#JM antis
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hello storm, i asked this question in another jikook blog but as you are very detailed in your responses i wanted your perspective on it as well. Do you find it a bit strange that from the Taekook perspective Tae seems to only be gay for Jungkook? Let me explain.
Tae has a whole squad of male friends (handsome males), he hangs out with, seems to be close to Park Bogum and even went to an art exhibit with him and they have their own version of GCF, yet not only have I seen Tkkers shrug them off as friends but have 0 malice for Park (not that i want them to) but seem to loathe Jimin? How come? Doesnt Bogum threaten your ship just as much if not more than Jimin?
So in the Taekook world Tae and Kook are deep in love in a ltr and their only threat is Jimin? How does that work. If Jungkook is Tae's type and vice versa, Jimin doesnt fit that mold so why be threatened by his prescence? Park Bogum is tall, gorgeous, talented, if anything he posses a bigger threat since he fits the mold of guys Tae should be into. So why is he shrugged off but Jimin hated and seen as a p*rv and a threat?
I know i am asking a mouthful but when you spend a few minutes thinking about the mind of a Jimin anti, it really shows how irrational these people are.
The tkkrs who do think Tae is only gay for JK, or vice versa where JK is only gay Tae (this is also about the jkkrs who think JK is only gay for Jimin too btw) aren't doing anything but fetishizing a mlm queer relationship for their own fantasies and gratification for their own abysmal love life and/or their own sexual gratification. Both are a problem. It's not okay. And I absolutely blame the media for the crappy representation and fetishizating stereotypes they give queer characters. Because that's then also how these types of shippers view BTS. As characters for them to play out their fantasies with. It's not okay. These are the same people who will ship the members but then at the same time not actually support queer people or the community. It's the "ew gay people" crowd who also go "lol so who do you think the bottom is??" It's the same people who always view one as "the man" and the other as "the girlfriend." They are cosplaying support for queer people behind a ship that they don't TRULY believe in. Because if Tae or JK ever came out as gay, or confirmed they are boyfriends and are gay. Those same people who gloat about winning but also have a really fucking hard time continuing to support them "in their sins." Either you think they are queer and you support them regardless of if they are in the gay ship you want them in, or you don't. Full stop. There is no "I'm only gay for...." there are LOTS of sexualities out there where you are attracted to a variety of genders or non at all. It's all okay, but people don't get to decide that for you. Because that's a cop out of actually supporting and caring for the person(s) you claim to love and support in their queerness and otherwise.
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As for the irrationality of being a Jimin anti? You absolutely answered that for yourself. Lol they aren't "threatened" by their other male friendships because they don't actually view think they are gay, therefore other men aren't a "threat." Jimin a "threat" simply because he is the most rival ship, they want to win and they throw all their homophobic and misogynistic ideas and tendencies onto him. It's fucked up.
Idk if any this ended up making sense or if my angry rant just ended up wordy and ranty. But oof this is a topic that gets my gears grinding 😅 thanks for the ask
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bangtannism · 1 month
jjks proving they're tkkers once again 💀
on god i am so tired
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elias-rights · 3 months
"Martin matched Jon's freak" Jon didn't unwittingly pledge himself to the same patron as Elias and keep bones in his office and admit to the beauty of the apocalypse and spend an entire season obsessed with killing him for you to say that Jon's freak is being matched by, of all people, Martin why are you enjoying killing people after I pushed you to kill people, you weren't supposed to go against my cottagecore fantasy :( Blackwood.
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i should add: vague hofas spoilers (comments have spoilers):
oh my god that book sounds like a train wreck - and i thought hosab was bad…
like i said the last time…the ghetto…
they’re saying there’s “language translation pills”… that’s your queen???
and just like we’ve been saying for years now…which character is sidelined once again. lmaooooo sjm gagged the feyre girles so bad💀
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chevelleneech · 2 months
Was going to watch The Amp Theory’s reaction to the Are You Sure? trailer, and had to click away.
I’m not going to complain about whatever they said about not shipping, because I don’t know what they said and that is not a problem for me. Shipping is fun and doesn’t really mean much if you’re someone sane, but I don’t like their comment section being filled with people praising them for “shutting shippers down”.
It tells me they chose not to entertain the thought, and that’s fine too, but this fandom overall is full of hypocrites and liars. People who pretend to agree that all shipping is bad, yet will secretly ship their faves or believe every heterosexual dating rumor that pops up. That’s what I dislike.
I dislike reactors who cater to that crowd, because it’s disingenuous. Not saying the guys over at Amp Theory ship in secret or anything, as they have a ton of kpop content on their channel and likely have zero time to care. But, if their comment section is anything to go off of, their views likely align with the idea that Jimin and JK aren’t dating simply because. No real reason, because reactors who claim to be against shipping (in this fandom specifically) only do so for as far as heteronormativity exists.
Not enough people in this fandom are willing to use gender neutral pronouns when talking about the group’s gender neutral lyrics. Not enough people in this fandom use he/him pronouns when talking about lyrics written by the members themselves that insinuate they have been in relationships with men. Not enough people in this fandom are even willing to acknowledge things said in interviews that insinuate the members have already been through their coming out stages in their personal lives. So why is it that inner band shipping is so often made out to be a joke or something a reactor refuses to engage with, when they do it already? They already believe all seven members like women, so what’s stopping them from thinking they like men too?
Again, I don’t know what was said, and I’m not complaining about them choosing to make it known they won’t tolerate ship discussions. But I always think of it like this, if shipping is disgusting to you or something you will never talk about, what would you do if the members being shipped actually turn out to be queer? Or in a relationship with one another?
It is obviously a hypothetical, because we’ll likely never know if any of them are queer outside of our assumptions. Based on many things, yes, but still there is no confirmation technically… kind of.
Point is, no one has to react to ship content. No one has to talk about ships if they don’t want to, but imagine spending years curating a BTS centric channel, and not once thinking about who they might be outside of their public images.
Imagine claiming to be a fan who supports them no matter what, yet the second you react to a video where two members who are often the target of hateful rhetoric are hanging out and having fun, and the entire aspect of their dynamic is almost completely rooted in their bond being much more couple-like than any of their friends, yet you choose to say, “We won’t entertain ship talk, because it’s not real no matter what.” (Again, not what the guys of Amp Theory said, I’m referring to reactors as a whole, because they aren’t the only ones.)
Reactors want attention, it’s how they make their money, I get it, but the members are in fact real people. They will not always match up to our expectations of them. Meaning, maybe they aren’t queer and we’re all just misunderstanding things. I doubt that though, and it truly irks me to my core that people will entertain just about anything except queerness. They will react to damn near whatever video is available to them that allows them to milk BTS for views, and Army will eat that shit right on up, making these channels huge, but the second any of them ask about or choose to watch Jikook content specifically, they have to either disclaim not believing JM and JK could have feelings for each other, or they ignore it entirely.
Then if Jikook antis are loud enough, they apologize and react to every other pairing a million times and Jikook never again. Because Jikookers are often painted as the worst within the fandom, because this fandom has a hard-on for Tkk. Which I would argue is because they’re not as questionable in their actions, so the reactors themselves don’t end up feeling any type of way, and they get to benefit off of the views.
Anyway. I was hoping to see more reactions to the trailer and I wish I hadn’t read their comments first, but I did so it is what it is.
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casually-salad · 7 months
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Lilly's last cutie mark
text is now in image ID
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ashesoriley · 7 months
The really annoying thing about Martin in season 5 is he seemed perfectly happy letting Jon be a monster but only when it benefited him. Every time else he was annoyed or angry. He was so hypocritical. It felt like he was using him almost
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six-paths-of-jeanmarco · 11 months
No matter who Jean ends up with in the final episode, Jeanmarco will always be canon and endgame bc 1. the actors au has been essentially confirmed by the official art 2. Marco hasn't traumatized Jean for life by murdering anyone precious to him, 3. nor is Jean a last minute replacement for someone Marco had to kill bc they turned into a world-scale genocidal maniac
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teamfortresstwo · 1 year
Genuinely insane how Jon had more chemistry with literally every character BUT the one he ended up being with
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becomingpart2 · 1 year
That post got me thinking about Spike's role in btvs (and the buffyverse) and how "unprecedented" or "revolutionary" he was within that universe. Here's what I came up with:
Spike wasn't the first vampire to be shown as more than a mindless killer that existed only to be staked. That was Angel in S1. The existence of the soul complicated the vampire lore in a way that was new and unimaginable to the Scoobies (and to the audience) at the time.
Spike wasn't the first vampire to get a soul. That would be Angel and then Darla. (Reminder that it was only after he got a soul that he was seen as a viable option for and by Buffy on the show).
Spike wasn't the first vampire to die and be brought back. That would be Angel and then Darla again.
Spike wasn't the first vampire to fall in love with the slayer.
Spike wasn't the first "bad guy" to get a redemption arc. That would be Faith.
Spike wasn't the first ally/enemy/ally to tempt Buffy to join "the dark side". That would be Faith.
Spike wasn't the first lovable asshole/comic relief who the Scoobies tolerated to have around. That would be Cordelia. And Anya if we're talking demons who were at the time harmless. She joined the Scoobies even before Spike did, back in S4.
Spike wasn't the first vampire or the only person who Buffy felt she could be vulnerable with or share feelings she wouldn't share with anybody else. That was Angel (Ted in S2; Helpless in S3; Forever in S5, to name a few).
So yeah.
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dearweirdme · 6 months
Rain, I think it's important to realize that Yoli has been going through some messed up things. She's probably acting out because of that.
Hi anon!
I don't follow her. I hadn't even heard of her before yesterday, so I have no clue about her personal problems. However, I do not think there's an excuse for playing with fandom the way she did. Not only did she hold a possibly damaging pic over our heads yesterday, she also had that pic for years and held onto it while talking about fandom's reactions to it. It is manipulative behavior anon. There being a possible reason for her 'acting out' does not negate that her choices were wrong.
I feel sorry for whatever she might be going through, I hope fandom leaves her alone now, I imagine the hate is getting way out of proportion, but she also kinda dug this hole for herself.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
They are never tired of lies and manipulation. We need to get together and find a solution for this. We need to stop them.
Report and block if you can. Also try not to worry too much about the haters. Giving them attention is what they want. Starve them out. That's how they die.
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bangtannism · 27 days
jimin always talks about how scary jungkook is when angry and he worries himself constantly to make sure to do things correctly to not upset jungkook not to mention the amount of times jimin just gives up fighting jungkook because he knows jungkook is stronger than him. if that was jks reaction to something so trivial which mind you he didn't crack a smile or laugh or anything until jimin tried making things lighthearted- I wonder what jk is like in private for jimin to have these thoughts and worries 🤷‍♀️
🚨❗️ resocialization alert ❗️🚨 someone come resocialize this anon!! they're in desperate need! 💔
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elias-rights · 1 year
Martin "I've never heard you laugh" Blackwood and Jonathan "I've never heard you say anything funny" Sims. This post is about them having no chemistry; do not derail.
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Oh my god, now they're saying Ember is the reason the world was almost destroyed bc of how she raised Bryce...y'all I wish I was making this up....
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Aleksander Morozova rambling
Aleksander, as a child, saw and lived in a vastly prejudiced society toward his kind, which unsurprisingly had a large effect on his choices as an adult. Grisha were, and still are in the timeline, hunted for sport by otkazat'sya (namely Fjerdans). Not to say they were a united front against this bias, take Annika's ruthlessness as an example of that. She was his friend, or perhaps posed as such, yet willing to carve out his bones for the sake of her own power. She was the one who died young in the end, Ulle's son as well, Aleksander thought to use the cut on himself and frame a otkazat'sya village nearby. This was likely the first act taken against him as an individual from other Grisha, nevermind children.The two were afraid, unmistakably so, and therefore thought it justified to sacrifice, as I'm sure they would've considered it, another living being for either of their benefit.
The problem is, each of them, Aleksander especially, had the same experience. How does it feel when your parents bring into the world knowing they can't protect you from the dangers? Dangers posed from their own blood, mind you? Aleksander set out to create a sanctuary where no Grisha child would suffer like he once had. It was a noble vision, but a poisoned seed, as they say, grows to a poisoned plant. Those with power consistently crave one thing: More power. Aleksander Morozova is simply another victim of this pattern in literature.
The Darkling mantle, and those which came before it (e.g Black Heretic) are dehumanising, to say the least. The Grisha soldiers under his command aren't meant to see him as human in any case, to them he appears as an untouchable figure. I suppose that's important; when a god tells you to do something you rarely doubt his word.
Aleksander was fighting a war. Not the war those under him fought meekly with guns, though that literal war accumulated many losses and sacrifices as any does. His struggle was for power, as you'd expect and though it landed him in the throne eventually that's not the prime aspect. As I said before, the thing with powerful men is that they're ravenous, dangerously persistent in their hunt for more power. A single life lost is not a tragedy. No matter who the victim is, noble or poor, young or old. A single life lost in favour of a greater picture, is a sacrifice, a martyr. Alina says it herself, so many saints are martyrs.
I’m not saying Aleksander is a saint, despite The Starless Saint being a wonderfully poetic name. I’m merely suggesting he set out on a road to become one. I mentioned that a poisoned seed always grows into a poisoned plant because that’s nature. That’s the way things occur, nothing to fault or blame. I believe his idea was a poisoned seed, of sorts. The unfortunate truth is the most exquisite plants often turn out to be toxic.
His vision to create an oasis for Grisha was pure, but does that excuse the unavoidable bloodshed to afford it? Is there a meaning behind those losses? It was war after all. War ruins lives, that is no secret. Aleksander brought peace, and The Little Palace was, in some form, a direct result of that peace. The Little Palace and the second army were established, a sanctuary for Grisha and an Army for the king. A fair trade?
Is this trading lives like crops? Ten otkazat'sya for one Grisha?
Aleksander’s new system still had a hierarchy, despite it almost being flipped from the previous version and more complex. Before otkazat'sya were considered top of the food chain, and Grisha, orderless, below them. In that time, if Grisha had any use it was as weapons, which didn’t expressly change once the Shadows came into rule. Once Aleksander got his way, Grisha stood above those who had once tortured them. Still, even within them there was yet another hierarchy.
While all Grisha Aleksander considered to be below him except for the Sun Summoner, he had his favourites in Corporalki- Healers, Heartrenders, later Tailors-, preferring his guard to be made up of many Grisha within that order. Etherealki, which Shadow Summoners are also considered to belong to, remain as prominent figures in many battles as well. Materialki- Durasts and Alkemi-, while powerful, were not considered fighters during Aleksander's reign. They were not given physical training until Alina took control, which was an intelligent move on her part especially since we know what kind of accuracy Durast sharpshooters can achieve. A mistake on Aleksander’s part.
In conclusion, Aleksander did what he thought necessary. To him, every loss is a sacrifice, willing or not. Still, it’s the rule of man. Some people are always going to want to feel better than others. As Genya said, be careful of powerful men. The choice to have every otkazat'sya tested for Grisha power was to find The Sun Summoner and to build numbers in the first army. The problem is that many of these children, who were being brought to a supposed sanctuary, weren’t in need of one. In fact, by definition, a sanctuary isn’t a sanctuary if you aren’t in need of one.
One thing didn’t change from Aleksander’s childhood: Otkazat'sya feared Grisha. What did change is how they reacted to that fear. The reaction was an instinctive move to destroy what wasn’t known. Once Grisha were known to the public in Ravka, the fear may have grown, yes, but the willingness to do something about it shrank. These people who live their lives quietly in a town aren’t going to suddenly pick up a knife and throw it at someone meant to protect them. Even if they don’t believe that protection is necessary or possible.
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