destiel-wings · 2 years
I -- AM -- TERRIFIED !!! 😳😂🙈 JENSEN?!??
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Tfa bots elite guard and cons react to the sparkling beans
So, I will do it just this once because it is sparkling beans. But this request is for too many people. My limit is 5 bots/cons per ask. So this is just a one-time thing doing this many. I will also only be doing short spurts for each because of how many.
Optimus is desperately trying to keep them safe, contained, and happy. He was fine taking on the responsibilities of Earth, he was fine facing the Decepticons. But caring for a bunch of fresh sparklings was not what he was prepared for. He's usually rushing around with at least five beans stuck to him and cradled in his arms, while also following the rest around to make sure they are safe. None of the beans rarely ever leave his sight.
Ratchet took it upon himself to make sure they were fed and healthy. That was where he was going to draw the line on his responsibilities with the beans. Yet somehow he found himself working with several sparklings delicately placed around his work area, placed in hand-made beds/cots, along with two cuddled in his arms. He was going to leave the caring side of it up to the others. But the sparklings were so tiny and delicate that he found it hard to leave them with the others and trust they would keep them safe. As long as they were with him, he knew he could keep them protected.
Bulkhead wanted to interact with and help care for the sparkling beans. But the others were very reluctant and kept them away from him. Bulkhead did everything he could to show he was capable of being soft and delicate, even taking lessons from Prowl. It took time and practice, but eventually, the others allowed him access to the sparklings. He is very careful with them. He loves playing with them and is happy he can help care for them.
Prowl is great with the sparklings. He's delicate, soft, and caring. He likes to sit quietly with them, play with them, or sometimes just watch how they act. He's always patient with them and is not bothered by their cries. He often pulls faces to cheer them up, but none of the others have seen him do it. It's his special trick with the sparkings. Their small squeaks of jot warm his spark.
Bumblebee made a race track down a hill and rolled the sparkling beans down it. He lost sparkling privileges pretty quickly. It took a long time, a lot of lectures, and weeks of constant supervision before he was able to be around them again. He was happy to be with them again because the sparkings were cute and fun to play with.
Elite Guard:
Sentinel stays far away from the sparklings. Instead, he drops the responsibilities onto the others. He thinks they are noisy, fussy, and messy and he has much more important things to do.
Jazz makes sure to keep them safe and happy. He learns all he can about caring for them, often calling Ratchet to ensure he does it properly. But he's good at it. He can soothe and get the sparklings to sleep pretty quickly, the fastest out of all of them. He likes to hold them to his chest while he hums, and does his tasks. He thinks they need all the attention and affection they can get in their early stages. He wants them to be raised well and he's going to try his best to do that.
The twins are super hyperactive around the sparklings when they first arrive. They kept picking them up and rushing around the room, stating how cute they were. They would try to pick up as many as they could at once often resulting in one of two getting dropped (onto soft mats/blankets). Jazz gave them a calm but stern talking to, afterwards they calmed down and were much more useful and helpful in caring for them.
Megatron had far more important things to do than care for sparklings. Yet he also did not trust his Decepticons to do it. Or at least, most of them. So he cares for the tiny beans. He carries them around, completing takes with them tucked in his arm. And if any of the other cons caused harm to the sparklings, he would hurt the con.
Lugnut was not allowed anywhere near the sparklings. He pouts about it, wanting to show Megatron he was capable. But no matter how much he asked, he was still banned from going near them.
Blitzwing takes good care of the sparklings, He tries to keep Icy in control when around them, but the other two sides of him are still able to take good enough care of them. He made sure they had beds, food, and entertainment. He was usually able to fill all those needs by himself. He enjoyed the little beans' company and getting to care for them. They made him feel warm and fuzzy inside, a feeling he had not felt for a long time.
Starscream wanted to collect all of them to create an army he could raise himself. Then he remembered what happened with his clones. Instead, he carries one around. They are his little companion and he focuses all his time and energy on the one bean to ensure it gets raised well and to his standards.
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wordswhisperinthedark · 5 months
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"With such a hot temperature, to the degree of the limits one can take ... That show was very blue."
// THE FIRST NOTE (1, 2)
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 23/06/2023
Turn On Your SEGA Genesis and Just Enjoy Yourself
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7
Ripped by Jass
Requested by @ohuto!
While it feels a little redundant doing another one of Jass' excellent Genesis arrangements so soon after the last one, the moment I received the request to cover this rip it felt all but inevitable. The rip has been a permanent fixture in my own relaxation playlist of rips for over four years now, and I think its easy to understand why.
Much like the other Jass rip I covered - Collision Chaos Good Future JP [CD Beta Mix], its a kind of What-If arrangement, as Michael Jackson's Moonwalker featured Genesis arrangements of several other MJ tracks not including Off the Wall. And wheras Sonic CD was always a game with a lot of varied sounds in it, Moonwalker has a very distinctly its-own sound to all eight of its original tracks. That's part of what makes this rearrangement feel so magical, as it styalistically blends right in with the rest of the game. There's a surprising amount of ways you can make a Mega Drive sound, from Thunder Force to Sonic Spinball to Phantasy Star, yet faithfulness to Moonwalker specifically didn't hold Jass back from going all-out in making this track sound as good as possible.
To be frank: I'd never actually heard Off the Wall in my life before this arrangement suddenly showed up in its featured album, and it kind of blew me away. Even now having heard the original track, it still feels inseparable from that Mega Drive twanginess and snare drums. It became what Off the Wall is to me. That to me is the sign of a damn good arrangement.
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I saw your reblog of my post (on your personal blog) and I wanted to pick your brain about Sandalwood in Oak by Scents of Wood!! I just personally got Calm in Cedar and I'm still yet to wear it, the combo of Amber and Milk by Commodity has me in a chokehold
oogsgdjfnfn I love any excuse to talk about my fragrances. SiO is my absolute ideal, I love sandalwood, I just always found it so comforting, and it leans masculine, but it's still soft and warm, and it works in any season. BUT what absolutely hooked me was the sharp sweetness of the burnt sugar at the opening. it mellows as you wear but retains this amazing balance of green freshness and smokey sweetness. and when i bought a full bottle, I got a free travel spray of Vanilla in Armongnac, which is more warm and gourmand, but still smokey and sophisticated, in a slightly darker way. one is a cocktail in a linen suit, the other is a cocktail on a leather seat, that's the best way I could personify them.
Also I LOVE milk by commodity. I haven't heard of calm in cedar! tell me all about it!!
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sad-and-wet-hayes · 10 months
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this time,,, jass is the sad and wet one
gif and still version
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sosaysdean · 2 years
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yea that’s one way to promote gish I guess
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fellshish · 2 years
Well. When god made jensen ackles he must have felt bad about the small jass and made the thicc jick to compensate
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theangelscall · 2 years
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gaymalecelebs . com
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naomiharada · 1 year
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#bluegiant BLUE GIANTの映画、極音で観て来ました‼️最高すぎて感動しすぎて心臓が止まるかと思ったくらい‼️最後の演奏2つは特に音も映像も凄くてやられました。ティーチイン上映行きたい❣️ #ブルージャイアント #ブルージャイアント最高 #ブルージャイアント映画化 #ブルージャイアント好きな人と繋がりたい #jass #JASSレコードアルバム発売希望 (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDdrz8vqEh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raise your hand if you want to see jass!!!!!
charlie jass reveal when 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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destiel-wings · 2 years
jackles & the boys cast & marketing team about Herogasm
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ineffablecho · 2 years
2022 has been pretty shitty so far, but on the bright side we got to see Jensen Ackles' butt AND Chris Hemsworth's.
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wordswhisperinthedark · 5 months
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N.E.W. - JASS [1]
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 18/06/2023
Collision Chaos Good Future JP [CD Beta Mix]
Season 1 Featured on: CD Grand Beta Also on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 3 & Knigra
Ripped by Jass
A lot of the cool stuff that happens on SiIva is stuff that isn't paid attention to. Sure, there's the lore, there's the events, the takeovers - the stuff that's in-your-face and remembered by everyone. But much like the uprising of Maroon 5 content on the channel, or the quest during Season 2, 3 and 4 to complete a Sonic Mania soundtrack where all the tracks were Totino's-related, a lot of jokes on the channel fall under more niche umbrellas pushed by individuals.
Then again, calling the Sonic CD beta mixes "jokes" is kind of underselling them - this project, led by Jass and Sir Spacebar, is a wholesale genuine project. The aim here is not (usually) to surprise, overwhelm, or make you laugh, but to celebrate one of Sonic's most fondly remembered soundtracks. The concept? Take the first-ever CD-quality Sonic soundtrack, and rearrange it within the same audio restrictions as the original Genesis trilogy abided by. The natural answer to "What if Sonic CD was on the Mega Drive", done with complete confidence and competence.Because really, I could've picked ANY of the Beta Mix rips of Sonic CD for this entry - they're all made on this level of authenticity and quality. This project is pure passion, pure indulgence into one's specific interest - lumped alongside all the other content on the channel, like a box of chocolates. And that's just...really special to me.
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ozkar-krapo · 1 year
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JEFFRY'S JAZZ Orchestra [dir. G. ANDOLFI]
"Paris / Les Lilas (Quand refleuriront les Lilas blancs)"
(10" 78rpm. Pathé. ?) [FR]
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