#freddy Kruger
yeahiwasintheshit · 2 years
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momegranates · 2 years
I drew this based on a text post from @weaver-z I saw over a year ago
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nereeitor · 4 months
Look at how cute they are 🫂
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First time doing some sitikers!
Tried to make their height difference as accurate as possible (Freddy being the smaller one, and he looks even smaller with Bubba and Michael beside him 💀)
I had some errors when printing since I selected "fill the sheet" instead of leaving it at its original size (causing taller characters to have some of their heads cut like Bubba and Pinhead, Jason also had this issue but It's almost imperceptible)
Forgot to transfer It to CMYK, the colors look good but they could look better
Used adhesive paper, it's cheaper but not that resistant, great to keep in a place that Will be not that exposed but in a more exposed área like a note bock, laptop or bottle will get dirtier by time, I'll use vinyl next time.
Cutting these by hand is time consuming, but Aldo a great way to pass the time if bored! (I still got so many to cut)
Shame I couldn't sell those at the artist alley my school should have had, but I have next year and plenty of time to perfect them and do more :)
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toxictrashdump · 1 year
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Red Set Horrors
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johnny-dynamo · 1 month
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Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash by Daniel Ramos
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missnorn · 10 months
This was previously deleted when my old Tumblr account was deactivated, so I am reintroducing it.
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stimming-puppet · 4 months
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horror girlies 🔪💗💋
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bellamer · 3 months
So far there’s a list of slashers I’ll never thirst over and that list goes as
1. Freddy Kruger, idk why I just never thought he was hot. Plus some of his kills really bother me. Can’t eat sausage pizza because of this man. Fuck him.
2. The Grabber, Self explanatory
3. Chucky, since he’s a doll like 99% of the time it’s hard to find him hot. Yeah Brad Dourif was kinda hot but like meh. Idk.
4. Art the Clown, again self explanatory and anyone who plays in doo doo for fun is just a no
5. Patrick Bateman, idk I thought he was boring and I thought the movie was boring
6. Johnny, I see him as a little kid. Seeing him play with that toy car made me think of a little kid. Idk just feels weird. He’s on that thin line Jason is on.
7. The Leprechaun. To be fair I’ve never seen anyone ever thirst after him but like I’m just putting him on the list.
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cryptid-creations · 2 years
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#3208. Freddy Cougar (Fanart)
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See my original from 2016 here: 
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issdisgrace · 2 years
I’d give the world to give every slasher a smooch on the cheek.
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black-salt-cage · 6 months
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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salemshotspot · 2 years
Includes: Chop-Top Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, Luigi Largo, Otis Driftwood, Freddy Kreuger, Doomhead
DESC: How slashers/horror characters would react to their partner picking at their skin
No use of gendered pronouns/anatomy
WARNINGS: Skin Picking//Anxiety//Drug Use//Slight Self Harm//Not Proof Read//Swearing
Chop-Top Swayer:
I feel like he would notice your scalp picking pretty quick but not really say much at first; not because he didn’t care but more of the fact he picks at his scalp a lot [because of his plate] so he assumes it’s normal and nothing to worry about, he’ll just assume your head has been particularly itchy lately like his plate from time to time.
However one rare evening where no one had any pressing matters to attend to you sat with the Sawyer’s to have dinner and afterwards you all sat and watched the television.
Drayton had absolutely no interest in the television because “tv isn’t as good as it once was" so he just kind of looked around the room aimlessly and it just so happened that his eyes landed on you as you were picking at your already damaged scalp.
Drayton goes in a partly joking tone "fuck y/n has chop-top been rubbing off on you that much, you’ve been picking at that darn head more than him lately.”
You just awkwardly laugh trying not to bring more attention to the matter and move your hands away from your head, feeling yourself grow more anxious about the fact attention was brought to the matter.
After a few minutes you make up an excuse along the lines of “I’m tired I’m going to head upstairs” and quickly rush to the bedroom which you share with Chop-Top.
Chop-Top would notice you left when he went to place his arm around you and he couldn’t feel you there.
He would be confused as to where you were because he wasn’t paying attention because he was focused on the tv after it caught his attention, however when Drayton explained in a slightly annoyed tone that he made a, slightly, joking comment and you upped sticks and went to what he assumed was sleep for the night Chop-Top was puzzled to say the least.
He decided to make his way to the bedroom which he shared with you to see if you were ok, however when he walked in on you close to tears, struggling to breathe as you was trying to hold in your tears, he could tell you wasn’t holding up too well.
He isn’t too familiar with people expressing feelings around him as due to his nature and the whole family business he never really formed bonds with anyone, let alone him comforting them.
It’s safe to say his first thought would be to freak out, threatening to kill whoever upset you [very aggressively.]
I feel like he’d also just kind of stand in the door way while he tried to work out what to do, he hates seeing you like this but he also hates knowing that he doesn’t know how to help.
He’d eventually land on just holding you, still freaking out inside.
When you finally calm down and regulate your breathing he would 100% try and break the silence with a joke.
”We all bored you to tears down there y/n?” He anxiously jokes.
“No it’s not that” you trail off and take a deep breathe; you then explain everything to him from how anxious you’ve been feeling to how you’ve been stress picking at your scalp.
He feels immediately guilty because he noticed it happening but said nothing about it.
It’s safe to say after that you both lay in each other’s arms for a long time.
As he is also prone to picking at his scalp Chop-Top knows how you feel better than anyone and in turn has a long list of ways to try and help you stop, or at least reduce how frequently you pick at your scalp.
Chop-Top would definitely be one to advocate getting high whenever you were stressed {and he certainly wouldn’t be opposed to getting high with you, apparently it’s "good couple bonding.”
Despite his best efforts, he shows his support in the most round about, ‘Chop-Top’ way possible, for example he’d tell you that “your scalp is far too pretty to hurt” [he thought it was endearing.]
Most importantly he’d want you to know you can talk to him, even if he’s not the best with his words.
I also feel like he’d pat your head a lot to try and comfort you whenever you were stressed so you would be less inclined to pick at your scalp.
Bubba Swayer:
He wouldn’t notice the scalp picking but he’d notice the cuts on your head; basically he’d just start seeing more cuts and marks through your hair and royally freak out.
Immediately wants to, violently, kill whoever kept hurting your head.
This idea was very quickly put on the back burner once you explained that you did it yourself.
I don’t think he’d fully understand it, like he finds hurting others, when deserved, very therapeutic because it’s what he’s always done but he can’t wrap his head around the idea of self-inflicted pain.
Although he doesn’t understand it he wants to listen to you talk about it to try and understand it better so he can support you the best he can.
Would most likely end up hugging you so tight that you thought you was going to die after you explained everything in detail.
If he ever saw you picking at your scalp or looking anxious he would just place his hand on your head and kind of just leave it there? You found it very comforting all be it confusing at first.
Luigi Largo:
Luigi isn’t the world’s most observant man so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t notice your nervous habit straight away.
I feel like he would find out in the most unconventional way, not because he’s oblivious, he’s just so focused on work that he pushes everything aside.
I feel like him finding out would be something along the lines of Pavi bringing it up, like casually asking Luigi how you was doing with the whole thing [because let’s face it, pretty much everyone else has noticed you picking at your head once or twice when you was stressed because you’re too overwhelmed to try and be discreet about it.]
This would cause Luigi to become, even more, short-tempered declaring “if something was going on he’d know.”
On the outside he’d become much more hostile but he would be internally freaking out because he’d feel awful for not noticing if this was happening and convince himself that you’re going to leave him for ‘not caring enough’ or something like that.
He’d eventually psyche himself up enough to go find you and try to talk to you about it, however he’d do it in his own round about way.
"I’m going to kill Pavi” he shouts as he enters the room.
”It’s nice to see you too Luigi” you’d chuckle.
Part way through his rant he’d explain that he was mad because Pavi had essentially made him feel like a bad boyfriend for not noticing that you’d be struggling.
You’d have to get him to backtrack for a moment because he’d miss a few key points such as what Pavi had meant by “you’re struggling” as he apparently put it.
After he explained everything you’d probably have to reassure him that he isn’t a bad boyfriend; despite his demeanour he’s really insecure because of the lack of affection from his dad growing up.
Now he is aware of your problem he’s really observant, like scarily observant.
Your hands move? He’s looking to make sure you’re not stress picking your skin, he’s been busy and hasn’t seen you all day? When he sees you he checks to make sure you have no cuts on your skin from picking.
If you have been picking at your skin he would be concerned; he isn’t the best at talking about feelings but he’ll listen to you and try his best to understand.
If he noticed you were getting anxious and picking at your skin he would definitely be the type to just grab your hand and keep hold of it to comfort you and stop you picking at yourself.
He’s very protective of you as it is but he would probably get more protective; like if he even thinks someone or something might be stressing you out he’s resort to violent means instantly [which isn’t anything new.]
Otis Driftwood:
I feel like he’d either be exactly like Luigi Largo in the sense he’s oblivious and wouldn’t notice without someone bringing it up or he’d notice straight away, I feel like he’d be in a bad mood and notice you picking at yourself and it would annoy him so he’d tell you to stop [which would in turn make it worse.]
When you didn’t stop he’d go to question it but when he noticed you were stressed he’d be confused; “what the fuck is up with you?”
I don’t think he’d completely understand what was the matter when you explained how you felt but he’d understand enough to know that he should probably keep an eye on you.
I don’t care if you agree with this, I will die on this hill, if you were really stressed and started picking at your skin, he would just swat your hand away from your head.
However, I feel like Otis would also kiss your head, when no one was looking, and I will not take arguments on this one.
Freddy Kreuger:
Freddy would be surprisingly observant of you, so when you start picking at your head when you’re stressed or anxious, he will notice.
He wouldn’t try and be gentle and ‘walk around the topic’ he’d just ask you about it straight up.
I feel like he’d be really sympathetic and understanding of the whole situation.
After you spoke about it he would probably try and cheer you up afterwards and take your mind off of it to cheer you up by telling really shitty jokes.
I feel like if he saw you getting really anxious and start picking at your skin his first thought would be to kind of prompt you to stop by gently pushing your hand away from your head and try to take your mind off whatever is making you anxious by completely removing either you or whatever is making you stressed or anxious from the situation.
If that failed to work he would take matters into his own hands, quite literally, by keeping hold of your hands until you’ve calmed down.
He would probably just talk to you until you felt better, whether it be about the situation or talking about something completely random to try and take your mind off of it; he’s definitely a talker.
He would without a doubt notice your habit straight away, he seems like the kind of person to notice *everything* for no other reason than paranoia; he needs every element of his surroundings to be in his control all of the time so he himself doesn’t become stressed so in turn he pays attention to everything all of the time.
He would try and make you feel better and, at first, make you feel worse.
"Can you stop doing that, there’s better things to be doing” was meant to be endearing and meant to show you that you don’t have to hurt yourself but it came across as him calling your habit stupid.
When you started crying at his comment it’s safe to say he’d be confused as fuck; “what the fuck are you crying at now.”
Once you explained it he’d fee quite bad but he wouldn’t want you to know that; he’d just explain that that’s not what he meant.
If he ever saw you getting anxious or stressed I don’t think he’d try and physically stop you he’d just shoot you a look or say something to you.
If you didn’t stop picking at your skin after he brought it up he would then physically move your hands and give you a long ass talking to about why you shouldn’t do it.
TLDR; if he sees you picking at your skin he will give you a lecture.
He cares about you, he just doesn’t really know how to show it so it manifests in him acting like a pissed off parent or teacher.
A/N >> God I wrote this so long ago, drop writing requests in my inbox!
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krazyyy · 2 years
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Some silly little guys
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iloveslashers69 · 3 months
Hi!! I recently made a discord server for the slasher fandom and everyone is welcome to join!
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9h05t-f4c3 · 1 year
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they’re my lil meow meows :3 (+ Tiff my wife<3)
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johnny-dynamo · 9 days
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Icons of Horror - Sorry, no artist found
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