#Jack Barakat fanfiction
fangirl94stuff · 2 years
Jack Barakat (All Time Low)
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'Remind me again why you are here Jack,' you huff, sitting back on your heels in the middle of your lounge.
Jack lays across your sofa staring at you while eating popcorn, 'I'm here for moral support y/n, I did offer to help if I recall, but what did you say?'
You can't help but pout at Jack's mocking tone because he was right and you hated being wrong. You'd gone and gotten yourself a new entertainment unit from IKEA and insisted you could build it yourself, and now he was enjoying watching you struggle, knowing you'd crack and ask for his help eventually.
You go back to the pieces of wood in front of you and pick up the instruction booklet, the sound of Jack eating popcorn getting louder.
'I've been working long and hard on this, why is it so difficult?' you moan loudly, throwing the booklet to the side.
The popcorn sound stops and you feel a presence behind you, and in the corner of your eye you see Jack leaning into your ear, his lips pulled back in a smirk.
'You know what else is long and hard y/n?' he whispers in your ear.
You shudder, 'No! don't you dare say--'
Jack grins and the next thing you know he's waving the instruction booklet in front of your face, 'this journey to success is long and hard, get your head out of the gutter y/n.'
You snatch the booklet from his hands knowing your face was a little flustered as Jack knew how to push your buttons and vice versa, 'okay you do it them, Barakat.'
Jack can't stop laughing and hugs you, 'is little y/n flustered? You're so cute when you're mad. I will put this together just you watch.'
You squirm out of his grasp and throw yourself down on the sofa and pick up his abandoned popcorn. Jack was so going to tell the rest of the guys about this and no one would let you live this moment down because it was fun to embarrass y/n.
After an hour Jack had put the unit together with little inputs from you here and there, and the two of you put your tv on it, 'you did good Jack, next time I'll ask for your help straight away.'
Jack smiles widely and looks down at you next to him, 'you know how you can pay me back y/n?'
You shake your head, 'no way--'
'HOME ALONE,' he shouts, cutting you off.
You let your best friend drag you back to the sofa, even if you couldn't stand the film you did owe Jack. Scratch that, next time you were paying IKEA to build the furniture for you.
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aweirdkindofyellow · 1 year
The J.A.C.I.E. Project, Pt.4
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JACIE Jay-see \ d͡ʒˈe͡ɪsi \ See Jennifer Anna Clara Isabell Evans. An ambitious 21-year-old music student, striving to find her place in the industry.
JACK Jak \ d͡ʒæk \ A guy ten years older than Jacie, who takes a liking to her.
Chapter 4
I was sitting at the dining table, a blank piece of paper in front of me and a pen between my teeth. The midday sun was providing me most of my light through the large window at the front of the house. I was busy trying to write a song for one of my classes, but was really struggling with my lyrics. As much as I loved writing them, having a specific assignment could make it very difficult, especially if inspiration just wasn’t hitting.
It was three days after my birthday. I still occasionally thought about my night with Jack, especially late at night. But I wasn’t expecting anything more to come out of it. Although I had given him my number, I knew how those things usually went. They never even show a single sign of life, let alone any further interest in me. As much as I would have loved to spend another few hours in Jack’s bed, I didn’t have my hopes up.
Much like every other uninspired procrastinator out there, I had my phone close next to me to keep me distracted. I kept telling myself to leave it be, but ever buzz and notification caught my attention and made me spiral into a social media loop again. This time, it was a text from an unknown number that gave me another not-very-well-deserved well deserved break.
Unknown: J.A.C.I.E?
Me: Yeah?
Unknown: Hey! It’s Jack, the guy from your birthday
Me: Hi! I remember very well actually
Of course. It was three days later. He had decided to follow the rule that made you wait three days before contacting somebody you’re sexually or romantically interested in.
Unknown: Just wanted to ask if you’d like to grab some breakfast tomorrow?
Me: Breakfast?
Unknown: To make up for not offering you any last time
Me: I was the one who left for brunch, you couldn’t have offered it even if you wanted to
Unknown: Well, I’d still like to take you
Me: Tomorrow morning?
Unknown: Yeah
Me: Let me check my schedule
I quit the text messages and went on the internet to have a look at my class timetable. Asking me out to breakfast was a little strange. Not that I didn’t like it. I was just very used to getting a 2am ‘u up?’ text if some guy decided to hit me up again. Breakfast to me seemed like a very foreign thing to do if not straight after sex.
Me: Alright, I have a class at 3pm. So, hopefully that’s not too early for you
Unknown: Oh wow, still judging me for not waking up at ungodly hours like you?
Me: 9am is not an ungodly hour. It’s very normal for a day off
Unknown: It’s ungodly after a night of heavy drinking
Me: You jealous?
Unknown: A little
Unknown: Anyway, how about we say 10 then? Which area are you in?
Me: 10 works for me and I’m in Eagle Rock
Unknown: How about we meet half way then? Ever heard of Wild Oak Cafe?
Me: Heard of it, never been
Unknown: I’ll see you there then
Me: I’ll add it to my schedule
Unknown: Maybe you can use it as an excuse for somebody else this time ;)
I went back to trying to write my song, still struggling, but at least getting a few words down. I had to do something. There was no way I could stay up all night trying to do some of the work if I was expected to be somewhere in the morning. I couldn’t show up to breakfast late and all groggy. Getting sleep was important that night.
I hated being late; I always avoided it. Of course, however, I was late to my breakfast with Jack the next morning. It wasn’t exactly my fault, and it wasn’t like I was horribly late, but it still felt horrible. I was one of those people who liked being ten minutes early. What time did I park in the parking lot? Ten past ten. And what time did I finally make it inside? Quarter past ten. Fifteen minutes late was technically twenty-five minutes late, which was practically half an hour late.
My eyes fell on Jack who was already sitting at a small table for two people. He was tapping his foot and scrolling through his phone, not really paying attention to what was happening around him. I just walked straight up to him, since even I didn’t seem to catch his eye when I walked in.
“Hey!” I approached him, finally getting him to look up at me.
“Jacie!” He smiled and put down his phone.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” I apologised and sat down, straightening out my yellow sundress.
“It’s good, you’re not that late,” he brushed it off. “Although… with your sense of planning I was expecting you to come early, so I came early as well.”
“Usually I am, you got that right. But my dad decided last minute that I needed to bring my brother to school when I first left my bedroom. So I did that in my pajamas and had to go back to change.”
“You have a brother?”
“Yeah, a little brother,” I always smiled when I spoke about him, “he’s six.”
“Really? That’s awesome. I’ve got two siblings who are ten years older than me!” He grinned in excitement as if he was glad we had something in common… sort of.
“So you’re actually the young one, eh?”
“Turns out we both might be.” He handed me a menu. “Anyway, I haven’t ordered anything yet, so take a look.”
I scanned over the menu and nearly choked when I saw the prices. This place wasn’t overly expensive. It wasn’t boujee or only for VIPs. But it was definitely generally out of my price range. I spent that much money on my birthday, but that was a special occasion. Jack didn’t even seem fazed by it. Let’s just say it was very LA. Everything about it was, the food and prices. I absolutely loved it and absolutely hated it.
“Is there something specific I’m looking for here?” I asked, trying to test the waters a little.
Was Jack going to offer to pay? If he was, I didn’t want to order something too expensive. Was I going to pay for my food? Because then my only option was a glass of water and a muffin. Maybe he’d offer to pay and really didn’t care what I got. I didn’t know. Money was a difficult thing.
“I don’t know, what do you like?” He tried helping, not really giving an answer to my hidden question.
“Anything under ten dollars,” I half-joked.
“Oh, no, don’t worry about that. I invited you, choose whatever you want.”
It didn’t really make my choice much easier. What was acceptable to get? Then again, it was all around the same price, so it probably didn’t mean much. Except for the salmon breakfast. But why would I want to get that? I wasn’t that fancy. I was LA, but I was not rich LA.
“Was the sex good enough for pancakes?” I inquired.
Jack’s eyes slipped up from his menu and he bit his lip to hold back a smirk. “It was good enough for pancakes, waffles, and mimosas.”
“Well, that’s an honour. I don’t think I’ve ever been rated that high before.”
“I’ll even throw in a few coffees as well.”
He closed his menu to signal that he had chosen what he wanted. I followed his actions, putting it down on the table and crossing my hands over it. Soon after, a waiter approached us and asked us for our order. Jack gave it, recounting everything he told me: pancakes, waffles, mimosas, and two coffees. Surprisingly, I wasn’t asked for an ID, usually I was. Our menus were taken away and we were left to only talk to each other again.
“So, Jacie…” Jack started, tapping his fingers against the table.
“Yeah?” I crossed my legs and leaned back into my chair.
He leaned forward to compensate for the new distance. “Tell me about yourself?”
“Tell you about myself? This sounds strangely like an interview for a job.”
“I’ve gotta make it go full circle,” he defended himself.
“I have actually gone to so many different interviews, I have answers memorised. You don’t want me to fall into that rehearsed script, trust me,” I laughed.
“Okay, I’ll steer clearly away from that then.” He nodded playfully. “How did you interview at Fueled by Ramen go?”
“About as well as I expected,” I shrugged with indifference. “I’m pretty sure I will not be getting that position. But I do still need to find an internship somewhere.”
“Why do you need to find one?”
“I opted to do one as part of my degree. Work experience is always good to have if you want to get somewhere.”
“Right! That makes a lot of sense, actually…” He obviously hadn’t considered the fact that I could have still been a student. “What do you study?”
I smiled. “Music. It’s pretty general, but since it’s my last year, I’ve been mainly focusing on writing and production.”
“Ah, I can see you’re not the managing type.”
“Oh, no, I don’t mind managing.” I corrected quickly with a shake of my head. “That’s the next best thing, really.”
He frowned as our mimosas arrived. “But you said that internship wasn’t for you?”
“I said Experience Management wasn’t my thing. Why would I want to have a job in posting what events and concerts will be happening and actually have nothing to do with the organisation in any way?”
“Huh, yeah, that does sound pretty boring,” he agreed with a chuckle. “I didn’t even know they had people specifically for that.”
“You’d think they’d have a general social media person for that, right?”
“I’ve done my fair share of posting things like that, but it’s promo for myself, so it’s fun.”
“I fully expect somebody’s just bored of the job themselves,” I admitted and leaned back in to take a sip from my drink, which was one of the best mimosas I had ever tasted. “So, all they could think of to make it more bearable was to hire an unpaid intern.”
“Oof, yeah, that’s a no from me.”
“I can do so much better than that.”
Jack grinned at me as he looked me in the eyes, picking up his own glass as well. “Yes, you definitely can.”
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dispatch-eddie · 1 year
How i read fics
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srhgaskarth · 2 months
Glitter and Crimson. New Religion and Kill Ur Vibe are punching my Jalex gut so fucking hard.
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Jack is in love with Alex. That much they both knew, despite Jack never once saying it out loud. The way he looked at Alex made it obvious enough, and the look Alex returned should have told Jack the same. But Alex was a complicated person with complicated feelings and a complicated marriage, which just made their own relationship all the more, you guessed it, complicated.  
But what’s a star without the one who hung it?  
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halojalex · 2 months
this is a fic that's been in the works since january 😭 lmk what you think if you read it bc i love to hear people's thoughts, it always means so much to me
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theunknownofficial · 5 months
Jalex Prompt
Prompt: Jack and Alex Smut I'm not Picky 😂🤣
Synopsis: Alex flunks a college test so he goes to Jack for a distraction.
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alltimefanfiction · 1 year
Anons asking for characters with their own names?
Must have been interesting.
Also, looking forward to the new theme!
Oh, all the time. Allllllll the time. People basically wanted to read stories and envision themselves, I guess, which I get but the way we found those stories was literally by Googling, "Jack Barakat Amelia fanfiction" and then just linking any story we discovered that had Jack paired with a girl called Amelia (or whatever) lmao. I think the older mods just started asking people to do that because the inbox was clogged as hell at that time.
And thank-you! I'm really fucking buzzed for it because I want this current theme to burn and die.
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so in a few days it’s gonna be my birthday (july 21) and I wanted to request an imagine that’s a little bit...dirty i guess?, one where the reader gets waken up by jack eating her out, if you dont want to do it, i’ll understand
AN Hi I’m sleepy but also it’s been a real hot minute since I’ve been here huh? Me in June: yeah I’m back ! I’ll keep writing! Me now: it’s been 6 months and since I last posted the other imagines, I have not even looked at these requests. But there are some in here that are super cute and I want to get to. I may have to turn off requests for a bit, even tho my last one that I posted got like what, 20 notes? Rip lol but I guess that’s the price I pay for being offline for three years lmao. Anyway enjoy this one, I’m quite into somno and shit lately, so hopefully this is cute. ALSO HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY BY LIKE THREE YEARS AND 4 MONTHS LMFAO HOPE IT WAS RAD
Also hi this is a lot shorter than usual but there’s no plot so like idk how to make it longer and I don’t wanna force it. Anyway here u go love u
Warning: smut
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Your POV
It was year one into my relationship with Jack. He was gone a lot due to touring and recording that wasn’t in Baltimore, so the time we spent together, I cherished. He flew me out to LA this time so I could be near him while they were working on whatever All Time Low was planning on doing. I arrived late at night, and they were still in the studio, so I took a shower, and curled up into bed to wait for him.
I must have fallen asleep, because I don’t remember him getting into bed at night or if he did at all. The next thing I remember happening was the touch of soft lips on my inner thighs. I was wearing shorter shorts, and a t-shirt to bed. My head was still a little fuzzy, and it can be hard to wake me up, so I just turned around.
“Baby,” I heard my boyfriend whisper. “Do you want to wake up?”
I groaned in response. Whether it was out of pleasure or apathy to being woken up, I don’t know. I can go both ways. He was tugging on my shorts, trying to get me to cooperate, and I just moaned again and flipped over. I then felt his fingers on me over the panties, and my eyes finally snapped open.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Jack smiled.
“Mm. Jack?” I blinked at the dimly lit room. I couldn’t tell if the curtains were just that good or if it was still dark out. “What time is it?”
“Sh.” He started to tug down my shorts and panties. I didn’t wear a bra to bed, so you could see my nipples poking through my baggy t shirt out of arousal. We both are into somno so it wasn’t a bad thing that was happening, and he would stop if I asked for it. 
He let his hand drag gently against me, and I was already bucking up in anticipation. After not seeing him for weeks, and the way I’m being greeted is enough to turn anyone on. He placed his hand gently on my belly, scrunching up my shirt, and leaned up to kiss me. 
I kissed back as much as my sleep-induced state would let me, letting my hands play in his hair. I loved how soft it was to touch. He broke the kiss after not long, and slid his hand off to place it on my thighs, kissing his way down. The gentleness of it all made me moan, this time definitely because of pleasure. 
By this time, my bottom half was completely exposed, and he was trailing his kisses down my thighs, dangerously close to my folds. His tongue licked my slit and I yelped in surprise. I knew it was coming, but it was still a fresh sensation to be feeling at whatever time it was. 
His tongue flicked my clit, and my hips bucked in response. He held my waist down with his big hands as he started sucking. I breathed in, moving my legs to wrap around his shoulders. “Jack please,” I moaned, grasping at the sheets below me, almost seeing stars.
“Please what, Princess?” he asked between my legs. I needed some reprieve, so I let out a scream, letting go of the sheets to pull at his hair. He moaned against me, and that made my legs twitch even more. 
“Please what? I need to hear you say it.” I was writing while his tongue was flicking against me, writing unknown soliloquies against my clit. I was breathing hard, and pulling at his hair, and he was keeping my hips in place. My thighs clenched around him, and it just made him grasp me harder. 
“I need you!” I was finally able to get out.
“Need me to do what?” 
“Like?” He was taunting me now, knowing that I couldn’t very well speak while having my clit be this stimulated especially after having just woken up, and seeing my boyfriend that I don’t get to see often. I was writhing against him, and molded to him.
“Just fill me!” He took that as about as clear as I could make it and finally put a finger inside me. If only that was enough, now I was being stimulated in two areas, desperate for more reprieve, and still clenching my thighs around him. “More,” I moaned.
He put in another finger, knowing exactly where to hit after a year of being together, and it was enough to push me super close. “Jack!” 
He continued sucking and fingering me until I called out “I’m coming!” My walls unclenched and I rode the high until it settled down, my legs quivering from the intense pleasure. I looked down at him and he met my gaze, soft brown eyes smiling up at me. “Good morning,” I said hoarsely. 
“Good morning,” he smiled at me, crawling up to get closer. I was feeling pretty sleepy after that, and nothing sounded better than to fall asleep in my boyfriend’s arms.
“Do you want me to take care of you?” I asked while yawning.
“Maybe later. I just want to hold you right now, it feels like it’s been forever.”
“I know what you mean.” He pulled me close, and held me against him as he sighed contentedly. “Welcome back,” I whispered, holding his arms around me, basking in his warmth.
He tightened his grip, and nuzzled into my hair, attempting to fall back asleep. I could feel his boner behind me. Maybe later today I’ll return the favor and wake him up with the same type of surprise. 
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getawaygaskarth · 5 years
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x | give credit if used
yeah i chose Rian
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fangirl94stuff · 3 years
All Time Low: Jack Barakat
'Dude are you okay? What's wrong? Are you feeling ill?' Alex asks, firing off question after question aimed at me from the passenger seat of my car.
Had my actions really been that noticeable? There was something wrong with me, I was conflicted about my feelings for one of my best friends. On the one hand, I wanted to confess, but on the other hand, I didn't want to ruin a good friendship. y/n l/n had been my best friend for over twenty years, I was in love with them, but with my infamous reputation was I really capable of love?
'I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say you're thinking about y/n, and not just about the housewarming, but maybe how you're finally ready to confess your feelings,' Alex speaks up since I was being silent.
I move my eyes from the road to Alex, 'what do I do?'
He grins, 'why the sudden urge?'
I sigh loudly, 'it's stupid. We both went to a family friends party the other week and y/n looked drop-dead gorgeous. Lots of men had their eyes on y/n and I was jealous. From that night I swore I'd be the only man romantically in y/n's life. They stayed by my side the whole night because the attention made them uncomfortable.'
Alex hums to himself, 'dude I've never seen you this lovestruck before. If I was you I'd tell y/n how I feel. Trust your gut, do it tonight.'
I was still conflicted as we pull up outside y/n's new home. Alex goes ahead of me leaving me to compose myself. I pick up my phone and smile at my lock screen because y/n had taken my phone the other week and changed the lock screen to be a goofy photo of them. Little things we did when together had people assuming we were together and neither of us denied it. I needed to find out if y/n's feelings were mutual.
'Lisa can I tell you something in private?' you ask your close friend, and Alex's wife who'd come over early to help you set up.
You'd met Lisa through Alex and the two of you clicked, pretty much inseparable when together, the two of you told each other everything. She jumps up onto the counter nearest to you.
'You can tell me anything y/n?' she answers.
You lean in towards her just in case anyone was eavesdropping and keep your voice low, 'the other week Jack and I went to a party and I don't know what overcame me but I found myself thinking about him as more than just friends. I've liked him for a while but that night cemented my true feelings. A lot of guys were eyeing me up and Jack shielded me from them.'
Lisa giggles, 'you have it bad. The two of you would be perfect together, you know each other, every dirty and dark little secret. Plus you can't deny that the two of you act like a couple in public. You two are the most oblivious people any of us know.'
You feel your cheeks burn at Lisa's accusations and observations. You and Jack weren't subtle, but you put it down all these years to just being really close friends. Maybe Jack had similar feelings, Lisa had pretty much told you so. Would this ruin your friendship? You had a lot to think over and a lot of drinks to help you work up some courage.
'The party can finally begin!' Alex calls out cheerfully, entering the kitchen.
Lisa rolls her eyes and gets off the counter, 'the party began when I arrived Mr Gaskarth,' she snorts.
Alex pouts like a child as Lisa pushes past him playfully. You walk over to your friend and hug him, 'ignore her Alex.'
Alex hugs you back, 'this is why you're my favourite y/n.'
Jack clears his throat behind Alex, 'I thought I was your favourite.'
Alex jumps a little and pulls away from you, 'dude one day you're going to give me a heart attack. y/n is now my number one.'
Alex reaches around you and grabs a beer from the cooler on top of the counter, pops the cap, and leaves the kitchen to find his wife, leaving you and Jack alone.
'Welcome to my humble abode Mr Barakat, make yourself at home.'
Jack smiles, 'oh you're going to regret that invite y/n. I'll have myself a spare key before the end of the party.'
You laugh, 'challenge accepted.'
It was getting late, quite a few drinks had been drunk and jokes had been shared. Alex suggested a game of truth or dare spin the bottle and like the big kids we all were, we said yes. Alex, Lisa, Rian, Zack, a couple of close friends and y/n sit down in the lounge while I sit down opposite y/n. We made the rule that if you refused to answer the truth you had to take a shot.
It didn't take people too long to refuse to answer truths, so shots were taken and even my head was starting to feel groggy, but I managed to keep my eyes on y/n the whole time while they never took their eyes off me.
After a shot, Rian spins the bottle and it lands on y/n who chooses dare. Rian rubs his hands together, sharing a look with the others around the circle like they were all in on something.
'y/n I dare you to kiss the person you have a crush on,' Rian states, words a little slurred.
y/n nods their head and gets up on their knees before leaning over the bottle in the middle and crashes their lips down on mine without any hesitation, taking not only me by surprise but the whole circle. I kiss y/n back, holding their chin in place not wanting to lose the taste of their lips, while our friends erupt into cheers around us.
Once y/n pulls away and sits back down in their spot I take a deep breath, 'y/n will you go out with me?'
y/n nods, 'yes I will.'
More cheers and congratulations erupt in the circle. I guess I had nothing to worry about, y/n felt the same way and had said yes to dating me. The game continues, before y/n excuses themselves and I follow after them into the kitchen.
y/n holds their hand out to me, and in their palm is a spare key, 'you won the challenge, Jack.'
I throw my head back and laugh, 'and I got the best prize of them all.'
y/n throws their arms around my shoulder and kisses me again, this was a feeling I could get very used to as I kiss them back. When everyone sobered up y/n and I would receive hell off our friends for taking out sweet time getting together.
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aweirdkindofyellow · 4 months
Growing with J.A.C.I.E.
Fifth (and final) sequel to The J.A.C.I.E. Project
JACIE Jay-see \ d͡ʒˈe͡ɪsi \ See Jennifer Anna Clara Isabell Evans. A 26-year-old navigating the high and lows of starting a family.
JACK Jak \ d͡ʒæk \ A guy ten years older than Jacie, excited to start a family with the person he’d call the love of his life.
After a positive pregnancy test, there’s nothing Jack and Jacie can do but pray that everything goes well. Their history goes to show that things just aren’t that simple. Will their fears and past issues catch up to them? Or will they finally get the happy ending they so desperately desire?
Wattpad link
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foliea · 5 years
Cake On Your Birthday - Alex Gaskarth Imagine
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth x Reader
Word Count: 624
Warnings: One cuss word???
Author’s note: Okay so,,,, this is about the song Birthday by All Time Low I’m not sure why I wrote this but I did. Also I have no hate towards Lisa, I just thought this would fit better for Alex :)
“Y/N sweetie? Didn’t All Time Low release a new song?” My mom asked me.
“Yeah it’s called birthday.” I smiled thinking about Lex.
“I hear there’s a music video for it.” Micah remarked with a smirk. “We should watch it.”
“Why do I have a feeling you’ve already seen it?” He shrugged with a little laugh. “Why not, I mean I haven’t seen it.”
I grabbed my laptop and opened YouTube. After finding the video, I turned the screen so everyone could see it.
The video opened up with Alex... tied to a chair. Then Rian also tied to a chair. Then Zack, then Jack, then Alex again. The video only got weirder as it went on. Cake was thrown in their faces, a giant panda showed up at one point, and to top it all off the very awkward synchronized pounding of fist on the table.
By the time the video was done my brother was in hysterics and my mom was utterly confused. “What did I just watch?” My mom asked after a few minutes of silence.
“I-I’m not sure.” I replied, my brother still laughing. “But I do know it had All Time Low written all over it.”
“I’m playing that on your birthday. Wait no you’re wedding!” Micah joked, with a form of seriousness laced in his words.
“Don’t say that around the boys, Jack’ll agree immediately.” laughed along with him.
“Lex? Where are you?” I called out.
“Babe?” I followed the sound to the kitchen. “Hey there cutie.”
I stood on my toes and placed my lips on his. “Hiya.” I smiled.
“How was your moms place?”
“Good.” I responded. “We uh watched your music video.”
“Oh uh” He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Did you like it?”
“Well it was original...” He laughed a bit. “But Micah said he’s gonna play it at our wedding.”
“Our wedding?”
My eyes widened at Alex’s response. “Uh well I mean. Uh I didn’t mean to-”
“Y/N. It’s okay, you’re fine.” He grabbed the sides of my face. “I’m not upset, I promise.”
Alex quickly pressed a kiss to my lips. “I love you, Lex.” I smiled.
“I love you too N/N.”
“Happy birthday dork.” I opened eyes to see Alex in front of me.
“Thank you, Lex.” I pecked his cheek.
“Everyone’s downstairs but you looked too cute to wake up.”
I rolled my eyes, getting up. “Give me ten minutes.”
Alex nodded leaving the room. I walked over to my dresser pulling out a Glamour Kills sweater and ripped jeans.
After changing I picked up my phone and walked downstairs. “There she is, the girl of the hour!” Jack exclaimed upon seeing me. “Happy Birthday, freak.”
“Wow thanks Jack.” I sarcastically responded.
“Hey wait I’ve got a video to show everyone.” I turned to Micah who already had the remote to my Roku TV in his hands, ready to open YouTube.
I turned away from the TV to try and find Alex. I spotted him talking to my mom. “Bubs.” I spoke walking towards the pair.
Alex looked over and opened his arms, smiling. “Hello beautiful.” He said wrapping his arms around me.
“Oh shit! I love this song!” Alex and I both looked over to where Jack was stood in front of the TV. The first few cords of Birthday rang out into our living room. Alex let out a laugh as I buried my head into his shoulder.
“Birthday down. Wedding to go.” Micah spoke up after the song finished. The boys ooo’d and Lex laughed again as I rolled my eyes. Although if Alex was as happy as he was now about the song, I would be perfectly fine hearing it then.
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srhgaskarth · 2 months
why do i feel like Tell Me I'm Alive album is a Jalex album? Am I the only one?
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descentintobandom · 6 years
The Death of a Bachelor Chapter 10
Title: The Death of a Bachelor Chapter: 10/? Pairing: Jack/OC Rating: T/M Fic Summary: Everyone around Jack and Emily are settling down. Emily wants that more than anything in the world, but she’s convinced that she’s never going to get that…until Jack gets it in his head that the two should get married. The two set off on a road trip to Vegas. Will these two get married? Or will the road trip be for nothing?
When Emily awoke the next morning, it finally hit her. Today she was going to become Mrs. Barakat. Today she would be marrying her best friend in the entire world. A smile crossed her lips as she straddled Jack’s waist. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his.
Jack’s eyes fluttered open.
“Good morning, Mr. Jack Barakat”, she said.
Jack smiled. “Good morning, soon-to-be Mrs. Emily Barakat”.
Emily smiled and kissed Jack again. That name sounded amazing on Jack’s lips and she couldn’t believe that soon she would be spending the rest of her life hearing that name.
After a rather heated make-out session, the two of them managed to get out of bed to go eat breakfast.
Jack couldn’t keep his hands or his lips off of Emily. They sat down at their table and Jack immediately pulled Emily’s legs into his lap. He stroked her legs as she ate and pecked her lips after she fed him pieces of fruit.
She was fairly certain they looked like a disgusting lovey-dovey couple, but for once she didn’t care.
It almost felt like they were already married and this was their honeymoon.
If this was the honeymoon phase, then Emily never wanted it to end.
By 5 o’clock that evening, the two of them arrived in Vegas and pulled up the Hard Rock Hotel.
Emily remembered when Jack and the rest of the Warped Tour bands celebrated his birthday there.
Of course this is where Jack would want to spend his wedding night. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford it.
Emily stood in front of the window lost in her thoughts as she looked out at the strip and all the bright lights. She was already in her dress, which hid the lacey undergarments she had on. Lips kissed her bare neck as hands settled on her tummy.
“Nervous?” Jack asked her.
She turned to face him. “No”.
Jack was dressed in another one of her favorite suits. This one was the one he wore to Alex’s wedding. “Come on”, he told her. He took her hand in his and led her to the car.
As they got closer to the wedding chapel, Emily’s adrenaline started rushing.
Was she really about to do this? Was Jack really the one for her? What if they regretted it in the morning?
Jack looked over at her and her fears flew out the window. He looked at her with such love and devotion as he kissed her ring finger.
Soon, they were standing in front of a priest (who was not dressed like Elvis, thank god. She would have killed Jack) with a chapel appointed witness standing off to the side.
They decided to go the formal route with the ceremony, there would be time to write personal vows later.
Emily and Jack just wanted to finally be married.
“Do you Jack Barakat, take Emily Biscay to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the priest asked.
“I do”.
“And do you Emily Biscay, take Jack Barakat to your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do”.
“Then with the power invested to me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. Barakat, you may now kiss your bride”.
“Finally”, Jack breathed before grabbing Emily’s face and kissing her. Jack’s teenage dream was now a reality. The woman standing before him was now not only his best friend, but his wife.
“Hello Mr. Barakat”, Emily said.
Jack smiled and said, “Hello Mrs. Barakat”.
Emily and Jack signed the marriage license and paid the necessary fees before leaving the chapel to go have dinner.
As they stumbled into their hotel room, Emily pulled away for a second.
“Hey Jack?” she asked.
“Do me a favor. Don’t be gentle”.
Jack smirked and slammed his lips back on hers.
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morningfears · 6 years
Ok so imagine best friend!Jack spending the night at single mom!readers house and it starts storming and Readers four year old daughter is terrified of storms and comes into the room n crawls into bed with reader and jack (because platonic cuddling) and he calms her down and she’s like “goodnight daddy” and it makes readers heart explode and jack would never admit it but it’s exactly what he’s always dreamed of
Listen. I’m so soft. I love seeing Jack with kids, oh my god.
Okay. I’m going friends to lovers because everyone loves that. And I love Jack so. (Also. This is so much more than you asked for. I miss writing for Jack so much, wow.)
Can you imagine, though? Jack and Reader are best friends, have been for ages. He never liked her child’s father (not because he was jealous, he just didn’t get a good vibe from him. A lot of other friends didn’t, either. She was just young and in love and didn’t really listen.) so part of him was glad when he left because that dick didn’t deserve her. But, obviously, the overwhelming part of him was a mixture of sad and angry. He was angry that the douchebag left her, pregnant and alone. He was angry that he hurt her. He was sad that someone would do that to her. He was sad that she felt so alone and broken. He was sad that she was sad.
But he decided that it wasn’t worth his time to be angry. So he did what he does best; he made it his personal mission to be by her side and cheer her up and on. He loves her, always has (for the longest time, it was purely platonic. But playing house for four years makes a guy think), and he’d do anything for her. And he does.
When he’s home, he’s at her place with her and the little one. He’s playing dolls and tea parties. He’s having his nails painted and lipstick put on. He’s helping Reader with dinner, watching Moana with them, playing guitar for them. They’re basically a couple without the dates and sex and title. And everyone knows that. They all joke that they might as well get married but he and Reader just laugh it off. (While, of course, he’s now starting to consider it.)
And I can see him staying over a lot when he’s home. He’ll have dinner with them, watch a movie, and crash in her bed. It’s not a big deal. They do it all the time. And some nights, little one will come in after a bad dream and they’ll all cuddle. But one night, it’s particularly bad.
The storm has been raging for hours, she was nervous beforehand but when a particularly loud clap of thunder shakes the house, she’s running down the hall and climbing into bed with Reader and Jack. And Reader sleeps best in the rain but she can hear Jack calming her little girl and she turns to help but Jack’s got it covered. That little girl has him wrapped around her finger just like he’s got her wrapped around his. They love each other so much. So, Reader just watches with a sleepy smile as sleepy Jack cradles the little girl to his chest and holds her close. He’s talking to her, telling her that it’s just Thor coming back to earth (indulge me, Reader’s a Marvel fan with a baby Marvel fan who loves Thor) and that calms her.
And she’s always called Jack by some sort of version of his name. He’s Jack, Jack-Jack, Uncle Jack. He was Skunk once upon a time, with the blonde streak. And once she called him Jack Ass after hearing her mom call him that (no one will let Reader live that one down). But she’s never called him anything else.
But that night. That night she curls up between him and her mom and whispers, “Goodnight mommy, I love you,” before she hugs her mom and then. What gets both Reader and Jack, is when she whispers, “Goodnight, daddy. I love you.” And hugs Jack.
And Reader is feeling all the emotions because, I mean. She’s happy that her little girl has a father figure. And she’s glad that it’s Jack because he clearly loves that little girl. And this is something she’s always wanted. She had a thing for Jack when they first met but sorta pushed it to the side. This brings back memories and feelings for her and she’s hit with this wave of love she’d buried and it makes her heart feel full as she whispers her own I love you back and hesitates to look at Jack.
But Jack is thrilled. Because he loves this little girl. Her and her mother are his whole world. He loves them more than just about anything so to know that she thinks of him that way fills his heart with joy. And he’s been dreaming of this moment since he stepped into this role four years ago and it just. It makes his heart explode with happiness and he whispers his own, “I love you, too,” back to her.
And it takes a minute of silence but eventually he and Reader meet eyes and she’s surprised to see the smile on his face but she can’t help matching it as they both cuddle with their girl. They know that they have a lot to talk about but that can wait until morning.
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