#Jaxson Creek
msbarrows · 9 months
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Did a marathon play session of TS4 on New Year's Eve, lasting into the wee hours, and got Willow Creek through what remained of her childhood and up to being a teen.
There was lots of family activities as she worked her way through all the different childhood aspirations; she managed to finish all but one of them. Willow didn't have enough time to host a second slumber party, but otherwise got everything else in the Slumber Party Animal aspiration completed.
Jaxson and Leigh aged up at last from Young Adult to Adult; Jaxson could technically have remained a YA a week or so longer, but I had Leigh add a second set of birthday candles to her cake and aged him up along with her instead.
Willow managed to befriend both of the Dads (in her case, technically the Grand-Dads) as well as several children her age. She's gotten really active, and like both her parents before her is also several shades of genius already (all those toddler skills and childhood aspirations have added up to a fair number of awarded and purchased traits for her already).
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Leigh finally managed to finish off the Culinary aspiration, and moved on to wanting to be fabulously wealthy. After comparing her daily wage to Jaxson's (which was quite a few times what she was making) she threw in her apron and mixing bowl, and switched over to the astronaut career as well. Though since she now has the ability to make food that never spoils, she's still doing almost all of the cooking for the household. I figure when Willow eventually moves out, she'll probably raid the fridge first ;)
Willow gained her first fame point the moment she aged up to teen, and immediately returned it with a firm No Thank You. Between her father and her dad's dads (and one grandfather's still-living grandmother), she's related to four world renowned celebrities, plus she has a mom who is rocketing her way up the ladder of fame too, and Willow does NOT want to be famous as well. She's real damn tired of paparazzi popping out of the woodwork (and the bushes), and the creepy way people react to the presence of her dad and the Dads (and Gramma Ocean). Okay so some of that is possibly also because the Dads are also both vampires, but yeah. Fame is not an interest for her.
I am very much looking forward to the point where she leaves home and goes off to be a reclusive rancher. Like the last few generations of this family, it may well happen while she's still a teenager.
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kittyundercover1 · 1 year
I’m KittyUndercover, but you can call me Kitty or Kit for short.
To sum up my entire existence in three words: I’m a nerd.
I love cartoons, anime, graphic novels, comics, manga, drawing, writing, collecting trading cards (Pokémon, My Little Pony, My Hero Academia, etc) collecting Funko POP figures, you name it!
I’m interested in quite a lot of shows and fandoms which include:
Blue’s Clues (& You!)
Craig of the Creek
Elliott From Earth
Imagination Movers
The Amazing World of Gumball
The Wiggles
Wild Kratts
+ more!
I write OC-related stories as well as x readers from time to time (I don’t do requests for x readers):
The Girl From Virginia (Craig of the Creek)
Springs and Sunsets (Animaniacs) (Oneshot)
Broken Base (Elliott From Earth) (Oneshot)
The O Twins (Odd Squad)
Four Leaf Clover (Wild Kratts)
Lavenders and Lilacs (Lachy x Reader) (The Wiggles)
Concert (Bluey x The Wiggles Crossover)
My Art/OC Book
Shall we Dance? (Imagination Movers x Reader) (Oneshot)
The Lone Inventor (PAW Patrol)
Today (Lachy x Reader) (Oneshot)
Imagination Movers x Reader Episode Insert
If you have any questions about my OCs, feel free to ask anytime!
List of my OCs and Personas:
Tammy Fitzgerald (The Amazing World of Gumball
Cammie (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Kaitlyn (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Kix (Animaniacs)
Tinx (Animaniacs)
Pix (Animaniacs)
Jaxson (Animaniacs)
Haven Sharp (Craig of the Creek)
Holden Sharp (Craig of the Creek)
Heaven Sharp (Craig of the Creek)
Gabriel Sharp (Craig of the Creek)
Nebula (Elliott From Earth)
Nevaeh (Human Nebula) (Elliott From Earth)
Era (Elliott From Earth)
Everett (Elliott From Earth)
Clover Hallows (Wild Kratts)
Iris Hallows (Wild Kratts)
Aster Hallows (Wild Kratts)
Oakland (Odd Squad)
Orlando (Odd Squad)
Double Spark Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mya (PAW Patrol)
Marie (Bubble Guppies)
Pomegranate (Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom)
Kit Wiggle (The Wiggles)
Mover Kit (Imagination Movers)
Kallie & Lightbulb (Blue’s Clues (& You!))
Connie (Little Einsteins)
Elizabella (Handy Manny)
Julia Matthews (Handy Manny)
Dana Daniels (WordGirl)
More places to find me online:
AO3 - KittyUndercover1
Art Fight - KittyUndercover
Instagram - kitty.undercover
Spotify - KittyUndercover
TikTok - kittyundercoverr
Wattpad - KittyUndercover1
YouTube - KittyUndercover
Master-link for all my social media accounts to make it simpler if you want.
Thanks for reading!
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vampir3bitez · 7 months
The Hero and Mage
Jse Puppet Au
Jackie and Marvin first meet.
The door slammed shut, the hero staring at it for a moment before covering his face. " God fucking danm it Reagan..." he felt soft tears beginning to form until he heard a creek. His head popped up and he looked around, " Shit..." he picked himself up, frantically looking around his apartment. " I'm not gonna hurt you Jackie.." Reagan came walking out from Jackie's bedroom. Jackie put his hands up in a defensive position " Oh now you aren't? But earlier when your buds were around you were completely fine with this!? " Jackie screamed. His own best friend. The sole person he had, the only person he had. Completely betraying his trust, handing him over to the villains. Being a villian himself this whole time. " They don't want to hurt you! They just..wanna know how you got these powers...we all kinda do. " Reagan sighed, Jackie just stared at him. He didn't know how to respond. " I mean..think of how these could help people! You seem to be in good health! " Reagan paused after that, Jackie just giving him a very doubtful look. " Okay. Maybe you aren't. But seriously powers like these are extraordinary...if properly controlled. "
" I can control them. "
" Can you? What if there's more you don't know about? What if you black out when these powers are used? Look Iris isn't gonna like..fuckin kill you. It'd just be..light testing. And you get free housing! "
" A cell. I'm gonna get a cell aren't I? Because I'm gonna be treated like a science experiment. Because this is EXACTLY what happens in the comics. " Reagan groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose " Jaxson life isn't one big fuckin comic book! Life is a lot more serious. Yeah this is gonna be a bit of an experiment. Because they need to know if you're safe or not. " Jackie paused for a moment. " I am safe. Sure I'm not the greatest at it but I help people! I use what I have for good! I've messed up a few times sure, the first time that robot apocalypse wasn't a thing but the second time that guy did have bad intentions!! Probably had bad intentions the first time too..." he sighed " I just..I trusted you. You were the only person in my life who knew. And then I find out you're working for people who have helped villians!? Seriously Reagan how am I supposed to trust you! "
Reagan groaned and slammed his hand into the wall. He paused for a second then sighed, regaining his composure, patting down his outfit. Jackie stepped back a bit.
" I'm gonna keep being a hero. I'm gonna keep being JackieBoy-Man despite how completely unserious that name is, yknow why? Because in a world as shitty as this where people shitty like you can get away with what you do..somebody needs to be a beacon of hope. Because you all sure as hell aren't. " The two stared at each other, Jackie putting himself into a more defensive position. Reagan pulled out his phone, shaking his head a bit " They'll be here soon anyways. You have no where you can go...I'm sorry Jaxson it's for your own good. " Jackie's eyes widened..he got away the first time out of dumb luck, lucky that Chase was willingly to hear him out so randomly. I mean, to Jackie, Chase was just the barista he happened to like at the local Cafe. And to Chase, Jackie was just a regular he happened to get along with. Now Chase knows about Jackie too. Maybe..he'd be willing to help Jackie out a bit? Doubt he works for Iris.
The two stood there as Jackie tried to figure out what to do, until something began happening. Some portal looking thing on the ceiling.."...Yall can make portals? " Jackie questioned, looking up at it. Reagan shook his head " Not that I know of...I thought that was you- " the two looked at each other for a moment fairly confused. Faint yelling could be heard, slowly getting louder until someone crashed down in between the two as the portal closed.
"...I don't think he works for Iris- "
" Definitely not- "
The males head popped up as he looked at the two " Iris?! " he held his head a little as he picked himself up, putting his other hand out a little, " What do either of you have to do with that organization.." he had a bit of a British accident to him, long brown hair too with some green. Looked extremely beat up. " Well apparently my so called 'best friend' fucking works for them! " Jackie used both his hands to point to Reagan, Reagan just glared over at him. " And they wanna run experiments on me! I mean how crazy is that!? "
The male stared at the two for a moment and sighed " I take it you don't like them then? " he looked at Jackie before there was a bang at the door. The three looked over at if before Jackie turned to the male " You can call me Jackieboy, and if you don't like them either mind helpin' a guy out right now?? " The male looked at Jackie for a moment before nodding. " Marvin. " The two got into defensive positions, Reagan sighed " Great..even more paperwork with portal freak...", Marvin turned around to Reagan with a glare " Believe me, the only paperwork being filled out will be an incident report of your men. " He waved his hand across his face as a Cat mask went across it. Jackie looked over in total awe " Oh my god are you like..a fuckin super hero too!? " his eyes practically lit up as Marvin turned over " Ehh..not exactly. Let's worry about that later. "
Within seconds of him saying that the door busted down, Iris workers practically surrounding the door, flooding into the room. Guns and other weapons were aimed at the two as Jackie adjusted his mask, though in all reality it was a bit useless right now. " Lets kick some ass kitty-cat! " A grin went over Jackie's face, though Marvin gave him a confused look. He shook it off however, focusing for a moment before sending a powerful energy blast towards the employees, sending them all back against the walls. Jackie stood there jaw dropped " I...holy shit man- "
" Come on! I'll fend them off while we run. " Marvin took hold of Jackie's one hand and began running out of the room, jumping over any guards in the way. " WAIT!!! WHERE ARE WE GOING?? " Jackie yelled out, trying to keep up the pace, " Wherever! Anywhere away from here is good! " Marvin looked back for a moment before sending another blast just barely past Jackie. While he definitely knew what he was doing it didn't change how reckless he was being. The two ran out into the streets of the city as guards followed behind them, almost feeling endless. Marvin swiftly ran into an alley, pulling Jackie down along side him by the side of a trashcan. He watched as the guards ran by, leaving out a sigh of relief. " Should give us enough time to find somewhere safe..." he looked at Jackie for a moment " Why would they want you for your powers? That just seems unreasonable..."
" Tell me about it!! I mean...you don't see people every day with powers but I can punch a little harder than normal and they think I wanna like...kill people?? Like hell no!! "
Marvin quick hushed Jackie, looking out from the alley before pulling back and sighing again. " You're awfully loud..." he shook his head a little. " Do you know anywhere safe we could say for the time being? Couple hours at least..." he looked out once more, letting go of Jackie's hand and standing up. Jackie shrugged " Uhm...I know a nice Bar? I don't really go to drink but the owner is really nice. " he suggested, Marvin nodded. " Take us there then. " he said as he took the mask he was once wearing off. He had a rather large scar covering his one eye, with a smaller one under his other eye. Jackie stared at him for a moment then nodded " Yeah! Just..when we get there can ya explain that whole portal thing?? "
The two made their way out of the alley, heading down the streets as the streetlights began to shine. It was getting rather dark. They walked for a little before making their way into the Starcrossed Tavern.
" Wait!? So because you wanted to stop this like freaky demon thing that IRIS made your magic buddies exiled you to another universe!? " Marvin loudly hushed at Jackie before taking a swig of his drink. " Yes..now can you please keep it down?? We don't need other people hearing this.." he sighed. " I need to stop him though. He followed me here last second..I want to stop him before he can wreak any more havoc..." he held his head a little. Jackie looked at him for a moment " Why don't we make a deal? You help me out with Iris, and I'll help you with this demon thing! I may not be the most helpful but..better to do it with someone then alone, plus I'm sure my punches could do some damage. " Jackie smiled, a hopeful smile. Marvin paused
" I..as much as I appreciate the offer it..I don't believe it's safe for someone else to get involved.."
" Believe me dude, I've delt with a lot that IRIS or other villains have thrown at me. Besides you helped me today, I owe you! "
Marvin sat there for a moment, looking off to the side. " Ifff you let me I'll let you crash with me! Though we..probably have to stay at a hotel..assuming I have the money to even afford a room..." Jackie lacked...a lot in the funds department. Marvin laughed a little "...Okay then. A deal. " Jackie smiled happily, doing that little yes pose with his arm. " Great! A deal between Jaxon Ridge and Marvin the Magician! " he held his glass up, Marvin laughed tapping his own against Jackie's " I guess so...though please I am much more than a magician. Much more...magnificent than that. " he said, taking another sip of his drink.
" Fine then! Jaxon Ridge...no...Jackieboy-Man, and Marvin the Magnificent! Hows that sound? "
"...Sounds perfect. "
Hiii I hope everyone enjoys this :3 I'll be posting more with this au (especially better ref sheets) soon!! But for now Jackie and Marvin :3
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itsanerdlife · 4 years
Hey Ama! I'm looking for something new to read so I figured I'd ask you for some reading recommendations(published or fanfic it doesn't matter) If you don't want to that's completely fine you can just ignore this.
OHHHHH YOUVE PEAKED MY INTEREST. Okay so these are all on Kindle Unlimited if you have it. It’s gold I’m in love with it.
Okay so like I’m obsessed with
The Brayshaw Series by Megan Brady this series is my absolute obsession!
Jaxson Kidman has some GREAT series. Hidden Creek, The Rulz, BFH, Them. All connected and master pieces! He also has amazing stand alone books too.
The Devil’s Riders series by Joanna Blake Omigod so good.
Sinners of Saint series by L.J. shen sooooo damn good and they have the next gene called All Saints High series and it’s delicious too.
Just Ex’s , Just Neighbors - Charity Ferrell good ones such good ones.
Otherwise I don’t read much fanfiction anymore. And for that I’m sorry.
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tomsavoca · 3 years
Jaxson and Emily passed the AKC Star Puppy test. #dogtrainingdoesmatter #dogtraining #akc #gsdtraining #akcstarpuppy #goldendoodlepuppies #goldendoodletraining #gsdofinstagram #gsdtrainingsession #therapydogsofinsta #therapydogtraining (at Coconut Creek, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVIo0FCQ42/?igshid=1g2c000yti761
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hobby-ceramics · 5 years
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Jaxson said there is no such thing as waving to others. But I remember it was a done thing when I was younger. Day one of our travels barely any one waved back, but day two most did. Do you wave to people driving by you on outback adventures? #travels #waving #passby #outback (at Tennant Creek, Northern Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uaJBIF8Xe/?igshid=1t65f3k5og4wn
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myromancebooksworld · 5 years
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“Hidden Creek Secrets” (Hidden Creek Secrets # 1) by Jaxson Kidman
HOUSE BURNED DOWN? #check FORCED BACK TO MY OLD HOMETOWN? #check NEW SCHOOL? #check RUMORS, DRAMA AND B*TCHES? #triplecheck What could make things worse for me? One name. Weslee freakin' Jackson. The worst of the worst. The one I'm told by EVERYONE to stay away from. Which should be easy, right? NOPE. He's everywhere I go. Stalking me? Maybe. Dark brooding eyes trying to devour me? All the time. There's just one little thing... Wes's eyes aren't the only ones on me. And I think I've started a war. Oops. I didn't ask to be put in this position as I find myself gravitating toward Wes. He says he'll protect me from Hidden Creek High. But who's going to protect me from him?    
(thanks to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45837289-hidden-creek-secrets?ac=1&from_search=true)
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cypressnewsreview · 5 years
CYPRESS — The three District 17-6A “Cy”-football teams dominated league play during Week 8 action last week, and the Cy-Fair Bobcats continued their perfect season with a 35-0 victory over Stratford. Unfortunately, for CFISD’s Jersey Village squad, they were up against Cy Falls, where the Golden Eagles took home a 42-0 victory. However, Cy Ridge blanked Northbrook, 45-0.
Rounding out District 17-6A action, Memorial defeated Spring Woods, 35-6.
Shop for Cypress football action photos here (links to Live Wild Photography).
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BRIDGELAND V LANGHAM CREEK up on https://t.co/gVCWPSajOL now! Peep it for me 1x 🙏🏼🔥 pic.twitter.com/sbahxbElB0
— 🎥 Livewildphotos 🎥 (@Kingwilderr) October 19, 2019
Man breaks into house, Precinct 4 arrests him in shower https://t.co/TbIOGc3LJ8 pic.twitter.com/wpBywy33bH
— Cypress News Review (@CypressNewsRev) October 17, 2019
Man breaks into house, Precinct 4 arrests him in shower https://t.co/TbIOGc3LJ8 pic.twitter.com/wpBywy33bH
— Cypress News Review (@CypressNewsRev) October 17, 2019
Cy Woods clenches playoff berth. Cy Lakes drops shootout to Tomball Memorial. https://t.co/KJuKmn1HcF pic.twitter.com/MTE8zbZuyT
— Cypress News Review (@CypressNewsRev) October 21, 2019
Below is the same data, in searchable text form.
Cy-Fairbanks Bobcats (1) ————— 7 0 0 1.0000 265 42 Cy-Falls Golden Eagles (3) ————- 6 1 0 0.8571 277 100 Cy-Ridge Rams (5) ———————- 5 2 0 0.7143 225 123 Cy-Creek Cougars (4) ——————- 4 3 0 0.5714 274 136 Memorial Mustangs (7) —————— 4 3 0 0.5714 150 140 Stratford Spartans (9) —————– 4 4 0 0.5000 164 200 Jersey Village Falcons (2) ————- 2 6 0 0.2500 151 256 Spring Woods Tigers (8) —————- 1 6 0 0.1429 29 294 Northbrook Raiders (6) —————– 0 8 0 0.0000 44 399
Cy-Fairbanks Bobcats (1) ————— 5 0 0 1.0000 204 26 Cy-Creek Cougars (4) ——————- 4 1 0 0.8000 223 59 Cy-Falls Golden Eagles (3) ————- 4 1 0 0.8000 171 70 Cy-Ridge Rams (5) ———————- 3 2 0 0.6000 180 109 Memorial Mustangs (7) —————— 3 2 0 0.6000 110 78 Stratford Spartans (9) —————– 3 3 0 0.5000 129 146 Spring Woods Tigers (8) —————- 1 4 0 0.2000 29 203 Jersey Village Falcons (2) ————- 1 5 0 0.1667 109 222
Northbrook Raiders (6) —————– 0 6 0 0.0000 38 279
Team Offense ———— GA RUSHING PASSING TOTAL AVER. Cy-Creek ——————————- 7 1003 1807 2810 401.4 Cy-Falls ——————————- 7 1441 1313 2754 393.4 Cy-Fairbanks ————————— 7 1777 838 2615 373.6 Jersey Village ————————- 7 960 1491 2451 350.1 Cy-Ridge ——————————- 7 1678 492 2170 310.0 Memorial ——————————- 7 1464 539 2003 286.1 Stratford —————————— 8 937 1197 2134 266.8 Northbrook —————————– 8 486 242 728 91.0 Spring Woods ————————— 7 302 190 492 70.3
Team Defense ———— GA RUSHING PASSING TOTAL AVER. Cy-Fairbanks ————————— 7 608 682 1290 184.3 Cy-Ridge ——————————- 7 587 904 1491 213.0 Cy-Falls ——————————- 7 931 828 1759 251.3 Cy-Creek ——————————- 7 880 1005 1885 269.3 Stratford —————————— 8 1335 1030 2365 295.6 Memorial ——————————- 7 1130 1159 2289 327.0 Northbrook —————————– 8 1547 1258 2805 350.6 Jersey Village ————————- 7 1543 948 2491 355.9
Spring Woods ————————— 7 1533 963 2496 356.6
Cy-Creek ——– 10 7 15 8 1. Cy-Falls ———— 10 Cy-Fairbanks —- 14 8 19 14 2. Cy-Ridge ———— 8 Cy-Falls ——– 8 5 10 4 3. Cy-Fairbanks ——– 6 Cy-Ridge ——– 21 8 21 5 4. Cy-Creek ———— 5 Jersey Village — 13 9 8 5 Memorial ———— 5 Memorial ——– 8 4 11 7 6. Stratford ———– 4 Northbrook —— 25 12 20 10 7. Jersey Village —— 3 Spring Woods —- 10 6 12 5 Spring Woods ——– 3
Stratford ——- 16 6 10 5 9. Northbrook ———- 1
Rushing (Player,School,Class) TC YARDS AVG. TD LG
1.) L.J. Johnson,Cy-Fairbanks,Jr —— 121 1203 9.94 22 91 2.) J.P. Martin,Cy-Falls,Jr ———– 95 740 7.79 12 92 3.) Matthew Sanders,Memorial,Sr ——- 74 481 6.50 6 68 4.) Darese Steptoe,Stratford,Jr ——- 92 459 4.99 4 20 5.) Carson Zahn,Memorial,So ———– 75 443 5.91 6 59 6.) Eddie Jimerson,Cy-Creek,Sr ——– 90 441 4.90 2 110 7.) Mark Benjamin,Cy-Ridge,Jr ——— 28 429 15.32 5 95 8.) Leslie Wellington,Cy-Ridge,Sr —– 69 402 5.83 4 45 9.) Jalen Cox,Northbrook,Sr ———– 120 397 3.31 4 78 10.) Jaylan Walker,Cy-Falls,Jr ——— 39 366 9.38 7 56 11.) Connor Narsete,Memorial,Sr ——– 77 351 4.56 3 46 12.) Caleb Weaver,Jersey Village,Jr —- 91 298 3.27 3 17 13.) Lavar Alexis,Jersey Village,Jr —- 68 295 4.34 1 19 14.) Diego Denson,Stratford,So ——— 48 259 5.40 3 20 15.) Julian Uwadia,Cy-Creek,Sr ——— 73 244 3.34 2 19
Passing (Player,School,Class) ATT COMP YARDS PCT LG INT TD
1.) Julian Uwadia,Cy-Creek,Sr ——— 202 121 1698 0.5990 93 5 24 2.) Caleb Weaver,Jersey Village,Jr —- 226 130 1491 0.5752 48 3 15 3.) Brandon Collins,Cy-Falls,Sr ——- 105 67 1099 0.6381 51 1 12 4.) Carter Cravens,Cy-Fairbanks,Jr —- 63 41 778 0.6508 52 2 5 5.) Dylan Shoemake,Stratford,Jr ——- 97 50 662 0.5155 87 1 4 6.) A.J. Abbott,Stratford,Jr ———- 56 35 531 0.6250 85 1 6 7.) Matthew Sanders,Memorial,Sr ——- 78 30 501 0.3846 42 5 3 8.) Isaiah Phillips,Cy-Ridge,Sr ——- 84 44 477 0.5238 45 5 5 9.) Caleb Pollard,Cy-Falls,Jr ——— 25 16 214 0.6400 27 3 2 10.) Jason Garay,Northbrook,Sr ——— 68 21 188 0.3088 39 7 1
Receiving (Player,School,Class) TC YARDS AVG. TD LR
1.) Dionel Burrell,Jersey Village,Jr — 38 426 11.21 3 23 2.) Eddie Jimerson,Cy-Creek,Sr ——– 32 248 7.75 4 62 3.) Michael Evans,Jersey Village,Jr — 30 387 12.90 5 33 4.) Ben Moseley,Stratford,Jr ———- 28 463 16.54 4 85 5.) Legend Grigsby,Cy-Creek,Sr ——– 27 383 14.19 7 47 Ricky Johnson,Cy-Falls,Sr ——— 27 480 17.78 7 51 7.) Cogan Derousselle,Cy-Creek,Sr —– 22 465 21.14 6 93 8.) Lavar Alexis,Jersey Village,Jr —- 21 137 6.52 0 28 9.) Ben Dukes,Memorial,Sr ————- 19 323 17.00 1 42 10.) Jayden Goodwin,Cy-Falls,Sr ——– 18 294 16.33 2 51
Punting (Min. 14 Punts) NP YARDS AVG. BK LK
1.) Noah Smith,Cy-Falls,Sr ———— 21 839 39.95 0 55 2.) Matthew Sanders,Memorial,Sr ——- 15 587 39.13 0 49 3.) Grayson Gaulding,Cy-Creek,Sr —— 19 743 39.11 0 59 4.) Jake Ruiz,Cy-Fairbanks,Sr ——— 16 555 34.69 0 51 5.) Bryce Keith,Stratford,Sr ———- 44 1471 33.43 0 62 6.) Rodrigo Garcia,Jersey Village,Jr — 25 800 32.00 0 56 7.) Erik Rivera,Spring Woods,Sr ——- 41 1295 31.59 0 42 8.) William Cortes,Cy-Ridge,Sr ——– 19 599 31.53 0 48 9.) Noah Cox,Northbrook,Jr ———— 45 1213 26.96 0 65
Punt Returns (Min. 4 Returns) NR YARDS AVG. TD LR
1.) Brazos Gadler,Cy-Creek,Jr ——— 10 196 19.60 0 70 2.) Jaylan Walker,Cy-Falls,Jr ——— 4 77 19.25 0 46 3.) Jayden Goodwin,Cy-Falls,Sr ——– 4 73 18.25 0 26 4.) Noah Cox,Northbrook,Jr ———— 5 73 14.60 0 32 5.) Garrett Smeraldi,Stratford,Sr —– 4 47 11.75 0 10 6.) Chase Davidson,Cy-Fairbanks,Sr —- 11 127 11.55 1 44 7.) Justin Austin,Cy-Ridge,Jr ——— 9 85 9.44 1 28 8.) Nick Baerenstecher,Stratford,Sr — 10 36 3.60 0 16
Kick-Off Returns (Min. 4 Returns) NR YARDS AVG. TD LR
1.) Jaylan Walker,Cy-Falls,Jr ——— 5 187 37.40 1 93 2.) Jaden Gilbert,Cy-Creek,Sr ——— 8 219 27.38 1 89 3.) Jaxson Chrest,Cy-Fairbanks,Jr —– 5 131 26.20 0 38 4.) Nick Baerenstecher,Stratford,Sr — 10 261 26.10 0 47 5.) Jasaheal Vasquez,Northbrook,Sr —- 13 244 18.77 0 25 6.) Legend Grigsby,Cy-Creek,Sr ——– 6 112 18.67 0 25 7.) Ben Dukes,Memorial,Sr ————- 12 221 18.42 0 30 8.) Noah Cox,Northbrook,Jr ———— 5 90 18.00 0 0 Dominic Padilla,Jersey Village,So – 8 144 18.00 0 29
10.) Andrew Trevino,Spring Woods,Jr —- 9 157 17.44 0 0
Interceptions (Player,School,Class) NI YARDS AVG. TD LR
1.) Jaevon Brandon,Stratford,Sr ——- 2 44 22.00 0 31 Daquan Jefferson,Cy-Creek,Sr —— 2 22 11.00 1 22 Ricky Johnson,Cy-Falls,Sr ——— 2 51 25.50 0 51 De’Sean Morrison,Cy-Ridge,Sr —— 2 2 1.00 0 2 Chris Ramos,Cy-Falls,Sr ———– 2 0 0.00 0 0 Sean Sheets,Memorial,Jr ———– 2 28 14.00 0 18 7.) 33 TIED WITH 1 EACH
Scoring (Player,School,Class) TOUCHDOWNS PTS. AFTER TD ——- R P RET Ki R P FG TTL 1.) L.J. Johnson,Cy-Fairbanks,Jr —— 22 1 0 0 0 0 0 138 2.) J.P. Martin,Cy-Falls,Jr ———– 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 3.) Jaylan Walker,Cy-Falls,Jr ——— 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 48 4.) Legend Grigsby,Cy-Creek,Sr ——– 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 44 5.) Noah Smith,Cy-Falls,Sr ———— 0 0 0 34 0 0 3 43 6.) Ricky Johnson,Cy-Falls,Sr ——— 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 42 7.) Diego Gracia,Cy-Creek,Sr ———- 0 0 0 29 0 0 4 41 8.) Eddie Jimerson,Cy-Creek,Sr ——– 2 4 0 0 0 1 0 38 9.) Mark Benjamin,Cy-Ridge,Jr ——— 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 36 Cogan Derousselle,Cy-Creek,Sr —– 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 36 Jake Ruiz,Cy-Fairbanks,Sr ——— 0 0 0 24 0 0 4 36 Matthew Sanders,Memorial,Sr ——- 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 Carson Zahn,Memorial,So ———– 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 36
Scoring by Kicking —————— PAT-KICK FG TOTAL 1.) Noah Smith,Cy-Falls,Sr ———— 34 3 43 2.) Diego Gracia,Cy-Creek,Sr ———- 29 4 41 3.) Jake Ruiz,Cy-Fairbanks,Sr ——— 24 4 36 4.) Miguel Moreno,Cy-Ridge,So ——— 26 3 35 5.) Elliot Glatman,Memorial,Sr ——– 19 3 28 6.) Keaton Klasing,Stratford,Jr ——- 20 2 26 7.) Rodrigo Garcia,Jersey Village,Jr — 9 1 12 8.) Cristian Galeas,Jersey Village,Sr – 11 0 11 9.) Sergio Munoz,Northbrook,Jr ——– 1 2 7
10.) Erik Rivera,Spring Woods,Sr ——- 2 1 5
Cy-Fair – 31 Stratford – 15 Cy-Falls – 18 Jersey Village – 6 Cy-Falls – 20 Cy-woods – 6 Cy-Ridge – 33 Northbrook – 0 Memorial – 21 Spring Woods – 7
Stratford – 13 Cy-Fair – 6 Cy-Fair – 22 Stratford – 6 Jersey Village – 30 Cy-Falls – 8 Cy-Falls – 30 Jersey Village – 6 Manvel – 58 Cy-Ridge – 0 Memorial – 32 Spring Woods – 0 Memorial – 20 Bridgeland – 14
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17-6A Cy-teams shutout Week 8 opponents CYPRESS -- The three District 17-6A "Cy"-football teams dominated league play during Week 8 action last week, and the Cy-Fair Bobcats continued their perfect season with a 35-0 victory over Stratford.
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May 23, 2018: Obituaries
Jerry Wagoner, 74
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Rev. Jerry Dean Wagoner, 74, of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, May 19, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center.  He was born April 6, 1944 in Wilkes County the son of Wedford James and Beulah Morgan Wagoner.
               Jerry was the husband of Marjorie (Brenda) Wagoner for 54 years and the father of Vicky Birdwell (Wil) of Hamptonville, Lynn Wagoner of Wilkesboro, Dwight Wagoner (Donna) of North Wilkesboro, and Beth Rivers (Van) of North Wilkesboro.  He was the grandfather of Stephanie Birdwell, Kayla Birdwell, Ethan Rivers, Evan Rivers, David Wagoner and Crystal Wagoner. He was the great-grandfather of Tyler Birdwell and Dallas Sigmon.
               Jerry was the pastor of The Shepherd's Lighthouse Church in North Wilkesboro. Before his retirement he owned and operated an automotive repair business, Jerry's Garage.  He was an avid car enthusiast and spent much of his time restoring antique cars. He and his wife, Brenda, enjoyed the company of good friends and family and often had visitors at their home.
               In addition to his wife and children, Jerry is survived by three brothers, Gary Wagoner, Gene Wagoner, and Dennis Wagoner; and three sisters, Geneva Eller, Sallie Basham and Alethia Cleary; and numerous nieces and nephews.
               Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with the Rev. Tommy Conley officiating. Burial will be at Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
               Flowers will be accepted or memorial contributions may be made to The Shepherd's Lighthouse, c/o Danny Mastin, 753 Old Hwy 60, Wilkesboro NC 28697.  
Steve Michael,  60
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Mr. Steve Alton Michael, age 60 of North Wilkesboro, died Saturday, May 19, 2018 at his home.
               Memorial services will be held at a later date.
               Mr. Michael was born July 22, 1957 in Hartford, Maryland to Alton Glen and Margie Ruth Huffman Michael.  He had retired as a mechanic for the NC Department of Transportation. He loved to hunt, fish and bowl.
               He was preceded in death by his father, Alton Glen Michael, and one brother, Barry Glen Michael.
               He is survived by his wife, Sherry Paulette Jarvis Michael, of the home; his mother, Margie Ruth Huffman Michael, of Purlear; one brother, Brian Scott Michael and wife, Donna, of Oak Island, NC; and one sister-in-law, Debra Foster Michael of Purlear.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Wilkes Humane Society, P.O. Box 306, North Wilkesboro NC 28659, or the donor's choice.  
 Penny  Anderson, 53
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Mrs. Penny Gaye Anderson, 53, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Thursday May 17, 2018.
               Penny was born on May 21, 1964 in Wilkes County to Flake Rockwell Weber and Margie Ann Moore Weber.
               Penny is preceded in death by her father, Flake Rockwell Weber.
               Penny is survived by her mother, Margie Ann Moore Weber; husband of 34 years Robert David Anderson; two sons, Tyler Flake Anderson of North Wilkesboro, Zachary David Anderson ( Anne) of Boomer; sisters, Vickie Mikeal (Kenneth) of Wilkesboro, Laura Weber of North Wilkesboro, two step grandchildren, two nieces, Tiffany Clonch, Crystal Graybeal, three great nephews and one great niece.
               The memorial service was held   May 20,   at the Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes Chapel in Moravian Falls.
               Pastors Donnie Shumate and Pastor Jason Bumgarner officiated.
               In addition to flowers memorial donations may be given to Muscular Dystrophy Association: 222 S. Riverside Plaza Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606
               Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Anderson Family.
 Dorothy Willard, 85
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Mrs. Dorothy Sue Bumgarner Willard, age 85 of Millers Creek passed away, Sunday, May 13, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winton-Salem with her family by her side.
               A memorial service will be held at a later date.
               Mrs. Willard was born October 22, 1932 in Gastonia to John Fred and Bernice Willard Bumgarner.
               In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Benjamin Franklin Willard, a daughter; Linda Lee and two sons; Alan Willard and James Goudes and a sister; Rena Smith.
               She is survived by two sons; David Willard and wife Libby, Steven Willard and two granddaughters; Courtney Love and Laragh Mooney.
 Harry Poff, 87
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Harry A. (Hank) Poff, age 87, of Wilkesboro, passed away on his 54th Wedding Anniversary, Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at his home. He was born July 13, 1930 in Warren, Ohio to Harry Andrew and Sarah Becker Poff. Mr. Poff graduated from Texas A&M University. He was a US Air Force Veteran and employed with Red River Army Depot as OSHA Safety Inspector. Mr. Poff was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, David Poff, Dale Poff, Gerald Poff; and two sisters, Evelyn Hayford and Rutheda Poff.
               Surviving are his wife, Janice Grimes Poff; his children, Wayne Poff and wife Laura of Morganton, Lori Kellogg and husband Stephen of Wilmington, Delaware, Andrew Poff and wife JacquaLynn of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Erica Poff, Sean Henry, Lee Anna Thompson, Miranda Henry, Destinee Myers, Anna Lisa Myers and David Kellogg; numerous nieces and nephews.
               Memorial service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 was held  May 19,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Lowell White officiating. Burial was in the Salisbury VA Cemetery at a later date.                                Memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or to the N.C. DAV Chapter, 315 DAV Road, Hays, NC 28635.                            Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Daeson Harmon
Daeson Breck Harmon of Wilkesboro went home to be with our Lord and Savior  Sunday, May 13, 2018 at Brenner's Children's Hospital in Winston-Salem.
               Memorial service was held  May 20,   at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Prayer Chapel with Pastor Kevin Brown officiating.  
               Daeson was born April 19, 2018 in Forsyth County to Bradley P. Harmon and Crystal Paige Beckwith.  
               He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents; Laura Johnson, Peter Harmon and maternal grandmother; Pat Beckwith.
               He is survived by his parents; Bradley P. Harmon and Crystal Paige Beckwith, a brother; Tyler Harmon and a sister; Lora Harmon, maternal grandfather; Jim Beckwith and wife Sherry, great grandmother; Helen Veach, great aunt; Sandy Veach, uncle Brennis Tribble and wife Natalie, cousin, Jaxson Tribble, aunt; Angela Epps and husband Billy, great uncle; Tony Veach.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Brenner's Children's Hospital, Medical Center Blvd., Winston-Salem, NC  27157.
Arnold Miller, 75
Arnold William Miller, age 75, of Millers Creek, passed away Sunday, May 13, 2018 at his home. He was born November 18, 1942 in Wilkes County to John Rever and Ethel Huffman Miller. Mr. Miller was a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church in Millers Creek and also served as Usher. He loved hunting, fishing and the outdoors. Mr. Miller was preceded in death by his parents; six brothers, Arvil Miller, Clinton Miller, Andrew Miller, Jim Miller, Worth Miller, Paul Miller; and sister, Sara Jane Parlier.
               Surviving are his wife, Janie Miller; daughter, Lisa Duncan and husband Robert of Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Kyler Duncan and Ashley Duncan; brother, Ray Miller of Glendale Springs; sister, Grace Nye of Millers Creek; several nieces and nephews.
               Funeral service was held  May 16,   at Oak Grove Baptist Church in Millers Creek with Rev. Keith Lyon and Rev. Brian Miller officiating. Burial   followed in the Church Cemetery.  
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to a charity or church of the donor's choice. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Linda Longbottom,  75
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Linda Mae Longbottom, age 75, of North Wilkesboro, passed away, Sunday, May 13, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. She was born August 12, 1942 in Wilkes County to Pauline Reavis. Linda was a member of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church. Mrs. Longbottom was preceded in death by her mother; her husband, Donald Foyle Longbottom; daughter, Melissa Dawn Longbottom.
               Surviving are her sons, Tracy Longbottom and wife Dawn of Hays, Marty Longbottom and wife Gail of Wilmington; grandchildren, Seth Longbottom, Ben Longbottom, Lauren Longbottom.
               Graveside services were  May 14,   at Rose of Sharon Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Steve Shumate officiating.                                 Memorials may be made to Rose of Sharon Baptist Church, 433 Huie Road, Hays, NC 28635.                         Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Sandra Parks, 53
Sandra Gilreath Parks at the age of 53 was quietly called to her eternal home on Friday, May 11, 2018."
               Sandra Gilreath Parks (Sandy) was born February 27, 1965 in Wilkes County to John and Lucy Gilreath.
               Sandy met and married her high school sweetheart Leonard Everette Parks, and to their union they had one son "Seth Everette Parks" who was the apple of her eye.  During Leonard's and Sandy's 30 years of marriage, the family relocated many times for Leonard's career and they settled in Statesville, N.C. where Sandy began her career at Energy United.
               Sandy was preceded in death by her mother, Lucy Yvonne McCurdy Gilreath.
               She leaves to cherish her memory: husband Leonard Everette Parks of the home, son Seth Everette Parks of the home, father John David Gilreath of Wilkesboro, NC. sisters: Stacey Barnes (Shawn) of Lenior, NC., Nancy Gilreath of Wilkesboro, NC. In-Laws: Linda Mayes (Howard) of Taylorsville, NC., Joyce Parks of N. Wilkesboro, NC, Lawson Parks (Patsy), Cregg Parks (Joann) of Moravian Falls, NC, Terry Jones (Garland) of Clemmons, NC, Crystal Dobbins of Wilkesboro, NC. , Elizabeth Parks of Wilkesboro, NC, and a host of nieces, nephews and friends.
               Funeral services were  May 15, at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. John A. Speaks and Pastor Burrel Brooks officiating. Burial was in Scenic Memorial Gardens.           In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Gordon Hospice House 2341 Simontons Road, Statesville, NC 28625 or ALS Foundation 4 N Blunt Street Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27601.
               The Parks Family would like to acknowledge the kindness and love shown to Sandy by Cassandra Cook-Caregiver, St. John Baptist Church, Energy United, Case Farms, Renee Bailey, Stacey Scherer, Kim Oglietti, Paula Miller, Debbie Stewart and Mary Cotton.
 Nancy  Lathan, 68
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               Mrs. Nancy May Lathan, age 68 of Moravian Falls, passed away Thursday, May 10, 2018 at her
               Nancy was born May 4, 1950 in Durham, NC to William and Pauline Farrell May. She attended Jordan
High School in Durham, NC and later received her Business and Advertising degree from Bauder College in Atlanta, GA.
               Nancy's flair and display skills led to her career as an Advertising and Window Designer for Belk.
               Department stores in the 1970's in the most coveted Crabtree Mall location. Nancy's natural beauty and  graceful poise attracted Joes attention early on and in 1976 began their married life together, moving to
Monroe, NC. Nancy's creativity took her onward in her mobile career, opening Belk's flagship locations
in Myrtle Beach and SouthPark of Charlotte. Her love of color and appreciation of art and artists led to  the opening of "Design Space" in Davidson, NC prior to her eventual retirement.
               Nancy and Joe divided their time between their homes on Lake Norman, Boone and Moravian Falls NC, where she could easily observe plentiful wildlife just outside her windows. She appreciated the peaceful
opportunities to walk in nature and bask in the views.
               Nancy will be missed by all who knew and loved her; for her keen observations of nature, her bright  smile and the twinkle in her eyes.
               She was preceded in death by her parents and a sister; Debbie Catlett.
               Nancy is survived by her loving husband; Joe of the home, a stepdaughter; JoAnn Austin and husband Tim of Troutman, a granddaughter; Mackenzie Austin of Troutman and two brothers; Bob May and Bill May of Durham.
               A celebration of her life was held  May 16,  at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with  Rev. Eddie Tharpe officiating.   Entombment was in Scenic Memorial Gardens.                                                 Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health, Department of Neurology-ALS Center Medical Center Blvd, Winston Salem, NC 27157
Bertha Hamby, 76
Bertha (Pauline) Hamby, age 76, of Ferguson, passed away Friday, May 11, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Mrs. Hamby was born April 18, 1942 in Ashe County to William and Maggie Miller Dillard. She attended Full Gospel Tabernacle. Pauline loved going to flea markets and loved being with her grandbabies. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Frank Dillard, Albert Dillard and Delmar Dillard.
Surviving are her husband, Wayne Hamby; sons, Scott Hamby and wife Kimberly of Ferguson, Robert Ferguson and wife Sherry of Happy Valley; grandchildren, Randell Ferguson and Jacob Ferguson both of Happy Valley, Cadence Hamby and Breece Hamby both of Ferguson; brothers, Richard Miller of Millers Creek, Mike Cockerham and wife Dana of Ferguson; and sisters, Faye Woodie of Ronda, Margie Coffey of Lenoir.
Funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Ferguson with Rev. Alan Miller officiating. The body will be placed in the church at 1:30. Burial will follow in Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Monday night. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
   Melissa Wagner Stewart, age 52, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, May 9, 2018. She was born April 23, 1966 in Wilkes County to Earl Dalton and Betty Palmer Wagner. She loved children, singing, music, loved animals and flowers. Melissa was a very loving person and had unconditional love for everyone. Mrs. Stewart was preceded in death by her father; her husband, James Allen Stewart; and a brother, Edwin Dexter Wagner.
  Surviving are her daughter, Jessica Walls and husband Mack, Jr. of South Haven, Mississippi; grandchildren, Julius Walls, Jalin Walls, Makayla Walls; step sons, Ben Stewart of New York, Jay Stewart and Josh Stewart both of Kentucky; mother, Betty Palmer Wagner of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Eddie Wagner of Hays, Donnie Wagner and wife Louann of Rural Hall, Jarvis Wagner of North Wilkesboro, David Wagner and wife Darlene of Hays, Greg Wagner of Wilkesboro; sisters, Sherry Beckwith and husband Jim of Wilkesboro, Pamela Call and husband Steven of North Wilkesboro; twelve nieces and six nephews.
  Funeral service will be held 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor H. Cowles Bristol officiating. Burial will follow in Temple Hill Memorial Park in Castlewood, Virginia. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 9:00 until 10:00 on Tuesday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
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msbarrows · 10 months
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Some more TS4 playing this evening. Still wasn't sure how I was going to handle their wedding with Jaxson's mother having just died at the end of the previous play session, but then his father called to invite him to attend the Romance Festival, and that's a great place to have a small, simple wedding. Jaxson managed to invite most of his family and some of Leigh's along, and then once they were at the festival they both did additional phone calls to get more family and friends there, and then they had an "impulse wedding" at the venue there. Jaxs' great-grandmother Ocean Tank (who is also Leigh's great-aunt) is actually still alive and kicking (I may have made her immortal, I can't remember now) and was very touched by seeing the two of them get wed. Her great-grandson and her brother West River's granddaughter! How lovely!!
(If I'm reading the relationship charts right, they're each other's 2nd cousin, once removed., which places them seven degrees apart.)
Their wedding hasn't much changed their lives, since they were already living together. The only real change is that I took the wedding as a good point in their lives to change their surname; they've gone with "Creek" as something related to Leigh's surname of River.
Jaxs is still writing lots of poetry towards maxing out the writing aspiration, and also managed to reach the top of the Oracle career. He's probably going to stick with that for at least a little while before finding a different career... something less criminal.
Leigh has been working away at her comedy career and aspiration, and is half a point from maxing the comedy skill and finishing the aspiration. She also had a really lucky card on her last day of work of the play session, and scored a TV opportunity that catapulted her past several job steps and directly to the top of the comedian career track (YAY!). She's about halfway through being a YA, so I think I'll probably have the two of them start thinking about having a kid soon.
Also, I realized during the play session that I'd forgotten something I meant to do before moving Jaxson out of his dads' house; having Sephiroth bite Benson so they can be vampires together. I loaded their household long enough to take care of vamping him out and then made them unplayed again so the game can take care of playing them.
Noticed while doing so that all three of the daughters are also vampires, so I took the time to set up their dark self versions, and do nicer outfits for them since they were in very mismatched random things (as tends to happen when the RNG is making the decisions). Cecelia dresses in yellows, greens, tans, and occasional denim. Of the twins, Emilie is in teals and blues with some black, and Evelyn wears a monochromatic wardrobe of black, grey, and white.
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Given how long vampire lives are, and that all five of the du Ciels are pale skinned with pale blond hair, I'm thinking I'm going to be seeing many pale vampires cropping up in the background during future generations of play.
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msbarrows · 9 months
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Been working on getting Willow through her teen years. She's been doing very well at school, and now has a ton of friends, of all age groups except elder. Has a platonic BFF that she's gone to prom with, but at this point she hasn't expressed an interest in anyone. Not even one crush.
She's very close to finishing out her current Goal Oriented aspiration. I think once she does, I'll allow her to graduate early and run off to buy herself an (eventual) horse ranch, and let the game take over playing her parents. Though I may rebuild the ranch lot first, I think I want to make it a bit more bare-bones than it currently is. Also I'm having second thoughts about it's current setup with the home being little more than an unoccupied stall in the barn set up with household furnishings; I think I want her to have a tiny shack-type dwelling that she can expand, instead of building a house from scratch once she has money for it.
Her being fairly broke when she moves out is kind of silly, really. Her dad is making ridiculous money as a Space Ranger, between all his bonuses and fame and getting a raise pretty much every time he goes to work. He's currently making more than 2,300 simoleans per hour. In comparison, his wife Leigh - who is still working her way up both the astronaut and fame ladders - is only making about 2,100 per day, and her day runs a couple hours longer then his. Though that's still a considerably better wage than she was earning at the same stage in the culinary track.
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msbarrows · 9 months
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Been playing my TS4 household a bit each day since the last post. Willow Creek has progressed from baby to infant to toddler to child. Her mom Leigh is close to finishing off both the culinary aspiration and culinary career track. Her dad Jaxson is coasting along at the top of his astronaut career as a Space Ranger; he hasn't changed careers as his and Leigh's schedules are working out very well childcare wise (before Leigh's most recent change in position there was just one day a week where both of them wouldn't be home, and even then it was only for a few hours - Willow spent extremely little time at daycare).
Between his trips into space, paintings, book writing, and now song writing, Jaxson is a B-Lister celebrity, which has led to annoyances like paparazzi waltzing right into their home without invitation. More than once I've had to shoo them away from using the easel in Willow's bedroom - gah, what creeps! Her bedroom door now only admits household members and employees.
I've decided that between her famous vampire grandparents and the results of her father's fame, Willow is going to grow up to be a fame-averse recluse. Since I just picked up Horse Ranch in the sales and already have Cottage Life, I figure she's going to start a small farming/ranching operation and spend her days raising livestock and gardening, at least to start. I've already picked out a nice big lot for her, and started building on it.
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msbarrows · 10 months
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More TS4! Leigh and Jaxson have reached decent friendship levels with all of their assorted siblings, enough so that they come over independently for visits. Leigh finally got an invite over to her brother's place and was able to meet his wife, teen son, and toddler daughter.
She and Jaxson have been making a daily Try For Baby since the home reno. Without luck. Finally, with a period coming up where she'd work two days, have one off, work one on a day Jaxs has off, and then have three off - great timing for a Sims pregnancy - I had them woohoo like bunnies until she caught. Which meant she was still able to work the first two days of her pregnancy, and then had the third day off without using her maternity leave or vacation time.
They had a big party with all their assorted family members that were available for invites over (I didn't think until later that I should have looked for the baby shower option that's supposedly in there somewhere now - I just did a bunch of phone invites).
Leigh was having a recurring fear of being a bad parent, so I had both her and Jaxs studying parenting over the course of her pregnancy.
Leigh went into labour while Jaxs was off at work as an astronuat, so she asked her sister to go with her to the hospital; the sister showed up also visibly pregnant, with her own third child on the way.
I was amused to find out that at this time, both the receptionist and the attending physician at the hospital are ghosts. Either they're really good at their jobs, or the city is having an employment crisis. Possibly both. Though with all the differently human groups already around in the game, I suppose it's not a surprise that ghosts have an equal opportunity at employment.
Dr. Behr did an excellent job delivering their little daughter, Willow Creek.
Played long enough to age Willow up from baby to infant, and get her moved from a bassinet in the bedroom into a crib in the nursery.
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msbarrows · 10 months
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Played some more TS4. Leigh finished her comedian aspiration! She's now changed aspirations to being athletic (since she spontaneously goes and uses their home gym a lot). So she and Jaxson went to a gym together so she could knock out the first stage of the aspiration. They both enjoyed the climbing wall machine there.
For now she's keeping her job as a comedian; she's top of the career track so she's making decent money for very few hours of work, which will hopefully work out well with having a kid soon.
Got bored of Jaxson being in the Oracle job, so I've put him in an old favourite - he's now an astronaut.
Jaxson has spent time visiting his dads and all six half-siblings; his dads' daughters are doing fine. His moms' three kids are now on their own; step-mom Ash married out of the household after Molly's death, leaving their three teenagers to care for themselves. They seem to be doing all right though; the house is clean, and one of the boys cooked a meal while Jaxs was visiting.
Played long enough for a Rebate Day to roll around, at which point I made some changes to their house. An additional bedroom and bathroom have been fit into the ground floor, so they now have room to have a child (and have started making an occasional Try For Baby). I also expanded and deepened the basement, so that they could fit in a climbing wall of their own, and have doubles of some of the exercise items (his & hers running machines and yoga mats). Moved the small book nook slash home office area into a niche of its own, and change it from a home office to a sitting-and-reading area, including a bear chair and child's bookcase for future offspring to use.
Since Jaxson is in the astronaut career now, I also put a rocket ship kit building area in their back yard, where both Jaxs and Leigh can work on their rocket science skill. They've installed a mission control desk in the adjacent garage, which Jaxson came home with after getting a promotion while I was playing the remainder of Rebate Day.
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tomsavoca · 3 years
Emily and Jaxson completed their AKC Star Puppy requirements. #dogtraining #dogtrainingdoesmatter #gsdtraining #goldendoodle #gsdofinstagram #goldentraining #goldendoodletraining (at Coconut Creek, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0xBTEB--P/?igshid=12ph8cxr77kom
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tomsavoca · 4 years
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Jaxson the Moss Creek Goldendoodle visited us for the first time during our field trip to the Police Motorcycle Competition at the Pompano Citi Centre . #goldendoodle #goldendoodletraining #dogtraining (at Pompano Citi Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpF8HfBXhU/?igshid=10k0o4gvevoci
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