remaimed · 1 year
[ STRADDLE ]:  sender  sits  in  receivers  lap  to  tease  them.
𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠  𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜 // @shiilelagh
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CASSIAN PURRED as they sat down in his lap. It was welcome though how they moved against him was a touch distracting. But gods it was in the best fucking way. Even if it stirred something inside him. "Did you just need a throne? Because I have something better you could sit on." Queue a devilish grin that spread across his face.
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hit me with 1-5 for the sinday meme! c:
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What is your muse’s sexuality? ━━ Robin is demisexual but he has a much heavier preference towards men than women in his romantic options. He's much more interested in romance than sex, frankly this is across all verses but in modern he's a bit more interested in sexual activities; although it's not by much.
Is your muse sexually active? ━━ Not in the main timeline of modern, he's a bit too preoccupied with his job to actively search for any romantic interest, and he also just doesn't much care about it, much to Abel's and Miss Evelynn's ( @agonizedembrace ) dismay. He doesn't feel any sort of sexual attraction towards people he isn't already deeply involved with and can't trust; so no romance = no sexual activity in the slightest! ( In one of the modern universe's he's engaged to "Jed" over at @bells-of-black-sunday )
Where does your muse’s libido fall on the scale? 10 being hyper-sexual, 1 being the opposite. ━━ On an average day I'd say it's like ... 1 and that's just the intense desire he has for his daily espresso. Like I said he doesn't think about sex often and doesn't care about it too much; he's got more important things to think about or do. That being said it can fluctuate, and Robin pretty much follows whatever level of sexuality his partner feels - although I don't think it changes his standard baseline. He's happy to join in and engage but he generally isn't the one to bring it up since, again, it's just not something that crosses his mind very often. He can be made to be very eager and wanting. Thinking about it even seperately from a partner I think Robin only touches himself like ... once or twice a month at most just to relieve stress.
Do they like to listen to any music or are they more of a fan of silence during the act? ━━ Robin doesn't have much of a preference to this, frankly. If music is already playing, he won't get up to turn it off - and vice versa he won't get up to put any on. ... Okay I lied; he prefer's silence like ... 10% more just because he's a very audibly driven person and love love looooooves whatever sounds he can pull from his partner. He's the kind of man who is very happy to know that his partner is having a good time. Okay I lied again there's like 2 things, if bouncy pop music or like ... classical music is playing he'll get up to turn it off. He's not trying to get down to Mozart, y'know?. However based on his music tastes, he's most likely getting frisky to like ... Deftones or Muse since grunge is a majority of his musical library.
Is your muse a top, bottom, or a switch? Why? ━━ Robin is primarily a switch; no real reason it's just the lack of preferences thing. If his partner is a bottom, he'll top, if they're a top, he'll bottom. If they're a switch too then its wherever the night takes them. Robin's always been keenly talented at adaptability and that extends to play as much as work ★⌒(●ゝω・)b
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irrfahrer · 1 year
Does your muse enjoy teasing? {i bet} Giving or receiving? How long can they stand it?
In-Depth Sinday Meme !
Ziv is a very big fan of loud and clear consent and people saying just as loud and clear what they want so a very loud and clear "FOR KRIFFS SAKE ZIV; WILL YOU STOP TEASING AND GET TO BUISNESS!" is exactly her taste and is definitive somehitng she aims to her at any oppurtunity from her partner.
In other words: Yes, Ziv is a horrible tease, has not a single ounce of shame and will defintive as long as possible tease a partner. For one she is just a manace, but on the other hand Ziv is deeply insecure about communication and is worried she might reads wrong what her partner communicates to her so her beeing such a tease is her actually testing the waters as properly as possible by just making very sure her partner is into what is happening.
Thats also the reason why she wholly enjoys when her partner is teasing her, because its a clear sign that they want her to be there and in fact that they want her. And there is nothing more important than someone wanting her beeing there (does not have to be sexually actually, thats just the fastest way to get to the point for her). Accordingly Ziv also has a very good time when she is beeing teased and in fact will probably laugh over the whole matter endlessly amused, because it is a very clear signal to her and she very much likes clear signals. Also if she is such a menace, she is very patient for her partner beeing a menace because after they endure her they sure deserve some revenge on her and it just fits Zivs waggish humor.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 2 months
Gluttony/1, Greed/ 1+2, Sloth/1+9, Lust/3+8 Pride/4 (for carol and sophia or whomever you feel comfortable with for answering between the two!)
seven deadly sins headcanons - because i’m tired of sinday memes being all about sex. send a category + a number. warning: some of the questions in the lust section are nsft. that’s why it’s at the bottom. - @aerospectrum
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gluttony - - -
1. what could your muse eat all the time without ever getting tired of it?
Carol absolutely loves Sugar Snap Peas. She would eat them shell and all sometimes and then shell them others. She would always dip them in ranch dip. She'd love to have that snack once again.
greed - - -
1. what does your muse collect, if anything?
Carol isn't much of a collector as they don't know if they'll have a home daily because you never know what will happen. So there's nothing she collects really. She likes to pick up interesting-looking refrigerator magnets when she sees them. Maybe that's what she collects.
2. is your muse prone to hoarding anything?
Carol doesn't hoard anything. She's very neat and tidy. Everything has its place.
pride - - -
4. is your muse comfortable with apologizing to others?
Carol will only apologize if she is one hundred percent in the wrong. She's not going to apologize for being right. She's not sanctimonious about it though.
sloth - - -
1. on what day(s) does your muse feel most lazy? at a specific time of day, or all day?
Carol feels more lazy in the evenings after having the last meal of the day. So she'll eat and get ready for bed and lay around reading or patching up somebody's pants or doing something else that doesn't require much movement and thinking.
9. is your muse the type to get up on time on their own or with an alarm? are they the type to hit snooze over and over?
Carol will get up on time as her body is like a clock now that she's managed to regulate her sleep. She has overslept a couple of times, but she's usually awake before her alarm goes off. She's not a snooze hitter because that only makes her feel worse throughout the day.
lust - - -
3. is your muse vanilla, or are they kinky? if kinky, what are their top three kinks, and why do they like them? if vanilla, what position(s) does your muse have sex in?
Carol isn't really vanilla but she's not super kinky either. She loves to give praise and get it. She's also big on giving head (not sure that's a kink). She also likes to be marked or bitten by her partner. She wants to know someone wants her and is willing to mark her on the account of it,. She loves doggy style and missionary and she's been known to enjoy prone bone as well.
8. how does your muse feel about one-night stands?
Carol is most definitely okay with one-night stands. She's not going to judge anyone or feel bad about herself for having them and enjoying them.
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gluttony - - -
1. what could your muse eat all the time without ever getting tired of it?
Sophia would and could eat cotton candy without ever tiring of it.
greed - - -
1. what does your muse collect, if anything?
Sophia loves to collect different colored nail polish. The wilder the color the better. She tries to use it all up before it becomes dried out or gummy when she's lucky to find any that is usable.
2. is your muse prone to hoarding anything?
No. She keeps her things to a minimum. She likes a few things that she takes the most care of and other things she can let go of easily.
pride - - -
4. is your muse comfortable with apologizing to others?
Sophia is shy about apologizing, but she will do it when it's the right thing to do. It may take her a bit to work up the courage.
sloth - - -
1. on what day(s) does your muse feel most lazy? at a specific time of day, or all day?
Sophia feels the most lazy in the mornings when she is just waking up. She takes her time getting out of bed as she likes to lay there for a bit and think about her day before actually getting up and doing the day.
9. is your muse the type to get up on time on their own or with an alarm? are they the type to hit snooze over and over?
Sophia will hit the snooze button a few times, and she absolutely needs an alarm clock to wake up. She will lay in bed for a bit before getting up so she sets it for a little bit earlier than she needs to actually be up and out of bed.
lust - - -
3. is your muse vanilla, or are they kinky? if kinky, what are their top three kinks, and why do they like them? if vanilla, what position(s) does your muse have sex in?
Sophia is probably vanilla as she's not really sexually experienced. She's probably going to be more into the missionary position until she is more comfortable with being naked around someone and having sex.
8. how does your muse feel about one-night stands?
Sophia is not going to be having one-night stands with anyone. Sex for her is intimate and special, and she wants/needs it to mean something. She doesn't care what other people do in their sex lives though. That's just how she feels.
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
//good morning everyone!
Its sinday so be prepared for some sinful headcanons, memes and maybe a few pic, all will be tagged of course.
Also been working on a smutty drabble... 👀
I don't tend to write smut anymore, but I do enjoy it occasionally when it really adds to a story or there's a particular idea that's tickled my fancy and it's been donkeys years since I wrote any for rp (all of that was for really solid ships). Probably because I like the long stuff packed with feeling and only if it really adds to the story.
I do thoroughly enjoy doing the headcanons and answering questions though, and asking them.
Also its weird because I practically grew up with the carry on films, I love innuendo and implication and a good sexy fade to black (though this last one is more curtesy of 90s/00s bond), more than I'll ever enjoy badly written pron or like even just it for the sake of it....
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thegrimdarkoffice · 5 years
Due to Alice’s submissive nature, telling her what she needs and what she’s going to feel or recieve is a good way to turn her on. It’s a gentle sort of dominance, without being too harsh or ‘out there’. 
She may even just like mental dominance (like telling her what to do or taking control of her mindsets) more than physical, (bondage, blindfolds etc)
Prooobably another reason why she was so convinced about Maelle, because she spun loots of fantasies in her mind + Maelle was the leader of the grimdarks, so she already was telling Alice what to do without caring if she wanted it. 
Except that Alice didnt recognize it as the wrong sort of dominance, since Maelle truly didn’t care if Alice wanted or needed anything.
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
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Friendly reminder for my Sinday posts (especially for my new followers) - I'm not the type of person who needs a pre-established relationship to jump into shippy or smutty things. Unless it's a first meeting prompt, and especially if you're a canon character, I'm going to assume Steve knows yours and probably has history with yours. Don't hold yourself back because you think I won't respond if we have never written or talked OOC! That isn't me at all. I know its some peoples preference, and that's why I write this because I know some people may be hesitant. It just isn't my preference. Go at it. Send the meme. :)
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tolcnsky · 3 years
So I’ve seen a lot of posts about not using the term “Sinday” because it’s offensive. I personally don’t agree, because I know it’s just a joke play on words and I think using the word “sinful” to describe sex is no more inflammatory than saying something is “naughty”.
However, because it does make other people uncomfortable I’m going to filter its use out of my blogs.
However-however, if I occasionally slip up and miss one (it comes up in memes and tags a lot), please don’t give me shit about it. I don’t think it’s fair to pin malicious intent on people for making mistakes when it’s obvious they don’t mean any harm. And I personally don’t think the use of a joke tag is worthy of a zero tolerance policy.
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bountyman · 4 years
[NSFW HC] Josh enjoys sex for its own sake, but sometimes he /also/ uses it as a kind of bartering chip to get the physical contact and affection he feels he can't ask for directly.
I’m certain this was for a sinday meme but I don’t remember it lol
I had to think about this one for a bit, but, yes, I think this could be right. Josh craves physical affection just as much as anyone else (maybe more considering how lonely living on the road can be) and he’s most likely to seek it in the form of sex, if he’s lucky. But he’ll find it in dates, too, in taking a pretty girl out for a ride and holding her hand. 
I think that there are days when he just wants to be held, though, which... I think is something he struggles to ask for. Usually he ends up holding someone else because, I don’t know, dumb gender expectations and some deeply ingrained sense of masculinity, but it’s not quite the same as being held. The feeling of being wanted and loved while having sex brings him closer to the specific sort of affection he’s seeking.
I don’t know if that explanation quite makes sense, but. Yes. Josh doesn’t agree, but I do. He can call it whatever he likes; it still is what it is.
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irrfahrer · 1 year
How does your muse communicate to others they they’re in the mood? Does your muse use protection? If so, what kind? {would it plant-based/medicinal? can she reproduce? is reproductive health a part of ziv's life?}
In-Depth Sinday Meme !
How does your muse communicate to others they they’re in the mood? Ziv communicating that she is in the mood usually includes her walking over to the person who showers her in pheromones to ask : "Hey, big guy, you up for a kriff in the backalley?".In General for a alien like Ziv who relies on her sense of smell more than anything, it is usually very clear when someone is attracted to her through the pheromones they automatically throw in her direction. And its that pheromones that make her usually start beeing physically attracted to them and get in the mood. However she is also very aware that just because someone wants her, it does not mean that they will act on that want .So if she clicks with a person, she will become maybe more attentive and more flirty but she will wait for the other person to initate anything that goes past words and flirtings, because she is very insecure about communication and does not want to overstep any boundarys the person had set for themself. This might be frustrating for partners.
Does your muse use protection? If so, what kind? Would it plant-based/medicinal? In general, Ziv uses herbal contraception by using certaine herbs that change her hormonecycle and completly stop her heatcycle by keeping her in a permanent state of anoestrus. Most herbal contraceptive do not stop feterlization but they work early abortive (pennyroyal is a good example: a poisonous herb that works also against headaches and when a Patient asks her for contraceptives and the species has no immidiate danger in becoming pregnant ziv will explain and lead her patient through the process. But ziv herself does not want to risk goinginto heat in the first place.)Accordingly the Tynnan uses the equivalent of using the deathstar to burn away a bug and just decided for herself that she does not want to go through the cycle and just blasted her whole reproductive system out into space. That has of course other reasons than Ziv just wanting to avoid pregnancy or in general going through the exhausting and irritating stages of a heat, but that will be described in the next part. So Ziv uses daily the herbs to keep her hormones in check and on top of that she is also a midwife who can keenly list every possible sexual transmitted disease findable in the Galaxy to a partner,so beside the herbs she usually also uses the equivalent to condomes. One does not joke with Ziv about ' not using contraceptives', because she will start a very unsexy lecture about sexual transmitted diseases until her partner just gives in.Or leaves. Because she is defintive not taking chances. Also did you ever tried to wash body fluids out of fur? That is so annoying and takes so long, and Ziv is after all covered in fur.
Is reproductive health a part of ziv's life? tynnan are a r-selected species and "R-selected species are those that produce a large number of offspring and contribute few resources to each individual offspring. They often offer little to no parental care, have high offspring mortality, short life spans, and small body sizes.", but as Tynnan are also sentient, culturally socialists and brutally social aliens they usually make all kits survive through taking care of the litter as a group (resulting in polyamorous clutches of up to six to ten adults beeing "married" to take care of one litter. That Ziv is polyamorous seems to be not especially uncommon in her species.).
Which results in the question of: how does Mother nature make sure that the planet Tynna does not suffer from Tynnan overpopulating? By giving the Species Tynnan the female weasle-problem. Which means that if a Tynnan with a Uterus goes into a heatcycle they will overproduce estrogen until the production is stopped by the hormonal change after a feterlization. If that feterlization is not happening than the estrogen overproduction will not stop and the person will start to get sick and eventually develop bonecancer and die. As in:Mother nature proceeds to do populationcontrol by brutally and painfully killing 50% of the population of Tynna as soon as that population becomes around ten years old before they are even fully grown mentally and physically. Especiallysince Tynnan social structure is (actually canonly) socialism, so every person born is educated and supported in the same way so they can serve the community themself eventually. So having 50% of the carefully raised and lovingly educated population suddenly die off in the socialism-based-system is kind of a very big problem. You just spend ten years of love and money and care in educating and raising that people to be independent, smart and social pillars of your community. And you are only half way throught with that education, and they are not even fully grown yet!
Now it happens that Tynnan are not only brutally social aliens but also very smart people, so the first thing they learned was to shut down through hormonal changing medicine (First herbal and the alternative-aligned-people probably still use herbal versions although there are now chemical alternatives) the heatcycle in the people they had spend the last ten years lovingly raising and educating so they can support the community with that education and care. Accordingly in modern age on Tynna the process of getting pregnant is still dangerouse for the poeple deciding to become pregnant because they risk their health, so there are not many Tynnan who decide to actually become pregnant. For example in a mated group of six Tynnan, maybe one Tynnan with a Uterus wants to have a litter for all of them to raise together. A group of mated people will usually seek out a midwife to lead the member of the group who want to risk pregnancy to have litters through the process. As Tynnan are also highly beurocratic this process also includes a lot of forms and applications through which the midwife helps the mated group,so the group can get the proper free medical support. As this also needs weeks if not months, this applications also are a extra safety measure to make sure that the group takes every proper safety measures. It is a normal process and nolonger lifethreatening, but there is still danger and Tynnan as a species are pragmatic enough to not let luck decide.
Accordingly Tynnan might have big litters of up to six kits in a mated group, but they have a very low birthrate and reproductive health is since before the Tynnans stoneage a very important topic.
That Ziv focused her medical studies on midwifery is actually suprisingly in line with one of the most widespread and respected jobs in the Tynnanspecies (including one of her Sires), because its so very important to keep over 50% of the population healthy. Yet Ziv never learned that aspect of her species culture. In other words: Yes, reproductive health plays a big role in Zivs life because otherwise she would die very fast very painfully. And she really does not want to die that way.
Also Ziv is a Healer specialised in Midwifery, so its not only her own reproductive Health she has to be informed about but also that of all her patients including their species so one could say Ziv is a expert in reproductive health.
Can she reproduce? If Ziv would put off her herbal medicine and wait a few weeks until her system has stabilized her hormonal cycle, she would start to have a heatcycle again and in that manner, yes, she woud be able to reproduce as soon as she stops beeing "springless". Its just a question of: If she wants to, if that would be healthy for her body (She is still a under average small person and that her dam only had three cubs with one stillborn, one small, albinistic and underdevelopted and only one actually completly healthy, instead of the "average" six, might mean something for her), and most importantly: with whom. As said before, since Ziv grew up in the Jedi Temple and has no cultural connection to other Tynnan she is coined on features of Non-Tynnans and is definitive completly xenophile. So she has no interest in members of her own species. Accordingly Ziv would need to find a partner with whom she is gentically compatible, which wouldn´t be so hard if she would be part of the ape kingdom, but she is a caniformia so its not going to be an easy task. Let alone finding a alien whos species way of reproduction fits hers (inner feterilzation), because when their way of reproduction is outer feterlization or an asexual way of reproduction, than there is also nothing going to work in the manner of reproduction.
Although you would never catch Ziv ever neglect her using contraceptive when hooking up with a Human or Near-Human, because as a Midwife she had met so many mixed-alien-couples and when there was a hybrid- pregnancy they Seeked her out for advice for, it was always because one of the partners was a human. So she does not trust the human-reproductive-system as far as she can throw a stone. Which is not far. Humans are freaks of nature who have fun breaking biology and as a midwife that means PURE STRESS .
But it is not only a question of "can she reproduce with that alien", but it is also a question of "would the offspring be able to live outside her body", "would that offspring be able to be liveable at all" and even more important:"What would that pregnancy do to her body" and "if she would be able to take care of the liveable offspring after going through such a hybrid-pregnancy at all "? Easiest example:A humaninfant needs nine months to develop and even than they are kind of a unfinished larva and a tynnanpregnancy lasts at best six months. The math does not work, so how can that fetus even develop fully. And if her body would just adjust to carry the fetus longer what would that do to her health and especially her vitals. Especially the last question makes Ziv very keenly watch her contraceptive-usage, because with her expierences as a midwife she knows how most hybrid-pregnancys end. and it is not a happy end for anyone involved.
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thememcry · 4 years
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i don’t really have a set otp (this is kind of a lie)? i’ll ship anything once to try it out, so long as it makes sense. from there it depends on the plotting and talking, the gauge of excitement between partners. obviously some ships will get further than others and it’s wholly dependent on the people involved chatting. it’s very obvious for anyone visiting my blog which ship has a vice grip on me, but i love all of the ships i’ve had the pleasure of chatting about because all of my partners are incredibly lovely. the fact that they’ve given my portrayal the time of day, and me the time of day, is wonderful in and of itself. i wouldn’t have gotten this far without the interest of my rp partners.
again, i’ll try anything once so long as it makes a semblance of sense, and barring some really questionable content. the usual applies: no gross topics or anything that’s considered a no-no, but if i’m comfortable with the partner i’m willing to explore dynamics. for example: we have wholesome and just incredibly sweet between characters like zwei, reeve, zack and aerith. then you have the heartwrenching and tragic with sephiroth and aerith. and jae jae and i were chatting today about the completely physical between a new oc of his and aerith --- no strings of emotions, etc. if it makes sense in some vein, i’ll try it.
yes. shipping takes trust between two people, two portrayals, and a ton of chemistry between the characters themselves and the muns behind them. hmr and i both mentioned before that we just click when it comes to writing things together ---it started as a joke on a sinday meme with her rufus and wound up carrying over to reeve and i’ve not looked back. i’m pretty sure she could approach me with a brick as a character and i’d find a way to make some kind of ship work there because we just write so well together. but we talk about every day, too ---even if it’s not about characters. look, if i ship with you i want to know the person behind the character a little. it helps me to understand your motivations with the character, to understand boundaries and what we both look for out of it. i’m not saying we need to be best friends, but we have to have a rapport.
and obviously that has a lot to do with the characters themselves. just because aerith and zack are canon doesn’t mean people are going to understand my aerith, or that i’ll understand their zack. we need to chat, establish a connection and go from there. so yes, i’m selective.
context is everything. you can be rubbing up on one-another and the verbiage used would make it not necessarily sensual. it’s the tone, the intention, and the phrasing used that suggests when it gets sinful. kissing is kissing, it doesn’t need a read more ... unless those kisses get heavy and hands are wandering. when you start explaining intention with your paragraphs and its obvious where that kiss is meant to lead, then it’s probably time to mark it.
as said a few times, i’ll try most things once, given chemistry and everything being appropriate. this includes oc’s obviously (hello zwei, how are you bby?) among others. so long as it’s not illegal or gross or crossing a line, --- and obviously so long as both parties involved are comfy and consenting, we’re good.
please do. i never ever assume a ship (even if our characters have messed around, or straight up screwed) unless we chat it out first. we have to explicitly agree on it for me to consider it to be a thing. and we have to have some kind of rapport. listen, chances are i’m really jazzed at the idea. so get to know me and ask (:
i’m not going to pretend like i don’t love every single one of my ships as much as i do, and that getting a new ship isn’t fun ---but it’s not my primary goal on this blog. ships are important for character development, for sure. i’ve discovered a lot of things about aerith, and steps i want to take in development of her or that will happen because of my ships ... but i’m not actively seeking them. i don’t sign on every say and sweat about who i can ship with or what next big thing will happen in my current ships. i’ll talk about them a lot, sure (and that’s mostly because i just adore my ship partner’s characters so much), but it’s not why i’m here.
yeth. i can’t really see myself going to single ship / verse because i have so many lovely rp partners that i would actively cut off, and so much development that would disappear. but i could easily name one that i could see as being single ship, if my partner and i ever sat down and went “wanna do this���? that being said ---i love being multi ship. it’s so interesting to see how the same universe pans out different depending on the different interpretations of events. and it makes sense, with how many people are in the fandom, even after interest has dwindled.
that’s fucking obvious, innit?
talk to me. i’ve been told i’m scary to approach and i promise i’m not. meme at me. make me laugh. be sarcastic with me --- it’s that easy. literally every person that i talk to every day has approached me with a meme or humor or sarcasm and it’s that easy. plot some interaction with me, give me drive for the characters: are we starting them baby fresh or diving into an established connection? and then if it feels right (and you’ll know), ask me. ta-da.
tagged by: i stole it. tagging: steal it and tag me.
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5, 11, 15, 20 for Kadyn and Talyn?
20 Sinday Questions (open)
5. Does your muse have any kinks they’re embarrassed by?
Talyn: Everything? This boy barely knows how to people. If he could name one, though - lightly yank his tail and see what happens.
Kadyn: Kadyn is a very flirtatious type, but the moment you shove him up against a wall, he’s yours and he’s not entirely willing to admit it
11. Is there a personality trait that makes somebody instantly sexually attractive to your muse?
Talyn: He’s more inclined toward people who are kind and gentle toward him. Especially if they’re generous with aftercare.
Kadyn: answered here
15. Are there any kinks your muse would like to try but hasn’t yet? Is there a reason they haven’t?
Talyn: Despite everything, Talyn probably wouldn’t mind some light bondage? He’s shy and skittish about admitting to his sexual desires though, so aside from the lack of partners, it would take some work to coax it out of him.
Kadyn: He’d probably end up doing something fancy with mirrors, but considering his busy line of work, he hasn’t really had the time for it, nor a willing partner just yet.
20. Is your muse good at picking up on others’ flirtation/sexual advances or are they oblivious?
Talyn: Oh, hardly. Most of the time it’s derived from the fact that he doesn’t think that most people are attracted to him. Naturally a subconscious thought after being bullied most of his childhood for being both a Tiefling and also gay. (angst in a sin meme? its more likely than you think)
Kadyn: He knows the social cues mostly because he uses them himself quite often when he’s flirting. Though most of the time he’ll look for the cues, and if he sees them, he’ll see how far the back-and-forth game goes until they’re getting a room lol
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chowtrolls · 4 years
🔍☠️😊 !!
Send 🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs
Its rlly weird but I vibe most w/ people who do a lot of aesthetic and ship blogging.....it just feels cool! That they love their characters SO much they're gunna fill a queue of stuff for em. And it's something I do too, so it's kinda like...same hat! We both love our ocs!
Send ☠️ for something that will result in a instant unfollow from you
If I feel like your blog fetishizes fat people, even slightly, i'll unfollow. You could have the MOST intricate plotlines, with AMAZING designs and a wonderful personality and the BEST art and I'd still unfollow. I've dated someone who fetishized me because I'm fat and forced me into a feedism relationship. It isn't fun, and seeing that kind of stuff triggers unsettling memories. I know not everyone is the same but seeing people throw around terms like BBW and that one feedism meme disguised as a sinday meme is just upsetting.
Its doubly upsetting when those people interact with children. Because I was a child too when that happened. It isn't cool. If you're going to have an nsfw blog, at least keep away from kids. If you want to interact with children then dont be a FUCKING! FREAK!!!!!!! LITERALLY IT IS NOT HARD TO NOT BE CREEPY TO MINORS. oh my god if you have a hard time being civil and respectful to minors then you should just avoid them at all costs. Sorry this turned into me ranting on two different topics lmao
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regalramespada · 5 years
21 Questions confessions
{A closed thread/ response to Sinday rp starter meme with —> @jaegerjaw GRIMMJOW JAEGERJAQUEZ }
💋 -For my muse to admit to yours the things yours does that turns them on.
It was a still dead silence in the dimly lit common room where she would escape to when the abundant silence of the sands got to her. Only this time, she wasn’t alone and this time it wasn’t the bane of her that cornered her. No this was a predator true in his prime he crouched he stalked he bided his time to catch the doe eyed woman off guard. Life was so full of surprises and so fickle with whims on what path it would take one down. The predator with years of primal instincts went in for the kill and focused on his target; the Tres.
In a tit for tat they played cat and mouse with words and small talk ebbing away the unease of new interaction. Soon it was hard to see whom was the cat and whom was a mouse the cat was a Panther and the mouse a ram. The ram woman did not dislike the panther he had morals he had a code yes he was rough around all edges and brute like but he was intriguing. Like a true warrior he relished the battles but wouldn’t stand for his own fracciones to be injured; he was the leader of the pride protecting those under him. This alone earned him her respect where others fell incredibly short on even getting her to glance in their direction. She never meant to come off this way but it unfortunately did, so now on this night when the winds of Hueco Mundo howled violently she needed to escape. However she ended up snared in the Panteras claws.
Suddenly, surroundings did not define either one of them. As he circled her he spoke low goading her “C’mon Nelliel, I ain’t fucking stupid nor did I stutter. My eyes miss very little the hunt is what I know best. Spill it~ I’m playin’ this verbal game you so enjoy. I answer your questions you answer mine no matter how fucked or not a deal is a deal.” His smile widened and his teeth were visible, Hazel eyes looked him in the face taking in all his features before looking away and rolling her big bedroom eyes. Shit she did agree and her honor was her word curse her decision to agree. Clearing her throat she looked at him then away “Very well, I guess I favor the way your voice sounds when you aren’t screaming vulgarities and obscenity’s galore.” This would cause him to growl lowly his brows furrowing in annoyance and anger. That bullshit backhanded simple answer wouldn’t fly she wasn’t following the rules to their game!
“Bullshit, sheep Princess. Tell the fuckin truth!” Her hazel eyes snapped to him and she took mild offense to the words ‘sheep princess’. His impulsive brash cunning made her eyes narrow and she suddenly became aware where she now stood. With the ball in her court she held the power to set off a lethal beast or appease its ferocity and lust for knowledge very few could get her to open up about. That’s what his whole angle was from the beginning then alright she would play into his game. It appeared she was taking to long within her own head and the Panther grew tired of waiting. “Nelliel, fucking say it. Out loud I can’t fucking read minds” he took a step forward and she took one back he chuckled lowly and she inhaled deeply he took another and she backed up holding her gloves hands up in mock surrender before pushing him back slightly.
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Hazel eyes looked into the face of a smirking Grimmjow as he watched her about to admit what about him turned her on. With their gaze locking she inhaled and began to show no fear to him. This was about to get interesting suddenly her soft serene voice cut through the silence like her blade. “Out loud, is that how you want it? The hunger you have for knowledge that should be contained however you want me to tame that hunger with my confession fine.” Nelliel took a bold step forward almost chest to chest with the Sexta she looked down at his chest and then slowly her doe like eyes rose her gaze was through long bedroom lashes. “What do you do that in your words turns me on? Hm, lets see there is your boldness your impulse to do what you wish. That freedom so many within our ranks lack-“ suddenly she began to circle him as if she were the predator now. “Your filthy vulgar mouth is another thing but when I said your voice I meant it when you’ve just woken from a drunken stupor and your voice is deep and raspy it hits the ear in a manner pleasing to me.” A soft tint began to appear on her cheeks as she kept her eyes on him. Slowly she continued “your sarcasm and how it mixes with your sadistic tendencies but that’s more to do with my masochistic nature. It makes me pensive and sends chills up and down my spine.”
She was behind him now she stood on her top toes and whispered softly into his hypersensitive ears. “The thoughts that run through my mind would shock even you. Your wild, rude and disrespectful but that is you. You don’t fake who you are, many bow and bend to the will of others and deny them that. You live by your own rules your own code as I do... that along with obvious physical attributes well use your vulgar mind.” Nelliel slowly stepped before him a crimson blush clear as she inhaled deep trying to steady her pulse. “And with that I do believe I have answered your question, because we haven had that much interaction..” She was either heeding Aizens orders or constantly being engaged in battles by the Fifth and whenever she’d attempt to approach the Sexta she would lose her nerve and simply walk past or avoid him, thus piquing his interest. She was about to turn and walk away when she stopped “oh and when your thinking or when your relaxed your purring... it’s almost inaudible but those with sensitive ears hear it... anything more I have to say won’t be said in the open things like this behind closed doors are much more revealing” with that she’d attempt to walk passed him and leave the common room, could she escape the panthers claws?
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venenorita · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
Mun Name: Mercy      Age: 27      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Bambi, Candice, Giselle, Loly, Tier, Emilou, Nanao, Hiyori, Kuukaku, Yoruichi, Ariugrette Tsetsara (OC), Tatsuki Arisawa, Kobu Merani (OC), Ajora Faengerhol (OC), Medusa Gorgon, Subida Roja (OC), Noriko Tsunayashiro (OC), (I’m gonna stop here for my own sanity @n@) Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Bambi, Loly, Tier, and probably Noriko.  Current Fandom(s): Bleach presently.  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Errr, none really? Not that come to mind at least. My language(s): English Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for:None Really dedicated to any particular genre or theme. Not that I’d be unwilling to make some. AUs are my jam. 
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / Depends / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM  An IM will usually do the trick since I usually don’t go about giving my Discord in most cases. But yea, literally just send me an IM, preferably with an idea in mind. Alternatively if you’re particularly bold you can send an ask or a meme. 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  .  I dunno how to really word this one in particular. I  usually don’t like overplotting, so be open to some flexibility. Frameworking is fine but I don’t wanna script stuff from the getgo. Also please work WITH me? If I’m the one throwing out ideas and all I’m getting is a simple ‘eh’ or ‘no’, or just in general if you’re not helping contribute. Like....I get being anxious but I need something to work with? Suggestions. Recommended alterations to my ideas? There’s nothing more absurd to deal with than someone who agrees to plot with you only to contribute nothing and just shoot stuff down. 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  I’ll try my best to work with it. Some people aren’t great with cranking out ideas, I get that. Heck sometimes I myself don’t feel like coming up with a lot of stuff. But at some point I’m gonna ask them to put in a little effort if we’re not getting anywhere. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?: I at the VERY least give input. Ask questions, things like that. I’ll generally come up with a few off the top ideas to try and get things rolling. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?:  I wouldn’t mind a poke, but I know stuff can be complicated. Wether you’re busy, losing muse, or you just don’t know how to progress a scene? I’ve certainly had plenty of threads, enjoyable or otherwise, where I say to myself ‘.....I think this is fine here’. Or ‘I don’t know where I’m supposed to go from here’. So I don’t mind if you kinda let it slip into the night. Though a heads up is always appreciated.  - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Kinda outlined up above. But MOST of all, don’t be AFRAID to let me know. I’ll understand 
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  . Business, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, not knowing how to progress. Or characters that clearly do not want to interact with my muse icly. I know some people really like playing these sorts of individuals, but like yea...uphill battles of that kind can really take it out of me.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  As much as I don’t really require it, because well, I know people have a lot of followers and such, I do feel like a rapport while not required is definitely very constructive to interaction. And honestly, communication tends to help smooth out drama a bit. Which honestly is one of the only big negatives to this kinda community.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?: Absolutely! I very much encourage people, off anon (though I understand if they prefer the metaphorical mask), to inform me of something they may not like about me or my muses. Even if it may hurt my feelings, I enjoy being able to address and explain things. Cuz it sure beats the hell out of people making assumptions.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:   Enjoyment. This is a hobby, and I think some people take this a bit too seriously. I’m here to have fun, explore my muses, and that of those I interact with. Get messy, make mistakes, and for pete’s sake chill. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  Nothing comes to mind speeeecifically... Honestly for most of my muses, just having someone who WANTS to interact with them is golden. Though I admit to being a bit of a ship goblin from time to time. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  Nothing outright disgusting or gratuitous. Torture, psychological trauma, ect is fine. That’s how things roll, and I don’t mind them being part of a scene. What I don’t get into is something that’s there for the sake of it. Am I ok with my character being tortured for information? Absolutely. Will I indulge in a thread that’s just some kind of weird torture porn? No. Don’t let it get out of hand. I won’t judge you because cmon, it’s rp. But I reserve the right to decline being a part of it. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: Anything tbh. The only real awkward starters are like.....really specific shoehorning. Or like, an immediate conflict at my character’s detriment. I get having an unusual introduction. I’ve had people who start with shit like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE?” Like cmon. Number one, even I don’t know why my character would break into your house, so they probably Didn’t. Please do not assume the worst and START things off on a bad foot. 
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Multifaceted. Not that I judge anyone for being more ...affixed on a particular aspect of their character. Some people are very keen on getting a certain type of rp. Some people just outright play a character who isn’t really shown to be anything other than one thing. But I enjoy exploration of a personality. And a personality, no mater how dull, stupid, or simple someone is, is NEVER monofaceted. I enjoy a muse that has something to dig for or explore emotionally. 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Asocials. I’ve had some decent rp with them SOMEtimes? But like....there’s nothing more aggravating than trying to interact with a character who wants to be left alone and be isolated. Especially ones that are AGGRESSIVELY against it. Especially since I have to WORK to MAKE my character even want to interact with them. 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  MY.......errr....en...thusiasm? I don’t actually know tbh. My malleability with my muses perhaps? Errr I like thinking about stuff. IF you ask me a question, I will do my best to answer it and explore the realm within that question. I dunno what you would exactly call that though... I am ...headcannony?
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I am flaky. Sometimes it’s cuz of real life getting hard. Sometimes it’s because I need a break from tumblr. Sometimes I just poof and forget about tumblr for like a while. But yea. I have a tendency to vanish, it’s something I’m working on but it’s something that happens. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  It can go either way? Sometimes things develop that way because of specific characters. But I’m not gonna lie, sometimes its just for the heck of it. Sinday and all that.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  Interactions with Real life people as a muse. I respect people doing it. If people wanna rp as Miley Cyrus or whatever, more power to them. But leave me out of it, it just makes me uncomfortable. This also applies to a lesser degree with real life face claims? But I’ve learned to kinda make my peace with that one tbh. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO / Sometimes? Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The Nuts and bolts. Sure the honeymoon phase is alright. And bunny-rabbiting has it’s fun times. But what I love most about a ship is finding out how they work as a dynamic. What do they argue about? How do they absolve issues? How do their world views mesh?  - What is your smut tag?: nsfw
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO / Depends - And what kind of ones?: I like a good premise. Just a nice kickoff point, ya know? Soemthing to get past that first awkward phase if anything/ 
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  She’s a bitch. But a bitch for a reason? She’s an absolute piece of shit, but a complicated one. She will never EXPRESS appreciation or affection outside of just sexual indulgence. She won’t ever SHOW fluffy affection, or gratefulness to most people. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t FEEL it. With Loly you will get to see a gal struggle with her own inability to trust or love people, while also trusting and loving people. Also ngl she kinda hot? I guess some people consider that a plus?
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   I mentioned it before, but muses who aren’t interested in interacting.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Anyone willing to interact with her! Wether that’s to help her, harm her, or just witness the mental gymnastics this little centipede will go through to keep her mental restrictions intact. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  Power, Indulgence, Being a rotten Bitch, maintaining the survival of Las Noches,  Hot people, Strong People, anything that can benefit her in some way.  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  She wants to be able to escape her fear of her own kind.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  Wether or not they are a threat to her survival, if they have something to offer her.  - What do they value in a person?:  �� Lack of Aggression, Visual Appeal, Power.  - What themes do they like talking about?:  Herself or someone else she is interested in. Her Race. The state of the world.  - Which themes bore them?:  Criticism of her, Anything about Aizen. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Aizen’s Betrayal, Grimmjow’s assault on her, Yammy’s attempt to kill her. The Quincy Invasion.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  Grimmjow, Yammy, the subject of Aizen.  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  People trying to kill/maim her arbitrarily.  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Aggressively trying to kill her, making it clear you have no intention to let her live peacefully again. 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Aizen. Orihime. Hueco Mundo. Being a Hollow/Arrancar.  - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   Menoly, People that try to help her.  
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO / Kinda - Best ways to approach them?:  It’s a little complicated. But if you’re persistent enough and you genuinely want a positive interaction with her, she will bitch about it but she will eventually soften up. Especially if she feels no reason to fear you. She absolutely won’t trust you at first and it’ll be an uphill battle, but its doable. 
For Antagonists ehh.....just give her breathing room? Feel free to torment her but like....if you get real incessant about it, or outright try to kill her she will actively avoid you like the plague. And if you corner her she WILL try to kill you, and her venom means that no matter how strong you are, she MIGHT pull it off if you are careless.  - Where are they usually to find?:  Verse dependent, but tbh she could be found just about anywhere. She’s usually in  Las Noches, ut she sneaks off to all kinds of places for some peace and quiet, or just to try and enjoy her generally unpleasant existence. 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Patience WILL pay off eventually? And she’s not a bitch 24/7. Sometimes she’s too tired/bored to be her usual bitchy self. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  Stolen from @pacifv Tagging:  WOOF, this is a REALLY long one lol. So uhhh anyone who WANTS to do it? 
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immortal-wolfkiller · 4 years
☁️Sorry to confuse you. I didn't mean specifically you asking me to unfollow. Lately I've just been making stupid accidental mistakes where I reblog something or I misunderstand how to interact with a meme and I get asked to delete it. I just really want to roleplay with a vc blog but I'm to worried that I'll just be a bother to everyone. Sorry if I made you feel bad. I love your blog.
// Its ok, I'm not upset. I'm glad you like my blog. As far as you making mistakes with reblogs and asks, since I dont know who you are, I cant make any real judgments on that, since I dont know the entire story from both sides. All I can do are make guesses. Hopefully one of these rings true and my advice can help? Ok, so in the event that you:
1. Are new to roleplay and someone didnt want to play with you: We all have to start somewhere, but NO ONE is required to play teacher if they dont want to. For example, I've taught new rpers before, and sometimes it was fun, and sometimes it was such a hassle I was pulling my hair out. Not everyone wants to be a teacher... they might do this for fun, a way to relieve stress and relax, ect, and theres nothing wrong with that. If this is your issue, I reccommend looking for other new players like yourself, or communities that welcome new players. It might not be VC, but it will help you grow as a player all the same, and still be fun.
2. Tried to send an RP prompt in an ask to someone who doesnt roleplay with OCs, who only plays with mutuals, who isnt looking to roleplay with your particular character, ect: Everyone has their own rules. Roleplay should be fun, and rewarding. Some people use it to improve their writing, or relax, or vent emotions through a muse, or a host of other reasons, and no one is ever required to play with someone else. If you get mad because someone wont play with you, shame on you. If someone else gets mad because you dont want to play with them, shame on them. Rp is a hobby, not a job or chore, and it shouldn't feel like one. If this is the issue, respect their wishes and leave them be. It doesn't mean you have to unfollow and never say anything to them, unless they've asked for that, but avoid any ask or meme that would spark an rp. Stick to comments or general asks, like the "what's your muses greatest wish?" Or "Top 10 dicks your muse has sucked" if they do Sinday jokes xD
3. You reblogged an ask meme without actually sending the person an ask first: I'm guilty of this myself, I didnt know there was a Reblog Karma rule, and sometimes I wouldnt know what to say to the muse, so I would just use the meme. Now I know better, and I do understand the rule now that I know it. It does suck, getting notifications and getting your hopes up that someone has sent you asks only to see an empty ask box and multiple reblogs from you. If this is you, just try sending an ask meme first before you reblog, or if it's a case from point 2 and you can't, track the meme back to it's original blog (usually a meme blog made just for reblogs) and use it from there.
4. Randomly struck up an Rp, no ask or meme just straight rp, and tagged someone in it that doesnt want to play without ever asking: Never do this. Always PM ahead and ask if theyd like to play. Refer back to point 2 for why.
Ok, I hope these have helped. In the end, dont get discouraged. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Be the type of player youd like to play with. Be kind, be respectful, and of course have fun!
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