maraczeks · 1 year
bcs s4 thread pt 5
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thecoolerliauditore · 4 months
hey why does third life Cleo need to be put in the shredder ?
genuine question by the way, I don't think I have seriously thought about third life Cledubs ever
girl help I forgot I made that post so I was just staring at that first sentence for way too long like. does she.
but uh yeah disclaimer or whatever that on this blog specifically I tend to speak more hyperbolic and don't care to fact check myself because like 99% of the time I just write words and leave. I haven't necessarily like. looked back at any of my own posts a day or so later and gone "wow okay that's just incorrect" but I do acknowledge that like. I'm really letting the interpretation/headcanon lines blur over here at times and sometimes I'll just say shit. so yeah blah blah blah none of this is gospel everything with a grain of salt etc etc
anyway cleo in the life series in general drives me a bit insane because like 85% of the time they are really cool and awesome and funny and my favourite guy but then there's the 15% of time she shares onscreen in an extended conversation with scott smahor and she suddenly becomes like. genuinely the worst person alive to me I want her prosecuted jailed death penalty'd.
In third life specifically she makes an alliance with scott behind bdubs' back called the "widows alliance" which was based on a promised partnership after their respective partners (bdubs and jimmy) died before they did. Which is like. One of the things I am mad forever about people suddenly deciding everything is Silly when it comes to the guys doing horrible shit because what the fuck, man.
I guess there is an argument to be made for the level of seriousness on Cleo's side because unlike Scott we don't get any indication that she like. genuinely expects to outlive bdubs. And she could very much just be saying words for the sake of it or have yet to completely grasp the concept of "permadeath" (like many others) but I'm still mad. Very happy she ate shit and died right after Jimmy. I'm sorry women.
I would have to rewatch 3L from cleo's POV to say this with confidence but I would also like to add that from what I recall she was also somewhat? dismissive of bdubs the whole time even though a lot of the heavy lifting in their partnership was done by him. BUT in cleo's defense she was distrusting of essentially everyone in 3L and kept everybody at arm's length ++ I'm willing to attribute this more reflective of Cleo's running theme of being insecure in her own abilities than any sign that she thinks lesser of Bdubs specifically.
Post-3L Cleo is epic and awesome in Last Life as byproduct of the fairy fort being epic and awesome and even when she eventually joins GGG it's fine because LL!Scott is the only instance of Scott feeling human emotions in this series but ohhh my god DL Cleo is a whole beast of her own I could write essays upon essays on how DL Cleo is the worst guy ever this mf sets a little puppy dog on FIRE and no one ever mentions it I'm angry forever about it.
Everything limited life onwards is fine she chills out super hard about the not trusting people thing and limlife cleo specifically is really really funny even if she would still stab bigb to death with a kitchen fork if given the opportunity. Her relationship with Bdubs is pretty much un-weirded in my head I don't think they were like. Awful in 3L even I just think that Cleo has issues with relationships in general and self-sabotages alot due to her own insecurities and so she ends up doing alot of fucked up insane person things despite not really being. Bad herself if that makes sense?
Very very shy little endnote it's also like. Interesting to me that Cleo and only Cleo refers to the 3L Cledubs partnership as like. Romantic in any sense. Cleo uses terms like "husband" very generously so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here and say it means fuck all but idk idk something about the way Bdubs never reciprocates and instead assigns himself her son the next time they end up together is really funny to me.
Anyway yeah whatever. the shredder.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
i’ve been reading through the space miner au posts and the rancher essay just sent me over the moon (haha). i MUST know more about imp and skizz when you have the time thank you <3
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Unseparable since childhood, they know each other better than anyone. Both went into space mining (which is how they met Tango) very early in their life, probably as teenagers, which would make them basically veterans now, and therefore very experienced in all things mining related. After their last mine and base collapsed, leaving Impulse without an arm, they both left and settled for something different; not entirely sure what they do now, other than harboring a wanted terrorist every now and then, but its something radio and communication related. Quite a jump from their last job, but after the collapse space mining left them with less than positive feelings
(More more or less related things to explain some things below, so that it wont be a giant wall of text on the dash. Fixed because tumblr ruined formatting)
i feel like this is a good moment to mention a bit more about what space mining even is, other than being just... mining in space. there are a few different layers to space mining as a profession, depending on the ore and place (its stability, temperature and everything else needed to be taken into account with human workers); it doesnt really target asteroids (which is why i dont call it asteroid mining), only planets and moons. Despite being assumed to be a more presigious job, it really isnt, at least most of the time; Jimmys experience, for example, is very much comparable to mining on earth, and payed as such. Impulse and Skizz, on the other hand, got to do the cool sci fi idea of space mining, much more dangerous (in places that arent in any way friendly to humans that the miners cant really leave easily before the end of their work season, i guess. not sure how to call it), but also more fun, as it includes the use of mobile suits. This is how sculk is mined, as it tends to exist in places humans shouldve never been in.
(Jimmy also has a mobile suit license, as it just... comes with doing that job, but never had to use one on any of the mining sites. When i talk mobile suits think less Eva and more... chunky and grey. something like the demi series from gwitch. I wanted to include mechs because i like mechs 👍 and i think using giant robots for mining is really cool)
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the idea itself is not based on any real-ish possibilities or whatever of asteroid mining; i would much rather it be read in a way youd read a space sci fi from the space race era. specifically from the side of the eastern bloc... its where the retro part of retrofuturistic comes in this au. If i had to introduce the world more, id say that space colonisation started more than century and a half ago (for the time of the au, that is) and durning space race itself. Even though the cold war has been over way before all characters were even born, there still is a clear space divide influenced by it; not all places are avilable for everyone with a spaceship, but it slowly starts opening up and mixing with itself. It very much goes into alternative history but its not the focus of the au so ill just leave it at that. Bit of a worldbuilding thing. I say all that because i find the idea of what esentially is space juma (travelling to germany from poland specifically to steal and traffic small high value items and also cars durning the 80s and 90s and still today sometimes) and all things similar stupidly fun. Thats why Tango has to hotwire his spaceship. Theres a chance im the only person who likes this kind of story atmosphere and its ok its my au. Sorry for going off topic from the ask it just kind of happened. Bless
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yakumtsaki · 1 month
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Spice and Cyan are the last cousin-fuckers left standing and are proving impossible to break up. I'm inclined to blame the fact Sugar and June also had the hots for each other and passed these destructive genes on to these losers but whatever it is they're just annoyingly into each other.
Now I'm not gonna lie, I did almost waver cause I was like 'man you know what they're second cousins so at the end of the day truly who cares, maybe I should just let them stay together and create one Union super-bebe'.. and then I see this:
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In case you can't tell from this amazing screenshot they have ONE BOLT. ONE. ALL THIS DRAMA OVER ONE BOLT ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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-What is drama compared to someone you almost desire? -Oh baby, the mediocrity of my passion for you is too much to bear!
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-This lukewarm hot tub water is the perfect metaphor for our love.. -Exactly, it's the water of the womb and we all know that's where that sole bolt is even coming from!
UGH. Also man the difference between your noses is UNREAL, now I'm more worried about that if you procreate than the incest.
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-Hahahaha, as expected I'm the only one of this trash family that's in a non-disgusting relationship!
Felina no offense but you could afford to add some drama cause you've become boring af.
-People are sick of all this perverted nonsense! They want someone dignified and happily monogamous!
Ya idk sis, I mean look at Barth dislocating his entire spine as we speak:
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-You were??
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Bro I can't, the entire house hates Barth other than Meadow and her billion nice points and Spice who is his childhood bestie. Note that he and Sunset have that goddamn amour fou and are independently becoming un-enemies, which I'm NOT GONNA LET HAPPEN.
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-Ok Barth, let's get drunk and make some reckless and sexy decisions!
-Why do you keep cockblocking us? You know our kids would be hot!
-Ya right! Don't act like you haven't thought about it!
-You know we would produce a hot, psycho turbo-Union! A little Jojo or Jojette, untainted by non-Union DNA, one freakshow to rule them all!! Look into your heart, you know it to be true!!!
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WTF. Why are you here we've paid our bills!
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Oh great, now half these flops are in aspiration failure, that's just what the doctor ordered.
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-Can you harpies take this somewhere else, I'm trying to get high here!
OK NO. No one's killing anyone, we're NOT cursed, ok?
-We're broke, afflicted with a bills glitch, fires keep starting and half the house is in aspiration failure!
Well let's be real, the broke part is on you.
You idiots are averaging a D each semester because you're too busy fucking each other, beating each other up or both..
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..I mean freaking Jimmy is on academic probation, I have never gotten this before in all the years I've played this game, this is the worst college run of all time.
My point is the bar is in hell so let's just get out of this run alive, ok? Now you kids make nice!
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-Well, Failina, now that I'm looking at you up close I guess putting lipstick on a pig does work sometimes.
-For my next move, I'll shove my queen in your other eyehole.
See, now isn't this nice? And I think I figured out what caused the bills thing so everything should be fine now..
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Ok you know what I'm actually fine with that one, take it- Um do I hear hearts??
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-We've been friends for a long time-
You have?? Man I really need to pay more attention around here.
-Yes well you can't help being useless!
Very true! Well please, continue, let me just call someone over-
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Man I know, it's so terrible! Anyway-
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DOES HE?? Cyan you are one crazy bitch, I love it.
-I take after my mom! :D
Which one, they're both insane! :D
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-What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home? Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go🎵
Alright well Chapell karaoke seals it, Kea, welcome to the family!
-You mean it this time right, you won't fuck me over again like when I was engaged to Sophito?
LOL I forgot about that but no I'm certain this one is gonna work out, unless crazy ass Cyan goes back to one of her cousins
I said start planning the wedding!
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mentalisill · 8 months
Ranking every Life Series Member based on how much I could beat them in a fistfight to the death (But I'm overconfident)
Characters not Content creators because I think I would be able to beat up most of the ccs and always winning isn't any fun
Also: I'm basing this off of when they were most insane, so like Griand and Joel when they were red in LL and Pearl in DL, if they haven't gone batshit crazy then whoopsies their loss
Lizzie - I say fairies aren't real and she explodes easy
Etho Slab - I do not think for the life of me that Etho Slab would be able to defend himself against anyone
Mumbo - I don't think I need to explain this one
Martyn In Thy Littlewood - pussy queen cry baby wet cat man I would Punch him and he'd run away to Rendog crying, but also if he gets possessed by the watchers or whatever that as in LimLife I'm dead but I think I could beat him before that happens
Joel Smallishbeans - All I have to do is call him short and he crumbles, although it might take me a few punches to get him down
Jimmy Solidarity - Doomed by the narrative lil canary man
Impulse - You see, you would think "oh impulse is tall and broad he would beat you in a fight" NO! I'll bite his ankles!!!!!!!
Bdubs - He's sneaky!!!! He's my fave!!!!!! he's so amazing!!!!!!! but I would be able to beat him he might've killed the end dragon but he can't kill me
Scott Smajor - Now, this one is tricky, I think I'd be able to beat Scott but I have a fragile ego so if he insults me too much I'll start sobbing
Cleorrrr - I wouldn't be able to hit her at all nope she'd win
Tango - a cheeky fella, has fire hair, I would put up a good fight but since its a fistfight and I don't have a weapon or armor I'm getting cooked alive
Grian - He'd beat me up while making fun of me :(((((((( I'd be on the floor sobbing and it wouldn't be no "I'm sorry!!!!! Scar!!!!! No!!!!" moment no. I'd be crying and he would LAUGH! But if we also take into account WATCHER GRIAN??????? FUCK THAT NOPE IM DEAD
Pearl - She'd kill me no doubt in my mind I am NOT winning this
Scar - He'd swindle me to death ????????? also he's buff
Gem - Uh huh yeah okay no I'm not winning???? No????? I'm just???? not?????? Not only would she kill me but she'd insult me while doing so
BigB, Skizz, Ren - I wouldn't have it in my heart to beat any of them actually I think I would try to hit one of them and it would deflect and I'd hit myself instead
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geo-winchester · 1 year
35. Put your seatbelt on. WITH JIMMY AND
"Have you eaten today" WITH EGGSY IM SORRY LMAO
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A/N: hi lovely!! I’m so sorry this took me an eternity, I haven’t been mentally well and I’m trying to keep up with all the request but finally I finish this I hope you like it and I promise I’ll start to work on your other request with jimmy! Hope you have a lovely day/night! And thanks a lot for your requests🩵🩵🩵
Taron Egerton’s masterlist
It’s been two years since you started your relationship with Eggsy and with that, it’s been two years telling the most weird story of how you met. For you it starts like a normal day at your residency, that day you were supposed to be helping Dr. Park on a surgery but one of your coworker got late making you end up on the ER, You don’t hate to be on that area but this was a surgery that you like to see. You gave a quick look at the tests of the patient you were going to check on, you make your way to the cubicle, when you get inside and look at him you were a little surprise, It was your old neighbor, your father were friend with his father, but you lost contact when his mother married again. 
-Eggsy?- he smiled when he recognized you. 
-Yn? What are you doing here?
-I should be doing that question- you said -I’m a resident here, actually I’ll be your doctor today, do you want me to introduce me as I usually do?- you said -Hello, I’m doctor YN YLN, I’m going to be the doctor who is going to attend you today, tell me how your feeling Mr. Unwin?- Eggsy and you start to laugh. 
-You sound like that boy from up- he said, making you laugh. 
-I know we always said that- you said you left the papers on a little table and approach to him -I’m going to exam you- you put the stethoscope on his chest -please take a deep breath- you couldn’t help but blush when you met his eyes -Do you want to share with me how this happen- you notice that he start to think on something. 
-Oh uh… I got into a fight with some pricks in the pub- he said you look at him for a moment. 
-You know it will be better if you tell the truth to me- you said. 
-I…- but before he could say anything else a man came in. He had a couple of glasses and a nice suit, none of his hair was out of line. 
-Oh, Eggsy, I’m glad you’re doing better- he said.
-Yn, this is Harry, he’s my…
-Uncle- you looked at him suspiciously but you shrugged. 
-I think that because of the traumas you had, you need to stay here for a few days.
-We’ll do whatever you say, doctor- Harry said as he gave you a soft smile.
-Ok, I’ll tell everything to Doctor Martin so he can be updated with your case when he sees you…
-Wait, so that means that I don’t have to see you again?- Eggsy asked.
-You won’t get rid of me that easily- you said before you winked at him.
You visited him every day while he was in the hospital, you liked to be around him, you could talk about anything and he always made you laugh, before he left the hospital he asked you for a date, you had to admit that you were nervous but everything went great. That date became a second date and then you started dating. After your sixth month dating he told you about his real job, he warned you that it could be dangerous for you and if you want to leave him he’ll understand but instead you took a step closer and kissed him. You were worried every time he was on a mission, but this time everything was different, some woman want all the control for the drugs, eggs was on united state with another agency, Harry was back, the hospital was a chaos with all the people infected with poppy’s drugs, and the cherry of the cake was when he called you and tell you that they were going to fight the golden circle on Poppy’s island. You tried to focus on your patients but you were tense until Eggsy’s name appeared on the screen. 
-Oh god, I’m glad you’re ok- you said making him chuckle. 
-You didn’t think that I would make it alive, uh love? 
-I never doubt of you babe… when are you coming home, I miss you
-I miss you too, darling- he said -Have you been eating today?- you thought for a second. 
-Yeah- you said as you bit your lip. 
-Love, you know I know when you’re lying right?- he said, making you sighed. 
-Ok I haven’t eaten today, we were kind of busy giving all the infected people the antidote that some spy won.
-You mean that handsome spy that 's waiting for you in the medics room?
-what?- you said as you ran to that room, Eggsy looked at you with a smirk on his face.
-I’m going to hang up now love- you haven’t realized that you have your phone on your ear.
-I’ll tell you later but first follow me- you did as he said, you followed him to the rooftop of the hospital, you were a little confused but you forgot when you saw the view.
-God has been ages since I've been here- you said before you look at him.
-How did you know about this place?
-I… kind of followed you when I was here- he said ashamed.
-So you were a stalker, agent Galahad?- you said with a smirk.
-Just for you, babe- he said with a smirk, you get close to him and kiss him. 
-I really miss you- you said. 
-Me too- you noticed that something was bothering him. 
-Are you ok?-he didn’t answer right away, until he shook his head -Do you want to talk about it?
-I… I almost didn’t make it- you could feel the air stuck in your lungs -I’m here thanks to Merlin and it was my fault- you hugged him as he told him everything that happened and you kept hugging as he calmed down and stayed like that for a moment. 
-How you been, what’s new?- he asked you after a while. 
-Let’s see, I found something I want to show you- you said as you looked at your phone and showed him a photo on your phone.
-Look how young we were- he said. 
-Are you telling me old?-you jokes. 
-Well you’re not 11 years olds anymore- he said -you want to know a secret?- you nodded. 
-I had a crush for you- you could see the blush appearing in his face -I know we were kids but when I was with you, I was always happy and if I’m honest I always wonder what happened to you, so imagine my surprise when you were my doctor, I was excited and then this happened… and now with everything I’m sure of one thing.
-And what’s that?- you asked. 
-I realized that I want to spend my life with you- he said looking at your eyes.
-Are you…
-I’ll propose one day and I hope that you’ll say yes, but I’m pretty confident that you’ll accept- he said with a smirk making you roll your eyes- come on love, let's get you something to eat.
-Eggsy- you stopped him -I love you- you pull him into a soft kiss -shit I don’t want to compete with everything you said but I just want you to know that I’m really happy when I’m with you- you gave him a quick kiss before you start to walk again -oh and I’m pretty confident too that I’ll say yes- he gave you a big smile -so you have to promise me something.
-Yes, I’ll introduce you to Elthon John- he said. 
-I was going to say that you have to always come back to me but now I want to hear that. 
-I promise- he said -come on, let’s eat and I’ll tell you everything- he said as he took your hand. 
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rhapsoddity · 5 months
Uhh 3 questions/asks (idk what to call it) in one ig??
1. What would happen if head empty Sheriff/Jimmy got out of Scott/Spectrums hypnosis when Spectrum/Scott wasn't around and looked around and found Xornoth? (I am very curious on this one bc like what would Sheriff/Jimmy think or do?-)
2. What if Scott/spectrum was out in his civilian look and a villain tried targeting him for some reason what would Scott/Spectrum do
3. Is there a certain reason why Scott/spectrum and xornoth don't get along?
1- Honestly Xor doent give two shits as long as his brother's "dolls" stay out of his room, but if they ran into each other? with sheriff clearly with his braincells?
"S-stay back"
"sure whatever. could you move a bit? i want to get a monster out the fridge."
"wha- oh! ... sorry?"
"you want one before you sprint out of here?"
"...you're not gonna stop me? you're not with-?"
"spectrum? fuck no i just live here. but he's got his guys out front just incase this happened. go out the back. what flavour do you want?"
xornoth doesnt give a shit. hes not gonna go out of his way to help, but its gonna mess with scott so its chill. also jimmy wouldn't recognise xornoth, its been a long time since jim dated scott and doesn't rlly remember his brother much
2- Honestly Scott would roll with it, he doesn't want to draw attention to himself as a civilian. and I mean he IS rich, so I could see ppl targeting him. hed just sit there and wait for a hero, he cant risk revealing he's spectrum, that's no fun!
3- i mean im sure theres some childhood trauma and how they coped differently with it or smth (like parents dying or smth I dunno) but in general they just. don't!! get along!! some siblings are just like that! they care enough if like,, either of them was gonna die or smth :) and they tolerate each other enough to live together, but that's about it
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silverzoomies · 10 months
Politely requesting “he’s so…” for Jimmy Darling and James March, please and thank you.
💙 nsfw ahead !! pretty filthy, just a warning !! 💙 
"he's so" headcanons under the cut. so im not crowding up anyone's dash with my bullshit !! these might be wayyyy off,, pleasse do not trust my judgement at all. also, liz, i adore you just fyi ty !!
💙 james march is so... 💙
he's so watches you at a distance solely with the intent to kill. bloodthirsty af. starts to notice how much of an innocent, little thing you are. you heart is purer than his could ever be in a thousand lifetimes. he keeps his distance for some time, but then you start to notice him. maybe he'll try and dance with you, so close you can feel his breath on your skin. listening to oldies you've never heard a day in your life. but he knows every lyric. every note. every beat. you can smell cigarette smoke on him. he reeks of it. along with...something else. but you'll never be able to place it. you can't seem to figure out why he's so ghostly pale. or why he gazes at you with a pitch black, void-like coldness in his eyes. He lures you in with promises of romance. tempting you into intimate, love making sessions. he'll ruin your perception of men forever. because no other man could treat you with such careful, sultry attention as he does. there's something almost...sinister about the way he touches you. his cold hands feel for your pulse points. making note of the jumps in your heartbeat. he touches your body, squeezing the muscles hiding beneath your delicate skin. you won't know it, but he's thinking about how aesthetically beautiful you must be on the inside. literally. he's thinking your innards are probably lovely. when you're finally together as one, his length moves with slow elegance inside you. drawing out your pleasurable suffering for as long as possible. he'll overstimulate you until you're sobbing. until you beg him to stop. but he won't. he'll grab your jugular and make you see white. in the end, you won't survive. your death will be gruesome and painful. someday, he'll regret having killed you.
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💙jimmy darling is so...💙
he's so diner date with a shared milkshake. orders whatever flavor you like. he has eyes like black cocoa. and, honey, they're lookin' you up and down every few minutes. he flirts nonstop. finds any and every excuse to touch you. patting you on the shoulder. guiding you along with a big hand on your back. grazing gloved knuckles over your arm mid conversation. he's pretty forward. unapologetically so. once he finally has you one-on-one, he tries to take things a little further. isn't afraid to be direct. but - ah...the two of you keep gettin' interrupted. he'll be leaning in for a smooch, a hand on your hip; but someone walks in. maybe it's eve, askin' his assistance settin' up new banners. sometimes, you find him stumbling around, drunk off his ass. it breaks your heart how often it happens. but he's so horny about it. says a lot of raunchy shit to you when he's completely smashed. it makes you blush. when he's hungover, he's grumpy as hell. his frustration'll slip in little ways, but he apologizes once he's sobered up. overall, he's real sweet on you. very sweet. even gets a little bashful once you're finally making out. he tastes like the booze he drinks on the daily. he'll get really handsy. and his hands are so, so massive and warm. they grab you hard, focusing careful attention to the squishy parts of you he loves so much. would take his time in bed with you. eases himself in slow, with consideration for your comfort. even though every instinct in him wants to stuff you so full so fast, you'll be aching for weeks. gets vocal, calls you little petnames. fixates mostly on your pleasure because that's what he's used to doin'. he doesn't expect you to focus too hard on his needs. but when you do, he's pleasantly surprised. cums a little sooner than he meant to. he'll lie with you afterwards. daydreams about stealing you away. maybe he'll run off you with you. make you his little housewife. but nah. he can't do that. his family needs him. he wonders if you'd be willing to stick around.
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samijey · 7 months
broke my promise to myself and actually watched the jey/gunther match and let me tell you... whoever booked that finish wanted jey to look like an idiot. mega rant under the cut which you should honestly read im not your mama but you should read it
he splashes gunther after getting dominated for 80% of the match and an (honestly underwhelming) spear and we're meant to believe the +2yr champion who's beaten virtually everyone on the roster (including drew who recently beat jey TWICE) was about to be defeated right there?......okay............ but it gets worse
when the referee (for no real good reason) stops the count at 2 after jimmy rings the bell, jey "forgets" about gunther and turns his back to him, allowing gunther to get back up almost IMMEDIATELY (remember we were meant to think he was about to be beaten 5 seconds earlier) yet jey quickly superkicks him BUT THEN decides to dive at jimmy on the outside instead of going directly for another splash (girl help) so ofc when he does go for the splash, gunther gets the knees up, and to add a cherry on top of this shit sunday, pins jey right there after performing no extra offense - doesn't even roll him up, jey just lies there flat on his back and gets pinned (while michael cole screams "GUNTHER ROLLS UP JEY USO" to make me even more mad, apparently, as zero actual rolling takes place in the ring - just a leg hook & weight on the shoulders combo... and not a particularly vicious one either) I just ??????
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and of-fucking-course as the TV feed gets cut, cue cody and punk who come out all smiles ready to do the usual fanservice routine for the live crowd and suddenly jey is mostly done selling what just happened and is smiling along with whatever you wanna call it - sending the crowd home happy?? since when did that become mandatory for broadcast shows??? why can't emotionally devastating moments count just as much when it comes to delivering a satisfying ending to the live crowd??? are you telling me they couldnt have had jey walk to the back WHILE SELLING the heartbreak/frustration of what happened and THEN send cody out to do the fanservice thing??? fuck maintaining suspension of disbelief I guess - you can't even argue that "it's fine it was just a treat for the live crowd" because WWE has posted the footage everywhere and promoted it heavily.
imagine if after the camera stopped rolling at last year's rumble, sami had got up, undone kevin's handcuffs and they both hugged and cut a cheerful promo at the crowd - everyone would've blasted wwe for undermining the impact of that finish and not letting the moment breathe.
here's another, even more similar example - remember what happened after summerslam when jimmy attacked jey? he sold the devastation of the moment all the way until he exited the arena, so why is this any different? because it's "just" TV and not a PPV? nah, i'll tell you why: because wwe does not give a shit about this current version of jey's character - he's there to spew the same catchphrase 100x an hour (because it sells merch and pops the crowd let's be honest), display a grand total of two personality traits, and rub his popularity off onto the people wwe actually consider stars
for comparison - you cannot tell me that if it was cody in this position (just lost an important match thanks to the most important person in his life + got attacked by them on top of it) wwe wouldn't have had him look devastated or cut an emotional, tearful promo that would've then been posted and promoted everywhere
"chill, it's not that serious" my apologies for wanting something i love (and KNOW can be so much better with minimal effort) to have a basic level of logic and thought put into it, it's not like wrestling booking is rocket science and we know wwe is NOT incapable of actually delivering good stuff 🤷??? the standards for this show are so damn low and seeing no one else be bothered by it does my fucking head in ouch ouch wheres the aspirin bye
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
No Words - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @lexondeck @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond @rubes2323 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @jtelford @the-wandering-lunatic @samanthaofanarchy @darqchilddaydreamz @yourwinchesterbros
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It’s a slow fall, one that Chibs could never have prepared himself for even if he tried. He feels his fingers clawing at the edge of the cliff, he tries to fight it, he really does but it’s like trying to struggle against the tide, you can’t, so in the end he succumbs to it. He feels it every time he looks at you, the current dragging him deeper.
There are a thousand things he loves about you.
Your elegance, your charm, your perseverance in the face of adversity. A woman like you, in their world. You shouldn’t fit in amongst the ingrates, but you do. The respect cuts both ways. It should be as simple as taking the money and doing the work, but you’re not like the other lawyers the club has worked with. You take the time to build relationships with each and every one of them. Most of the guys trust you with their personal affairs. You’ve handled Bobby’s most recent divorce, Tig’s investment in Cara Cara, Juice’s weed shop. You’ve fought for them all in court, brokered deals, reduced charges, laughed in the face of prosecutors who have designs on shutting down the club.
You’re vicious, beautiful and damn right tenacious.
Chibs notices when the wedding ring disappears, the faded indentation on your left hand where a diamond used to sit. You don’t mention it to anyone in the club but there’s signs. Your sense of style changes, you become more eclectic, bolder patterns, brighter colours, fabrics that accentuate your figure instead of hiding it away. You favour different jewellery, it’s more edgy than delicate, beaten metal instead of gold and precious stones. When you change your hair, it takes everything in him not to run his fingers through those freshly trimmed locks when he compliments it.
He recognises freedom when he sees it. Whatever was keeping you prim and proper, locked away in that claustrophobic little cage is gone and you are thriving. You bloom like a flower, petals unfurling as if you’re feeling the sun on your face for the first time. It’s stunning to watch.
It’s late that night, you’re seated at his kitchen table sipping from one of his lowball glasses. He’s filled it halfway with top shelf whisky imported straight from one of the distilleries in Scotland. You’re going through the most recent version of his will with him. He’s known since that last visit to Ireland, that things between him and Fiona were never going to be the way they were. She may be free from Jimmy, but his wife is dedicated to the cause, it will always be her first love. Fiona’s not holding out for him and he’s not holding out for her, they exist on two different continents, two separate spaces. He can never go back to that life, and she can never step into his.  He will always love the mother of his child but not in the way he loves you.
However, he wants to make sure that both her and Kerrianne are taken care of if something were to happen to him. He has assets, cash in a safety deposit box, some of his mother’s old jewellery, items that have been passed down through the generations. He wants to make sure they end up in the right place.
The two of you are sitting close together, his arm resting on the back of your chair as he studies the documentation in front of him. He taps the pen on the surface of the table as he reads, checking everything off in his head. Once he’s satisfied, he scrawls his signature at the bottom before setting it down and tilting his head to look at you.
“I’ll file it first thing in the morning.” You tell him, leaning in just a little to reach for your pen.
It’s your scent that catches him off guard, that and the proximity of your body. The perfume you’re wearing it’s dark and sensuous, something subtle and honied, he breathes it in and it floods his veins like a narcotic. The silk of your blouse brushes across the cotton of his shirt with a slight rustle and he feels the heat from your body grace his skin.
You look up and that’s the moment that everything changes, because he sees the desire in your eyes, the desperation, the need. He kisses you softly, nothing more than a brush of the lips but in that instant he’s lost.
There’s a moment when you step into the ocean that the current takes you, it snarls around your body, dragging you deeper, the waves crashing over your head until it forces you under. That’s what happens to Chibs in that moment, the tide fucking takes him, and he drowns.
He won’t survive this, he knows, but he can’t help himself.
You’re a force of nature and he’s simply a man adrift at sea.
He draws you into his lap, that pencil skirt of yours hitching higher up your thighs as he explores your mouth with slow, tender kisses that leave you whimpering. He can tell that it’s been a while since someone has loved you. It’s in the way you respond to his touches, that little sigh when he kisses your lower lip, the way your head tips back as his thumb chases along the line of your jaw, your thighs parting because you need to be as close as he does. He doesn’t know how you make it to the bedroom; he’s too wrapped up in the sensation of being with you.
It’s when he lays you down amongst his sheets that he pauses. He sees you lying there, the navy blue silk contrasting against your skin, buttons undone, revealing black lace. That silver necklace made of hammered metal sits against your collarbone like a chest piece. His fingertips run over it because by now he understands what it represents, beaten but never broken. If that doesn’t sear itself into an old Scot’s heart…
You watch as he removes the rings on his fingers, there’s a sensuality to it. His dark gaze sets firmly on yours as he takes them off one by own. You remove your own armour, that necklace, the matching bracelet on your wrist. There’s a catharsis in it. He takes them from your hands, setting them down gently on the nightstand alongside his own precious pieces.
He underdresses you in the dark, flashes of moonlight from the open highlighting your skin. You don’t speak and neither does he, there’s an affinity in the silence.
You breathe his name when he enters you, it flows like a prayer from your lips. He moves in slow strokes, prolonging the pleasure until you're flushed and wanton, a wreck amongst his sage green sheets. His hand caresses your jaw, guiding your gaze back to his as he makes love to you in a bed that’s never known it. He wants you to see what you do to him, that you’ve stolen away his heart, that you’re gradually stealing his sanity. He kisses you when you come around his cock, drinking down your moans as he cradles your head in his hand, his own release spilling into you.
In the aftermath he watches you dress, his back against the headboard, the sheets pooling around his hips as your fingers draw up the zipper of your pencil skirt. There are no words to describe what just happened, there’s nothing that needs to be said. You’re both still raw from your past, there’s no space to discuss a future.
It’s only after you leave that he realises you’ve left your jewellery on the nightstand. Your necklace and bracelet, his rings. They look like they belong together, a jumble of forged metal, worn in the heat of battle.
He smiles to himself, his fingertip tracing over the indents made in the hammered metal.
At least now you have a reason to come back.
Love Chibs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Paper Rings— Jamie Drysdale
request: “paper rings + jamie drysdale pls im begging”
i’m trying something new bc i have writers block! (ps i used mainly my own photos bc i hate finding the vibes on pinterest)
warnings: smoking🍃, some swears
a/n i didn’t use all the lyrics to this
The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed
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liked by yourbestfriend, trevorzegras, and 1,622 others
yourusername “come to a party,” they said. “you’ll have fun!” they said. (“they” is my best friend and she was in fact right— i did have fun!)
nice meeting ya, hockey boys ;) i’ll try to not smoke you out next time!
tagged bestiejordan, jamie.drysdale, and trevorzegras
view all 107 comments
bestiejordan all hail the queen of rolling🙌
jamie.drysdale she was pretty good ig
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale we’re new besties you can’t bully me yet
trevorzegras @/yourusername does that rule not apply to you or…
bestiejordan @/trevorzegras no, she does whatever she wants
friend1 okay i see you, i see you, miss girl! you get that fluffy brunette!!
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale you down?
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i’m down
jamie.drysdale i’d let you smoke me out again if it means i get to see you again ;)
yourusername bold aren’t we, drysdale?
trevorzegras i pressed send he was gonna delete it
yourusername bold aren’t we, drysdale’s roommate?
The wine is cold
Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three
Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe
Jamie hasn’t texted you since that morning after the party. You normally wouldn’t care— one night party friends weren’t something out of the ordinary for you. But Jamie felt different. At least, you wanted him to be different.
“Babe, he’s just a boy,” your best friend, jordan, sighed.
“He’s not, though!” you groaned into your pillow. “He’s different. He’s intriguing!”
“And dark and mysterious?” Jordan teased you, flopping down on the bed next to you.
“Shut up,” you laughed. “It’s been three days!”
“So text him first. Trevor told me he can be shy most of the time. He just happens to be talkative while high,” Jordan suggested.
“I can do that?”
“Yeah, babe,” Jordan cracked up, “you can do that.”
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liked by jamie.drysdale, bestiejordan, and 477 others
yourusername got my boyfriend’s autograph today!!(he actually signed a contract stating he MUST legally cuddle with me anytime i want)
p.s. you’ve got a loooooot of fans, j! but i’ll always be your number 2 fan❤️(@/trevorzegras threatened to cut my hair off if i didn’t address that he is jamie’s number 1 fan)
tagged jamie.drysdale
view all 167 comments
jamie.drysdale you were truly the prettiest girl in my line😘
bestiejordan boooo compliment her personality, not her looks!!
jamie.drysdale you were truly the kindest, funniest, and coolest girl in my line
trevorzegras that’s so much worse
yourusername ur lucky ur cute, drysdale! (thank you to all the compliments ur too sweet <3)
fan2 i am a bit thrown off but i’ll be damned if this isn’t cute
trevorzegras you’ll never replace me as jimmy’s number one fan😈
yourusername watch me, zegras
jamie.drysdale i’d like to watch her
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale traitor!
bestiejordan not pictured: y/n combing through jamie’s hair and watching him sleep bc she’s a weird stalker
yourusername says the one who watched me do that
jamie.drysdale i think it’s cute! i loved my head scratchies
trevorzegras i think i’m gonna vomit
bestiejordan @/trevorzegras i already did
Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night
Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright
Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life
You trudged up the steps to the front door of Jamie and Trevor’s house with your backpack practically falling off your body. When Jamie opened the door to let you in, you face planted into his chest, groaning.
“Well hello to you, too, y/n/n,” Jamie laughed. He slid off your backpack the rest of the way and pulled your arms up to wrap around his waist. He pulled you closer and began to rub your back uo and down, resting his head atop of yours for extra contact. “Rough night at school?”
You were enrolled in night classes at a local university so that you could work in order to pay for said classes, and… ya know… live.
“‘Rough’ is an understatement,” you groaned as you hugged him tighter. “I failed my test, I was late because I ran out of gas, I completely forgot about a homework assignment, which means I’ll get a zero for that, and work was just annoying overall.”
Jamie kissed the top of your head and increased the pressure of his back rubs.
“Look up,” he told you. You did what he asked, although a little confused as to why. Your question was answered when he brought up a hand to your cheek and kissed you softly.
“What was that for, Drysdale?” you asked smiling.
“Because you’ve had a long night,” he answered. He tilted your head up and kissed you again. “And that was so you know it’ll be alright.”
Your smile grew even wider as your boyfriend’s sweet words. You took a turn to bring him down for a kiss, “and what was that for, y/l/n?”
“I’ve waited my whole life for you. I don’t want to waste another second not kissing you,” you replied softly, messily playing with the ends of his hair.
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
Darling, you're the one I want, and
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Darling, you're the one I want
In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams
Oh, you're the one I want
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liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, and 566 others
yourusername jamie gave me a wish flower and told me to close my eyes and make a wish. i wished for forever, and when i opened my eyes, he had a ring box in his hand. i used to not be one for heart shaped jewelry, which he knew, but when he told me it’s a promise for us to hold each other’s hearts forever, i couldn’t help but change my mind. i am now pro heart shaped jewelry because of this boy❤️
happy one year, drysdale! i love you more than words
tagged jamie.drysdale
jamie.drysdale love doesn’t even begin to cover my feelings for you, y/l/n. but since it’s all the english language gives us, i promise to love you forever❤️
yourusername somebody’s been reading my poetry books
trevorzegras @/yourusername he bought his own copies and tabs ones that remind him of you. it makes me sick
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras and why do you know this?
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale he reads them and sends pictures to jordan
trevorzegras @/bestiejordan blabber mouth
bestiejordan @/jamie.drysdale you better take care of her! congratulations you two! you make me and z sick <3
jamie.drysdale i intend to for the rest of my life
yourusername besties just get together already
bestiejordan @/trevorzegras you down?
trevorzegras @/bestiejordan i’m down
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
Wrap your arms around me, baby boy
Trevor had to go on a roadie shortly after Jamie’s shoulder surgery, and he was freaking out a bit about leaving him.
“Z, my love, I already practically live here and wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. I think I can take care of our boyfriend,” you joked. Trevor glared at you for that, but he took a deep breath and nodded, “yeah, yeah okay. You’re right. I just…”
You wrapped up the boy who had become one of your best friends into a hug.
“I’ve got him,” you whispered.
Jordan let herself into the house next and sneaked a picture of you and her boyfriend before announcing her presence, “is he freaking out again?”
“I don’t think he has any other setting.”
Jordan shook her head laughing as she walked over to take her boyfriend from you, “Y/N practically nursed you back to health when you were sick, Z. She can remember to give Jamie his pain medication and enforce all of the doctor’s rules on him. So go wake him up for meds one last time and say your goodbyes.”
Trevor kissed her head and nodded before parading up the stairs to Jamie’s room, with you two following behind. You were fiddling with your promise ring when you entered the room. Trevor was lightly shaking his best friend awake and you sat down on the other side of the bed to help ease him into a sitting position. Once Jamie took his pills, Trevor gave him a very cautious and gentle hug goodbye and took Jordan’s hand to leave you two alone.
“Be good to him!” Trevor called out.
“I always will, Zegras!”
You maneuvered yourself to sit behind Jamie and let him rest his head on your chest. Your breathing synced together as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“Is he okay?” Jamie asked groggily.
“Yeah, just a baby freak out. Jordan’s driving him to the plane strip, so any further conundrums can be handled by her,” you told him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, baby. I’m okay,” you kissed the top of his head. “Can I get you anything?”
“Stay,” he whispered.
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
You're the one I want
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Darling, you're the one I want
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liked by jamie.drysdale, bestiejordan, and 5,344 others
yourusername i met you at a party i didn’t want to go to. ever since, my entire world has shifted with you at the center of it. we’ve been through a lot, but everything was made easier with you by my side.
today, i became y/n drysdale, and we threw a party that i did in fact want to go to. i’m down for anything when it comes to you, jamie, and i’m especially down for forever. i love you❤️
thank you to everyone that made this day magical!
tagged jamie.drysdale, bestiejordan, trevorzegras, and others
view all 304 comments
jamie.drysdale bold aren’t we, drysdale? i love you!
yourusername i’ll cry right now
trevorzegras congratulations mr. and mrs. drysdale!
yourusername thank you, z <3
trevorzegras anytime, bestie’s wife <3
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras that’s her contact name now, isn’t it?
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale yes :)
bestiejordan hit my crying quota today because of you two❤️ congratulations! look at how far you’ve come! you went from whining that he hadn’t called you, to making me and z give speeches. what a beautiful evolution!
yourusername your speech was amazing, beautiful!
trevorzegras @/yourusername stop flirting with my girlfriend! you have a husband!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras flirt more to compensate
trevorzegras if that’s what the groom wants🫡
anaheimducks congratulations you two!
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uzuuumaki · 1 month
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” With love, Junji Ito “
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” ..Who am i? ”
“ If you truly wish to know, then.. I am Junji Ito of the Port Mafia. pleased to meet you.. “
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[ UPDATED :: 8/29 ]
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[Hihi!! BSD OC of Junji Ito :]
All relevant info is in the image, but in the event you happen to use a screen reader or the image won’t load, then here is a recap!
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NAME :: Junji Ito
SKILL :: Uzumaki
Able to summon spirals that hypnotize those who look into them. Over time if the ability is not nullified those affected will go mad, becoming obsessed with spirals until their deaths. Deaths typically happen as the affected contort their bodies into a spiral structure of their own accord, crushing their bones and organs in the process and resulting in death.
AGE :: 28
BIRTH DATE :: July 31
HEIGHT :: 5’5’’
LIKES :: Repetitive structures, Cake, Balloons, Cats, Beetles, Staying at home
DISLIKES :: Sharks, Overbearing People, Itchy Clothes, Things he Can’t Prepare For
PRONOUNS :: He/him
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[ *> JOB LIST ]
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— No NSFW directed towards me or Ito.
— Flirtatious jokes are a case-by-case basis, and you do run the chance of the ask being deleted. Also in general, Ito won’t react very well to things of the sort.
— I will participate in angst, as long as it’s not heavy. I classify heavy as the following :: self harm, character death, etc cetera.
— Otherwise, i’m not sensitive to very many things. Send in asks/interactions, joke with Ito [or me, as mod :3], throw things at him if you really want, et cetera! :]
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— Themes of depression, and paranoia will be frequent.
— occasional mention/implication of Ito being passively suicidal.
— Generally he has a few mental health issues, though they are light as of right now just since i havent exactly had time to thoroughly research and decide how i want to portray them yet.
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MOD :: @caffeiiine
hi hi! you may refer to me as ‘Soda’ or Mod, or whatever silly nickname you’ve decided to give me :]
She/her is fine as far as i’m concerned.
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I’d describe him as sharing a personality mostly with Lovecraft, his speech is slow and languid to reflect that.
Hes not hugely emotional either, typically preferring to mask over his emotions with a thick layer of indifference.
Hes not too concerned with many things, he mostly spends his days wandering the Port Mafia after hes done what is asked of him. Hes not too keen on using his ability either, usually only using it if he has to as in, theres no other way to fix the issue. At the same time, he doesnt care too much about being used for his ability.
Socially, I’d describe him as largely asocial also sees his relationships as more a means to an end with little to no real meaning other than what the opposite party assigns.
[ This will be updated as I come up with it. ]
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— There are several things wrong with him that only i know :3 have fun figuring them out <3
— ^ i am severely anxious about my portrayal of certain mental disorders, so as a result hopefully he will be accurately coded as the one im trying to get at :]
— To be updated later!
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Silly Doodles of Ito ::
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Songs I associate with Ito :: [ swaps out periodically]
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— [ *> RAMBLES … ] -> IC posts
— [ *> ITO RAMBLES ] -> OOC Ito-related posts
— [ *> OOC ] -> OOC posts, typically mod updates
— [ *> ASKBOX ] -> Asks
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[ *> —🍥 ANON ]
[ *> —🪆 ANON ]
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stormyoceans · 1 year
hello!!! i was going through your jimmysea tag as one do and i came across this:
"i still remember the day an anon told me he improvised nomming on his co-star's face and using a pillow to suggest stripping said co-star down and eating him out all in the name of Acting™ because i've never been the same ever since. the me before and after i was given this information are completely different people"
and i need to know more about this you don't understand. what is this about??? who is the co-star??? i feel changed as a person.
thank you!!!
so, basically, jimmy liked to improvise quite a lot while filming vice versa: some of those scenes didn’t end up in the show itself, but some of them actually did. of the latter, the most infamous ones are the pillow scene in episode 9 and the nom nom scene in episode 10
im frankly not mentally stable enough to describe the pillow scene so im just gonna let the screenshots speak for themselves
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I REPEAT: this entire scene was NOT in the script. it was fully IMPROVISED. which means that on the left you have a man taking method acting on a whole new level and being fully aware of the derangement he's about to unleash into the world, while on the right you can see the genuine growing horror on the face of his co-star as he realizes the implications of stripping a pillow down and burying your face in it when said pillow is supposed to be the stand-in for a person. even neo's chatacter waking up and yelling about the dentist right after that was improvised
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my man neo was really there praying to god to either make someone call cut or to strike him down where he laid to get away from that shit, and when he realized god had abandoned him he took it upon himself to put an end to whatever insanity he was witnessing. most insane sequence of events in under 20 seconds like. EVER
based on this, one would think that sea was just a mere bystander when it comes to his co-star’s derangement, but don’t let him fool you!!!!! he’s just as bad as jimmy, and the nom nom scene actually proves it. in episode 10, puen smeared some chocolate on talay's cheek, and jimmy was supposed to clean sea’s face by using his fingers and then eat the chocolate from them, pretty much like what happened with the cake scene in episode 8, but jimmy said ‘you know what? i think puen would take it a step further now’ and went full NOM. and then he nommed a little more
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at which point sea was like ‘i simply think it’s not fair that hia should have all the fun’ so he decided to nom jimmy back
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and this is why the jimmysea fandom is called ‘nom nom’ (jimmy's favorite episode is episode 10 exactly for this reason btw)
meanwhile, as all of this went down, p’x was standing behind the cameras just giggling twirling his hair kicking his feet like oh my god boys stopppppppp you're soooo cute and smart hihihihi OF COURSE we're gonna keep these scenes in the show!!!!!!
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rokiixd · 1 year
Hermittober Day 6 - "Bread"
ao3 link at bottom
sorry i didnt oost day 5 its on ao3 im just not proud of that
[fall 28 year 3]
to be frank, saying that tango can’t cook is an understatement. besides boiling water and maybe an egg or two, he burns nearly everything that he tries to cook. and that’s where jimmy comes in. when the fall harvest rolls around, and bundles upon bundles of golden wheat line their barns, jimmy takes it upon himself to use as much of it as he can. with tango’s massive sweet tooth and tendency to act like a toddler around a full cookie jar, jimmy enjoys baking almost as much as tango enjoys trying everything he makes.
this harvest, it happens to be bread. and not just generic loaves of white bread, no. their kitchen is filled with all sorts, sizes, and shapes of bread. whether it be sourdough, pastries, rye, or even focaccia, tango doesn’t think jimmy’s ever made something that he doesn’t like.
today, it happens to be some sort of spiced bread. jimmy always refuses to tell tango what he’s making. tango watches as he whisks together butter and sugar in a bowl, and if his eyes happen to linger on jimmy’s freckled forearms, he doesn't have to know.
normally, jimmy doesn’t ask tango to help with his baking endeavours. but when eggs are involved, tango is suddenly the best cook out of the two of them. every time jimmy tries out a recipe that contains eggs, tango has to crack the eggs for him. call it a lingering avian instinct, or even an aversion to the slimy egg whites, but jimmy hates cracking eggs. so tango does it for him. every. single. time.
when the eggs have been added into the batter, jimmy kicks tango out of the kitchen, with the excuse of not wanting to spoil the surprise. tango pouts but relents, sulking off to watch a rerun on their beat up television set.
eventually, the smell of cinnamon fills their house, and despite jimmy’s best efforts to keep the bread’s contents a surprise, tango eventually finds out. it’s truly surprising how many times jimmy has made tango’s favourite treats without him noticing, but this time really takes the cake. jimmy had walked into the living room with cinnamon on his nose and pumpkin bits on his shirt. and yet, tango had just unknowingly kissed him on the cheek and grinned when a blush made its way across his face.
they sit on the couch and half listen to whatever show is being ran. tango tinkers with some gadget that he’d gotten from maru a while ago, and jimmy braids his hair while he tinkers. despite the white noise of the show playing, it’s a moment of peace between them.
the kitchen timer breaks the moment and tango bolts up, racing to the kitchen. with the joy of a child on christmas day, tango nearly rips the oven door open (without even turning it off, the irresponsible child , jimmy thinks) and grabs the pan inside. and behold– inside is a golden loaf of spiced pumpkin bread. tango squeals in joy and tackles jimmy in a hug, momentarily forgetting about the bread on the counter.
any loaf of bread, whether pumpkin or plain, couldn’t compare to jimmy anyway.
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lovelykalopsia · 7 months
Day 1: Trope Subversion Bad Boy trope cuz I though it would be funny
"Y'know, this is a bit pathetic of you, dont you agree?" Grians voice broke his train of though, though it wasnt much of a train and more of one cart going around and around in never ending loop of nothingness, and that analogy was quickly getting away from him. "No, Grain, I don't think pining from Mr. Goodytwo shoes is pathetic, totally don't, where could you ever get that idea?" That sounded like it had more venom than it needed to, but then again maybe he really needed that much venom, or maybe even more, who knows?
"Hey! No need to get bitchy, Im just saying, your trying to keep your 'bad boy' appearance while also going for someone who is the complete opposite." Grian shrugged, and Joel knew Grian thought it was pathetic, but grian didnt have much to say with whatever he had going on with the tall lanky kid, Mumbo or something, not important anyways. This time Joel didn't reply, instead just groaning and hiding his hands in his face. "This is terrible" He mumble into his hand. He could hear Grain laugh at this, but he mostly tried to tune it out.
Jimmy groan, flopping down face first on his, Tango, and Scotts bed, right next to the others. "I don't know what to do guysss" he practically whined, though it was muffled by him shoving his face in the bed. Jim felt a hand start to mess with his hair and groaned louder.
"I mean, I think the best thing to do it tell him?" Tango suggested, though it sounded more like a question, like he himself wasnt sure that was a good idea.
"Well yeah, but I don't even know if he likes me like that or is intrest in that!" He finally pulled his head away from the bed so they could hear him better.
"You'll never know untill you ask, Sweetie. Amd even if he isn't interested I'm sure he'll still want to be friends, mostly because he isnt that dumb." God, Scott always knew what to say in situations like this, because no offense to Tango but his advice is horrible.
"I guess thats true...when should I tell him?" Jimmy asked, rolling over to stare at the celling. Honestly he didn't even know how he would go about it, he really isnt sure how Joel feels about him, because sure they talk and Joel isnt particularly mean, hes actually quite nice to him, but that doesn't automatically mean Joel would be interested in a qpr.
"You could always met him today?" Scott suggested, though it didn't make much sense because last he knew, Joel spends his weekend with Grian, being 'bad boys' whatever that could mean for them, noone really knows anyways.
"I really couldn't, hes usually busy with Grian."
"Maybe hes not..?" Scott definitely did something, hes not sure but he didnt something to get Joel away from Grain.
Joel felt his phone buzz in his pocket and then heard a ringtone, indicating that it was infact Scott texting him this time, gosh what could that man what today. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone, quickly unlocking it and going to his messages with Scott.
Scotty boy: joel, are you prehaps busy right now?
Joel: Not really what do want now.
Scotty boy: how would you feel about meeting up? Like right now at the cafe near your house.
Joel: ig i could, why
Scotty boy: well mr.bad boy, I have something important to tell you, but if you reallyyy dont want to, Ig it could wait
Joel: ugh ill be there in 5.
Scotty boy: perfect!
"Bloody hell, what could he want now" He mumble under his breath, pocketing his phone before standing up and walking to his dresser to find clothes that would make him look semi presentable.
"Joel, whatcha doin'?" Grian asked, slightly confused on what was happening.
"Scott wants to meet up with me for some odd reason I dunno why." Joel answered, Shrugging on a pull-over and a pair of trousers.
"Uhh okay, have fun with that, Ill be here." Grian said, pulling out his phone, probably inviting someone over while he's gone. Joel let out a 'mhm' and made his way to the door.
"Scott, why are you dressing me up like some kinda of toy?" Jimmy waw beyond confused right now. All he knew that he and Scott where going a on a date, as Scott put it, to some cafe hes never heard of.
"You want to look good for out date right? And no offense but I dont trust you to dress yourself Jim" Scott replied, throwing some more of Jims clothes on the floor, which would need to be washed later because of that.
"I guess, but I can infact dress myself just find, I'm an adult y'know."
"You're an adult who doesn't know how to dress well."
"I disagree I think I look perfectly fine." Jimmy knows he looks decent atleast, not bad enough to where he has to get dressed by someone else.
"Oh shush and let me do this or Joel will never want a qpr with you." Huh, strange.
"What are you talking about with Joel?"
"What?" Well, now Scott was just playing dumb with him, god dose he hate when Scott dose that.
"Scott, you said something about Joel, why?" He wasn't going to stop untill he got answers...he might actually that seems annoying for both of them.
"I didn't. Anyways, hurry and put these on so we can leave."
Joel made it to the Cafe fairly quickly, which was expected because he lives fairly close to the cafe, and now he was just waiting too see whatever Scott wanted. He flinched a bit when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned back to find Scott and Jimmy..? What in the world, why was Jim here.
"Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long, Jim was taking a superr long time to get ready." Scott said like it was nothing, sitting down across from Joel.
"Hello, Scott and Tim. I didn't know you were coming with Scott."
"I didn't know you were going to be here." Jim sat down next to Scott. Also, it was weird, why didn't Jim know he was going to be there, he assumed Scott would have told him, but he also didn't tell Joel Jim was coming so it wasnt fully outta the picture that he didnt know.
"So Scott...what did you need to tell me?" Joel asked, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets.
"Well, I may have lied, it was actually Jimmy who wanted to tell you something, just needed me to get you here so I'll be taking my leave bye, Ill be taking me leave." Scott Stood up, giving Jims hand a small squeeze and whispering something to him.
"So, Tim, what was it that you needed to tell me?"
"Well, uh maybe I had something to tell you and maybe its embarrassing so like dont judge me?" Jim's voice shook a little as he spoke, either from nerves or possibly fear, Joel didnt really know.
"I won't judge" unless it was something stupid, but Jim didn't need to know that.
"Okay, well I have to, y'know, like be your partner, if you'll have me" Joel was speechless, that was not on his bingo card for today, not that he was complaining.
"I, uh, yeah, I would like that too."
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joysmercer · 9 months
any future!rina hc?
not many tbh, i actually enjoy "definite" endings/flash-forwards in most cases but with them im glad it was left open-ended! that said – 
ok so like. the r&j movie's going to flop. you can't just have the same story but simply make them NOT die in the end and expect it to work. but gina's performance is the one thing that gets praised in it, which does help her a lot
ricky's not romeo though kdlfj
they do lsoh for their spring musical. the two of them get cast as audrey ii – they handle the puppets and alternate who says the lines by scene. it's not the part either of them imagined getting but they have a lot of fun
gina goes back to camp the next summer and promptly twists her ankle, so she just choreographs the show but doesn't participate :( which is fine with her tbh, she's very exhausted having just finished the movie and the musical and this is the only break she'll get before starting movie press and stuff (and senior year)
ricky unfortunately has orientation during week 2 of camp so he doesn't go but he sends her care packages every single day and comes to opening night to hand out cards <3
EJ's there to direct again and he and gina become proper friends
the fall musical is &J and gina is obviously juliet and she just rolls her eyes when that's announced. jet's romeo. when the media catches wind of this they have a field day ("porter's performance only emphasizes the missteps in the film…") which is also Not Great
she's also stressed the fuck out because college apps are also happening and ricky ends up driving down every chance he gets to keep her company and help take her mind off of things. turns out he's very good at editing essays (and distracting her…)
he gives her a very sweet pep talk during intermission of the show because she's on the verge of a breakdown at this point
her mom didn't make it to opening night again but both his parents bring her flowers and cheer the loudest during her bows
gina's mom plans a vacation to london over winter break and she begs and begs until her mom lets ricky come too
her mom has business meetings half the time so they wander around holding hands and looking at the christmas lights and doing ALL the touristy things
ricky had no idea what a panto is initially but he enjoys it so much he wonders multiple times why they're not a thing in america
gina just loves that he loved it
the spring musical is cabaret, she's sally, her performance gets her nominated for the jimmy awards (which she goes on to win)
but she decides to focus on school for a bit after high school even though roles are being offered to her left-and-right
she gets a full-ride scholarship to usc and ricky is SO PROUD.
he snuck in through the window the night she told him and he squealed so loudly her mom got scared and ran up there and caught them lol but even she can't hide her smile esp when she finds out the reason
ricky tells her he applied to transfer to csula and got in
obviously she kisses him senseless after that. he tries to shrug it off as not a big deal and shes just like "no, it's amazing, i'm so proud of you" an he starts crying, basically
he explores a ton of majors but eventually decides on education with minors in music production and theatre – he knows whatever he does, he wants to help people feel the way he did when he found the drama club
goes w/o saying but they get married at some point and have a house full of golden-retrievers
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