#JD Tiers
slasherscream · 8 months
my girl can wear whatever she wants tiers please for crazy ass boys gang!!!
❥ my girl can wear whatever she want cause I can fight ❥
Billy Loomis - When you look particularly good his arm might as well be glued to your waist. He's both possessive and protective. He hates the way everyone's eyes devour you, but can't help how prideful it makes him either. Yeah, you want her. Of course you want her. Everyone does. But only I have her. God help the idiot that's stupid enough to open their mouth and not just look.
Jordan Li - They love watching you put your outfits together. They make suggestions from your bed, glancing up at you every few minutes. They can't help it. Their eyes are drawn to you permanently. No matter how crowded the room they can find you in a second. Whenever there's a party Jordan loves watching everyone try to sneak quick glances at you. They jump like rabbits when they wind up meeting Jordan's eyes and watch that smile that Jordan only wears around you fall back into the usual scowl. No one wants to be caught staring at Jordan's girl.
Arvin Russell - It's not possible for you to feel fear in public when you're with Arvin. You could be wearing straight lingerie in the most dangerous city in the world at 2 am and be safe. He's not just ready to protect you but hungry for it. Every time he proves he'll fight till his knuckles are bloody and bruised over you he watches you walk a little more confidently. Shine a little brighter. Knowing that he's there to protect you has only made you more yourself every day. And Arvin? He's obsessed with the transformation that the safety net of his fierce protection has ignited within you.
Jason Dean/JD - You wish he'd only fight people over what you're wearing. Unfortunately, this is not the case. JD pulls out a gun. Not every time, granted. Just a large majority of the time. In his defense, how is he supposed to act when someone has the audacity to cat call you? Do you expect him to just watch and not care as you experience that brief shiver of fear that runs up your spine when a man whistles at you before following it up with even more salacious words? If you feel fear, he'll make them feel fear. Simple.
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - If someone is stupid enough to not recognize him before they say anything to you about what you're wearing they will quickly recognize the tentacle wrapped around their throat. "Apologize." He hisses through gritted teeth, increasing the pressure, knowing just how much strength he can use before it would break their neck. How he ever expects anyone to apologize to you with a giant tentacle wrapped around their wind pipe you don't know. This is the second time this month. You're running out of night clubs you're not banned from.
David Mccall - You walk out of the house with the confidence that only someone who's done 12 tours over seas should have. But no, you just have a boyfriend who is incredibly scary. You've watched him almost break a man's hand for brushing it against yours at a crowded bar while he reached for his drink. You don't even think before you throw on an outfit anymore.
❥ my girl can wear whatever she want because she a hoe and I knew that before we started dating ❥
Josh Washington - Could he fuck someone up if needed? Yes, but he feels no need to. As long as you're not in danger or being disrespected Josh loves the way you express yourself through your look. You're hot and beautiful, of course you wear stuff that's short or tight, or both. If he looked like you he'd do the same thing. People don't usually say anything to you anyways, since he's always pressed to you like a second skin. He's not a jealous guy, but he is a chronic clinger.
Stu Macher - Is probably the person wolf whistling you in the first place. Points at you from across the room when you're talking to other people and says, "That's my girl right there. She's smoking, right?" He will always be smug he pulled you and NEVER shut up about it. The more wild you dress the more smug he gets. People can look all they want. But you only want him. What's there not to brag about?
Kevin Khatchadourian - Kevin above anyone else would thoroughly understand your psyche before dating you. He's involved with you because, somehow, you intrigued him against all odds. He already expected and predicted with near perfect accuracy every step of the relationship. Skimpy outfits are not throwing him. Can he fight? Yes. But, frankly, if someone pisses him off by hitting on you swinging on them is not gonna satisfy him. He's more of a "put their fingerprints at a crime scene so their life is ruined" type of get back. If he decides not to kill them.
Sebastian Valmont - Sebastian is the one buying you more hoe clothes. He loves your style and is not insecure. If either of you wanted someone else, you could go get them. But you two were practically made for each other. He wants to show you off. Is never going to be the type to try and dull your shine. He wants to walk into a room with you and have jaws drop from the deadly combination of the way you look together. He thrives off of seeing how much people want you. Knowing how futile it is. How hopeless. He pulls you tight into his side and grins like the devil himself (also, and this knowledge is of utmost importance, he cannot fight for shit.)
❥ my girl can wear whatever she want cus I’m scared of her ❥
Nathan Prescott - Is possessive, jealous and insecure enough to absolutely want you to change what you're wearing. With anyone else he'd even be bold enough to tell them to change. You are not anyone else, though. You are you. Considering every other behavior you tolerate from Nathan on a monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly basis you would snap on him like a twig if he tried to bring one more red flag on board. He knows this. You know this. When you slide on your low rise jeans and the tiniest crop top known to man, you make eye contact with one another in the mirror. He looks away first. You go back to peacefully fixing up your hair. Upside, no one is crazy enough to actually hit on you when you're at parties held on campus together. Which means Nathan won't have the cops called on him. Hooray!
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catboygretzky · 2 months
the jd vance couch fucking saga is the funniest thing in the entire world
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sysig · 7 months
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Everyone needs a sugar-sweet mergirlfriend! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#The Mouse and the Mermaid#Just Desserts#Continuing the mermaid theme - I was curious how Soda would look as a Mercandy and hm well lol#I wonder if there's a specific ship dynamic I like between land-dwellers and mercreatures! Lol#As always it's fun to interpret non-JD characters into the Just Desserts universe <3#Pop is a multi-tiered wedding cake! :D So fancy and special!#Probably just a small one but shhh she's a mouse she'll never know the difference#I love her gloves hehe <3#There aren't any anthros in Just Desserts :0 I think she'd be looked at weird haha#They probably Could exist they just don't currently#Go and mope at the lake where the pretty half-animal ladies swim around!#Actually now that I think of it that is also probably an element of why most mercandies are avoided lol#Other than the fact that they're Eldritch to residents living in the equivalent of acid lakes and all that lol#Gotta be very careful and dry off completely before a smooch! Burning kisses huh#Hmmm now that makes me want to think about the water cycle and the natural variations of sugar-water hmmmm#I've mentioned before that when a mercandy dies her body is broken down into the surrounding water until it's eventually saturated#I guess new mercandies are ''born'' when another dies in a fully saturated lake haha - she breaks apart into Jellyfish (hehe) and a new egg#Little sugar crystal egg <3 Cuute#Ahem anyway!#I think Soda looks lovely as a mercandy <3 She'd look so stunning with the sun streaming through her! Lit up from the inside out literally#I do like the shape differences she has from Honey&EasterNest's girlfriend haha - their ear-fins especially :)#And Soda lacks the signature sharp teeth haha - ''How do you defend yourself??'' ''🙂 🤫’‘ ‘‘????’‘ lol#The real answer is that she headbutts and fin-slaps but that's only in her normal body lol#Mercandy are blown sugar! They're a bit more fragile! They need to be sharp to slice! It'd be quite a cultural shock haha
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girard · 6 days
the first assassination attempt was news and the second assassination attempt is like bottom tier news after taylor swift and jd vance so by the time trump actually dies its possible no one will even notice for a few days
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nightshade962 · 5 months
Trolls Crack
Ablaze to other trolls: we have come to the conclusion that the only trickee has not died yet from all the stupid shit is because the Reaper/death has to face off a pissed off branch and no one wants to face a piss off branch
Branch to kismet,brozone, and snack pack: I have been to hell and back. While I was there Satan started to cry because he was not ready to give up the throne.
Branch to brozone and kismet: I wanna kill someone
Brozone worried JD: I don't think that's a good plan there bud
Bruce: yeah what if you get caught not going to bail you out
Kismet already doing a check list
Hype: I got us alibis
Boom: I've got the clean supplies and gloves
Trickee: i know where to hide a body
Ablaze: I got the tools
Kismet: now who are we hitting
Branch with tiers in his eyes: this is why I love you guys. Let's go
Brozone: wft
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stylishkatz68 · 2 months
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some JD fighting game tier list because I really like fighting games
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fiamat12 · 2 months
I don't think the problem is L taking pictures of 🐜. Imo, it's the optics of their group trips, esp. on the heels of his opulent world tour with N. Sure, live your life, L, but you aren't coming off as a top-tier celebrity, rather a frat boy on Spring Break with his bros filming Girls Gone Wild. And ok, he's been working since he was a teen so maybe he never got to experience that but he's also a multi millionaire so, I don't feel too sorry...
Also, L couldn't take his eyes off of N on the press tour, now seems keen to forget her? The idea he's keeping his hands to himself in pics to be considerate of N is not tracking. Lifeguard vibe or not, he lets his friends share his location, accommodations & trip reels freely. It seems to be a huge F you to N (again)... was the press tour so much of a ruse that he can't bother to be discreet or graceful in his current situation?
Cause really, the bohy put himself in this situation by not publicly claiming 🐜 long ago and letting Lukola happen. He could take a few tips from N, as I don't see her parading anyone around but herself and focusing on her work. Tbh, I hope JD is in her bed every night and nobody knows but them 😉
#villainedit #todayichoseviolence
P.S. Maybe N is just as accountable for enabling Lukola but what we don't know about her dating life doesn't hurt us. Should her foibles come to light, it's fair game...
#youhaveanxiety #youreinsecure #imafraud
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spurgie-cousin · 1 month
“For dessert, the bride and groom cut into a three-tier cake with lemon raspberry filling, which was served alongside cupcakes. One of Jana's brother-in-laws served as emcee during the post-wedding festivities and hosted interactive games and activities for guests. After heartfelt toasts, the newlyweds shared their first dance before Jana tossed her bouquet into the crowd.”
(I haven’t kept up with the Duggar weddings since…Joy’s? so I don’t remember if there’s been dancing)
I really want to know what the “post wedding festivities” were like I hope that’s code for more dancing beyond the listed “games and activities”
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You know that's a good question. For the Duggars specifically, I know many of them have been seen dancing at other weddings, Joy, John David, Abbie, Katey, Esther, Jeremy, etc. And Joy and Austin also took a dance class for a date night once (FSU says JD and Abbie went with them) but I don't think any of them have talked about dancing at their own weddings. Carlin Bates/Stewart famously had a first dance with her dad at her wedding, and I think that kind of opened the floodgates for other Bates kids to do so later, but if the Duggars had followed suit they've been way quieter about it. -
I know lol 34 in the grand scheme of things is so young. At 34, Jana's mom still had almost a decade left of having babies lol, not saying that's what Jana should do, just that it feels so silly to act like she's geriatric or something and that getting married and having a family isn't a realistic possibility at her age. -
Lauren was the one who got a lot of shit for her dress being "plain". I didn't mind it, I thought it was way prettier before she did all the modesty alterations though. And iirc, she also chopped the long sleeves off at a t-shirt length which was certainly a choice, but it was fine (I think Anna is the only other one who added the t-shirt sleeve alterations like that). I didn't find Jana's dress to be plain at all though, it was definitely simple and classic but thank god she chose to avoid the obnoxious modesty alterations because that vibe really worked for her. Hers might be my new all-time favorite dress.
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OM Demons & Their Broadway Duets
A.k.a the duet you two perform together that’s just a lil bit too on the nose
You cannot tell me that he’s Not the same person as Hades
Mans has shit to do!!
But that doesn’t stop him from wanting you one bit
He knows he can seduce you, and that’s exactly what he will do
Also has that Stunningly deep voice thats just perfect for this roll
Enjoys making you squirm on stage with his words and voice
Probably circles around you whilst singing
10/10 very hot
Will def invite you to see him after the performance for some quality time
The exact kind of greedy, insecure loving he needs
He wants to sing more because “The Great Mammon deserves the spotlight”
So he sings Elphaba
Tbh, finds it really therapeutic to express his feelings for you so wholly
LOVES that its so intimate; he gets to hold you, with an undeniable excuse!
Gets so flustered during rehearsals
Only makes him love you more
Listens to it often, cause it makes him happy to think of you
He will deny this
He would have died if it was a romance duet, c’mon guys
He was struggling getting on stage as is
So getting to pretend to play video games, right next to you in stage while talking about how he hates everyone else?
Has the audio clip of you saying “is it really true, i’m your favourite person”
Listens to it daily
Actually has an Amazing voice, holy shit
It’s Your song and no one else can sing it with you
Probs get the matching pac-man tattoo from the original musical
As said before, a hopeless romantic to the core
Thinks this entire musical is god tier
The only one to know and love the entire musical connected to your performance
You see it together “as research” before doing the scene together
Perfect on stage, as expected
Probs cups your face for a Significant portion of the song
Loves being to protector, instead of the persecutor; like he is so often made out to be
Will sing it to you quietly as you slow-dance in his room in the early hours of the morning
Wants it to be the first dance at your inevitable wedding
Guess who’s back on their asmo-is-baby bullshit
Mans relates to Audrey So Hard
So its only right he plays her part
You are his Seymor
He tries not to think about it, or else he’ll cry
Thinks its a really beautiful song
Don’t tell him the ending of Little Shop of Horrors, he’ll be devastated
ADORES being on stage, makes every minute of it
Kisses you as soon as the songs over, so deeply and passionately
The audience goes wild
Both of you are grinning wildly
He’s more than happy to sing a song about loving you in front of as many people as you want
Honestly just happy to be spending time with you
Sings Zoe, because he just wants to reassure you that he loves you
Like Lucifer, has a beautifully deep voice
Constantly checking you’re not as insecure as Evan
Makes sure you know he loves you, even if you aren’t insecure in the slightest
A custom bed needs to be built for the two of you to sit on for the scene bc he’s so Large
Puts his heart into the line “I don’t want you to fix what I’d rather forget”, because he needs you to know that you aren’t a replacement for Lilith
He loves you, as you.
Idk what bullying you had to do to get this but go you ig???
Hates JD with a passion
He reminds him too much of how he was during his time in the attic
But it’s almost like a redemption for him; he can do it again but this time he chooses you
He chooses you instead of the anger, the hurt
Voice is probs really raspy because he’s always sleeping
Didn’t do rehearsals, just wung it on opening night
Enforced naptime afterwards
Listen, this is Very Directed
He chose this song for a reason; he needs his people to know that loving you is not a political choice
He just loves you
Relates more to Alyssa, but sings Emma for impact
Probs doesn’t have time to be doing something like this??
Barbatos is On Him for the overdue paperwork
But this is Fun
And it’s with You
He loves preforming
Probs has a good vibrato too
Post show fancy dinner date 💕💕
l i s t e n
Mans is perfect for Warner
Is more than happy to let you have the spotlight
Loves being able to say he loves you so plainly
Sometimes the song makes him think about the realities where you stayed in the human realm
It makes him grateful that you chose the Devildom
That you chose him
But he tries not to linger, because you both have a song to do
Master of honey tea before going on stage
Warm them vocal chords UP
Always praises you on how wonderful you were the second that mics are off
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vilevenom · 6 months
New chapter for "Together Burning Bright"! This one is a ~flashback~ chapter. Specifically, Hickory's birthday party, when he and JD got together the first time. This particular scene has been rotating around my brain since I wrote "Let's Be Us Again", but it didn't really fit in the main story, so now you get a +4K word fic of just that, all on its own, lol This chapter is just a touch spicy. It's gonna bump the AO3 rating to 'M', so just an fyi. Nothing is explicitly described, but it's hella obvious as to what they're doing. Enjoy!
A trolls twenty-first birthday was a special one. At least, for the yodelers it was. It was considered a coming of age celebration, and it was when trolls were encouraged to take on more responsibility within the community. It was also when the biggest birthday parties were thrown.
As the community hall was the largest indoor space in the village, it was most commonly used to host such large events, to avoid the cold of the mountain. Flowers adorned nearly every feasible surface, and tables ladened with food were pushed up against the walls. Streamers and twinkle lights hug from the ceiling, while nearly every troll in town was crammed onto the main floor, singing, dancing and carrying on in celebration.
Nearly, being the key word. One troll with teal hair and a distinct pair of green goggles stood to the side with a lazy smile, drink in hand as he watched the party carry on. John Dory had, unfortunately, missed the beginning of the party. He'd been guilted into going, even somewhat late, by the trolls who were hosting his stay in the village. They'd told him it was bad luck for the birthday troll in question for someone to willingly not attend, so he made a little fuss about it but followed along shortly behind them to the party. He'd honestly just wanted to go to bed and sleep, but a party was a party, he supposed. And as a pop troll, he'd been told many times over the years that he should love parties, much to his chagrin.
He idly sipped at his drink as he watched trolls nearly trip over themselves as they swayed across the dance floor. He did have to hand one thing to the yodelers; they made a mean fermented nectar. The cup in his hand was definitely stronger than the strange yeasty concoction the rock trolls had made him try. From said experience, he knew better than to drink too much, or too quickly. He was not keen on a repeat performance, if he was going to be honest with himself.
Truthfully, he was planning on staying just long enough for a majority of the attendees to get a little silly, before slipping back out to the house he was staying at. He'd figured, since he didn't know who the party was even for, and he'd made an appearance to appease his superstitious hosts, that no one would fault him for wanting to get some rest. He'd only managed to get into town the day before, after all.
What John Dory did not expect was for a tall troll to suddenly appear next to him, lean a hand on the wall, and tilt into John's personal space with a little smirk on his face.
Hickory hadn't expected anything for his birthday. His parents were long gone, his brother had disappeared on a job of some sort for who knew how long, and he was old enough now that he wasn't even living with anyone who would potentially take notice. So, he'd been more than a little surprised when his friends had offered to host a party for him at the community hall.
It seemed like everyone in town had turned out, bringing food and drink to share. They'd adorned him in a flower crown and accessories made of dried flowers, while everyone wished him a happy birthday and good luck in the coming years. The reveal of the large five tiered cake his friends had baked for him had nearly brought him to tears. He truly felt like he was the luckiest troll in the world.
"Hey, hey! Who's that?"
"Oh. That's the troll staying with us. He's a traveling pop troll. I guess he's been here before, because…"
Hickory let the voices of his friends fade into the background as they prattled on next to him. Scratch his previous thought, now he felt like the luckiest troll in the world. John Dory, the troll he had been crushing on for the last four years, who he'd thought he'd never see again, was leaning against the wall. At his party! A thrill ran up his spine, making his fur practically stand on end.
"I'm going to go talk to him," Hickory stated, pressing his half finished cup idly into the hand of one of his friends.
"What? Why? Wait…No way, Hickory. That can't possibly be the same troll."
"The one I would not stop talking to you about a couple of years ago? It most definitely is," he said with a nod, fussing with his hair and straightening out his suspenders.
"Ooo, get some, Hickory," one of his friends jeered, earning an eye roll from Hickory.
He waved as his friends started to get rowdy, quickly walking away from them while trying to keep a flush from forming on his cheeks. He hadn't seen John in nearly four years, and they had only spent a couple of months together at the time. Would he even remember? Well, Hickory reasoned, you missed one hundred percent of the shots you didn't take.
He sauntered up to John Dory and placed his hand on the wall next to the pop trolls head before leaning into his space with a smirk. "Guten abend."
John looked up at him, confusion clear on his face. Hickory felt like an idiot. He tipped himself back up to stand upright, letting out a nervous laugh. "Sorry. You don't speak german, do you?"
"Can't say that I do, no," John said, arching an eyebrow at Hickory. "Can I help you?"
Hickory cleared his throat, already feeling like this was going poorly. "I said 'good evening'," he fumbled, suddenly wishing he hadn't handed off his drink so he would at least have something to do with his hands. "I, uhh…you're alone."
John's expression went from confusion to disinterest almost immediately. "Yes. I am. And, if you don't mind, I was actually pretty okay with that situation."
Hickory bristled, wincing at the clear dismissal, but he couldn't just let John slip through his fingers like this. "We met! Before! Sorry, I'm making a mess of this," he quickly babbled, fiddling with one of the floral bracelets he'd been gifted, "I showed you around the last time you visited the village."
John stared at him for a moment, before realization slowly dawned on his face. He stood up straight from the wall, giving Hickory a cursory once over, gaping slightly. "Hickory?!"
Hickory let out a quiet breath, a wobbly little smile on his face as he gave a short nod. "That's right."
"You got tall!"
That startled a snort of laughter out of Hickory. "Ja, and older," he added, waving vaguely at the party. John looked dumbfounded for a moment, glancing around before his gaze snapped back to the yodeler.
"This is your party? Oh, man. Happy birthday!" John said, giving Hickory a friendly punch to the shoulder.
"Thank you," Hickory chuckled, rubbing at the spot that John had hit. "I don't imagine my birthday is what brought you back to town?"
John laughed, shaking his head a little as he leaned back against the wall. "Nah. Not that the party isn't great! But, I just got board with the classical trolls. I kinda vaguely remembered where this place was, and I wanted to come back for another visit. Got a little lost in the mountains for a couple of days, though. I have to admit, I'm a bit exhausted and I only came to the party because I got guilt tripped." John paused as he noticed the somewhat crestfallen expression that flitted over Hickory's face, before a smile was forced back onto it.
"Well, don't let me keep you! You should not feel obligated to stay if you would rather be in bed," Hickory offered, taking a short step back from John.
"Wait, hey, no," John stood back up, reaching out to catch Hickory's wrist. He offered a soft smile to the other, nodding towards the door. "I know this is your party, but why don't we step outside. I'm tired, but I'd love to catch up with you?"
Hickory returned the smile with a genuine one of his own, giving a short nod. He pulled his wrist free of John's hold, only to take his hand properly with a quiet, "I would love that." He turned and began to lead John through the crowd, while doing his best to ignore the cat calls that followed the two of them out.
"Sorry," Hickory muttered once they were outside, his breath puffing up in a tiny cloud in front of him. "My friends can be a bit…lewd."
"Hey, no worries," John said, walking along next to Hickory as they trundled through the snow towards a couple of benches just outside the community hall, "Pop trolls have a reputation, I've been told."
"It is a ridiculous reputation to have, since you are one of the only pop trolls that has even been through town in the last two decades," Hickory scoffed, only to flush in embarrassment at the look John shot him. "I just…it's not right. To make those sort of presumptions. Do you not agree?"
"Oh, I fully agree. It's just kinda nice to have someone else share the sentiment," John admitted, a grin forming on his face. "So," he flopped down to sit on the bench once they reached it, setting his cup on the ground, "What've you been up to since I was last here?"
Hickory eagerly took the seat next to John, and the two began to talk. Once Hickory had caught John up on the relatively uneventful list of things that had occurred in the village, John began to regale Hickory with tales of his travels, which the yodeler took in eagerly. He gasped and cheered in all of the appropriate places, peppering in the odd question to get John to elaborate on details, while John sprung from his seat to enact some of the more daring acts from his time on the Neverglade Trail. After a particularly energetic performance, John fell back onto the bench next to Hickory, quiet pants leaving a trail of wispy condensation in the air behind him.
"Your life sounds fantastic," Hickory hummed, watching John catch his breath with a dopey little smile on his face.
"It's pretty great," John grinned up at Hickory from where he was half laying on the bench.
"I wish I could have adventures like that," Hickory admitted quietly, picking at one of the blooms on his bracelet.
"What's stopping you?" John pushed himself to sit up, leaning into Hickory, "It's your life. And you're old enough now. Heck, you've been old enough for a while. I was eighteen when I went out on my own."
Hickory shrugged, a sardonic little smile on his face. "My brother, mostly. Even though he's not even here right now. But, truthfully? I am not brave enough, I don't think."
"Sure you are! You just gotta put your mind to it," John said encouragingly, nudging Hickory's shoulder with his own.
"No," Hickory shook his head, "I'm a coward."
"Hey, come on. Start small, then. Baby steps. Pick something little that you're scared to do, and just do it!" John grabbed Hickory's knee and gave it a little shake. "I believe in you."
Hickory looked down at the hand on his knee for a moment, before turning his gaze up to John Dory's face. He was smiling brightly at Hickory, open and reassuring in a way very few trolls had ever been to the yodeler. He swallowed thickly, placing his hand over John's, and hoping the pop troll would blame the cold for the flush that adorned his cheeks. "Just…go for it?" he reaffirmed, licking his lips nervously as John nodded encouragingly, "Okay."
To John's credit, he only startled slightly as Hickory leaned into his space and pressed their lips together. It was chaste, and short, but that didn't stop his face from heating up.
"I'm not too young, now," Hickory murmured against John's mouth, his eyes kept shut to save himself from any unsavory expression the pop troll may be making.
"You…what?" John sounded dazed.
"I'm not too young. You told me last time that I was too young, but I'm not anymore." He lifted both hands to cup John's cheeks and press a more determined kiss to the pop trolls lips. He very nearly pulled away, until John began to reciprocate the kiss.
They broke apart from each other after a moment, their breath mingling and turning into delicate fog between them.
"This isn't because-" John began, only to be muffled by Hickory peppering a couple quick, short kisses to his lips.
"No! No, of course not. I told you, I think that is ridiculous. No. It's because I have not been able to get you out of my mind since we last met. And I feel like this, you appearing on my birthday, is nothing short of a sign from the universe for me to at least try," Hickory admitted, letting his fingers lightly trail from John's cheeks, over his shoulders and down to his hands. He finally sat back and opened his eyes to find a flustered looking John Dory sat before him. "You did encourage me to be brave, after all."
John chuckled, a lopsided grin on his face. "I suppose I did, didn't I?"
"You did," Hickory nodded, before he stood from the bench, offering a hand to John. "Come with me."
"Where to?" John asked, not hesitating in the slightest in taking Hickory's hand and standing from the bench.
"Home," Hickory stated simply, leading John through the village.
It was a relatively quick walk through town, especially as most trolls were still at Hickory's party. Hickory lead them to a small, modest house towards the edge of the village. It was adorned with the same floral trim pattern along the awnings that all of the other buildings in the village had, with a well cared for little yard, and a short wooden fence surrounding the property.
As Hickory opened the gate and began to pull John up the short path to the door, the pop troll paused, tugging back on Hickory. "Wait."
Hickory stopped, turning around quickly with a look of worry on his face. "What is it?" he asked, tone concerned.
"I think I remember you mentioning…you have a brother? Does he live here?" John asked, looking towards the door apprehensively.
"Oh," Hickory visibly relaxed, a low chuckle leaving him, "Dickory, yes. He does live here, but he is not in town right now. I'm by myself."
John gave a little nod, nerves leaving him as Hickory tugged him the rest of the way up the path and into the house. He only paused once to wipe his feet on a large mat near the front door, encouraging John to do the same, before he continued to lead the pop troll through the house. He only let go once they had entered a sparsely decorated bedroom, and the door was shut behind them.
"Nice digs," John commented idly, looking around the room briefly, before he found himself being pushed back into the door, Hickory's hands slipping under his vest to trail over his chest.
"I can think of much more interesting things than my bedroom," Hickory chuckled, pressing a kiss to John's cheek.
"Gettin' right to it then, huh?" John joked, lifting his hands to rest gently over Hickory's hips.
"Is that…not okay?" Hickory asked, shifting back slightly but not lifting his hands from John's fur. If this was the only chance he had to soak up the pop trolls presence and touch him, he was going to take advantage of every moment he could.
"Never said it wasn't. You just seem real eager," John teased, easy grin on his face.
"I have waited four years to be able to touch you," Hickory murmured, pressing in close to John while pushing the pop trolls vest from his shoulders, "You will need to forgive my eagerness."
John's grin faltered, his well practiced boy band charm guttering at Hickory's words. "You weren't kidding about that?"
"Kidding about what?" Hickory asked, distracted as he tugged the vest free and tossed it aside.
"Thinking about me. For all that time."
Hickory paused, frowning as he tipped his head back to get a look at the almost hopeful expression on John's face. "Why would I ever joke about something like that? The time we spent together meant a great deal to me. You mean a great deal to me."
"You don't even really know me," John said with a short shake of his head.
"Then let me?"
John stared up at Hickory for a moment, taking in the flower crown that sat askew on his head and the earnest expression he wore on his face as he waited patiently for John's response. He swallowed thickly, before giving a small nod, digging his fingers more firmly into Hickory's hips and pulling him in close. "Okay."
The brilliant grin that John got in return for his consent nearly made him dizzy. He gasped as Hickory ducked his head and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, slowly sinking to his knees as he trailed kisses down John's chest and stomach. He let his head fall back and hit the door with a dull thud, groaning quietly as Hickory all but worshipped him.
As Hickory reached John's hip he paused, tilting his head back to look up at John imploringly. "Is this okay?"
John tipped his head forward, letting out a slow breath as he lifted his hands to tangle his fingers in the yodeler's hair, dislodging the flower crown and causing it to fall to the floor. "More than," he murmured, momentarily distracted as the crown rolled across the room, only to snap his attention back to Hickory with a soft hiss as the yodeler tugged at his shorts and continued his trail of kisses down.
"You okay?" John asked, a lopsided grin on his face. The two had eventually migrated to Hickory's bed, where John currently found himself devoid of any of his clothes, laid back in a pile of pillows with a rather flustered looking Hickory between his knees.
"Es tut mir leid," Hickory murmured, licking his lips quickly as he sat back on his heels, "To be truthful, I have never done this before."
"Seriously?" John asked, stretching his arms above his head, grinning a little as he watched Hickory's eyes trail down over his chest. "Strapping young troll like yourself? I find that hard to believe."
"It's true," Hickory said with a self depreciating little laugh, "I think you are the first troll to ever use the word 'strapping' to describe me."
"Aw," John cooed, sitting up and taking Hickory's face in his hands, "Well, I think you're real handsome." He grinned as Hickory flushed, quickly taking the opportunity to kiss the yodeler deeply. When they broke apart, while Hickory was looking a little overwhelmed, John pushed him down into the pillows, swinging his leg over the yodeler to settle in his lap. "Let me take care of you now, okay?" He preened as Hickory's hands settled on his hips, fingers digging in slightly.
"All right."
Hickory wondered if this was what it was like to be in paradise. The troll of his dreams was in his lap, a dark flush coloring his cheeks as he panted, looking absolutely lost in the moment as he moved above Hickory. "You are so beautiful," he murmured, reaching up to cup John's jaw. The pop troll looked momentarily startled by the sentiment, only to let out a low moan and sweep down to catch Hickory's lips in a kiss.
"You're not too bad, yourself," John teased as he pulled back, earning a light chuckle from Hickory and a roll of his hips that left John gasping.
John huffed as he rolled off of Hickory, flopping back into the mound of pillows next to the yodeler. He looked rather pleased with himself, while Hickory stared up at the ceiling in a daze, both trying to catch their breath.
"That was…"
"Not too bad, huh?" John chuckled, turning his head to smirk at Hickory.
The yodeler blinked, turning his head slowly to frown at John. "Not too bad? John, that was…absolut vollkommen. You were - that was incredible," Hickory stated, pushing himself up onto his elbow to lean over the pop troll. "This was the best birthday I could have ever hoped for."
John's smirk melted into a genuine smile at Hickory's earnestness, reaching up to brush his fingers through wavy orange hair. "I'm glad I could make it memorable."
"The most memorable," Hickory agreed, leaning down to press a kiss to John's lips. He shifted and squirmed amongst the pillows until he managed to maneuver himself over John, pressing in between the pop trolls knees, somehow without breaking their kiss. When he did finally pull back, John let out a low chuckle, arching an eyebrow at Hickory.
Hickory flushed in embarrassment, gasping quietly as John wriggled his hips. "I…only if you'd like to…?"
John snorted, lifting a leg to wrap around Hickory's hips, tugging him close as he stretched his arms above his head and arched his back. "Only if you do all the work this time."
When John woke up in the morning it was to an empty bed. He grunted as he felt around the covers, finding the blankets cold. He scowled as he smacked his hands over his face, groaning as he rubbed at his eyes. He should have known better. This was not the first time someone had managed to sweet talk him into bed and then fled in the morning. It was, admittedly, a bit odd that Hickory had taken him back to his house, instead of where John was staying, but perhaps there was some unspoken rule between yodelers that one simply got up and left without a fuss the morning after a fling. He had hoped Hickory would be different, but who was he kidding. He was a washed up ex-boyband member, and because he was a pop troll a lot of other trolls seemed to think he was some sort of traveling strumpet.
He sighed as he spread his arms out over the expanse of the bed, frowning as he began to notice the faint ache in his hips, and the odd way some of his fur was sticking to his skin. As soon as he got back to where he was staying, he was taking a long, hot shower. But first, he needed to get there. He let out another grunt as he rolled out of bed, wincing as he stepped on his discarded goggles. He muttered a quiet curse to himself as he picked them up, cleaning them off with a blanket, and giving them a quick inspection to find them relatively unscathed. He slipped them on his head, before hunting around for his vest and shorts.
John had managed to pull on his shorts and was trying to figure out where Hickory had tossed his vest last night, when the bedroom door began to open. He stopped short as Hickory walked in with a soft little smile on his face, carrying a tray ladened with assorted breakfast foods. Hickory froze when he noticed John standing in the middle of the room, his smile turning into a confused frown.
"Mein liebling…? Did you need to go somewhere this morning?"
John simply stared at Hickory for a long moment, his brain needing the time to register that Hickory had not, in fact, run off on him. That he had, instead, made him breakfast, and brought it to him in bed.
"I…" John began, watching as the confusion on Hickory's face slowly shifted into realization, then resigned understanding. It suddenly felt like a weight was on John's chest as he watched Hickory set the tray aside, a sad little smile on his face as he shuffled across the room to tug John's vest from beneath a few pillows that had been shoved off the bed the night before.
"Here," Hickory offered the vest to John, tucking the thumb of his free hand into the waistband of the sleep pants he was wearing, "I take it you were looking for this?"
John took the vest, but was hesitant to put it on. He held it to his chest instead, tipping his head slightly to try and catch Hickory's gaze, but the yodeler was looking anywhere but directly at him.
"Hickory, I…" John floundered, not knowing what to say to fix the hurt look on Hickory's face. He was supposed to be a lyrical wordsmith, but his mind was drawing an absolutely blank.
"It's okay, schatz," Hickory said, shaking his head and gesturing towards the door. "I understand. And I am so very happy that I could have the time with you that I did. I don't regret it. And I hope you don't, either."
John felt like he'd been sucker punched in the gut. This sweet troll, who'd confessed to thinking about him for nearly four years and had showered him with nothing but compliments and sweet nothings all night, honestly thought John would regret spending the night with him. He dropped his vest and stepped quickly across the room, cupping Hickory's cheeks so he could force the yodeler to look at him. He wanted to kick himself at finding tears in Hickory's eyes.
"No! No, no, Hickory," John brushed his thumbs against the yodelers cheeks, finding his walls quickly crumbling at the way Hickory's expression turned a little hopeful, "I'm sorry. I thought you had left. I wouldn't've…If I'd known you were making me breakfast, I…" He cursed under his breath, squeezing Hickory's cheeks gently, earning a sound of confusion from the yodeler. John cussed again, a little louder this time, before stating quickly, "Can we try this again?"
Hickory gently extracted his face from John's hold, frowning slightly. "Try what again?"
Instead of answering, John picked up the breakfast try and pushed it into Hickory's hands, before ushering the yodeler back out the door. "Here. Wait, like, a minute. Okay? Just…one minute, and then come in again."
Hickory stumbled slightly as he was pushed out the door, turning with his mouth open to speak, only to find the door shut in his face.
Meanwhile, John hurried to slip his shorts back off and toss his goggles to the side, clamoring onto the bed quickly. He arranged the bedding just so around himself, managing to flop back into the pillows and hoping it came off as somewhat alluring, just as Hickory began to open the door again.
Hickory poked his head in first, still looking confused, only for a smile to bloom on his face as John made an exaggerated yawning sound and stretched across the pillows.
"Oh! Did you make breakfast?" John asked, propping his cheek up on the palm of his hand, a coy little smile on his face as Hickory walked across the room and set the tray on the bedside table.
"Ja. I thought, after last night, you might need the energy," Hickory teased easily back, sitting on the edge of the bed. He reached out to pick something off the tray, but paused as John's hand landed on his wrist. He turned his head, letting out a startled little moan as John surged up to press a kiss to his lips.
"Join me?" John asked as he broke the kiss, patting at the pillow next to him.
Who was Hickory to deny such a request? He stood from the bed to slip his sleep pants off before crawling under the covers with John, a pleased little smile on his face as the pop troll draped himself over his lap.
"Now… Feed me," John all but demanded, gesturing vaguely at the breakfast tray. Hickory snorted at the demand, but obliged, snagging a berry from the tray and feeding it to John, who made a show of licking his lips and moaning lowly while he ate.
"Oh," Hickory breathed, offering John another berry, only to find his fingers being drawn into the pop trolls mouth with another self satisfied moan. He swallowed thickly as he pulled his fingers free to reach for the tray again, only to be stopped as John sat up and properly sat himself in Hickory's lap. He blinked owlishly up at the pop troll, who simply grinned down at him.
"Again?" John teased, squeezing his knees around Hickory's hips.
"Yes, please."
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apicelladonna · 3 months
Johnny or Mads and why
Totally normal about Mads!Gellert.
He is what I envisioned on how Grindelwald presented himself-how this mere wizard folk captivated majority of the wixen world not in fear but in such silvery smooth velvet words of promised security against muggles in their own war while shadowing their own crimes. Proud, vain, stubborn, cunning.
My dearest Gellert- war criminal most undesirable dark wizard from 1926-1945 incarcerated in his own tower like rapunzel high tier ex husband petty -Grindelwald.
Who waltzes in after a decade hiatus in his situationship with Albus looking like a goddamn Adonis with his tailored suit and lavender tie and salt and pepper hair.
And the evening gala tousled hair will never not make my heart go feral.
The fucking Nurmengard basement pool necromancy scene-
There's so much potential he can do now that in the storyline we are ramping up the height of power/extremities that Grindelwald may do that starts the Global Wizarding War before his 1945 duel with Dumbledore!
I wanna *know* what those crimes are, how interconnected the Alliance and their movement were that Albus had to intervene and make himself noticeable far from the comfort of Hogwarts.
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It's understandably horrible with how WB treated the whole JD situation and it should have never happened in the first place.
But in its wake, I hope that everyone can appreciate what Mads brought into the role. And that somehow in my delulu, Fantastic Beast 4 happens before danish grandpa retires. ;w;)
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larsisfrommars · 5 months
Wild Wild Reviews
The Night Of The Deadly Bed
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Overall Score
Story: 4/5
Dame: 4.5/5
Villain: 4/5
Gadgets: 5/5
Disguises: 4/5
Bonus Points: Gay Subtext: 2.5/5
The Yikes Dated Factor: 0/-5
Score: 25/25
Tier: S (100%)
Previous Review • Next Review
The Story
This episode is up there as far as quality, it almost feels as though THIS should’ve been the pilot as opposed to TNOT Inferno. It’s finally got all of its limbs (meaning Artemus has his proper characterization which is what was missing in the pilot) and doesn’t have the same racist trappings as the previous installation. All the major elements pay off, the mystery isn’t sloppy, the villain and lady of the week are well written. The biggest drawback is that stupid unnecessarily complex death trap that gave the episode its name. Why does the hotel even have that?!Why didn’t Jim get sedated enough for that to even be an issue?! It’s so dumb that it borders on Batman series levels of comically avoidable. It’s just not quite a 5, gotta reserve that for the best of the best.
The Dame
Our lady of the week is Barbara Luna! Whom I know as Marlena from the Star Trek TOS episode Mirror Mirror!
Say it with my y’all, I. Love. Gatita!! She’s so awesome and one of the best female characters this show has ever had. Which is WILD cuz we’re like 2 episodes in and there’s a 102 more. She’s intelligent and brave, she’s got her own personality and motivations. She is working for the baddie to protect her people who’ve been enslaved by him. She even fights back in her own way by giving his girlfriend food when he’s trying to starve her, not to mention attacking one of the guards! The relationship she develops with Jim feels genuine and relatively well developed. The only reason she’s not getting a perfect 5 is because she gets treated and written as “exotic” in the first half of the episode but that’s not a fault of her as a character.
The Villain
Our villain of the week is played by JD Connor!
What a great and hateable villain, he is cruel to women and minorities, he’s got an overdeveloped sense of class, and he’s got delusions of grandeur. Also he’s idea of a train killing train to take over the US with is extremely unhinged and silly which is exactly what we need in our Wild Wild West villains. He’s not perfect though. He lacks a certain uniqueness that would have him stand out amongst other egotistical traitors and invading powers that frequently pop up in this show.
The Gadgets
They knocked it out of the park again with the gadgets this episode. Particularly the explosive coal which was such a fun Chekov’s Gun this episode, with satisfying high stakes pay off. We also see our good friend knock out gas featured, and the first but not the last instance of Artie accidentally getting KOed by his own invention lol. The ring was also a neat gimmick and I’m kinda disappointed we don’t really get to see it again.
The Disguise
Artemus’s disguise in this episode was fun, well thought out, and useful. He successfully infiltrated the labor camp where Jim and Gatita’s village were being held. He used it (and a drunken rendition of one of my fav Spanish folk songs “Malagueña Salerosa”) to rescue Jim, and he also exploited it as means to start a revolt while Jim planted the bombs! The only reason it’s not a 5 out of 5 is because he didn’t really do a specific character, he was just trying to blend in which isn’t as insane or enjoyable as his more fleshed out personas.
The Gay Subtext
(Don’t ship it? Skip it!)
A joke could be made about Artemus giving Jim a specially made ring and to “wear it in good health”. There’s also a moment where Gatita feels like she could be making a joke about Jim being bi when she talks about “looking for a girl, now you’re looking for a man” which I think is hilarious even if it wasn’t intentional. Then of course we have our regularly scheduled story beats of Artemus looking like the world just fell out from under him when he thinks Jim is dead, and looking bitter (or dare say jealous) and exasperated when Jim makes out with the woman of the week at the end of the episode.
The Yikes Dated Factor
When I put yikes dated at 0 that does NOT mean there was nothing problematic in the episode. However there was very little that was straight up cringeworthy that made me embarrassed on behalf of white people or made me wanna turn the episode off. There were microaggressions and casual nationalism for sure, but no shoe polish or wildly inappropriate caricatures. For the time this show was made it was very respectful and for that I will give this episode props!
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Michael Mechanic at Mother Jones:
Mormons would probably be psyched. The Republican Party less so. I’m talking about what would happen if we embraced the idea, proposed by Donald Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance—isn’t he funny?—of empowering families by giving parents of young children an extra vote for each child. Besides being likely unconstitutional (see the unanimous 2016 Supreme Court ruling in Evenwel v. Abbott, which upheld the 14th Amendment principle of “one person, one vote”) such a policy would be difficult to implement. Who gets the extra votes if there’s an odd number of kids and/or the parents are estranged or have opposing views? Who votes on behalf of stepkids—do they count? Adoptees? How about kids living with their grandparents? Noncitizen parents? Parents with Green Cards? Could undocumented parents vote on behalf of US-born offspring? And how would you verify all of it? To be fair, in an interview over the weekend, Vance clarified that his proposal was simply a “thought experiment.” Okay then! Let’s think it through.
Assuming this proposal were legal and workable, whom would it benefit? Certainly the Mormons, who are known for prolific procreation (in 2014, according to a Pew Research report, Mormon couples ages 40-59 had an average of 3.4 children vs. 2.2 for all Christians and 2.1 nationally—they also famously have a history of having too many spouses.) Mormons tend to be conservative and vote Republican. But only about 1.2 percent of Americans identifed as Mormons in 2022, per the Washington Post. So who else might benefit? Predicting voter preference and its impact on a given race is complicated and involves various interrelated factors: One must consider a given group’s cohesiveness, political tendencies, and likelihood of turnout, in addition to age, education, income, and geographical concentration—for example, Michigan’s Somali diaspora, Hawaii’s large Pacific Islander population, and Mexican Americans in the Southwest.
[...] I also poked around for useful data. The Census Bureau’s 2023 Current Population Survey breaks down, by race and income, households with children under 18. That’s useful, because income is a rough proxy for education, and families with less education tend to have more children, Frey told me.
Non-Hispanic whites are significantly under-represented among parent households with incomes of less than $75,000—which account for 38 percent of all families with young children—while Latinos are substantially over-represented. In the slightly larger and more educated middle tier, households with $75,000-$199,999 in income, Asians and non-Hispanic whites are slightly over-represented while Black and Hispanic households are slightly under-represented. In the high-income tier ($200,000-plus), non-Hispanic whites and Asians are strongly over-represented while Black and Hispanic households are strongly under-represented—but only 17 percent of all families with young kids fall into this high-income, high-education, and likely high-turnout group. [...] There's also an X-factor to consider: Might the promise of extra votes serve as an incentive for parents who might not otherwise do so to get out and exercise their patriotic duty, potentially narrowing ethnic and educational turnout disparities?
JD Vance’s experiment of permitting parents who have children to have extra votes might come back to bite him, as it could end up benefitting Democrats.
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svld99 · 2 months
I had a random thought today. The shield vs judgment day would have been a top tier feud. Seth with two good knees. This could have been the start of the tribal chief era Roman. Dean keeping them from turning on each other. Becky could have been the First Lady of shield. Rhea and Dominic tag teaming match against Seth and Becky. JD and Finn tag team match against Dean and Roman.
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streaminn · 1 year
E. Addams, almost as if they’re married. Is the love on screen them acting or them just being in love or both, either way, the adaptation is top tier because of it
Hey.. Listen jd, they got the excuse that some people just have the same last name at times, it happens
But as for the love thing, it's Both! They're just reenacting what they gone through in senior year, so there would be alot of breaking character whenever they practice together
"I said that?" Enid gasps, absolutely horrified. "that is so embarrassing-"
Wednesday tilts her head, peaking over Enid's shoulder. "I thought it was one of the most romantic thing you've said to me ."
"weds I threathened to pin you to the bed bc you kept insisting to do something to the food."
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I read one of the previous asks and just wanted to add my opinion.
Some people actually think that Nicola has a Polaroid with her and JD? On the back of her phone? Right now or ever? There is no way!
We now know that she's signed with CAA, and the signing can't have been a new development. At the very least, they were already in talks at the moment of her outing with her Derry Girls costars.
Now, what CAA does is to open you up to Hollywood and the American GA.
And we all know that in the States (unlike Europe let's say, where it can be tolerated sometimes) age difference in couples (onscreen or off) is nowadays under intense scrutiny and lowers your success shot especially with the younger public. And they have a loooooong memory. Also imo it's worse when women are the older half in a couple.
Remember ATJ, the rumored next Bond lead? And his whole marital situation? Do you know how many director credits his wife has to her name after marrying him? Check out imdb if you're curious.
There is absolutely no way Miss N. Professional-is-my-middle-Name C. would even consider fumbling this, not after waiting for her break for so long.
Not even for Romeo-n-Juliet-tier love would she do it imo.
Especially since she's already admitted about how cynical she is about said sentiment.
She could have one of her and JD
Wouldn’t mean they’re dating, just like her having one of L didn't mean they were dating...
I doubt it is one of her and him but let's be real...
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