#Jackscepticeye ego
thequietdoll · 2 years
I know damn well I'll forget about this but like consider some art idea
Chase having a breakdown in a room and next scene is Anti with dumb ass smile and text saying On my way to make thing worse;))))" and the next scene it's Jackieboy man with the same dumb ass smile with the text "I've somehow made the situation worse help!" With Anti in the background basically T posing over a crying Chase
Chase is on a rooftop just enjoying the scenery and Jackieboy man is on ground level and in his superhero outfit thinks it something else and shouts Do a flip! And Marvin is next to Jackie and staring at him likes he's dumb and and says "You're a superhero...... You're suppose to help people" (IDK where Anti is in this situation but if you can please add him in laugh his ass off)
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spoopyandtired · 6 years
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@thejacksepticeye sketched out a Robbie the Zombie- A good bean, even if he’s not 100% canon.
please don’t repost without credit!
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Ok so you can take away my editing privileges and arrest me in a second but first things first I don't know what possesed me to make this and Happy Birthday Dr.Schneeplestein
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lbkc · 2 years
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{👁️}{👁️}{👁️} {🧪}{🧪} {🔪}{🔪}{🔪}
antiscepticeye (jackscepticeye egos) stimboard with themes of green, knives, weapons, neon, electronics, woods, forests and violence
woohoo!!! first board in a long time, eh? well, here's... this! this is a gift for my buddy cat, so cat, if you're reading this, enjoy!!
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red-balloon12 · 2 years
Idk why I’m doing this buuuuut
Ego sexuality (and gender identity) headcanons! Cus I’ve seen others do this and I wanna put in my two cents!
Starting with the Ipliers! (My guy has a lot of them so we just gonna do my idea of the main lineup. Same goes for the other line-ups)
Actor Mark- Pan
Darkiplier- Demiromantic Bi (Demi-boy)
Wilford Warfstash- Pansexual demiromantic
Google (remember him? Lol)- Aro/Ace
Bim Trimmer- Bi
The Host- Ace/Panromantic (and Non-binary)
Dr. Iplier- (I kinda don’t know about him, if anyone can give some options I can think over that would be great-)
Onto the Septics!
Antisepticeye- Gay as hecc-
Chase Brody- Heteroflexable
Marvin the Magnificent- Pan/Biromantic (And Trans)
Dr. Schneepelstein- Ace/demiro bi
Jamson Jackson- Bi
Jackaboyman- Also Bi
Moving onto the Battles!
Natemare- Homosexual/Demiromantic
Phantom- Pansexual/Biromantic.
Skelly- Omnisexual (he/they)
Bones- Ace/Biromantic
Heathen- Bi-curious (but he might just be straight idk)
And that’s all the main ones. What do you think of these (and yet again if you can think of ideas for Skelly and Dr. Iplier that would be greatly appreciated.)
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Have an Anti! @therealjackscepticeye --- To my followers, I've been posting art on insta lately (@hazygyre on there), and am a bit more active on there. Not sure when or if hiatus will end on here, this friday will mark my being out for a week at a camp, but otherwise I should at least be posting fairly regular on there. Requests and whatnot are open!
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I wanna get into jackscepticeye ego lore but we all know how that's going to end
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paperbaghero · 7 years
I know this is like really late, but I may have just made a new ego(?) I remember a pic of a sign that miss spelled "JackSEPTICeye" to "JackSCEPTICeye" and now I can't stop thinking of a VERY sceptical/suspicious version of jack...? Does that even count as an ego? Just imagine tho: Mark "hey Jack do you want to do a collab? :D" jack: "wHY SO SUDDEN??? WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING I NEED TO KNOW RN" 😂
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musicmeisterfanatic · 7 years
Anxiety meets Antiscepticeye
My night brain made this up, so bare with me here.
Fandoms: Sanders Sides, Jackscepticeye
Contains: Emotions
Antiscepticeye was bored. He had done so much to try and drive Sean and his egos insane, but nothing worked. The hype for him had died down and there was hardly any mystery left. What was he going to do about it?
He left. He just left Sean's mindspace. He could be the puppeteer anymore and nobody was afraid of him as he was just sitting around in the mindscape, so he went to look for a new host. He looked through social media for a good celebrity or something to attack.
He scrolled through tumblr. He then saw a name that popped out at him.
"Thomas Sanders......hmmmmm.....yes, oh yes....."
He smirked, "I tHiNk ThAt'S a WoNdErFuL iDeA", and off he went in a puff of green smoke.
He reappeared in Thomas's mindscape, hiding in the background, as he made a video. At the end, Anti made his move. He took over Thomas and went to work. But then Virgil stopped him.
Anti smiled a rather fake smile, slightly annoyed his plans were delayed.
"You must be Anxiety! Oh, I could use you as an ally! Think of the team we can be! Join me, and we can be powerful!"
Virgil scoffed. "I refuse. I wouldn't be partners with the likes of you. I wouldn't even want to hear your annoying voice that often."
Anti's fake smile faded. "But- they have treated you like garbage! You're the villain to them! You hurt them emotionally and they HATE you for it! Don't you want to get rid of them, get revenge?!"
Virgil's eyes widen. He remembered all those bad times and started to have a panic attack. It felt like the walls were closing in. He couldn't breathe or think or move.
Roman grabbed Virgil's arm. "My love.....don't worry about the past. We've been through so much together. We need you....." He looked down, swallowing his pride. "I need you..."
Virgil snapped out of it from those loving words, looked at Roman real quick while blushing, then turned to Anti and smirked. "Nah, no thanks Anti, I think I will pass on that one."
Anti stomps in anger. "No, no, no! What is wrong with you?! If you WERE the villain, you will ALWAYS be the villain! You can't change."
Virgil sighs. "I was, but they forgave me. It may be hard to change, but I'm trying. And I bet you could, too, if you just tried." He hesitantly put a hand on Anti's shoulder.
Anti pulled back and bloody tears formed in his eyes. "N-no! You're wrong! It isn't possible!"
Virgil got closer to Anti. "Yes it is. We believe in you...and that's rare."
Anti pulled back, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I-I don't....deserve.....wh-why are you being so nice to me?!"
Virgil smiled a rare soft smile. "It's what we do." He pulled Anti into a hug
Anti struggled to break free, but he eventually gave in and hugged Virgil back, crying into his shoulder.
Virgil sighed and patted his back awkwardly. "There there...."
When Anti had calmed down, there was one last thing Virgil wanted to do. "Hey, Anti.....what's your REAL name?
Anti bit his lip and then sighed and whispered ".....Miles."
Virgil burst into laughter.
@thatsthat24 @therealjacksepticeye did I do good?!
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The ego content we NEED and DESERVE is ipliers vs. septics prop hunt:
A novel
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spoopyandtired · 6 years
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Made this after watching “This Person Does not Exist”.  
@therealjacksepticeye  needs a new boy. Specifically a hologram boy for Robin’s new glitchy effects. Imagine: Cortana but given the task of taking care of all the dumb little things that happen on youtube, Finding algorithms, creating the ‘recommended’ tabs. I dunno what a good name for him would be, but that’s what the fandom exists for, right?
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((I drew a thing. :3))
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