#Jasonette Breaking and Entering
messymessyml · 3 years
Breaking and Entering
I'll be moving this one over to AO3 at some point (done, available here), but I'll start this off on Tumblr. This is a lighthearted, multi-chapter Jasonette story.
Marinette is away from home when a curious visitor drops in. The kwami don't see any problem letting the man in; the question is: what will the guardian think when she realizes an intruder was in her house while she was gone?
Chapter 1 is below the cut.
Chapter 1: What did I come back to now?
Marinette felt a wave of relief hit her as her key turned smoothly in the lock. She was more than ready to unload her bags and take a well-deserved night in after a whirlwind week of consulting with clients in Metropolis. She’d decided to take Tikki and Sass with her and rent a hotel for the week as most of her clients were only available for early morning consultations, and while it was the most effective way to make sure she didn’t miss a meeting, she was glad to be back home.
Gotham may not be as glitzy or have as many potential clients as Metropolis, but it more than made up for that with the anonymity that Gotham allowed her. The local mentality of ‘take no shit’ and ‘mind your own damn business and I’ll mind mine’ allowed the kwami and her freedom that they wouldn’t get in Metropolis, a city crawling with news stations and a baffling love of all things mundane. Half the time when she visited Metropolis it felt like she had a target on her back; the paparazzi were worse in Metropolis than they ever were in her Parisian hero days and that held for her professional pseudonym as well as plain Marinette. It was a wonder that with so many news outlets (and Superman to report on for crying out loud) that she was still the topic of a news piece twice in the past week: once as MDC and once as plain old Marinette. In all seriousness was helping with a local tree planting event for Earth Day that newsworthy?
‘Enough of that’, she thought, realizing that although her door was now unlocked, she’d thought so much about arriving home that she hadn’t even fully opened her door. A slight twinge of embarrassment hit her. Carrying her tiny friends everywhere was always a blessing, but sometimes, she mused, it might be nice not to have an audience for every action she took—no matter how embarrassing.
Letting go of that train of thought, Marinette stepped through and closed her door behind her, feeling tension bleed out of her shoulders. The underlying scent of vanilla and blossom honey hit her nose as she strode over to the kitchen island. She set her bags to the side and took a hold of one of her swinging barstools with the intention to sit for a bit before making any attempt at dinner for the kwami and herself. Absently tracking the path Sass and Tikki took as they flew in the direction of the room where she kept the Miracle Box, she hesitated to sit as she noticed a slowly building feeling of unease hit her. Something, she thought, was off.
Sharpening her gaze and gripping the barstool a little tighter, Marinette scanned her apartment. At first glance, the living space looked unchanged from how she left it; the furniture was where it belonged, and her shelves and wall art were unmoved. As she looked closer though, she saw items around the house that were shifted a bit more than they would be if the kwami had decided to explore while she was away: the living room rug was centered, the dishes she had left to dry right before leaving the house a week ago were put away, and the barstool she was currently grasping was a bit more level than it had ever been, thrifted as it were. The kwami were a joy to interact with and an honor to serve as their guardian, but cleaners and tinkers they were not.
Marinette released her grip on the stool, rounding the kitchen island to open the cabinets. Like she thought, the dishes she had washed a week ago were put away and the towers of plates and bowls looked straighter than they were normally. Her gut churned as the beginning stages of worry started to fill her.
A chorus of greetings from behind her met her ears, disrupting her thoughts. Turning, Marinette saw the kwami flying towards her from the hallway.
“Marinette, did you have a nice trip?” Mullo squeaked.
“Guardian, I hope all went well on your trip. It is wonderful to have you back home.” Wayzz said.
The other kwami threw in their own noises and words of agreement, mirroring Wayzz’s welcome.
Marinette couldn’t help her small smile, replying, “My trip went well, and I am happy to be back here with you all.” She paused, hesitating before she asked, “Did anything happen while we were away?”
“Not much, Pigtails.” Plagg swam leisurely into view, tailed closely by Tikki, both twirling as they approached. “Some fighting outside, and a bit of a showdown on rooftops at the end of the block, but no damage to our building.”
Wayzz intercepted Plagg’s path, floating into the center of her vision to say, “That may be true, Plagg; however, one of the combatants took a breather on our balcony by using the garden for cover. He didn’t seem injured, but he was breathing heavier than was wise. Most of us hid in the box while I continued to strengthen the wards on the outer walls and windows.”
Marinette interrupted, “No one entered the apartment?”
Wayzz hesitated, then said “The man stayed hidden as best he could, but he was quite large, and I could feel the shifting balance; if he stayed on the balcony, he would have drawn fire here. I strengthened the barrier outwards then loosened the barrier on the balcony doors, undid the latch for him, and asked Trixx to hide us from view. He had a protector’s spirit and none of us could feel an intent to harm any but the ones he’d been fighting outside. I am sorry, Guardian, for making this decision without your input.”
Marinette took a deep breath to fend off the impending tension headache, unclenching the hand she had used to subconsciously gripped her other wrist. She loosened the muscles around her eyes to soften her gaze. “It’s alright, Wayzz. I wasn’t there, and I trust your intuition. What did he do?”
“He seemed distrustful of the open door at first but ended up entering almost silently and quickly moved to scan the apartment.”
Trixx added, “I made sure he could not see the Miracle Box and that he was not visible from the outside at any point, but he stayed away from the windows for the most part.”
Roarr piped in, “He has a fierce spirit, and I agree with Wayzz that he has a strong protective streak.”
She heard some murmurs of agreement from the other kwami, some of them breaking out into small discussion pertaining to the man’s character. “If so many of you saw him, did you leave the Miracle Box then? What did you see?” Desperately, Marinette wished that the immortal beings she called friends could get to the points.
“Some of us came out to see, but most of us stayed in the box. Trixx’s illusions held; he didn’t see or hear any of us.” Barkk confirmed.
“Yes, he mostly stayed in the living room. He sat right here for a while!” Saying this, Pollen surged towards the end of the couch, landing with their back to the armrest in a bored sprawl. “Like this!”
Plagg, swaying upside down near the ceiling, lazily added, “He wasn’t much fun. All he did was check his guns then started cleaning the place. Boring.”
“Guns?! Cleaning? Why?” Alarmed, Marinette’s heartbeat started to pound at the picture painted by the kwami. They had let a large combatant enter her apartment and all he did was inspect his guns and clean??? ‘This can’t be real’, she thought. ‘Was I caught up in one of Scarecrow’s attacks on the way home?’
“He had good manners at the least.” Kaalki sniffed. “His gear smelled of money and he fixed that stool of yours that never would have entered the premises if you had listened to me from the start. At least now it isn’t horrendously squeaky.”
“Hey!” Mullo protested.
Kaalki just turned away.
“He needed the protection.” Wayzz apologetically said. “He didn’t seem interested in your workroom and he wouldn’t have been able to find the box, so we observed. He cleaned a bit and left after checking that the coast was clear outside.”
Marinette allowed her shoulders to sag. “Alright. If you’re sure.” Glancing around, she gave the kwami a smile, eyes hesitating on the glass doors leading to the balcony, she absently added, “Thank you for keeping an eye on things while I was gone.”
Striding over to the doors leading out to the balcony, she peered out. Nothing seemed out of place out here, but she couldn’t be certain. Checking the door handles, she noticed that one of the kwami or her mystery visitor must have relatched the lock. Unlocking it, she stepped out and went to sit at her patio table. Leaning back in her chair, she let her head tip back to view the sunset, partially obscured by the balcony two floors above her own. Her apartment building had mostly staggered the balconies to allow more light to reach its inhabitants, a must in Gotham’s dreary weather.
After a few moments, she let her head droop forward to land in her hands. As much as she loved them, the kwami’s survival instincts always seemed at odds with hers. She couldn’t tell whether that was due to her anxiety amplifying everything past the point of reason or that the kwami’s inherent existence rendering most danger obsolete, but while some intruder might not be a danger to beings that could turn intangible and invisible at will, she was definitely a bit more breakable (‘Mortal’, her brain whispered) than them. If she had been here? Who knows how that visit might have gone?
Taking a few more minutes to calm her body’s response, a few deep breaths, and a moment or two of gratitude that nothing bad had happened, she straightened a bit as the evening wind started to pick up and a splash of white started to flutter at the edge of her vision. Glancing up, her eye caught on a piece of paper at the other end of the table that was weighted down with a rock she had decorated a while back with paintings of ladybugs and cats playfully chasing each other across a meadow. That particular rock usually spent time in the catnip bed Plagg had insisted on and Tikki had seconded as a nod to both kwami. Curious, she reached out and grabbed the sheet of paper underneath. Opening it, she read:
Dear Stranger,
I was in a bit of a tight spot and hanging around your balcony when your door swung open. Haunted house, much? Hope you don’t mind, but I ended up using your house as a temporary safe house while you were gone. Don’t worry, I made sure no one saw me entering or exiting, so you shouldn’t have any problems from the type of shit that follows me.
On the topic of haunted houses, are you sure yours isn’t haunted? Your house is unnervingly the calmest- and safest-feeling place I’ve been in a while, but I kept seeing blurs out of the corner of my eye and I was NOT concussed. Might want to talk to someone about that.
I ended up tidying a bit while you were gone, hope you don’t mind. Fairs fair, you (unknowingly, I know) lent me a place to stay, I tidied up a bit. Stay out of trouble, alright?
- Red Hood
The Red Hood? The RED HOOD is who they let into the house? For kwami’s sake, what were they thinking?!?
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the-fusionist · 3 years
Give me damianette fluff or jasonette fluff with a song
A/N: Hello, all! I am back! This is a very late answer, which I'm sorry for @rebecarojas07. But, it's here now! I went a little off from the prompt and it's a little angsty in the beginning, but it gets better! Also, constructive criticism is welcome, since its been a while. Also, no beta, we die like Jason Todd. I wrote 1800 words just now and I am hoping they mesh well together.
Warnings: Some cursing, slight angst, cheating, hand holding, and kissing
Song: PUBLIC - Make You Mine
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Marinette cried as she sat on the rooftop while Tikki hugged her.
She was here in Gotham as Ladybug in order to deal with a crisis involving a missing miraculous with Zatanna and Batman, along with several other American heroes she had gotten to know. The mission had taken her a month and she had needed to go undercover for a large portion of the mission, severing contact with her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste. It should all have been fine, they trusted each other.
Now he’s a former boyfriend.
Alya Cesaire was a rock in Marinette’s life, and she was always there for her. If it hadn’t been for Alya Cesaire, her most reliable confidante, the break up might have never happened so soon and she would have stayed oblivious. If it hadn’t been for Alya’s pictures, Marinette would probably have never believed it herself. Five pictures of Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi, making out on several different occasions.
She wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but if she was being honest with herself she should have seen it coming. Heck, Tikki had seen it coming. They had been having more arguments as of recently. And the time that she had spent apart from Adrien on a mission had simply driven them further apart from each other. She thought back to the times she had complained to Adrien about how Lila was always so touchy with him during photoshoots, he said that it was all business that he couldn’t avoid because of his father. That she was overreacting and being too clingy. That there was nothing between him and Lila.
But those pictures existed. They were in broad daylight, and both Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi seemed to have no shame, acting in public spaces. She sent one text to Adrien.
We're over.
The message was read, and there was no reply.
That was a month ago. Marinette was getting better, very slowly. Plagg and Tikki stuck with her and supported her, but Marinette still had some nights where she refused to talk to anyone and cried alone. She had set up an arrangement with her parents so she could stay in Gotham, as she needed time away from the city of love. She could never have been more thankful.
Especially when she saw the viral video of someone throwing a bag of flour at Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi during a photoshoot. Marinette had burst out laughing when she saw the video, and she had a feeling her parents were behind it and had gotten away with it.
But still, sometimes there were days where she couldn’t shrug off the tears. They flowed freely as she swung her spotted legs from her seat on the edge of a random rooftop. She had finished patrol, and she had begun to think back to all the nights she used to spend patrolling Paris with Adrien. She felt her heart seize as she gazed out into the grey landscape of Gotham.
Well, I will call you darlin' and everything will be okay
Suddenly, she heard a throat clear behind her and a cough.
Turning around, she found herself staring at the Red Hood. She quickly wiped at her eyes in an attempt to hide that she had been crying. She had heard rumors of the Red Hood, especially of how he often murdered criminals and at some point in the past had been the leader of a criminal empire.
But, Batman trusted him. And she trusted Batman, so she should be able to trust him and this was a completely safe situation. At least, that’s what she told herself.
She heard him clear his throat again, and she realized she must have gotten lost in her thoughts. She focused back on him, albeit it was somewhat warily.
“Hello darlin’, shit wait, that was too cringey. Damn, I’m sorry.”
She felt her lips quirk upwards in a smile.
The Red Hood coughed, before holding out a steaming cup of coffee to her, and in a questioning tone asked, “Let me try again. You’re Ladybug, right? I saw you having a moment here earlier while I was on patrol, so I just wanted to give you this and offer an ear to listen to you rant if you want?”
Marinette felt her heartbeat quicken, and she felt herself blush under her mask as she replied, “Thank you so much. You’re the Red Hood, right? It’s nice to meet you. And yeah, I would like to rant, that would be super nice.”
So he sat down next to her. She doesn’t know what made her do so, but she told him almost everything. How her former boyfriend had cheated on her while she was on a mission, and how she felt so betrayed when she found out. She told him all about the loneliness and the bitter homesickness she constantly felt.
And he listened, without pity. He listened to every word she spoke, nodding at the right moments of her story, reassuring her she was right, and cussing out Adrien Agreste with her.
That was the first time she met Jason Todd, the man underneath the helmet of the Red Hood.
'Cause I know that I am yours and you are mine
Several months passed, and their relationship progressed from there. The two fell into comfortable friendship and eventually revealed their identities.
But, Marinette couldn’t deny that she had caught herself blushing as she stared at Jason during training or patrol, admiring him.
It was a similar situation for Jason. He still curses himself for the time that Marinette had smiled at him as she swung by during patrol, and he had been so caught up with staring at her dazzling smile that he didn’t notice himself walk right off a building. He was fine, his pride bruised more than anything else.
The point was, they fit well together. They bantered and seemed to constantly toe the line between friendship and something more, to the point where others began to take notice. Jason’s siblings teased him, while Alya and Nino would give Marinette suggestive looks over facetime whenever she mentioned Jason.
They got along so well, and everyone could see it. Marinette and Jason were also starting to believe it themselves. Marinette felt that she was his, and Jason knew that he was hers. They had each other wrapped around their fingers, without even realizing.
Doesn't matter anyway
Marinette was on patrol with Jason when she checked her phone and tears of anger welled up in her eyes. It was a message from Adrien.
Lila and I are over now. We should get back together now, I miss what we had.
Jason saw Marinette’s face change, and he felt angry too when Marinette showed him the text. Adrien Agreste was fucking pathetic.
“Who does he think he is? He thinks he can cheat on me and get back together? He doesn’t even have a place in my life anymore. He doesn’t even matter to me anymore.”
“You don’t need that fucker, Marinette, like how dare he act like you guys can get back together after what he did? Honestly, he’s fucking pathetic. I bet he’s sitting all fucking alone in his apartment after breaking up with Lila, thinking he matters to you. What a pretentious shit stain.”
Marinette felt herself move before she could properly think about what she was doing. Jason hadn’t anticipated her action, and he felt himself let out a small laugh of surprise when he felt Marinette hug him, her face pressed into his leather jacket.
He couldn’t help but softly smile when he heard a muffled, “Thank you, Jason, for being here for me.”
In the night, we'll take a walk, it's nothing funny
Marinette heard a knock on her apartment window. She walked over and opened it to find Jason standing on her fire escape, giving her a sheepish smile.
“Jason, it's 2:00 a.m. and it isn’t even a patrol night? God damn it, Jason, I know that I don’t sleep at night, but what could you want right now?”
Jason’s smile grew brighter, “Want to get waffles and coffee?”
Marinette’s mood quickly changed, and she felt her lips quirk, “You want me to go out in the dark, all alone with you, to get waffles and coffee?”
“No funny business, just waffles and coffee.”
Marinette laughed before she quickly threw on a jacket and joined Jason on the fire escape, before descending down with him and beginning their moderate walk to a nearby café.
Just to talk
On the way, they talked about anything and everything. Books, fashion, superhero business, you name it. They were at peace.
Put your hand in mine
As they walked into the café, Jason noticed another man, who looked like he was in his early twenties, eyeing Marinette. He felt jealousy crawl up his spine, and he knew his eyes were flashing green at the moment.
Marinette had noticed, though she pretended not to. She also tried to pretend not to notice when Jason casually slipped his hand into her own, though she knew she was furiously blushing. Jason was flustered too, and she heard him stutter as he gave his order to a waitress.
For the rest of the night, their hands remained clasped. Tikki was giggling quietly from the inside of Marinette's purse.
You know that I want to be with you all the time
Though they never directly spoke about the hand holding, the two of them definitely gradually spent more time with each other.
They frequented various cafes and libraries and stores, in and out of costume. Someone once swore they saw the Red Hood and Ladybug at a movie theater throwing popcorn at each other. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they got together, and several bets were made.
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
Flash forward a week, and Marinette has asked Jason out on a date. He says yes. They’re both bright red when they enter the café, and this time their hands are clasped from the moment they enter.
The same waitress recognizes them, and she asks who asked the other out. She quickly finds out that Marinette made the first move. When she goes back to her place behind the counter, Marinette and Jason see a coworker slide her twenty bucks. They laugh, and enjoy the rest of their date, content with each other’s serene presence.
Until I make you mine
After they leave the café, a strong gust of wind blows. Marinette slightly shivers under the bite of the wind, before she feels a large warmth envelope her. Jason’s leather jacket is draped over her shoulders, and the man in question is gazing at her lovingly.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she said before she reached up and pressed a warm kiss to his lips.
The End!
TAG LIST: @theatreandcomicfreak ​@18-fandoms-unite-08 @mochegato @princessanimeangel11 @maribatlife
If you would like to be tagged in other works in the future, please let me know!
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Designs on you
Jasonette July prompt 18: design
Marinette hadn’t made an appointment but the shop appeared to not be busy. Maybe she could get in pretty quickly. Shocking for how many positive reviews it had. There were a few negative ones but they just seemed like haters. They didn’t even seem like they had been to the shop. Maybe someone just didn’t like a tattoo parlor in the neighborhood.
The door made a quiet tone as she entered. She looked around. It was very clean. Not at all what she had expected from a tattoo parlor. She had only been in one once when she went with Alya. Marinette had chickened out. Alya was getting a tiny fox but Marinette didn’t want to do something little that she didn’t feel connected to. But she hadn’t been ready then to go for a larger piece covering her side like she was now.
She guessed the man who came from the back was the tattoo artist on duty. He was very tall with dark hair. He looked exactly like she would expect. His arms were muscled and covered in tattoos. She briefly wondered if he had any art under the shirt that stretched tightly over his muscled chest. She pulled her thoughts away and looked up at him. He seemed surprised to see her. Probably not surprised at business, but surprised at the tiny woman in dainty business apparel walking into the shop.
“You here to get a tattoo?” he asked.
“Yeah.” she said, a bit hesitantly.
He glanced down at the desk. “Did you make an appointment? I don’t have anything in the schedule. ”
“I didn’t make an appointment. I figured I would see what times you had available instead.”
“You’re in luck. I was supposed to be closed today so I don’t have anything scheduled.”
“That’s great. I won’t be able to back out.”
She laughed nervously at her half joke. He eyed her for a moment.
“Are you sure this is what you want? It won’t come off easily.”
“Yes. I made the design years ago. I just get nervous sometimes.”
He nodded and held out his hand to see her design. He looked it over for a moment. Then pulled out some paperwork.
“Standard paperwork for liability and care after.” he added. “It's a nice design. You must have been barely old enough when you designed it.”
“The first version I made when I was 9. I’ve updated it a lot since then. But I’m happy with how it looks now.”
They discussed the process and the design for a few minutes and he made a copy of the design for his records. He made a quick sketch as well for her to approve how he made her design for the transfer. He took her back to the studio room and prepped a space to get started. He made sure she had eaten and stayed hydrated that day and let her know that it would take several hours or they could split it into 2 sessions. She said she would rather do it all at once so he just let her know to discuss when she needed breaks.
Marinette flinched when he put his hand on her bare skin. Even knowing it was going to happen didn’t stop it from tickling. He paused while she worked on stopping her squirming so he could get the transfer applied to get ribs. She focused on holding still and expecting his touch. He seemed very focused on his work. She tried not to think about how nice his fingers felt brushing against her skin. Before he began he checked to make sure she was ready and had an idea of what to expect with how she would be laying and the best way to hold herself and breathe.
He was quiet at first and Marinette focused on trying to maintain her position through the stinging. She did her best to remain still as he moved from one side to the other. She was starting to feel stiff and she really wanted to shift but didn’t want to mess it up. She really wanted a break but he said it would be best if he could get a certain amount done before they took a break. She was pretty sure he could tell she was getting restless because his hand moved and put slightly more pressure on her than he had before. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back trying to think of how great it would look when he finished. It was only a few more minutes before he pulled away and told her it was a good time for a break.
She stood and stretched and he offered her some water and a granola bar to help her make it through the rest. She moved around and went into the bathroom to splash her face before she felt ready again. He recommended a few stretches she could do from a poster on his wall that would help her manage to make it through to the next break. He seemed distracted on his phone but when she finished he was ready again. She laid back in the chair with her side exposed as he started up again. It seemed to feel a lot worse when he started again. She stopped most of the noise she wanted to make and instead sucked in a fast breath. Then focused on blowing the air out slowly rather than shifting away.
“Good girl,” he said, before continuing on.
Marinette felt herself flush and she didn’t think it had anything to do with the continuing pain. She tried not to think about the pain but somehow she only noticed his hand as it moved to a different spot on her side. The gentle movement felt like a caress in comparison to the burning feeling left in the wake of the needle. Once they got back into the rhythm he started talking to her.
“So what made you decide that the art needed to go on now rather than later?”
“Well, I’ve wanted it for a long time, but I am making a dress that will show most of the side off. I thought it would look nice showing through.”
“That should do. Do you make a lot of dresses?”
“Yes, actually. I’m a fashion designer.”
“A dress showing off the side doesn’t sound like your everyday dress. Is it for something special?”
“I’ve been designing for a client having a formal event. He invited me to that as a way to expand my business because he was impressed with my work.”
“That should be nice. I like to display the work I’ve done, so if you get a good picture of the tattoo in the dress it could be a good thing for both of us.”
“I’ll make sure to do that.”
He suggested a final break not long later. He said like with the first break it would feel a bit worse right after but it would be easiest for both of them if they had a chance to stretch out a bit. She treated it much the same as the first one, just moving slightly more carefully with more of her side feeling raw. He seemed to be on his phone again, but also watching her a bit more than the first time. She still tried to do a bit of stretching and moving around until he headed back to the tattoo space.
She was prepared for it to be more tender when he started this time so she managed to keep her breathing in check. He moved quickly and carefully filling in the lines with color but also moved to conversation to distract her more quickly this time.
“You drew this when you were a kid still?” he asked.
“Well, the first time I did. This is just the version I settled on. I use it in my designs a lot like a signature.”
“That's some dedication. What made you decide on it?”
“A picture of my parents the day my dad proposed to my mom. It was in Paris, where I’m from, and the chestnut trees were in full bloom. I’ve just always loved the way they looked.”
“I don’t think I even realized chestnut trees bloomed. I guess I just never thought of it.”
“They have a lot of them in Paris. There is basically a blossom season in Paris but chestnut was always my favorite. I tried to confess to my crush when they were blooming back in lycee because I thought it would be romantic.”
“That doesn’t sound like it worked the way you wanted.”
“It was a disaster. I stumbled all over my words and he told me all about how he should bring his crush there. I ended up talking about fabric for 10 minutes before he finally redirected the conversation. When we left he told me I was a great friend.”
With the conversation suddenly going to a place Marinette didn’t like to remember she forgot to focus on her breathing and holding still. She made a pained noise and jumped, grabbing his hand without even thinking. He patted her a bit and rubbed her arm to calm her down. She caught her breath and refocused on her breathing. He waited until she was back into position and held the tattoo needle steady above her before he restarted.
“We only have a few more minutes. It will be a bit rough for you and you will want to move, try to refrain.”
She did well for another few minutes but then she started squirming again. He added pressure to help her relax but she struggled each time the needle moved. He pressed his free arm down on her and said.
“If you can't hold still, I will have to pin you down. I can't have you messing up all my hard work.”
Marinette froze and looked at him wide eyed. He winked but still held steady until she nodded at him to continue. She gripped the side of the chair and closed her eyes. She focused everything on breathing steady and within a few minutes he had stopped again. He spent a few minutes wiping away a bit of blood and ink before showing her the final look before he wrapped it carefully and explained the instructions for care. They went to the counter and paid. He suggested that she return when she wanted to add to the design; she had mentioned wanting it to travel down her thigh too.
“It turned out very nice. You might be my best side piece.” he said.
Marinette stumbled over her goodbye at that. She looked at him but his smirk seemed to suggest he knew exactly what he had said. She reentered the front of the shop and walked back to the counter. She held out a card for him. He took it with a grin. Their fingertips brushed with the exchange but he reached up and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing her hand and taking the card. Marinette met his eyes and held them for a moment before she turned and headed for the door, smiling.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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alexiessan · 4 years
The brother you never asked for - One Shot
@neakco​ asked: "I saw an ask for prompts so I would like to request a sibling Jasonette where Jason is in Paris trying to win a bet with Dick over who can find the best pastries, which is how he finds/meets Marinette. Everything else is open to the freedom of your imagination."
Here is Jasonette Siblings :) 
@justafanwarrior​ @animegirlweeb​
Why was Jason running in the streets of Paris at seven in the evening again?
Ah, right. To win a bet against Dick.
The two oldest adopted children of Bruce Wayne had agreed to accompany their father on a business trip to the French capital. Damian still had school to attend and Tim was to manage the company while the CEO was away.
He didn’t really need any of his children to accompany him, but who would say no to a trip to Paris?
Bruce had a lot of meetings planned for the two weeks trip, and it took only two days for the two men to get bored. Paris wasn’t new for them and they’ve already seen all the touristic spots.
And so, they were just watching some movie in Richard’s hotel room when he had a craving for pastries.
“Let’s go to Ladurée! They have awesome macarons!” the oldest exclaimed, his mouth already watering at the thought of chocolate macaron.
Jason frowned. “Eh, really? It’s overpriced and overrated there.”
“But they are the best I’ve ever had.”
“That’s because you didn’t try to find the very best. It’s France, there are bakeries in almost every street. There must be one that makes better pastries than Ladurée.”
La maison Ladurée was a famous bakery in Paris, known for its macarons. Every tourist always ended up going there at one point or another during their stay in Paris.
While their macarons were good, it was too much of a tourist spot for Jason’s taste. There probably was a bakery out there that sold better macarons than the famous Maison Ladurée.
Urgh. Even the name sounded made him want to cringe. Snobbish much, huh?
“Then, let’s find it,” said Dick with a serious voice.
Jason looked away from the TV to face his brother. “Huh?”
Richard rolled his eyes. “Get your ass up this couch and let’s go find the best bakery in Paris!”
The second oldest of the Wayne siblings raised an eyebrow. “Do you realize how many bakeries there are in just Paris? We can’t possibly try them all.”
“You’re right. That’s why,” Dick paused, showing Jason his smartphone, “I’ve researched the best bakeries of Paris. I found two lists with a top ten of the best bakeries of Paris, and they don’t have one in common with the other!” he grinned, “so, I suggest we each take a list and try them all, and come back with a box of macarons from the one we thought was best!”
Jason looked at the list. If he tried them all and figured that the best one was one of the first he tried, it would mean going back there to buy a full box of macarons. It would be annoying to go back there again, but doable.
“What does the winner win?” he finally asked.
“Eh… Bragging rights?” at Jason’s expression, he tried again. “We’ll figure it out later.”
“Right. Then, may the best man win.”
They shook hands and were off in a matter of seconds.
This is how Jason found himself in front of the last bakery of the list — the one ranked second in the list, but it was the one the farthest from their hotel, and thus, the last one he tried — hoping it was closed yet. He really hoped this one would be the best because he wouldn’t have the time to go back to one of the other bakeries before closing time.
When he opened the door, he was met with a lot of pink. It was a cute and cozy bakery, making you want to find a seat, drink hot chocolate, and read next to the window while it was raining outside.
At the desk was a teenage girl around Damian’s age — sixteen, seventeen-year-old top — who looked visibly upset over something on her phone. When she heard him enter, she put the phone away, blinked several times to get rid of the tears that had gathered in her eyes, and smiled at him.
“Welcome to Tom et Sabine boulangerie pâtisserie! How can I help you?” she greeted him in French.
Jason made his way to the counter, looking over the different pastries. He glanced at the girl, patiently waiting for his order. She had black hair and blue eyes, half French and half Asian he guessed. She had a smile on her face, and not just a customer one, giving that she was visibly upset when he arrived, but a genuine one.
It made him want to ask her if he had to go and threaten someone, but he didn’t know the girl, and she didn’t know him, and what right did he have to ask?
“I’ll have a chocolate macaron, please,” he answered in French but with a heavy American accent.
She noticed and switched in English, which he was grateful for. He could speak French, but since he didn’t have the opportunity to practice it often, he was a bit rusty in the language.
“Of course, a big one or a small one?”
“A small one, please.”
She put the small macaron on a towel with a clamp and put it on the counter. “It will be one euro, please!”
He thanked her while paying and wasted no time in eating the small treat. The teen girl laughed when she saw him eat it in one bite.
“You know what?” he began after swallowing, deciding that this was the best one he had in his search. “I’ll take a whole box of these. I’ll even take two big ones!”
“Alright! That will be nine euros and fifty cents, please!” she said with a smile before preparing his order.
“Thanks again!” he said while handing her the money. “If the other pastries are as good as the macarons, you’ll see me again.”
She laughed. “I’m not exactly impartial, but the pastries are really, really good! So I guess I’ll see you again.”
He barked a laugh. “You can bet on it then!”
“Have a good night, sir!”
When he got back to the hotel room, Dick was already there with his own box of macarons, and they didn’t waist one more second before tasting the other’s finding.
Jason won, of course, and demanded fifty bucks as his reward.
And wasn’t it good to win a bet against his brother.
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Just like he said he would, Jason came back to the bakery, with Dick with him. They tried all sorts of pastries, and even some quiches for lunch and everything was delicious. Dick made sure to note the name of the bakery somewhere on his phone so they could come back the next time they would come to Paris.
The teenage girl was still there, managing the desk and talking with the two of them when they stayed a bit longer to enjoy their food.
They learned that her name was Marinette and that she was seventeen — making her Damian’s age, just as Jason thought — and that she was the daughter of the owner. Since it was summer vacations, she helped her parents since they had more clients than ever thanks to tourism.
They learned that she was a fashion designer and that she learned English because of it. Since she wanted to start her own business one day, someone recommended that she learn English if she wanted it to be international. Speaking only one language wouldn’t do well, she explained.
While she was still in school, she had a small customer base already and did everything that needed to be done for it to be legal, and thus, was a freelance in fashion design. She was still in high school, entering her last year in September. She even expressed her desire to go to University in America, in a double major — fashion and business.
They visited the bakery every day for a week, learning to know each other a bit, but never once did she tell them anything that was upsetting her.
And Jason couldn’t help but wonder what could bring such a cheerful and positive girl like Marinette so close to tears.
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It was on their last week in Paris that Jason found out.
He was on his way to the bakery to get his daily dose of pastries when he saw Marinette sitting on a bench in the park near her family’s business and home.
And she was crying.
He didn’t think about it as he made his way to Marinette and sat next to her.
“So, tell me, whose butt do I need to kick?”
She almost jumped, not having noticed him.
“God,” she breathed, “you scared me, don’t do that again.”
“My bad,” he apologized. “But tell me, what’s wrong?”
She let out a joyless laugh. “It’s okay, I don’t want to burden you with my teenage drama.”
He playfully elbowed her. “Now, now. I’ve been a teen too, you know. And I know all about teenage drama. And I know that it’s not just nothing to you, right now. Maybe, later on, you’ll think so, but it matters to you now, so it’s important, you understand?” she nodded. “Just because you’re a teenager, it doesn’t mean your problems are meaningless, alright? I know adults tend to downplay teenager’s problem, but not me.” he ruffled her hair. “Now, tell everything to your big brother.”
She laughed and shoved him playfully. “You’re not my brother!”
“Well, now I am! I’m the brother you never asked for but got anyway. Deal with it.”
She laughed again, and he felt like he succeeded a little in cheering her up. “Alright, ‘big brother’, I’ll talk.”
She took a deep breath before facing him.
“It’s my boyfriend. He canceled on me. Again.” she laughed. “I know I shouldn’t be upset to be stood up, and I wasn’t the first time. Or the second. Or the third. But I’ve lost count of the times he ditched me for his friends, or for an event that just happened. And I tried to be understanding at first. It’s just… I’m doing everything to make our relationship work. I plan dates, even double dates because I know how much he loves his friends — our friends. But it feels like it’s one sided,” she paused, taking another deep breath. “But I haven’t properly talked to him in months because he keeps standing me up. I just… Does he want to break up with me? Is that what’s he’s trying to do, but is too much of a coward to do it properly? I… I guess I’m just realizing now that we haven’t be fine for months now.”
Jason sighed. “I can’t tell you what he’s thinking, and what is his reasoning behind his behavior because I don’t know him, but I’ll tell you this: it takes all the people involved in a relationship for it to work. If the other doesn’t put any work in it, it can’t work. It can be fixed, however, but you already tried, didn’t you?”
She nodded.
“Then, since you already try to fix your relationship, you have to ask yourself this question: are you happy with him?”
Tears gathered again in her eyes and she shook her head. “No… No, Jason, I’m not happy anymore.”
He opened his arms, inviting her in a hug, and she immediately threw herself in her arms.
“Then, I think you know what to do.”
They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Marinette stopped crying.
“I’m sorry, I barely know you and I just dumped all my problems on you.”
“Hey, when I said that I was now your brother, I meant it. I take my duties as a big brother very seriously.”
The fashion designer laughed. “What, you just picked people on the street and claimed they are now your sibling or something?”
“No, you’re just special.”
She laughed. “I’m nothing special, but thank you. For listening to me and offering me friendship. I really appreciate it.”
He patted her hair. “Anytime, chouquette.”
They exchanged numbers before parting ways, this time without any pastries with him.
The next morning, Jason received a text from Marinette, stating that she broke up with her boyfriend. He asked for details, and she explained that he has been oblivious to it all and didn’t understand why she was breaking up with him. She said that she gave up on explaining anything and that they were just over.
He and Dick spent the last week at the bakery, trying to cheer Marinette up, which was not as hard as he expected it to be. While Marinette was sad that her relationship was over, she was also relieved. She had been hurt too much, and it was a good thing that she wouldn’t be hurting anymore.
Their two weeks stay unfortunately came to an end, and it was time to say goodbye to Marinette.
“Say, what do you think about going to Gotham for university,” he asked her with a grin. “We could see each other much more then.”
She snorted. “Yeah, right. Going to the most dangerous city in America. No thanks, I think I’ll pass.”
He pouted. “But I would protect you.”
She laughed. “I have no doubt you would, but I think I’ll go to New York. I have an internship offer there than I can do alongside my studies,” she paused. “But hey, Gotham and New York are pretty close, no? We can still see each other.”
“One of my brothers is actually going to university in New York too next year! I’ll tell him to look after you!”
“What?! Come on Jason, I don’t need anyone looking after me!”
“Tutututu! Let your big brother handle it!”
“But you’re not my brother!”
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Die Like the Butterfly Shoot With Their Guns.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 2, Day 7: Guns} |
Chapter 1 of Sheltered by Darkness not yet Moths to the Flame.
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] | | [Chapter 2] |
| Sometimes a family can be a gang comprised of eleven vigilantes, and their AI robot, fighting against the father of one of their own. |
| Or alternatively: after falling through the cracks, they do what they must to survive. And if that means committing crimes in order to bring down the Big Butterfly and all the other corrupt businesses in the city, then so be it. |
| Tonight's the night. Half of them will strike one of the Big Butterfly's warehouses that just so happens to contain some fancy new gun tech. Besides, it'll be in better hands with them than the Big Butterfly or his associates. Now all that matters, is that nothing goes wrong! |
| Word Count: 3,322. |
| Warnings/Tags: Cyberpunk/Criminal/Gang Au, Explicit Language/Swearing, Hacking, Breaking and Entering, Theft, Mentions of Bombs and Guns, Mentions of corrupt/shady businesses, Fluff, Gang/Team as family/family dynamics, Found Family. |
| A/N: It is Cyberpunk Au time! This is a twoshot, so have a looksy to see if you can find all the snippets of foreshadowing I've set! Also this is mostly Action/Fluff but beware of the warnings regardless. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Rain patters against the concrete, sound mixing with the low hum and high buzz of electricity. The ground is slick with murky puddles that never seem to clean the pavement. Still just as filthy as before, permanently dyed with dried bloodstains, mud stains, electric scorch marks, and far worse. The air is heavy with the smell of cigarette smoke, ozone, and that ever underlying decay that clings to the city.
It's dark—dead of night—but the streets are awash with flickering neon lights. There are a few others haunting the street though most of them are sticking to the areas of light, avoiding the shadows.
Which is where Marinette, also known as the ruthless gang leader Fantôminou, is lurking.
Jason—Red Hood, her co-leader—snarls as he drops down onto the shadowed fire escape beside her. “We've got a rat. Someone's tipped off the big Butterfly and security has been increased around the perimeter. Most likely interior security increased too.”
Fantôminou flexes her glowing clawed gauntlets, “I suppose we should check in with our local pied piper, before we strike, hmm?”
There's a bzzt in her earpiece as the channel is hijacked by the familiar voice of their gang's hacker, Max aka Raijack. “I wouldn't worry about that if I were you, our pied piper has already been contacted. Whoever they were, they didn't reveal which location we were targeting, so it's just a general security increase.”
She hums. “Raijack, link us up with the rest of the strike force.”
“Got it, 'Minou.” He responds, and not a split second later, the earpiece makes another bzzt and there's the faint ping of the rest of the channel being alerted at someone joining.
“Look, I think you could totally pull off the—oh, who just joined the channel?” Adrien, Cheval Mallet, asks in surprise.
“Just me and our anthill tiger.” Red Hood announces, snorting at the glare Fantôminou sends him.
Silence echoes across the line before a scrabble of hushed but excited voices causes a ruckus.
Fantôminou sighs, “I know we're all excited to hit the big Butterfly hard by stealing some of their new fancy gun tech. But let's leave the yelling for when we inevitably set off the alarms!”
“Hey!” Raijack protests. “I'll have you know I have produced a new virus that has a ninety-eight per cent chance of not setting off any alarms!”
Red Hood rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, but you've still not worked out how to get your viruses to deactivate the bombs in the crates yet, huh?”
“I will one day, until then it's your job to stop the bombs from triggering the rest of the alarms!” Raijack counters with a huff.
Fantôminou sighs again, this time with an added sprinkling of are-you-kidding-me. “Red Hood, Raijack. I can and will kick your asses if you do not shut up so we can discuss final prep before we begin the pesticide protocol.”
Bumping shoulders with her, Red Hood snorts again. “I've got nothing against being beat up by someone as pretty and buff as you Minou, you know that!”
“Oh, I think we can all agree to wanting to get crushed by Minou's guns.” Cheval Mallet pipes up once more.
Fantôminou sighs very wearily. “Nevermind, are you all ready?”
Red Hood salutes at her, and despite his mouth being covered, it's easily telling that he's grinning cockily underneath. “I'm ready. My guns are ready, and I've got the bomb defusal kit at the ready.”
“I may be holding my horses but I'm saddled to giddy-up on the go!” Cheval Mallet cheerfully announces.
“This has to be one of your worst attempts at horse puns yet.” Raijack comments, “otherwise, I'm in position and ready to hack on your call, Minou.”
Red Hood exchanges a glance with Fantôminou as silence falls over the earpiece channel. “Hold up, where's Arsenal? Shouldn't he have checked in by now?”
Taking his hand gently, Fantôminou gives it a reassuring squeeze.
“He already did but because you two had your issues getting into position and avoiding the unexpected police patrol, Arsenal had to deal with another issue that popped up which would've threatened our plan,” Raijack informs, sounding nonplussed.
“Well, you don't sound concerned.” Fantôminou points out the obvious. “Has he got back up?”
There's the faint tapping of a keyboard through the earpiece channel before Raijack responds, “Chèvrapide is on her way to back him up, don't worry.”
“Then that's everyone accounted for. Let's rock and roll.” Red Hood orders, dropping from the fire escape and landing in the rain-slick alleyway with ease, conveniently right beside the hoverbike they had stashed here.
Fantôminou hops down after him, except she manages to flip and expertly land in the driver's seat. “I'm driving Jay, you're the one with the guns after all,” she all but states, putting one gauntleted hand up and flexing just to hammer in the point, “I'm close range only right now and you know it.”
Red Hood throws his hands up in mock surrender. “Hey! I'd never complain about getting to watch you drive this beauty of a hoverbike.”
Fantôminou snorts. “Just get on, pretty bird!”
“Well, if you say so, pretty kitty!” Red Hood teases back, vaulting onto the back of the bike behind her. He wraps an arm around her waist and rests the other hand on his sheathed-for-now gun.
She revs the engine of the hoverbike and steers out of the alleyway with practised ease. There's no directions on the hoverbike's holoscreen, but it's not like they need any—the directions to where they need to be outside the warehouse have already been memorised by each and every one of them.”
Down the left street, take the right at the T junction, pass under the flyover street, then take a further two lefts and then straight on until the block of office buildings forming a protective extra layer between the warehouse electric razor wire tipped fencing and the road. Easy.
“All networks in the office buildings have temporarily shut down. As far as the tech will be concerned, it'll look like the networks just decided to not work today.” Raijack announces through the earpiece channel, voice coming through slightly more robotic than usual.
“So no security cams?” Fantôminou checks cautiously, circling like a hawk around the small stretch of street between her and the office building she and Jason will be entering through. The rain has slowed to a drizzle but that doesn't make the circling in it any less mildly uncomfortable, at least inside it'll be dry.
There's the familiar clack of keys once more. “Not quite, they're a little harder to crack than entering in through the backdoor via someone's unprotected webcam in the office. Thank you, Shodan.” Raijack pauses, keys continuing to clack in the background. “Unfortunately, the Big Butterfly's got tech security smart enough to keep the security system on a closed network so I can't hop from webcam to computer to network to cams. However, they didn't account for Markov, suckers!”
Red Hood snorts. “Isn't Markov a little obvious for this kinda mission?”
“Oh, did I forget to tell you?” Raijack says, in a voice that very clearly conveys he didn't forget so much as purposefully neglected to mention, “I recently upgraded Markov, outfitting him with the currently most highly advanced cloaking system. Thanks to some help from Fantôminou's knowledge of cloaking and camouflage fashion.”
Red Hood leans his head onto Fantôminou's shoulder. “I'm hurt, you knew and didn't tell me? I want cloaking guns! Think of how much cooler I'd look with them!”
Fantôminou merely hums in an unamused response. “Raijack wanted it to be a surprise.”
He huffs. “I see who your favourite person in our gang is then!”
“You're right! It's me!” Cheval Mallet cheers, jumping into the conversation.
“Fucking 'ell!” Red Hood curses under his breath. “I thought you were gonna mute whilst getting in position.”
Cheval Mallet's laugh cuts in and out across the earpiece channel. “And when did I hay that!”
“Hacker voice, I'm in!” Raijack interrupts. “Looks like the security system was perfectly untouched by whatever minor error caused the main networks to crash, how lucky. Which is to say, looping is in process, and we now have free entry.”
“Got us a place to park yet, though?” Red Hood asks.
Raijack doesn't immediately respond, but the sound of the garage door connected to the office building opening, is answer enough. “I might.”
Fantôminou snorts. “Thanks, Raijack. Hood and I need to split here right, just until we get past the fencing right?”
“That's right.” Raijack responds, “good luck, and Markov and I will see you all on the other side.”
“Break a leg, or three!” Red Hood calls over the earpiece. “Preferably some else's though!”
Fantôminou pulls the hoverbike into the garage, keeping her gaze ahead. “If I could elbow you without fucking up my parking, I would.”
Red Hood cackles quietly in response, trying to at least keep to the stealth part of the mission plan.
In the blink of an eye, the hoverbike is securely parked. Perfectly hidden in plain sight but easily accessible for a quick and clean getaway should nothing go wrong. And well, if something were to go wrong, there's not going to be any hoverbike left for evidence. Though, that's not to say a small part of Fantôminou's brain doesn't anxiously hate how they're practically sitting on top of bombs ready to blow up at the slightest hint of things going wrong. However, they've been through enough strikes like this for the concern to be mostly easily ignored.
With the hoverbike parked, Fantôminou and Red Hood part ways.
Fantôminou heads up through the internal stairwell connected to the garage, whilst Red Hood takes one of the external doors leading to the office building next door.
The stairwell is like any other maintenance stairwell. Grey concrete walls, metal railings and steps. Even Fantôminou's light footsteps clang loudly against the ridged metal stairs. It's cold, just as cold as the garage was and barely warmer than it is outside in the rain. The air is stuffy but at least the respirator hidden beneath the bandana wrapped around her mouth makes it bearable to breathe. Other than the aforementioned clanging of steps, and her breathing, Fantôminou is alone with the ominous silence of a liminal space.
The stairs stretch on upwards for what seems far longer than it should, but eventually, Fantôminou reaches the final steps to the roof entrance door.
The door is unlocked, and so Fantôminou opens it as quietly as possible. She walks out into the rain once more and scrunches up her nose. A quick glance of the roof yields no immediate signs of danger or anything of note, so she continues to the edge of the roof.
Fantôminou rests one foot on the lip of the roof and flexes her gauntlets, lights switching off for stealth. Carefully, she turns around and crouches on the lip, gauntlets gripping the edge and toes of her boots braced against the wall. Bit by bit she descends, gauntlets making it more than easy to stay attached to the wall.
Two-thirds of the way down, Fantôminou climbs onto a window sill. The fence is only a metre below, with a further four-metre drop. No security drones in sight, yet—but no alarms have been triggered yet either.
A shadow drops down the building and over the fence on the other side of the compound. Not a second later is the double buzz of the earpiece signalling that someone is in position.
Fantôminou smirks beneath her face coverings, not one to be so quickly outdone she leaps forwards in a dive—spinning midair as she begins to plummet. Clearing the razor wire fence with room to spare.
She hits the ground in another diving roll, and immediately uses the momentum to throw herself up and run towards the nearest warehouse building. As soon as she reaches the wall, she double-taps her earpiece to send the double buzz signal to others.
A moment later comes the third double buzz, soon followed by the fourth and final signal.
“Markov is covering our air support.” Raijack's voice clips across the earpiece channel, “Fantôminou, you and Red Hood are on opposite ends of the same warehouse. I've unlocked the doors for you. You know the drill.”
“Thank you, Raijack. Entering now.” Fantôminou responds, she slinks over to the warehouse doors and cautiously pries open the now unlocked door.
Fantôminou heads straight for the terminal, and knows Red Hood is doing the same. Slipping Raijack's new and improved virus into one of the terminal's ports. Seconds pass.
“Interface secured,” Raijack informs.
Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Red Hood prowling over to her. She nods to him and taps into the terminal with her gauntlet.
Red Hood readies his bomb defusal kit as she instructs the internal warehouse drones into delivering the goods to them.
The drone, blinking yellow—a sure sign of Raijack's virus in effect—hovers over and drops a large black cased crate before them.
As soon as the claws of the drone release the crate, Red Hood is immediately on it, pulling it open and weeding out the bomb.
They wait with bated breath. Red Hood tinkers away. The earpiece channel is silent as the team focuses.
He hisses through his teeth, and Fantôminou tenses—ready to grab him and run, in the worst case—but he only packs the kit back away and sighs in relief.
He taps the earpiece thrice—signalling success.
Raijack and Cheval Mallet don't respond, so Fantôminou and Red Hood stuff their haul into Fantôminou's Miraculous, for ease of transport, and begin making their way towards the warehouse the other two were hitting.
By the time they reach the nearest warehouse doors, the earpiece triple buzzes. Success, again.
They pause only to exchange a nod between the two before continuing to meet up with Cheval Mallet and Raijack—no rendezvous needed this time so far.
It takes forty seconds to cross halfway to the other warehouse, where they meet the other two along with Markov in the middle.
Cheval Mallet waves a hand and the five of them skulk over to a small shed off the side of another warehouse. He raises his horseshoe weapon and calls out, “Bon Voyage!”
The portal forms and Markov flies through first. The remaining four exchange glances then bolt forwards, racing to see who can get through first.
The blue light blinds them all for a second, despite how used to the power they are.
“Mission success!” Fantôminou cheers breathlessly once the blue fades, throwing her hands up in celebration.
“WOOH!” Cheval Mallet yells, jumping up and punching the air.
Red Hood snorts, “but more importantly I so won!”
Raijack hums, “let's see what Markov has to say about that.”
Markov makes a series of boops and beeps, yellow LEDs flickering. “Red Hood is correct, he won the portal race.”
“YES!” Red Hood crows.
“Oh come on!” Raijack grumbles.
Footsteps and clapping approaches. “Well done,” Félix praises, “but perhaps leave the celebration until after you've all gotten into jammies.”
Cheval Mallet giggles, “Flicks, I can't believe you can somehow still sound pretentious whilst saying something as childish sounding as "jammies"!”
Félix raises an eyebrow, “you say this every time I call pyjamas that. Now come on, I've ordered pizza and Roy, Alix, Luka, Artemis, Kori, and Bizarro are already waiting for you lot, in the lounge, so we can get the party started.” He turns on his heel and walks out of the utility-changing room.
Markov, as the only one not needing to change, shows the tongue-sticking-out emoji on his LED screen and zooms after Félix.
Jason, Marinette, Adrien, and Max all start changing out of their gear as quickly as possible.
“Oh no!” Adrien gasps, half undressed, suddenly remembering something. “We forgot to take the motorbikes back!”
Marinette groans, “I knew I was forgetting something!"
Facepalming, Jason sighs. “We were all too caught up in everything going well for once.”
Max snorts. “Oh don't worry! I anticipated this, all it took was a little hacking into our hoverbikes and now they're on autopilot to one of our empty storage bases.”
“Oh. Well, that's good then.” Adrien says, looking a little embarrassed.
“Yeah… anyway come on, we don't want to keep your cousin and the others waiting any longer! They'll eat all the pizza!” Marinette exclaims.
They all finish changing into loungewear and pyjamas just as music starts to play from the lounge and so frantically, they all dash towards it, trying to shove each other out of the way and laughing playfully as they do so.
They've won a battle, they've successfully gotten in and out with a good haul of gun tech. No alarms tripped, nothing went wrong. Hoverbikes undamaged and on the route home. For once, everything went smoothly. And that, is cause for an evening of celebration.
Leaving the worries of the rat for tomorrow.
In a dark observatory with a closed butterfly window, a folder is tossed across a desk.
Papillon glances down at the folder with indifference. He rests his elbows on the expensive polished wood and steeples his fingers. “You said you had acquired information that you believe will interest me?”
The man in a black suit sitting opposite Papillon, smiles patiently. “My informant went through quite the lengths to acquire this. Why not take a look inside.”
Papillon purses his lips, “this better not be a waste of my precious time, Lex.”
Lex Luthor raises an eyebrow in amusement. “I assure you, Gabriel, you will find what is inside most interesting.”
There's a moment's pause as Gabriel waits. Nothing happens. He nods and then opens the folder. He spreads the papers inside in arc across the desk. In the middle of the papers, is the photo of a smiling teenage girl with bright blue eyes, and blue-dyed hair. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” He reads out, lips curling into a contemplative frown.
“Poor little girl,” Lex croons mockingly, “missing—presumed dead—after her parents' bakery was destroyed in an Akuma attack. Her name should be familiar to you though, won your one-day derby hat competition at her school.”
Gabriel's fingers still mid-steeple, and he moves one hand up to his chin in thought. “Ah yes, I remember that designer. The one with the feather derby whose design was stolen and copied. That signature embroidery was impressive work.” He recounts.
Lex grins, “yes, however most distressingly, it would seem this up and coming star of a designer has lost her glow.”
“How so?” Gabriel responds, furrowing his brows.
“Well you see, my informant has found… evidence, that our poor little designer here fell through the cracks into the shadows after the loss of her parents and bakery. It's rather obvious that the larvae have taken her as their own, some of their masks and clothes fit perfectly with what we know of her unique incorporation of her signature, as well as stitch work.” Lex explains, waving a hand towards the rest of the photographs and documents spread from the folder.
Gabriel frowns and eyes a few of the other papers with interest. “I see, that is most unfortunate.”
“But.” Lex cuts in before Gabriel can say anything more. “I'm well aware you're plenty familiar with fixing larvae with damaged wings and frayed wires. As such, a strange little cold case brimming with potential for your program, would do quite nicely for your collection, wouldn't you say?” Lex insinuates, rising from his seat as he continues, “rescue the poor larvae, craft it a chrysalis, and nurture the Pupa into something radiant. Not unlike what you did with the Macrothylacia Rubi, and your replacement wife.” With that, Lex smiles smugly down at Gabriel and then strides out of the observatory, not giving Gabriel a chance to respond.
And leaving Papillon to the folder and his musings.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Behind the Names: Fantôminou is a portmanteau of Fantôme (Ghost/Phantom) and Minou (Kitty). And she's called that because I thought the Black Footed cat fit her, and they're nicknamed Anthill Tigers. They also have the highest successful hunting rate! |
| Raijack is a portmanteau of Raiju (lightning dragon) and jack plug (the connect-y bit on headphones into a phone for example) but is also a play on the word Hijack. |
| Cheval Mallet is an evil horse spirit that offers rides to weary travellers and kidnaps them. Yes, there is a reason behind this. It's covered in Chap 2 |
| Chèvrapide is a portmanteau of Chèvre (Goat) and Rapide (Fast). |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I’ll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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justcourttee · 4 years
Could I maybe request more sibling Jasonette with Mari just having a rough day with Jason comforting her? I love your writing!
I love Jasonette so much and I’m sorry it took so long to respond! I hope you like it :)
The Breakdown
Marinette was having a crappy day. Wait, not just a day, a crappy week, no month, or was it a year? She had honestly lost track of when she had her last good day.
Everyone told her she couldn’t do better than interning under Audrey Bourgeois fresh out of lycee and they were probably right, but she couldn’t imagine herself in a worse situation at the moment. Project after project piled up and everywhere she looked, Audrey was there criticizing her every move, forcing her to re-do finished designs before she could even start overdue commissions.
As she turned the key, pushing the door open to her apartment, Marinette could almost cry from the amount of relief flowing over her. Tomorrow would be her one and only day off for the next month and she didn’t even know what to do with it.
Just as she sank into her couch, her phone began to buzz beside her. With a slight groan, she pulled herself up searching for the source of the vibrations. In all honesty, she was tempted to ignore it for fear that it was Audrey calling her in on her day off yet again, but the punishment for sending Audrey to voicemail was much worse than working.
“Hello, This is Marinette.”
“Yo Princess! I know you have a day off tomorrow! Do you wanna go patrolling with me?”
Marinette opened her mouth to respond, but something caused her to stop. A single tear fell down her face, traveling until it hit her lip, triggering the fall of another.  Pretty soon, soft sniffles took over as she cupped her phone to her face, trying to pull herself together.
“Hey, Mari, are you crying? What’s wrong?”
She muffled out a small nothing, but it was less than convincing.
“That’s it, Batman can find someone else to patrol tonight. I’ll be over in five, leave your door unlocked unless you want to have to replace a window again.”
The line went dead as Marinette stood to unlock her front door, the tears still fresh on her cheeks. She hadn’t meant to break down at that very moment, but the sound of Jason’s voice snapped her will. She had barely sat back down when her door flew open, a frantic Jason almost falling through.
“Who do I need to kill? Is it that Agreste kid again? I’ll finish him this time/”
Marinette shook her head as shaky laughter escaped her lips.
“I don’t really know what happened. It’s just been a long couple of months and Audrey has been insufferable and she wants so much more than one person could possibly manage. I’ve pulled too many all-day shifts to even count on my hands. She’s taking everything I love about fashion and squashing it under her five-inch heel.”
She felt the tears pooling in her eyes once more, but she shook her head, refusing to cry again tonight. Feeling the couch shift beside her, she peeked up at Jason who simply clucked his tongue before patting her head.
“There there Princess. I believe you are simply having a stress-induced meltdown. Timmy boy has them all the time.”
Marinette felt the denial on the tip of her tongue. She wasn’t stressed or in the middle of a meltdown, she just felt mentally and physically drained from the tyranny of Audrey Bourgeois, that wasn’t stress, right? Just distaste for her boss, everyone felt that from time to time.
“You know it’s not a bad thing right? You need to let it out sometimes or that stress becomes all-consuming. You don’t wanna end up like Brucie hm?”
He gently nudged her side, his playful smile drawing out yet another tear. Leaning into his outstretched arms, Marinette let her tears fall, not even bothering to hold them back. It felt so-
“So much better am I right?”
Her breathy chuckle confirmed his comment as he rubbed her back in small circles, doing his best to help her relieve as much stress as possible. They stayed in that position for longer than he intended, but it didn’t matter, as long as she felt better.  
When she finally pulled back, her eyes were red and puffy, the little bit of mascara she had put on earlier streaked down her cheeks. Jasin could help the explosion of laughter that came next.
“Oh my God, you look like a raccoon! You could sneak into Gotham’s Rogue area and I’m sure no one could even tell the difference. Forget Ladybug, you can be Raccoon-Girl, newest villain of Gotham oof-”
Jason doubled over as Marinette tried to choke back her laughter at the sight of him holding his stomach.
“Raccoon-Girl? That’s all you could come up with?”
“I’m sure Damian would like, let me call him.”
“No!” Jason let out another whine as she smacked his stomach again, ripping the phone from his hand.
“You’re totally blushing!”
“Am not!”
“Whatever princess, you’re so crushing on Damian. I knew it, I’m the best matchmaker there is.” Jason crossed his arms over his chest, his usual smug expression taunting her.
“Weren’t you coming over here to make me feel better? How is making fun of me accomplishing any of that?”
“You’re smiling and blushing.” Jason pinched her still red cheek earning a protest from the girl. “I’d say the mission is accomplished. But just in case it needs the icing on top.”
Marinette gasped as he pulled out a small movie from his jacket, waving it in front of her face as her eyes widened.
“Is that-” Jason nodded, not even bothering letting her ask the rest of her question.
“Bruce’s original copy of The Devil Wears Prada, I figured it was fitting for this situation.”
As he slipped the disk in, Marinette settled into her couch a thousand times lighter than when she entered a couple hours ago. Sure, she still had a terrible internship under what could arguably be the devil herself, but if it meant living close to her rock, then it was worth it.
After all, nothing was better than what she had in Gotham City.
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@ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava @iamablinkmarvelarmy @seraphkitty @clumsy-owl-4178
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
How to be a Dad 101
Chapter 2 - Villain Attack
Jasonette July Day 3
Marinette had thought that her years of being Rena Rogue would have improved Alya’s need for documenting dangerous situations, or at the very least her impulse control. As much as she loved her best friend, she was beginning to sincerely regret being cajoled into going to Gotham, of all places. A part of her couldn’t help but speculate whether of not Alya had been hoping that they’d end up in Crime Alley.
Jason was an unexpected bonus to their trip, though. None of them were quite sure what to think of the native Gothamite, but he did make an excellent tour guide. He was attentive, and surprisingly knowledgeable about the city’s history. Although he initially came off as angry and intimidating, he was also witty and attentive, especially to Marinette.
Okay, he was also hot. Like, absurdly hot. While Adrien was attractive, Jason was… Marinette didn’t know what words she could possibly use to describe just how broad his shoulders were, or how defined those muscles seemed. At one point he hugged her into his (very firm) chest so an inattentive biker didn’t hit her while they were crossing the street. She was grateful that he took the time to cuss them out, or he would have seen her face as red as her Ladybug suit. At another point when he took off his jacket and she saw his arms, she nearly choked on her spit.
She was dangerously close to relapsing into the Marinette of her teenage years, and that was the singularly worst outcome she could picture. Something about Jason made her feel… safe, protected.
The first day of their acquaintance with Jason was blessedly uneventful. Marinette was a little sad to bid him goodbye for good, but when he dropped them off at their hotel, he asked, “So what time should I be here tomorrow?”
A blush crept up Marinette’s face. “You don’t have to do that, really. We don’t want to bore you–“
He met her eyes, his own piercing. He was evaluating her, and based on his smirk, he liked what he saw. “I’ll be here at ten.” Jason raised a massive, strong hand to brush an errant strand of hair out of her eyes. “Gotham would eat you up, and we can’t have that.”
When he stepped away, Marinette almost collapsed on the spot. She knew her face was flaming red, but she managed to stammer, “W-Well, we’re going to have breakfast at the bakery just down the block at seven, but we’ll definitely be back by ten.”
“I guess that’s safe enough,” Jason said with that same smirk. “But no more wandering around Gotham, you got it?”
Even though he had just vacated her personal space just a second ago, he leaned in close enough that his breath tickled her ear. “Sleep well, sweetcheeks.”
He left them standing in the hotel lobby, Marinette completely frozen. Before the boys could do or say anything, Alya grabbed her hand in an iron grip and hauled her up two flights of stairs to the room the two of them were sharing.
“What was that?” Alya demanded, closing the door with a bang.
Still dazed, Marinette collapsed onto the bed. “What was that?”
“Do you suddenly have a thing for bad boys now? I just… and how did we bump into him? He’s like the buffest man on the planet.”
“He called me sweetcheeks. Is that a good thing?” Marinette mumbled.
“Marinette, focus,” Alya said, shaking her best friend. “I’m worried.”
Finally Marinette made eye contact. “But he’s safe. He protected us.”
Emerging from her purse, Tikki settled on Alya’s head. “Marinette, I don’t think that’s what Alya is talking about.”
Sitting up, infinitely more level-headed than moments earlier, Marinette smiled softly, eyes holding a depth of sadness that should have been unfair for a twenty-year-old. “I know that nothing will happen between the two of us, we fly back to Paris in five days. But I just… I just want to be a normal girl for a week. I was fine with coming to Gotham because it meant I had a week to just be Marinette, not Ladybug, not MDC. For once I just want to let myself get caught up in my emotions – and if I end up hurt, that’s fine, because it means I’m allowed to feel again.”
Tikki and Alya shared glances with each other before Tikki spoke. “I guess I can understand that. But are you sure you can handle whatever happens, Marinette?”
“I’m a big girl, Tikki.”
“Besides, did you see those biceps? That alone almost makes up for anything he might do,” Alya said, fanning herself.
When morning rolled around, Marinette was the only one awake. Even Tikki was worn out from staying up entirely too late giggling about Jason and embarrassing Marinette with Alya’s help. Used to helping in the bakery every morning since she’d graduated, the lack of sleep was nothing to Marinette when she rolled out of bed and tied her hair up as per usual.
She was a little nervous about walking around Gotham alone, but Jason had dubbed this a safe part of town, and it was just at the end of the block. Her phone and her wallet were safely secured to her person, so she couldn’t be pick-pocketed either. Besides, even if something did happen, she had been Ladybug for years. Even without being transformed, Marinette had developed a number of self-defense skills on her own. It would be fine.
Getting to the bakery was no problem because, as previously stated, it was only a block away. The streets were fairly empty, and the weather was pleasant. She’d heard that Gotham was almost always storming, but she had yet to see any of that.
The bread was still warm in the bakery. Marinette was mostly curious about the differences between French and American bakeries, and she knew her parents were expecting a full report of any special items.
It didn’t seem like there was anything too different about the bakery except the various vigilante inspired pastries, and Marinette refused to bring that up – she didn’t need to see Ladybug bread everywhere she went. They actually had a far smaller selection than she was used to, but she’d heard that that was to be expected in America.
She ordered a bit of everything, and after deliberating a bit, she ordered a few extra Red Hood donuts. They were vaguely gun-shaped and filled with raspberry jelly. It seemed like the sort of thing that Jason would find amusing, and if not, there were plenty of other things for him to choose from and Adrien and Nino wouldn’t complain.
Piled high with pastries and breads, Marinette left the bakery humming to herself. Bags swung f rom her arms as she skipped a few feet until she froze, an ominous feeling creeping up her spine.
Crouching in a nearby alley, Marinette looked out at the street for a sign of what had her on edge like this. Sure enough, only seconds later a roar shook the streets, and a villain she recognized as Killer Croc barrelled his way through, jaws snapping.
Marinette’s eyes widened when she noticed he was clearly heading straight for the alley she’d ducked into. Too late she noticed the open manhole cover just a few feet behind her. The telltale sound of vigilantes pursuing the mutant were enough to spur her into action.
Unwilling to put down the food, Marinette kicked the manhole cover back in place – it would slow Croc down for a few seconds. He was still about fifty meters away, causing mass panic on the street. Desperately hoping that the wheels were unlocked – and surprisingly gratified, Marinette body checked the nearby dumpster, shoving it right on top of the manhole. Without her Ladybug suit, this was the most she could safely do. Bolting to the nearest building’s fire escape, Marinette hauled herself up the ladder as quickly as she could without smashing the bags of food.
Killer Croc wasn’t far behind her, and when he saw the covered manhole, he bellowed. Marinette started moving more haphazardly as she clambered up, desperate to reach safety. It was only a metal ladder within a foot of most windows, and it was only anchored by a handful of bolts every few feet of the ladder.
Her hand slipped when Killer Croc roared beneath her, catching sight of her handiwork. A neatly wrapped pastry fell out of one of the violently swinging bags, bopping the reptile on the head.
“This was you!” he growled. “If the Bats are going to catch me then I may as well take you with me.”
Scaled hands grasped one of the bottom rungs. Marinette did all she could to haul herself up the ladder faster, but it was a thirteen-story building – making it to the top was sounding less likely by the minute. She would have leapt into one of the nearby windows if she weren’t convinced that it would end in a paranoid Gothamite taking her out before Killer Croc could do the job.
Metal groaned as the reptilian man wrenched the bolts out of the very brick they’d been anchored in. The ladder shook, and Marinette screamed as the section she clung to was ripped from the wall, leaving her stuck between a structurally questionable ladder, and a very pissed off crocodile.
“Going so soon? Our playdate was just getting fun.”
Marinette could have sobbed when she saw Nightwing enter the alleyway, flanked by Red Robin and Red Hood. In a deep voice, Red Hood said, “You two take down Croc, I’ve got the girl.”
The other two looked surprised, but conceded easily enough. While Killer Croc was distracted by the vigilantes, Marinette moved even faster up the ladder – she only had three flights to go before she was at the roof, but the ladder was shaking like it would fall at any second, and she really didn’t want to find out what that would do to her and the pastries.
She vaguely registered that Red Hood was demanding someone’s something hook, but Marinette’s sheer panic was lessening her grasp on the English language by the second. With his loudest growl yet, Killer Croc wrenched the ladder free of the building. Marinette screamed, her stomach clenching with dread as she released the ladder, trying to curl her body in a way that she hopefully wouldn’t break anything upon impact.
Something whistled through the air, and before Marinette could hit the ground she collided with something – a man, who wrapped an arm around her. She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes, but Marinette opened them to find herself face-to-face with the abomination that was Red Hood’s mask, but for the moment she could forgive the fashion crime.
He kicked off of the brick wall, giving them some distance from the ladder before it fell with a glorious clang. Marinette’s heart finally started beating, hammering in her chest as the vigilante slowly lowered them down to the ground.
When she finally forced herself to look, the other two had Killer Croc pinned and trussed up like a pig. Nightwing waved, smiling brighter than Marinette thought was allowed from someone who lived in Gotham. “The manhole cover and the dumpster? Brilliant move, we never would have caught him if he’d been able to get into the sewers. You made some risky moves, but I can tell they were calculated. Nicely done!”
Safely on the ground, Red Hood was examining her for any injuries. Clearly irked, he growled, “Since when are we encouraging civilians to jump into the middle of this sh-“
“Hood, she would have been involved one way or another just because of where she was standing,” Nightwing interrupted. “She saw us coming, and she just did a few things to slow him down while doing her best to keep herself safe. What’s up with you? Normally you’d be high-fiving a civilian for something like that.”
“Whatever,” Red Hood mumbled. “I’m escorting her to make sure she gets to wherever she’s going safely. Make sure the lizard doesn’t get away.”
@jasonette-july-2k20 @ira-sairain @myazael @pawsitivelymiraculous @nik-nak-3
I got a couple questions about this being a Mominette fic - it is, just not yet. This one is going to be a lot different from I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face and I am stoked to see how you guys like it! If you want to be tagged in future chapters, just leave a comment, and once again, blow up Jasonette July! I’m super excited to see what everyone else has to say and write! 
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fuckingdeadbutroyal · 4 years
Jasonette July- Soulmates AU- Part 1
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 -
Marinettes knees were bruised. Again! She was so so careful not to ruin her new summerdress on the way to Ninos 9th birthday-party and now her knees were all red and scratchy. “Not todayy”, the little girl whined while searching for some kind of medicine in her small pink backpack, hoping to ease the pain for her as well as the cause of her suffering: her soulmate, who seemed to have an eagerness to ALWAYS fall on their knees. A few moments and a frustrated huff later, Mari found herself punching her arm for some kind of payback and wincing right after. Why couldn’t she just have a harmless soulmate-bond? Why couldn’t she just dream of them like Nino did or have a tattoo like Chloe? Why was her bond forged through literal PAIN? 
Rounding the corner, little Mari found herself in a field full of green and blue balloons with loads of boys and a few chosen girls surrounding a happy Nino. The boy was currently bouncing like a basketball and grinning from ear to ear, while sneaking longing glances to a table full of presents, as well as various treats from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Speaking of the Dupain-Chengs, their daughter was spotted by her best friend as she was about to put her present next to the others, which lead to him running to greet her and pulling the girl into a bonecrushing hug. Therefore Mari was left patting Ninos’ back and trying to catch a breath. “You made it! I saw your treats and I know you answered my invitation but I was still worried, this party wouldn’t be the same without you!”, he blubbered in all of his bubbly grace while trying to lift her, even though he wasn’t quite strong enough to succeed yet (which didn’t mean he wouldn’t try again tomorrow, he was now older and stronger than her, after all). 
Mari wriggled her way out of his arms, happy to catch a breath and giggling. A blush was gracing her face, leading to Nino blushing happily in return. “Of course I made it! I didn’t spend all week making you a present for nothing!”, she smiled as Ninos ears grew hot, “You spent a-all week making a present? F-for me?”, he stuttered with a big dopey grin splitting his face. Marinette nodded, another soft giggle escaping her mouth. All the guests were now watching them, holding their breaths. She handed him the pretty red box. Nino sat down on the grass right there in front of her and opened it, hands shaking with eagerness and breath held in anticipation. Mari sat across from him, covering her eyes with her hands, afraid of his judgement. This was her first time gifting someone one of her sewing-projects, after all. 
His delighted gasp led to her parting her fingers slightly, only now noticing all the tiny cuts covering them, no doubt the price she had to pay for still being clumsy at sewing (”even though I have been doing it for a year now, I should be better than that”, she mentally scolded herself). Her thoughts were interrupted by a round of gasps coming from the tiny audience surrounding the best-friends-duo. Marinette focused back on Nino and dropped her hands to her mouth, squeaking in delight. The boy in front of her put on the basecap she made him and was grinning even wider, which she, until then, wasn’t even sure were possible. He hugged her, in a much gentler embrace then the previous time. His fingers were soft, not covered in cuts and red spots, as he pulled away and took her hands in his, not caring about the giggles and ew-s from their audience, nor the blush creeping up Maris’ cheeks. “I love it...so much”, what he meant, though, was “I wish you were my soulmate”.
And Mari couldn’t agree more.
It was dark, a coffee mug was standing amongst an army of already finished ones and a droopy eyed girl was sitting in front of them, lazily turning a page on the book her english-teacher assigned her to read. She recognized the storyline, knew all the plot-twists and felt connected to the characters as if she’d been there herself. The strange thing about that though, was that she has never laid eyes on it before. Of course that didn’t stop her from reading it. There were assignments she had to fullfill and tests she had to ace, which were connected to that piece of literature and she couldn’t risk getting a bad grade due to a foolish reliance on her instincts. 
Yes that is what they are and of course none of this is connected to her soulmate. 
It couldn’t be, she couldn’t dare dream of it. They died, that’s what that numbness she felt for over six months must have meant. That’s why those scars were now gracing her whole body. Her soulmate could not have survived this. No mortal being could go through so much and still be breathing. 
The new bruises and cuts she was getting now and then? Her Ladybug suit can’t protect her from everything, being thrown over the Saine so may times couldn’t have left her with no traces whatsoever. Yes, that’s the reason. He’s not resurrected, that’s silly...there’s no way.
“What happened to your lips, milady?”, Ladybugs partner purred as they layed on a roof not far from the eiffel tower, watching the stars, having just finished patrol a few minutes ago. “M-my lips?”, the 16 year old girl stuttered, a tiny voice immediatly occupying her, previously calm, mind with thoughts of her soulmate. They have been acting up lately, not that it was possible. They were gone. 
There’s no way, she must have been hallucinating again. She must have forgotten how she hurt her lip, she must be feeling side-effects from the loss of her soulmate. Her thoughts were spiralling and that tiny voice in her mind was whispering, filling her denial with doubts and cracks and making her heart beat faster. 
“Your lips, they look... different...”, Chat Noirs voice interrupted the turmoil in her head. Ladybug gazed over to him, only to find him closer to her then when they first layed down. His eyes were glistening, seemingly shining even brighter than the Eiffel Tower in it’s nightly glory. A foreign sensation ran through her veins, a weird tingling covering her whole body. It could have been mistaken for goosebumps, if it weren’t for the warm summernight they were currently enjoying. “They do..?” she said, though it came out as nothing more than a whisper, for he was already so so close, even closer than when they are in battle. Their noses were almost touching, his eyes took up all of her view and for once she wouldn’t dare complain. Since when does she like that proximity? Why is his warmth so intriguing? Why does she enjoy the way his arms found their place on both sides of her body? “They look so...red...like your suit...Ladybug re-”, he got interrupted by his lips sealed shut. Shut not with that redness he mentioned, not with that love or attraction and reciprocated admiration Adrien was hoping for. No, it was her red suited hand which covered his mouth to silent him. She felt it before she heard it. An earthquake was rummaging through the streets and handling it was much more important than handling that purring in her best friend.
Jason was annoyed. His fingers were full of cuts: sure, he was used to that. His hips were bruised from his soulmate constantly closing doors and cupboards with them, at least that’s what he thinks they do to cause such silly bruises: no problem, he didn’t mind dealing with that. His backpains he could deminguish by working out, though he has been thinking of finding them just to tell his significant other to better their fucking posture. But the tiredness? Holy fuck! It’s like he’s sleeping for both of them! Whenever he sat down to read he just... collapsed. Guess he’ll have to dream about it... yeah sure it’s fair, ‘cause after all she treated his wounds for both of them, too. It’s like she had some kind of superpower which made them heal clean, never leaving more than a white line behind. Nontheless, right then he would rather have ugly scars than have to deal with this inhuman tiredness. His grumpy grumbling was interrupted by Red Robin speaking up in his ear.
“Hood where are you? The portal is about to appear, we won’t be able to wait.”
“I’m on my way, give me 2 more minutes.”
With that, the line went silent and his mind went back to coordinating his grappling hook and limbs into getting him to the batcave in time. He had planned on finishing at least one of Terry Pratchets and Neil Gaimans novels in preparation for the moviemarathon he and his brothers had planned for the upcoming week. “Good Omens” is a masterpiece but he refused to watch any visualizers nor read the book if he hadn’t read all of the previous works the authors had published. “It’s not just about the continuation, it’s a matter of respect.”, he rememberd telling Stephanie, when she asked him why Alfred was handing him a box filled with a combined number of about a hundred books. He had work to do and reality to escape, but that last part was none of his lovely sisters business. 
Zoning back into reality he noticed he had already reached his destination. “Focus Jason. There’s a whole city just waiting to be pulled out of the ashes.” With that thought in mind, he entered the batcave and went straight for the portal, following his siblings into the destroyed city of love.
Adrien was on edge. The fight has been going on for four days, the city was nothing but blood and ashes, the akuma-shelters weren’t enough to protect every citizien who has lost their home to the earthquakes and following akuma attacks. Many people have died, many have volunteered and too many of those have died in the process. It was traumatic, painful and quite honestly felt like the end of the world. They could fix it, of course. But to do so she had to survive and Adrien, or Chat Noir as you will, was not about to leave her unprotected. He didn’t know where she got her power from, why she could go on without taking a break for so long. He has lost count on how many times he saw her helping someone who was about to be crushed by a collapsing building, how many times she was screaming in frustration, torn between following the akuma and guiding a lost civilian to safety. 
It was an incredibly sneaky akuma. It was nearly translucent, consisting mostly of dirt and dust. It could hide in the mess it made, attack you from behind and you wouldn’t be sure whether it was a flying brick or it’s fist hitting your head. It hasn’t officialy announced itself yet, hasn’t given itself a name or shown any forms of weakness. Hawkmoth was definetly trying out a new approach and highly succeeding. The Dustmonster was probably planning on wearing them out until they wouldn’t be strong enough to resist it going for their miraculous.
In the beginning Chat felt like he could trust his Lady to take care of herself, trusted for her to keep the target in mind and think of a plan while he was going to protect her and the citizens around them. It worked, at first. She figured out what the akuma was, aka figured out that it was an akuma in the first place and soon started giving out orders to police and firemen. After a day of trying to get the akuma, in order to stop it before things could go out of hand and failing to do so, no matter which strategy the heroes tried and no matter how many seemingly random Lucky Charms they used, they decided to replan. 
They met on a building not far away from Marinettes home, Chat remembered. They were hoping to come up with a new plan and let Ladybugs Kwami recharge. The recharging was an already practiced routine they came up with, once her fifth Lucky Charm has also failed. They jumped into the water, which was apparently off limits to the akuma, since the dust didn’t settle properly and it wasn’t able to hide (any attempts of getting it wet were blocked by the destruction of another building, which led to the heroes saving the civilans and themselves instead of attacking the enemy.) One of Ladybugs Lucky-Charms straight up covered the Saine, turned up side down boats now gracing the surface. Those boats mobilised possible hiding and resting places for the heroes. 
That time though, they needed more food for Tikki and Plagg and what better place to restock could there be, than the famous Dupain-Cheng bakery?  Ladybug swung in and came back with two baskets. One full of cheese and the other full of cookies. Chat grabbed the smelly one and turned to jump in the direction of the river, when they heard it. 
A grumbling which turned into a roaring and finally morphed into deafening laughter. That was the first time they heard the akumas voice. Instead of shouting the following words, the way it did scream in laughter, it just spoke in an even, eerie and scarily confident voice: “You should stop asking for help, insect. Helping others only leads to you getting hurt. Help won’t save you. Your precious little safety-nets won’t save you.”, the sound was coming out of the dust, echoing off of every destructed creation, seeping into each broken bone and every fractured mind. “You think you can reach out? Think someone is going to pull you away from under the pressure of this worlds eternal suffering? You are wrong. No one came to save me, no one is capable of saving. You.”, the last word came out emotional. The monotone voice the akuma had previously used to preach it’s intents was gone. A shiver ran up Marinettes spine. The dust surrounding the city build up and rose in columns, coming out of every broken source from all over Paris, towering over it, looming dangerously over it’s citizens. Everyone was trying to decipher the meaning of those words, Adrien was the first one to realise. 
Ladybug first looked at him in shock, thinking he had figured her out, then she realised what he he had actually meant. Chat was off, jumping on her balcony and screaming her name. 
The silence before the storm, the frightening towers of dust and dirt started moving, accompanied by horrified screams of terrorised civilians. The dirt wasn’t meant for them, though. It flew as if it were one. Gigantic snakes with one single target. 
Marinette ran, but the destruction was quicker.
The Dupain-Cheng ceiling collapsed. Marinettes yo-yo missed it’s target as she plummeted to the ground. Her vision was blurry, her mind blank, eyes wide and  breath unconciously held. 
She didn’t recognize the pain as she hit the pavement. 
She didn’t even think as she called out for her seventh Lucky Charm. 
Ladybugs cry echoed through the ruins of Paris as her usualy leather-clad partner fell from the sky, with tears in his eyes and covered in a red and black spotted suit. “Sabine she’s...they’re...”, both of them broke down crying in each others arms. Adrien never knew how great his partners pain actually was, in comparison to his.
Hi! This is my first try at writing MariBat and my first fanfic in like... 4 years? 
I’ve just recently graduated Highschool so I’m now embracing my free time and trying to get back on my creative track.  
Please comment, I NEED to know what you think of this. Critique and all that is very appreciated, even a simple “YES” is going to absolutely make my day and, honestly, you could comment about dogs and I’d be happy to read it. 
Thanks for reading ^^
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Once Upon A Miraculous - Part 1
Okay so this prompt got away from me and now you all get a two parter. Yay me,😭😭😭
Also you guys are freaking amazing because I was not expecting the responses I got from everyone on my preview post. Especially since all I said was “hey I got a new story who wants to hear it”.
This is for @pepelachanel for the story idea. Oh my goodness, the brain worm you gave me have led me to write over 3,400 words of Jasonette goodness. And angst. Sorry for that.
I hope this is enjoyable.
Next Masterpost list
“Dan?” She asked the car with the plate that matched the ones on her Uber App.
“Marinette?” The man asked. He got out of the vehicle and opened the trunk for her bags when she nodded.
“Welcome to Gotham,” he said when they were both back in the car. “Is this your first time to the city?”
“No, I’ve been here before, a few years ago.” Marinette said looking out the window at the buildings they passed.
“What brings you back then, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m on my way to school in New York and I just thought I’d stop and see an old friend.”
“You’re close with this friend?”
“I was, but he died a couple years ago.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he said apologetically.
“Thank you. I wasn’t able to come for his funeral.” She smiled sadly, “This is the first time I’ve been able to come and properly pay my respects.”
They grew quiet as the driver continued to navigate the traffic in Gotham and Marinette’s thoughts drifted to that long ago summer.
Marinette was 15 years old the first time she went to Gotham. She came at the request of Jagged Stone to work as his costume designer for his American tour. Marinette’s parents had agreed when Sabine’s old roommate from University had agreed to act as Marinette’s chaperone.
Selina Kyle was impressed by the girls creative mind. Everywhere they went the girl brought a sketchbook and she was drawing every time she had a chance.
They were at the Wayne building as Selina had set a lunch date with her fiancé and they had agreed to pick up the man and his son there. Marinette was sitting in the downstairs lobby where she could see the stained glass over the entrance doors while she waited for Selina to collect the men.
“What are you drawing?”
Marinette jumped at the voice but looked at the speaker. He was a big man? Boy? He looked about her age really so boy was probably right. He had a large build, about the size of her classmate Ivan. The same black hair too, but his eyes were blue like her own.
“A dress design,” Marinette answered looking back at the beginning sketch on the page.
“You’re a designer?”
“Yes. I mostly work on commission right now but I do some designing for myself.”
The boy nodded and looked from the sketch up to the windows she had used as inspiration. “That’s pretty cool. I’ve walked past these windows a lot and never seen them this way before.”
“Most of the world does,” Marinette says, “I’ve just trained myself to look at the things we mostly take for granted in new ways for inspiration .”
“Are you waiting for someone?”
“My guardian. We’re going to lunch with her fiancé and his son.”
The boy’s face brightened as he smiled, “You must be Marinette then.”
Marinette was surprised and it showed on her face.
He laughed, “I’m Jason Todd-Wayne. My father Bruce is Selina’s fiancé.”
“I didn’t say her name.” Marinette argued.
“My dad knows everyone that works for him and if someone else had gotten engaged we would know about it.”
“Marinette, Jason! I see you’ve already met. Are you ready to go?” Selina asked as she walked up to them with a man behind her.
During her time in Gotham Marinette ended up spending most of her free time with Jason. As he was on summer break as well he helped her when she needed to do work for Jagged and attended the concerts with her as her assistant.
They grew close, sharing jokes and stories. He showed her around the town and all the best places to go. He shared how he was an outcast in school for being a former street kid thrown into the world of the prestigious upper crust elite. Marinette shared how she was an outcast because of a liar who turned all her friends and the entire class against her. It was one of the main reason’s her parents had even agreed to let her go on tour with Jagged and Selina.
It was a week before her return to Paris that he kissed her for the first time. They spent the last week together going on dates and spending as much time together as they could.
Before she got on the plane to take her back to Paris he gave her a small wrapped package and said to hold onto it until he told her to open it. She agreed and placed it in her bag before kissing him and getting on the plane. She waved to him from the end of the flyway (the goof had purchased a ticket just so he could walk her to the gate but Bruce had refused to actually let him fly off to Paris).
Once home Marinette settled in. She took the box and placed it on a shelf above her designing area.
Then a crash outside had her transforming and running off to fight yet another Akuma.
The next day at school Marinette found out that some of the American news agencies had gotten pictures of her and Jason together. Many were from when they were just friends but a couple were taken after their kiss.
Her so called ‘friends’ jumped her when she entered the classroom asking when she had gone to America, why didn’t she tell them, could she introduce the Waynes to them?
Marinette ignored them, pushed through the crowd and took the seat in the back of the class. She pulled out her phone and sent a message and waited for his response.
Marinette jumped when hands slammed on her desk.
“Girl, why are you ignoring us. That’s not being a very good friend,” Alya said.
“We’re not,” Marinette answered.
“We’re not?” Alya looked confused by the words. “Not what?”
“We’re not friends,” Marinette said standing from her seat. “I haven’t heard from any of you in months. Not one of you sent me a message at any point while I was abroad. But even before that none of you talked with me, or have hung out with me in months. If that’s how you treat friends then I want no part of it.”
The class looked away from her, ashamed of how they had treated one of the kindest girls in the class.
Marinette took her seat as the teacher came into the class and the lesson began.
That exchange set the tone for the rest of the school year. A few, Nathaniel, Rose and Juleka, had apologized and did their best to rebuild their friendship with Marinette. They did get to meet Jason during one of his trips to Paris with Bruce when he came for business.
He wasn’t thrilled that Marinette had forgiven their treatment of her but was glad they were showing true remorse over it. They continued to talk or message daily with an occasional visit back and forth for the rest of the year.
It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning when
Marinette saw Bruce again.
“Mr Wayne, come in we weren’t expecting you were we?” She asked when she found the man at the door. He looked a mess but she didn’t want to be rude and mention it. “Did Jason come with you?”
He flinched at her question.
Marinette stilled at the unusual reaction.
“I. There.” He stopped and swallowed harshly. “There was an attack. The Joker, he took Jason.”
Marinette gasped, “is he okay? Was he hurt?”
Bruce shook his head, “I’m sorry Marinette. He didn’t make it.”
Her vision clouded over as tears filled her eyes and she dropped to her knees and cried.
Bruce pulled her into a clumsy embrace as he cried with her and just repeated “I’m sorry” over and over again.
The funeral was a week later. Bruce had offered to fly her to Gotham for the service but Marinette had to turn it down. The fights with Hawkmoth’s Akuma’s had increased and she and Chat Noir were fighting them on a near daily basis.
At 16 she grieved for a life, a love, a dream lost too soon.
Marinette accepted Adrian’s proposal. They had been dating for about six months at that point and she wanted to move on with her life. She couldn’t keep it on hold over a memory of a boy who would talk stained glass windows with her.
She took that old, little box, still in its wrapping and placed it in a drawer where she could keep all the memories it held with it.
Ladybug and Chat Noir had been fighting for four years by that time. It was a long battle but they were beginning to make headway. They had clues now, a new AkumaApp was produced that allowed the citizens of Paris to report when they saw the black butterfly’s. Using that information and the information provided by the Akuma victim’s themselves they were narrowing down the location of Hawkmoth's lair.
Soon they would have enough information to find the villain.
She was 18 years old.
Hawkmoth was unmasked and Gabriel Agreste was arrested.
Emilie Agreste was found in a coma under the house. Life support was stopped and she was pronounced dead five minutes later.
The first few months post Hawkmoth’s reveal, Adrian and Marinette worked to keep his company from folding due to the negative press while Marinette tried to keep Adrian from falling apart from losing both his parents the way he had.
Once things were beginning to settle and the company was evening out Adrian asked for a divorce. He wanted to end their marriage because there was someone else, someone he had promised himself he’d pursue if he ever had a chance.
Marinette moved back with her parents in the apartment over the bakery. Two days later Chat Noir and Ladybug met on top of the Eiffel Tower to say their final goodbyes. Back where their partnership had really begun with Ladybugs declaration that they would defeat Hawkmoth.
When Adrian revealed himself, Ladybug took the ring of the black cat and said she’d never agree to date someone like him.
Marinette was 19 years old.
“We’re here miss,” the driver said as he pulled up in front of the gates to Wayne Manor.
Marinette leaned out the window to press the call button on the gate box.
“Can I help you?” The voice not the other side asked.
“Oui, monsieur. Is Monsieur Wayne home?”
“He is out at the moment. Is he expecting you?”
“No, my name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. This was a rather impromptu trip I decided to make at the last minute. Perhaps you could help me. Would you be able to tell me in which cemetery Jason Todd was buried?”
Marinette was worried she wouldn’t get an answer when silence followed her question.
“Please drive up to the house.”
The gates opened and the car drove up. At the house the doors were opened by an elderly gentleman who walked to the car and opened the door for Marinette when they stopped.
“I am Alfred Pennyworth. We did not get to meet when you were last in Gotham Miss, but I did hear a great deal about you from Master Jason.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you monsieur Pennyworth, Jason had a great many things to say about you.”
“Do you have your things with you?”
“Just the bag in the trunk,” Marinette admitted.
Alfred went around and when the driver opened the trunk he picked up her bag.
“This way Miss Marinette.”
Marinette gave the driver a quick thank you before she followed Alfred into the house. He placed her bag down in the entryway, “I’ll make up a room for your stay and bring the bag up in a moment. Follow me please.”
“Oh, that’s okay I have a room at the Comfort Inn monsieur. I didn’t expect monsieur Wayne to put me up. I just came because I was never told where Jason was laid to rest and I was hoping someone could tell me.”
“The grave stone is in the Wayne family cemetery on the grounds Miss Marinette. It will be no trouble to give you a room for your stay. If you still insist after seeing Master Wayne and the others I will, of course, understand and drive you to your hotel myself.”
“Merci monsieur Pennyworth.”
“You may call me Alfred Miss Marinette,” he said with a kindly smile.
“Merci monsieur Alfred,” Marinette returned the smile as she followed him into what looked like an office.
Marinette was confused when Alfred walked to a grandfather clock and opened the glass door to move the hands on the face. She was startled when the wall next to the clock opened up to reveal a hidden door.
“Welcome to Wayne Manor Miss Marinette,” Alfred said and walked inside and down the stone steps.
Marinette considered it for a moment, the man could be leading her somewhere where he could kill her without risking her alerting someone after all, but everything she had heard about Alfred from Jason had said he wasn’t that kind of person.
Of course this man could be an imposter, she thought to herself as she followed him down the stairs. But well, cats weren’t the only ones that curiosity killed.
At the bottom of the stairs the room opened up into a large underground cave. The space to her immediate right was filled with glass cases each with an empty mannequin inside. A second row above had cases with costumed mannequins inside. They were various costumes worn by Gotham’s Dark Knight and his partners.
To the left was a large computer and various machines that would have been at home in a police forensics lab. In the center was an open space with a couple vehicles parked. The open spaces between the bike and cars could have been held for additional vehicles.
On the far side of the parking space was a giant coin and a dinosaur. Around the base of the dinosaur were a variety of cases that held other mementos from past battles.
“The family should be home soon. Would you like some tea while we wait?”
Marinette looked at the elderly man in surprise. Looked around the cave. And looked at the man again. She mutely nodded her head in acceptance.
After taking the offered cup, Marinette sipped it before asking the question she’d wanted to since she’d seen the insignia on one of the costumes.
“Monsieur Wayne is the Batman?”
“He is.”
“Was Jason... Did Jason die because he was a Robin?”
Alfred closed his eyes in grief, “he did. Joker got a hold of him. He tortured Master Jason before leaving him locked in a warehouse with a live bomb. Master Bruce was unable to make it in time to save him.”
Marinette paled at Alfred’s words. Though she teared up at the pain he must have gone through she was sure that Jason would have been a hero even if he had known what would happen to him. He’d had that edge of protectiveness he’d developed as a street kid when the younger kids were being harassed or bullied by older kids. He was a hero to the core. In or out of costume.
Marinette sniffled as Alfred poured fresh tea into her cup to give her a moment to collect herself.
“I do believe we’ll have a full house this evening,” he said to distract her. “Master Dick is in town following an arms dealer from Bludhaven. Master Jason is assisting him and Master Damian has insisted on helping as well.”
“I’ve heard about Dick from Jason. He was monsieur Wayne’s ward, a son to him yes? But the other’s I’ve never heard of.”
“Yes Master Dick was Master Bruce’s ward and son. Master Timothy was in a similar situation, when his parents died a few years ago Master Bruce took him in and later adopted him. Master Damian however is Master Bruce’s biological son. He came to us about a year and a half ago. He was almost as wild as Master Jason when he first came to us.”
Marinette giggled. Jason had told her about what a little shit he had been when he first came to the Wayne house. He had been convinced that Bruce was some kind of pedophile and had adopted him as some attempt to get a living sex toy. Jason had decided if that was the old man’s game he’d have another think coming to him.
It took a couple of months before Bruce and Alfred were able to convince the former street kid that that was not the reason why they took Jason off the streets. Of course that was not before Jason had managed to set every alarm and clock in the house to go off at noon everyday or change the passwords to every electronic device to Batmansucks****!
“That must have been an adventure,” Marinette offered.
“Quite,” the man said.
The quiet after they settled to their thoughts was broken by the roar of a motorcycle.
A man in a black costume with a blue bird insignia across the chest was the first to arrive.
“Alfred, I didn’t know we’d have a guest?” He looked at Marinette curiously.
“Master Dick this is Miss Marinette,” Alfred said by way of introduction.
He looked at the older man curiously, “I haven’t heard of a Marinette before. Sorry,” he apologized to her when he realized he was talking about her in front of her.
Marinette shook her head in dismissal, “I wouldn’t expect monsieur Wayne to have any reason to talk about me so I understand that you wouldn’t know of me.”
Before they could say anything else two more bikes and the batmobile pulled into the cave.
“Master Bruce, Master Tim, Master Damian, Miss Cassie,” Alfred called as they got off bikes and out of the car, “come greet Miss Marinette.”
Tim looked to be average height, about an inch or two shorter than Dick. Both had black hair and their eyes were hidden by the domino masks.
The girl looked to be closer to Marinette’s height but taller than Marinette herself, so probably average for a woman at 5’4 or so. She too had black hair and a mask.
The youngest looked to be no more than a child. Marinette would eat her hat if he was older than 12. Again he had black hair though it was hard to see and his eyes were hidden in the shadow of his hood as well as by a mask.
The Batman, one billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, was the tallest and walked up to her.
“I didn’t realize you were coming,” he said as he removed the cowl hiding his features, “or that you knew our secret.”
“I didn’t know until Monsieur Alfred brought me down. I made a last minute decision to come visit Jason’s grave before I go to New York for the new school term.”
She didn’t miss the way Dick and Tim stiffened at the mention of the grave but didn’t know why. Did they not want strangers to go to the cemetery? Alfred had mentioned it was a family cemetery. Surely they could allow her a few moments to pay her respects?
“Mmm,” he hummed in acknowledgement.
“I believe I made my opinion clear on the matter years ago Master Bruce,” Alfred said. As he left the cave he said over his shoulder, “Now you may handle this yourselves.”
Marinette watched him go with a frown but another engine coming into the cave drew her attention.
The man getting off was the biggest of all the Bat themed heroes, even Batman. He wore a leather jacket and a red helmet. He removed the helmet as he walked to where everyone was gathered by the computer but stopped when he saw everyone sitting there.
When no one moved, Marinette stood and walked to the new person. “Hi. Monsieur Alfred introduced the others but I haven’t gotten your name yet. I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she held out her hand for him to shake.
The man’s jaw worked as he looked to be trying to find the right words.
He finally settled for removing the mask he wore under the helmet. Marinette gasped her eyes going wide and her hands covering her mouth.
“It’s me Nettie. I’m alive.”
At 20 years old Marinette’s dreams, her love, was brought back to life.
Ok thoughts on the story? I’m gonna try to have Part 2 up sometime this next week. If you want off the taglist let me know. If you’re not on but want to be for part two let me know that as well.
@mellownieice @kris-pines04 @zebrabaker @two-faced-biatch @vixen-uchiha @mandy984 @shamefullove @mycupisbroken @dawnwave16 @abrx2002 @mochinek0 @tbehartoo @fertileleaf @thanks-captain-obvious @ravennightingaleandavatempus @hinata3487 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @zalladane
I cant find blogs for: @slytherinsheashire
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messymessyml · 3 years
I've finally finished my outline and I'm in the middle of writing the second chapter of 'Breaking and Entering'. Yay!
I had a frankly overwhelming amount of support for this story roll in, so I'm still working on the final tag list for chapter 2. From what I can tell, there are only a few more potential spots in the tag list for this story left. Once my tag list is full, I'll work more earnestly at getting this story cross posted on AO3, but I'm still working out some HTML code to make some cool effects happen in the final draft over there, so that's on the back burner for now. If you are interested in this story but don't believe in Tumblr mentions or want to make extra sure you see the next chapter, this story will update with the tag '#Jasonette Breaking and Entering'. You can follow that to increase your likelihood of seeing the next update, but chances are, if the #jasonette tag is still as (tragically) dead as it has been, you'll see it then.
Until next time.
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the-fusionist · 4 years
Jasonette July: First Meetings
A/N: Hello, I’m back at writing again! I suck at commitment, but I’m going to do my best to follow up with the stories for this event. Hope you all enjoy! Let me know if you want to be on the tag list!
If Marinette had to rate her time in Gotham so far on a scale of one to ten, it would probably be a 4 or 5. The reason she had moved to the United States was for college, having been accepted into Gotham University. 
It was amazing to have a change in scenery after the defeat of Hawkmoth. Her and Adrien became good friends after realizing who the other was, and she knew that there wasn’t really a chance of a romantic relationship with Adrien now. He was with Kagami, and she really had no right to come between them. Besides, a long-distance relationship would be difficult to maintain. 
Adrien had given up his miraculous after finding out who Hawkmoth was. He didn’t really want to have anything to do with the miraculouses after how much they had destroyed his family. Marinette couldn’t blame him for that, and she didn’t push Adrien on the subject. Now she had all the kwamis in her possession as Guardian. Last she saw Plagg and Tikki, they were talking with all the other kwamis in her apartment. 
Now though, she was regretting her decision of leaving Tikki behind. She had been working on a project and was in desperate need of some red satin. She knew that it was past midnight, but the fabrics shop was just two blocks away. She could get there quickly and come back to her apartment in a short time, and it probably wasn’t likely that there were too many people out this late. 
Oh, how wrong she was. Out of the corner of her eye, she could spot a shadow drifting across the sidewalk, keeping pace with her brisk steps. As she tightly clutched her shopping bag that contained her new purchases, she could faintly make out several pairs of heavy footsteps. She groaned internally, this was not her night. She blamed lack of sleep for her stupid decisions, deciding she should probably bring Tikki everywhere from now on. 
At this point, she was almost one block away from her apartment. She definitely didn’t want them to know where she lived, and just two yards ahead of her was an alley. If she made the sharp turn into the alley, she would have the element of surprise and she would have a better chance of taking them down. Her time as Ladybug had given her plenty of fighting experience that wasn’t lost on her. 
So, after walking a few more feet, Marinette turned sharply into the alley. She quickly spotted a convenient dumpster, and crouched behind it. Hastily, she shoved her shopping bag and purse under the dumpster. She only had to wait a few minutes, before two dark shapes entered the alley. Slowing her breathing, she listened as they trudged deeper into the alley, closer to where she was hiding.
A gruff voice could be heard, “Where did the bitch go?”
Before the other man could reply, Marinette jumped out and socked the man closest to her in the chin. He stumbled backwards for a second, before falling to the ground, knocked out. 
The other man, who had been in a shocked state, moved his hand under his jacket. Marinette presumed that he was reaching for a gun, and acted fast. She whipped her leg up, and kicked the man's ribs. A sickening crack was heard, and the man gasped before falling backwards. He ended up on the dirty floor next to his friend, moaning in agony before passing out. 
Marinette almost sighed in relief, before she heard a quiet thud behind her. It almost sounded like someone had come from the roof above, but that didn’t make sense. So, a panicked Marinette swung around to face her new attacker. Without even processing the appearance of the person, she smashed her fist into his face. Years of fighting akumas lead to pure muscle memory, and her urge to survive had taken over her completely at this point. 
She felt her knuckles press against cool metal, surprising her momentarily. However, the idea of an attacker who was wearing protective gear spurred her into an onslaught of blows. She kicked and punched her new opponent as they staggered backwards, cursing colorfully. 
“Holy shit, lady! I’m trying to help you!” came a strangled voice that was somewhat muffled from what appeared to be a red helmet. 
Marinette paused, looking a bit more closely at her would-be attacker. She gasped in shock before letting out a word vomit of apologies in French and English. Before Marinette stood none other than the Red Hood, one of Gotham’s resident heroes. He was still holding his forearms up to his head, trying to protect himself in case she decided to continue hitting him. Slowly though, he lowered his arms and Marinette could fully look at the vigilante. 
His brown jacket was wrinkled and smudged with dirt. His clothing overall was in disarray, and he looked awful. The worst part though, was an ample sized dent in his shiny, red helmet. Marinette felt overwhelming guilt. She couldn’t believe she just did that. Oh, hell, what did she just do? She continued to blurt out panicked apologies while hyperventilating before the vigilante in question spoke.
“Whoa, calm down. I’m okay, and you’re safe now. Deep breaths, you’re okay. I’m not dead, you’re okay.”
Marinette stopped blurting apologies and slowly felt herself calming down. Oh god, why did these things happen to her. She took deep breaths like he advised, and little by little she felt herself coming off the adrenaline high. 
Once she was mostly calmed down, a cloud of discomfort fell over the two. It was currently 2:00 a.m., and Marinette and the Red Hood were standing in a damp alleyway next to two unconscious bodies. The awkwardness was so thick, Marinette was sure she could cut through it like a knife. So, she decided to break it. 
“Umm…Thanks. I’m really sorry about attacking you, I really didn’t mean to. I totally wasn’t trying to kill you on purpose or anything so I’m so sorry. And I damaged your helmet, I can pay for it if you want?” Marinette nervously stated.
To her surprise, the Red Hood burst out into deep laughter that was slightly smothered by his helmet. Despite the situation, Marinette couldn’t help but smile a bit.
He finally replied, “No, you’re totally okay. I’m fine, and you don’t have to pay for the helmet or anything. I scared you too, and I probably should have probably said something before jumping down into the middle of an alley at night. But, damn, you punch good!” 
Marinette let out a burst of laughter, though it was partially due to relief that the Gotham hero wasn’t totally pissed at her. 
“Thanks, but please let me pay you back somehow. It’ll make me feel better about beating you up. Please?” she asked. 
“No, trust me, it’s totally fine. Besides, you should probably get back to wherever you live. I’ll make sure the cops get these two goons, but it would probably be safer if you were back inside. I can walk you back to help you in case you get bothered again?” Jason had no intention of leaving her all alone at night. Even if she refused him, he would tail her by the roofs to make sure she got home safe. 
Luckily, Marinette agreed, “Yes please, and thank you so much! I really am sorry though.”
Distractedly, Marinette grabbed her purse from under the dumpster while the Red Hood tied up the two men. Hurriedly, she walked with the hero in a comfortable silence all the way back to the entrance of her apartment building. 
“Well, this is goodbye. Nice meeting you Warrior Lady, despite the shitty circumstances,” the red helmeted man said good humoredly. 
Marinette laughed at the nickname before replying, “Goodbye to you too. And thank you for everything.”
“Your welcome. And it really was no problem, trust me. I better get going, but it was fun to meet you.”
So the Red Hood gave a quick nod to her before turning around. Right before he could disappear though, Marinette cried out.
He abruptly turned around, before a small tin was shoved into his hands. 
“Thank you!” Marinette smiled before stepping into her apartment building and leaving the vigilante standing alone in the dimly lit Gotham street.
Jason curiously looked down at the box in his hands. Cracking it open, he found several macarons sitting in a row. Underneath his helmet, a small smile crossed his face. He decided to make his way back to the two idiots the girl had knocked out. He needed to check if the cops had found them. Stilling smiling to himself, Jason mused over the events that had just transpired. It had definitely been an interesting night. 
Marinette had come back into her apartment, dropping her purse onto the floor. After being fussed over by the kwamis when she told them what had happened, she crashed into bed. However, a thought occurred to Marinette, and she groaned. Her new red satin was still under that dumpster. Her whole trip had pretty much been pointless. Too tired to care anymore though, she fell asleep. 
The next morning, when Marinette walked onto her balcony contemplating last night's events, she was surprised. Sitting on the table of her balcony, was Marinette's shopping bag with her forgotten red satin. Smiling to herself, she grabbed the bag and rushed back inside with a new bout of inspiration. Some outfits based on the Red Hood flashed into her mind, and she quickly got to work.
TAG LIST: @rebecarojas07 @theatreandcomicfreak​ @maribatlife @ethelphantom @18-fandoms-unite-08 @mochegato @jasonette-july-2k20
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Meeting again
Jasonette July SC 5: continuation from design
I stole the idea from a comment
Sorry. I meant it was inspired by a comment
Teen rated for kissing. Some suggestive comments
Jasonette July
All fic masterlist
Jason entered the ballroom and looked around. It felt as if nothing had changed in the years since he had last been to one of these events, but he sure had. He used to try to make everyone happy because it made Bruce happy but now he didn’t even know. He knew Dick used to have women all over him whether they were actually interested in him or just interested in the money he never knew, but with this being his engagement party he would likely have far fewer women making the attempt.
Jason didn’t think he would end up with the overflow even with only the most desperate women falling all over Dick. He didn't care anyway. He knew he had too many rough edges and he wasn't willing to change for someone. His break with Bruce had been too well known for him to get gold diggers. They may not have known all the reasons but it was pretty obvious when they never were seen together and Jason’s life was completely separate. This would be the first public family event Jason had been to in a couple years. He planned on behaving himself though. Babs had come by to deliver the invitation herself. He had always been friendly with her and she said that Dick really wanted to leave the past in the past. He wanted his brother back and with him when he celebrated the engagement.
There was a crowd around Dick when Jason arrived and he wasn’t quite ready to face that. He would wait until the crowd thinned or just nod from across the room. He headed for the drinks first. He wasn’t sure if he needed to take the edge off or if he just liked having something in his hand as a buffer. He smiled and offered polite greetings to those he saw. He remembered a few of the names but not all. By the looks of confusion he got, he didn’t think many of them connected him to the grinning child he once was.
He saw his opening and made his way over to Dick and Babs. Babs saw him first and turned to Dick to get his attention but just as their eyes met Jason saw something that took all of his attention in an instant. Marinette was across the room. He assumed that she was wearing the dress she mentioned with his handiwork down her side and disappearing into the lace. It's was pink and lacy with the side open showing his marks across her ribs. It was mesmerizing. He didn't even plan to alter course until he was walking towards her. Even realizing that she was dancing with Bruce didn't stall him.
This must have been the event that she had mentioned and the client she had been working with. He respected that she hadn’t mentioned the name. Name dropping was probably common in her business but she had chosen to respect the client over possible name recognition. He walked right over to the couple as they danced and spoke to Bruce when he looked up at him.
“That definitely looks like too much for you to handle. I would love to help you out.”
He winked down at Marinette when she looked at him. Bruce scowled.
“Jason, that really isn’t appropriate. Do try to maintain some decorum, for Dick and Babs’ sake.” Bruce said.
“Jason. I didn’t know you would be here.” Marinette was smiling at him.
They had stopped at the edge of the dance floor.
“I didn’t realize you had met my other son, Ms Dupain Cheng.” Bruce said.
“I’ve had my hands all over her.”
“Really Jason.” Marinette scolded before turning back to Bruce “I didn't know he was your son. Jason was my tattoo artist. I think it turned out great.”
She turned to show off her side but Jason couldn’t pull his eyes away from the color that filled her cheeks when he talked about having his hands on her. Bruce still looked skeptical.
“So you should definitely be out there dancing to show off your work, and mine. Should we show him how it is done?”
Marinette responded by taking his hand and pulling him to the dance floor. This was so much better than having her in the shop. He may have dropped a couple flirty lines there but he still had to make sure she was comfortable with him as an artist.
“So I called the number you left with me and you never returned my call.”
“I know. I’ve been so busy and I didn’t want it to come off like I was blowing you off when I called back. I was waiting until I didn’t feel so tired.”
“That ended up coming off like you were blowing me off.”
“I know. I hope you didn’t lose all interest.”
“I think I could be persuaded to be interested again.”
He pulled her tight against him and dipped her low. Then slowly brought her back up to him. He could feel her shiver as he trailed his fingers down her back until her reached her exposed side. It was his turn to shiver when she responded by digging her fingers into his back. They didn’t scratch through his suit jacket but he could feel her meaning behind the action. It suddenly looked like it would be a long night if he had to stick around here. He leaned down and talked against her hair.
“You make me want to drag you out of here and find some place quiet. But I have to go wish the happy couple well.”
Dick eyed them as they approached. He smirked at Jason and winked. He definitely looked like he didn’t mind being passed over for a pretty girl. He was surprised at how well Dick and Babs actually seemed to know Marinette. He quickly found out that she had designed their outfits for the engagement party but was also already making the wedding dress. Babs had met her at the library. She was lost in her research in the back room studying old fashion volumes while Babs was doing some IT work there. Marinette had heard Babs complain about needing a coffee and brought her one when she stopped for a research break. They had become friends after that.
He stayed and caught up with Dick for a while but his eyes followed Marinette when she stopped talking to Babs and the other ladies who were desperate for details about the wedding dress. She ended up passing out a lot of business cards. He wasn’t sure if she really had limited availability to make something before the wedding or if she said that to make herself seem more exclusive. The wedding was almost a year away, but he also didn’t know how long it took to do any of that. He knew well enough that people often didn’t expect as much time and money to go into art as it would actually take.
Eventually he wandered away from Dick. He even stopped and talked to Bruce for a few tense minutes. Maybe things would get better with time, but for now they just continually butted heads so they tried to stick to neutral topics. He did not stick around when Tim showed up. He started to say something but nothing he could say here and now would be enough for the history between them. He excused himself and wandered off. He wanted to dance with Marinette again. There was no one else he wanted to dance with but she was dancing with someone else so he stepped out of the ballroom for a bit.
It was a few minutes later when he heard a click of heels in the hallway behind him. He turned and there she was walking toward him. He prepared himself to say something clever and smooth when she reached him but she didn’t give him the chance. He took a step toward her but she grabbed him by his lapels and shoved him against the wall. The back of his legs hit a bench and he sat, unsure of what she was doing until she pressed herself against him. She moved her hands up to his face and slid them into his hair as she put her lips against his. He settled back against the bench and pulled her close as he returned the kiss. It was fierce and pressing. He could barely keep up with her.
He pushed his hands against her back to get her to move closer. She complied by adjusting her dress and climbing onto his lap without pulling their lips apart. He slid his hands up her sides and she moaned into his mouth. Her hands came out of his hair and scratched down his back again. He had never hated a suit jacket as much as he did right now, he may burn it later if he didn’t have other things to do after. He pulled away from her slightly and kissed along her jaw until he could whisper into her ear.
“I wish I could just take you out of here now.”
“I need to go back in there or I probably would,” she responded.
“I do too. I can’t leave without saying something. I hadn’t planned on this little interlude.”
“You shouldn’t have come dressed like that.” she said. “Especially after all your flirting last time.”
"If it is having this effect on you I will never take it off."
"Can I?" she asked.
She had far too innocent a look on her face and he was struggling to respond. He was tempted to forget everything and drag her away to continue what they started. But she just smirked at him and walked away. He found a mirror and fixed his hair and tie. It was clear when he saw her that she had stopped to fix herself before returning to the ballroom. Pity, he loved how her lips had looked after kissing him.
It was the best of expectations for him. Most of the people didn’t really remember him well and those who did expected a scene and he spent most of the night keeping his eyes out for his greatest reason not to cause a scene. He also had a chance to catch up with Alfred. He had missed the man who had always been like a grandfather. Alfred seemed like he had much more understanding and empathy for the choices Jason had made even if he didn’t like all the things he had done. Alfred would always be loyal to the family and he took the opportunity to make sure Jason knew that family included him.
He pulled the man into a hug, overcome with emotion at the acceptance. He hadn’t much felt like he was accepted recently. Now with Dick reaching out and Alfred telling him how much he still cared, he felt that he was getting his family back. All his life it felt like his family was constantly falling apart. It was one thing after another until the brief time he was living with Bruce. Marinette approached the two of them and he wondered now if he could find that feeling again, with her. He introduced Alfred to her as his grandfather and the man had a twinkle in his eye.
“Lovely to meet you Ms. Dupain Cheng. I do hope Jason is asking you to dance. With him he may just like to sneak off to a deserted hallway.”
Jason eyed the man certain that he had spied them earlier. He chose to ignore what he said and follow his recommendation. He held out his hand to her and she went with him to the dance floor. It was a nice slow song and he pulled her close and swayed with her and she laid her head on his shoulder. It was the most perfect feeling in the world. The song ended and he started to pull back but she pulled him closer and they stayed that way through the next song. It was also slow so they just stayed together and kept the same pace. The music stopped as the song ended and he could tell the celebrated couple were getting ready to make a speech.
Marinette pulled him down for a quick kiss before turning to hear the couple talk about their lives and thank everyone for coming out to celebrate with them. Jason stood right behind Marinette and slid his arms around her. She looked up at him and smiled as she leaned back against him. He rubbed his thumbs against her ribs and leaned down and kissed her head. A waiter offered champagne for them to toast with the couple. Everyone clinked glasses and cheered. Marinette took his hand from her and turned to him.
“So did I manage to persuade you into having interest in me again,” she asked.
“You might have.”
“I wish you knew because it is time for me to leave.”
“How about I go with you and we can find out together?"
He pulled her in for a kiss. When they pulled away she took his hand and they walked out together.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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caffeinetheory · 5 years
5 for AUs, Jasonette maybe??? The ship doesn’t matter, anything is good
Mari heard a crash from upstairs, ‘lovely I just moved in too’. A bat in her hands she cautious made her way up the stairs where the crash had come from. She made not a sound as she made her way to the bedroom with what must have been a broken window. The door was flung open, as was the bathroom door a  little further doesn't he hallway. ‘Lovely, just lovely’, when she pushed the door open the red helmet of one of the cities vigilantes was the first thing she saw, then the man it belonged to in a domino mask trying to badly deal with a stab wound to his side. 
The need to help over headed the need to protect herself, the bat was forgotten and she was quick to get the first aid kit from under the sink. The man was caught off guard at the sudden appearance of a girl, maybe the blood loos had gotten to him, but the warmth of her hands and the sting of the disinfectant told him otherwise. 
“Sorry I didn’t realize this place finally sold,” after a moment Red Hood felt the need to apologize to the women not asking questions and addressing his wounds. However she just shushed him and continued her work, she was very adept at this he noted. “You have a lot of blood loss,” she paused looking over the stab again, “You’ll need stitches, one second.” to the point, interesting, and not freaked out by a stranger in her home, he’d have to look into her later. She came back into the room with a needle and stitched him up. 
“You owe me a window by the way,” she said it with a wink but Hood made a note to make that happen. “Next time just use the door, I don’t mind patching you up just don’t break my windows,” there was amusement in her voice but something told him she would help him, she could be trusted. He left not ong after, helmet back on and into the shadows he went. Once she was sure he was out of earshot, “Well Tikki looks like I always attack people to my place,” she found herself absentmindedly playing with the ring hanging around her neck.
Two days later everything was ready for the flower shop to open. It was right below where she lived just like her parents' bakery. Fleur-de-lis was ready to open, hints of baby pinks and pastel greens could be found all around the store front. The French flag behind the counter and ladybugs could be found littering the floor. The black cat with emerald eyes roamed the store as its protector, it was a perfect new start. 
The bell chimed letting Mari know that someone had entered the store front, “Hello, how can I help you,” her smile didn’t waver when she saw the women who had entered or her girlfriend who was looking at her cat. It almost brightened, sure she had a feeling Ivy would stop in at some point but to see her in the flesh was amazing, the women was stunning. This reaction seemed to catch Ivy off guard, she recovered after a moment, “I just wanted to check out the new nursery,” Ivy’s response didn’t sound sure but Mari let it slide, “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” Mari went back to tending to plants, she didn’t miss the way Harley looked Prince, “He doesn’t bite.” That was all the animal lover needed to drop to the floor and start to play with the cat. 
Two hours passed before Ivy said anything to Mari again, she bought a single rose which she promptly gave to Harley placing it in the women's ponytail. Ivy took note of how healthy the plants were and made a note to check in every so often but for now the small women had gotten her approval. The rest of the day was quite, Prince keeping her company till closing, a good day over all if Mari had to say so herself.
Later that week the invoice for a window came to her door step. So he did keep his promises, knowing he remembered her brought a smile to Mari’s lips, she left a note and snack on her window seal that night. Of course she knew he checked up on her, so the next morning when she woke up and it was gone she was happy. Her own chaotic guardian angel.
The Monday after Ivy had given her approval one Jason Todd walked into her establishment, almost 2 weeks after she had met the Hood she unknowingly met the man under the mask. Prince immediately was purring at his feet. “Hello how can I help you?” Mari didn’t see who had walked in but the purring had gotten her attention. 
Jason was rubbing the back of his neck, he looked nervous. “You don’t happen to need help do you, I’m trying to avoid some people,” she could see how he wanted to stay so she gave him an apron, “I can’t offer you much.” “That’s fine, you don’t even have to pay me,” Jason helped her with some of the bigger boxes in the back. A new furniture had come in for upstairs, Jason didn’t mind helping her move the stuff. He seemed to be familiar with the building already, something Mari would worry about later.
Jason became a normal feature in the building, he came by almost 3 times a week. It didn’t take long for the two to become comfortable with each other. 
After about a month Mari put together he and the Hood were one in the same, the white streak should have been a dead give away but she was in slight shock who could blame her. He didn't know that she knew though so whenever the Hood came by for a late night chat she didn’t mention it. She did like teasing him though by mentioning Shakespeare to the Hood after she found out about Jay’s love of classics.
It took Jason six months to realize he always wanted to be around her because he had fallen for his own angel. It was during one of the times he visited her as Red Hood and they were just chat that it hit him like a ton of bricks.
He fell for his best friend, but he couldn't do that to her. Life as a hero was not secure, and he knew that better than most. What he didn’t know what that she knew and understood. Ladybug may be in retirement but that wouldn’t stop her from helping someone she cared about.
Jason spent the next two weeks trying to distance himself from her, if something happened to him again...she shouldn’t have to deal with that. 
Jason finally saw her again when he was on patrol and saw her looking out at the horizon from her rooftop, she was looking for something he could tell. He landed on the other side of the roof, she immediately turned and started to fret over him, how she heard him he wasn’t sure.
“Are you okay? I haven’t seen you in a while...to long,” she was checking him for every kind of injury, Jay was caught off guard for sure. “I was looking for you...I was getting worried,” that snapped him out of it and they were both in a bone crushing embrace, neither wanting to let go. “I’m so, so sorry Mari,” “You’re here now Jay, that’s all I need.”
When the embrace broke his helmet was off, “You knew?”
“It’s hard to miss after a while,” Mari had a sheepish look on her face, not sure what else to say. She was just a girl with a flower shop now, no longer a hero. She didn’t want to lose her best friend again.
“I love you,” they both said it at the same time. It shocked them both, who knew they felt the same way and could admit it, but any thoughts were set aside. They were in a tight embrace again, their lisp connected this time. It felt like home, neither wanted to part. “Am I really enough,” they spoke at the same time again.
 “Of course you are,” this time when they spoke at the same time it was soft, they knew they meant it. 
The next time Ivy stopped by Fleur-de-lis with Harley she was met with the couple. They were a good pair she had to admit. Her pheromones weren’t needed after all, love always found a way to bloom.
I’m still taking asks for this for one more day!
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miracle-sham · 3 years
In the Atelier's Glow the Pupa Phoebus will Eclose.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 2, Day 10: Light} |
Chapter 2 of Sheltered by Darkness not yet Moths to the Flame.
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] | | [Chapter 1] |
| Even when everything you know splits. When it splinters and shifts, like a chrysalis or a damaged cable. And you're left unfurling your wings, unable to yet fly—circuit broken, fuse melted—grounded, earthed. |
| The rest of the world keeps the current flowing through the wires of everyone else's circuit wings, and they're able to keep fluttering, unfettered by your frayed and exposed wires, even despite the threat you pose to their safety. Too blinded by the luminescence of those with power. |
| Word Count: 7,220. |
| Warnings/Tags: Cyberpunk/Criminal/Gang Au, Explicit Language/Swearing, Hacking, Breaking and Entering, Mentions of Guns, Gun Violence, Mentions of corrupt/shady businesses, Gabriel Agreste's A+ Parenting, Brainwashing, Implied Brainwashing & Torture, Injury, Threats of Violence & Violence, Akumatised!Marinette, Fluff & Angst, Hurt with some Comfort, Angst With a Happy Ending, Gang/Team as family/family dynamics, Found Family. |
| A/N: First things first, make sure you've read the first chap before reading this. Second things second, this chapter is a chapter and half. And it's the final chapter! I hope this being 7k more than makes up for it being a day late to posting! I put a lot of love and time and effort into this, so I really hope you all enjoy. And for peak atmosphere, listen to Wonder World by Inova (first song on the playlist) during the first two parts, for optimum atmosphere! Not necessary if you'd prefer not to of course, but still. There's also a ton of light and butterfly symbolism stuffed in this, so try and see how much you can spot! |
| On a sidenote, this fic is dedicated to my friend Saf who listened to me ramble about this fic, and in turn rambled to me whenever I gave her sneak peak snippets. This wouldn't have ended up half as good as it did without her support! Also thanks to Weird for the support, compliments, reaction to the snippets, and kind words as well! And finally, thanks to everyone on the discord who was supportive and kind whenever I rambled in my author's channel! <3 |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Even when everything you know splits. When it splinters and shifts, like a chrysalis or a damaged cable. And you're left unfurling your wings, unable to yet fly—circuit broken, fuse melted—grounded, earthed.
The rest of the world keeps the current flowing through the wires of everyone else's circuit wings, and they're able to keep fluttering, unfettered by your frayed and exposed wires, even despite the threat you pose to their safety. Too blinded by the luminescence of those with power.
Broken wires cause lights to flicker and dim. They don't glow as brightly as they could—as they should. They crackle and buzz and burn and scorch and smoke, causing only destruction; when light should only be used for creation.
That's why the Atelier Agreste specialise in fixing broken wings and wires. The brightness of tomorrow splinters the darkness of today, the business proclaims.
And Marinette Dupain-Cheng is merely the latest of the poor misguided larvae, with their shade-like masks and unfortunate frayed wires, to be rehabilitated into an enlightened pupa under Gabriel Agreste's watchful care.
Truly, the discarding of a mask that kept the Pupa in the dark, and the Pupa's embracement of the Atelier's radiant glow marks a wondrous occasion indeed.
How glorious it will be, an unveiling of the newest Atelier Agreste designer's début? The welcoming of a new Papillon among the ranks, especially one that shines so brightly. Phoebus, like the butterfly and the god of light. What a fitting name for the butterfly that will glow like the sun.
Marinette—no, not Marinette, she is Phoebus. She is light, and her glow has been fixed.
Stitch by stitch, she sews herself a collection of chrysalises. To represent her transformation that has been nurtured by the Atelier, Monsieur Agreste had said.
Stitch by stitch by stitch. She must make him proud, he's done so much for her. He saved her from the darkness, showed her the light and how to glow just as brightly herself. She owes him everything.
Stitch by stitch by stitch by stitch. Lila—no, Rubi, after Macrothylacia Rubi, the Fox Moth—visits sometimes. She's pretty, and likes to keep Phoebus company, telling her all about the incredible things Rubi has done and people Rubi has met. She's like Phoebus, taken in and nurtured by the Atelier Agreste. Phoebus hopes Rubi will be one of her chrysalis models.
Stitch. And anchor, and anchor, then up. Snip. Snip. Snip.
Phoebus hears the sound of the studio door opening but she does not stop. Her chrysalises must be perfect, she must finish them in time. Thread the needle and anchor.
Footsteps stride across the studio floor but still Phoebus does not stray her attention from her work. Stitch by stitch.
“Good morning, Pupa, I hope the final preparations for your début are going accordingly.” Monsieur Agreste greets.
Her hands still, work halting. The Pupa Phoebus turns away from the fashion piece before her, and smiles, as brightly as her namesake, up at him. “It is.”
There's a hollowness inside her. And smiling at him makes the hollowness ache but Phoebus does not know why. Monsieur Agreste does not like it when she asks bad-dark-broken-frayed questions like that, so she says nothing more and nothing less. She will be his perfect protégé. He said so, and so she must.
He nods approvingly. “Good. I expect only perfection from you and your work. Do not forget, once the fashion show starts it will mark your eclosion into my Atelier once and for all.”
The Pupa Phoebus nods her head, eyes shining almost too brightly in the studio's lights.“I will ensure everything is to perfection for my début.”
Her actions and words are as doll-like as her title. For she was once named Marinette, which is close to Marionette. Marionettes are dolls. And Pupa once meant doll. Like a doll, she is so painfully hollow inside. But like a doll, she is perfect. She must be.
Monsieur Agreste does not sneer at her but his lips curl in a way that makes the darkness inside her claim he is mocking her.
“The set designers have informed me the catwalk has been transformed into the river Lethe. Isn't it rather fitting?” He pauses, watching her with sharp eyes for her reaction.
She nods. That is what she is supposed to do. It is fitting because he has said so. And Monsieur Agreste is always right.
“After all,” he continues, seemingly satisfied with her response, “it was once believed that the dead may only be reincarnated upon drinking from the Lethe and giving up their memories. And you gave up your memories of pain to be reformed as a butterfly that will shine ever so brightly, my protégé.”
“Oh,” Phoebus responds, tilting her head to one side as her smile wavers for but a fraction of a second. There's something flickering in the back of her head, behind her eyes; splintered memories, nothing substantial but the ghosts—Fantômes, the darkness whispers—of them linger.
The taste of iron, harsh white lights, cold glowing white strands chaining her fragile wire wings to the ground, lights—so many dancing lights, and the sharp electric zaps. She shouldn't try to parse what they mean, what they herald. Remembering the Before is bad, when she was a poor unfortunate Larva who fell through the cracks into the shadows and gutters. She is a Pupa now, and Pupa change. They become better, brighter, than they ever could achieve as Larvae.
Monsieur Agreste picks up on her moment of lapse, his eyes narrowing in what must be concern. “Is something wrong, Pupa?”
Phoebus shakes her head. “I am just anticipating how my début will go.”
He hums, unconvinced.
Understandable—she is not meant to lie, not to him. It is not how a Pupa should act.
“Perhaps you should take a break so we can ensure you've not damaged your light by working so hard. It wouldn't do to have your glow flicker and dim mid-début.” Monsieur Agreste states, pulling his tablet out already to schedule a check-up.
The Pupa Phoebus widens her bright yet hollow smile. “Oh, that is a good idea! A break would be most appreciated, Monsieur Agreste!”
Monsieur Agreste does not laugh but he huffs in what must be amusement. “How unfortunate that it took so long to rescue and take you under my wing. You will do well as one of my Papillons here.” He pauses to adjust his glasses, the light shining on them in a way that makes the lenses appear opaque. “I didn't think I'd get another specimen such as yourself, so perfectly adapted for becoming a Pupa and then a Papillon.”
His not-sneer unfurls into a grin, one that makes the darkness whisper danger. He steps around her, to get a different angle view of her work, and stares pointedly at the fine detailing. “It is a great shame that my son and my nephew have both become wretched larvae like you once were, instead of wonderful Pupae like you've now become.”
“You deserve a better son and nephew, Monsieur Agreste.” Phoebus recites from the script burnt into her mind, though she does not remember when or why she memorised it.
“I do, don't I.” Monsieur Agreste considers in contempt. “That can easily be achieved as soon as my men rescue him from the clutches of those vile Larvae. We believe the ones who held you captive and forced you to work for them, are the same ones who hold both my son and nephew now.”
“Oh.” Phoebus responds, getting the feel that Monsieur Agreste is testing her. Perhaps to ensure no feelings of Stockholm Syndrome remain for her previous captors? Yes, that must be it. How thoughtful and caring of Monsieur Agreste. “That is awful, hopefully, they can be saved soon!”
Monsieur Agreste hums, seemingly in agreement this time. “Hopefully indeed. And once we rescue them, they can then be taught to embrace the radiance my company brings to this world, just as you were taught.”
He places a hand on her shoulder, and squeezes. “And you, my dear Pupa, can help my son and nephew stitch their Chrysalises. For they are both models, like Rubi. Wouldn't that be nice, two additional fellow Papillons for you to befriend, wouldn't that make you very happy?”
Phoebus nods at a perfectly acceptable speed to relay her happiness and excitement. “Yes! That would be wonderful! I would be so happy if that were to happen!”
And yet, the darkness inside her wails and grieves as she utters each word but Phoebus does not understand why.
“Good,” Monsieur Agreste states, “that is very good to hear. Now, I shall return when your break is ready.” He turns around and strides towards the door, stilling at the threshold. “My wife will prepare high tea for you to join her at, once your break is ready.”
The Pupa Phoebus nods, fingers twitching as she turns back to meticulously stitching her chrysalises. “Thank you, Monsieur Agreste, I cannot wait!”
He huffs in what must be amusement again, “I would hope so, Pupa.”
If she didn't know better, the Pupa Phoebus would wonder why the silver butterfly necklace feels more like shackles than a gift. Why the darkness begs her to break the chains.
Three months. Three fucking months. Of nothing. Not a whisper on the news or in the underground, no public proclamations of the capture of one of the co-leaders of the most notorious gangs in the city. Nothing, abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Three fucking months she's been gone and not a word about what happened.
Jason sits crouched on the sofa, head in his hands. A coffee is placed on the table in front of him, he can tell from the smell, and the sound of the liquid sloshing about inside the cardboard cup.
“Marinette used to like coffee…” Jason bemoans, half-serious, half-jokingly.
Something shatters in the next room over, the kitchen most likely from the sounds of it.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God. Jason!” Alix hiss-screeches, from the same place as the shattering, like an angry kitten on roller skates. “You've said that meme every day for the last month! I'm going to murder you!”
Adrien, who's been sitting on top of the side cabinets, throws his head forwards and barely manages to stifle the laugh by slapping a hand over his mouth. He wheezes for a few seconds as he gets his laughter, and breathing under control again.
Félix snorts from where he's curled up in a cushioned armchair. “Alix has a point, you know. We understand you miss her but as do we.”
“Shhh! You'll disturb him!” Roy shushes, grinning mischievously as he stands behind the sofa. Putting on his best David Attenborough impression, he begins to recite, “here we have the rare Jasonarches Toddamentum brooding in his natural habitat. Lamenting the loss of one of his pack, specifically his co-alpha—”
Jason whips around to face Roy and launches the nearest pillow from the sofa at him, before he can continue the mockumentary. “Co-alphas? Really? That's the best you could come up with! C'mon man!”
Yelping, Roy ducks but not quick enough as the pillow smacks him in the right shoulder and flops onto the floor.
Nodding mock sagely, Félix sighs. “We expected better from you, Roy.”
“Yeah, Roy.” Kori teases, passing a second coffee in her hands over to him.
Placing a hand over his heart, Roy gasps. “Wow! The betrayal!” he complains as he grabs at the coffee and cradles it to his chest with the other. “And thanks, Kori! For the coffee, not the betrayal!”
“Ah, friends?” Markov calls cautiously as he hovers into the room, anxiety lacing his robotic voice, claws fiddling with the corner of what looks to be an envelope.
Immediately the jovial atmosphere splinters and everyone stills. Everyone except Artemis and Alix who walk, and roll into the room respectively, at that precise moment. Both hovering by the respective door frames they entered through, coincidentally opposite each other. Artemis crosses her arms, whilst Alix grabs the door frame with one hand to steady herself.
Jason tenses and glances over at the little AI. “Everything okay, Markov?”
Markov fretfully swings his claw arm around. “One of our couriers was handed a letter.”
“Did they bring it here?” Jason questions, brows furrowing in worry.
Markov shakes his head. “The courier handed it to a third-party forger, and created the forgery I am now holding. It is addressed to Adrien, and Félix.”
Adrien sucks in a sharp breath, he turns to exchange a look with Félix. “You don't think it's…” He trails off, unwilling to say it out loud in case it makes it any more likely.
Grimacing, Félix nods. “It has to be. It was rather publicly known when you were "kidnapped",” he states, making quotation marks with his fingers as he stressed the word, “by this gang. Less so when you spearheaded my "kidnapping", with them.”
“Yeah… that's. We didn't think that through.” Adrien admits, scrunching his mouth up in concern. “But! If that didn't happen, I wouldn't have gotten to use Cheval Mallet as my vigilante name, which is a plus at least!”
Félix huffs bitterly. “Oh, because getting to use a vigilante name that fits thematically is completely and utterly worth getting targeted by the Big Butterfly himself?”
“In my defence—” Adrien starts, only to shut his mouth again as words fail him. “Nevermind, you've got a point.”
Jason clicks his tongue. “More importantly, we need to decide what we're doing about this.”
“We need to actually see what is inside the envelope, first.” Félix counters, marching over to Markov.
Markov dips in the air in lieu of a nod and extends his claw-arm to hand Félix the envelope. “Here you go, friend!”
“Thank you, Markov.” Félix responds, nodding his head to the little AI as he takes the extended envelope. He marches back over to Adrien and slips out the disguised knife pen out of his pocket, before carefully slicing the top of the envelope open like one would do with a letter opener. Plucking the letter from inside, he holds it at an angle so only he and Adrien can read what has been written.
Seconds pass.
Swearing under his breath, Adrien glances up at Jason with panic clear in his eyes. “It's… it's from Kagami. She's been compromised, the Big Butterfly knows she was in contact with us. He and her mother have forced her to invite us to the Big Butterfly's upcoming fashion show…”
“She's worried that it's a trap, to capture us both so that they can… do to us what they did to my mother, and all of his Papillons.” Félix continues in Adrien's stead, barely able to conceal the dawning horror on his face.
Artemis moves towards them and asks as softly as she can, brows furrowing in concern. “And what exactly, did they do to your mother?”
He swallows a breath of air thickly. “Adrien's mother went missing a few years ago. And so my mother and I visited Adrien and his sperm donor as we were all grieving. However, I started to notice things seemed off and before either of us realised, the Big Butterfly was parading my mother around in front of the news and media pretending she was her twin sister instead. Even at home, she started treating me like Adrien's mother had.”
“What the fuck! Are you saying the Big Butterfly brainwashed your mom?” Jason exclaims, eyes wide with a mixture of horror, disgust, and alarm.
“Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. The Big Butterfly brainwashed my mum into believing she was Aunt Emilie, purely so that he could keep appearances up in front of the cameras.” Félix confirms, hands balled into fists and shaking ever so slightly. “When Adrien got out and joined here, I stumbled across the Big Butterfly's plans to replace Adrien by doing the same to me. If you all hadn't helped me get out in time…” He chokes up, unable to get the next words out of his mouth.
“That is truly despicable. I'm sorry.” Artemis apologises, looking equally disturbed by the information.
“Shit.” Roy mutters, glancing between Félix and Adrien. “What do we do? We can't just let another innocent get fucking brainwashed!”
Kori purses her lips. “I think,” she starts, giving an understanding look at the two, “we should let Adrien and Félix decide. They are the most familiar with the Big Butterfly, this Kagami, and the situation as a whole.”
Clearing her throat, Alix roller skates a little closer to others. “Guys, you don't think…” she trails off, trying to find her words but also torn over whether saying it out loud will make it true, “you don't think that's what's happened to Marinette? It would explain why we've heard nothing from her or Roaar since she disappeared.”
“Holy fucking shit! I'm going to burn that fucking bastard and his fucking fashion show to the ground if he fucking dared!” Hisses Jason, his eyes flaring toxic green as the fury of the Lazarus Pit burns in his veins. He digs his nails into the fabric of the sofa and his lips curl into a near-frenzied snarl.
“Woah, woah! Jason, calm the fuck down! That might not be what's happened!” Roy intercepts, grabbing Jason by the shoulder.
Jason turns to glare at Roy. “But it also might be what happened to her!”
“We should go.” Adrien cuts in sharply, “Max can get the rest of you in via hacking. Félix and I will be the distraction, and I'll bring Kaalki so we have a quick escape in case things go wrong. Whilst everyone else who goes to the show needs to focus on getting Kagami out. Then once that's done, we can try and look for anything that suggests they've got Marinette. And if we find Marinette, we get her out as well.”
Félix nods. “That's a good enough plan for me.”
Smiling bitterly, Adrien tilts his head to one side. “So, who else is up for crashing the show?”
Kori, Roy, Artemis, and Alix all exchange glances before nodding.
“Max and I are in!” Markov pipes up, hovering up in a swing.
“That leaves, who's telling Luka, and Bizarro they're holding down the fort this time?” Jason mutters.
“Dibs not it!” Everyone but Artemis calls out.
She rolls her eyes at the antics of the others. “I will tell the two of them their roles for this mission. Don't worry.”
Jason hums. “We could also probably call in a favour with the Sparrow kid that you,” he nods towards Adrien, “and Marinette befriended. Not to hold down the fort but to help cover us at the fashion show?”
“Oh! I'm sure Sparrow will be more than happy to help! That's a great idea!” Adrien cheers, perking up slightly.
Moving over to the coffee table, Félix places the letter down in the centre. “Right. Let's get ourselves ready to crash a fashion show.”
Adrien and Félix both don a light disguise. One that's easy enough to recognise them on a closer inspection but subtle enough to not attract immediate attention.
The others, in heavier disguises, had arrived early and gotten in already—split between two teams. One with hacked tickets, and the other through breaking and entering, the gang's speciality. Sparrow had also been more than happy to help and had roped in a few others from their gang, the Quantic Kids, into helping watch the outside of the building.
Leaving Félix and Adrien to arrive together, separate from the rest of the gang; they make sure to arrive slightly late to try and avoid the worst of the crowds. Approaching the doors, they hand over their tickets and try to appear as nonchalant as possible.
The nearest android guard eyes their tickets and puts out a hand. “Wait.”
“Is there something wrong with our tickets, sir?” Félix asks, smiling sweetly enough to hide the undercurrent of threat.
The android guard nods their head at another then looks the two up and down in a scrutinising—analysing fashion. “We have explicit orders to escort anyone with these tickets to the seats.”
Adrien grimaces. “Understood, lead the way then.”
The android guards exchange nods once more, then the one slightly further away pulls out a radio and starts quietly reporting into it, too low for either Félix or Adrien to catch anything. Useful or otherwise.
“Follow me.” Says the nearer one as they start walking away.
Félix sighs and lightly knocks shoulders with Adrien as a reminder of solidarity as well as to get ready. Waiting for only a second, they both start following after the guard. Félix adjusts the secret mic and camera attached to his tie, ensuring that it was now transmitting its feed to Max and Markov, as well as Luka back at base.
Next to him, Adrien does the same with his own tie and attached secret mic and camera.
They're led down a few hallways, up a couple of winding staircases, and down a few more hallways before the guard stops outside a door with a metal sign on it reading: Private.
“Your seats are through here.” The android guard says, slotting a keycard into the door, causing a glowing keypad panel to open up in the centre. Then, the android guard scans a digital code into the door and the door swings open before it.
Adrien nods to the android guard and tugs Félix after him as he strides across the threshold, head held high.
There's a shriek, as they pass through the door, and a body slams into Adrien and it's only thanks to his vigilante instincts that he doesn't drop the body.
“Oh, Adrikins!” Chloé cries out, hugging him tightly. “I can't believe you're back!” She lets go of him for a second to step back and check out his outfit. “Urgh, you could do with some better clothes though. It's fine,” she says, waving a hand, “after today's show we can go on a shopping trip together!”
Adrien smiles awkwardly and unconvincingly responds, “yeah… it's nice to see you again too, Chloé.”
Félix, the traitor, snickers at Adrien's predicament and steps around the two to fully enter the room. The android guard does not follow, and the door shuts automatically behind them.
Inside, is a private bar and lounge with double doors on the far wall, opposite the 'Private' entry door.
Kagami glances up from her place from the sofa against the wall with the double doors. She raises an eyebrow. “It is good to see that you made it here safely.”
“As safe as we could.” Félix grunts, delicately dropping into the seat next to her on the sofa.
She hums, tuning out Chloé's screeching with practised ease. “How are the horse-related magic tricks you were working on going?”
“Pretty well, though I don't suppose Father will be all too pleased with the one I plan to practise tonight,” Félix responds.
Kagami relaxes her shoulders in relief for a split second. “Oh? And what sort of magic trick is it?”
“I've dubbed it: Call a Key. And it's like those pull a rabbit from a hat tricks but with a horse from a hoop.” He says, drawing a circle in the air. A circle that just so happens to be the same size and shape as Kaalki's average portals.
“I see,” Kagami says, nodding, “well, perhaps after tonight's show, you won't mind showing me it so far?”
Félix grins, “I'd love to, Kagami.”
Their conversation lulls into silence, so Félix hops off the sofa and goes over to the private bar to fix himself and Adrien some drinks. Seeing as Chloé was showing no signs of letting his cousin go at the moment. A potential hazard for the plan, he worries. With drinks in hand, he rejoins Kagami by the sofa.
An announcement rings out over the loudspeakers on the walls as the double doors swing open in a slow and controlled manner.
“That, is our cue that the show will be starting soon,” Kagami mutters to him. She takes a deep breath and raises her voice, “Chloé, Adrien, it is time we take our seats for the show.”
Chloé squeals, forcefully dragging Adrien across the private lounge and through onto the balcony where their booth seats are.
Sighing, Félix follows after the two with Kagami a few steps behind him.
“Oh, I'm so glad you managed to make it to today's fashion show, Adrikins!” Chloé exclaims, clutching at Adrien's arm like a hawk and gesturing wildly with the other. “It's so nice of your daddy to hold this show in the theatre so we could have a private booth together to watch the show! And it's going to be a really special show from what I've overheard, Gabriel's débuting a new and upcoming fashion designer! Isn't that so exciting, I'm sure your daddy will let you model for them now that you're back! After all,” she scoffs, “he's letting that peasant fox model for the designer today.”
“Is that so?” Adrien responds, glancing at Félix with deep-seated worry etched into his stare.
Félix clenches his fists and takes a deep breath.
Frowning, Kagami taps Félix on the arm and sends him a questioning glance.
“We'll explain it later.” He mumbles quietly enough for her to just hear.
Below them, the sounds of people taking their seats echoes. A few minutes pass, Félix and Kagami make minor small talk whilst Adrien is forced to listen to Chloé prattle on.
The main lights dim and then go out, plunging the room into darkness. The curtains rise, from the sounds of the heavy and large swathes of fabric moving on the pulleys.
Classical music starts playing—not unlike the music Adrien used to learn on the piano. And one by one, the lights in the shape of asphodels flicker to life on the stage, illuminating a sea of the flowers surrounding a catwalk designed like a river carving through the land. White marble Greco-Esque pillars and arches litter the flower fields. Framing the scene, is the blank white wall at the back of the catwalk and stage. The lighting shifts to cast spotlights on the wall behind the catwalk.
Félix tunes out the rest of the show starting, instead putting all his focus in searching for any security watching their booth, as well as for any sign of Marinette.
The show continues on, slowly models wearing pieces designed like asphodels, butterflies, and cocoons or chrysalises strut up and down the catwalk. The spotlights follow them, making the pieces and models appear to glow under the light.
Luckily, there's no obvious security paying attention to their booth. But that doesn't mean they're in the clear, for all they know, Gabriel could have bugged the place to the rafters. They had worked out before entering, that they'd have to leave before the end of the show. Otherwise, they'd most likely be captured and brainwashed just like Félix's mum.
A new announcement from the stage gives both Adrien and Félix pause, neither having fully caught what was said other than mentions of the reveal of the designer. They tense and try to hide the signs of their anxious anticipation. The flickering flame of hope in their chests threatens to extinguish from the worry that this could be what they feared it to be.
The lights and spotlights on stage all dim; whilst the music fades to a quieter volume. The almost deafening echoing clack-clack-clack of heels against the catwalk seems so much louder than when the models in heels had been walking across it.
Félix holds his breath and clasps his hands together tightly. Adrien leans forwards to get a better look over at the stage. They should be nudging Kagami and getting ready to go by now but they can't will themselves to look away. Like a tragedy; a car catching fire and about to crash.
A figure in a chrysalis dress steps onto the catwalk. Step by step by step, they slowly walk to the end of the catwalk. The faint glow of the lights still perfectly illuminates the figure's face though.
And Adrien's heart stops. “No!”
“What? Is that—?” Chloé starts, only to be interrupted by the cacophonous roar of a standing ovation from the rest of the audience.
Félix, Adrien, and Kagami all pale in horror.
“That's… that's Marinette.” Kagami whispers to Félix, her panic thinly veiled.
Stiffly, Félix nods and swallows a breath of air thickly. “So. Minor change of plans.”
“I can see why.” Kagami responds automatically, in horror.
On the catwalk below, the dress shimmers and appears to crack. Shadowy mist seeping from the cracks is followed by a blinding glow eviscerating the darkness. From the cracks, the outer layers of the dress splinter away, and the layers below begin to unfurl. Bright white, beautiful butterfly wings edged with black and the odd symmetrical red spots.
Gabriel Agreste, Papillon, joins her on the stage. “Isn't this such a momentous and wonderful occasion? Tonight, we have witnessed the eclosion of a new Papillon within the Atelier Agreste. And I'm delighted by the bright welcome Phoebus has received.”
At the call of her Papillon name, Phoebus bows.
Félix's heartbeat pounds in his ears, nearly drowning out Gabriel's words.
Before he, or Adrien, can react, there's a buzzing in his ear from the disguised earpiece comms.
“Félix. Adrien. Get Kagami and get out! Now!” Max's voice filters through, “they're sending a reinforcement of guards towards your location. I'll try to hack them but it'll be close!”
Standing abruptly, Adrien yanks himself away from Chloé's death grip.
“Wha—Adrikins!” She protests, still too shocked by the revelation of the new designer having been Marinette, to try and stop him.
Adrien backs away into the private lounge, flushing red with embarrassment. “Sorry Chloé, I-uh… need to use the men's room. Be-right-back!”
He turns heel and makes his way over to the opposite door and yanks it open.
Félix stares at Adrien in disbelief before nodding at Kagami and grabbing her by the arm. He does not so much run, as speed walk after Adrien.
The second all three of them are clear of the private door's threshold, Kagami kicks her foot back to shut the door behind them. The three then start sprinting down the halls.
The hidden earpiece crackles again. “You three and Jason are the nearest to the backstage where Marinette will be soon. I'll lead the four of you towards the location, just follow my directions and don't do anything stupid once Jason joins you.”
“No promises,” Adrien mutters in response. “I'm seriously considering committing patricide at this point.”
Max doesn't immediately respond, presumably having switched channels to help deal with the others, or get out himself.
Less than a minute later, the earpiece crackles again, but this time it's Luka who starts relaying the directions to the backstage whilst keeping them updated on both human and android guards as well as security camera positions.
“You're halfway there, Jason should be just through the third door on the right.” Luka informs, sounding calm but they know him too well to not hear the veneer of fury beneath every word.
Adrien yanks open the third door on the right open, and lo and behold, Jason is sprinting past the open door in the corridor it leads to.
“Wait up!” Félix hisses after Jason.
It seems Jason manages to hear him and skids on the balls of his steel-toed boots, scratching up the wooden flooring, to stare at them with his green eyes blazing. “Alix was fucking right.” He bites out.
“We are coming with you, to save her.” Kagami states, looking equally furious.
Jason cocks his head to the side. “Then c'mon, we need to run.”
The four exchange nods and glances and burst into a sprint down the hallway, following Luka's directions.
Direction after direction after direction. It feels like Luka relays to them hundreds of those endless directions before the four of them reach a long hallway with double doors at the end that has a large sign above it, labelled: Backstage.
Skidding to a stop again, Jason holds out an arm to stop the others as well. “As much as I want to run in, laser guns a-blazin', who knows what kinda fucking security shit they've got ready for us.”
Adrien grimaces. “But they knew we didn't know that they have Marinette. So why would they prepare security for us rescuing her when they're trying to capture us?”
“Have you forgotten how much security the Big Butterfly placed around my mother, after brainwashing her? Public spectacles like this always involve far too much security around the shining star of the show!” Félix spits acerbically, fists shaking, breathing shallow.
Adrien places a hand on his shoulder. “Worst case situation, we can get Kaalki to get us out and we can try and rescue Marinette another time.”
Jason scowls. “If we're forced to do that, I want to shoot that fucker's skull in first.”
“Technically, shouldn't Adrien get right of shooting him before you?” Kagami asks, half-smiling that awkward smile of hers.
Huffing, Jason nods to Adrien. “Fine, but I dibs second shot then. And if you go for the skull, I'm shooting that bastard in the fucking dick.”
Adrien makes a choking noise and doubles over, barely managing to stifle his laughter. He takes a few deep breaths and wipes tears away from his eyes. “Deal!” He wheezes, “please, I'd like nothing more than for you to get the second shot and do that!”
“Good fucking choice,” Jason mutters in response, a cheeky grin crossing his face for but a second before it falls back to the furious snarl. “Now, let's see what's behind the doors and get our anthill tiger back!”
The earpieces Jason, Félix, and Adrien are wearing, buzz again. “Might want to hurry up.” Luka smoothly informs. “Three human guards are coming your way. And as far as Max can see through his hacking, there's no android guards or drones backstage.” He pauses, “the rest of our gang won't be able to reach you four in time, neither will Sparrow's. You're going solo.”
The four exchange quick glances among themselves. “That's a risk we're willing to take if it means getting Marinette back.”
“I'll keep you updated on any changes. Break a leg or three, especially try to break the Big Butterfly's legs if you can.” Luka responds.
Jason snorts. “We'll try our best.”
The channel goes silent, as Jason quietly opens the backstage doors and the four of them sneak through.
The show has ended, by the time the four of them arrive through the backstage doors. Jason spots a rack of clothes and gestures to the others to follow him as he creeps over to hide behind it.
She's there. Marinette—or Phoebus, as the Big Butterfly had called her. There in the centre of the backstage. Standing stock-still. Still dressed in that fucking chrysalis—butterfly dress. Like a creepy human-sized doll.
Jason focuses on his breathing, in and out, in and out, in and out. Trying not to let the sickly radioactive green flood his vision and veins.
He freezes as he watches the Big Butterfly himself stride up to her and circle her like a vulture.
“You did very well today, Phoebus.” The Big Butterfly says, with a sneer on his face. “Unfortunately, my son and Nephew have so rudely absconded from their booth before the show ended.”
The Papillon Phoebus dips her head, and ever so hollowly sounding, replies, “that is most unfortunate.”
It takes all Jason's concentration to not be sick at how empty she sounds and acts. He glances at the others and Kagami, Adrien, and Félix all look sickened by the sight.
The Big Butterfly's sneer morphs into a scowl. “It is indeed. However, Mademoiselle Bourgeois was able to inform us of something very interesting.”
Tilting her head to one side, the Papillon Phoebus stares blankly at him. “Oh?”
“Apparently, my son had quite the reaction to the sight of you on stage, my Papillon. Isn't that interesting.” The Big Butterfly taunts.
She blinks at him then nods slowly and stiffly. “Yes. That is very interesting, Monsieur Agreste.”
His scowl curls into a victorious sneer. “That's what I thought, my dear Papillon.”
Jason shakes, he can't watch any more of this fucking creepy-ass bastard messing with his gang co-leader. He whips both of his recently upgraded guns from their holsters and grips the handles with whitening knuckles.
Before the others can think to stop him, Jason dives out of cover and shoots his twin guns. Pew-pew!
The laser bolts slam into the back of the Big Butterfly, frying two circles into his suit and melting the material to his skin.
The Big Butterfly screams in pain and fury. He pivots in place to turn and glare at where the shots had come from. The light flashes across his glasses again, making the lenses appear opaque. As his gaze latches onto Jason, his victorious sneer splits and twists and unfurls into a monstrous smirk. He starts to laugh, like poison bubbling and frothing from his lips.
And as the Big Butterfly does, Jason catches sight of the glint of small purple flapping around the Papillon Phoebus'—Marinette's—neck.
The bubbling and frothing poison of an Akuma's transformation swirls around her, staining every speck of her and forming a glimmering chrysalis once more.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Jason chants under his breath. Eyes wide with instant regret, he taps his earpiece. “We fucked up! Holy fucking shit, we fucked up!”
“What?!” Comes the frantic response from Luka. “What do you mean? What's happened? What did you do?”
Jason laughs nervously, “she's an Akuma! She's been fucking akumatised.”
“Hold on as long as possible, the others got swarmed by guards and can't reach you yet.” Luka frets.
At that, Kagami, Adrien, and Félix all burst out from behind the clothes rack, each with laser pistols also in hand. Zap-zap-zap.
The three more shots ring out but only one hits, Adrien and Félix both shaking too much for theirs to land.
“We shall try.” Félix responds to Luka.
The chrysalis-Akuma-poison coalesces around the Papillon Phoebus before cracking and dripping away. Revealing two large butterfly wings exactly like the dress. Phoebus wings. She flutters her wings and begins to float a metre or so above the ground.
“Fuck!” Jason curses, and behind him he can hear the other three echoing the sentiment. He stares at the purple butterfly chain around her throat. “Akuma is in the necklace!”
A bright light, not dissimilar to a flashbang, pops off. Immediately blinding all four of them.
“Capture them!” The Big Butterfly orders.
Kagami yelps.
The blindness caused by the light fades, and Adrien gasps. Jason swears under his breath again, and he and Félix both fire off more shots. This time towards the Akuma object, as the Big Butterfly has vanished.
Cocooned to the ground, Kagami squirms, trying to free herself from the Akuma's trap.
“Fucking shit!” Jason helpfully says on the earpiece channel. “She's trying to fucking capture us for the fucking bastard! And he's disappeared!” He bodily throws himself to the ground to dodge a mote of brilliant radiance lancing towards him.
The Papillon Phoebus tilts her head to the side, wings glittering with bright golden light like her namesake. Safely blocking the laser blasts towards her object with her massive wings.
Thankfully, only one of Kagami's hands is trapped. And not the one with the gun. As quietly as possible, she shoots the gun to slice through the cocoon and free herself.
The wings start to glow brighter and brighter and brighter.
“Flashbang!” Jason yells, diving behind cover in the form of a cluster of mannequins and slapping a hand over his eyes.
Kagami grabs Adrien and the two duck behind a different rack of clothes. Whilst Félix leaps over a stack of boxes and hides there.
The radiance flares once more, but fails to blind any of them.
“We need to shoot the object. I'll draw the attention at the front. Kagami, get behind and get ready to shoot her in the back as a distraction. Adrien and Félix, you two flank her on opposite sides.” Jason plans quietly into the earpiece channel.
Jason leaves his hiding spot first, vaulting over the cluster of mannequins and shoots a laser bolt at the Papillon Phoebus' necklace again. It's blocked by the wings, as to be expected.
Félix leaps back over the stack of boxes and flanks the Papillon Phoebus on the right. Whilst Adrien rolls out from behind the clothes rack and flanks on the left.
The three in position, shoot simultaneously at the Akuma, as to distract her.
Kagami bolts from her hiding spot and flanks behind the Papillon Phoebus.
The wings start to flutter and glow brighter once more.
“Now!” Jason yells.
The blast slams into the Papillon Phoebus' back, right between where her wings connect to her shoulder blades. Instinctively she splays her wings out in pain and curls backwards.
Two more blasts slam into her, one in each wingtip.
Finally, Jason shoots last and his aim is true. Crackle-snap!
The blast sears through the chain necklace, warping the metal and snapping it in twain.
The two parts of the object clatter to the ground and a purple butterfly claws itself out from the broken chains.
Jason spins his gun in his hand and shoots a final laser straight through the moth. Burning a perfect hole through its wings and killing it instantly. Purple Akuma-goop leaks from its injuries and then fades, leaving behind the scorched corpse of what was once a white butterfly.
He sighs in relief, and quickly taps his earpiece. “Akuma dealt with.”
As he says that, the Akuma de-transforms midair and Marinette collapses to the ground. Limp, like a puppet with their strings cut or a discarded doll—a cracked Pupa.
“Thank fuck.” Luka's responds over the channel, sounding tired.
Jason drags a hand down his face. The green poisoning his vision dissipates for the time being, and he hurries over to Marinette. Ever so carefully, he scoops her into his arms—bridal style—and pulls her close to his chest.
Kagami drops to her knees and breathes.
Adrien weakly punches the air with his gun in hand. “Wooh! Luka, we're calling a key home. Disable security please?”
Félix snorts, moving back to lean against the stack of boxes.
“No need, there's no security cameras backstage. I'll hear your songs when you back at base.” Luka relays, tone light with happiness and relief despite the tiredness. “The others have dealt with the guards, so they're on their way back too.”
Adrien transforms with Kaalki, becoming Cheval Mallet. He walks over to Kagami and offers her a hand. Félix, and Jason with Marinette unconscious in his arms join them.
The portal opens up before them, and they walk through together. Today, they've won another battle. Tomorrow they'll try to find out what has been done to Marinette. But tonight, tonight all the conscious members of the gang huddle together in the lounge. And among themselves, they build a pillow and blanket fort, and relax.
They're all together, and they're all safe, for once.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| So title dissection, Atelier meaning Fashion Studio comes from the Latin "Astula" meaning "Splinter", Astula also is the Genus for the flower Asphodel. Phoebus as mentioned in the fic is the god of light but it also means "Bright". Eclose is the leaving of a cocoon/chrysalis. Pupa is another term for cocoon/chrysalis when the butterfly/moth becomes soup and goes through metamorphosis. But it also comes from the Latin meaning Girl or Doll. So In the Fashion Studio's Glow, the Bright/Light Doll will be Released. |
| Fun Fact: Larva/Larvae mean Mask or Ghost in Latin. Also the suffix "Arches" means Leader/Ruler. So Jasonarches means Jason-Leader :3 |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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justcourttee · 4 years
So I love your sibling jasonette stuff and was wondering if you wouldnt mind writing more? Bonus if Mari gets hurt and Jason gets overprotective, sorry I just love angst tho. Your writing is amazing tho!
I love writing sibling Jasonette! Like so much! I never mind writing more :)
The Sidekick Curse
Marinette was having a pretty good day overall.
Batman had finally accepted her in his city as his protegee which meant she could permanently spend time with Jason. She was so excited to tell him the good news that his killer stare completely went over her head.
“Turn him down.”
Marinette’s jaw went slack as she stared at Jason’s unmoving scowl.
“But Jaybird, you know this has been my dream ever since I moved to the States! Plus it means he’ll stop trying to kick me out of Gotham! We’ll finally get to spend more time together!”
Jason didn’t answer. Instead he crossed his arms standing firmly in his former position.
“I can’t believe you don’t want me around!”
“Marinette that’s not it-”
“Then what is it?” She hadn’t meant to snap at him but as his eyes hardened, she slowly began to feel the guilt waves rolling in. “I’m sorry Jason, I know he’s not your favorite person but it’ll be different. You were just a kid-”
“You’re just a kid Marinette.” His stare had every fiber in her body screaming to turn and run, but instead something just snapped.
“I’m eighteen Jason. It’s my decision to work with Batman so that I can handle the next big threat that comes my way. I don’t know why I even told you in the first place.”
Jason’s eyes softened as he watched her turn to leave. He didn’t reach out to stop her and somehow, that just made the pain worse. Marinette picked up her pace as she dove into the nearest alleyway to transform. Swinging her yo-yo, she vaulted onto the roof, rolling to a stop before turning on her comm.
“Red, give me a mission, anything. I need to get out of here.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marinette dropped down into the port keeping her eyes peeled for where Batman could be hiding. Tim told her that he might need backup but to do her best to stay out of his way, only intercept if necessary.
The problem with that? Marinette had no idea where Batman was, so how was she supposed to be his back-up?
A small yelp caught her attention as she pressed her back flat against the nearest line of containers trying to stay in the shadows. Before she could contemplate moving a cold barrel pressed into the back of her head.
“Well, well, well, What do we have here? You’re not a batbrat.”
Marinette swallowed hard readying herself to disarm him the moment she saw an opening.
“No, I’m not. I’m Lady Luck.”
“Really, that’s the best you got little girl?”
Marinette slammed her heel into his foot while using her hand to push the gun into the air right as he fired. With one twist of his wrist, he dropped the gun allowing her to kick it far away.
“Look I’m trying here. I just need a new name and it’s really hard ya feel?”
The man swallowed as Marinette flung her whole weight into the man tackling them both to the ground. Using his dazed state to her aadvantage, she pushed off the ground into a sprint.
Batman was so going to kill her.
She heard the footsteps closing in behind her as she shot her yo-yo into the night sky hoping to catch onto anything to pull her away. Her feet landed on the nearest container with a soft thud watching as the men ran right past where she sat.
“You’re in over your head princess.”
Marinette’s eyes narrowed as her hand reached up to where her comm sat.
“Jason, this is a closed network, how are you even on it?”
“Timmy boy owed me a favor and now I'm paying it forward to you. Get out of there. Batman already left and if those men find you, you’re dead.”
Batman already left? Had she missed the signal Tim told her to look for? Maybe she really wasn’t ready for recon. She slowly stood ready to turn when a flash of dark fabric caught her attention.
Batman hadn’t left, he was right there, and he was surrounded.
“You lied Jason? Do you really hate him that much that you want to see him dead?”
Marinette was fuming as she swung toward where her hero stood, dropping in front of the man as the first round of shots were fired. She easily deflected them leaving several shocked men at the fact that they both still stood.
“Thanks.” Marinette’s gaze flickered to Batman’s in a frantic manner. Had she imagined that? Did Batman just thank her? Oh this day was just getting better.
“Lady Luck!”
Marinette didn’t get the chance to throw her yo-yo up as a bullet pierced her stomach. The pain was unbearable as she collapsed to the ground grasping at the trickle of blood as the shock spread through her body.
She wasn’t quite sure what happened next, all she could see was a fuzzy darkness clouding her vision before everything went dark,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Where is she?”
Jason burst through the manor doors not even bothering to utter more than a hey. He was on a warpath and anyone who stood in his way be damned.
“Master Jason-”
“Listen Alfred,” Jason’s hand was in Alfred’s face as the butler simply raised an eyebrow at his antics. “I respect you, that's the only reason you’re not on the ground right now but I need to know where she is, now.”
Alfred simply shook his head motioning Jason forward toward the secret entrance. Without a sign of gratitude, Jason marched forward, practically tearing the door off its hinges. Entering the batcave, he felt as if he had been sucker punched in the gut. All the air in his lungs deflated at the sight of the blood that covered the medtable.
Standing over her was Bruce himself, Tim and some doctor talked off to the side, their faces both grimm.
“You piece of shit!” Jason’s fist acted on its own as it connected with Bruce’s jaw. The man staggered backwards holding out a hand as if trying to slow him down. Pathetic.
“You just had to take her under your wing, give her that good ole sidekick curse huh?”
Jason landed another punch, Bruce not even attempting to stop the assault.
“You just break us all down until we leave or die trying!”
He threw his fist again but this time it never connected. Instead, Tim stood between the two of them, slightly struggling to withhold Jason’s fist.
“Jason, you’re not going to help her by beating him up. He already feels bad enough. We didn’t know the limits of her suit until tonight, she’ll recover eventually.”
Jason opened his mouth to retaliate when he heard her. It was soft, almost inaudible, but he could swear that she was calling to him. He tried to take a step forward, but the labcoat got in his way.
“Sir I think you should take a moment and calm down before approaching the patient.”
Jason attempted to side step the man, but he simply moved with him still blocking him from Marinette. He felt his fist curling as the doctor side stepped once more, still in his way. His hands darted out as he lifted the doctor from the ground by his crumbled lab coat.
“Listen here, that’s my sister right there and she needs me. Move or be moved, I could care less.”
Without much care, he dropped the doctor as he made his way to Marinette’s side. Crouching down to her eye level, he carefully gathered her hand, squeezing it tightly.
“I’m here Marinette, I won’t let you leave me, you hear? You’re stuck with me forever.”
His eyes darted toward the three men as if daring them to disagree, daring them to try and move him.
For weeks he stayed right by her side, never leaving for more than ten minutes at a time. Slowly he watched her recover as she practiced stretching, then walking and eventually running once more.
“Jaybird, I think I’m almost ready to get back to it.”
His smile was solemn. Nobody had the heart to tell her that there was no way Bruce would let her back out again. Not while Jason was still breathing. But that was a conversation for another day. For now, he was just glad that she was still alive.
“Almost princess, almost.”
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@damianette-is-life @ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Joint Mission
Day eleven of being committal, I finished this early and I’m watching movies with my sister.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
When she joined the Justice League she didn’t realize how much of a jerk Red Hood would be to her. She asked around and was told that it was just her he acted like this with alone. The worst part is, she had only been nice to him.
“Yes, madame!”
“Pay attention, you two should be very happy we were able to finish the mission even after you guys blew you cover. You’re lucky you had back up and if you didn’t I doubt you’d be this unhurt,” Wonder Woman lectures.
“And this is why we think you should be handcuffed until you two can figure out how to be civil,” Batman said.
“Umm... I have a life, an apartment, and a job that I don’t need this bastard following me around,” Ladybug said, standing in a rage.
“Well then you guys better figure it out soon,” Wonder Woman said, leaving the room with Batman following closely behind. 
“This sucks,” Hood mutters to himself.
“I’m going to make a few calls before I get handcuffed to you,” Ladybug said, standing up abruptly. “Hey, Bee.”
“You got in trouble,” Marinette could hear Chloe’s smirk through the phone.
“Kinda, I can’t come home for a bit.”
“Seriously? How much trouble did you get into.”
“I’m not in trouble, it’s just a teamwork exercise,” She sighs.
“Bull, you and Hood were fighting again weren’t you?”
“The mission went bad because there were some things said, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get it, you guys got into a lover’s spat.” “Seriously, Bee, that’s not even close to being true. Well, I have to let you go, I have to call my client before I’m handcuffed.” “That's fantastic! So much for team building,” Chloe laughs as Marinette shakes her head and hangs up.
Ladybug sighs and dials another number. “Hello?” “Hello, Miss Marinette.”
“Hi, I’m currently sick and won’t be able to take measurements tomorrow, I know this is a lot to ask, would you be able to take their measurements?”
“Of course, Miss Marinette, I hope you feel better, I’ll send them over when I’m done.” “Thank you, Alfred!”
She was walking back into the room when Hood was picking up his phone. “Of course I can try, I don’t know how well it will work, but I can try,” Hood said, looking at her as she entered. “Bye.”
“You ready for this bull?”
“Yeah, sure whatever,” Hood sighs.
“You guys ready?” Bruce asks.
“What took so long?” Hood grumbles.
“We had to find a pair you wouldn’t be able to break out of,” Wonderwoman says, cuffing their hands together.
“I have to be able to work, can you cuff my left hand?” Ladybug asks. Wonderwoman nods and locks her left hand. 
“Hood, you guys can stay in the penthouse, you know where it is, there neither of you have to give away your identities unless you want to,” Batman explains. Wonderwoman and Batman leave the room leaving, Hood and Ladybug alone.
“I have to grab somethings for work and stuff,” Ladybug said, turning to face Hood.
“Ok,” Hood shrugs.
“I’m going to have to ask you to close your eyes, I would love to try and keep my privacy,” Ladybug sighs.
“Fine whatever.”  They walk in silence to Hood’s motorcycle.
“I’m driving,” Ladybug said, trying to climb on his bike.
“No you’re not, this is my bike, my rules,” Hood growls.
“Fine here’s a store close to my apartment, we’ll have to go on the roof the rest of the way, because there’s no one way I’m walking in like this with you,” Ladybug said, climbing on behind him. She didn’t realize how close they would have to sit because of their cuffed hands. They pull into a nearby alleyway and Hood holds onto her as she yo-yo’s on to the roof. “You’re going to have to trust me, I’m going to lead you to my apartment,” Ladybug says.
“Just don’t let me fall off the roof,” Hood jokes. Ladybug picks him up bridal style.
“Put me down!” 
“We’re almost there, calm down!” He’s put down and is about to open his eyes when she put her hand over his eyes.
“What the hell!” 
“You can open your eyes once we’re inside, but no looking around too much,” Ladybug says, opening the window. “Bee, transform, we have a guest,” She shouts into the living room. “You can open your eyes, Hood.”
“Who’s Bee?”
“That would be me,” Chloe says, entering the main living area transformed. “This better than I thought it would be.” Chloe laughs.
“Bee, this is Hood, Hood this is my roommate and best friend, Bee,” Ladybug introduces.
“You said you wouldn’t be back for a bit,” Bee says, sitting down on the couch.
“I have to pick up work, remember the client I was talking about yesterday? Well, their butler is going to be taking their measurements for me, I just told him I was sick and couldn’t come. I still have to do other work though, so I came by to pick up some things.” “Speaking of things to do, I have to go to my father’s house tomorrow, I have to do something, which means you need to be blindfolded,” Hood says, nonchalantly. 
“Whatever,” Ladybug shrugs. “Bee, can you grab my stuff, I don’t really want him to leave this area, ya know?”
“Yeah, sure,” Bee sighs, before walking down the opposite hall of the one she appeared from. They stand in awkward silence. 
“So what do you do for work?” “I’m a superhero, but you mean as a civilian, I’m a fashion designer,” Ladybug says, looking at where Bee had disappeared to. “What about you?”
“I work as head of security in my father’s business,” Hood says, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“And here’s your stuff,” Bee walks out, holding a bag. “Your sketchbook is in there.”
“Well we’re going to have to figure this out soon, I’ll have to use my sewing machine for the upcoming orders. My uncle’s wardrobe needs to be done soon. Did you stick my pencil bag in here?”
“Yep, what’d ya take me for a dumb blonde,” Chloe rolls her eyes.
“Ok we’ve talked about this Noir was oblivious not dumb, there’s a different and look where it ended up. We ended up best friends because he wanted his friend to be friends with each other,” Ladybug shrugs. “Well, we should go. If Mama and Papa call, tell them to call my phone,” She says, opening the window.
“Ok, buginette,” Been calls at their back.
“Bye, Bee,” Hood says over his shoulder.
“Don’t hurt her, I’ll hurt you!” 
“Hold this for me while I carry you,” Ladybug says, holding out her bag. 
“Fine but were taking off out mask and you are going to detransform. I won’t look at you, you won’t look at me,” Hood says.
“As long as you promise not to look,” Ladybug says, picking Hood up. 
“This is embarrassing you know,” Hood grumbles.
“Yep. But it’s also the easiest way to carry you.” They land on the ground and Hood takes off his helmet. 
“Now, your turn.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Ladybug sighs. “Tikki, Spots off.”
They ride to the penthouse Batman promised. They don’t look at each other. Hood reads a book as she sketches ideas for the Wayne’s outfits.
Jason looks over at what Ladybug is working on. “What are you working on?”
“Suits for my clients,” She says quickly, forgetting she’s not supposed to like him.
“They look nice, I like that one, it looks formal while still not looking stuffy.” 
“Yeah one of the sons is against wearing anything formal,” Ladybug says, adding finishing touches.
They end up talking about anything and everything except identities. It was getting into the early hours of the morning and they may or may not be sleep deprived. “So why do you hate me?” Ladybug asks with a yawn.
“I don’t hate you, what made you think that?”
“You always yell at me when we’re on missions and everyone says that you make jokes and stuff but even not during missions, you never seemed friendly, I guess,” Ladybug says, placing her head on his shoulder.
“I yell at you because I like you and I don’t want you to get hurt, and with the jokes and stuff, I don’t want to scare you off,” Hood admits, running his fingers through her hair.
The next thing he knew, he was staring face to face with the most beautiful blue eyes. “You like me?” She asks, her eye glittered with hope.
“Ever since the first mission,” Hood says, and before he could continue, she placed a firm kiss on his lips. “You’re beautiful.”
“I like you too, I didn’t want to show it because I thought you hated me.”
“We can talk about this tomorrow, you and I both have to do things tomorrow.” So there they feel asleep Ladybug wrapped in Hood’s warm embrace. The next morning they were awakened by a call, it was Alfred. “What's the matter, Alfred?”
“Alfred?” Ladybug woke with a yawn.
“You have to come to get your measurements taken,” Alfred’s voice came over the phone.
“Oh ok, did Bruce tell you about my extra appendage?”
“Yes, Master Jason.”
“Ok, see you soon,” Jason said, hanging up. “I guess it’s time to get up.” he sighs, prompting her to stand up.
“If you want, I could still wear a blindfold,” Ladybug says, standing up. 
“If you want to keep any form of secrecy, you can,” Hood said.
“Want breakfast before we go?”
“Maybe just some coffee.” Ladybug nods and heads to the kitchen, dragging Hood behind her. They drink coffee and have some eggs before getting back on Hood’s bike. 
“Welcome home, Master Jason,” Alfred greets.
“Alfred?” Ladybug asks, lifting her blindfold.
“Miss Marinette, you said you are sick,” Alfred says, raising an eyebrow.
“How was I supposed to explain this, but since I’m here I guess I’ll take the measurements,” Marinette shrugs.
“You knew her didn’t you Alfred?” Jason sighs.
“Of course, Master Jason,” Alfred smiles.
“Thank you, Alfred.”
“I see you both learned to get along,” Bruce says, entering the lobby.
“You knew too, I’m going to guess,” Marinette sighs.
“Of course, I’m Batman, I know all. I just knew you too needed some time to get to know each other to realize you have feeling for one another.”
“Thank you, Brucie, I now have an amazing girlfriend because of this “Team building”,” Jason says, using air quotes around team building.
“Now, not that I don’t like hanging out with you Jason, but could you please uncuff me, I have measurements to take,” Marinette giggles.
“Of course, Marinette.” They're uncuffed and she hugs Jason. 
“I guess we can go on missions together and not worry about arguing,” Marinette murmurs.
“How about we try a couple of dates first?”
“I’d be happy with that,” Marinette says, kissing his cheek.
Tag List: @jasonette-july-2k20 @abrx2002 @pawsitivelymiraculous​ @ironspiderstark@thestressmademedoit @bigpicklebananatree @zalladane
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