#Jarrod Alonge
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Jarrod Alonge - 12 Days of a Pop Punk Christmas
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tomsmusictaste · 1 year
Curse Jarrod Alonge for making parody music that actually goes pretty fuckin hard when it wants to
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i absolutely adore the crazyeightyeight music videos because patty always looks like he's having the time of his life on bass
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Happy 10th anniversary to the video from where we got out name
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rominasaintofthebud · 6 months
im earnestly not sure why people are acting like tyler the creator is like the devil rn when this is such a nightmarish situation of guy who has a crush on you making it your problem that you dont like him back. i get that jarrod is very heartbroken but in what world was putting a CAMERA on to have this conversation ever going to do anything but make it more weird and im sorry but going full a streetcar named desire while your friend is awkwardly trying to explain that he just sees you as a friend and doesnt understand what you want out of the conversation because he cant give you more than that, handling it quite frankly WAY more respectfully than people led me to believe with the way it was being discussed, is fucking CRAZY like one of these people in the room is just existing as the person he is while the other is having a full soap opera moment like im sorry but he is not a villain here. is he a bit awkward in the handling? sure absolutely but like. he did voice that he really didnt want things to change between them and was clearly trying to keep things light and easy the way it could usually be and was deeply unprepared for this situation and again ITS WEIRD ITS ON CAMERA. I FEEL LIKE WE CANT DISCOUNT THAT ITD BE SO TERRIBLE TO HAVE THIS CONVERSATION IN FRONT OF A CAMERA CREW? NO WONDER HES BEING STIFF?
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safetea · 1 year
happy things of the day: weirdly, standing up to a customer who is probably trying to scam me. laughing to my fav podcast and reliving old emo times lol
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romanticfistfightz · 2 years
because some people dont know this masterpiece. so
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yourstrulysims · 27 days
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***BONUS*** video below 🎥
Well, he did it. Was it right? Absolutely not but why hurt Penny over someone who hasn’t even had the decency to call him concerning this supposed “pregnancy”?
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Nicolette probably didn’t tell Hillary the whole story right? She must be further along in the pregnancy which means she was pregnant when she met Rod. She just didn’t know at the time. Surely, if the baby was his, she would’ve called him no matter if this was a hit or quit it situation.
Jarrod resolves he can take this to his grave. Let’s just focus on Penny and our future with her. Cause Nicole-
Wait, a missed call? FROM WHO?!
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faejilly · 3 months
Lisle Route Overview in Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Per a request on the discord, because my brain is only 7kpp now 😍
Character Creator/Personality Notes
You cannot be a Tomboy Countess
Personality MUST be noble as opposed to selfish.
(You can get away with starting out indifferent & immoral if you're manipulative enough to hide it.)
Generally speaking, choose eloquent options. Make jokes! He does have a good sense of humor, since that's pretty much the only break from duty that he allows himself.
Acknowledge and respect the responsibilities of rank.
Welcome Feast
First impression is likeability (beauty, charm, charisma, etiquette). I'm not sure if it's been re-balanced for Early Access, but for the demo the guide broke it down that you got +5 friendship at 60 likeability, +10 @ 100, and +15 @ 120, so as long as you don't tank all four stats, you should be fine.
+5 friendship for "friendly" greeting. (A polite greeting won't bring anything down if you want the etiquette boost.)
Insight check & +5 friendship choice is "compliment his sister"
The best 'tell him about yourself' option is "engaging" which requires 30 eloquence. (Possible with the "introduce yourself politely" option at the end of the CC, if you didn't take a full eloquence boost to get you to 50.) Either the charming or becoming (charisma) options will also get you friendship, but only +5 instead of +10.
You must also successfully greet and get along with Penelope!
Her first impression is also likeability.
Her ideal first dialogue choice is "make her laugh" which requires 30 charm; next is "reassure her" which requires the same 30 eloquence as Lisle's best answer. I think 'inspire' requires leadership.
The default "smile" for the greeting choice is still fine though, just not as many friendship points.
Be "glad she's there" for the insight check.
Rescuing her from Jarrod maybe helps? But I may be making that up because it feels like it should narratively but it's not in any of my guides.
Lisle will attend all three of the potential hosted events for week one (tea / musicale / history) if you make a decent impression at the welcome feast. I think you can still unlock his route if you just invite Penelope however, and she will attend both the tea and the musicale but not the lecture. You do get a higher +Wellin Approval boost for the musicale as long as you invite either of them, so that's usually the one I do when I'm planning on playing Lisle's route.
For week 3, Lisle can't attend the ladies' night, while Penelope won't attend the Onvu Tournament, but you can get both of them to the midnight picnic. I think they both give better boosts for the picnic too, but I didn't write it down, so I'm not sure.
Week 1 Invite
Don't be insulted that you're kept waiting for the ride with Lisle.
Either greeting is fine once he gets there, (if you have enough etiquette to see the "polite" one), but he laughs if you rant about last night's sleep which is great.
"Adore" that he brought Penelope
As long as you don't complain about the horse your relationship won't go down, but animal knowledge or persuasive will get you a higher respect bonus than either defensive or quick thinking.
IF you have at least 20 politics, 50 insight, and are ethical, you can ask Lisle about his goals for the summit.
Otherwise, as long as you're not all greedy/overt and asking about getting to be queen, the other two options (holding up/something about yourself) are both fine.
Formal Introductions
Don't have your ambition be "my best future"
Between nations/best serve my nation won't *hurt* but only give bonuses to your BG nation's approval
"Katyia" gives approval & respect bonuses
Don't lie about your ambition unless you're at least at 300 persuasion/50 manip.
Weeks 2 & 3
Request Penelope join your team for the ship race. (She's ideal for the morale check so it's a good pick regardless.)
For Penelope's breakfast, I don't think it matters? (I mean, don't be mean to her, obviously, but I don't think it effects any Lisle stats there.)
The best gift for him is the Pirate book.
For the MM date, start with either "Penelope" or "spent some time"
"Of course" is the best answer to 'bother you?' but 'rather be here' will also work.
Pick trust or communication for the 'most important' question
"Far worse fates" is the best answer to his confession, but "thank you" will also work.
Talk to the matchmaker about him and make it clear you know what you're doing
TL;DR Be a responsible adult, be nice to his sister, have a sense of humor, and you should be fine!
I don't have as much of a breakdown for how to *continue* his route (and also I don't remember where the demo cuts off vs the Early Access which isn't quite public yet) but basically you can get more respect & friendship by being eloquent and dutiful and encouraging Penelope when you get the chance.
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themcrarchive · 1 year
ENDLESS NIGHT 🌙 From everyone here at The MCR Archive, sharing all the special moments from each night of the MCR tour has been a pleasure and an honor. The tour may be over, but the memories we all made are endless. Thank you to Gerard, Frank, Ray, Mikey, Jarrod, Jamie, and every member of their incredible crew for putting on these magical shows. And thank you to everyone who supported the Archive along the way 🖤
Our work is just getting started, however! We will still be a community resource as we continue our work on archiving every era of MCR history. If you appreciated our work during the tour and want to support our future endeavors with this project, please consider donating to our operational costs HERE.
Video via IY98X on Twitter
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tomsmusictaste · 1 year
Parody pop, punk bands, are arguably better than pop punk bands because they capture what pop punk is better than the actual pop punk 
Tbh where's the lie. The spirit of pop-punk is encapsulated perfectly here
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dixxieboo977 · 2 months
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Vanessa and mike from fnaf movie x welcome home!!!
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Draw this on your style!!!!
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hannahwatcheshorror · 10 days
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This classic horror has more of a cohesive story that is incredibly strong from start to finish than its 2005 remake of the same name. A very captivating story with really rather stunning wax sculptures (again, especially compared to the 2005 remake by the same name). The acting is lovely, the music is grand, and I found myself pleasantly surprised by the twist (I gasped out loud, alone). Truly a fun and compelling watch!
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The wax figures in this movie are top notch, I mean, hotdog! I’m looking at these and I’m not sitting here thinking that the prop guys just coated a mannequin in wax, they actually did the damn thing and made ART. I feel like I can usually tell in horror movies when they use a body double instead of just the actor pretending to be dead but these wax figures pretending to be the dead bodies pretending to be wax sculptures… I’m getting ahead of myself, we aren’t there yet. Right now, they are just wax sculptures. Or are they? Yes they are. (For now.)
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We find out our resident artist Jarrod von Mustache is not very well liked by his financier (which, if you don’t like art, don’t fund art), so even after Jarrod and his Mustache show how passionate they are about the sculptures, moneybags burns down the studio and all the wax folk. My heart ACHED when everything was burning (That and I will never understand risking someone's life for money). When Jarrod said he would rather die than say goodbye to his art (or his mustache) he meant it, or at least that someone would die, because big boss took a trip down an elevator shaft.
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Suddenly a man with a suspiciously burn-scarred face is running around murdering folks (and these folks just happen to disappear from the morgue, but who cares, right?) but it’s not Jarrod because he still has his mustache and is crippled now. Mystery! Sue is our brunette babe who Jarrod sees a muse in (yikes) so thus begins the hunt. Sue spots the murderer and deftly avoids him twice! Even realizes that her friend with the annoying laugh is in the House of Wax as Joan of Arc. Sue is smart! She also knocks off Jarrod's incredibly realistic mask of his own face to reveal the burn scars! (Phantom of the Opera vibes like crazy but not as romantic.)
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It was Jarrod all along! He had help from his little art henchmen, but he had a super realistic wax mask on. What a clever twist. I gasped so loudly when she shattered his mask off. I really had no idea it was him after they had shown his face being untouched previously! Now one of the little art henchmen begs the cops to stop Jarrod in a scene that I think really shows off how much alcoholism is a disease but I digress. Next is lots of fighting and the police are actually really helpful. I feel like if the movie happened in any other time period the police would sit around and not be that helpful because of protocol but these guys just rushed right in which is what Sue needed at that exact moment or else she was going to become a candle.
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regaliasonata · 9 months
Also character ask ZIGGY
Character Ask: Ziggy Grover
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First Impression
-Definitely falling under the average green ranger stereotype of being the silly but less engaged member of the team, though that is quite alright cause he'll probably give some positivity to the team due to the state they are in via the season
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-.....I love this twink and honestly me and everyone else should love him, the fact that he was in a mafia, managed to escape, gave medicine and supplies from said group to orphans in needed AND GOT OFF SCOT FREE WITH HIS TOASTER BOYFRIEND speaks volumes.
Favorite Moment
-So far has to be that scene between him and the cartel where he's got that serious face, I'll have to go back and fully complete RPM but seeing Ziggy look so cold is amazing.
Idea For A Story
-okay think of this....Ziggy as a Peter Pan type character who was reborn in another world that raises orphans or children who've passed early and they live in this alternate world with magic, at the same time he's an assassin that's teaming up with Dillon and Tenaya(who also have powers based on fairy tales) to steal ancient treasure from a tyrant king in order to rule the rule, Once Upon A Time walked so this can run.
-Ziggy/Dillon....obviously, can't have a happy twig without his grumpy muscular emo boyfriend.
-Ziggy/Scott, Ziggy/Flynn. Both these work really well in my opinion.
-Crackship idea if this crossover was ever a thing...Ziggy/Jarrod/Dillon/Casey, imagine all that chaos together with those four like(I'd pay to see a one shot of this tbh). Heck not even a crossover needed because JKP exists in the RPMverse and assuming the entire team is alive then this could fly, crazy twinks and the emo duo.
-Ziggy/Dr.K, honestly feel like he understands Dr.K and they are really close when it comes to hearing each other out, plus Ziggy might actually get her to enjoy some hobbies.
-Ziggy/Casey...seriously Disney fucked us over from ever getting this interaction, be happy with marvel I guess but imagine the send off you could've had.
-Ziggy/Tenaya, she needs earplugs every time he talks about Dillon...
Unpopular Opinion
-Kinda wish we got even more of a backstory for him or seen Ziggy encountering other green rangers. I feel like both him and Trip would get along quite well to be honest.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-....We serious? That Jungle Fury/RPM crossover obviously because ALL THOSE INTERACTIONS AND SUCH WOULD'VE BE LEGENDARY.
-Even if he didn't end up with Dillon we should've had Ziggy kissing some guy.
-Imagine a scene of Ziggy hacking Venjix down with his axe after he found out the program's intention for Dillon, or if Venjix succeeded and Dillon died...it would've been brutal like Ziggy would be shown Venjix why the cartel kept him around🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡
-The RPM team technically has sentient zords because in reality they hold secret Engine Souls like their Go-Onger counterparts. This is actually a result of humanity evolving and without the vitality from Earth's nature so their animal spirits evolved into Engine Souls, thing is the team hasn't unlocked them but when they do the zords will be able to talk(a little fib of my JFAU movie arc idea with RPM cause we deserve that crossover).
-Ziggy's fingernails can turn dark green because of Venjix exposure, some humans after being exposed to the virus during their apocalypse developed small traits via their survival(Scott having sharper canines, Summer being able to detect metals for tools, Flynn when growing out his hair has white highlights and can absorb radiation, Gem and Gemma can see people's dreams and Dillon can purify dirty food and water).
-Ziggy sleeps with a huge dolphin as a pillow or just something to hold whenever he's sad. If he can't morph then he'll fill it with rocks and beat down venjix monsters with it.
-Sometimes when he would leave the dome(before the world began to return to normal) he'd walk miles until making it to the ocean since it wasn't fully destroyed and enjoyed watching the waves. Plus that spot is the only one in the world where the stars in the sky are still viewable.
-After RPM Dillon, Tenaya and Ziggy ventured out into the world to see what needed to be fixed, they built a railroad and it oddly began to glow with energy. This led to the team getting powers via trains and soul power with imagination, humanity's will to keep going(ToQger adaption), villains born from the deceased malice of humanity aim to take advantage of this world and others leading to the team having bigger stakes than last time.
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pinkrangerv · 4 months
Okay yeah fuck it this needs A Post.
So! Power Rangers! Anyone noticed the not just Really Queer but Really Kinky undertones?
Like not even a sex thing. Everyone's banging and we can trace who's banging who but that part is 100% irrelevant. You know what is?
When Tommy joins the MMPR team, he and Jason have to learn to work together. They do it by learning to swap weapons and armor. By learning to let each other access parts of themselves. Coming back, Jason's officially the leader, but they co-lead, and do it by moving power between each other.
When Kim dates Tommy, Kim is the one in the lead and command. She's the most powerful Ranger, and Tommy is very much her service sub. Again--not in sex. Because Tommy gets her a cactus instead of flowers, because it's a rare one she wants for her garden; because Tommy backs her play when she attacks a monster; because Kim is the one with functionally a guided missile launcher in bow form and when she shows up, the monster dies, and she saves Tommy, despite what fandom thought for a long time.
Other seasons? Look at in Space--TJ takes the unquestioned lead almost all the time. Andros is Red, sure, and trains the other Rangers on a lot of things, but TJ is the leader in an almost military style, because TJ is very the fuck competent, but also because TJ takes care of all of them. TJ displays leadership as dominance in the BDSM sense--everyone fully, enthusiastically consenting, and he's taking care of them.
And that means when Karone defects, TJ ends up violating international laws of war--prisoners of war (can't find anything on defectors, but at that point the sensible assumption was to start with her as a prisoner of war and move from there) are entitled to be treated according to rank, and only imprisoned at need. Which means that chaining Karone up in a spare room? Fucking war crime.
Everyone goes along with it, because TJ is the one they trust. And Karone could easily have let them die for it. And being honest, that probably plays into why she volunteers to go try and stop the asteroid and gets recaptured--TJ is taking care of his team, but can she trust him? Because the Princess of Dark Spectre's empire damn well knows the law, and she knows even her own brother won't turn on TJ if he breaks it again.
Another season: Jungle Fury. Camille and Jarrod don't have a direct dynamic where one surrenders power to another. Instead, both of them learn over time--usually in time spans of a couple minutes--how to completely transfer power to the other. And that is the most vital tool of escape either of them have, and saves them both from Dai Shi.
Switching seasons again? Dino Thunder. Mesegog isn't like other villains. His generals aren't loyal, his minions are mindless hordes, his monsters are thoughtless creations.
Because Mesegog's evil is that he takes power without consent, that he abuses people. He spends the entire season using magic to physically abuse everyone, even his own son. Dino Thunder's villain is a warning about abuse, and yes, that means talking about consent and why power can rightfully only be claimed freely.
Because Conner's Triassic Form required freely-given power. And it was more powerful than any Ranger alone, because his teammates gave it freely. And the Rangers won because they moved power between themselves because they wanted to.
Like. We don't really talk about this in fandom, but BDSM is one of the only places I've seen it discussed about how leadership involves power exchange. And Power Rangers has at least one plotline each season about how that works.
With a lot of shipping undertones. Because this is the shipping show. Obviously.
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amberbeach · 1 year
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gif belongs to me
There were many words to describe Theo, but Casey believed three fit him best. Uptight, egotistical, and neat freak. After Lily, and his attempts to snap Theo out of his funk after Gekko managed to escape his clutches by scaling a building, the Blue Ranger was contemplative, refusing to share his thoughts with others, and lost his usual work ethic. Lily knew that there was only one person who could break through to Theo while he was like this: you.
You were surprised to hear that the Yellow Ranger had requested your assistance, only realizing that when you arrived, she had made the situation seem like life or death so you could leave the academy. Casey was shocked when Lily introduced you both. When the Red Ranger pictured Theo's love life, he imagined someone exactly like him, or non-existent. Yet here you were, the bubbly girl whose silver tongue had fended off Jarrod more than once.
"So," You hung up your jacket, turning to the two Rangers. "What happened?"
Between the two of them, they described their fight against Gekko. Theo had attempted to follow the monster up the side of the building but had fallen to the ground. Casey noticed the way your frown deepened at the thought of Theo being injured and rushed to assure you he was fine - aside from his bruised ego.
You sighed as you stood up from the staircase where you had been chatting, "Alright. Where is he?"
Lily led you downstairs to the restaurant while Casey remained in the kitchen and you looked at Theo who sat by the window, his head in his hands.
"I didn't know what else to do," Lily sighed.
You looked at Casey as you began to explain Theo's current turmoil, "Theo has always placed intense pressure on himself to be perfect at everything he does. And when he slips, even just a little, he, well, shuts down." You sent the two a smile, "Don't worry. He'll be fine." You headed towards the Blue Ranger, muttering, "I hope," when you knew she couldn't hear.
You sat across from him, smiling brightly, "When I pictured the base for the Power Rangers, I never considered a pizza parlor -"
"Go," He began, lifting his head to meet your gaze, and it broke your heart to see the defeat in his eyes. "Go away."
You weren't phased, nor upset by his reaction, even if it had been weeks since you had last seen each other. It was common throughout your relationship for Lily to call you when she noticed Theo losing confidence in his abilities, and it became somewhat of a joke between the three of you when she dubbed it 'calling for reinforcements'. In his despair, and self-loathing, Theo couldn't bring himself to be happy to see you, although beneath it all he was. He wanted you to be proud of him, for becoming the Blue Ranger, not to watch him question whether he belonged on the team.
"Casey and Lily told me what happened." You sighed when he rested his arms on the table, looking down, unable to meet your gaze. You reached out to place a hand on his arm, rubbing patterns with your thumb. "You've never been the type to give up. You kept going when others would have packed their bags." You squeezed his arm, and he finally met your gaze, "I've always admired your dedication. You always figured out how to solve a problem. And that's all this is a bump in the road. You'll solve it like you do with everything else."
Theo shook his head, and you held his hands across the table, "Look at me," His eyes met yours instantly, "I've known you since your first day as a Cub. I know what you can do when you put your mind to it. I've seen it. You were chosen for a reason, and it wasn't a mistake because there is no one more dedicated than you."
After a few moments the faintest of smiles formed on his lips, "I should've anticipated Lily would call for reinforcements." No longer wishing to dwell on the fight with Gekko, Theo asked, "How are you?"
You informed him of your training and he rested his elbows on the table, holding your hand with both of his, nodding along now and then. And you knew he needed the distraction - to break himself out of his internal torture.
Lily approached the table with Casey, "We've got trouble."
You sent Theo a smile, "I'll be here when you get back."
He mirrored the smile as he stood up. He placed his hands on the table, leaning down to kiss you tenderly, pulling away a few moments later. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, Blue."
His smile grew and you watched them leave, sighing as you looked around the crowded restaurant. Fran was rushed off her feet now that the three Rangers had run off, and you were quick to offer your assistance.
When the trio returned a while later, you were placing drinks from a tray on a table, sending the customers an award-winning smile before heading to the kitchen. You caught Theo's gaze as he tied an orange apron around his waist, flashing you a toothy smile that told you all you needed to know. The team was victorious.
You returned the smile, momentarily forgetting to take a table's order as you wrapped your arms around his neck, a notepad and a pen in your hands. He returned to work with a renewed vigor and, knowing you would be leaving soon, worked in harmony around you as you fulfilled orders.
You were drizzling flour on pizza dough when you bit the inside of your cheek, tossing a handful of flour towards him. Theo raised an eyebrow at you, "Really?"
You squealed when he tossed grated cheese in your direction, giggling as you picked up pepperoni, throwing it towards him as he hid behind a chopping board. Hearing the noise, Lily and Casey entered the kitchen to find it covered with ingredients, and the Red Ranger was stunned at Theo's relaxed attitude around you. The Blue Ranger placed a hand on your jaw, using his thumb to wipe sauce from your cheek, gazing at you with a smile on his lips.
And Casey understood why Lily had called you.
You were the only one who could break through Theo's shell, and you balanced each other out perfectly.
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