l0gitex · 2 years
2, 5, and 23 for artist ask :D
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
omg......LETSA GOO ‼️
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5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
i answered this before so let me bring a specific example instead this time B) I RLY WANNA DRAW KURENAI for one ,shes so everything to me but i havent gotten around to it yet. i just love her designnnn and her hair is kinda like when i first wolfcutted mine which roolz. +it looks fun to draw
23. Do you listen to music or watch shows while you work? If so, what’s your favourite?
YES i am constantly listening to music lately honestly in general. lately its particularly my nart playlists orz.. but also just my ..lets see now.. currently 2234 song big liked songs rotation lol. i love shuffle<3 i love<3 music<3 i do end up sitting and drawing in silence by accident at times too though lololol for a bit i would watch friends on dvd while i did stuff but briefly. mostly if i want to draw and also do smth else i either put on one of the few youtubers i like (shoutout to kennie j.d.) or a radiotvsolutions stream. huge fan of those guys :o) mainly wayner himself and scorpy though i dont rly seek out the others' streams soz but i do enjoy more the group ones they do. sometimes rarely i'll watch a jerma.. i also do like joel vargskelethor streams on occasion but yeah its mainly just rtvs i watch, most of the time.
-> Artist Asks <-
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marcsburnerphone · 7 months
And they were roommates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: the captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: nightmares, awko moments, kissing?
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6!!!!! -part 7
The next morning when John woke up it was as if his life had changed filters, like if he went from dramatic cool to dramatic warm. There was a small pep in his step as he got out of bed. You were usually always asleep before 9AM so he decided he’d go buy the two of you breakfast from this small cafe you like not too far down the road, he knew when he was younger there was nothing like a good breakfast after a night of drinking.
On the other hand when you woke up you thought you’d dreamt it, the kiss couldn’t have been real. You’d never be that bold. But the nervous jitter in your belly at the thought of leaving your room was telling you all you needed to know. Along with the smile that’s been plastered on your face since the sound of your rattling windows from the heavy breeze woke you up.
Thankfully no hangover so therefore life’s great. You did desperately want to shower though after waking up in the same clothes you went out in. Which also meant it was going to have to be laundry day.
When he got back he picked up on the sound of your shower running and the steam that escaped beneath the door. He set the food in the kitchen unpacking what was his and yours, placing it in your usual seats at the table.
After a long shower filled with music and wasted water you dressed into comfortable home clothes, basically pajamas. Gathering the sheets and blankets from your
bed in a bear hug you begin to make your way to the laundry room, when you get there you drop everything on the floor with a huff.
“Doll?” John says from down the hallway as the sound of his footsteps grow closer
“Hey, goodmorning.” Shit shit shit.
“Morning, I got breakfast if you’re hungry.” He notices the way you slightly stiffen and how you don’t look back to greet him.
“Yeah actually, Thankyou.” Back to your shy nature he presumes, except he’s seemingly stepped out of his. There’s nothing John Price loves more than being on the same page as someone and if he’s assured of anything it is that you feel the same way he does.
“Okay, it’s on the table. I’ll eat when you do.” He says, walking away.
You let out a sigh of relief when he left, smiling to yourself at the girlish feelings so alive in you. When you finally made it to the kitchen you saw his silhouette outside. Even in the harsh weather he stood with a beanie and jacket on, lit cigar between his lips.
You give two knocks on the kitchen window catching his attention. When he notices you he snuffs the cigar into the small ashtray you bought for him and heads inside.
“You’re crazy for standing out there.” You say softly as you notice the effort it takes him to slide the door shut.
“I’ve done crazier.” He remarks.
You sit on the table as he does the same. You get that familiar warm feeling in your cheeks when you realize he got your exact order. Maybe it’s from the million times you’ve phone ordered it, regardless it’s sweet.
“So.” You say trying to see if he’ll be the one to bring it up.
“So?” He says with a smirk taking a sip of his coffee.
“So, I kissed you last night.” You have to talk about it, you could never be the one to just let it be.
“Did you?” He smirks.
“I did, and I want to know if that was okay with you or if I misread the room.” He laughs a little wondering if maybe he’s too subtle.
“No misreading was done love, next time I’d just appreciate a proper one.” The blush on your face gives him even more confidence.
“Well for your information I intended on giving you an actual kiss but my coordination had been slightly off.” You laugh as you say it cause although it’s embarrassing it’s very true.
“Well doll, there’ll be more opportunities I’m sure of it.”
“Oh Okay.” Lord save you.
“Besides your rendezvous, I wanted to know if I could have some pals over tomorrow. We have some work to do and I’m not quite keen on going to base.”
“Of course.”
That night you decide to cook dinner, it’s only fair since he bought breakfast. You both agreed on pasta since you have all the ingredients for it. Although you told John you could cook alone he insisted he’d help as it’s the nice thing to do but truthfully he just wanted to be around you.
“So you grew up not too far from here?” He asks as you dice garlic.
“Yeah about an hour away.” You have your hair pulled back and are constantly moving the stray pieces from your face.
“Do you ever visit home?”
“Hah absolutely not, stay as far away from it as possible.” He doesn’t question it further but doesn’t miss the tone in your voice when you speak of it.
“I hear you talk to your sister a lot, are you close?” He loves hearing you talk, loves getting to know you even more.
“Yeah, she’s my best friend.” You smile, reminding yourself to call her and update her on these past two days.
“What about you, any siblings?” You ask looking over to him seeing that he’s done chopping the tomatoes and now just leans against the counter.
“No, only child.”
“Really? I wouldn’t have guessed. You're very selfless.” It’s nice to hear from you. You’re the only thing he can imagine being selfish about.
“Years of being in the military will do that to you.”
He takes the pasta off the burner and drains it through the strainer. When he puts the empty pot back onto the burner you begin on the sauce.
“Will the same people I met when you first moved in be the ones coming?”
“Yeah.” He says while setting placemats and cutlery on the table.
You’re content in the low hum of radio music that fills in the silence amongst you two. He still stands near you but no words are being said. He watches the way you precisely add different ingredients one by one. When you're done you serve onto the plates for both of you.
“Thank You doll.”
“It was a team effort so thankyou.” You offer him a small smile before you both begin to eat. Conversation flows nicely between bites. He makes you laugh over dumb stories from his time in the military and you tell him embarrassing stories that happened in middle school. He feels normal, like a human when he’s around you. Like his hands are clean of all the violence he’s committed in his life.
When dinner is over you tackle the dishes together, you wash, he dries and puts away till there’s no more.
“Well I’ll see you Tomorrow then.” You say washing your hands and drying them on the kitchen towel.
“Goodnight love.” Before you can get the chance to turn down the hall to your room he’s calling out to you.
“Yeah?” He makes his way towards you and it’s slightly intimidating till he reaches you, positioning a gentle and slightly rough hand on your cheek before placing a long proper kiss to your lips. It’s electric now that you’re fully sober. Warm yet slightly needy. He pulls away and places one more on the corner of your lips like you had his.
“That’s a proper kiss doll.” He jests.
“I can definitely tell the difference.” He laughs a little, swiping a stray hair behind your ear.
“Sleep well.” He adds before heading back down the hall.
“And we kissed again last night too.” You talk into the phone while kicking your feet under the covers as you still lay in bed awake earlier than usual.
“You didn’t.” She couldn’t be happier for you. You worried her sometimes, she knew you never were outwardly going to look for someone new and since she lived so far away she couldn’t just check up on you when she wanted so she smiles widely as you tell her about your escapades.
“We did, I really like him, you know.” You really really do.
“I’m so happy for you.” She laughs but before you can respond there’s a knock at your door.
“Hold on, come in.” You slightly yell out. John opens the door taking notice of the phone by your ear.
“Sorry doll, I wanted to come tell you that my mates will be here soon, just a heads up.” You smile, giving him a thumbs up with your free hand.
If life loved John as much as he wished he’d be lying next to you by now. Instead he smiles at you with a wink and closes the door.
“That was him, did you hear him?” You laugh.
“If the voice matches the man, my sister you are lucky, not as lucky as him though, don’t forget that.”
You talk for a while longer before letting her get back to her busy life. When you get out of bed you hear deep voices enter your home traveling to where you assume would be John’s office.
You change into a simple outfit, certainly nothing extravagant, but also not pajamas. On your way to the kitchen you turn the heater on so it can warm up before it gets colder outside. You search the fridge wondering what to eat for breakfast and decide on eggs and toast.
“Captain, do you have a water bottle I can grab?” Gaz asks, they’re doing a lot of talking and debriefing on their last mission filing the paperwork they’ve all avoided.
“Em yeah in the fridge on the door.�� The captain dismisses him trying to type in certain coordinates.
“Grab us one too.” The two other men say as Gaz gets up and leaves. When he makes it to the kitchen he notices you but doesn’t know what to say.
“Hello ma’am.” That’s all he could come up with.
“Jesus good god, hello gaz.” You jump in surprise at the unfamiliar yet not complete stranger.
“Sorry sorry.” You wave him off as he apologizes.
“I think I get startled too easily.” You laugh and he smiles.
“Just came to grab water.” He says motioning forward to your fridge.
“Yeah no problem.”
“You have a stunning kitchen by the way, really like the white cabinets.” He compliments.
“Really, when my ex and I got the house I had the old ones which were a grayish color removed and put these ones in, he hated it.” You laugh at the memory.
“A man with no taste. These are lovely and this lighting, it’s really beautiful.” You thank him again and go into mindless conversation about other remodeling projects you had done, he had questions after everything you said and lost track of time.
“Gaz, where were you when the explosion happened?” Price questions and looks up after a minute when there’s no response.
“He hasn’t come back yet, captain.” Soap says with a small grin. “I think he’s chatting it up with the lass out there.”
Their captain gets out of his chair. Silently leaving the room to go see what his sergeant is up to. As he approaches the kitchen he hears you laughing and relaxes his tense features before walking into the kitchen.
“So these used to be granite tiles till I changed them to white ones.” You say pointing at the backsplash above the counter.
“You could be an interior designer.” Gaz remarks and you smile.
“Sergeant, where should you be?” John uses the voice of a captain, one you're not very familiar with.
Both of you turn to look at him and you start to defend him.
“Sorry John, I kept him here, that’s my fault.” You say looking at him apologetically. He wants to tell you to stop making those eyes at him because they make him soft, too soft.
“Sergeant back to work.” He says as gaz bids you a smile and mouths Thank You, he quietly passes John to get back to his office.
“Is that your scary man voice?” You ask him with a small smirk.
“It can be a lot scarier.”
“I like it.” He’s weak for you, physically and emotionally this man craves you in ways that are impossible to comprehend.
“Careful.” Is all he says before walking away. He leans against the wall by his office out of view from anyone quickly adjusting his pants like a boy in puberty before getting back to work.
By the time they're done it’s nearly midnight. You're laying on the couch watching a movie when you hear the heavy footsteps of the men reach the kitchen and John’s in particular make their way to you.
“You’re still up?” He asks, looming over the back of the couch.
“Can’t sleep.”
“The winds are heavy and it’s a little late. I was wondering if they could stay the night? They’ll sleep in my room. If not doll please don’t be hesitant to let me know.” He asks quietly.
“Yeah that’s fine, where will you sleep?” You smile softly at him and his tired eyes.
“Out here.” You nod letting him know it’s okay before he leaves for a second to tell them. They all Thank You as you get up to grab extra blankets from your closet.
You bring them to John’s rooms seeing them all figuring out where and how they’re going to sleep. You ask John if you could talk to him real quick in the hallway and he quickly excuses himself.
“John, those men are too grown to sleep on the floor and to share a bed.” You quietly exclaim.
“Doll, I can assure you they’ve slept worse.”
“Men, you don’t see the issue. They’re not at work though this is their time to get good sleep.”
“Well I don’t have much more to offer.”
“One of them can sleep in my room, one on the air mattress and one of them can sleep on your bed.” He looks at you slightly confused.
“Where will you sleep?”
“With whoever sleeps in my bed.” He looks at you like you're crazy and is about to very loudly protest. “I'm kidding, we can share the couch I only need like one cushion to sleep on.” It’s true you sleep like a Rollie Pollie.
“Fine.” He doesn’t object to the idea at all which you're slightly surprised about and walks back into his room to tell them. Gaz is the one that gets sent out to you and you take him to your room.
“Here’s the remote, I’m sorry about all the pillows but the sheets are clean and the bathroom is right across the hall.” You smile at him and he thanks you for saving him from the hardwood floors. You laugh and take your favorite pillow, you say your goodnight and head to the living room.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know.” John says as you walk to the opposite side of the couch.
“I know.” You say settling into your usual spot. John throws one of the blankets you gave to him for the boys over you. At this point you're so tired you lay on your side letting whatever action movie John put on lull you to sleep.
You wake up suddenly sometime during the night the tv now off making it hard to see. You hear John murmuring things in his sleep getting louder by the second. You sit up tapping his arm to wake him and realize how warm he is. You reach to turn on the lamp beside the couch so you could actually see. Sweat begins to form on his brow line as his hands shake at his sides.
“John.” You whisper quietly, shaking his arm. He doesn’t wake so you do it again a little rougher. Still nothing.
“John.” You said a bit louder, finally waking him. His wide eyes look around as his left hand reaches to grip the hand you had on his arm.
“Doll?” He says squinting his eyes at you while trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah I’m here.” He continues to breathe roughly as you sit there. The way he refuses to meet your eyes makes you want to cry. He looks distressed and worn down.
“Bad dream.” He whispers gruffly.
You don’t need words to comfort him. You slide down the couch to lay opposite of how you had been before and place your head on his chest. He lifts his arm from beneath you and drapes it over your mid back. You listen intently to the rapid beat of his heart waiting for it to slow. After a while it does as his breath evens out. After a bit you drift back into sleep.
thankyou for reading <3
comments and reposts are always appreciated.
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pinkrocketimagines · 7 years
British Puns and Greasy Hair: Part 3
(Cole Sprouse X Reader X Tom Holland)
SUMMARY : You’re off to a breathtaking island with the entire crew to shoot more segments of the show, including a kissing scene with Tom himself! Cole can’t seem to get his mind off you while Tom has you giddy everytime he’s around.
A/N : Guys! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Thankyou for all the love :) I hope you enjoy reading this one as well <3 Do reblog it, if you feel like, idk, it’s a freeee world x
You’re in a private plane, hired by the Riverdale Productions, on your way to an Island, which Mark has refrained from naming yet, to shoot the next segments of the show.
You’re pretty excited since you’ve never really travelled this far for shooting. Your script said you would have a kissing scene with Tom today. Kissing scene with Tom Holland in an Island? Hmmm.
Everybody is on board, including Tom, Cole, Lili, KJ and Cami. You’re cuddled next to Camilla while Cole’s hooked on a certain novel he had brought along for the trip. Lili is in a deep slumber while Tom, hm, you’re not sure where that 10yr old hyperactive man has gone.
“So, Tom is pretty cute, huh?” Camila cheekily grins at you, nudging your arm.
You scoff,” What’s with that grin? You look absurd, Cami” you fire back at her.
“Oh come on! You know what I mean,”
You turn away from her, still scoffing,”I have absolutely no idea whatsoever,”
“Aw, please don’t tell me you’re still hooked on Cole!”
“Quiet! You’re so loud,” you check to see if anyone has heard her. Your eyes meet Cole’s gaze. He gives a small smile and you return the same.
“It’s too soon to tell,” you quietly murmur into Cami’s ear.
You immeidtaely cover Cami’s mouth before she lets another word slip through it. “Cami, you’re … nevermind. I’m taking a nap now. Not a word about it, you understand?”
“Not a word,”
“Ugh, you’re such a bore! I’m going with KJ,”
Angered by the sudden interruption of your nap time before it even began, you roughly pull out your eye mask, “WHAT???”
“I’m bored,” Tom answers in a sad tone, leaning his head onto your shoulder.
He is…adorable. But annoying. Gosh, is he annoying.
“Tom, I’m trying to sleep!” you put your eye mask back on.
He quickly pulls it out again, “I’m SO bored, (Y/n). Captain said we stil have 2 more hrs to go. I swear if I-“
You sigh,” What do you want from me?”
“I was thinking we could, hmmm,” he takes out his phone,”Lets see what we have got here,”
After much deliberation, he finally blurts,” Dubmash?”
You laugh a little too loudly,”Dubmash? Are you-“
His stern look stops you from completing your question,
“Alright, alright. Dubmash it is,”
The next 30 minutes quickly went by with you and Tom laughing like mental!  and making fun of each other’s horrible attempt at lip syncing.
“See? I told you this was fun,” he confidentely grins,”Is it okay if I post one on my instagram?”
“Not until you pay me $1 million dollars in cash,” you sternly answer him.
He scoffs,”Pff, I was going to post it anyway! Like I need your stupid permission,”
You roll your eyes and yawn. You’re still tired, you haven’t napped yet since Tom disturbed your precious time.
“Oh look, Zendaya says you look really-“ he pauses after noticing that you had already fallen asleep.
“Over here,” he quietly whispers as he carefully lays your head on his lap.
Stroking your hair as he watches you fall into a deep slumber, he says,”Sleep well, darling,”
You slept like a baby throughout the plane ride, until Tom finally, reluctantly, woke you up to the most beautiful island you had ever set your eyes on-The Seychelles.
Mark has really outdone himself this time. 
The rest of the day seem to have gone in a blur- with the producers giving you very little time to get your stuffs settled in the hotel rooms and thereafter, directly heading for the shoot.
You and Tom had the same set location while the rest of the cast had their shoot in some other location in the island.
You’re now waiting for Tom outside his hotel room so you guys can go shoot some steamy scenes! “HURRY UP, YOU BEAUTYQUEEN!” you bang on his door, frustrated. You’re already 10 minutes late!
Finally, the door knob clicks. “Finally!” you groan,”What were you-“
You’re greeted by the sight of fresh-faced Tom Holland in a tight white vest, his muscles puffing out like crazy, and camouflage short pants. Very cooly putting his glasses on, he says,”Missed me too much, darling?”
You roll your eyes,”Pffff, you took extra minutes to put on a farmer’s outfit? Put a shirt on at the least!”
“Aw, I know you like what you see,” he starts showing off his muscles.
“You’re so-“
Out walks in Cole from his hotel room. His eyes widen at the sight of you and Tom.
“Cole, mate!!” Tom happily walks towards him.
Ah, why is Tom always, always, always excited to see everyone?
“Hey,” Cole intimidatingly shakes his hand,”Hey (Y/n),”
“Hey,” you awkwardly wave at Cole.
“I should be leaving, see you guys at the bonfire?” Cole takes his leave,”Bye Tom, Bye (Y/n)”
Ah, encounters with Cole are so awkward now. Quite sad when you think of it; there was a time when the first thing you did at the sight of Cole was run up to him and give him the biggest hug while he returned the same. But now, there’s nothing more than hollow hi’s and easy goodbyes.
Damn it, Cole.
“(Y/n)! Snap out of your reverie, we’re getting late!” Tom loudly blurts.
Ugh, you can’t believe this boy. You roll your eyes,”Look who’s talking!”
The location given to you and Tom to shoot is absolutely stunning. So much so, it has you confused whether the jitters you’re feeling is from the view itself or from the kissing scene you’re about to shoot in some few minutes. You’ve already shot half of the talking scene and you’re now sitting on the resting booth admiring the view of this spectacular island.
“Beautiful,” Tom comments.
“I was talking about you, actually.”
Wait what. You shoot him an odd look.
“Just joking,” he stretches his body whilst taking in the beautiful view of the sea,”The view is beautiful,”
You roll your eyes,”Why do you always have to annoy me?”
“(Y/n), (y/n), watch this!” Tom , then, runs down the sand and pulls up the most spectacular flip. 
You gasp. You swore he was going to fall flat on his face!
“I know, I know,” he proudly takes a bow.
“I didn’t even say anything,”
“I can see it in your eyes, darling.”
Again with the eye roll.
“TOM! (Y/N)!” you hear one of the crew members call.
“That’s our queue,” you get up from your chair, “Let’s go,”
“(Y/n),” Tom puts his arm around you as you walk towards the cameras. You’ve gotten quite used to him putting his arm around you, literally, everywhere you go.
“You know,” he continues,”There’s nothing to be nervous about,”
You push his arm away,”What do you mean?”
“I know it’s your first kissing scene onscreen, Cami told me”
Cami? Gosh, this girl never knows when to keep her mouth shut.  
“What?” he chuckles,”Don’t be shy, c’mon”
“You are literally undoubtedly the most annoying person I’ve ever met,” you fasten your pace trying to hide the fact that you’re completely intimidated by him.
Mark instructs the kissing scene to the two of you. Since all the other scenes are done, once the camera starts rolling, basically Tom is going to kiss you until you hear the word ‘CUT!’ and that’ll be the end of it. Sounds easy, yeah?
Tom takes your hand and walk towards the specified spot. They’re still adjusting the lights. While that’s being done, you notice KJ, Cole, Lili and Cami pull out from a minivan.
Ah, so now they’re going to watch my first onscreen kiss live?
“Whenever you’re ready!” Mark shouts
“Okay,” you nervously look up at a grining Tom.
“What?” you ask him,”What’s with that grin?”
“You know,” he gently strokes your face, much to your surprise,”Your breath really stinks,(Y/n).”
Tom easily dismisses your protest by cupping your face and pulling you in for a deep kiss. It may have been one of the smoothest kiss ever. He was soft, he was careful, he was warm. His hands slowly move towards your waist, gently pulling you closer towards him.
You can already hear the coots and woots from Camila and KJ in the background.
“Tom,” you try to talk whilst he’s still busy kissing you.
“They alre-already said Cut,” you finally breathe out.
“Oh,” he cheekily breaks the kiss, placing his forehead against yours with the most adorable smile on his face.
“Great shot!” you hear the crew members yell.
“See you later, darling” Tom kisses your forehead before running off with KJ to do more flips.
Wow, that was actually amazing.
“(Y/n)!!!” Cami excitedly runs over to you,”What were you saying to me in the plane abo-“
Her voice faded once you met the eyes of Cole himself, staring at you with his weak greenish-blue eyes.
It’s 10pm, everybody is gathered around the bonfire, KJ is playing ‘Summer Paradise’ while Tom attempts to sing in an American accent, everybody looks like they’re having a good time. You’re cuddled next to Cami, smiling lovingly at Tom; he is , although really annoying, the most adorable person ever. The way he tries to make everyone laugh, the way everything he does is cute without him even being aware of it, the way he’s ridiculously good at everything he sets his mind on, the way-
“Uh-huh,” you turn around to find Cole, awkwardly standing behind you.
“Can we,um, talk?”
“Are you cold?”
You’re taking a walk with Cole along the lines of the island, far away from everyone.
“Nah, I’m good” you smile politely at him.
“Here,” he places his jacket over you.
Uhm, okay.
“So, um, what did you want to talk about?”
“(Y/n)…” the sound of his voice already answered your question.
He grabs your hand and pauses the walk.
“I can’t stand it. I can’t stand seeing you with someone else. I thought I could but it’s killing me, (Y/n). You don’t understand, I-“
“You cheated on me, Cole!” you finally allow all your anger to pour out,”You knew I would’ve given up everything for your love. I loved you. With every bit of me. And you chose Lili…”
“No!” he protests,”(Y/n), I didn’t choose Lili. I never chose Lili. I don’t know what I was thinking, I’m so sorry. I’ll always be sorry. I’ll be anything. Anything you want me to be. Anything. I’ll do anything. Whatever it takes to have my (Y/n) back,” you can feel his emotions by the tone of his voice.
“Cole, I can’t-“
“(Y/n),” he cups your face,”I’m still the same guy who you liked to dance with at 2am near the refrigerator light. And I know you’re still the same girl who liked to ruin my hairstyle more than anything.”
You chuckle at the last comment.
“Please tell me you’ll think about it,” he quietly pleads.
“We should get going now. Everybody has already left,” you try to avoid his plead as you start making your way towards the hotel.
“Yes, Cole?”
“Will you think about it?”
“I-I- will,”
On your way to your hotel room, you’re unexpectedly greeted by the sight of Tom sitting on the floor against your door.
“Goodness (Y/n), where were you?” he quickly gets up from the floor.
“Geez, Tom. I was-“
He pulls you in for a sudden hug. “Wow, I had no idea I was such a worrier. But you didn’t answer your phone, I didn’t even see you leave the bonfire, I-“
“Tom,” you look up at him lovingly,”I’m fine. I was just having a small talk with Cole,”
“Okay,” he slowly breaks the hug,
”You should go to bed now,” he says as he gently strokes the side of your face and looks deep into your eyes like you’re the ony one he sees. That’s the thing about Tom, he could just look at you, like just look, and make you feel like the most beautiful person!
“Okay,” you unlock your room. “See you tomorrow, Tom”
“Goodnight, darling.”
You stand at the side of your door as you watch him leave.
“Um, (Y/n)?” he turns back.
“Yes, Tom?”
“I don’t have to worry about anyone stealing you away from me now, do I?”
You snicker at his silly question.
“’cuz I would go bonkers trying to find someone else to annoy” he cheekily completes his statement.
“You’re an idiot, Tom. A complete nutcase,”
“Aye, but you still love me!” you hear his voice fade as he slides into his room.
This boy has no idea what he does to me.
A/N: So who would you choose? The guy you’ve been in love with for the longest time, who kind of broke your heart along the way but is adamant to mend it anyhow because he loves you so?
Or the cheeky brown-haired guy from London who makes you feel like a giddy 12year old everytime he says the word ‘darling’.
General Taglist ~ @xbobaaa  @riverdrew @dandelions-inthewind @ashleyykabob @bernaboredom  @thevioletmarkey @punkrockandchemicalx @acidbabytears @ceruleanjones  @riverdalemami @simbatastisc @caitsymichelle13 @allthelove-marz  @butterybra @margauxthemuse @tcmhollnd @desicookie @calums-band-tee @pinkglitterycactus @laa-rose @moonlight53 @oceantostars @jasmineeee85 @1022bridgetp @peachy-jordyn @prtmnstr @nano-fantasy @theweaknessstories  @castellagreen @louloudeug99 @tear-in-my-heart14   @imstillinlovewithyou  @flopmalum  @mypotronus @hehaditcoming @jugheadjonnes
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staxurst · 7 years
That's so perfect! I can't wait to see the raffles! Thankyou for giving it a thought, it's really nice of you! 😁 I'm actually super excited, I'm trembling with anticipation like a temmie feeling the first hits of a sugar high!
Ahahahah the idea of a tiny jittering anon makes me smile. XDBut I'm glad you like the idea. I'll get on making those adopts :3
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xhunnibeex-blog · 5 years
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💖🏵💚 A •• W E E •• F R I D A Y •• T E S T I M O N I A L 💚🏵💖 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Everyone Meet The Gorgeous "Kim Cashman" Here's What She Says About Her Own #ThriveExperience🤸‍♀️💪🏻 Thankyou For Sharing Beaut!! ▪▪▪▪ PLEASE READ ▪▪▪▪ Mind-Blowing! That’s what this Thrive experience is for me! -Natural feeling energy (no yucky jitters) -Gut health on point (no more sensitive stomach) -Mood balanced (for real) -Sleeping (like a rock) -I can think clearly The healthiest I’ve ever felt! Everyone should feel this way!!! Everyone. I can’t stop talking about Thrive's 3-simple steps! ~Kim Cashman 〰️〰️ Impressed⁉️ You Should Be😊 Why Not Give It A Try 〰️〰️ For Information On How To Get Started...Hit Like👍/♥️ Get Your 🌟 F R E E 🌟 Account Today!! #TheLVLifestyle🤸‍♀️🍃 #Thrive2Point0🔥💪🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0rUvPlkxl/?igshid=qo1cxfzt6y0a
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