#ask 2 tage
chowtrolls · 1 year
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Its Horror Season Babey!!! Perfect time to make some designs based on my favorite horror movies <3 Availability and Rules under the cut!
Edit: Lowered prices to $25!!!
Annihilation (2018) - $25
Nope (2022) - $25
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) - SOLD
No One Will Save You (2023) - SOLD
Brief rules- 1. First come first serve. I'm going to bed after posting these so the best means of reaching me is via discord. My user is chowowed. 2. Payment can be done via Paypal, Cashapp, Venmo, Ko-Fi, or if I know you, Zelle. 3. Do not resell the designs, unless you got a significant amount of artwork done. In that case please ask me prior. I may be interested in buying the design off you. I will never, under any circumstances, reclaim an adopt from you. I may offer to buy it back if you say you don’t want the design anymore, but I will never take then back without prompting, nor will I redistribute them without your agreement and permission. 4. Do not use the designs for anything nefarious. Not for commercial use unless you ask, not for use with any AI artwork either. You may change the design but please keep it recognizable! Violating this will result in being blacklisted from my designs in the future. 5. You do not need to have seen the movies to buy the design...but knowing their context does make it a lil more fun!!! 6. I can hold a design for a few days if requested. Uhhh Please credit me for the design, I would love to see any art you create of them<3 7. Talk to me about discounts for additional artwork. For an extra $15 I will draw The Thing in MacReady's Baby Slut Outfit.
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chowowed · 2 months
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mother fucker was above me when i woke up this morning. she has retreated somewhere now, but know that this is war. she cannot stay here.
0 notes
otaku553 · 4 months
Comics (in chronological order):
Sixis: First Meeting | About Dreams | Flames (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) | Fire (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
East Blue: Muscle Memory
Grand Line (Paradise): Observation | Good company in a moment of calm
Asks & Misc:
One brain cell between the two of them (or less)
Differences between canon Sabo and Tage
Silhouette and early designs
Who's the impulse control
Tage’s Observation Haki
Tage’s name (1)
Tage’s name (2)
Where is Deuce
Doodles 1
Doodles 2
Tage and his emotions
879 notes · View notes
shan-yee · 6 months
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𝘍𝘦𝘺𝘥 𝘙𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘢 𝘹 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘰𝘶𝘴!𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ๏𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 = 5897 ๏𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 = fingering, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, marquing + blood, breeding, talk of pregnancy ? I think that it’s all. ๏𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 = When Lady Margot is called to seduce the Na-baron Feyd-Rautha, the first daughter of the emperor Shaddam IV must accompany her in case things do not go as planned and indeed, things do not go as planned. ๏𝙰/𝙽 = Damn. IT TOOK ME 6 DAYS TO WRITE THIS SHIT !? I really hope that it was worth it :’) Also, did I wrote Feyd correctly ? ๏𝙰/𝙽 2 = I would like to point out that English is not my first language, so if you see a mistake please tell me ! And I don’t know why but i couldn’t find the account of the last two person i taged, so i don’t know if they received it ٩( ᐛ )و
——— 🅃🄰🄶🄻🄸🅂🅃 • • •
@the-dark-dreamer25 @alexandrainlove @void21 @luxiniary szapizzapanda tom-pls-fuck-me
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—Princess, the Reverend Mother wishes to see you. Announced the guard, head bowed.
The man was new, and certainly he had heard many rumors about Princess [Y/N], first daughter of Emperor Shaddam. Earlier, when he was ordered to go get the princess, he noticed the smirks of his comrades and their whispers.
But it was sure that when he opened the large doors of the royal bedroom he did not expect to find his princess and three men, probably soldiers, naked. Two watched a young man with blond hair sneak between the legs of the [H/C] haired girl. He held her thighs apart but raised his head when he heard the doors open, a shiny substance running down his lips and chin, a substance that he quickly licked while looking up at his lover.
The princess clearly seemed unhappy and even less sexually satisfied, but seeing the guard's eyes open wide and his inability to look at them a slight smirk appeared on her lips. The fingers of her right hand tenderly caressed the hair of the young man as her other hand touched affectionately the jaw of another man, leaving the third man frustrated and begging for affection from his lady.
—What does that old witch want ? she finally asked.
—I-I don’t know your highness…He shudder, his gaze moving to the side, towards a wall of the large bedroom.
Suddenly, the young woman's fingers closed in the blond's hair between her thighs, who emitted a slight grunt of pain and surprise.
—Not only do you not look your princess in the eyes when you speak to her, but you are not even capable of giving her an answer.
The terrified young man could do nothing but get on his knees, begging her to spare him. In a split second all the pleasure and excitement she felt had dissolved, the crazy old woman had the talent of interrupting her at the worst moments. Knowing very well that the reverent mother would never leave her alone, she got up, grabbed a bathrobe that was on the floor before leaning over the three men, sitting quietly on her bed, to kiss their lips, one at a time.
—I’m sorry my pretty pets, wait for me. She whispered, looking affectionately at them and the three men nodded happily.
Taking one last look at her lovers [Y/N] walked out of the large bedroom, stepping on the left hand of the guard, still on the ground. He only got up after she left the room to close the doors and follow his princess, watching one last time as the three soldiers lay on the bed and talked, as naked as the day they were born, waiting patiently for the return of their beloved mistress.
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The princess' footsteps echoed on the concrete slabs leading to a small open veranda, the sun was beating down on her face and the cotton of the bathrobe was starting to stick to her skin making her movements unpleasant, which had the effect of annoying her even more.
—Reverend Mother, sister…Lady Margot. She greeted, once she reached the veranda, where the three women were sitting around a cup of tea.
The mother Mohiam looked up at the young woman to greet her but changed her mind when she saw her outfit, she slowly shook her head bringing her tase to her lips. Irulan's cheeks tinged with pink, pink with shame, and she couldn't help but glance at the oldest woman.
—What indecency. This outfit is not worthy of a woman of your rank, you shame the order by showing yourself in this way.
Hands on her hips [Y/N] lowered her head to observe her outfit, her bathrobe was slightly open at her chest but she had worn much more vulgar, with a sigh of boredom she sat down at a corner of the square table, Irulan to her right and Lady Margot, who still had not spoken, to her left.
One thigh on top of the other and her upper body relaxed against her chair, she looked like anything but a high-ranking woman.
—Stop your reprimands and spill the beans. The [H/C] haired woman grumbled, which earned her a look of disapproval from her sister and a warning from the reverent mother, a raised eyebrow.
—Hold your tongue young woman. A deep aura laced the old woman's voice.
[Y/N] just crossed her arms across her chest, showing her displeasure, you had to be stupid but above all suicidal to contradict or defy the Bene Gesserit, the princess was neither of the two. Lady Margot put her cup down after finishing her tea, making the three women around her turn their heads and the blonde smiled graciously at them.
—We have a request for you princess, one that, I am sure, will satisfy you. Informed the countess.
The young adult arched an eyebrow while staring at her elder, then a curious smile appeared on her lips and her companions quickly understood that she was suddenly interested in the conversation.
—Well, you have my full attention.
—Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is hosting a grand banquet in honor of his nephew, Na-baron Feyd-Rautha.
—I don't see how this concerns me. Interrupted [Y/N] not seeing the point of this conversation.
Lady Margot cleared her throat with a soft sneer before glancing at the reverent mother who took over.
—You will accompany Lady Margot to Giedi Prime. We need to find out if this young man is controllable.
—I still don't see why I should get involved in your stories. Your plan failed, Lady Jessica was supposed to be on your side and you were supposed to have control over her and her son. She accentuated all the “you”s with a mocking look.
—Sister ! Exclaimed Irulan, red with shame.
—We are Bene Gesserit, everything has always been under our control and that will not change today. If the great houses learn what your father has commissioned, he will lose the throne and you, your comfort. This mission is important and you must play your role without whining for once. Mohiam finally ordered, silencing the two sisters.
She knew that the Reverent Mother was right, if the rumor of what her father had done got around, then that would be the end. She wasn't ready to give up her luxury and wealthy life because of a brat and her father's lust for power. Silence reigned for a few moments before the eldest princess spoke again.
—Feyd-Rautha…a mad man I think I heard during conversations. What do I have to gain from it ?
—We heard that the Na-baron had practices...somewhat similar to yours, if you know what I mean. If everything does not go as planned, you will have the right to interfere and “take advantage”. Replied Lady Margot.
The young woman thought about it for a moment. The few things she had heard about the baron's nephew never painted him in a good light, but it was true that she had heard of his sexual appetite. Only she wasn't sure if she would have the opportunity to taste it, but just to be able to finally admire the young man, she accepted.
—Can I bring my pet-
Her question was interrupted by a nudge from Irulan, who couldn't stand her jokes, although this time, it wasn't a joke.
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The journey to Giedi Prime was done in silence, Lady Margot and [Y/N] weren't really the best of friends. The countess was much too simple and calm for the princess. Their characters were diametrically opposed, yet they could still talk to each other without it turning into a bloodbath.
Only, right now, the youngest was angry at her elder's privilege. [Y/N] was just a backup if their mission didn't go as planned and the Na-baron didn't find anything interesting in Lady Margot. But if, indeed, he was interested in the blonde, [Y/N] would have left her pets for nothing, a reality that did not please her at all.
Arriving at the Harkonnens, they were welcomed by the Baron and his oldest nephew, Rabban. This particularly irritated the princess who took Feyd's non-presence as an affront, after all, she was of imperial blood.
Without really paying attention to the Baron, she was accompanied to her quarters which were in a different place from those of her companion, because of their difference in rank, which did not displease the princess.
Later she learned that the Na-baron had not appeared before them since he was preparing for the hundredth fight, a spectacle apparently eagerly awaited by the inhabitants of Giedi Prime.
Later she learned that the Na-baron had not appeared before them since he was preparing for the hundredth fight, a spectacle apparently eagerly awaited by the inhabitants of Giedi Prime.
dressed in her most beautiful dress and her most sumptuous jewelry, she intended to overshadow Lady Margot, decided not to have come to this planet for nothing.
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The black sun was beating down on everyone and it was clearly not missed by [Y/N] who was fed up with Kaitan's constant sun. She was patiently awaiting the arrival of Feyd-Rautha, Lady Margot at her side who also seemed excited although she hid it with her calm and reserved air.
Bene Gesserit sisters joined them but the princess ignored them, much more interested in the still empty arena than in their conversation, which she did not even listen to with one ear. Her fingers played with the chain of her gold necklace, trying to occupy herself with something when the Na-baron finally entered.
[Y/N] wanting to get a good view of the young man leaning forward while slightly getting up from her seat, she brought her binoculars to her eyes and a satisfied smile appeared on her lips. The young woman was generally not very picky when it came to men, although she always had certain criteria.
And this man, he ticked all her criteria. His milky skin made the princess want to sink her teeth into it, to stain it scarlet, but above all, mark it. She wanted to take his jaw between her fingers and force him to look at her, touch his defined lips and kiss his throat, maybe even run her tongue across it.
When the Harkonnen knelt for his uncle, [Y/N] began to wish he had knelt in front of her instead. That he pledge allegiance to her and agree to be hers, to belong to her and her alone.
A rush of excitement filled her as she let out a chuckle that did not go unnoticed by the Bene Gesserit. After seeing him it was clear that she was not going to let the Countess steal him from her, he looked much too appetizing.
Throughout his fight [Y/N] watched his body move and his muscles shifting under his armor, his movements were sharp but controlled, good news for her. Her skin shived as she already imagined all the things she could do to him or he could do to her. Time passed far too quickly for the princess's liking and when he won his hundredth fight she forced herself to sit and applaud him calmly, not wanting him to notice her euphoria.
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The same evening it was planned that Lady Margot would go and court him, the young woman then decided that he was going to be hers no matter what the order wanted. Since she was very young, Mother Mohiam had taught her the art of being a Bene Gesserit. Unfortunately, as a teenager, lust overcame her desire to learn more.
She still listened during her lessons but the order and their prophecies no longer interested her as much as before. Only, as an imperial princess, she had never been able to stop them. Today she was very happy with it.
Manipulation and persuasion via The voice were part of the teachings of the Bene Gesserit. It had taken her several years to perfect her learning, compared to her younger sister who was obviously a prodigy and had quickly made up for the extra years that [Y/N] had.
At seven p.m. the great banquet in honor of Feyd-Rautha began and the young woman was finally introduced to the Na-baron. She took advantage of this opportunity to once again contemplate Feyd attentively, she didn't even bother to hide her excitement this time.
Her eyes wandered over his jawline which she loved to admire so much, she could already imagine her hands gently grasping it before caressing his cheekbones with the tips of her thumbs. She dove into his electric blue eyes and for a moment she had the impression of losing herself in their depth, this sensation made her shudder with desire but above all with apprehension, she had never felt such attraction before, even with her favorite lovers.
His lack of eyebrows and hair did not repel her, she, who loved pulling her partners' locks. But the idea of squeezing his neck to force him to look at her only made her even more excited. Finally her mouth curved into a mischievous smile.
Next to his uncle, Feyd then placed one knee on the ground, right hand on his heart, and his cold fingers grabbed the young woman's hand to place a kiss on it. She felt her skin warm up tenderly while the young man's lips were anything but warm, and this coldness made her body shudder and her lower stomach tighten.
He left his lips on her skin slightly longer than acceptable and raised an amused but also penetrating gaze, as if he knew what she was thinking. And at that moment many things were stirring in her mind. By kneeling in this way, he was submitting to her. And having a man with such a reputation as Feyd-Rautha give up his dominance was thrilling.
She even came to wish that he had knelt in front of her under different circumstances.... With a discreet gesture she passed her thumb over the Harkonnen's lower lip, testing its softness. This didn't seem to bother him since he closed his eyes as he felt her finger move, then, a grin appeared on those said lips, letting her see the black-tinted teeth she had perceive during his fight.
After these few seconds, maybe a minute and a half at most, he stood up, his arms crossed behind his back. This moment didn't last long but she had the impression of staying in this position for hours.
Baron Vladimir looked at them discreetly but said nothing, anyway, if something happened between them it would benefit the Harkonnens. Having ties with the imperial family, such close ties, could be decisive.
Dinner went very well, although the princess couldn't help but stare at the Na-baron most of the time. But it didn't seem to bother him that much, most of the time he even stared back, their intense staring game had left [Y/N] finishing the meal with her thighs tight and slightly sweating.
When everyone had to excuse themselves to go get ready for the fireworks. The young woman turned one last time, while holding her dress so she could walk in her heels, to look at the Harkonnen and her lips parted to let out the whisper of a sentence that only he could hear.
« Come to me. »
Then, she smiled brightly at him as Feyd's pupils dilated, for a moment everything around him disappeared and only her voice reached him.
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Surely he should have ignored it, continue his life with his dear concubines and enjoy the huge party that was going to take place in his honor. Only, something inside him screamed at him to go after her and obey her. Obey all her requests, no matter what they are.
And now he found himself in front of the princess's quarters, dressed in black, which made his milky skin stand out.
He went inside, then closed the door behind him, not bothering to knock, after all he was at home. Once in the guest room he looked for the young woman, passing over the large bed in front of him and the few supplies placed everywhere, but he did not find her, for a moment he really thought that she was making fun of him and that irritated him to the highest point.
But the same voice that had ordered him to go find her rang through the air again, making him hold his head for a moment, clearly not used to the tricks of the Bene Gesserit.
« Here. Come meet me. »
Feyd then turned his head trying to find the source of this mystical voice and he saw a gray door, just like the walls of the room, slightly half-open. He took a slight breath, not out of fear but rather apprehension, he wondered how he was going to find her. Naked ? Dressed in a sensual outfit ? Maybe she was even making fun of him and playing hide and seak ?
In any case, he stomped forward while tilting his head in curiosity. With the back of his hand, he pushed the door open and stopped at the doorstep. He found a large bathroom, a shower side to properly remove dirt and a bath side, with a large bathtub.
He found [Y/N] there. Arms hanging outside the bathtub, legs crossed and raised, revealing her knees as well as her feet. She looked at him with a petty grin that made him feel warm, maybe he really liked submission.
« Kneel, beside me. »
And for the third time that evening, his actions were directed by this woman. In other circumstances he would have slit her throat and fed her to his darlings. But the lump in his throat and the heat he felt in his body were far from unpleasant, he craved her and all the things she wanted to do to him.
Then he knelt down beside her and observed her attentively. The curve of her throat and her neckline covered in warm, transparent droplets. Too busy observing her body, he did not notice her hand coming to rest on his cheek until her warm skin came in contact against the coldness of his.
He then relives their proximity from a few hours ago, when she had caressed his lip. Only this time, he felt the humidity of her palm, humidity which made his skin shiny in addition to its whiteness.
—I wanted you the moment I saw you. The [H/C] haired woman whispered, so as not to break the bubble of sensuality that had formed between them.
—Did you, woman. He replied, his hoarse voice cutting through the air.
She didn't like this tone and took it as a challenge. Her hand on his cheek stopped it’s caresses and came to firmly grip his jaw as she frown, her gaze hard.
—You should be grateful, that I, the first imperial princess, has taken a liking to you. She replied in a stern tone that matched her expression.
Feyd held her gaze, his eyes wandering over her angry face, he definitely liked her tone a lot. A shiver of excitement ran through his body, his breathing starting to get heavy.
[Y/N] didn't take long to understand that this situation excited him more than anything else and ended up getting up after releasing the young man. She got out of the bathtub without giving him a glance before retrieving a bathrobe which she wrapped around herself after drying herself slightly.
Then she turned towards the Na-baron who did not move, only turned his head to spy on her. He quickly understood that she wanted him to move and stood up to follow her as she returned to the large bedroom.
The princess took a cup and filled it with water before sitting on the bed, bringing the cup to her lips while looking at him.
—Take off your clothes.
This time she didn't use The voice, she understood that he would listen to her no matter what she said, so what was the point of wasting her energy on these sleight of hand tricks ? Feyd nodded and slowly started to remove his clothes.
The Bene Gesserit stared at his movements, she watched the muscles in his arms move as he removed his bottoms and unbuttoned his black top. She then let out a slight sigh of pleasure, his body was magnificent to look at but surely even more so to touch. Only, she wanted to make him boil.
That he begged her to touch him everywhere and as she wanted. However, her determination didn't last long when she saw the defined bulge he had in his underwear. And seeing her hastily swallowing her saliva, he grinned, like a mischievous little child.
Regaining control of the situation he approached her, then once at her level he undid her bathrobe before throwing it a little further when she did not push him away. On his knees once again, but between her thighs this time, he gently spread them, letting his icy fingers climb over them. While following the movements that her chest was making as it rose.
Because once he was on the ground, the young woman's breathing had taken off and her skin suddenly heated up. Her lower abdomen tightened with apprehension as she saw him getting closer and closer to her crotch.
Letting him do so, she leaned back slightly, grasping the sheets between her fingers nervously, while closing her eyes. She had never felt something so strong and yet she was well accustomed to sex and many unspeakable sexual practices.
Only this time it was different. He was something that didn't belong to her, something she wasn't supposed to touch or approach unless she was beckoned. And yet she had braved this prohibition and done the complete opposite of what she had been asked.
He represented dangerousness, sensuality but also a forbidden fruit, and right now, she wanted to sink her teeth into this fruit, devour it raw but above all savor it.
[Y/N] was quickly brought back to earth by feeling the warm muscle of her lover. In surprise her abdominal muscles contracted and she let out whine, her thighs instinctively tightened around his head.
She was going to loosen them immediately but Feyd held them back, his hands holding tightly the plump of her thighs so that she wouldn't move them. His throat let out a low moan of pleasure, he wasn't suffocating, but having her thighs around him gave him a new feeling of closeness.
Watching him do it, the young woman finally decided to relax and calm her breathing as best she could. Her body fell against the soft mattress before her eyes closed again, taking advantage of the only source of warmth Feyd possessed.
Usually the Harkonnen was not the type of man to kneel for a woman, his concubines always cared for him and only his pleasure. The only times he touched them was to inflict pain that gave him satisfaction.
But now that he had tasted the princess he couldn't live without it and his only goal was to make her scream. The smell of the young woman became intoxicating, a drug which he, from now on, could no longer do without.
His tongue tried to catch as much of her transparent and succulent nectar as possible, wandering into every nook and cranny of her soaked slit. Quickly one of his hands left her thighs and came to join his tongue, the contrast between his cold fingers and his hot muscle made the body of the [H/C] haired woman tremble.
Her lips parted as she gasped, her back arching and her brows furrowed for the second time, she definitely couldn't get used to his coldness, even less when he touched such a sensitive area of her body.
Feyd moved away from her swollen lips for a few seconds, moistening his fingers with saliva before going to collect some of her juices, humidifying them enough so that he could slide them slowly inside her. He watches his fingers dig in before looking up at her, his lips red and wet as was his chin which was glistening slightly.
She felt dizzy with arouse, her limbs trembling under the emotion and the touch of the Harkonnen between her thighs, his fingers inside her only dived her into pleasure and passion. Finally she dared to look down at him, meeting his greedy gaze.
He smirked at her. She wanted to hit him, not liking his superior air, surely he felt proud to have put her in one hell of a state. Only, her body was much too heavy for her to do anything to him and anyway, even if she wouldn't admit it to herself, she liked the way he made her feel.
Finally he began to move his fingers, withdrawing them slightly before pushing them back in with urgency, as if he immediately wanted to find the warmth of her inner walls which tightened around his middle and ring fingers.
—Is it to your liking imperial princess ? He teased, loving to see her lose her cool because of his movements.
His spike had the effect of a slap and she stood up suddenly, grabbing his wrist to stop his back and forth movements. He admired her chest rising and falling as she tried to regain calm breathing and the light beads of sweat running down her face and neckline.
—Look at you, drenched in sweat even though you haven’t done anything. He chuckled, deciding to ignore her warning look.
Apparently she didn't like his teasing at all as her hand circled around his throat, squeezing it slightly as he groaned quietly, the corners of his lips curling up, at least he would have had control for a little while.
—Know your place. She panted, gradually regaining her breathing.
He finally opened his eyes, which he had closed when he felt her squeeze his throat a little more, enjoying the intoxicating sensation of suffocation. She brought her face closer to his and the young man's orbs flickered from her gaze to her lips, a sudden urge to kiss her taking him in the gut.
And if she had noticed it she made no comment, forcing him to stand up by pulling his throat forward. He then found himself on his back, on the black silk sheets, his lover on top of him. He stared at her inner thighs, where he could see her wetness running lightly down them.
[Y/N] leaned over his throat which she had finally released not wanting him to pass out, but little by little you could see light red finger marks, making her smile. Her tongue flicked over them, making him shiver and groan beneath her.
Her hands held his wrist this time, not wanting him to touch her as she enjoyed playing with him. Her muscle moved down his chest before her teeth sank into his pale flesh.
She closed her eyes, beginning to taste the metallic taste of blood, blood that didn't belong to her. Feyd had emitted a low moan of pleasure, an aching pain took hold of him but that only aroused him more. Especially when he saw her eagerly licking the small wound she had inflicted on him, collecting the droplets of blood that escaped.
The young woman looked at her work with satisfaction, she, who had dreamed all evening of marking it, had finally done it. You could clearly see the bite on his white skin, plus it will probably leave a purplish mark for a few days or even a week or two. She was so proud of herself that she made him a few more.
Again on the torso but also the shoulders and throat, each time repeating the same ritual, biting, cleaning and admiring. Feyd let her do it, letting out grunts and moans from time to time. He had once tried to free his wrists to grab her hips but she had bitten him even harder to make him understand to stay still.
Once her work was finished, her teeth went to nibble his left ear, tickling it slightly. He took advantage of her proximity to turn his head and furtively kiss her throat, making the princess sigh, not liking to be interrupted.
[Y/N] then started to stare at him, thinking about what she was going to do to him, but she was starting to get impatient and the wetness of her sex was starting to bother her, she wanted him right away.
Bringing her right hand to her lips she let her saliva fall there while using her other hand to hold herself above him.
—You shall give me a daughter. She ordered him.
She didn't forget the main reason for her coming, but their passionate embrace was starting to make her head spin. She would return with the Kwistaz Haderach, and thanks to that, perhaps the Bene Gesserit will let her have the privilege of seeing him again, after all she would give them what they want, so they can grant her that.
Feyd was probably going to say something but she quickly silenced him with her lips. She hungrily explored his mouth, making him groan in surprise as he closed his eyes. Their hot breaths mingled as their noses brushed together, making her grumble since she couldn't move as much as she wanted.
Her lips parted as her glistening hand descended to his cock, which she delicately grasped. He buckled his hips in her hand in surprise and he let out a grunt followed by a light hoarse laugh. He grabbed the back of her neck, keeping their lips firmly connected as his tongue had ventured between her lips when she had parted them.
The Bene Gesserit's delicate hand gently moved up-and-down, wetting him to make sure he would fit inside without harm, but she was so soaked that she was sure nothing would block.
Finally she lifted her hips above him and sink down on his cock, her hands on his chest, letting a choked moan escape her as she pulled her face away from his and Feyd grabbed her hips, forcing her to stay still. His breathing accelerated as he bit his tongue to prevent a too loud moan from coming out while throwing his head back.
He tried to compose himself, his muscles tensing. His heart was beating hard against his chest and his blood was boiling inside him. She enveloped him in a pleasant and sensual warmth making him feel hazy. While regaining his senses, he caressed her hips with the tips of his thumbs to make her wait a little longer before sitting down.
Finally, he nodded and she rolled her hips, keeping him inside her as he reached up to grab her thighs and wrap them around his waist. She let him do it, very happy not to have to move herself and get tired.
—A daughter you said ?
The Na-baron rested his forehead against hers admiring the way her lips parted and her eyes closed as he lifted her, his hands gripping her backside tightly, then he slammed her back on his hard cock.
She let out a cry of pleasure, putting her arms behind his neck, bringing their faces even closer while their sweating foreheads were already in contact. [Y/N] took the initiative to place light kisses on his lips while he continued his movements.
Every time she separated their lips, he chased her mouth away with a growl, begging her to let him kiss her longer. But she never let him, delicately scratching his back to make him understand her displeasure.
They kept eye contact whatever happened, observing each other's reactions of pleasure. Her moans and shortness of breath for the young woman and his grunts followed by sighs for Feyd.
[Y/N]'s warmth contrasted perfectly with the Na-baron's coldness, it gradually warmed his body and his heart without even realizing it. He saw the beginnings of affection and mutual attraction in her eyes, encouraging him to speed up his movements although his arms were starting to hurt slightly. But he ignored this pain which was not that unpleasant if he was honest.
Quickly she joined his movements as best she could, feeling her pleasure increase and her mind become foggy. With each thrust he bury himself deeper, desperately seeking her and his release. Her walls clinching around him brought him closer and closer.
Feeling that she would not resist long, her thighs tightened their grip around his waist and she hide her face in the crock of his neck, his scent lulling her and allowing her to reach her climax, making her release the sharper and louder moan of the evening, her nails clawed at his back for dear life, once again tracing his milky skin red.
Her lower stomach contracted and her whole body seemed to convulse against him, her chest pressing completely against his torso while her being was overcome by a deep thrill of ecstasy.
The pain these scratches gave him allowed him too, about ten seconds and some back and forth later, to reach his orgasm. He gripped her thighs in such a way that he was sure it would leave marks for a few hours. His seed sank deep into her warmth, making her sigh as she felt the warmth of it.
He held her against his chest for a few minutes before falling back on the mattress, his lady's face buried against his chest. The contact with the fabric of the sheets made his scratches burn slightly, making him sigh a discreet groan.
Finally she raised her head and lifted her hips bringing out his, now soft, shaft. Feeling his cum sliding down the inside of her thighs she tried to contract her walls to keep as much of it inside and Feyd noticing this, raised his hand to slide his middle and index fingers inside her hole as she hissed being still a little sensible.
The young woman looked down to admire the veins on her arm stand out slightly, then she met the gaze of the Na-baron who was smiling mischievously at her. She was preparing to lean in to kiss his lips but the explosion of fireworks made their heads spin.
That's it. She had what she wanted and Lady Margot will not have the pleasure of tasting this magnificent Apollo. Only, “winning” wasn’t even what she appreciated the most.
Their compatibility had been perfect, their movements had matched and their bodies understood each other perfectly. She had never felt so much pleasure and satisfaction with just one round.
Feyd brought her out of her torpor by leaning over her chest, placing small kisses there as he began to move his fingers back and forth again, he wanted to be sure that no drop of his seed came out.
Her attention back on him she grabbed his jaw affectionately and placed a kiss on his lips then her tongue collected the salty pearls on his right cheek.
—You shall dream of me every night, think of me every time your mind wander and breathe for me and only me. She whispered at the crook of his ear.
He smiled at her, a dark smile that told her that he belonged to her and that she was now the only woman he wanted, before his eyes stared longingly at her lips.
—As you wish my princess.
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miakate-writes · 1 year
Domestic romance prompts [part two] <3
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[a/n: thank u guys so much for all the love on part one, 400 notes is crazy to me. i appreciate every one of you who took the time to read my prompts.]
buying their first home together. the first night spent on a mattress on the floor. having a pizza picnic and making endless pinterest boards for decoration ideas.
late night talks. future family, future jobs, future holidays, even future meals they want to cook, or books they want to read, or movies they want to watch. as long as they do it together.
the specific curve in character A’s chest that fits character B’s head so perfectly. B manages to find it every night and can’t sleep without it.
having a scheduled date night and the both of them looking forward to the date throughout a busy week. once date night arrives they’re both super excited whilst getting ready and on the way.
A keeping B from getting out of bed for work in the morning, wrapping an arm around their waist and pulling them back in for “just a few more minutes.”
B talking about their bad day and A deciding that they don’t like the people that made the day bad. A now has a not-so-secret vendetta against those people and will voice it on the daily.
[a/n 2: if anyone has anyone prompts ideas or wants to see me write for any specific prompts (for any specific characters?) pls don’t hesitate to pop into my asks box :D and if you end up using any of my prompts pls tage me, i would love to read them!]
[plus it would mean so much to me if you would follow me on tiktok and instagram @/miakate.writes <3]
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*= smut
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Bodybag | Riley!Reader
Chad comforts you after Dewey's death
Cockblock roommate *
Ethan stops you and Chad from continuing your activities
Don't go upstairs with him
Chad stops you from going upstairs with Frankie...and then confesses to you
Goodnight kiss * | Riley!Reader
Chad walks you home and finally takes your relationship to the next level
Helping hand *
After Chad gets released from the hospital, his personal nurse gives him a helping hand
I can't go through this again
Another ghostface strikes and Chad has PTSD from the legacy murders
Is that my shirt?
Chad notices that the shirt you're wearing is his
Late night in the kitchen *
During a trip to the twins' family cabin, you and Chad have a late night adventure in the kitchen
Save a horse, ride a cowboy *
You make a move on Chad and end up in an empty bedroom with his cowboy hat on, riding another kind of horse
Setting up the tree
You and Chad decorate the Christmas tree together
Stab stab stab
Chad gets stabbed by Ghostface when looking for you
Stood up
You get stood up and Chad offers you his shoulder to cry on
The no-sex rule *
You and Chad don't listen to Mindy's 'surviving a horror movie' rules
Wrong person
You send you nudes to your ex by mistake
You drew stars around my scars
You sleep over at Chad's dorm and see something you hadn't seen before
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Blood on the subway
Mindy gets stabbed on the subway...there's a lot of blood
Give me attention *
Mindy works on a school assignement, but you're bored and decide to tease her
Movie night
After watching the horror that is Halloween Ends, Mindy needs kisses to erase the movie from her memory
Skilled fingers *
Mindy is a goddess in bed
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Caught *
Tara asks you to use a vibrator on her...and Sam walks in
I was so scared
After Tara gets attacked at her house, you visit her at the hospital
Is this good? *
Tara tries to top for the first time
I thought you were dead
You survive the attack inside the shrine
Sleepover *
It's the first sleepover since Tara got attacked in her house. You and her breaks the friendship
We might die tomorrow
After Sam and Tage get attacked at the bodega, everyone stayed over at the appartement
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Catching feelings *
You grown feelings during a game of teasing your roommate Ethan
Friends touch each other, right? *
You teach virgin!Ethan how to touch a woman
I can't forgive you | Riley!Reader
Ethan betrays you, but you can't forgive him
It's you *
You figure out Ethan is Ghostface
Let's play a little game *
You get a phone call from a masked ID when you’re home alone…
Night visits
As Quinn's friend, you are not allowed to see her little brother, so you and Ethan have a secret relationship
No protection needed *
You and Ethan do it without a condom for the first time
Play with me *
Ethan asks you to play with him
Panty stealer
Pervy!Ethan steals your panties
Pretty boy * | camgirl!reader
Ethan purchases a private session with his favorite camgirl
Pretty boy part 2 *
Ethan purchases another private session...and get the girl's number
Pretty boy part 3 *
Camgirl!Reader and Ethan finally meets
Roomie *
Ethan jerks off to his roommate and gets caught
Ethan has a huge crush on you but is too shy to make a move...so you make one
Study time
Studying econ turns into teasing your boyfriend
That's hot
You find out that Ethan does boxing
Video games *
You give Ethan a blowjob while he games with Chad
Video girl *
You convince Ethan to make a video with you
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Knife play
You seduce Billy with the knife he used to kill Maureen Prescott
Ménage à trois * | Billy x Stu x Reader
A typical movie night at Stu’s turns into a ménage à trois
Mouthful * | Billy x Stu x Riley!Reader
Why settling for one when you can get two?
PG-16 at the Theater
Billy gets handsy at the movie theater
Stranger danger *
Billy decide to surprise you on your way back from Tatum's
Talk dirty to me *
Phone sex with Billy
965 notes · View notes
radical-ghostface · 1 year
Missing Time Pt.2
Here it is yall, the very unexpectedly highly requested soft part 2 to this request i got.
How do you think Sebastian would react after getting released/escaping Azkaban and finding out MC was pregnant when he got sent away?
Warings: none. It's pretty fluffy.
Obvious implied Sebastian x MC
It had been roughly a little over 2 weeks since Sebastian decided to try to be a part of his daughter, MC, and Ominis' little life. But he still couldn't muster to walk up the steps and knock on the door. He was scared they wouldn't want him. That they would be frightened of him. That they wouldn't forgive him for what he'd done.
So he took every fleeting moment possible to talk to his daughter in secret. He knew he should teach her better than to talk to strangers, but he wasn't just some stranger or old family friend. Of course, she didn't know that just yet.
He found himself afraid to tell her, terrified that she would be disappointed this was the father she had been waiting for her whole life. He felt unworthy. That she deserved better than him, despite how desperately he wanted to be that father for her.
So, instead of telling her the truth, he decided to just be her friend. Have little chats with her, still under the guise of being a 'family friend', which wasn't exactly a lie. He just didn't tell her he was technically a part of said family.
He knew how wrong that seemed, but this was his daughter. He had the right to get to know her, and he wasn't ready to insert himself into their lives completely. Not just yet.
Today was different from the rest. Today, little Anne found him while he was sitting at the edge of a dock near their home. It was just far enough away, so he didn't seem suspicious.
"Hey! Im so glad i found you!" She grinned, running up to him
He chuckled "found me?"
"Yes! I've been looking for you all over!" She beamed excitedly."I have something for you"
"What? For me?" He smiled at her softly
"Yeah, it's just a little something I made," she said timidly. "I really hope you like it"
Sebastian watched as she pulled a little ring out of her pocket. She smiled at it fondly and held it out to him. He took it from her with gentle hands.
Upon inspection, he saw that it was beautifully handcrafted with vines and branches. They all swirled around each other so intricately, so perfectly. He was astounded by how well it was made. She was already so talented, and his heart absolutely swelled.
"You.. made this? For me?" Tears pricked and the corners of his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away. Not wanting to have to explain why this was making him so emotional.
"Well, I was out exploring, and I saw some pretty green branches, and for some reason, it made me think of you." she smiled at him warmly, "and then I had this idea to -"
"Anne?! Anne, where are you?"
Sebastian heard a familiar panicked voice cut their conversation short.
He completely froze. Not daring to move and inch as a wave of fear washed over him
"Anne Sallow, where did you run off to?!"
His heart skipped a beat, and he finally turned to look at the source of the voice. Anne Sallow. She gave her his last name.
"There you are! How many times have I told you not to -"
They finally noticed his presence, turning towards him with an unsure look. It was as if they were deciding whether or not it was actually him.
Sebastian took a moment to gather himself. Going over the words he'd practiced a million times in his head. But none of those words came out. All that did was a simple
"Hello, Ominis."
Taging some lovely people who asked for a part 2 and helped me come up with ideas ❤️ and a lovely creator who tagged me in their work earlier. Please go check out their stuff and support their page 😊
355 notes · View notes
roadkillremi · 1 year
Randy Meeks x Ghostface!Fem!Reader and TOXIC!Poly!Ghostface x Ghostface!Fem!Reader
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Part 1. Part 2. MasterList (4 on MasterList)
Warning : Language, Mentions Killing, Mentions Death, Mentions Sex, Under Age drinking. Toxic relationship (If I missed anything let me know please!)
I do NOT support killing and toxic relationships. if you or a loved one is in one please seek help ASAP!
Summary : Being childhood friends with Billy Loomis wasn't always easy. As you got older he demanded revenge and that you helped him. (He may have manipulated you along the way). After helping kill Sydney's mother you refused to help anymore. Billy and Stu forced you to stay due to blackmail causing you to be in a toxic secret relationship.
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Randy held your hand as you walked outside. Billy was standing by Stu glaring at anyone who looked at him wrong. Tatum and Sydney were still by their lockers waiting for Billy to leave.
"Hey!" Stu called out, Randy jumped back bit.
"What the hell do those two want?" Randy mumbled. You shrugged, "No fucking clue.".
Stu ran up to you two, "Hey, heard you two finally did it!". He laughed, "Didn't think Randy boy could pull it off!". You rolled your eyes, "Randy let's go..".
"Remember my place! Around 7!" Stu called out as you two walked away. Randy tossed his keys in his hand.
"Gonna go to work with me?" He asked as he unlocked the car.
"Yeah, Safer in numbers remember?" You slid into the passenger seat. You watched everyone disperse, Randy's sister walked with one of her friends. Sydney and Tatum were talking to Stu, probably about tonight. Billy disappeared, you looked at Randy as he drove out the parking space.
"What movie are we watching tonight?"
"I'm thinking.. Halloween" he smiled. You groaned, "You only watch it for the tits!".
"That's not the only reason why! Besides it's the perfect movie for tonight! With the stalker killer on the loose!"
You looked at him in disbelief, "Why not Prom night?". He took a deep breath, "because you made me watch it 100 times-"
"18 times" you corrected.
"Jamie Lee Curtis is in Halloween!" He defended.
"She's in Prom Night!"
You sunk into your chair, "But I wanna watch Prom Night.". He chuckled at you're posture, you were like a toddler having a melt down. Curled up and pouty, but you only did it cause it was his weakness. He sighed, "Fine, after the party.".
"Yes!" You sat up normally as he parked the car. You walked inside with Randy, the place was packed.
"Go make that money, honey" you kissed his cheek before looking through the movies. Randy smiled putting his name tage on. Once you found Halloween and Prom Night you went to the counter.
"this all?" Randys co-worker asked blandly.
He sighed scanning them, you waited patiently glancing around the store. Billy and Stu made eye contact with you. You quickly looked away paying for the rentals walking over to Randy.
"I got the movies, can I put them in your car?" You ask putting your head on his shoulder from behind.
"Yeah, here" he reached in his pocket pulling out his keys.
"Then why'd the cops release him, Smart guy?"
"The police are always off track with this shit! If they'd watch Prom Night, they'd save time! There's a formula to it! A very simple formula! Everyone's a suspect!... But Billy.. there's something off about him." Randy started to speak lowly, you turned around starting to walk away.
"You're telling me you think it's Billy?" Stu said pretty loudly. You froze and watched the conversation.
"Why would he kill his girlfriend?!" Stu interrupted
"There's always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all, Simplicity! Besides if it gets to complicated you lose your target audience."
"Excuse me?"
Randy whipped around to look at you, "Not that I would kill you."
"Uh-huh. Imma go out these in the car now." You walked away hearing Stu laughing.
You placed the movies in the car quickly to not be alone to long. You noticed Stu and Randy having a heated conversation. You tried to walk over before Billy grabbed your arm.
"I'm sorry for pulling your arm earlier.." you looked at your arm. There was soft discolor but nothing serious.
"It's whatever. Billy.."
"I don't wanna kill anyone.." you said softly. He looked around the store, "you won't have to, just sit there and be quiet." He gently touched your cheek before you swept it away. You went over to Randy and Stu, Billy following close behind you.
"Billy, Randy here thinks you're the killer." Stu smiled. You grabbed Randy's forearm trying to take him away. Stu gently pushed you aside, Billy stepped closer to him.
"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath - would you be in the horror section?" Randy tried to save himself.
"A lot of people like horror. Anyone could be the suspect" Billy stepped even closer.
"You're right, Billy! Anyone could be the suspect! Hell, I should be a number rone suspect!" You rolled your eyes grabbing Randy's arm pulling him away.
"Randy don't let them get in your head." He grabbed another pile of movies to restock.
"I'm not. It's just Fuckface and his guard dog."
You leaned against the shelf he was restocking, "we don't have to go.". He glanced at you, "I know you mentioned that a few hundred times."
You rolled your eyes fighting the urge to correct him. You sighed, "They're dipshits.". He stood Infront of you, "Yeah but I have something they don't."
"Yeah?" You smiled. He grabbed your hips giving you a kiss.
"You." He smiled going back to restocking shelves.
You could feel Billy and Stu's eyes piercing you. You sighed, if only that was the truth.
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You and Randy arrived at Stus house a bit early. Stu greeted you both by wrapping his arms around your neck.
"Make yourselves at home! The party's gonna be wicked!" Stu went into the kitchen. Randy flopped on the couch placing the movies on the coffee table. You stood behind the couch gently messing with his hair.
"Can you get me a beer please?" Randy looked up to see you.
"Yeah, gonna start the movie?" You put your head beside his. He kissed your cheek, "Yeah.". You smiled and gave him a small kiss before heading to the garage.
Stu was restock beers in the fridge, he looked towards the door smiling at you. You headed towards the fridge, "Randy wanted a beer..". You took one, Stu lightly placed his hands in his on your hip. You stepped back, "I've missed you.." he whispered.
"I haven't missed you." You turned around to walk back upstairs. Stu grabbed your hips, "Come on..".
"No, Stu. I don't wanna kill people!" You whispered loudly. Stu held your hips tighter you struggle against him.
"Please." He sounded whiny yet demanding. You glared at him, "I want nothing to with you. I am happy with Randy.". Stus grip loosened, "Is it true?".
"What true?"
"You two finally had sex."
Stu raised his eyebrow, "and you enjoyed it?!". You rolled your eyes, "Yes!". Stu smiled, "Yeah right. Lemme show you how a real man does it.". A wide smile was plastered on his face as he whispered. You pushed him back, "No.".
"What are you gonna do when they're all dead and it's just the three of us? Won't have Randy around.."
"I would rather die." You pushed him back further walking up the stairs. Some other kids from school arrived, you handed Randy the bottle.
"Thanks, baby" You smiled at him sinking down on the couch next to him. Halloween already started and he was the only one invested in it. You leaned against him, he kissed your forehead before going back to watch the movie. It got louder as more people began to show up. Thankfully Randy made you watch it so much you knew the words.
You sat up to get a good look at him, "I'm gonna get some popcorn, save my seat?".
"Of course."
You fought your way through the kitchen, you got popcorn out of the pantry and put it in the microwave.
"Really know your place around?"
You looked behind you, it was some guy in your math class. He was what Randy called the 'Stone Head comedic relief'. You nodded, "Yeah, me and Stu known each other for a while.". The guy nodded downing his beer. You sighed getting the popcorn bowl, "How come I never see you around much?".
"Uh, I'm usually with Randy, the movie nerd.". You waited for the microwave to ding, you tapped your nail on the counter. You were hoping the guy would move on and try to talk to someone else. But he was standing there, "how about we leave this party?". The microwave finally finished you took out the bag and poured it in the bowl.
"I'm pretty sure my boyfriend won't appreciate that." You grabbed the bowl and started walked away. The living room was more crowded, Randy was chatting it up with some girl from his science class. He's mentioned her, he told you how she sometimes says things that are too bold. She gently slipped her fingers across his forehead as to wipe something. He moved back a bit at the suddenness. You marched over placing popcorn on the coffee table. Randy looked at you and shrugged signaling the girls presents. You plopped down in Randy's lap, due to not having a proper seat.
"Hey, do you need a beer? Seem tense." Randy mumbled.
"No, I'm good.." you tried to relax in his lap. His arms tightened around your waist. His head leaned against your arm to watch the movie. Stu would sometimes pass by watching you. When he did for the 5th time you grabbed the back of Randy's neck kissing him. Randy gave in melting against you softly moaning when you tugged him.
"Sorry was that too much?"
"No, it was perfect." Randy smiled giving you another kiss. Sydney and Tatum showed up, you waved at them from the couch. Billy stumbled in not too long after them, going upstairs with Sydney. Your heart dropped into your stomach. Tatum was gone and Stu was doing god knows what. Nothing seemed strange until Curfew. Some people left a couple stayed, Tatum seemed to still be gone. You worried and looked at Stu for a sign, he just smiled.
Tatum is gone.
You stood up, "Imma go to the bathroom." You gave Randy a small kiss before leaving. You locked yourself in the bathroom holding back tears but a couple leaked through.
You did this
She didn't deserve to die
She was nothing but nice to you
You took shaky breathes looking down at the sink. You wiped your tears trying to contain it all. You needed to backlash their plan.
Sydney's dad.
He's in the closet.
When Randy's too drunk and Stu pretends to kill Billy you'll let him out and send him to get help. You can call Dewey, he came in earlier.
A Weapon. You need a knife for protection, you can hide one under the couch. You took a deep breath walking back to the living room. Randy reclined on the arm rest, he smiled when he saw you. He patted his thigh signalling you to sit. You sat in-between his legs and leaned back.
"Everything okay?"
You attempted to relax in his arms, "Yeah, I'm great.".
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autismbackinaction · 16 days
¡Welcome, friend!
My, my! How silly of me..
where are my manners?
°•°•°•°•°•°•°A warm hello!°•°•°•°•°•°•°
Hello new friend! I am noah! But some may know me as Autism!
I am a small, content creator who is just trying his best on achieving his dream :)
~do's and don't's~
~(Important) fact's and details~
~My aus~
~My mutuals~
~What I do~
Hello! My name is noah! But feel free to call me any nickname listed below↓
•Fun sized
•Goofy goober
•Little light
•mini barnaby
•Alexander Hamilton jr.
•N [totally not a murder drones reference :)]
I am a small, content creator. I am trying to achieve my dream of being well known around here!
I am transgender and my pronouns are he/him (PLEASE DO NOT CALL ME A SHE OR A THEY)
I am omnisexual! And I have a girlfriend :)
My Irl oc:
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My oc's:
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I will explain their backstories in a future post!
°•°•Important facts and details!°•°•°•°
I am a CHILD
I am apart of LGBTQ
I am not as good at ART
I will not be posting as often due to SCHOOL
I am currently hosting a show called: "Darling town" I am still trying to figure out the release date of the show, but for now, its only teasers and trailers!
°•°•°•°•°•°•°•Do's and don'ts!°•°•°•°•°
•Make fanart, doodles, gifts, etc, sure! Its always nice to receive gifts from others :)
•Cosplay! Ooh! A costume! That character looks familiar to me..
•Ask's! Gladly will answer anything you have friend :3
•Taging me! Show me what you have in store! :D
•Sending love and support! Thank you friend, and much appreciated! (This is in a platonic manner) :)
•Shipping! You can do creators oc x your oc, a platonic oc x your oc, cannon x your oc, cannon x cannon
•Adopting! You or your oc may adopted Any of my characters! :)
•R34 and/or NSWF. I think i'll pass, friend... That doesn't look nice.. :(
•Bullying, harassing, etc. What do you find entertaining about hurting others?? :(
•ADULT OC'S X MINOR OC'S. I do not accept this...
°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°My au's!•°•°•°•°•°•°•°
The last stick of fire, A kinitoPET AU
Accident's happen!, A welcome home au
The home of Lost, the grave of found, A kinitoPET au
Void!Checker, A welcome home au
°•°•°•°•°•°•°My mutuals!°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°
@night-terrorzz @nia1sworld @reksi-goooo @7392974 @ramble-world
And others! :)
°•°•°•°•°•°•°What I do!•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°
I make gacha videos!
I make aus!
I make gifts for other content creators and mutuals!
°•°•°•°•°Facts! (Non-important)°•°•°•°•
SCENE PERSON! I like all styles, but this one is my main favorite :3
I watch a lotta gameplay's of horror games :P
Short :')
My favorite color is green, but any other color is fine :)
Rf wally/walden is my dad gang^^
Most of my stuff/writing is probably gonna based off vintege stuff :P
Love my mutuals sm❤ (in a platonic manner, of course :3)
•Welcome home (Current one)
•Andy's apple farm
•Amanda the adventure
•Any roblox game (such as pressure, doors, rainbow friends, regretavtor, etc.)
•Murder drones!
•helluva boss
•Hazbin hotel
•Garten of banban
•Poppy playtime
•bad parenting
•Cuphead show (And the game :3)
•TSAMS (the sun and moon show!)
•BBAEAL (Baldi's basic's :3)
•Gravity falls
•Sonic the hedgehog
•Animal crossing
•Sesame street
•IF (Imaginary friend)
•The muppet show
•Hello neighbor
•Lego movie (1 and 2) +Ninjago
~ Thanks for dropping by! ~
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forestshadow-wolf · 6 months
Rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Taged by the amazing @losersimonriley
Only doing the ones I've worked on recently (it's a lot of angst)
1. Hurt people hurt people
2. Soap vocal dysphoria
3. Shotgunning and handjobs
4. Watched pots
5. Classic shut-up soap
Tags: @the-starry-raven @azilver @resident-idiot-simp @reds-skull @myriadblvck uhhh anyone else who wants to join (I tried not to double tag people 😅)
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ringanon · 1 year
Date Night | Tyson Jost
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Pairing: TJ17 x fem!PotteryTeacher!reader
Warning(s): none (this is so damn cute)
Word Count: 2974
Summary: Part 2 to this blurb, cute dates, adorable humans
Well, at least he wasn't late.
You also didn't expect him to be almost 20 minutes early
Luckily, you had your makeup done and were half dressed when he knocked on the door, "Give me a minute!" 
You partially ran to the front door. Tyson was smiling on the other side, holding a bouquet of roses, "Hi," he took a moment, "oh my god, I'm so sorry-"
"No, Tyson, it's okay, you had no idea." You stepped to the side to let him into your apartment, "I'm almost done, I promise, most guys who pick me up for dates are always late."
he shook his head, nodding his head towards the hallway, a gentle okay to go finish getting ready. You came back out 10 minutes later in a black dress, it was your favorite. You walked back out to the living room and saw Tyson still standing in the foyer, "Tyson, you could have sat down."
"I know, but I didn't wanna-" he turned around to face you, "wow, you look- you look amazing."
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." you walked up and met him in the foyer, moving your earring and putting it in a good place. 
He handed you the roses in his hand, "I bought these for you, I didn't know your favorite ones, so I figured these were the best bet."
"Tyson Jost, you're the sweetest," You thanked him again, "I'm going to go put these in water, I will be in 2 seconds."
A few minutes later, he was following you out the door, shutting the door behind him. He walked ahead of you down the stairs, opened the front door of your building and let you hold his arm to walk you to your car. You chatted the whole way down, he talked about his family back home, you talked about yours. There was a pleasant conversation about living in Buffalo on the stroll through the parking lot. Tyson took an extra long stride in front of you while you dropped your hand from his arm. Tyson grabbed the door handle of his car and opened up the passenger side door for you. you smiled up at him and kissed his cheek, "thank you, darling."
you saw his cheeks flush a deep shade of red and mumble out a response. You couldn't make out exactly what it was, but you figured it was some variation of 'no problem' or 'you're welcome.' 
You giggled as you watched him take a brisk jog around the front of the car and slip into the driver's side.  The drive to the restaurant was mostly you asking him where you were going and him refusing to tell you, "It's a surprise."
"Oh come on, Tyson!" you laughed, "not even a hint?"
"Tage recommended it, and said it was his and his wife's favorite place."
"Oh good! Which means this is either going to be the most expensive Italian restaurant in Buffalo or we're going to McDonald's."
"Hey, don't knock McDonald's' ' He lifted up his hand and pointed a finger at you, dropping it back on the center console immediately after.
"Oh no way! Professional Athlete Tyson Jost is a McDonald's fan?" You turned your body towards him and clapped your hand on the center console over his. Your mouth was agape, eyes wide.
"Yes! I enjoy a good drunk Big Mac, don't tell me you don't?" 
"I'm indifferent about it." You crossed your arms over your chest, sitting back in your seat, waiting impatiently for his response. 
"Okay, next date is going to be McDonald's." he tightened his hand around the steering wheel.
"You're already planning our next date? You don't even know how this one is going!" You laughed, looking over at him, admiring the way the moonlight poured in to the car, how the headlights from passing cars lit up his face, extenuating his jawline and the million-dollar-smile plastered across his face, "I could eat like a pig, I could chew with my mouth open, I could be rude to the wait-staff. You don't know any of this! At this point, I have to assume you've already rented a UHaul to move me into your place-"
"Hey, that actually isn't a bad idea, grab my phone." He smiled even bigger now. His eyes were still glued on the road, but you saw his hand creeping over the center console out of the corner of your eye. 
In the midst of the laughing fit you both had, your hand found his again, this time,wrapping your hand around his fingers. His thumb, maybe unconsciously, rubbed soft circles across yours. Both of you noticed, neither of you were willing to move. 
When you pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, the place was packed. It was one of the nicest, and most expensive, places in Buffalo, "Tyson-"
"I don't wanna hear it." He said, opening his door and stepping out. You sat in awe until Tyson opened your door, offering you a hand, "it's okay, it's not gonna be that bad, I promise."
You let him help you out of the car, didn't say a word about the way you caught him staring at you when you stepped out, and certainly didn't say anything about the hand on your back guiding you to the door. He held open the door for you, you took a step in front of him, "no kiss this time?"
"maybe next time." you laughed, turning back around to look at him. The smile on his face told you he WAS actually just joking, even if the tinge in the bottom of your gut told you otherwise. 
The crowd in the foyer was a little alarming and incredibly overwhelming. Luckily, Tyson ended up having a reservation. There was something about him using his last name as the name for it, with a hand clasped tightly around you that felt oddly domestic.  The walk to the table felt like a lifetime. Tyson was right behind you, and laughed a little when you opened your hand behind you and waved it at him. He took his hand in yours, "I'm right here, you're okay." 
His voice was soft and reassuring. He pulled out a chair for you, let you sit down, and sat across the table from you. 
Dinner went so smoothly, you spent the entire night anxious. It felt almost too good to be true; something was bound to happen.  The conversation never faltered; there was something so easy about being around Tyson. You couldn't tell if it was that his first impression of you was being covered in clay or that there was some weird dynamic around you two that preceded tonight. Either way, it felt like you had an endless amount of things to talk about, like you knew his family personally, like he was best friends with your brother, and knew your hometown like the back of his hand. You laughed over a bottle of wine and the best pasta you've ever had in your life. When dessert was eaten, and the bill was paid, after a slight disagreement about who would pay, you both walked out of the restaurant. 
When Tyson opened the passenger side door for you, you smiled. Leaning over, you grabbed his face in your hands and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Good redemption arch."
You smiled up at him and laughed, "thank you! I figured you would chirp at me for it again if I didn't."
You saw his shoulders rise and fall, a breathy laugh released from his nose, as he shut the door. After he was situated in the driver's seat, he put his hand on the steering wheel and paused, "I know, realistically, the next step is to drop you off at your house, but I really don't want this to end."
"Just because you drop me back off at my place doesn't mean you have to leave immediately after." Tyson outweighed his options next to you. He could drop you off and leave immediately after and save himself from undeniably falling in love with you, or he could stay awhile, maybe watch a movie over a glass of wine or whiskey, continue on with the conversation, and maybe kiss you at the end of the night before he leaves. 
"You bring up good points, but I'm not sold." He turned to face you, resting his back against the door of the car.
You copied his actions, looking at him, "Well, if you stay, we could watch a movie, I just bought a really good bottle of wine that I think you'll like, you get to brag about how you're a professional hockey player and I get to brag about how I'm actually good at making pots." 
He chose to ignore the subtle dig, "I like the way you think." 
Tyson slipped the seatbelt over his shoulder and drove out of the parking lot. There was a comfortable silence on the way back to your apartment; his hand sat on the center console, tapping his fingers on the leather to the beat of the song playing softly on the radio. You were hyper-aware of the hand placement, and also of how nice his hands were. There were an endless amount of possibilities to chirp him for giving you hints that he wanted you to hold his hand. You wanted to put your hand on top of his and let him curl his fingers around yours, however, you were fearful for the way your boss and his teammates would take the news of your date. You weren't sure who all he had told, and you knew you didn't want to tell anyone from your social circles until well after the Sabres' pots were out of the kiln. 
By the time you had made it back to your apartment building, you had rested on the fact that you didn't want to take tonight too far. Not like you were going to anyway, but there was something in the back of your mind that wanted to make out with him on your couch.
The walk back up to your apartment was full of a pleasant conversation (and maybe a little arguing) over what movie to watch when you got up there. Horror movies were not a good first-date movie, rom-coms felt like too much, and comedies felt too cheesy. Ultimately you decided to just bite the bullet and give Tyson the choice, "I would be fine with just sitting on your couch and talking to you, we don't have to watch a movie."
You blushed as you unlocked your apartment, "that works perfectly fine, too." 
The clock on the wall read 8:17, it was earlier than you thought it was going to be, but you liked the prospect of having more time with Tyson. 
When the door opened and both of you had taken a step inside, you were overwhelmed with the idea of this becoming a routine. It felt wrong to be thinking of living with him this early on, but you couldn't shake the idea from your mind. 
You take a step into the door of your apartment, motioning to the little table by the door for Tyson to drop the keys to your apartment and the rest of his things. Your shoes come off almost immediately after. Your hand braces the wall for stability to slide your heels off, you ignore the hand on your back, "oh my god I feel human again."
Tyson laughs and lets you lead him into the kitchen, "so what is this wine that you talk highly of?"
He found a place at the kitchen island, sitting on one of the bar stools.
"I have a Merlot here that I bought a few weeks ago, hoping that I'd have a couple friends over for a girls night or something, but I never got the chance to open it. You grab the bottle and set it on the counter in front of him, "what do you think?"
"I think the idea of drinking wine with you on the couch that I'm building in my head is hot as fuck."
You laugh, "I hope I'm fully clothed in this image."
"You are, I'll have you know. That's a third date kinda thing."
"Okay, so the second date is us moving in together and the third date is us having sex on the couch? What's our fourth date?"
"The courthouse, obviously-" The laugh you let out is disgusting. If it were anyone else sitting at the kitchen island, you would have blushed and apologized for the swamp-witch cackle that just left your mouth. Lucky for you, it's just Tyson.
Just Tyson. The thought plagues your mind as you open the bottle of wine. Especially when he offers to do it for you. Just Tyson has treated you with nothing but respect the entire night. Just Tyson has been kind, sweet, almost dotting since the moment you made eye contact with him. Just Tyson is burning holes into the back of your skull, and you can't say you're made about it. You think about Just Tyson as you grab two glasses out of the cabinet above your head. Once the glasses are poured and you're heading to the couch in the living room, you think that maybe you were overthinking the whole situation. Maybe Tyson was right; you'd created the worst possible scenario in your head about your boss and his teammates, and never thought that maybe everything would be okay. 
As you prop your legs on Tyson's thigh, taking a sip of your wine and sitting against the arm of the chair, you can't help but take the opportunity to chirp at him, "Is this the idea you had in mind? Since I was totally fully clothed in the picture in your head?"
He laughed, leaning his head against the back of the couch and letting his hand fall to rest on your leg, "Yeah, something like this. 'cept I was calling you all kinds of pretty names and trying to resist the urge to kiss you." 
The conversation comes easy, even though both of you are stone cold sober. It would have been almost unfathomable that you can talk to someone for this long without a glass or two of wine in your system. Before you have time to comprehend the words coming out of your mouth, the conversation has switched from the teammates you know and the pots he has seen you work on to his family back home in Canada, and all of the embarrassing events that plagued your childhoods, "your family sounds wonderful, Tyson."
He has become so lost in the comfortability of being around you, he spits out, "They'd love you."
You can tell he didn't think before he spoke by the way his face turns a deep shade of red and the apologies spew from his lips, "Tyson, it's okay, I sure hope they will."
By 10:30, half the bottle of wine is gone, and the 'image' he had been playing out in his head is slowly starting to come to life, "did you want another glass, sweetheart?"
You ignored it on the surface, but your stomach was exploding, "maybe just a little."
He stands up from the couch, taking your glass off the coffee table, "for sure, give me one second, my love." 
The cute names and casual domesticity of the whole situation has you pressing your legs together. 
He gets a text message a little after 11:15.
"Oh fuck it's Tage."
"Is everything okay?" You sit up, hoping that no one is hurt, and that no one is mad.
"Yeah. Yeah, I just told him I'd be back around 11 and he wanted to make sure you weren't harvesting my kidneys or something."
"Did he say that exactly?"
"No, but it was implied."
"If you need to go home, you're allowed to.  I won't be offended or anything if you have other stuff to attend to. You guys are back in the studio Sunday, anyways. It's not like we have a chance to ghost eachother after this."
"Yeah, I should probably get going," both of you stood up off the couch, "I had a lot of fun tonight, Y/N, more than I ever thought I would."
You take a few steps to the front door, watching him put on his shoes and grab his suit jacket, "I would love to do this again at some point or another."
You look up at him, meeting his eyes for the first time all night. You have a chance to take in the details of his face and admire the color of his eyes, "I would like that, yeah."
"This might be an insane thing to ask, but can I kiss you right now?
You smile, "I would be a little sad if you didn't."
Tyson takes a step towards you, taking your hip in one hand and your face in the other. Your hands find the collar of his shirt, smoothing it out before looking up at him. He leans down and kisses you. You hate to admit it, but you can't ignore the fireworks in your chest and the little flutters against your stomach. It doesn't last for too long, but you're disoriented when you pull away. You're fuzzy in the head and a little dizzy, "I'll see you Sunday, Y/N."
"I'll see you Sunday" Tyson ignores the fact that you whispered your response. He bids you another adieu as he closes the door. You try not to squeal with excitement as you take off your makeup and go to bed. You hope and pray to God that you can keep your cool tomorrow around Tyson, knowing the way you felt. 
Does this make me a cool Tumblr writer now?
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chowtrolls · 2 months
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shivstar · 1 year
Some asked me why I hate the character Remus Lupin so much.
And people who have read my posts will think that probably it is related to my even more strong dislike for wolfstar. But surprisingly it is not at all related to that.
So, long story short is that I read a fic which was done so nicely that from there on me and remus were always on odds.
For those who want long story-
I was actually into time traveling fics a few years back. You know where hermione goes back in time and makes all things right.
This was one such fic. Where she is reborn as the twin sister of james Potter.
Now, one thing people should know about these fic is that here she is paired with prominent people we know from first war time.
More often it is not james, because of his epic love story with lily or the fact that her best friend will not be born if she is paired such. Others who are often paired with her are sirius, remus, Regulus and snape.
I was into sirius-hermione pairing and read all of them like drugs.
Now my expectations when reading such fics is that the romance take a little back seat and the drama related to war should provide more entertainment.
So mostly avoided fics where she travelled through 2-3 boyfriends to reach to her final guy. Sirius. But this story was exception.
I was reading one such fic in which this pairing was taged. Sirius and Hermione
In it sirius and remus both have feelings for hermione. And neither made a move because they knew about how the other felt and didn't want to come in the way of rthe other out of brotherhood.
We as reader are not told which one of them she has feelings for. Maybe both??????????????????The player witch😎.
Anyways. But this change when after the incident with snape in the shack, remus lets go of all his concern for his friend's feelings and makes a move to the girl.
All is well and good. And they slowly and steadily ease into the relationship. And things are in early stage.
This carries on for a few months where sirius is shown to be feeling remorseful for what he did to his friend. And is also a little heartbroken seeing the two together but he takes it like a champ and does not feel any ill will towards the new couple.
One day the marauders are planning some prank. During which remus starts taunting sirius because he still feeling bitter. Peter and james try to handle the situation but it keep on accelerating to no avail.
In the heat of the moment, remus decides to taunt sirius that he has got the girl they both wanted and tells in detail about what the two got up two just the last night. ( about their bedroom activities).
James first of all punches remus and breaks his nose for speaking like this about his sister. As if she were an object.
Turns out hermione was also nearby and listened to all this and confronts remus about using her and their relationship to make sirius suffer. She asks him if he would have asked her out if it weren't for his desire to punish sirius by asking her out.
This scene was done so fantastically that after that day lupin's character was gone for me. As soon as he comes as a prominent character in any fic, I take my leave or skip those parts.
Now obviously, the Hermione, sirius and james in that particular fic forgave poor lupin. But I never could find it in me to be able to do so. I simply was hoping till the end of the fic that they will just kick him out of their life.
This is my problem as a reader. I get too emotionally attached when the story is really well done. yeah I am malleable like that. 🥺🥺
I am once again reading a fic with sirius/ harry pairing, this too has a problematic remus but the author says that they are trying to aim for his redemption. It is called "RETURN FROM THE VEIL BY @jmagnabo92
This fic too is such where in the end the protagonist will forgive the bad guy but I will be left with even more bad feelings about this particular character than before.
So, this is the reason of me hating remus, not because of canon or wolfstar or any toxic story I read, simply a well done fic where he tried to take away the female protagonist from her destined male protagonist.
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willowplantcat · 11 months
I have decided to finally make an intro post :3
Hello everybody im willow im a genderfluid gremlin :3, my blog will just be reblog of stuff i like with little to no cohesion, but i will normally mass reblog content of a series if i just watched it/rewatched
Here are some facts about me:
Current list of pronouns: she/he/it/they/neos(si/sim/seys and kit/kits/kitself)
Im mexican and my first language is spanish
I have adhd (and some sympthoms of autism but i only have an adhd diagnosis)
Im a winged cat therian ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Made a second blog for mass reblogin: @willlow2-ran-out-of-reblogs
I have 2!!! partners and i love em very much ♥️💖💛 they are @bakersfield-row bmy beautiful wife<3 and @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 ma silly bf :3
(Idk what else to ads tbh)
some tags so you can find my posts
#willow speaks (for my own posts)
#willow.txt (for text only post)
#willow draws (for some of my drawings)
#willow awnsers (for awnsers of asks)
#weeping willow (for vents)
pfp by @lee-hakhyun header by @toothwormfactory (thanks anon for reminding me)
art by @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 and @terrencetheshark13
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also me↑
(ive never used these banner thingirs but i like thsi one :3)
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khalaris · 6 months
For the OC ask game:
🎯🎹💼🙌🧠🌺 for your favourite OC(s) ;)
Du stellst echt die schwierigen Fragen (wer ist mein fav) 😂 Ich mag alle, also nehm ich einfach mal Thomas aus Die Welt in unseren Händen, der vermutlich in absehbarer Zeit insgesamt die meiste screen-time haben wird, aber immer noch viel zu wenig backstory hat. Immerhin hab ich ihm letztens endlich einen Nachnamen spendiert :D
🎯 -What do they do best?
Er ist kein Dampfplauderer, aber er schafft es, mit jedem irgendwie ins Gespräch zu kommen und einen gemeinsamen Nenner zu finden.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Er sammelt queere Zeitschriften und Magazine aus aller Welt, wodurch er viele Connections in andere queere Communities hat. Im Moment verteilt er die nur unter Freunden und im Verein, aber irgendwann will er eins der Hinterzimmer des Kaleidoskops zu einer kleinen Bibliothek umfunktionieren. (Danke an @kathastrophen für die Inspiration hierzu, ich glaub du kannst dir vorstellen, auf welche Art das eventuell mal relevant werden könnte XD)
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Lange Zeit hat er in einer Konditorei gearbeitet, inzwischen hat er sein eigenes Kaffeehaus. Dort bäckt er zwar auch noch, aber nicht so viel, wie er gern möchte, da er mehr Zeit damit verbringt, das Unternehmen zu führen und sich um den Verein zu kümmern.
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
Thomas hatte zwei ältere Brüder, an die er sich kaum erinnern kann, da er noch sehr jung war, als sie im 2. WK starben. Mit Mitte 20, nach dem Tod seiner Eltern, hat er beim Ausräumen des Dachbodens Briefe gefunden, die einer seiner Brüder aus dem Krieg an seine Mutter geschrieben hat. Darin beschreibt er, wie er sich in einen seiner Kameraden verliebt hat, wie innerlich zerrissen er deshalb ist und wie sehr er in Angst lebt, dass das jemand mitbekommen könnte. In dem Moment hat Thomas entschieden, sich niemals zu verstecken. Er hat das Gefühl, es ist das einzige, das er für seinen Bruder tun kann, den er nie wirklich kannte und dem er sich trotzdem so verbunden fühlt.
Vom ältesten Bruder hat er nichts als zwei kurze Briefe. In einem schreibt sein Bruder in knappen Worten, dass er eine "gute Frau" kennengelernt hat, und dass sie beabsichtigen zu heiraten. Der zweite Brief, datiert nur wenige Tage später, benachrichtigt seine Mutter über seinen Tod.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Am meisten mag ich, dass er einfach so ein guter Freund ist. Er ist super excited für Ernstl, als der sich in Moritz verliebt und noch mehr, als die beiden tatsächlich zusammenkommen.
Ich find's auch voll witzig, dass Thomas nur als random Kaffeehaus Typ im ersten Kapitel auftaucht und gar nicht nochmal vorkommen sollte. Und dann hat Ernstls Mama ein paar Kapitel später einfach beschlossen, dass er Ernstls ex-Freund ist. Keine Ahnung, wie das passiert ist, aber irgendwie passt es sehr gut in die Geschichte XD
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Da ist natürlich einmal seine "verflossene" Liebe, ein gewisser Ernst Rauter XD Ernstls Mama hatte ja schon angedeutet, dass es mit ihnen nicht geklappt hat, das lag aber an der Unvereinbarkeit ihrer persönlichen Lebensplanung, bei der keiner von beiden von seiner eigenen Vorstellung abrücken konnte. Thomas selbst lebst ganz offen schwul und will das auch nicht verstecken, trotz der Gefahr und der Schwierigkeiten, die diese Offenheit für ihn mit sich bringt. Währenddessen kam das für Ernst nie in Frage, und spätestens seit er zur Polizei ging, ist es auch gar nicht mehr möglich (zumindest nicht ohne seine Karriere dort zu torpedieren). Thomas war zwei Jahre mit Ernst zusammen und liebt ihn noch immer, auch wenn seine Gefühle inzwischen etwas von ihrer romantischen Natur verloren haben. Sie sind weiterhin beste Freunde und haben ein inniges Vertrauensverhältnis.
Im Laufe der Geschichte wird Thomas nochmal ein love interest bekommen, mit dem es diesmal auch mit der Beziehung klappt. Das wird aber noch eine ganze Weile dauern.
OC ask game
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doll3t3xo · 7 months
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ᡣ𐭩 By interacting with my posts, you have agreed to follow my rules, the dni criteria, and the writing rules below
ᡣ𐭩 Any of these rules may change overtime for my comfort
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ᡣ𐭩 What fandoms I write for: Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, and Demon Slayers
ᡣ𐭩 What characters I romantically write for: Gojo, Geto, Choso, Sukuna + Mihawk, Shanks, Aokiji, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Trafalgar Law, Ace, Lucci, Kaku + Hantengu’s clones (Zohakuten is excluded), & Kyojuro Rengoku
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ᡣ𐭩 Things I do write:
Dark content (ex: yandere, killing, stalking, perverted behavior, etc), not spoiler free, nsfw, sfw, hurt + comfort, potential tws comfort, fluff, smut, angst, longfic, oneshot, headcannons, AUs, character(s) x gn! or f!reader only, poly relationship (only apply for satosugu and hantengu clones), preferably sub! reader, hybrid
ᡣ𐭩 Kinks I would write:
Bdsm, throat fucking, gagging, bulging, size kink, face sitting/fucking, hair pulling, praise kink, degradation, humiliation, choking, slapping, breastfeeding/lactation, orgasm denial, voyeurism, daddy kink, thigh riding, sex toys, double penetration, squirting, slut-shaming, edging, overstimulation, age gap, cumming inside, finger fucking, (mutual) masturbation, filming, lingerie, dumbification, corruption, dacryphilia, somnophilia
ᡣ𐭩 Things I do not write:
Extremely specific “reader”, character x oc, character x character, male! reader, rape, incest, age up, substances (ex: cocaine), weed, necrophilia, scat, piss, vodmit, watersports, omegaverse (I am not used to that yet, hybrid! character or reader is allowed), dom! reader (once again, not used to that, I’ll try) & anything that goes against my dni criteria
ᡣ𐭩 More info:
ᡣ𐭩 My writing will be tag accordingly, check my tags to see if you want to filter out any writings you don’t want to see
ᡣ𐭩 Tws and kinks will be listed at the beginning of the fic
ᡣ𐭩 I’m asian, if you request (different race)! reader, know that I may make mistakes, please educate me
ᡣ𐭩 I’m about average female height and I have a small frame body, pale skin and straight hair, so stuff I write might have details that fit those (ex: reader’s height)
ᡣ𐭩 know that I do make mistakes, if I accidentally missed a tage/tw or put wrong tag/tw, please let me know asap, I will fix it when I see the comment, don’t spam it
ᡣ𐭩 you may not copy the layout, theme of my writing or repost, translate, copy + plagiarized it
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ᡣ𐭩 How my ask works:
A) “Request close! (#)” — Not open for requests requests at that moment, () will tell you how many requests I need to complete first.
ᡣ𐭩 Please only request writing in my ask. If it is not open for request, you can still send a comment, suggestions, or talk to me!
B) “Request open! [fandom] (#)” — Open for request, [] will tell what fandoms I’m willing to do request for, () will tell how many requests I need to complete first.
ᡣ𐭩 I don’t know how to explain it but I would like to only write for the fandom that I’m mostly interested in at that moment
ᡣ𐭩 Please do not spam your request, I will just block you
ᡣ𐭩 Know that I’m a very slow writer, please do not rush me or ask constantly when will it be done
ᡣ𐭩 If your request have taken really long to get answered…
1. Most likely I deleted it because it did not follow the rules or
2. I do not feel that I can write with that prompt
3. “Work in progress…” — you might want to check my “welcome” or my masterlist to see any writings that I’m work on, they take a while to complete
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ᡣ𐭩 Please read my 𝑫𝑵𝑰 and 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔
ᡣ𐭩 𝑨𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝑴𝒆 ᡣ𐭩 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 ᡣ𐭩 𝑴.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 ᡣ𐭩 𝑨𝒔𝒌 𝑴𝒆 ᡣ𐭩 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔
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© doll3t3xo — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Do not repost, translate, copy, plagiarized or claim my work and layout as your own!
Credits to hitobaby for the dividers
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