agropuff · 10 months
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practice/face study with hicktown
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baylardo · 8 months
my jj carey cinematic universe kinda chronological idea posting its still super rough GO
elephant wrote in the Carey chapter of lesson plans that peppa and jj were pen pals :3 i think they have an age gap of like 9 years lmao -looks away- (((((chakotay and janeway have the same gap leave me alone lmao)))))) but theyd be like 5 and 14 i think? i figured thatd be how they communicate through their earlier life,,,
maybe peppa would accompany her mother during the Widow’s Walk lil short story about kathryn meeting Joe’s wife and their two sons to bestow the medal of honor or whatever and gives JJ his father’s model of voyager :)
i figure theyd remain distant for a while after that for a variety of reasons like hes grieving his father, probably enters the academy as a promising cadet, idk when hed drop out/leave tbh but it comes as a shock to everyone. anyway also peppa’s mom dies and they go space for several years. i figure theyre both busy being in school/living life to interact much. i thought like maaaaaybeeeee he and patrick (or just jj) would reach out to the triplets when their mother died but i dont think philippa especially would receive it well. shes bad with her feelings and her papa left or was in the process of leaving also lol WHOOPS
might be some time inbetween when they connect but its always brief and very platonic just friends catching up in vibe. put a pin in that one lolllll,,,,,, otherwise:
i was thiiiiinking theyd reconvene at a voyager 20 year reunion? (the 10 year i think lands when theyre out in space!) so shed be around 25 and hed be 34? 🤔 when theyre both adults by that point i think, reconnect out by a fountain. theyd get to talk about what all has happened in their lives, its a little bit of an escape for philippa from the party, shes surprised hes even here considering. very likely his mother and brother didnt come. maybe hed ask about her scar, OR NOT, maybe she brings it up hehe,,,,,, is vulnerable about how insecure she feels about her appearance and hed say something sweet back. :) maybe be a little cheeky about how he loves seeing her patterns more visibly in that revealing of a dress shes wearing!!! 🙈 in a polite way. shed maybe finally have the time to ask why he dropped out of starfleet, shed talk about her own career (idk if 25 is still academy age…) stuff like that!!! but i figure they pick up pen paling each other again after this!!!! bc shes on starships now and hes either home or visiting planets for work.
figure they hang out sometimes while she has time inbetween missions. hes a bit of a geek/nerd combo, she complains about her family a lot with him, she asks him about his projects, stuff she doesnt understand but he lights up about it in a way she maybe envies she wishes she had his passion about something. she visits his house in ireland a lot and has a foundation of fondness toward the country ingrained in her from her mother. ummmm maybe she has an apartment in san Francisco, but she stays over there sometimes to get away from her work. potentially hes the one she confides in about what shes seen and done. 🤷
next thing that happens thats kinda Altering the norm for them is that philippa’s captain betrays starfleet and shes ordered into extended medical leave after being forcefully augmented by her captain. i gotta mention like, philippa and captain sh'eraz have been working together for a bit, their last mission as a captain and XO was to retrieve this lost/dead warship aka the Vesuvius that was stolen by augments early on into starfleet's history and subsequently altered/enhanced. it's kinda a lost relic of a ship, but its augmentations have been a quiet looming threat that starfleet has wanted to obtain and CONTAIN.
but captain sh'eraz augments philippa before escaping capture. (shes either like, with some augments or romulans or something idk yet lol) ANYWAY philippa cant go to Jace during this time bc her augmented and in general thoughts are exceptionally difficult to be around as a telepath, her family isnt an option for her (stubborn?? theyre overwhelmjng to her and shes like, augmented and lashes out and keeps crying all the time, she doesnt want anyone to see her in this state tbh) i think shed end up going to JJ’s for a bit and he offers to take her off world to the planet he’s doing engineering work on. its swampy kinda similar to the planet she was born on. it takes her some time to come to terms with her circumstances, she may never get better, she may be stuck like this and never be allowed back into starfleet, and i think jj would help her with maybe seeing a bigger picture of helping people or something idk. her augmented brain for a while kinda has a knack for equations and blue printing and problem solving so they work on engineering jobs together that shed never have been able to have helped on prior to the augmentation. i figure she gradually learns to relax and let her body heal, eventuslly she starts regressing both mentally and physically back into her old state. like to think she picks up swimming as a hobby, something she never indulged all too frequently before, but shes getting more in touch with her amphibious tendencies while here. eventually they finish their work on the planet and go back, and philippa continues her recovery on earth.
for a time she’s still not 100% back to recovery but shes calmed down and she sees her family and can manage seeing jace now without being mentally A LOT for her betazoid friend. i figure around this time, kathryn is sticking her nose in the revival project for the Vesuvius (or maybe overseeing it?) which is the ancient starship philippa retrieved. thought that she might discreetly recruit JJ to work on the project, not disclosing anything to philippa though. reasoning behind why he gets involved being his experience working with older dated systems and starships, theyre trying to figure out how to deal with the augmentations built into the old ship.
EVENTUALLY, revival project finishes, peppa's probably tried to squeeze information out of her mother and friend for a while but it hasnt worked. Philippa returns to starfleet after her extended medical leave and gets promoted to captain and given the Vesuvius as a new experimental ship, the Legacy.
JJ is given a field commission for a bit, im thinking lieutenant? 🤔 aboard the Legacy to make sure the transition is seamless and nothing breaks, so him and philippa get some time to actually work together in starfleet. :) their overarching goal is to find and aprehend captain sh’eraz but as is the case with most starfleet things, they get caught up in side quests along the way lol. one thing of note for me during this time is like, the Legacy is full of surprises, things missed in its inspection and revival process. philippa had a weeeird intuitive knack for dealing with the augmented stuff on the ship, likely a phantom limb type vibe from her augmentation. she tries to play it down how instinctively she knows how things should work, likely confides in JJ that its something shes dealing with and playing down. as the chief engineer(?) he can kinda go with it, but theyre very “need to know” with each other about the augment stuff. i can imagine a lot of their adventures involve the Legacy doing something augmented and weird and unpredictable and them trying to figure out what its trying to do or tell them.
i dont know if hed still be around by the time philippa is confronting/pursuing her ex-captain, maybe they get the hang of the Legacy eventually and he goes home, new chief engineer comes on in his stead. i kinda want ummmm philippa alone and a little wet cat a and a little obsessed with her mission without much support surrounding her. :3c i also just think theyd pick up writing to each other again and shed miss having him around, so it gives room for THAT. but moidrah sh’eraz gets either captured or killed (idk whats more poignant yet lol) and i think its be traumatic and shes return home to earth and MAYBE see jj and be defeated and cry about it lalala its vague in my head rn.
lifes goes on, hes still doing civil engineer things, shes still captaining the Legacy,,,,, ummmmmm they maybe sleep together one time and MAYBE she gets pregnant…… im still so iffy on that one lmao go read this post for this mess of an idea involving how philipp maybe gets TWO kids 🙈
figurrreeeee not long after THAT ^^^^^ she passes on the Legacy to a new captain and is given command of a galaxy class ship (maybe the Elysium??????) which she never thought shed see herself captaining lmao. idk if those classes are still around for families,,,,,, but i figure shed do something way less dangerous and slower while shes ummmmm maybe pregnant and raising a weird moth alien baby. with jj maybe hahaha. theyre figuring it out THIS AREAS STILL ROUGH FOR ME GET BACK TO ME ON IT LOLOLOL. whether or not hes field commissioned again idk!!! maybe hes training engineers 🤷
but thats all i got so far hahaha :)
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stjimmy2007 · 9 months
about me/welcome to my blog!! <3
so uhhh, hiii, my name is syn!! i realized I didn’t have an abt me thingy so I made one! enjoy this shit show!
things abt me!
im in a band called kerplunk! our album comes out on febuary 14th! I’m the guitarist and drummer!(drummer on special occasions, not to often 😼)
i have an OBSESSION with johnnie guilbert, jake webber, scuff, and also sam+colby
i also really REALLY like metal, any kind of sub-genre of metal (nu metal and black metal are my 2 favorites). i like emo stuff tho too, some scene stuff is sick! i have no clue what genre ghost is, but I fucking LOVE them!!
im a huge green day fan despite my taste for metal 🤓🤓. (billie joe is so fine, tre cool is so fine, and mike dirnt is so fine, LMAO)
ive been to 49 concerts 😘
i dress what is considered to be mall goth, but I’d say it’s more of a nu metal style, if I’m honest! ive also gotten called a vampire before, im rather pale and the 2 colors I wear most are black and red 🥳
I’m an atheist, so I have pretty much no interest in religion! BUUUUT! i do and always have believed in paranormal, me and my band friends go to supposedly ‘haunted’ places often, it’s so fun! weve caught some stuff on video!
supernatural is my favorite tv show, and always will be, castiel has always been a comfort character for me, no clue as to why tho
the outsiders is beyond my fav book, i am fr married to every single greaser 🤭
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reporterleroux · 1 year
Dropping this I wrote about cor au then leaving again lmao!!!
7th August, 2018.
The day that life Grimsborough changed for everyone. However, for Louis Leroux, that day wasn't today. He never got to help out in the battle of Grimsborough since he had been hospitalised not long before due to his injuries from his second murder attempt in prison. To say it messed him up was probably an understatement. He was scarred from pretty much head to toe, was in a wheelchair again and sporting new prosthetic arms as they couldn't be reattached like his legs were. He was miserable, stuck in hospital alone with no one to talk to. He had hardly seen anyone he cared for since he went into prison weeks prior, not that he kept track of how long ago that was anyways. He had caught glimpses of his fellow Ad Astra members in prison, but never enough for it to be worthwhile. He thought he was going to die in that cell, and on this specific day he wished he did. He was given the go ahead to be free to move around in his wheelchair recently, so he decided to sit outside of his hospital room for a change of scene. Today was a bad day to choose. He never knew what was going on, and he was constantly seeing people he knew and cared for come in past him in hospital beds, surrounded by medical professionals. Rozetta, Julia, Jones, Rita... And worst of all for him, Joe. Panic immediately rose in him when he saw him pass by. He looked extremely pale, barely consious and had blast trauma all across the left side of his face. It was heartbreaking for Louis, seeing the love of his life on the verge of death. He tried to go after him, only to be stopped by staff and taken back to his own room. He was in tears, he cried as much as his injuries and energy would let him. He knew there was nothing he could do until they allowed visitors into Joe's room. All he could do was wait.
After a few hours, which felt more like a few days, he was able to go see him. He made his way over to the room as quick as he could, leaving no room for any hesitation. He set himself up next to Joe's bed, frowning when he saw him. He was asleep for a start, but his injuries looked so much worse up close. If it was possible for his heart to break even more than it already had, it happened in that exact moment. He swore he'd protect those he cared for, but now felt entirely useless as this entire time he was hooked up in bed with no idea as to what was happening. He was snapped out of his thought when he heard Joe speaking. "Mi amor..?" He sounded weak, exhausted and as if he wanted to just sleep for the rest of his life. "Hey... It's me. I'm here..." Joe smiled a little, turning his head to get a better view of his boyfriend. He seemed more concerned over his healed injuries compared to his fresh ones, it was obvious when he reached a hand out to cup his face. Louis instantly teared up as he leaned into the touch, he hadn't felt this in a long time and he missed it dearly. "I've missed you so much..." Joe said barely above a whisper, but it still got to Louis regardless. "Me too... It's been too long..." He smiled a little as he took Joe's hand in his own. It caused Joe to absentmindedly frown. It wasn't the same. The warmth and comfort from his hand was replaced with a feeling of cold metal. It upset him to think the previous time he held his boyfriends hand would be the very last. Louis picked up on this, and it caused him to frown too. He was framed, it wasn't his fault he was in there, yet all he could do was apologise. "No, it's okay... You can't help it. We'll get through it together. How's that sound?" "Yeah... That sounds good. It would be nice to have you help. Maybe it can help us get closer..." The Spaniard nodded in agreement, the smile returning on his face. "Once we get outta here, I'm gonna give you the best future I can give you. I promise." That was a promise he kept for the rest of his life, to give the love of his life the best future possible.
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terrorpenned · 1 year
some r/v au things kicking around in the brain (or in my art lmao)
V has a new wedding dress made that is heavily inspired by, though not an exact replica of, Josette’s dress, taking a mix of regency style and late 1960s/early 1970's (which are already in partnership in fashion). she borrows Naomi Collins' wedding veil, and Liz gives her a string of pearls that first belonged to Annabella Collins –– a symbol of the Collins prosperity born of the sea.
Wedding flowers: blue delphinium (dignity and grace, youth, new life, remembrance), calla lilies (magnificent beauty, rebirth or resurrection, the goddess Hera), lily of the valley (return to happiness: "The naiad-like lily of the vale. Whom youth makes so fair, and passion so pale" ) and blue jasmine (amiability, loyalty, integrity, trust, "On the blue flower which, Brahmins say. Blooms nowhere but in Paradise.")
" The jasmine, with which the queen of flowers, To charm her god, adorns his favourite bowers Which brides, by the plain hand of neatness drest, – Unenvied rival! – wear upon the breast; Sweet as the incense of the mom, and chaste As the pure zone which circles Dian's waist."
They're married out on the terrace but, predictably, rain interrupts them, and they have to rush inside to the drawing room to finish the ceremony. Roger cheats and carries her over the threshold before they're officially married.
They fly to France for their honeymoon, staying on the beaches of Biarritz in the Hôtel du Palais. They make several excursions to sightsee in the rest of the country, including a few days in Paris to see the Louvre and the Palais Garnier. V returns home with several paintings to add to Collinwood's collection, and Roger with several bottles of wine. Vicki also picks out an André Courrèges for Maggie, an Yves Saint Laurent for Carolyn and a Givenchy for Liz. for David, a lapel pin with a guillotine motif inspired by 1790s designs.
Rog's proposal is very Maxim-esque. It happens outside on the cliffs, not at breakfast itself, but right after. Since David is old enough to go to Real School, he no longer needs a tutor and governess, but Roger assures her she's still needed at Collinwood and she can stay on with him. ("Do you mean you want a secretary or something?" "No, I'm asking you to marry me, you little fool.")
They're generally supported (especially by Julia) when they announce the engagement, and Carolyn is delighted to have her as an official member of the family (though it takes some getting used to thinking of her as an aunt). Liz is highly skeptical and would try to talk Roger into calling it off; Vicki has to work hard to convince her that’s what she wants. the plus side is that he’d never do anything to hurt V because if he did Liz would flay him alive. not one single foot out of line.
Maggie would also be on Liz’s side, certain at first that the power disparity favors Roger and his happiness, but Vicki would eventually bring her around. Maggie, along with Willie and Joe, is probably one of the few who realizes or cares what it means for Vicki socially/economically to rise through the ranks and marry into the Collins money/power. most of them would view it as marrying Roger, but V’s fellow working class characters see it as marrying into the family, and Roger comes second.
The engagement lasts a while for legal reasons, though not for lack of Rog's trying to hurry their lawyers, since neither of their spouses can be served divorce papers (being yoinked back to the eighteenth century or being transformed into a vampire as your alternate identity don't count for much in court). they're able to get annulments on the basis of mental incapacity –– r.e. Rog's mental state when he married Cass, and the speed –– and fraud –– vis a vis Jeff's real identity. it's not pleasant, and involves lots of testifying about adultery in the courtyard, which leads to their first real fight.
Though he buys her a few things in France, his big wedding present is a car of her own to live in the Collins garage: a Triumph TR6 in Royal Blue with tan interior. Carolyn is allowed to drive it; Roger is not.
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shitposts927383828 · 5 months
!!Fanfiction read flags!!
This is my option not facts. Just what I think are red flags or stuff I read once and dip bc I don’t like it. Blah blah blah, if your feelings get hurt cry about! Love y’all tho <3
This applies to wattpad and Quotev bc I frequent those ones the most. Others may apply but I don’t really know.
I read and enjoy X Readers! So some will be X Reader specific rules!
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Section 1: Judging a book by its cover (and its description):
1. When it has no cover. Like I get it, I make my own and they suuuckk but come on. Try? If ya didn’t try for the cover you probably didn’t try with the book so I’m moving on. Sorry.
2. When their is no description. Negative points if it says “read to find out” or “too lazy for a description.” I DONT KNOW WHAT IM READING BC THEIRS NO DESC SO WHY WOULD I READ IT!?
2. Emojis in Description. That’s when you know it’s written on a phone and I don’t care. A bunch of great ffs were written on phone. But that screams younger person to me and no offense but only y’all would use emojis. PLUSH I HATE HOW THEY TAKE AWAY FROM THE STORY?! I’ll be reading and then I’ll be a
3. When the title and desc have nothing to do with the story. Shit will be titled “ghost of you </3” or “broken promises” and have nothing to do with ghost or dead people or anything of the sort. AND have nothing to do with broken promises. Like why is it titled that way when it has nothing to do with the story??
(^ This one isn’t serious but a nitpick)
Section 2: RED FLAGS! Lets go:
1. When the author uses an OC instead of Y/N. I’ve written for Y/N! Almost exclusively! It isn’t hard! And y’all will sit their and say it is. ALL WHILE TAGGING YOUR SHIT WITH Y/N? OR READER? READER INSERT, X READER? Then her name is Luna or some shit.
1.5. When the author uses an OC instead of Y/N. Back at it again but this time your SO close. Then you give her blue hair or green eyes and pale skin. YOU USE Y/N BUT YOU GIVE HER AN APPEARANCE! And your so close to being right it hurts.
3. More notes the story. I get it. You want to talk with ppl reading your books, you know it’s fun to see comments and stuff! But I didn’t come here for your life updates and stuff. Sorry but I came to read my SpongeBob x Reader not for 7 A/Ns in a row! If it isn’t related to the book, don’t add it to the book. If it is, don’t make the Authors note SEVEN DIFFERENT CHAPTERS!
4. Sigh. When the character dialogue looks like this:
(Joe: Omg! We can’t do this!
Anna: yes we can! Don’t give up!
Anna said as she jumped off the building. Joe closed his eyes and took a leap of faith after her.)
I don’t Care if it’s the best written story in the world. It could have the most moving chapters but. No. I just can’t. It’s diifrent if the characters are texting or doing something else but this isn’t it. Pls stop.
5. Emojis. Again. Okay, I just hate emojis on fanfictions. Like cool! Awesome. But come on! Even if the characters are texting it takes me out of the story.
6. Stories that haven’t been updated in FOREVER. Look at the last updated thing BEFORE YOU READ. It’s always the best fanfictions so I’d advise to not get into it if your not prepared for heartbreak when you get to the not really last chapter but last chapter.PLEASE UPDATE!
7. When the author is arguing with people on the comments. You could be right. But if leaves a bad taste in my mouth that your entertaining the trolls and didn’t just delete the comment. And if your wrong and fight with me or someone I’m on the side of? Haha I’m out, dipped.
8. I hate it when people will tag stuff just to complain about something. Like stfu I came here for bnha Not your complaint about how the omegavere is sexist and “how can anyone read this??”. Firstly, Don’t like it don’t read it. It’s simple but secound of all HOW COME ITS TAGES BHNA? LEAVE ME ALONE IM JUST TRYING TO READ MIDORYA ANGST!!
8. When someone gets pressed OVER FANFICTION LMAO! Like it’ll be a fanfiction about suicide. I get it. It’s a hard topic, I myself have struggled with it in the past. Trying to commit 5 separate times. I clicked on the fanfiction myself bc it helps sometimes. BUT THEN SOME DUMBASS WITH BE IN THE COMMENTS “this is romanticizing suicide HOW COULD YOU?”
LIKE STFU it isn’t for you! Again! Don’t like it don’t read it! It HELPS some people cope with it. Like myself!stuff like that CAN help people cope with stuff! You don’t know who’s writing it, you don’t know who’s reading it. If you can’t read it, don’t. But leave it alone. It helps, even if you don’t think so it does.
Fanfiction shit I don’t mind. (This is mostly me making fun of you now)
1. I’ve grown past spelling errors. My mind autocorrects them for me. Their apart of fanfiction! Deal with it! I’m so tired of seeing ppl complaining about it. Like if it’s really bad (like can’t understand the word bad) then fine, sure. But if it’s just something like “the vhair moved forward scratching the wooden floor below it” then move on! ONE OF YALL can call it out. But if it’s the whole comment section just know your a bit annoying.
2. Op main characters. Ima be really honest here. Y’all will hate so fast on a op main character. Screaming “Mary Sue! Mary Sue!” When the character genuinely has flaws and is interesting beyond their powers and shit. Can’t a main character just start off strong? I swear sometimes the main character is weak asf and their are still comments being like “she’s kinda op can we make her weaker?” Or some dif way of saying it. The my hero ff commenters are the worst with this. OC/Y/n could actually have “heart attack” as a weakness and the comments will still be on about how she’s too strong.
Personally I like really strong main characters, Sue me.
Okay! So that’s all for today! Obviously some things might be missing or certain pet peeves I just forgot. I tried to keep it as stuff I’ve seen other ppl complain about too and just… I don’t know. \_0_/
______END NOTES.
At the end of the day fanfiction writers are providing FREE entertainment for us. Unpaid, unappreciated, hours sat at the computer… writing… and writing… then your friend gets hit by a bus and you still have to post an update…! Anyway! Theirs doing US a favor by writing. So no hate. Thank you for providing me a source of joy! (read: JJK X READER FICS)
Thank you for writing these stories, and don’t mind my nitpicks and such. This is just here for me to get out of my system as I’ve been holding it all in for as long as I’ve been reading fan fictions. (8 years)
Expect you Fake X Reader Folks. Fuck you for tagging it that way and blocked. (Not the Y/Ns with appearances I still love you but my hair isn’t red)
THANK YOU! For coming to my Ted talk! <3
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benjaminsisko · 1 year
i'm just curious what is your title about?
ooohohoo buddy, i am SO glad you asked!
THAT line is a lesser known benjamin sisko line, but one that i consider to be from one of the most endearing scenes with ben and his family. it's from season 7 episode 1: image in the sand at around 35 minutes in, if you want to see the exact scene. it's the one with jake right before that bajoran guy stabs him.
it's just a little scene that doesn't really have any effect on the episode or anything. it's just a cute moment with jake where ben has just finished up shucking a bunch of bags full of clams for joseph's creole restaurant.
jake comes up and asks him how many clams he's cleaned, and ben says "a lot! that was my last batch...but then i got to thinking.... maybe I'll take a couple of sacks tomorrow on the runabout; give me something to do on the way to tyree."--and he just...he says this so bitterly, man. he says the word tyree like a man who is being forced to wade through knee-deep horse shit. so jake, being jake--jake who grandpa joe makes do all the menial tasks around the kitchen (as any family restaraunt does lmao) peel the shrimp, chop the okra, wait tables, etc. is like "you're kidding right??" (disbelief mostly, but you know there is REAL FEAR just beneath the surface)
and ben looks at him and he gives him that dad voice? the one where your parent looks at you and just says "[name]...." in that voice where you know they're implying you're being kind of a goofball right now? he goes, "jake....if i never see another clam--"
"--it'll be too soon!" jake says this along with him, to their mutual amusement. they have a laugh and ben takes this towel he was holding (he was just shucking clams) and he whips jake's ass with it like you do in the locker room (wet towel)(clam juice in the towel)(SMELLY) and goes "WOO!!" and kinda walks away a little while whistling a jaunty tune.
idk what else to say about it other than i just really love the subtle layers of family dynamic on display, but since it's such a minor scene, that's about it.
but it's fucking everything to me. more than the big epic speech from in the pale moonlight, more than his unhinged javert shenanigans in for the uniform (which i also am SO normal about i prommy), benjamin sisko becoming a silly guy with clam shucking fatigue and palling around with jake is just such a good moment to me. i guess especially because it's good to see him have such a sweet moment of familal levity while he's going through Some Shit™ for like. the entire episode otherwise.
AND he immediately gets stabbed afterward. CLASSIC fucking sisko moment.
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
falling for you ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki / cherry blossom
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➣ genre: fluff, slight comedy
➣ warnings: cursing
➣ a/n: i’m far too in love with this man. i can’t help myself. also if you have anything you want me to write, send it to my inbox!
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- he first met you at "S," seeing you stood by langa and reki
- his silky pink hair flowed behind him in the wind, his bangs lifting to reveal his golden eyes. those golden orbs are locked on you the entire time he skates closer to you
- the lack of bickering that usually arose between cherry and joe had caught joe's attention
- joe notices cherry's gaze on a particular y/h/c. he almost snorts, almost, but, being a teasing lil bitch kidding, he decides to jab at cherry's side
- "hey, do you see that girl over there? she's cute, isn't she?"
- the bubblegum-colored hair male glares holes into his friends head
- "i'm sure she wouldn't be interested in a muscle-brained gorilla like yourself"
- skates off into the distance, further closing the gap between the two of you
- girls and guys start cheering for and fawning over cherry, as well as joe. this catches your attention because you're surprised mostly by the fawning of the people. honestly, you wouldn't say that anyone you've seen there is worthy of so much attention, excluding your two best buds: langa and reki.
- you're actually older than reki and langa by 3 years. you met reki on coincidence.
- you had borrowed your friend's skateboard to cruise around the town. you had felt overwhelmed with all that had been going on in your life, and you wanted to find an escape. your friend, wanting to help you with that mission, offered the board, saying "it's really fun and gets your mind off of things whenever you need." obviously, you took up on the offer because it was a nice spring day: the sun out and the bright colors of nature and the city filling your misty eyes.
- you skated by the skate park and saw a particular redhead practicing ollies and other tricks. you were impressed by the skill he had portrayed, yet you were also envious of how light he seemed, how his eyes twinkled with joy. your gaze must've rested too long on the boy because he approached you soon after.
- reki, later on, introduced you to langa, bringing you to where you were today
- you came to "S," though unwillingly, to support langa in his beef against another fellow skater
- honestly, you detested that your younger friends were participating in illegal activities but never brought it up because you saw how happy they looked whenever they spoke about the beefs
- anYWAYS-
- looking into the distance, you see a masked man in a white yukata, hair flowing behind him, and a green haired, shirtless, buff man skating closer
- "who's that?" you ask your friends
- "oh! that's cherry blossom and joe. they are the founding members of "S." cherry has an ai board, and joe has incredible power," reki pips
- you nod, acknowledging the two men as they stepped off of their skateboards
- “well hello there,” the green haired man winks at you
- “hi,” you flush, eyes wandering between his gaze and his bare chest
- “what’s a pretty little lady like yourself doing with these two kids?”
- “uh-”
- reki tries to jump joe but is held back by langa because we know that reki doesn’t stand a chance against big muscle man
- joe gets all up and comfy with you, flexing his muscles and talking about who knows what
- your attention was mostly on the blue-nette friend of yours. you were still very anxious about this entire thing
- “she’s not even paying attention to you anymore, you idiot,” the masked man speaks
- embarrassed that they noticed your rude behavior, you begin to excessively apologize
- “no, please don’t apologize. i should’ve realized you were worried about your friends,” joe says modestly
- “there’s no need to worry about snow. he’s fully capable of staying safe. we’ve seen him skate many times, and he always comes out in one piece. i’m sure you’ll be impressed as well,” cherry says in his monotonous tone
- “snow?” you tilt your head to the side in confusion
- when i tell you cherry MELTED, i mean that he MELTED
- stomach? churning. heart? fluttering. cheeks? flushing. hotel? trivago
- bRO, why are you SO FUCKING ADORABLE
- “snow is langa,” joe explains when he notices cherry’s flustered silence
- “ohhhhhh-”
- “actually, i’ve just realized. we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. call me joe,” he looks expectantly at his friend
- “you may call me cherry,” the man thanked the lords that he wore a mask because if he wasn’t, you’d see the obvious rose tint on his cheeks
- “i’m y/n! i came here with reki and langa.”
- to say cherry’s heart broke in that moment would be an understatement. his heart was more so shattered and pulverized.
- did i just fall for a minor? FU-
- “but i’m older than them, of course.”
- lemme just pick up the shards of my broken heart and re-piece it back together
- you barely talked to cherry that night his fault for acting so cold, but you were intrigued by the man. i mean he skates on a talking skateboard, how can you not?
- cherry leaves “S” that night, regretting all his life decisions because instead of talking to you, he avoided you
- who knows when’s the next time he’d meet you?
- lmao, SiKe
- you walk into sakurayashiki calligraphy, awkwardly waiting to be interviewed
- his pink hair meets your eyes, the long, silky hair framing the man’s pale face. a pair of glasses rest on the bridge of his nose, enhancing his golden eyes. he is clad in a navy blue yukata
- hm, he looks familia-
- you almost gasp aloud, as you realize who he is
- not wanting to jump to conclusions, you ask, “have we met before?”
- kaoru is freaking out, though he hides it well under his professional mask
- what the heck? she’s the one looking for a job here?
- “yes, we have, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about”
- yiKeS, nice first impression on your, hopefully, new boss, y/n
- throughout the entire interview, you impressed him with the slightest of things
- you were beyond professional and exactly what he looked for in employees
- damn it. why is she so perfect?
- you walk out of the building with the brightest smile on your face, ecstatic with the news that you had been hired
- kaoru follows closely behind you, acting gentlemanly as he leads you out
- “thank you so, so much. i promise i will work my hardest to make your business even stronger and better than before”
- “no, the honor’s all mine. i can tell that you’ll become a valuable asset”
- you’re bowing your head and thanking him to a crazy amount that he starts to worry that you’re getting dizzy
- mustering up all the courage he could, he speaks up, “actually, i don’t really like talking about the skating half of my life...”
- you mutter a genuine apology for bringing it up before
- “it’s alright, but i was wondering if you wanted to go to “S” with me next time. i understand if you decline. i won’t fire you for it,” he tries to add a joke to lighten his tense mood
- you giggle at his nervous and awkward behavior, “good to know i won’t get fired if i say no, but sure! i wouldn’t mind going again. it’s a good opportunity to let me watch over reki and langa—”
- “that-that’s great,” he sighs with relief
- “—and i can get to know you better,” you mutter quietly under your breath
- he flushes, hearing what you said perfectly
- “i wouldn’t mind that either”
- you couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about the soft smile on kaoru’s face, whilst kaoru was busy sleeping, lost in his dreams of you and him together
- the both of you couldn’t wait to get to know each other more
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sarioh · 3 years
do you have any hypotheses for why joe is drawn with his irl skin tone while bdubs is drawn with his minecraft skin tone? now that you mentioned it im curious too
im honestly surprised someone was interested in my long tags LMAO, but yeah i do have some theories! i think the simple historical answer is that it just comes down to the degree to which they edited the base skin. joehills barely edited it at all so his skin kinda reads as a steve skin still, just slightly altered. so artists had to take some liberties in drawing him to distinguish him from the basic steve skin, and took inspiration from the way he looks irl to create a recognizable character.
on the other hand, bdubs changed some core qualities of the steve skin (famously the eyes) to the point where you have no idea it's even derived from it at all. so artists probably assumed that he designed the entire skin himself to reflect how he wants to be interpreted/portrayed, and tried to stay faithful to that in their designs, when in reality it's literally just the default skin color/texture.
there's way more nuance to it now though than before. i think the fandom has become aware that bdubs, unlike joe, is not actually just some White American Dude, he's ethnically assyrian. before recently people just kinda assumed bc he was sorta pale he must be white, but ofc lots of POC are pale (plus he's a youtuber, he probably doesn't really go outside much tbf lol). so it's not considered as acceptable anymore to portray him as fair-skinned even if it means the designs are not as accurate to his complexion irl, bc like... we obviously don't want to whitewash the only semblance of POC representation on the entire hermitcraft server. so ppl just prefer to keep their designs faithful to his MC skin rather than irl appearance, even tho it was originally just based on steve. hence why you don't see any discussion over ppl making joehills paler than his MC skin in art, but you do for bdubs.
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band-of-bitches · 3 years
Band of Brothers week - Day Four
Prompt - Favorite Replacement/Favorite Dynamic
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BabeRoe if you squint lmao
Babe considered himself lucky. Somehow he managed to befriend the Toccoa man all the others seemed to look up to and admire, only to find out they were from the same town and grew up a few blocks away from each other.
Babe likes to think it was his spectacular personality, but earning the respect and likeness from the men who jumped into Normandy was probably heavily due to the fact that Guarnere had taken Babe under his wing immediately.
Before they were to jump again, Babe managed to get to know the other men of Easy, and despite being a replacement he already felt like he was welcomed.
“Babe? How does someone get the nickname Babe?”
The question came from a man called Toye. He leaned back on his chair in the bar, voice low as he asked. It wasn’t harsh, but Babe could hear that his nickname seemed funny to the guy.
“Don’t really know,” Babe admitted. “My ma just called me that growing up, and it stuck.”
“Eh, I’d go by ‘Babe’ too if my ma named me Edward,” said Bill, laughing as he whacked Babe’s shoulder from where he leaned against a bar post.
Babe shook him off but smiled all the same. He knew it was in good fun, and oddly enough Babe appreciated the teasing. Hearing Bill kid him made him think of back home, when his brothers and the other boys would rib each other, making fun of pretty much whatever they could.
“Leave the kid alone, Gonorrhea,” said another voice. Babe turned, recognizing the shorter man as Martin. Beside him stood the other Joe, the taller one with the long face.
Babe stifled a laugh at the nickname, knowing if he was any other replacement then that would have earned him a glare from the other Toccoa men. It’s wild how being buddy-buddy with Bill had already elevated Babe’s status among them all.
“What are you laughing at, huh?” Bill said, making Babe raise his hands in defense.
“Nothin’ Bill.”
“Uh-huh,” Bill said, crossing his arms in a way that made Babe think about the big guys back home. Bill had the face of one of the fellows who may have beaten Babe up for running into them and being too stubborn to apologize.
“You gonna beat up a replacement, Bill?” asked Luz, placing a large glass of beer in Toye’s hand as he came up to the group, one equally large glass in his other hand. “Should I call Doc?”
Bill snorted. “Nah. I’d rather deal with a Kraut than the Doc when he’s angry.”
“For someone so quiet he’s got a tempter,” replied Liebgott, taking a sip of his glass of whisky. “When Floyd god stabbed, I was in his way or something. I’d never had anyone yell at me to ‘move my ass outta the way' then go back to being all nice and second later so fast.”
Toye hummed. “Sounds like Doc.”
“Doc?” Babe questioned, raising an eyebrow as he tried to think about which medic they were speaking of. “Spina? The one from Philly?”
“Nah,” replied Bill. “Other other Doc. Impossible to miss. Pale as snow but hair is darker than damn tar.”
Babe thought back to all the medics he’s met so far. The one he befriended was Spina, and probably only because he recognized his accent and locked in on him as a Philly native almost immediately. He’s seen some here and there, but hasn’t spoken to any others, and not the one they were describing.
“Don’t know him,” Babe said.
“You will,” Martin replied. Babe looked at him with raised eyebrows. Martin chuckled. “Doc is always there. If you ever get hit, you can always rely on Roe to show up.”
Babe hummed. Roe.
“Ah, speak of the Devil!”
It was Luz who’d exclaimed, cigarette hanging loosely in his mouth as he raised his arms. Babe followed the direction of where he was looking. Babe spotted a man at the bar and was confident he was the Doc the second he saw him.
Bill wasn’t exaggerating. The guy was pale, maybe paler than Babe, which was a feat of its own since Babe was as Irish as they came. His hair was also practically pitch black, which only emphasized his pale complexion.
And Babe didn’t know how to explain it, but he looked like a medic. Babe could imagine him running to men in the heat of battle, ready with morphine and sulfur.
“Ay Doc! Get over here!” Luz exclaimed.
The doc, or Roe, gave them a small smile at the corner of his lips as he pushed himself off the bar and walked over to the group. Immediately, Liebgott clasped an arm on his opposite shoulder, shaking it as he welcomed him. A chorus of greetings erupted from the small group as Roe made his way up, clear booze starting to take its effects as the men all seemed to be unaware of their volume. Babe noticed how Roe grinned at the men, obviously one of the only men in the bar who had seemed to maintain all his sobriety.
“Hey Gene, have you met Babe yet?” asked Guarnere, gesturing towards Babe. “Heffron’s from Philly, and only grew up a few blocks down from my place believe it or not.”
Gene’s eye met Babe’s. He had kind eyes, Babe noticed.
“That's your given name, Heffron?” Roe asked, holding out a hand. Babe looked at it, a little surprised, but shook nonetheless.
“Nah. Edward, but no one’s called me that since Catholic elementary school.”
“Alright,” Roe replied, taking his hand back. “Good to meet you, Heffron.”
Babe avoided making a face but noticed the avoidance of his nickname. He wasn’t necessarily surprised by it since most people had questions when he introduced himself as ‘Babe’, but still. It seemed odd to him.
“You too, Doc. Hear you’re the guy to come too if I get the flu.”
Eugene chuckled, looking away as he wiped his nose with his finger. “Hardly. These guys just don’t know the first thing about not being clumsy idiots.”
Simultaneously, the men all erupted in protest as they defended themselves. Doc grinned as they did, finally laughing when Luz put on a hurt expression, grasping at his chest dramatically.
“Well, I’ll see you around fellas,” Roe said, nodding at the group.
“Leaving already, Doc?” asked Toye from his chair.
“No, but Shifty over there looks like he’s had a few too many.”
Babe glanced to where Roe gestured, noticing the way their resident sharpshooter swayed into another, obviously at a complete loss of balance. Babe chuckled at the image.
“Well, see you around, Doc,” Lieb said, clapping him on the shoulder again.
Roe nodded at the group, then caught Babe’s eye. “Good meeting you, Heffron.”
Again, Babe avoided making a face, and instead nodded at Roe as he walked away and towards Shifty’s side, putting a hand on his elbow to help with his balance. Babe looked away, unable to stop thinking about the interaction.
“Don’t take it personally, Babe,” Bill said, slapping his back harder than he probably thought he was. “He don’t call anyone by their nicknames.”
Babe gave him a confused look. “Why not?”
Bill shrugged, as did the rest of the men surrounding them.
“That’s just the way he is,” Liebgott said, taking another sip of his drink. He suddenly laughed into his glass. “I heard him call Popeye ‘Robert’ once and I swear I’ve never seen so many confused faces in my life.”
“Wait, his name’s Robert?” asked Luz, emphasizing the name.
Immediately, a now standing Toye slapped the back of Luz’s head, making him yelp out unexpectedly.
“Yeah, dumbass.”
“Shut yer trap, Toye,” Luz replied, rubbing the back of his head.
The men continued to talk, all of them joking with each other here and now. Babe was mostly silent but was content with simply watching. Now and then he’d spare a glance at Roe, unconsciously finding himself seeking him out in the crowded room. Bill was right; he wasn’t hard to miss.
Babe liked Roe enough, even just from their small interaction. He was the type of guy Babe would want to talk to, and he had a kind face.
At some point in the night, both Roe and Babe caught each other’s eye, Babe nodding his head in a silent hello as Roe smiled back. Then and there, Babe made a decision.
He’ll get Eugene Roe to call him ‘Babe’ someday, whenever that was.
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wickedpact · 3 years
your regularly scheduled ttt Thots
first main thought: sad. sad sad sad. poor achilles
second main thought: i was thinking abt this as i went to sleep but the difference in 'what an author wants to communicate with a piece of media' and 'what an audience wishes to take from a piece of media' are two different things that ive never thought of much before.
i mean when i read ttt issues, what i want is Lore. i want to learn about the characters, i want to see what makes them tick, i want to learn about their relationships with each other and see how they grow over the years. but thats not necessarily what the authors want to explore with their stories-- like, the nicky story tells you actually very little about nicky as a person or nicky and joe's relationship (at least it doesnt tell you anything we dont already know), and thats not really seemingly the point of the story itself.
but anyways.
i was honestly expecting smth very different from this one, primarily bc the blurb mentioned andy 'returning' after leaving achilles and i thought that meant her returning to the squad. and bc booker became immortal around the time andy was with achilles, i thought this story would be about them meeting and the obvious clash they would have over andy mourning her relationship (that ended due to her immortality, that she had to let go of due to her immortality) and booker refusing to end his relationships bc he doesnt have the experience there that andy had.
but 'returning' meant returning to her and achilles' house and her finding out how she died, which. rip. i just kind of assumed he died of old age.
AND IT SUCKS bc she left specifically so he wouldnt get hurt, and all she ended up rlly doing is leaving him to die violently alone
i was kind of upset we didnt rlly learned much abt their relationship (what did andy love abt achilles? what did he love abt her? what did they spend their days doing after they retired?) i did love the little bits showing how the two were different, especially in regards to how his life as a runaway slave affected him (and didnt affect andy)
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something something andy's immortality granted her the confidence to set aside her weapons so thoroughly for so long, while achilles' past as a slave and respective mortality didnt allow him to be so hasty
but anyways the fact that andy wanted peace so bad-- i mean, like ive said before, we kind of see some of the worst of andy (well, maybe not the worst worst of her) even within the movie. but regardless of how much andy is tired of humanity's shit and how much she likes to swing her axe, she's still a person who wants peace and quiet and safety at the end of the day like anyone else.
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its one of a million things i like abt andy. she can be a vengeful god and a doting mother and a thousands-year-long mourning daughter and a tired mercenary & on top of all of those Layers(TM) she can be Just A Person Who Wants Peace. her multitudes are wild to think abt sometimes, how many lives she's led
'but the older she gets the harder she finds conjuring their love in her memory when she comes here. all thats left is the hate and rage that destroyed this place. and that will last forever' 😭
tbh this issue is kind of a monument to how much the immortals lose to bigotry & hatred
and speaking of, the nicky one was alright. like i said you dont really... . learn much abt nicky or joeandnicky. i mean
1. nicky misses joe when hes gone. shocker
2. nicky kills violent racists. double shocker
3. all the violence and hatred nicky witnesses over this period bothers him. huge shocker!
i mean nothing it goes over is a surprise and (unpopular opinion here) im not usually a fan of shmoopy romantic stuff. joe's speech is a huge exception to me and i think its bc the speech is Romance With A Point. that speech isnt just a bunch of flowery sentiments, but it actually tells the viewer quite a bit about joe and nicky's relationship.
(i remember in one of luca's interviews he mentioned that, while reading the tog script, he wondered what a 900 year long relationship would be like, but the answer to his question was pretty much all in the van speech.)
also i think ive mentioned this before, but i tend not to like joenicky fics where joe or nicky have a Big Speech for the other bc pretty much all other romantic sentiment pales in comparison to the van speech for me. and nicky's letter in this story is the same way for me. you can read the whole thing here if you want (the rest of the dialogue within this story is mostly just confederates being racist and nicky being like 'thats nice' before he kills them lmao)
i dunno the whole thing is like. im so sad and lonely. and im killing a bunch of people and that sucks. and im so lonely. and sad. did i mention i was killing people. the sun is mocking me. these clouds symbolize the storm in my heart. im so lonely. and also sad.
i dunno, it didnt unzip me. tho i like how the wine was spiked with that sweet 'joe as the sun' symbolism, love that for us
its also kind of ironically Another TTT Story dealing with 'nicky is killing a bunch of people and hes having a crisis over it'. ive said before, im not a big fan of nicky angst personally + the fact that there isnt much here to actually learn abt nicky + the fact i wasnt huge for nicky's Poetic Liberties + the lack of a solo joe to match this solo nicky kind of made me 'eh' abt it. it wasnt poorly written or anything! i just wasnt ham for it
like with the other ones (moon landing one for instance) even when there was stuff i wasnt huge for, there was other stuff i liked, like most of us didnt care for the depiction of joe and nicky's argument in that story, but the stuff with andy and joe arguing about the moon was cute, and the stuff with nicky and Booker's Relationship Advice was cute. but for this one it was mostly just the letter. and i wasnt huge for the letter, haha
also. mutton chop man
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god did this to me bc i bitched too much abut the goatee. he saw my weakness and punished me for it
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zanguntsu · 4 years
attractiveness and morality - or how people think with their metaphorical dicks instead of their brains
people are fucking horny over the villain characters in bleach, i mean specifically the male ones because as we know the female villains are nonexistent lol. but it’s not hard to see how attractive the male characters are even though i just refuse to acknowledge men unless i have too.
however, there is an issue with how we perceive the characters based on how attractive they actually are, more along the lines of how people will excuse any offensive behavior based on physical attractiveness
the convicts oops i mean examples
there are a few examples i can name like popular male villains that people lose their shit over.
aizen is the big one, where despite the crimes he has committed, such as emotional manipulation, attempting to wipe out a whole town, murders, and hollowfying his colleagues and getting away with it. yet, he is sympathized, especially over Tousen who tends to be more villainized by the fandom or at least held in a less favorable regard.
Gin is in the same boat, with the emotional manipulation and general emotional harm inflicted on multiple people but is sympathizes because uwu he loves rangiku even though he did cause her harm, simply because he betrayed her and hurt her friends and colleagues.
Ulquiorra is another very notable one, since he also has that whole manipulation thing although not as blatant as aizen. he did kidnap a minor and abuse her (isolating her, threatens her and her friends, and it is used to control her/keep her in captivity).
Grimmjow is another example, and its especially notable because he’s just very very violent. And he never apologizes or feels remorse for it, despite generally terrorizing Ichigo and co.
Nn*itra is especially reprehensible, he is overtly sexist, as most of his violent acts are targeted at women and uh. actively saying he hates women. creepy (implied sexual) behavior towards a minor as well.
Szayel as well, he has no regard for his minions, and then theres whatever he did to nemu what the fuck that was so fucked what the fuck.
notably, these men are also wildly popular among the fandom. they will have the most fanart, most discussion, most fics i guess. 
why do horny fucks sympathize with them
people empathize with people they see as attractive, and i mean conventional attractiveness. note how none of this empathy extends to people who do not fall in the category as attractive (often pale side eyes) hunk/twink. does zommari get that attention? yammy? why are they not held to the same standard as say szayel/gin or grimmjow. yammy is also angry and prone to violence, much like grimmjow.
what sets them apart is that they are not deemed sexually attractive so therefore, their flaws become easier to ignore and they arent sympathized as much. of course, kubo probably did inadvertently create this problem, seeing as theres a discrepancy in creating a complex character. another example of this is the comparison between byakuya and omaeda. of course, they are obviously different characters, byakuya has more development and screentime. however they are similar in that they are wealthy, in high positions of power, and look down on people they deem inferior for a variety of reasons. byakuya, however, is conventionally attractive and also has screentime. that being said there is an underlying issue of fatphobia as well in reducing omaeda to a comic relief character.
people empathize with attractive people or at least favor them. “People more strongly desire to form or maintain bonds with physically attractive partners relative to unattractive partners—an attractiveness-based affiliation effect (Path B). In turn, through projection, attractive partners are perceived to possess attributes that are compatible with these goals, which largely center on their reciprocation of interest in establishing or maintaining close relationships (Path C).”  this is indicated by the halo effect, “the tendency for positive impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area to positively influence one's opinion or feelings in other areas“ which also applies to beauty and how attractiveness impacts how one recognizes a person. for example, an attractive person will often be associated with positive traits such as compassion, intelligence, and other desirable traits. it could be things like how appearing well groomed heightens others perception of you, how you will appear responsible and capable.
and this does extend to the villains. aizen is viewed as a tragic villain who fights for injustice or something like that. gin is a tragic antihero i think that did everything for his true love tm. ulquiorra is a tragic villain who does not understand love. grimmjow is grimmjow. nn*itra is somehow tragic with an inferiority complex lmao take that fucking L bug boyyy loser. and szayel... exists. see how fanon interprets these characters despite none of them having any remorse for what they have done. the fandom leaps to provide a justification or rational for their actions no matter how abhorrent they are. yammy and zommari are still held as villains, yet they are not sympathized with in the slightest nor are beloved to that extent. compare the sexualization of these men and the amount of sympathy garnered from the fandom. 
why this matters
its no secret that in online spaces especially, offenders are romanticized or at least sympathized. take the true crime community for example, in which case male serial killers were romanticized despite the atrocities they have committed. and this is linked to the “bad boy” trope that is prevalent in romance novels, where a troubled or dangerous man seems like a desirable partner despite stalking their love interest among other crimes. of course, this also gets a bad rep from wattpad ya books and just ya books in general.
there are examples of this trope. i have vaguely alluded to edward from twilight. there is also the cause of that white guy from 50 shades of gray, which is most known for romanticizing abuse but the audience cannot help but be allured by his white guyness or something/ there is the netflix film “you” where a man stalks a women but it is seen as romantic and people find themselves attracted to joe despite his violence. literally this type of behavior:
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there’s ted bundy film and how people raved about how hot he was despite him being an absolute monster and having real victims whos family have to live with the fact that people find their family member’s killer hot. it is this in its absolute extreme, where people are fully aware of their crimes but still find sympathy or attraction towards a criminal. in this case it is the gradual romanticization of violence that may creep up. i cannot assuredly claim that there is a strong correlation between finding villains attractive and romanticizing violence but there can be some indication of this.
and this view of how attractiveness can bleed into criminal court. of course, there are other factors such as gender, sexuality, age of judges and the inherent corruption within the legal system. here is a list of studies about this topic because christ i am not copy and pasting all of that go read it yourself.  but the main takeway is that in mock jurors and other public opinion, the more attractive defendants accused of crimes have less severe sentences or even less sentences (however this is not seen as frequently in judges). it shows that there is a level of sympathy, leniency, or more compassion towards attractive people. 
the point being made here is that attractiveness affects how one sees a person. yes, it is possible to find villains attractive, however the bias of physical attractiveness and actual character can potentially be dangerous if left unchecked. this is not exactly a call to action or a psa because a) i am fully aware that this fandom is horny to the point of brainrot and that it is incurable and b) this is just an analysis on behavior in the fandom. and i am aware that the studies are cishet in nature and are not indicative of the fandom as a whole seeing as there are a fair amount of lgbt people in this fandom. that being said, my point still stands.
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babbushka · 4 years
Big bad boy Pale and “We’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still horny?!” reminds me of Blue Moon lmao, please can we have more marathon sex action <3
Anonymous said:  Hi zannah , would you pls pls pls write something for pale from prompt number 3 on the “msfuturereid” smut prompt list ( the “you know I hate when you do that”)? really looking forward to this sinday love your work
(900w, NSFW: implied marathon sex, smoking during sex, playful banter during sex, PIV, fingering, riding, dirty talk, seedy & sloppy, name calling, minor jealousy/possessiveness)
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Breath coming in hard and fast, room spinning, bodies flushed and covered in sweat for what feels like the fourth hour. You have no idea what time it is, you have no idea about anything at all, because Pale’s just blown your back out and stars have exploded behind your eyelids, and if you drank, you’d be drunk off the feeling of him.
Totally collapsed and pliant, you roll onto your side and watch as your man reaches for a cigarette, lights it up and casts a small red glow just around his face. It’s late, the streets bustling down below Pale’s nice apartment, and you watch as he takes in a few long drags.
He sighs, turns to you and your half-lidded gaze, and pats lightly at your exposed thigh, asking with a raised eager brow, “Again?”
“We’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still horny?” You grin, both in disbelief and total expectation of his request.
Pale shrugs, sticks the cigarette between his mouth and grabs your body, manhandles you while you laugh and laugh and laugh, until you’re straddling him on shaky limbs.
“It’s this pussy baby, I can’t get enough of it – never have and never will. You’re so fuckin’ tight you got a magic cunt or somethin’? Is that it? You my genie in a bottle, my angel, keepin’ on grantin’ me wishes? Let me get some more of your pussy.” One of his hands smooths up over your pussy and thrusts a couple fingers inside, feeling how hot and dripping wet you are. There’s at least three loads of his come that leak out all over his hand and onto his stomach, not to mention the countless times he’s made you gush.
“I don’t know if I’ve got the strength, you wore me out real good handsome.” You pretend to think about it, biting at your lip and mulling it over in your head.
“Aw c’mon, you don’t even gotta do any of the work, just sit on my cock and look real pretty, I’ll do the rest.” He scoffs, and you laugh, because you rarely do any of the work in anything when you’re with Pale.
“I do love your cock.” You finally release all pretenses and honestly nod at him, making him beam real big around his cigarette.
“’Course you do, you perfect slut. Be a good girl for me.” He pats your thigh again and you rise up enough for him to position his somehow somehow somehow still aching cock right at your folds, letting gravity pull you down onto him.
You both moan, but yours spill out a little louder when Pale adjusts his footing so that he can buck up into you right away, making you fall forward just a bit, your hands bracing against his chest. Leaning over like that gives him a better angle, and you cry out his name loud from how deep he gets.
“That’s it baby, right there, damn you’re wet. You hear that? Now that’s what good pussy sounds like.” Pale goes on and on, and you shake with delirious laughter.
“Pale shut up you’re ruining the mood!” You grin playfully as you bounce on his cock, your nipples hard as your tits jiggle for him.
“How’s that? I ain’t never ruined the mood and you know it, you like it, you like me talkin’.” He’s hypnotized by the feeling and the sight of you all around him, and he’s so well fucked that he’s oversensitive, grunting and groaning and moaning under you.
You do that thing then, that thing that drives him crazy, the little swivel of your hips in a circular motion that has your cunt clenching around his cock in the best fuckin’ way, and the cigarette nearly drops outta his mouth as he curses low and long about it.
“Goddamn, you know I hate it when you do that, right? Keep doing it.” He orders, and you only move faster.
“Why do you hate it?” You tease, knowing the answer, knowing how riled up it gets him.
“Because that’s the same shit you did that first time I fucked you, you remember that? And I thought to myself, ‘Pale if you ever meet the lucky sonofabitch that she practiced that move on, you better have your fuckin’ pistol ready’, because there ain’t no goddamn way I’m lettin’ joe-schmo walk around this earth after havin’ a taste of that.” Pale runs his mouth, runs it until he’s red in the face and close to coming again.
He drops a hand to your clit and rolls it hard, pushing you over the edge and making you come with a loud moan and a whine, your body overstimulated, on fire. Pale’s right there with you, and he follows soon after, thumping his head back onto his pillow from how good it is.
When you start to come down from your highs together, you kiss all along his chest, his neck, not once lifting yourself up off of his cock.
“I’m your girl, ain’t I Pale?” You whisper, wanting to soothe away that jealousy.
He pats your thigh again and you kiss him for it, kiss him with all you’ve got.
“Damn straight you are.” Pale replies with a big lazy hazy grin, before gently settling you down and stubbing out the cigarette with a big stretch. “Now let me get us some water, and we’ll go again.”
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
Lmao there’s times where I see Mary in a picture and be like “is that roger?” Then click on it and be like “oh that’s Mary” and same goes for roger I’ve mistaken him for Mary many of times not saying they look anything alike it’s just the hair and pale skin but I do think joe and roger favor they both have lazy eyes
You're not the first person, by far, who I have heard say this. It's happened to multiple people I know, including one person who didn't even know what Roger and Mary look like.
I've told this story so many times before, but a friend who was leaning over my shoulder while I scrolled Instagram saw a picture of 70s Roger and Freddie, and said: "Oh! Was that Freddie Mercury's girlfriend?"
"Yes," I said, trying to keep a straight face, "yes, it was."
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nontoxic-writes · 3 years
r + s? 👀
okay so this was hard to find a snippet because apparently, in the 5700 words i have written so far, rachel and stevie barely interact outside of brackets lmao. so here’s a super long one because i couldn’t figure out where else to cut it.
“Well! Shall we?” David asks, gesturing to the hallway. “I’m so sorry about the car service, I know it’s gauche, we rarely use them unless my dad is trying to impress investors, but our driver was picking up the Brewers and—“
“I dunno, David, I can’t be expected to go back to taking taxis like a common pleb after experiencing the good life.”
He smirks. “I like you,” he tells her, before turning to Patrick. “I like her. I’ve decided I’m mad at you for treating her poorly.”
She and Patrick both bark out a laugh, and David grins at them, and things feel easy now.
Until she walks through the doors to the lounge and sees Alexis Rose, face buried in her phone, and Patrick’s parents animatedly chatting with Moira fucking Rose while Johnny Rose fiddles with the television.
It hits her, suddenly, that these are Very Famous People and Patrick is part of this world now. She feels unsettled.
“Oh my god, hey, you must be Rachel!” Alexis Rose says as she stands to greet her, all warm smiles and gentle handshakes.
Before she knows it, she’s being passed around the room for introductions, and is folded into the fray easily.
“I’m so sorry, they aren’t normally like this,” David tells her, apologetically. “Actually, that’s a lie, they are, but they, um… they really like Patrick. And you’re important to him. So…”
She places a hand on his arm. “I’m so glad he has you, David.”
His eyes are shiny, and he just nods.
Marcy and Clint are polite but don’t seem to know what’s appropriate when the woman they thought would become their daughter is in the same room as the man their son loves. So they are kind and catch up, but don’t get too personal.
And it’s fine. The game is about to start and she is having fun, she likes the Roses and seeing how easily the Brewers fold into their family gives her more joy than the first time her family had thanksgiving at the Brewer house, and she thinks that’s saying something.
She’s so fucking happy for him.
“Sorry I’m late!” comes a raspy voice from the doorway.
Rachel turns and is immediately met with a curtain of dark hair hanging around an angular face framing expressive eyes and plush lips, cascading over a long, pale neck and resting gently atop a pair of delicate shoulders, and she feels a tug in her gut that she’s never felt before.
Holy fuck?!
“Stevie! Better late than never, I always say,” Johnny tells her from the corner.
“You never say that,” she jokes back, dropping her canvas messenger bag next to the sofa. How is this woman in flannel and work jeans so at home here?
“Stevie, dear, if you’re getting yourself a cocktail, can you please tell Adelina to stop fussing with the appetizers and join us?”
She smirks. “Sure, but she doesn’t listen to me.”
“I’ll come with you,” Alexis says. “My glass is getting empty. Rachel, wanna join us?”
She feels a spark of joy at being included, and at the prospect of spending more time with Stevie, so she agrees, even though her beer is mostly full.
Alexis breezes through the doorway, and Rachel can do nothing but follow.
She feels Stevie’s calculating gaze on her as Alexis chats about everything and nothing. Rachel tries to nod along and absorb the story about her tryst with Nick Jonas (“yeah it was just like, too weird? David had just hooked up with Joe at a party and it was like, not a cute look for us to both be involved with siblings at the same time. Though that didn’t stop him from flirting with Maggie Gyllenhaal while I was dating Jake after the whole Taylor Swift thing.”) but she can feel Stevie’s eyes boring into her back.
“Oh, shoot,” Alexis says as her phone rings. “I gotta take this. Stevie, can you show Rachel where the drinks are?”
Alexis ignores Stevie’s protestation of, “I don’t work for you!” as she floats back out of the kitchen.
The silence in the room is deafening.
“Are you gonna fuck things up for them?” Stevie asks, her voice easy and curious, as if it's not the threat it clearly is meant to be.
Rachel turns to face her. Stevie’s eyes are full of a protective fire that makes something in her belly twist with want and it’s confusing. She knows that fire is threatening her, but all she wants to do is shove her hands down Stevie’s jeans and see how her eyes can burn Rachel up when she makes her come. “No,” she responds, her throat just a little dry. “I’m so happy for him. And David is kind of great.” She considers for a moment, and Stevie doesn’t blink. “Actually, I might try to fuck things up so I can have David, but that seems like a lost cause, the way he looks at Patrick.”
Stevie barks out a laugh. Rachel wants to feel it against her skin, anywhere, everywhere. She wonders briefly if she should’ve told Patrick that she thinks she’s bi when he told her about David two months ago, sitting on his couch with a bottle of wine and more tears from him in one non-breakup than she’s ever seen him shed over her through all eight of their actual breakups combined.
“I wouldn’t blame you,” Stevie tells her and oh, yeah, they’re talking. “He’s good in bed. Shit at relationships though. Well, until now.”
“Oh, sorry, I thought you two were—“
“Oh yeah I’m way over it. That was years ago. We’re better as friends.”
Rachel just nods dumbly.
“He loves him,” Stevie tells her, honestly. “Like, more than I thought he could love someone. More than I thought anyone could love someone.”
She hums. “Patrick too.” She takes a long pull of her beer before continuing, “I thought I knew what love looked like on him but… wow.”
Stevie laughs again and Rachel wants to push her against the cabinets, lift her onto the counter, and bury her face in her chest. God why didn’t Patrick warn her his new friends were all so hot?
Stevie nods, and holds out her drink in a toast. Rachel feels like she passed some kind of test as she proudly clinks her bottle against hers.
whew i had no idea this wip was so far from being done, i’d planned it all out so i really thought it had more hahaha. thanks for lighting this fire under my ass on this one!
[wip game - ask me about my wips!]
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Rvb 15 thoughts from last night!
I genuinely love some of Temple's quotes
"The time has come to kill the masters, the freelancers to start, but thats not where the story ends."
"But the thing that I love about chess is that sometimes, pawns kill Kings"
I said this already but Bitters making the "cheeky" joke is so underrated lmao
I love Doctor grey. So so much.
"The clotting in the patients posterior places the time of attack 5 minutes after your call to the police, that's some very fast reporting miss andrews" I love her
I still miss Loco 😢
Honestly I love the flashback episodes, they were so dumb, Carolina making fun of Tex's voice filter was amazing
Imagine the banter Tex and Carolina could've had if things had gone better during pfl
Also I forgot that Doc had been there during that time, that seems kinda odd to me, that Carolina and Doc had met before and never mentioned it
I wonder what happened to Biff's baby :'(
Imagine if it turned out he went to school with Junior or smth
In previously on Wash said that church gave everything to save them and it "wasn't the first time either", this made me wonder if he's referring to Alpha sacrificing himself at command, he's never really brought that up but sometimes I wonder if he feels guilty about it
I think some of yall were right about the number of pop culture references, I dont usually notice it but when you sit down and watch the whole season there is wayyy too many
I've watched Nightmare on Planet Evil a million times and only just realised that the sarge not sleeping for 5 days thing was a reference to Day 5 lmao
I also forgot about the scene where sarge is listing movie titles and he says "Lazerteam 2" and Jax says that that one is made up
Grif was only gone for 8 episodes and I missed him so much, how will I ever handle Grif being gone for a whole season fbsjs
The grif and locus scenes were even better than I remember
Still not over the fact that Grif had no way of knowing Temple wouldn't shoot him and still chose to stand his ground :')
Say what you want about Joe but no season has had as much blatant Grimmons than season 15 what a blessing
Although on that topic I really don't like the lines about kai's ""bi phase""
I still love the fact that the blues were going through their "no killing" thing while the reds were just ready to fuck someone up
Tucker being defensive of Caboose gives me life
Another underrated line from doc this time: "they are the ding dongs! And you are a dildo."
Also tucker asking grif to tell him how special he is lmao, I need more tucker and grif interactions in my life
something else I noticed that I really really loved. The place tucker and grif talk is the same place that Temple and Biff talked, and in the lighting of that scene, Tucker just happens to look pale blue instead of aqua
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The parallels! *chefs kiss*
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