leaderofthepack22 · 5 months
I have some things to say about claire nakti
I know she is your favourite nakshatra girlie, I like the information she puts out as well (I do not like her as a person), as it is original STATISTICAL research (rare in astrology) and extremely affirming to the reality i went through as a 14 year old girl encountering Ketu MahaDasha, having Jyeshtha Moon (I have jyeshtha ketu conjunct jyeshtha moon). She talked about Ketu, and Mula Lunar mansion in a way that i could confirm the stuff she says has a solid backing of truth in it.
I am extremely concerned for women who take her misogynistic and patriarchal teachings to heart, worship her, create a cult around her, and think letting yourself “go” and submitting yourself to a man will liberate you (no it will not). She clearly has said that women are the inferior gender. You cannot debate me on that.
Then, claire nakti is baby-like extremely feminine (annoying high pitched voice) & extremely mysterious w/ the way she jots information together. She definitely is moon dominant as she looks like adison rae (hasta sun & shravana moon) after her nose job 😂🫵🏻 who is moon dominant. Since she is into traditional gender roles, & is extremely "traditionally" feminine, that clearly adds up to her "female path course" & how she suggests hasta as a key nakshatra in the female path according to "HER"
And, the VERY nature of Moon, the feminine planet she relegates herself, & all other women to, being like a conduit for a force bigger than you (she makes it very clear in her shravana video), channeling information FROM them rather than being the originator of light, you essentially reflecting and channeling a worthy ascended master's light;
This doesn't help with the fact that she came outta NOWHERE with that EAGLE symbolism in the jyeshtha shorts, because I have seen no Vedic scripture ever mention eagle for the Scorpio rashi (or a "3rd symbol" of jyeshtha, like she mentioned)
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And she has admitted that she has a "guru", AND she made a video about “sleeping with your guru”.
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Combined with her misogynistic portrayals of women, her being equally ’feminine’, her admitting she has a guru, her making a video on having sex with gurus which is VERY odd to me. Her looking like Addison rae, a moon dominant woman, her saying that "copying" someone else's light is le bad UNLESS.... you're a ""woman"" because you're ""lunar"" so it's OK. Her looking like another hasta moon singer Grace Kinstler and a YouTuber called Elizabeth filips with hasta moon, this just affirms to me claire being moon dominant, and simply reflecting and communicating another MAN's teachings. Why don't we let claire nakti's misogyny backfire on her????????? Why are we not questioning her extremely unhinged slut behaviour online and her saying that women are yin so therefore can't originate something with so much fucking confidence. Why don't we boldly say she fucked some guru and is now acting like she did all the research by herself and how is SHE the sole instigator OF HER EXTREMELY pioneering work as a Vedic astrologer with so much original content, as this ditzy blonde who came out of absolutely nowhere.
She lied about the fact that she isn't the only person behind her research, she clearly admitted she met her guru few decades ago and she started compiling physiognomy data with him(???)
I will never worship claire nakti. I hate the "nakshatra bad bitches" that orbit her. I am extremely suspicious and strict with claire nakti and her content and i most CERTAINLY separate ""HER"" from the information she channels. She is nothing to me.
Get your fucking shit together and question claire nakti a bit harder. Certainly don't worship her. Anyone with more than 2 braincells can sense she is not the originator of the information she puts out, and is a patriarchal princess dickwhipped out of her mind by her """guru""". Don't let yourself go and embrace ditziness and thinking it will make you this “Yoni Shakti divine feminine tantra goddess consort bhairavi sacred prostitute🤪🤪🤪✨✨”
She also claims to have been this once in a generation talent but couldn't rectify the ayanamsha mistake in Lahiri. The fact that she thinks lahiri ayanamsha is OK (the default ayanamsha indians chose in a hurry so they can go on celebrating their festivals in 1900 and is actually in need of SEVERE updating) and has used wrong people who don't even have the nakshatra she has talked about in her video concerning a particular nakshatra, was the nail in the coffin for me, confirming claire nakti is moon dominant, has a guru she is parroting etc. Being a STEM person, keeping Astrophysics in mind, i have delved into Indian Ephemeris vs Swiss Ephemeris, the whole ayanamsha discourse and I can easily tell lahiri and the vimshottari dashas from lahiri are 3 years off and ALL the antar-dashas are EXTREMELY off, (this will make 90% of the people in Vedic community look like absolute fools and this should induce a BOILING rage in you, how easily people have the audacity to open their mouth and spread wrong information that will NOT stand the test of time.) Lahiri ayanamsha is astronomically incorrect. The fact that Ernst Wilhelm also felt this exact way was affirming to my own discoveries, just like claire nakti affirming the inhaling and uprooting nature of ketu to me as a young teenager.
No YouTube guru is going to save you (certainly not a "woman", i mean, claire nakti said it) There are many things to rectify, perfect and question.
Good luck.
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lovrre · 1 year
Finally found |prt 2
Prt2 Of lost and found| ♫ shades of cool by Lana DelRey
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Joel miller x fem reader
Prt 1 here>>
Word count: 3k
Summary: after seeing the love of your life again you deal with the challenge that is telling him he has a daughter.
Warnings: lots of Angst, cursing, mentions of suicide, smut, unprotected sex, probably some other stuff…
Author note: this is part two, to a three to four-part series I don’t know for sure yet how many I'll write. The next part will be getting into Ellie's relationship with Rae and how she feels about the whole thing, I wrote this part to (shades of cool by Lana Del Rey ) anyways enjoy🌞
Rae walks out of the room, slamming it behind her and leaving Tommy. Walking into the living room, Rae’s eyes land on you and Joel, your lips still on his. Rae stands there for a second, her face scrunched up in disgust. “I can’t right now,” Rae says, shaking her head in disapproval before walking towards the exit. Making her presence known, “Rae-“ you say, watching Rae leave through the front door, the screen closing hard behind her. “ I need to talk to her” you sigh out, looking back at Joel with sad eyes. “ Yeah, go,” Joel says, a part of him not wanting you to leave. You slowly walk towards the door, stopping once you get there.
“Don’t go anywhere please” you say, your voice almost a whisper, the feeling of years off without him bubbling in your stomach. “I’m not moving,” Joel says, his eyes not leaving yours. “Good” You nod before walking out the door, leaving Joel with his thoughts. One of them being, if it wasn't him who was the father of your Daughter, then who was and what was the possibility you were still with him? Tommy slowly walks out of the room, interrupting Joel’s thoughts.
Joel stares him down, intensely before speaking “We need to talk” he says, his voice low and angry. The back door of the old house opens and August walks into the living not looking up, talking fast. “I just spoke to Robin, your mom passed out? W-”August finally looks up, his eyes landing on Joel and Tommy in the living room. “ What The fuck?”
You follow Rae’s tracks in the snow to a nearby bench, She doesn’t say anything as you approach, keeping her eyes forward staring Into the distance. “Rae?” You say hoping for a response, there isn’t one, she says nothing, continuing to look forward. You don’t say anything else, silently sitting next to Rae on the bench. You two sit in silence for a while before you decide to talk, you begin fidgeting with your hands looking for what to say.
” When you were born the first thing I thought was “wow she's so beautiful”…and the second thing I thought was how am I going to do this alone. I wasn't alone though, your aunt was there, She got me through the first half of your life without Joel, but when…” you take a deep breath before continuing.
“ But when she died, I think I started getting confused… It felt like I was losing them at the same time, even though he had been gone years before, after that, I felt like had to focus on The past to stay sane….you know?” Rae’s eyes begin to blur as tears fill her eyes, but she doesn't look at you keeping her eyes on the snow in front of her. “ I'm sorry, baby, you have every right to be mad at me,” you say, watching Rae’s leg lightly, bouncing up and down, something she often did when she was stressed or upset. She still doesn't say anything. “Rae talk to me please,” you say, getting a bit closer, your eyes starting to well up with tears.
“That's the thing, I'm not even mad at you, I'm upset with him… I know I shouldn’t be mad at him, I know that…it doesn’t make sense for me to be, he didn’t even know, it’s just-“ Rae takes in a big deep breath“ I’ve seen you cry over him for Days and Days on end…and I think after a while it just became easier to blame him for your pain so didn’t have to acknowledge mine” you nod and wipe away your tears.” not just that, mom I'm scared, fuck I'm terrified…” she says taking in another deep breath of cold winter air before continuing “I'm scared he won't like me or even give a fuck that I'm his…12-year-old me would dream every day for a miracle like this. After all, you told me about him, I always wished I could have met him but Now he’s here… It feels more like a burden than a miracle”.
Her words linger in the air for a second, making your heart hurt. You understood what she was saying, but it was hard thinking about the fact she might never see him the way you see him.“ did you speak to him while I was passed out?” you ask, Rae shakes her head. “So he doesn't know?” you ask, your face scrunching up slightly in sadness. “Nope,” Rae says, letting out a dry laugh. “ I think I'll leave that to you,” Rae says, giving her thighs a slap before standing up from the bench to walk away. You stand up following her, You can see that she's hiding her emotions trying to seem ok when she's not. “Rae, look at me,” you say, walking in front of her, her eyes don't meet yours. “I'm sorry, you deserve so much better than this, but I promise you if he could have been there he would have…” you say, placing your arms on her shoulders, rubbing up and down to trying to comfort her
Rae lets out a sigh she didn't know she was holding in, finally letting herself cry, you pull her into a hug. “That's why it hurts so bad,” Rae says, her cries muffled in your shoulder. “ We lost so much time, this whole time I could have had a- ” Rae chokes up, pushing back from the embrace, whipping away her tears with the back of her hand. “I'm ok” she says trying to gather herself, You couldn’t tell if she was telling you or herself. Once she's finished wiping her tears, you bring her back into an embrace kiss her on her forehead .“it’s ok not to be ok baby, everything will be ok I swear” you say looking into her eyes, she gives you a weak smile in return “you should go talk to him,” Rae whispers, gesturing to the director of the old house. You nod and watch as she walks away In the opposite direction. “And when you’re done, tell him I’m ready to talk whenever he is” Rae says her back still facing you as she walks in the direction of August’s house
You enter the house, and it’s dead silent, not a person in sight. Your heart starts beating fast involuntarily, “Joel!” You call out as you walk further into the house. No answer “JOEL, JOEL” suddenly your breath becomes short, and you feel dizzy like you're going to fall over. Unexpectedly, a hand comes up and grips your shoulder. “ I’m right here, I’m right here y/n,” Joel says, reassuring you, you take a deep breath, your eyes locking on his. You move out of his grasp, slightly embarrassed.
“Sorry, I don't know what that was,” you say, trying to shake off the anxiety your body was still feeling. “ You get dizzy every often like you can't stand up straight, heart beats real fast, and you can't breathe?” you nod “yeah,” you say, your voice almost a whisper. “ I Get them too” his words make you feel less alone. You give him a light smile and he looks like he's about to say something else, but is interrupted by the loud slam of a truck door followed by the sound of an engine starting.
“Stay right here, I'll be back,” Joel says before leaving you to go out the front door, his footsteps loud and heavy like he was upset. You see August in the corner of the room, he gives you a little wave and an awkward tight-lipped smile when your eyes meet his. Walking towards you, he speaks, “good to see you're alive Ms. Y/l/n, I heard you fainted in the dining hall…shit I would too” he says, placing his hand on your shoulder. You nod “yeah I’m ok now” August nods “good, good… that's good to hear, you want to talk about …what’s going on with that,” he says, his head gesturing to the direction Joel just went. You turn around and see Joel standing by Tommy's car, through the window. They look like they were arguing “long story…to long” you say tiredly.
“ I think I gathered a bit of it, You just missed the yelling contest in here a couple of minutes ago,” August says, looking out the window with you. “And you just stayed and watched?” You ask raising an eyebrow,August shrugs “there wasn't much I could do. I thought about walking out in the beginning but that would be a bit embarrassing.” you sigh “probably…August can you do me a favor,” you ask cutting yourself off, he nods “yeah sure,” he says putting his hands in his pockets probably try to keep warm because of how cold the room was. “Can you tell Rae I said she can sleep over at your house tonight if she wants I know she needs a friend right now and I think she’s already over there with your mom” you say, going over to sit on the old couch. “Ok I’ll tell her, I'm headed over there right now anyway,” August says, walking towards the door, but he stops before walking out. “I really do hope all this shit gets resolved for you and Rae,” he says with a little frown before walking out of the house.
“Me too…me too” you mumble to yourself, wiping your face with your hands and letting out a long sigh. After a few minutes of sitting on the couch, you doze off. You dream of the same thing you have dreamed of off on and on for the last 20 years, usually, in the dream, you're outside. With Joel, Sarah, and Rae. it's always Rae as a toddler though. You guys are having a picnic with the old blanket you and Joel used to use on dates. The sun is always just about to set, and the girls are playing together. Then like clockwork Joel looks at you and smiles, then just as he leans forward to kiss you the ground separates into two.
Splitting you up, you and are Rae on one side and Joel and Sarah on the other. But this time, you're woken up by Joel before the ground can separate. Your eyes flutter open to see Joel staring at you with an unreadable expression. His hand slowly comes up to wipe a tear you didn't even know was on your face. You feel at home with his hands on your face, not saying anything, Joel just leaves it there savoring the feeling of your skin against yours. “You were having a nightmare,” Joel says finally moving his hand away from your face. “How long was I asleep?” you ask sitting up and looking around the dimly lit room, the little bit of sunlight outside lighting it “an hour,” Joel says sitting on the couch. “An hour why did you let me sleep that long?,” you ask shocked “ you looked like you needed it,” Joel says nonchalantly.
You offer to talk to Joel somewhere less dust-ridden, and you two get into your car and make the drive to your house. Though the car ride was short, it was still awkward and quiet, you wonder how it could be this so awkward around someone you surrounded your whole life around. You open your house door, placing your keys on the table next to the door. You take off your shoes before walking to the kitchen and opening the cabinets. Joel dose the same walking slowly through the entrance of the house, looking at the framed picture on the walls.
“Do want some tea?” you ask, looking through the cabinets. “Yeah,” Joel replies, pulling out a chair and sitting at the table in the kitchen. You pull two mugs from the cabinet, placing them on the counter before opening up another cabinet to get the tea bags. “How long have you lived here,” Joel asks watching you struggle to reach for the box of tea. He wants to help but fears overstepping “uuhhh,” you say, attempting to think while trying to reach the tea bags, you do flicking them down with your finger, making them fall onto the counter.
“Me and Rae have been here since the beginning, Rae is my daughter by the way” you say look back at him for a second. “yeah I met her, she had spunk…reminds me of someone I know” Joel says his mind drifting to Ellie for a second. “spunk is definitely a word for it…” you mumble under your breath. “as I was saying met Maria a little while before she and her dad found this place, I was one of the people that helped them build Jackson into what it is now,” you say, placing the tea bags in the mugs. “ Tommy told me about the council, you, apart from that?” Joel asks as you fill-up the kettle with water.” No, it’s not my thing. I tried it for a while, too much responsibility, I rather just sleep in” you laugh, putting the kettle on the stove. “Can you hand me a match, there should be some in that drawer”
You say, pointing to the drawer. As you do, Joel catches a glimpse of a ring on your finger, his thoughts running a mile a minute. Joel stands up, opens the drawer, and gets out a box of matches. He slowly walks toward you, handing you the box
“I have a question, and you can shut me down if I'm prying,” Joel says, his hand lingering on the box. The questions suddenly make you aware of how close you to are. It seems like Joel notices too because he takes a step back , giving you some room. “Yeah, go ahead,” you say, taking the matchbox and turning your back on Joel, so you're facing the stove.
Joel stays silent for a minute as you strike the match against the box, lighting it. “Where's your husband?” Joel asked, finally ripping the Band-Aid off, “My husband?” you say, your face scrunching confused as you place the lit match near the gas. “ I saw your ring,” Joel say, his voice unreadable. You laugh to yourself before turning around to face him, “this ring?” you ask putting down the used match and showing him your hand. Joel nods and your face falls . “You don't recognize it?” you ask. Joel scrunches up, confused for a second before the realization hits him.
“That's mine?,” Joel says, visually shocked, “May I?” Joel asks, gesturing to your hand, you nod, leaning your hand forward, so he could inspect your ring. His hands grasp yours as he examines the years of wear and tear on the ring. Your heart beats fast in your chest and your stomach fills with butterflies at the touch of his hands again, “this is the engagement ring I bought for you twenty years ago ?” Joel asks again, still in shock at how long you had it. His finger now lightly grazing over your knuckles. His hands hot on yours cause electricity to shoot through you. You only nod your head, afraid that if you spoke, your words might come out like a squeak rather than a sentence. “And you never remarried-” Joel shakes his head, realizing his mistake
“I mean have you ever married,” Joel asks, looking up from the ring and down at you, his eyes penetrating your soul, this question being the most important to him. Suddenly, the surrounding air two feels so thick you think like you might choke on it. “ No I never married…you?” You ask trying to sound as nonchalant as possible while turning your back on Joel. While also trying to get away from the heaviness of theair. “No” he replies as You open another cabinet to get the cookies you often eat with tea. Joel stays silent, watching you struggle to reach the tin, this Time he walks up behind you, grabbing it from the shelf.
“Your uhh…” he trails off, not wanting to finish, “ Rae’s dad is he ok with you wearing another man’s ring?” He asks, his breath grazing the back or neck, You freeze at the feeling of him behind you, his chest briefly making contact with your back. “Joel, we're adults, you can ask me if I'm seeing anyone,” you laugh trying to avoid answering while still looking inside the cabinet, “are you?” Joel says, his breath hitting you again. making the hairs on the back of your neck stand. It seemed like he lingered there a second longer than appropriate, and he did, enjoying the warmth that raided off your body as he stood there. He couldn’t help but imagine wrapping his arms around your waist and leaving kisses in the crook of your neck, taking in the scent of you like he used to. “Thank you,” you say when Joel finally moves back and hands you the tin.
Joel moves farther back, watching as you open the tin and put a couple of cookies on a plate before putting the tin on a lower shelf in the cabinet. You tried very hard not to shake as he watched you, the adrenaline pumping through you making you shake like a school girl with a crush.”I have another personal question” Joel says, leaning against the sink, and letting himself relax a little. “ Go ahead,” you say as The tea kettle whistles letting you know it’s finished, you walk over and turn off the stove. Before grabbing the kettle, pouring the hot water into the two mugs from earlier. “Who’s Rae’s father”
His words make you stop completely in your tracks, yet again the loud beating in your chest louder than everything else. You stay silent and continue to pour the water into the other mug. You put the kettle back on the stove and turn to face Joel on the other side of the kitchen. You still don’t say anything, rubbing your hands together trying to stop your hands from shaking. “Can you please put the cups on the table for me?” You ask, Joel's was slightly confused, but doesn’t say anything, just taking the mugs off the counter and placing them on the table. When he’s finished, he sits down at the table. You wait a second before doing the same. The longer you took to answer the more Joel’s mind made up possibilities he thought, yes Rae looked a little similar to him, but maybe that’s because she’s Tommy’s, he did have a thing for you back in the day or maybe your we're taking so long to answer because Rae was a product of Assault, or perhaps she was just his.
You take a slow sip of your tea before you answer, not caring that it scorched your tongue. Once you finished, you slowly put the mug down, “she’s yours” you say, finally ripping off the band-Aid. Joel doesn’t say anything, just slightly leans back in his chair, creating a creaking noise, his face unreadable. You two sit in silence, every sound in the quiet house suddenly amplified. “I thought so,” Joel says, leaning forward and taking a sip of the tea in front of him. “That's it,” you ask, a little underwhelmed with his reaction.
“No, I consider the other possibility but y/n…she looks just like us,” Joel says, a hint of sadness and amusement in his voice. “When was she born,” he asks, putting down the mug. “ May 28th, 2004” you reply, searching his face for some emotion fear,
Anger, sadness, Anything. “ I tracked the dates after the outbreak, so I wouldn't get her birthday wrong,” you say, getting up from the table and walking to the living room, going to get something before coming back with a small diary. You open it up, flipping past the previous diary entries from each day of your pregnancy. You land on the last page of the book and Hand it to him to read. It read:
“ May 28th,2004 is her birthday,
Nia was right, she’s a girl, a beautiful girl at that. I wish her daddy could see her, Nia was there throughout the whole thing, helping me through the pain. I thought I knew pain, but I didn't. I've never felt any pain in my entire life that's comparable to that. Even after all that, I named her Rae, like Rae of sunshine. I felt like I did good for the first ten minutes after her birth until I started crying. Nia had to take her from me after a while because I kept sobbing, which made her cry. I think I was scaring her, I was just so overwhelmed, I kept wishing Joel was there. That he could see her, that he and Sarah could take turns holding her and make jokes about her button nose. They would love her, I know it, I'll just have to settle with telling her all about them. I'm scared, really, really scared of this world, of what Rae will have to live like. I just want her to be safe, I have to protect her with my life.”
Joel finishes reading, his eyes slightly glossy, he takes a minute before speaking. “What happened to Nia?” Joel asks hesitantly, you let out a sigh and he knows the answer. He nods his head sadly in acceptance, sitting back in the chair. Joel wasn't super close to Nia but they got along great when you all would go out. He respected her for being the older sibling who stepped into the parent role, she reminded him a bit of himself “she got bit about four years ago while we were out on a hunt, she didn't even tell anyone she just… When we got home, she was just real quiet you know… I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t do anything and in the morning I found a note”. you say, your words hanging in for a while before you realize you're crying and quickly wipe the tears from under your eyes. “Do you want to see more?” you ask gesturing to the diary, hoping to change the subject. “Yes” Joel nods, his face still unreadable,
“one second,” you say, standing up from the table and walking towards the old closet in the living room. You rummage for a second, looking for the photo album you created throughout Rae’s life. Joel walks over and watches you by the entrance,”got it” you say, turning around and holding the album. You sit on the couch, placing the album on the coffee table and Joel comes over, sitting next to you but far enough that your thighs aren't touching. You notice but don't say anything, opening the Album, you flip to one of the first pictures you ever took of Rae.
It's a picture of you and her as a newborn on the couch, you had your hair back in a bun you looked tired. Rae was tiny in your arms at only a week old, She was wrapped up in an old pink blanket. “She was only a week old here,” you say, pointing to the polaroid, you didn't say it out loud, but you realize how young you looked in the picture and wonder if Joel even found you attractive now. ”I remember this day clearly because I was so tired…she wouldn't stop crying, I think she cried the whole week straight,” you say laughing to yourself, Joel doesn’t say anything. His hand came up to slowly trace over her tiny face in the picture with his finger. “She looks like you,” Joel says, eyes still stuck on the picture. “ I think so… Nia always thought she looked more like you,” you say, giving him a brief glance, hoping you weren't pushing the envelope. “When she got older, she started to look more like you…” you say, flipping through the book looking for older picture of Rae. “Here, she's Two in this one because I broke my camera, it was hard finding another camera and film, but when I did all I did was take pictures”
A ghost of a smile creeps on Joel's face as he looks down at the picture of Rae. Her curly hair was going in every direction, and she had a cup in her mouth that she was chewing on. “Look at her dimples…just like yours, one’s deeper than the other though, but you can see them both when she smiles”
You and Joel both go through the photo album full of Polaroids from Rae’s childhood. You know it hurt him looking at all the memories he missed, but he also liked getting to know Rae through your memories together. You and Joel were flipping through photos looking for a certain picture and catch gimps of Sarah's face before you land on another picture of Rae. You saw it, so you know he saw it too, you don't say anything for a while, you both sit in silence. “Do you want to talk about it?” you say, closing the photo album. Joel stays silent so you keep talking
“When Tommy told me you were alive I just assumed…she was too, he told me some of what happened but-” Joel cut you off “- how about you tell me what happened to you that night and I'll fill in the gaps.” you nod standing up “ok sure… do you want a beer,” you ask walking to the fridge. “Yeah-how the hell did you-” Joel's cut off by your shh’s as you put your finger to your lip. “ I have connections,” you laugh walking back over to Joel with two beers and a bottle opener. You open your beer with the opener before handing it to Joel and sitting back on the couch. You take a swig and let out a long breath before talking,
”that night I got a call from Sarah. She sounded really scared, she was asking me where you were, and I didn't know, so I told her I would come over until you came back… But when I got there, you weren't there. I remember calling you and leaving a message, but I don't think you got it b-” Joel cuts you off “I got it” Joel says, not telling you about how he listened to that voicemail over and over for five years straight until the phone inevitably broke. “Well when I called you and I didn't get an answer, so I drove over there, but nobody was there… When I went to your room searching for you, I got a call from you while I was looking out your window. You know how your window was set up, you could see the whole town… I could see a plane flying dangerously low over the plaza, and then you told me you were driving out of the plaza, it was like before I could even blink, the line went Dead, and I was watching the plane crash.
I stayed in your house for two days after that before I got a tip from Nia about the Army coming door to door, I gathered all the stuff I could and met with Nia a little off the highway, that's how I got the pictures of you and Sarah” Joel lets out a frustrated sigh wiping his face with his hands. “That night I had to bail Tommy out of jail, there were infected damn near running the place, helicopters, police were on every block. I sped home to get Sarah… She asked me to stay and wait because you said you were coming…. But I-I didn't want to risk it so-” you cut him off “It's ok Joel, it’s ok, I understand”.
You say your hand coming out to rub up and down his shoulder to comfort him. “I called you when we got to the plaza to tell you where to meet us, but then the plane crashed, causing the car to crash… Sarah's ankle got hurt during the crash, I carried her…” Joel takes a swig of his beer before continuing. “ We ran into an army patrol guard, and he shot at us…I didn't even realize she was hit…” you continue Rubbing up and down Joel's shoulder trying to comfort him as quiet tears fell from both of your eyes, “I came back for you…” Joel says, looking at you with glossy eyes. “Two days after, I also heard about the same swats coming to people's homes… I had to see” you shake your head, tears beginning to well in your eyes again “Joel don't tell me that…” you sigh taking another swig ”when did you come, in the morning, night , afternoon?” you ask, your face scrunching up in sadness “just before sunset….” Joel says his face reflects your own.
“ Oh God,” you say, rubbing your forehead stressed before taking a long swig of your drink. “You just missed me, by an hour....” you say letting out a dry laugh, digging in the back of your pocket for a cigarette.”if god dose exist he’s a comedian” You say opening the drawer connected to the coffee table and take out a small box of matches. You strike the match against the box lighting it, you lite the cigarette and shake the match putting out the little flame before throwing it in a nearby ashtray. Joel doesn’t say anything, just watching your actions, you take a long pull of the cigarette and Joel finally speaks. “ since when do You smoke?” Joel asks watching you blow out smoke, the sight making him feel something deep down “since last month” you say slightly coughing. “You shouldn't, that shit can kill you” Joel says watching as you take another pull, “ really?” you laugh sarcastically blowing out the cigarette smoke. You gesture the cigarette in Joel's direction raising your eyebrows, Joel sighs and accepts. You smile watching him take a puff, his lip in the same place your lips just were. You shake your head before speaking “ Cigarettes don't suit you,” you say slowly plucking the cigarette for his lips and putting it between yours. Joel watches your movements intensely, his eyes glazing over with lust.
You blow out a cloud of smoke and Before you could react, Joels lips were on yours, and he was pulling you into his lap. He plucks the cigarette out your fingers, quickly, putting it out on the table not breaking the kiss. The kisses are hot and desperate “God I've missed you” he says, breaking the kiss for a second to work at the buttons of your shirt. “ I missed you- I missed this” you laugh as joel rips the rest of your flannel open, making the buttons fall to the floor. He didn’t take your shirt All the way off, leaving it open exposing your breast. He left kisses up your bare chest to your neck, making you shudder under him. “ Fucking beautiful” he whispers in the crook of your neck. He finally pulls back for a moment to fumble with his bet and you sit up for a second giving him space. He eagerly throws his bet to the ground along with his pant that he pushed down. You reseat yourself on Joel's lap and he looks up at you with a smile.
“ fair warning I'm not the young man I used to be,” Joel says, his lips returning to your neck. “I can't tell” you laugh, gesturing to the very hard dick under you. “ I’m not the young woman I used to be either,” you say, your words come out as a moan as Joel’s mouth works around your nipple. “No, you’re better,” he says smiling against your skin. “So fucking beautiful” he whispers, cupping your other Breast. You grind your self on Joel’s groin, and he knows what you want. “ I need to be inside you,” he says pulling down his boxers just enough to free himself, you look down your eyes watering at the size he somehow looked bigger than you remember. He pumps himself a couple of times before spitting on his hand and rubbing it over his head, the sight making you clench around nothing.
“Sit,” Joel says, his voice low a sultry, you obey using your hand and lining yourself up with his dick. You slide down onto him, his size stretching you after so long. “Fuckkkk” Joel groans, you both let out a loud moan at the contact. Your forehead leaning against one another as you try to control your rugged breath, “you hug me so well” he whispers in your ear before starting to create a pace. You grip at his shoulders hard, the sensation already becoming hard to bear. “Joel, I can't take it” you moan as he tightens his arm around your waist so he has had a better angle. “You can take me baby, you’ve done it plenty before” he groans, still thrusting into not letting his hips falter. “Take it” he groans in his groggy country accent, almost enough to make you cum there. Joel's hands slide down between you two, so he can rub your clit, you moan at the contact, your core squeezing around Joel. “Fuck sweetheart just like that,” he says watching you throw your head back in pleasure as you ride him on the couch.
The moans leaving the two were straight-up pornographic, you prayed you locked the front door, so no neighbor would walk in on you riding Joel on the living room couch, it was desperate, sweaty, and lazy but that's what made it so hot. “ I think I'm gonna cum” you moan, the familiar butterfly feeling bubbling up in the pit of your stomach. “ Cum on my dick baby” Joel whispers in your ear as you ride him. “ JOEL, JOEL, JOELLLL” you scream collapsing on top of him, the orgasm making your legs give in. He quickly picks you up by your waist moving you off his dick, so he doesn't cum inside you. He cums all over your inner
thighs, letting out a stream of moans and groans. “Jesus… Y/n you just tried to kill me” he pants out, you smile, leaving a kiss by his ear. “ Never” after all of that Joel re-enters you partially soft “let me stay in here while I charge up” you laugh at his corniness lightly pushing his chest. “ Joel c’mon It's late, I think we better call it a night” Joel's face scrunches up confused. “Y/n I hope you don't really think we're sleeping tonight…we got time to make up for”
That night you had that same dream you normally do the one where you and Joel are having a picnic and the grown splits, but this time the ground doesn’t split and after twenty years you finally kiss Joel
The morning came and you and Joel stirred in bed, the sun flooding in from the windows. Somehow you two made it into the bedroom last night. Your naked limbs entangled with each other’s under their sheets. Joel stroked your hair as you slept on his chest, every once in a while wrapping a curl around his finger. His hand comes down to trace the outline of your face and your eyes flutter open at the sensation. You look up at him and smile he does the same “good morning” you say resting your chin on his chest so you have a better view of his face.
“Did I tell you I love you last night?” Joel asks moving a curl out your face, “once or twice” you say sarcastically, remembering how at one point he said it before every thrust. “Well I love you,” he says leaving a kiss on your forehead, his country accent making his words sound so much cuter, “I love you too Joel,” you say turning around, so your head was still on his chest, but you were facing the ceiling. You put your ring up to the sunlight coming in through the window and enjoy the colorful reflection of the light.
Joel's hand comes up to intertwine with yours. “I like how that looks in your finger” jJoel says playing with the engagement ring around your finger. “You do?” You smile trying to look back at him without moving.
“Mmhm” Joel hums enjoying the feeling of your hand on his. “That’s why I’m gonna make it official”
“What!”you ask shocked, quickly turning your head to face him “ you heard me” Joel says smiling
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marvelstan0905 · 11 months
"I'm Thrilled.."
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BF!Sung Hanbin X Fem!Reader X Best Friend Park Gunwook
Description : Y/n is paired up with her best friend Gunwook to go into Abandoned School building instead of Hanbin and your boyfriend isn't too thrilled about it.
Warnings : Jealousy, fluff, use of the word f***, cringey, best friend love, thriller by Michael Jackson, nonsense? reader is scared of everything. Sprinkle of angst. lmk if I missed anything.
Credits to owners for the photos.
Notes : hiii! Have yall ever imagined that you were participating with your fave groups in variety shows lol? I do and sometimes i feel like im crazy lol.I'm writing this based on Camp Zerobaseone and basically reader is known by fans and was asked to join the camp by fans but it's appropriate and the members are shown the most? I'm not sure if I'm making sense lmao.
-> NB!I'm not using formalities or honorific. I don't feel comfortable as I'm not too familiar with it AND I don't want to offend anyone plus I...the word oppa gives me the ick. I'm sorry.
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Your/Third P.O.V
I sat with the staff behind the cameras as I watched my friends and boyfriend complete their part-time job. I couldn't help but laugh hearing their conversation and the amount of defects they had to fix.
" OK! You've finished off your part-time job!" Momo, the producer shouts feeling worn out and tired herself from all the activities and defect products. The group celebrated and relaxed back into their chairs. Hanbin looked behind the cameras and checked on his girlfriend,making sure she was good and comfortable when his grin rose as he saw her playfully argue with the producers.
"I don't want to go....I'm not good with this stuff." I whispered back scared.
" You'll be fine Y/n. Please? Don't you wanna earn more roses for them?" Momo smiled mischievously. I scoffed and shook my head.
" Ughhh...fine but if I die I'm coming back to haunt you." I pout already feeling the fear consume my body. The two producers laugh and high five before sitting back down. I don't like horror movies. I don't like scary stuff. It's so dark and eerie...I'm not sure I can't do this...but it's fine maybe I'll be teamed with Binnie.
" Did you rest enough?" Jia, the co-producer questions the boys who look at her and Momo flustered. I snickered within my blanket.
" It's been two minutes?" Gyuvin laughed in disbelief.
" No..we just started. "Ricky muttered underneath his breath.
" I don't think so." Jiwoong shakes his head.
" Well do you want earn more roses?" Jia smirked underneath her mask. The guys complain for a moment before finally agreeing.
" I mean I don't want to do anything but I want to earn roses." Hao chuckled tastelessly.
" Good. There's an abandoned school nearby and there's roses growing inside. The ten of you will have to collect roses whiles being tied together by bracelets. If you stay together throughout , we'll give you double the roses you find." MoMo explained calmly.
" No. No. I don't want to go." Yujin shook his head slouching into his chair. I cooed feeling bad for him but I was in the same situation.
" So we're collecting roses from the ghosts?" Gyuvin laughed grabbing Hanbin to hug in comfort.
"Wait, you said ten? Who else is going?" Tae-Rae rose looking at two producers. MoMo and Jia looked at you as you rose your hand hesitantly.
" Noo..my poor baby. She doesn't like this stuff. " Hanbin chuckled teasingly.
" He's right. Y/n-ie doesn't like scary things. " Gunwook laughed.
" Yay! Y/n is going. " Yujin sighed in relief. You sent a playful glare towards him as you stood up. You frowned and crossed your arms.
" I do not." I frowned stepping out from behind the cameras but staying in the shadows.
" OK ok cutie, you don't." Hanbin chuckled making grabby hands at you. I sluggishly walk towards him as he pulls me into his lap. He shifts so both my legs hang of the chair as he wraps an arm around my waist from behind me. He places his other arm lazily over my thighs after he pulls the blanket around us.
" Comfy , princess?" Hanbin asked me as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and flushed not used the cameras and everything. MoMo began explaining the teams and rules.
" 1st. Hao and Yujin. 2nd. Y/n and Gunwook. 3rd. Jiwoong and Hanbin. 4th. Taerae and Matthew. 5th. Ricky and Gyuvin."
"I wanted to go with Y/n." You hear both Yujin and Hanbin whine. Looking between the two, my eyes widened.
" Yujinnie I'm probably more scared than you. I can't protect you." I shake my head. Yujin sighs and slouchs even more.
" Binnie I wanted to go with you as well but I'll be ok. Gunwook will protect me, ok?" I reassure my pouty boyfriend. I place a hand onto his cheek and squeeze it trying to make him smile.
" Yeah, she'll be fine with me Hanbin. She's in good hands." Gunwook laughed placing a hand on Hanbin's shoulder. Your boyfriend forced out a laugh and looked straight at the staff avoiding your eyes. Something is wrong...I won't push him and I'll ask after shooting.
Hanbin pulled me closer as we watched Hao and Yujin get bound together by paper bracelets and suited up with mics and lights.
" Are you ready?" Gyuvin asks Hao who shakes his head.
"You'll be ok, Hao. " I smile sweetly. He nods giving me a 'thumbs up' as I watch Yujin grab a handful of rocks but drop them slowly only leaving one in his hand. Yujin punches the air, mentally preparing himself for what's about to come.
" OK. You guys can go." Jia excuses them and I shift closer to Hanbin.
" Wait! Y/n can I get a hug?" Yujin asks sweetly. I cooed him and stood up with struggle as Hanbin was holding me tightly. I place the blanket onto Hanbin and squeeze Hao and Yujin into a hug. I pull away after a few seconds and pats on the back. I go back to sitting on Hanbin and wait my turn anxiously.
" I feel bad for Yujinnie. " I say into Hanbin's ear. He just nods and squeezes one of my hips. Something is definitely wrong. He is unusually quiet.
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It was finally my turn to go into the Haunted School Building. I already felt an eerie feeling. I pecked Hanbin's lips and stood up getting set up by the staff.
" Ready to go Y/n-ie?" Gunwook asked from next me. I shook my head in fear and looked up at my best friend.
" I'm not ready. I'm so scared. I'm gonna die. "I laugh dryly. Gunwook giggles.
" I'm right here with you plus it would be more scary only having 10 Zerose. " Gunwook chuckled. I snorted looking out at the dark path in front of us.
" Gunwook. Take care of my Y/n." Hanbin jokes sternly from behind us. I looked back at Hanbin and he didnt seem like he was joking. Gunwook nods sending a playful salute towards your love.
"Yes sir! She's in good hands." Gunwook jokes back. You chortle and hit Gunwook's arm playfully. MoMo places the paper bracelets on both Gunwook's and my wrist and soon....she sends us off.
I hesitantly follow Gunwook as he drags me towards the dirty pathway. I loop my arm tightly around his and cling closely as we walk through the dark road.
" Wanna sing?" Gunwook asks you knowing it comforts you. He looks down at you and pulls your shaking form closer.
" Y-Yeah." You answer looking around in the darkness. You felt so alert and had goosebumps running down your skin. Before neither of you could start you heard a twig snap behind you and let out a scream turning around with Gunwook's arm clung tightly in your hand.
" Sorry. " The cameraman apologized. You breathed a sigh of relief and placed a hand on your chest trying to calm down.
"Hey its ok. Let's keep going." Gunwook reassured you , patting your hand on his arm.
" It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream ~" I side eye Gunwook as I pinch his arm letting go.
" Ow!"
" What are you singing? Uh-ah.." I click my tongue as I pace past my giggling best friend. He stifled his laugh as he catches up to you in a few little steps.
"Wait. I-I'm sorry, N/n. There's nothing out there, trust me. I've got you." Gunwook apologized stifling his laughter. I cross my arms and continue walking.
" Promise? Hanbin will kill you if you let anything happen to me." I look up at him with a childish pout. My best friend clears his throat playfully and nods.
" Promise....I'm more scared of you though." He holds out his arm and you cling back to it with a small glare.
" Hey...these woods are dark. It would be real easy to kill and bury you....There's a river down South too. If I bribe the cameraman, to leave and forget everything, you're gone buddy." I snicker evilly. Gunwook tenses up and laughs stifly.
" See...Hanbin is a better choice." He breathed a nervous laugh. The two of you stopped and stared at one another blankly before you both began laughing.
The two of you calmed on the way as you arrived at the abandoned school building. You both read out the rules and were handed a flashlight. You felt eerie and the goosebumps from before had returned. You really didn't want go in. All those moments of laughter from before were long forgotten as you walked towards the entrance.
" Alright. In you go! Your mission ends when you leave at the exit." The cameraman explained as you looked at him nodding trying to prolong staying outside of the scary building. That didn't last long as your tall friend was dragging you towards the entrance. You looked at the cameraman with pleading eyes.
" Dont be afraid. It's OK, I'm right here. "Gunwook whispered fearlessly. You finally looked into hallway and screamed your lungs out as you saw what looked to be the real-life entity of 'The Ring' standing at the end of hall. You immediately ducked behind your friend and clung tightly to his hoodie feeling like your heart was about to burst.
"Bin-Bin...I'm going go die...I love you and all you guys. The staff really took their time with this but I don't like scary stuff. Ugh!"You muttered into Gunwook hoodie trying to hide and push away all your fear. It's fake. It's fake. It's still scary though but who goes to school here. There was only elderly people earlier. Atleast from what I saw.
"You okay? We're barely an arm inside. Remember roses!" Gunwook whispered back rhetorically. You punched his back as he chortles moving forward just slightly still keeping your bracelets together.
"Ugh! Zerose the things you put me through. Please. Please. Not one more scary thing."I huff quietly before standing up properly, only to notice 'The Ring' ghost was gone. Fuxk. Where'd it go?
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Meanwhile At the Campsite...
"Hanbin your ears are a little red.."
"You are sooo jealous."
" No I'm not. She's fine....She's ok. Maybe I should've gone but she's fine."
" This a mission to earn roses, remember?"
" See. She needs me."
"This guy."
" Aww...this is cute. "
" What's wrong?"
" That's MY girl."
To be continued in Part 2
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eskawrites · 9 months
well, kids. i've done it. i've written tales of erathia fanfic. original fic? who even knows at this point
@sweepy-stringbean had the absolutely brilliant idea of not only making Vecna the villain of the fictional fourth movie in this franchise, but also having a flayed Moss/Max "betray" the group by quite literally stabbing Tenar in the back
and, well, it's all just kinda grown from there
(this is also the backstory to that incredible, soft tenlark art that i've been staring at for like three weeks straight. Rae, I adore your work and your mind and everything you've come up with in regards to these beautiful gay fantasy losers)
Tenar’s chambers always seem bigger at night. The bed is too wide, making her feel too small. The windows stand taller, darker, far more imposing than they feel when they’re letting the sun in. The air seems heavier, full of the grief she can never shake, the responsibility she’ll always carry, the doubt that fills every day.
And tonight—and most nights, recently—an inescapable sense of longing.
Tenar is no fool. She might avoid it, might do all she can to deny it in the light of day, but she knows precisely who she longs for, and why. How can she not, when Lark is the one who makes the grief and the responsibility and the doubt a little lighter? Lark can step into the room and fill it effortlessly, without even saying a word. She can bring the light through the windows, can sit beside Tenar and hold her hand and make her feel far from small.
And all Tenar can do is lay awake at night, thinking of her.
Maybe she is a fool. Or a coward, because despite all that they’ve been through, she still shies away from telling Lark the truth.
But in her defense, she really does think Lark should know by now. Everyone in the kingdom has spent the last few years questioning why Tenar chooses Lark again and again—to travel with her everywhere she goes, to sit at her right hand during meetings and ceremonies and decrees, to protect her and accompany her and advise her and challenge her in ways no one has ever managed before. Surely, surely, Lark has figured out by now why she is, consistently, Tenar’s first choice.
Though perhaps that is unfair. If Tenar cannot be brave enough to speak directly, why should Lark have to be bold enough to make assumptions?
Tenar rolls over, tangling the sheets further around her legs. She curls her arm beneath her pillow and tilts her head up to look for the moon through the window. It’s faint, nothing but a barely-there glow behind a screen of clouds.
She is a fool, but she doesn’t have to be. And maybe, just maybe, her room doesn’t have to seem so empty. Tenar pushes herself upright and kicks away the sheets.
Two guards stand outside her door—a precaution of her own doing, but one that she hates. They stiffen to attention when she steps out, then relax with a wave of her hand. She beckons one to come with her and starts down the halls.
Lark’s room isn’t far from her own, but the walk is cold in the castle’s drafty corridors. The guard following her holds his lantern aloft, causing shadows to flicker around the edges of the light. They pass no one.
There is no light seeping through the cracks of Lark’s door when they arrive. Tenar steels herself. It won’t be the first time she’s woken Lark from sleep, and she’s certain it won’t be the last. She can only hope it will be worth it.
But when she raps on the door, no one answers. Tenar waits and listens for any sound of movement on the other side. After a moment, she turns over her shoulder and looks at her guard.
“Have you seen her about tonight?”
“No, Your Majesty.”
Tenar frowns and turns back to the door. She raises her hand to knock again, but the sound of footsteps behind them stops her. The light moves as her guard spins to face the newcomer. Tenar turns, too, and relaxes when she sees who it is.
“Moss,” she says. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” Moss’s grin is cheeky, if not a little stiff.
Tenar smiles back. “Looking for Lark, actually. Have you seen her?”
“Not tonight. But I’d be happy to walk with you until we find her. Save you from having to hang out with a stuffy soldier.” Moss smirks as the guard frowns and shuffles self-consciously.
“Be nice,” Tenar scolds her, no bite to her voice whatsoever. She turns to her guard. “You can return to your post. Thank you.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” He leaves without another word. The hallway darkens as he turns the corner, taking the lanternlight with him, but Tenar and Moss are both comfortable enough with the dark by now.
“Shall we?” Moss asks, tilting her head down the hall. Tenar nods, and together, they walk away from Lark’s room.
Lark leans against the wall across from Moss’s room, arms crossed over her chest, glaring at the closed door. There is no light coming from beneath it. No answer to her soft knock. No sound or movement at all from within.
It’s not unusual for Moss to wander the halls, even this late at night. Just like it’s not unusual for Moss to snap at her friends when she’s frustrated, or avoid people when she’s overwhelmed, or hide what she’s really thinking when she believes her own thoughts to be too weak or vulnerable to share.
Logically, none of it is unusual. But Lark has never really been one for logic. That’s Tenar’s job, and even Tenar has been urging her to just talk to Moss lately, if she’s so worried.
And she is worried. So is Tenar. So are Arren and Ged.
“Fuck this,” Lark mutters to herself.
She adjusts the bow on her back and crosses the hall. The door is locked, but only for a moment. She and Moss told Tenar years ago most of the castle’s chambers were child’s play to break into. They’re working on it, but considering the fact that most of the threats they’ve faced wouldn’t be deterred by a locked door, it’s pretty low on the priority list.
Lark swings the door open just enough for her to slip inside and close it again behind her. Moss is nowhere to be seen, but there are still embers glowing faintly in her fireplace. Lark sighs and walks further into the room.
The desk is a mess of discarded books and crumpled papers. A jar of ink has spilled onto its side, seeping into a stack of blank parchment. The wardrobe is a mess, the door hanging open, clothes spilling out of it. None of this is unusual.
The bed is made—that part is unusual. The sheets are stiff, tucked in neatly. Lark frowns and walks over. The nightstand is empty, the lantern sitting on top of it dark and cool. She turns and walks over to the fireplace instead.
Heat still hovers around the hearth. The coals must have been recently scattered. Lark kneels before them and reaches a hand out. Very recently, she thinks.
She grabs the poker hanging by the fireplace and sifts absently through the embers. She needs to find Moss. She just—has no idea where to start.
She pulls the poker back, and it catches on something in the corner of the fireplace. Lark tilts her head and leans forward a little. A page—crumpled into a ball, half-burnt, but still solid enough for her to scrape out. She picks it up and smooths it out with shaking hands. Ink blots cover most of what hasn’t burnt away, but there’s enough to recognize Moss’s handwriting. Enough to make out a few phrases.
Sorry, jumps out at her. Then, darkness and I’m scared.
I don’t know what’s happening to me.
Lark scrambles to her feet. She stuffs the page into her pocket and runs from the room. Her hand goes to her bow as she starts down the hallway.
She still has no idea how to find Moss, but she has to be here somewhere. The embers are still warm. She can’t have gone far. Lark can still find her. She can still stop whatever this is. She can still help her, before it’s too late.
Moss and Tenar don’t speak much as they walk. Moss trails a few feet behind her, her steps so quiet Tenar keeps looking over her shoulder just to make sure she’s still there. She looks pale in the dark halls. Her hair is dull, washed out in the shadows.
“I’m not sure where to look for her,” Tenar admits. Lark has followed Tenar’s lead during most of their nighttime wanderings; she doesn’t know where Lark would go if left to her own devices.
“Perhaps she’s out looking at the stars somewhere,” says Moss.
But Tenar shakes her head. “It’s too dark tonight. All she’d see is clouds.” And she wouldn’t go sit and look at clouds—not when it’s so dark, and there isn’t even the glow of the moon to keep her company.
“She could still be looking for fresh air,” suggests Moss.
Tenar doesn’t think that’s the case, but she also doesn’t have any other ideas. Besides, Moss knows Lark just as well as she does, if not more. Maybe she knows something Tenar doesn’t.
Or maybe she’s looking for an excuse to step outside and have a quiet moment of her own. Something has been troubling Moss, lately. It’s been worrying Lark. It’s been worrying Tenar, too. Maybe, if they have a moment to themselves, Tenar can try to talk to her.
“Alright,” she says. She takes the next left, making her way to one of the balconies overlooking the gardens.
They don’t meet anyone else along the way. Everything is quiet as Tenar leads them through the double stained glass doors and out onto the balcony. The air is cold, biting even for the late autumn night. Tenar shivers as the chill seeps immediately through her nightgown, but beside her—covered only in simple clothes and a thin, hooded cloak—Moss seems entirely unaffected.
It’s obvious that Lark isn’t out here, but Moss doesn’t make any moves to leave. She stands in front of the doors and stares out past the balcony’s railings. It’s too dark to see the gardens. Too dark to see much of anything at all.
“Moss?” Tenar asks softly.
Moss shakes her head. That distant look lingers in her eyes. “I don’t know where she is.”
“That’s okay.” Tenar continues to watch her watch the night. “Is there…something else you want to talk about?”
This time, Moss’s eyes flicker toward hers. Only for a moment, though. Then she drops her chin and looks away again.
“What do you mean?”
Tenar shrugs and turns away. She walks toward the railing, giving Moss space to gather her thoughts, or her words. Or her courage.
“A lot has been going on lately,” she says, keeping her voice light. Behind her, Moss stays silent. “Farmers reporting decay in their fields. Sightings of strange creatures in the forests. Disappearances, in the border villages. I think everyone is a little uneasy because of it.”
“Are you afraid, Tenar?” There’s something almost mocking in Moss’s voice. Tenar almost looks back at her over her shoulder, but then she stops and sighs, letting her head hang.
“I would be a fool not to be, wouldn’t I? After everything we’ve been through…I know better than to doubt my own instincts.” She pauses, then, “You do, too.”
Moss stays silent.
“Moss?” she asks again. No response. Tenar lifts her head. “Please talk to me. I know something has been bothering you lately.”
“You don’t know anything about me.”
Her voice is dark—not angry, but furious. Tenar turns and sees Moss directly behind her, eyes dark, a shadow hanging over her face. A blade in her hand.
Their eyes meet, and Moss flinches, her arm jerking to the side even as it thrusts forward.
The whole world shrinks down to that balcony, to just the two of them—to the sharp, blinding pain in her back, and the overwhelming sorrow in Moss’s eyes.
Tenar’s hand moves of its own accord, finding the dagger at her waist and swinging up. Moss’s eyes widen as she stumbles back. She pulls her own knife with her, and Tenar screams as the blade tears through her again on the way out. She feels blood running down her back, soaking her gown. She shoves Moss away with another cry and throws the dagger—not at her, but past her. It crashes through the closed doors, shattering one of the stained glass windows.
They hear voices almost immediately, calling out in alarm. Moss bares her teeth.
“Moss,” Tenar whispers.
It’s like something breaks between them. Moss falters. Fear fills her gaze. Her arm falls, holding the knife loosely at her side. For the first time, Tenar sees tears streaming down her cheeks.
They hear footsteps, light and quick, then, “Tenar!”
Lark’s voice. Tenar could sob. She’s shaking, her legs trembling beneath her. She reaches out for Moss, but that dark, furious expression fills her face again—a look of hatred so cold that she doesn’t even look like herself. Moss backs away toward the railing just as Lark bursts through the doors.
She sees Tenar first. Terror crosses her face.
And then she looks at Moss.
Her eyes dart down to the bloody knife in Moss’s hand.
“Moss,” she breathes.
Moss shakes her head. She takes another step back. Lark starts after her, but she bolts and hops over the railing before she can reach her.
Lark sprints forward. The balcony catches against her hips, stopping her even as she leans dangerously far over it, reaching for someone who is no longer there. Lark pulls her bow and starts to aim, but she lets out a frustrated growl and lowers it again before she even has the arrow nocked.
Tenar’s legs give out. She catches herself on the railing. She can hear her own harsh, broken breaths in her ears.
Lark grabs her and eases her down to the floor, but Tenar shakes her head.
“Moss—you need to help Moss.”
Lark ignores her. Her hand slips toward Tenar’s back, and burning pain courses through her veins. Tenar bites back a whimper.
“We need to get you a healer.”
“Lark, it wasn’t her. There’s something wrong, something—”
“I know,” Lark says through her teeth. “I know, she—but this looks bad, Tenar, we gotta get you help.”
“She’s in danger—”
“So are you.”
“I’ll be fine, I—”
“Lark,” Tenar says in the same voice that addresses her people, that orders her council, that leads knights onto the battlefield. “Go after your sister.”
Lark looks toward the railing where Moss disappeared, then squeezes her eyes shut. A tear slips down her cheek. Tenar wants to reach up and brush it away.
Lark’s grip on Tenar tightens. “No,” she says. “Not until you’re safe.”
She looks down again and meets Tenar’s eyes, and Tenar can’t resist it anymore. It hurts. Everything hurts. She can feel the blood on her gown, clinging to her skin. The night is already growing colder around them. Lark is moving against her now, stripping her overshirt and bunching it to press against Tenar’s back, and that hurts, too—enough to make darkness seep in on the edges of her vision.
Moss is gone, disappeared into the night. Something is wrong with her. She’s not herself. Lark knows, and Ged and Arren will believe her, but will anyone else? The guard who escorted her to Lark’s door—he’ll know Moss was the last one with Tenar. Will he think Moss was acting of her own accord? Will everyone else?
Lark is shouting something, her voice cracking as she cries out for help. If the council blames Moss, will they even listen to Lark? Or will they try to stop her from finding Moss and helping her?
“Lark,” Tenar whispers. Lark turns to her immediately, holding her a little closer. “My dagger—by the door.”
“Please,” she says, because she knows it will work. And it does. Lark gently lays her down, then scrambles across the balcony to grab her dagger.
She returns within seconds. One arm wraps around Tenar again while the other offers her the hilt of her blade. Tenar takes it, then grabs Lark’s wrist.
“What are you—”
“Listen to me,” Tenar says, and Lark does. She always does. It makes Tenar want to apologize. But she can’t. She turns the blade and passes it back to Lark, pressing the seal that rests in the center of the cross-guard into her palm. “Moss needs you, okay? You—you have to protect her. You have to protect your family.”
Lark nods. “I will. You know I will. But Tenar—”
“And you have to protect this kingdom. Promise me you will.”
“I’ve already sworn that oath to you,” Lark says, her voice rough. “Stop talking like this. You’re going to be fine, and we’re going to find Moss, and we’re going to fix this. We are.”
“Lark, I…”
But whatever she wants to say—the words she was finally brave enough to share—fades away as darkness clouds more of her vision. She hears Lark call her name. She hears others, too, people finally running out onto the balcony to help, crying out when they see the two of them lying there in a growing pool of her blood.
Tenar wraps Lark’s fingers around the hilt of the blade and lets go.
“Tenar!” Lark catches her hand before it can hit the stone. Tenar doesn’t respond. She looks over her shoulder at the guards who stand frozen, now, staring at the scene. “She needs a healer! Now!”
It snaps them back into action.
“Sound the alarm,” one of them barks, sending someone else running back down the hall. “And you, run ahead to the ward, tell them what’s happened. You two, help me carry her.”
They all start moving at once. Lark forces herself to let go of Tenar as they lift her and start carrying her away. In the distance, she hears the ringing of the alarm bell, followed almost immediately by the cries of more guards. Torches and lanterns start blinking to life across the grounds.
“Lark!” It’s Arren’s voice, and Ged’s. Lark turns as they appear down the hall, running toward her.
They falter as they pass the guards carrying Tenar away. Ged stumbles a little, but Arren grabs him and keeps pulling him along toward the balcony.
“What happened?” Arren asks. “Tenar, is she—”
Lark closes her eyes. “I don’t know.”
“Where’s Moss?” asks Ged. Lark can feel the weight of Moss’s writing in her pocket. Maybe she’s still on the grounds. Maybe she’s tearing through the woods, running for her life. Maybe she’s already met up with whatever force has taken her from them.
Ged and Arren understand her silence enough to know not to ask anything else. Not yet, at least. Not here. Guards still hover around them, scanning the balcony for some hint as to what happened, or just standing there staring at the pool of Tenar’s blood.
Blood that is soaking into the knees of Lark’s pants, still. She pushes to her feet, feeling sick.
“What do we do now?” Ged asks instead.
Lark opens her eyes again, but before she can respond, one of the guards walks up to her.
“I was about to ask the same thing,” he says.
Lark stiffens. She doesn’t want to sit through their questioning now—not when she doesn’t know if Tenar is okay, or where Moss is, or—
“What would you have us do, Your Highness?”
Lark stares. Arren stares.
It’s Ged who breaks the silence.
“Oh, shit,” he whispers, looking down at Lark’s hand. “Tenar’s blade.”
Lark looks down, too. She is indeed still holding Tenar’s dagger in a white-knuckled grip. She hadn’t even realized it.
“She put it in your hands, didn’t she?” the guard asks.
Lark forces herself to look up at him. “Yes, but—”
“Then she placed the fate of the kingdom in your hands, as well.”
“I—that’s not—it’s just a blade.” Lark stares at it in her hands. She will her fingers to uncurl and let it drop, but they don’t. She can’t.
“It’s tradition,” Ged says quietly. She turns to stare at him instead. “Especially during wartime. A quick way of establishing succession when a monarch is—”
“Tenar’s not dead,” Lark snaps.
“And if she wakes again,” the guard starts. Lark glares at him, and he holds his hands up. “When she wakes again, she will resume power. But until then…”
He steps forward, then lowers himself to kneel in front of her. Lark shakes her head. Behind him, the rest of the guards lingering on the balcony follow suit, bowing their heads. Ged kneels, too, elbowing Arren in the thigh on the way down so he takes a knee, too.
“Queen Regent,” the guard says to her. “What would you have us do?”
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kye-865 · 5 months
I have thoughts y’all. I have so many thoughts. These aren’t even half of it. These started as thoughts about Arisanna, but as I wrote I realised that it links to how I feel about Icarus and Rae when they were younger
I don’t think Arisanna needs to be “fixed”. Yes I think that the “prank” she played on Wolf (and then tried on Rae although she ultimately failed) wasn’t fair. She had to become a sort of parent to her siblings. She couldn’t live for herself. Her job was to save and care for the allays. She couldn’t let herself live for herself, no matter how much she wanted to. Everything she’s feeling now was there before, it’s just elevated because of the lack of empathy. She wants to live for herself, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think she was pushed to breaking point and this is where she ended up.
Yeah I think that she wouldn’t have done anything like this without the “assistance” of the pillagers, but there would’ve been a breaking point regardless. She would’ve come to a time when she just couldn’t take it anymore. It’s not fun becoming a parent to kids you didn’t have. The allays are her siblings. She shouldn’t have to look after them like a parent would. It’s unsurprising that she would almost resent how she lived.
It’s the same kind of way I feel about Icarus. I don’t think they should’ve said what they did to Rae when they were younger and on the run, but they went from living in a castle with a mom and dad who loved and cared for them both, to on the run with their brother. Icarus was angry and needed someone to blame, who else but the person they are stuck with. It wasn’t fair to Rae, I absolutely agree with that, but you won’t find many people who would enjoy being thrown into the role of “protector” for their siblings.
Yes siblings do get protective over their siblings, but there comes a point where that protection could spiral into a more parental role.
I don’t think there’s anything to “fix”. I think that the only way to do that would be to change the past, and that can’t be done. The only way would be to stop Ari from filling that parental role and the only way to doe that would’ve been to go back in time and stop it before it happens.
If anything I think it’s a good thing that she wants to live for herself. I think that she deserves to live for herself for a bit instead of having to raise her siblings. All that’s happened is that she reached a breaking point and snapped, in the same way that most people would, it just so happened that process was sped along by the vexing process. I don’t think that would’ve changed anything, I think she still would’ve reached a breaking point, the vexing just brought that point closer. It made it easier for her to say what she actually wanted.
I know that people miss when she cared more, And that makes sense, but I don’t think Ari needs to be fixed, I just think she needed to let go of the responsibilities that she took on unwillingly to be able to feel better about it. At least she doesn’t (yet) feel the guilt for “abandoning” them as much as she could
This could be all wrong, I am very tired, but this is just my thought process (of sorts). People can absolutely disagree with me on this, this is just the way I’m seeing it at the moment.
To sum this entire post up in one sentence, I don’t think ari’s being nice but I do think it’s fair
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freneticfloetry · 2 months
Okay I really want to ask about all of those summaries, but I’ll limit myself to 1 and 5 please???
Hey Rae! I answered #5 here, but the first one is the return to the tbah universe, a strong enough foundation. I've posted a few pieces of it already, but it holds such a special place in my heart.
When I wrote that last little tag scene in to build a home, I thought that was where it would end: with a glimpse at the things that will eventually make up Carlos' forever home, in every sense of the word. What I hadn't counted on was Morgan.
Historically, I don't do kid fic. So when I started spitballing with @ambiguouspenny about the tiny human little Morgan Beatriz Reyes-Strand would become, it was just for fun. And then we got attached. Mostly because my brain made it A Thing — five times Morgan was just like TK (in ways that kind of made Carlos want to die). Like, it just immediately started spitting out scenarios: she's a boundless ball of energy, she's addicted to boba, she's a dim sum snob, she wakes Carlos up in the middle of the night. And so The Thing became A Fic. She's so alive in my head, and it's really fun to sculpt her into her own little person.
It's also, always, still about Carlos. And maybe that's why it doesn't really feel like kid fic to me.
He thinks back to that little plastic playhouse from kindergarten, the one that he'd always hidden in when it rained. Then he'd grown up to marry a man who smells like ozone and petrichor; built a home of his own, made of stucco and stone, and invited the rain inside.
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willbee-1 · 4 months
Welcome, Tumblr get lore theories ⟟ wrote in ⏃ notebook that ⟟ started around castle arc of Fable (so s2) the parts in parentheses are now me thoughts
-And what god was she (Isla) probably suppose to marry? Was it Fable (I sure did call this when we had no evidence behind it-)
-bc if he (Fable) found out Soul helped Orchid (Isla), gives reason to curse (I still stand by this theory, especially bc now we know that Fable did actually curse her and it makes sense-)
-leading theory for me is
-arranged marriage
-had first sibling (Icarus)
-meet Enderian/fall for her
-had Rae
-ran bc someone found out
(....when I tell you ⟟ got all this info just based on one Isla tiktok we got, the one with the caption the life of [crossed out in ink] Morningstar- theory brain really went and ⟟ was correct)
-..what if she (Isla) was forced to marry Fable
-but would make Sherb Rae's sibling
- would also give reason to curse her
-im thinking [crossed out in golden ink] with the they pronoun is just young c!Sherb (this statement was written before we knew broters were broters-)
-so many things could happen at finale (s2)
-we deal with Perix
-Fable comes through
-we open the Aether portal
(Man and guess what, they did all 3 of them :D)
-im worried about the bubble (we're at before the start of s3)
-the bubble might not have worked all the way
(And guess what, the bubble didn't work all the way it broke)
-Nether Fable or Enderian knew where she (Isla) went, you'd think Fable would also be looking for her (see and you know what- ⟟ was right- ive said it before thay there was no way in hell Fable just let Isla walk off like that- that had to have been too easy-)
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mybeingthere · 8 months
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American painter Rae Klein (b. 1995) graduated in 2017 with a BFA in Painting from Eastern Michigan University. She continues to live and work in Michigan.
"When Klein was young, she liked drawing, but didn’t make anything of it. The idea of living as a working artist was a dream with no roadmap. Her father was a heavy equipment operator for Holland, a small city on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, who would plow the snow off the roads in the difficult Midwest winters. Her mother is an administrative assistant at a company that makes test chambers. When Klein graduated high school, she decided to study nursing at Eastern Michigan University, even as she sensed it wouldn’t work out.
“I was in nursing 101 and looking around at all these people, and I was thinking like, these people are going to be really good at this. And I’m starting to feel like maybe I’m not,” Klein told ARTnews the day before her exhibition at Silverman, titled “The Comfort in Calamity,” opened.
Just after starting college, she began working as an illustrator for campus dining, which included such tasks as drawing the school mascot eating a grilled cheese. The experience opened her eyes to the idea that art could be a legitimate career path, so she enrolled in an art class.
“That was my first experience with painting and it was such a weight off my shoulders to be like, Okay, maybe this is a real thing,” said Klein."
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soupcanspecimen · 6 months
I remembered I still had my rage fueled thoughts of EP11 in drafts so ill just post it to show that I sound like an absolute madman. I make some sense in the Claire section, but oooof that Manaria section shows I was not thinking correctly during that time and my vocabulary was running on fumes figuring out what to say.
Looking back at this now I sound absolutely insane
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
From all game timelines... In terms of writing, do you have a favorite Rika?
Oh, hands down?
If you're asking me for the most compelling arc that not only forces her to take accountability for her crimes from the very beginning, but also helps her get to a much-needed point of self-actualization where she can work on herself from prison getting the very help she needed from the start? Then, I'm going to tell you the Rika I enjoy the most is in Ray Route and the After Ending's Normal End.
The reason why the RAE's Normal End is Normal is because Rika is the one who makes a stand against Saejoong, rather than MC who's helping Saeran get the story behind his father's life so he can process what he needed, a deeper understanding of himself and pain so he's able to move on the way he wants to.
Rika taking a stand to say to tell Saejoong what she's thinks of him and HERSELF is one of the most poignant and powerful moments for her as a character. She tells Saejoong like it is, owns her shame and grief, admits that she needs help and to face punishment for a laundry list of atrocities she's committed. She tells him he needs to pay up an face his sins as well. She doesn't mince words and to see Rika Kim own everything she's denied is cathartic.
I stand by my statement I've always said. I want Rika Kim to take accountability for her actions.
I want her to face the prison sentence she deserves for everything she's done wrong, but I also want her to have self-actualization while she is facing her punishment for the rest of her life. She has to live with what she's done, and while it is just viable to hope that she lives in discomfort for the rest of her days, much like Saeran, I want her to find some peace over what she did suffer in life at the hands of those awful adoptive parents and the pastor who did unspeakable things to her.
I want her to live with what she's done. I want her to stay awake at night and think about all the awful things she has done to other people, and I want her to understand the depth of pain that has been inflicted on people because of her actions. But, I also want her to have the opportunity to heal from what she could never heal from to begin with. She needed a therapist who would be committed to her emotional needs rather than ignore the problem at hand and treat only surface level issues.
She still needs someone to talk to about her guilt and shame over Sally, her years spent feeling like a monster as a child until she took ownership of being called the devil to fight back against her pastor and her parents, and how devil and angel themes grappled with her on the inside for years as she struggled to find a sense of self outside of masking. She deserves the opportunity to talk to someone about those things. 
Having that chance doesn't excuse or erase her actions, because cool backstory and motive doesn't equate to an excuse for crime. I can't I have to point that out but narratively speaking, Rika is hated for a lot of justifiable reasons but for the people who think she's an interesting person and want to see her find some peace while facing DESERVED PUNISHMENT FOR HER CRIMES shouldn't get kicked over and over to hell and back for saying they like her in any capacity.
That really has nothing to do with your question, I just feel the need to say it because anytime I answer a question about her or Jihyun in a capacity that talks about their crimes, sometimes it gets twisted up as people think liking a character somehow equates to justification of their crimes.
Seeing Rika Kim own up to being a criminal was cathartic to me as a victim. Sometimes, you want that person who hurt you to own up to what they've done and walk right where they deserve to be. Like my love Saeran, I hope she finds some peace with her trauma, but I don't want to see her again after this moment, and this is the end to Rika's involvement in our lives as far as I'm concerned with my timeline with Saeran Choi.
For the people who haven't played the RAE Normal Ending or aren't particularly interested in doing so, I'm just going to paste this down below for you to look at. 
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choster33 · 11 days
Bridgerton Season 3 ep 2 Reaction
Again, I am going at this slowly and probably going to be spoiled mercilessly until June but I am watching one episode a week until June. So here is my reaction to Episode 2. Spoilers ahead.
Ok, so I've been spoiled by references to this already. But Colin and the whores. So right now I don't feel any way about this because Colin is over age and single. He is back from Europe and has had the influence of Anthony and Benedict before him. He is not cheating on anyone here and having fun especially because he can. He has the money and the freedom to do it. He is not deflowering virgins and lying to women or mistreating them, he is getting in practice.
Now back to Polin. Ok the discussion about the first meeting is SO CUTE! He brings it up which shows how much of it he remembers and shows that it is important to him, not some insignificant thing. I would be melting! "Because we were children" indeed. The best love starts with friendship and there is no better friends than the ones you have as little children! You are your purest selves! Even Rae the housemaid thinks there's something going on! Plus I love the ease Penelope feels around Colin and that they are friends. Yes!
Colin talking to Penelope about going abroad and finding himself is surprising and refreshing. In the books, a major plot point was Colin chafing at the Bridgerton name and wanting to be known and admired for himself which leads to Penelope encouraging Colin's writing. I wonder if they will ever include Colin writing in the show and am curious about that. But I'm not mad that show!Colin is more at peace and one with himself in the show than the books, it makes him more grounded and by the time they get together Penelope will be getting whole, mature Colin. "Living for the estimation of others is a trap, once you break free, the world opens up." Swoon!
Bridgerton drawing room! Colin listens to her. He asked her where she was most comfortable and uses that information. This is the kind of stuff that makes me love friends to lovers. Whether there is sex involved or not, this is the one person who actually knows you, who actually cares about your wants and needs. He's not doing anything nefarious or even self serving, he is just being her friend. Yes! This is also one of the reasons I've always liked Colin, he is a cinnamon roll sweetheart who truly is a good friend which makes Penelope's crush on him a healthy choice.
OMG! The eyes bit! Yes, Penelope yes! See, she loves the kindness in Colin and she was vulnerable, even he needed a drink then! Ooh they put in the journal reading and hand cutting scene from the books! Yes, it was one of the scenes I loved! He is angry at her for seeing something so intimate, but he also is super close physically to her as well as a type of freedom that someone has seen his most intimate thoughts.
Ooh, hand twitching, he's definitely thinking of Penelope! Eloise is not wrong here, they are single and often unchaperoned, if they are really playing friends and leading to nothing it does not look right, but we know better! Aww, Polin laughing together! Yes, that is a horse joke! One thing I love about Polin is their mutual sense of humor at puns, jokes etc. They are both word nerds at heart and I love it.
Featheringtons and the lack of sex knowledge is a hoot! They are not my favorite people and side story, but I did cackle at that. Aww, I;m glad that Bridgerton is putting people in wheelchairs in the show! Yes and he's not a joke or anything, good for them! And Colin isn't judgmental or disapproving, score!
Ooof, damn you meddling mamas and gossiping bitches leave Penelope alone! And I am proud and clinging to the writers allowing Cressida to be a fully fleshed out person and not just a villain for not starting the gossip. Ooh, yes though on Colin defending Pen so heartily even to his own sister.
I knew Cressida wasn't the culprit! Yes, the writers are really trying to make Cressida a rounded out character and worthy of forgiveness or at least some understanding. I wonder what they are going to do for her as the season progresses... I think it might be a good look to turn things on its head and to put out the message that no one is irredeemable and etc.
The scene of Penelope at the window is so sad, even her mother doesn't believe she will get a husband and she was forced to write as Lady Whistledown about how pathetic she is. She herself knows how the game is played and how courtship works and this is not the way to get a husband, she's definitely in some deep darkness right now.
Then we get Colin coming over to check in on Pen! Ohh, she asked for a kiss! They started and now they are really going for it! Yeehaw! Squee! Omg! SO hot. The look in his eyes afterwards! Oh! I see where Colin is the prince being awakened by the kiss! Pen is like bye thanks for the kiss and it probably meant nothing to you so I won't make a thing out of it. And he is all I did it to be kind to my friend but it feels so good and right and HOT damn what am I feeling?? Yes, yes, yes!
I can't wait for the next two episodes! I'm living for this!
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bilightningwhumper · 24 days
Mangst 2024- Day 5
“Can’t you see that there are people who love you?”
Robin receives a terminal diagnosis and refuses treatment. Marianne finds out and is furious about Robin's decision.
Sorry, this one is a long one. Adding a cut on the tumblr version of this one since it gets up to 4 pages on my doc file, lol Next one is probably going to be shorter. But having all this creative build up while being sick made this one get away from me, so we'll see how long the rest of these take for me to write. Warnings: somewhat suicidal idealization and medical trauma mention, but it's kind of vague, as all of this is from Marianne's PoV Characters: Robin- Robin Hood Marianne- Maid Marian (Fun fact, Marianne was originally Rae's name, but then Robin popped into existence and changed that, lol)
Marianne’s POV
“Marianne, wait. Wait!”
She stopped, hand tight on the stair railing. “What?”
Crystal caught up to her, breathing hard. Once she caught her breath, she said, “You can’t just go in and yell at Robin. She’s already been traumatized enough. What do you think is going to happen if you go in and start yelling at her?”
Marianne felt her teeth squeak from clenching them so hard. “I can’t just be okay with her dying.”
Crystal sighed. “I’m not saying you should be. Just…” She put a hand on Marianne’s arm. “Don’t go in guns blazing. That’s all I’m asking.”
She knew Crystal was right. She did. Taking a breath, she did her best to relax her body. At the very least to make her scent lessen. It wasn’t until she’d stopped that Marianne realized she could smell her own frustration and anger. Thank god she was in the Alpha Dormitory or she’d have put a lot of omegas in distress.
Crystal pat her arm softly before backing away. “For what it’s worth, I do hope you change her mind.” Then she left Marianne standing alone on the stairs.
Taking a moment to breathe more, Marianne continued on her way to Robin’s room. Granted, at a much slower pace. It just didn’t make sense to her. Even though she barely knew the other alpha and had only seen her from afar till now, she’d seen and heard the effects of what Robin had done. Yes, she’d been a part of how they’d been able to free Sam. But she’d helped so many others in the Institution. Helping them escape. Keeping spirits up. Helping people stay themselves under the brainwashing. How could someone like that be so willing to just… give up?
Once she got to Robin’s door, she realized her hands were shaking. How exactly was she supposed to do this? This wasn’t exactly how she imagined introducing herself to her soulmate.
Marianne startled back as the door opened. Dull gray eyes met hers as the two alphas stood before her.
Robin was the same height as her, she noticed first. Short brown hair hung limp on her shoulders. Her clothing was clean, but rumpled, as if she’d been lying in bed before opening the door.
“You smell like your brother.” Robin’s voice was as tired as the expression on her face.
Marianne licked her lips, mouth suddenly dry as Robin’s scent hit her right then. Pine and… She didn’t know someone could smell like mulled cider. It made her knees weak, regardless. This wasn’t going to plan. Sam told her Robin didn’t believe in soulmate partnering. Falling for this girl would be a mistake. Even if she did look adorable in a slightly over-sized shirt. And her lips looked very kissable.
Aaand she’d been staring. Crap. Say something.
“Is that a good or bad thing?”
Okay, not great, but progress.
Robin just shrugged, leaning against her door frame. “Neutral, as far as I’m concerned. Just means I know you’re related, because yeah, it’s not exactly the same, but I knew I could open the door without it being a nosy doctor coming to check on me.” Her eyes, dull as they were, still pierced Marianne, sizing her up. “I’m going to gather Sam sent you here to persuade me to change my mind?”
She said it so blandly, Marianne felt her teeth instantly clench again.
“No fucking shit, Sherlock. He’s devastated, just like the rest of your pack. And can you really blame him? Deciding to die and abandon everyone?”
So much for staying calm.
Growling lowly, Robin grabbed Marianne’s arm and yanked her into the room. The door shut with a snap as Robin rounded on her. “Stink up the whole place, why don’t you? You’re going to get everyone riled up at this rate. I get that you’re mad on behalf of your brother, but you need to calm down.”
Now enclosed in the room, Marianne’s scent surrounded them. She tried desperately to calm down, but being here, in front of her soulmate, her dying soulmate, she couldn’t stop spiraling.
“I just don’t get it. How can you just not even try to live? There’s treatments, medications, things to keep you alive.” She raked her fingers through her hair. “You’ve got so much to live for, so why?”
Robin pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. “Look, you don’t know me. Trying to convince me to change my mind is a waste of your time. All you need to know is I made my peace a long time ago that this was a possibility. So once you’ve calmed down enough, you can go comfort your brother.”
“You’re just giving up.” Marianne snapped. “Do you even care about what that’s going to do to everyone that cares about you?”
“They’ll move on and see they’re better off without me.” Robin’s voice was level, resigned.
Marianne wanted to shake her. “But- you- They’re better off with you! Can’t you see that? Can’t you see that there are people who love you? Why else do you think I’m here?”
“They shouldn’t.” Robin snapped, scent flaring to match Marianne’s. “No one should love me. Not after what I’ve done.”
“What, helping people escape that hellhole? Taking care of people you were told to hurt and overpower? Even though you knew you’d be the one punished for it?”
Robin looked like she was chewing on her tongue, jaw tight, fists clenched. When she spoke, her voice was low, a snarl underlying it. “You should stay out of things that are none of your business. This is my life. So you-”
“I’m your soulmate, so I think this is my business.” Marianne growled.
Something flickered in Robin’s eyes as she flinched back. “You’re… You’re Marianne?” she asked slowly.
Marianne softened slightly, smelling the unease in Robin’s scent. “Yeah, I’m Marianne. You didn’t know?”
For the first time since she opened the door, Robin refused to look at her. “I knew you were one of Sam’s sisters. But in my defense, he has a lot of them. Of you.”
At a loss, Marianne didn’t know what to do now. All the fight seemed to have left the other alpha. She’d shrunk into herself, shoulders hunching and, without stepping away, had drawn back away from Marianne.
“Yeah… That makes sense.” She pulled at her hair, debating whether or not to hug Robin. “But I’m not looking to start anything. Sam told me you don’t have any interest in being anyone’s soulmate.”
Robin looked up then, eyeing her. “So what do you want then? Other than to shout at me?”
“To be friends? Acquaintances? Two people that just vent at each other about how stupid and oblivious my brother is?”
She got a half smile for that. “Sam’s not that dumb.”
“So you’re telling me he didn’t complain and pine about Derrick to you at all. Or Hannah for that matter? Even though I’m pretty sure that it’s clear upon seeing either of those two with him they’re as smitten with him as he is with them?”
A small laugh. “Okay, yeah, it was sickeningly sweet. I wanted to smother the kid sometimes.”
Marianne smiled, stepping closer tentatively. “So, can you at least think about it? If the treatments or meds don’t help, I won’t keep pushing. But can you at least try?”
“I…” Robin sighed, rubbing her eyes. “It’s not that simple.”
“You don’t have to answer now.” Marianne said, throat tightning, though she tried to hide it. “But at least just think about it, instead of just saying no.”
She didn’t get any answer, though she didn’t expect one. Resisting the urge to give Robin a hug, she stepped past her and left the room. Down the stairs. Back outside to sit on a bench and put her head in her hands, all the tension leaving her body at once, leaving only exhaustion behind.
She had tried. And hopefully that was enough.
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
Your OCs encounter Mothman in the woods! It's Arya, shapeshifting just to mess with them, but they don't know that. How do they react to this very mothy surprise?
Ooooh, interesting! Thank you!
Rae: Freezes in place, trying to figure out if "Mothman" has noticed her. She draws energy into her hands, but doesn't make a shield just yet. If she can, she'll back away before any sort of fight breaks out. This isn't the weirdest thing she's seen before, but she'd still rather not engage if there's no point to it.
Robin: Turns and runs - though she still maintains enough clarity to remember to block the sound of her footsteps so it's harder to follow her. She doesn't know what the fuck that thing in the woods is, but this is not the way she wants to die.
Madison: Her knives are in her hands in an instant, and she whistles for Bravo to come back to her side. She doesn't outright start a fight, but this definitely doesn't look good.
Ophelia: Where the hell is she going to find a forest in the middle of central NYC?
Jasper: Just keeps walking, pretends they didn't see anything. This is how things roll in the South - the woods don't belong to you, if you see something weird no you definitely didn't. They go home, toss 13 pennies on the porch, lock the doors, and pull the curtains. Though they do think it's weird that they could sense the "Mothman"'s emotions
Kestrel: Isn't even fazed. They work es effectively a wildlife researcher for magical creatures (not to mention, they're a magical creature themself) so the sight of Mothman would be a mild surprise at best. They probably try to find a quiet spot to sketch it and jot down some notes without disturbing it.
Quinn: She's walking with Billy (no way she's hiking anywhere in the woods alone, when her mobility issues mean she's more likely to get hurt), and at first she brushes the Mothman thing aside as one of her hallucinations and just ignores it. But Billy freezes ("what the fuck is that thing?!"), which tells her he sees it too, and that's when she freaks out. There's no known magic or superpowers in her world, she probably ends up freaking out to the point that she tries to run, trips over a root, and twists her back wrong. (Arya, being a benign prankster who didn't really want to hurt anyone, gets worried and shifts into another form to help, but that's a whole different thing to have to explain)
Katherine: Similar answer to Jasper: she's from the South and lives in a world where magic is a known phenomenon (at least to her), so it's probably safest just to keep walking and pretend she didn't see anything unusual.
Eris: Naturally, expects that this'll end in a fight and decides to make the first move. They might actually understand the prank bit if Arya's able to explain quickly, but otherwise things could get bloody.
Nikoletta: I know this is starting to sound repetitive, but... look, I live in the South and this is how things work here. She's turning around as casually as she can, taking about fifteen steps the other direction, ducking behind a tree, and shadow-jumping as far as she can. She comes home rattled and may even end up shutting down a bit, which is definitely not the reaction Arya was hoping for.
(I know this makes like three of them with the same response but you should know that most Southern people subscribe to the 'if you see some weird shit in the woods you just keep walking. tell your friends when you get home but you Do Not see it while you're there')
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xomaleyaxo · 3 months
Broken Melodies → Blackpink 5th Member
Synopsis: When she tries to sing, all that escapes are broken melodies, each note echoing the shattered fragments of her heart.
Warnings: Talks about drug use (Very minor)
Word count: 1.2k
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*Imagine Jennie as Rae*
June 8th 2019 (Didnt want to write too much of his scandal as Ik we should all move on and know that he has served his time and has changed truly for the better)
"Ahhh, that was so fun!" she exclaimed, walking towards their dressing room backstage with Lisa, linking arms. They had just finished their show in Macau, China, and were elated with the turnout and how everyone was enjoying themselves. Mirae settled on the couch, ready to fall asleep right there but couldn't due to the constant vibration of her phone.
"That's odd," she thought to herself, pushing the negative thoughts aside, assuming it was just her mom checking in on her. When she turned her phone on, she noticed multiple calls from Hanbin, her boyfriend, and frowned. He knew she had a concert, and he usually called a couple of hours later when she went to the hotel for the night. Checking the messages, she saw frantic ones from him, urging her to call him. She decided to wait and head to the hotel before calling him, not wanting to discuss anything serious with the staff around, especially the new tour staff that had joined them.
"Unnie, I'm going to the hotel," she informed Jennie and headed out with her manager, quickly briefing him on the situation. As she made it inside, she called him and laid down on her bed, wondering what was so urgent.
"Hello?" he said into his phone, sounding very sad and serious. "Hey baby," she said softly, sensing his sad tone. "Mirae ah," he said shakily. "Mhm?" she replied back, slightly worried about what he was going to say. "I'm leaving," he announced after a couple of moments of silence between them. "What?" she said sitting up, "What do you mean you're leaving?" she asked.
Hanbin paused, taking a deep breath before saying "I took some substances back in 2016, and it's all been exposed now. I have a drug test coming up, and a trial, and by tomorrow, I'm sure everyone in the world will find out. I can't let this jeopardize the group or you, so I'm leaving," he explained shakily. Mirae was shocked; she expected news, but not this. She knew he was struggling back in the day, but never to this extent. She could tell he was trying not to cry; this was undoubtedly mentally challenging for him, and she knew he needed her there to help calm him down and figure things out.
"Okay, hey, let's just breathe," she said into the phone, her eyes starting to tear up as she thought about the situation he was in. She loved him; she really did. However, in that moment, all she could think was, "Kim Hanbin, how were you such an idiot?" Knowing him, though, she understood how much he regretted it. She knew he would do anything to go back and change his mind, and that pained her immensely. The damage had been done, and now, she worried about what this would do to him mentally.
After hearing him breathe into the phone and calm himself down, she said, "Okay, now explain everything again slowly, what do you mean your going to leave?" She asked. "I talked to the boys, I confessed everything, apologized to them, and told them I'm leaving the group to prevent them from being caught up in this trial," he said, his voice cracking as he spoke.
She sighed into the phone, wishing she could be there with him and hold him. "Okay, if that's what you think is best," she said sadly, a tear running down her face. "What about us?" she asked a moment later, already anticipating what he was about to say but not wanting to believe it until he said so himself.
Hanbin was quiet for a moment, his heart breaking as he mustered the courage to say the words he desperately didn't want to. "It's over between us, it has to be. I will protect you with every fiber of my being and make sure that no one will even think of you being involved in this mess," she listened to his words and let her tears fall freely. She truly couldn't believe any of this was real.
"Baby, please," she said, her voice cracking as she held back sobs, "I love you. I'll stand with you and will be here no matter what the decision is," she pleaded into the phone. She could hear him break down, his sobs echoing through the phone, and it hurt— it hurt so bad.
"No, no, you can't. This is my mess, and I'll deal with it myself. The boys said the same thing, but I have to do this on my own. You all worked too hard for this to be the reason for all of you to get shunned from the industry," he said, sniffling and wiping his tears.
"Hanbin, please. How do you think this is going to go down? You're just going to leave us behind and try to forget us? We all love you, and no matter what, we will be here. Don't leave us like this" she said, her heart aching.
"This is my battle, Mirae, mine, and I will never drag you all into this mess. Anyway, you know even if we did continue this, how long could we hide? The media will be watching me like a hawk; they will find out instantly about our relationship, and you will come down with me. I cannot let that happen. This is your dream, and I've seen you work so hard for it," he explained.
Mirae was silent, listening to him. Her body ached, and she felt like she couldn't breathe. This was supposed to be her happy ending. After so many years of liking each other, they had finally gotten together. This was supposed to be the happiest time of her life. How could it go so wrong?
"How will we ever move on? We are in love, and my heart only beats for you, Hanbin. Only you. Do you think that you're doing me a favor by leaving like this? No, you're not. Even if you leave, I will always be wondering if you're eating, if you're sleeping, if you're taking your vitamins, if you're stressed. I'll always be wondering these things because I know you. I know this will mentally mess you up. So, even if you decide to block me and never pick up my phone again after this, you know I'll always be worried."
"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, please. You know I hate it when you worry," he said, leaning into his bed—the bed where they spent countless nights cuddled up and laughing about stupid things, the bed where they had their first times, the bed where she used to hold him when everything was going wrong, the bed where they wrote stupid songs and confessed their love for each other.
If it were any other situation, he would laugh at himself. When would he ever have the courage to break up with her? She was way too good for him anyway; everyone always said that. She was like a ray of sunshine that lit up every room she walked into. Her smile, with that deep dimple, made anyone with a heartbeat swoon as she smiled at them. She was the epitome of beauty, and here he was, breaking up with her? How stupid was he?
The pair sat in silence, only hearing sniffles through the phone, and though their hearts ached, they knew it was over. "It's getting late," he sighed, leaning his head against his pillow, "you must have had a long day, with the tour and everything."
"Don't you dare try and hang up this phone, Kim Hanbin," she said, her frustration at the situation coming out. Hanbin chuckled slightly at this, the first time in the day that he let out any sort of laugh or smile.
"I'm gonna miss you, you know?" he said softly, having no strength left to even speak clearly anymore. "I'll miss you too," she whispered and then slowly said, "So much."
"You know, one day we will have moved on from this. I hope you find someone that will be way better than I ever was." He said sadly. "There will never be anyone like you, Hanbin, ever. Even if, for some magical reason, I do find someone, I'll always be sitting there thinking about how it would have been with you," she said, sighing slightly.
"I'll always be cheering you on. Even if I never show it, even if you never hear from me again, I will. You are the brightest star, Mirae, the brightest, and don't you ever let anyone diminish you." He said.
"I know I messed up. I'm so sorry that this mistake led to all of this, and I hope you know that I would take it back in a heartbeat. I'm so sorry to break your heart, but just know that I love you and that this is for the better," he said after a couple moments of silence between them.
Mirae sat there listening to his words, not wanting to say goodbye, she knew that after this was over, Hanbin would remove her on everything and never contact her again to make sure that she is protected from any false allegations.
"Just promise me this," she said softly after their quiet moment. "Hm?" he said. "Promise me that you'll come back, no matter how long it takes. Just come back and make music, music that you love. Do what you love, Hanbin. Just promise me that. Promise me that once this mess is over, you'll truly find happiness and move on with your life. You did a stupid thing, we know, but don't let that ruin everything you've worked for. Come back and be happy, okay?"
Hanbin smiled at her words. He didn't know if he would ever come back to the public eye after this. His allegations were big, and he worried that nobody would ever truly like him again. However, her words touched something in him. He would try to find happiness, for her. She meant the world to him, and if she wished him to promise that to her, then he would fulfill it 100 percent.
"I promise" he said softly. Mirae smiled at that, for the first time since this call started and was proud of him. "We should probably end the call now right?" he said sadly. Mirae sighed and said "I guess"
Neither of them proceeded to move, feeling frozen in the moment. They didn't want this; of course, they didn't. However, they knew that it was over, and the world had to move on, even if they wished it stayed in place.
"I love you," he said, "Thank you for being one of the best things to come out of all of this. You are so, so special, Mirae, and I wish that one day, when we are both moved past this, we can talk and laugh at the memories and be proud of ourselves for getting through this."
She laughed at his words, tears starting to fall again. "I love you too," she said shakily before continuing, "Please take care of yourself, eat and sleep well, and just know that one day this too will pass. Thank you for all these beautiful memories, thank you for being there and being my constant throughout it all. It hurts to say goodbye, but let's meet one day and chat like old times."
"Alright, Goodnight," he said sadly, and she replied, "Goodnight, Hanbin," and with that, their call was over. As the call ended, Mirae sat in her room and just sobbed for what felt like hours. They were meant to head to Sydney the next day, and here she was, wanting to leave this all behind and go to him.
She knew she couldn't, though. Nothing could get Kim Hanbin out of this mess, and he knew it too. She felt sad for him, realizing how harshly the media judged and how even one mistake could jeopardize everything.
Regrets flooded her thoughts; perhaps if she had been there for him back then, he wouldn't have been compelled to resort to something like that. Maybe things would have been different, and iKON would still have had their loving leader who always put them and their needs above himself. The weight of "what-ifs" pressed heavily on her heart.
Thinking about the boys, she sent them all individual messages, asking them how they were doing and letting them know that she was there for them whenever they needed. Bobby responded immediately, asking her if she was alright and if Hanbin had contacted her. She let him know that they had broken up, and he called her, chatting with her and expressing how sorry he was.
He blamed himself, feeling that he could have helped Hanbin more during that time as the older one between them. Mirae reassured him that nothing could have been changed, and they all needed to find time to forgive him and move on. She knew he didn't want to put them in this position and that he was likely filled with remorse.
Ending the call with Bobby, she decided she needed to see her girls; only they could help her right now. She went to each of their doors and knocked, hoping they all came out together so she could tell them what was happening. Jisoo and Jennie made their way out from their doors first, she saw them and broke down, crying loudly into their arms. The pair looked at her confused, brought her into Jennie's room, and asked her what was going on.
Lisa and Chaeyoung came out a little while later and saw Mirae sobbing. They frantically asked what was going on, as it was very rare for the girl to be a crying mess. She explained what happened, and the girls all comforted her, held her, and helped calm her down.
As she finally fell asleep in Jennie's bed, the girls all huddled and messaged the iKON members, checking in on them before heading to their own rooms. They were shocked, as they never could have expected this to happen. They were all worried for the girl. They had two more tour dates happening, and they didn't know if she was well enough to perform, having just had her heart broken.
Jennie frowned seeing Mirae looking so sad, even in her sleep. The girl tucked her in and cuddled her, hoping to give her some warmth, knowing that this was her first breakup, especially from someone that was also her best friend.
June 13th 2019
5 days had passed, and slowly but surely, Kwon Mirae was starting to get better, attempting to shift her focus to the concert instead of what was going on back home. She turned off her phone and only allowed calls from her family and close friends, deciding against going on social media as everyone had figured out about the scandal, and she couldn't bear seeing his name being dragged through the mud.
Everyone knew how close the girls were to iKON; they all grew up together, so she knew that the others were just as sad as she was, as they all cared for Hanbin and wished him the best.
As they got their makeup done for the concert, she turned to her members and said, "I'm gonna try my hardest tonight, you guys. Thank you so much for being here for me the past couple of days. I don't know what I would have done without you." She said and tried to stop her tears from falling as she spoke; she just felt so grateful for them. They truly were her family, and she was so thankful they were there for her through it all.
"Hey, stop that," Jisoo said, hugging the girl. All of the girls then gave her a group hug, knowing that these next two shows would be hard, but then she could have a little break to finally rest and deal with the situation.
The concert went on with full swing, and Mirae tried her hardest to give her best despite the turmoil going on in her personal life. She was energetic and smiling through songs, interacting with fans, and even joking around with them throughout the night.
She thought she had made it in the clear until they decided to sing their final song for the night, 'Stay.' She sighed and tried to control her emotions as the song started up. She was seated between Lisa and Jennie, attempting to control her voice as she sang the intro. 'Stay' was a song she wrote when she was a trainee, a song with deep meaning, but the lyrics hit her super hard that day as they resonated with her situation.
"Stay, stay, stay with me," she sang, her voice breaking slightly, and the tears came flowing out before she could stop them. She put her hand over her eyes in an attempt to halt them, but as the song progressed, and Lisa whispered in her ear that it was okay, the tears kept flowing. Soon, everyone in the audience was awing at her, wondering why she was so emotional.
She tried her hardest to control the tears, but the more she heard the lyrics, the more she thought of him. He was everything to her, the reason why she became who she was. Before anything else, they were friends, and she truly respected and loved him for always being there for her, supporting her through it all.
The bond they shared was beyond just a romantic relationship; it extended to the connections they had with each other's families. She was so close to his mother and sister. She had witnessed her grow up from a baby to a beautiful young girl. The thought of not being able to see them and call to check in was unimaginable for her.
Despite being surrounded by so much love from her fans and members, she felt incredibly alone. In that moment, she only craved one person's love – his. She wanted him back, needed him back, and yet deep down, she knew he would never return to her. The ache of that realization added to the weight on her heart.
She finally gained some control during the ending part of the song and finished it strongly. However, she knew that now everyone would be discussing why she was crying online.
As she made her way through the backstage area, she spotted her mother and rushed into her arms, sobbing. Her mom had come from New Zealand to support her daughter, aware that she was going through a rough time. She was saddened when she saw Mirae struggling to control her emotions during the final song.
"You did amazing, baby, don't worry," her mom assured her, rubbing her back and holding her daughter as she sniffled. "I know, it's just so hard, Mom. Everyone will start wondering why I'm crying now, and I have no clue what to say," Mirae said as she lifted her face, and her mother wiped away her tears.
"Hey, who cares? They will never know the truth anyway. Don't do this to yourself, baby; it's okay," her mom said, comforting her. They made their way to the hotel, and her mother's love helped her feel much better.
A couple days later:
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During their first night in Sydney, Australia, Rae was observed being highly energetic and vibing well with the audience. However, as the night progressed, she appeared visibly emotional during the performance of their song 'STAY'. Numerous speculations have surfaced regarding the reasons behind her emotional state, but as of now, nothing has been officially confirmed. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Username: Wasn't she super close with Hanbin? Maybe it could have been that?
Username: ^They have been friends since their trainee years apparently and even their mothers are close so yes I do assume that was the reason
Username: Regardless of what may have happened, can we just say that she is such a pretty crier? And did you guys hear her voice? Even through the tears, she sounded like an angel.
Username: Hanbin this, Hanbin that, can you guys just assume that maybe the song was just sad, and she felt the emotions of it while being around her fans? And didn't she write this song? Obviously, you get emotional when singing something, especially a song like "Stay." Everyone, just leave her alone.
Username: The members comforting her was so nice to see; they truly are a family. I hope that everything is okay, and she is better for their next shows.
Username: What if she was dating him and now they have to break up? I heard so many rumors that these two were a thing.
Username: ^If neither of them confirmed it, don't assume anything, especially now with the trial going on.
A/N- Just wanted to write this sad breakup chapter for my Oc and Hanbin and will be doing many more (Hopefully happier ones)
Also I may do a part 2 to this fic where they catch up and see how well things are going for the both of them.
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
or: whoever said french was the language of love clearly never met vincent solaire.
gn!reader, no content warnings, hand-over-hand fluff and i won’t apologise. the 520 fic arrives at last!! let’s all make one thing very clear - i would both kill and die for rennie, rae’s lovely oc, she is my world the love of my life the girl of my dreams, okay? then you can consider this my love letter to her and my darling @sri-rachaa who singlehandedly revived this wip from the dead, our woman in STEM and absolute POWERHOUSE of chemistry - rae 加油! oh, and of course some love for @ejunkiet for rallying hard for the east-asian vincent brigade - it’s canon to me and you lot are just going to have to deal with it, alright? a little bit of housekeeping before we get started: this fic does assume that lovely doesn't speak mandarin, but vincent does. vincent having a mindblank for just over 5200 words.
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batsman: so you’re DEFINITELY free on friday?? like the whole day??
me: yeah he said we could move it to sunday
batsman: YESSS
me: ???? what’s happening on friday
batsman: nothing nothing
batsman: i just get to spend a whole day w you :DDD
me: :DDD
me: ok it’s starting now
me: see you when i get back
me: also i love you hehe
batsman: have fun little one!! 520
Vincent Solaire is up to something.
You're not sure what, and you don't really know why, but he's got that look - you know the one. The one he gets whenever he spies the final jam tart sitting unguarded on the table, whenever he notices William's left his instant camera unattended, whenever Sam says he's leaving you two alone with Fred and his partner, don't touch anything. It's the look that means he's plotting something nefarious again - one of his diabolical schemes that should send anyone with common sense running for the hills, and that probably means you either need to find your passport, renew your life insurance, or check the stability of every flat surface in the house.
(Actually, now that you think about it, how does life insurance work now that you're a vampire? Are there special empowered insurance providers? Do you get a payout if you get turned into a vampire? Are you or a loved one eligible for financial compensation? Mental note: ask William at tea on Sunday.)
He says it’s nothing. Yeah, right. You’d almost believe him if it weren’t for that cheeky grin he’s been sporting for the last week whenever he thinks you’re not looking, tapping away on his laptop of an evening like a man possessed, stifling a laugh every ten minutes or so. Meddling little so-and-so. He thinks he’s so slick, but you know better. Vincent Solaire has got something up his perfectly tailored, meticulously ironed, ridiculously expensive sleeve, and you are going to find out what it is.
You’ve got a pretty decent idea of where this particular scheme has come from, so that’s a good start. He was out with Gavin a few weeks ago, one of their little mothers’ meetings, and you’re sure whatever he’s planning is the product of that. The pair of them are terrible when they’re together - they gossip like you wouldn’t believe, wander round Dahlia charming the (thankfully metaphorical) pants off of everyone they meet, and they both drink like fishes if there’s nobody around to supervise. They’ll have cooked up one of their signature (read: stupid) ideas that sounded really good at the time, and now you and Gavin’s partner - who, let it be said, has the patience of an absolute saint when it comes to Vincent and Gavin’s collective bullshit - have to deal with the fallout. You know the drill.
(To be perfectly honest, you’re still not over last time - they’d come stumbling down the street at some ungodly hour, absolutely sloshed as usual, tottering arm in arm towards your front door and giggling uncontrollably at some half-baked joke Vincent was trying to remember. You and Gavin’s other half had been forced to pause your show for some emergency damage control when the dynamic duo finally managed to get the key in the door, and to this day you’re not sure how they managed to get Gavin safely out of those shoes and into pyjamas without some sort of divine intervention.)
Anyway, you have no doubt that they’ve come up with some Machiavellian (or, more likely, Rube Goldberg-ian) plan or other, the bastards, which probably means the only option is to brace for impact. Not to mention, if Gavin’s had anything to do with it, there could be literally anything at all coming your way. Vincent's already a menace all by himself, practically a force of nature, and he tends to get what he wants - the stranger the better, and he’s had some pretty strange ideas.
(Strange might be putting it a bit lightly. The day Sam stops reminding him about the roller skates incident is the day hell freezes over - you don’t even want to know how they managed to get the vampire-shaped dents out of the rear bumper.)
It shouldn’t be too bad though, whatever it turns out to be. Vincent is a lot of things, but mean-spirited isn’t one of them - you’re not worried about it being really embarrassing or stressful or something. He knows you, bless his little heart, and he knows what makes you uncomfortable. And to his credit, he’s never once done anything on purpose that he knew would push you too far, or that he wasn’t sure you’d be okay with. He asks, always asks. Is this alright? Would that be too much? How about this instead? Never pushy, never unwilling to back down. Do you like that? Can I hold you? May I kiss you? He plays it off as part of the charm, but you know better. He’s genuinely thoughtful, even when he doesn’t quite realise it, and he’s kinder than he gives himself credit for. He always has been, and he can’t hide it, least of all from you.
You’re not afraid. Never afraid, not of him. You’re just… suspicious.
Vincent, for his part, is not helping.
It’s been, what, a week now? And he’s been acting differently - it’s not a bad different, just suspicious different. He’s been very affectionate, even more so than usual (you hadn’t thought that was even possible), and he keeps being really… nice? Obviously, he’s always nice, but he keeps getting you glasses of water and offering you shoulder rubs and letting you decide which show to watch even when it’s his turn - all in the space of about five minutes. He’s even been playing that piece you’d said was your favourite of his on the piano whenever he’s in the front room, the one from that film you watched together ages ago. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he’s broken something by accident again and is trying to butter you up, but you’ve done a thorough check of all the major appliances, every light fixture, every picture frame, and every window in the house. Nothing is amiss, except for the fact that he definitely said he’d done the load of washing that’s still sitting in the laundry basket in the bathroom. (So that’s where that shirt had gone!)
The suitcases in the attic are still exactly where you left them, so he’s probably not planning on going anywhere. He likes to have things packed in advance, which is honestly a bit weird considering the general state of chaos that he tends to exist in when nobody’s looking. In any case, nothing’s been disturbed up here so he’s definitely not taking you anywhere very far away, if at all. Speaking of, is your passport still in date? Probably ought to check, actually. Vincent loves taking you to all sorts of places on holiday, seemingly at random, even though he’s not a huge fan of planes - which is a bit of a problem when everywhere he wants to take you is at least ten hours away.
(Aeroplanes are actually quite difficult for vampires, as has been gravely imparted to you - on several occasions, actually, pre and post-turning. You have to make sure it's night time when you leave and when you arrive, which can make managing timezones and travel itineraries very complicated - lest you accidentally end up like Vincent and Alexis, who once got stuck in an airport in France and were forced to wait five or six hours until sunset before they could leave, edging gingerly through the terminal as the sunlight moved across the floor.)
(William had to come and pick them up, and was met with a distinctly miserable pair of hungry, sleep-deprived progenies, grumbling about stupid massive windows, who even needs that much glass anyway? You’ve seen the photos - Vincent’s bedhead is bad at the best of times, but apparently it’s truly magnificent after eleven hours on the plane and six very tense hours creeping around the airport trying to avoid the sun - and although you’re sworn to secrecy, it hasn’t stopped you from taking the piss out of Vincent every time he tries to suggest going on holiday. Look, if he didn’t want you to make jokes, he shouldn’t have shown you the picture of him and Alexis, passed out and covered in sunscreen, piled up on top of the suitcases, being carted through the airport by William on a luggage trolley. Come on - the jokes write themselves!)
Honestly, the most frustrating question isn’t what he’s going to do - his little gremlin brain is far too bizarre for you to even begin to narrow down the list of things that might be on his radar, from the hilarious to the romantic to the just plain weird. The real question is why? He’s made a point of checking that you’re free for the whole of Friday, so you assume that that’s whenever he’s planning is going to happen. It’s only May, so your anniversary isn’t for a while, and you know it’s not a birthday thing… Is there something you’re missing? A clan thing or a vampire thing or some kind of empowered bank holiday that you don’t know about? That has to be it. But who could you ask to explain it to you?
me: ok can i ask a maybe stupid question
grandmaker: Of course. What would you like to ask about? I’m always happy to answer your questions.
grandmaker: (As long as it’s not about roller skates again. He’s still not allowed, and don’t let him bribe you into finding him another pair.)
me: it’s not about the roller skates dw
me: it’s just about vincent
grandmaker: What about him?
me: idk how to put it he’s like
me: he’s being really nice to me?? like nicer than normal?? and he’s definitely planning something for friday but he won’t say why?? idk what’s happening and i feel like i’m forgetting something
grandmaker: I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting you to say that the issue is “Vincent’s being too nice to me, his partner and progeny, who he loves very much and would do anything for, and it’s making me nervous”.
me: i just can’t figure out why he’s doing this NOW and i’m a bit worried i’m forgetting an anniversary or a holiday or something
me: is there a special clan thing coming up he hasn’t told me about? or an empowered thing that idk about? damn wasn’t very good at catching humanborns up to speed on stuff like that
grandmaker: I don’t think so. The next clan meeting isn’t until mid-June, and there aren’t any special events planned until the masquerade.
grandmaker: To my knowledge, there aren’t very many empowered-specific holidays or celebrations aside from the Solstices, and certainly none coming up immediately - the risk of breaking covert has, in my lifetime at least, rather stifled that sort of thing. Some, such as our friends in the Shaw Pack, will have their own more localised traditions, but historically it has been always difficult for empowered people to communicate and coordinate on a large enough scale to organise that sort of thing.
grandmaker: I would say that it has only really been possible for about fifty years or so, maybe less. Perhaps in the future this will change, but to answer your question - no, I can’t recall any special events coming up that Vincent might be planning to celebrate.
me: damn ok ty
me: guess he’s just having a moment then lmao
grandmaker: I suppose so. If you figure it out, do let me know - I’m curious as well, now.
me: cool i will
me: we’re still on for sunday right??
grandmaker: Yes, of course. I look forward to seeing you then. :)
me: :D
No luck with William, unfortunately, which is a bit of a blow. You’d hoped that he’d have some idea of what Vincent might be doing, seeing as he’s known him the longest, but alas. Looks like it’s time to bring out the big guns - it seems that drastic times call for drastic measures. Good thing you have a certain shifter’s number.
me: what’s he planning :) tell me :)
sandwich cullen: Hello to you too
me: ik he’s told you something i saw you two plotting together at the last clan meeting while fred was talking
me: i see all :))) you cannot hide :))) tell me what he’s planning
sandwich cullen: Who says we were planning something
sandwich cullen: We could have been talking about anything
me: ????? i have vampire ears now i could HEAR you talking about it
me: also your mate told me that he was at your house yesterday and you were booking something online together BUSTED
sandwich cullen: First of all rude
sandwich cullen: Maybe we were planning something for my mate
me: liar you weren’t your mate HATES surprises
me: if you were planning a surprise you would have at least told them that you were going to do SOMETHING
me: and i already asked them and they said you haven’t mentioned anything BUSTED
sandwich cullen: No
me: WHY :(((
sandwich cullen: Vincent would kill me I don’t need that
me: spoilsport :(
me: at least a hint??
sandwich cullen: No
sandwich cullen: It’s nothing bad and he says you’ll like it
me: …fine i see how it is
me: have fun when i invite your mate to the masquerade first and you have to turn up with vincent instead
sandwich cullen: WHAT
me: bc they WILL say yes
me: and you know how william gets about everybody entering in pairs
sandwich cullen: DONT YOU DARE
sandwich cullen: GET BACK HERE
sandwich cullen is typing…
Hmmm. A fruitful conversation to be sure, but just not in the way you were hoping, and no real new information gained.
The most annoying part about it is that none of it is helping you figure out what he’s planning. He’s just being stupidly adorable, your golden retriever vampire boyfriend, and it’s too difficult to theorise when your heart is too busy melting right into his hands. It can’t be that bad, right? All you can do is cross your fingers and hope that whatever it is, it doesn’t involve roller skates. Please, never again.
“Morning, lovely.”
“...Lovely?” A voice. Vincent’s voice. Mmm, Vincent. He’s so cute. Where is he?
“Mm-hnnrg,” you reply eloquently, through a mouthful of pillow. Something’s wrong. Why is it so cold? “Hmm?” You blindly reach out towards his side of the bed when-
“Over here, baby. No, no- other side, this side!” From behind you, a warm hand settles on your exposed shoulder and gently tips you onto your back, slipping up to turn your chin so you can see the very familiar vampire perching on the bit of mattress by your hip. He’s smiling softly, backlit by the early moonlight streaming in through the window where he's pushed the blackout curtains open. “There you are.”
It doesn’t look like he’s been up for long, still in his pyjamas (the really soft ones that are good for stealing), dark hair still ruffled and sticking up on one side. Silver eyes a little heavy with sleep, pillow creases faintly visible on his cheek. tongue barely peeking out to lick his lips as he finishes yawning - oh, he is precious.
He’s also looking remarkably pleased with himself, which is always a sign of danger. You sit up and take the offered blood bag warily, narrowing your eyes at him as you bite into the plastic, although your death glare is probably undercut by the fact that you keep having to wipe the sleep out of your eyes. He seems unaffected, giving you a big, innocent grin that you absolutely don’t believe for a second.
“Mmm, thank you,” You tip your head back to squeeze the last few drops out of the bag, before leaning over and dropping it in the bin by the bedside table. “Did you sleep alright?”
“Of course I did,” he chuckles, thumbing a stray drop of blood from the corner of your lip and popping it neatly in his mouth. “I had my lovely in my arms, didn’t I?”
Still a bit groggy from sleep and a little dazed by his soft smile, you’re caught without a comeback - in lieu of words, you make do by pulling at the hem of his shirt until he’s close enough to cuddle properly. You settle your face into his shoulder, turning your head just a little to kiss his neck as he sighs happily into your hair, and it would be so, so easy to fall back asleep.
Well, it would be, if he wasn’t doing that (adorably dorky, ridiculously cute) stupid thing where he pretends to play the piano across your back, pads of his fingers tapping lightly across your shoulderblades as you hazily try to figure out what he’s playing. The light pressure isn’t distracting enough to outweigh his general utility as a pillow though, so you make yourself comfy melting against his warmth, closing your eyes against the moonlight from the window.
A little while passes, until suddenly it hits you.
“Are you-” He really is a dork. “Are you playing Heart and Soul?”
“What? No!” The fingers on your back freeze for a moment, before resuming in a decidedly more complicated pattern than before. “I would never.”
Liar. “You were humming it yesterday while you were brushing your teeth.”
“Pure coincidence, I assure you,” he scoffs, giving up on his silent concert in favour of wrapping his arms snugly around your waist, crushing you against him. "You must be mistaken, little lovely. How could I possibly do such a thing when my heart and soul are already yours -aghh!"
The reward for his vast devotion is swift, silver-tongued bastard that he is - he yelps as you give him a teasing little nip just below his jaw, hard enough to leave a decent mark but not quite breaking the skin, scrambling away from you almost fast enough to hide the subtle flush spreading across his face. “Stop trying to eat me, you menace,” he whines, "Those fangs of yours get enough practice as it is!" Snickering, you watch as he busies himself tidying up the vanity, pointedly facing away from you all the while.
(Alas, he appears to have forgotten that vampires are not, in fact, invisible in mirrors. The blooming mark under his jaw and the giddy little smile his reflection wears are very, very pretty.)
"In any case, little leech, you'd better get dressed. We've got the whole day to ourselves, remember?"
"How could I forget? You wouldn't stop asking if I was free," you say, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. "I take it you've got something in mind…?"
“Maybe, maybe not,” he says, which is Vincent-speak for I definitely have something in mind, and you’re going to be spoilt absolutely rotten if I have anything to say about it. “Doesn’t change the fact that today’s a special day, and I want to spend it with my lovely.”
“Oh, with pleasure. Anywhere in particular?”
“You know exactly what I meant, genius,” You shake your head good-naturedly, nudging him out of the way with your hip as you make for the wardrobe. “Although I am a little surprised. Normally, when we've got the whole day to ourselves, clothes don’t really factor into it."
“You-” What little of his blush that had receded comes back in full force, and he’s almost fast enough to hide it by making a hasty retreat to the safety of the kitchen, your laughter chasing him down the hallway. “Just- just get dressed!”
Still smiling, you turn back to the wardrobe. Looks like you have an ill-defined date night (do you really need to say night when you do everything at night nowadays?) to get ready for.
He’s lost it. Completely. Right here, right now, Vincent Solaire has gone absolutely, totally off his rocker.
Barring a few more intense moments, it had been a pretty normal date night - cuddles on the sofa, some lazy dancing in the kitchen, a liberal dose of kisses every time he thinks you’ve got too far (read: further than about two metres) away. You’d steamrollered him at Mario Kart, and he’d got you back with a surprise bout of tickles that had you squirming out of his lap and onto the floor in an unceremonious heap of laughter. Making fun of the TV, terrible innuendos, flicking water at him when you wash your hands. An ordinary date night, and you couldn’t possibly ask for more.
“It’s in the bedroom. Try it on for me?”
Vincent, however, has always been very good at more.
He watches you disappear around the corner, and as you open the bedroom door you can hear him fiddling around with something back in the living room. Oh, God, what on earth is he going to pull now? He’d better not be t-
So that’s what he’s been hiding.
The garment bag isn’t entirely transparent, so you can’t make out the details, but you know exactly what’s inside. You remember seeing it online while shopping for potential masquerade outfits with Vincent, maybe six months ago? Seven? He’d offered to get it for you then, but you’d refused - it’s too expensive, I don’t really need it, I can find something else. However long it’s been, Vincent clearly hasn’t forgotten - sliding the hanger out of the bag reveals a very familiar silhouette, the fabric just as you remember it, and you’d bet that when you put it on, the size will be exactly as you wanted. As if that wasn’t enough, the box sitting next to it on the bed - yep, those are the shoes. How did he even find out about those? You swear you’d only told-
Damn. Of course. You’d told David’s mate, who must have told Sam, who must have snitched on you to Vincent. Ooh, you’re getting him back for this.
knuckle sandwich: yeah i can go to the masquerade with you
knuckle sandwich: what did he do this time
At least one of them has any sense. It doesn’t take you too long to get dressed, all things considered, and the knock at the door is very much welcome.
“Lovely? May I come in?”
You open the door, and are met with what you’re sure is the loveliest sight known to man (vampire?) - Vincent Solaire, in his goddamn Sunday best, a bunch of roses in one hand and a gentle smile on his face.
“You- oh, wow-”
Both of you stutter over each other, flustered hands struggling to settle and weight shifting from one foot to the other. Vincent manages to regain his composure slightly before you, folding your fingers around the bouquet and thankfully letting you hide your face in it. He’s all you want to look at, almond eyes crinkled into happy crescents and colour rising in his cheeks, but you worry that if you look too long, you’re seriously at risk of finding out if vampires can have heart attacks.
“Ready to go?” Wait, you’re going somewhere? That would explain why he’s all dolled up, but it’s, like, 1am - where on earth could he possibly be taking you that’s even open at this hour?
He must take your confused silence as a yes, linking his elbow with yours and taking you down to the garage. Before long, you’re racing into Dahlia proper, lights blurring past and music turned up, singing as loudly as you can to the CD - one of his early-2000s albums that seems to live permanently in the glovebox. It’s not a long drive, only a little more than half an hour, yet somehow he manages to get you out of the car and sitting at a very nice, very expensive table almost before you know what’s going on.
“How is this place even open?”, you hiss, hiding your face from the waiter with the excessively-tall menu. “It’s the middle of the night!”
Across from you, one dark eyebrow arches gracefully, but not unkindly. “Not for us, lovely. Cornerstone city, remember? All sorts of places are open for us, if you know where to look. Remember that gallery by the station? The one where the guy spilled his drink all over the floor?”
“That was your fault!” If there wasn’t anybody else here, you’d smack him with the menu - as it is, you settle for lightly knocking his shin with the side of your shoe under the table. “If you’d been able to keep your hands to yourself for five minutes-”
“Not my fault you couldn’t stay quiet!” He even has the nerve to stick his tongue out at you, the little menace.
“I’m not the one who wanted to start a tickle fight in the middle of an art gallery!”
“Okay, maybe I had something to do with it,” he admits, inclining his head towards the waiter who’s been patiently waiting just out of earshot for you two to decide what you want. “But you can’t say it wasn’t funny! And he was talking so loudly - honestly, I think we did everyone else in there a favour.”
“Th-” You’re about to retort when the waiter clears his throat unobtrusively, obviously trying to be polite, but really hoping you’re going to get on with it so he can go and do something else. “Uh, do you know what you’re going to have?”
“Mm, I don’t know…”
Dinner goes… well.
It’s a very nice dinner, to be sure - neither of you really need food any more, but that doesn’t stop it from being delicious. Once Vincent’s finished explaining the nighttime workings of Dahlia, the conversation lapses back into much more relaxed territory, and the hand-holding under the table doesn’t hurt either. The pleasant haze of his attention, the comfortable sway of his affection - behind the blackout windows of the restaurant, the silver evening becomes a golden early morning.
There’s only one question left to ask.
“Hmm?” He looks up from where he’s toying with his credit card, spinning it between his fingers as you wait for the waiter to come back with the machine. “What is it, lovely?”
“Why are we, you know…” you start, unsure of how exactly to phrase it. “I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to go on dates with you, I like spending time with you and being with you and I love you so so much but-”
“What?” His hand on your cheek stops you in your tracks, and you can’t help but lean into the warmth of his palm. “But what, lovely?”
There’s no good way to say it - better just get it over with. “Is there something happening today that I’m meant to know about? Why did we, y’know, come here today?”
His hand freezes momentarily, fingers tensing almost imperceptibly against your face as his mouth drops open slightly, eyes widening. He looks… surprised, you think? It’s hard to tell, seeing as he almost immediately buries his face in his arms, groaning into the table in what looks like frustration.
“I knew I’d forgotten something!”
…Forgotten something?
“What did you forget?” In the corner of your eye, the poor waiter can very clearly tell that now isn’t a great time, and retreats to the safety of the kitchen. “Is everything alright?”
“No!” he mumbles, half-muffled by his sleeve. Reaching over to ruffle his hair in silent comfort, you wait for him to actually tell you what the problem is. “I thought I’d told you already - I think I just kind of assumed that you’d know, and Gavin said that he’d heard about it so then I didn’t really think about it, but he’s, like, a million years old and knows everything about this stuff, so-”
He takes a deep breath, sitting up and gently detangling your hand from his hair. “Do you know what date it is today?”
“The twentieth, right? No, the twenty-first.”
“No, you’re right, it’s the twentieth. May twentieth. Does that date mean anything to you?”
You shake your head, utterly lost. “...Should it?”
“Fuck, I really did forget,” he mutters to himself. “Lovely, you know when I text you, I always say something at the end, right?”
“Yeah, the numbers. Five-two-zero. I thought it was, like, one of your 90s emoticon things, isn’t it?”
Apparently, this was the wrong thing to say - he looks even more embarrassed now. “No, it’s- it’s not. It’s a Chinese thing.”
Nope, that… doesn’t explain it. Your expression clearly tells him as much, as he starts to ramble. “So, like, the way to say I love you in Mandarin is wo ai ni, you know? Like, wo means I, ai means love - you know what I mean, I say that to you a lot, right?”
Now that he says it, it sounds familiar. “Right.”
“Well, it’s kind of like acronyms in English, I guess, like when you text? Short, fast ways of saying a phrase? Chinese has the same thing, but obviously they’re a bit different - I love you isn’t the letters I-L-Y, it’s the numbers 5-2-0. Five-two-zero is wu er ling, which sounds like wo ai ni when you say it fast.”
“Okay…?” It takes a second for it to make sense, but you think you get it. Also, now that you think about it, this recontextualises a lot of his texts to you. “And that has something to do with today?”
He doesn’t answer, instead reaching into his inside pocket and switching on his phone, sliding it across the table to face you. Right there on the display, above the picture of you asleep on his shoulder (wait, when did he take that?), it reads 02:50AM, 05.20.23.
“Today, the twentieth, is kind of like a Valentine’s Day for Chinese people.”
Oh. May twentieth. 5.20. I love you.
(He also does a bit of a double take at the time, but doesn’t explain this one. “Er bai wu… yeah, that sounds about right.” It’s probably not anything very polite, if you had to guess.)
You’re not exactly sure where to go with this, but there’s one option that always seems to work. You slip your hand under his jaw, pressing just slightly on the mark you left there earlier, and tilt his face to yours for a kiss. It takes a few seconds for his brain to catch up, but when it does he reciprocates in full, eyes falling blissfully shut as his tongue traces across your lip.
When you finally remember where you are, you pull away just enough to breathe, dodging his petulant attempt to chase your lips by ducking your head to the side for a second. He catches your cheek instead, whining softly when you press your palm to his chest to get his attention.
“Happy Valentine’s-in-May, pretty boy.” Your voice is low and quiet, but he hears you all the same, giving you that big fangy grin that makes your mind go all fizzy, entirely charmed. “I love you, Vincent Solaire.”
(He doesn’t reply in English, but you know exactly what he means.)
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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rollercoasterwords · 4 months
what about that poem rae… does louise glück speaks something particular for u in there? why s chooses that specifically?
also he is so pathetic and so so me. leaving subliminal messages in the hope he’d see what he probably wont
oooh fun question!! well first of all here is a link 2 read the full poem second of all let me put my answer under a cut bc i have a feeling it’ll get ramble-y
so when i got 2 that point in the ch i was like hmmm i want a poem here. & my mind immediately went 2 glück bc she’s one of my faves & she was writing in the 70s & 80s & i’d just read a big anthology of her works so i had a bunch of favorites picked out. so i went back thru the poems of hers i liked best that were published before 1986 to see if any worked and ‘messengers’ felt like it fit really well! like. ok sorry im gonna go through each stanza lol
You have only to wait, they will find you.
The geese flying low over the marsh,
glittering in black water.
They find you.
so the poem starts w this simple but very evocative scene of someone standing by a marsh—not necessarily waiting for something, or not consciously waiting, but it doesn’t matter, bc “they find you.” it could be threatening or hopeful; to me it sounds hopeful, like a promise, probably bc the imagery paired w it is so beautiful & calm, and the poem assures u that u don’t “have” to do anything—which makes me think u might expect 2 “have” to do something for them to find u, meaning you’d want them 2 find u, whoever they are.
And the deer–
how beautiful they are,
as though their bodies did not impede them.
Slowly they drift into the open
through bronze panels of sunlight.
again just lovely language here but also the deer in particular echo the events of earlier in ch 20, when s was practicing obliviation on deer—which gives this stanza a sort of tragic, guilty twist. that line “as though their bodies did not impede them” implies so much as well—why mention it, unless the speaker (and you, the person the poem is speaking to) feel as though your body has impeded you? this sense that u are stuck in ur body, watching these beautiful animals move through bronze panels of sunlight, which resonates so well w exactly what was going on w s earlier in the ch
Why would they stand so still
if they were not waiting?
Almost motionless, until their cages rust,
the shrubs shiver in the wind,
squat and leafless.
so here we’re calling back to the first stanza—the poem tells you you just have to wait, and they’ll find you. now here, look, the deer are waiting too—the deer whose bodies do not impede them, like your body impedes you. you can learn from the deer how to wait; you can learn from the bushes, though the imagery becomes more bleak. the bushes will wait until they rot
You have only to let it happen:
that cry–release, release–like the moon
wrenched out of earth and rising
full in its circle of arrows
again, we get this promise/threat here—you don’t have to do anything, you can’t do anything to stop it; just wait, and let it happen. something to release—here i was thinking about what’s been happening in the story between r&s, this sort of slow, almost inevitable build of feelings that they’ve both fought against, that’s crying for release, that they only have to wait and let happen. and that next part, comparing release or desire for release to ‘the moon wrenched out of the earth’—wrenched, here, and again the imagery is darker, more violent, whatever you’re waiting to release will not come gently, it will wrench you out of the earth—‘and rising full in its circle of arrows,’ like something violent or hunted, full but stuck in this sharp cage. this stanza felt so perfect partially bc of the full moon imagery (how could s not think of r?) but also bc it’s framed within this context of waiting so long for something beautiful and scary and inevitable, and finally wanting to release it, and that release coming encircled by arrows.
until they come before you
like dead things, saddled with flesh,
and you above them, wounded and dominant.
and what a turn the poem takes at the end!! from that peaceful, glittering marsh and the beautiful deer, suddenly you realize that what has been coming to find you—they’re ‘like dead things, saddled with flesh.’ again, here, the body becomes something that impedes, a reminder of mortality, of life ending. and look where you’re left: above them, with some unnamed power—dominant, but wounded. honestly felt like perfect foreshadowing at this point in the story of the trajectory s is heading down, even if it’s a strange poem to pick to try to tell someone u love them
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