a clear nod to it (specially because Jean’s goes well with Greta’s, which means that’s also an interest they both share)
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Fourth, et pas des moindres, Mozart L’Opéra Rock’s acronym is MOR which sounds exactly like Mort (death), and guess who’s immortal? Exactly!
Five, the lyrics! There could be many examples, but let’s take the title who goes very well with his power: Vivre À En Crever. This:
S'il faut mourir, sur nos stèles je veux graver
Que nos rires ont berné la mort et le temps
[If I have to die, on our headstones I want to engrave
That our laughter fooled death and time]
DEATH AND TIME. DEATH (Jean) TIME (Greta). Poetic cinema.
I’ll leave it here for today but I’m right.
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
Jack Hughes on being named First Star of the Month:
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“When you’re rolling you’re rolling” so true bestie
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j-accuuuuse · 1 year
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wild-icarus · 1 year
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Leopold Mozart/レオポルト・モーツァルト, "J’accuse mon père" costume (高橋ジョージ/Takahashi Jyouji) Mozart L’Opera Rock Jp 2013 (2/3)
Parts: 1 , 3 
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stromer · 2 years
y’all remember when marino was also week to week and we didn’t see him for literal years…..
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aboutaglrl · 2 years
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Jack Hughes!
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