#Jason is furious and ready to rip the first person that attempts to pet him to shreds
bwabbitv3s · 1 year
John is never in his office in the watchtower as he always ends up found and forced to deal with things when he is there. Today is no different only it is Batman that shows up at his door. He is sorely tempted to hide under his desk and pretend to not have seen Batman at the door. Only Spooky probably knows he is there and will just track him down. A deep sigh and regret about not being allowed to smoke in the watchtower he gets up and unlocks the door.
That, he was not expecting that. Batman standing in the doorway to his office with an armful of cats. Two adults, one young cat just out of kittenhood, and a little kitten. The largest cat, ginger tom with a torn up ear and white blaze, glares and growls at him. The other placid adult cat, looks like a one of those fancy gray leopard spotted ones, just bats at the first and chirps happily. The younger black cat dangles from Batman's arms and gives John that judging look only cats can pull off. The kitten is a tiny cinnamon coloured thing puffed up in adorable fury with seething green eyes.
"Fix them." Batman say.
John has the dawning horror that he begins to recognizes the cats the longer he looks at them.
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